10. How many people should we let into this country?
I don’t know, and I don’t specifically care. I oppose immigration policy that discriminates, or that won’t work, or that would work but wouldn’t be worth the cost.
9. How are rules that apply equally to everyone discriminatory and racist?
There are a lot of ways, like requiring everyone (including the crippled) to walk, or giving everyone (including men) maternity leave, to write a law that hurts or benefits particular groups without directly naming them. This is similar to how clever zoning laws can be used to disenfranchise people — find out where like-minded folks congregated, and draw the district lines so that their votes have disproportionate affect.
8. How are rules that only apply to one group of people not discriminatory and racist, like Affirmative Action?
They are. The implication that people of color should want to join historically white institutions, instead of destroying and replacing them entirely, is extremely racist.
7. Do you know what a pyramid scheme is and still like ObamaCare?
Well, kind of. I wish it had worked like the angry reactionaries said it would work, replacing insurance companies entirely with a single, universal insurance pot that always has enough money to pay for needed treatment*, instead of the way it actually worked where the government subsidizes the now-redundant insurance companies.
* even if the money needs to be printed, because seriously, fuck any economy that allows someone to die of preventable disease
6. Why is it okay to kill unborn children but wrong to kill convicted murderers?
Because the former are genetically human, but are not sentient.
5. How does stagnating growth stimulate the economy?
It doesn’t.
If I knowingly support a policy that causes the economy to stagnate, it’s because I expect it to be worth it for some other reason, like slowing the spread of a novel respiratory disease with no known vaccination, or radically simplifying the welfare system so that fewer people fall through the cracks, or, switching gears to programs that already are in place, leveling the job hunting playing field by giving most of the population the gift of basic literacy, or ensuring that consequences face anyone who, through negligence or malice or malicious negligence, sells poison in place of food.
4. Does it make sense to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result?
No. That sounds crazy. Who does that?
3. How will punishing law-abiding people stop criminals from breaking the law?
It doesn’t. That sounds crazy. Who does that?
2. How can you count to ten if you skip the number two [Second Amendment]?
You can’t. Now, are you just going to keep writing bumper sticker slogans, or do you care to actually back up your claim that buying a bunch of guns and locking them in your basement actually constitutes a “well-ordered militia.”
1. Why was George W. Bush a bad President but Barack Obama is a good one?
They both sucked way too much corporate dick for my tastes.