For many years I had a fantasy about forming a sane community. The fantasy was to gather the sane remnant from this insane world and form a community for reasonable people. This was partly inspired by the concept of the remnant of the Israelites in the Old Testament after the fall of Israel and Judah. But this idea has a fatal flaw. There is no remnant. Humanity has become pure trash, there are no reasonable people left.
The Old Testament talks about such a time in the story of Noah. Clearly most of humanity needs to be wiped out. We have another example of this in the fall of Rome. If you read original source material from decaying Rome, you will see that these people were complete morons at a similar level to the morons of today. In The Antony Option I described the "good" people as those covered in Early Christian Lives who left Roman society to live in the desert. But from this book it is clear that these people were also complete morons. They had no interest in intelligence or quality or anything of real value. They just wanted to get close to God and hoped that this would give them supernatural powers. Eventually monasteries formed and some people moved near them. This had a slight beneficial effect in removing these people from dysgenic Roman culture. But the reality is that it took 1000 years and huge population drops before these people could escape the idiocracy caused by the decay of Rome.
I see no significant difference between the decay of Rome and the decay of modern culture other than that modern culture is almost universal. When Rome fell and Europe became a pure idiocracy, at least the Arabs, guided by Islam, were able to produce a civilized culture. But the fall of modern culture is producing a worldwide idiocracy that would take at least another 1000 years to escape from, if ever.
I view the traditional Anabaptists as the best group today. But they are not good enough. Besides the obvious problem of their pacifism, they are not eugenic enough to produce real intelligence. But even with these faults, it would impossible to form anything like traditional Anabaptist communities from any other population today. The conservative Mennonite groups were fully formed by the end of the 1950s, a time before today's idiocracy. Today people are just too stupid and undisciplined to form any kind of real community. This applies to all people of all races and all religions, all are just worthless.
Even trying to form any kind of informal group around some sense of quality is hopeless. My /r/GoodSoftware was an attempt to do this for good software, and it clearly failed. No one cares about quality in today's decayed idiocracy.
Having described the current bleak situation, I will propose a solution. The solution must be intrinsically eugenic since the best that one can hope for is to produce reasonable people in another 200 years. The current population must essentially be viewed as subhuman mammals with the potential to once again evolve into full humans. So the question is how can one breed such mammals in a positive way.
While humans have lost all intelligence and all sense of quality, there still remains a range in human reproductive strategy based on r/K selection. So what needs to be done is to form an informal community of human K-strategists where people can cooperate in raising their children. Such a community would naturally select strongly for K-strategy genes. When modern culture inevitably collapses and strong survival pressure reasserts itself, this survival pressure applied to a K-selected community would produce rapid evolutionary advancement.
Now I will describe how to do this. I would have an informal organization called something like "raising good children". It is critical that this organization have no rules and membership. This prevents it from being hijacked and taken in another direction. Anyone who wants to participate can, but the nature of such a group would only appeal to K-strategists. We would focus on things like improving education and health of children in the group, and in passing the religion of the parents to the children.
Who would I target for such a group. The obvious choice is Muslims. While Muslims are generally stupid (like everyone else) and undisciplined, at least they understand that modern culture is a threat to their children. And they understand that the modern world is a mess. They are too lazy to do much to fix this, but they would support in principle something that could improve the situation for their children. What I am describing here is based on my experience at my local mosque.
But there still remains a problem of motivation. The group should be willing to take real action of at least a basic kind to actually produce better children. The goal is to first improve the culture by actually raising better children, and then wait for selection pressure to improve the genetics. This should mean that each generation should be better than the one that came before it, reversing the current trend. So for example, parents should get rid of their televisions. But Muslims are extremely unmotivated to take action of any kind.
My solution to this is to get Muslims to visit conservative Mennonite churches. Most Muslims view things as basically hopeless, and a visit to a Mennonite church should cure this. Again I know this from experience, from taking the leader of my local mosque a Mennonite church. He was very impressed and was motivated for a while to try to follow the Mennonite example. But the problem is that the closest Mennonite church is too far away for easy trips. So I want to move where Muslims and Mennonites live close together, and I am looking into Harrisburg, PA for this. My hope is that when Muslims see how Mennonites successfully raise children outside of modern culture, and how Mennonites keep their religion across generations, Muslims will be motivated to follow this example.
But unlike Mennonites, I don't want to form a religious community. Islam has a lot of baggage that Muslims won't be able to fix until their IQ goes up by 20 points. So the solution is to make the "raising good children" organization clearly not religious and open to people of any religion. But I can't see anyone other than Muslims actually being interested in such an organization because no other religion recognizes the problems of modern culture.
If such an organization can be formed, I would hope that children raised in the organization would remain as adults. Naturally many wouldn't, many would leave. And this is good because this process would purify the K-strategy genes in the community.
For me personally, the next steps are visiting Harrisburg, PA often so I can judge it, and developing at least something of value for children to serve as a starting point. For this, I plan to add a 2D game API to Luan and use that to offer a programming class for children.
I have discussed this idea with my main contact at my local mosque, and he is supportive of this idea. I will visit Harrisburg, PA for a week later this month and hopefully learn enough to decide if this works as a location.