
Bo French #wingnut #racist #ableist #homophobia #sexist #racist advocate.com

Bo French, chair of the Republican Party in Tarrant County, Texas, has made several foul comments in the months leading up to the election. He last month called one Democratic advertisement featuring men voters "the gayest ad in history," writing on Twitter/X: “Guarantee every one of these ‘dudes’ is a homo. There is literally nothing manly about any of them.”

The conservative also around the same time used a slur for people with developmental disabilities against former Republican U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, responding to her remarks at a Harris campaign rally in Wisconsin with: "Never go full retard."

In a poll posted for his followers, French asked if those who "believe Harris’ policies are better for Americans than Trumps’ policies" are “Ignorant,” “A liar,” “Retarded,” or “Gay.” He most recently wrote under a video from the recent World Series: “Retard strength."

In response to a post from Harris telling voters to "trust women" to make their own decisions about their health care, French wrote: "There are just some things where you can't trust women TBH."

French has previously said that he aims to “make Tarrant County inhospitable for Democrats," who he has also accused of trying to “rid the earth of the white race.” He came under fire in August after trying and failing to pressure local Republican election officials to close college polling locations, explicitly stating that it was because young voters historically have "voted with Democrats."

Tony Perkins #homophobia advocate.com

Family Research Council president Tony Perkins recognized National Coming Out Day by blaming recent youth suicides on the gay community in an online column for The Washington Post.

“Some homosexuals may recognize intuitively that their same-sex attractions are abnormal — yet they have been told by the homosexual movement, and their allies in the media and the educational establishment, that they are ‘born gay’ and can never change,” he wrote. “This — and not society's disapproval — may create a sense of despair that can lead to suicide.”

Scott Lively #fundie #homophobia advocate.com

Conservative Christian activist Scott Lively described Uganda’s “kill the gays” bill as “a step in the right direction” in an interview with radio talk-show host Alan Colmes, although Lively said the proposal goes too far in its punishments.

Lively, president of Abiding Truth Ministries, praised Uganda for “actively discouraging the mainstreaming of homosexuality” when he appeared on Colmes’s show Monday night. He told Colmes he does not agree with the legislation’s prescriptions of life imprisonment or capital punishment for gays in certain circumstances, and he does not think parliament will pass the measure as currently written. Pressed by the host about what he would consider appropriate punishment, Lively said only that he does not favor incarceration for gays and that society should encourage heterosexual marriage.

Lively was one of three U.S. conservative Christian leaders who spoke at a conference in Uganda last March on how to fight homosexuality. The bill was drafted shortly thereafter, and some press reports, like this New York Times article, have explored how U.S. evangelicals may have influenced the antigay movement in Uganda — although Lively and the other Americans have tried to distance themselves from the legislation.

Robert F Kennedy jr #conspiracy #crackpot #homophobia #moonbat #transphobia advocate.com

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the noted conspiracy theorist and anti-vaccine activist, thinks kids (particularly boys) are being made trans from exposure to chemicals in the environment,

“I see these huge levels of depression and despair, loneliness in kids, and I don’t think that there’s a single cause to it, and I think blaming it on depression about climate is probably over-simplistic,” Kennedy told Canadian far right-wing political pundit and psychologist Jordan Peterson. “A lot of the problems we see in kids, and particularly boys, it’s probably underappreciated that how much of that is coming from chemical exposures, including a lot of the sexual dysphoria that we’re seeing.”

Kennedy claimed that kids are “swimming through a soup of toxic chemicals,” including atrazine, a common herbicide.

“If you in a lab put atrazine and a tank full of frogs, it will chemically castrate and force forcibly feminize every frog in there, and 10 percent of the frogs, the male frogs will turn into fully viable females able to produce viable eggs,” Kennedy claimed. “If it’s doing that to frogs, it, there’s a lot of other evidence that it’s doing it to human beings as well.”

A second video getting a lot of attention shows Kennedy making wild claims about the beginnings of the AIDS crisis, blaming it on gay men and the use of poppers, an inhalant that relaxes muscles and generates a brief headrush and sensation of euphoria.

“There’s a lot of people that said it is not a virus,” Kennedy said. “The virus is a passenger virus, and these people are dying mainly because of poppers. A hundred percent of the people who died in the first thousand [with] AIDS were people who were addicted to poppers, which are known to cause Kaposi sarcoma in rats. And they were people who were part of a gay lifestyle where they were burning the candle at both ends.”

“There were poppers on sale everywhere at the gay bars,” he said. “And there were a number of people in the [National Institutes of Health] who said, this is not a viral disease, but it’s a disease that is environmental and is being caused to people who are getting autoimmunity from doing these toxins.”

Kennedy claimed, “But for Tony Fauci, it was really important to call it a virus because that made it an infectious disease, and it allowed him to take control of it.”

Bill James #homophobia advocate.com

An antigay commissioner in North Carolina’s Mecklenburg County called gay people “sexual predators” in an e-mail response to a letter from a fellow commissioner asking her colleagues to sign a thank-you note to the state’s officials who voted to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Mecklenburg County commissioner Jennifer Roberts circulated the letter earlier this month, prompting an angry response from Bill James.

“Homosexuals are sexual predators,” James wrote in response to the e-mail from Roberts. “Allowing homosexuals to serve in the U.S. military with the endorsement of the Mecklenburg County Commission ignores a host of serious problems related to maintaining U.S. military readiness and effectiveness not the least of which is the current Democrat plan to allow homosexuals (male and female) to share showers with those they are attracted to.”

In 2009, James made headlines for mumbling the word “homo” after a colleague spoke of her son dying of AIDS. A few years earlier, he was quoted as saying people of color "live in a moral sewer."

Rev. Phillip Kayser #fundie #homophobia advocate.com

Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul’s gay-friendly image is taking another hit with the revelation of his endorsement by a minister who advocates the death penalty for homosexuality.

Paul’s campaign chairman for Iowa, which has an early voice in the nominating process with next Tuesday’s caucus, put out a statement yesterday touting the endorsement of the Reverend Phillip Kayser, pastor of Dominion Covenant Church in Omaha, Neb., just across the border from Iowa. Talking Points Memo reports that a paper Kayser wrote a few years ago claims the Bible justifies capital punishment for gay people.

“Difficulty in implementing Biblical law does not make non-Biblical penology just,” he wrote. “But as we have seen, while many homosexuals would be executed, the threat of capital punishment can be restorative,” leading gays to “repent.”

TPM interviewed Kayser by phone, and he confirmed his support for biblical punishments for homosexuality, up to and including the death penalty. He noted that he has differences with the candidate on gay issues — Paul, a member of Congress, voted to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell” — but he believes Paul, as president, would allow states leeway to enact laws based on the Bible. “Under a Ron Paul presidency, states would be freed up to not have political correctness imposed on them, but obviously some state would follow what’s politically correct,” Kayser said.

The Paul campaign website had posted a press release on Kayser’s endorsement, but by Wednesday evening it had been taken off the site. Paul and his staff have made no further public statement on the matter.

Giles Muhame #homophobia advocate.com

At least four gay Ugandans have been attacked since a publication printed personal information of the country's "top" homosexuals earlier this month, the Associated Press reports.

The small Ugandan newspaper Rolling Stone published photos, names, and addresses of the targeted individuals. A headline on the paper read "Hang Them."

"We felt there was need for society to know that such characters exist amongst them," Giles Muhame, the publication's managing editor, said of gays. "Some of them recruit young children into homosexuality, which is bad and need to be exposed. They take advantage of poverty to recruit Ugandans. In brief we did so because homosexuality is illegal, unacceptable, and insults our traditional lifestyle."

Frank Mugisha, chairman of Sexual Minorities Uganda, said that 20 gay persons have been attacked in the last year in the country, where a bill that would make homosexuality punishable by the death penalty is still pending.

several residents of Bassersdorf #transphobia advocate.com

Trans Woman Burned in Effigy in Switzerland

Every year, the small town of Bassersdorf, Switzerland builds a “Böögg” — a large doll that’s set alight for Sechseläuten, an annual celebration at the end of April and the beginning of spring.

Typically, a Böögg is created to represent a snowman and is meant to signify the end of winter. In the past, Bassersdorf has opted to go in a different direction. Instead of winter, Basserdorf has created its effigies to represent people who they deem negative, including dictators like Kim Jong-Un and Muammar al-Gaddafi, according to LGBTQ Nation.

This year, the town created one in the likeness of a trans woman, which it called the “Diversity Böögg”.

The Böögg was dressed in a rainbow skirt and red tie. It had long blond hair and makeup on one side of its face, while the other had short, curly dark hair. It also had visible breasts and a penis, the latter of which was meant to be revealed by wind, Zuri Today reports.

“When it blew up the Böögg’s skirt, many spectators grinned,” master of ceremonies Christian Weiss told the outlet. “On Facebook, you can now choose the gender from a wide range of options,” Weiss explained. “It was the same with the Böögg this year. It has different features and there is something for everyone.”

Weiss explained that the intention was to focus on a current event but they felt that anything about the ongoing pandemic or the war in Ukraine would be too sad, so instead, they opted for the “happy fun” idea of burning a trans woman in effigy.

For those speaking out against the design, Weiss said that they’re simply reading too much into it. He explained that it’s not an attack on any one person, but rather a statement against “rampant narcissistic hypersensitivity and the pathological lack of humor.”

The town’s mayor, Doris Meier, issued a statement apologizing to anyone whose feelings were hurt by the event or for whom “the action triggered different opinions on this sensitive topic.” She stated that she didn’t believe that was the intent.


Gregory Lee Giusti #fundie advocate.com

Two plaintiffs in the high-profile Proposition 8 case were subjected to multiple vitriolic and antigay voice mails during the 2010 trial from a San Francisco man who was later convicted of making threatening telephone calls to then–House speaker Nancy Pelosi.

A former law enforcement agent who provided audio recordings of the voice mails to The Advocate said the phone number used by the caller matched one revealed in a federal grand jury subpoena involving the investigation of Gregory Lee Giusti, 49. Giusti made at least 48 calls in February and March of 2010 to Pelosi, including calls to her Washington, D.C., residence, one of her Northern California residences, her San Francisco district office, and her husband’s San Francisco office. Giusti used a Magic Jack device in an attempt to conceal the origin of the calls, according to a 2010 affidavit by FBI supervisory special agent Bryan S. Smith.

“You stinkin’ lesbos make me sick,” the caller, identified by multiple sources as Giusti, said in one voice mail to Stier and Perry. “I hope you lose your case. ... Marriage is between one man and one woman only. That’s the way God arranged it, set it up. Two people of the same sex cannot procreate. And no, getting yourself artificially inseminated is not procreation in God’s eyes. Or two faggots can’t procreate no matter how much you want to [expletive] each other.”

In another, Giusti told the couple, who have children, “I think that’s really disgusting that you’re raising, um, kids, I think the law should state lesbos and faggots shouldn’t be around kids. ...

“I hope you enjoy burning in hell, for that’s where you’re going to go when you die, for the Bible clearly states that lesbianism and homosexuality is an abomination in God’s eyes,” Giusti said. “And you can tell those other faggots doing the case with you that I hope they both die of AIDS.”

Joshua Feuerstein #fundie advocate.com

Christian evangelist and social media personality Joshua Feuerstein is taking aim at marriage equality — literally.

Feuerstein ended a recent video rant posted to his Facebook page by holding up a semiautomatic assault rifle and encouraging his followers to fight for their “First Amendment right to refuse” recognition of marriage equality with their Second Amendment right.

In the video, which has been viewed more than 5 million times since it was uploaded to social media July 9, Feuerstein claims the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide is “not about equal rights” but “about reconstitutionalizing a term so that now it opens up the door for the left and the liberals to come after Christianity.”

He then proceeds to inaccurately report incidents as his proof that LGBT equality is an attack on Christianity. He cites the case involving the bakery Sweet Cakes by Melissa, which had been ordered by an Oregon state agency to pay $135,000 in damages to lesbian couple Rachel and Laurel Bowman-Cryer after the owners refused to bake a cake for the couple’s wedding, claiming it would violate their religious beliefs.

However, Feuerstein does not mention that Sweet Cakes owners Aaron and Melissa Klein did more than simply refuse service to the couple. They posted a copy of the couple’s legal complaint on the Sweet Cakes Facebook page with their home address visible, which led to a wave of harassment for the couple, which included hateful comments and threats on social media and news websites.

He also highlights another story that gained much media attention last October after ordained ministers Donald and Evelyn Knapp, who own the Hitching Post Wedding Chapel in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho — which is also registered as a for-profit business — said they were worried about facing legal action after refusing to host a same-sex wedding. Feuerstein falsely claims the Knapps are being told if they “don’t marry gay couples [they face] arrest and imprisonment.” (We debunked that claim here; no formal complaint was ever filed against the Knapps, although they have sued the city.)

“You see what’s beginning to go on here? You see how they’re beginning to paint Christians? I’ve been telling you guys for a long time. It’s happening,” the evangelist says before launching into the most disturbing moment of his 2-minute, 36-second rant.

“Why are we backing down to the government and not drawing a line in the sand? They’re coming after our First Amendment constitutional rights! Well, check this out, this is one pastor that will not bow. Why?” he asks as he pulls a semiautomatic assault rifle into the frame and poses with the weapon. “Because my First Amendment right is guaranteed by my Second Amendment right. Think about that, ladies and gentlemen. It’s time that we finally take a stand and say no more. We’re not backing up any further. We’re not going to allow a tyrannical government to come in and strip away our rights as Christians and try to demonize us so that they can make the Bible bigoted.”

Tony McDonald #fundie advocate.com

In a round-about effort to end governmental support for LGBT centers on public college campuses, the Texas house of representatives passed a budget provision requiring any school with a gay center to offer the same financial support to a "traditional values" center.

The Texas house passed the budget provision earlier this month by a 110-24 margin, reports Inside Higher Ed. If passed by the senate and signed into law by the governor, the legislation would require equal funding for promoting "family and traditional values." The group that worked with the bill's sponsor is the Young Conservatives of Texas. The group's senior vice chairman, Tony McDonald, admits he hopes, if the bill passes, all public universities in Texas will defund LGBT centers rather than provide equal money for conservative centers — McDonald believed legislation to cut funding from gay centers was less likely to pass, so his group advocated for the "traditional values" centers.

McDonald told Inside Higher Ed that students "who want to promote a homosexual lifestyle" can do so "on their own time and with their own money."

Pat Robertson #fundie advocate.com

Pat Robertson has come up with a new theory as to why liberals support abortion rights — it’s because they want to put lesbians and straight women on “a level playing field.”

On a recent episode of The 700 Club, discussing the battle over federal funding for Planned Parenthood, Robertson says President Obama supports the organization because of what the antigay minister calls the Left’s “culture of death.” Then Robertson says to cohost Terry Meeuwsen, “If a woman is a lesbian, what advantage does she have over a married woman? Or what deficiency does she have?”

Meeuwsen replies, “Well, she can’t have children” — ignoring the fact that lesbians can and do have children. Robertson says, “That’s exactly right. And so if these married women don’t have children, if they abort their babies, then that kind of puts them on a level playing field.”

Fred Luter #fundie advocate.com

Right Wing Watch reports the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, Fred Luter, is blaming North Korea leader Kim Jong-un’s recent threat to attack America on debates over marriage equality and lifting the ban on gays in the Boy Scouts of America.

“I would not be surprised that at the time when we are debating same-sex marriage, at a time when we are debating whether or not we should have gays leading the Boy Scout movement, I don’t think it’s just a coincidence that we have a mad man in Asia who is saying some of the things that he’s saying,” Luter told radio host Rick Wiles.

Luter, who became the first African-American head of the Southern Baptist Convention last year, was responding to Willes’ suggestion that Jong-un’s threat was a punishment from God due to “our slide into Immorality.”

“You know at precisely the same time the Supreme Court is hearing these arguments on same-sex marriage in Asia a crazy man in possession of nuclear weapons, Kim Jong-un, is openly saying: I have ordered our military to position our rockets on US targets in Hawaii, Japan, Guam and the mainland of the United States,” Willes said. “He has gone into a full state of war this week. I don’t know, Pastor Luter, I don’t know if anybody is — I know they’re not — they’re just not putting this together. You got this happening over here and you got this happening over here: could the two be connected? Could our slide into immorality be what is unleashing this mad man over here in Asia to punish us?”

David Barton #fundie advocate.com

David Barton, the evangelical Christian founder of the group Wallbuilders, thinks that the federal government should regulate gay sex the way it does alcohol, cigarettes, and certain harmful food ingredients.

“— So if I got to the Centers for Disease Control and I’m concerned about health, I find some interesting stats there and this should tell me something about health,” said Barton.

“Homosexual/bi-sexual individuals are seven times to contemplate or commit suicide. Oooh, that doesn’t sound very healthy,” he cooed.

“Homosexuals die decades earlier than heterosexuals. That doesn’t sound healthy.

“Nearly one-half of practicing homosexuals admit to five hundred or more sex partners and nearly one-third admit to a thousand or more sex partners in a lifetime," said Barton.

James Dobson #fundie advocate.com

James Dobson, a conservative Christian leader who helped found two anti-LGBT groups, has a suggestion for those who object to transgender women’s presence in women’s restrooms: Shoot them.

“If you are a married man with any gumption, surely you will defend your wife’s privacy and security in restroom facilities,” Dobson writes in a column published this week on the far-right site WND. He imagines such scenarios as “a strange-looking man, dressed like a woman — peering over toilet cubicles to watch your wife in a private moment” and “men who walk in unannounced, unzip their pants and urinate in front of [little girls].”

“If this had happened 100 years ago, someone might have been shot,” he continues. “Where is today’s manhood? God help us!”

Robert Bellamy, Jr. #fundie advocate.com

One of three suspects in an antigay hate crime that occurred early Sunday on Long Island in New York told police, “God made me hate gay people.”

Robert Bellamy, Jr., 23, is the only suspect apprehended thus far in the beating of a man and his friend, who police believe was dressed in drag for Halloween, in Lakeview in Nassau County. The other two suspects are still at large.

Bellamy, who was charged with robbery and assault as a hate crime, blamed his alleged actions on a directive from a higher power, according to Newsday.

“Bellamy told police, ‘God made me hate gay people,’ court records show,” Newsday reported.

Bellamy and the two other assailants shouted antigay slurs as they kicked and beat the two men, who were targeted because of their perceived sexual orientation. The attackers stole $7 from one of the victims. The victims suffered cuts and bruises.

Larry Jacobs #fundie advocate.com

Six American organizations have signed a statement supporting Russia’s “gay propaganda law,” which criminalizes support of LGBT people and causes in any venue that might be accessible to minors.

The organizations join an international coalition of over 100 conservative groups that have lauded the legislation, claiming in the letter that it “protects innocence and moral formation of children by prohibiting propaganda of ‘non-traditional sexual relationships’ among them.”

The U.S. groups include World Congress of Families, the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, Mission: America, GrasstopsUSA, Population Research Institute, and His Servants, a Christian organization. Larry Jacobs, managing director of the World Congress of Families, claimed the law is instrumental in protecting the health of children.

“All the law does is to prohibit advocacy aimed at involving minors in a lifestyle that would imperil their physical and moral health,” Jacobs said in a press release. “Even the U.S. Centers for Disease Control has shown that sexually transmitted diseases, drug use and suicide rates are significantly higher among what it discreetly calls a ‘sexual minority.’ CDC data also demonstrates that there is much greater health risks among teenagers who practice homosexuality than those who do not engage in homosexual behavior."

Nick and Sarah Jensen #fundie advocate.com

Gays really will destroy marriage!

the pair are so concerned about Australia's increasing embrace of same-sex marriage that this week husband Nick declared a bizarre protest on the cover of lifestyle weekly Canberra CityNews: if marriage equality passes, the Christian couple will be "forced" to divorce, yet still refer to each other as "husband" and "wife," cohabitate, have children, and raise their family together.

"Why do this?" Jensen asks the question many readers are likely wondering. "The reason is that, as Christians, we believe marriage is not a human invention," he answers, later adding that "This is what we have to do as Christians who believe in a Biblical definition of marriage, that we can't see that definition change in a way that no longer reflects God's truth."

Yet Jensen says he will clearly be able to remain his wife's husband after divorce, even if the state changes the "fundamental" heterosexual definition of their union. "Many Christians, like my wife and me, as well as people of other faiths, will simply reject the need for the State to recognise their marriage," he explains. "Instead they will look to the authority of their church, mosque or temple."

Waileka #fundie advocate.com

Homosexuals are narcissistic perverts, railling against God, afraid to be involved with members of the opposite sex, as God and Nature intended. I feel disdain for you, certainly not 'hate'. If you don't respect someone's chosen life style, it doesn't mean you 'hate' them. After all, it takes RESPECT to love or to hate.

Craig Candelore #fundie advocate.com

A group of four conservative Christian attorneys campaigning for seats on San Diego’s Superior Court say they’re on a mission from God to replace liberal judges who support abortion rights and same-sex marriage.

The group of attorneys say they’re hoping to bring Christian values to the court, vowing to be “God’s Ambassadors on the bench.

"We believe our country is under assault and needs Christian values," said Craig Candelore, a family law attorney who is one of the group's candidates. "Unfortunately, God has called upon us to do this only with the judiciary.”

Tom Parker #fundie advocate.com

An Alabama supreme court justice has compared the federal judge who ruled "don't ask, don't tell" unconstitutional to Al Qaeda, Think Progress reports.

"Liberal judges are at it again," Justice Tom Parker, a Tea Party candidate who was first elected to the court in 2004, said in a recent campaign ad.

"Recently, U.S. district judge Virginia Phillips ordered a worldwide injunction to overturn the 'don’t ask, don’t tell' policy on homosexuals serving in the military," he said. "With a stroke of a pen, this Clinton-appointed judge, who got her law degree at Berkeley, unilaterally made the biggest single change in military policy in American history. ... Most people believe that Al Qaeda is one of America’s biggest security threats. I think it’s time to add liberal activist judges like Judge Phillips to that list."

Tony Perkins #fundie advocate.com

The head of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, who once bragged that he'd written the antigay portions of last year's Republican Party platform, is now telling his followers to boycott.

Perkins wants payback for suggestions by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and others who say the GOP should spend less time talking about "traditional" marriage.

"Until the RNC and the other national Republican organizations grow a backbone and start defending core principles, don't give them a dime of your hard-earned money," Perkins wrote to followers in a newsletter on Thursday. He suggested that instead they send checks directly to FRC because, "At least then you can relax, knowing that your money will be spent advancing faith, family, and freedom!"

Perkins is unmoved by analysis suggesting the party is alienating young voters, who polls show overwhelmingly support marriage equality.

"Instead of trying to appease millennials, Republicans should try educating them on why marriage matters," he wrote.

Tony Perkins #fundie advocate.com

The antigay Family Research Council has vowed to wreak vengeance on Republican Maine Sen. Olympia Snowe in the 2012 elections for indicating she’ll back a stand alone bill to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Council head Tony Perkins writes in a letter to members: “In less than two years, the liberal "Republican" will have to answer for her record of extremism, which now includes jeopardizing national security in order to use the military to advance the Left's radical social agenda. Attempting to explain her turncoat maneuver, Snowe said she arrived at her decision after "careful analysis" (which, considering how her state just voted to protect marriage, probably wasn't as careful as it should have been). Still, her announcement is one of the final pieces to the repeal puzzle for liberals, who may have cracked the 60-votes they need to put this gift under the tree for the 3% of America who lobbied for it.”

Tim Wildmon #fundie advocate.com

The antigay American Family Association (AFA) is slamming Fayetteville, Arkansas mayor Lioneld Jordan for the decision to honor 10-year-old gay rights activist Will Phillips as a gay pride parade grand marshal this Saturday. AFA president Tim Wildmon called the move a “form of child abuse.”

“It’s shameful that adults would abuse a brain-washed child in this way,” said AFA president Wildmon. “He’s obviously just parroting the nonsense he’s been told by manipulative adults.For gay activists to trot out this child and make him the poster child for promoting unnatural sexual expression is a form of child abuse.”

The "High Octane Nightmare Fuel" Award

Antonin Scalia #fundie advocate.com

In an interview, Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia says the Constitution doesn't promise protections for women and gays.

California Lawyer asked Scalia the following question: "In 1868, when the 39th Congress was debating and ultimately proposing the 14th Amendment, I don't think anybody would have thought that equal protection applied to sex discrimination, or certainly not to sexual orientation. So does that mean that we've gone off in error by applying the 14th Amendment to both?"

The ultraconservative judge replied that the Constitution doesn't require discrimination against minorities, but that it certainly doesn't prohibit it.

"Nobody ever thought that that's what it meant," Scalia said of the 14th Amendment protecting women. "Nobody ever voted for that. If the current society wants to outlaw discrimination by sex, hey we have things called legislatures, and they enact things called laws."

Janet Museveni #fundie advocate.com

Janet Museveni, the first lady of Uganda, warned participants at a national youth convention about the promotion of homosexuality, which she said advocates undertake for the sake of money.

"In God's word, homosexuality attracts a curse, but now people are engaging in it and saying they are created that way,” said Museveni, as reported by New Vision. “It is for money. The devil is stoking fires to destroy our nation and those taking advantage are doing so because our people are poor," she said. Mrs. Museveni advised the youth not only to listen to messages on how they can make money but also focus on spiritual growth. "You know that you will lose everything else when you lose your soul.”

Brian Brown #fundie advocate.com

The National Organization for Marriage is using the voice and image of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., in a new ad that urges Minnesota voters to support gubernatorial candidate Tom Emmer, who wants a public vote against marriage equality.

According to The Minnesota Independent, NOM president Brian Brown said in a statement Thursday, “We want the voters of Minnesota to know the facts about their rights and where the candidates stand on marriage. Just as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., fought for the civil rights of Americans, we echo his words to give people the ballot and let the people vote!”

Crystal Dixon #fundie advocate.com

Crystal Dixon, who was fired from her job at the University of Toledo in 2008 for writing a newspaper column that argued being gay is a choice and not a matter of civil rights, has been hired to lead a county human rights department in Michigan.

In 2008, Dixon lost her university job as associate vice president for human resources over a column she wrote in the Toledo Free Press called “Gay Rights and Wrongs: Another Perspective.” Her column was a response to an opinion written by the newspaper's editor-in-chief.

“As a Black woman who happens to be an alumnus of the University of Toledo's Graduate School, an employee and business owner, I take great umbrage at the notion that those choosing the homosexual lifestyle are 'civil rights victims,'” she wrote. “Here's why. I cannot wake up tomorrow and not be a Black woman. I am genetically and biologically a Black woman and very pleased to be so as my Creator intended. Daily, thousands of homosexuals make a life decision to leave the gay lifestyle evidenced by the growing population of PFOX (Parents and Friends of Ex Gays) and Exodus International just to name a few.”

zodiac #fundie advocate.com

Anytime someone mention a word about your culture, you get offensive. You have no respect for any other culture but yours. I think you should conduct some research to find out how many 'born and raised' gays are there in Gambian, guarantee you will find the answer as, 0. All gays and lesbians are from other nation. The president believes Islamic law should rule Gambia, but because of his loving and kindness for the people, it is not. You don’t have to believe Gambian president cures HIV. I just came from there and I know just as all other witnesses, that his cure for HIV is legit. If you really want to find out the truth, I think you should go there instead of bickering about the shit. He is blessed with something scientists and doctors spend their entire life trying to discover and they could not. Pharmaceutical companies want to criminalize the president just to ensure that no one gets the cure for HIV/AIDS unless the discovery is from their laboratory. This is the honest truth.

Jonathan #fundie advocate.com

When my boys were in public school, one little gay wanted to hug my son. In this school all the students were hugging each other, due to the fact that the school was being run by women and they forced the boys to hug each other. My boy told him to get lost, so the gay grabbed my son and hugged him. My boy punched him in the mouth. (I raise my boys good). Of course the girls running the school immediately kicked my son out. Even after my son said he was sexually assaulted. So I told my other son to do the same thing the gay did to his brother, to a girl there. Guess what. The feminazi kicked him out too. I homeschool my boys now. The poor boys who have to go to these schools need to protect themselves all they can against these predators who won't take no for an answer.

Alexander Shumsky #fundie advocate.com

Priest Alexander Shumsky, a columnist for Russian People's Line, says the bright-colored shoes that football players wear are too flashy.

He writes that because the players wear pink and blue shoes, they "might as well wear women's panties or a bra." He also slams some of the "unthinkable" hairstyles as the players in the tournament, according to the Moscow Times.

"The liberal ideology of globalism clearly wants to oppose Christianity with football. I'm sure of it," Shumsky wrote. "Therefore I am glad that the Russian players have failed and, by the grace of God, no longer participate in this homosexual abomination."

Rick Santorum #fundie advocate.com

Potential 2012 presidential candidate Rick Santorum told a right-wing news outlet that it is “common sense” for the state to prohibit same-sex couples from marrying and adopting children.

The former Republican senator from Pennsylvania spoke with CNS News editor-in-chief Terry Jeffrey, who asked Santorum about marriage equality and same-sex adoption, which he described as, “if the state takes a child and sticks it into a same-sex couple.”

Santorum agreed that marriage equality and same-sex adoption are a violation of natural law that the state should not sanction.
“The state is not doing a service to the child and to society by not putting that child in a home where there is a mother and a father,” he said. “This is common sense. This is nature.”

RI Gov. Don Carcieri #fundie advocate.com

Gov. Don Carcieri vetoed legislation Tuesday that would have given same-sex couples in Rhode Island the right to plan funerals for deceased partners.

The socially conservative Republican said the proposed protection represents a “disturbing trend” of the incremental erosion of heterosexual marriage, reports the Associated Press. Rhode Island does not recognize same-sex marriage.

The bill would have added domestic partners to the list of people who can legally make funeral arrangements for a deceased individual.

“If the General Assembly believes it would like to address the issue of domestic partnership, it should place the issue on the ballot and let the people of Rhode Island decide,” Carcieri said in a letter to lawmakers.

Sen. Rhoda Perry and Rep. David Segal, the bill's sponsors, said they would seek to override the veto. Currently, Democrats hold a veto-proof majority in the state legislature and have successfully overridden a number of Carcieri’s vetoes.

Hugo Valdemar #fundie advocate.com

Cardinals and other church officials also claim Ebrard bribed Mexico's supreme court, claiming that its “absurd” rulings in favor of marriage equality and adoption by gays could not have been reached otherwise. He affirmed, “I do not know of any of you who would like to be adopted by a pair of lesbians or a pair of fags.”

Sen. Jim DeMint #fundie advocate.com

Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina recently told Bloomberg columnist Albert Hunt that he thinks the idea of a gay president would be “immoral.”

DeMint, a socially conservative Republican, spoke with Hunt in his Senate office, where he was asked about the possibility of an openly gay or lesbian person reaching the highest elected office in the country.

“He cringes at the notion of a gay or lesbian president,” wrote Hunt, who said that DeMint replied, “It would be bothersome to me just personally because I consider it immoral.”

DeMint has been an outspoken opponent of marriage equality, which he and Hunt also discussed during the interview.

“Marriage is a religious institution. The federal government has no business redefining what it is,” DeMint told Hunt, adding that even state governments should not have the right to permit same-sex marriages.

“Governments should not be in the business of promoting a behavior that’s proven to be destructive to our society,” said DeMint.

Mahmoud Elnefnawy #fundie advocate.com

The New York City cab driver accused of booting a gay couple from his car for hugging said that he was terrified the men were about to have sex, and his boss added that being a Muslim made the situation especially difficult to handle.

Medhat Mohamed faces penalties and possible license revocation for ejecting Paul Bruno and his partner from the car in Manhattan after driving only two blocks Monday night, citing their displays of affection toward each other.

"I wanted to pay attention to getting them to their destination instead of worrying if they were going to have sex or not," Mohamed told the New York Post on Wednesday.

The driver said he told Bruno and his partner that they could remain in the car if they stopped touching, but Bruno denies he made the offer.

Mahmoud Elnefnawy, who owns the taxi medallion used by Mohamed, suggested that his Islamic religion was the reason, telling the New York Post, “in our religion, we can't handle that stuff."

"There's no kissing allowed in the cab,” said Elnefnawy. “A man has to be a man."

Bobby Franklin #fundie advocate.com

A Georgia state representative known for his extreme opinions says letting gay people serve in the military is equivalent to allowing drug dealers and other criminals in the ranks.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Marietta Daily Journal, Rep. Bobby Franklin said of homosexuality, “The Bible says it’s a capital offense. You want someone with unrepentant criminal behavior? And it’s not just that, neither should adulterers, neither should thieves, neither should a lot of things. The church is full of sinners, but we’re told in 1st Corinthians it rattled off the homosexual, the adulterer, the thief, the liar, and such were some of you, but you’ve been washed, you’ve been justified and so forth. It’s not what you were. You’re not punishing a thought. But do you want an unrepentant drug dealer in the military? Same thing.”

Roberto De Mattei #fundie advocate.com

An Italian professor is facing rebuke and possible termination because he told a radio interviewer that gays caused Rome's downfall.

Roberto De Mattei is vice president of Italy's prestigious Centre for National Research in Rome. In a radio interview, the 63-year-old said, "The collapse of the Roman Empire and the arrival of the Barbarians was due to the spread of homosexuality. The Roman colony of Carthage was a paradise for homosexuals and they infected many others. The invasion of the Barbarians was seen as punishment for this moral transgression."