I was bullied in high school. The worst of my tormentors was a closet boy who thought that if he kept everyone focused on terrorizing me, they would not find out that he was secretly gay.
High school was, for me, pure hell.
That little shit who murdered 6 people because a girl refused to give him sex, had the ability to be a popular kid in school. He blew that be behaving like a douche, and terrorizing girls. He went out of his way to alienate his classmates. Later, in college, he refused to try a new tactic. He continued to be a creepy douchebag.
Don’t blame autism for his actions. I live with autism. I have difficulty reading people. But I dont go around calling women “hole” or “whore”, and demanding that they give me sex.
And unlike your adored “saint”, I am actually ugly. Your “saint has a symmetrical face and an ugly personality.
I have a lopsided face, and a decent personality. And women like to be around me.