At least the wealthy have enough extra to pay bills and eat so they could invest $600.00.
Also; The OP refuses to comprehend other’s points to him because he’s so invested in his class-based bigotry. He and his ilk literally believe that the wealthy are good and superior while the poor are wicked and inferior and worthy of death!
There’s no rhyme, reason or logic to it. It’s all about feeling “superior” because one’s brain is to degenerate to find other ways to be good about themselves. It’s the same mindset behind bullying.
Any “moral” and “reasonable” arguments used to prop up bigotry are merely lies and excuses because the moment the marginalized prove them wrong and succeed and prosper, the bigots blow it up! Ask the folks in Rosewood FL. and Downtown Tulsa, OK.
“Black Wall Street”, Rosewood and the others should have put the theories behind “Race” to rest and made everyone rethink their image of Blacks as a “humanoid sub-species of lazy pervert ape-hominid things with the IQ of watermelon”, thus killing ethnicism forever… instead they just blew all that stuff up, lynched a bunch and drove the rest out.
Likewise; These guys babble about the “Poors” being lazy and stupid (despite most having several jobs and working their tails off or desperately doing all they can to find any job) yet will ruin all the poor folk’s breakthroughs and efforts in climbing the economic ladder. They’ll make it hard for small business and entrepreneurship. They WANT the poor to STAY POOR so they have someone to stomp on!
Bigotry isn’t based on real but misguided grievance or fears about groups one doesn’t know or understand, it’s based on bullying and nothing more. It’s the same mindset as any bully, sadist or serial killer… hurt others and put others down so one can feel good about themselves… anyone like that is pitiful and WEAK by nature. Having to hurt others so you don’t feel horrible is the biggest sign of weakness imaginable. A true strong person is secure enough to find better ways to feel better about themselves.
Perhaps if we can direct those sociopaths into doing good deeds and being kind to others (even if for merely selfish, self-serving reasons), that might bring about a breakthrough and means to control the actions of the Empathy-Impaired. If you’re good to others, other might like you more and you’ll feel good! Good Feels Good…even if you’re an Anti-Social.