
fschmidt #god-complex #sexist arkian.net

Consider how male peacocks got their bright feathers. These bright feathers have no benefit for survival. In fact they are harmful for survival, being heavy and easy for predators to see. So let's start by imagining peacocks before they had big bright feathers. Since females can only have a limited number of children, females tend to be selective about which males they mate with. They should prefer healthy "good-looking" males since their children will inherit the male's genes. Those males with dull feathers may well have been poorly nourished and unhealthy. Bright feathers were probably a good indication of a healthy male. So females evolved to prefer males with bright feathers. But now it becomes in the male's interest to have bright feathers because if he doesn't, females will reject him and he won't be able to reproduce. So males evolved to have bigger and brighter feathers, not for survival, but for the sexual advantage that allowed males to have more children. At some point these bigger brighter feathers were no longer an indication of good health. So why didn't the females stop preferring such males? This is explained by the sexy son hypothesis. If the female mates with a male who is popular with other females, then her sons will likely inherit the male's traits that made the father popular and so her sons will also be popular and will have many children with many females. This will spread not only the father's genes but also the mother's genes. So those females who are attracted to popular males have an advantage. At this point in the story, male peacocks with big bright feathers are popular with females, so it is to each female's advantage to mate with males with big bright feathers. This is Fisherian runaway selection, a story of evolution gone wild, of evolution not doing what is in the best interest of the specie

Religion is the opiate of the masses

...and I wanna be their dealer!

Fschmidt #dunning-kruger #god-complex saidit.net

Someone with the intelligence to have a philosophical basis of morality should also have the intelligence to recognize that it is preferable to attribute this morality to deities as Machiavelli explained so clearly. In my case I was atheist and studied history, anthropology, primate behavior, and evolutionary psychology in order to determine the ideal morality. Then I found this morality in the Old Testament, and I recognized the benefit to attributing morality to the god of the Old Testament. Atheists who want to know how to do this can read this.

Fschmidt #elitist #crackpot #dunning-kruger luan.software

I define Moderns as members of depraved modern western culture. They will hate Luan and shouldn't use it. This is because they are evil people who love complexity and hate simplicity. They worship their own insane ideas and ideologies while ignoring practical real-world concerns. This is taken to an extreme in Silicon Valley where the world's worst software is produced.

fschmidt #sexist saidit.net

What are you talking about? While I couldn't get a date with the most disgusting fat pig in America, I had no problem dating models outside the depraved West. Why? I was in top physical shape, physically attractive, intelligent, successful, etc. Women in modern culture absolutely hate intelligent moral men, that is why they hated me. But outside of the West, I didn't have this issue.

fschmidt #fundie mikraite.org

Mikraites attempt to follow an old book, the Old Testament, as an alternative to modern culture. The word "Mikra" means Old Testament in Hebrew. Unlike the New Testament and the Quran, the Old Testament does not require faith. It only requires moral action. This makes Mikraite a real alternative to faith-based religions. We also think that the fact that modern culture hates the Old Testament more than any other book is a good sign that the Old Testament is a very good book.

The Old Testament specifically supports trust ("You must not act deceptively or lie to one another." - Leviticus 19:11) and cooperation ("love your neighbor as yourself" - Leviticus 19:18, "If you come across your enemy's stray ox or donkey, you must return it to him. If you see the donkey of someone who hates you lying helpless under its load, and you want to refrain from helping it, you must help with it." - Exodus 23:4-5). We are a very small group, but we are serious about helping each other succeed in business and in personal life. You will not find anything like this level of cooperation in modern culture.

We have chosen a set of five required practices which we believe will select for good people and exclude bad people.

1. Keep the Sabbath.
2. Dress modestly.
3. Have no tattoos.
4. Keep Passover.
5. Make the Mikraite Declaration.

We are not like Rabbinic Judaism which is based on the Talmud. Rabbinic Judaism defines members by who your mother is. We define a Mikraite as one who follows the five required practices. Unlike Rabbinic Judaism, we consider God to be reasonable and understandable. Deuteronomy 6:24 makes clear that the commandments are for our benefit, and therefore we can analyze the commandments based on how they benefit us.

Fschmidt #elitist reddit.com

Western culture peaked in the Enlightenment, in the 1600s and 1700s. The serious decline began in the 1920s. But technology only started declining around 2000.

I grew up in the New York City area, not a small town. America was still quite good then. I am not speaking globally, I am talking about Western culture.

Americans today are so much worse than a few decades ago that anyone with any sense who lived through these times can see it. Americans used to be decent people, and now they are the scum of the Earth.

Modern culture is relevant to coding because modern culture hates good code and only produces bad code. Modern culture is also hostile to all decent people, meaning anyone who has the potential to write good code.

Fschmidt #god-complex #psycho mail.happierabroad.com

I would sincerely like to exterminate modern scum. If there were no legal consequences, I would immediately get a gun and start shooting people. I am 100% serious about this.

It should be obvious who modern scum are, yet people insist on asking. I would simply define modern scum as anyone who thinks it is okay for children to have internet access. In other words, almost everyone.

Can anyone give me a serious counter-argument to my position? I have yet to hear any sensible argument for why modern scum shouldn't be exterminated.

Fschmidt #racist #wingnut mikraite.org

To any sane person, Black Lives Matter (BLM) must seem bizarre. It is a racist Marxist movement pretending to help blacks but actually hurts blacks and everyone else. Where would such a crazy idea come from?

I know the answer because I attended orthodox synagogue and I understand Judaism. Judaism is the source of the ideas behind BLM. Judaism is a racist religion that pretends to be anti-racist. So now let's compare BLM with Judaism.

BLM accuses anyone who disagrees with it of being racist against blacks. Judaism accuses anyone who disagrees with it of being antisemites.

BLM takes advantage of useful idiot whites and Muslims to support BLM to their own detriment. Judaism does the same with stupid Protestants.

Both BLM and Judaism are working to destroy western civilization. BLM is just a Jewish tool for this purpose. It is supported by Globalist and Leftist Jews. Hopefully this explains what BLM is all about.

Fschmidt #god-complex #psycho #racist #transphobia #conspiracy saidit.net

While shooting modern scum (members of modern culture) has an undeniable emotional appeal, I do not recommend it because of the legal repercussions. But what if I told you that there is a legal means to kill modern scum that is far more effective than shooting them?

By far the most effective way to kill modern scum is to support the Democratic Party. Let's give credit where credit is due. No one else has come close to killing as many modern scum as the Democratic Party has. Just with the covid vaccines, they have killed millions of modern scum and this number is sure to rise significantly. By defunding the police and effectively legalizing crime, they have killed many ghetto modern scum. By allowing fentanyl and other drugs freely into this country, they have killed many more modern scum through drug overdoses. By promoting trans ideology in school, they will prevent many modern scum from reproducing. And thanks to sanctions on Russia, we can expect many modern scum to freeze to death in Europe and millions to starve in poor countries all over the world. So God bless the Democratic Party who are likely to kill more modern scum than I dreamed possible.

Caamib #sexist blogger.com

bold is mine

Gally, I will reply to you though my goal isn't so much for you to read it, as you're a delusional idiot, but to make an intelligent reader, somebody who really wants to learn about this stuff, see why you're wrong and misrepresenting a lot of what we believe.

"Being anti-masturbation and anti-porn has NOTHING to do with fighting against feminist anti-male sex laws. "

Jesus, what idiocy ! Of course they don't have nothing to do with it. You're right. You know what it has to do with? Actual improvement in male lives. Making it easier for healthy, reasonable males to get women. Which masturbation actively impedes by making them less motivated to do so. But the fuck would you know about any of that?

That's basically the reply to that entire paragraph of utter bs. Let's go on...

"You're validating their whole enterprise. The whole feminist movement has been a response to the ever greater range of sexual alternatives for men to the average woman on the street (and women are getting more and more average by the day, at least in the West). "

You have no idea why and how feminism comes about. Today's males have far less sexual choices than those in 1970s, when there was less feminism. Another thing that's a waste of time to discuss with you.

"How the hell can you seriously rage against feminist anti-porn laws when you agree with the feminist junk science basis for them?"

Which "junk science" are you rambling about? Feminists were never against masturbation, in fact they deem it to be an acceptable "solution" as their idea of a nightmare is whites having any kind of sex. But this is also something you're too stupid to get.

"You also completely fail to see what's going to be happening in the next few decades."

No, in fact you do. Your idea of robots replacing women in that women will not happen. And I'll tell you why. There's several reasons. First of all, the technology won't develop. In late 1998 people believed they'd have robots as servants and various other stuff by 2018. We don't. We have been stagnating technologically since around 2000 and your fantasies simply won't happen. Chances are that technology will decline, not improve with times.
Other issue is that there's still a lot of shame connected to using such technology.

But there's one reason that is much more crucial - men and women still want to be with each other. I still meet women 13-40 with my online ads, because modern Western women, as messed up as they are, still are looking for somebody to control them and own the shit of them, to put them in their place. You won't replace this and the male need to do so with any robots and virtual reality.

And there's a more important reason as well- why would we want to do so? Can you marry a robot, have a child with a robot? No? So what is the point, anyway? Why live in a virtual reality and knowing you'll never procreate? You think men like fschmidt, Nathan or myself would have kids if we did so? Why don't you just take drugs or kill yourself if you don't want to live in the real world?

"This is the last thing men need in the face of the tsunami of anti-porn based feminist sex puritan laws."

No. This would be a blessing, which he understands full well as he's not as dumb as you are. It would make thousands of men get off their asses and take women.

"'I'd go as far to say as you're as much of an enemy to men as feminists are at this stage"

No, he's just not a delusional idiot like you.

"And given all the work you've done for the last couple of decades, includes bravely standing up to the Norwegian State, that's a real tragedy."

Standing up to delusional idiots like yourself, who pretend to be their friends (unlike the less perverse Norwegian state) is also quite brave. As I told you, he's just not a delusional idiot like you.

"yet if you can point to one single pro cannabis legalization activist (let alone 'the leader') who actually promotes the idea that smoking cannabis is harmful and should be avoided, then I'll apologize to you and become a 'Male Sexualist'."

No. Another thing you get completely wrong. An actual comparison would be "find me a cannabis legalization activist who actively promotes harmful chemical alternatives to pot that are known to destroy people's lives". And that is what masturbation is - a shade of actual sexuality, nothing. A dangerous tool that makes you complacent and unlikely to seek out actual sex. If you think being a male sexualist is about helping males jerk themselves off in dark rooms... Well, I'll just say that getting rid of that would be the first step to not being an idiot.

"We're struggling to get more than a dozen followers out of the 3 billion men on the planet affected by feminist sex laws"

But feminist sex laws would collapse quickly if men stopped jerking off. Because, guess what? You are not a hebephile. There's no such thing. All sane men would sleep with 12 year-old girls and younger. And they'll be much more motivated to so when they don't jack off. When millions do it regularly, and they will when boys are discouraged from masturbating, it will be easy.

"Islamic minded anti-masturbation incels who crave spending their lives with a HB4 just when AI sex robots and virtual reality sex are becoming real??"

No, no, no, no.... Just no.

Everything wrong and stupid. The problem with the term incels is lookism and cultism, which didn't exist when I was in charge more, as I explained in my June article. This is directly connected to their takeover of the term after July 2016, Also, you miss the real point. Incels aren't meant to be popular or liked, of course feminists will hate them. The point is to promote actual solutions, which don't have to do with looks but are extremely contrary to feminism (finding non-feminist wives, rape etc). When men who call themselves incel seek actual solutions then the term will be seen more seriously. The idea that you will get a political solution in Western countries is pure idiocy. I just want to help men improve their everyday's lives. Politics is a waste of time and these countries like Norway will collapse like all countries which adopted their policies did.

It's your stupidity and idiocy and listening to mainstream media that you believe incel is some political term or whatever. It isn't. You're a fucking incel.

My goal is simply to improve the lives of men, not some great political solutions you dream of.

I already addressed the robot thing. Your assumptions about the state of technology and human nature are wrong.

If I chose robots instead of women I'd never have a daughter now, for example. Or several girlfriends or willing sexual partners, not to mention less willing ones.

Also, I'd like to address some of the shit you said before, some of which I painstakingly translated..

-Eivind's ideas on women being the owners of sex don't mean that men can't reject sex. They just mean women forcing it on them should be very lightly punishable. If I don't want chocolate that moment and somebody force feeds me some delicious chocolate am I some great victim? That's nonsense ! And Eivind did say that in cases of harsher violence these women should be charged with assault. But for giving somebody chocolate, which is how men see women's sexuality? Of course not. Another thing you'd know if you weren't a brainwashed house negro.

- No, male fetuses masturbating in wombs aren't a problem. Males usually develop first serious interest at women at around 12-14. Besides, their penises are usually too small to be properly masturbated before around 10-11-12, so they masturbate them the way clitorises are played with before that age (at least that is my experience). So such males don't develop penile sensitivity and can be successfully directed to have sex with rl girls of similar age of slightly younger/older. See how stupid and clueless you are?

Also, remember just one thing, Gally. Sperm doesn't ask. It doesn't ask if you're worthy enough, if you achieved this or that, if you have this or that level of consent or respect. It just impregnates. Think about that. So impregnate somebody. Do your role in the world.

I was attacked for saying I should have killed 12 year-old girls with C4 and burning rubber tires around their necks, but guess what? THIS IS WHAT MODERN WESTERN WOMEN WANT. What they don't want is anybody of IQ above that of a goldfish and any respect. This went down the drain from the first moment they got basic "rights" like suffrage, which are nothing but privileges that enable the destruction of society.

Oh, and another thing. Regarding islamic minded incels, you're completely wrong, as usual. Those in such communities who are most islamic minded, like myself or fschmidt, aren't even incel anymnore. Most actual incels, at least by my definition, are lookist fools who know nothing about history or wqmen's nature, want to have consensual sex (and nothing else) with dirty Western sluts who get raped regularly anyway and don' give a fuck about it, and then they're are angry when this fails.

Sans_Logique #sexist #crackpot #psycho reddit.com

Inceldom is lame.

That's because it's built upon a sociological theory that can easily be proven false by basic psychology. (If all women wanted to sleep with chads, then why is hybristophilia a mental disorder?) At least Aristotle appealed to the essence of men and women when defending patriarchy. This is a notion many still uphold today.

If a man from Ancient Greece has a better theory than you for explaining things you have a resounding failure of a theory in your hands.

Your post is extremely poorly thought out. I'd call you an idiot but it would be an insult to all the idiots.

That's because it's built upon a sociological theory that can easily be proven false by basic psychology. (If all women wanted to sleep with chads, then why is hybristophilia a mental disorder?)

Because the term/concept were developed at a time when feminism hasn't yet completely mutilated Western societies.

]At least Aristotle appealed to the essence of men and women when defending patriarchy. This is a notion many still uphold today. If a man from Ancient Greece has a better theory than you for explaining things you have a resounding failure of a theory in your hands.

What does any of this have to do with anything you state before ? Also, you almost certainly don't even know what specific theories fschmidt has and incels have vastly different theories on what causes their problem. You just lump it all together and you don't even explain what Aristotle was saying and why his ideas are better than... whose ideas exactly?

Fucking lunatic.


Because the term/concept were developed at a time when feminism hasn't yet completely mutilated Western societies.

Ah yes, the "feminism mutilates". If you think that writing "women are equal to men" in the constitution is a form of mutilation you have explained what's wrong with you indeed.

What does any of this have to do with anything you state before ?

If a misogynist from more than 2000 years ago has a better theory for justifying misogyny than you do you know you have a massive failure of a theory on your hands.[quoe]You just lump it all together and you don't even explain what Aristotle was saying and why his ideas are better than... whose ideas exactly?

Indeed. I've yet to see a theory incels have for their suffering other than the blackpill. The fact that you think incels are a diverse group of people when in actuality they force eachother into one rigid streamlined thought where any diversion has to be eliminated shows an incredible lack of awareness. And I don't care if liberals have another theory for their suffering. I care what they themselves actually think.

And in case you haven't noticed. Aristotle was much better (although still wrong) than incels ever will be.


If you think that writing "women are equal to men" in the constitution is a form of mutilation you have explained what's wrong with you indeed.

Anybody can write down whatever they want. I can write down that "men can fly and women have 7 breasts" and nothing will happen. But when I try to live by such nonsense is where problems happen in society. Men and women are not equal and trying to live by that lie kills a society pretty quickly.

I don't know what's "wrong" with me and I don't think it's up to you to tell me, given that you don't know anything about me or Aristotle or incels or whatever the fuck you ramble about,

You also did nothing to address my point, which is that hybristophilia was rare and thus a disorder before feminist plague wiped out any intelligence and morality. Today's Western women are very attracted to violent, immoral men and putting a bullet through a woman's brain will attract other women much more than any honesty, decency or morality. Raping and executing a woman is attractive to women in feminist societies much more than being intelligent or decent can ever be - being anything more than scum repels modern Western women

If a misogynist from more than 2000 years... something about theories

Aristotle wasn't a misogynist. Judging by your insanity anybody before 150 years ago or so would be a misogynist in this case. Nobody who lived before that time would even think of something as retarded as giving women the vote or believing that they were equal to men. His theory (which I am not familiar with and you don't bother to explain it) wasn't to "justify" anything but came out of his own pondering. You can't apply 2019 idiocy to a man who lived in 4th century BC.


Indeed what? Do you even know what you're replying to?

I've yet to see a theory incels have for their suffering other than the blackpill.

Umm, really? I don't know how you define the term "blackpill" at all but there are several explainations to why incel happens in a society that don't claim looks are a cause. Read



shows an incredible lack of awareness

Actually, you are the one with the incredible lack of awareness, equating the term that has existed since 1997 and that many people define and see differently with a stupid sub culture that appeared in 2016. If you actually read https://caamib.wordpress.com/2018/06/05/dissecting-the-disaster-how-the-term-incel-got-taken-over-by-the-worst-people-and-what-to-do-about-it/ you'd see that this all started when a bunch of morons from sites like Lookism and Sluthate overtook the term after Caamib was banned from Reddit. His way of running things was different and focused on rape, low ages of consent, Islam and positive thinking. You could have investigated and read about older incel forums, like Love-shy.com or the now defunct Incel Support to see what they're about. Instead you just blather like an idiot.

I care what they themselves actually think.

Yet you never bothered to research it at all and are showing breathtaking ignorance.

Your last sentence is also breathtakingly ignorant as we have already established that no one man can be better at anything than a very disparate group under a very disparate term.

Do I need to repeat myself? I'd call you an idiot but it would be an insult to all the idiots.

Various incels #sexist reddit.com

A normie life is a sad life.

I'm glad I'm not a normie. What is a normie life? A life of constantly putting others down to make your self feel better. They do this by showing off their lives on social media, trying to make others feel bad and make themselves feel great. They live by this motto, "when you are weak I am strong".

Normies spend years of their lives going to parties, drinking till they puke all over them selves, and they mock their own friends and have no loyalty. If a normie gets a chance to hang out with some one who has higher status, you can bet that the normie will ditch their best friend for a higher status person. In general normies are heartless, fake, vapid saps.

(send_me_them_tits_ )
Without doubt. While there are some normies who seem to have meaningful relationships, most of it is status-seeking bullshit that I wouldn't want to be a part of even if I could. Sometimes I imagine being a Chad or normie, Chad's don't have to worry about being cutthroat quite as much, but what if you're on the lower end of Chads? All your buddies are taller/more attractive and you end up looking like a fuck, among your social group of attractive people.

Normies get some poon but at what cost? Their humanity.

This is modern culture. Seek an alternative.

I feel as though I lead a Normie lifestyle while being a secret incel. And yeah it pretty much feels like that sometimes. M

Normies try and lose, while we give up and accept reality.

coconut #fundie whygodwhy.org

All femisphere women are repulsed by decent men. Most femisphere women aren't really human beings but poorly behaved dogs. fschmidt, men around him and me know this. It is pathetic manginas like who deny this because they are immoral and oppose monogamy because they want a short term benefit of sleeping around with as many sluts as possible.

thatincelblogger #fundie thatincelblogger.wordpress.com

(GGG/Coconut/Marjan Siklic abandons his idea where governments apparently assign women to incels)

Two things have recently happened that have opened my eyes

1.discussion on Cracked
2. I started sharing my ideas on domestic forums and basically got the same kind of obnoxious, retarded replies I get everywhere else

Franklin, a commentator on my blog, more widely known under a nickname fschmidt is right. A sick culture will never understand incel. It was stupid from me to believe in this cause. From now on I will no longer blog or post about the program anywhere else as it is a utopia. My pages on the program or even questions commentators here asked will be deleted (of course, those commentators will not be banned or censored in any other way). I have recently read all of Franklin’s material and I found out that he was right all along.

During my blogging and posting on other sites, mostly reddit I have encountered thousands of negative comments and barely a dozen positive ones. Common sense would dictate that it means that people would never implement this program. I could understand that much, but hoped that the mentality will change. Once I realized that it won’t and that the new generations will become even more and more irrational and idiotic I have decided to drop my previous cause.
But it really isn’t as easy as “some people disagreed with me and now I think basically everybody is scum”. I have thought about my life a lot and something snapped. All the events in my life found their true meaning. All the times I’ve been mistreated and abused now make sense.

The fact that a large majority of people are against my former idea isn’t the main reason why there is no point in even writing about it, let alone fighting for it. It is not so for this very strong argument could be countered by a notion that a growing number of incels might bring about the creation of such program one day. This is actually somewhat of a possibility but now I’ve become somebody who doesn’t think this would be a good idea.

A growing number of incels won’t be helped by my program for one basic reason- almost everybody in the modern culture is scum. So, while this scum can be incel and might even want this program for their own sake I don’t see anything good in letting scum breed. A counterargument to that might be that the modern culture makes a large number of decent men incel but I don’t see how they would get real help as decent men today are in very small numbers and will almost certainly not find a decent woman through the program, as the crux of the program isn’t about incel women joining but paying noncel women to join (which is necessitated by a huge disbalance between the number of male and female incels). Yes, decent women are somewhat likely to be incel but women who are scum aren’t. So there would be no substantial help.

One day, not that far from now, modern culture will collapse under the weight of its own evil and banality. Once a moral culture takes its place incel will no longer exist or only people who will be incels are those who deserve to be incel. It is currently the other way around. Most of those who deserve to be incel are very successful at finding partners and most decent people are incel.

My blog will now be about incel, love-shyness, anti-feminism, modern culture (which is an evil and psychopathic one), looking for women abroad and everything else that might be interesting to me and readers of this blog. Will my blog became just another MRA/manosphere blog? I don’t think so and will try to not make it so. I think I can offer some unique perspectives as somebody who had been 100 percent incel for most of his life and has experiences most people will never have. I have taken my own red pill but of a quite different nuance.

As for myself, upon realizing all this I had immediately decided to abandon most of my friends and no longer visit my shrink. All they did was feed me modernist bullshit. I will try to get to a country outside of femisphere but it’s probably not gonna happen as I am poor and have shitty major (history) so I’ll probably end up offing myself.

Coconut #fundie whygodwhy.org

It is true that some TAC [The Atheist Cult] members contribute to society in some ways. Not all of them are vicious lesbian feminists spending all day on Tumblr. However, the damage they do is much greater than the benefit they give.

I think some people will have to be killed in a collapse because hardcore TAC members will never want to give up. They will probably take arms and defend the current paradigm. But most TAC members will just choose to adapt to a new culture. These people are usually cowards anyway. In all probability, not many people will have to be killed.


I already said, I don't think many people will have to die. Just the most hardcore TAC members. All this won't happen for at least 50 years. fschmidt says it won't happen until the end of this century... That's probable too. The first signs of this is the process in which illegitimacy rates will are going through the roof, people become more and more immoral and decent men (and some women) have to look for wives/husbands outside of Western world.

It's impossible to predict in which country will this happen first and how it will all develop but it's already a certainty. The West is going bankrupt.

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