Prussian Society of America

Prussian Society of America #racist #sexist #dunning-kruger

[From "Meanwhile, In Boston…"]

As Protests continue against COVID Measures in Europe, we have Non-European trash among the young generations protesting in demand for more COVID Tyranny

FUN, FUN Times are coming!!!

Hey White Boys in America and all Law Enforcement Officers. Are you going to protect these gems because they are Women are Colored!? I will be delighted for a lifetime to see it! I will love to sit back and watch their urgency to defend these specimens

After all, Women deserve to be “protected” at all costs, because they were born as Women, right!? And everybody is equal, so say the Scots-Irish of America, who don’t care whether someone is Black or White…

This should just show you how far gone America is:

“No teachers, no plan. We’ve got to take a stand.” Students at New Mission High School say their voices have been ignored when it comes to how to best handle pandemic learning. @NBC10Boston @NECN
4:55 PM · Jan 14, 2022

Prussian Society of America #psycho #racist #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[From "In coming days/weeks, Pragmatism, Politeness, Diplomacy and Professionalism will be revealed as the farce it truly is."]

All of these etiquette behaviors are Jewish/Commercial Mind Programming which are used to disguise thievery, corruption and other nefarious activities even by the most Innocent seeming governments, Officials and diplomats[…]
The German Nation [at least under Prussia] may be the only form of governance on Earth, even under the Monarchy, where Barbarian Nations found us to be the most loathsome and blunt, rude, bullying, outrageous, reckless beasts and yet cannot comprehend how we at the same time manage the Height of Discipline and Order[…]
For many centuries of our history, the objective has always been to demoralize and break down German will to make us forget our legacy of being a Nation of the most valuable and unique people on Earth[…]
In days of German Glory and Supremacy, Barbarian Nations walk on eggshells in the presence of a German, should a lie ever be discovered[…]
The future of the world, whatever survives of it as it does may mean a hypnotized approach to the outside world in dealing with Germany on any level, but they must be at our mercy whether they like it or not, whether they respect us or not, if they want to be left alone by us

Even the most stoic leaders of state have a breaking point, as we have seen that reached with Putin and Lavrov, we see it erupting in countries like India and Pakistan. The Chinese are the most stoic and indifferent[…]
The more a Nation is Sovereign and wholly owned by its people with the best ruling, instead of vested money lowers and third parties, the easier we warm up

The curse of the Swastika reigns over every Nation on earth at this time

Russians now taste what they and the Polish And others did in launching their aggressive and pervasive Hate Campaign against Germany

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

[From "Truth about the War Games with Russia becoming more evident to Many"]

The dirty part about this war, is that Putin/Russia cannot be involved in it or use expansionism unless there is a justified reason for it

Whether or not an Individual Country or group of Nations sees a justified reason or not, is irrelevant

Putin is Managed by the Zionists, by the MOSSAD[…]
The Middle Eastern Territories are managed the same, between agreements made between Israel and Russia[…]
Putin also does have SOME legitimate concerns for his Nation and the fact that he wanted to stop the killing of his own Soldiers in the on-going Ukraine situation[…]serves well as a distraction for those who wish to think that he may be a Noble or Righteous Leader

Even if Putin was a True Sovereign Leader of his Nation and there was no Jewish Financial control of Russia, it would be appropriate and expected for any leader to respond to Western Sanctions or what the AZOV Battalion does, regardless[…]
Putin is permitted to mitigate and take advantage of the Weaknesses of America and Western Nations, and the same is true with China since China is also a tool of the Rothscild Dynasty

But if one is to dislike Putin, they should dislike him for the valid reasons, rather than the irrelevant or positive reasons. He is KGB afterall and did espionage work and had many other connections. But he is not a weak leader, the likes of Western Politicians[…]
When I look at Russian History, specifically, and even with the Romanians, I have found these people to have many constant meddlings and connections with Jews, but few who ever recognize or believe that the Jew is an evil creature. I don’t believe you will ever see an Expulsion or Full Pogrom of the Jews from Russia

Even Stalin never did a complete purge of them, a Half Jew himself (occasional, half-Jews expel their own in times of desperation or when a country has been economically bled dry)

Prussian Society of America #sexist

[From "Men Must Guard Themselves Around Modern Women II/PRUSSIAN vs. ISLAMIC LAW"]

The Modern Woman[…]is a liability, a dangerous threat and an ever-increasing problem that is becoming like a plague and vermin among us, irreconcilable even at the behest of the survival of our species
I see so many Men who allow their wives to control every aspect of their lives[…]whether a Man is “permitted” to stock up on charcoal or whatever commodity
Women who throw away the possessions of Men are part of the “Cluster C Type Personality Disorders”, but it is also a trait of Passive-Aggressive Behavior in these cunts
When the Woman gets to throw an item way, it makes her feel happier and elevated because she has been able to undermine something a Man may have sentiment
Modern Women are also trashing our civilizations and permitting Barbarians in our lands
Our Prussian decree, whereby we forbid the rights of Women to own Property and Bank Accounts, only personal possessions
Most Educated Men of History recognize that the downfall of the West in which Men’s Sovereignty became threatened occurred when Women received the right to vote, and it also by no coincidence that this right suddenly appeared in Germany out of nowhere in 1918
Muslim Men do not have things as good as they may claim even about their Women
Islamic Countries require their Men to be involved in a regulated form of “salary sharing” in which the Man must forego a certain percentage of his salary to the Woman, in addition to other demands, such as giving regular percentages of wealth to the homeless
The Prussian State does demand that Men be proper providers for the Wives, but we do not make laws or regulations on how he is to appropriate his salary. We leave such decisions up to the Man, and that he should use his best judgment for what allowance or stipend he may give to his lady

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Latest Noise about Mask Mandate Reversal Proves why we need an Authoritarian Leader"]

Democracy is also an Authoritarian system under its own right, but one where there is no transparency whatsoever[…]different parties, different institutions or agencies, and other vested interests who do not see eye to eye on any level[…]
The FBI, CIA and NSA do not get along, do not all play on the same field but rather view each other as competition and having separate interests

Under a True Authoritarian System, the Leader/Emperor/Head of State must be the Supreme Intelligence Official and Chief, over any other organized body or officials

So in the last day, a Federal Judge in the US by the name of “Kathryn Kimball Mizelle” had overturned the Federal Mask Mandate in the Supreme Court[…]
You would think, under any sane system, that this action would become finalized[…]in a corrupt system like the American Government which has all kinds of layers and corners of different interests, the Department of Justice then comes out claiming they are going to appeal the decision[…]
The absurdity with how much power the CDC has is unbelievable[…]
To be a Center for Disease Control, means that they have control over Disease, which could mean either to prevent, or to cause, or regulate in any which way they want[…]
As I have told you, all Laws are still not really “True” except for Natural Laws, therefore only fools actually believe in things like Laws or Treaties[…]
Healthy Societies, ones which have lasting and prominent status, need a True Authoritarian, not Authoritarian sections of government[…]
It is imperative that such a Leader has rights and authority that supersedes anyone beneath him

People rely far too much on laws and institutions, which makes people lazy and lacking in prudence to elect good leadership

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #dunning-kruger

[From "A Note about so-called “Neo-Nazis” in Ukraine"]

The Neo-Nazi Movement is entirely Jewish and Anti-German/Anti-Aryan in every respect[…]Neo-Nazism has absolutely nothing to do with the Original National Socialist Movement (NSDAP) or even more importantly, nothing to do with Prussian Values whatsoever

The so-called “Nazis” who are using the Roman Salute, Nazi Insignia/Runes and other effects in Ukraine are hired by Washington, and it has long been the strategy of the Bolsheviks to carry out many of their crimes under the guise of being “Nazis”

The National Socialists killed Criminals and Partisans

In the cases where it is reported that Nazis had ever targeted Innocent people, either they were not Innocent[…]or they were killed by Red Army Officers who dressed up in Nazi uniforms
The same strategy has become a thing with the Right-Wing Parties in Ukraine from the Maidan Revolution, Right-Wing Parties like “Right Sector” and “Svoboda” have associated themselves with National Socialism, illegitimately, and we have no affiliation or interest with them
Even during the era of the Third Reich, Ukraine and that figure “Stepan Bandera” was no true loyal comrade or anything of ours. It was a joke. Slavs have a history of loving to use religions and political ideologies as a vehicle to further their gains and to steal land territory and kill off their own brother
We make it no secret that we subscribe to National Socialist Beliefs, although we are a Prussian Order
“Communist Nazis” is designed to make people associate Nazism with Communism

It further illustrates exactly why we despise the Right Wing as much as we do the Left Wing
George Lincoln Rockwell was a Crypto-Jew himself, just as is typical with all Neo-Nazi Movements and Parties
The Ku Klux Klan was also founded by Jews[…]a Jewish/Celtic creation because the Celts are also Jews

Prussian Society of America #sexist #racist #ableist #dunning-kruger

[From "Prussian Policies Towards Women"]

Prussia shall make no policy, law or procedure which views or treats “Women” in any way as a disadvantaged sex
Policies geared towards Women must ensure that Women receive balanced treatment in terms of how they are relegated to their duties and responsibilities as a Woman, in Service to her Father, Husband and the Vaterland
Women under the Reich are raised and educated in everyday life to appreciate, love, cherish and respect Men, and they come to learn that her own internal happiness comes from her eagerness to Please and Satisfy the Needs and Desires of the Man whom she will one day devote her life to
The German Race[…]is a higher race, intellectually and spiritually, where one can enjoy relations with the opposite sex on a greater realm than only primal or materialistic values
Women[…]are forbidden to heed the advice from her friends as “superior” to any advice or trust/faith she puts in her significance other or Husband
Women cannot use their bodies, beauty or charm and manipulations to get their way through life[…]Such Women who attempt such behavior will be sought out for punishment
Activities like “flirting just because one can” or “flirting to test the market” or “flirting just for fun” needs to be behavior (from both genders) that is considered intolerable and shameful
The State does not take a personal interest in the treatment or discipline a Man may use towards his spouse
Rhesus Negative blood type is automatic grounds for Abortion[…](even if it against the will of the Mother or Father)[…]If someone has Rh- Blood, this means that they are Jewish
Distinct Labor Positions for Women will be made available
It has been scientifically proven that once a Woman has given herself unto a Man, she will never be able to properly pair-bond with a New Man

Prussian Society of America #psycho

[From "Violence is an Art-Form, Not a Negative thing"]

Violence, properly-executed and its right time and place are some of the most beautiful things that can be found left in this world

Is there nothing more beautiful than seeking out revenge on your enemies!?

Is there nothing more beautiful and sacred than seeing them suffer and being humiliated in front of everyone and making their transition out of this world to be the most painful and horrifying one?

Violence is an art-form which ought to be respected, not shunned, it is only cowards who shun it, for it has its place under the Sun and must be brought out from time to time when and where needed

The time we are in now calls for Extreme Violence and hurting people really badly who deserve to be hurt. Your ever-waking thought every day should be about Inflicting Violence on the Trash of Mankind around us, and dishing out revenge even to your personal enemies

People who are afraid of violence or try to shun such thoughts, will not be part of any revolution or cleaning house

Violence DOES solve problems

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #sexist #elitist #crackpot


Perhaps a day could arrive when Europeans will once again understand[…]why our German Ancestors had no choice but to build a Totalitarian State under the Third Reich, in order to combat against the Totalitarianism of the Bolshevist Agenda

The Formation of a Totalitarian State[…]is a terrifying idea and diversion to the former concept of the former Imperial Germany with a Monarchy

While it may be today that Critics of National Socialism blame the Führer for invading Russia or that he should have waited, perhaps a tomorrow will arrive that he would instead be blamed for not having invaded Russia soon enough!
The majority of Human Masses (Particularly the West) are inundated with a delusional Idea that National Socialism or Hitler’s regime belonged to the same “Dark Triad” of the Fascism and Communist Agenda
As Prussians, we recognize first and foremost that the majority of opinions of people do not matter, and cannot be taken seriously
You are not to participate in the COVID Cult, and we would punish and penalize anyone from fines, to forced sterilization, to euthanasia and cremation in a controlled environment for anyone who has taken the Vaccine
Even as far as voting rights in the Prussian Tradition, Only Land Owners and Men are permitted to vote
The Totalitarian Form of government under the NSDAP Leadership was 100% legitimate and represented the closest possible example practiced to date where the German will could yet be managed
Even before the breakout of WWII[…]Some leaders who traveled to Germany had to say in their actions with Germans, but always noting that they had high respect for the German Officials
The envy and suspicion of unorthodox methods using by the Third Reich, had created outrage in the Pragmatists

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #psycho

[From "Canadians must accept nothing less than the Capture and Assassination of Mr. Trudeau"]

You cannot make a truce or deals with this thugs. No agreements, No negotiations, No Talks, no backing down whatsoever. No Fair Trials

This Man is a Communist Thug and a piece of Criminal Trash, and in alliance with China
It is not criminal to call for the death of criminals

You must ALWAYS operate in mind, with the spirit invocation of Thomas Jefferson in his statement of “When Tyranny Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty”
The only Laws that Matter in this world are Natural Laws, Racial Laws

This is not the first time in Human History when people fighting on the right side of something have been labelled terrorists
There is much at stake right now, and also a redefinition of what it means to be “Canadian” will have to at some point emerge. Canada has a very long history of not so good things, after all, this is why this situation has now come to surface
Organized groups of Hitmen and a Plan of how to capture Mr. Trudeau must be carried out
The harder you ignore all orders from this paper tiger, the more he will become wrestled out of his position of power
We, at the Prussian Society of America, are ordering that this Man needs to be captured and assassinated! By any means necessary!

The Civil War is under way. This Civil war will be not only between your government and the forces they attempt to bring down on you, but against a large bulk of your own population
It’s time to start appreciating and respecting the Nazi brutality we had once imposed on this world enemy
Do not let the American Disinformation Agents, who are NUMEROUS trying to convince you to stay peaceful
The overwhelming majority of these disinformation agents from America, are of Celtic Ancestry
These “Celts” also happen to be EXTREMELY religious

Prussian Society of America #racist #dunning-kruger #psycho

[From "Do not Fear the Chaos and Destruction to come"]

It is important as always to understand and never misplace the oncoming Chaos and Destruction
The biggest tragedy and obstacle we face above and beyond every challenge and other tragedies, is the one of Blood Purity

The lack of Blood Purity, or even at second best, positive admixtures are even more more desirable than the junk races we have that absolutely overwhelm the populations of every country
The combination of such reduced levels of Racial Purity among all Europeans, most importantly for Germans, is such that on average, less than 20% of populations have a notable population of Good Racial Blood
It is all part of the plan, specifically in accordance with the Kalergi Plan
Without good Racial Blood, a people has nothing. No amount of material possessions, nor skills, nor talent or any virtue can rescue them
Hitler had spoken publicly to the German people about the very fact that their own Racial Blood is the most prized possession and gift that a people have for themselves
In 1945 immediately, after World War 2, the world has entered some sort of a stupor or “trance”, if you will
Because of this choice that Mankind has made, we have no choice as Germans to be hateful and spiteful towards the majority of Humans
A German should never feel compelled to show kindness or compassion to Barbarians, because they are are essentially both inferior but also empty inside
The requirements for securing our future is one of where we need a gigantic war and one where many people need to be eliminated
Too many people populate this planet which serve nothing but consume resources and are not part of creating a Divine Existence, and at the same time they prohibit the best elements of our Race and some Europeans from their need of expression and reproduction, above all, livingspace

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist

[From "America surely going down with a whimper, and not a bang"]

Automatons have no inclination to fight for anything, even when their own interest or survival is at stake[…]Automatons will actually cheerlead for the enemy and tyrant to take on more Authoritarian control and influence[…]
Expiration Dates are becoming much closer to the dates of purchase, due to less than expected purchase activity[…]
Massive layoffs are about to roll out week after week as we head into August, which is a hot month for warfare[…]
Automatons are 100% selfish and useless, as people. This is why essentially, they need to be killed off from the population, and in fact, this is why the Illuminati is pursing the depopulation agenda[…]
If you have a homogenous population [assuming it is of GOOD RACIAL STOCK] and that the people are largely NOT Automatons, there is a general sense of concern and “reflexes” that ought to emerge[…]
Americans generally also do not have experience with life under Communism or the telltale signs of Communist or Dictatorial Takeovers, and that the first signs of routine food and supply shortages including inferior grades of meat and produce are signs[…]
Under Democratic Forms of Government, there is no process of “making history”

All so-called “historical events” that occur under Democratic rule, are always planned, entirely scripted, and have no spiritual or lasting significance[…]
Under a Democracy, it is a sterile ground for people like Philosophers, Inventors, Scientists, Engineers, Poets, and other truly unique brains that make remarkable imprints that people look up to in admiration and splendor[…]
The US runs a shadow government and operates more “for show” not only because America is actually officially owned by the UN and other subsidiaries[…]
Is it any wonder that the whole January 6th so-called “insurrection” was a setup by both Political Parties

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[From "Why Only Germans have the right to be Arrogant, unlike Barbarians"]


spoilerJoachim Peiper:"Stride with a proud disdain through the swamp of human inadmissibility"

It is true that we are Arrogant, but we wear our Arrogance as a badge of honor, because we are entitled to it

When a German is Arrogant, he is arrogant not for the sake of wanting to seek self-glorification and to be freed of responsibility, but instead because he wants to maintain simplicity, efficiency and to eliminate nonsense at every step of the way[…]
Only Germans are capable of not allowing things like fame, wealth or other matters in getting to his head and changing him as a person

This should never be assumed about Barbarian Races[…]
This is where the English are a completely opposite breed of Germanics than us, because they love irony, sarcasm and defense mechanisms[…]
The German race is not understood because it can possess the most tactless, brutal and unmannerly forms of Arrogance with what would otherwise seem an Unearthly sense of Humility[…]
If our race does not practice endless discipline to ensure that our Arrogance is in line with reality[…]it becomes our greatest curse[…]
The greatest example of this is how the German People today have largely embraced the COVID[…]
A True German is still primed in the mentality of the 19th century and earlier, and it is ONLY this mentality which can ever carry us through[…]
Comparison to a so-called “Police State” under the Third Reich is a bad comparison, because it was only a Police State for the criminal classes, fifth column and Communists or Degenerates[…]
Germany meant business, and its words were true. Germany had security threats within and without, and the Third Reich had not only the necessity but the duty to defend its people against Bolshevism

Prussian Society of America #racist

[From "Australians are just as useless of a people as the English and Americans"]

I fucking cannot stand these people! They deserve the government and conditions they have. From my experiences with Australians, they seem to be some of the most retarded people on Earth. Never have had a rational conversation once with these cretins

Not a single word or opinion that comes out of the mouth from an Australian has any semblance or connection to reality whatsoever

You could put these cretins in a prison, and so long as they have bread and water and a place to sleep, they will still tell you how much “Freedom” they have

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #psycho

[From "Germany is still a hotbed of Jewry as ever before"]

There is a large class of the German Population today which have gone to great lengths to hide their Jewish Ancestry[…]but there were cascades of efforts that took place to ensure Jewish prominence in Germany immediately following World War II[…]leading up to the formation of the Deutsche Demokratische Republik[…]
With the aggressive campaigns in the DDR to pretty much bring back everything exactly that was defamed and despised by the Nazis, the DDR had all kinds of Jewish Intellectuals at the head of the State and throughout its reign, and even songs banned by the NSDAP leadership were put into use

Jews had become even more of the mythical “German-Jew”[…]there is so much less of a focus on the Jewish Ancestry of so many of the leaders in these countries, for example like Angela Merkel[…]
Head of the WEF and one of the biggest mouthpieces during the COVID-19 Agenda, is a Jew by the name of Klaus Schwab[…]
Almost all heads and Most Ministers in Germany today, whether in Finance, including in Big Tech, Medicine, Science, Astronomy, Media and nearly every sphere of influence in Germany, are riddled with Jews

Political parties like the SPD, but even the AfD are full of Jews#
When the head of a department or someone subservient to the Jew, is not Jewish, it is always the most effeminate, obedient specimens of a German[…]
It is such a disgrace that after Herr Göring’s hard work in eliminating the Jews from Germany, how quickly they were brought back in[…]Göring’s brother Albert worked behind his back[…]
Albanians, Greeks, Italians and Spaniards all helped to protect and feed Jews[…]
Too many people are in love with the Jews[…]
There will never be a solution for Europe so long as the Jewish Question is never resolved for all time, and this means that the race and the 0.01% breeds of them are entirely liquidated

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist

[From "Celts, Like the English are one of the biggest players in the COVID Cult"]

As I have mentioned previously, the biggest invested races in promotion of the COVID Cult are those of Jewish, English, Celtic Ancestry and of course the Chinese who have made a spectacular financial investment and business model of using this agenda for their very disgusting aims

There are of course, other minor players like Italians, Iranians, Armenians and others who also have had major involvement between a whole host of different aspects of the COVID Agenda, including financial investments with the Vaccine Manufacturing

Wherever Jewish Money Flows, you are sure to find the English and Celtic peoples as next in line to suck off the Jewish Money Pipeline. They just cannot resist themselves

I would like to introduce you to a highly paid and invested Agent, spreading daily Propaganda and totally useless, meaningless statistics, this clown Dr. John Campbell who serves as a perfect example of one of these monsters who makes video after video, with endless drivel about COVID, and the disgusting aspect is how many people follow in lockstep with this clown:

[Mass loss of trust]

I have been following his disinformation for many months, and truly no normal person would ever find anything he says to be interesting or taken seriously. But this race, whether they are English or Celtic, both of them are truly a dangerous menace, and the world needs to awaken to the trouble of these people from the British Isles, and who also compromise the majority of America’s Racial stock and Military Establishment

Prussian Society of America #crackpot #racist #conspiracy

[From "Which Nations of Europe Besides Germans, Qualify as Non-Barbarians?"]

It can be stated with confidence, the only People in their original, unadultered form besides Germans who have Pioneered Europe and Mastery over this world as Fully Civilized and Cultured Peoples, were indeed the Greeks and Romans

One may at times, seek to ascribe the Egyptians or former Sumerians as the “True Light” in this world, however the Egyptians were a Prototype for the refined Greeks
Greeks and Romans, Traditionally have been staunch defenders of Monogamy in their civilizations, and regarded people who marked their bodies as less than animals
The truth is that without the combination of Roman and Teutonic Thinkers, there would be no Europe
The Russians can only dream and masturbate to the ideas of ever being on par with that of a German or Roman, hence his consistent desire to expand his form of Political and Philosophical Influences for many centuries into Europe. Russia is still an enemy to Europe today and will always remain a half-breed European
Only someone completely delusional who has an inferiority complex[…]could suggest that the Greeks or Romans were “Nordic”
The unfortunate current state of these People today, is that they are only a shell of the former Greeks and Romans in what they once were. Their blood has been diluted to a point where they have entirely lost the ability to exhibit all of the greatness they once did
The Germans along with the former Greeks and Romans are the only Nations of the World which are not of the Barbarian Stock
China is a Nation in service to the Rothschild Banking Dynasty, and their Nation has been inflicted and permanently had their Blood Purity altered by the Mongols and the actions of Ghenghis Kahn, Mao Zedong and also by the hand of the British Influence over them

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho

[From "Austrian Men Taking Matters into their own hands against Bad Women"]

But it’s not just Austria either

Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands and all of Scandinavia suffer from atrocious types of Women and Feminism, and so more obsession from Feminists will be made over it

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #elitist #racist #fundie #magick

[From "Discovering the reality that most people are indeed, worthless"]

I believe that more and more people[…]are coming around to recognizing just how much more worthless the majority of humankind is

There are many theories about Human Origins[…]and there are many people alive today who deny that the original Human Creation had been cut from Divine Fabric[…]
There are some topics I am reluctant to speak of in great depth outside of our inner circle relating to some religious matters and Human Genetics[…]
Christian Bible[…]is a watered down version of a story told about the Genetic Altering of the Original Humans, but without letting others know that Humans existed long before the alleged figures “Adam & Eve”

Adam & Eve, were actually metaphorical figures for an extraterrestrial invasion of Mankind, and it essentially was the downfall of Man[…]
Religions[…]diverts Divine Mankind from knowing that it had been subjugated by very vicious and horrifically oppressive entities and other altered Humanoid species, and that the takeover by these beings, including their inter-breeding into the Divine Population, is what caused Mankind to fall[…]
You will always hear about people claiming “prophecy is being fulfilled”, when in fact the Bible, similar to the Protocols of Zion, is just a blueprint to explain to you what the World Controllers are intending[…]
Mankind has been under subjugation by nefarious forces for Aeons, even during periods of Human history when times were relatively good[…]
Keeping Humans ignorant, including Divine Humans, has been an on-going project and one of necessity by those who control the World Order[…]
Egalitarian views have brainwashed most people to believe all people deserve rights or are equal or deserving of equity in this world[…]
If the ratio of worthless people begins to breach 20% of the population, your civilization is in trouble

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming

[From "A Quick Note About Freemasons"]

It should be well established that there is no such thing as a “Former Freemason”. As the saying goes, “Once a Freemason, Always a Freemason”[…]unless of course if someone did some truly dishonorable act[…]even still, that person remains as a liability[…]because the thing is, only ill-witted Men ever join[…]
The same is true for pretty much any other Alphabet Soup Organization that we know so well, including Intel Agencies[…]
There are some generally otherwise well-meaning people who join Freemasonry, but are usually only relegated to becoming only in the First 3 Levels[…]
They end up being proxy agents for the Satanic Energy that comes from the very top of the Pyramid[…]
Only those who have been vetted[…]are permitted above these levels, and even more so to the 32nd and 33rd degrees, and especially the degrees above those[…]
32nd Degrees are pretty much almost up on par with their 33rd Degree Brethren[…]they sure have done many things to win their place[…]Many of them engage in homosexual activities and also sex orgies involving “Wife Swaps”[…]
We here at PSA do not recommend anyone to associate with someone you know who is a Freemason[…]
Even Benjamin Franklin, however, while a staunch defender of Liberty and even making claims about the Jews, was also a Freemason as were many of the other American Founding Fathers. They all were actually Satanic and part of something sinister, if even just for themselves[…]
There is not a “Benevolent Brotherhood[…]All of them are sinister, and all of them are aimed at destruction and subversion of European Aryan Peoples[…]
Only informed members know that they “God” they worship is “Lucifer”, and that Christians also worship that God, which is actually not a real God whatsoever but is a creature which is half-alien and half of Artificial Intelligence design

Stew Peters #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist #conspiracy

Stew Peters devoted a segment to condemning Germany’s Weimar Republic for tolerating LGBTQ people

“And Weimar[…]was the birthplace of the transgenderism and gay rights movements that have once again reared their ugly heads to plague Western, Christian society,” he declared. “Especially America. All of this was happening with the full blessing of the Weimar government, which was largely controlled by Jews

Peters justified the actions of the Nazis by claiming that Jews “controlled the German court system” and the “German banking system,” and had “unprecedented overrepresentation in Germany’s government.” He also accused the Jewish people of controlling Germany’s communist movement

“Sound familiar?”[…]
Peters said that “Weimar Germany was full of people like” Hirschfeld[…]
[Nazis] promised a return to basic reality and a time of human decency. And so of course, millions of Germans supported them. They were looking to do anything that they could do to take back control of their country to protect themselves and the generations to come”

He boasted that one of the “first remedies that Hitler and the National Socialists had to offer” was the destruction of the Institute for Sexual Research and its entire library

“When it comes down to the old Nazi book burnings[…]it was justified”[…]
“It was awesome. Period. Point blank[…]”
He went on to call for a new round of Nazi-style book burnings[…]
Speaking of World War II, Peters said “horrific things happened” and “lots of people died,” but suggested that Adolf Hitler may have been unfairly maligned as an “evil dictator” who “murdered millions of people”[…]
“Yeah, this is what needed to be done. If you’re going to save a civilization —[…]civilization was dying…The German people were embarrassed to be German[…]Prussian spirit was lost”

Quiñones also praised the Nazis for stamping out other political parties, remarking that “desperate times” called for “desperate measures”

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho

[From "If Men Use More Public Violence On Women, The Laws Protecting Women Will Go Silent"]

Laws are not everything they are made to be. They are mostly of course, just a perception, good enough to seem convincing to people

Truth be Told, if more Men supported using Immediate and Impulsive Violent actions towards Women, even in strangers in public who try to create problems for you, a shift in behavior of Women would take place, but also there would be less ability to enforce it

The Best way to treat Women is to not allow things to escalate with them, but to immediately attack by shock and surprise

That is how you keep them in place

If a Woman disrespects you in public, you show her who’s the Boss, even if it means you break her neck or smash her head

The key is you must be SWIFT in your responses. Never move out of the way for a Woman, Never Apologize for a Woman, if they don’t like it, you must use all the tools in your arsenal to immediately present to them that she is about to have problems

No Hesitation

Prussian Society of America #sexist

[From "Men should be more openly Vocal about their Hatred for Women Around Other Men and Women"]

The more that it is understood openly by the public, the better

For example, I make no effort to hide the fact that I mostly only view Women as sexual objects, as all Men other do

Most of us Men, outside of the Woman’s Beauty and Sexual Body Parts, we actually despise them as a Person or Human Being, they are an annoyance and piece of shit to have to be bothered with for any reason, even to ring up your orders

Women are always inferior usually in what they do, they are unreliable, they are secretive, use code-speak and lie constantly

What is there to really like about them!? DO NOT RESPECT WOMEN

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #psycho

[From "Germany is Nearly Finished, Almost Likely in a few months if Germans do nothing."]

For those of you in Germany, you better smarten up real fast and get with the program. The machinations moving forwards right now in Germany are all but to ensure that there will be no chance of its survival or any reversal for all time, if people do not initialize Civil Wars and Unrest in the country

It may be by early Next year that the Eternal Fate is sealed for the country, as the time window is really mostly over
I am calling on the German people who still have brain cells working, all Members of the Bundeswehr, of the Working Public, all Members of society, Male or Female, Young and Old alike
Only Germany – a German Revival and Renaissance, with full Restoration of our Reich can rescue Europe and only GERMANY is an equipped people who have the knowledge to fight against the Communist threat

Do not look up to America’s Leadership or Russia’s Leadership of where or who to turn to, or who deserves the right to hold the torch

The Torch belongs to GERMANY and GERMANY ONLY and you must be willing to accept this fate
Germany has not had a legitimate regime in power since the National Socialists fell
This regime in power is now bringing Afghani refugees into your land, who will not only despise you but will even further the abuse of the Welfare State and push their own replacement measures upon that which remains of Germany
If you are a German who believes in Democracy, a German who is against our Reich[…]if you are a German who believes that anyone can “Become German” you are most DEFINITELY Anti-German and guilty of Treason to the highest order! A legitimate regime would have absolutely every right and authority to strip you of German citizenship and identity, even up to your surname and do whatever they please to punish you and torment you

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist #psycho

[From "Love Does Not Conquer All. Only Hate and Revenge Does"]

As the Surrender which has been under way for the Trucker/Freedom Convoy Protest in Sunday has begun, it appears to be folding up very quickly as we suspected it would, especially seeing the Right Wing Elements that permeated the event, in how they twisted it and turned it
People who speak in the name of “Love” or “God” or people who routinely talk about “Love” or showing “Love and Kindness” actually do not have any of this in them
We consistently witnessed the behavior of all the Right Wing Elements in the Canadian Convoy, and they had kept consistent messages to both the Convoy Members and the Supporters with constant reminders to “Stay Peaceful”
There is also nothing worse than an unjust or artificially established Peace, of which the Christians are always too happy to suggest that any peace is better than no peace at all
A lot of people forget that a LOT of people in the Right Wing, at least 50% of them (in all countries) are Defectors from the Left Wing
The Right Wing was forbidden and put to death jus as the Left Wing under National Socialist Germany because they were committing the same nonsense as they continue to do today
It is also ironic how much of the defense of Jews has been ushered into conversations since the Corona Hoax was launched, because people want to sympathize with the fact that the National Socialist Made Jews wear Yellow Stars
Virtues and Kindness are viewed as a weakness and most surely will be taken advantage of
It is for this reason that I view a Future Germany that is more isolationist from the rest of the world outside of permissible Commercial Trade
The word Kindness in English is a corruption of the root meaning of the word “Kind” in that one would show a certain similar attitude towards his “Kinsmen” and “Kinder”

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #psycho

[From "Even Kaiser Wilhelm II would disapprove of a Democracy in Germany."]

So why do Germans today still believe in Democracy?

Every German who supports Democracy is committing Treason against Germany.

[Quotes from Kaiser Wilhelm II stating that "I regard every Social Democrat as an enemy of the Empire and Fatherland" and "Shoot down, behead and eliminate the Socialists first, if need be, by a blood-bath, then war abroad. But not before, and not à tempo."]

Prussian Society of America #sexist #psycho #conspiracy #wingnut

[From "The Civil War Between Western Men and Women is about to go “HOT”"]

Women, especially College-Educated, Feminist and Career-oriented Women are beginning to rudely wake up to a new disturbing reality, especially onset from the COVID Lockdowns and Financial Damages, they are beginning to realize that they are lost, and that Men are not coming to pick up the tab, and have no interest to court them
Even if the Men DID want to court them, the fact is that College-Educated/Career Women are impotent in the affairs of anything in life that are not related to their careers
In most countries, whether it is in China, Russia and elsewhere outside of the West, the opinion and reputation towards Caucasian Women is so LOW that they are being routinely ignored, and nobody is paying attention to them

What do all these Men want and who are they giving the attention too!?

China has its dragon tails wrapped up around many influential Western Women in positions of power, who are being used without their knowledge, to further the interests of China Expansionism to take over the West, and this is especially true in dealing with Political Matters and things like Social Justice Initiatives
Only Men who are weak, ignorant, and especially Christian Men will rise in protest to my words because of their disgusting desires to keep injustices protected in a reality that is beginning to unfold the greatest deceivers
We are about to embark on the period soon of where the Gender War will escalate to outright, actual warfare towards Women, and one should not fear or cower at this fact, but view it for exactly what it is, a War of Necessity
It is for this reason that Adolf Hitler took the “Gold Standard” reputation as the most Evil Man in the world, because as a Decent Man, he demonstrated to the world that he was willing to use ruthless murder to achieve his aims and political will

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #psycho #racist

[From "The Jews and Asians want you to fight “Positively” while they fight Negatively to undermine the West."]

No greater buffoonery in the world, is the White Man who walks about falling for dogma that to fight Evil, one must not engage in its same levels to combat it
The Jews are specialists for having a Monopoly on the Philosophies and Pervasive understanding of “Hatred”, and this is not by accident, as they have positioned themselves to understand it more than the average individual
At this point we live in, the Jews and even Asians, along with some Christians and New Age Fools, have mostly outwitted Caucasians from fighting back
They got people into wearing masks for reasons of “politeness” so that they wouldn’t be perceived as others by “psychopaths” or being “anti-social” or being classified as a “mass-murderer”
Jews, even through the landscape of Christian Doctrines, have convinced most Caucasians to “Turn Their Cheeks” and to prove themselves to be “Better Than Their Enemy” while the Enemy works tirelessly to undermine them in all sorts of ways

Jews also have a statement they use to tell the goyim:“People only treat you the way you allow yourself to be treated”
The Chinese also have a saying “When fighting a Dragon, do not become the Dragon”
Do you really think the Chinese follow this wisdom themselves!?
I cannot say with certainty whether the Hakka Chinese are actually Chinese Jews in terms of literally being of part Jewish descent
In terms of Israel’s ambitions and the Jewish Race, the Jews have gotten to where they are by using “Victimhood” as a strategy to outwit all opponents
If Germans want to have to have a future, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that our people must become more Cruel, Cold and Callous to the outside world beyond anything that has been ever demonstrated by our Ancestors

Prussian Society of America #sexist

[From "Viewing Women In College as Equivalent To Women Who Are Single Mothers"]

It is imperative that Men view Women who are in College as tantamount to Single Mothers, as worthless liabilities who are wasted up and discarded refuse in society

Even once the girl has matriculated into her University Education, she is already sold in and damaged[…]
You would be taking someone on who is a walking “bad deal”, being trained everyday that Men are evil and scum of the earth and being reared to serve Corporate Interests and Agendas

It is like buying a Car that has an oil leak and is a guaranteed money pit and machine that will get run into the ground

When a girl tells you that she is in college, that should immediately be a turn-off in a Man’s mind, and it should also be an immediate indicator that her Father was a pussy and a poor figure in her life, lazy and not attentive because he did not train her in things in life that real matter, namely a Man and raising a family

I have no respect for such fathers or parents in general, and neither should you

Women in general, are bad investments, and they are an investment whether or not you like to view them as that. They are objects, and at most times, there is “nobody at home” in them

The only Women who have actual value are ones who do have somebody at home, but almost none of them are that way, so they are just bodies and baby creation machines

All Women who become college educated become bad at sex and also are mentally sterile human beings[…]
It’s all about ego, and getting paid scholarships, and trying to pursue one’s own selfish ambitions, especially in competition against Men, since most Women who enter College already hate Men to begin with anyway

Men should make no hesitation also, in letting a girl who is in college know how unattractive she has become[…]
Women should be shamed for attending University, even if their parents forced them

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist

[From "Prussia’s Revenge Is Meting Punishment Upon The West"]

Very few will ever understand or connect the very fact that the downfall and punishment of the Entire West, is completely connected to the German Fate[…]
The more hatred and vilification you Western Idiots place upon what we did in both World Wars, the more you will find yourselves lacking in relevance, and that the resentment you possess for us, will be returned to you in the form of the resentment of the Immigrants which occupy your countries.

The rest of the world, will also resent your Nations and everything you stand for[…]
We Germans will never surrender to this reputation you all face, even if we remain as the sole minority of Germans who remain loyal to what we uphold[…]
We will not have mercy[…]despite your pale skin color[…]
Sooner or later, even all the Barbarians of the world will have to one way or another, deal with the sore fate and attributes that the German Nation was righteous and that these World Wars were not just any World War, but were a decisively fought and actual “Holy War”[…]
From the blood that was shed of our German People in these wars, and the misery and horror they experienced, it will all be unleashed upon you with a vengeance and you will be remembered to be the scum that you are[…]
All Non-Germans only like us Germans for what we can do for them, but would prefer to exterminate us and take everything we have and even then call themselves “Germans”[…]
Until this fine hour arrives for when the truth will have total fatal consequences and allow the Earth to erupt in flames, We Germans sit back in comfort and solace with this knowledge, and with the total fact that not only are We Germans Innocent, but more ironically, the War Crimes and Genocide and other Crimes committed against Germans, especially by the allied countries and even powers like Poland and others, will one day have to be addressed

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #racist

[From "English Propaganda as an Art Form/Character Of Barbarian Nations"]

The English are of course, Masterminds of Propaganda[…]
Figures like George Orwell[…]people who support him forget to recognize that he comes from a Liberal school of thought, and that he was a Democratic Socialist and an Atheist

The problem with Atheists[…]is not so much the fact that they disbelief in God, but that the Atheists have a sinister agenda on their own[…]
Anglo-American countries have also made many centuries worth of Propaganda Efforts by trying to form alliances and the pretend act of considering certain Allies as “Brothers”[…]
Kurds and Armenians are generally an enemy element in the Caucasus region, but the English and Americans have covered up their atrocities in the Western Press for many decades[…]
Anyone who thoroughly studied what these people have done[…]would be unable to deny that they are Land Stealers and Nomadic People[…]
When one thoroughly studies racial origins and history of these people such as Armenians and Kurds, you will find that they are a Crypto-Iranian[…]many centuries history of struggle has been aimed at Pan-Persian Expansionism[…]
The Armenians will never admit however, that they are largely secretly Iranian or of other breeds and working for a Pro-Iranian Agenda[…]
Another twisted scenario is also the Modern “Greeks” who are largely an admixture of Persians and Slavs[…]
The Slavic Problem was supposed to be addressed in World War I affairs, and while the Jews and English are responsible in wholesale part for the war, the Slavs played a major role[…]Slavic Question had much to do with whether or not they will ever agree to live with less since they are an inferior race[…]
The Slav may not be as low and uncivilized as the Negro, however they still are not far off, with a few exceptions

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

[From "The fact that so many Anglo-Saxon Nations and Europeans are Pro-Democracy, Is Telling"]
[Oswald Spengler:"Democracy has become a weapon of moneyed interests[…]The notion of democracy is often no different than living under a plutocracy or a government by wealthy elites"]

The amount of “Democracy Lovers” is the barometer level of the height of both corruption but also the level of how many people in these countries are descendants of families who were more than likely to be involved in war against the German Nation in at least WWII, and/or are from families involved somehow in High Finance

The offspring were all educated and reared in the idea of “Democracy = Freedom”, like a robot, as this became the resounding theme of winning WWII over “Nazism”
No Genuine or Authentic person could possibly be a “Democracy Lover”

Every time I hear a person who claims in one breath to love “Freedom” but in another breath cries about “Losing Our Democracy”, I laugh in my head because these people are confused mussels
Anyone who utters the phrase in concern of “Losing our Democracy” is a Communist, even if they aren’t aware that they are one, and even if they voice that they are against Communism
As much of a Passionate person I am, I am always Principled in every moment of any Emotion, and it’s quite disturbing to what degree people can lose touch with reality based on a moment or feeling, or just some fleeting situation
Democracy, by its design, is actually a system which naturally degrades moral fabric and integrity of a society, because it believes that everyone should have the right in absolutism to do what he/she pleases, even if it may weaken segments of the National Fabric
[Spengler and Ezra Pound:"Through money, democracy becomes its own destroyer, after money has destroyed intellect" and "Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews'"]

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #elitist


It is alarming and aggravating to see how many Westerners, wherever they live, from the UK, to America, to Norway, Germany, everywhere abound, how many of them are staunch supporters of Democracy!

They speak of Democracy in tongues and theories! Democracy is like a God to them!
This phrase, “We are losing our democracy” or “This is not what a Democracy is supposed to be.” or “We are not seeing our Democracy function the way it was meant to be”
Democracy has NEVER been a preferred form of government, and it has NEVER been a type of government that serves the people or their interests

It is MOB RULE, period

Democracy also has ALWAYS been a Transitional form of government, and if you disagree with my claims of Democracy, you should study what the Ancient Greek Philosophers had to see on the subject, such as works by Aristotle and Plato

In addition, Enlightenment figures like Voltaire had much to say on the subject
The very nature of Democracy makes it impossible for it to be a “static” form of government, and the only destiny for a Democracy is Dictatorship

Wherever Democracy thrives, it is like a Body [The Nation] in an Acidic and Inflammatory State, which is what is the perfect breeding ground for all sorts of diseases to grow
When you live in a Democracy, it is a breeding ground for degeneracy and everything that is ugly and undesirable, but yet the population is brainwashed into embracing it all

Every person in Every Nation who speaks highly or in favor of Democracy is guilty of committing treason against His/Her Nation, whether or not they understand how they are mistaken in their views, whether or not they are a government agent working in the cause to promote its existence

They belong lined up against the wall and without a trial

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #dunning-kruger

[From "About Us"]

We are an Organization and Fraternal Order based out of Massachusetts, USA with a focus on educational, motivational and active engagement / work to unite those who either have Prussian Heritage or Appreciation and the desire to discuss issues relating the implications of losing Prussia as not only a Geographical location that has been unfairly wiped off the map in Europe, but our Heritage and Culture
After 1918, Prussia received the first mortal wound which forever crippled our Empire and People. The Spirit of Prussia however, lived on all the way onward until about 1947. Shortly after World War II, whatever significance that Prussia had in existence was nearly pulverized to ashes along with the majority of our Ethnic People
We do not seek a return of the Monarchy or of a revival of Christianity, which have both ceased to become viable in this new era we now live in. But we must one day have an Absolute Supreme Sovereign of State, who rules at the desire and will of our people after a period of reunification, who elect our State Sovereign to power and glory. We need a new form of spirituality
That being said, there will one day be a position for those who are not Prussian, but work to genuinely further the aims of our cause in this world, and we would welcome any support, particularly of the European People mostly. A Restored and Vital Prussia means a once again Powerful and Flourishing Europe, not only for Germanic states but all Europeans, and the sooner they begin to recognize this and fight in our defense, the sooner things shall also be improved for their conditions and Future well-being and Sovereignty of their Nation-States

Prussian Society of America #racist #dunning-kruger #elitist

[From "The Near Destruction of Europe / America and What’s to Come"]

The Average European and American person is completely oblivious and naive to their impending doom
This stupor means the inevitable total liquidation of many European Nations and Languages that are to occur
I believe that only several European Nations may survive, even as bad of a Nation as one of them is (Russia), it is legitimately positioning itself to outlive Europe[…]But Russia is only a half-European State, representative of a Eurasian Race, one which is not to the standards of Pure Europeans
I declare personally that the only future for White Europeans can be a new Prussian State, irrespective of where it exists, and maybe several other Caucasian Ethno-States that form as a result of the coming destruction that is inevitable at this time

However, Prussia must be positioned at the top of all affairs regarding both the European and Non-European world. Nothing less can be suffice
We are in a critical situation where literally over 4/5 of the population in virtually every Caucasian country is absolutely worthless, not viable as human beings, who have destructive malignancies and attributes (even down to their racial DNA) which means they should be eliminated from the population through the most brutal means, preferably by us rather than Invaders for obvious reasons
The majority of European Inhabitants today are the descendants of those who sided with the Communists and worked to destroy our Reich
We have to concern ourselves with the affairs of the European People and our Livingspace in all of our lands, no matter how few of us remain

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #ableist

[From "Video showing the ridiculousness of 2023 Autistic Neurosis Of Germans On Nazi Germany"]

Do Germans Talk About World War II? What Do They Teach About the Holocaust? | Feli from Germany

This is exactly what we are “dealing” with, from over 70 Years of the Allies Brainwashing Germans about our History

Could one possibly promote self-hatred to any greater degree!?

Typical German Logic, entirely “inverted in the wrong direction”. It’s like trying to drive totally backwards and convincing yourself it’s somehow “revolutionary” or “progress”

Imagine, all these works and efforts in the bogus “self-reflection” Germans have been going through, when they only will have to eventually come back to “Ground Zero” to re-learn that all along, everything was actually already done the right way, until the Reich was no more

This is what irritates me so much about what our people can become capable of, because if we become brainwashed in this way, it begins to make the form of “logic” and our mannerisms in the way we think, to become very pervasive and over-the-top in trying to “make right” in the inverse manner like this deluded girl, and this is why the Holocaust is being used to try to forever manipulate our people into living in darkness, or as Ostriches in the sand which keep digging our heads deeper

To actually “glorify” our National Suicide, and make Germany a land for all “Non-Germans”, as if they can now be “German”

Imagine shooting yourself in the foot constantly, and then logically attributing the pain ideologically to the notion that “Pain is weakness leaving the body”

This is exactly how this girl thinks, and unfortunately, the majority of Germans in Germany and elsewhere today. It’s unfucking real

This is also why we must have pervasive control over German development/formation of opinions

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #racist #crackpot

[From "Between 2030 – 2050, Many Will Be Shocked How Few Caucasians Remain"]

All the current projections which show the birth rate declines for most Western Countries[…]are actually mostly conservative estimates[…]
They do not include certain economic or other factors changing, including a “Plandemic” and a Vaccination Campaign in which many would also be sterilized

While Agencies which calculate this data can offer projected estimate for those events, the dynamic variables are too much since it cannot really draw a clear picture until they witness how the public reacts

Before 2030, However, the Great Population collapse is surely anticipated, even by the most sophisticated Intelligence Agencies[…]
America is projected very soon to have less than 100 Million People still alive[…]
The fact cannot be ignored, that the Caucasian Race has largely become dishonorable and irrelevant, largely by the choosing of their own hands, from a downward-spiral of self-hatred, of cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy, also employing double-standards as they please, along with other factors that will surely render them almost nothing

If they still could blame Germans for all of this, especially the Nazis, you better believe they would, since the majority of these Caucasians alive today would never want to accept responsibility for what they’ve been doing and also that they played a large helping hand in trying to ruin Germany[…]
There is not likely to be a completely Revival for Caucasians whatsoever. Even a re-emergence, through resettling or reclaiming land, will still leave these particular Nations to be somewhat irrelevant or limited[…]
Caucasians will fall from their glory the highest, because they have become the least primal of all Races, collectively speaking, and have allowed themselves to have their civilizations thrive off of Banking, Rule of Law and Institutions which run on Auto-Pilot Mode

No Fun Allowed Award

Dystopia justifies the means!

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #sexist #wingnut #crackpot

[From "The Flabbiness of Christianity"]

Perhaps the most appalling trait of Christianity is the fact that when anyone who belongs to it speaks of their beliefs, they always exhibit the most effeminate and cowardly approach in their beliefs
The Christian speaks with a forked tongue, because he/she knows inwardly that they are a hypocrite and do not actually follow their Creed, but more importantly they pretend to follow the Creed on the basis of this delusion of “redemption”
When Christians talk about Love and Kindness, the most disgusting feelings emerge from the diseased essence of their words
Out of the 3 Mainstream Abrahamic Religions, the Christians are the ones who believe in “fighting with love” along with “loving their enemies” and that “love conquers all”

Ideas which we consider abominable and disgraceful
Christianity has been a pedestal for Women[…]as a coping agency for their guilt and bad judgment or choices in life
The only feeling we can have towards Christians every time they utter words about Love, Kindness, Peace and Tolerance is the feeling to hurl in their face
We want a Germany someday where Sarcasm and Entertainment is almost non-existent, and where all situations happen between the people[…]develop as natural and cleanly and orderly as possible, rather than living in a perpetual mode of suspicion and vouching for people through social circles
If it comes to the need to criminalize such behavior in the future with fines, sterilization or severely punishing people for this behavior in the future, I am indeed a fan of these measures
While the Scandinavian countries are not part of the Greater German Reich, the people of these countries need to have a hard and heavy hand come down on them and be in total obedience to the Reich, even with what autonomy we permit them

They need to be given the Prussian Sting

Prussian Society of America #racist #fundie #sexist #wingnut

[From "4 Positive Developments, In Light Of All This Darkness"]

As you are keenly aware, we are often the most cynical, and least optimistic of all people on the planet. We are also hesitant to take note of anything peculiar until it gives us enough reasonable confidence that there is good solid traction at play

Nevertheless, I do wish to state that we have been actively tracking many global developments that are taking place, which occasionally, ARE absolutely in favor and absolutely beneficial to us during these hopeless times
1)Intra-Racial Tensions between various Ethnic groups in America and Europe are increasing** due to Economic issues, State Laws and Policies which are also fragmenting certain classes of these Immigrant groups, including other tensions and competition between Illegal and Legal Immigrants (even if both are scum)[…]
2)More Women are becoming Economically Disenfranchised and being Dismissed from their Jobs, for a whole host of reasons, but also because Women are even finding more clever ways to Embezzle Funds with the companies they work for. The entire Trans-Atlantic Tech Community is firing a lot of Females[…]
3)More and More people in Europe and all around the world, are actually beginning to catch on to just how disturbing, horrific and messed up the United States and the United Kingdom are as Nations. France, also is included on this list with the US and UK[…]We do respect the right of people even Barbarians to exist in their own lands[…]
4)Faith and Belief in Christianity is rapidly collapsing anywhere, along with the notions of using “Prayer” or “Peaceful Resistance”[…]
**Our organization is involved in many activities we do not disclose to the public. Nevertheless, we also actively are engaged with trying to promote Intra-Racial Tensions, and we encourage that you self-reflect and discover your own creative ways to furthering these tensions

Prussian Society of America #dunning-kruger #crackpot #elitist #ableist

[From "People Who Do Not Eat Meat And/Or Have IQ of Less Than 100 are Untermenschen"]

I state this with any lack of hesitancy or any regret, and I wish to give credit where it is due, for I am not the source of who has come to these revelations

According to vast research and activities we a e involved inz we have concluded that Human beings, irrespective of how good of a racial background they come from, that if they do not have a measurable IQ of at least 100 pts irrespective of Emotional Intelligence, and if they do not eat Meat as their primary diet, that such beings q e absolutely incapable and completely impotent of the mental faculties to think for themselves and make their own decisions without being a follower of someone else

As far as the Meat Eating factor in this, all credit is given to someone by the name of Gatis who is known as “Sv3rige” for having given us this revelation

As far as the IQ factor is concerned, in recent months we have become aware of this fact from a Private Intelligence Source and Scientist in Germany, whom I cannot disclose

Therefore, any emotional quality if lacking an IQ factor of 100, renders those emotions absolutely null and void, i.e. completely worthless, since the Intellectual faculties are lacking under 100 to fuel the fire of correct emotional seating and processing in the Human

This revelation completely renders obsolete the previous common understanding that an IQ of 95 points minimum is required to sustain civilization

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy

[From "Prussia’s Treason on July 20 1944 Plot/Operation Valkyrie"]

A very complicated topic, and one which has so many different angles and reasons behind this event that have to be discussed in order to explain the July 20, 1944 Assassination Plot on Adolf Hitler
There was still a very stubborn streak among most Prussians, who were inundated with Christian values, and still made thought processes and decisions on the basis of these Christian values, and under the idea that they have Divine Right as the superior ruling class
They believed that as Hitler being the Reich Leader, who was not a Prussian and yet born in Austria, was justified as “illegitimate” in their eyes, particularly when it became so obvious that Germany was losing the war
Many of these Staff Members had maintained secret loyalties to the Masonic Lodges not only within Germany but also especially with that of England
I do not see the Führer from any inferior position whatsoever, and never have, considering that he is of Austrian descent and did not come from an influential background[…]The Prussian Spirit flourished all that much more during his reign, not being bogged down by Christian Moralism or Ideas
Many Prussians also were reluctant to accept the Racial Doctrines
Some of these Men had great philosophical statements or vision, had inverted their wisdom to criticize the Führer[…]Deviant elements inside Germany like Wilhelm Canaris are what destroyed Germany!
When a Prussian Leader like Wilhelm Keitel proved loyalty and allegiance to the Führer, he was ridiculed by his Prussian Peers as being a “yes man!”

Prussian Society of America #racist #wingnut

[From "The New Prussia must become Intolerant and view the Outside World as “Alien” and “Barbarian” In contrast to Prussia – Germany"]

Prussia, having basically been the inheritor and rival of the former Greco-Roman World, has formerly risen to its place of being the Primary Defender and Spirit of Europe
While the Greeks and Romans have previously established the designations of Non-Greeks and Non-Romans respectively as “Barbarian Peoples / Nations”, the German Nation has not as rapidly adopted this designation
Some of this, is likely in part to our former pride of “Tolerance”
While all other Nations may be considered “Barbarian” in our worldview, it does not necessarily mean that we specifically treat them across the board as “Barbarian”

But, a Barbarian Nation is legally defined and also a spiritual platform of which we identify ourselves over Nations we consider, at least inferior in some respect or another
The Modern World no longer accepts the usage of these terms, such as “Barbarian”[…]Modern Europe might be too Modern for its own good to be adaptive as much as we like to our Old Ways
With the return of Prussia, means the great legacy of the world we once had will come back, including all the great forms of ways we used to speak which have been long lost after the 1800’s had passed
A Barbarian Nation must know and respect its place in the World Pecking Order. And the Barbarian Nation must recognize that a Happy Germany is also the means for a Happiness of their Nation

The French know this, the English know this, even the Polish know it
Modern Germans who refuse to accept these measures[…]need to get out of our way at once

Prussian Society of America #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger

[From "Only 2% of Americans have value, and about 8-15% of Europeans have value, Depending on the Country"]

As I’ve stated repeatedly, after true assessments of these Western Nations, the United States has some of the most worthless people in the world, and that Europe does not fare a whole lot better

These numbers are based on critical analysis of the population based on all kinds of factors and what is known about the quality of such populations including their DNA and genetic quality, assuming they are still of good racial stock

These factors do not account for anything to do with personal net worth or basing quality on the basis of poverty

In Germany, it’s roughly 11%
Before WW1, Germany had well over 50% value in the population, and while I cannot assess this information accurately, about 80-90% of the German population may have had value and viability

This should show you just how rapidly the West has decayed from the onset of the last century, between the arrival of Bolshevism and Two World Wars, and all kinds of technological advances
In America, there still exists well over 60 Million White Inhabitants who never have been born, due to Abortions

Unlike European countries, however, America has never had a majority of valuable population even from the earliest Colonial Days

As time presses on and the West deteriorates further, I believe that more and more people will take this message seriously and come to recognize just how real and wide the implications and reality of it are

The easiest way to detect if someone is worthless without even knowing them, is they constantly lick their lips for no reason as a nervous tic

Prussian Society of America #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie #racist #sexist

Q: Are you Freemasons or do you have Freemasons among your Membership?

A: No, and Absolutely Not! Freemasons are not only expressly prohibited from Membership and any Involvement with our Society, but they remain as our most grave world enemies and rivals, but also they are the enemy of Mankind. Even a former Freemason will never be tolerated among our ranks. Anyone who is found to join Freemasonry or any Christian or any other unauthorized society which is against the interest of our Society, will be considered as having committed “treason” and is subject to punishment.

Q: Are Women Welcome to be a Supporter or Member of your Organization?

A: Yes they are. The only conditions you have is that as a Woman in our organization, you will not be permitted to be in occupancy in ranks of Leadership or Political Decisions, or anything pertaining to Militaristic Affairs.

Q: Do you believe in Evolution of Humanity?

A: We do not believe in the Evolutionary Theories, they are all false and are easily debunked.

Q: Prussians were always fervently religious, what causes you to break with the Prussian Tradition of Protestant/Lutheran creed?

A: We recognize all forms of Christianity to be antithetical to our Real Heritage and the proper development of our people. Abrahamic religions belong to the Hebrews. If you are not of Hebrew Origins, believing in their religious paths makes you spiritually a Hebrew. Modern Germans must decide whether they are a Hebrew or a German, and to follow their native religion. Today, the people who are descendants of Prussians are not aware of the Prussian Spirit and how it makes us different from other Germans and world’s people, so they are not aware of the significance.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #crackpot

[From "Will you still fight, even if you are destined to lose?"]

Very Few Men in this world, except for Germans have ever had the guts to Fight Wars, even with the knowledge or reality that the likelihood to lose is
There are very few people left in this world who fight with Honor, because essentially brotherhood between Men has become largely a thing of the past after World War II
Due to the influence of Christianity and especially the vast influence of New Age philosophies, the majority of Humans are subject to Magical Thinking and being paid Lip Service in order to get them willing to fight
The US National Guard has been on standby for many months ready to quell any serious form of National Unrest that may suddenly show up, but told to “stand down” when the real enemies like Antifa Activists and other Communist Trash does what they do
However the real event the USNG is waiting for[…]is when the real Hyperinflation arises
In Europe[…]the forces there view it as fun and entertainment to get to have their way in these countries, whether it be Germany, Italy, France, Spain or elsewhere
People have been properly primed for 2 years to understand “staying in their home” and “isolating from others” and expecting to have permission for “who they can see and who they cannot see”
For those who comply in this new system, they will be told even if and when they can go to work when they leave house for the day. This is the future, at any rate, that the NWO Agents have in store for how daily conditions are run
Almost all Western people in some form or another will become subjected to Military Dictatorship in an even more extreme form that ever took place under any typical Dictatorship of other Examples
The likelihood of World War III taking place in the hot form, is also coming close to a reality as the tensions build up

Prussian Society of America #racist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

[From "Albanians Are No Better Than Serbians"]

The Dark History of Albania & The Future of the American Empire

Albanians are not the people most people think they are… And the Nations which import them or give them free ability to exist and have their way, will greatly regret[…]
The Albanians rely on the so-called “Illyrian Myth”, but the fact is that they are Turko-Slavs, some are more or entirely Turkish (bottom of the Barrel) or Slavic[…]
It is no mistake that this Man mentions in the video that without American, that they would basically be the “Kurds of Europe”, because that is the thing with them, they have no loyalties or richness or honor as a people, like some other Barbarians do

This video at least provides insight into the mind of how Albanians think, and all the more proves the Barbarism of Slavs, yet they try to make themselves seem more honorable than “Russians”

All Slavs, are known for being highly Barbaric and stirring up conflicts all the time even among their own people[…]
If Albanians are regarded as the “Mexicans of Europe”, then we must say that the Albanians are White on the outside, but Negroes on the inside

Albanians are not well-liked in Europe because they have horrific personalities and values, even look and behave sketchy and are involved in a lot of illicit activities. They even have their hands all in with Espionage and the CIA and Biotech firms, and they have absolutely no loyalty to anyone[…]
The Best thing Europeans can do at least as far as how they observe the regional conflict of Serbia/Kosova/Albania is to have completely indifference[…]
In terms of the Balkans, these countries along with Bosnia are troubled grounds and troubled people[…]
Lowest IQ of all people in Europe, and Lowest Empathy. Passive-Aggressive Personalities who only lower the leve of culture, integrity and honesty in society to very abysmal levels

Prussian Society of America #fundie #racist #sexist

Q: Are you a Christian Order or Religious Organization?

A: We are NOT Christian and our Entire Society is also Not Christian. We are a Pagan Fraternal Order and do not believe in organized forms of Worship, such as the Abrahamic Faiths do. In our view, Christianity is an aberration of Spirit. A foreign influence that has encapsulated Europeans in general, but our focus on its destruction lay more on the effects it has brought people of Germany and Baltic Nations. We encourage our Volk to return to their Pagan roots in accordance with Nature’s Demand, away from Manmade Belief systems which have unnatural philosophies and with fake morals and fake hearts which teach philosophies which can only be innate in an individual, but never learned. Return to our Pagan Spirituality is the natural course of Evolution and Renaissance of our Volk.

Q: Does the PSA Promote Odin [WOTAN] or other Norse Religions?

A: Our Society does not Promote Odin Worship, Asatru, or any of these Norse Religions.

Norse Belief systems are at odds with our Practices and Beliefs, because they promote Equality with Women, and sometimes, the Women having a higher status over the Man.

Q: Are you Atheists?

A: No, we are not Atheists, as we do believe in God. However the God-Force and Concept of God in general that we believe in is completely different than Abrahamic Religions, as well as the Buddhists and any Manmade Religion.

Q: Can Atheists join your Organization?

A: Atheists are not welcome into our Society. We view Atheists to also be a religious cult in and of itself, and that they have a worldly agenda of their own, especially in their aim to promote World Communism. Our Society does not promote religious dogma to our Members.

Prussian Society of America #wingnut #racist #psycho

[From "Preparing the Reichsführer of the future for Germany and his Permanent Seat"]

Learning from old mistakes which ought to never be repeated
The Seat of the Reich must be one based on the most toughest forms Meritocracy which elects such leader into a position of power, and the Seat of the Reich must be occupied by the Reichsführer for a lifetime or until the leader believes they may be mentally or physically not properly able
With the goal that National Socialism had in mind in creating itself to be the most perfected form of Totalitarian government, it does so in the effort to combat Malevolent Totalitarianism
These days, all people ever do is pray to some God thinking that this God somehow hears their prayers
As a Futuristic Totalitarian State, the Reich does not guarantee anyone’s help, rather it tells the people to help themselves for achieving our greatness
In every Democracy that has ever existed, internal divisions begin growing among the people in very complex manners that actually do not even develop under Communist Dictatorships
Irrespective of this, the Reichsführer still is the Ultimate Law, superseding any Law by the end of the day
National Socialism, like Fascism, were both not designed for export
The Principles of our beliefs are too rigorous, too extreme and involved for Barbarian Nations
While Russians have always been a mixture of Races, the very fact of the matter is that, from the occasions when this Nation did develop remarkable elements from Musicians, Thinkers and other really unique prominent figures, the arrival of Bolshevism had completely eliminated the best elements that existed in Russian Society
Mark My Words Eternally, that if the Reich shall never return, than the rest of this world is to absorb the punishment for all of its sins against Germany and its only destiny is to burn!

Prussian Society of America #racist #psycho #sexist #homophobia

[From "All English / Celtic People, The Nations of the UK are STILL as much an enemy today of Germany as they have been in the past."]

It is a grave error to believe that somehow there is some modern form of true “Peace” or “Forgiveness” overlooking the past between the Nations of England and Germany
The people of these Nations[…]are a predominantly Hebrew People, and their existence is represented by Hebrew Energy and Connections. The Celts are a race of Jews, not Europeans, despite their former influence throughout Europe, and rightfully displaced by the Romans
To understand the root origins of these tribes on the British Isles can only be understood by the old names which these tribes existed under, such as the Bretons or Caledonians / Pictish Tribes, in which the “British” get their distinct origins, from the race of “Bretons”, a very wild and barbaric ill-tempered war-like people of which many French are related to
The Celtic people stand in contrast to a Highly Developed and Powerful Centralized State in Europe, which was the ultimate destiny and design of the Roman Empire
The Roman method of dealing these people was definitely an attempt to exterminate the races which today inhabit the British Isles, because the Romans viewed them all as a threat to the existence of their Empire
The same enemies of Rome and its Empire are the same enemies of Germany and our Reich
These Nations are responsible for promoting Obesity, Drug Use, Feminism, Homosexual Tolerance and Influence, as well as Illegal Immigration
The Fall of England and America have been inevitable, especially after World War II, although the Fall of Europe could have been avoided or at least mitigated in better ways, if there was a will among Europeans to re-awaken to their Sovereignty and have the desire to reconvene with the past.


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