
Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

Why the rise of Nationalism worldwide?

By Victor Davis Hanson, Townhall:

(My thoughts in bold / parens)

What is going on with the unending Brexit drama, the aftershocks of Donald Trump's election and the "yellow vests" protests in France? What drives the growing estrangement of southern and eastern Europe from the European Union establishment? What fuels the anti-EU themes of recent European elections and the stunning recent Australian re-election of conservatives?

Put simply, the middle classes are revolting against Western managerial elites. The latter group includes professional politicians, entrenched bureaucrats, condescending academics, corporate phonies and propagandistic journalists.

What are the popular gripes against them?

One, illegal immigration and open borders have led to chaos. Lax immigration policies have taxed social services and fueled multicultural identity politics, often to the benefit of boutique leftist political agendas. (and knifings, beheadings, acid-throwings, bombings, running down people with trucks)

Two, globalization enriched the cosmopolitan elites who found worldwide markets for their various services. New global markets and commerce meant Western nations outsourced, offshored and ignored their own industries and manufacturing (or anything dependent on muscular labor that could be replaced by cheaper workers abroad).

Three, unelected bureaucrats multiplied and vastly increased their power over private citizens. The targeted middle classes lacked the resources to fight back against the royal armies of tenured regulators, planners, auditors, inspectors and adjustors who could not be fired and were never accountable.

Four, the new global media reached billions and indoctrinated rather than reported. ('firefighters' *spit*)

Five, academia became politicized as a shrill agent of cultural transformation rather than focusing on education -- while charging more for less learning. (Evergreen State College, for example)

Six, utopian social planning increased housing, energy and transportation costs. (wind turbines. giving homes to the homeless WITHOUT accountability)

One common gripe framed all these diverse issues: The wealthy had the means and influence not to be bothered by higher taxes and fees or to avoid them altogether. Not so much the middle classes, who lacked the clout of the virtue-signaling rich and the romance of the distant poor.

In other words, elites never suffered the firsthand consequences of their own ideological fiats.

Green policies were aimed at raising fees on, and restricting the use of, carbon-based fuels. But proposed green belt-tightening among hoi polloi was not matched by a cutback in second and third homes, overseas vacations, luxury cars, private jets and high-tech appurtenances. (Bernie, gore, Pelosi, Michael moore, most Hollywood actors, the permanent 'climate change' bureaucracy)

In education, government directives and academic hectoring about admissions quotas and ideological indoctrination likewise targeted the middle classes but not the elite. The micromanagers of Western public schools and universities often preferred private academies and rigorous traditional training for their own children. Elites relied on old-boy networks to get their own kids into colleges. Diversity administrators multiplied at universities while indebted students borrowed more money to pay for them.

In matters of immigration, the story was much the same. Western elites encouraged the migration of indigent, unskilled and often poorly educated foreign nationals who would ensure that government social programs -- and the power of the elites themselves -- grew. The champions of open borders made sure that such influxes did not materially affect their own neighborhoods, schools and privileged way of life.

Elites masked their hypocrisy by virtue-signaling their disdain for the supposedly xenophobic, racist or nativist middle classes. Yet the non-elite have experienced firsthand the impact on social programs, schools and safety from sudden, massive and often illegal immigration from Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia into their communities.

As for trade, few still believe in "free" trade when it remains so unfair. Why didn't elites extend to China their same tough-love lectures about global warming, or about breaking the rules of trade, copyrights and patents? (Because communism / socialism. Free Pass!)

The middle classes became nauseated by the constant elite trashing of their culture, history and traditions, including the tearing down of statues, the Trotskyizing of past heroes, the renaming of public buildings and streets, and, for some, the tired and empty whining about "white privilege."

If Western nations were really so bad, and so flawed at their founding, why were millions of non-Westerners risking their lives to reach Western soil?

How was it that elites themselves had made so much money, had gained so much influence, and had enjoyed such material bounty and leisure from such a supposedly toxic system -- benefits that they were unwilling to give up despite their tired moralizing about selfishness and privilege?

In the next few years, expect more grassroots demands for the restoration of the value of citizenship. There will be fewer middle-class apologies for patriotism and nationalism. The non-elite will become angrier about illegal immigration, demanding a return to the idea of measured, meritocratic, diverse and legal immigration.

Because elites have no answers to popular furor, the anger directed at them will only increase until they give up -- or finally succeed in their grand agenda of a non-democratic, all-powerful Orwellian state.



I would also add groups like #BLM and Antifa- the Enforcement arm. Just like the Brown Shirts.

Kajm #wingnut deviantart.com

I've been saying this for a long time and the proof has come out in this election just past: the Left is all about FEAR.

In another person's journal here on DA I saw one example of it (and my apologies to that person for repeating it here without asking): One of his (her?) in-laws, apparently someone fairly young and indoctrinated in FEAR, stated that they believed a drone would be coming to put a bullet in her head the day Trump is inaugurated.

It seemed a bit much to me. I don't know. I've been saying for several years now that they are teaching children to live in FEAR of the weather. I expect the day to come when older, more informed people such as myself are making a stop somewhere along the road- and the Millennials who might be at that stop, are quaking in FEAR because of the light rain coming down outside- because a tornado might whip out of it and kill them all on the spot (despite the FACT that tornado numbers keep falling as the world warms- you kinda need COLD air masses to mix with the warm...). 'man-made' global warming, dontchaknow. Another FEAR tactic.

And I have noticed that since Trump won, the SJW types have gotten increasingly ugly in tone. I've blocked a whole series of the scum since the last two weeks. One had the courtesy to block me before-hand, because he knows I can blow away any argument he has to make- although most of his arguments consist of screaming the same things over and over and over and over and over and over and over- well you get the point. He doesn't know much and that is because the Elites have done quite well in dumbing down much of the Millennial generation.
My apologies to those Millennials who can actually think for themselves - you Know who you are. I talk to a lot of you.

In any case I wished to bring in a snippet of the following article from American Thinker, to back up what I have just been saying.

These things are Obvious to us. While they are completely Oblivious to them.

'Watching the Snowflakes Melt'

'Watching videos of SJWs, black, white and oh so very red, has struck me with something I hadn’t noticed before. Many of these poor kids are genuinely scared. We’ve been using the word “indoctrinated” for years, but seeing the results of the indoctrination on their faces is horrifying nevertheless. I came of age in the Reagan era. Liberal kids back then disliked Ronald Reagan, maybe even hated him -- but they didn’t think either his election or his reelection meant that they were going to die. Many of the current crop of snowflakes really do believe the end is nigh. They are dangerous in the way that cornered animals are dangerous -- well, at least they may be when they can manage to stop crying.

Facts, thank God, are facts. There is no serious question of who has the better grasp of reality here. The evidence that right and truth are on our side is overwhelming. The progressives themselves confirmed the authenticity of the Wikileaks emails on at least three occasions. We can point at DNC involvement in the rioting -- we have video. Progressives, on the other hand, have little but rhetoric and accusations. The sudden parade of women who claimed to have been molested by Donald Trump. The Muslim student who claimed to have been threatened on the street. The anonymous swastika spray-painted on a wall somewhere. Trump said occasional bad things. Hillary really did bad things. The saying and doing are different, at least in a sane world. However, if you are twenty years old, systematically educated to find reasons to be offended, and tucked into the comfortable safe space of your echo chamber -- then accusations are indistinguishable from truth. The suggestion that we should put the interests of the people who are already in America ahead of the interests of millions who, for whatever reason, want to come to America is indistinguishable, to snowflakes, from calling for the gunning down of children in the streets. These kids don’t assume the odd swastika they run across on the way to the vape shop is the work of a mildly anti-social but basically apolitical thirteen-year-old (the sort of people who have always scrawled graffiti on American walls and sidewalks) but imagine it the product of invisible neo-Nazi boogeymen. Yes, they are genuinely scared -- they have swallowed the big lie whole. While one may feel a certain human pity for their naivete, nobody who needs a puppy and a coloring book to staunch the flow of tears has any right to expect to be taken seriously by an adult. An inability to cope with a reality one doesn’t like is not a virtue – it is an indication of a precarious state of mental health.

All these kids have is the ridiculous, unhealthy, teletubby world that has been constructed for them by the media and the American educational system. They have been systematically brainwashed for political reasons -- a crime on such a scale there are hardly any words for it.

The Ugliness of the Left is going to get worse before it gets better- if it is EVER capable of getting better.

The next 8 years are going to be interesting to say the least.

TheModSquad #sexist deviantart.com

(Sequel to this rant.)


Why women will always be attention seeking self-absorbed twats

- Women are retarded when it comes to empathy. Empathy is your brain. not in your heart of your stomach as all women believe. Look around you. we live in a world of inanimate objects. If a man took an object away because it needs repairing (because repairing shit is what men do best). a women would be heart broken. "The poor item!" she would say. "He's being taken away from all his item friends!" Women feel sorry for anything and everything. None of it makes any sense and its not interesting at all.

- Women will do everything short of sewing a giant. red A for “Attention Whore” on the clothing of other women who get their breasts enhanced. but not one of them can stop fucking with her own eyebrows. How are eyebrow pluckings any different frcm boobjobs?
Protip: Their not hot as fuck. Of all the stupid time-wasting exercises women engage in for the sake of Cosmetique, eyebrow art is by far the stupidest time-wasting thing a women can do. She is better off making a sandwich for that guy she is fucking to get a free ride for the rest of her life with.

- Women love to argue. They love to argue because its one of the few things in life where fucking up at it gets you more. Of the many ways women to argue, this is my least favourite: "You just don't understand, because it happened to me. And this is how I feel about it!” If you want to see this dynamic in action. drop the “a” word around a group of women and see what happens. You can bet your ass that half of them will say it 'happened to them’. Somehow, letting a man pay for an abortion makes a women an expert on the subject. That’s like the time I opened a dental clinic after my parents paid for my cavity filling when I was 10 years old.

- Mothers day is the most retarded day of the year. since Mothers Day was invented by Hitler to encourage breeding among the Nazi nation. It was called Muttertag. Look it up. I dare you. Muttertag was first declared official In Germany in 1933. Guess what was happening in
Germany 1933? A bunch of Nazi shit was happening. Nazi shit like das Mutterkreuz, a medal given to women who had cranked out more than eight screaming babies. Water also gives you life. but you don’t take a day every year just to pay homage to water. do you? Where's National Air Day?

- A child raised by a women on her own is lik a nonalcoholic beer you distilled by accident: Good work, you made a beer, but you left out some key incredients like reason. personal responsibility, and the ability to not get yow ass kicked every day for saying all kinds of fruity things. Hitler was raised by a single mother. That proves single handedly that men are better then women at raising chNdren.

- Women love shopping for the same reason they love talking: It wastes their time. They don’t know shit about shopping. They have no plan of attach and no philosophy. That’s why whenever you go into a store with a women to buy a crappy present for her best friend’s wedding, you always end up in the purse section or the discount rack, even though it was set to get wineglasses for her beforehand. Men, we go in to buy our shit and leave right after. Everyone goes home happy. We don't spend half our day
playing dress up.

- I feel bad for women sometimes. They can't even get good at the thing they love to do the most: spending someone else's money.

- Men on he phone is like having sex with a women who won't get you a bowl of cereal afterward- Seriously. it's just a bowl of cereal. What he fuck? It’s not that hard to get. It's not like you harvested the wheat yourself.

Also where the fuck is that sandwich I asked for last time, woman?

TheModSquad #sexist deviantart.com

So you think you're superior?

- You have never been forced to die in war.

- You are not capable of performing the same tasks men do because you lack the ambition and devotion to do a good job at anything. This is why you get paid less.

- Remember when you weren't allowed to vote? It's because you lack the enough logical reasoning skills to take difficult decisions in a sound manner.

- You have never ruled the world. Because you lack the enough physical strength and intelligence to lead an army or a nation.

- The only reason you need wimpy support groups (i.e. Feminism) is because of your primal instinct of inferiority.

- You have never invented anything worth mentioning during the last thousands of years of recorded human history. That computer you're using, the electricity, the house you live in, the car you drive, the job you work for, the gasoline that fuels your car, the desk, the pencil, the paper and everything you use in your every day life was invented by men.

Mathematics, philosophy, science, medicine, and all of the important building blocks of modern society were created by men.

You are only to provide us men with your physical beauty. Which is the only wrorthy talent you posses besides bearing children. If you can't do that you're worthless.

Now go make me a sandwich.

(See here for the sequel.)

1amayatakeru #homophobia deviantart.com

I would like to add my two cents into the whole anti gay couple. First off. to people saying we have no right to complain about gay couples can fuck off. You twats have nothing to say when the LGBT complain about representation when the minorities complain about lack of diversity, then people who dislike gay couples can complain about the overuse of it in their fandoms without being treated like idiots.
Like that bitch peacefulinvasion who calls other users racist and homophobic while saying they shouldn't be offended with excessive drawings of gay couples, but is offended by words that she dislikes. They are words hunty, cover your eyes if they hurt your sensibilities.

In the fandoms the lgbt fanartists who draw excessive gay porn are damn hypocrites and using the fandom for their own gain. They are leeches. In fact, one such gay fanartist actually complained that she was upset that there was no gay content in the Witcher. I mean this is a game with beautiful graphics and a good storyline, and you can complain that Geralt is not getting butt loving. Really?
The gay couple artists don't care about the characters or the work, all they want is to soil the franchise or profit off them.
When they are not touting off about their commisions, which they feel represents their hard work of tracing from actual artists, they scream about stealing. I had some idiot come onto my deviantart and scream about how another user stole art, and I was supposed to care. Like bitch, the artist draws gay couples, who gives a fuck. See artists see fandoms as their willing slaves, hence as a fan you are obligated to support your fav artist when getting nothing in return.

And hating gay couples is natural. You want to know why you hate gay couples, cause it is natural to hate abnormalities, check out a science article who found men disliked seeeing gay men kiss similar to maggots. It is a biological response.

And people screaming about how we want to stop artists from drawing what they love, bohoohoo. The artist only draw what gets them views and commisions, it is disgusting that some plagarist artist can demand 40 dollars for his copypasta while real artists who attempt to do worthwhile things don't get to demand as such.
There is no freedom of expression, everything has a limit and is censor. Same way someone can't use hate speech or someone else will be offended, someone can't fill the space with gay porn and expect not to get hate on.
And as consumers we can complain about the gayfying of our fandom just like anyone.
Like how gays complain of queerbaiting when there is none.
or how they start stupid shit by encouraging heterosexual characters be gay cause its sexy
like #giveelesaagirlfriend, #givecaptainamericaaboyfriend and all that crap.
Gay fanartists have lead to increase in gay support and a demand by entitled fans to make their gay couples canon. And it does have an effect on real life that directly effects everyone. Look at Korrasami, a gay couple in a kids show, what does it teach girls? Use men and disgard them for women. What about the popularity of Klance that ruins the friendship between two men to make them gay in a kids show. It is sick.
We can start #stopmakinggayfanart. It is not healthy and downright creepy.

wolfblade111 #racist deviantart.com

-_- JK...Doll...What have You Done.

So incase no one knows this, it would seem that there's this play for Harry Potter, or was, I dunno, guess this whole thing happened LAST Year so I'm a bit late to the whole thing but I decided to give my view point.So it would seem for the play, they found a woman to cast as an older Hermione Granger, that's good, glad they did that always nice to hear.
Only thing is...oh god I know I can't say this without coming off as racist, which BTW I am Not. But there's somethings ya just gotta say.

Read here for some info: www.cnet.com/news/j-k-rowling-…

Turns out, heheheh Hermione Granger is Black now...-_- So uh...That mean Emma Watson's black now too or am I trapped in some horrible SJW induced Nightmare?

Now I wanna make something very clear, I'm not racist. I'm fine with black characters and people in general (Criminals and Gangsta's don't count. I treat them all the same regardless of color or creed.) but this whole race change thing going on in the media lately has just been...good lord it's outta hand.

Now in some instances it works, Alternate Universe I can buy that. Iris West being black in CW's Flash, hell I'm fine with it, if anything it suits her character better.

But with Hermione it's...well...it's...(Shakes head.) Just why? JK Rowling I was hoping you'd be different but nope, looks like the SJW's got to you as well huh. I mean for crying out loud! Wasn't Hermione described as being White in the books or something? Could have sworn she was. Now again, I ain't being racist like I know SOME people will try and make me seem like one when I ain't. I just prefer when a character is a certain race or gender they stay that way. Sure this is a fictional character and Rowling can do whatever the fuck she wants with Hermione. It's her character, she wants to make her an overweight femnazi she can do just that...Honestly I won't be surprised if she does. XP

All I can say is this whole SJW Propaganda BS is going To Far. How many of our memories are ruined by these fucktards. Soon you won't be able to make pics of Hermione being white without being called Racist and getting Death Threats.How long before these SJW's turn every fictional character into some sick, twisted vial piece of trash like themselves before it's over.

Now one more time. I'm Not Racist. I couldn't give a damn about your color, your creed or your gender.
But when it's being Forced down my throat and shoved in my face under the disguise of Either Accept Other Race's, Creeds and Genders or we'll brand you as Racist, Homophobic and Xenophobic and make your life a living hell.

When already existing Characters are changed just to appease the SJW Masses that now plague The Human Race. I ain't Racist, Homophobic or Xenophobic.I Simply Have a Bad Case of SJW Intolerance. The only Cure? SJW's being made nothing more than a bad memory and are used as examples in Schools as to why Drugs shouldn't be allowed into Society. If that Offends you. Well Boo Hoo For You. Sorry if My Sense of Mortality is Different Than Yours. That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it. Now how much you wanna bet someone's gonna report this for being racist to the DA Admins. XD

Wolfblade111 #homophobia #transphobia #wtf deviantart.com


. The LGBT Promotes Pedophilia

. ]

It's disturbing in every way imaginable. Next they'll being saying it's alright to eat people.


It would not surprise me. It's disgusting that the LGBT takes no responsibility for the member of the LGBT who are sexually assaulting children.
Being straight, there are no Heterosexual Organizations, so we cannot take responsibility for heterosexual sexual abuse on children, though if the LGBT actually DID put the H in LGBT for Heterosexuals, then we could be held accountable, but the LGBT ignores heterophobia and denies it's existence, invalidating the ordeals and suffering of individuals so their own suffering can be put on a pedestal in the lime light.

. ]

Yup, pretty much

Wolfblade111 #homophobia deviantart.com

[on the inclusion of queer characters]

Nope, they're tyrants basically, they won't stop till everyone and everything is gay. Good luck reproducing a new generation after that ya bunch of retards. God these people are pissing me off. I'm tempted to not even include Overwatch in my stories anymore JUST because of these shit heads. But then I wouldn't get the satisfaction of their salty tears when I make pics of 76 with Mercy. XD If they can make straight characters gay, I can make gay characters straight, only seems fair. After all, they want equal rights, they'll get it.

They whine how they aren't represented enough, honestly, I think they have enough of it, every tv show now has at least 2 or 5 gays in it, hell they're even bringing their toxic identity politics into cartoons...Cartoons are meant for little kids, they shouldn't have to be thinking about whether or not they're gay/straight/trans whatever the fuck they title it nowadays till they're old enough to even say those words without fucking them up! But nope, this is what happens when you Pander to a group of people who are so fucking stupid, that they make brick walls look like Reed Richards!

Hell, I can't even look at natural formed rainbows in waterfalls anymore without being reminded of them!

wolfblade111 #homophobia deviantart.com

So uh...This Just Happened.
[ur] https://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?https://screenrant.com/overwatch-soldier-76-gay/ [/url]

Much like the article says, Soldier-76, is out of the blue...Gay...it would have been Nice if Blizzard had decided on this before hand when the game first came out so that, So folks like me wouldn't have wasted our time coming up with ideas of Him and Mercy being a thing.

Now that he's Gay, this pretty much means that those ideas are now OUT The Window! THANKS BLIZZARD!!!

How much ya wanna bet that Zarya's Transexual and Bastion identifies a Coffee Machine. -_-

Why do they always make someone who’s badass to be gay?

No idea, why not introduce a new badass character who is gay rather than ruin a badass character so many assumed was straight only to turn him gay. This is forcing something down people's throats rather than letting it in naturally.

how do you destroy the gay stereotypes ? By turning the most badass and most "man-like" character into a homosexual! Brilliant!

Exactly! This doesn't even feel like a "Natural" way to show the character is Gay, if you want a Gay character, State they're gay from the get go
Why lead us all on like that? For awhile now I had it cemented in my head that Jack was a straight guy, a badass to the letter and all that but This...This just ruins that, because of this out of the blue "Oh look this character's gay cause we want to increase our sales!" BS they just pulled, they've pretty much ruined Overwatch for me.

Wolfblade111 #homophobia deviantart.com

Now before anyone gets offended, lemme at least say my side.
If people are allowed to have headcannons of different characters (Straight, Bi, Gay, Lesbian, ect.) involving their sexualities and what not, than so am I. I mean, it's a free country right? (Depending on where you live that is. XD)

Now look, I don't do this normally with gay characters, when it comes to them, I usually just leave em be and never pay them any mind.

But in the case of Soldier-76's sudden reveal that as I've said in a status post and a previous upload. It feels more like it's Pandering for Money, rather than to just throw in a new character who is gay.

Yes, the creator has stated that Soldier-76 is gay, but since when has that stopped people from having their own headcannons?

Oof and it seems you are fucking homophobic with you're supporting male x female, fetishizing female x female but not ok with male x male. Typical.

Oof and how typical, calling out someone for liking two outta three things and then cutting and running (Aka Blocking before I could reply.)

Ya wanna know Why I don't ship anything MalexMale? It's because I am not...comfortable with it.

If a male character is gay in something, fine, so be it. I certainly don't have to give two shits about that character, I certainly don't have to make fan art of them. I sure as hell don't have to wave a flag around and scream for joy at the prospect of another gay character.

You wanna know WHY I'm Uncomfortable with malexmale? Because of the Fetishizing, ya know, like how people like me make girl x girl a fetish, yeah...GuyxGuy Fans do that on a MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH higher level.

If a guy is gay in real life, fine, whatever, I don't give two shits if you like guys/girls. If your a cool person. Your cool in my book, doesn't mean I'm gonna enjoy what you may or may not draw, but I'm fine with ya, your not gonna hear me saying anything negative.

But when it comes to Fictional characters, THAT! is where I have a problem.

I have seen so, so so so so so so so SOOOOOOO many guyxguy shippers who fetishize these pairings and characters and write these quite clearly, wet dream based fanfictions about these characters.

What's even more disturbing is that a lot of these ships involve characters...WHO AREN'T EVEN GAY!!! They take, Brother/Brother type friendships and twist and turn them into these sick, twisted, disturbing love stories that make Twilight look like the best romance novel of all time.

What's also disturbing is the fact that many of these fans/writers/artists, will tend to do things along the lines of.

A) Killing off a straight character's love interest in the most horrible way possible or some other poor attempt at getting their ship to sail or to scream at how much they hate that character with a passion.

B) Write where one of the male characters is Raped by the person they have a Brother/Brother relationship with and end up LIKING IT and falling in love with said character, which shows how disturbed the writer's mind is if that's how they think love works.


C) The Fans are...Quite Clearly, Nuts. I've seen enough of their works to (Not on purpose mind you, they just happen to post a lot of these works to groups I'm apart of.) scar me for life. They will tear someone apart if that person doesn't ship what they ship and they will send death threats, saying how that person should kill themselves for not liking a guyxguy ship.

That is why I am uncomfortable with guyxguy ships, because everytime I see them, it's like seeing something that triggers you, it's like...seeing something from your past you'd rather just forget.

That's what it is for Me, now, clearly, not all shippers are like that. But a lot of them are and it's disturbing how they are...allowed to get away with it because it'd be considered Homophobic for banning them or kicking them.

So you wanna know why I despise GuyxGuy ships, why I hate Yaoi shippers.

You can thank all the assholes who committed the acts I mentioned above for garnering my hatred.

do I fetishize FemalexFemale pairings? Yes.

Wolfblade111 #homophobia deviantart.com

[on soldier 76 being gay]

Also no, I ain't homophobic.

I AM however, dumbasschoicesphobic though.

to clarify before some Asshurt SJW comes along and screams Homophobic, I mean that this sudden reveal of Soldier-76 is clearly three things.

1: Pandering.

2: A Way to Cover up Their Recent Mistakes IE, Fake Player and JUST recently, The Racial Harassment of an Employee.

3: Lazy Writing and Bullshit Reveal, if they want to pander to the LGBT community then at least be more original and invent a NEW Gay Character rather than choose at random an already existing character, it's Iceman from The X-Men comics ALL Over Again.

Oh and 4: I was shipping these two since the Game first came out, I ain't letting a Yaoi Fanboy's official comic and word on the matter change my mind.

I'm a Stubborn Bastard, you'd have an easier time convincing a Mountain to Get Up and Walk than make me change my mind.

Now run along, I'm sure if your offended by this you can unsee this "horrible" image by looking up some yaoi fanart of Soldier-76 sucking off Reaper or something, it's bound to be out there since it seems the folks from Tumblr moved here.

Wolfblade111 #homophobia deviantart.com

And if you really need a reason why it's disgusting to turn a gay character straight here's one

-there are signifigantly less lgbt+ characters in existance so lgbt+ people have less to relate to and less representation, by trying to turn a gay character straight you are taking away or deliberatly smearing a character people can enjoy for their sexual or gender identity.

Oh I am very well aware of that fact, now you know how I feel when I see a straight character is headcanon'd as being Gay, when they are clearly NOT.

Granted! Soldier-76 appears to have been Gay the entire time or so says the creator of Overwatch, if that was true...why keep it on the downlow for...what? Nearly 3 years now after the games release? Tracer was believed to be gay from day one and was revealed not long after to indeed be gay.

Now the fact Tracer's gay, I have no problems with, it suits her character fine.

[But 76...this was Out of the Mother Fucking Blue, it SCREAMS! Desperation for money and for an increase in sales, which if anything they'll loose a large amount of their fanbase because of these sorts of choices but what do they care.

Look at what's happened with Blizzard lately, they had this controversy with this fake female player and got hated on for their new shitty mobile game for WoW or whatever it was and so, instead of creating/introducing yet another new character to the franchise that was gay, they seem to have chosen at Random who should be gay and it was Soldier-76.

Now if they had just gone and introduced a new gay character, I would have been PERFECTLY! fine with it, no qualms whatsoever. Good for them. But This! This is clearly, CLEARLY! Blizzard NOT giving Two Shits about the LGBT community and just saying "Let's have a look at the fanart and see who should be gay next." and Soldier-76 won out.

Thus! This Feels FORCED! No one likes to feel forced, I don't like the feeling, I'm sure YOU don't like the feeling and I'm Sure there are MANY! who don' like it either.

As such, this is my response to this whole thing, if they're gonna force this at me, I'm gonna stick with my headcanon, now am I hurting anyone? am I forcing You to accept my headcanon? Am I Up in arms and banging down the door of Overwatch's creator, threatening him to make Soldier-76 straight? No. I. Am. Not. I Am Simply, Stating My Stance on this, and sticking to my guns and my opinions on this matter.

I mean after all, isn't that what the LGBT does? They stick with their opinions, only difference is I'm not forcing change and forcing people to accept something that they're not comfortable with.

Wingedmagic02 #homophobia deviantart.com

Homophobia is a made up word

It was coined by the movement itself actually. The term is merely a tool used to silence opposing views or anything that doesn’t fit their agenda, prompt guilt to those who don’t worship gay people, and to make people comply with them, looking at how much it’s been tossed around recently. The whole idea of endorsing same-sex attraction is primarily based on victimhood. Gay activists don't like opposing views, and aren’t willing to let Christians carry beliefs contrary to theirs. So they coin the term homophobia to flame anything resistant to their agenda. It’s a way to shut people up and regulate speech (Same thing applies to words tossed around daily such as transphobia or bigot). And there’s christophobia but I use it to refer to (rabid) anti-Christians.

A phobia is an extreme or irrational aversion to something. There is nothing extreme about disagreeing with the homosexual lifestyle. On top of that, the word irrational means without logic or reason. So the people who oppose the homosexual lifestyle have a reason and it is logical for them to hold their positions. You may not agree with their reasons but it a reason nonetheless.

There are “homophobic” Christians out there who say and do hateful things, but I am not referring to them, nor do I support them. But It is a gross over generalization to lump all Christians (including educated ones) in the same pot as homophobic ones. While there are plenty of haters on both sides, the LGBT community and its supporters tend to see hatred where there is none. A lot of religious groups (Christianity tends to get the most flak because there are a lot of them in the Western World) disagree with homosexual lifestyle/acts, but that doesn't mean that they all hate homosexuals. Instead of throwing hate speech at them and accusing them of being bigots, why not just try to show them that you can be loving and accepting of them? I think if you would respect Christianity's views, more Christians would be open for conversation. And of course, there is no such thing as a true Christian or "church" that endorses homosexuality. Because they are supporting something that is anti-biblical and following the way of the world and not of Christ. It's not love if you stay silent to someone drinking alcohol (this is an analogy) and on the path to destruction. If you really love them, you say something to try to keep them off the path.

Airlobster #homophobia deviantart.com


It's Simplistic, Not Bland

We're not bland. Gay folks, you can have your wild rainbow colors. JUST STOP MAKING FUN OF STRAIGHT PEOPLE FOR CHOOSING BLACK AND WHITE for symbolism. Black and white - they compliment each other. It's simplistic, yes; but it's not a riot of conflicting colors that SCREAMS "look at me! look at meee! Me! Me! Me!!!!!!!!!"

Why? Because we don't care. I'm straight. Do I have to stand up for that now? Yes. Yes I do. It's like yin and yang versus that garish tie-dyed 70's love shirts you found in your mother's closet one day and barfed over. 'Like omg mom you actually wore this?!'

I'm sick and tired of being prosecuted for being who *I* am. Don't call me a "breeder". I HATE kids and am not having any. (And yes, I am 30 yrs. old...I still don't want them.)

Gay isn't the new hotness. It's old hat. Folks have been that way for ages. The "rare" thing now is to be straight. If you are gay, fine. But don't wave it around in my face. Don't try to force me to believe it's natural. And please quit with the 'hah ur black and white suxorz compared to our rainbow colors' deviations. THIS ISN'T A VERSUS COMPETITION. We're all bleeding human, for goodness' sake.


(People are gonna be up in arms = comments disabled because I don't have to time to whap sense into hundreds of people. I have many pals that aren't hetero. They're fun. I love them. But I have my beliefs, especially when DA folks make fun of straight ones like I've seen...and the minority is what should be the norm.)

Anti-yaoi-guild #homophobia deviantart.com

We're NOT here to start a war against homosexuals. This is against the gay literature and material itself, NOT against the gay population.

Some of us have friends that are actually homosexual, and we're ok with that too.
Just because we've decided to start this club does NOT make us homophobes. Actually, we should probably explain what an actual "homophobe" is just to clear the air of any confusion. Just because someone doesn't like to watch homosexual activity does NOT MAKE THAT PERSON A HOMOPHOBE!! A phobia, for those who don't know, is a very strong FEAR, a complete fight/flight response when extreme, of something that in itself is not dangerous. A person that actually suffers from homophobia is a person that is either TERRIFIED of anyone the same sex as the homophobe OR a person who is TERRIFIED of homosexuals and homosexual activities. It can also apply to a person who is terrified of sameness in general and becoming homosexual themselves. Therefore, disliking someone or even hating someone who actually suffers from homophobia, a real homophobe, is really unfair and rather discriminating. So don't go around telling everyone how you dislike homophobes because that really sounds stupid anyways. Is this clear? Good.

Kaguyatsukihime #homophobia #kinkshaming deviantart.com



I have to agree with you on some aspects. Yaoi 'fangirls' can be a bit overbearing at times, but there was no reason for being so . . . violent about your opinions. From my point of view, it looks like you're contradicting yourself when you say that you're not a homophobe, but then you call yaoi 'revolting,' 'gross,' and 'sick.'

It also doesn't help your case that you've also told yaoi-fans to 'GO FUCKING DIE IN HOT LAVA!'
Just saying.


Yaoi=fictional people that gay and also sometimes those fans use real people who are straight (daniel radcliffe) and turn them gay for their fantasies.
Homosexual=Real people in life who are gay and not made up nor are forced ending up gay because of fangirls.
You see my point now?
I just hate yaoi fans...they always ruin perfectly good fandoms by turning straights into gays for their own pleasure.

My feelings were legitimately hurt by this. Is this how people who like yaoi seem to you? There are people, such as myself, who enjoy yaoi and are completely normal and reasonable. Though honestly, I don't associate with the word 'fangirl' because I find the undertones of that word offensive.
Why is it that when you pair up a non- canon yaoi couple you get more hate than if you were to make a hetero couple that canonically would never rightfully happen?

few words of advice:
Oh go cry me a fucking river why don't you.
I have the right to hate and complain as well as rant about thinks I hate as much as the next person does.

You don't get it do you? Yaoi and
Homosexuality aren't even the same thing. I don't even know where you got that idea from!?
Those rapid fangirls keep turning STRAIGHT characters into gay characters and they do not own the characters they never got permission from the creator of the characters! So yeah I'm against that.

Oh really sure I'm a yaoiphobe but I'm not against reality homosexuality its just that you people always make uncanonical pairings.

And? People make uncanon hetaro parings? What do you have against them? People also make uncanon human/animal but you're not complaning about that.

And you came from the complaints section of the forum thus your complaining c: Have a nice day.

Kaguyatsukihime #homophobia #kinkshaming deviantart.com


Cute but, kill yaoi fangirls? That's...sick. Like, the bad sick.

.-. Seriously, there's no reason to kill us for liking something you don't.

But its those rapid fans who try to force us to like it. And then they even cross the line by making straight characters gay for their own enjoyment. And one even called me a Homophobe for not enjoying yaoi and not getting turned on by it.

Kaguyatsukihime #homophobia #kinkshaming deviantart.com

Please do not put up any starry sky M/M pairings utterly sickening and makes me want to throw up then stab you with a knife. I am not a homophobic nor am I close minded. But making straight characters gay is crossing the line. They are meant to be straight so keep it that way and forget about your sickening fantasies.

Would you rather us right a starry sky heterosexual pairing fic? I don't mean to be cheeky...well yes, I do but still. I find it annoying when nitpick on yaoi when it's usually hetero pairings (especially when a girl inserts herself into the story so she can be with her favorite character) that does the starry sky junk.
But again, it's not even just gay pairings you should be pissed off at. ANY pairing that has an ungraceful and trite writing strategy like that is usually asking for some dislikes.

So you're saying all anime should only have male and gay couples? I don't even see what's so attractive about yaoi. The entire logic is warped on the yaoi fandom. How can you love two men when you know they will never love you back because they're gay? It makes no sense to me. It's rather sad than sexy. You can't visualize yourself or your characer with them because they love the same sex. While in normal pairings you can change the girl's image to fit yourself or your character and pair them.

Godofwarlover #homophobia deviantart.com

If you want a LGBT character, write them LGBT or whatever from the beginning, not change them, because it already ruined Marvel comics and DC comics, made me hate Legend Of Korra, and I also have a hard time watching The Loud House due to the SJWs deciding to worship Luna Loud for that one characteristic. And I find it sad that the only merchandise of the Babadook besides the film and a defictionalization of the book is a dildo, not an action figure or a plushie, and I find that really creepy also. That would be like making a sex doll of either Samara or Sadako of Ringu/The Ring or Kayako from The Grudge/Ju-On. I just really wish this meme would go away, because it's becoming as annoying as fuck, just like Darude-Sandstorm and Cory In The House anime. We live in peculiar times, that's all I know

Godofwarlover #homophobia deviantart.com

men are becoming feminine and pussies and women becoming masculine and butch, when back then such things would have been ridiculed. I know I am going to get chewed out for this since people think I am making fun of the LGBT, but I think the gender roles are being reversed, and if I were homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, etc., I would have gone on a huge ass rant in the style of Fred Phelps, Steven L Anderson, and both Theodore and Walid Shoebat by saying how all the LGBT people deserve to die and burn in Hell, but I am not like that, because for one I have a gay guy for a friend and two bisexual friends and I don't call them anything bad or anything like that. I just don't like the pandering that is happening in the world, and that is all

Godofwarlover #homophobia #racist deviantart.com

Marvel And DC have become so politically correct that they are now changing things in their comics just to appease the SJWs and other politically correct people since that is apparently the new market now. For example, they changed Thor's gender, made Gamora, Ice Man, Jubilee, and X-23 into LGBT, and they are also changing super heroes' ethnicity as well, and also changing their costumes to be less revealing since that is apparently sexist. I'm alright with them being LGBT, another ethnicity, another religion and all that if they were originally written that way, but the SJWs are now the new customers and they all want their money since that is the true God people worship. It makes me worried about the entertainment industry when people keep doing this just to please certain people. And I hope to God that when I get published (If I get published that is) that I don't have to go through this bullshit

Edit: I just found out Hercules and Wolverine are a gay couple now. (I know in the Greek legends Hercules was bisexual, but Wolverine? I need to go get drunk now)

Cloudsgirl7 #homophobia deviantart.com

I'm sick of it. I'm not saying that there are not people who hate yaoi who are homophobes(or BECAUSE they're homophobes...assholes), but more times than not, those rabid yaoi fangirls are quick to jump the gun and call someone who hates -- or even just dislikes -- yaoi a "homophobe". Why? Because we don't just turn characters GAY even though they're not? Because we don't think that no one can be friends; they have to be IN LOVE with each other? Likewise with RIVALS -- people who HATE each other? Alright, you can be a butthurt yaoitard and say bull like that if I can call you a hetero-phobe. :) Because, for cases like me, you're just blowing things out of purportion.

So, yes, as my watchers know, I hate yaoi. I don't hate the fans(though many of them I can't STAND), though. And I wouldn't go all violent on this issue. Cannon yaoi? Whatever, at least that's how the characters ARE. And don't give me that "don't like, don't look" crap AGAIN. It's EVERYWHERE.

So some butthurt fangirl said that they see just as much "anti-yaoi" stuff as their crappy yaoi. Oookay.... *COUGH*Liar*COUGH* Well, frankly, I'd say they're a troller. There are plenty of them. I've had this case at least twice before. There was this one fool who saw fit to pointing out my "faults" in my arguments. I later saw that they had the nerve to comment on an anti AkuRoku stamp, saying, "They're more than friends. :)" Really. You tell me. Was she NOT trying to pick a fight? They whine about trollers when they do the same goddamned thing. Or "stalk" like the last person mentioned.
Say, are you here right now? I bet you are. Don't like this? Go ahead. Comment. :|
(No, I'm not actually trying to pick a fight.)

Man, you've gotta be kidding me. A group against the "Anti-Yaoi" group? You butthurt fools. I know that there are homophobes in the group, but we don't want 'em here. If I could, I'd personally give 'em the boot.

So yes, I hate yaoi, yuri, crack pairings(taken seriously, anyway), incest, and pedo. (Last two are especially disgusting.) Of course, the worst kind of yaoi/yuri/slash is real person stuff. OH MY GOD. What is WRONG with you people?! Those are real people with real feelings! How would you like it if you were paired with someone you knew/are friends with/hate?
OKAY, some people who know me may argue about my OCxCannon pairings, saying they're crack/not as likely as (possible) Cannon pairings, but you know what? First of all, I don't force my thoughts on anyone. Second, I try to make those pairings work; I WILL NOT turn the Cannon characters into someone they aren't. Which I'm sure is much different from yaoi pairings.

Oh, yeah, and get this through your thick skulls, intolerant rabid fangirls; THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN YAOI AND SHONEN-AI. I'd suggest learning it.

But believe me, there are plenty of hetero pairings that I hate/dislike, regerdless of weither or not they're Cannon. And I don't hate all other OCxCannon pairings -- even when they involve a Cannon character that I have such a pairing for.
Off the subject, but I'd like to add...unless it fits in with the anime/manga/game...ENOUGH with the damn furries. Don't get me wrong, I like furries, but Jesus! Enough's enough!

TheOfficeOfTheNight #fundie deviantart.com

Political Correctness never was about being offensive, every living person will sooner or later be offended by someone or something. It is all about language manipulation and censorship to promote an agenda, camouflaged as appropriateness. It is using flowery euphemisms to soften injustices and immorality and to sway opinions by redefining words to accomplish goals. It does not immediately change what people think, it only changes what they can say. Eventually, however, it eliminates opposing thoughts altogether because if you control the language, you control how people think. That is why Political Correctness is promoted by the radical reformist movement; they can keep changing the goal posts in attempted to eventually change societies thinking.

For example, the use of the acronym LGBT even in an opposing presentation is, in fact, supporting the pro-sodomy movement because pro-activists established it. The list of sexual orientations is a long one, however, pro-sodomy activists chose LGBT because the acronym pulls select behaviors from the complete list of other orientations including pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia/bestiality, etc. (from "Paraphilias," Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (Washington: American Psychiatric Association, pp. 566-582). It separates the idea of “bad or immoral behavior" and ties it in with "the person" which plays right into the hand of Identity Politics, the “Social Justice” ideology and the Politically Correct movement. Activists did this in order to lessen the stigma of sodomy. In actuality, we are letting them control the language by using it. The term “social justice” is in parenthesizes because there is really no such thing as social injustice, there is merely injustice.

Another perfect example of the madness of Political Correctness is the initial redefining of “physical violence” to cover verbal abuse, then the eventual redefining of, or the attempt at redefining, verbal abuse to include “offensive to”, which brought about the whole “microagression culture” on many college campuses followed by “safe zones” (even if there was no intended malice in the offense). This has now lead to moving the goal posts once again to demand the use of specialized, and “newly created and defined” pronouns.
Those influenced by the Politically Correct Cyclone have even gone full circle with racism. They now justify hate of white people based solely on their skin color yet fully celebrate Black History Month. Certain transgender groups are now objecting to “bisexual” because it presumes the existence of only two genders and feminists are at odds with transgenderism because it promotes more than two genders. Yet feminists protest side by side with radical Islamists who defame, defile and even deform women through genital mutilation.

So is it honestly at all surprising that many conservatives would like nothing more than to sit down and honestly examine why you disagree with their position, however, many of the opposition are not interested in the conservative viewpoint on any issue, they simply want you to agree with them and if you are unwilling to do so, they feel the need to force into compliance?

TheNewKnightsTemplar #fundie deviantart.com

Hello and greetings from 2019. I am happy you have come upon this time capsule and have very deep hopes that humanity has survived and this is not being read by a caterpillar, if it IS, I guess it will eventually evolve into a human being someday, anyway. I know, right?

Our current President Donald Trump has made terrific strides in making American great again, but the only way the Left will acknowledge this is by trying to give Obama the credit. Trump DOES make a few blunders, but when we point out that President Obama made them as well, the Left blames President Trump for President Obama’s mistakes. In fact, the Left blames President Trump for everything. And if you think the Left hates the President, you should see how bizarre they get when they see a red hat.

The Democratic Left, which is pretty much all of the Democratic Party, in order to push their agenda, has been allowed to make up words, phrases, and concepts in this day and age. For instance, they say “toxic masculinity” needs to stop, we can’t have “boys being boys”, you know, like shooting guns or anything, but that is merely because the feminists don’t want girls being girls, they want girls being boys so they can shoot guns, even though they could very easily shoot guns being girls. It is somewhat like The Boy Scouts of America but with girls included, although I don’t think the Girl Scouts of America let Boy Scouts enter. But, I’m optimistic, both sexes are starting to take high school showers together in Florida.

In fact, according to the Left, girls CAN be boys all they have to do is to FEEL like a boy, and if a boy feels like a girl, he can be a girl and it is okay because that isn’t toxic masculinity it is “non-toxic masculinity” which is actually feminine masculinity. I know, right? How can all of this possibly be? Simple--Because gender is a social construct but you are born that way. And if someone feels like the opposite sex, you have to call them by “zip” or “zot” or something like that; or it is considered violence and even though you didn’t know they felt like the opposite sex or forgot to ask, they can kill you. And homosexuality is okay because the sex they have isn’t hurting anyone, but you are deranged as hell (maybe not by next week), if you have sex with the dead, even though THAT really isn’t hurting anyone either.

And socialism is the latest and greatest thing, even though it has been around as long as dirt. But it will work this time, even though it has never ever worked in the past; because it is DEMOCRATIC Socialism. And the difference is ... actually there IS no difference but who cares because things will be free! Free health care and college and vehicles and cell phones and we might as well throw in meals until things collapse and there is no more food. We will still have to work, though. I know, right?

And abortion is perfectly okay because a woman has a right to do what she wants with her body, although it ISN’T her body because it has its own DNA. And it isn’t alive although it has a heartbeat. And it isn’t her body after the baby is born, either, but that doesn’t matter as long as we keep the mother’s mental health intact. And the best WAY to keep the mother’s mental health intact is to kill her infant.

And infanticide is something Islamic extremists have been known to do, but we can’t say that out loud or we are an Islamophobe. Which actually doesn’t mean in inordinate fear of Islam anymore, it has been changed to mean “hater” of all and everything Islam and sometimes more than that. And note; we are still CALLING the baby an infant because the Left hasn’t, as of yet, had the chance to come up with a stigma-lessening euphemism like “external cellular expiration” or for the more socially elite, “Baby B Gone”. We can even revive the child and have a nice, extremely short and pressure-prone discussion with the already overwhelmed mother, so that if she does have regrets after the slaughter, which she will, she has been involved in the decision because it is all about “choice”. However, choice still means two or more options, but if you express opinions favoring THE OTHER option besides killing, you’re a racist. I am not really sure why you are a racist; almost everyone who does anything anymore is a racist, so I guess it just got included in the name of “diversity” and “love”. Maybe not love.

If this is all confusing for you, I have to admit is rather the same for most of us on the RIGHT, what comforts me is that we live in a tolerant society, that is unless you are Christian or Jewish, and then you don’t count, especially if you refuse to make certain kinds of wedding cakes.

Besides much controversy these days about war, we have a rather perplexing breed of individuals we call SJW’s or “Social Justice Warriors”. They don’t really DO anything or WEAR any ARMOR, they just lay in wait for people to say something offensive, which is pretty much everything they hear. These warriors believe in “all things civil” especially good productive discussion, as long as they get to scream and you don’t get to say anything at all. That is, unless you agree with them, and then you can all hold hands and go to a designated area called a “safe space”. Oddly enough, although you might think these spaces were designed for preschoolers, they are actually most prominent on our college campuses these days. They are even in the internet encyclopedia called Wikipedia, which is a rather “strange bird” in itself because anyone can add anything to it in the name of collaboration, so it changes a lot. Sometimes these SJW’s turn into a fantasy creature called a troll, but it amounts to the same thing, screaming and then running off to a safe space.

Our Mainstream Media are much the same as the SJW’s but we still have freedom of speech, unless you post anything conservative on certain social platforms like Facebook and YouTube and Twitter and a few others. But they apologize for taking things down, usually; some of the time; if they get caught; and they have been working on new algorithms and training their staff to not be so sensitive for the last decade or so, so things are looking promising. Our search engines like Google aren’t very reliable either, but who needs an honest search engine?

I hope this has cleared up what 2019 is like at the time of burying this time capsule. I am sure you wish you had science and history records, but they were all destroyed by the Left and replaced with pornography.

An SJW just told me to tell you to write when you can. I know, right?

natsumihanaki20 #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

A reply to TheEyeOfTheLight

I blocked you because you are crazy. In this world there are two type of persons: those whose values are defined by society and do not like to think (you) , and those whose value are defined by reality and like to think (me). You are amongst those whose values is defined by society and do not like to think. I warned you lovingly that what you do is wrong, but you keep on denying reality and God to satisfy your delusions. I can see which kind of person you are, and you are the type with whom talking about reality and showing proof is a waste of time. You are a hypocrite, and delusional. You are the kind who has blindfolded themselves from the truth. You claim to respect my beliefs. Yet, you came here with the purport to change them. You claim to believe in God, and yet in the comment you said that probably God is not true. You claim to be interested in learning, but when confronted with evidence you ignore it and plunge your head into the sand. I don't hate you, but I don't see the point in repeating the truth when you have unwilling ears. It seems you have not read the Bible. If you had read it, you wouldn't say such biblical myths.

I'm not being a hypocrite. All I'm saying is what is written in the Bible and what facts support. Facts show that asexuality is as healthy as heterosexuality, that's why priest practice it. Jesus himself said that being eunuch ( not interested in sex) is okay, whilst God condemned homosexuality in the New Testament and in the Old Testament and homosexuals were listed as those who will burn in Hell. God commanded his followers to hate sin, and to love the sinner. One can love a homosexual man whilst detesting his homosexuality. One can love a murderer whilst detesting the murder he committed. One can love a man without loving his sin. And, by 'love' God means that we should do our best to help the fella turn away from sin and to help him whenever his in trouble (for example, if a sinner is starving, we should give him food).

Sin is something that one can stop doing. We are all born wicked, and with a tendency to sin. But, through God we can all overcome sin. Homosexuality is not inborn; there's no evidence to support that. Homosexuality can be changed, and there are many studies which prove it. For instance, a study performed by Robert Spitzer ( a pro-homosexual psychiatrist, who was amongst the groups of psychologist whose efforts contributed to homosexuality stopping to be considered a disorder) showed that highly motivated homosexuals can change their sexual orientation. Thus, homosexuality is a condition which can be changed as long as the gay individual is has enough desire to change. In the same way a highly motivated drug-addict can stop being so, a highly motivated homosexual can change his sexual orientation. Thus, it is not a pointless battle to fight against addicting sin, but a battle that the one who perseveres will eventually win. God did not condemn people who suffer from homosexuality to the lake of fire, for he gave them the ability to change. It's up to homosexuals to decide whether they want to keep on committing atrocities with their bodies or change. It's up to them to decide whether they want to go to Hell or Heaven. Having said this, there's no such thing as homosexuals, but rather people who suffer from homosexuality. Since homosexuality is an illness with a cure, there's no such thing as homosexual, since homosexuals are neither born gay nor condemned to remain that way.

What's the point of the study? Not too long ago, many Christians believed whites were superiors to blacks, and thought the Bible supported their beliefs, when it is written that in God everyone is equal and that we are all descendants of Adam and Eve. The fact that a majority of Christians are being brainwashed by public schools since tender ages to accept homosexuality does not mean that homosexuality is accepted in the Bible. This shouldn't surprise you but, many studies have shown that an alarming number of Christians has never read the Bible, and believe myths about it. Many Christians even believe certain sins to be okay whilst they are condemned in the Bible, and other laughable falsehoods. Homosexuality is literally condemned in the Bible, by God, Jesus, and Paul. But since most Christians do not read the Bible, it's not surprising that they practice heresy.

What I told is the opposite of what you accuse me of. I said that our duty is to forever help sinners overcome their sins, and their worldly troubles. Look, we are all sinners, and we all forever be so. But only to those who forever try to overcome their mistakes, God will reward them with Heaven. Our duty is to eternally try to overcome our sins. Our duty is persevere as we walk the thorny path to Heaven, and at the same time lovingly help those who we find lost in the way to our destination. But, those who give themselves up to evil and practice it will burn in Hell (unless they repent). God loves all of his creation. But, He is just, and his love will not pervert His justice. There's Heaven and there's Hell, and wicked people will not go to Heaven (unless they repent since repentance will cleanse a man of all his evil and make him good) Those who sin are not forever cast away from God (whilst they live), as God is always willing to forgive them and help them overcome sin. I dare say, God weeps and feels sad when any individual chooses to sin and lives a sinful live without ever repenting of his mistakes. Men who suffer from homosexuality will burn in Hell unless they repent and try to overcome their illness. Men who steal will burn in Hell, unless they repent and try their best not to steal again.

The ten commandments do not state anything in relation to homosexuality, but there are other sins not mentioned in the Ten Commandments which God will punish people from. That is why, Christian should read the whole Bible, rather than cherry-pick a few parts of it. Homosexuality is condemned anywhere where it appears in the Bible as vile degrading feelings which are an abomination unto God, and God always punished homosexuals, who did not repent, for it. Homosexuality is condemned alongside zoophilia and adultery in Leviticus. It is condemned in a particular section dedicated to sexual immorality:

Leviticus: “If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. If a man lies with his father’s wife, he has uncovered his father’s nakedness; both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. If a man lies with his daughter-in-law, both of them shall surely be put to death; they have committed perversion; their blood is upon them. If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. If a man takes a woman and her mother also, it is depravity; he and they shall be burned with fire, that there may be no depravity among you. If a man lies with an animal, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall kill the animal. If a woman approaches any animal and lies with it, you shall kill the woman and the animal; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

In the new Testament homosexuality is condemned. Besides the many verses condemning sexual immorality (as defined in the Bible), there are a number of verses exclusively condemning homosexuality. For brevity’s sake, I will include only one. Also as there’s a controversy over its accurate translations, I will include the original text as well.

Corinthian 1: “Or don't you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don't be deceived. Neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor male prostitutes, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of God. Such were some of you, but you were washed. But you were sanctified. But you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and in the Spirit of our God”


(arsenokoites): homosexual, men who sleep with men
Arsen (variant of árrhen): male
Koíte (variant of koité): marriage bed, sexual intercourse, bed, mat.

Extra: arsenokoites was first used by Paul as a reference to Leviticus. So, claims that it does not mean gays do it being used later to describe other acts are invalid (though it was still used to describe homosexuality). The word clearly means homosexual, and is a reference to Leviticus.

?a?a??? (malakos): soft, effeminate, doing things that women do, acting like a woman, feeling or doing stuff appropriate for women.
Extra: malakos comes from a myth about a king named malakos who acted like a female by dressing like a woman, and did other things considered to be womanly. But, by Paul’s time it had come to mean other things. It came to describe any sort of action considered appropriate for women, or anything associated with the female sex. It meant cross dressing, women were considered morally weak thus it also meant morally weak, emotional, homosexual, and other stuff. Taking into account that Paul and his disciples were emotional and cried in a number of times (weeping was considered feminine, and thus; men who cried were considered malakos), and taking into account Paul’s statement that spiritually men and women are equal, in this case it refers to homosexuals (men who harbored homosexual feelings were considered effeminate since those were feelings women were supposed to possess) and transgenders. It could also mean being morally weak, but considering Paul’s statements that women and men were spiritually equal, it seems unlikely he meant morally weak. Taking into account Paul’s statements condemning homosexuality (both in emotions and actions just like adultery) and transgenderism, it must mean both of them. However, considering homosexuality is condemned in the same text (see arsenokoites), it could mean solely transgenderism. I myself believe that in this case, malakos means homosexuals and transgenders due to historical reasons. Contrary to a common myth, it does not mean catamite. The belief that it means catamite stems from a passage in which malakos (malakos can also means softness of clothes, and the like) is used to describe the softness of catamite’s clothes. But, this conclusion ignores the fact that it is also used to describe the clothes of the nobility and other figures who were not catamite.

Anyway, back to the given task of preaching the truth to delusional ears, judging is not a crime. Judging is not condemned in the Bible, hypocrisy is. Judging is essential for life, as it’s something necessary for every action we take. Unless we exercise judgement in every facet of our life, from going to the grocery store and when confronted with sin. Unless we judge, we will be weak before Satan, as we will be unable to distinguish righteousness from unrighteousness. In the Bible, one must take heed to the context of every passage. In this “judge not” passage, Jesus is preaching against hypocrisy. If he was condemning judgment (as determining whether one of our brothers is doing wrong or not), he would not have said that we can help our brother take the splinter out of his eye, if we have taken the log out of ours (in other words, implying that we can judge whether our brother has a splinter in his eye or not, whether he is doing wrong or not). In other words, we can help our brothers overcome sin and judge whether they are sinning or not (so as to help them turn away from the path to Hell), but only if we are not practicing the same sin (note how both men have wood in their eyes, the same sin). It is a sin and a crime to judge someone as evil and preach against their sin when we are committing the same sin (like a man preaching against adultery when he is committing adultery). But, when we are committing a different sin, it’s okay to determine that someone else is sinning and help them overcome sin whilst we ourselves try to overcome our shortcomings, but we have to acknowledge that we are both sinners. Judgement is fine when it is educated and founded on God’s words. Thus, it is perfectly okay for us to judge or deduce that homosexuality is wrong based on reason, studies that has proven its unhealthy nature, and condemnation by God. It is okay for us to judge homosexuals as wicked, as long as we remember that we both are. It is our duty to distinguish the evil people do to help them.

Ezekiel: “ 'O wicked man, you will surely die,' and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand. But if you on your part warn a wicked man to turn from his way and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life.”

We are all wicked, but only those who strive to overcome their sins will go to Heaven. Salvation is not solely through faith, as Jesus himself confirmed. One may believe in God as one pleases. But unless we try to follow his statutes, we’ll burn in Hell.
Mathew: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

If it’s a crime to execute or incarcerate humans who commit crimes against humanities, we should not punish murders. History has shown us that evil should be punished, as it affects all communities. Homosexuality is a depravity and a crime against humanity, thus it should be punished. However, they should only be punished for the crime of committing homosexuality if there’s any evidence against them, rather than due to a witness or mere accusation. I myself believe all sinners should be put in jail rather than executed, so that they have a chance to repent. I believe sinners should be put in jail and put to do labor. But, I understand if sometimes circumstances do not allow for such lenience.
Love as defined by God and reason is about helping your brother, not letting them walk to their death. There’s no love in allowing your brother to walk to his death by doing evil, without attempting to save them.

I hope God will help you understand what love is, and that He will free you from your delusions. Now, don’t misunderstand me and think I’ve called you crazy out of hate. I’m the kind who speaks the truth or their thoughts out loud, without meaning any form of aggression. I’ve concluded you are crazy due to your writings and denial of reality. However, a more accurate term to describe would probably be stupid. But, regardless, I’m going to pray and hope God’s frees you the demon in your heart, and that all goes well in your life. May you live a long happy life with God by you side!

natsumihanaki20 #homophobia #fundie #pratt deviantart.com

Same-sex marriage should not be a thing. Marriage is a constitution that should be exclusive to healthy non-life threatening heterosexual non-pedophile relationships. To a certain point, marriage is about procreation and child-rearing, but it does not necessarily have to be about procreation and child-rearing. Marriage is about the recognition or consecration of a healthy romantic relationship, or it at least it should be. Therefore, homosexual couples should not have the right to be recognized or consecrated through marriage.

Homosexual couples do not love each other, and are sick unions. Their relationship is a behavior deviant of the laws of nature, and of God. They are sick relationships whose 'love' is very alike a mental-disease, except it is actually an evil choice or result of wicked confusion. Governments should not recognize through marriage sick deviant relationships as if they were normal relationships, or even a form of love. The state must not embrace evil or immorality, but discourage it. By recognizing sick unions though same-sex marriage, the government is encouraging immorality.

Like Confucius said "Societies will achieve social and civil harmony only when individuals achieve moral harmony within themselves." Hence, encouragement of immorality and sickness will do naught but harm society, and threaten the harmony tying everything together. Same-sex marriage is alike allowing psychopaths to become doctors, or allowing a man to marry his own mother. It is not the recognition or consecration of a normal loving union, but the recognition or consecration of sickness as normality, and evil as good.

Homosexuality is a condition which is known to be exceedingly harmful, or at least this is what facts have shown. Studies have proven homosexuality to be a behavior which reduces the lifespan by 20 years precious years. This reduction in the lifespan of gays is not due to stigmatization since the studies were done in countries where opposition to homosexuality was basically none. Religious and ethnic groups which suffer from genuine discrimination ( I'm not talking about the ones who suffer from discrimination so severe so as to be killed due to what their country considers a crime, but about the ones who get beaten or prevented from getting good jobs due to what their country considers a crime) in other countries do not suffer from this appalling state.

Studies has also proven that homosexuality is a condition which increases risk of many deadly cancers, breast cancer among them. Some say this condition is because of gay's tendency towards unhealthy society-disapproved behaviors or states (smoking, drinking alcohol,...). But in all of the studies which revealed this execrable fact, heterosexuals engaged more often in unhealthy society-disapproved behaviors and suffered more of society disapproved conditions than did gays, leaving no other factor to be held accountable for gay's increased risk of cancer other than homosexuality.

There are plenty of other sicknesses caused by specious homosexuality, but due to their sheer number only this number shall be covered. Thus, the government or any other organization should not consecrate homosexuality through same-sex marriage, for it is a dangerous condition that should be discouraged not encouraged or considered equal to heterosexuality.

Homosexuality is no different from incest, both being sins against God, and medically unhealthy (homosexuality is also similar to zoophilia and other sick romances, but since most people are tremendously ignorant as to why they are similar; they shall not be discussed here for the sake of brevity). The consecration and embracement of one sick romance through the ceremony of marriage means that the other sick romance has an equivalent right to be consecrated and embraced through marriage.

Now, the fact that sick relationships should not be married does not mean that infertile couples should be prevented from marrying. Though infertile couples suffer from the sickness of barrenness, their sickness is not detrimental to the nature of the relationship or should it be an obstacle to marriage. Regardless of their inability to reproduce, their relationship is normal, not a relationship deviant to the laws of nature (opposites attract) or to the laws of God. The sexual acts committed by an infertile heterosexual couple pose no threat to their lives, and in no way are a cause of sickness. They are fully capacitated for child-rearing, and can efficiently bring up kids. Therefore, infertile couples have a complete right to be married, for they fulfill the essential requirements of marriage, and have the capability to satisfy all the optional wants of wedlock. They have the right to be married for their love is love, not sickness.

Marriage equality is a good thing, but this should not include equality among completely unequal relationships. Marriage equality should never include sick harmful relationships; marriage equality should only be for healthy heterosexual relationships. A fish should not have be treated like a cow. Unfortunately, marriage is not anymore what it actually is, the consecration of heterosexual relationships. As people became more detached from reality, and intertwined with immorality; the meaning of marriage and love has been lost. This ignorance has led many to belief in the myth that homosexuals couples can raise kids as efficiently as straight couples even though many recent and non-recent studies has said otherwise. Some in their ignorance has argued that the non-recent studies are wrong for they do not cover the well being of children raised in same-sex married couples. But, this train of thought ignores the results of recent studies which has covered random large samples of children raised in same-sex married relationships. One of these studies being the study done by Mr. Sullins (2015).

In their dark ignorance many have come to compare the performance of same-sex couples in the process of child rearing to that of single parents, even though children in same-sex couples fare worse. Homosexuality is not an inborn condition, and it is harmful. Thus, it is not a cause for special rights.

Ben Garrison #fundie deviantart.com

From this link: grrrgraphics.com/the-democrat-—
The Democrats are building their own wall. It’s a growing wall of big government statism, endless war, globalism, and higher taxes that race toward socialism.

It’s a wall that blocks us from our liberties including our right to own a gun and the right to engage in free speech. It’s a wall that censors and controls minds by means of lying, fake news corporate media. It’s a wall that protects a massively corrupt Deep State from receiving justice.

Nancy Pelosi, tear down your despicable, fascist, blue wall and allow our president to construct a legitimate one along our southern border. We need a wall that protects us from an endless stream of illegal aliens coming here for free stuff as well as criminals and terrorists who come in to wreak havoc on us all.

—Ben Garrison

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Not mine, just sharing the wonderful work of Ben Garrison on this site to fight and stop the Fascist Left and their minions.

wwwarea #fundie deviantart.com

something and it was really stupid. Some people seem to argue that the act of having sex with a dog is "wrong" or should be illegal or is a good law if already a law becauseletting your dog be "the boss" is a risk to health between humans and stuff... and stuff like that.

Look, I am AGAINST abuse. However, consent is the only valid argument here, and if it's true dogs don't consent to having sex with humans, then it's bad, however if a dog goes right behind a human and does that toward the human, then I can't really say the dog was being raped, especially if the human didn't want that.
And that's a consent argument, and the debate about consent in this example is probably the only thing that matters.

But whenever I hear people use any argument OUTSIDE of that, I just cringe.
And let me kinda once again state this: I am against hurting any living being, and for example when you had sex with a dog without the consent of such dog for example, then I have a problem. Not sure about insects though, I might be fine with killing some with a napkin. Haha

But it's this dumb "fear" argument or "bad for your health" argument that pisses me off, and this argument alone is bad for anything involving law.

"It's good to have laws against sex with animals because letting a dog be boss could lead to problems to your health. And could make the dog and/or any similar behavior style non-human animal act crazy in the future!"
No, it's good to have laws if there is any abuse for example. And we should have laws against sex with any living being that lacks consent.
If a human WANTS to let their dog be boss, knows the risk of health toward the human person knowing, and allows it anyway, and the dog and human consents, then the person should have that right in privacy. It's not a legal excuse, but I'm trying to argue morally here. As for risk, there is MANY other ways that could lead a dog to being the boss, yet I have a feeling those are considered fine by many. That health and danger argument is just another bias argument that probably lacks any care about the non-human animal just so they can cause humans to suffer. I could be wrong, but this is ridiculous.
Yet, if a dog feels boss, does that mean it can't be handled? No! A situation like that could probably be control beyond such event, and one bad relationship is not evidence that it's bad for everyone.

That health and risk argument is one of the most dumbest and non-sense arguments I've seen, and even if I agreed that no non-human animal on this planet can consent with humans even though evidence may exist suggesting the opposite of such idea, that argument will always be a stupid argument in the same realm where "It's gross" or "it violates my religion" is used as if it's an "excuse".

Using ANY argument that has nothing to do with actual morality, means you're against freedom. And remember what I said about freedom, I think it's a right to enjoy life as long if no other creature is directly violated and isn't threatening to.
THAT'S WHY for this case, consent in awareness of sex should I think always be the the argument here and as long if such consensual act doesn't 90 to 100% lead to abuse in the future.


That being said, I remember seeing amazing arguments involving this taboo, and quite honestly, I think it was time to address these two arguments.
Again, this is about me having such a problem with people making up dumb excuses like this to decide something should be "wrong" and/or illegal. It should depend on consent for a case like this, and the same must be said for other sex stuff for example.
For example: Having sex with children is wrong because children can't consent. Using "Oh that is wrong because it's against a bible." is not a good argument to say it's wrong, however using "Children can't consent." and since it that statement is true is a valid argument. Get what I'm saying? Of course even if no one said the argument, it's still wrong because children can't consent.

I really hate it when someone who agrees a non-human animal has consented, but then decides to use a invalid argument after. That just shows they don't care about natural rights.
Again, as a person who questions popular beliefs a lot, this really needed to be said.

But what's the point? Even if I put out my damn disclaimers, some people are gonna go out and rant about this as a "WWWAREA DEFENDS BESTIALITY!" and will probably miss the point and promote false claims. Don't do that, it's really not cool. It's true, I do believe there is evidence of consent maybe, but still.

LordElthibar #fundie deviantart.com

It is time to remember, the seventh of April, our victory before month May.
I can think of no reason, why this so-called treason should put Springfield in dismay.
An act of law that defied nature's course would have threatened our children's security.
As those who trusted in God above have voted for purity.
Though others decided to defy the law and take away our freedom of voice,
This act has been a failure as the people made their choice.
Whatever the case of our voting's cause this was all for liberty.
Identity of our populace should n'er dwell on sexuality.
God bless Springfield, God bless Springfield and our most holy cause!
I defy any discriminatory acts and anti-religious government clause!

Freesu-san #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

For starters, is marriage very important? Of course it is. It is certainly not a toy in which people use and dump. Some say it is "a union between two people" or "it's all about love and romance". But is that really it? Is there really more to marriage than the two mentioned above?

When you hear the word marriage, its earliest use of that very English word dates back to the 13th century. However, this beautiful union is more valuable than we can ever think. Having said so, there is indeed more to marriage than just "love and romance" as the world so claims; but unfortunately, many seem to deny that.

Who created marriage in the first place? God did. In the book of Genesis, highlights God's plan for marriage as it says:

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth." ~ Genesis 1:27-28
Now some in today's world may ask "If God is the author of marriage, did He create/encourage same-sex 'marriage'?" Of course not. Why would He encourage such sodomy practice in the first place?

As we are all aware, this is a major issue that has been debated across the globe. When it comes to homosexuality, the Bible does clearly forbids it. In countries such as Spain and Argentina that have allowed this practice, it has created a great deal of damage, to the point it even destroyed many families, and it is a very grave injustice to equality. Even in Netherlands, there has been a significant fall in the marriage rate since the day marriage was redefined. In France, there have been continuous large scale protests against this practice, even after the law was passed. In this century we live in, homosexuality is considered normal by many people. Whenever it is mentioned, it is not uncommon to hear someone ask "What's wrong with two people of the same gender falling in love? Isn't it normal?" The answers to these questions can be found in none other than the Bible.

In the modernized world we live in, people (especially Christians) are labelled as "homophobes" for not agreeing with homosexuality or anything related to it such as same-sex 'marriage', which is just foolish mentality.

The world considers what God clearly tells is unnatural to be natural (Romans 1:26-27). Some may argue that God's law forbidding homosexuality was only for the Old Covenant which God made between Himself and the Israelites. However, a quick search of the Scriptures will show that the New Testament has more verses condemning homosexuality than the Old Testament does.

Jesus himself gave God's definition of marriage in Mark 10:6-9, when he was speaking about marriage and grounds of divorce. He said that in the beginning 'God made them male and female.' He also said that "a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

If anybody has ever attended a wedding, notice that the minister says:

We have gathered here in the presence of God, to witness the union between this man and this woman in holy matrimony.

Now that is acknowledging that God is the author of marriage! Not the people, not the government, but God alone. He joined the very first couple as husband and wife, and that couple was Adam and Eve. And so marriage, being a union between a man and a woman is perfect, unique, and beautiful.

As for same-sex 'marriage', this practice now itself has consequences in three perspectives:

Equality-wise, the bill itself has no respect for equality whatsoever, as it will only not only destroy the true meaning of marriage. It will has no respect for freedom of conscience, and harsh restrictions of freedom of speech. An example of this, is the case of an evangelist named Tony Miano, who was arrested in London for using "homophobic" language whilst preaching from 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12, where it speaks on sexual immorality.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2vu9C— (In the video the police arrive at 25 minutes and 37 seconds and Mr. Miano was arrested at 38 minutes and 11 seconds)
Social-wise, it will promote more adultery, more child abuse, encourage more divorces among heterosexual married couples. Having mentioned of child abuse, is the case of a small boy who was abused by two homosexual men: christiannews.net/2013/07/06/h—

Children are one of the greatest gifts from God, and are also the heart of marriage. It is important for them to be trained in the right direction, the way of the Lord. The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 "Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it." But in today's world, they are forced to watch this horror happening in their lifetime, just like what happened to that little boy who got sexually abused by the two homosexual 'dads'. At worse, they are being taught that this sodomy practice is okay, when clearly it's not. Its abnormal, and this false teaching will lead children to Hell. And each child deserves a mother and a father, and gay parenting denies such a gold standard, as the new law does nothing but fulfill the selfish desires of the adults, instead of the well-being of the children.

If two men parent a child, they are discriminating against the mother. And if two women parent a child, they are discriminating against the father, cos the child is entitled to his/her biological mother and father.

SEE: www.thepublicdiscourse.com/201—

AND: gnli.christianpost.com/video/1—

AND: fcu777.deviantart.com/journal/—

In case you haven't noticed, families will be badly affected in every single way possible, since homosexuality is also a marriage destroyer. With that being said, a recent case of a woman whose heart is now broken and devastated when her husband, not only divorced her for his homosexual "lover", but also took THEIR two children with him by force, to the point that they are even suffered identity issues: www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/m—

And linked to social-wise, spiritual-wise, having mentioned of the increase of more child abuse, adultery and divorce, they are classified as sins. The practice itself will even promote more sin, such as lust, incest, polygamy, bestiality and immorality, turning the 21st century into Sodom and Gomorrah all over again, and eventually lead this very nation to Hell fire (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). It will even surprise you that recent studies show that children living in gay-affirming countries are extremely likely to be sexually molested by homosexuals: www.lifesitenews.com/news/posi—

But then again, same-sex marriage is a sin in God's eyes, regardless of man's laws.

As this sinful nature demands acceptance and inclusion, it does nothing but destroy the nation as a whole.

The Bible even says that the devil is there to kill, steal, and destroy. By introducing same sex 'marriage', it is one of his many devious attempts to crumble down a nation, and to shut up the Truth. But one thing most people forgot is that the Word of God still stands, whether they like it or not. And its funny how the LGBT activists like to take the Bible out of context and twist it to suit their sins, to the point they even claim that the verses that clearly speak against homosexuality are "being misused" or "taken out of context", which is clearly a flawed and hypocritical argument, that is only based on man's desire for them to be comfortable with their sinful lifestyles. Some of todays Christians will even deny that Jesus clearly said that marriage is indeed between one man and one woman.

Marriage is, and always will be, a marital devotion between two parties; a man and a woman to be exact, and that's what marriage should be. That is the true definition of marriage. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

What is really disappointing and sickening, is that most of today's churches are watering down the Truth, to the extend that some are even accepting what is a sin before God as 'normal' all in the name of 'equality and acceptance'. Some are even too afraid to even speak out the Truth, coming up with the "We don't to offend anybody" excuse, only to be 'appealing' to the world and not to God (Luke 9:26).

But then, as these signs of the end are happening around us, we believers must not remain stagnant and idle about it. Its time to put it to action!

It's time we take a stand and speak out the Truth of what marriage truly is, which is defined by God, as a union between a man and a woman!

Freesu-San #fundie #homophobia #transphobia deviantart.com

Okay, I've said it before, and I'll say it again (this time I'll just elaborate): its only God that defines marriage; not you, not humans, not the government, not some activists, just God alone.

And before you say stuff like "Then polygamy is okay", or "But love is love!", or whatever excuse you're about to come up with, let me just get some stuff straight here, especially on some certain issues:

Okay, some of you may think that there are people in the Bible that practice polygamy (well, there were). But the big question is this: is polygamy acceptable? The answer is no.

Can a man love more than one wife? Certainly not.

A man cannot love more than one wife, neither should a woman love more than one husband. (1 Corinthians 7:1-2). The Scriptures tells us that "each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband." This sinful practice can be classified as a combination of fornication and adultery.

In countries such as Brazil and Netherlands that have legalized it, it has created a whole deal of chaos in those families, and the rest of the people.

Polygamous marriages, (or known to some countries as "group marriages"), can put a whole household into so much unrest and ruins, and it will have a negative impact on children living in polygamous families.

Having said that, polygamy is also classified as greed, because they will even take other men's wives, which before God is wrong. God created marriage between 1 man and 1 woman, Adam and Eve, not one man and multiple wives, not even Adam and multiple Eves.

Now I mentioned it, during Issac's time, people were seeing polygamy as a norm (which before God its not). But Issac married only one wife, and that's Rebekah. He loved her dearly, and he was loyal to her that he did not take another wife for any reason whatsoever.

Joseph, the 11th son of Jacob did not take many wives himself; he only married one woman, and had two sons with her.

Some of you reading this may think that the Bible condones polygamy. Wrong. And in case you didn't know, it's actually Islam that allows that practice, not Christianity. And with that being said, God's Word never for once approves it. The Bible also says "Neither shall he multiply wives to himself, that his heart turn not away: neither shall he greatly multiply to himself silver and gold." (Deuteronomy 17:17). Even the New Testament makes it clear that men are ought to have one wife, for example, when speaking about the role of the elders it says "A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach" (1 Timothy 3:2).
Bear in mind that phrase "the husband of one wife"; not two, not three, not four, not even 100, but one wife. That just tells you that polygamy is clearly unacceptable.

To all Christians reading this, and to all who are looking forward to be married someday, stick to one husband/wife.

Arranged marriage

Regardless of what you think, human beings are not Matchmakers. Okay? Unfortunately this thing is happening across the globe, more especially among rich people and Muslims. Some will even sell their daughters as child brides, which is totally wrong. Some will even kidnap young girls to forcefully marry them. That is why you even see human trafficking here, where they sell girls as child brides, forcing them to marry at such a young age. Its repulsive. Its wrong. Its downright immoral.

I mean, seriously, why can't they understand that God is the real Matchmaker? They just end up taking it into their own hands, and that never ends well. At all.

I mean, during Issac time, he wanted to marry but none of the ladies living there are even eligible because they all worship pagan gods. So God used Abraham's servant Eliezar, to bring the right wife for Issac.

God has His own way of bringing the right husband/wife for you, if you simply leave the matter to God's hands!

Same-sex "marriage"

A very widely debated topic, still going on today. And believe it or not, same-sex "marriage" is and will always be a sin. In fact, when it comes to homosexuality itself, the Bible does clearly forbids it. In countries such as Spain and Argentina that have allowed this practice, it has created a great deal of damage, to the point it even destroyed many families, and it is a very grave injustice to equality. Even in Netherlands, there has been a significant fall in the marriage rate since the day marriage was redefined. In France, there have been continuous large scale protests against this practice, even after the law was passed. In this century we live in, homosexuality is considered normal by many people. Whenever it is mentioned, it is not uncommon to hear someone ask "What's wrong with two people of the same gender falling in love? Isn't it normal?" The answers to these questions can be found in none other than the Bible.

In the modernized world we live in, people (especially Christians) are labelled as "homophobes" for not agreeing with homosexuality or anything related to it such as same-sex 'marriage', which is just foolish mentality.

The world considers what God clearly tells is unnatural to be natural (Romans 1:26-27). Some may argue that God's law forbidding homosexuality was only for the Old Covenant which God made between Himself and the Israelites. However, a quick search of the Scriptures will show that the New Testament has more verses condemning homosexuality than the Old Testament does.

Jesus himself gave God's definition of marriage in Mark 10:6-9, when he was speaking about marriage and grounds of divorce. He said that in the beginning 'God made them male and female.' He also said that "a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."

Plus, God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Geez man.

Recent polls also show that children are better off with a married mother and father than same-sex couples.

The worst part about that is that some of todays churches are even accepting it as a norm. No. Its shouldn't be that way. Its not good, its not Biblical, its not Godly, its not right.

Please read the journal for more information: fcu777.deviantart.com/journal/—

Transgender "marriage"

Possibly one of the rarely debated issues, transgender 'marriage' is as worse as same-sex 'marriage'. It will affect everybody in a really drastic way. When men liberalizes sin, and when sin demands rights and acceptance, that very nation will crumble down, and will eventually lead people to Hell. This practice is not genetically based, and it is not simply a psychological disorder that "have to live with"; it is rebellion against God's plan.

God created marriage solely between one man and one woman, but in today's world, they disregard the Truth and not only promote same-sex 'marriage', but also promote laws that involves a transgender person who was born a male to marry a man, and a transgender person born a female to marry a woman.

The most basic to our understanding of sex is that God created two (and only two) genders: male and female, as He created Adam as a man, and Eve as a woman. (Genesis 1:27). There is no room for error in God's creation, and no one is born with the "wrong body." as the transsexual activists so claim.

They may think they are right all the time, but God will weigh their hearts (Proverbs 21:2). And the Scriptures clearly warned of such pride:

"For the wicked boasts of the desires of his soul, and the one greedy for gain curses and renounces the Lord. In the pride of his face the wicked does not seek him; all his thoughts are, "There is no God." ~ Psalms 10:3-4

"For the sin of their mouths, the words of their lips, let them be trapped in their pride. For the cursing and lies that they utter" ~ Psalms 59:12

"For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world." ~ 1 John 2:16

And also the Bible says that He resists the proud and give grace to the humble (Proverbs 3:34). Some people (even the LGBT activists, and so-called Christians) may argue "But what's wrong with pride?!", when pride, unfortunately is what Satan uses to lead more people to Hell. It is no wonder that many are too comfortable in sin that they are very hardened against The Word of God.

A man should stay as a man, and a woman should stay as a woman, is that too hard to ask?

See this for more information: fcu777.deviantart.com/journal/—


What marriage is
When you hear the word marriage, its earliest use of that very English word dates back to the 13th century. However, it's more valuable than we can ever think. Having said so, there is more to marriage than just "love and romance". Unfortunately, many seem to deny that.

Who created marriage in the first place? God did. In the book of Genesis, highlights God's plan for marriage as it says:

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth." ~ Genesis 1:27-28
First of all, marriage, is not something that just happened recently in the century we live in. In fact the first marriage took place right in the beginning, when Adam and Eve are joined together as husband and wife (Genesis 3:21-24).

After he created Adam and all the animals, God said “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” . So He put Adam to sleep, “and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.” (Genesis 2:21,22)

When a man and a woman get married they commit themselves to spending their lives in a new relationship. It is a partnership of love, made richer and deeper through sex. Like many people, Christians regard it as the best context for nurturing children. It is also seen as the best (many Christians would say the only) setting for sex.

In any marriage ceremony the bride and groom must confirm that they want to marry each other, and after the opportunity has been given publicly for anyone present to prevent the marriage if there is a legal reason, the couple join hands and make promises. They exchange rings, which are worn as a reminder of these promises for the duration of their married life.

Marriage is more than a man a woman joined together, it is a beautiful gift from God, a marital devotion solely between one man and one woman as God created it to be. And to add to it, marriage is meant to be for life, and not some cheap contract for people to use and dump. Jesus gave a solid warning concerning divorce, when He said, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery." (Mark 10:11-12). Simple as that. Having said this, in marriage there should be room for reconciliation, else how can that marriage even stand?

"And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife." ~ 1 Corinthians 7:10-11

There are aspects that can either build or crumble down a marriage: fcu777.deviantart.com/journal/—

A spiritual aspect on marriage

Now, there is more to marriage than the earthly one itself. Having said this, if you look at the issue in a spiritual aspect, it actually reflects our relationship between us the Church, the children of God for that matter and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who is the head of the Church, the body of Christ to be precise. The earthly marriage has this high symbolism that most of us unfortunately are not even aware of or chose to overlook .

If you look at Isaiah 54:5 where it says "For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called." And also the Bible says that the husband is the head of the wife "even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior." And that as wives submit to their husbands, so do we as Christians submit ourselves to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His will (Ephesians 5:23,24,32).

This is something we as Christians really need to keep in mind.


In Conclusion

Marriage is a very beautiful union that God has created. In fact, the government did NOT create marriage, God did. Marriage is more than just about love and romance between two people, it is a holy marital devotion between a man and a woman, the way God designed it. And before you ask, in as much as marriage is important, and it is a beautiful union defined by God as between one man and one woman, we are actually given a choice whether to marry or not. I mean 1 Corinthians 7:8-9 says "I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I. But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn." That just shows you that marriage is not by force. All in all, marriage is and always will be between one man and one woman.

LordElthibar #fundie deviantart.com

unstablestopsign: marriage is for love. whether it's a guy and a girl or two girls. build yourself a bridge and get over it

LordElthibar: Wrong. Marriage is a sacred institution between one man and one woman. And no Church should be forced to ordain a gay "marriage."

unstablestopsign: I went to a fucking mental hospital because of ignorant homophobes like you trying to tell me what love is and what it's not. It's assholes like you why kids are committing suicide and giving religion a bad name.

LordElthibar: I'm not ignorant. I understand the harsh reality of life. Don't blame me or people like me for the suicide of others. Do I force these people to commit suicide? No! They take their own lives!
Stop trying to guilt trip people. It makes your side only look bad and more aggressive.

unstablestopsign: You slam gay people with the bible think it'll turn them straight magically. It gives them this mindset to think they're broken and worthless such as myself. Please understand no matter how much bible verses you throw at gay people you're not changing who they love.

LordElthibar: No, I'm slamming their behavior. They are not worthless at all. They can be honest businessmen, layers, voters, and teachers. But marriage is not a thing that they are qualified for.

Freesu-san #fundie deviantart.com

Just a highlight on what the real meaning of marriage is.

First off, marriage is not man-made, it is ordained by God as between one man and one woman regardless of what new laws come out to say otherwise. Adam and Eve are the first to be joined together as husband and wife.

Second, marriage is meant to be for life, and not some cheap contract for people to use and dump. Jesus gave a solid warning concerning divorce, when He said, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery." (Mark 10:11-12). Simple as that. Having said this, in marriage there should be room for reconciliation, else how can that marriage even stand?

"And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife." ~ 1 Corinthians 7:10-11

In case you want more information on that: fcu777.deviantart.com/journal/—

Thirdly, some of the so-called modern "marriages" like polygamy, same-sex 'marriage', those before God are wrong, sinful, and just null and void.

And lastly, as Christians we have to be very watchful though, and also the Bible says that looks deceive (which can be found in the book of Proverbs) and also says that "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband." (1 Corinthians 7:2), because there are some who claim to be Christians but inwardly, they are wolves in sheep's clothing. I mean, why in the world is the need for committing immorality just to get the right husband/wife, when God is the Real Matchmaker and His time is the best?

Seriously? When a man and a woman get married they commit themselves to spending their lives in a new relationship. It is a partnership of love, made richer and deeper through sex. Like many people, Christians regard it as the best context for nurturing children. It is also seen as the best (many Christians would say the only) setting for sex.

In any marriage ceremony the bride and groom must confirm that they want to marry each other, and after the opportunity has been given publicly for anyone present to prevent the marriage if there is a legal reason, the couple join hands and make promises. They exchange rings, which are worn as a reminder of these promises for the duration of their married life.

Marriage is more than a man a woman joined together, it is a gift from God.

The government did NOT create marriage, God did. Marriage is more than just about love and romance between two people, it is a holy marital devotion between a man and a woman, the way God designed it.

ArtNGame215 #fundie deviantart.com

(=A comic straw manning Universalism followed by the authors description=)

Christian upon appearing in Heaven: Yaayyyyy!!! I'm in Heaven! It's so amazing here! Praise God! Praise-

(*Christian stops with a dejected look on his face*)

Christian: Um...Lord why is this famous atheist here...in heaven ?

God: Oh...because I love him and he doesn't deserve Hell.

Christian: But he hated you! He fought you and your teachings. He attacked all Christians...

God: True...but he's a good moral man. He's a wonderful person and very, very intelligent.

Christian (*Looking More Dejected*): There's a scammer here to. He used the Bible to scam people and preach a false gospel. He scammed millions off your followers.

God: Yes, yes. But he was still following my laws and preaching the gospel anyways.

Christian: Oh my goodness...that famous dictator is here to...

God: Yes, everyone is here! Isn't that great! I love everyone! Don't judge my decisions.

Christian: He killed millions of people! Including many Christians!

God: I said don't judge my decisions.

Christian (*Looking absolutely mortified*): Wait a minute...Lord, you mean I could have lived my life any way I wanted to and still be in heaven ?

God: That's right! I said Hell is only for the devil and his angels! I love everyone and no one deserves Hell!

Authors description: If the belief of Universalism was true, then maybe God would be something like this? Where everyone goes to heaven, no matter what.

Many people can't believe God would send people to Hell and refuse to believe it, claiming God is a kind, loving god. Which He is, but God is also a God of justice and holiness, but they deny what the Bible clearly shows multiple times about Hell, that is where people will go if they don't follow Jesus.

If people deny God and His existance and refuse to follow His ways, or follow their own version of God, why do they deserve a place in heaven?

Sadly, the idea that Hell doesn't exist and that it's only a state of mind is starting to get more popular with Christians, especially with those in the Emergent Church movement.

Remember what Jesus said in John 14:6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

natsumihanaki20 #fundie deviantart.com

Shining-Scribe: I've tried to not argue with you. I've tried to not question your beliefs.
"I myself believe all sinners should be put in jail rather than executed, so that they have a chance to repent. I believe sinners should be put in jail and put to do labor. But, I understand if sometimes circumstances do not allow for such lenience."
I'm sorry, but I can't stay silent on something like this. What do you mean by "all sinners"? My mother divorced her first husband because he was abusive, then lived with my stepfather for eight years before they married. Should my parents have been put behind bars? Should my family have been forced apart because of "sin"? Should my best friend, who's not even a legal adult, be locked up and forced to do labor against her will simply because she's gay?
I'm sorry, but I think this is wrong. Do you really believe people should be imprisoned and enslaved just because they do things your religion doesn't agree with? I don't think that's love. I think that's imposing your will on others.
I don't want to hold any resentment against you. I will still read and enjoy your work. But I believe that, if you really want people to live long happy lives, the idea of punishing them because they aren't like you is extremely contradictory to that.
I hope I said my words in as civilized and polite a manner as possible.

natsumihanaki20: I never meant for them to be enslaved. I meant that criminals instead of lying in prison cells without doing anything, they should do work for the welfare of the population residing in their country. Work is the medicine for the soul, it keeps one from having evil thoughts and ennui. Actually, there's nothing wrong or evil in putting in jail individuals who commit high crimes against humanity and the order of the universe, such as gays, adulterers, murderers, those who commit incest, thieves, zoophiles, and other kind of bad people. Not all sinners should be sent in jail, not because sinning should not be punished, but because some sins cannot be proven and are subjective. For example, one might say that a man who does not give charity to the poor is being greedy, but perhaps he simply believes in rewarding only those who work. One cannot jail a man for lying in his private time, but if he lies at a university or in his job to costumers (in other words fraud); he should be jailed. Justice is righteousness, and punishing the evil is just. If imposing the will of the highest God and justice on people is considered evil, then; jailing those who commit murder is evil. Though, you are free to disagree, and I don't resent you for disagreeing with me. Though, hatred is sinful and evil, I won't hold it against you for hating me. It's understandable. If after reading this you no longer desire to be friends with me, I understand, and I won't recent you for it. Some people are burned by the sun's golden rays, whilst other rejoice in its warmth.

Shining-Scribe: I don't hate you, for it's clear you don't speak with malice. I may not agree with what you're saying, because I still believe being gay isn't a high crime against humanity. That's why I got so defensive, because somebody I deeply care about is gay, and the idea of her being punished for that just doesn't feel right. Mother always taught me that "God" is whatever the mind interprets he/she/it as, and that's how I ultimately view God. I won't deny that work can have positive effects, and honestly you have a good point. People in prison certainly shouldn't be pampered, but we're hitting a wall in terms of who we think should be behind bars. I don't think gays are bad people, and I hope someday you'll realize that too. If you want to pray for me, go right ahead; either way, I said I don't resent you, because I don't want to fall into the same trap I've fallen into before. Too often have I flown off the handle because of someone else's viewpoint. Even if I think yours is a tad extreme, yelling and swearing like I've done before would accomplish nothing.

natsumihanaki20: God is not what the mind fancies since that would mean He's a delusion. God left us writings, sent us prophets, and even sent us Jesus Christ so that we may know Him, so that the truth may be revealed to us there he reveals to us. I don't resent you for having a different viewpoint, or for being agnostic. I resent your beliefs as I see them as evil, but I don't resent you. You are free to disagree, and I won't hold it against your for doing so. I'm extremely blunt, so I may say offensive things without meaning any harm. I'm glad that we could terminate this peacefully, and I thank you for it. I'll pray for you, for the Highest God to show Himself to you, and for Him to preserve you. By the way, I'm sorry for my terrible English. I think I need to read more documents in English, so that I may not lose it.

Psychojoseph #fundie deviantart.com

Liberal logic be like: Homosexuality is found in 450 species, and homophobia in one.

Cannibalism is found in over more than 1500 species but condemned in one.

Statistics show that Cannibalism is more natural than homosexuality.

The only thing that could make this more accurate is replacing the word "liberal" with "atheist." Oh, and some species even cannibalize THEIR OWN YOUNG.

RetroSpriteResources #sexist deviantart.com

A study has proved that all female sex drives are either bi or gay; straight women are a myth.

This is kinda good news in a way. It means when I get female friends, we'll both like hentai of anime women because all women like other women.

It's no wonder female sexuality is so repressed. Women are all lusting after other women and society doesn't want to face that hard truth. Sadly, your desires don't define reality.

Yay for Yuri!

stefanbauwens #fundie deviantart.com

Stamp - Just stop doing it

"Comparing Homosexuality to Skin Colour is Ridiculous"

Skin color is something completely different than a lifestyle.
Above that skin color has nothing negative about it, does not harm your body or anyone else and this is something actually that can be scientifically proven to be born with.

Because you are not born gay. Yes, we are born with sinful desires, but we are not PHYSICALLY born into homosexuality. If you want to debate this then give me ONE believable proof that scientists identified a new born baby as gay, and that child also grew up and identified himself as gay. I'm pretty sure you won't and the reasons why are obvious: it's not possible because being gay is a choice.

stefanbauwens #fundie deviantart.com

Many people, including Christians think that they do good by not speaking out against sin(homosexuality, divorce&remarriage, abortion, lust, etc..)
But it's wrong to NOT speak out against it. It is wrong to accept sin, it's wrong not to hate sin, and it's definitely wrong to defend sin.

Psalm 97:10
Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.

Romans 12:9)
Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

Fedorable-Art #fundie deviantart.com

Woman, asking two children in sandbox: "What are you two making?"
Child 1: "A wall for our sand castle".
Woman: "A wall!?! Don't you shitlords know walls are bad!?! Ugh, I need a safespace to escape this triggering!"
(sandbox and Child 1 have vanished)
Child 2: "If you hate walls, why do you need a safe space?"
(Woman unconscious on gurney in featureless void, with a trendy teenager and a doctor standing besides her)
Teenager: "I've never seen a triggering of this magnitude!"
Doctor: "We'll need to put her on a Tumblr IV ASAP.")

Oeivilo #sexist deviantart.com

U fave my work = rape

[men who] favorite my work...is equal to men rape girl and force girls have their sperm. with such disrespectful people I can only block.

(submitter's note: unfortunately she is actually being serious)

Oeivilo #sexist deviantart.com

[Because a man gave her work a FAVORITE]

Attention to horndog who has no girls to fuck on, I am not using internet to find stupid men who speak sex with girls and even use their own ruler to judge that girls must have no boyfriend and wants to make love and offend girls by writing a lot of sex speech to the girl and finally the girl block them, the girl thinks the man have some sexual disorder issue and not want the men. I am not so cheap, and I dont need males. your penis is wet it's your own problem. you have no qualfications to judge any female any vagina. wet or not, whatever, the females would never want you to fuck her/them.

Coordinating Subordinate Clause Award

Achievements as but while and since the Alt-Right Usage of Alt-English

give-me-a-name #fundie deviantart.com

you made incest seem like it's "wrong" or bad. Incest that is not consensual can be damaging, I will agree to, but consensual incest, when both people are okay with it, is not hurting anyone and they should be allowed to be together. Even though it is considered "wrong" and causes most people to have a knee jerk reaction of "ick," love is love and who are we to say who people can and can't love?

anupespe #racist deviantart.com

(Immigrants contribute huge amounts to the British economy, and often pay in more than British people do.)

i was talking about the hordes of illegal immigrants who feed on the nation like parasites and create parallel societies and contribute to increased crime rate and unemployment....

i wasn't talking about the few intellectual immigrants who travel to another country after getting a job and pay taxes and adjust to the lifestyle and culture of the host nation..

ExaltGod #fundie #homophobia deviantart.com

Homosexual parenting is child abuse.

Raising a child in an environment based entirely on sexual sin is abhorrent.
In addition, deliberately depriving a child of a mother or father just so homosexuals can be "happy" is evil.
To put your own feelings and desires before the needs and rights of a child is disgusting, and these people should be radically ashamed of themselves.

Luke 17:2
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones."

Yes people, you read that right. It's preferable to die by drowning than to face God after having abused a child by raising them in a sodomite environment.

Furthermore, check out this great article explaining how homosexual parenting is abusive: www.thepublicdiscourse.com/201—

Here are some great quotes from said article:

"Single-parenting and divorce have always been understood as a breakdown of the married mom and dad ideal, but the demand to view same-sex parenting as “normal” imposes a silence on children about the wound caused by the loss of one parent or the other."

"What I mean is this: Even the most heroic mother in the world can’t father. So to intentionally deprive any child of her mother or father, except in cases like divorce for grave reasons or the death of a parent, is itself a form of abuse."

"The lessons children learn from this undermine selfhood: might makes right, little people are subject to the whims of self-serving parents, and powerful people can impose “love” on weaker beings with money or political influence over adoption agencies, family courts, sperm banks, and surrogate mothers."

Don't abuse children. Oppose homosexual parenting and adoption.

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