I mean, I’m in no moral shape to condemn him. I can just say aesthetically speaking I find the idea of a publicized death terribly gauche and backward. It was done in the old days entirely to strike fear in people, as a terror tactic, to reinforce a social order. If I were to indulge in some lurid violent power fantasy, I’d make it something horrifically ironic but private - like, say, cooking him and serving him to his family, a riff on the Christian communion.
But then, again, these power fantasy things are all distant fantasies that have utterly no chance of being realized. And anyone with a grasp on mature reality can realize these things.
Honestly, NeoMatrix, what irritates me the most about you is that you pretend this is all for the greater good.
That, or you waste all your time putting on this tremendous facade just to, what, say at the end “AND DIS IS WHAT LIBRULS ARE RELLY LIEK”. Either way, either manner of trolling, you’re pathetic, your tastes are shit, and your routine is rote and needs some work.