
@CallieMac88 #transphobia twitter.com

Allison Bailey is the very definition of ‘intersectional feminism’. The fact that MRAs & their neo-lib feminists have gone after her proves gender woo woo is not a civil rights movement but a totalitarian, misogynistic & lesbophobic movement.

@MsGiveZeroFox #transphobia twitter.com

🎥 Elaine Gallagher’s been elected in Glasgow Southside and becomes with first Trans councillor in the city.

She tells our chief reporter @imNatGoodwin it’s a massive step forward for equality ⬇️

If "Trans Rights" don't conflict with Women's Rights, can
tell me why the Trans agenda entails removing the legal right of females to bar biological males from female-only spaces?


@SonyaDouglas & @Dr_vole #transphobia twitter.com


One of the most jarring arguments in anti-trans discourse lately is "this treatment will prevent adolescents from experience sexual pleasure." In addition to being almost entirely untrue - coming from the people who literally don't believe in sexual pleasure it's a lot to stomach

If you advocate amputating, restricting or otherwise chemically interfering with the parts of the body that give sexual pleasure -
you really can’t say you “believe in” sexual pleasure.
Gender euphoria isn’t remotely the same thing.

When did TRAs start saying that GC people "literally [whatever that means] don't believe in sexual pleasure"? As in: we don't think it exists? Or we want to forbid it?
It's "prescriptive feminism" all over again.

Around the time they started saying GC gays were part of heteronormative culture because reasons. It’s not supposed to make sense, it’s meant to silence.

@JohnGLovesLife #wingnut twitter.com

The morning after pill is the moral equivalent, if not the physical equivalent, of an abortion. It’s legal, just as abortion itself is the law. But it was once legal to own slaves, too. Someday we will look upon abortion with with that same repugnance. That I can promise you.

@ImWatson91 #transphobia twitter.com

"why are you so obsessed with gender issues!?"

Because it's harming children.

Because it's harming women, like me

Because it's homophobic.

Because it's complete and utter bullshit that no sane person takes seriously.

Because you were never taught to respect 'NO.'

Charlie Kirk #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Jun 15—Assassination attempt against conservative SCOTUS Justice Brett Kavanaugh July 8—Fmr. Japanese PM & Trump-Ally Shinzo Abe Assassinated July 21—Assassination attempt against Republican Congressman & GOP Candidate for NY Gov Lee Zeldin It's dangerous to be a conservative.

@StellaDoves #transphobia twitter.com

Women, children & LGB's have sex based rights. If, as is being asked we defer to gender, then these rights are removed. By removing sex based rights safeguarding of Women, children & LGB's are also removed. Simple! If you don't see this as a problem, YOU are part of the problem!

Allie Beth Stuckey #wingnut twitter.com

You wouldn’t see what leftists call right wing “extremism” (defending traditional marriage, banning all abortion) show up as loudly as it is today without the legitimate extremism from the left. They’ve pushed so far on things like abortion & gender/sex & this is the backlash.

Fertile Dating #psycho twitter.com

(the news article talks about a 40 year old woman sexually abusing a 13 year old boy for nine months in a daily basis to prove he isn't gay)
She got 7.5 years for victimless sex and the misogyny is unrecognized due to supernatural belief in the badness of sex which is the state religion. Facts of seduction get distorted into "abuse" which literally replaces the truth for a brainwashed populace.
How much longer are we going to let this witchcraft pass as facts? How many more lives must be ruined before we can face the truth that consensual underage sex does not lead to trauma, so the justification for locking up these women is gibberish?
Why can't we have evidence-based laws? How can a connection with no scientific evidence that the "victim" group is any worse off than the control group pass as 100% certainly caused by the thing criminalized in our justice system? Isn't that spectacularly bizarre and unjust?
In order for crimes of supposedly traumatic abuse to make sense there should be evidence that victims have more trauma than a random control group. For CSA this evidence is comparable to witchcraft and for male "victims" of women, the evidence says BETTER outcomes than controls.
The boy in the above story claims sex made him traumatized and suicidal, but why can't people see this is no proof? The MECHANISM must also make sense or else it might as well be an accusation of murder by Voodoo. That is exactly how backwards the justice system is on sex crimes!

Christians for Justice #conspiracy twitter.com

Let's talk covid-19/ let's talk monkeypox- Both of these diseases are controlled by man. They can turn it on and off at will -Through the air- The Legionnaire's Disease/ The poison was put in the ventilators or the air conditioners. This one controlled in the air. Vaccines deadly

Matt Walsh #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

This anti-depressant study is huge. Big Pharma has made billions prescribing wonder drugs to treat depression but there was never any solid scientific evidence that the drugs would work. Now we know that the whole thing was built on a myth. Big Pharma's greatest scam of all time.

Liz Wheeler #fundie #transphobia #wingnut twitter.com

I am a woman. Not because I "identify" as woman. Not because my identity is opposite of man. I'm woman because God created me woman. Because of my DNA. Because of my womb. Because of my body. Because of my soul. No dictionary, corporation, politician or wokester can change that.

Lila Rose #wingnut twitter.com

Despite lies from pro-abortion groups, treatment for ectopic pregnancy & miscarriage are NOT abortion, medically, morally or ethically. Even @acog admits that abortion is “intervention to end a pregnancy so that it does not result in a live birth.” Abortion is designed to kill.

Tomi Lahren #wingnut twitter.com

It’s MLB draft night, which means liberal Twitter activists will be going back 10 years to check the tweets of anybody drafted in a high round in a pathetic attempt to cancel them and ruin careers before they start. Just a typical liberal Sunday night.

Donald Trump Jr. #wingnut twitter.com

A small fraction of the almost $60,000,000,000 of your tax dollars sent to Ukraine could have completed Trumps’s Border Wall solving a humanitarian crisis, a sex trafficking crisis, a drug trafficking crisis, a human trafficking crisis but D.C pols had no interest in fixing that!

Digital Ghost #sexist twitter.com

(A person replying to why it’s okay for men for to sleep around but not women)

Because the double standard is valid. There’s plenty of unfair double standards about men that we accept without complaining.

Welcome to the real world

When you’re a man the challenge is being worthy of sex bc women try to keep it from you

When you’re a woman the challenge is abstaining from sex bc everyone wants to give it to you

Being a hoe is not deserving of respect, it’s equivalent to being a man who can’t get sex

@ukvillafan & @DuncanHenry78 #transphobia #sexist twitter.com

The thing i understand least about the trans issue is why the ludicrous idea that a man can self-id as a women is supported by so many women and women’s groups who claim to be feminist. How, eg, can it be in any way feminist to allow men into female rape crisis groups?

Because they have been gaslit into truly “believing” TWAW, as a faith by people who use the language of “be kind” and “have empathy”, as a weapon that works particularly well with gendered female socialisation.

Lila Rose #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Children cannot consent to sex, and they cannot consent to abortion. Arranging for a 10-year-old rape survivor to have an abortion is both a crime against the unborn child & the 10 year old. In this tragic, extreme situation, both children are victims & both deserve care.

Gr8Believer #fundie twitter.com

Any star-lapse anywhere on Earth proves Earth not spinning. All stars move in unison, every night, every year even forever.

Actually there's plenty of empirical experiments been conducted by skeptics before they themselves became flat earthers. The ball earth belief system is a religion because no evidence exists of earth moving.

Gr8Believer #fundie twitter.com

What some people call the Ice Age we call it Noah's Flood.
'Scientists' say the ice age wiped out the dinosaurs which is 2 jokes back to back. There were no dinosaurs and there was no ice age.

@C_Ost2Coast #transphobia twitter.com

Heeeeeh. Are some people literally dysphoric? Yes, a few. But this is a social contagion issue.

Being trans leans entirely on gender and gender stereotypes. And really, gender isn't real. No one is born in the wrong body. Any personality can be male or female.

Going through puberty sucks.

No one has an easy time accepting their body.

Figuring out who you are is a complex journey. However, believing the complete lie that you can magically transition is dangerous and frankly, false. Why don't ppl embrace androgyny instead.

Let alone the lie of being 'born in the wrong body'

It's literally a cult. People are enticed and indoctrinated. Sold a lie and then believe they're happier.

Only time will tell, but a life time of injections? Big pharma just sees dollar signs and a vulnerable person.

@WeirAlison #transphobia twitter.com

The Scottish Government would like you to believe that proposed changes to the GRA will have no impact on women’s rights or single sex spaces and argue that these are protected in the Equality Act. Let’s look at this for a moment.

The Equality Act allows for single sex spaces where it is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim. Where the single sex exceptions apply you can exclude someone of the male sex from female spaces whether or not they hold a GRC.

But the Equality Act states that service providers cannot ask someone if they have a GRC and a GRC allows the holder to change their birth certificate to that of the opposite sex to their sex observed and recorded sex at birth.

So the holder of a GRC could claim to have been observed and recorded as female at birth and that they are, therefore, entitled to access single sex spaces even where the single sex exceptions apply.

Currently the conditions to obtain a GRC are restricted to those with a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria and only a tiny number of people hold a GRC allowing them to change their birth certificate.

Under the proposed changes to the GRA the category of people entitled to apply for a GRC is significantly widened to anybody who self identifies as the opposite sex.

They need take no hormones, nor undertake surgery and as they cannot be asked if they have a GRC virtually anybody could claim to have been observed and recorded as female at birth.

This makes the exceptions in the EA virtually unworkable as to challenge and suggest someone was not actually observed and recorded as female at birth despite what it says on their birth certificate is unlikely to ever happen. So the EA becomes impossibly to enforce.

Do you see the problem yet?



@StellaDoves #transphobia twitter.com

To remove single sex spaces & sports is to deny women/girls the right to dignity, privacy, safeguarding & fairness away from men/boys.
The removal of these rights are now considered "progressive"
This can only be described as double speak!
In reality it is regressive & dangerous.

@Vivian_Belli #transphobia twitter.com

Let's explain this most intriguing infographic - The THREAD:

"TERF" was an ancient term that once had a completely neutral meaning. It was created -by someone- specifically to appease the GODS OF EVIL. This sentence makes sense, since it's totally possible to create a slur w/"neutral connotations" to appease someone's wrath. People do that
We illustrate this point with the image of some angry person trying to hit a target with a bottle and missing it, hitting a person wearing a cap like an 80's kid (or a hip hop singer) instead. Cap person is confused. 3/
Our point is further illustrated by someone begging another person to take some ticket. Some piece of paper. The other person is trying to knock on a door, and has back pain. Remember, we're still talking about ANTITRANS EXTREMISTS!!! 4/
The struggle is real. Someone is either homeless or just drunk, and has peed on themselves in the street. It just shows you how evil TERFs can be. 5/
We must find a different slur for terfs, because terf is suddenly "obscure language". They certainly are not neutral! They claim to be either "male" or "female", too "either/or". Zero neutrality here. They are AGAINST OUR HUMAN RIGHTS! I'll never tell you what rights, though 6/
I'm talking about OUR HUMAN RIGHTS, so I'll illustrate my point with a person slapping someone who's spitting on the floor. R E L A T E D!!! 7/
A fat person wearing a tie is patting the back of someone carrying a document. I remind you once again, the theme here is "terfs are evil and anti-trans extremists who want to erase our human rights". Is everyone following? Keep up, huns. 8/

@Liz_Wheeler #wingnut twitter.com

Your speech is violence.

You must mask your face.

You must obey Fauci.

You must Queer Theory your kids.

You must believe you’re racist.

You must hate America.

If you question… the Misinformation Governance Board will silence you because SAFETY.

The left are communists.

@justdad7 #transphobia twitter.com

1/ https://ctvnews.ca/canada/new-census-data-offers-snapshot-of-canada-s-transgender-population-for-first-time-1.5878130 It's hard to understand how 0.33% of the population has such a hold on public policy until you realize that gender ideology meets a need of the managerial class of all parties - a perfect strategic lie.

2/ Political leaders want followers who will fall into line without asking difficult questions. Demanding that people assent to a strategic lie is a test of loyalty. This is what the Chinese proverb to call a deer a horse means

3/ A good strategic lie should have 3 qualities. First, it should have a veneer of plausibility so intelligent people can at least pretend to believe it. You don't want all your followers to be totally stupid, just to weed out the ones who think hard and speak their minds.

4/ Most people have been willing to accept gender ideology, preferred pronouns etc. as a simple extension of a social justice movement. It takes a lot of time and effort to unravel the specious claims and obscure language that support it.

5/ Second, it has to relate to something fairly common so people can't just evade it. If you are in the government / corporate / academic world today you have to show at least minimal compliance with the demands of genderism every time you sign and e-mail or put on a name tag.

6/ Third, it should not harm anyone in a position of power. The victims of the lies of gender ideology are mostly women with the worst harm being suffered by the most poor and vulnerable, like those in prisons and shelters.

7/ If the transgender movement was simply about protecting the rights of a tiny minority, it would be poor and struggling like every other minority rights movement. It is because it has become a vehicle for an elite loyalty test that it has acquired power. /End

@Woman4W & @FionaKabuki #transphobia twitter.com

"This adult male is allowed to see your underage daughter naked in a public shower facility because he says he's a woman - and if we don't let him he says he'll kill himself."

Say it out loud. Twice. Then consider that THIS is where we're at currently in Western society in 2020.

Up to him if he kills himself. That type of blackmail attempt is beneath contempt. I wouldn't dream of trying to stop him: he has a right to his decision.

@KollyKib #transphobia twitter.com

I've had about as much as I can take, of seeing the "transphobia" bleating fanatics casting women as hateful villains for the having temerity to defend their hard-won rights. Transwomen are men, and if they need to do a poo, they can do one in the "gents" toilets.

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