“If you are a normal, intelligent, sane person, you can conclude that all three of these stories are fairy tales.”
Uh huh.
“Why is it, then, that you believe that all the matter in the universe came from nothing,”
I don’t believe that. No one believes that. Only creationists who don’t understand the Big Bang Theory at fucking ALL think anyone believes that.
“was compacted into an extremely hot, dot-sized region, exploded with tremendous force via energy that came from nowhere?”
You guys tell each other the same physics fanfiction with the same lack of knowing what you;re talking about.
“Then the earth cooled down,”
Skipping a LOT of narrative about stars living and dying before the Earth came to be.
“an atmosphere was created and it rained for millions of years to create vast oceans containing dissolved rocks which contained the basic building blocks of life known as "amino acids".”
That’s not what you get from dissolving rocks.
“That "primordial soup" then slowly evolved into fish, those fish evolved into amphibians, those amphibians evolved into reptiles, those reptiles evolved into mammals and birds, those mammals then evolved into humans.”
Dude, even the cartoon history of evolution has more detail and less inaccuracy.
“Scientific fact? I don't think so!”
You clearly don’t understand the science, don’t want to put any time into understanding it, your opinion means nothing except that you disagree. Who gives a shit?
"It's a proven fact that life cannot arise from non-life.”
No, it isn’t proven.
ONE experiment proved maggots aren’t created by sunlight on meat. The list of experiments needed to rule out ALL possible paths of non-life to life is far more daunting than you can imagine.
“It's a proven fact that matter cannot be created out of nothing by sheer chance.”
A meaningless observation since the Big Bang doesn’t state that it was.
“It's a proven fact that there are NO vestigial structures in any animals; evey organ serves some purpose and it's all designed to work perfectly with other systems.”
You don’t know what ‘vestigial’ means, either.
“So, is evolution a scientific fact?”
Well, it’s clear that your arguments against it are useless to answer this question, so if you have an answer, it’s an emotional response, not a logical conclusion.
"Absolutely NOT!”
Just not in any way you can accurately explain.
“It's an anti-scientific religion and nothing more!”
Fractally wrong.