Ah, but you haven't heard about the second Golem.
The women of America made it, out of words, for they saw that men had built many things, and would not give them half of what they had built. Of their most cunning arguments and their most piteous appeals for sympathy they crafted it. And into its head they placed a clay tablet, with their most sacred scripture, which read "Gender is a Social Construct." They called it "Feminism". And it went forth and fought for them.
"Gender is a social construct!" the golem cried. "Men and women differ only in their genitalia! Therefore women can do everything men can do, backwards and in heels, and are entitled to an equal share of everything! Little boys have no special capabilities or needs! If they behave differently than little girls, they are defective and must be dosed with methamphetamines until they are docile! Women are entitled to equal pay, because they must be doing the same type and amount of work! Anything a woman does differently than a man, or a man does differently than a woman, is regressive social conditioning and must be vigorously stamped out, because gender is a social construct!"
And all the little boys were herded into schools sensibly run by women, and all the men's spaces were opened to women, and changed to be welcoming to women, and all respect for men and their capabilities, and all rewards for men and their contributions, were banished from society, because gender is a social construct, and therefore men neither needed nor deserved anything that a woman did not receive also. And when everything had at last been made equal, the golem put on a sundress, and a pink hat, and it went into the women's locker room to suit up with the women's soccer team for their game.
"Stop!" the women cried. "You are not a woman! You a five-story animated statue made of clay! You are smashing the building! You are invading our private space!"
"I identify as a woman," said the golem. "See? I have put on a pink hat. Women wear pink hats. I am a woman."