David J Stewart

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

Lord willing, I want to find a wife. There's a young woman at Harvest I want to marry, but she won't know if she wants to marry me unless she gets to know me, and that means I need to attend her church. But because I am a Fundamentalist, and they are Neo-evangelicals, I am being punished for it. Sometimes I hate doing the right thing, but it is the right thing! Galatians 6:9, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Sometimes we just have to trust the Lord, and wait, which is frustrating. God is good.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

It is people like you Miss King who are destroying America (which is exactly what your husband did) by promoting wickedness! According to the above statement, Coretta Scott King is calling God a "bigot"! How dare Coretta King accuse Bible-believing, Christ-honoring Christians of "dehumanizing" such a godless bunch as homosexuals. I have news for you Coretta, Romans 1:26-32 condemns homosexuals. In fact, God says they deserve to die (Romans 1:32). God says that homosexuality is "against nature" (Romans 1:26). God even calls them, "haters of God" (Romans 1:30). It is abundantly clear that neither Martin Luther King Jr., nor his wife, had any concern for the Word of God.

David J. Stewart #psycho stewart1611.blogspot.com

If you are a Christian the whole world is waiting for you to fall. Could you imagine if a Baptist church were to sponsor something as despicable and raunchy as the popular TV show “Dance Moms”? Abby Lee Miller belongs in prison! If a church were to do the same thing, people in the local community would be outraged! Can anyone really wonder why there is an epidemic of pedophiles in society today, when ungodly filth like “Dance Moms” is aired on television? Nothing has destroyed America like TV!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

Satan's ultimate goal, and you wait and see, is to totally rid the churches of the trustworthy King James Bible. Once the homosexual agenda has been adopted into most of the churches, the KJB will be demonized as unfitting, offense and lacking tolerance for others. Already 5,100 American Baptist Convention churches are shamefully supporting the homosexual activist group AWAB. The apostate Independent Baptist church that I am talking about is so messed up. By the way, the Baptist pastor I met with at McDonalds told me that he recently attended an AWAB meeting. Unbelievable!!!

That same shameful Baptist pastor that I mentioned earlier, invited me recently to McDonalds, because he said he wanted to comment about a CD of Evangelist Phil Kidd's sermons that I gave him. He deceived me. The pastor was also 10-minutes late. The truth is that he wanted to tell me to SHUT UP again about exposing the modern Bible versions to their church members. Now they don't want me attending the private homes of their church members, because I may corrupt them. These are the crappy pastors in today's churches. They're behaving like Jehovah's Witnesses (a cult).

The pastor who invited me took a cheap shot across the table at McDonalds by saying he had heard some gossip about me and wanted to know what the story was. I told him that he ought to be ashamed of himself, especially as a pastor, for listening to gossip. My enemies (including pastor enemies) can attack me, degrade me, put me down, accuse me, say all manner of evil against me, but I am going to continue to PREACH THE TRUTH!!! Sadly, homosexuals, atheists and drunkards treat me far better than Baptist pastors do. I can't wait until judgment day! We'll see who's right and wrong!

David J. Stewart #fundie #psycho jesus-is-savior.com

If a child doesn't fear mom and dad, then they won't fear the law nor God and will likely spend eternity in Hell as we read in Proverbs 23:14...

Proverbs 23:14: “Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.”

Salvation begins with the fear of the Lord. If a person doesn't believe in a literal God, nor a literal Hell that burns with fire, nor a literal coming judgment day... then they're not going to come to Jesus Christ to be forgiven of their sins via the cross upon which Christ died. The Gospel teaches that the Lord Jesus Christ died, was buried and rose up three days later. If you accept that by faith as payment for your sins, then you are saved eternally.

Increasingly, as America turns her back on God, more people are coming to religion and NOT Christianity. We are living in the most undisciplined, spoiled, bratty generation in the history of humanity. Brats!

Walt Disney teaches children and teens to sass their parents, mouth back and have an attitude. Back in the old times you'd be wondering what hit you if you talked to your parents like that. You'd get slapped up side the head. I'm not saying that's the right way, but that's the way it was back then. The fear of God begins with the fear of parents. Nowadays parents are wrongfully prosecuted for disciplining their children.

I'm not talking about a drunken father who beats his kids in rage, God forbid. I'm talking about kids behaving because they know that if they don't, dad's belt is coming off and you're in for a whipping!!! That fear in the old days made America strong, when Americans obeyed the Bible's command to spare not the rod upon a child. Today kids are turning into Godless homosexuals (and they're ALL Godless, every last one). Homosexuality is a Godless practice, rooted in lust and rebellion against God. To the same degree that Americans accept homosexuals, to that same degree a fearful Police State is going up around us. If men won't fear God, then they will fear men.

Would to God that the Bible were brought back into our schools to drive the MADNESS from children's hearts, so that they won't continue growing up to become INSANE adults!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #psycho #homophobia #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There is great deception in America... civil rights. Many moral right's issues are deceitfully being labeled as “civil rights.” Thus, many moral right's issues are being violated in the name of “civil rights.” Listen, just because you're a U.S. citizen doesn't give you the right to disobey God. For example: Being a U.S. citizen gives you the “right” to vote; but, it does not give you the right to be homosexual. I don't care what the Supreme Court says, the Word of God condemns homosexuality!

America is filled with demented homosexuals and murderous abortionists who boast of being respectable citizens, who commit their sins with the government's permission; but, God will judge them for their wickedness (Romans 1:32). I am not trying to be unkind, I am taking a proper stand against a moral menace to society.

No one is born “gay,” because God doesn't make mistakes. God created male and female, which is normal. For anyone to claim that God made them a homosexual is to say that God made a mistake, because they cannot bear children nor have normal sexual relations. God didn't make a mistake, you did.

The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a Communist, anti-family, anti-Christian, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their babies, practice witchcraft, abandon homemaking, and become lesbians. Please read, Woman Admits Feminism Ruined Her Life.

Every woman has her rights; but, there's a world of difference between human rights (which we are born with), civil rights (which are granted to all U.S. citizens), and moral rights (which belong to God alone). A mother who claims the “right” to murder her baby through an abortion is violating God's moral rights. We have no sinful rights. Any honest person knows that abortion is wrong. The Bible calls it murder (Exodus 20:13). Nearly all abortions are the result of human irresponsibility, i.e., fornication. No one has a right to sin! Abortion is cold-blooded murder! This is a moral right that belongs to God alone, because only God can give life, and only God should take life. Again, we have no sinful rights.

Feminism is not the same thing as women's rights. People oftentimes get these two confused. Feminism is a sin; but, human rights certainly are not. Human rights are granted at birth, and apply to everyone. In contrast, feminism is rebellion, i.e., rebellious women refusing to submit to their husbands (or refusing to marry because they won't be ruled over). Some feminists are so "militant" about their rebellion that they are referred to as “Femi-Nazis.” Femi-Nazis like to destroy other people's marriages. Sometimes feminists refuse to marry, and strongly resent other women who are happily married. Many feminists CHOOSE to become lesbians. Homosexuality is a choice—no one is born homosexual. Feminism and homosexuality are inseparable. You show me a homosexual, and I'll show you someone who hates the King James Bible (which condemns homosexuality as a morally reprehensible sin. See Romans 1:22-32).

The feminist movement in America is trying to castrate men by DEMANDING equal authority. The idea that it takes a man to do certain jobs is repulsive to a feminist. Yet, who do we ALWAYS see holding the flag when we drive by a construction site? ... a woman! It's the men who are doing the rough work. Also, feminists are completely quite when it comes to the unfairness of child support and alimony payouts that men are often unfairly forced to pay! What hypocrites! Feminist women want EQUAL rights when it's to their advantage, but they don't want EQUAL rights for the man. I believe that a man ought to support his own children, but the U.S. legal system is abusive, catering to rebellious wives. A Christian husband has NO RIGHTS in the U.S. court system to enforce his wife's Biblical obligation to cook, clean and be an obedient wife (Genesis 2:18). This is wickedness!

For example: If a husband feels that it is in his marriage's best interest to shelter his wife from certain troublesome friends or a meddling mother-in-law, U.S. courts consider that “Domestic Abuse.” In reality, Biblically, every Christian husband has a right to decide who his wife associates with. A husband has a right to track his wife's whereabouts, but the U.S. Courts define this as “Domestic Abuse.” Husbands have few rights these days in America! In fact, the ungodly U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1988 that a man's pregnant wife can abort the child, even if the biological father objects to the abortion. She can murder his child! This is cruel and evil. Sadly, and tragically, marriage licenses have become weapons against husbands in today's ungodly U.S. court system. Judges and lawyers are predators, who profit from the calamity and hardships of others. No wonder Jesus preached the stern warning . . . WOE UNTO YE LAWYERS!!! Luke 11:46a, “And he said, Woe unto you also, ye lawyers! for ye lade men with burdens grievous to be borne.”

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Let's be clear on the matter, there is NO such thing as "radical Christianity." There is Biblical Christianity and then there's heathendom. The milquetoast, watered-down, crossless, lukewarm, deadbeat, pseudo-Christianity which has saturated America is nothing more than heathendom. The average so-called "Christian" is as heathen as can be.

Likewise, there is NO such thing as radical Islam. If you follow Islam and obey the Qur'an as it is written, then you are commanded to kill all Christians (Surah 4:89). This is Islam! Anything less less is compromise and a denial of one's Islamic faith. The reason why Bible-believing, Christ-honoring Christians are being labeled as "radical" is because most Christians today are in fact heathens, many even accepting homosexuals. There is NO common ground between homosexuality and Biblical Christianity, they are diametrically opposed to each other. Homosexuality is a deplorable sexual sin!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

[After learning that the University of Cambridge has a copyright on the King James Version]

Dr. Jack Hyles has publicly stated that even though the publishers of his books sometimes claim a copyright, NONE OF HIS BOOKS ARE COPYRIGHTED!!! You can hear Brother Hyles say it for yourself in this awesome MP3 sermon...

THE GREATEST ARE MADE TO SERVE (In this sermon Dr. Hyles states that all his books are not copyrighted, including the ones where the publisher says they are. Pastor Hyles wants his materials to be shared worldwide... copied, reproduced and distributed for the glory of God).

Likewise, God's Word cannot be copyrighted, even though wicked people like Cambridge University Press FALSELY claim so. They are arrogant fools, having NO AUTHORITY from God. England is nothing! The English crown is nothing! Pastor Steven Anderson has been legally banned by the same ungodly English crown, forbidden to even land on an airplane in connecting flights in London, because of his courageous Bible-preaching against the sick and vile homosexual agenda which is plaguing society today. Homosexuality is a wicked sin! The country of England is even worse than the United States. I read last year that the murder rate in London has now surpassed that of New York City in the United States. England is a cesspool of debauchery, adultery, homosexuality and arrogance today!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Not surprisingly in this wicked generation, a punk rapper by the name of "TobyMac" (also the lead singer of the godless band DC Talk) has captivated the hearts and minds of teen Christians all around the world. TobyMac is a wolf in sheep's clothing! There is NOTHING "Christian" about TobyMac. Look at the above photo. Do you see Jesus? I see a street punk who needs to find God. Sadly, he is drawing America's youth into the gutter with him. The Bible warns us about loving the world...

TobyMac (like DC Talk and other pseudo-Christian entertainers) is assisting Satan by creating a bridge between Christianity and the godless world. Listen friend, any bridge between Christianity and the world is of the devil and can ONLY lead to worldliness. There is no such thing as "Christian murder" or "Christian fornication." Likewise, there is no such animal as "Christian rock" or "Christian Hip Hop." If you listen to Snoop Dog or Eminem, you can't tell the music apart other than the lyrics. It's the music itself, not always the worlds that are of the devil. You can't put decent lyrics to devilish music and call it "Christian." Howbeit, TobyMac's lyrics are as godless as his music.

Should it be surprising that TobyMac is a featured entertainer at Christianpunks.com? Don't tell me that the end of the world is not near! When Christian young people are actually following creeps like this in Jesus' name, something is VERY WRONG! America is headed for total apostasy. We are surely living in the last days and the Lords return is imminent.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

My point is simple... If your husband wants his cereal in a certain bowl or wants you to wear a certain dress in public... JUST DO IT! If your husband wants you to rinse his glass for 15 seconds or asks you to roll his socks into a ball... JUST DO IT! If your husband wants more grain in his meals... JUST DO IT! If your husband doesn't like the smell of certain foods when you cook them... then DON'T DO IT! If your husband wants you to put the twist back onto the loaf of bread... then JUST DO IT! If your husband wants the toilet seat up at all times... then JUST DO IT! It may not seem fair to you but it is YOUR JOB ladies to HELP your husband. If you don't like what I'm saying, then get mad at God (Genesis 3:16). If you don't believe the Bible, then you might as well stop reading because you'll never please God (Hebrews 11:6). God hates feminism, which is usurpation of authority that rightfully belongs to the man.

You are to be His HELP MEET!

Why rock the boat? Why be stubborn and aggravate your husband? You are his HELP MEET! Do you want to be happy as a wife, I mean really happy? Then you do everything you can do please your husband and make him happy. But you ask, "What about me?" What about you? You were created to please God (Revelation 4:11). God is pleased when we obey Him. A wife is commanded by God to obey her husband (1st Peter 3:6). To submit is to obey. Most women today refuse to submit to their own husbands. It is a shame and a sin. The divorce rate has skyrocketed because of feminism, which has brainwashed women into believing that they shouldn't have to center their lives around a man. I heard a single woman say, "I'm never getting married, I'm not going to wait on no man hand and foot." I think she would be wise never to get married because she'll be divorced faster than kids eat ice cream (and they eat fast let me tell you).

If this article makes you angry, then you need to get right with God. A woman is to obey her husband. If you want to be a career woman, then you are in violation of 1st Timothy 5:14-15...

"I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan."

A woman's place is in the home, not behind an office desk. American women are known around the world for their feministic and rebellious traits. If this angers you, you are proof of this fact. I am not condemning anyone, I am just saying that it is time for wives to start obeying their husbands again, weather he loves you or not.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming jesus-is-savior.com


The Bible calls the sin of homosexuality “sodomy,” associating this awful sin with the wicked city of Sodom. God utterly destroyed Sodom because of their wickedness. Even today, 4,000 years later, the remains of Sodom can be clearly seen by the Dead Sea in Israel. City Remains Of Sodom And Gomorrah Found Located Beneath Sea of Pure Sulfur. Yet, as wicked as Sodom was it cannot compare to SIN CITY Las Vegas in Nevada.

Any honest person would have to admit that homosexuality has become mainstream along with every other sexual sin in American society. This phenomena by itself exposes the destructive nature of homosexuality, since it is always associated with the total breakdown of society.

It was reported in USA TODAY that teens and cellphone nudity has become an epidemic problem nationwide. One girl commit suicide after nude photos of herself (meant only for her boyfriend) ended up on the internet and circulated around the school. Bullies were harassing her and she commit suicide. No teenager should have a cellphone...

“If I were to go through the cell phones in this building right now of 1,500 students, I would venture to say that half to two-thirds have indecent photos, either of themselves or somebody else in school,” said Jim Brown, school resource officer at Glen Este High School. Turpin High School Principal Peggy Johnson thinks that the results would be similar - about 50-50 - in her building.

Our nation is going to Hell. Contrary to the agendacized propaganda that Christians are causing gays to commit suicide, it’s the wickedness of American culture overall that is bringing our nation to ruin.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

It is unscriptural for men to shower naked around other men, let alone in the presence of young boys. This Scripture passage makes this clear. It is not good for men to see each other naked, as evidenced by the pederast homosexual problem. The Romans were infamous for pederasts (men having sex with boys). Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher, was a pederast homosexual.

There is nothing manly about men disrespecting one another by walking around naked in the shower room. It is proper and right for men to show respect for the body, and toward their fellow mankind, by clothing the body. It is more than coincidence that initiates into Luciferian occult groups are required to perform acts of homosexuality as part of their initiation rights. The purpose for this is to debase each other, removing all bastions of decency and reservation between one another. In all sexual relations, even if with a prostitute for a few minutes, a soul-tie is formed between the two people (whether male or female) involved in the act. This is one of the spiritual dangers of sexual immorality, which undermines one's entire soul's health. Proverb 6:32, “But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.”

I heard an internet radio commercial today advertising the product, “AGELESS MALE,” guaranteed to boost testosterone for men by 61%. Then the advertiser said, “Get back in the game!” That's not why I wrote this article, but the timing was perfect for this article, because it evidences the sinful and irresponsible attitude of society today toward sexual relations. Get back in the game??? Sadly, sex is a game to many people!!! This is the horrible consequence of America's sexually-indecent television programming, promiscuous sitcoms, perverted Late Night comedy shows and TV in general.

I don't watch TV because it is too evil. So when I do occasionally see a TV show on someone else's TV in a hotel or at a restaurant, I am absolutely shocked and angered by what I see and hear. If you watch TV all-the-time, you won't see just how evil it is, because you are sinking into the abyss of wickedness with the hellivision. I guarantee you that if you turn off your television for 6-months that you'll be absolutely shell-shocked when you turn it back on. I hate TV!

It is common practice in health clubs, YMCA's and locker-rooms across America for men to shower naked in the presence of other men, and to walk around naked and let it all hang out. It is uncouth, tasteless, lacking of respect for each other and unscriptural. The same is true of women's locker-rooms. Historically, sports and public nudity have always been synonymous. The Greeks were famous for sports and infamous for nudity.

Genesis 9:21-27 teach us several important life-changing and moral lessons. We see that alcoholic beverages are spiritually dangerous, linked to nakedness and sin. Noah sinned by getting drunk and led his son to sin by doing so. Don't think that Noah didn't think about that either. Noah had to live with the division created between him and his son because of booze. Alcohol brought shame upon Noah. Noah had to live from that day forward knowing that Ham saw him naked and drunk. Although Noah knew he was forgiven in Christ, he caused permanent division between he and his son, Ham.

We also see that Ham sinfully paraded his father's sins, instead of faithfully concealing the matter. America's history books, Wikipedia and newspapers are filled with what husbands and wives have hypocritically said about each other during and after a divorce. The next time you hear a woman talking about how evil her husband is ask her how she obtained perfection. The Bible warns against condemning anyone. James 4:12, “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?”

By the way, I hate Wikipedia. I've noticed that celebrity profiles (like George Clooney) are locked, but gospel preacher's profiles are open for every snake, rat and God-hating trash to slander and serve roast preacher. Wikipedia is a sewer of American society and Jimmy Wales will give account to God for helping spread malicious gossip. Wikipedia is a weapon. It's easy for some worm who never built a hot-dog stand to throw rocks at a faithful preacher who gave his life to others in the Lord for 50-years, helping literally millions of people in so many ways and changing a nation for God.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Have you ever heard a homosexual take a stand against the evils of Rock music? Many of the Rock singers are bisexuals and homosexuals, like Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and Olivia Newton John. Here's a list of THOUSANDS of gay and bisexual famous influences in our society. God's judgment is upon America for good reason. We have forsaken the Lord.

All of those great love songs of the 1970's were a time of woeful fornication, abortion and homosexuality in the lives of people who now today are parents and grandparents to the most immoral generation in the history of America. Dr Hook's SHARING THE NIGHT TOGETHER led to a lot of adultery. Michael Jackson's I WANT TO ROCK WITH YOU undoubtedly led to millions of abortions. Music is the most powerful force in the world next to the newsmedia and the Word of God.

Steven Tyler just helped Country music tramp, Carrie Underwood strut in her underwear to produce GOOD GIRL (more like a little devil). Today's Country music is as immoral, rebellious and sinful as yesterday's Rock music. Carrie Underwood is no better than Black Sabbath, and I mean that. At least Black Sabbath wore clothes in concert.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #psycho jesus-is-savior.com

I truly enjoy listening to the book of Revelation, particularly chapter 18 about the utter doom of Babylon (which is very clearly the United States). I think there will be a nuclear attack in the future, and America in one hour will be made desolate. We deserve what we get! Legalized queer marriages? Legalizing child-murder by abortion? Legalized smut, nakedness and indecency? Legalized screwing of the public by greedy businesses? Thug lawyers are tools used by ungodly people to hurt other people. We live in an insane society, where women dress like sluts, but then insanely expect men to respect them! I am 100% against harassment of any kind, but I am also 100% against women having “a right” to walk around promiscuous and lewd. They belong in prison!

If I were made a king, with absolute control over American society, I'd rip the flesh with a whip from the back of any woman who wore whorish attire! It would be a done deal. The Holy Bible says God will appoint us as rulers, to reign with Christ during the Millennium. In my city, women WILL wear proper modest attire, or you will beg for mercy when I finish with you! I am sick and tired of sluts and whores, who are contemptible compared to female dogs, walking around dressed provocatively in public, while the crazy law is waiting to put men into prison for life who as much as touch them. That is evil beyond words! That is nothing less than setting a trap for men! Men are aroused BY SIGHT (Matthew 5:28), and the Devil knows that! Argue as you may, the crime statistics PROVE my point. America is awash in sexual crimes nowadays, because women don't believe in modesty anymore. Sadly, being a whore in behavior and appearance is woefully promoted by the music video industry, magazines, fashion designers, television and Hollywood!!! Hell will be hot enough! The average country music video today is a scantily clad, slut-filled, short porno film! God damn America! I would NEVER ask for God to bless this cesspool of iniquity!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Diversity Really Means Tolerance for Evil

When we hear people talking about "diversity" nowadays, what they are really saying is that Christians should accept the Person of the wicked. Witches, abortionists and homosexuals have no problem accepting the goodness of Christianity. However, God-fearing Christians cannot accept the sins of witchcraft, abortion and homosexuality. That is the problem. The issue is one of moral tolerance... what will we tolerate as being morally acceptable?

To expect Bible-believing Christians to be tolerant of two men kissing in public is ridiculous. Of course Christians are not going to approve of that. Homosexuals get offended when Christians shun them and gaze with disgust and amazement. What do you expect? Are Christians homophobic? Yes Sir, 100%! I am very much homophobic. The sin of homosexuality scares me to death!!! I don't understand it, don't want to understand it and am glad I don't understand it.

In order for the Antichrist to rule over the world, Satan needs to get the world all on one page. This is why we see the consolidation of world religion, world economies and world government. The teaching of diversity is a vehicle by which the Devil is convincing the masses to lay aside their differences and hop on the bandwagon of the New World Order.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

The demonic band JUDAS PRIEST (the name alone is blasphemy against God) also uses backward masking. Back in the early days of the band they were sued and taken to court, accused of including subliminal messages into their music. The band's frontman and flaming homosexual, Rob Halford denied the accusations in court, which today cannot be denied anymore. Thousands of Rock and mainstream music groups have used been caught inserting deceptive backward masking into their music. Even the so-called evangelical wholesome boy band from New Jersey, THE JONAS BROTHERS included backward masking in their song, KIDS OF THE FUTURE which says “I speak for Satan, Satan, Satan. My sweet forsaken Satan, Satan!!!” The big question is why? The obvious answer is that some evil people are trying to trick your mind, inserting thoughts into your brain that you (under normal circumstances) would likely never approve of.

The lead singer (frontman) of the heavy-metal band JUDAS PRIEST is a flaming homosexual. For decades rugged men have been idolizing Judas Priest as a tough, manly group because of their heavy-metal, black leather, spikes and tattoos. All of a sudden, in 1998, the lead singer announces that he's a homosexual. This is more proof that all Rock music is saturated and rooted in sexual perversion, the New World Order and rebellion against God. Hell hath enlarged herself (Isaiah 5:14). The music industry is saturated with lesbians and homosexuals. It is very common for Rock singers to dress like transvestites. There's an evil spirit in Rock music that compels singers and musicians to do bizarre, freakish and demented things. Many Rock stars puke out fake blood in concert; such as Kiss and Motley Crue.

In one of Motley Crue's concerts a whorish woman comes out on stage with an actual electric grinder, touching it to her breasts and private area (covered with a shaped metal plate), causing sparks to fly for about 10 feet toward the audience. This is the sicko minds of the Rock music industry. You wouldn't believe the insane, demonic and shameful things that go on during Rock concerts. Some bands toss butchered animal parts and blood during concert, others defecate on stage, et cetera. Marilyn Manson pierced his own chest in a concert, and the blood ran down his body. You never hear anyone criticize these crazy people; but faithful preachers who help tens-of-thousands of people, even millions like Pastor Jack Hyles are demonized on the internet.

David J. Stewart #fundie lovethetruth.com

The Bill Of Rights and U.S. Constitution only outline our God-given rights. If we disobey God, then we forfeit our right to liberty and freedom. Liberty is a gift from God, the privilege to make our own decisions. Freedom is the reward for making the right decisions. Rights Are Granted By God, Earned On The Battlefield, And Kept By Fighting To Keep Them! We have been making all the wrong decisions (i.e., banning the Bible and prayer in schools, legalizing abortion, legalizing pornography, legalizing same-sex marriage, no fault divorce, et cetera) for so long, that we are LOSING our freedoms and liberties. Why should God bless America? We murder our children in the womb. Now in 2016 children and Christians are being forced to use transgendered restrooms. As of June 26, 2015 same-sex perversion is legal in all 50 states. (In 1962 homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states!) God hasn't changed, our wicked nation has! America will become a Godless communist totalitarian police state over the next 25-years. I assure you of that!!!

President John Adams saw the handwriting on the wall centuries ago. We've been hearing a lot in the newsmedia in recent years about the inadequacy of the U.S. Constitution for these changing times. It is true, because no agreement, constitution or manuscript mankind could ever put together could govern a wicked, out of control, thankless, naked, amoral, adulterous, arrogant, people!!!

Americans have lost their fear of God. No doubt this is why all Hollywood movies take the Lord's name in vain, showing utter contempt and disregard for the God of Heaven, earth and the universe!!! American society is turning further away from God each day! The consequences have been devastating! Faith in God is synonymous with freedom, liberty and God's blessings. Television incrementally becomes worse and worse. Music keeps becoming more degenerate—using foul street language, vulgarity and contempt for all authority. Our entire nation is becoming one giant crime slum. Fear of being a victim of crime is epidemic across the United States. The CIA has admitted to drug-trafficking into the U.S., which has destroyed millions of lives. The U.S. prison system is a lucrative crooked business, kept packed to capacity by the drug industry. Prisons And Profits (things they don't want you to know). The Caging Of America. The Corrections Corporation of America is Evil. Truly, morality cannot be legislated.

The Luciferians behind the subversion of America are sandwiching Americans between top and bottom. They traffic the drugs into the country, and then pass laws maximizing prison sentences for citizens convicted of drug crimes. We've become so accustomed to wickedness and perversion in America that parents are no longer phased, angered or determined to do something about it. Here's a classic example of what I'm talking about—Taylor Swift committing abominable promiscuous acts on camera in her music videos, which is leading our teens into sexual perversion, lasciviousness and premarital sex. This leads to unwanted pregnancies out of wedlock, abortion, a life of fornication, fewer people getting married, cohabitation, sexually transmitted venereal diseases, et cetera. There i absolutely no way that Taylor Swift's shameful behavior can be excused or justified. The not so obvious truth behind such filthy music videos (which has been going on in the music industry for the past 50 years), is that Luciferians are promoting satanism through the music industry. Read the preceding article about Taylor Swift to learn the ugly truth.

David J Stewart #fundie #psycho #crackpot jesus-is-savior.com


Dr. W. Herschel Ford, 1969

Luke 16:19-31

We have come to a time when few people believe in a literal Hell. Yet it is still in the Bible, and it is still true because the Word of God is true. Men change their ideas but God's truth is always the same. The great Eternal God tells us that there is an eternal Hell for all those who reject Christ and live without God. Preaching on hell has diminished. We hear many light, fluffy sermons about peace, goodness, brotherhood, and the social gospel, but some congregations never hear hell even mentioned.

When Dr. Ramsay Pollard was pastor of the Broadway Baptist Church in Knoxville, one of his young people brought a boy from an Episcopal home to church one night. When the boy reached home after the service, his father asked him how he liked the sermon. "I liked it pretty good," said the boy, "but the preacher used a bad word right there in the pulpit. He used the word 'hell' over and over again." That boy had never heard the word used except in a bad sense. Yes, preaching about hell has cooled off, but hell is as hot as ever. The Bible that tells us of a wonderful heaven also tells us of an awful hell. God created hell just as sure as he created heaven. One is just as real, just as necessary, just as lasting as the other.

Reasons for Preaching on Hell

1. We must preach on hell because it's in the Bible. Do you want you preacher to preach his own ideas or the Word of God. You will reply, "Let him preach God's Word." Therefore he must preach the whole counsel of God. He must preach about heaven and delight in it. He must preach about hell even though he dislikes to do so. The preacher has not been called to tell what he believes, or what his church thinks, or what someone writes in a magazine. He must preach what God says. We know what God says is true. We know that there is a hell. We know that we must warn men to escape the "wrath to come".

So, let today's preacher preach on hell. But let him preach it in love. A great teacher once said, "Young men, you should preach on hell but let it be with a broken heart and tears in your eyes." We must tell men about the everlasting home of the doomed, but we must [sorrow?] over those who are condemned. And we must tell them of a loving Saviour whose death makes it possible for them to avoid hell.

2. We must preach on hell to awaken Christians. People all around us are going to hell. They are getting closer to the flames everyday. But we are asleep; we dont' realize what peril they are in. It may be someone very near and dear to you. If I can get you to see their lost condition and how hell is waiting for them, maybe you'll start praying and working for their salvation.

General Booth of the Salvation Army was speaking to a graduating class in the Army's training school. These young people had been there several years, learning how to work for God and win souls. The general said, "Young men, if I could have had my way, I would never have had you here for these years of training. But I would have put you in hell for 24 hours. I would have allowed you to feel the pains and pangs of the damned, to hear the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. I would have caused you to see how they suffer forever. Then I would have sent you out into the world to warn men to flee from the wrath to come." General Booth was right. If we really knew what hell was like, nothing could stop us from urging men to come to Christ. So we must preach on hell, hoping that people will get concerned for their friends and loved ones who are going there.

3. We must preach on hell to warn sinners. It's an awful thing to remember that you could be in hell in another minute. No doctor can guarantee you of even one minute of life. David said, "there is but a step between me and death." (I Sam. 20:3) I have looked out into my congregation and seen someone in good health, well and strong, and before another Sunday they had gone to be with the Lord. It could happen to you; it could happen to me. What if you are not ready? What if Christ is not your Saviour? This means that you would be doomed forever.

Some people had no use for the Gospel. They hated preachers and laughed at Bible truth. Now they are in hell. Let's talk to one of them for a minute.

"Did you intend to come to hell?"

"No," he answers, "I meant all along to become a Christian and get ready for death. But I waited too long. Death slipped up on me and the next thing I knew I was in hell."

"Were you a wicked man? Were you a drunkard, or a thief, or a murderer or adulterer?"

"Oh no," he answers, "I lived a pretty good life, but I left out the main thing. I left Christ out of my life."

So today we have to preach on hell to warn men. Look all around you, lost sinner. People are dying every day. Your hour is coming. I want you to realize the seriousness of it and come to Christ. This is the only way you can escape hell.

The Certainty of Hell

Today many learned men deny the existence of hell. We have come to a time when we talk glibly about the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. We imply that everybody loves everybody else and that all men are saved. We think of God as a great big beneficient Santa Claus, smiling down upon all. But God is not the father of all. He is the Creator of all, but not the Father of all. He becomes our father only when we come to Christ. Jesus said in John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil...." He was thinking of lost people. John 1:12 tells us that "as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God....." These are the ones who can claim God as Father. They are saved, and they'll never go to hell. But remember this, you are not a child of God until you come unto Him through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.

A preacher preached a sermon on hell and a woman asked him if he had any children. He replied that he did. "Do you love them?" she asked. "Oh yes," the preacher answered. "Well," the woman said, "what would you think of a father who could save his children from suffering and refused to do it?" "I would say that he was a tyrant and a monster," the preacher said. "That's what you're making God out to be. God would be a monster if He sent his children to hell instead of delivering them by his power." "But lady," the preacher responded, "you're making one mistake. God doesn't have any children in hell and he never will have. The people in hell are the devil's children. All of God's children are in heaven or on the way there. God has a home for His children and the devil has a home for his."

He was right. God is the Father only of those who believe in Jesus Christ....who have been born again. Too many people are presuming on the goodness of God as an excuse for sin. They say, "Let us live as we please. God is too good to punish us." One day they are going to have a rude awakening.

The Bible, God's inerrant Word, tell us that there is both a heaven and a hell. If we receive one and reject the other, we are reflecting upon the truth of God's Word. But we are not left to depend upon the opinions and speculations of men. We must rest upon the infallible truth of the infallible Bible.

You may deny the fact of hell, but that does not change the fact that it exists. Fire burns, whether you choose to believe that it does or not...poison kills, whether you believe it will or not. The world is round, whether you believe it or not....and hell is a reality whether you believe it or not. And if you reject the offer Christ is making today, you will go to hell, whether you believe you will or not.

Now listen to Jesus. He knew the truth about hell. He said that a certain rich man died and went down to hell, and was in torment. He said that the man cried out, "I am tormented in these flames." He said that the man was anxious for his brothers to repent, so that they would not come to that "place of torment."

If a man breaks the laws of the land, what else is there to do but punish him? He is put in prison or sentenced to death. And if men rebel and sin against God and trample his son under foot, what else is God to do but put them in the prison called Hell? Man must exact his penalty for a broken law and so must God.

Suppose that a train carrying 500 passengers was coming down the track and that you and I were 20 miles ahead of the train. And suppose that we found that a trestle over a mighty river had fallen in. As I think of the train approaching, I say, "I must warn them and save their lives." But you say, "I wouldn 't do that, it might scare the passengers. Some of them would faint. Be nice to them and don't disturb them." And the train rushes on to tragedy and the passengers are killed.

Have I done the right thing? Have I been prompted by love? No. If I loved people, I would warn them. And if I love lost souls, I must hold up my Bible and say, "This is God's Word. It tells us that there is a hell for those who reject Christ. Come to him and be saved from such an awful fate."

So I say to you, not out of my own wisdom but on the strength of God's Word, that there is a hell as surely as there is a heaven. And men who reject Christ go to hell as surely as those who accept him go to heaven.

The Bible's Description of Hell

Look for a minute at the biblical expression which describe hell. It is called a Lake of Fire - a bottomless pit - a horrible tempest - a devouring fire - a place of sorrows - a place of weeping and wailing - a place of torments - everlasting destruction - a place of outer darkness - a place where men have no rest - a place where men are tormented with fire and brimstone - a place where the fire is not quenched.

1. It is a place of separation from God. We couldn't exist here a second if we were cut off from God. But think of being in hell, cut off from Him forever. We can pray here; we can call on His name. But prayers will not help in hell, for men will be forever separated from God.

2. It is a place of unsatisfied desires. When we have desires here, we can usually satisfy them in some measure. If a man desires money, there are many ways to get it. If he wants liquor, he can get it. If he wants to satisfy his fleshly nature, he can do it. But in hell, he will be burning up with these desires, and there will be no way to satisfy them. The rich man in hell wanted water, but there was no way to get it. So man, with all of this cravings, will suffer in hell with unsatisfied desires.

3. It is a place of vilest companionship. The worst people, the meanest, cruelest, filthiest people will be there. Let me tell you something that will add to the horrors of hell for some people. They live clean lives, they are cultured and refined, they are good citizens, they are nice to their family and friends. But they reject Jesus Christ. One day they will be cast into hell, to live the rest of eternity with liars, adulterers, murderers, drunkards, homosexuals, and the vilest of creatures. This will be an awful thing for them and will last forever. They can never die and leave these people, and they can't get up and move away.

4. It is a place of hopelessness. Hope is the mainspring that keeps us going down here. When we are sick, we hope to get well. When we are poor, we hope things will get better. When we are unhappy, we hope soon to find happiness. When we have an unpleasant job, we hope to get a better one. But there is no hope in hell. There you just suffer and live in hopeless despair. Over the doors of an ancient prison were these words: "Abandon hope all ye that enter herein." That is nothing compared to hell. There is not one second of hope there. When you are cast into hell, it is forever.

5. It is a place of suffering. I don't think I need to dwell on that. Every Bible description of hell denotes suffering - intense, everlasting suffering. I know a woman who is now suffering greatly. She knows she is going to die soon, so she says, "It will soon be over." No one can ever say that in hell. There suffering there never ends.

6. It is a place of memory. When men are haunted by a bitter memory here, they can commit suicide. But you can't do that in hell; you must live on; you must remember. Your memory will be like 10,000 mirrors around you, recalling all the sins and follies of your life. You will remember how you sold your eternal soul for the pleasures of this world. You will remember every sermon and every song you ever heard, every invitation to salvation, every wooing of the Holy Spirit. You will remember how your mother prayed for you and your friends and family sought to win you to Christ. You will remember how you held back from any decision for Christ. As you remember all these things, this memory will be hell in itself. Oh, to be shut up in hell with memory always fresh.

You will remember that instead of suffering in hell, you could have been enjoying the happiness and bliss of heaven. You will remember the easy terms upon which you could have been saved. If it had been impossible for you to repent and trust Christ, this would have made the agony easier. But you will remember that you could have had eternal life for the asking, and you turned it down. You will remember how cheaply you sold out to Satan, and how you exchanged the joys of heaven for the sorrows of hell.

On this earth you sometimes blame Christians for your own sins. You say that they are a bunch of hypocrites. Then you turn your back on God and continue in your sin. You blame everybody else for you unsaved condition while you're here, but in hell you'll remember that you're the guilty one. Remember now that the issue is between you and God and no one else. You must account to Him for yourself and not for the hypocrites. It will be no one's fault but your own if you deliberately seal your own doom.

It isn't easy to go to hell. Before you get there you must climb over the church, the Bible, gospel sermons, your conscience, your better judgment, the Holy Spirit, and all the providences of God. Then finally you must climb over Calvary and trample Jesus Christ under foot. In hell, you'll remember that you did all of this.

When Does Hell Begin?

It begins at the end of a Christless life. If you go through life without Christ, your soul enters into conscious suffering when you die. I am not saying that you enter into the full measure of suffering at that time. This must wait until all the records are in. Then at the Great White Throne judgment, all the sinner's works will be judged, and the degree of punishment will be determined. Oh, man without Christ, you don't know how close you are to hell. It may be that before midnight your heart will stop beating and you'll go out to begin an eternity of suffering and anguish.

What do you have to look forward to if Christ is not your Saviour? At best, you have only a few more years in this world with its pleasures, its troubles and sorrows. Then comes a death without hope and nothing beyond but everlasting doom. How different is the outlook of a Christian! Just a little while longer here, then the door opens and he enters into the joy of his Lord and a glorious heaven. Oh, friend, what folly to go on without Christ and miss heaven.

How Can We Escape Hell?

You can never escape it through the good works of the flesh. You may do many things to gain the favor of God. You may join a church, be baptized, give your money, help people, live a good life. But these things will not save you. Salvation is an inner thing, a thing of the heart. The Bible plainly tells us that if we believe on Jesus Christ, the doors of hell will be forever closed to us.

You were condemned to die. But God's son could not be satisfied to see you die and go down to hell. He said, "Father, I'll pay the price for him. I'll suffer the pangs of death in his place. I'll satisfy the demands of the law on him." So he went to the cross and paid in full the measure for all of our sins. Now if we accept that payment, our sins are forgiven, we are saved, we become the children of God and heirs of heaven.

Your sins may have been as black as the pit, or you may have lived a good moral life. It doesn't matter - there is mercy for you with the Lord. He was bruised for your iniquities and wounded for your transgressions. He stands today with open arms saying, “Come unto me and I will give you rest.”


David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

God Curse America!

I am serious, I often pray for God to damn this rotten baby-murdering, queer-loving, counterfeit-Bible promoting, funny money printing, perverse, God-provoking cesspool of iniquity in America! If you don't feel the same, it is only because you are in tune with this ungodly evil world (James 4:4). When I visited Hawaii back in 2007, I went to hear some live Hawaiian steel guitar. It was so beautiful. I was privileged to hear Hawaii's most beautiful singer, Aunty Genoa Keawe, who died a year later at age 87. Very sadly though, she was a lifelong Mormon and almost assuredly is now burning in Hell forever. Mormonism is a satanic false religion rooted in sexual perversion! Granted, most members of the Mormon cult are not perverts, but they are taught a damnable false plan of salvation of works plus faith in a false Christ. Mormons deny Jesus' deity. They believe that all men have the potential to become as gods (just like the serpent told Eve), and they see Jesus Christ merely as the prototype. Research online about Mormonism's bizarre Masonic rituals, beds in their Mormon temples, water baptism for THE DEAD, and magic underwear. These are truly some sick-minded people, which Evangelist Ravi Zachariah sinfully hobnobs with.

Anyway, at the end of the music event about 25 guests gathered around to sing the song, “God Bless America!” I was the only person not singing, I am not sorry to admit that I just cannot sing that song amidst legalized child murder (abortion) since 1973, legalized homosexuality, and legalized pedophile-promoting TV shows like Dance Moms! Why should God bless a wicked nation of ingrates? Those child abusing ungodly reprobates on Dance Moms should be in prison! I am so sick of this hypocritical ungodly culture of perverseness that sees no harm, even promotes little girls and women walking around over 95% naked in public (and in some cases are completely nude on adult beaches in Florida and other places), and our nation's legislatures are okay with that! Judges are often as worthless as the corrupt system that empowers them! Our moral judgment is rotten in America!!! How can queer judges make sound judgments? I won't go as far as to say that scantily clothed women “get what they deserve” when they get raped, but they do get what they tempted a man to do! Literally, they asked for it! Sadly, oftentimes it will be some other innocent women or girl who is attacked because of their wickedness and careless attire. Judgment day is coming America! God will not be mocked! I am just a sinner with a voice in cyberspace, but neither you nor me can escape the omniscient (all knowing) judgment of God almighty (Hebrews 9:27; Ecclesiastes 12:14)!!!!!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesusisprecious.org

As a Christian I have always been again women wearing pants. I haven't changed my position. I am tired of hussy women writing to disagree with me about pants. I've even had some stupid men write to me to disagree about women not wearing pants. You've got a whole in your head buddy! Well, you've been wrong before, get right with God!

The photo I showed you earlier of Bob Jones University's females gyrating in shorts on the ball court is disgraceful. It is disgraceful that professed Christian women would even think of wearing such attire. It is disgraceful that the ungodly staff and wealthy president of BJU would set such low standards for their students. Truly, the love of money is the root of all evil. LOOK AT THE UNITED STATES TODAY, AT WHAT A MESS WE'RE IN AS A PEOPLE!!! Sin abounds everywhere! Pedophile perverts are everywhere! Why is this? Why has American society gone to the Devil? It is because we departed from the Word of God! A woman who wears pants doesn't walk closely with the Lord. She may falsely THINK she does, even reading her Bible regularly, but if she doesn't apply what she reads to her daily life, then she is merely a HEARER and not a DOER of the Word. James 1:22-23, “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass.”

The female students at Bob Jones University (BJU) and their female graduates are DECEIVED, being HEARERS of the Word but not DOERS of the Word. That is exactly what the Bible says. Deuteronomy 22:5, “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.” Did you read that? Women ought not wear pants, because men wear pants! Only an ungodly woman puts on a pair of trousers like a man does!!! They are following the apostate worldly standards set forth by BJU, instead of the holy standards set forth by God's inspired Word. I realize that what I am preaching is scoffed at, by the same ungodly culture that is okay with abortion, homosexuality and drunkenness! Even many apostate churches today are silent, complicit, and in many cases compliant with the Devil's worldly standards.

Do you know why I harp against Bob Jones University and the Bible colleges so much? It is because THEY ARE THE PROBLEM!!! Literally, America's Bible colleges have usurped control over the churches, by training the churches to hire their so-called “educated” graduates, who in turn corrupt those churches! If I had my way, there would be NO BIBLE COLLEGES!!! Listen to me, the BEST thing a church will ever do is to bring in a new pastor who is NOT a graduate of Bible college! I respect a church who abandons the apostate Bible college scam in America! I wouldn't give you a dime for Pensacola Christian College. They will take your money mom and dad, and indoctrinate your impressionable child not to believe that the Word of God is inspired today!!! They all teach that only the “original” autographs of the Holy Bible were inspired by God. The big problem is that we don't have any originals today! So that means we don't have God's Word if PCC, BJU, Hyles-Anderson College and Moody Bible Institute are correct about the Bible. Somebody is wrong! THEY ARE WRONG!!! Every fundamentalist Christian 150 years ago believed that the King James Bible is inspired by God!!! Over 95% today DON'T! Bob Jones University and Pensacola Christian College DON'T! I wouldn't enroll my dog into those hellholes of apostasy!!!

In sharp contrast, military women are resemblant of dyke lesbians, butches and female wrestlers (all grossly lacking in feminine attributes). I can't stand manly women! We don't get along, like gas and fire. Manly women run their mouths. They like to control things. They don't know a woman's proper place. This ungodly society tries to minimalize the distinct difference between men and women. Women by nature are servants, followers, not leaders! Men by nature are leaders, dominant, taking charge. A godly woman lets men run things, not trying to meddle and interfere with things. A feminist wants to take charge, open the pastor's mail, make the decisions, run the family, run the church, have her way instead of God's way (which is for women to submit to their husband, and remain silent in church leadership matters).

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #racist #crackpot stewart1611.blogspot.com

We are seeing children (youth) rule over our society with anarchy. Was reading the inspired Holy Bible at school each day to children so bad?


Of the six judges who removed and banned the Word of God (since 1962) from children's lives at school each day, four of those judges were Freemasons! At the innermost core of the cult, Freemasons worship Lucifer, and are responsible for the subversion of our nation. Yes, ladies and gentleman, Satanists are in control. Satanists are in control. If that seems nutty to you, just flip over any U.S. one dollar bill and see all the Masonic occult symbols.

According to SourceWatch, a front group is “an organization that purports to represent one agenda while in reality it serves some other party or interest whose sponsorship is hidden or rarely mentioned.” In other words, a front group claims to represent a group of people while actually serving another group. Black Lives Matter is such a group. It claims to represent black people and their struggle against racial injustice, but in reality, it is a Communist front group.


The Protocols of the Zionist Men of Wisdom also declare the abolition of the family in favor of mob mentality. Protocol 10:5 states, “…we will shatter the goy family and its educational importance. We will not allow the formation of individual minds, because the mob, under our guidance, will prevent them from distinguishing themselves or even expressing themselves. The mob has become accustomed to listen only to us who pay it for obedience and attention…” This fits with the statement that Black Lives Matter disrupts the family structure in favor of establishing a global collectivist family!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I used to live in Chicago. There was a openly homosexual man renting next door to us. Now, I never judged him, always said "hello," and I didn't mistreat him in any way; BUT, I wouldn't go anywhere with him, nor would I let my children play with his children, etc. Why? Because he is living for the Devil. He is violating God's laws against the vile sin of homosexuality. I did not condemn him. Many people today would accuse me of being "homophobic," or a discriminatory person. You're absolutely right I am discriminatory! The definition of "discrimination" is: Unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice. If I am being unfair to homosexuals by preventing my children from playing with their children, then brother I'm discriminatory! But you say, you should let your children make their own decisions. No, Proverb 29:15 states, "...a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame." We read in Proverb 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Only a careless moron for a parent would allow their children to be influence be degenerate sodomites, fornicators, adulterers, and God-haters. We are responsible to God to educate our children of the evils of homosexuality, and it's destructiveness of society. It's common sense folks, every child needs a mother and a father.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

When asked by a photographer in November of 2014 if Ricky Skaggs thinks gay Country singers will be accepted into the community, Skaggs replied, “I hope so, we're all sinners!” What Ricky Skaggs really meant was, “We're all unrepentant sinners!!!” Just because we're all sinners doesn't mean that we ought to accept homosexuals into the community as normal, everyday, harmless, people. Prior to 1973, homosexuality was listed as a mental disorder in America's psychological text books. The homosexual deviate lifestyle has been proven medically, spiritually, psychologically, physiologically, socially, personally and in the family, to be devastating and destructive to the normal growth of a child. Homosexuals are predators, evidenced by their quiet infiltration and overthrow of every institution in industry, law, media and departments of government—all in an effort to gain access to children. It is tragic to hear Ricky Skaggs saying that he HOPES sodomites will be accepted into the community. No wonder Jesus said that NO MAN can serve God and mammon (wealth). If Mr. Skaggs was poor and had nothing to lose, I doubt if he would support the queers.

David J. Stewart #fundie justpaste.it

A new 2014 religious film titled, “GOD'S NOT DEAD” is infiltrating the churches...

God's Not Dead is a 2014 American Christian drama film directed by Harold Cronk, and stars Kevin Sorbo, Shane Harper, David A. R. White and Dean Cain. The film was released to theaters on March 21, 2014, by Pure Flix Entertainment. The film follows an evangelical Christian college student (Shane Harper) whose faith is challenged by a philosophy professor who declares God a pre-scientific fiction.

SOURCE: God's Not Dead (film) - Wikipedia

Hundreds of religious films have been produced over the past several years, nearly all of which teach a woeful false plan of salvation. The GOD'S NOT DEAD film horribly butchers the Word of God, promoting a false plan of salvation that cannot produce the new birth.


I was reading an article[1] online about how religious films influence an estimated 200,000,000 Americans, including unsaved Jews and Mormons. In my opinion that's why the film's writer(s) are intentionally vague concerning the Gospel, as to avoid offending any particular religious group. Sadly, it appears that the film's producers are more interested in making lots of money than they are getting people saved. There is nothing in the movie “GOD'S NOT DEAD” that would offend an unsaved Jehovah's Witness, Mormon, Seventh-Day Adventist, Roman Catholic, Lutheran or other demonic religion. The vague teaching of accepting Jesus is a false plan of salvation, because that is not the Gospel as taught in the Holy Bible. The Biblical plan of salvation excludes all forms of self-righteousness and human effort. Every Catholic believes in accepting Jesus, and they are all going straight to Hell to burn!!!

'God's Not Dead' Film Fails to Mentions Christ is Risen!

Ironically, the name of the religious movie is “GOD'S NOT DEAD,” yet the film fails to mention Christ's bodily resurrection from the dead. Do the film's writer(s), actors, director and producer believe that Jesus is alive? Is God alive but Jesus dead? The film does contain one actor (a student) professing that JESUS IS GOD! That's true and good! But it strikes me as odd that a religious film which aims to promote the truth that GOD'S NOT DEAD, would fail to promote the Biblical truth that Christ's tomb is empty, because JESUS IS RISEN!!! Not one mention of Christ's resurrection is made in the film. Why not??? My friend, JESUS IS NOT DEAD, and He has RISEN BODILY from the grave and then He BODILY ASCENDED into the clouds for His disciples to witness (Acts 1:9-11).

Please read, What Is The Gospel? (an excellent sermon by Dr. Harry Ironside; few churchgoers get it right!). Few religious people (I dare not call them Christians) get the plan of salvation correct. Today's religious radio stations are absolutely saturated with theological garbage and nonsense. I heard Evangelist David Platt the other night pleaded emotionally for listeners to get saved, but all he kept saying was to merely trust Jesus. My friend, even the devil's believe, but tremble in fear (James 2:19). You cannot get to Heaven by just trusting Jesus. You must believe that Christ died on THE CROSS for YOUR SINS, and that He was BURIED (officiating His death), and that Christ bodily RESURRECTED on the third day from the dead. This is the Gospel and you cannot be saved without it. No one can be saved who denies Christ's bodily resurrection from the dead.

You Can Trust Jesus and Still Go Straight to Hell

No one can be saved who trusts in Jesus, but does not believe that Jesus suffered, bled and died on the cross for their own sins. No one ever got saved who didn't know that he or she is a guilty sinner in God's eyes!!! In the film, James A. R. White never asks the dying atheist man if he knows that he is a sinner. That is a critical error. White says in the film that God is willing to forgive the man of his sins, but the question is never asked, “Do you know that you are a sinner?” You'd be surprised how many people DON'T think they are a sinner. The nation of France years ago published a statement that they were not sinners; but rather, merely had some imperfections. Well, the French are all filthy, rotten, guilty, hell-deserving, SINNERS, according to God (Romans 3:23).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If I had the power to do so, I'd rip out every internet connection in the world and there'd be no internet. It is simply too evil in this present wicked world and few people have the spiritual character to control where they go. I'd get rid of the mainstream newsmedia, shutdown the networks. I'd rid this world of television altogether. The world is simply too evil. Oh, how the world needs Jesus!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

In the blockbuster Hollywood movie, THE GREEN MILE, starring Tom Hanks and Michael Clarke Duncan, the major theme of the movie is about two little girls who are brutally raped and killed by a deranged psycho. John Coffey (played by Michael Clarke Duncan) is blamed for the murders and goes to the electric chair for a crime that he didn't commit, but not before revealing to Tom Hanks and others working in the prisonhouse that he has some special healing power, a gift, which allows Tom Hanks to telepathically communicate with Hanks and show him what really happened to the two little girls.

In the movie Tom Hanks is portrayed as having a urinal tract infection, making it extremely painful for him to urinate. At some point in the movie, John Coffey grabs Hanks by the throat and then places his hand down upon Hank's genital area, and then Hanks is immediately healed, going home to have sex with his wife 4 times during the night (which his wife in the movie says he hadn't been able to do since he was 19 years old). This is what Hollywood calls entertainment?

The prison warden's wife has an incurable brain tumor in the movie, but Hanks and his co-workers at the prison decide to sneak John Coffee out past midnight, bring him to the warden's home, and have him heal the sick woman. As the warden stands bewildered in his living room, Hanks and his peers bring John Coffey upstairs into the wife's bedroom without notice or even knocking on the door. To heal the sick woman, John Coffey (African American) slowly places his lips upon the Caucasian wife's lips to kiss her for a prolonged period of time, during which time the healing process is taking place. There is sexually immoral spirit prevalent in the scene. Undeniably, sexual immorality and violence are the two most predominant evil spirits saturating Hollywood movies. It's all part of the Communist moral decay and deliberate Communist subversion of America. America has known and will continue to know until her demise, the depths of Satan.

THE GREEN MILE is further evidence of Hollywood's insatiable infatuation with child rape, pedophilia, sexual perversion, interracial sex, adultery, and the most heinous of sins and crimes. Out of all the crimes that the movie's writers, directors, and producers could have picked... they chose child rape and murder. That speaks volumes as to the Satanic mindset and wickedness of Hollywood as a whole.

UNBREAKABLE, HEREAFTER, FOREST GUMP ... there's too many films to mention, all place the thought of pedophilia into the viewer's mind. Why the infatuation with child sex abuse in Hollywood? The answer is quite obvious.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

All of the political mudslinging each election time is all staged, to divide and conquer the foolhardy public. Behind the scenes there's not a dime's difference between Democrats and Republicans. They're simply two separate legs both walking in the same direction of a New World Order, both parties being subject to the Illuminati's money, threats and blackmail. The CIA are the private police force of the Illuminati. History shows that Wall Street bankers and attorneys started the CIA while Harry Truman was U.S. President. Zionism, Freemasonry, CIA, Wall Street, Pentagon, Rothschilds, puppet Washington DC politicians, complicit newsmedia, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones, The Vatican, Masonic false religions, Hollywood, the music industry, and thousands more collaborator groups, are mere puzzle pieces all fitting together to form a satanic hierarchal power structure striving to achieve a New World Order.

I could give you a hundred examples of controlled opposition, which is intended to mislead and deceive the public. For example: in 2011 when President Barrack Obama ran for his second term in office, Goldman Sachs didn't back him for President, when in reality Mr. Obama has hired a few dozen former Goldman Sachs employees right off Wall Street into The White House. They're not fooling everyone! They love Obama! Goldman Sachs is The White House!!! So don't be stupid! Question everything you hear from the media and the government. Be objective! Always ask yourself, why are they telling me this?

I heard news reports this week (August 2015) from the Zionist-controlled U.S. government that Syrian leaders are raping women and children. I don't believe that for a second. The truth is that the CIA created ISIS as a tool to overthrow the Syrian government. Of course they're going to demonize President Bashar al-Assad, because he has sided with the victimized Palestinians against Israel's thuggery. Israel is the Illuminati's whore, just as we read in Revelation 17:1-2, 18. The kings of the earth have fornicated with the Illuminati-controlled United States and Israel. When the Beast comes, he will burn the whore (Revelation 17:16). Israel is being pimped-out, just as the U.S. is. The Luciferian-worshipping elite behind the Illuminati have no regard for mankind nor God.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

When a person goes to Hell, they are provided with an indestructible body that can feel pain, be tormented, thirst and suffer. Since one's earthly body decomposes in the grave, how could that same body be cast into Hell? Clearly, God provides some type of physical body for people who go to Hell, an indestructible body capable of withstanding extremely high temperatures, capable of thirsting, capable of feeling torment and pain. The Bible says to “FEAR” GOD, who can destroy both soul and body in Hell.

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

One of the hardest things to stomach these days is churches that don't want the truth. IT'S HAPPENING EVERYWHERE!!! In March of 2015, a shocking 20,562 Presbyterian ministers in 10,083 churches approved of sex perverts getting married. Those churches have abandoned the truth that homosexuality is a grievous sin in God's sight, punishable by death in Old Testament times. Prior to 1962, homosexuality was a punishable crime in all 50 states. What changed? I'll tell you, the U.S. Supreme Court removed and banned God's Holy Word and prayer from America's classrooms in 1962-1963.

I had once attended a pseudo (false) Independent Baptist church whose radio show promoted the saying, “GOD WANTS US TO SPEAK UP, BUT SATAN WANTS US TO SHUT UP!” Ironically, they (the pastors) called me into the church office and told me to SHUT UP about the purity of the King James Bible! They told me to SHUT UP about all the new corrupt Bible versions. They told me to SHUT UP about Dr. John MacArthur's heresy on the blood, who denies that Jesus' blood is in Heaven on the Mercy Seat. They told me to SHUT UP about Martin Luther, who taught sacramental salvation still 12 years after he allegedly got saved in 1517. They told me to SHUT UP about the satanic lie of Lordship Salvation. They told me to SHUT UP and not to expose Rick Warren, Billy Graham, Paul Washer, Ray Comfort, Charles Stanley, Beth Moore, Pat Robertson, Joel Osteen, John Hagee, James Dobson and Jimmy Swagger's false teachings on salvation.

They told me to SHUT UP, accusing me of causing confusion and divisiveness in the church... FOR TELLING THE TRUTH!!! They wanted me to sit there in the pew each Sunday, sing and tithe, go through all the motions like a good puppet; while wearing a gag over my mouth, not being allowed to share fundamental Christian books with those sitting next to me, not permitted to share fundamental sermons with others. They called Dr. Jack Hyles “a cult” and said they forbade me from sharing Brother Hyles' sermons, especially anything proclaiming the exclusivity of the King James Bible. This is an Independent Baptist Church! What a crying shame. I literally left the so-called “church” in tears, realizing that I could not support such wickedness and apostasy.

They literally laughed in my face when I tried to hand them another copy of Dr. Al Lacy's awesome book, “NIV: THE ANTICHRIST'S BIBLE.” Isn't that something, professed men of God, pastors of a church, mocking and scorning THE TRUTH! It didn't come as a surprise that one of those shameful pastors boasted to me that he had recently attended a homosexual AWAB meeting. My, oh my! AWAB is of the Devil, straight out of the pits of Hell beneath. Our nation is going to Hell because our churches are going to Hell.

Literally, the heresy of Lordship Salvation is a false plan of salvation, which does not produce the new birth in Christ Jesus. The Apostle Peter preached the Gospel to Cornelius, and Cornelius believed and was saved. Peter did NOT tell Cornelius to do even one thing to be saved. NOTHING!!! Peter simply told the story of Jesus crucified on the cross and risen three days later. Cornelius believed the Gospel and was immediately saved. The lie of Lordship Salvation requires a high price to be saved. That's the satanic plan of salvation of Billy Graham, who says salvation will cost you a high price.

You cannot reason with the average pastor or Christian leader today concerning THE TRUTH. Heresies are creeping into our fundamental churches by the hour. The churches are boggled down with the heresy of Zionism (Pastor J. Vernon McGee refutes Zionism), worshipping the present-day apostate nation of secular Israel (MP3 by Dr. Texe Marrs exposing Zionism). Most believers, including Christian leaders, are woefully ignorant of the Holy Scriptures. From the government scandal of 501c3 state-licensed organizations, to the heresy of a Young Earth, the churches are being deceived.

Perhaps the most difficult truth to convince pastors of is that a diabolical New World Order exists. Most pastors actually think Islam was behind the 911 attacks, buying into the bogus official story hook, line and sinker. WAKE UP!!! The Illuminati (the Luciferian worshipping elite) masterminded, executed and orchestrated the 911 attacks (MP3 by 32-year New York City firefighter and police detective veteran, Rudy Dent) as a pretext to invade the Middle East and build a police state in the United States!

I hear pastors spewing hatred for Arabs and Muslims, while praising apostate Israel. The Jewish Talmud teaches that Jesus' mother was savagely raped by a Roman solider, denying the virgin birth. The Talmud says Jesus was boiled in human excrement and urine. Why don't pastors expose the Jewish religion of Judaism? Shameful Evangelist John Hagee is so corrupt and bought off by Zionists that he says Jews don't need to be born-again, because they are special and have their own covenant with God. However, Jesus warned Nicodemus (a religious leader) that unless a man (including every Jew) is born again, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God (John 3:3). Dr. Hagee says that Jesus never claimed to be the Messiah. Jesus did in fact claim to be the Messiah to the Samaritan woman at the well. John 4:25-26, “The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.” John Hagee is a Zionist false prophet!

I am wearied with today's false churches. As long as the money is coming in, nearly all churches don't care about THE TRUTH. It is almost unheard of these days to hear a sermon on Hell, fire and damnation in a big mega-church. You'll never hear Joel Osteen preach on the Lake of Fire. That's how those groups got to be so big, by tickling people's ears and scratching their backs with weak-kneed sermonettes. Literally, America is dying because of the woeful lack of Bible-preaching.

There's nothing worse than a group of affluent people who horde a church like greedy dogs, like they own it instead of God. I wouldn't stay in a church for 5-minutes that is controlled by a board of directors and/or a pulpit committee, where the pastor is hen-pecked and not free to preach as he ought. Our churches are filled with self-righteous religious hypocrites, who are as phony as a 3-dollar-bill, haughty and arrogant, never having known the depths of sin nor the depths of God's love, grace and mercy. Thus, they are religious SNOBS! Truthfully, they are steeped in deep sin themselves (pride, arrogance, self-righteousness, hate, envy, gossip and judging), but they don't see it, unable to see the forest for the trees. Some of the rottenest people you'll meet are devout churchgoers. One day they're treating you like a brother, and when you fail to dot your i's and cross your t's (going along with their program), they treat you like they never knew you. That's the way many religions operate, and it is foreign to Biblical Christianity. The Bible does not teach anyone to join a religious denomination. A 501c3 business is not a church. What Is A Church?

I love a church that loves THE TRUTH! I love a church that has a bus ministry! I love a church that preaches, uses and promotes only the King James Bible. I love a church that fights against sin in their community. I love a church that stands against the Devil's corrupt Bible versions. I love a church that teaches women ought not wear pants. What a joke to hear a pastor teaching about a new form of modesty, while most of the women on church staff are wearing pants, and they think that is modesty because the pastor approves of it. What a sad joke! People are leaving the churches to find God and real Christianity. Most pastors are merely collecting a pay check. God give us some men of God, who are willing to work a secular job while pastoring, so he can preach THE TRUTH without worrying about getting paid. That's why Jesus said NO MAN can serve God and mammon (wealth). You must choose between money and God, it cannot be both. If money is a priority, truth will be compromised!

There's a lot of false Christianity in the world. If there's one place in all the world where THE TRUTH ought to be welcomed, it is in a New Testament Church. Tragically, most churches don't want to hear the truth, and so they reject it. GOD WANTS US TO SPEAK UP, BUT SATAN WANTS US TO SHUT UP! We'll, I'm speaking up for Jesus!!!!!!! You just keep using your counterfeit Bibles. You just keep promoting the satanic perversion of the plan of salvation, called, LORDSHIP SALVATION! You just keep promoting wolves in sheep's clothing like Rick Warren, Paul Washer, John MacArthur and Martin Luther. You just keep going along to get along with homosexuals, false prophets, reprobates and ecumenical devils. AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD! (Joshua 24:15).


David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming jesus-is-savior.com

There has been much talk in the news recently about a famous Penn State college football coach who has been accused of sexually abusing several young boys. The coach has maintained his innocence, but admits to foolishly showering NAKED with several young boys. This case alone shows what's wrong with public nakedness. One thing often leads to another and public nudity is asking for trouble. Americans are deceived to think that males and females can walk around immodestly dressed without consequences.

The Bible teaches that it's best to stay as far away from sin as possible, which is why Jesus equated lust with adultery (Matthew 5:28). James 1:14-16 plainly teach what is wrong with public nakedness, for it is the root cause of sexual immorality...

James 1:14-16, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren.”

It all begins with lust. If you aren't in the presence of other naked people, then you cannot be drawn away by lust. it's not rocket-science!

It is unscriptural for men to shower naked around other men, let alone in the presence of young boys. This Scripture passage makes this clear. It is not good for men to see each other naked, as evidenced by the pederast homosexual problem. The Romans were infamous for pederasts (men having sex with boys). Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher, was a pederast homosexual.

There is nothing manly about men disrespecting one another by walking around naked in the shower room. It is proper and right for men to show respect for the body, and toward their fellow mankind, by clothing the body. It is more than coincidence that initiates into Luciferian occult groups are required to perform acts of homosexuality as part of their initiation rights. The purpose for this is to debase each other, removing all bastions of decency and reservation between one another. In all sexual relations, even if with a prostitute for a few minutes, a soul-tie is formed between the two people (whether male or female) involved in the act. This is one of the spiritual dangers of sexual immorality, which undermines one's entire soul's health. Proverb 6:32, “But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.”

I heard an internet radio commercial today advertising the product, “AGELESS MALE,” guaranteed to boost testosterone for men by 61%. Then the advertiser said, “Get back in the game!” That's not why I wrote this article, but the timing was perfect for this article, because it evidences the sinful and irresponsible attitude of society today toward sexual relations. Get back in the game??? Sadly, sex is a game to many people!!! This is the horrible consequence of America's sexually-indecent television programming, promiscuous sitcoms, perverted Late Night comedy shows and TV in general.

I don't watch TV because it is too evil. So when I do occasionally see a TV show on someone else's TV in a hotel or at a restaurant, I am absolutely shocked and angered by what I see and hear. If you watch TV all-the-time, you won't see just how evil it is, because you are sinking into the abyss of wickedness with the hellivision. I guarantee you that if you turn off your television for 6-months that you'll be absolutely shell-shocked when you turn it back on. I hate TV!

It is common practice in health clubs, YMCA's and locker-rooms across America for men to shower naked in the presence of other men, and to walk around naked and let it all hang out. It is uncouth, tasteless, lacking of respect for each other and unscriptural. The same is true of women's locker-rooms. Historically, sports and public nudity have always been synonymous. The Greeks were famous for sports and infamous for nudity.

Genesis 9:21-27 teach us several important life-changing and moral lessons. We see that alcoholic beverages are spiritually dangerous, linked to nakedness and sin. Noah sinned by getting drunk and led his son to sin by doing so. Don't think that Noah didn't think about that either. Noah had to live with the division created between him and his son because of booze. Alcohol brought shame upon Noah. Noah had to live from that day forward knowing that Ham saw him naked and drunk. Although Noah knew he was forgiven in Christ, he caused permanent division between he and his son, Ham.

We also see that Ham sinfully paraded his father's sins, instead of faithfully concealing the matter. America's history books, Wikipedia and newspapers are filled with what husbands and wives have hypocritically said about each other during and after a divorce. The next time you hear a woman talking about how evil her husband is ask her how she obtained perfection. The Bible warns against condemning anyone. James 4:12, “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?”

By the way, I hate Wikipedia. I've noticed that celebrity profiles (like George Clooney) are locked, but gospel preacher's profiles are open for every snake, rat and God-hating trash to slander and serve roast preacher. Wikipedia is a sewer of American society and Jimmy Wales will give account to God for helping spread malicious gossip. Wikipedia is a weapon. It's easy for some worm who never built a hot-dog stand to throw rocks at a faithful preacher who gave his life to others in the Lord for 50-years, helping literally millions of people in so many ways and changing a nation for God.


The Demon-Possessed Maniac of Gadarenes

Luke 8:27 and 35, “And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs... Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.”

What a precious passage of Scripture! This afflicted man was possessed by devils, running around naked and living in the wild. The entire city knew he was insane. Yet the Bible says when he found Jesus, he came into his right mind and put his clothes back on. Amen! Jesus is the cure for insanity and nudity.

Millions of Americans go to psychologists, psychiatrists and religious leaders for help; but the Word of God says the afflicted man at Gadarenes came into his RIGHT MIND when he found Jesus. It is interesting that being in one's “right mind” is associated with being properly clothed. Americans have a problem keeping their clothes on because they AREN'T in their right minds, they are mentally-ill. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that nearly half of the women in America have murdered a child by abortion. Only a mentally-ill person would deliberately kill a precious child. So it doesn't surprise me in a rotten society that devours it's own children that they would also have a problem with nudity.

The Cure for Nudity is Jesus!

Women who love and respect the Lord won't wear bikinis at the beach, or wear miniskirts, or wear pants, or pose in Playboy. There's not an honest normal man alive who doesn't know what's wrong with women wearing pants—they are extremely revealing of a woman's flesh.

We are living in evil times, when unrepentant sinners are trying to justify every sin imaginable with the Bible. I heard a woman on the news, a professional pornographic model, claim that God approved of her vile career. She said that God created Adam and Eve naked, so nudity must be ok. Evidently she's never read Genesis 3:7 or 1st Timothy 2:9.

Here's a Scripture for all you women who keep trying to justify your nudity and immodest clothing ... “Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and he delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of judgment?” (Malachi 2:17). Beyonce Knowles claims to be a devout Christian; yet says she has permission from God to wear sexy clothes and strip on stage. She is woefully wrong! Beyonce needs to see Jesus.

God knows what we watch on TV. It's just as bad to watch adultery on TV as it would be for us to be in same room with them. The TV has a desensitizing effect on its viewers. Sin is not shocking anymore but rather becomes commonplace (no big deal). This is why many people have become lackadaisical and acceptant of the wicked sin of homosexuality. The following reads like a synopsis of hellivision and unholy-wood:

Romans 1:28-32 -"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:"

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Two lesbians are not a family. Two sodomites are not a family. The perversion of homosexuality is deliberately being promoted across America to break down the traditional family, to produce a generation of revolutionaries who will embrace the coming Antichrist (i.e., the man of sin). The falsehood of Evolution is intended to alienate children from God. The Insane Claims Of The Unscientific World (Evolution is intellectual fraud—a big hoax!!!).

It is unthinkable that the U.S. courts would actually entrust an innocent little child into the hands of two homosexuals as responsible “parents.” We are living in an insane society of God-haters. We hear people nowadays, who say they love God, support the evils of abortion, same-sex marriage, public nudity and all manner of wickedness. They certainly don't love the God of the Holy Bible.

Dolly Parton's famous “Dollywood” in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, has an overtly Christian theme; yet she openly supports LGBT marriages and says everyone has a different “route” to Heaven. What a wicked and foolish woman!!! I am not trying to be unkind, but Dolly is a big public figure (no pun intended). She has a net worth of $500,000,000 and yet she is penniless in eternity. Dolly is everything that a lady ought not be! She has no children, which is where feminism often leads. In God's eyes, she is not a success. Her profession of faith is as fake as her breasts. The INDEPENDENT calls Dolly Parton a “Feminist Heroine.”

Homosexuality is not only a sin in God's eyes, it is a threat to every child in our society:

Research purports to reveal 'dark side' of homosexual culture


David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Feminism is a two-headed monster! The feminist movement is the brainchild of Communism, as is the homosexual movement and the civil rights movement. These "rights" groups have done exceedingly much to undermine America's moral integrity. After Martin Luther King Jr.'s death, his wife Coretta spent the remaining years of her life promoting homosexual rights. So much for their alleged Christian roots. Martin Luther King Jr. denied the deity of Jesus Christ, lived as a whoremonger, and was involved in at least 64 Communist fronts. Please read my recent article on The Dangers of Feminism, which addresses the Feminist/Communist connection. You may also want to read Feminist Theology, which is a clear indicator of just how insane feminism has become. Feminists hate the man's authority so much that they have even redefined God to include a feminine side (which is damnable heresy).

The entire American court system today is feminist biased. It is wicked in the sight of God that the American court system REFUSES to recognize a husband's Biblical RIGHT to "rule" over his wife (Genesis 3:16). Every husband has a God-given right to RULE over his wife. Yes, that means he has a right to track her time, and her friends, and her whereabouts, and her spending. A feminist loathes the thought of being accountable to a man. Feminist logic dictates that a wife is EQUAL in authority with her husband; but God says NO! A wife is commanded by God to OBEY her husband, just as Sara Obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. 1st Peter 3:6 states, "Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord..." There are victimized husbands all across America, who's rebellious wives divorced them, and now those poor men have to pay alimony. It is a sore evil in America when a wife can rebel against her husband year after year in a marriage, and then punish the husband further by taking him before a heathen judge to FORCE him to support her. Why should a husband have to support a lazy, irresponsible, and rebellious wife? Husbands have few rights in the American court system. If a man's wife decides not to obey him anymore--there is nothing he can do about it! This is horribly wrong. A rebellious wife needs to be punished by the courts, not rewarded.

Divorce is an evil sin, and God hates it (Malachi 2:16). Rebellious wives ought to be locked up in prison, not given alimony. No psychiatrist will ever diagnosis a wife as being "rebellious" against God or her husband. We live in a rebellious world (Ephesians 2:2; 1st John 5:19). Every day, millions of people are misdiagnosed. Drunks are said to be "sick." Rebellious wives are said to be "depressed." Homosexuality is called "genetic." Gambling is considered an "addiction." At what point does personal responsibility and character come into the picture? Much of what the feminist movement defines as "abuse" nowadays is perfectly acceptable behavior for a Biblical husband. For example: feminists teach women that it is abusive for a husband to track his wife's time. Not at all! Every husband has a right to know where his wife is at at any given time. The responsible working father and husband is under severe attack in America. Even "Christian" wives have been brainwashed by lying demonic feminist propaganda. "Christian" women are increasingly divorcing their husbands. Divorce is a horrible sin, and there are NO grounds for a divorce. Proverb 31:12 ought to be every Christian wife's life verse ... "She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life."

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

This is just sickening folks. Some apostate Bible publisher thought they'd cash in big by marketing The Martin Luther King Remembrance Edition Bible. It is a trustworthy King James Version, which makes it even more insulting to God. How dare anyone exploit the Word of God to honor such a wicked, Christ-rejecting, unrepentant man as Martin Luther King. Few American realize that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist, involved in at least 60 known Communist front organizations.

Martin Luther King was an unsaved heretic, who openly denied the Virgin Birth, the Bodily Resurrection and the Deity of Jesus Christ. These are all fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. You can read King's very own blasphemous writings in The Papers of Martin Luther King Jr. If king is to be honored, then why not publish The Adolf Hitler Remembrance Edition while you're at it? . . . or The Hugh Hefner Remembrance Edition?

One of the saddest days in American history was when a holiday was established to honor Martin Luther King. Why would the American people want to honor a Communist? In case you didn't know, Communism is synonymous with moral decay and subversion, which explains why abortionists, homosexuals and feminists have all made King an icon. King's widow, Coretta Scott King, spent the remaining years of her life advocating rights for homosexuals. Real Christian huh?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Some people claim that Martin Luther King Jr. was not a Communist, even though he did everything possible to promote the Communist's agenda. That's like saying that Hitler was not a murderer because he didn't actually do the killing. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist! Martin Luther King was affiliated with 60 Communist Fronts. He openly incited violence under the banner of "nonviolence." King led a bizarre sex life which included acts of shocking perversion. On Jan. 31, 1977 Coretta Scott King obtained a federal court order sealing for 50 years 845 pages of FBI records about her husband, "because its release would destroy his reputation!" Still a cowardly, spineless Congress voted to make King's birthday a national holiday. This is should be an outrage to all Christians. The King Holiday act must be repealed!

The life story of Martin Luther King is shocking and disgraceful from beginning to end. He was born with the name Michael King on Jan. 15, 1929. In 1935 his preacher father, "Daddy" King, decided to name himself after the great Protestant reformer Martin Luther. He announced to his congregation that henceforth he was to be called Martin Luther King and his son Martin Luther King, Jr. "Daddy" King never bothered to have this act legalized in court. Thus, his son's real name is Michael King! The holiday should actually be called Michael King Day!

David J. Stewart #fundie #racist #sexist #homophobia #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt jesus-is-savior.com

I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to expose King's false teachings and Communist agenda.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s real birth name was Michael King Jr. Although his father later decided to rename Michael to “Martin Luther” King Jr. (after martin Luther the reformer), there was never any legal name change. Michael King Jr. was born and died as Michael King Jr.

Christianity Today promotes Communist Martin Luther King Jr. According to ChristianityToday, “No Christian played a more prominent role in the century's most significant social justice movement.” This is tragic! Few Christians are aware of the evils of Martin Luther King Jr. — King was an IMPOSTER as you will see clearly in this article. To no surprise, ChristianityToday also promotes Rock Music, Witchcraft, Homosexuality and Satanism. Billy Graham is the organization's founder. In 1965, the so-called “reverend” Martin Luther King Jr. did a Playboy (that's right, Hugh Hefner's Playboy empire of sexual lasciviousness, adultery and smut) interview with Alex Haley. No pastor worth his salt would ever do a Playboy interview. Shame on Mr. King!

Here are some facts about Martin Luther King Jr. that you won't hear from the liberal, leftist, mainstream newsmedia . . .

1. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO born-again Christian. King propagated a social Gospel of ecumenism (which is still strongly followed today by African Americans), but King certainly did NOT preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In his writings, King openly denied Christ's virgin birth, deity and bodily resurrection (effectively making King an atheist). Sadly, King is burning in the fires of Hell this very minute!!!

2. Martin Luther King Jr. was NO Baptist Preacher. Many of King's doctrines were way out in left field. As mentioned, he denied the bodily resurrection of Christ, Jesus deity, the virgin birth and believed that spirituality could be gained through “religious experience” as he termed it. King did not hold to the historical orthodox Baptist positions.

3. The “social justice” which Christianity Today praises was nothing less than a continued Communist conspiracy to destabilize America. This "social justice" has spawned feminism, homosexuality, gay-marriage, abortion, and a host of other evils in America. Freedom without moral restraint is no freedom at all and can only lead to certain bondage. The social justice which King propagated was not just a fight for equality amongst African Americans, but was largely a campaign to morally bankrupt America. Communism found a willing servant in Martin Luther King Jr. Today, America is largely Communist. Unbeknownst to most Americans, Karl Marx's 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto have been fulfilled already in America. For example, the 10th plank called for the creation of a public school system. The 5th plank called for a central bank. Communism's ultimate goal is the total destruction of America's sovereignty, economy, land ownership rights, Bill of Rights, U.S. Constitution, and Christianity.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I was recently walking through a local shopping mall. I heard rhythmatic jungle music. I saw a group of dozens of children and a hundred or so observing parents. The kids were strutting to the music. The little girls were shaking their butts, gyrating to the music. They couldn't have been more than 7 or 8 years old. They were wearing revealing spandex. I walked away in disgust. What is wrong with parents today? The same thing that has always been wrong in a wicked society, people become weak and fleshly. When Christianity flourishes, people at best try to live right in the Lord. But when heathendom flourishes, people descend to the level of animals, doing what feels good, doing my own thing, “Do as thou wilt” as satanist Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) put it.

I've never seen so many effeminate young people as nowadays in the store, and they despise me when they see my “Jesus” hat. Homosexuals hate Christianity!!! They are hardened sinners. They're like Roman Catholics, in the sense that you first have to get them lost, before you can get them saved. Homosexuals have to repent, not in the sense of forsaking homosexuality, but in judging them self as a needy sinner, and that is something very few will ever do. You cannot get saved until you come to Christ, and only admitted ungodly sinners are willing to do that. That is exactly what John 3:20 means, “For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.”

Titus 2:5 plainly states that women are “to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” This is the exact opposite of what children are being taught today. Just as with homosexuality, dancing goes against everything which the Word of God teaches. Don't be fooled into thinking that dancing is just innocent fun, there is an immoral mindset that goes with dancing. If you love Jesus Christ and care about what God thinks, then it should matter to you what the Bible teaches. I care, do you?

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy dividedbytruth.org

Satanic Cults Which Control Society Are Steeped In Sexual Lust

Our nation's dilemmas go way back to the very beginnings of our nation, when the Christian people tolerated Freemasons establishing our government. We ought to run those satanists out of town! Freemasonry is of the Devil, an organization within an organization, intended to deceive their members. At the highest degrees of enlightenment within their esoteric group, they worship Baphomet (Lucifer, the Beast). Our nation was doomed from the very beginning, because God will not bless Freemasonry, a false religion that worships "The Great Architect" instead of Jesus Christ. Freemasons claim that the issue of God is so delicate that they prefer to refer to the multiple member's individual faith's collectively as "The Great Architect" (which includes unbelieving Muslims, demonic Mormons and Christ-rejecting Judaizers). The Bible warns that there is no agreement between light and dark, good and evil, God and Satan (2nd Corinthians 6:16).

Research and you will find quickly that Freemasons are behind America's evils. Freemasons are synonymous with Jewish Zionism. They control Washington D.C., the schools, the courts, the military, the newsmedia and our economy. Hollywood is the Jewish propaganda Mecca of the world, distributing sexual immorality, violence, homosexual perversion, Homeland Security brainwashing and blasphemy against the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no greater an evil perpetrator of lust, perversion, sexual lasciviousness than Hollywood and the television networks!!! SEX SELLS! Woe unto the wicked!

Freemasonry's official logo of a carpenter's square and compass are sexual symbols, evidenced by the way they are positioned upon each other. The Washington Monument, which stands 555.5 feet (6666 inches) tall and 55.5 feet (666 inches) wide is a sexual symbol of the male phallus. America's leaders are steeped in sexually depraved satanic cults. Bohemian Grove is infamous for homosexual male prostitutes, as evidenced by U.S. President Richard Nixon while visiting. Both George Bush Sr. and Jr. are infamous homosexuals, as was Ronald Reagan (aka, "Rainbow Ronnie"). God deliver our nation from gigolo presidents, homosexuals and child molesters at the helm of our country's White House. Criminals have hi-jacked our nation. Truthfully, God has given to America the incompetent, criminal and shameful presidents THAT WE DESERVE. Our leaders rise from the base of our society, whose most basic structural unit is THE FAMILY. That cursed television in nearly everyone's home is a propaganda device used to indoctrinate and brainwash society, and it is far more effective for Satan than America's church pulpits at influencing people's lives. Mankind always gravitates toward evil, because that's our human nature.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

One man, named Marco, approached me on the bus while I was in West Hollywood for surgery in 2009. Marco was friendly and a nice person, but as we conversed, he brought up the topic of homosexuality. He said that he had lived in San Francisco for 12 years. He said that he didn't have a problem with homosexuality. I replied, “Well I do.” An African American woman sitting across the bus isle gave me a dirty look, like, how dare you! Marco was testing me, to see how I felt about homosexuality. I have had this happen to me numerous times by gays, who test people to see where they stand on the issue. It's important that we as God's children (that is, as Bible-believing, born-again, blood cleansed, Christ-honoring, Christians) don't allow homosexuals to force us into their sick and perverted mindset.

By telling Marco that I disapproved of homosexuality, that spoke volumes concerning where I stood morally on the matter. He chose quickly to change the topic, which is what I wanted. Learn to tell gays that you are NOT ok with it. The more that you stand up for the truth, the less problems you will have with them. If you fail to address the issue right away, you may have a homosexual trying to become closer to you, likely with sex on their agenda. Gays frequently test people to see where they stand, because they're looking for like-minded perverts. They may mistake your kindness as weakness or God forbid, queerality (that a new word I just invented). Truly, homosexuals are queer as can be, which is an abomination in God's eyes. An abomination is a sin coupled with disgust. It's something that really upsets the Lord and provokes His anger.

Please realize that homosexuals, cross-dressers and transvestites all come from the same rotten fruit bowl. They're sick spiritually. Television has been portraying gays as two handsome young men with charming personalities sharing a public kiss. I agree with comedian George Carlin who said, “I'll never understand how any man can look at another man's hairy a*s and say, 'I think I'm in love.'” Homosexuals are weirdoes, perverts and sick-minded people. The most unsettling thing is the large number of homosexuals and lesbians that are now in high positions of government, judges and law enforcement. Genesis 19 is right around the corner! From the youngest to the oldest, Sodom's homosexuals forcefully laid siege against Lot's home, trying to break the door down to sodomize the Christians. If it happened then, it can happen again, and will, it's just a matter of time.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I am gladly homophobic and so is the Lord Jesus Christ! The Bible says that John laid his head against the bosom (chest) of Jesus. They could share that admirable closeness of manly friendship because they KNEW THAT THEY WEREN'T HOMOSEXUALS. If John had been a professed homosexual, I GUARANTEE you that the Lord would not have chosen to become close friends like that with John. Check the Bible and you'll find that Jesus was not a companion of riotous men and reprobates.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Children ought to be taught that homosexuality is sick, abnormal, shameful, unnatural, morally reprehensible and most of all... a SIN. What DeGeneres labels as “hate” is obedience to God. Ephesians 5:11 commands all believers to refute (Greek: elencho, which means “to expose”) all works of darkness... “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” This means we are to expose homosexuality for the vile, disgusting, shameful, unhealthy sin that it is. Ellen DeGeneres errantly calls this idiotic and evil. No Ellen, you are a God-hating rebel who chooses to live in unrepentant sin. Proverb 29:27 proclaims, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just: and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.” This is the root of the matter. Christians are evil in the eyes of homosexuals, and homosexuals are evil in the eyes of Christians. There can be NO harmony between sodomites and born-again Christians who love the Word of God.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

Hollywood - The devils in Hollywood often portray unacceptable, even criminal behavior, as being socially acceptable. HollyWEIRD is a lie. Satan is the Boss of Hollywood!!! That's why you see the Roaring Lion at the beginning of many movies, because the Devil roameth about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1st Peter 5:8). Strangely enough, Hollywood often promotes truth on the movie screen as fiction, while fiction is promoted as truth by the newsmedia to the public. We're a backwards society in America!!! It is a confirmed fact that the CIA has a liaison working in Hollywood to incorporate government propaganda into movies to brainwash the public. Satan uses Hollywood movies to deceive the masses. Anyone who is familiar with Hollywood knows that Luciferian occults saturate their films with 666, occult symbols and meaning, promote the Illuminati's evil agendas, blaspheme and curse God. The God is Satanism is sex!

World Bank and International Monetary Fund - Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan uses the love of money (the root of all evil) to accomplish his evil bidding in the world. Please read, “The Federal Reserve Banking Scam Made Easy” for much more information. It was industrialist Henry Ford who said, “It is well that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” The International banking Cabal (aka, banksters) are criminals! They are Luciferian occultists! I'm talking about the Rothschilds and their numerous accomplices. He who controls the money controls everything! Thousands of books have been written on the subject. The banksters deliberately force nations into civil war, bankruptcy, and economic slavery! In so doing, the nations of the world are brought to their knees to the World Bank. Just as a pimp enslaves a woman by getting her hooked on drugs, so do the banksters get their way by forcing Americans (and other nations) into economic poverty.

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Few Americans know that the CIA is a haven for Nazi war criminals. President Harry Truman later admitted that he was lied to and deceived regarding the true nature of the creation of the CIA. Here is some vital information of the history of th CIA. It was Wall Street attorneys and bankers that started the CIA, as a means of overthrowing the U.S. government. Truth is stranger than fiction! Don't take my word for it, listen to President John F. Kennedy himself (ten days before the CIA blew his brains out), earnestly plead with Americans to warn everyone about a secret society overthrowing the White House. Every church in America needs to air this video in their church services, and wake up the churches!!! The CIA is Anti-American. They are our nation's enemies, hellbent on building a New World Order. The CIA are the secret police of Wall Street banksters. I'm talking about Goldman Sachs and the billionaire kingpins of Wall Street. It was Wall Street that created Hitler's empire, to holocaust the Jews as a pretext to invade and create the nation of Israel in 1948. The Jews are God's people, but only saved Jews according to Romans 2:28-29. Modern Israel is a Wall Street fraud, a deception, a satanic counterfeit of true Israel.

Federal Reserve Banking System - There's not a bigger fraud and evil against the American people than the Federal Reserve Banking System. Since 1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was shadily passed into law, American citizens have been cheated, bankrupted and enslaved financially to a private banking cartel. The Federal Reserve System has not been audited even once since 1913. They are crooks, thieves, liars and complete bastards (illegitimate as can be). The newsmedia protects the evildoers, because they are owned and controlled by the evildoers. If I were a billionaire thief, I would buy up the newsmedia to control the newspapers to deceive everyone. The Federal Reserve Banking Scam Made Simple.

U.S. Dollar - Few U.S. citizens understand that we're slaves! BANKING: THE GREATEST SCAM ON EARTH! Money not backed by gold is a scam to steal citizen's wealth!!! Our U.S. dollar total is totally worthless. It's only arbitrary and temporary value exists while the U.S. government exists. When our nation can no longer hide the truth that they are completely broke, our government will crumble just like the Enron scandal unfolded in 2001.

Washington D.C. - The true powers controlling Washington D.C. are hidden behind the scenes. They are Freemasons! The 555.5 foot tall (6,666 inches) and 55.5 feet wide (666 inches), Washington Monument, is a giant erect male phallus (the universal occult symbol of occult power). Freemasons are phallus worshippers! Our nation's capital is continually overshadowed by a giant erect penis! What sick people Luciferians truly are! Look again, if you didn't earlier, at the videos of U.S. President John F. Kennedy warning the public about a secret society trying to take control over the Office of the President. Well, they took control 100% when George H. Bush took office. They tried to murder President Ronald Reagan, so they could take over sooner.

The War On Drugs - Effectively, after Mr. Reagan was shot, Vice President George H. Bush (daddy Bush) was in control. There's not a more evil man in the history of the world than George H. Bush. Mr. Bush (while Vice President) appointed himself in charge of the anti-drug forces in southern Florida. As you can guess, the drug trafficking problem exploded in the 1980's, making the movie Scarface look like child's play. I could go on for hours. It was no coincidence that John Ellis Bush (aka, JEB) followed soon after as governor of Florida, and the drug empire flourished. You couldn't make this stuff up! There has never been a legitimate War On Drugs in America. In fact, the War On Drugs has been the perfect cover-up to ensure it's success, survival and prosperity. Umpteen books have been written exposing the CIA's (there's that bastard group again) key involvement in trafficking illegal drugs into the United States. The money is used to further World Government, aka, the New World Order.

The 9/11 Attacks - The CIA were behind the 9/11 attack of the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York. They needed a pretext to invade Iraq and Afghanistan, and to start Homeland Security (which didn't exist prior to 9/11), and to pass the treasonous and fascist Patriot Acts (thus making criminals of every active patriotic American). The courts in 2016 classified 28 pages of an investigation which has never been made public, which some senators have viewed. It is purported that the 28 pages will show that Saudi Arabians were involved with the attacks. The evidence clearly that the Bush Administration all had prior knowledge before 9/11. Donald Rumsfeld, George W. Bush and John Ashcroft were caught in umpteen lies, contradicting themselves. After murdering 2,745 innocent citizens in the 911 WTC attacks (including 343 courageous firefighters), and murdering another 1,455,590 innocent Iraqi citizens, and murdering 4,486 U.S. soldiers (at a staggering cost to U.S. taxpayers of $6,000,000,000,000), President George W. Bush made shameful jokes about the missing Weapons of Mass Destruction that they knew never existed. They lied from the very beginning. It wasn't “bad intelligence” (as the CIA brainwashing in Hollywood films, like The West Wing, which aired between 1999 and 2006, claims); but rather, the cruel, calculated, murder of over a millions lives to further the New World Order! The 9/11 attacks couldn't have worked out better for the Luciferian elite, who are relentlessly erecting a NWO!

Oklahoma City Bombing (1995) - Immediately after the large bomb detonated at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which murdered 168 people (including 19 babies and children), two undetonated C4 explosives were found in the building. It wasn't until the federal government came that the official story changed, to say that a Ryder rent-truck with diesel fuel and fertilizer blew the place up, but that's all a big deception. Tim McVeigh was the fall guy for the false flag operation, not the culprit. After the bombing, McVeigh was found high on drugs, and half out of his mind, when the police arrested him. The facts get really bizarre, as Timothy McVeigh had been staying in a local hotel room with his military psychiatrist for the week prior to the bombing. No kidding! There were 12 building cameras rolling prior to the bombing, which the FBI confiscated and were never publickly released for reviewing. There is a preponderance of evidence showing that the OKC bombing was an Inside Job! This is just another LYING WONDER by the Devil to deceive the world.

United Nations - The Illuminati (Luciferians who are hellbent on building a New World Order for Satan) were behind the creation of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. To put their new money making plot to work, the started World War I. They tried to use the war to start The League of Nations. 20,000,000 men were murdered by the Illuminati. WWI cost the U.S. $32,000,000,000. So the Illuminati started World War II, which gave them their United Nations scam. Every major war since the Revolutionary War of 1776 has been started, financed and nurtured by the International Banking Barons (which includes The House of Rothschild and the Wall Street gang). The United Nations sat idle while over 200,000 Serbians and Albanians murdered and raped each other in the early 1990's. Obviously, the UN is always a day too late and a dollar short. They are worthless! Their true dark agenda is world government, a satanic deception to enslave humanity. The United Nations is a satanic fraud! It was the sinister Luciferian Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) that formed the United Nations in 1945.

Modern Nation of Israel - The Jews are God's people, but only if they are born-again Christians (Romans 2:28-29). Modern Israel since 1948 is a counterfeit, satanic deception, a cruel hoax by the Illuminati. God promises to restore the nation of Israel when He returns, and a remnant of Israel faithfully returns to God (Jeremiah 23:5-8; Hosea 3:4-5). It is heresy and a satanic deception to support wicked, Christ-rejecting, blaspheming, homosexual, Jews. If that weren't true, then Christians would be required to bless Hollywood (which is predominantly Jewish owned and controlled). I love Jewish people. There are 560,000 poor Jews living in New York. Obviously God doesn't bless all Jews with financial gain. No unsaved Jew has a right to claim God's kingdom promises to the Jews. It is ridiculous for wayward believers to teach that Christians should support unbelieving Israel, when God plainly CURSES THEM (Deuteronomy 7:8-12). Christians have no business blessing Christ-rejecting Jews whom God curses. God will keep His unconditional promise to make of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob a great nation when Jesus Christ returns at the Second Coming (Hosea 3:4-5). Albeit, some of God's promises are conditional, such as His promise to bless obedient Jews (Exodus 19:5-6).

Synagogue of Satan - The Jews are a scapegoat for Freemasonry. Also, Why Do The Illuminati Hate Jews? Also, Were Illuminati Jews Behind The Nazis? (Dr. Henry Makow is a gifted and prolific writer, one of my favorite truth-tellers). The New World Order is being perpetrated by hardcore Luciferian worshippers. Jews are not behind the NWO; but rather, Luciferians.

Sex Education in Public Schools - Allegedly, sex education was introduced to the public schools to help prevent youth from getting Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's). The opposite has happened, just as with everything the government gets involved with. The War On Illiteracy has dumbed-down America's children. The present Common Core program is intentionally designed to hinder children from thinking, dumbing them down. Sex education has no place in our schools, as it robs children of their innocence and actually encourages them to fornicate. Most major American cities now provide free condoms in dispensers throughout the satanic public school system. Sex education is another satanic deception, intended to corrupt our kids.

Pharmaceutical Industry - Prescription drugs are now a trillion-dollar industry. The worst area of abuse is with psychotropic mind-altering prescription drugs. A common diagnosis by doctors (that is total quackery) is a “chemical imbalance of the brain,” which is always treated with drugs, drugs, drugs! No medical evidence exists to substantiate such a diagnosis! The word “sorcery” in the Holy Bible comes from the same Hebrew word as our English word “pharmacy.” Hence, substance abuse is synonymous with demon-possession. Drugs (including alcohol) are commonly used as a gateway to the spirit realm. The big deception is that most drugs being prescribed today are totally unnecessary. Doctors these days are trained by the pharmaceutical industry, deceived into prescribing useless and potentially life-threatening drugs to all of their patients.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist jesusisprecious.org

Proverbs 23:17, “Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long.”

I read this intriguing passage of Scripture today, and the latter part of the Bible verse impressed upon my heart. The inspired Word of God tell us—BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! That is an interesting and important truth to live by!

It is easy nowadays for churches to be tempted to go along to get along with the LGBTQ homosexual agenda, but BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! Don't support hose wicked devils! It is easy today for young people to get tattoos. They are markings of the sinful world, but BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! It is easy these days to get into booze, marijuana and illegal drugs, but BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! It is easy to become covetousness in this materialistic generation, but BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! It is easy to believe slanderous gossip when you hear it, but BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! 1st Peter 2:17, “Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.”

It is quite easy to envy sinners! They enjoy the sinful pleasures of this life. Ungodly women get to strip down at the beaches, wearing just their colored underwear. But a Christian woman has to wear more clothing, which can be rather uncomfortable on a hot summer day. But remember ladies, any woman can become a whore! All she has to do stop being in the fear of the LORD all the day long! It takes a real woman of God to possess her vessel in honor at all times. It is hard to embrace the sad reality of how morally deficient America has turned in just a century!

It is easy for a young man to want to go to bad places where women strip naked. That is why they call such wicked places “strip joints.” They are also hellholes! You'll never find a lower class of miserable human beings, selfish and ungodly on every level. That's okay Devil, you can have your strip joints, BE IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!! I love that Bible verse! We are not commanded to fear God only once in a while. No, the Scripture says ALL THE DAY LONG! We are not advised, we are COMMANDED! We are commanded to be in the fear of God—ALL THE DAY LONG!!! There are 24 hours in a day my friend! There are 10,080 minutes in a week! There are 86,400 seconds in a day! BE THOU IN THE FEAR OF THE LORD ALL THE DAY LONG!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

Sadly, after 18 years of marriage, my own wife cut my throat in 2006, turning our marriage license into a weapon. There's no other way to accurately describe it. I didn't want the divorce and tried to stop it (and I have that in writing). Unless you've been betrayed and fed to the wolves by your spouse, you can't even begin to understand the feeling of betrayal, disloyalty and being hated. I overcame the evils of divorce with good, by starting my Soulwinning.info website in May of 2006. My wife abandoned me in March of 2006. I was depressed and sad. So I started a soulwinning website to get even with the Devil (Romans 12:21).

David J. Stewart #homophobia jesusisprecious.org

It is evil to place innocent children into the hands of sex-perverts. All homosexuals are sex-perverts. Homosexuality is a perversion of nature. It is against nature as Romans 1:26 teaches. It is natural for a boy and a girl to become attracted to each other. Just like innocent Capitalism (which utterly fails in the rigged U.S. financial system), so also does the innocence of youthful courtship become perverted, unnatural and creepy when influenced by homosexual infiltrators preying upon our children. Public school kids are being taught to become homosexuals.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Obviously, man’s laws are not in agreement with God’s Laws. God is against the U.S. Supreme Court on allowing abortion. God is against the New York state Supreme Court on allowing same-sex marriage. God is against the U.S. Supreme Court for banning the Word of God from the schools. God is against anyone who goes against His Words!!! The Bible teaches that a husband has a right to control his marriage and family, but this wicked world labels that as being a “control freak.” There are many feminists and rebels today who consider God a control freak as well.

David J. Stewart #fundie #transphobia #homophobia lovethetruth.com

The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are being torn apart between liberals and conservatives in U.S. courts. The immoral mess in America today is our own creation. If men will not be ruled by God, then they will be governed by tyrants. This whole transgendered bathroom nightmare today is about satanic mind control. The Luciferians behind the subversion of the United States want to condition everyone to accept their enslavement.

That is why TSA are sticking their hands down U.S. citizen's pants and blouses at all U.S. airports. Mothers are being made to drink their own bottled breast milk. The elderly disabled are being forced to remove their diapers. You are the enemy America! Our nation's founding fathers never could have envisioned a future time when men's urinals would be installed in ladies' restrooms! God forgive us! The Devil is the author of confusion! This is why he publishes hundreds of different English Bible revisions. This is why there are hundreds of different religious denominations. This is why Acts 19:32, “Some therefore cried one thing, and some another: for the assembly was confused; and the more part knew not wherefore they were come together.” America's churches are confused. One preacher says this, and another preacher says that. Most neo-evangelical churches tolerate dozens of different Bible versions. What utter confusion! This is not of the Lord.

The answer to 1984 is 33 AD! Another civil war or revolutionary war won't restore faith in God in our nation. The answer is not in the White House. The Gospel is the only answer!!! This nation is beginning to embrace sodomy, satanism, pedophilia and bestiality! Those U.S. Supreme Court judges in Washington D.C. need to understand that they must one day appear in God's courtroom. Men don't fear God anymore. There is a heresy being taught these days which says to reverence and respect God, but not literally fear Him. My friend, we ought to actually be afraid of God and what He will do to us if we disobey Him!!! Genesis 18:25b, “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?”

We need revival in the United States. Everywhere we go these days, we are finding transvestites, dyke lesbians and effeminate wimps! It is not uncommon to see two men kissing each other on TV, which is an abomination. The television networks ABC, CBS and NBC are pumping homosexual filth into homes across America. Walt Disney is controlled by Satan, which regularly promotes premarital sex, teen glamour girls and homosexuality. Two men or two women kissing each other is sickening! It is morally reprehensible!!! Romans 1:32, “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Homosexuality is worthy of capital punishment (Leviticus 20:13). We are living in a warped generation that doesn't see anything sinful about homosexuality, knowing that the Holy Bible condemns all sexual immorality (Colossians 3:5-6; 1st Peter 2:11; Jude 1:7).

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

I'll never understand how any professed man of God can use the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible, after being informed that at least two flaming homosexuals were on the Committee On Biblical Translation (CBT) who translated the NIV. Virginia Mollenkott and Martin Woudstra (chairman of the Old Testament committee) gave the apostate world the NIV perversion. These homosexuals were offended by the truth of God's Word, and so they removed the word “sodomite” completely from the Old Testament. So when you hear homosexuals and their wicked sympathizers attacking the Bible, saying that God also called eating shellfish an abomination; remember that homosexuals have completely removed the word SODOMITE from the Bible, which condemns them all to the eternal fires of Hell as Jude 1:7 warns.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

America's churches have failed the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgendered (LGBT) community. We really have! For the past half-century the churches have failed homosexuals. I mean, if anyone in the world ought to be helping the LGBT community, it is the churches! Even America's independent fundamental Baptist churches today are failing the LGBT crowd. It is high-time for the churches to start doing what they should have done long ago! Yes, the churches are at fault. We have dropped the ball. There are no legitimate excuses, the Christian churches have failed the LGBT community!!!

How, you may ask, have the churches “failed” the LGBT community? I am glad that you asked. We have failed the LGBT community by refusing to cry aloud against homosexuality as a filthy “sin”! We have failed the LGBT community by tolerating homosexual “sin” instead of exposing it as “perversion” in our society. We have failed the LGBT community by refusing to embrace them with the truth, the horrifying truth that a holy God will not accept homosexuality.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Gay Jews and Hollywood

Jewish rabbis and intellectuals are into homosexuality in a big way. James Klugman, British Communist Party leader; U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer; wealthy socialist Victor Rothschild; and British economist John Maynard Keynes come to mind. The ADL, ACLU, and Southern Poverty Law Center are Jewish organizations noted both for their antichrist liberal views and the perverted sexual orientation of some of their leaders.

Jewish rabbis are frequently in the news, with charges of child molestation highlighted. Meanwhile, Jews virtually run the entire inter-national porn industry. Even Jerusalem World Report, a prominent Jewish publication, has admitted that the kingpins of the "ecstasy" drug trade are Jews based in Israel.

Michael Eisner, a Jew and head of Disney Corporation, is actively pushing the gay agenda, as are most other Hollywood moguls—almost all of whom are Jewish. Sodomite Tom Schumaker was chosen by Disney to be executive producer of the kids movie, The Lion King. Homosexual singer Elton John was chosen to do the music score for the movie. Schumaker brags that Disney is actively recruiting homosexuals and that already, "There are a lot of gay people at every level" in the company.

Hollywood has long been much more gay than traditional America has known. The Christ-hating Jews that run the movie industry have always gotten their kicks from secretly pushing homosexual actors and actresses into leading roles as "romantic" leads. Katherine Hepburn was a lesbian deceptively dressed up as a lover of men like Spencer Tracy. Lesbian actress Marlene Dietrich pranced about in male suits with pants and yet the movie audiences were led to believe she was "All Woman." Male stars like comedian Danny Kaye and British actor Laurence Olivier were lovers, and comedian Jack Benny was queer as a three-dollar bill.

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