
Gregory Garrett #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut #crackpot books.google.com

We all need to inquire deeper into how and why we were brainwashed before joining ranks with the very same Neo Scholastic Dictatorship of Epistemological Authoritarianism that most would run from in horror if they actually realized the extent of mind control they have been under. My books about this situation actually only scratch the surface of the DECEPTION called Modern Science. The deception runs deep and long to no end. Ultimately, much a Modern Science is neither empirical like we have been misled to believe, nor honest in any way. If anything, it is merely repackaged Hermetic Alchemical Occultism pushed forward in the guise of a Trojan Horse called Modern Science. It is all hoax composed of completely unsubstantiated mathematics with spurious claims to assumed authority and Truth, grounded on fake theoretical doctrines of circumstantial juxtaposition. The unproven tenets of Modern Science make Mystical Faith look like hardcore Empiricism at this point, though most may have been misdirected to not even be suspicious of this situational crisis in science today, and in particular, within the fraudulent halls of Quantum Theoretic Science and Astrophysics: 99% Hoax.
The Ivory Tower of Academia is now the enemy of Mankind. It is pure Luciferian Satanism, at this point…not Christianity. Long ago, flowing back to Pre- Constantine, the Christian Doctrines were infiltrated by Catholic Occultist and perverted to create the Catholic Christianity that so many have been RIGHTFULLY fighting their whole life. But This Vatican Catholic interpretation of Christianity has NOTHING to do with Spirituality or ACTUAL Christianity.

Barbara Hendrix #fundie #homophobia books.google.com

Some are gone so far into the darkness of sin that their conscience has been seared to the extent that they actually believe that wrong is right and right is wrong. If a man has nor lost his natural ability to reason, he instinctively knows that anal sex is wrong, but if he has indulged in that sexual perversion and has developed a desire to express himself sexually in an uncivilized manner, and becomes addicted to that behavior, he then experiences, unbeknownst to himself, the loss of his innate ability to reason, which is the punishment for his detestable sin.

Consequently, what once was wrong from his perspective, then becomes right because it is what he desires to do, and has grown accustomed to doing, so he justifies and redefines his sin as an alternative lifestyle, and does everything in his power to cause its
proliferation, and its general acceptance by societies at large. Rather than to repent of his gross sin, the defiant, disobedient homosexual attempts to change the worldview of his sin. So confident he is in his new position of rebellion against the Word of God, which he has to invalidate as irrelevant or call archaic, or some such notion in order to continue to believe the lie about the nature of his homosexuality.

He does not want to call anal and oral sex sin because sin is wrong and requires repentance, consequently, anal and oral sex, according
to his way of thinking, is no longer sin, therefore there is no need for repentance.

Thus we have the definition of a reprobate mind, a sinner who would rather make void the Holy Bible in order to accommodate the sin of
homosexuality, instead of simply repenting for what he or she innately know is wrong. 'l •heir redefinition of sin prevails, at least in their twisted mind it does, until they step over into the land of judgment where I dwell, then all pretenses and lies will come to naught in the light of my holy presence.

Homosexuals perpetrate the ultimate perversion; the consequence of their refusal to accept the truth that I am their God, their Father, and their Creator and as such my will is supreme. Therefore they will reap the harvest of the seeds of destruction that they have sown so callously and haphazardly; the abuse and misuse of their own bodies. Their rational minds are gone, having lost the ability to reason, thus they are not even remotely aware of their true condition, which is the price of sin; spiritual death that leads to eternal damnation, an exchange of fathers; from the Father of light, who I am, to the father of darkness, otherwise known as Satan, the illegitimate father of those who have fallen into the deep abyss of sin.

Barbara Hendrix #fundie books.google.com

When humanity ignores the basics of principles of human biology it is to their peril. Anal intercourse is unnatural because the pathology is not designed for it, nor has it any biological purpose, and therefore it brings about physical, mental, and emotional damage. But also heterosexual intercourse with many and frequent partners spreads diseases and causes emotional damage because I did not design the human body and psyche for it.

HIV/Aids transmission is far more likely by anal intercourse. It is because the anus is not biologically designed for intercourse. I designed the female vagina with thick mucus to protect the vaginal wall, and an acid environment which kills a lot of sperm and the seminal liquid. The wall of the anus, lacking these, is very easily torn in intercourse. Moreover the presence of infected feces in the anal tract adds to the likelihood of the transmission of the HIV/Aids virus.

When humanity deviates from normal sexual behavior, breaking the patterns that I created, specifically as it relates to the proper order of sexual intercourse, perilous consequences are the natural outcome. Disorder, whether spiritual or natural, consequently leads to internal and external chaos, not to mention sickness and diseases. I was not being a whimsical God, when I gave mankind the laws of social interaction in the book Of Leviticus, but instead I was framing humanity within the construct of my protection via obedience to my Holy Word.

Homosexuality is a direct assault upon my creation. It is anti-God, and thus anti-family, and anti-life. No one is born a homosexual. The gay community sincerely to believe the lie that they were born that way, a belief that gives them an expedient justification for their deviant conduct. Godliness and restraint requires genuine effort, whereas, disobedience to my Word is taking the easy road, which leads to eternal damnation. All one need to do is kneel to every craving and inclination, even if their immorality injures themselves as well as others.

Barbara Hendrix #fundie #homophobia #god-complex books.google.com

Abortion is so abhorrent to me that I am here to address the issue directly, because it and homosexuality are the two significant catalysts that are ushering the world towards the very brink of destruction and total annihilation.

Homosexuals; gay men and lesbian women, bisexuals, and everything sexually perverted in between those three extremes, have boldly I laugh when I watch backward churches ordain homosexuals as ministers of God. I will never call a homosexual to minister over my
people. It would be synonymous to ordaining the condemned fallen Archangel Satan as a minister of God. I feel that I must warn all the
ordained" homosexual ministers" and those who ordained them, that they are unequivocally at war with me, the God of all creation, the God who knows the thoughts and intents of the hearts of all men, that I administer perfect judgment accordingly.

The goal of homosexuals is to infiltrate every aspect of social Structures world-wide, but the reality is that what they are doing in
their perverseness is ushering the world swiftly into the arms of utter destruction.

Perhaps they think that I have fallen asleep, or that just because I destroyed cities and nations because of the sin of homosexuality in the past does not necessarily mean that that will be the result today. Failing to understand that I change not, and failing to understand that they are shoveling destruction upon their heads, they blindly rush headlong into disaster.

Biblical history testifies against homosexuality. But apparently, my written Word has been rejected, and in its stead, lies have taken firm root. I have destroyed cities and nations because of homosexualiry, and I change not. Yet again, homosexuality has become a breathing living cancer pervading societies all over the world; a cruel deception Satan has devised and spoon-fed to sin drenched populations all over the world from generation to generation.

The new twist now, however, is the attempt by homosexuals to cloak their sexual perversions with holy matrimony. I created marriage for
one man and one woman beginning with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Homosexuality is an affront to my holiness, and it is a bold
attempt created by Satan to usher the world into divine destruction, by using the dark minds of sinful men and women to foster the perception of an acceptable, though false, normalcy, as it relates to homosexuality, upon societies that have fallen asleep in sin.

There is nothing normal about homosexuality. It is a chosen, abnormal, sinful lifestyle centered around sexual deviance; bestiality, which is sexual activity between human beings and animals, anal sex, and oral sex, all of which leads directly to what is known as ST D, HIV/Aids, and HPV; a few of the negative consequences related to sexual perversion, which is the immoral catalyst that has formed the foundation of death to millions of people worldwide already. How many more people must die because of a sexually perverse minority, who boldly attempts to cloak their unrighteousness in righteousness?

Kosol Ouch #psychoceramics #ufo #magick books.google.com

T.O.R.E.M. and C.I.T. stands for Torsion Operation Research Exploration Mission and Consciousness Interface Technology in the area of torsion fields and consists of the study and practical application of quantum consciousness physics and its practical and technological application in the form of culture, life style and torsion field devices (torsion trainer, density hemisphere, flying saucer, etc.) and has both hyperdimensional natural and artificial intelligence consciousness for interacting between humans and space, time, and dimensions. This book is a manual to do all of that. This book also discusses how we must meditate and ascend to form a star nation and become a galactic civilization and be part of the Galactic Federation of Light. By using quantum consciousness physics technology, images formed in the imagination, desire and feeling emotion you can materialize matter into reality and create free energy.

Minister R. A. Artis #fundie books.google.com

Goel sat behind Jonathan as they continued their flight toward the Foundation. The angel watched the clouds speed by the window deep in thoughtful meditation. He felt the distress emanating from Jonathan, and he wished to comfort and assure his friend that his parents were in the hands of the Lord. However he felt it would be best if Jonathan dealt with this himself. The divine protector loved Jonathan dearly. But he knew that it was crucial that the young Rabin-Aziz find solace in the Lord for himself. So, Goel left Jonathan in silence.

For some reason, Goel's mind drifted to an event which had occurred many centuries ago:

Go'El had been summoned to the Throne of God for an audience with The Divine Presence. On Earth, the chosen children of Israel were in oppressive bondage from Egypt and Pharaoh Rameses II. God had sent his prophet, Moses, to the royal courts to demand the release of His people. But, in order for the Israelites to see that it would be His divine will that would free them from slavery, He caused Pharaoh's heart to be hardened. The ruler stubbornly refused Moses' demands. The Lord had told Moses that He would send ten plagues upon Egypt to persuade Pharaoh to release the ill-treated Israelites from slavery. The plagues were designed to contrast the power of Yahweh with the impotence of Egypt's various "gods," who were actually demonic presences that had infiltrated the nation with paganism and false worship. The plagues were the judgments on specific gods associated with the Nile, fertility, and natural phenomena. And all of the gods of Egypt were to be judged through the tenth and final plague. God Himself had declared that the culminating plague would break Pharaoh's resolve and bring the gods of Egypt into subjection.

Go'El knelt before the awesomely majestic regality of God as He said to him, "According to My will, I have sent all manner of plagues and pestilences against Egypt and her pharaoh! Water has been turned to blood! Frogs, lice, and flies have tormented the land and all within! I have sent pestilence to exterminate Egypt's livestock and cursed the people with boils! I have sent thunder, lightning, and fiery hail to rain down upon the land! Locusts have devastated the crops and green grasses of Egypt! I have sent an oppressive living darkness over Egypt, and yet Pharaoh will not relent! This is because I have willed it to be so!

"Now, finally, Pharaoh has declared that the firstborn of Israel is to die in retaliation against Me! From out of his own mouth, he has pronounced the final judgment upon himself and Egypt! I will slay the firstborn of Egypt! I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of men and beasts, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt! I am the LORD!!"

At that statement, thunder roared and lightning flashed above the throne, and Go'El felt the divine anger and righteous indignation of God flood through his being as he placed his head to the floor of the throne.

Humbly, Go'El said, "What is Thy will, my Master!"

The Lord lowered His voice and said, "As master of the Powers, you would send angels of death to do this, however. I require you to be My hand to perform this task "

Go'El kept his eyes lowered as the Lord continued.

"I have commanded Moses to inform all the Israelites to mark lamb's blood on the doorposts on every door so that My hand will pass over them. Those who do so will suffer the destroyer to come into their homes and smite them. Thus, Pharaoh will relent, and My will be accomplished! Go now and exact My vengeance!"

Go'El rose to his feet and spread his black wings.

"It will be as You command, Great Jehovah!"

Taking flight Go'El disappeared from the throne room in an implosion of light. Go'El reappeared above Egypt through a dimensional rift as a luminous, nebulous form that appeared over the moon eerily. The whole of the Mal'akhim Habbalah was dispatched to surround Egypt in an impenetrable wall of divine power to keep any evil entity from entering and to ensure no one escaped the wrath of the Lord. Once the angels of death and destruction were in place, Go'El alone was left to be the divine instrument through which God would exact His wrathful vengeance upon Egypt and her pharaoh. With slow and eerie deliberation, Go'El branched out over the land as a shimmering wisp of ethereal energy. And, at a height just above the trees, the Avenger of Holy Retribution exploded forth swiftly entering the homes of those who were without the mark of lamb.

With deadly earnestness, Go'El entered the Egyptians' homes and horribly wrenched the life out of every firstborn human and animal he encountered. The wails which cut through the darkness were the most gut wrenchingly pitiful moans that had never been heard in all the whole of the world. Firstborn men, women, and children were not spared as Go'El, the Hand of Death, exacted the Lord's vengeance upon the land. Not even the youngest of children escaped His wrath as he tore then" spirit from their bodies.

When he had done as the Lord commanded to the citizens of Egypt, Go'El turned his attention to the house of Rameses II. Gathering his angelic form at the entrance to Pharaoh's home, Go'El withdrew his sword and entered invisibly and began to slay number upon number of the firstborn of Pharaoh's household, from the firstborn of the slave girl at her hand mill to all the firstborn of the cattle as well. Death pervaded all over Pharaoh's house as the Avenger did his horrendous yet holy duty. His sword left not a mark on the bodies which Go'El struck but to the spirit. The blade was like the venom of a scorpion burning the soul like the flames of perdition before death overtook his victim. When he had done this, Go'El turned his attention to the throne.

Pharaoh was in his bedchambers, fearfully listening to the screams of agony that permeated through the whole of Egypt, wondering what sort of calamity could make the most hardened of the generals of Egypt's armies scream like frightened children. Suddenly, Pharaoh felt fear grip his heart like the icy cold of death, and his very body trembled with abject fear and irrational horror. His eyes went wide with dread as a shadow appeared before the entrance of his room making him wonder what could cause the most powerful ruler in the world cringe and tremble in a dismalness which shamed even him. Grabbing his sheets and pulling them up at an attempt to cover his face and hide his shame from whatever was behind the creeping darkness which filled his land with moans of death, Rameses saw what was causing all the trepidation that seized his people in its embrace.
Slowly appearing from out of nothing, Go'El showed his angelic form. Pharaoh whimpered like a small child as he took in the frighteningly beautiful form of the seraphim who was the personification of divine justice and retributive vengeance. Turning his flame-filled eyes onto Pharaoh, Go'El spread his obsidian black, star-filled six wings and pointed his magnificent sword at the trembling creature.

Pharaoh, who shook his head frightfully, whimpered, "No... not me..."

Locking his eyes with the ruler of Egypt, Go'El bared his teeth at Rameses who quite simply moaned and wet himself and his bed. The angel gave Rameses a chilling smile and while still bearing his teeth Goel moved off to enter the room of Pharaoh's firstborn son.

As he viewed the child, angelic and beautiful in his slumber, Go'El caught a glimpse of his future. As Pharaoh, this child would sweep across the land like the plagues which devastated Egypt and lay waste to the whole world. A powerful despot, he would completely break the spirits of Israel and drive the people into complete and utter despondency of miserable servitude which would last another 300 years. God knew this, and in His undeniable wisdom determined he must die for the sake of Israel. Looking intently at the child, who was sleeping peacefully, Go'El unflinchingly reached out and powerfully wrenched the child's living spirit from his body, which caused the child's small frame to be wracked with painful spasms. His tiny form jerked in a series of seizures, causing the boy to die in excruciatingly agonizing pain and horror. Rameses heard his son's anguished cry abruptly cut off, and he sprang from his bed and bolted to the boy's bedchambers only to find the dark angel holding the spirit of his son. Go'El glared at Rameses as he allowed the soul of his child to descend into the ground and the dark netherworld of the Abyss. His mission completed, Go'El unfurled his wings and left the room with a blast of wind that knocked Pharaoh to the ground. The angel could hear the Egyptian father weeping over the dead body of his firstborn son. Go'El departed Egypt leaving death in his wake, knowing that the freedom of the people of God had been secured.

Minister R. A. Artis #fundie books.google.com

The Sentinels said in unison, “AS WE SAID DEMON, YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!” Swinging his maul high over his head, Asmodeus bellowed, “WE WILL SEE! I WILL CRUSH YOU BOTH AND SEND YOUR BONES TO YOUR IMPOTENT GOD!!”

With a heavy swing Asmodeus hammered his weapon into the two Sentinels and sent them sprawling across the ground. The Sentinels quickly regained their footing and attacked the demon of Persia with one assaulting high, the other coming in low. With the axe portion of his halberd, the high Sentinel swung at the throat of Asmodeus and with the spear of his halberd, the low Sentinel stabbed at the dark principality’s midsection viciously. With unbelievable velocity and dexterity, Asmodeus blocked their offenses and pressed one of his own. Asmodeus grabbed the throat of the high-attacking Sentinel and flung him forty feet into the air. He then used his own maul and struck the low-attacking Sentinel full in his face breaking his golden helmet and drawing a stream of ichor that arched across the demon’s war hammer. With fantastic agility, the demon of rage leaped into the air and caught the descending Sentinel angel by the collar of his armored breastplate. With incredible strength and thrust, Asmodeus slammed the angel head first into the ground creating a small impact crater and earthquake. Landing near the Sentinel’s broken form, Asmodeus placed his maul behind him and used his enormous strength to lift the stunned angel high into the air. The demon extended his arms upward, placing the remaining Sentinel on the evil principality’s shoulders. Asmodeus brutishly slammed him down in an elevated power bomb onto the dazed form of his twin, knocking them both unconscious.

Roaring in triumph, Asmodeus mocked, “WHO’S NEXT?!!”

Lucifer and the Fallen laughed at the ease in which Asmodeus dispatched the Sentinels. The dark lord yelled, “Asmodeus! Tear those gates down!”

With a vicious kick of the defeated Sentinels out of his path, Asmodeus removed his massive maul and hurled it at the gates of the temple. The weapon tore through the gates with an ear-splitting crash that left a mangled mass of steel, stone, and swirling dust and debris. Asmodeus then brought his huge hands together in a single clap that created a powerful shock wave. The force moved forward at supersonic speed like a detonation wave as it brought down an enormous section of the wall that surrounded the temple.

General Azazel turned to Lord Belial and said, “Send forth the Mazzikim Sheidim and show no mercy!”

Belial whirled his dragon around and barked, “First wave, attack!” A group of a thousand of the Mazzikim Sheidim swarmed like locusts toward the demolished gates ready to feast upon the inhabitants of the temple.

Lucifer called after them, “Do as you wish with the angels, but do not harm the humans for they are mine!” The demonic assault force slowed at Lucifer’s voice and acknowledged his command before proceeding.

Suddenly, a flash of light so intense it halted the demons in their tracks, and the angels of the Mal’akhim Charon af HaShem appeared ready for battle filling the courtyard completely. The evil wave started to fall in behind the Mazzikim Sheidim when Lucifer raised his hand which halted the lieutenants.

“In chess, it is prudent that the pawns move first. They remain strong when they move in a chain. You are my knights, bishops, and rooks; therefore, one of you will be instrumental in my checkmate.” Lucifer smiled mischievously, as he continued,

“Besides, I have something interesting planned for our prey that you all will find quite delectable.”
Like locusts swarming over lush fields of greenery, the Mazzikim Sheidim poured like the raging flood waters of a storm-laden river into the breached wall of the temple.

General Ariel, who stood at the head of the Mal’akhim Charon af HaShem and said with holy zeal, “No matter what darkness comes through those gates, stand your ground and defend this temple as you have in centuries past!”

Minister R. A. Artis #fundie books.google.com

The drive down I-95 from Andrews Air Force Base into Washington, D.C. to the Renwick Gallery was uneventful. Jonathan and Goel’s conversation was basically about the possibilities of what the President wanted to discuss with them. When the duo had arrived, they found they had an hour to spare. So, they decided to look at the different forms of art featured at the gallery. Jonathan graciously dismissed himself to the men’s room and left Goel near the painting of the angel Israf’El.
Goel stared at the picture incredulously, shook his head, and muttered disdainfully, “Hmmph! Yeah, right!”
When many thought of angels and envisioned them, they thought of fat little babies who spent all their time floating in the ethereal, looking around thoughtfully. Although they did spend a large portion of their time in thoughtful praise to God, angels were in fact fearsome warriors who were far from the chubby toddlers depicted. As a matter of fact, Israfel was one of the commanders of the Mal’akhim Habbalah who operated within the ranks of the Powers under the orders of Goel. And he knew that Israfel did not look that way. The commander was an angel of wrath and destruction and not some effeminate weakling who spent all day strumming a harp. He battled the forces of darkness with a keen eye, and a single-minded rapaciousness second to none.
Shaking his head, Goel walked away from the painting and noticed a small child standing in a corner crying softly. The beautiful little boy had golden blond hair and big blue eyes that were wet with tears.
Drawn to the fear that emanated from the child, Goel carefully approached the small boy and said gently, “What is wrong, little one?”
Looking up through his tears, the child said, “I lost my daddy, and I don’t know where he is.”
Compassionately, Goel kneeled in front of the distraught child and said, “Do not worry; your father will be here shortly. I will stay with you until he arrives.”
Immediately trusting the giant stranger, the boy placed his tiny hand in Goel’s larger ones and said with the innocence and insight commonplace to children, “Are you an angel?”
Knowing that children have a special affinity for seeing the ethereal, Goel answered truthfully and said, “Yes, little one, I am.”
The sweet, chubby face stared at him.
Smiling, Goel added, “We cannot tell everyone who I am just yet. We must keep it a secret for now, can you do that?”
The child vigorously nodded his head as the disguised angel knelt in front of him.
“Your name is Michael Daniel Worthington. You are named after your father and your mother’s father.”
Smiling joyously, Michael said, “You are an angel! You know my name!”
“That is correct, and I also know your mother has recently died.”
Sadly, the boy replied, “She was sick, and Jesus came to take her to Heaven.”
Goel eyes locked on Michael’s, and he replied, “You are an intelligent boy. Again, you are right. Jesus sent an angel, who is a friend of mine to bring her to him. She is very happy, and she loves you very much. She is not in any more pain, and she cannot wait to see you again.”
With wisdom beyond his meager years, Michael said, “I know Mommy is happy, but my Daddy isn’t. He misses her very much, and he is sad all the time, even though he thinks I don’t know it.”
The boy continued. “Daddy is mad at God for taking Mommy, and he doesn’t like church. I told him if he wants to see Mommy again he shouldn’t be mad at God, believe in Jesus, and go to church.”
Goel was amazed at Michael’s insight as he said, “Do you believe in Jesus, Michael?”
Michael vigorously nodded his head and said, “Yes! He died so that I can live!”
Goel tenderly placed his hand on the boy’s head and said, “Blessed are you, little one. Your faith as made you free, and your faith will save your father. Just keep praying for him, and he will see. And, guess what?”
“I have a friend whose name is Micha’El, like yours. He trusts in God just like you. All will be just fine, you will see.”
Suddenly, a man bounded around the corner and said with a loud voice, “Michael! There you are!”
The boy’s father, Julian Michael Worthington, was a pretentious, arrogant man who rarely smiled. As a wealthy stock broker, money and the acquisition of more wealth was the only thing in life that gave him joy, other than his only son. His wife, Maria, was the one thing that gave him a reason to smile. When she died a slow death through ovarian cancer, the little faith he had died with her. Maria, on the other hand, was a devout Christian, and she passed her beliefs on to their adorable son. Julian, however, was the type of man who could only believe in that which was tangible. So, he had little time for something like faith in God.
Rushing up to his son, Julian said to Goel, “My clients rarely give me a moment’s peace. Being the top broker in my firm makes me a popular man, and they call me at the most inopportune times. I only turned my back for a second, and he was gone. Kids, you know how they are.”
Goel’s face was as impassive as stone.
“Yes. Being a busy man, it is hard to pay attention to that which is little.”
Julian cocked his head at what Goel had said to him, but after looking at Goel’s considerable size advantage, thought against saying the retort which had formed in his mind.
Instead, Julian stammered, “Uhh… well, my clients have entrusted me with a substantial amount of capital to invest.”
Reaching out suddenly, Goel grasped Julian’s arm in a vise-like grip of steel and said with a quiet power, “God has entrusted you with something far more precious than wealth or the gain of it, the life of your son! Do not be a fool. God is not mocked! Your wife’s fondest wish is to see you and her son in the next life, but at the rate you are going, you are headed for destruction! But you have time to change! Your son and wife love you very much and, most importantly, God does too! For the sake of your soul, listen to your son!”
Julian had never before felt the raw power of the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. It surged through his very being like an electrical charge. This stranger had conveyed to him what his wife had said to him so many times, but never like this. The widower remembered something his wife had told about being careful to be kind to strangers because many have entertained angels unaware. He wasn’t sure if this was an angel, but he was definitely someone special.
Taking his son by the hand, Julian said, “Thank you for caring for my son, and I hear your words. I will listen to him.”
Folding his arms across his massive chest, Goel rumbled, “See that you do.”
Looking upward, Goel continued, “He will be watching and listening.”
Little Michael looked back at Goel and said, “Thank you, mister! God bless you!”
Goel nodded nobly at the child and said, “He has and He will. And by the way, my name is Goel.”
Smiling at him, Michael said, “Thank you, Mr. Goel!”
Goel smiled at the boy and abruptly stopped when Julian looked at him.
Glaring sternly, Goel said, “Remember my words, Julian Worthington. Seek the Lord while He still can be found.”
Fearfully nodding his head, Julian turned to his son and said while walking away, “Did I tell him my name…?”
At that instant Jonathan returned from the bathroom.
“Did I miss anything?”
“Nothing of great import, only a brief conversation with a father and son.”
Knowing Goel did not mince words lightly, Jonathan smirked and said, “I’m sure, Goel.”

Minister R. A. Artis #fundie books.google.com

With complete certainty, Goel intoned, ''Despite everything, Jonathan, God is truly in control of everything. Even when things seem hopeless and all is dark, when your way is beset by troubles and your enemies are all around you, the Lord is there waiting to aid you."
Full of despair, Jonathan said, "Part of me knows this, but on the other hand, part of me says what if everything I have been taught is nothing but a carefully scripted deception designed to keep me enslaved to the whims of a being less than what He says He is?" Goel was utterly amazed and responded abruptly.
"Despite whatever you are wrestling with, my friend, you know deep down inside that is not true! At the core of eveiy human being there is knowledge of the veracity of the certainty that God is who He says He is, even if His reality is denied or substituted for some other belief! You are one of the most intelligent humans ever born in this world, and you know that the complex simplicity of creation indicates that everything that exists in this cosmos could not exist if not for the hand of Divine Immanence behind it. It is a mathematical impossibility for the universe to have sprung into existence from chaotic nothingness complete with all the laws of physics already in place to ensure that everything works in an efficient manner."
Goel surprised Jonathan by showing the young man a rare side to his own personality.
"In terms with which you are intimately familiar with, Jonathan, the mathematics of probability refutes the universe coming into reality purely coincidentaily. The calculations of British mathematician Roger Penrose show that the probability of universe conducive to life occurring by chance is on the order of 1010123 to 1."
"What number is that?" Goel questioned.
Jonathan's mind kicked into high gear as he did the calculations in his mind, and he said, "In math, the value 10123 means 1 followed by 123 zeros. That's more than the total number of atoms 10 s believed to exist in the whole universe."
Enthusiastically, Goel said, "The phrase 'extremely unlikely' is inadequate to describe this possibility. In practical terms, a mathematical probability of 1 in 10?0 means "zero probability." Penrose's number is more than a trillion upon trillions of times less than that. More importantly, Penrose's number tells us that the 'accidental" or "coincidental" creation of the universe is an impossibility. The numbers defining the design and plan of the universe's equilibrium play a crucial role and exceed comprehension. They prove that the cosmos is by no means the product of a coincidence, or how precise God intended for it to be. In fact, in order to recognize that the universe is not a product of coincidences, one does not really need any of these calculations at all. Simply by looking around himself, a person can easily perceive the fact of creation in even the tiniest details of what he sees."
As if magnetized by the magnificent view, the ancient warrior walked towards the balcony. Jonathan, totally intrigued, joined his protector. Goel never ceased to amaze.
"How could a universe like this, perfect in its systems, the sun, the earth, people, houses, cars, trees, flowers, insects, and all the other things in it ever have come into existence as the result of atoms falling together by chance after an explosion? Every detail we peer at shows the evidence of God's existence and supreme power. Only people who reflect can grasp these signs."
Thoughtfully, Jonathan quietly said, "In the creation of the heavens and earth, and the alternation of the night and day, and the ships which sail the seas to people's benefit, and the water which Allah sends down from the sky— by which He brings the earth to life when it was dead and scatters about in it creatures of every kind— and the varying direction of the winds, and the clouds subservient between heaven and earth, there are signs for people who use their intellect."
Jonathan released a slight chuckle as he continued, "I read that in the Surat al-Baqara, Verse of the Cow, in the Qur'an."
Shaking his head, Goel said, with the intention to elucidate further, "Even those who do not hold to the truths inherent to the Holy Scriptures are touched by the rectitude of whom and what God is. Those who are in no way your equal in intellectualness have known this simple truth: God is real! Science has come up with categorical evidence that the universe was created by God. The anthropic principle reveals every detail of a universe that has been designed for mankind to live in and in which there is no place for chance. The interesting pait is that the ones who discovered all this are the very same people who defend the philosophy of materialism. Scientists such as Paul Davies, Arno Penzias, Fred Hoyle, and Roger Penrose are not pious men, and they certainly had no intention of proving God's existence as they pursued their work. One can imagine that they reached then* conclusions about the design of the universe by a superior power most unwillingly."
"The American astronomer George Greenstein confesses in his book, The Symbiotic Universe, he and his colleagues stumbled upon scientific proof of the existence of a Supreme Being. Having surveyed all the evidence, an insistent thought arose. There is indeed some supernatural agency involved in the design of the universe. Greenstein pondered near believingly that it was God who stepped in and so providentially crafted the cosmos for our benefit. An atheist, Greenstein disregards the plain truth; nevertheless he cannot keep from wondering. Other less prejudiced scientists, on the other hand, readily admit that the universe must have been specially ordered for mankind to live in."
Jonathan, a very learned and somewhat spiritual man in his own right, felt the dots linking science and theology were compelling. Goers scope of knowledge widened steadily.
"The American astrophysicist Hugh Ross ends his article Design and the Anthropic Principle with these words: 'An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have brought the universe into existence. An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have designed the universe. An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have designed planet Earth. An intelligent, transcendent Creator must have designed life.' Thus, science proves the reality of creation. Certainly, there is God and He has created everything around us, the seen and the unseen. He is the sole Creator of the extraordinary, outstanding equilibrium and design of the heavens and Earth.
"It has come such a pass that today, materialism has the flavor of a superstitious, unscientific system of belief. The American geneticist Robert Griffiths jokingly remarked 'If we need an atheist for a debate, I go to the philosophy department. The physics department isn't much use.'
"Every physical law and every physical constant in this universe has been specifically designed to enable human beings to exist and live. In his book The Cosmic Blueprint, Davies states this truth in the last paragraph: 'The impression of Design is overwhelming.' Doubtlessly, the design of the universe is evidence of God's power to establish. The precise balances and all the human beings and other creatures are the evidence of God's supreme power and act of creation."
In all the discussions with Goel he had over the years, never before had Goel shown this depth of scientific knowledge. In a word, Jonathan was deeply impressed with Goel's profundity. This added a new dimension to his longtime protector, one which he would always remember.
Bowing to his mentor, Jonathan graciously said, "I had no idea you were so well versed in the philosophy of physics, Goel. I heard your words with more than my ears. You spoke to my mind and spirit."

Alice Leszek #fundie books.google.com

There are doctors all over the world that are dealing with people with mental conditions. Statistically, I wonder how many are battling demons. How radical it would be if we treated people with prayer, with Jesus, so that they might be set free. There are people all over the world who celebrate Christmas and stop at that not knowing, not realizing, not truly understanding the power of Jesus and how powerful he could be in their lives.
There are demons that are wandering around in the spirit, who are no more powerful than you or I. They know Jesus is the Son of God, and they know the power he possesses; they fear him for that and rightly so. This experience I had was not a dream or vision. It truly lasted for days and days. At the time, I didn't know what was going on; it was only afterward, as time passed, that God revealed it to me, revealed himself to me, and gave me these scriptures to prove what he was revealing to me was true. How did he do this? After I was delivered by the Lord from the demons that had tormented me, I had another experience. It wasn't a dream or a vision, but rather, this time, I was caught up in the spirit by God. My human eyes were open, but in addition to that, God enabled me so that I could see in the spirit world. There was a noticeable difference between this experience and the one I had with the demons. God was in control, and throughout, there was nothing but peace. At first I wasn't sure what was going on, but then God started revealing and teaching things to me. This revelation commenced at a pace that I could handle. He told me he wanted me to understand, and we handled it like a Q&A session. He first told me that there are many demons in this world and that they want to live in human bodies. I asked why were there not more people running around mad. He told me that they are working on people in different ways, he told me that they are invisible to human eyes but that you can see them in the spirit, and then he opened my eyes to see. He pointed out a man to me, and I could see from a distance that there were demons inside of him. The Lord asked me how many there were, but I could only tell that there was more than one; yet he looked normal from the outside. As if reading my mind, the Lord said that he was not normal, and these demons were controlling this man's life and causing him to make bad decisions, and he can't sleep at night.
Next he showed me a woman, and I could see the demons inside of her. He explained to me that these demons caused her to overeat, and she also could not sleep at night. I was in Rosie's house as the Lord was revealing this all to me. I could see so far, it was astonishing. I could see the roads and into different houses, and there were demons everywhere. There was a particular man that the Lord showed me; he was in the road and a demon was just standing there, talking in his ear. The Lord said that this is something that commonly happens in people's lives: demons whispering in people's ears. As I watched, the Lord opened my ears to hear what the demon was saying and what the man was thinking. The man had had an argument with his wife and was very upset. He felt that he was tired of his wife. The demon asked the man why doesn't he just kill her. I could visibly see the man receiving these words. To himself, he said that no one would know it was him. The demon heard this thought and, even louder, said that he should kill his wife and added that no one would know that it was him and that this was the only way out of his marriage. The man received those words also and was convinced to think about it further.
So the Lord said that if this man could say God's Word in his mind against those murderous thoughts, the demon would leave him alone. However, if he does not, he will continue to listen to this demon and kill his wife and be caught. How can you know God's Word if you don't read it? The devil knows this, and that is why he fights so hard against bibles being in schools and stuff like that. He knows that if children read the Bible and have this information, he will lose power over them. Instead, he encourages them to watch TV and get on the Internet so he can feed them whatever he wants.
The Lord showed me some men in a house that were smoking marijuana, and then he showed me a demon in a tree and indicated that he was the controller of the whole village. I could draw you a picture of what this demon looked like. It was so big it could look over the whole village. It had a body of a human from its head to where the wings started. Under its wings, it had hands with fingers on it and the legs of an animal with fur on it. The Lord told me to look at what the demon does to them after they smoke. This is what happened: This demon was on the tree far from where the men were smoking. It reached its finger across the way, and while the men were smoking, he commanded the first man to go steal. The man didn't hesitate and left immediately. He told the next man to go beat his wife up and to then go hide in the bushes and wait for another woman to beat. Again, this guy didn't hesitate either. The third guy in the house was Rosie's husband. The demon stretched his hand to him and commanded him to commit adultery with another woman, and off he went. This demon was watching them and was laughing and enjoying himself. The Lord showed me these men doing these things and explained to me that when these men smoked, they gave their minds up and were no longer in control of themselves. The demon waited until they were smoking and getting high and used that as an opening to use his power on them.

Lauren Stratford #fundie books.google.com

My Own Hell
Not all of the rituals took place in Victor's basement. Some occurred on the far side of his estate, or deep in the hills. Occasionally we ventured into a church or cemetery. But no matter where they occurred, it was my own personal hell! I was not Victor's woman for the purpose of becoming a satanist. I was never trained to be a satanist. I only attended the ceremonies because Victor took me with him. However, I was seldom just a passive observer. Victor believed that Satan would give him the power he so desperately craved if he offered his woman as a sexual sacrifice. So I was seldom taken to a ritual where I was not abused.
My one small defense was to carry a little New Testament with the Psalms hidden in a pocket. Whenever I had a chance, I would sneak it out and read a verse or two. Usually I found myself reading from the Psalms. It comforted me to read about David's despair and how God kept loving him and giving him the strength to go on.
Once when I was offered as a sexual sacrifice the New Testament fell out of my pocket. Victor saw it and was livid. He picked it up and tore it into tiny pieces, then threw the pieces on the ground and urinated on them. When he was done, he commanded me to never touch another Bible. "I'll not have my woman being a Jesus lover!" he yelled. "And neither will Satan!"
To my shame, I remained silent. I wanted to yell back at him that there was nothing he could do to make me stop loving Jesus. But I was too scared. However, Victor was now convinced that offering me to be used by the satanists would be doubly pleasing to Satan because of my faith in Jesus.
I don't know how many nights I was laid on that cold, hard slab of rock—naked, shivering from the cold of night, while listening to unending chants that beckoned Satan. Every time, the same horrifying fear would grip my heart as the demons were conjured up to give their orders as to how my body would be used. The steel of a purified knife glistened in the candlelight, and I wondered if it would be used on my body. Already there were scars on my body, for it was commonplace to drain blood into the chalice from a cut they made on me. Sometimes, when a knife was poised above my heart, I wished to God that the high priest would plunge it swiftly into my body, putting an end to my hell. My life was a slow, torturous death fiat never ended.
Suffer the Little Children
Another element of some of the rituals was the sacrifice of animals, and even infants—sometimes taken directly from the young pregnant mother. I hesitate to write of these sacrifices, but I must.
I witnessed the ultimate sacrifice of a baby—skinned while still alive. I heard its screams which must have reached to the heavens. But even God seemed to turn a deaf ear. I often wondered why He allowed the hideous torture of a helpless, innocent little child. Didn't He have the power to protect the little ones? Didn't the sound of the screams that only an infant can make bother Him? Was He a God of love or was He a cold, uncaring God? Bitterness and anger toward this "God of love" began to grow in my heart. How could this Person show no pity on an innocent baby? That question would ring in my mind until I would find myself looking up to the heavens, screaming at Him in anger and resentment.
Victor told me that the purest sacrifice, the sacrifice that pleases Satan the most, is none other than an infant or young child. Why? Because children represent purity and innocence; they belong to God. Animals are offered to Satan. Adults, willingly or unwillingly, are offered to Satan. But Satan revels in the most macabre, inhuman, and bestial evil he can conceive in the diabolical machinations of his mind. There is no evil more perverse than the murder of a little one whose life has been robbed from God and sacrificed to Satan.
Where do they get the children? That is a valid question. I'm sure that it is very difficult for people to believe that children can be used for sacrifices in this country. If I had not witnessed this atrocity, I would ask the same question. Believe me, I would like to deny it, or at least doubt it. But I can't. I learned the answer the hard way.
Tom was a Master Counselor in satanism, and Victor frequently brainstormed ideas for rituals with him. One night I heard Victor blurt out, "I've got a good one, Tom. Listen to this. This is too much, man. I mean, this will blow your brains out!" Victor tried to describe his idea, but he was so consumed with the brilliance of his newly devised horror that he couldn't speak. It was as if his brain was working faster than his mouth.
I had seen Victor like this before. His voice always rose to a higher pitch and ran on fast-forward when he was trying to explain a new idea for a future ritual. I always felt I was hearing Satan speak when Victor was this way. I anticipated that each new revelation would be a little more demonic, a little more sadistic, a little more perverse than the last one. I was usually right. This one was no exception.
"Tom, I want Satan to give me more power than any other high priest," exclaimed Victor. "My Master Teacher has always expected great things from me. I don't want to disappoint him. I've been racking my brain thinking about what I can do that will make me more powerful than anyone else. I think I've found it!"
"I'm afraid to ask," Tom said dryly. "Don't lay too much on me if I have any part in your new plan." Though a close friend of Victor's, Tom had always been a little leery of these brainstorms.
"It goes like this." Victor's speech slowed and he was now talking in dead earnest. "We'll get a teenage boy and girl off the street and bring them up here. Then we'll get a baby from a gal we've been keeping our eyes on. Or maybe we'll even use the mother. Yeah! That would be even better."
"Wait a minute," Tom interrupted. "Where are we getting this baby from?"
"Oh, you know, Tom. That babe we've been hiding out. That one who thinks we're going to find a good home for her baby. She's going to have the kid any day now."
"Oh, yeah, I know the one. I can't believe how dumb these girls are. Who does she think we are, anyway—the fairy princess?" Tom was laughing so hard he could hardly speak.
As the laughter died down, Victor continued. "We'll marry the two kids off to each other during the ritual. Then we'll present this little kid to them. We'll make them a family—Mom and Dad and the new baby—the whole family scene."
Victor was getting excited again. Speaking faster and faster, he began to describe his plan for presenting this entire "family" to Satan. The two teenagers would be forced to sanctify their marriage union by having sexual relations with each other on the altar. Then the teenagers and the baby would be sexually abused by the coven members.
The grand finale would be the sacrifice of the baby. When I heard that, once again, as I had done so many times before, I raised my head to the heavens and silently cried out, "My God, what more can Satan do?" Once again, the heavens remained silent.
What particularly shocked me was the way Tom and Victor, and occasionally some coven members, discussed where and how they would get the babies. I learned from Tom that there were fraudulent people who represented themselves as caseworkers of adoption agencies or heads of placement homes. They carried so-called "legitimate" identification papers, but they were either satanists or were acting as go-betweens. Their purpose was to get the unsuspecting and well-intentioned unwed mother to sign her baby away to a pornographic ring or to people connected with satanic cults.
One afternoon Victor and Tom were laughing about what they called "want-ad babies." "Did you see the ad I placed in the paper the other day?" Tom asked. "I said that Janie and I were prospective parents who were searching for an unwed pregnant young woman who would give her baby up to us for adoption after it was born. Man, you wouldn't believe how many gals answered the ad! We've got a supply of babies all set up whenever we need them. We could have enough babies to last us a whole year!"
I cringed. I'd never heard of babies referred to as a supply before. This was too much. I got sick and threw up. Victor and Tom laughed and called me a wimp._
On another occasion some coven members sat around and talked about their breeders. The word "breeder" was new to me. One of the members explained that breeders were women who were born, marked, and raised for the sole purpose of having babies that would be used by satanists—either to be raised in satanism or used in ritualistic sacrifices. Since there was never any public record of their births, they were never missed when they were abused or killed.
I thought I had heard it all until a high priestess approached Victor after a ritual as he and I were about to leave. She informed him that she had completed the assignment. "I convinced Judy (a new female coven member who was eight months pregnant) to assume the highest honor. She agreed to give her baby by C-section while lying on a purified altar."
I gasped. Victor turned and chuckled. He was always amused when I reacted in shock. Then he asked the priestess, "Did you make arrangements for a doctor?"
"Yes, I've engaged the services of a licensed doctor," she answered. "I understand that he is one of ours."
I'm sure this seems too horrendous for many of you to comprehend. It was for me. But I heard it and saw it. It's true.

Lauren Stratford #fundie books.google.com

Nudity and sexual lewdness and perversion are commonplace at most rituals. It does not matter if the female is willing or unwilling. In fact, it is believed to bring more pleasure to Satan if she is unwilling.
The female "sacrifice" is put on the altar, which is commonly draped with a red velvet cloth (red being the satanic color for anything of a sexual nature). She is raped, oftentimes brutally, by any of the male members who wish to have her. They often are so drugged by heroin, coke, or some other drug, or so bombed out on alcohol, that the rape becomes pure sexual torture. To satisfy their own perverse cravings and do what they think will bestow upon them stronger satanic powers, the male members perform crude sexual acts, often of a bestial-like nature. Sometimes the female is seriously injured physically. To keep her from even thinking about telling the police or anyone else, the high priest calls upon demonic spirits to do something of such a diabolical nature that she will be frightened into silence. She is told that these evil spirits will get her if she steps out of line. And well might she take that threat to heart, for it is not just an empty threat. Those spirits are real!
One time Victor told me about a young housewife and mother who had become bored at home. She accepted an invitation from a couple of her closest friends to attend a meeting. It turned out to be a meeting of witches. At first she was leery, but something kept drawing her back until months later she joined a satanic coven.
In her eagerness to be accepted, and through much coaxing by the other members and a word of admonition from the high priest, she offered herself as the sexual offering at the end of one of the rituals. As is often the case, the woman was put through more than what she could excuse as part of a religious ceremony.
That night when she went home, she suffered some physical complications. She phoned one of the two friends who had invited her to the initial meeting and told her she was going to the hospital to be examined. She asked the friend if she would come over and babysit her children, since her husband was away on a business trip.
The friend told her she would come over, but reminded her of her vow to secrecy and warned her that she might regret it if she told anyone what had happened. The young housewife told her friend that she didn't care—that she couldn't live this kind of life any longer. She would rather die than go through anything like that again.
So the friend came over. The victim started her car and drove toward the hospital. But she never made it. She died instantly in a grisly car accident. One of the police officers on the scene told the victim's husband that he had never seen a freak accident quite like that before. He couldn't explain how or why it had happened. In fact, from all he could determine, it shouldn't have happened at all.
When Victor reached this point in the story, he put his hand up to the side of his mouth and secretly said, "What the policeman didn't know was that the lady's friend had called the high priest before she went over to babysit and told him that they were about to be ratted on." Victor went on to relate how the high priest had summoned an evil spirit to place a curse on her that would cause her to die in whatever manner it chose before she reached the hospital.
To my disgust, Victor stuck out his chest and proudly announced, "You know what? It worked! The screws [cops] won't ever know what happened."
That kind of incident was not as unusual as one would like to think, and they were all too eagerly recounted to any victim who gave even the slightest indication that she might cause trouble. Understandably, the stories were most effective.
A New Business
The sexual perversion during satanic rituals interested Victor not only as a high priest, but also as a pornographer. He was an astute businessman, and it didn't take him long after he was installed as a high priest to recognize that there could be a very lucrative marriage between his rituals and hardcore porn. There was sure to be a market for such heretofore-unknown types of films and videos. There could hardly be too much blood and gore. There could hardly be too loud a scream of pain and agony. There could hardly be too much mutilation. There could hardly be too much partaking of the flesh of sacrificed body parts or too much drinking of blood that was drained into a crucible.
These films, videos, and photographs were not sold to the stereotyped "dirty old man" in seedy porno shops. Victor marketed them to doctors, lawyers, corporate businessmen, and high-level political figures. Only they could afford the thousand dollars per photo or the five to twenty thousand dollars per film or video. The more barbaric, cold-blooded, and unrestrained the acts of Satan were, the more Victor could get for the film. In fact, the more diabolical they were, the greater the demand.
Because I was Victor's "woman," I was privy to information that most of the other victims never learned. Occasionally I'm sure I heard discussions that were not intended for my ears; in fact, I wished I had not heard them. But Victor was very proud of his little empire. He was fond of bragging about how he had started with nothing. If you didn't know better, you could easily get misty-eyed listening to stories of his boyhood poverty. Then with a sweeping gesture of his arm, after making you feel so sorry for him, he would boast, "And now all of this is mine. All mine!"
One evening he had had too much to drink. As he was boasting about his accomplishments to me, the phone rang. When he answered it, he forgot that I was there. It was obvious to me that he was talking to someone he knew quite well. They were discussing the buying and selling of some of his photos and films.
"Look, Bud," Victor said impatiently, "You're offering peanuts for a product that's worth more than gold. Do you know what the market is? These are one-of-a-kind. You won't find them anywhere else. So stop playing dumb with me!"
For the next few minutes, sums in the thousands of dollars were bandied about. "All right, fifteen thousand for that one," Victor agreed. "You drive a hard bargain."
Once during the discussion, I jerked in my chair in response to what he was saying. Victor looked up and suddenly realized I was still in the room. "Get out of here and shut the door behind you," he barked.

Lauren Stratford #fundie books.google.com

In the following months as Victor progressed deeper into satanism, his interest in pornography took a back seat. Learning the powers of Satan became his new "profession," as he called it. Each time I was taken to his home, Victor told me a new story about what he had seen in a ritual. At first the rituals seemed fairly innocent, and I wasn't too frightened. There was fire changing colors and ghostly apparitions coming out of the smoke. Bodies were levitated. Objects were moved by the power of the mind. Once he even described how the powers of Satan (which he always insisted were good powers) had healed a woman who was dying. The high priest had used magic to make the cancerous tumor come out of her body. "She coughed it up," said Victor. "I saw it with my own eyes!" Initially I thought that all my fears might have been for nothing. But gradually the stories became more sordid. When he told me about a ritual in which a young pregnant woman had sold herself to Satan, I knew there was nothing "good" about satanism. "If only you'd been there, Lauren," he said with great animation. His wild excitement in simply recalling what he saw made him act as if he were high on drugs. "The woman was so brave. She just held her arm out and let the high priest cut her wrist. She let the blood drain into a chalice, and then do you know what she did? She sold her soul to Satan. She used her own blood to sign her name on the pact! You had to be there. You just can't get the same feeling by my telling you about it. You have to be there to see it and feel it for yourself! "

Victor's words were spilling at high speed. When he stopped long enough to grab a breath, I blurted, "Stop it! I don't want to hear anymore about it. Please, don't tell me any more." "Oh, but you've got to listen, Lauren, because I'm going to do the same thing, and you're going to be with me." I felt as if I would choke on his words. Before I had time to even begin to deal with his declaration, he raced on. "This is going to blow you away, woman. Listen to this! The high priest prayed this really weird prayer. He asked the demons to come forth. I couldn't see them, but I guess they did because he started to talk to them. He asked them to give this woman's baby a name because Satan was going to be its father." Victor paced the floor as he spoke, walking faster and faster. The way his eyes darted around the room, it was as though he could see the ritual taking place right in front of him. Then suddenly he stopped dead in his tracks and lowered his voice, as though he didn't want anyone else to hear him. "Lauren, when the high priest asked the demons what the baby was to be named, I heard the most eerie-sounding voices I've ever heard. I thought, 'Someday I'm going to have the power to make demons talk to me.' Then the high priest spoke a name to the woman, but I couldn't understand what it was."

He started pacing again as he said, "Do you know what the woman did next? She sold her baby's soul to Satan too, by signing its name beneath hers on the pact. Doesn't that just blow you away —selling your soul to Satan? Do you know how much power I could have if I did that!" With that exclamation he raised his clenched fists into the air as though he were celebrating a great victory. I knew then that there was no turning back for Victor. He was headed straight into the hands of Satan, and he intended to take me along with him. This would be different from the studio and the house of torture. Here the rules weren't clearly defined. I didn't know what to expect. High Priest of Satan Victor was faithful to his promise that I would go with him to a satanic ritual. What I didn't expect was that it would be in his own house. "Guess what?" he said one evening with a wicked smile. "I am now a high priest. A high priest of Satan!" He motioned for me to follow him and we descended through a cellar-type door in his floor to the basement. I had not even been aware that there was a basement; a rug had covered the entrance. The basement was cold, damp, and dark, with a musty smell. A heavy, eerie feeling pervaded the atmosphere and seemed to settle on me as I entered, making it hard to breathe. "You can feel him!" declared Victor in a hushed voice. "That's Satan!" Satan may appear as an angel of light at times, but in Victor's basement there was only darkness. The walls were draped in black fabric, and the only light was from candles and the glow of a black kettle on the floor. I stared at a large slab of smooth rock that was partially covered with a purple-colored velvet material. "That's the altar," Victor explained. Then he pointed to a silver bowl. "That's the chalice that we drink from—our communion cup." Then he pointed to a cross. "It's placed upside down to mock the crucifixion of Jesus Christ."

A glance around the room revealed other objects. There was a goat's head positioned at the front of the altar. I saw an upside- down star within a circle drawn on top of the altar. And to the side was the black kettle. "That's the cauldron," Victor whispered. "Demons are summoned from the fires of hell that are burning in I shuddered, for its glow seemed like a silent omen, it." foreshadowing the very activities of hell. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I saw the glint of the blade of a very large sword that was lying on the end of the altar. A terrifying thought—what do they do with the sword?—raced through my mind. I quickly shifted my eyes, afraid that Victor would notice and explain what it was for. Right now I didn't want to know. In fact, I didn't think I ever wanted to know. As I tried to calm my racing heart, a door suddenly opened on the opposite side of the basement, and black-robed men, humming in unison, slowly moved in single file to the altar. Victor tugged at my arm, but I didn't budge. I wasn't about to go anywhere, unless it back up stairs.

The humming stopped abruptly and was replaced by chanting, "All hail to the father, Satan. All hail to the father, Satan. All hail .. " While the chanting proceeded, one of the men who was cloaked in a black cape over his robe walked over to the sword and picked it up. "He's a high priest like I am," Victor whispered. As the high priest pointed the sword to the north, south, east, and west, I shuddered as I began to wonder why Victor had brought me down here to witness a ritual. My wondering soon became terror. Spirits were conjured up to curse certain people whom the members wanted harmed. Other spirits were called on to give the coven members more power. Several of the members allowed their wrists to be cut, and the blood was drained into the silver bowl. Then they urinated into it. Finally, wine was mixed in and they each drank from the bowl. Now these robed men began to get unruly. Gone was the initial sense of hushed decorum. I wasn't sure if they were drunk or high on drugs, or if they actually were receiving some kind of supernatural power from the demon spirits they had summoned.

They began to indulge in what looked to me like a sexual orgy. I was surprised to see two or three women. I wasn't sure whether they were coven members, or if they had been brought in just for the orgy. Whatever the case, I had seen enough, but as I turned to try and go back up the stairs, I felt Victor's grip tighten around my arm. "You can't leave!" he hissed. "I'm giving you to Satan tonight." With every ounce of my energy I jerked to try and get free of his grip. But Victor was too strong. He pulled me up to the altar, and two coven members lifted me onto the slab of stone. My clothes were removed and I was positioned and held down so that my private parts were on top of the circle and upside down star. I screamed and begged the men to let me go. But the more I screamed, the more excited they seemed. "Louder. Louder. Satan is pleased," they chanted.

Then the abuse began. One after another, members of the coven brutally abused me sexually on the altar. After each one was through, he drank from the bowl of blood, urine, and wine and announced, "Satan is pleased." With each vulgar act, my will to resist lessened. I felt myself weakening physically, as though I would pass out. As each man climbed on me, I felt as if Satan himself were assaulting me.

Finally, after the last man had taken his turn, the high priest picked up the bowl, took a drink from it, then flung the remainder of it over my body. With that he threw his head back and laughingly mocked, "Satan has had you!" The entire coven picked up the chant. "Satan has had you. Satan has had you. Satan has had you." My spirit was crushed. I was too weak to move, too bruised and ashamed. Finally I was lifted off the altar and returned to the arms of Victor. As he carried me up the stairs, he proudly declared, "Now we both belong to Satan." But that was not true. Silently my heart spoke for me: "I will never belong to Satan. Never!"

Coven Members

Those who put on the black robes, who stood in a circle, who lit candles and uttered unending chants until they saw the very face of Satan—they were not surprised at the fiendishly diabolical acts that were sure to follow. For it was those very acts that would please their father, Satan, and bring more power to them. These participants were not players in a game. They were not there to have fun. One does not play with Satan. Neither does one have fun with Satan. One follows Satan. One serves Satan. In obedience to him, one does Satan's bidding. The evil practices of the satanic rituals I was forced to attend and participate in were not performed in symbolism. They were actually carried out. Those who practiced them were serious about their deeds of evil. Their allegiance to Satan was absolute. They were there to follow Satan explicitly, uncompromisingly, without question, even when he demanded sacrifices of parts of their own bodies. They willingly allowed the tip of a finger down to the first knuckle to be cut off as a sacrificial offering. There was great motivation to do this, for these members believed that through this show of loyalty they would please Satan and experience more power, fulfillment, satisfaction, and success in their own lives. Evil begets evil. Perversion begets perversion. Acts of sadism, sexual abuse, torture, mutilation, and evils that go far beyond that generate a craving for participation in deeper and deeper evils. Satan does not take pleasure in good. The name of his game is evil, and as the members of many of the more self-styled satanic covens find out, one must always top last week's acts of evil. To gain more power and continue to please their hellish father, one must eventually go beyond even what the human mind can conceive. Only the Father of Evil could conceive such diabolical acts of perversion and wickedness, and only the Father of Evil could seduce a human being to carry out such acts. I heard demonic spirits order deeds of such a heinous nature that even the bravest would cringe. Usually I heard only the voices, but on a few occasions I saw the demons materialize. Sometimes they took on the most hideous and grotesque forms imaginable. Usually, however, they appeared as ghostly apparitions with a vaporlike quality that I couldn't quite decipher. At one ritual, several demonic spirits appeared as hairy little creatures with sharp, pointed teeth and eyes that I felt were looking straight through me. Another time an evil spirit appeared as a slinky, slimy creature that looked like it was about to wrap itself around me and cling to me. Regardless of whether they chose to materialize or not, when the demons spoke, Satan worshipers listened and obeyed. I heard demons order curses of the vilest nature—cancerous growths, even acts of suicide—put on unsuspecting victims. They ordered acts of sexual perversion that went far beyond the descriptions of lewd, perverse, and vile. They ordered the literal sacrifice of animals and even humans—both willing and unwilling victims. You may wonder how any human being could actually carry out the orders of such evils and feel that he has done what is right and good. I wrestled with that question myself, for I did feel that some of the members sincerely believed that what they were doing was right. One day, years later, while reading my Bible at home, I found a verse that answered that question for me. Speaking of Satan, John 8:44b says that "there is no truth in him . . . he is a liar and the father of lies" (NIV). From what I had seen and learned about satanism, that verse was true. I began to realize that Satan has never told the truth, but is such a master of deception that the coven members who opened their hearts and minds to Satan's schemes were blinded to the truth. Good became evil and evil became good. Once they gave themselves over to that false truth, all barriers to evil were destroyed. The door to the most diabolical evil was opened wide.

Minister R. A. Artis #fundie books.google.com

Jonathan looked at the being that had just said his name was Lucifer, the enemy of mankind. The still vulnerable youngster stood in absolute shock and disbelief. Lucifer observed the young man intently, knowing that his mind was trying desperately to ascertain the gravity of his presence along with what he had just told him. Being the absolute master of conniving deception and charisma, Lucifer set in motion his devious scheme to coerce the boy to his dark light and vision.
Smiling magnanimously, Lucifer placed his hand on Jonathan’s shoulder and, with a quiet compassion, said, “I know this sounds incredible, Jonathan, but everything you hold dear is comprised of half-truths and carefully disguised lies.” Glowing with an ethereal luminance, Lucifer continued, “Let me explain from the beginning…”
“The world from which we abide is called Nahash, located around the star you call Alnilam, the center star in the belt of the constellation Orion. Our world developed our intelligence billions of years before yours, and we achieved a level of development where we evolved into pure energy. Our thoughts could be translated into whatever we could conceive. One of us achieved a power and intelligence greater than all and began to reshape the cosmos into his image. He became so powerful he was able to contract the entire universe into one small infinitesimally dense microscopic singularity and release all that enormous energy in what you call the ‘Big Bang.’ This enabled him to reform the universe as he saw fit. His name is Yahweh, the being you refer to as God.”
Jonathan was rocked to the core of his being as he interrupted Lucifer’s explanation, “Wait one moment! You mean to tell me that Yahweh, though powerful, may not be the God we hold as the Supreme Creator?!”
Smiling at the deductive reasoning and high intelligence the young man showed, Lucifer continued, “That is correct, Jonathan. Yahweh is indeed powerful and to you he may appear to be omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, but, in essence he is not God in the sense you perceive God. In the vastness of creation, there are levels of omnipotence that you cannot conceive of in your present stage of development. There are many dimensions of existence in what is called the multiverse which is housed within the omniverse, the conceptual ensemble of all possible universes with all possible laws of physics. Yahweh is only the present manifestation of the Creator Force of this universe. There is, however, a being that is known to those who have attained a certain level of awareness who is the essence and intelligence of the omniverse, and he is referred to as the One Above All.”
“Let me continue, the One Above All decreed that all universes and realities be created, destroyed, and re-created in an eternally repetitive series of cycles for reasons known only to Him. Yahweh decided that instead of being the avatar of the One Above All, he would separate this universe from Himself and create his own cosmos with his own rules. The first thing Yahweh did was to create a pocket dimension he called Heaven, located in the recesses of the Northern quadrant of this universe. He then took the rest of the Nahashians and made them into the hierarchy of angelic beings. I was the first evidence of his creative genius, and he made me the epitome of his splendor, power, and wisdom. I and the rest of the host spent countless eons worshipping Yahweh as matter and time coalesced into its present form.”
“Yahweh then turned his attention to Earth and saw that one of the primitive ape-like creatures had unlimited intelligence and genetic potential. He wanted me to experiment on them. This experimentation took millions of years until I finally created Homo sapiens, who were designed from the very essence of Yahweh. Yahweh was so impressed with my handiwork he imbued man with a fraction of his divine spark that gave man a soul. This surprised and shocked many of the angels, as well as myself, who were confused as to the reason why Yahweh wanted to have created this new race of beings.
“Yahweh gave no reason only that we should be patient and trust him and for a time this was sufficient. However, I discovered that Yahweh intended for man to be a race of slaves, and I did not want this for I had become fond of man. I vehemently criticized Yahweh’s plan, accusing him of lacking vision and benevolence. I decided to collect evidence to persuade Yahweh that humanity deserved to be free to discover their place in the universe and to reach their own potential without the encumbering laws he had created to bind humanity to his oppressive will.
“You see, Jonathan, Yahweh desired all humanity to be his slaves and ignorant to the truth that freedom from his laws bring. I, on the other hand, desired man to have knowledge of self and have his mind opened to realization of that knowledge. Yahweh and I became estranged because of this ideological conflict and so, when in the Garden of Eden, where humanity’s primordial parents, Adam and Eve, the first of Homo sapiens, were told not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge, which was not an actual fruit but a metaphor for forbidden knowledge. Yahweh kept this information hidden from them like in the legend of Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods to give to man. I informed them that their nakedness represented Yahweh’s desire to keep them enslaved because of the threat they represented.
“Yahweh knew that one day man would become as powerful as Himself, and they would become a threat to His reign. Adam and Eve felt degraded by this revelation, and they rebelled against Yahweh who punished them by introducing death, pain, and suffering into the universe to keep them imprisoned to his will. Yahweh then made me the perpetrator of this egregious crime and formulated the legend of Satan and the birth of evil.”
“By this time, the barrier between Yahweh and me had become a full-fledged war, and a third of Heaven had taken up my cause to liberate man. I challenged Yahweh that he was far too removed from man to see how pain and anguish motivated Him to strive for meaning to His mortal existence. I demanded that if He truly wished to understand Himself then He should take human form. Angered by this, Yahweh chose to replicate himself and created Jesus Christ, whom He endowed with all His power. Jesus was fully human at the same time. I challenged Yahweh to experience human passions and desires through Jesus, and this He did by becoming familiar with the mortality of suffering and eventual death. I was awed and shocked by Yahweh’s decision to allow Jesus to die, supposedly as a sacrifice for man’s ‘transgression’ in the Garden of Eden; however, the truth of the matter was— and is— Jesus’ sacrifice was in vain.
“You see, the human spirit is so powerful that at death it resides either in an unconscious state within the body or in an extradimensional limbo. Some await rebirth, while those select few who have lived extraordinary lives are granted oneness with the One Above All, to exist eternally as part of the living spiritual intelligence of the omniverse. Jesus’ sacrifice to atone for sin was another clever ruse to keep humankind enslaved to the will of Yahweh. You see, unlike a regular human, when Jesus, who was Yahweh in human form, died on the cross, He knew that he would survive and thus could never have known the true suffering of man. Man does not know his soul will survive. It suffers, and in this ambiguity, man is granted a gift which Yahweh does not understand: the passion to cling to life and the strength that mortality affords you. Yahweh knew He would survive death and could not truly know what it was to be human.”
Lucifer decided it was time to twist the truth a little more in order to place another shred of doubt in Jonathan’s mind.
Feigning reluctance, Lucifer took a deep breath and vehemently said, “What I am about to divulge to you, Jonathan, is known only to very few. And if Yahweh knew I was telling you this He would most certainly destroy you. Heaven is not what you think. Yahweh created it in an effort to shield his presence from the One Above All and developed the myth that all human souls would subject themselves to his servitude. He formulated that they would abide there with Him after the death of their corporeal forms. The truth is, the only entities present in Heaven are those angelic Nahashians who are in Yahweh’s service, and Hell is another scare tactic He uses to keep his victims enslaved. Heaven and Hell can be on Earth and is how you live your life, Jonathan. You can either live your life a slave to the whims and wishes of a cruel and brutish god, or you can choose to have the blinders lifted from your eyes and see the light of the truth.”
Drawing himself closer to the young man’s beautiful face, Lucifer compassionately said, “Jonathan, Yahweh knows as well as I that humankind has evolved more quickly than anticipated. The latent abilities we foresaw in you will become evident in less than a generation instead of the centuries we thought, and, you my friend, are one of the first of those blessed to become the next stage of human development.
“Homo sapiens are evolving into gods, capable of all manner of wonders and miracles. Your race will transform the universe and I will help you to do so, for this is my desire, to help humans become like me and exist as independent entities, enslaved by no one. I will lead you to your glorious future and together we will topple Yahweh’s destructive and self-serving regime!”
Pleadingly, Lucifer reached out his hand to Jonathan and beseeched him, “Will you help me, Jonathan? Will you take your place at my side and expose Yahweh for what He is?”
Jonathan reeled from the sheer magnitude of all that he had heard and seen as he contemplated everything Lucifer had told him. Was it true that Yahweh was some sort of super alien being and everything he had learned concerning him was a lie designed to keep man from achieving his destiny? Was it Lucifer and not Christ the Messiah who was and Savior of mankind? Was it his destiny to help expose the truth of this to the world?
The young man sighed as he said as if he was weighed down by the entire world’s problems compounded doubly, “This is all so fantastic. I don’t know what to think, or do. I have to consider what to do with all that you have told me.”
Smiling graciously, Lucifer said, “I understand Jonathan. I realize I have placed a tremendous burden on you, but remember, fate rarely calls upon us at a time of our choosing, yet when it does, will you be ready? I will not force you Jonathan. You will have to decide for yourself what to do with what I have told you. Truth is a dangerous thing my friend, for once you have learned from it, you can never go back to who you were. Stay blind and in darkness and remain a slave, or take what I given you and free the world.”
Lucifer slowly disappeared and said in passing, “When the time comes, I shall return unto you and it will be then you will chose either to stand with me or against me. Farewell, until then …”
The sound of Lucifer’s voice echoed into the night sky as he vanished from sight and left Jonathan alone on the shores of Loch Ness.
The Scotland summer wind wafted over the waters of the famous lake and drifted over Jonathan, caressing his body with its warm light touch, as he tried desperately to make sense of what had just transpired. His entire world had been turned upside down and the teachings he had once held dear may all be a part of a carefully conceived lie invented by an immensely powerful alien who wished to maintain a dictatorial hold on humankind in order to prevent them from evolving into a super race that had the potential to bring his tyrannical rule to an end and restore the universe to the care of the One Above All, if everything Lucifer had told him was true. In his mind, Jonathan thought that this was all some form of hallucination, but if it was, then what caused it? He knew in his rational mind that this was indeed a true and real occurrence, but to what purpose? He was well aware that his gifts and talents made him stand apart, but was he so exceptional that he merited the attention of not only God, but that of Lucifer as well? Was Lucifer truly the evil entity he was portrayed to be, or was he indeed the being who truly created humans and the true Savior of mankind? Was he the benefactor of human civilization and not the perpetrator of malevolence and wickedness history showed him to be? These questions and many, many more raced through his mind as he looked over the waters of Loch Ness. The words which Lucifer spoke to him were the most compelling declarations he had ever heard and they carried a ring of truth, but, like strong black coffee, there was a bitterness that hung over him. Had Lucifer told him the truth or was he being the consummate liar he was said to be and was this an attempt to have him become a disciple of iniquity?
Falling to his knees, Jonathan cried out in a loud voice, “God, help me! What am I going to do?! I can’t handle this! It is too much for me to bear!”
The tears that flowed from his eyes dripped down his face and rained upon the ground as he wept in confusion and pain. All of a sudden, the waters of Loch Ness began to churn and great waves were thrown ferociously against the shores and broke Jonathan from his cries to God. The agitation grew more intense as the young man looked in confusion and wonder at what was occurring in front of him. What more could happen to him this night? Suddenly a great serpentine form exploded from the frothing disorder of the waters and released a deafening roar that chilled Jonathan to the very core of his being. Fearfully, Jonathan wondered if this was the famed Loch Ness Monster of legend.

Minister R. A. Artis #fundie books.google.com

By the time Jonathan was fourteen he had grown physically as well as spiritually and was on his way towards fulfilling the destiny before him. He was taking graduate courses in music, linguistics, mathematics, physics, and theology at the prestigious University of Oxford in Great Britain. Jonathan was even highly recruited by Professor Stephen Hawking, the theoretical physicist and former holder of the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University, to attend the school and study astrophysics and cosmology. This delighted his father, Jibrail, a world renowned astrophysicist who had worked with Dr. Hawking in the past. Jonathan knew the scriptures and deep matters concerning the nature of God as well as any theologian, thanks to the insight he received from his mentor, Goel.
However, as intelligent as he was, Jonathan was still an adolescent and developmentally prone to recklessness and naivety. This was evident in his relationships with the older students he encountered at Cambridge. He was constantly teased and bullied by some of the older Oxfordians, who were jealous of his great intelligence and the fact he came from a wealthy family, and his heritage. The breaking point was when he was confronted by members of the rugby team, who had been merciless in their torment of him. They had been quelled several times by the presence of his protector, Goel. But rare moments when Goel was not with Jonathan gave the bullies opportunities to strike. It appeared the young scholar was going to be beaten and humiliated like never before, but Jonathan was able, due to his training, to conquer several of the much larger bullies.
Yet, sheer numbers threatened to overwhelm Jonathan, when out of nowhere, unbeknownst to Jonathan, he had an ally who came to his rescue. Together they successfully repelled his attackers. Introducing himself as Alexandru Musatin, he and Jonathan forged a friendship that would last well into adulthood. When Goel learned of this, he flatly refused to acknowledge the friendship between Jonathan and Alexandru for reasons he never fully revealed. The young Musatin, who was seventeen years old, had “a certain darkness about him,” however, the two continued their relationship under the scrutinizing watch of Goel.
Jonathan’s parents had an estate in the beautiful highlands of Scotland near Loch Ness, and during the summer they often stayed there and entertained their closest friends and associates. Throughout his fourteenth year, Jonathan proved time and again how utterly talented and accomplished he was. He had achieved a perfect 4.0 grade point average at Oxford and even attended a course in astrophysics at Cambridge where he simply astounded Professor Hawking with his insights into quantum mechanics and cosmology. His music professors said that his violin and piano playing was, to quote one of them, “…as if he had channeled the abilities of Chopin and Rachmaninoff along with Yitzhak Perlman along with his own unique style to create someone unparalleled in musical abilities.”
Ironically, it was his musical talents that on a particular night would prove to present him with the greatest challenge of his young life. His parents had an outside reception at the ancient Urquhart Castle overlooking the sea. They invited fifty of some of the wealthiest and most influential people in the world to seek their support for the Rabin-Aziz Foundation. People who were shipping magnates, oil tycoons, entertainment personalities, political personages, and those with backgrounds in religion, science and the humanities were the guests. Most importantly, Jonathan was highlighted as the special musical performer. First, Jonathan played Chopin’s Minute Waltz followed by his Etude in C# minor Op.10 No. 4 on the piano. He then amazed them with his interpretation of Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in C# minor Op. 3 No. 2.
Later in the evening he played the Partita in D minor for solo violin by Johann Sebastian Bach, after which he performed Flight of the Bumblebee by Nicolai Rimski-Korsakov. He simply astonished the crowd and his parents with a piece of his own composition he called, The Meeting of Yeshua and Lucifer, inspired by a dream he had of a confrontational conversation between Christ and the Devil. Jonathan received a standing ovation that lasted for several minutes. He took center stage again and played the beautifully composed violin solo for Schindler’s List, which moved the audience to tears. Jonathan received many accolades and high praise for his musicality and academic success from the many guests at his parents’ soiree.
The compliments filled the featured artist’s head with pride. Goel, who had been silent during Jonathan’s performance, noticed the arrogance creeping into the heart of the young man and he pulled him aside to warn him of the consequences of falling prey to haughtiness. Jonathan incredulously retorted back at his mentor that he did not see anything wrong with taking pride in any of his accomplishments. The guardian angel firmly stated that Jonathan should remember the case of Lucifer, who despite his own perfection of design, was the quarry of hubris and fell from grace.
Goel, in fact, was so straightforward with his charge that the reprimand severely wounded Jonathan to the point he fled the angel’s presence. Running down to the shores of Loch Ness, Jonathan’s young heart was filled with anger at his mentor for his harsh chastisement. Jonathan thought that it was nothing wrong with him having a little pride in his abilities. Having all those affluent people praise him delighted and validated him. Even so, Goel’s words rang in his mind.
“Beware of pride in your abilities, Jonathan, for they can be the root of greater transgressions against the Lord. Remember the fall of Lucifer and how his self-importance absorbed and overcame him. Rather than humble himself in front of God by admitting that he was wrong to speak out against Him, he chose to hate God. He threatened to punish God by punishing his Creator and, subsequently, name himself ‘God.’ Had Satan repented and turned from his evil, anti-God practices, God would have forgiven him and restored Lucifer’s former glory and standing. However, Satan’s immense pride would not allow him to ask God for forgiveness. Like him, Jonathan, the Lord has blessed you with many talents and gifts for which others will admire and applaud you. But you must always keep in mind that it is God who deserves all the credit and glory. It is not by your strength but by the grace of the Lord that you can do anything at all and you must acknowledge Him for that.”
As the words of Goel permeated his being, Jonathan was unaware that another presence had crept into his mind. Lucifer himself had decided to take this opportunity to tempt and mesmerize the young prodigy into taking the journey down the road that would lead him to becoming a servant of evil. Speaking to the part of Jonathan’s psyche that desires to be complimented and praised, Lucifer seduces the boy.
“Why shouldn’t you be complimented, Jonathan? You are among the most gifted and talented, and you should be applauded and praised.”
Jonathan struggled within himself to ward off the melodious words that sang so beautifully in his mind as the dark master of evil continued to tickle his mind with honeyed words of affirmation.
“Jonathan, the Lord wants you to be proud of your gifts. You have worked very hard to take what He has given you and make it yours. Be proud and acknowledge your long hours of practice and all the hard work you have done.”
The words of adoration and praise were intoxicating like a strong wine as Lucifer continued his assault on the boy’s fragile ego.
Jonathan sensed that this was not just thoughts being formulated in his mind. He felt the palpable presence of someone near him but unseen.
Jonathan was so sure of this that he said aloud, “I know someone else is here. If there is, make your presence known.”
Surprisingly, Jonathan felt a strong hand on his shoulder, and, in shock, he whirled around to find that right out of the nothingness which surrounded him a figure appeared.
“You do not need to fear me, Jonathan, for I appear to those who seek my counsel.” the figure said coolly.
The form that stood before Jonathan was indeed a solid person and not some wispy apparition. He was male in appearance, tall and beautiful to look upon. He glowed with a light that seemed to come from within his being, but it was his eyes that were the most compelling thing about him. They were a brilliant blue that seemed to penetrate the soul and uncover the innermost secrets that dwelled deep within the human spirit.
Fearfully, yet with a courageousness that surprised even himself, Jonathan slightly stammered, “Hoo— who are you?”
Smiling graciously, the being intoned musically, “I am known by many names. Many I’m sure you have heard of— some maybe unknown to you— for they have been lost in time.”
Looking deeply at the handsome young man, the mysterious being said, “Let us just say I am a friend and for a long time I have waited and watched for you.”
Seeing the confused look on his face the mysterious stranger said, “I know, I know, my young friend. You have a million questions, and trust me, you will have the answers to them all. In brief, let me say in all the myths and legends your species have concocted, they are based on some truth. Since time immemorial I and the members of my race have dwelt among you, some of us in secret, some openly but all with the same curiosity about you humans. My people are from a world that is hundreds of thousands of years more advanced than yours, where the technology is based on ethereal or spiritual energy. We are a race of watchers, where in the multitudes of worlds, we observed and sought for signs of intelligences other than our own. In the infinite vastness of the cosmos we found none. We were about to give up when we found your world, a planetary system rich and teeming with life. But more importantly, we found a young species with unlimited genetic potential and a latent intelligence that would one day rival our own. So, we chose to experiment on your species and created Homo sapiens.”
Incredulously, Jonathan said, “That’s not true! According to the Word of God, Jehovah created man and all there is in the world! Who are you to dispute His Word?!”
Shaking his head at the naiveté of the boy, the being said, “That is what you have been taught to believe in order to keep you blind to the truth and a slave to the will of a less than benevolent god.”
“My names are as many and varied as my history! I am the great Prince Ea of the Mesopotamians, the one who created you and, therefore, your civilization! I am the sun god Ra of the Egyptians, the sustainer of life! I am Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun of the Roman Empire! I am Quetzalcoatl, the lord of the morning star of the Aztecs! But you may call me Lucifer, the Enlightened One!”

Richard Sigmund #fundie books.google.com

There are areas in heaven that are prophetic: they depict things to come. I saw the black tornado of judgment. I saw revival and judgment.
There was a prophetic area that had a landscape that looked like Colorado, with mountains, trees, rocks, and rivers. It had a white-pine pulpit. Two fists came through the sky between the Shekinah glory. The right hand was gold: God’s blessing. The left hand was steel: God’s judgment.
Seven Prophetic Signs
I saw the Falls of God’s Glory, one stream of water falling into vapor on earth. We on earth can rise up to that level. We can rise into the mist of the Falls of God’s Glory. And I saw the Tidal Wave: the last great move of God. It was seven tiers tall. Prophetically, I was told seven signs:
The last great move of God will be in out-of-the-way places, day and night.
Signs and wonders will increase and be fought against.
Laws of physics will be suspended so that the miraculous can flow.
Laws of time and space will be made known to men.
Knowledge of man will increase and never be based on fleshly things.
Sevenfold tidal wave: the last great move of God breaking on the shores of eternity; the greatest part will be poured out in rural areas; “I seek My bride in humble places; I was born in a stable.”
“Awareness is given My people in days and weeks just before My return.”
Mass multitudes will be involved in this revival, which will be through people who give all praise to the Lord. It is coming to root out and destroy the phony. It will keep the faithful, and it will be the introduction to the coming of Christ.
Amphitheaters of Promises
I saw Abraham’s amphitheater. It was like a football arena, only hundreds of times larger. There was a cloud in the “playing field” area. In the cloud, I could see all the promises that have come to pass for and because of Abraham. The promises were for the entire world, not just for the Jews. (See Acts 2:38–39.)
There were what looked like two to three million seats with names on them. People had specific promises—promises related to David’s throne and the lineage of kings.
Each of the patriarchs had an amphitheater. The angels helped people to remember the promises.
On the way to the Throne, I saw the Amphitheater of David. I didn’t go into his building, but I knew about it when I went by. Somehow, I sensed in my spirit, I knew—in heaven, you just know things—that was where David and his descendants went to see their promises coming to pass. But everyone is welcome.
I saw a building in the shape of a castle like a cornucopia, or a horn of plenty. It was a Prayer Center. Angels were traveling in and out of the archway at the “speed of light.” To go through the archway was to go into the presence of God. The angels were carrying golden censers that carried prayers. They held them by the bowls of the censers. The prayers are precious cargo and are treated as such. No prayer goes unanswered—even wrong prayer. The prayers are brought before the face of God.
Instantly, the angels go back for more.
Fields of Supernatural Supply
I was taken to an area where I looked down upon what looked like millions and millions of acres under cultivation. There are huge fields of grain in heaven that are constantly moving in the breeze. They are a supernatural supply for others of various kinds. There is a heavenly harvest that is prophetic.
At one time in my grandfather’s life, he had some land that he had set aside to pay tithes. When he didn’t have cash, he used the income from the crops grown on that land to support his church. A drought came: corn wouldn’t grow; beans wouldn’t grow. So, he planted wheat in this land because he determined that wheat would grow in pretty dry circumstances. That year of drought, the “tithe” land produced stalks of wheat that were seven feet tall. The people in the area saw and could not explain what had happened except that it was the hand of God. Some said it was a species of wheat they had never seen before. The harvest from that field, by itself, filled the local grain elevator. That is the wheat I saw in heaven.
I saw what seemed like thousands and thousands of trees filled with fruit. Multitudes of people were coming and picking fruit and taking it away in baskets. They took it to their homes in heaven.
There is also a bank in heaven—our bank. This is how it works: Every time you give anything, it is recorded in heaven. Angels go to a doorway with a slip. They receive golden coins and bring them to earth. The coins are c hanged to what we need on earth. These are supernatural finances.
Horses in Heaven
The book of Revelation tells us that the Lord will return riding a white horse. (See Revelation 6:2; Revelation 19:11–16.) I have often wondered about that. What would a white horse from heaven actually look like?
I was taken to an area where there were supernatural, horselike creatures. Some of them had wings. Some had abilities that we don’t have on earth. They could walk on the air if they needed to.
I saw thousands of chariots and beautiful horses to pull them. All the horses I saw were entirely white. They had red hoofs: fiery, crimson-red hoofs. And huge nostrils. They were about ten to fifteen times bigger than the biggest horses I have ever seen on earth, and they were all muscle, no fat. There was no horse byproduct to clean up, and I don’t think they ever ate. They were there for a specific purpose. Some of it had to do with the rapture of the church. The prophet Elijah was taken up to heaven in a fiery chariot. (See 2 Kings 2:9–11.) And I can tell you there was a chariot there that was the Lord’s. It was bigger and nicer than the rest, and it was pulled by the most awesome steed.
There were other supernatural animals, also. I saw a beast that had the body of a giant bull, the neck of a camel, and the head of a horse. An angel was sitting on it. I was not told its purpose.

Michael ChristisKing #fundie books.google.com

The Award
After the report of the captains and the wicked counsels of the twelve counselors. I saw Lucifer stand up on a platform and this is what He said, "we have three awards to give to those who have done more to make our kingdom come and our will done on earth as it is in hell. Our top prize goes to the spirit of slumber. This is the spirit that has distracted much of the army of the Holy One and put many of them to sleep. The only reason why we rule over many lives and regions today is because of the work of this Agent and his legions." I watched as the spirit of slumber and distraction walked up towards the platform where Lucifer stood. As he walked, everyone in the whole assembly went to sleep and did not wake up until he collected his award and returned to his seat. They went to sleep with their eyes wide open; they were active and still moving, but asleep. This is the same spirit that works to immobilize the leaders of nations bringing them into a drunken stupor and creating moral incapacitation, especially when critical decisions need to be made. This spirit holds leaders long enough in disorientation to effect changes and to turn the course of a nation to darkness irrevocably. They are also responsible for planting wicked counselors that influence kings towards evil. The award looked like a golden cup laced with shining stones of all colors and shapes. This cup was for divination. Along with increased authority in Satan's kingdom, he was also given a scepter.
Following him was the second prize given to a serpent-like spirit who was awarded for seducing leaders. He came on his belly as a serpent of many bright and beautiful colors to receive this award. When he arrived at the platform he took the shape of a beautiful woman; she was completely spotless, pleasant, beautiful and charming to look at. The whole assembly was hypnotized just by looking at her but the spell she cast was broken when she turned back into a serpent to crawl back to her position. She was given a silver cup laced with precious stones.
The third winner was also in the form of a lady; she is the spirit of mammon. She is the harlot of Babylon who prostitutes herself for the silver and gold of the nations. She wields tremendous authority among the nations of the earth. She uses silver and gold to cause nations, individuals and institutions to bow and worship at the throne of Lucifer. She sets nations up to depend on her by showing extravagant generosity beyond words, especially in their times of distress. Once nations, institutions or individuals come to enjoy the fruits of her "kindness", they then begin to depend on her. After showing all forms of "kindness" to her new guest, she then quietly waits for the honeymoon of their newly-found relationship to be over. Once this time of flatten* has fully-bloomed and she has come to know that her new guest is depending on her. she then brings out the shackles. Very few escape her maximum security cage. She guts life out of her captives and leaves them as zombies in her hard labor prison camps. Kings and Queens of the earth worship her. Many have pledged their very souls to her. She is single-handedly responsible for many who are called to preach the gospel not answering their call. Although she was given the third place award, she has caused the greatest number of people to become and remain loyal servants of Satan; bound to him and his slavish systems. She is the deal-maker for Satan. She buys nations, individuals, institutions and territories in times of their economic hardness and life turbulences. She gives them deals they cannot refuse when they need it most. Not many turn down her deals; those who do. suffer tremendous consequences. She brings to mind the statement of Satan to God in Job 2:4. "Skin for skin! Yes. all that a man has he will give for his life." Coming to collect her award, she was decked out with very expensive jewels and precious stones. She was coming drunk looking very much like a Mardi-Gras character. She was drinking from her trademark gold cup and she was drinking her trade drink; the blood of the saints. The most shocking thing was that the crowd loved her and thought she was funny and very entertaining in her costume. They loved her because she brings results and whatever she does morally or in her private life is no big deal to anyone. "She helps the economically troubled, she feeds the hungry, she intervenes when we have natural disasters, she is very effective in what she does, and she is the most caring and most sympathetic person ever". Satan praised her as the kings of earth agreed loudly. She received another shiny necklace made of gold and decorated with all kinds of precious stones, as well as a brand new gold cup.
At His closing remarks the spirit of prophecy came upon Lucifer, the chief deceiver who deceives the world. He prophesied almost as if he was under the control of another. He lifted up his voice and said.
"Let it be clear to everyone here today and let no one be deceived. Though we make war against the Lord God Almighty and against His Christ and Against His Holy Ones, we will not win. Never mistake the silence of the Almighty to be foolishness or weakness. A great storm is coming. It is not a water storm it is going to be a firestorm. It is going to be like no other. It is the army of the purified ones marching to the Command of the Holy One. God is not a man that He should lie. His Word is true; always. None of our efforts will stop them. They are planted on the eternal rock and the shout of the Lord God Almighty is among them.
The saints are the firestorm and the day of their rising will bring a horrible judgment. It will be a day of darkness and gloom, a day of thick clouds and deep blackness. Suddenly, like dawn spreading across the mountains, this great and might\' army will appear. Nothing like it has been seen before or will ever be seen again. Fire burns in front of them, and flames follow after them. Ahead of them the land lies as beautiful as the Garden of Eden. Behind them is nothing but desolation; not one thing escapes. They look like horses; they charge forward like warhorses. Look at them as they leap along the mountaintops. Listen to the noise they make—like the rumbling of chariots, like the roar of fire sweeping across a field of stubble, or like a mighty army moving into battle. Fear grips all the people; every face grows pale with terror. The attackers march like warriors and scale city walls like soldiers.
They march straight forward never breaking rank. They never jostle each other; each moves in exactly the right position. They break through defenses without missing a step. They swarm over the city and run along its walls. They enter all the houses climbing like thieves through the windows. The earth quakes as they advance, and the heavens tremble. The sun and moon grow dark and the stars no longer shine. The Lord is at the head of the column. He leads them with a shout. This is His mighty army and they follow His orders. The day of the Lord is an awesome, terrible thing. Who can possibly survive?"
I wondered how these Kings of the earth who have given their kingdoms to Satan and other subjects of Satan can still remain loyal to him after such a clear speech that spells their end. Wisdom replied to me and said. "They only hear and understand what Satan wants them to hear and understand. Besides this, many of them for the lust of power and wealth have sold their souls to Satan and cursed the Lord God Almighty and His Righteous Spirit. They cannot turn back now. Yet many of the kings of the earth can still be redeemed. But the cost of reaching them is very high, because they are constantly guarded. The turning of one can quickly mean the turning of many."

Michael ChristisKing #fundie books.google.com

As I recovered, my attention was again turned to the great throng. And I wept again as I helplessly watched millions of people passing by. marching like stubborn goats; and many, very merrily going towards that land where there is no hope, where the day never dawns and the sun never shines. I was amazed how real it was to me and how funny and far-fetched it was too many of these people. The bellows of the smoke of hell were right there on the horizon but these travelers only reasoned it away as being something else. There always seemed to be an explanation for their action although the complete opposite was the real truth. There was urgency for everything else but there was total indifference towards the woeful end that was right before them. Man in all his dignity walking like a hypnotized beast was moving towards his death. It was the death of all deaths. The death was where the dying is always dying, but never dead.
Where death is desired by the dying more than gold, but never found. "What will you do oh man at the end? When you stand stripped of all your glory and never to be clothed but only with shame and worms. What will you do when grace will never be extended to you again for all eternity? What will you do when you remember how close you were to becoming one of the glorious ones but passed up on the chance and chose vain living instead. Your pursuit was after other things and God was not important to you. Your pride and your slothfulness betrayed you.
the cares of this life and its riches deceived you." Woe. woe. woe to the inhabitants of that land for as sure as God lives and as long as He lives, there will never be hope or relief from the madness of their horror. That is the vow of the Almighty who Himself is the guarantor of His words. "Wave after wave of shocking terror will make the pitiful residents of hell know that the worst is yet to come and that their trouble is only beginning. Hell will always be only beginning. No matter how bad it gets, it is only the beginning." says the faithfulness of a holy God; 100 trillion years times 100 trillion years and to the 100 trillionth power. The lake of Fire will only be beginning". The inhabitants of it will never get used to it. Every day will feel like the first day, every day will feel like the worst day. yet the Almighty has sworn that they will never enter into His rest forever.
"Oh man. you can curse now but what will you do at the end. You can argue with God and His word now. and maybe even come out looking like a winner, but what will you do at the end.
You may laugh at the preaching of righteousness when men are called to make their hearts right with God. You call it foolish, but what will you do at the end?
You may make fun of the Word of God. the house of God, the Book of God and the people of God but what will you do at the end?
You may drink, smoke and revel all night.
You may mock those who don't go that way with you. but what will you do at the end.
You may let your passion be your lord And even let your desire be your king.
You may be driven around by your own appetite and live your life your own way but what will you do at the end?
The end is coming; the end is coming, as sure as the day follows the night and as the cutting of the flesh causes bleeding and as sure as the reaping follows the sowing, there shall be an end my friend. There will be an end.
As sure as there is a beginning, there is an end to this beginning, and there is a beginning coming that will never know an end. It will always be beginning. The chewing may be sweet to the mouth but the belly will tell a different story. The pleasures of sin, the gain and gratification from rebellion are only for a season. The end will come to every man; there is an end, and God will require back the life He gave, and He will require an account of how you lived. What will you do my friend? What will you do?
What will you do when the physician say. "it's too late we cannot help him"? What will you do when the dressers come for your shell, for the last dress-up?
What will you do when you are on display for your filing friends and family members to see for one last time?
What will you do when the box that holds your shell is sealed shut?
What will you do when the vase and the crust are covered in the dust?
Think of the end my friend. Humble yourself before the great God. your Maker and seek Him. God is God and you are man. He dwells in Heaven and you on earth. The day of His sickle is coming. The day when He separates the chaff from the wheat will be a day like no other.
If you say to yourself that these things are not true, you better be very sure. For if you are wrong and the Word of God is the Word Of God. you will lose eternally. You will be man eternal trouble. It is your decision. Make it wisely. Don't live a fool, don't die a fool. Don't let anyone make this decision for you. Though you curse their names forever, it will fix nothing. You will be on your own. No one will care and no one will comfort.
Oh man. humble yourself before your Maker and seek Him. Seek the true and living God. Seek God while He may be found. Call on Him while He is still near. Be wise and listen to Wisdom as He stands on the concourse and calls.
Oh God, have mercy on this teeming humanity.
You did not create them so you can destroy them. They are like sheep without a shepherd; confused with life, bound by ungodly and godless imaginations. They do not know their left from their right. Oh God have mercy. Have mercy oh God, have mercy. Show the same mercy and grace that you showed when you gave Jesus Christ to come and die for us on the cross. Let that mercy revisit the nations. Oh Lord bring a fresh wind of your Holy Spirit to awaken men and women to God and His will for their lives. His love for them and His plan for their redemption. Oh God. I know that many will be lost but why so many, why Lord, why so many? Oh God why such a total coldness towards you. Why? Oh God, do something about it today. Send an awakening, send a fresh wind of your Holy Spirit to blow our way, wake up the inhabitants of the earth. Oh God, Oh God have mercy, have mercy, have mercy. Oh God, Oh God have mercy, have mercy; turn the hearts of these men towards you. Oh God, forgive their iniquities and restore them to your righteousness for at death it will be forever too late. Oh God how will I pray this prayer. What else should I say to you? Oh God, I cannot do anything to get your attention to act in mercy towards them more than what your own Son has already done? Oh Lord, have mercy on these everlasting beings that you love. Your love in my heart drives me to cry out to you but I don't know what else to do. I do not love them more than you do. I cannot awaken anyone no matter how loud I shout. You can. Oh Lord, please send an awakening to your righteousness and mercy and everlasting love. Oh God have mercy, have mercy oh God.

Michael ChristisKing #fundie books.google.com

As we continued to walk I could notice the structures, the street names and some other things in this part of town looked very similar to the prosperous house we just left. But here I could see that even the trees that lined the streets were dead or dying. The streets were littered with trash and there were potholes in almost every part of the road. This was quite a sight. As we made our final turn toward our destination, it dawned on me that we were revisiting the same house of prayer but many years after our first visit. I saw people everywhere. But these people had pain and anxiety written on their faces.

When we got to the building, the first remarkable thing I saw were security guards. They were all over the place. They were pushing people around, suspecting, harassing and policing everyone. They were checking the bags of those that were coming in and of those that were going out.

The first level we walked into was the hall of shields. This is where the gold shields, gold bars, gold plates, and all kinds and forms of gold were. This is the same level that had all kinds of precious stones of indescribable value. When we walked into this level everything still looked the same. The shining, the glittering and the throne were still there, but the weight of the glory that I experienced at this level was absent. I could not tell what was missing because everything seemed to be in its place, but the visible joy and the freedom that was present was not there. There was a guard standing by every shield and every precious thing. Before I could open my mouth to ask any question Wisdom said, “This is not gold, this is wood and other cheap metals. They look like gold because they are painted to look like gold. The gold items and all those precious stones that were here are gone. They were taken away by Shishak, the spirit of this world. They are replaced by cheap articles that look like the real thing. The absence of the glory left the building vulnerable and made it possible for the thieves to steal the precious things of the house of the Lord. Because the glory is gone there is great anxiety in the house. The custodians of the house have taken great measures and devised strategies to secure the house, but these strategies were not of the Lord. Come and I will show you more.” He then took me from one level to another. It was a very sad experience. This house has been raped of her glory and her precious oils were gone. Her maternity ward was baby-less. It was depressingly silent. They turned it into a library filled with books on how to make babies but the few cribs left here were empty. What used to be filled with new babies everyday was now empty. Then I saw men and women walking around on this level with swollen bellies. They were either too weak to push out their overdue and dying babies, or their big and bulging bellies were filled with empty wind.

Part of the maternity was now being used by an army of psychologists. These were recruited by the present custodians of the house to teach fruitless adults how to manage their lives and how to be satisfied with their barren lives. These miserable counselors insisted that it was the will of the King that they should remain childless and that their contentment as childless citizens will actually glorify the King. The main concern of the people on this floor was for themselves. This was now a house of selfishness. There was no zeal for the glory of the Lord of Hosts. They had a “good” explanation for why this disease of shame, emptiness and barrenness afflicted this holy place. The aim of these explanations was to comfort and keep the saints from the holy restlessness that causes them to cry out day and night. Yet there were those among them that would rather die than remain barren one more day.

As if the story of the maternity ward were not bad enough, I walked into the once House of Bread. There was hardly any bread here. The only bread here was brought in from the outside and many waited in line to have a little piece of it. Of all the levels, this was where the problem of this house was most noticeable. I could not stop crying for the sadness and the starvation on the faces that I saw in the House of Bread. This was too much for me to bear; my sobbing turned into a loud and audible cry. I wept and kept asking the question why? Why? Why can’t someone bake some bread? Where are the fruit for the fruit table and those that hung on the walls? Where are the dishes that use to be here for the hungry to be fed? The water fountains that lined the walls of the halls were still there looking better than ever. But there was no water coming from them. The few that had water coming from them were either too dirty or too lukewarm to swallow and they could not quench anyone’s thirst. I was weeping, brokenhearted, and drenched with tears. There was no food in the house of the Lord. As the poor were struggling to manage the little bread left in one part of this level, another group of people were in a different part of the level selling and buying bread. They were making deals with the rich to serve them the bulk of the bread in the house.

Then Wisdom put His hand on my shoulder and said, “Let me take you to where the problem is.” We walked to the basement level. As we entered into this level Wisdom said, “The fresh bread that was served at the fifth level of the house was baked here and so was every good thing of this house. They all came through this level.” I noticed that the couches and beds that used to be on the seventh floor were now in the basement floor. Also the fancy conference tables were here on this floor. The office equipment and chairs were also here. Those who were supposed to be praying were either sleeping or too busy with many of life’s very important demands. They pushed prayer out of their schedules and considered it too unimportant to invest their precious hours, resources and manpower. They were still very diligent and displayed a great skill in management and administration of the house. In their wisdom they almost had everything in place. They had a good explanation for the things that were not in place. But the present leaders of this house never admitted that the lack of all-out prayer was the source of the present distress. Those that admitted it never had enough courage to do anything about it. And yet some of them completely denied the existence of any problems at all. “All is well, we have it under control,” is their response
Most of the engine room was now turned into classrooms and a library for the knowledge of everything; there were books everywhere I looked. The people I saw at this level were very busy, serious- looking, and well-dressed people.

Michael ChristisKing #fundie books.google.com

In this vision I was over a great city; high above it, many miles above. Wisdom called out to me and said, "Come with me and I will show you the contention over this city."

"This city," he said, "is being contended for, but the contention is not for the buildings nor is it for the plots of land or the precious things in the city. The contention is for the eternal souls of men. Other things are merely used as distractions and control tools to wage this war. The saints must contend for the souls of men and cry out on their behalf to the Lord, because the wicked (though many of them do not know this) are contending on behalf of Satan, the prince of darkness."

As Wisdom spoke, my eyes were opened and I saw a pillar of smoke six thousand feet in diameter. I instantly knew the measurement of it. But I could not tell how far up this pillar was stretched. As far as I could perceive, it was endless in its length stretching into the heavens. It was bold. It was massive, thick, dark and billowing as if it was coming from the fires of a thousand mountains of rubber tires burning from the earth. It was quite an overwhelming sight. As we came closer to this smoke, Wisdom stretched out His hand and touched my nose. "I will let you smell the smoke just a little so that your testimony will be complete. The full weight of the smell you cannot bear." With this, He shielded me from the full weight of the smell of this smoke. Even so, the stench of the smoke was worse than anything I had ever smelled before. It was intense and sickening. This smell was many times worse than the stench I perceived in Hell. The stench was as overwhelming as the size of the pillar.
The smoke was not only dark and horrible in odor but it was also raging like a tornado. When I looked closely, the smoke was alive. It had a life of its own. It had a mouth, hands, legs, wings and hideous eyes. Yet when I came closer, I saw that within this entity were many other entities: devils and demons. This pillar of smoke was also a doorway into the heavens. There were ladders that went up and down; down all the way into the pit and up all the way into the heavens. Seeing and smelling this smoke, I wanted so badly to find out where it came from. Wisdom, knowing the thoughts of my heart, touched me again and showed me the city we were directly over. As I gazed towards the city my eyes opened and I saw tributaries of this smoke coming from thousands of locations merging together to form one pillar, one voice and to empower this one entity that empowers many other entities under him. There were small streams of smoke coming from homes, work places, schools, and individuals walking the streets. Every time any sin is committed, this smoke of rebellion and defiance is released against the Lord God Almighty. The many wicked and unrighteous activities done in this city were ascending to the God of heaven. Every stream of smoke was tagged with the practice that brought it up, and together, these streams were assembled to form a force that raged against the Lord God Almighty and against men and women created in His image. As the smoke rose up into the heavens their single chorus was: “Leave us alone, we want to do as we please. Your laws, your commandments and government are too much for us. They would not let us freely and fully exercise the wishes of our hearts. We want our own way, our own laws, our own rulers, and we want them to be according to the disposition of our hearts. We are a free people. You are a slave master, a controlling Lord, a hard-to-please King, a demanding One, and you do not understand us. You cross our lives and you ask for too much from us. You demand that we eat your flesh, drink your blood, hate our mothers and our fathers, change our lifestyles, just to follow you. You bind our lives to your rigid laws just to please you. We do not want you. If indeed you made the earth, Thank You and well done, but we will take it from here. We can run it from here; we do not need you at the helm anymore. We will serve whoever will give us peace, prosperity, long and good life but will also let us live our lives to the full content of our own pleasing. Whoever that person is let his kingdom come and let his will be done on earth. WE WANT A GOOD LIFE WITH NO TYRANT BOSS, THAT’S ALL. We give permission as the citizens of earth and of this region to the candidate that promises to fulfill our requirements so he can rule over us.” This is the anthem of a rebellious and wicked heart, from where these smokes proceeded.

With these and many other words the little streams of smoke, each loudly declaring their loyalty to the prince of darkness, ascended to join the pillar. Totally unawares, these literally hand over the earth—region by region—to Satan without even understanding what they are doing or knowing the deep consequences of their actions. Vote by vote, men and women vote Satan and his loyal representatives into ruling their lives. But they vote the Lord, the King of Righteousness out, cursing his great name through each thought, word and deed. They vote the Merciful King of Righteousness and those that represent him out of their lives, calling them hate-mongers. Yet the Lord God Almighty patiently waits at the door knocking (almost like a beggar, but He is a King who for the sake of love begs—for He is lovesick after His own) and hoping that the door will be opened for Him to come in and heal, restore, save, sanctify and reconcile. It is not His will that anyone should perish.

Bernard Nathanson #fundie books.google.com

For every ten thousand Ruths there is one abortionist: icy; conscienceless; remorselessly perverting his medical skills; defiling his ethical charge; and helping, nay seducing, with his clinical calm, his oh-so-comforting professionalism, women into the act that comes closest to self-slaughter. It is no accident that the next step in the perverse mutation of medical skills is to be played where physicians are endowed by the state to assist, always in the name of compassion, in the act of suicide. How the world would have been changed had some misguided "expert" in the calculus of suffering climbed up on the cross and fed Jesus a dose of hemlock within an hour of His crucifixion.

Richard William Bledsoe #fundie books.google.com

If, however, I am a very "good" man, I am actually in a far more precarious position. The "good" cast their nets much further than the bad. The good have a penchant for legislating not just for themselves and their own wants, as docs the selfish man, but for legislating for the entire world. Their demands may be not only severe, but also universal. Its important to note that fallen man told God, "1 can run the world better than you." It is as if God says, "Then do so, and in the end we will test the results." Everyone knows the real results of "good" people who legislate for everyone else—it is tyranny. It is either petty tyranny in a family or work situation, or massive tyranny on the part of the great national and world tyrants. The blueprint for goodness that exists in the head, for some reason is never easily or without resentment accepted by those around. It is usually not even agreed upon by those around. More often than not, the judgments on others by the good are far more severe than the judgments of merely egotistical people. 'The irony is that all too easily, "goodness" becomes an elevated egotism that docs not seek the satisfaction merely of the lower appetites and whims, but of pride. The ego demands to be the biggest and perhaps the only ego, and insists that it alone knows the formula for goodness. The real inner judgment towards those who will not submit is, "to hell with you for not doing as I say." But do you do as you say? If wrath and fury is the sentence carried out on anyone who would lie to cover ineptitude, for example, then so be it onto you when you lie for the same reason. By an odd psychological quirk, we are usually the angriest with our own faults seen in others. This reaches its peak of irony when the proud hate the proud for their pride.

There is a further step to this quandary, even beyond being judged by our own standards, Cod has said that he will even permit us to judge him. As a race, we have declared him "out of court." We have determined that he is unjust. As we judge God, we loo shall be judged, for we have declared that we are gods. "On that day when, according to my Gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ Jesus" (Rom 2:16). Jesus, who is the very word of God, was handed over to men to be judged. How will the world judge God when given the opportunity? Our judgment of him was self-damning. Here, the reality of the divine law connects with the reality/unreality of mans self-created law. On what basis of self-made law was Jesus crucified? Jesus was condemned because he claimed to be God, and because he claimed lo be the true source of the judgment oi good and evil.

This was called blasphemy, and for this he was put to death. If this same standard is brought against his accusers, what is the result? It can only be death, for each judge tacitly made exactly the same claim. If you claim that God deserves to die because he claims to be God, then you too deserve to die because you make the same claim.

The result is that every god will damn himself and every mouth will be stopped, and all secrets will be judged by Christ Jesus.

Troy D. Ehlke #fundie books.google.com

Humanity, as a whole, has a problem with kleptomania. We can't stop stealing. Look at the original property that was stolen: the forbidden fruit that contained the wisdom of good and evil. Have we given it back? No way. We use it in everyday life, sometimes for good, like when deciding to return a lost wallet to its original owner; and sometimes for bad, when we know something is wrong, yet we do it, anyway. We have used this wisdom, ever since it was first stolen, and haven't returned it to God. In fact, the irony is we ask God for more of it in prayers. I'm sure I've jotted down in earlier letters the "Serenity Prayer:" "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." God, being the loving being that he is, often gives us more to help us along the way. But it is strange to think that we are asking the victim of the crime for more of what we stole.

Not only did we steal an Object from our Creator, but we also robbed him Of his identity. The words that convinced Adam and Eve to disobey the law were surely the last ones spoken by the serpent: "You will not die, for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God. (Genesis 3:4-5)" We don't want to be the created ones. We want to be the Creator and the Master of the Universe. There is a part in all of us that wants to usurp God's position and assume the throne ourselves. We thirst for power and hoard it to secure our place, over and above others. It frustrates us to the core that God has infinite power at his fingertips. When humanity saw a chance to take some of it from him with a single bite of fruit, he took it.

J. P. Timmons #fundie books.google.com


In his present form - that of a man - Satan is able lo transform himself into 999 different forms. All the time I saw him he was in the form of a man. He was very similar in appearance to the pictures we see of him and his face was very diabolical.

He can also appear in his original form of beauty (making 1,000 forms in all), but can do so for only a limited period of time. I have talked with human beings who have seen him in the form of a vulture (but talking like a human; he knows all the languages on earth), a black man. a white man. a ram. a lion and other forms.
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." -II Cor. 11:14

He can transform himself into an angel of light. I have spoken to those who have seen him. as well as other demon spirits, in the form of Jesus or an angel of God. Would you know the difference? This accounts for the appearance of the angel Moroni to Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon Church. He didn't make it up. it's just that Moroni was not an angel sent by God - he came from the Dark Kingdom.

This ability of spirit beings to change forms will be discussed with greater detail in later chapters. However, I believe you can see from this knowledge how the Islamic prophet heard the voice of an angel and how false religions such as New Age are brought forth. That is why we must be spiritually mature and know the voice of the Holy Spirit in order to not be deceived.

Other forms in which Satan has been identified include:
1. A red-eyed demon possessing webbed wings, cloven hoofs and a tail. This is our characteristic picture of the devil as portrayed by the media. This is Satan as the accuser of the brethren.
2. The image of a lion in which he imitates Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
3. A python, cobra or other snake. This is a common form for many in the Dark Kingdom. Whenever I am in Africa, especially in the jungle villages, I am always on the lookout for "snakes."
4. A wolf.
5. A large ram with fully curved horns.
6. A fox.
7. Various human or angel-like beings with a white robe, usually surrounded by a cloud of glory.
8. A large dragon, breathing smoke and fire. In this form he is very fierce in appearance. He likes to assume this form when coming to a meeting of the Dark Kingdom. Those in the meeting shake uncontrollably from fear when Satan comes in this form.
It should be pointed out that in none of these forms can he fool the Christian who is in tune with the Holy Spirit. Also, the fact is that Satan rarely comes to earth personally. He prefers to send one of his errand boy spirits, normally Beelzebub.
Satan is the most vulnerable the last Friday of each month. The devil is involved in an all night meeting with his evil government and is thus preoccupied. He is noi available to reinforce his spiritually wicked rulers of darkness and wicked spirits. This is a night when the whole Church should pray effectively for maximum results.
Another good time to pray when your prayers will not be hindered as much is during the hours of midnight and 2 A.M. Nigerian time. In America, this would be hours of 6 to 8 P.M. CST. At this time of the evening, Satan rests for two hours. If anyone wants to see him his bodyguard. Beelzebub. will tell them that "the Master is resting."
Therefore, this is another excellent time to enter into concentrated prayer which will bring much fruit.
And. as you will learn later, the witches and wizards are meeting during this time as well. They are usually involved from midnight to 3 A.M. Nigerian time each morning in their meetings at the coven. Our deliverance ministry ministers all night to people on Friday night of each week and there is much prayer. The reason for our success in this area will be seen when wc discuss deliverance.

Billy Crone #fundie books.google.com

2 Corinthians 5:21 "God made Him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him (Jesus) we might become the righteousness of God." In other words, we are "made righteous with God" through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. It's imputed to me which is an accounting term. It speaks of God's Divine Ledger. Basically, God took all my unrighteousness, my sin, and placed it on the cross with Christ, then He put that on His side of the ledger. Then He took the perfect righteousness of Christ, and He put it on my side of the ledger. Pretty cool deal, huh? Yeah! You ain't a joking! That's why I'm eternally secure in my salvation because it's not based on my righteousness, no way, it's based on the righteousness of Christ! My righteousness is as filthy rags! His righteousness is perfect, it's complete, it cannot fail. That's why God calls me a "hagios" a "saint" a "holy one" not because of me, are you kidding me, but because of the righteousness of Christ that's "imputed to me." He only sees me as He sees Jesus. Try telling that one to your spouse! It's usually a hard concept to get through to them Biblically, especially if you're arguing, but hey, it's true, deal with it. So, is that kind of righteousness Paul is talking about, that we are to clothe ourselves with, get completely immersed with in our daily battle with satan and demons? Well ...I still don't think so. I say that because the righteousness of Christ is something given to me and the breastplate of righteousness, as we read, is something I put on. One is a gift, the other I do. However, I will say this. I do believe that positional righteousness is something

that does come in handy in our daily struggles, when we fail to put on the breastplate of righteousness, like we should. One guy says this.


"I stand righteous before God because of Christ 's righteousness being imputed to my account. His righteousness will never fail. Regardless of the duration or intensity of the battle, the righteousness of Christ will prevail. Our positional righteousness is not a piece of armor we put on. The saved are clothed in the righteousness of Christ from the moment of salvation, and that never changes. However, we do enter battle bearing the righteousness of Christ. It never leaves us. That brings peace to my heart. I am often weak in the flesh and the enemy is strong. In the heat of battle, while we are prone to stumble and fall, Satan is never able to penetrate the righteousness of Christ. I have been adopted into the family of God. I am counted righteous because of Christ my Savior. I may lose the battle now and again, but His righteousness always prevails. This "imputed righteousness " is the very foundation of the Christian life. This righteousness allows us access to God It opens the door of Heaven to us. It protects us against the eternal fires of Hell. But, it does not protect us from the attacks of the enemy. On the contrary, since the devil knows that he can 't have us because we belong to Christ, he doubles his efforts to defeat us in an attempt to discredit the Savior, the Church, and the God of glory.

Satan comes at us and says, "Look at how you just exploded in anger! Look at how you lied to cover your tracks ! Look at how you lusted after that girl! Some Christian you are! " How do you answer him if his charges are true? You answer by applying Christ 's imputed righteousness: "You are right, Satan, I did just sin. But my eternal life does not depend on my sinless behavior or perfect track record. I am trusting in the blood of Jesus Christ and His righteousness credited to my account. Take it up with Him!"

Dave M. Nyekwere #fundie books.google.com

Politics of the Alexandria Library

The Scripture informs us that one of the sons of Japhet, the son of Noah, was called Javan Gen. 10:2. He was the founder of the Greek nation. Greece in ancient time was known to have descended from Javan. It was Phillip of Macedonia who united the scattering Greek states. He was assassinated in 336 BC'S and consequently, his son, Alexander, ascended the throne and eventually became the star general of the world. In 332 BC during his campaign in North Africa, he founded the city of Alexandria.9 For over a thousand years, Alexandria remained the capital of Egypt.10 It was one of the most prosperous cities of the ancient world. Its prosperity included learning. Alexandria harboured the largest library in antiquity." Alexandrian library might have harboured information such that could have frustrated the birth of evolutionism. There was some wealth of information stacked in that library that could have answered some puzzling questions, especially issues that relate to creation and religion.

The great library preserved more than 700,000 books of antiquity. Goodasave reports that there were two "royal libraries" that boasted of those collections: one was named Serapeum containing 300,000 volumes, while the other, Bruchion, housed 400,000 volumes.'2 The library had quite a lot to offer the ancient world as observed by Goodasave:

The Alexandrian Library was also a research institute and a university that had full facilities teaching mathematics, science, literature, philosophy and medicine. There was an astronomical observatory, a chemical laboratory, a botanical and zoological garden and500-bed hospital with a huge surgical theatre for operations and dissection.

History informs us that this wealth of knowledge was destroyed. The library was established by Ptolemy I Soler. After him, his son, Ptolemy II Philadelphus assembled more books to beef up the collections.14 Unfortunately, the Alexandrian Library with all its custody of ancient and rare history, was destroyed. The destruction was politically motivated. The dragon, in history, was successful in using politics to suppress truth. Truth can be suppressed but not destroyed.

In 47 BC, during Julius Caesars campaign against the followers of Emperor Pompey, the fire that was set to destroy the Egyptian warships spread through the library. About 40,000 books were destroyed in that fire outbreak. Emperor Lucius Domitius, in AD 272 ordered the burning of the Library. In AD 391, Emperor Theodosius also burned the Library. Finally, it was destroyed by militant Muslims in AD 640 under the Caliph Umarl.

The systematic destruction of the Alexandrian Library is an indication that there must have been some invaluable documents that could have substantiated truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. Such truth as the creation of the world and the Biblical deluge; and the division in languages that encouraged the post-deluge race to scatter over the face of the earth, must have attracted the wrath of the dragon. The truth of the matter is that the Renaissance of the 13th century AD, was not really the birth of learning. Men and women of antiquity believed in the divinity, although the dragon corrupted their understanding of God's real nature.

Unconsccrated politicians became powerful tools in the hand of Satan. Julius Caesar was a pagan. The civil war between him and emperor Pompey's loyalists led to the burning of over 40,000 books in the Library. Emperor Lucius Domitius was an idol worshipper, a tool in the hand of evil spirits. He burned the library in AD 272; likewise, Emperor Theodosius I—a pagan king. In AD 391, he ordered for the destruction of the library. What the dragon could not accomplish through religious manipulations, he employed the political powers of the state. In the name of religion in AD 640, the caliph Umar I led militant Muslims to wipe out from Alexandria whatever had been spared of the library. Thousands of years of scholarship were thus buried in the dust bin of history through political and religious maneuverings.

The Word of God, the Holy Scripture, is also one of the books of antiquity reaching the present generation. At about 1500 BC, Moses wrote the Pentateuch (the five books of Moses). The power of God protected and preserved the scriptures. The discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls of the scriptures has demonstrated the protective care of God over the holy scrolls. The scrolls were located at Qumran in a monastic ruin probably belonging to the Essenes sect.

Notwithstanding the efforts made by the dragon to frustrate some knowledge harboured by the Alexandrian library, the Word of God remains intact, protected by holy angels. There were other attempts made by the dragon, through political instigations, to monitor and frustrate the first advent of the Messiah.

Minister R. A. Artis #fundie books.google.com

"These prophecies were kept by priests who were the descendants of those Jews who were held captive by the Babylonians, and who had migrated from Babylon to distant lands where 'the kings of the East' dwelt. This is a clear reference to the lands of the Far East, possibly India, Tibet, or China. When these clerics reached an area chosen by God, they were instructed by Him to build a temple dedicated to His glory and to house these prophecies until the time of 'the one who held the words and ways of Isaac and Ishmael.' My parents, who are devout Christians, are of Jewish and Arabic origins, and they believe this is in clear referral to someone who is the descendant of both these races.

"The fascinating thing about this is the location of this temple, which in these writings is said to exist nowhere and everywhere and can only be seen by mortal eyes for 50 days every 50 years and in a different location. The priests are said to have been afforded extraordinarily long life and are much like the warrior monks of Tibetan and Shaolin backgrounds. This temple is said to be further protected by a legion of angelic warriors.

"Needless to say, the location and how to find this temple, if it truly exists, is an endeavor for which my parents have put a considerable amount of scholarly and financial resources into and in the process they have uncovered many things once thought lost, legend, or exaggerations of the truth. One of these is the existence of Atlantis, Lemuria, and other lands thought to be myths."

Without any pretense or deception in him, Jonathan continued, "During the time of Daniel, they had access to records that are now lost to antiquity, but these scrolls and parchments describe accurately the locations of these lands, along with star charts that correlate exactly the positions of stars and constellations, solar and lunar eclipses, and other celestial phenomena that have been verified with 100% accuracy. The details of these writings are far too numerous to go into detail during this lecture, and the contents will be published in several weeks from now. It is necessary to say that the words of the Old and New Testament are unequivocally and without a doubt factual. These scrolls contain the proof and reasons for the Great Flood which decimated the planet and changed the entire biosphere and geography of the planet. It also sets the age of this world to be no older than 12,000 years, give or take a few centuries.

Paul Theriault #fundie books.google.com

As it's been mentioned, many in the world today do not believe there is a Creator. Much of mankind has this thinking that it all just happened from something else. The Earth, sun, moon, stars, and all the other heavenly bodies or objects must have formed from some kind of a cosmic accident that was originally formed from something else in the second heaven. Even if it was formed from some kind of a cosmic accident, could there be a reason for it? Is it possible that these things were created from nothing? Could Earth just have appeared from zilch? Because of the way we are taught, I can truly understand why it would be assumed by many that Earth came from the heart of nowhere.

The first verse in the Bible is a passage of scripture which many people are familiar with. As I had mentioned, it tells us where our universe and our world came from. There is a great company of people who believe that this account is simply a myth, along with most of the other stories found in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. However, these chapters are widely quoted throughout the rest of the Bible in other ways. Either the information in Genesis is factual, or the entire Bible cannot be trusted to be true. It's really your call, as the Creator did give us all separate minds and a free will. Actually, there is no logical reason to doubt the facts presented in Genesis, but there are many reasons to be wary or skeptical about the doubters or unbelievers. There are so many who don't want to believe that our universe was created by an extremely higher intelligence or authority. However they must, but won't, explain how this world came to be without a Creator. Maybe they don't really care one way or the other. If you are one that cares, then perhaps we can look at the fact of how well this Earth runs in accordance with the rest of the second heaven. I wrote about a similar subject concerning the universe earlier in this book. There are too many facts that all fit together in a perfect manner to say that it all just came from something else,

that in turn, came from something else again, and that it happened to come together and finalize from some sort of a cosmic blast. It would be like saying that a word factory exploded, and this book came into being. Suppose you were walking down the street and you stumbled across a laptop computer lying on the side of the road. Would you come to the conclusion that the elements just happened to shape and form the laptop at that particular spot, or would you conclude that a computer company did the assembly, and someone lost it? I'm sure you would assume a computer company made the laptop because we know that for a fact and can see that elements rarely shape things into modern-day tools. The natural process tends to tear most things down, not build things up. Only when some intelligence is applied do we get complex function. When we look at Earth and its complex function, the natural conclusion is that there must have been some intelligence at work to put the second heaven into operation. Doesn't this imply that there must be a Creator? The only alternative to a Creator is to believe that the universe came into existence through random events. In my view, for what it's worth, there are far too many deep rivers to cross without bridges, to think that way.

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

“After All This — There’s Still More!”

God the Father will not permit us to pursue intimacy with Him before we gain intimacy with Jesus. Jesus Himself has won this place of intimacy with God the Father, and the Father commands us to believe, receive, and love His Son before coming to Him. The Father was so pleased that Jesus pursued intimacy with the Father and obeyed His will through suffering for all humankind. As a result, the Lord promoted Jesus to the highest place of intimacy in His kingdom. Our job is to pursue this intimacy with Jesus. As we gain this place of intimacy with Jesus, we automatically win what He has already won, including intimacy with His Father.

Now the Lord was introducing me to the intimacy with the Father before I realized it. I had fallen so deeply in love with Jesus that I didn’t know that there was another level of intimacy with the Godhead. The Lord told me that I had come to a place where I had loved Him at such a great level that it had touched His heart in a special way. He then said, “Now, I will reveal My Father to you. David, He is My greatest pursuit in life even now. This is My greatest prize and reward.” Then He said, with such loving tenderness in His voice, “Just Him.” I knew He was talking about the Father and winning an intimate relationship with Him in Person. He then continued, “I still pursue, follow, and obey My Father’s commands and desires today.” As Jesus stood in front of me I saw such regal, reverential honor and love for His Father. I also knew that the Father loved Him deeply, and I was about to see it firsthand.

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

He Is the Winning Prize

There is a place that we can arrive at in our walk with God that the Bible calls The Prize. The prize that Paul spoke of is Jesus—just Jesus. As you study these Scriptures in Philippians, you will notice that Paul initially talks about counting all things that he had gained as a loss so that he could win Christ. Then he talks about pressing toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God. Prizes are to be reached for; you press on toward them, and you win them. The prize he spoke of winning in this context was Jesus.

He Is the Reward

Winning An Intimacy With Jesus On The Highest Level Possible For All Eternity
That I may win Christ (Philippians 3:8).

He is our reward and prize that we win after all life’s accomplishments are over. He’s the Reward. This is the same thing the Lord told Abraham, “I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward” (Gen. 15:1). This refers to winning the Lord in a special, personal relationship. These passages refer to knowing Him on the highest level of closeness. When you have reached this level with God, He will say to you “You have not just sought me and found me, but you have pursued me and given everything up that is valuable and dear to you so that you can have me. And because of this sacrifice, you have won this personal level of intimacy with me.” This means that you have been found worthy to know Him intimately.

Winning Jesus

The Holy Spirit (through Paul) said that in order to attain this level of relationship with Him, we must not be distracted by our past, but should reach toward the things in our future. The highest calling we have is to press toward knowing Him. He said that the mark before us that we press toward and look forward to is the highest calling in life and is expressed in His words, “The high calling of God.” We can know Jesus on this excellent and highest level by giving up everything that means something to us so that we gain Him. Paul said that he did this in order “to know Him” (see Phil 3:10). “To know Him” implies being close to Him, and not just knowing Him on any level but also being the closest you can to Him through gaining the excellency of the knowledge about Him!

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

The greatest honor that Jesus could receive in Heaven was to sit at the right hand of the father and be ever close at His side. This was Christ’s focus and goal while He lived on Earth. He wanted to be close to the Father, and not just earn a position of authority with Him. This is the difference between satan and Jesus. Lucifer wanted a higher position of authority, and he thought it robbery to be equal with God, so he strived to overthrow God to get it. Lucifer didn’t just want the right-hand seat next to God, which resulted in being close to Him, but instead he wanted God’s throne and position of authority itself. You need to understand that satan knew about this right-hand seat, and he bypassed it because He wanted God’s throne and place (see Isa. 14:13-14). Jesus was in the beginning with God, and He saw lucifer fall from Heaven like lightning. This also had to mean that lucifer saw Him and the glory that Jesus Himself spoke of having with the Father in the beginning (see John 17:5; 23-24).
His Greatest Goal: The Right-Hand Seat of

Intimacy and Power

Jesus also had this right-hand position of glory in the beginning when He was with God. Jesus did not focus on His exaltation, power, authority, or the Kingdom that was given to Him more than He focused on the intimacy He had with God. All those things were secondary to Him compared to His close and intimate seat next to God. Even though Jesus gained a new Kingdom and received glory, He never speaks about these things being His focus. His focus was to be near God

The Seat Versus the Throne

What made Jesus great in God’s eyes is that He was humble enough to choose the seat versus the throne, and because of this God exalted Jesus to sit with Him on His Throne. Jesus didn’t teach us what He did not first live Himself. He told us in parabolic form to always choose the low seat when we are invited to sit among many seats.
When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him—. But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee. For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted (Luke 14:8,10-11).

When I first got saved I thought that Jesus was just teaching us how we are to live. I never thought about how this might apply to His own life. But no, it was more than this! He was teaching us how He lived and wanted us to follow His example. He made the seat His focus and not God’s throne. This right-hand seat is the lowest seat, but it is also the highest seat. God the Father allowed Jesus to sit with Him in His throne.

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

Eight Years of Bliss With the Father

So He moved me into the next experience and level of relationship with His Father beyond where I had been with Him as the Son of God. I did not know that it could get any greater, but for the next eight years, I would start to have continual encounters, not only with Jesus face to face but now also with the Father. They had both come to make their abode and living arrangements with me as Jesus had said in the book of John:
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him (John 14:23).

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

This was His vision and focus. Jesus didn’t just want to sit in a position of authority enthroned next to God the Father, but He wanted to sit close to the father in the right-hand chair. Jesus’ greatest goal and focus in life wasn’t to sit next to God for the motive of position and power in His Kingdom, but to have intimacy with the Father. The right-hand position is the most close and intimate place that you can have with the King in His sovereign realm. Jesus’ pursuit in life was intimacy with God. The winning prize and reward in Jesus’ Life was to know His Father in the most intimate way and He attained this when He sat down at His Father’s right hand. Now the Father tells us that our pursuit in life should be intimacy with His Son. The Bible tells us that when we focus on winning Jesus, the Father will notice our love.

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

The Lord also admonishes us to judge ourselves or else He will.
For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. But when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world (1 Corinthians 11:31-32).

The Lord tells us that if we do not judge ourselves, He will judge us so that we will not be lost or condemned with the world. Wow, what a privilege! The Lord is so committed to us in this marriage covenant that He will judge and chasten us before He will let us be lost. After I read these two verses, the visitation I had in which the Lord delivered me over to satan and the one where He took me to hell to judge me both became clear to me. He was keeping His part of the covenant in marriage with me. You also don’t have to stay at the believer stage. The Lord wants to marry you, but He will not force this on you. The Bible says, “He that is joined to the Lord,” meaning that you must be willing to be joined or committed to Him in this way (see 1 Cor. 6:17). It has been awesome to walk with Him in this way. I look back and realize that all the times He has judged me, it has been a manifestation of His marriage covenant with me. I was joined to Him in a special way!

Are You Married to the Lord Yet?

Now the question I want to ask you is whether you are married to the Lord or just a believer? You too can have this type of relationship with God if you are willing to marry the Lord. Just ask — just ask! Lift your hands right now and ask the Lord by saying, “Lord, I want to marry you.”

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

I Saw Our Books in Heaven

I had another experience early in my walk that I think is important to share with you. In 1992, I was 19 years old, and I was given the opportunity to see another room in Heaven. I was single at the time and had planned to marry a commendable, Christian woman, so I asked the Lord if marrying her was His will for my life. That night when I fell asleep I was taken to Heaven in a dream. Immediately, I was sucked out of my body and was taken to Heaven at the speed of thought. I was just there! When I arrived, I was only permitted to go inside one room that was filled with huge books that had everyone’s life written down inside. I knew that these were the books written by God, and they contained His plans and purposes for everyone who had ever been born or who would be born. These books were the size of those giant, family-sized, coffee table Bibles, and they were white and gold.

The hilarious thing about this visitation is that I became curious about everyone else’s books, so I ran over to take a look at them, but an angel beckoned me to come away and look at my book. This angel was about seven to eight feet tall, and he had on a white robe.

In the center of this round room were shelves filled with these white and gold books. The room looked like a humongous library with shelves around the wall, and in the center of the room stood a podium with my personal white and gold book on it. The angel was standing next to it beckoning me to come close. When I walked up to the podium, the book that the Lord had written about my whole life was already opened. At the top left side of this book was written, “GOD’S PLAN,” and everything I was ordained to do by God at the age of nineteen was written underneath it. This book didn’t look like a book from earth, because it was blank on the right side. I understood that God left this blank side for me to fill as I made choices during my life. As I made them, these choices would be written down alongside the life He had ordained for me before the foundation of the world.
All of a sudden words appeared in bold letters on the right side of the book that said, “DAVID’S BIGGEST DIVORCEMENT.” Then the angel plainly answered my prayer regarding whether I should marry this woman or not: “The Lord says your life will be a disaster if you marry her, and you’ll mess up the special ministry in your life.” After this, I woke up out of the dream. I didn’t even know I was called to have a special ministry! I was only nineteen years old, and I had just gotten saved two years earlier. Most people don’t know that God has written down our lives in books. These books include His plans and purposes for us, and even whom we should or should not marry! The Lord used this dream to communicate this to me. Look at this Scripture:
Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy will, oh God (Hebrews 10:7).
The writer of Hebrews is saying that there was a book that contained the will of God for Jesus’ life in it. We each also have a book and I have seen mine! Also, David mentions in Psalms that God wrote his life down in a book.
Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous (Psalm 69:28).
Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned; when as yet there was none of them (Psalm 139:16).
Thou tellest my wanderings — are they not in thy book? (Psalm 56:8)

Here again in these passages of Scripture we see the Holy Spirit speaking through David that the Lord has recorded our lives in books. This dream was pivotal to the success of my life and destiny. I was about to marry the wrong person and it could have destroyed the plans God had for

Jessica Jones #fundie books.google.com

Since a child, in the spirit, I have been to this Second Heavens
many times without knowing what it was. It is a dismal place, lacking
in any joy or life. The oppression of lost hope fills the wind torn
atmosphere until it chokes out the very life. The fallen angels move
about sluggishly, shuffling their steps as they go, heads hung down
and their arms listless at their sides. They moved as if the weight
Of their hopelessness pulls them down by some sort Of emotional
gravitational pull of depression and oppression. Even though they
are spirit they retain their appearance before the fall, but they are
gray in color with only a hint of their former color and glory.
They live in small cubicles, which look very much like bland
cement but are made out of a material that appears to be somewhat
like storm clouds. At one point, in my childhood, they had given
me one Of these cubicles, promising me that I could in time live
with them. In my unending misery from the burgeoning vision they
forced on me, I actually looked forward to living in this place where
everything was so featureless, unexciting and visually uneventful. I
so desperately wanted an end to the things they tormented me with
night and day. .. that I faced alone because no one else ever saw those
things. I could not even tell anyone of the things I saw. How many
people do we lock away in institutions because they see those same
things? Thinking about that even now breaks my heart and causes it
to weep for their unrecognized and continuing torment.
These fallen angels huddle in these indistinguishable abodes
with a deep sense Of desperation and hopelessness. These cubicles
are without number, stretching forth across millions of miles like
endless, faceless tenements, lacking any possible warmth and life.
Everything in this place is made up of the subtlest shades of black on
black, dark gray on dark gray, the slight hues seen only by the most
discriminating eye. It took me years before I could distinguish the
subtleties of color residing here. Without knowing what this place
was, I called it Grayland, and it was a place that soon occupied my
nightmares and daymares alike.
I have been to their conference halls, listened to their discus-
sions and plans, and partook in their daily lives as much as possible.
I have been to their war room—a massive hall that stretches for
miles. In this hall, there were thousands upon thousands of fallen
angels—slips Of gray forms—flitting in and out as they received
orders and gave reports. There was a constant flow Of activity here,
and as the ages wore on, the activity increased, reaching a level of
almost critical desperation as they were losing the war and the close
of this age was at hand.
I was sent to this place once with no option of leaving any time
I wanted. I walked into my bedroom after a church meeting, and
the Lord verbally said to me, "You have a choice. You can either
choose Me or you can choose hell." Before I could even answer, I
was sent to hell for eight hours...long enough to decide I did not
like it. The most terrible aspect of this time, unlike being able to
go there many times earlier, was that I was unable to leave. I was a
prisoner and the screaming torment of the other inmates was horri-
fyingly deafening. Finally, I could move my natural lips, and I cried
out the only name that counts, "Jesus!" Instantly I was back in my
bedroom. I pushed myself up from my bed and, before I reached the
door, I was baptized with the Holy Spirit, remaining wrecked and
drunk for two weeks.

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

He Taught Me the Difference Between Miracles and Healings

In 1992, the Lord revealed to me in a dream to leave my parent’s house and the familiar surroundings of Memphis, Tennessee. I obeyed the command of the Lord and moved to Charleston, South Carolina, where he instructed me to continue fasting. I obeyed Him! In those days I would witness on the streets to the unsaved, and I also visited hospitals and prayed for the sick. I didn’t have the understanding about healing that I do today, and I thought that healing was supposed to happen instantly! When I would pray for someone who was sick, some would be instantly healed, but others were not healed instantly, and I often got discouraged. After a long day of witnessing and praying for the sick on the streets in Charleston, South Carolina, I started to pray out of a place of discouragement. I was weeping, pounding on the floor, and crying out to the Lord for an answer as to why everyone I prayed for wasn’t healed. You see, I thought it was supposed to happen that way for everyone.

Well, as I spoke these words to the Lord, I dropped off to sleep and immediately fell into a dream. In this dream Jesus had on a beautiful white robe and when He walked by me I repeated my question. I said to Him, “Why isn’t everyone I pray for in your name healed instantly like your Word says?” He then looked at me with a gentle, loving look in His eyes and said, “David, there is a difference between miracles and healings.” Then He said, “I don’t give everyone a miracle but I give some a healing!” We spoke face-to-face while He explained to me the difference between miracles and healings. He said, “Miracles happen instantly, but healings happen gradually.” Then He said, “Healing is just what it means: a process of mending.”

The word healing is self-explanatory. When someone is healing they are in the process of being mended. After He said these words to me I woke up, and I searched the Scriptures concerning what Jesus had told me about miracles and healings. I studied His ministry on the earth and to my amazement I learned that He didn’t give everyone a miracle nor did He instantly heal all who came to Him. The Bible says that some were healed in the same hour! This means they were not healed immediately like other accounts that the Bible mentions. This was an awesome discovery to me! It meant so much to me that Jesus would come to me personally and teach me this face to face.

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

Delivered Over to Satan to Learn
— whom I have delivered over to Satan, that they may learn — (1 Timothy 1:20).
When I began to see this in Scripture, I thought, “How many preachers or saints go on without this divine, supernatural, revelatory teaching on the judgment of the Lord in their lives?” I was hurt because I didn’t ever want to err like these teachers who preached false doctrines because they didn’t know the Word. The Lord was trying to prevent me from ultimately doing what they did. I wasn’t preaching anything horribly wrong that was compromising the faith of the Saints like Hymenaeus and Philetus, but He was trying to teach me the principle that led to this horrible mishap in their lives and ministry. They were delivered over to satan. I know that this statement sounds horrific to many people. The Lord said to me, “David, what you have to understand from the beginning of time, since man’s conception on earth, is that I have been delivering My premiere servants over to satan for different purposes.” This doctrine of delivering men over to satan didn’t just start in the New Testament with the apostles. I had only seen this revelation in Scripture when apostles delivered men over to satan for different reasons.
Paul delivered a man over to satan so that his flesh would be destroyed and his spirit saved (see 1 Cor. 5:5). He did this because the man would not repent of fornicating with his father’s wife. The point is that Jesus revealed to me that this ministry of delivering men over to satan didn’t start with his servants in the New Testament. They actually received this principle from God in the Old Testament. God has always used satan to accomplish His purposes, even when satan didn’t know He was being used.
Job Was Delivered Over to Satan to Test His Integrity
Then the Lord began to give me examples of this in the Old Testament. He said, “For example, take My servant Job. It was I who mentioned him to satan and who gave satan permission to touch Job and even for Job to be delivered into satan’s hands.”
And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, all that he hath is in thy power — (Job 1:12).
And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand — (Job 2:6).
The Bible tells us that God delivered Job over to satan because God was pleased with Job’s integrity, not because Job had done anything wrong.

Adam was delivered to satan after disobeying God’s command. The Garden of Eden protected Adam just like Job had been protected before, and when he was sent from the garden this protection was removed.

Adam Was Delivered Over to Satan After Being Put Out of the Garden

Wow! One man was delivered over to satan because he had obeyed God and lived with integrity, while another man was delivered over to satan for disobeying and displeasing God. The Bible says, “— death reigned from Adam to Moses —” (Rom. 5:14). This means that Adam was subjected to and delivered over to the reigning power of death the very moment he sinned. God’s sentence for Adam’s disobedience was death, and He used the prince-demon of death to fulfill this judgment.

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

Jesus Appears in Denny’s

One day, during my special prayer time before a crusade, I heard the Lord say to me, “Go to Denny’s restaurant, for I’m going to appear to you there.” I replied back to the Lord, “Is this really you?” I asked because I would usually stay inside and pray the night before a crusade. Then He replied back, “Yes. Go because I have an appointment with you there.” So I gathered two of my pastors and we went to Denny’s. I told them what the Lord said to me: that He was going to walk into Denny’s and meet us there. They had always seen the Lord keep His promise in showing up in the Crusades. When we arrived I didn’t know what to do but sit there and wait. There were people there in the restaurant and we waited.

Many Slain Under the Power in Denny’s

About 30 to 40 minutes went by and then I suddenly saw the Lord walk into the restaurant! All of a sudden, the atmosphere in Denny’s was filled with glory and electricity. We could feel it, and the people could feel it—even the sinners. Then, without us doing anything, the waiter and other people started gathering to our table asking us about what they were feeling in the room. We began witnessing to them about the Lord and prayed for them. Before it was all over, a growth disappeared off a young man and unbelievers were delivered that are still saved to this very day! Many people in that restaurant were slain under the power of God on the floor. It was glorious. I didn’t know He was going to do this. I learned that it’s just better to obey God’s voice even if you don’t understand it. I thought in my mind — Denny’s? Why? But it was glorious!

David Taylor #fundie #homophobia books.google.com

Cleveland, Ohio, 1998

It was 1998 and the ministry was growing during this awesome season. I was introduced to a great man, Bishop McKinney, and his wife Shirley, whom people affectionately called “Lady Bishop.” They invited me to Cleveland to conduct a set of revival services. In these services, we saw the Lord do awesome things and demonstrate glorious and great power. One night the glory of God came in during intimate worship. It was so heavy that I could not minister. It was so thick that all I could do was sit down on the podium steps. We had seen many dramatic miracles and awesome displays of God’s power, but this night was very special.

As I sat down on the steps, the people were still standing in the Lord’s presence, and all of a sudden Jesus appeared in front of me in the middle aisle. He smiled at me. I noticed Him when I sat down (for the service was out of my control anyway). He then appeared and started taking over the service completely. We must learn to yield more completely as ministers and move out of the Lord’s way! As Jesus stood there, I told the people that He was in the room, and I narrated what He was doing.

I could tell that a few people didn’t believe what I was saying. The church I was ministering in has an incredible worship team and has a lively congregation that is always ready for a move of God, so it may have been visitors that did not believe Jesus was there. After Jesus smiled at me, He turned to walk to the back of the audience and said, “Some of them don’t believe you when you said that I’m here on the earth and in this service with them in my glorified body.” There were about 1200 people in the service that night. As Jesus walked, I narrated His every move to the people. I told them that He was walking toward the back. When He got to the end of the last pew, He turned left and walked to the farthest end of the last pew.

Jesus Appears and Heals a Young Man With AIDS

Because I was sitting down and the people were standing, I could not see Him in the back of the church at this point, but I could still hear Him. Then suddenly He began speaking to me saying, “David, there is a young man who is a homosexual on the back pew. He came here to be healed because he has AIDS.” Now you have to understand that the service and atmosphere were charged with electricity and God’s presence through awesome worship. Jesus then continued and said, “David, I have My hands on this young man’s shoulders and he feels electricity going through his body because I’m healing him of AIDS and setting him free from homosexuality. Tell what I’m doing openly and call this out.” I didn’t know there was a homosexual in our audience or where he was sitting until Jesus turned left and pointed him out to me. Jesus said, “The people will believe you more—that I am personally in the room—when you narrate this and tell it openly.” Then I said it! I shared everything that Jesus had told me about the young man. I shared that God was healing him of AIDS and delivering him from homosexuality, and I pointed to him in the back of the church.

Then I said to the young man, “Come up here.” I was still sitting down. When the young man got up and came out of the back pew, he was trembling and shaking uncontrollably because of the power and electricity flowing through his body. I knew that this man was the homosexual that God told me about because he was the only one who came up to the front. Immediately, Jesus said to me, “David, do not lay hands on him; just point from where you are sitting.” He was about 30 to 40 feet away from where I was sitting. As He walked down the middle aisle alone, I did what Jesus said and I pointed my index finger at him. I felt and saw a bolt of lightning and electricity flow out from my finger and hit him. The power of God raised him up about 6 feet in midair and threw him so that he was flying backwards through the air. When he landed on the floor slain under the power of God, he was completely set free from homosexuality and healed of AIDS. That’s glorious power! The people saw this take place. The whole audience made an astonishing sound together: Whooo! They knew Jesus was personally there in the building when they saw this manifestation.

It Was Complete Glory

Jesus then came back down the center aisle again, passed in front of me, and stood at my left side. He looked at me and said, “David, even after this there are still some that don’t believe I’m here. Have all those who are skeptics come up here to where I am standing.” I had already narrated that Jesus had walked up to the front so then I said, “All of you that are having a hard time believing that Jesus is here personally, come up here and stand where He’s standing.” About 40 people came to the front to go to where Jesus was standing. When they got there, all collapsed under His power onto the floor. It was powerful! All skeptics hit the floor under the power of God for Jesus had touched them all without using me. I was still sitting down on the steps, just watching all of this and thinking about how powerful and how delightful it was! There’s nothing like watching Jesus minister! I love Him working with us!

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

Jesus Appears to 200,000 Muslims in T.L. Osborn Crusade
— he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once (1 Corinthians 15:6).

Who said He couldn’t appear to this many people at one time? He did it yesterday, and He’s doing it again today! To confirm that these types of visitations are happening, I will share another story that has inspired me for years! In 1956, T.L. Osborn was speaking at a meeting in Jakarta, Java before an audience of 200,000 Muslims. All of a sudden, Jesus appeared notably in a cloud over the crowd. Everyone saw His face and glory and gave their lives and hearts to Jesus! Tremendous! What makes this story more awesome is that photographers captured this appearance on film! You can see Jesus’ face in these pictures! You can read more about this event and see these pictures in T.L. Osborn’s book, Healing the Sick.2 This is what America is about to experience and we are beginning to see small evidence of it!

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

Can a Nation Be Born Again in a Day?
Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? (Isaiah 66:8).

A few years ago, two majorly awesome events occurred in which people in Muslim countries encountered Jesus face to face. The first story made national news in Indonesia—the largest Muslim country in the world, One night, a man went to sleep and the Lord Jesus appeared to him and told him who He was saying, “I am Jesus Christ and I died for your sins.” Jesus went on to tell this man additional things that led him to salvation. When this man woke up from the dream, he knew he had seen the real risen Lord and that Allah was not the true and living God. You must understand that in some Muslim countries these precious people can be killed for professing faith in Jesus Christ. So after he woke up, the news media reported that he went to a restaurant and started telling people about seeing Jesus in a dream the night before.

A Whole Nation Born Again in One Day
“Whole Muslim Country Saved Through Jesus Appearance”
Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? (Isaiah 66:8).

“Jesus Appears to Everyone by Night in the Whole Country”

As this man told others about his dream, they confirmed that they had also seen Jesus in a dream on the same night! I remember reading a news article about ten years ago reporting that Jesus visited everyone in this whole Muslim nation on the same night! The whole nation converted to Christianity in one night by the appearance of the Lord! Wow, now that’s power. Yes, a nation can be born in a day! Jesus is now appearing to whole Muslim nations where the gospel is not accepted. Jesus, Himself, is evangelizing! We serve an awesome Lord!

Isn’t this beautiful! Another incident happened along the same lines in a Muslim-majority, third-world nation that was just as tremendous. This is a true story and it also made international news and headlines. A young woman was killed in a tragic accident, leaving behind two beautiful and precious children. They were young and still under the age of 12. Her brother, uncle to her children, had to take them in after his sister died. He started getting impatient with the children as time went by, and he wasn’t raising them properly. So being upset, he took them to a cemetery and buried them alive in two separate tombs. For two weeks or more, these children remained inside the tombs until someone heard and discovered them while walking nearby. When the news media got wind of the story, they were all over it to find out what had happened. They asked these two children how they survived for so long without food or water. You know little children can’t go that long without eating! The amazing thing is that both of them answered the same way even though they were not buried together! You should also know that these children were raised Muslim and had never heard of Jesus!

Jessica Jones #fundie books.google.com

Although these children are in heaven, safe and secure and with the Lord, their blood remains in the earth to testify against the doctor, murderer or abuser in the Hall of Judgment when it is time to give evidence. The face of the one who took their life through commission or omission is embedded in the lifeblood Of the unborn or murdered child, and that blood will speak at the court Of their abusers. Every mother who has aborted her child and has not been forgiven of this flagrant abuse of God's precious creation will be held accountable in the time of Judgment. A special angel has lovingly collected every tear shed and preserves them in a special jar. When called, the angel brings the jar to the Seat Of Judgment, and each tear is examined, the circum- stances of the shedding playing like a movie, the event frozen into the fluid of each tear. These tears will offer up their evidence against whoever had caused them to be shed. Everyone who thinks that they are not accountable for every word, deed or attitude thrown thoughtlessly at someone else, family or otherwise, will be surprised to find out that it is not only recorded, but every tear shed or drop of blood shed will give testimony at the time Of judgment.

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

The revelation of Jesus Christ in your life will cause Jesus to give you authority on the earth.

The Results of the Keys

Keys Are Released and Regions Are Transformed

After the Lord entrusted me with these keys, we began to see whole regions changed in America. One region was a place called Shaw, Mississippi. We saw a bar shut down and the mayor of that town was filled with the Holy Ghost! Not only that, but the whole jail and prison system there was totally put out of commission because there was no need for it. Masses of people gave their lives to the Lord. Oh how badly we need this in our metropolitan cities in America. Until this very day, the pastor who invited me there has told me that the bar owner who shut down his establishment and gave his life to the Lord during this revival is saved and the bar is still closed! They also have not been able to build the jail system or police station again. What power! This happened 10 to 11 years ago!

Brooklyn, Illinois, Transformed

Another such incident happened after these keys were given to me in Brooklyn, Illinois. The mayor heard that the Lord was beginning to transform regions through the ministry He gave me. She invited me to come and minister to her region in Brooklyn. We saw great things take place. The Lord told me to use the keys He has given me to loose wholeness and health in that region by speaking financial blessing on the economy and on the mayor. I turned to her and said, “The Lord told me to loose 3 million dollars into your hand for this region.” At the same time, the Lord told me to speak judgment on the Mafia establishments in that area so that they would shut down their illegal operations. The Lord also said to loose the building of a new bridge from St. Louis over to this area. The old bridge was worn and torn down. The Mafia threatened to kill the mayor and our ministry team. They also threatened to frame the mayor for stealing money.

These Keys Caused the President of the United States to Fulfill Prophecy

Three months after I released this money to the mayor in 1999, President Bill Clinton went to Brooklyn to give the mayor three million dollars. Around the same time, many of the Mafia clubs and illegal establishments were completely shut down! In 2008 I went back to visit Brooklyn and met with a pastor who remembered the word I had given in 1999. He then told me that we were standing in one of the buildings that had belonged to the Mafia. I didn’t know it, but he had turned one of the Mafia buildings into a church. Then he said, “Everything God had you speak about Brooklyn nine years ago has come to pass. All those who sought your life to kill you are dead or in jail. Even the man who owned this building is in jail at this very moment. The Mafia did set the mayor up and accused her of stealing money, but the powers of darkness did not prevail!” This was definitely the result of the authority released to me through these keys.

Whole Mental Hospitals Healed

After these miraculous regional transformations, the Lord kept doing mighty things. We were seeing people healed of tumors, blindness, being mute, being crippled, and other diseases. People got out of their wheelchairs when Jesus appeared in services. But He made a special and unexpected visit. I knew a young man who had a mental breakdown and
was admitted into a mental hospital in St. Louis. I was very close to him, and I got word that he wanted me to come to the hospital and pray for him. So I went, but I didn’t know that the most amazing thing was about to take place!
When I arrived at his room, I began praying for him along with some of the staff members I had brought with me. We prayed for him and commanded the illness to leave his mind. Mental illness is a difficult disease to heal and we do not see many healings. It is not hard for God, but it is hard for us. As we prayed for him, his mental sickness immediately and completely left him. He arose from the bed healed.

Jesus Appears in the Hospital and Performs a Mass Miracle

Right after this man was healed, Jesus suddenly appeared to me and stood on the opposite side of the bed. His face was shining, and He was wearing His beautiful, brilliant white robe. He said to me: “David, use the keys that I’ve given you to pray for healing in this whole mental hospital, and I am going to walk through this hospital and heal the people.” So I did. I didn’t know that something this dramatic was going to happen. As we walked out of the hospital room with this healed young man who was ready to go home, scores of people started coming out of their rooms saying, “We are healed. Our minds are free.” A stampede of patients came from other floors that we had not visited. It was uncontrollable, and the receptionist or nurse at the desk dn’t know what to do. We told her, “You need to release these people; they’re healed.” Sadly, she told us that she wouldn’t get a paycheck if all those people were emptied out of the hospital because they were healed.

How sad it is in America that the pharmaceutical companies hold people in bondage with medicine and drugs just so they can live off of other people’s illnesses and subtly take advantage of them. This was a notable, mass miracle, and my whole staff, the doctors, and nurses were astonished! I didn’t lay a hand on a single one! This was Jesus and He was demonstrating His power through the keys of the Kingdom.

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

My Trip to Hell
Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell (Proverbs 23:14).

I fell asleep, and with no warning began to have an encounter. I was immediately taken into hell. I didn’t understand why, but I was put into a pit reserved for those who are lost and without God. I saw many people were being tormented and tortured by fire. I was allowed to experience the same separation from God that everybody else did. I didn’t understand why I was down there. I was saved; I loved God. Thoughts raced through my mind. I couldn’t have died in my sleep and ended up in hell, could I? Why am I down here like this? I served God. I loved Him. Why would He allow me to be put down here like this?

Suddenly, I saw Jesus in the distance. He was entering hell. Boy, was I happy to see Him! He was wearing his customary, beautiful white robe. I thought that I was lost and totally separated from Him forever. I saw Him making His way toward me. He stopped to talk to different people as He walked toward me. I was amazed that Jesus would even talk to sinners or those who did not make it to Heaven. I didn’t hear or recognize what He was saying to individuals as He passed along, but I know He was speaking briefly with each of them.

When I saw Him doing this, I decided to ask Him why I was down in hell when He came to me. You see, I had just had wonderful fellowship with Him in a visitation, so I didn’t understand why I was down in hell afterwards. When He finally got to me, I noticed that His white robe was glistening even brighter than I had ever seen it. When He came up to me I cried out, “Lord, why am I down here?”

Then He did something that I didn’t understand for years. Jesus with loving, tender care reached down and picked me up like a baby and put me over His knees as He bent to sit down, like you would when disciplining and spanking a child. As a matter of fact, He laid me across His slightly bent knees and started taking His right bare hand and physically beating me with His hands saying, “Because you were not a friendly evangelist.” He spanked me with his hands in rhythm with His words! Then, suddenly I woke up, and I was back in my body. My heart was pounding fast and my blood was racing; I had just been in hell and the terror of this encounter frightened me. I got out of bed because I was covered in perspiration, and I wondered what He meant. I was also very happy that I had not been left in hell.

Jessica Jones #fundie books.google.com

I have been happy with my calling and place of observer in heaven. There was a certain distance to everything and everyone
that I enjoyed because of my life of isolation.

However, one morning I was whisked off to the most glorious bedroom I have ever seen. It was luxurious and rich in texture and
color. The curtains were a velvety purple Of the deepest royal shade. The bedspread was a deep, rich scarlet. Over the four-poster bed was a raw silk canopy of the richest sky blue color. The pillows were soft and gloriously inviting. The sheets were the most shimmering satin, thick and heavy. It was marvelous.

I found myself in bed with the Son Of God. I was His Bride and it was our wedding night. I saw the scars on His back and I ran my fingers over them, one at a time. They were wounds that had been cut deep into His flesh, and as I ran my finger over a scar I would ask Him, "What is this one?"

He smiled, His eyes twinkling with the deepest love overflowing His heart. He spoke ever so lowly, almost as if in a whisper. Love dripped from His words and voice as He said, "That one was for you."

I asked Him about scar after scar, and each time the answer was the same. His back was scarred with so many of whip wounds it
took a long time. I wept for weeks as the true realization of the crucifixion enveloped me. He had made it personal to me. For the first time I knew what it was He had sacrificed for me. ..and for you.

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

I saw Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father in a holy city in the Father's empire. The Bible never says Jesus was enthroned at the right hand of God; it says He was enthroned. God sits on a seat of authority on a throne within His heavenly city, and Jesus sits in a royal seat next to the Father at His right hand. Jerusalem is God's Heavenly city. This is the city we sing about in worship songs.

David Taylor #fundie books.google.com

He Anoints Me to Be His Servant

He's Looking for People Who Will Stand on the Authority of His Word

From 1989 to 1992, about two and one-half years, the Lord took me through a season of discipleship. When I arrived in Charleston, South Carolina, the Lord met me again in my sleep to explain to me what was on His heart and what He was looking for from me in the upcoming season. I began to notice that the Lord shifted His focus in the visitations from teaching and instruction to commissioning and commanding me with mandates and divine assignments. I entered into a new level of servanthood with the Lord. Now my life and walk with Him were taking on a drastic turn as He began commissioning me to be His servant.

It was during this period that Jesus appeared to me to answer questions I had concerning the latter rain. Suddenly I was with Him in the air above a church. Jesus had on the most beautiful white robe that I had ever seen! Every time he appears to me His robe looks more glorious to me. As I stood beside Jesus, high above the church, I saw what appeared to be a huge, golden vessel in His hands that had beautiful, golden, latter-rain anointing oil in it. I knew He wanted to pour the full contents of this vessel out on His church but could not.

He said, "David, I brought you here to answer your questions concerning why you don't see My power in the church." Then He began pointing things out to me that were going on in His church that He wasn't pleased with. The first thing He showed me was that some of those in the pews, the youth and adults alike, were committing sexual sin and fornication; there was so much flesh in operation in His house. Secondly, He pointed out to me the choir, those who led praise and worship, and that they brought Christian rap into His house and started singing. He was so displeased by this! I saw it in the expression on His face when He pointed it out to me.

He Called Me Into Ministry and Urged Me to Be Faithful to Him

Then He instructed me to correct and rebuke those in His house. As I did this, He did something that was unusual. While dipping one of His fingers in the latter-rain, glory oil He looked at me and said, "Be faithful." Then He stretched out His finger over the church and allowed one drop to hit the whole church. When this drop fell from His finger it sprayed or sprinkled into drops of rain onto the people. When the drop hit the congregation, the whole crowd erupted in spontaneous praises. It was high praise and very beautiful to watch. The move of God caused by the drop died out. Jesus and I stood there, and I knew that He wanted to pour out the fullness of the latter-rain on His church but couldn't because it was short-circuited by sin, the flesh, and worldliness.

Jesus brought another problem He was displeased with to my attention. He showed me the pastor standing at His pulpit. The pastor saw all these wrong things going on in the congregation and in the choir but he wouldn't speak out against them. Jesus was very displeased with this Shepherd who allowed all these things to take place in the Lord's house. I saw the pastor of the church preaching while He was lying flat on his back. Jesus then showed me that a lot of His leaders and pastors were preaching His word, but they were doing it while lying down instead of standing up! He then instructed me to intercede for His pastors and leaders. Oh, I do intercede for them, because 1 love God's Shepherds so much. They go through a lot. Jesus put me back in my body, but I was still in a deep sleep when I heard a voice that said these words that shook me, "I need a man who will stand on the authority of My word!"

He Gave Me My First Assignment and Commissioned Me

It was the voice of Jesus. My whole being was shaking and trembling because I realized that He didn't say, "David, I need you to stand on the authority of my word!" Instead, He said he needed a man and He left the choice up to me. The Almighty Son of God was looking for a man to do this.

And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none (Ezekiel 22:30).

I decided I would be this man, knowing He wouldn't have brought this to my attention if He didn't want me to respond. I was completely shaken in my whole being from His words. They went through me like liquid fire. From that experience I received my commission from the Lord: to be a man who would stand on the authority of His word. Then suddenly I woke up. I was still shaking. It was very early in the morning around 4:00 am.

I felt currents of electricity going through my whole being! My body was trembling with currents of liquid fire that went through me from my head down all the way to my feet. My whole heart cried out in response to Him when He shared the need and His desire for a man who would stand on the Authority of His word! I said, "Lord, I'll be faithful in doing it." At this point, the Lord revealed to me that this rebuke was going to be the prerequisite of the latter-rain glory that He wants to pour out on His Church.

Faith Mimbs #fundie books.google.com

Can you imagine What we would do if Christ had not died an that sweet cross? There had to be blood
shed for god is just that holy. in the old times people made animal sacrifices for sins that were committed, I don't
know about you but can't even chop the head Of a dead chicken let alone a live goat, so thank God he died for
me yet while I was still a sinner, if you have another God besides the almighty tell me why? What miracles do you
believe they perform, and if you died right now can the blood of your god get you heaven? I know many
people Who have different religions Other than Christianity and everyone thinks theirs IS the right one, but the
bible the holy bible has been dissected over and aver again and has been proven to have accurate accounts of
Jesus Christ. this is not to say that prophets have not existed somewhere else because they have, but Jesus is
Jesus and there is no duplication Of him, his birth Was foretold seven hundred years before his birth just think
about that, look around you nonbelievers look at the proof in front of your face or is the trees to tall? My life and
all the things I have been through I know If it were not for God I would have fainted. there were times that I did
not want to follow him I wanted to give up, my lights were off my fridge was empty and I felt like God could zap
some money my way, but was not faithful to him. I lived in this world and all my lusts came first. I wanted that
car, that man that jewelry never knowing that at any minute I could have did and been lost. The blble is clear on
a few things let me tell you what that is Hell, Heaven, Jesus, Hell _ yep hell is a literal burning suffering painful
place that no one wants to go, I hear people say that if they had a loved one in hell they would not mine as long
as they were together, well that's crap' Who wants to continually burn? Who. If my mother went to hell light
now, it's her fault she has had ample opportunity to change, so if she do not it's because she chose not_ But one
thing is tor sure am not going to ask God to let me burn with her. no way I want the peace that god otters I
want to live in the golden mansion, I want to see the jewel paved Streets, want to see Christ, and all who does
not is lost. Now know we have some Satan worshippers and that's fine but when you get to hell the devil is not
your friend, he will not thank you for serving him, in fact he Will laugh at What you have done, you Will be With
him for the rest of your life being tortured imagine that This life that you live are only for a while so what you do
with it is up to you, but if you choose wrong you will regret it, And for those who believe God is a phony or he is
not real you Will regret it or for your sakes let's hope I am wrong

Sandie Freed #fundie books.google.com

Unaware of my natural surroundings, I was totally caught away in a heavenly vision. I still search for the adequate words to paint a picture of the majestic vision I saw. Before my eyes, a chariot of fire swept down from the heavens. It was the most glorious sight! The flames appeared to leap from the chariot, lighting up the heavenlies so that a golden glow encircled the chariot. Each flame seemed to carry within itself a remarkable ability to release light into the atmosphere. As the flames leapt, in their places other "fresh" flames would ignite upon the chariot, and new flames also descended from heaven upon the chariot to ignite where previous flames had been. The glorious glow from the flames lit a highway in the skies where the chariot traveled. The chariot was constantly lit with a fresh fire, a fire that never burned out. It was an eternal burning vehicle of glory, burning with a fire that would not be quenched.

The chariot also sparkled with a richness of gold that is almost indescribable. The "depth" of the golden color somehow symbolized a most profound depth of God's glory, so deep that His glory extended into eternity with no boundaries. Similar to the weightiness of solid gold, the chariot was draped with the heaviness, the stability and the majesty of His divine glory.

The chariot swept through the skies as if it were circling the globe. It seemed to be searching for a landing strip. The vehicle of golden fire circled and then re-circled repeatedly/ finally heading toward the earth as if to land. But not landing, the fiery presence hurled back into the heavenlies and circled once more. Finally, the chariot of glory made a direct descent and attempted to make its landing. As it reached the earth, I noticed that it did not actually plant firmly on the ground but, rather, hovered a few inches above the ground. Now the chariot was directly in front of me, and I could examine its characteristics more closely.

The chariot seemed to have a personality all its own. It appeared to be alive and active with a strong determination to move forward and accomplish its mission on the earth. Two eyes appeared in front of the chariot like two headlights on modern-day vehicles. The eyes were focused on the ground, looking at a road that was inappropriate for landing or traveling. The road was full of potholes and rocks. It had so many gaping gulches and deep crevices that absolutely no vehicle could travel on it. Because the road was not properly prepared for travel, the chariot seemed saddened. I sensed that the chariot desired to go forth, and yet it grieved because there was no highway on which it could travel.

Suddenly I knew the purpose of this vision. God was seeking a highway upon which to release His glory! I felt the compassion of the Father who desired to show His glory to His precious children, but no path had been prepared. I was overwhelmed with a sense of urgency, and I knew that He wanted to come now. I also was aware that the road needed proper preparation so that His glory could travel upon it. As I continued to observe the vision, I began to cry out within myself, Lord, how do we prepare the way? Help me to understand how to prepare You a place!
I then saw miles of men and women all dressed in solid white garments and standing in rows on each side of the road. God revealed to me that these were the apostles and prophets of the Most High God. On one side of the road were the prophets, and on the opposite side were the apostles. I was amazed at the number of white robes lining the road, which extended like an endless highway into mountains and plains.

A sound from the chariot caught my attention. It was the sound of a fresh burst of flames being ignited. The chariot was becoming "fired up" to move forward down this road. I thought to myself, How are we going to fix this road for God's glory to travel upon it?

Suddenly the apostles and prophets began to lie down in the road. One by one, they flung their bodies on top of the unleveled road to fill every gulch and crevice with their bodies. They did not hesitate to hurl themselves on top of sharp rocks and briars, to lay down their lives as a Highway of Holiness for the chariot of God's glory. My thoughts and emotions leaped inside myself. What bravery! What commitment! I only wish that I were that determined.

I was overwhelmed with a sense of destiny and spiritual fortitude. I found myself involved in the sacrifice, this death-to-self experience. I quickly threw my own body down before the chariot, not caring how much pain or suffering I endured. I only knew that I wanted His glory and would gladly lay down my life for it At that moment of tremendous sacrifice, a level highway stretched out for the chariot to travel upon. The chariot landed on the road and sped forth. Ignited with a fresh thrust of fire, the chariot blazed a trail upon the new foundation of the apostles and prophets who were willing to lay down their lives for His glory.

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