> To the far left “racist” just means you disagree with them on the issue of systemic racism. You don’t actually have to hate, dislike, hold a bias etc against any race. You’re either with them or against them.
There is no doubting that Black people are treated more poorly in comparison to white people. The fact is, what you’re doing is whitewashing what it means to be “racist”. You’re trying to make racism seem more palatable. Making it seem like its everyone else who’s crazy.
> I can actually hold these far left activists accountable because for years they’ve been fearmongering about how dangerous it is for people, especially for black people, to interact with American police, whipping people up into a frenzy that is completely disproportionate to reality. If all you did was listen to these people you would think that there’s a psycho cop right around the corner ready to kill you for fun when you’re minding your own business and that’s just not how any of this works. It’s rare, it’s VERY rare.
Because it is very dangerous for black people to interact with police. A huge percentage of black people encounter hostility from the police. You’re trying to do damage control for the police, who AREN’T the saints you wish they were.
> Maybe without all this propaganda that worm of a human being who killed David Dorn would have done something more productive with his life. Maybe I dunno, if the facts had been presented more accurately to him without the bullshit far left spin he would have simply attended a peaceful protest, written some angry letter to his elected officials or maybe he wouldn’t have cared at all. Several other cops also got shot that night and none of this would have happened without the anti-police bigotry promoted by BLM, antifa and all the other far left nutjobs.
The only bigotry that exists here is the racism that is vociferously promoted on Police Officer forums, on discussions by police officers, and in their psychotic discussions about protesters. Peaceful protesters are doing it right until they’re too disruptive to you, then they’re not doing it right. Angry letters are doing it right, until they annoy a Republican too much then they’re not doing it right.
But then, you complain about the supposed weight of far left propaganda and the murders allegedly taking place due to them. What happens if I bring up the wealth of murders that have taken place due to white power narratives? Are the far right Neo-Nazi propaganda folks ALSO to blame for the much greater number of deaths their disciples have incurred?
> As for my comment to “anonymous”, it’s called taking the piss. Only true response for the race baiters.
I have a rule of thumb that if you hear a right winger talk about race baiters, he’s just bitter he can’t scream the N-Word at black people any more. You have no basis for it, and fundamentally all you have is gaslighting and victim blaming.