
rodndc #fundie huffingtonpost.com

(In a comment thread starting with him saying "god made marriage so why do you atheists do it")

in this country you forget God is in control of the whole world, how is what I mean by limited minds. In the bible it's says render unto God what is Gods and render unto man what is man. So if it takes a marriage license to proceed in getting married in the USA then God does not mind that, but if a christian minister refuses to marry a same sex or non christian couple you have to go look around until you find some minister to compromise what before you can get married. Understand this God does not recognize your marriage no matter how long you've been together, but the state recognizes mine

Rick Santorum #fundie huffingtonpost.com

I don't believe in an America where the separation of church and state are absolute... The idea that the church can have no influence or no involvement in the operation of the state is absolutely antithetical to the objectives and vision of our country.

To say that people of faith have no role in the public square? You bet that makes me want to throw up.

sidekiksar #fundie huffingtonpost.com

You are so wrong on every front. Not one thing you said is correct. YOU are trying to push an atheist propaganda­. This country was founded on freedom of religion- the freedom to practice and display your beliefs. It is only modern day atheists that try to remove religion- but yet I find it extremely interestin­g that the people who don't believe in God and practice no religion are always pushing their agenda in the religion section of papers. Atheism is it's own religion- instead of God you worship money, fame, and yourselves­. Just get over it and stop trying to bully Christians­, it didn't work for the Romans for that long and it won't work for you. This world has been influenced by Christians for over 2000 years. You can try to attack us, but it will only make us stronger in the long run.

leonethderosia #fundie huffingtonpost.com

i knew a guy who was playing around with a ouija board one time his friends and making fun of it and the pointer or whatever it is suddenly left the board in the air and slammed into a wall...the­y were all scared and never went near one again....t­his same person had a evil spirit grab his throat and hold him down too with another benign ghost in corner of room looking on...looki­ng at condition the world is in i do believe there is a satanic force on earth...re­ad about father malachi martin and the book on exorcism he wrote...ge­ezer butler of black sabbath played around with the occult until he saw a evil presence in his room that scared the s out of him

Pastor Patrick Wooden #fundie huffingtonpost.com

"The God of the Bible made the human sperm, the God of the Bible designed it and it was not designed to be emptied into an area that is filled with feces," Wooden said, noting that gay sex would "most certainly mean the extinction of the human race.”

He then added, "Who wants to practice anything that is going to ultimately lead a grown man to about the time he’s in his 40s or 50s, or what not, having to wear a diaper or a 'butt plug' just to be able to contain their bowels?"

aussiepwr #fundie huffingtonpost.com

[On wealthy televangelists.]

When did Jesus speak against Having a large amount of money? Jesus said that the Love of money is the root of all evil. Are we supposed to live poor and oppressed lives to follow Jesus? He even had a wealthy tax collector as one of his disciples (Matthew). When Jesus told his followers to leave all behind and follow him, it meant that they had to be willing to give everything up - even their lives to follow him. It doesn't mean that they had to be poor, otherwise the guy under the bridge downtown is more 'spiritual­' than i.

Ken Ham, Emma B. #fundie huffingtonpost.com

In videos and writings that are widely consumed by evangelicals, [Ken Ham] encourages students to ask their science teachers "Were you there?" when they talk about the past. The biology teacher says "Life first appeared on earth about 4 billion years ago," and the student is to ask "Were you there?" The physics teacher says "The universe originated in a Big Bang almost 14 billion years ago" and the students is to ask "Were you there?"

In a recent piece titled "Nine Year Old Challenges Nasa," Ham blogged proudly about "Emma B" who, when told that a NASA moon rock was 3.75 billion years old, asked "Were you there?"

godsgifttonature #fundie huffingtonpost.com

(Atheists are doing billboards for the holiday season)

"Atheists are the most illogical people on the planet. They say there is no God yet they always try and fight him so hard with nonsense like this?

They say the Lord Jesus Christ is a myth yet he is a historical figure recorded in Jewish antiquity and Roman records? Thousands of witnesses recorded in scripture have seen him and Jesus apostles who are recorded figures in history as well has SEEN HIM RAISED FROM THE DEAD [Even after forsaking him when he was captured and hiding from the world yet months later the same followers of Jesus who abandoned him BOLDLY WENT BACK AND PREACHED JESUS IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD IN THE FACE OF DEATH]!

And how ironic for them to say that Satan is a myth when the Atheist serve him and don't even know it. These same people who say Satan doesn't exist are the same ones that say "there is no evil" or moral absolutes. [Yeah we know these are outright lies; the Devil is a liar]" Have they heard of Hitler? Stalin? Sung? Genocide going on in the world today? Slavery is bigger than it's ever been in HISTORY thanks to human sex traffickin­g.

Where in the world do you think OUR sinful/evi­l nature came from? There can be no temptation without a tempter, no effect without cause. This all came from Satan, why? because he was the first to sin from the beggining (sic)."

Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) #fundie huffingtonpost.com

KING: We have people that are single, we have people that are past reproductive age, we have priests that are celibate. All of them, paying insurance premiums that cover contraceptives so that somebody else doesn't have to pay the full fare of that? And they've called it preventative medicine. Preventative medicine. Well if you applied that preventative medicine universally what you end up with is you've prevented a generation. Preventing babies from being born is not medicine. That's not— that's not constructive to our culture and our civilization. If we let our birth rate get down below replacement rate we're a dying civilization.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach #fundie huffingtonpost.com

British influence in the world has, in contrast, gone off a cliff over the last century. And while there are many factors in this decline, I would argue that the new, militant atheism that is becoming characteristic of Britain is a key reason. Atheism is a philosophy of nihilism in which nothing is sacred and all is an accident. While it has some brief, flashy moments, life is purposeless and meaningless. There is no soul to illuminate and no spirit to enliven -- just dead, decadent flesh. Human love is a prank played by our genes ensuring the sexual propagation of the species, and poetry and faith are shallow distractions masking the inevitability of our certain demise. Men are insemination machines incapable of ever being truly faithful and women are genetically programmed to seek out billionaire hedge-fund managers, so much the better to support their offspring.

This decline of faith and optimism may account for why Britain -- once the most advanced nation on earth, which gave the world parliamentary democracy and its inimitable centers of higher learning -- is today more famous for exporting reality shows like Big Brother and Project Catwalk. For while religion affirms the infinite dignity of the human person, its absence robs life of its sanctity. Exploitation for fame and humiliation and cash are the inevitable outgrowth.

Donald Trump #fundie huffingtonpost.com

[On why he opposes same-sex marriage.]

It’s like in golf. A lot of people--I don’t want this to sound trivial--but a lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive. It’s weird. You see these great players with these really long putters, because they can’t sink three-footers anymore. And, I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist.

Bill O'Reilly #fundie huffingtonpost.com

The Fox News host took a lot of heat for claiming that science cannot explain why the tides occur in such a regular fashion when in fact the tides are the combined effects of the gravitational forces exerted by the moon and the sun and the rotation of the Earth.

O'Reilly remains unimpressed:

"Okay, how did the moon get there? How'd the moon get there? Look, you pinheads who attacked me for this, you guys are just desperate. How'd the moon get there? How'd the sun get there? How'd it get there? Can you explain that to me? How come we have that and Mars doesn't have it? Venus doesn't have it. How come? Why not? How'd it get here?"

Daleri Rileda #fundie huffingtonpost.com

The Word of God has been proven to be true countless times.

It said thousands of years ago many times that the universe was stretched out and we can actually see the evidence of that today.

It says there is a Creator of all matter and today we can see that all of the basic elements of the universe are the actual created working machine parts inside of us that were not able to create themselves to work that way.

It says things reproduce after their kind and we can see that is true.

It says the world was destroyed by a flood and we can see the many layers that were laid down by the currents up to nearly a half a mile thick with all of the life forms buried in those layers. There is no other possible way of laying down that many tons of sediments with that many perfect layers around the entire globe.

The Bible speaks of dinosaurs and we have found the bones to prove they existed.

Evolution has failed to prove anything. It is not able even to make any one of the billions of steps that is required of it because that kind of magic is nothing more than baseless fantasy.

Rabid Otter #fundie huffingtonpost.com

I actually never heard anything saying they bullied him. I heard they taped his sex act and aired it bt never heard they threaten him for being gay. Unless i read the wrong mainstream pro gay liberal newspaper.

But of course I notice the huffington post gay and lesbian crowed is now taking the sick prank of these kids of video taping and airing the sex tape as some kind of attack on Christian Moral values and the teaching of homosexualtiy in Christianity.

Which is truly a far jump. Neither of these college students did this prank due to any Church or christian teaching.

This is just part of the gay agenda trying to bully people in promoting homosexuality in public

Christine O'Donnell #fundie huffingtonpost.com

[In response to her opponent, Chris Coons, who said, "I believe that creationism is religious doctrine," (interrupted here by O'Donnell, insisting that the "theory" of intelligent design is different than creationism)... "Evolution is widely accepted, well-defended, scientific fact."

Wow, you've just proven how little you know, not just about Constitutional law, but about the theory of evolution, because the theory of evolution is not a fact, it is indeed a theory, but I'm saying that that theory, if local school districts want to give that theory equal creedence to intelligent design, it is their right. You are saying it is not their right. That is what has gotten our country into this position. It's the overreaching arm of the federal government, getting into the business of the local communities. The Supreme Court has always said it is up to the local communities to decide their standards. The reason we're in the mess we're in is because our so-called leaders in Washington no longer view the indispensable principles of our founding as truly that, indispensable.

[Shortly after...]

Where in the Constitution is the separation of church and state?

[Room full of laughter at that question. Later...]

So you're telling me that the separation of church and state, the phrase of, "Separation of church and state," is found in the 1st Amendment?

[More from Coons]

Let me just clarify. You're telling me that the separation of church and state is found in the 1st Amendment?

[Coons quotes the establishment clause]

That's in the 1st Amendment? *snicker*

[Room fills with laughter again]

kiwi1 #fundie huffingtonpost.com

The Interesting little FACT is that creationism and science do NOT contradict themselves at all, as liberals would have us believe. Only when so called scientific THEORIES are thrown into the mix do we have a conflict.
Question: So why are do Evolutionist hate creationism?
Answer: It comes down to MORALITY.... If there is a Creator and we have been created then we are accountable to a set of rules by our Creator. But if we can take the Creator out of the picture then we can make up the rules. So at the end of the day, it comes down to MORALITY.

researcher #fundie huffingtonpost.com

The atheist worship at the altar of their rational thinking and the religious worship at the altar of a God made in their image both are demostrating positive ignorance. they think they know but know little.

Look at the history of rational thinking often referred to as social darwism and find out how destructive rational thinking can be when love is left out and replaced by rational thinking.

Capitalism and commnism were due to rational thinking and look how well these two economic idealogies have worked out for humankind.

Most wars are fought over rational thinking and religious beliefs.

Deepak Chopra #fundie huffingtonpost.com

No skeptic, to my knowledge, ever made a major scientific discovery or advanced the welfare of others. Typically they sit by the side of the road with a sign that reads "You're Wrong" so that every passerby, whether an Einstein, Gandhi, Newton, or Darwin, can gain the benefit of their illuminated skepticism.

k1dork #fundie huffingtonpost.com

Nobody is against equality. That is called propaganda­--labeling those who oppose gay marriage as being "against equality" to demonize them.

They aren't against equality. They are against gay marriage.

Arnie States #fundie huffingtonpost.com

[Article: KRXQ Sacramento Radio Hosts Encourage Violence Against Transgender Children]

For his part, States bragged that if his own son were to ever dare put on a pair of high heels, States would beat his son with one of his own shoes. He urged parents whose own little boys expressed a desire to wear a dress to verbally abuse and degrade them as a viable response. "Because you know what? Boys don't wear high heel shoes. And in my house, they definitely don't wear high heels.

"I'm going to go, 'You know what? You're a little idiot! You little dumbass!'" States sneered, adding later, "I look forward to when [the transgender children] go out into society and society beats them down. And they wind up in therapy."

Retired Army Colonel Jim Ammerman #conspiracy huffingtonpost.com

[Speaking on a tape distributed to militia groups in 1999]

As far as free America is concerned, we are in the death throes of America -- a free America. Most of our freedoms are gone. We're basically operating in a police state, and you'll see this as we go along. Martial law has not yet been declared, but it could be at any time. It could be this very night. It's that imminent. And we already have more foreign troops -- and I'll give you the numbers -- in this land -- in the forty-eight states -- than we have our own military left here that's not been shipped somewhere overseas, so the takeover could happen at any given hour -- not a month away or anything.

miltonista #conspiracy huffingtonpost.com

Leland, your boogiemen do not exist. I think i have a much better argument in saying that Progressives have brought 'we the people' more grief in the last 80 years. Your flawed ideology puts greedy men into positions of authority over other greedy men... and they do it in the name of altruism. If H-it-ler died in 1938, he'd be remembered as a Progressive, in terms of policy. The N-a-z-i movement has absolutely nothing to do with conservatism... i am getting sick and tired of hearing this. A restrained government, individual liberty and rule of law would never have produced that movement in 30's germany... and you know it! the revisionism is happening completely on the left... trying to cover the atrocities of their ideas gone awry. the internet is the enemy of the left.

baddadd47 #fundie huffingtonpost.com

CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN. Let us witness the dismantling of the USA, the dream of every liberal. Beg the Muslims for forgiveness and understanding, elevate gays to martyrs status, fund abortions for everyone at anytime, fund ultraliberal anti-American groups like Acorn, raise taxes, dictate severe restrictions on industry, restrict gun purchases, nationalize banks, increase the out of control national debt to such a degree that sweeping government takeovers of our economy are made, threaten freedom of speech by restricting talk radio. Where does it end? Our main stream media is all cozy with being the official propaganda arm for Obama. who is shredding the constitution now dems?

Space_Walker #conspiracy huffingtonpost.com

Krugman has become a bit annoying with his opinions, but i must agree with him and the many other economists; this stimulus bill is simply dressed up with a bow tie, rather than a jeans and t-shirt like all the others, it will do squat to help our ailing economy and the millions of our citizens that are being submerged by debt and everyday bills, including the sky rocketing price of food. You guys wanted change, you got it, in a pathetic taxcut and useless pandering. I am beginning to see clearer that Obama is bought and paid for; of course his plan doesn't go far enough, he's just lip servicing you guys. I can't help but to think of a conspiracy theory i read of these guys wanting the U.S. to fall flat and bankrupt to usher in a new monetary system and the alleged "NWO" , Obama seems to be following lock step with the elite and what these conspiracy theorists have predicted, even before the man was elected president. Some things will make you say, hmmm...

Space_Walker #conspiracy huffingtonpost.com

You people are so sad; i don't know where Obama was born and i honestly don't care, and it wouldn't surprise me if he was born outside of the U.S. What i do know that is is majority of Americans are so naive and closed minded, quick to dismiss someone as a conspiracy theorist. You people are constantly being shafted, you are even told subliminally in television shows and movies what will happen before they do and when it will happen, these are all over youtube, and your minds are still closed. It's funny my friends at Yale told me nearly 5 yrs ago this man would be president, and guess what? he is! what a joke.

CharlesJ #fundie huffingtonpost.com

I find it amazing that the Atheist's have been allowed through our legal system to take away the basic rights of more than 90% of the population. Soon this country will be referred to be a nation of sinners. Amen, pass the bible on that one. Something is really wrong with our system when it is reframed around the wishes of a very small minority, something is really wrong with that.

HatingSocialism #fundie huffingtonpost.com

[commenting on a woman who was gang-raped for 45 minutes because she was a lesbian]

I can only hope any one helping this woman checked with your Supreme Court I would hate to see someone sued for gving aid. Would it not surprise anyone that she had this done to herself to get some Prop 8 support. Or maybe the four guys are gay and are hoping to push the same thing. It would not surprise me especially after reading some of these posts.

(Should be filed under "Bigots Say The Darndest Things" but as there's no such board, here it is.)

starboymikey #fundie huffingtonpost.com

See, that's the problem with you scientific secularists. You just don't get it. The truth is God put the temple there 6,000 years ago and made it *look* 11,000 years old just to test our faith.

I dare you to prove I'm wrong. (Note, scientific evidence is inherently faulty and does not count. Only Biblical evidence or divine revalation will be accepted.)

chin075 #fundie huffingtonpost.com

Maybe this discovery will finally open everyone's eyes and make it clear that our supposed "evolution" has not happened like they say, that we haven't gradually evolved from the "caveman era" to today in a straight line. The archaeological and geological records have far too many gaps and inconsisntencies, and there are known facts that overthrow the theory of "linear evolution" with our current civilization the pinnacle of human development.

It's clear that some ancient civilizations were just as advanced as ours, if not more so. They were wiped out by shifts in the Earth's magnetic poles, a rather natural occurence that happens regularly every few thousand years. Guess when the next pole shift is due...??!!!

HandsOnTheScreen #fundie huffingtonpost.com

The decline in American pride, patriotism, and piety can be directly attributed to the extensive reading of so-called "science fiction" by our young people, a poisonous rot about creatures not of God's making, alien societies without a good Christlan among them, and rawsex between unhuman beings with three heads.

Bibbo #fundie huffingtonpost.com

There is something going on in a lot of the countries mentioned. The birth rate of the native populations are dropping and people in belgium,holland and spain are dying faster than being born. Mohammed is one of the most common names for newborns in Holland. Is it just coincidence that the whole gay rights movement is strong in these places. Associated issues like abortion,euthanasia and birth control always follow gay rights. A culture of death

Dalicious #fundie huffingtonpost.com

He's quite wrong. The gays who vote Republican, at least the ones I know, are quite conservative and do not support gay marriage. The ones who want gay marriage are the ones who want to destroy every aspect of heterosexual culture that they can get their hands on. It's all about their hatred for us and their desire to get revenge for not being normal.

Dalicious #fundie huffingtonpost.com

Gays are already equal under the law. Gay men can marry women just as straight men can. Gay women can marry men just as straight women can. That is complete equality. And guess what? Gay men have been marrying women, and gay women have been marrying men, for millenia. There is no problem to be solved, other than dealing with the hatred that homosexuals have for heterosexual culture.

deannab1977 #fundie huffingtonpost.com

[On Matt Damon's comments on Sarah Palin]

you know...it must take so much energy for all of you liberals to be so angry all the time.

Here's something for all of you to think about...
Although I know it must be impossible for all of you to fathom that there are people, especially women, out there that don't share your liberal views...guess what...there are...and by the looks of the polls...lot's of them.

Please don't speak for me. I am a woman and I am NOT pro-choice. I strongly feel that the life of an unborn baby should rate more protection than a polar bear.

I happen to appreciate Sarah Palin's values. I also think that if you all had even the most basic knowledge of college level economics, you would understand that income redistribution is in fact socialism and devastating to our already suffering economy.

Educate yourselves and quit being so freakin angry about everything. Some people still have morals and values...and guess what...we have that right...just like you have the right to not have them.

aiko8 #conspiracy huffingtonpost.com

Guess you forgot, Restonin, the article you pointed out was referring to Palin giving what a speech for, as the article clearly states, "graduating evangelical students". Just because Palin was governor. It also stated: "Palin's spokeswoman in the governor's office, Sharon Leighow, said the state paid for the trip because Palin was invited to the events as the governor, not as a private citizen."

So, are all those on public office now barred from speaking their faith --within their own church--?? Are public officials now exempt from having any faith at all and disallowed from sharing it -- particularly when they were invited to do so??

Separation from church and state is a myth concocted by those who wish to remove any form of bot just any religion, but only Christianity, from the public square. It doesn't exist in any original documents of the Founding Fathers. We have freedom of religion. That doesn't translate into a "forced freedom from religion". Which, again, seems focused mainly against Christianity these days. What there was put in place were laws against forming a State Church such as what out Founding Fathers had fled from when they first came to America.

Might want to go back and refresh on American history. Sadly, too many these days are trying to rewrite it.

Davisp7 #fundie huffingtonpost.com

What a great video! It clearly shows the real Sarah Palin before she was in the national spotlight. Thank you so much for linking to it so I can see that her religious beliefs are real and she is a born-again, baptized believer. Of course you clearly misunderstand, misrepresent and mock Christian conservatives who actualy try to live by a set of values and have their beliefs impact how they act rather than just going with the prevailing political winds. I look forward to listening to her pastor's sermons. And I bet I won't hear a single rant about "God d*** America!" in any of them. What a great service you have provided by making me even more excited and motivated to vote for McCain-Palin and to urge all of my brothers and sisters in Christ to do the same!

Ed Kalnins (Sarah Palin's pastor) #fundie huffingtonpost.com

"During the 2004 election season, he praised President Bush's performance during a debate with Sen. John Kerry, then offered a not-so-subtle message about his personal candidate preferences. "I'm not going tell you who to vote for, but if you vote for this particular person, I question your salvation. I'm sorry." Kalnins added: "If every Christian will vote righteously, it would be a landslide every time."

Months after hinting at possible damnation for Kerry supporters, Kalnins bristled at the treatment President Bush was receiving over the federal government's handling of Hurricane Katrina. "I hate criticisms towards the President," he said, "because it's like criticisms towards the pastor -- it's almost like, it's not going to get you anywhere, you know, except for hell. That's what it'll get you."

Sarah Palin (McCain's VP Pick) #fundie huffingtonpost.com

(Here is Sarah Palin detailing how she believes our troops are serving the will of her God.)

Speaking before the Pentecostal church, Palin painted the current war in Iraq as a messianic affair in which the United States could act out the will of the Lord.

"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

Religion, however, was not strictly a thread in Palin's foreign policy. It was part of her energy proposals as well. Just prior to discussing Iraq, Alaska's governor asked the audience to pray for another matter -- a $30 billion national gas pipeline project that she wanted built in the state. "I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.

Sarah Palin #fundie huffingtonpost.com

Speaking before the Pentecostal church, Palin painted the current war in Iraq as a messianic affair in which the United States could act out the will of the Lord.

"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants.

Religion, however, was not strictly a thread in Palin's foreign policy. It was part of her energy proposals as well. Just prior to discussing Iraq, Alaska's governor asked the audience to pray for another matter -- a $30 billion national gas pipeline project that she wanted built in the state. "I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.

splang #fundie huffingtonpost.com

Since some "gay" couples are living in a make be"lie"ve marriage...why don't they go to Toy's r Us...pick up some cabbage patch dolls...and play house...rather than continue trying to strip down family values and force everyone to accept their un-natural actions? What a warped and twisted world this is becoming...society is being blindsided. Funny how all of this acceptance has just happened in the last 30 years. No one thinks of the children...just their selfish artificial needs to feel validation....shame, shame.

Pastor John Hagee #fundie huffingtonpost.com

In his sermon, "The Final Dictator," [Pastor John] Hagee described the Antichrist as a seductive figure with "fierce features." He will be "a blasphemer and a homosexual," the pastor announced. Then, Hagee boomed, "There's a phrase in Scripture used solely to identify the Jewish people. It suggests that this man [the Antichrist] is at least going to be partially Jewish, as was Adolph Hitler, as was Karl Marx."

This "fierce" gay Jew, according to Hagee, would "slaughter one-third of the Earth's population" and "make Adolph Hitler look like a choirboy."

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