
ReformedApologian #fundie fstdt.com

Aww, SeenAndNotSeen, good to know you valued our conversation enough to come here and complain about it to your atheist attack squad pals. I'm honored. I'd encourage the rest of you atheists to go read my entire conversation with SeenAndNotSeen and artyfarty2 at the above video. Maybe some of you guys can make it on to the fundy atheist list!

[website omitted]

ReformedApologian #fundie fstdt.com

...I use reason and civility, and you reveal yourself to be another bitter backslider angry after having not had all of his whimsical expectations about Christianity fulfilled...

But in any case, if coming on here and laughing like a bunch of hyeneas makes you guys feel vindicated in your unbelief, be my guest; you're just scoring me some more treasures in Heaven. Cha-ching, baby!

MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

I can tell you who the earthly founder of atheism is - Buddha. Buddha originated the atheistic philosophy (as well as humanism and secular psychology) and organized atheism into a coherent religion. It is very possible that Buddha was demon possessed. This slovenly man made it his life's mission to destroy any belief in God. I feel sorry for Buddha; he must be in the very darkest depths of hell.

MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

(Commenting on alien abductions....)

You are seriously lacking in discretion, antiaging. Our enemy is extremely clever, and even Scripture admits that he can appear to us as an "angel of light." While it's true that flying craft are not mentioned in the Bible, it is very possible that the UFO phenomena people witness today is simply a deceptive illusion intended to take our eyes away from the Savior. Most of the UFO stories I have read have a satanic subtext to them that you, as a Christian, are probably aware of. The so-called 'aliens' always tell people that they can save themselves and promote a humanistic philosophy. Ever see "The Day The Earth Stood Still?" It's about an alien who visits earth in order to end war and bring peace to mankind - in other words, a false Messiah. Please notice that the "aliens" never mention God or Christ. If these were really beings more advanced than us, then surely they would know something about the Creator and His plan of redemption. Some 'aliens' are even said to wear badges that look like flying serpents; a symbol of the devil in his angelic guise.

The "horrifying and scary" experience of being in the presence of demons is only a small taste of what horrors await in hell for those who follow this path. Just imagine spending eternity locked up alone with these creatures. Please repent of your idolatry, for, as Scripture says, "what communion has darkness with light?" You shouldn't be fellowshipping with this creatures.

MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

Bee, I doubt any of our church members would say that slavery was "great." Obviously, it's a shameful moment in American history. But isn't it amazing how God can bring good out of evil? Many of the negroes who were brought here as slaves were living as pagans in African. It is possible that God allowed the evil of slavery not only as a punishment for the refusal of the African peoples to recognize him, but also as an opportunity for repentance and restoration. See, God never punishes without also providing an opportunity for a person to be restored to faith in Christ. Today, the American negro is among the most religious peoples in the world. They could very well say to us what Joseph said to his decietful brothers: "what you meant for evil, God meant for good."

MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

Don't give up the fight just yet, Mezuzas! The election isn't over and we still have a chance to turn back the tide before Obama is elected! I know that a lot of Christians are bothered by John McCain, but he is a pretty decent candidate and is nowhere near as radical in his views as Barack Obama.

Our church is holding a prayer vigil for the upcoming election. We are not only praying for John McCain (that the Lord would strengthen him and call him to be a more dynamic conservative), we are also praying against Barack Obama. We are praying that God would not allow this wicked man to gain control of our country. However, we are also praying that God would open Obama's eyes and lead him to Jesus Christ for salvation.

When Hilary Clinton conceded the race, we had a youth rally and our youth pastor gave an imformative talk to our kids about the election, the issues, and where each candidate stands in relation to Christian values. At the end of the rally, our youth pastor asked: "What will our nation be in God's eyes if Barack Obama is elected?" Our youth immediately started chanting: "An Obamanation!" It was a great moment. I think they really got the message.

Carico #fundie fstdt.com

[We're unaware of it because it simply doesn't happen.]
Oh really? Then why haven't scientists explored the possibility that the earth was created out of water? The answer is simple; because it's in the bible. So the goal of most scientists is to disprove the bible. but if they included all the evidence in their findings, they would see that the over 54,000,000,000,000 gallons of water vapor in the universe, the fact that the human body consists of over 80% water, that the oceans and water all over the earth comprises more of the earth than land, and the fact that all animals gestate in water, is a much more plausible explanation then one Big bang, then they might open their eyes to the origins of the universe instead of making up their own changing stories that are nothing more than fantasies.

MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

No, what I meant is that, in line with Romans 9, the fate of the wicked demonstrates by contrast the great mercy of God towards His people. By all rights, I ought to be cast into the lake of fire myself; the fact that I'm not going to hell is sheerly an act of grace and mercy.

MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

Athar, I think you are misunderstanding my remarks. It is not the fate of the unsaved that brings us joy; it's the fact that God, in His grace, has spared us from a similar fate that we fully and richly deserved. If you were trapped in a burning building, and Jesus came with a ladder and offered you a way to escape, wouldn't you be excited? Wouldn't you praise Him and thank Him for saving you? The ladder that Jesus brought in order to give us an opportunity to escape God's judgment was His cross, which reconciled man to God and took away the punishment that we so richly deserved.

There will be no 'joy' over the fate of the wicked in and of itself. No one wants you to go to hell, least of all those who have died without knowing the Lord. If you read the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in the gospel of Luke, you will see that the unsaved rich man begged God to send someone on his behalf to warn his family to repent so that they could avoid his fate. Those who die without the Lord know the seriousness of an eternity without Christ better than we do.

That's why I try to warn people about hell and hold out the promise of the gospel to them. As I mentioned in another post, I had a 15 year old niece who died without knowing the Lord. I know that she wouldn't want to see others die without Jesus, and that's why I do my best to witness the gospel to others. It's my way of honoring her memory

MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

I disagree. I guess it just depends on how you interpret the facts. I have an advanced degree from Liberty University and one of the things that I was taught was to always submit my understanding of the facts to the objective witness of God's Word. This prevents me from falling into subjective interpretations.

MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

About hell, I saw this on a response so I thought I'd share some thoughts on it. This is based on my understanding of Scripture....

No, it's not just the "incorporeal soul" that will be tormented. After we die, the souls of the wicked will go to a holding tank called "Hades," where they will suffer some form of spiritual torment. This torment is a foretaste of hell, but is not the same as the Lake of Fire in Revelation.

At the resurrection, God will raise both the wicked and the dead to life and will give them immortal bodies. Those who trusted Christ for salvation will spend eternity in Heaven with Him. However, those who rejected Christ will be raised and consigned to hell. They will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire in a physical, immortal body, which will be subject to eternal torture. That body will be burned, but it will not be consumed or destroyed, because it is immortal. Does that make sense?

Some theologians hold that the righteous will actually be able to see the wicked. I personally hope that God doesn't let me see this when I die, because I have had friends and loved ones who have gone to hell and I do not want to see them be punished. But if that's God's will, I'm sure I will have a full and complete understanding when I'm with Him in heaven, and I will understand both his mercy and his justice.

MessianicServant #fundie fstdt.com

Buddha is a disgusting human being. Atheists like to claim that they have no god, but this is not true - Buddha is their god, and atheism is simply another form of Buddhism. Buddha is the founder of atheism. Buddha was the first major religious thinker to found a religion or system of belief on the concept of atheism. He rejected every concept of god and instead taught a humanistic doctrine of "right living." However, we know that the Buddha's life was anything BUT right. For one thing, Buddha abandoned his wife and child so that he could go sit under a tree and think about the meaning of life. It's funny that you never hear about Mrs. Buddha and Baby Buddha in secular history books; the atheists do not want the crass lifestyle of their founder to be exposed to public scrutiny. The Buddha was also dishonest. He was a notorious freeloader. He would wander around India in a loincloth and beg from town to town to avoid doing a hard day's work. We know that Jesus was a hard working man. He grew up as a carpenter, and he could swing a hammer like nobody's business. The Buddha died a shameful death. No noble sacrifice, no famous last words, and certainly no resurrection. He just choked to death on some rotten pork. What kind of a role model is that?

Buddha spent his life contemplating the nature of suffering and thought he was pretty clever for doing this. But you know what? God was even more clever than Buddha was. When Buddha died, he came before the Great White Throne and was judged for his sins. He was asked why he rejected Christ, and when he could provide no answer, Jesus escorted Buddha to the brink of the Lake of Fire and threw him in. Buddha liked contemplating the nature of suffering, so Jesus gave him an eternity in the firey pits of hell to contemplate his favorite subject - suffering. Buddha did not escape from suffering; instead, suffering is all he knows, as the flames lap at his soul and burn him endlessly like a dry, cracked leaf caught in a forest fire. The Buddha is crying for mercy right now, but he will receive NONE. He rejected God, so God rejected him. Buddha's pain will never end, and his philosophy of "right living" will not help him escape the flames of hell.

Atheists, if you don't recognize the error of your thinking and turn to Christ from salvation, you will spend eternity with your god, Buddha. That is not a place you want to be.

DoctorMental #racist fstdt.com

The Negro psyche has been of great discussion by many years. From the discovery of New Zimbabwean to sociological studies it seems due to their skin color popular culture frowns on any findings. Let’s face it blacks commit cretin crimes more than White, more than Asians in some cases. While a negro may rob a white may commit forgery or extortion. Some ethnic groups commit cretin crimes, yet some perform less planned crimes or may care less about the consequences than other groups. Racism is not crutch if you don’t want to be a nigger don’t act like one. Stop grabbing your dick and drinking malt liquor. Same goes for whites, if you don’t’ wish to be a “cracker” don’t drink all day and beat your wife.

DoctorMental #racist fstdt.com

The domesticated Negro, hummm I don’t see much western domestication. Perhaps “domestication” is an ugly word, rather I substitute “indoctrination”. It would seem that the larger population or Negros has chosen not to follow Western norms and social stratifications. Yet not all Negros may be called “niggers”.

On a personal level I can say from personal experience I wish not to engage in intercourse if the women has been with a Negro. For the same matter, I wish not to partake of someone who is highly free. These are ugly traits. I will say I gave up many good things because a women chose a Negro to cheap on me. Am I mad? Far from it.
Those are the facts.

Rev. Spitz #fundie fstdt.com

Eric Rudolph is not a terrorist, but an anti-terrorist fighter. Those who have killed babykilling abortionists have done so to protect the innocent. People use force everyday to protect the innocent and no one has a problem with it, except when it comes to protecting unborn human beings, then they go ballistic. It's very simple, the unborn deserve the same protection as the born. Born people are protected with force quite often. Force that you would be glad if it was to protect your children against a murderer. Force that you yourself might use to protect your own children from being murdered. The unborn deserve the same protection.
SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life.

Carico #fundie fstdt.com

I realize that atheists think that a man who's responsible for the torture, agony and deaths of over 50 million people should get off with a slap on the wrist, but that's because guilty people are the biggest cowards of all. They think they should get away with murder. So until you know the harm of even ONE sin, then you're not qualified to judge Hitler's fate any more than a criminal defendant is qualified to judge his own guilt. Even animals know not to bite the hand that feeds them.

Sorry, but atheists know full well what God says about how not to go to hell. And you still spit in his face. So you're asking for it and you'll get it. So hell is indeed fair and just. Even animals know not to bite the hand that feeds them.

bria #conspiracy fstdt.com

If you want to find a terrorists look in the eyes of the american governmet and the priests that brainwash stupid sheep. On 9/11 I believe it was christian fundamentalists and not muslims, americans were told a huge lie.

johnmuise #fundie fstdt.com

How this for you, i am going to have a seminar for 300-400 people in 2 days, pics will follow on my site, lol you can't stop me, you never will, harmless annoying comments on the internet will not stop me from saving the masses from your propaganda.

me and my group already got rid of the books with evolutionisim teachings in them out of our schools. and we are spreading, 150 members from around the maritimes ,Canada alone. and rising.

Sorry you loose :P

Feach #conspiracy fstdt.com

[While commenting on a quote that he himself made which appeared on FSTDT.com]

I typed that as a post in a thread on some hip hop message board, poking fun at an athiest there. I have no idea who copied and pasted it on this website. I never even been to this website nor do I know what it is, someone linked me to this. I'm not an athiest but I'm not even the least bit religious either. What's missing is other posts by me clearly stating I'm not a religious person but there are things written in the Bible that are manifesting themselves in the real world; i.e. the re-birth of Israel as a Jewish state, the rise of the 7 headed serpent (aka rebirth of the Roman Empire = NATO), no buying or selling without the mark of the beast (the Real ID act). Doesn't mean I'm a religious freak, I'm just observant. The above quote shouldn't be taken too seriously, and I would actually consider myself agnostic.

deadbeat (yupperheckyeah) #fundie fstdt.com

[comments on his own recently submitted quote]

Hey Deadbeat here (guess the name was taken). for the record, I think ID is silly, but this film does highlight as I said, the Atheistic bias in science and education. Atheists are busily running around claiming God is somehow proven not to exist, and like Dawkins, trying to claim that religious training of your own children is abuse. That is purely ridiculous, and in America flatly unconstitutional.

And the Seventh Circuit court did rule that Atheism is Equivalent to a religion.

IFBaptist Girl #fundie fstdt.com

Amen! We don't need a muslim running are country! We need to turn back to God and the Godly principles our nation was founded upon! I'm glad to be a "fundie", since according to this site fundie = those who know the TRUTH!

Nathan #fundie fstdt.com

(after being called on another racist, homophobic Facebook post)

I find it ironic that this quote has found it's way onto a "fundy" website, being that I am not even close to a religious fundamentalist. I also find it ironic that the person who put this quote on here is too afraid to let me know who it is, but instead goes through the trouble to create an entirely new facebook under an ex-girlfriend's name to send me the link. It sounds to me like another typical liberal puss. And for those of you who disagree with me, France would love to have you. This country was founded on certain moral standards, and I don't feel that I should have to compromise those morals for you people.

tunce #fundie fstdt.com

So what a piece of ice fell into the water. You don't think this ever happened before the Devil created the fairy tail religion of global warming? Don't you people that think this garbage (that's right I called it garbage) is real have Faith in our King, the Lord of Lords who controls Nature? Do you not understand that this is all predestined and there is an appointed time for all things? Just wait until these knuckle heads see what God can really do with the sun. For in the Trib 1/3 of the earth will be scorched by the sun and you know what, the sun will be cut in half during this period. Wow half the energy of the sun that we feel today burning the planet up. Man made my rear end!

Oh ye of little faith, I think everyone needs to go read Mathew Chapter 8 and ponder what Christ is telling us. For he is in total control, you are free from fear mongering people that control the media. Stop putting your faith in man for he is controlled by the Prince of the Air and will fail you repeatedly. You need you wake up and understand that the Lord of All has ultimate authority over nature!

RobertBlake #racist fstdt.com

*sighs* Now I see why you're such a supporter of multiculturalism.

You live so far away from it.

You live in Finland, which is a majority-white country. Girl, if you lived in a black neighbourhood you would be promptly raped.

You have no respect for the millions of whites who have had to suffer at the hands of blacks because of people like you.

The reason Black crime is nonexistential in Finland is because Blacks are nonexistential in Finland, you prawn. Replace 50% of Finnish men with 50% of Negroes and you will promptly see your country degenerate and die.

"Poverty" - which most Negroes aren't even in - is no excuse for rape or murder. NEVER.

RobertBlake #racist fstdt.com

The KKK was organized to protect white people, especially white women, from the newly freed black slaves. After the slaves were freed, chaos errupted in many areas, including blacks raping whites. The Klan was formed as a way to apprehend these criminals and protect white people. The Klan never lynched a single Negro. Zero. Never happened.

testing123 #fundie fstdt.com

Those arguing against creation may not even be conscious of their most basic presupposition, one which excludes God a priori, namely naturalism/materialism (everything came from matter, there is no supernatural, no prior creative intelligence).2 The following two real-life examples highlight some problems with that assumption:

A young man approached me at a seminar and stated,‘Well, I still believe in the big bang, and that we arrived here by chance random processes. I don’t believe in God.’ I answered him,‘Well, then obviously your brain, and your thought processes, are also the product of randomness. So you don’t know whether it evolved the right way, or even what right would mean in that context. Young man, you don’t know if you’re making correct statements or even whether you’re asking me the right questions.’

The young man looked at me and blurted out,‘What was that book you recommended?’ He finally realized that his belief undercut its own foundations —such ‘reasoning’ destroys the very basis for reason.

rent slave #racist fstdt.com

It's obvious that you Jews don't want the world to come to an end.When it does,you'll have to actually work in the new world instead of doing your usual jew jobs and living off the rest of us.

LetsTalkSalvation #fundie fstdt.com

[And what, praytell, are you talking about with atheists using terror.]

their sinfulness would have damned them anyway and probably the others aswell

atheists are responsible for the biggest murders of all time, athiest institutions like catholicism and the nazis and stalin and pol pot killed millions

Oswald #racist fstdt.com

If Europeans couldnt even be reasonable between themselves, why should they treat inferior cultures any better? European powers did whatever they wanted, because Africans WERE inferior. Not just in military terms, but in everything else. The Europeans had their way, because they COULD - and they only left, because they couldnt hold it any longer, and because they finally saw (or were forced to see) that it was wrong - much like a father understands that a son must have his own life, whether he likes it or not.

daveixoye #fundie fstdt.com

Typical atheist swill. They can't tell the difference between a Christian and a Muslim. Christians don't believe you can have four wives nor that you can sexually abuse children, it was Mohammed who chose Aiesha as his 4th wife when little Aiesha was 8 years old.
You know what they call an atheist with a brain? A Christian! They call everyone a Christian, because then it puts Christians on the defensive, and it is easy to ask the unanswerable questions. A fool can ask more questions than a genius can answer.

oswald #414216 #racist fstdt.com

Europeans left the US and Australia, when they decided to be independent. The results are well known: americans became fucking retards, australians did better.

When you talk about "infrastructure", you aknowledge that only europeans actually built anything, and the native cultures only took advantage of that.

Here's a little history for you too: the African countries that so proudly demanded independence from Europe, spent most of the last 30 years destroying themselves, making their overlords incredibly rich, fueling tribal wars, and making a mess out of the little civilization the colonizers left them.

I know a bit about Angola, and I can tell you: almost everything that still stands there, was built by the Portuguese. The African way, is this: take everything you can, build nothing, and make whatever war you can, doesnt matter who suffers. Africans only want easy solutions, easy money, and to blame the "colonizers". Even if most of them left 30 years ago, and the few who remain, are killed and tortured without any remorse.

Remorse: an european concept.

oswald #racist fstdt.com

The African way, is this: take everything you can, build nothing, and make whatever war you can, doesnt matter who suffers. Africans only want easy solutions, easy money, and to blame the "colonizers". Even if most of them left 30 years ago, and the few who remain, are killed and tortured without any remorse.

Remorse: an european concept.

Anonymous commenter #fundie fstdt.com

Homosexuals are the unhappiest people on earth. They got raped by their own fathers as little boys.
That would drive anyone insane. Now they have convinced themselves they 'liked' it, a denial response to cope with the trauma of having such gross abominations committed against them. There is little hope for their recovery. It would be more merciful to shoot your little boy in the head than to rape the poor kid. But let's get real, it would be better for you stupid pedo faggot fuckwits to shoot yourselves in the head than to lay a finger on a child. Goddamned stupid dirty faggots burn in hell.

Uyru Ishida #fundie fstdt.com

Again with this site.. how are all of you?
I have no excuses this time, so I'll just reply. Science =/= Evolutionary theory. Science has done much, no arguing that, but has the theory of evolution really improved your lives? I'm interested in your responses. Something more interesting than telling me to kill myself or insulting me or my ignorance of science.

FullofFaith #fundie fstdt.com

[After several members mock FoF for his bigotry, he posts this:]

This board is under zionist control from megaphone cyber solider IDF troops. Their are only a handfull of non zionists here and they are quickly being drowned out by those who have responded to the latest megaphone alert. Either openly denounce megaphone or leave this site. Do not give megaphone zion soldiers the apperance of legitmacy by contirbuting to this boards disguise as a haven for free thinkers. Its only for free thinkers if that free thought is Long live Israel death to Palestine death to America.

XQJ47 Automatic Roto Plooker #fundie fstdt.com

[Secular Fundie Award]

"Muslims, like any other retarded off-shoot of Judaism, are a bunch of fucking pussy cry babies. They complain about anything and everything, and fuck me if they aren't totally retarded. If we could only get every islamic, christian, and jewish extremist in one convenient location, have them kill each other for our entertainment, and bomb the survivors, I think we would be in a much better place.

By the way, FUCK muhammad."

FullofFaith #fundie fstdt.com

Jewish Food Tax

On every pantry shelf in America, lay dozens of canned and packaged food products which have a tiny "K" or "U" printed on the label.

This symbol informs Orthodox Jews that the items have been checked by a rabbi, to make sure that they have been prepared in accordance with "Jewish Dietary law", as set forth in the Jewish Talmud -(the real "bible" of the Jews.)

American food companies are forced to pay multi-billions of dollars to several Orthodox Jewish organizations, just so an estimated 10% to 20% of Jewry, (or 800,000 to no more than 1.2 million Orthodox Jews), will buy their products. Please bear in mind that this is a country of 270 million people, and we are all forced to pay this Kosher Tax, just to appease LESS THAN ONE PERCENT OF THE POPULATION!

This comes out of your pocket !

Beware: Each nation has its own symbol. Check in local Jewish publications, to find out what mark of the beast, is being used in your own country.

This is strictly a religious tax, which millions of non-Jews unknowingly pay each time they buy a basket load of groceries! What would happen if a group of Christian ministers or priests got together, and demanded that all companies pay them a similar tax? They could use a "C," symbol (for Christian), or a cross, (for Christ), threatening that those who refuse to print such a label on their products would be boycotted by Christians.

If that happened you would hear an enraged outcry from the ACLU, American Jewish Committee, Jewish Anti-Defamation League, etc. They would be filing suits to stop this "violation of the Constitutional provisions providing for the separation of Church and State." But, because of the Jews' centuries old claim of being "a poor persecuted people" along with the Christian fear of being accused of "anti-Semitism," there is a deafening silence on this problem. Note: Modern Jews are not Semites, or the Jews of the Bible.

FullofFaith #fundie fstdt.com

[A 15-YEAR-old girl was put in a Brazilian jail cell with more than 20 men, and for a month was raped relentlessly and forced to have sex for food, human rights groups say.
"Nobody really knows what she was charged with. She was a suspect in a robbery but police were unable to tell us which robbery. There was no formal charge,'' Ms Cohen said.]

If you can not suffer the consequence don't do the crime. This could have been avoided by not committing robbery.

FullofFaith #fundie fstdt.com

A true atheist is one who denies God in order to commit sodomy.

A true atheist cries when murders are executed, but smiles when babies are killed.

A true atheist drives God out of every aspect of modern life and then cries about persecution on the internet.

A true atheist mocks those who believe in Christ, but happily consorts with Wiccans and pagans.

A true Atheist believes the saving power of Christ is a joke, but lighting candles and praying to the earth goddess makes sense.

A true Atheist would rather censor creationism then be bothered to prove evolution.

HeIsMySavior #fundie fstdt.com

[In a thread asking Christians which gods they don't believe in, with the message that to an atheist, the Christian God is on the list, too]

All those Gods are false mine is true. Are those names mentioned in the Bible?

newman #homophobia fstdt.com

Mama and Papa fag and the little adopted fags at dinner:

"C'mon, Jonny......eat up all your feces or you won't get any semen for desert"

You people see nothing wrong with this scenario????

You're ALL sick!

newman #fundie fstdt.com

You retards are missing the point as usual.

States with higher rates of armed citizenry DO have less crime. (Where would you rather walk at 2AM, DC or Arizona?)

Secondly I am advocating more than mere self-defense. I'm advocating that home owners be able to treat home invaders the way John Wayne Gacy (the killer clown) treated his victims. That WILL stop home invasions. Fear works.

#366223 #fundie fstdt.com

Mike, you're ashamed of your fellow homosexuals? That's not uncommon. Forget AIDS for a minute, consider typhus, cholera, strep infections, dysentery, 'gay bowel syndrome', assorted venereal diseases...then there's suicide, murder, murder/suicide, assault, rape, theft, lying and petty head games, all the pathetic spiteful things a hysterical self-loathing homosexual will resort to...base behaviour and quite pathetic.

HeIsMySavior #fundie fstdt.com

Humans have as much genes in common with chickens and iguanas as chimps it doesnt mean a thing to say we have genes in common and claim that as proof of your claims. God created all animals and man so it makes sense we have building blocks in common and making an excuse for the lack of transitional fossils doesnt mean they ever existed. There are no transitional fossils because there were no transitions between kinds

"Dirty Faggots" Troll #fundie fstdt.com

@WM: It doesn't stay in their bedrooms. Their diseases go wherever they go, always where they're not wanted. They parade through the streets, worm their way into churches, schools, the boy scouts, all in a desperate attempt to corrupt children, since they are unaware and easier to convince than an adult. They want to destroy the concept of marriage by making it a travesty, a mockery of a holy institution. They want to change the laws so that people who oppose their perversions can be charged with a 'hate crime'. They want to tamper with everything; they are truly vile. They are to be put to death and for good reason.

Jason #fundie fstdt.com

The Bible condemns homosexuality. Therefore, God would not make that the default position of any person. Thus, it is a choice, not a personality trait.

End of story.

Jason #fundie fstdt.com

A) Wrong according to the Christian majority that allows you to live in its country, and

B) Invasion of privacy is acceptable for a parent who thinks his or her child is doing something wrong, and needs to be corrected for his or her own benefit. It's the same deal with the government - you don't have the right to privacy at all, so I would advise you not to bite the hand that feeds you.

youarhellbound #fundie fstdt.com

[In response to: "All you need to do now is quote that hoax about miners digging a hole into hell and your windowlicker status will be confirmed."]

"The only miners who have dug into hell recently were the few who went down into the Sago mine unrepentant. Even though they died in the mine, it was their sins that dug them into hell, not their shovels."

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