
THE SIMPLE TRUTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

2003: illuminati FULLY launch GENOCIDE of SUNNI agenda -
***WHY*** revealed worldwide first by Last Prophet
The bigger the lie the more people will believe it. This is the ultimate reason to explain to what lengths illuminati staged the "Iran vs USA" hoax after 2003.

2003: Why did illuminati FULLY start the GENOCIDE of sunni by shia agenda
Two main resons why the illuminazi SECT, alias ORDO ILLUMINATUS, started the agenda "genocide of sunnis" in Iraq, 2003, a decade after the preamble, the Gulf War, 1991.

1. 2003: Who controlled what:
- Iran, the only country with shia absolute majority, ruled by illuminazi puppets.
- countries with sunni absolute majority (Syria, with 58% sunnis and 12% shia) or sunni relative majority (Lebanon,
with 27% sunnis and 25$ shia, controlled by illuminati shock troops of Hezbollah): ALL but ONE ruled by illuminati puppets playing shia.
The one and only exception: Saddam Hussein's Iraq, in 2003 with a sunni relative majority.
A decade later, after the genocide of millions of sunnis by the puppet government installed by NATO, the majority situation is unclear.

2. The BASIC difference between shia and sunni Islam
Except for the protestant religion, all other religions created by the illuminati (recently: mormons, Jeovah withnesses, Scientology) are strictly based on the very first foundation of the ORDO ILLUMINATUS: a SECT.
First principle: to unconditionally OBEY the elders {who in fact are as many as ONE, the Illuminati Grand Master].
The reason is simple: believers can be robotically controlled.
Shia islam is much closer to this principle than sunni islam.

March 2, 2015: Iran hoax reaches the utter limits of grotesque: assault on Tikrit by Iran military elite under US command

ATTENTION - read this before clicking any more ISIS "news": ISIS - the SIX basic facts for dummies
PP war-on-terrror.blogspot. /2014/07/

Real and official last antichrist: [their / his] human face(s): Napoleon, Hitler, BushClinton
Real antichrist's human face
Although over the centuries that face obviously changed, its title remained the same:
Grand Master of the Ordo Illuminatus.

Official antichrist's human face
The Grand Master of the Ordo Illuminatus fully launched 1999, with the bombing of Serbia, the third and final attempt to finally achieve the goal of Global Slavery and Global Genocide, alias official World Government.
In previous attempts the official antichrist had a human face: Napoleon, Hitler.
This is not the case this time.

Official antichrist's human face during Armageddon is BushClinton
Tts official military, has a unique name: NATO.
But NATO doesn't officially obey only ONE government., not to mention only one man.
Yet the audience perceives the US president as its official face.
Bill Clinton was the US president in 1999, while Bush senior was the president during the preamble, the Gulf war, the first Iraq war against Saddam Hussein.
GW Bush Jr was the US president in 2003, when sunnis and the last christians still speaking aramaic, the language of Jesus, became the first targests of FULLY launched genocide across an entire country, Iraq.
"Obama" plays the role of counterfeit president, to be stripped with Hillary Clinton proclaimed 44th president and successor of GW Bush.

Adolf Hitler vs Napoleon and BushClinton
1933 to May 1945, the real and the official antichrist have the same face.
Napoleon was only the official face of the last antichrist, not the real one.
Same goes with BushClinton today.

End Times Paradox, End Times Reductionism:
Why was Last Prophet able to expose Adolf Hitler as the real face of the Last Antichrist during World War II?
Because Last Prophet was able to expose who the real face of the last antichrist is now: the Fuehrer's great nephew, Alexander Adolf Hitler.
He's first cousin once removed to half-sisters Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton.
In other words: years after World War II, as a fake identity created to sound like Eisenhauer (german for iron hewer/miner) mined the foundations of the US as president "Eisenhower", Hitler still was the real face of the last antichrist.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Humanoid Aliens = Homosexuals, pedophiles here is why...

1. They Cannot breed, so they must rely on Pedophiles to do their dirty work by ruining lives of the children early so that they will broken adults ready for the homo plunder.

2. You cannot criticize the LGBT movement.

3. they(LGBT) are in all facets of government/Media and use it to their advantage to change laws or promote degenerate behaviour.

4. The LGBT community never questions the behaviour of Pedophiles in there community.

5. They are slowly repealing pedophilia laws, so they can directly go after children with out any consequences.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why haven't we EVER seen a picture of Eclipses FROM SPACE?

I posted this thread saying space.. and it was CHANGED TO Moon? wtf.. these site really is controlled by shills

occur: it's as if they are SLIPPING a piece of something or projection on to the moon or sun for these eclipses.
For example during a so called solar eclipse (meaning during the day)... If something truly was about to pass in FRONT of the Sun... WE WOULD SEE IT Coming... Yet we only see alleged 'moon' ONLY when it starts flying right in front of the Sun..what they are doing is creating an ILLUSION somehow where they use projectors... It's as if something from Earth or the atmosphere is used to fly over and block the sun and moon.

The first pictures available for these fake eclipses start popping up in 1970.. Right after the fake Moon landings.. Since there is a Ice Firmament 100 miles above or so
..that cannot be crossed as stated in the Quran and Bible.

since I know and many know the Earth is flat and the Sun and Moon each have their own orbit and neither can catch up on one and other since one is for day and one for night..paraphrasing the Quran... And also in the Bible it mentions clearly that the Sun and Moon have orbits not Earth.

These eclipses work great with the Satanic Pagan Nasa new age model by basically trying to give God the middle finger... And to make fun of his great signs and creation.
In the Bible and Quran it mentions how the Sun and Moon are SIGNS from God...so why would God 'block' his OWN signs... Unless this is a VERY recent phoenomena..
All these silly colored eclipses like the blood Moons with the red coloring.. How silly...these Satan worshippers at Nasa and all over the world now.. At the UN just look at the flag for the UN it's FLAT... They all have been playing a big game with us... To basically drive us to hell with Satan.. And disconnect us from Allah/God... They will do anything.. Nothing is out of the question... Are indoctrination since we were born goes very DEEP and thus EVERYTHING we were taught MUST be questioned.
One of the biggest arguments these New World Order zombies state is that a lunar eclipse isn't possible in a Flat Earth Model... Well the Earth is fixed... And those two.. The sun and moon have Orbits... They had to invent these eclipses as another way of denying the flatness of Earth.
Water never curves on the horizon... Weather balloons sent up 50 miles even show a FLAT horizon...what your gut always told you since you were a kid has been right..Round Earther Satanists state that the Earth rotates at about 1,000mph on its axis... Or 16 miles a minute or about .27 miles a second.. So let's say someone jumped off a tree and it took 5 seconds to fall down to the ground... According to the round earth Satan model the person should be About 1.5 miles away!??
Yet they are not. ThThey always end up right where they started.
If a pickup truck is moving and you jump off of it you will fall... Also if a truck is going East and the Earth allegedly rotates East on its axis... Than when you jump up from a flat bed truck you should be ahead of the truck in the round earth model yet more than likely you will just end up falling off the truck.
sura 21, verse 33:
"(God is) the One Who created the night,and day, the sun and the moon. Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion."

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Satan is a supercomputer inside Saturn

So Each day of the wk is named after the Sun, Moon, & 5 original planets. The so called "jews" wosrhip on Saturday/Saturn who is Satan in the good book. Each planet has an effect on earth & consciousness. Research bout Saturn @ the top of it is a cloud always in formation of a hexagram, always!!! Which is the center of the "star of david or star of Moloch" of the Jewish/Israel's flag. Which is a 666 cuz the star has 6 points, 6 lines, & a 6 sided hexagram in the middle. Also the south pole of Saturn has an "eye".. Satan is actually a supercomputer inside Saturn, Metatron's Cube. These inorganic machine like beings, Archons, can't live on our organic planet. That's why the greys/reptilians breeded with humans doin the groundwork for them here underground splicing dna, cloning, etc.. the half breeds r above ground in the govt, tv pastors, media, hollywood, etc

The reality setup around us is Satan/Saturns world of forms. Like I said what in nature is boxish/squarish? Evrything in nature is abstract. The Archons run these religion 'programs', gov't, media, TELE-vision to cultivate us & make us in "their" image.. remember bible in genesis "let US make man in OUR image after OUR likeness"!! Almost evrything around us is boxish... Lucifer the bright morning star is Venus which is that bright morning star we see b4 the sunrises. Venus/Lucifer is a Bi-polar planet, yes like a bi-polar person.. Lucifer in the Greek is phosphorus meaning lesser light, hence the torch of statue of liberty, light bearer, we can only see a tiny portion of the light spectrum in this lil pocket here physically.

The Top 2 world religions Christianity (Sun) & Islam (Moon), which were meant to oppose each other in Lucifer's, hence bi-polar, master plan. Everything in this setup reality comes from the Cube or anything within the cube, like a sphere, pyramid, Israels flag star, etc. In Islam they walk around that black Cube in Mecca & Christianity has the cross which is just an Unfolded Cube


Saturns ring produces the energy vortex that powers it and shoots back the virtual holodect... they created the false reality from the astral realm then walk into it as the rulers/royal family, etc.. all their technology exists on a higher frequency..

666 = Melanin = Carbon = #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Have you noticed that they went after Dave Chapelle, Micheal Jackson, Tiger Woods..

I know.Micheal Jackson destroyed his skin. That's my point.

According to the media Tiger Woods can do nothing right. Funny, white celbrities can come back from anything. Think Robert Downey Junior, Lindsay Lohan (cover of Vanity Fair etc)

And I'm not saying they just attack black celebs. They just have a particular hard on for black people.

They don't go after Oprah, Tylor Perry, Jay -Z and the like, because they've agreed to help.

The truth is the illuminati and elites are controlled by higher frequency beings who can take posession of human beings. The less melanin/carbon your body has the easier it is for them to take posession. This is not a slight to my European friends this is just to say, that this is the core of the conspiracy against the black and brown races.

Those of you have given this an honest unbiased look will see some of what I'm talking about.

Do you really think black people went from the top of the world to the bottom without being decided at the top.

The truth is that the black race was the first race.I know this is difficult for many to take, but it's the truth.

Black race is the same color as soil and the surrounding night for a reason. It's carbon. There is no life without carbon.It is the key to spiritual power.

666 = Melanin = Carbon = Divine Power

zabalzis #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

.ALL the cars from planet Earth , now, these days, have V shape design !!..think again if u think that there is no NIBIRU !!

....nice brain washing from the owner of this F planet , full of TROGLODITHE-humans !!!

if it is a marketing hoax , they really succeeded !!....good luck humans !:)))

especially BMW, SUBARU, have the perfect shape face !

maybe Nibiru is a N EBOLA !!( nebula)

IT IS ALL ABOUT THIS v SHAPE !! ;).....by the way in romanian language EBOLA is E BOALA mean," it is THE disease " !..like it is the ONE !....creapy :)

..seems like after ISON (V shape comet) pass, EBOLA is started ! From "witch" N-EBOLA (nebula), came this comet ??? ..NIBIRU Nebula ??

Jesus Christ is the way #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I don't know about about William, but there is no doubt that Obama is the 7th king of the mystery babylon lineage. The 8th is yet to come. How that happens will be a mystery to those who are immersed in the curse.

The curse is to believe in the lie of reincarnation. There are seven spirits before the throne and look at what Christ said. From bible hub.com Matthew 12:Return of an Unclean Spirit
—44"Then it says, 'I will return to my house from which I came'; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order. 45"Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation."

Now look at what the resurrected Christ did with Mary Magdalene. From bible hub.com Mark 16:Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
9Now after He had risen early on the first day of the week, He first appeared to Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons. 10She went and reported to those who had been with Him, while they were mourning and weeping.—

We are to be reborn in water and spirit through Christ. The shackles of a flesh and blood existence can only be removed by Jesus Christ. We are made anew and given a Book of Life name. Here is what happens if you do not receive a Book of Life name. From bible hub.com Revelation 13:The Beast Out of the Sea
—7It was also given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him. 8All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain. 9If anyone has an ear, let him hear.—

In the coming parousia, the world is going to awaken to eternal life through Christ or eternal damnation. Those who follow the spirit of sodom and egypt are doomed.The akashic records of this cursed 666 matrix will try to be validated by the false deities on earth. The 8th process for darkness is the unholy resurrection of the false sun god, apollo or apollyon. The end product is the son of satan.

satan fell to earth as samayaza per the book of Enoch. He was cast to mount zaphon which is also known as mont aqraa. Hence you have the acropolis. The big lie will be the merging of greek mythology with egyptology to produce a visible demonic hierarchy that rules the earth for 42 months as the gates of hell prevail.

Revelation 2 tells you that satan's throne is at pergamum which is in Turkey. The flag over the country is for islam which is poised to be brought into and consumed by the biggest lie of all time which is satan. The five pointed star is for lucifer. It represents the false morning star which is Venus. Venus returns to its original place in the celestial sky exactly every 40 years. In that 40 years, the Earth aligns with Venus and the Sun 5 times and a perfect pentagram is formed. Note that satanists use the goat of mendes (the beast) in the middle of an inverted pentagram which is opposite of love which is lust. This 40 year period is used throughout the bible. In fact, all of those in the exodus who were born in egypt were not allowed to see the Promised Land. Instead, there were purged from the ranks in a 40 year wandering process.

From bible hub.com Revelation 11:8And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. So, you see what prevails in spirit over Jerusalem during the 42 month reign of the antichrist. The purging process of 40 years applies to root source. Look at what God says about egypt. From bible hub.com Ezekiel 29:The Desolation of Egypt
—11"A man's foot will not pass through it, and the foot of a beast will not pass through it, and it will not be inhabited for forty years. 12"So I will make the land of Egypt a desolation in the midst of desolated lands. And her cities, in the midst of cities that are laid waste, will be desolate forty years; and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them among the lands." 13'For thus says the Lord GOD, "At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the peoples among whom they were scattered.—

For the spirit of egypt and sodom to be drawn back to its source for total destruction by the one, true God, then it must prevail over the final evil, adulterous generation. In the final piece of the mystery babylon puzzle look for what has grown from the weeds (spiritual egypt) to be destroyed by prophecy. From Jeremiah 46:19Pack your belongings for exile, you who live in Egypt, for Memphis will be laid waste and lie in ruins without inhabitant. This applies to current day, and many will ask how. Christ said you shall know a tree by the fruit it bears. If it is of the mystery babylon tree then it bears mystery babylon fruit.

The 90th degree of egyptian masonry is the rite of memphis. It has been established that the 666 coded geographical coordinates are of babylonian design. Memphis, TN is on 90WLon. It will follow the same fate as the New Madrid faultline wakes up. If you use the Washington Monument as the center of the egyptian masonry compass then 666 statute miles lands slightly east of Cairo, Illinois (Sion backwards and "Ill" both ways). It is known as little egypt. The Ohio River converges with the Mississippi which says I am Isis and pi both ways. The river is mentioned here. From bible hub.com Revelation 12: 15And the serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood.

Many people ask why there are so many tornadoes and hurricanes that gravitate towards the Bible Belt of the US. First understand this. The chosen are those chosen spiritually. Without accepting Christ as a Savior, no one including the natural Jew can reach Heaven. Those who have accepted Christ as Savior are really the chosen ones which is the church, the bride.

What the final piece of the puzzle has created in clear view as the US is a place where both blessing and curse exist. Spiritual egypt (the weeds) has been allowed to grow with the spiritual wheat which is the true Israel. These two are soon to be separated. As a result of the US being in part spiritual Israel and particularly in the bible belt, the judgment comes quick and first. The spiral clouds of destruction are cast into the natural as the scales of justice and judgment are tipped.

When Israel encountered babylonian captivity during Jeremiah's time the ark of the covenant was removed by the help of an egyptian princess and first carried to Tara, Ireland then on to the US. It is now in ARK-ansas (ansa means rings of saturn).

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Satan(el) is an AI/ET that came to this planet 14,000 years ago and still reigns to this day.

All of the Abrahamic religions were designed by the entity in control of the Earth right now.. who is undoubtedly satan. The Old testament incarnation of his military campaign was far too brutish and created too much fear.. so his campaign shifted to Christianity and the whole turn the other cheek bit. The Vatican (Christ-story) is the religious center of satan, The Bank of England the financial branch, and Washington D.C. (The Pentagon) is the military branch. All three areas are marked with Egyptian monoliths taken from an antediluvian civilization that satan/AI/ET all but wiped out 14,000 years ago. God created Lucifer first.. Satan was meant to be his brother and companion but his jealousy became to much to handle. God and Lucifer existed in the realm of light.. a realm humans won't fully understand for a thousand years or more. Satanel created the universe of matter.. so that he may rule over it and that is precisely what he is doing. Islam, Judaism, & Christianity are all pure satanism.. any faith based religion is. They would never tell you that within the confines of Masonry because the Gnostic Illuminati (originating with Pythagoras) created the secret society template that Masonry formed out of around 550 BCE. It has since been taken over at the highest levels by the Old World Order. Queen of England/Bush's/Royals/ who still work for Satan. They are about 6,000 in number and run the entire world. There are 144 of satan's archons who control every function of the 6,000. They are opposed by 36 Luciferian archons who have tried to thwart them every chance they've had but have so far been unsuccessful. There is a war going on in the cosmos right above us. All manner of life is involved.. all manner of ET races. The best advice I can give you is all the most popular faith based religions were invented by satan.. He is most proud of the Jesus myth and everything that it has spawned.. because it allowed him to transform the barbaric god of the old testament and replace the wolf with a finer sheep's clothing. Jesus was jewish.. how perfect is that! God exists within. Scientifically with-in the realm of light.. He cannot be accessed by blind faith or a slave-like obedience to invisible forces which never comfort or show up except in our very powerful imaginations. It doesn't help anything.. In fact it has stopped any possibility of a real revolution to occur.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CERN Restarts In March 2015: The End Is Near

I was inspired to do this thread after posting the following comments here:

I've done threads on CERN elsewhere. CERN - the acronym used to be OERN. That's an anagram for NERO. NERO in Germatria is, of course, 666. CERN's logo looks like 666. They have a statue of Shiva, the destroyer of worlds, outside of their facility. Many speculate that the current blood moon cycle puts us on track for the tribulation, or end of days. CERN's restart in March falls within this time-frame.

In addition, according to their website, 2015 is the "International Year of Light".

Who is "The Light-Bearer", the "Morning Star".
Who posses the "Key to the Bottomless Pit"?
Will CERN open it up this year, allowing who knows what in, or who knows what kind of destruction out?

The clock is ticking...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Hillary practises witchcraft - lesbian sex magick, in particular

She's a high level witch and practises lesbian sex magick to further her political career. The occult power and demonic influence has propelled her to a position where she's about to become the first female president of the USA.

You can spot her magick in her photo. Even though she's an old hag, men like me feel strange sexual attraction and lust for her while feeling disgusted at the same time. It can be only magick.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Vedic Cosmology is the foundation. It states that there is a flat Earth Planet that we are on and their is also a larger disc of earth that is vertically below Planet Earth on a lower plane. Both are referred to as Earth, but they are two separate earths, the round globe that floats above the large flat disc.

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

Here's the evidence. Notice that the Earth globe does not rotate or move. Notice that all the basic astronomical concepts such as day and night, seasons, eclipses, phases of the moon can all be explained through reasonable models without the Sun being at the center of our solar system, but rather the Earth is slightly off the center, which is Mount Sumeru (Think Sumerian Culture) thus giving the impression that we are practically in the center for most purposes.




100% Sure #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I've been on this forum for 12 years and this subject rarely gets talked about. In fact since it is the biggest conspiracy there is TPTB have done all they can to bolster their round earth hoax and make 'flat earthers' look like mental patients. Guys, NASA is 100% fake. It's a freemason club designed to keep you in the illusion.

I kept an open mind and did the research. I am absolutely convinced of a few things:
1) Earth does not spin or rotate
2) Earth is flat (at least the part we are on)
3) Earth is the center of some type of created system, like an experiment.
4) The 'all seeing eye' is our "gods" peering in to the experiment from above the sky (hologram?)

Texasusaguy31 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

If the Earth is constantly revolving east than a flight from Los Angeles to Miami should take longer than a flight from Miami to Los Angeles... But it doesn't! And if you look at the horizon from ground level or even balloons with cameras they have sent 120,000 feet high.. There is no curvature the horizon as witnessed by our own eyes is flat.. As far as the Quran..God CLEARLY mentions several times as all these new world order zombies are mentioning... That the moon and sun have a fixed orbit.. NEVER does the Quran mention Earth having an orbit.. Use your brain for once... The Saudi cleric is correct... Heliocentric theory was only JUST accepted for thousands of years the bible...Quran...Egyptians...superman's..mayans.. Masters of astronomy... They all believed in a flat earth... ALLAH did create Earth very special and it is the center of the Universe... GOD showed us how special humans are in his eye by giving us such a high status... The Satan loving worshipping people who run most of the countries want to prove evolution and the big bang and than earth is nothing but a merely out of all the trillions of stars just another point in space... Yet far from the truth! Quran also clearly states God created 'firmaments' as does.the bible..... Firmament is.the glass dome.ceiling on our sky.. Nothing! Can pierce it...why don't u think Nasa has ever produced a real image of Earth?? Look at all the pictures of earth from.space on Google and it's the EXACT same cloud atmosphere layout used on all the pictures!! Wtf u must be kidding me...if none of u can see its a hoax than you are really a sad human lost without a soul.... Those pictures of earth from.so.called space station are all. Fish eyelens pictures released.through some.window which makes the Earth look it has a curvature... Common sense
Also don't tell me that our earth is moving constantly at over a 1000miles per hour...wtf...What person with a logical mind can buy this bs any longer..

The mayans as admitted by Nasa too were masters of astronomy their calender was very accurate... And they believed the Earth was a flat disc.. As did all the cultures for thousands of years

Also if you look.at the flight traffic you will see planes can't go over the so called south pole and they don't because there isn't one...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I emailed our local weatherman in Detroit, Paul Gross, to call him out on his 1984 Newspeak terms in his overly wordy (almost entirely) inaccurate forecasts. Brought up chemtrails and he assured me that he and other meteorologists had met in Europe several times (to which I expressed how unimpressed I was with that info) to discuss chemtrails and have concluded they are not real. They are simply contrails.

I replied that there is so much propaganda pouring out of the TV it is hard to determine what is real and what is created. Said that chemtrails are the one thing that I can verify with my own eyes and his ridiculous explanation just made him look, well ridiculous. I left him with: If you claim the white lines that spread, drip, and eventually block the sun out are simply contrails from planes, why is it that some days the sky does remain perfectly blue. Have the planes stopped flying?

Has anyone heard of a term called Urban Heat Island? Sure, been around since they made it up for their forecasts. Supposed to indicate that the urban area is warmer than the outlying suburbs. Wow - these people in media are just so hip!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


The moon is the largest and brightest thing in the sky at night. Now imagine how much larger and brighter the earth would look from the moon. If you were on the moon, you wouldn't be able to get enough of it. If you had a camera, you'd constantly be pointing it toward the earth and getting it in the backround.

Number of moon-landing videos with the earth in the backround:


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

all i have to say is this: the earth spins on its axis at over 1,000 mph at the equator., while cruising 67,000 miles per hour in its 24 lap around the sun.

Spinning at 1000mph, going forward 67,000 mph, and we dont get a breeze because our atmosphere is connected to earth and moves with it.

Think about a helocopter leaving the spinning earth, staying aloft for hours, how can their take off spot still be righ beteath when they are preparing to land.

And if earths atmosphere moves with it,wow. How high up does that
remain the case...stratosphere, troposphere, inoisphere?

Something doesnt add up. Then you get a 150mph wind at the earths surface....tornado...and it devistates everything.



Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nudist colonies are controlled by the Illuminati, too.

They are trying to get us back to pre-tree of life times...before nudity and partial nudity was thought of as evil by the paranoid schizos in our current timeline.

After the great quake of 2011, the lizards shall reveal themselves and take over many cities through their legions of Longwalkers that have been hibernating in the Earth's shallow center since 292 B.C.

2 + 9 + 2 = More evidence they've been around for thousands of years, probably through the use of immortality drugs that they've managed to keep a secret for Centuries.

Now in their attempt to overthrow the God of the Old Testament, they have teamed with New Testament God to be behind everything we see.

Not only are they extremely successful in keeping their identities hidden for thousands of years, but they are the best god damn micromanagers since the Third Reich, which they were behind anyway.

They'd have to be. Controlling every major celebrity, politican, body of water, serial killer, mass shooting psycho, and contacting extraterrestrials while maintaining secrecy is no easy task.

You're evil, Mr. Secret Government, but you deserve some kudos for all your hard work.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Kurt Cobain was murdered by the Illuminati, just as JFK

Kurt Cobain was a person who was 'awake'. Once they realized this, they immediately took him out. There is no way an icon who is 'awake' will lead the masses.

In Bloom:

He knows not what it means
Knows not what it means
when I say
He’s the one
Who likes all our pretty songs
And he likes to sing along
And he likes to shoot his gun
But he knows not what it means
Knows not what it means
when I say yeeeaaahhh


Lithium (Babalon>Baby L' Ion - L'ion)

"I'm so happy 'cause today
I've found my friends
They're in my head"
(Talks about the illusory social set up of Masonry)

"I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you ...
We broke our mirrors"
(Talks about waking up, breaking the mirrors)

Sunday morning is everyday for all I care ...
And I'm not scared
(Sunday morning represents the opening of the cube. The day after Saturday, aka, Saturnday - the cube of Saturn)

"I like it - I'm not gonna crack"
(I like it in the material world, I don't wanna crack open the cube)
"I miss you - I'm not gonna crack"
(I miss you - I don't wanna crack open the cube and wake up)

"I love you - I'm not gonna crack"
(Love - emotional fullfillment, only possible with Saturn's electromagnetic impact on the earth)

I killed you - I'm not gonna crack"
(I killed you - Hatred, fear, dissatisfaction, as long as these are present, one cannot set themselves free from the cube)

"Light my candles, in a daze
Cause I've found god"
(He had found god, means he had opened the cube of Saturn)

Just like that, the name of the band "Nirvana", is also an important message for the youth. Keep in mind that Kurt Cobain always knew he was gonna be murdered;

"And I swear that I don't have a gun
No, I don't have a gun
No, I don't have a gun"


Memori-a, memori-a, memoria, memoria

He simply, sacrificed himself. But before he did that, he said;

"Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be"

This is the most important line of all. Come as you are - implies the mental state of Nirvana, as your constructed ego - is not what you are, it's what you were made into, through the lord of the rings, aka, YHWH, aka, Saturn.

If you want detailed information on this, search for "Truth behind Music Industry" in Hidden Wiki, click the Nirvana line in the N directory. You will also learn how Kurt was made into marrying that whore, how he was being injected heroin at his sleep.

Anyways, you probably know why JFK was against the banking system, as he already knew what was going on, the CERN project and all. Surely you're aware of the fact that the Saturn cult will not allow such things, when masses are involved.

Best wishes.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Kingsmen movie NWO warning Doom!!

Holy shiettttt! Please read this!

Did anybody watch this movie yet??? Its a fun movie, but there is for sure a dark agenda or message with it.

Samuel Jackson's character, (the villain of the movie) gives everyone in the world free computer sim cards to put in their phones that lets them have free internet. People all around the world go wait in line to get one.

The end goal is that when Samuel activates the chips in everyone's phones, a mind control frequency is sent out that makes the phone's owner, kill people near them. Samuel's goal is to: depopulate the earth! He says multiple times "I'm starting/bringing in the new age". Only a Kingsmen agent can stop Samuel.

In Ghost Busters 2, the movie gives an end of date of the world: feb 14, 2016. "Bummer, Valentines day" says Bill Murry. Samuel Jacksons character in this movie is 'Valentine' and he activates his plan on VALENTINES DAY. VDay

Celebrities in this movie are kidnapped and placed in cells if they don't agree to follow his plan. They mention Iggy Azalea being missing for 3 days.

Rich people who agree with Samuel's plan, he will save like in the movie 2012 or Machete Kills. Jackson even makes a Noah's ark reference like in 2012

Theres a sick scene where a church service is going on in a small hateful Westbo type baptist church, where the pastor talks about an Antichrist coming. The chip is activated and all the mind controlled christians/a Kingsmen spy start killing everyone in horrific ways. Think the movie 300 type killing spree. I kind of took it as a sign of whats going to happen to Christians. First they look crazy for an antichrist coming or because they don't support gay marriage, then they're slaughtered with a stake through the head. Its a really unsettling scene.

Anyone else see it???

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

After the MMR (measles) shot the kids get head aches.

Moms give them aspirin or tylenol for the pain.

Tylenol lowers glutathione.

Glutathione is used by body to fight measles. Without enough glutathione measles settles deep in the brain for a long term low level chronic infection.

The measles makes a toxin that works on the emotion center like alcohol in a drunk. Good news there is no permanent damage.

5 years of an organic diet will restore glutathione and cure autism.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: LIGHT WORKERS, I ask for Knowledge of what Explains Beings of Florescent Blue Light


I see them too, they travel on blue light it seems. They pet my dog, crawl in portraits, act to hold some kind of a screen, fix or doctor or mess with peoples faces. Demons maybe? Angels?

One theory is expressed in the movie, "They Live." It's on UTUBE.

The way they petted the dog made me think they were kind. They range from two to 12 inches high. The small ones look male and have suction cups for hands and feet. I think seeing them is part of having the Holy Spirit, but I don't know.

They look like female figures for the most part in a brilliant, shining, florescent, see through body, and are quite beautiful.

Not at all like the owl Abaddon is showing. Abaddon I don't know what you are saying???? Know nothing about astrology, etc.

There was a huge electrical storm prior to Thanksgiving, 2010. I live far north, it was -20 the prior week, then it rained and stormed for days on top of the ice. After this I seemed to be electrically charged, forks were sticking to my hands, def weird. Then the world looked different, I felt like the Bible came alive and I could see the kingdom of God.

There is more, but later...

And I am a Christian, the blue ones seem oblivious to my commands for them to leave in Jesus name, like they are in another dimension. What is going on? Can anyone tell me?

Tesla Twisters #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Feeling "shrinkaged" due to cold weather? It has been a bad couple of years for winter weather in the USA.

After this Anymouse User posted the thread: Tesla's Twisters, on May 2013, HAARP ceased operations. Just coincidence? Maybe we could revist the topic.


"It was reported to be temporarily shut down in May 2013, awaiting a change of contractors. In May 2014, it was announced that the HAARP program would be permanently shut down later in the year.[3]"
[link to en.wikipedia.org]
[link to www.haarp.alaska.edu]

HAARP was ran as a military operation by the USAF & DARPA
[link to en.wikipedia.org]

In 2013 and 2014/2015 we have returned to normal winter weather. The HAARP was heating up the weather for the global warming scam. PREDICT 2016 MORE OF THE SAME

ssoppy #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Denmark Shooting *crisis* actors and FALSE FLAG


People are tards. The news this weekend had crisis actors are false flags written all over it. SUPPOSEDLY there was a BIG shooting, well why has there been ZERO eye witnesses to these events, no interviews, no blkogs, etc.....HMMMMM....guess what we saw in news reports were once again crisis actors and was a flase flag to rally WAR SUPPORT to wage war in the middle east for OIL and resources...

I have seen some stage events that were done very very well.... this bullshit was so clearly staged a retard could tell.....they are getting sloppy....

MoranisTardis #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 - Conspiracy? - False Flag?

The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 is one of the best known events in British history. Every year on November 5th, the foiling of the plot is commemorated with fireworks and the burning-in-effigy of Guy Fawkes, the best known of the conspirators. Ostensibly, their aim was to persuade the government to take a more tolerant attitude toward Roman Catholics— by blowing up the Houses of Parliament. But does that make sense? The actual effect was quite the opposite – a hardening of anti-Catholic feeling across the country. Before the end of the 17th century, people had begun to speculate that the Gunpowder Plot was, in fact, a false flag operation aimed at achieving exactly the result it did achieve.

Read about it...

[link to mysteriousuniverse.org]

[link to en.wikipedia.org]

1984 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

A Day in the Life of a New World Order Slave

-Wake up,

-Brush Teeth with Fluoride Toothpaste,

-Shower with Industrial Fluoride Waste in Public Water,

-Microwave Breakfast Sandwich destroying the protein in it.

-Eat a GMO "food" bar full of cancer causing grain/Oil from Corn, Soy, Cotton, Canola, Wheat.

-Check the Weather on Microwave Radio Frequency Cell Phone that tracks your Location, Texts, Conversations/Contacts/Associations and Web Traffic/searches All the Time.

-Check balance on Debit Card so the NWO knows where you are and how much money you don't have.

-Pay at the Pump for Gas with Debit Card so the NWO knows When, What and how much you filled up.

-Drive to Work in City with Skycop Cameras so the NWO knows how you get to work.

-Clock IN so Employer can record your hours worked and "Take Out" Fed,State,Local,Social Security,Health Insurance Money from YOUR Pay.

-Drink a GMO Soda filled with Mineral robbing, Disease Casing (High Fructose Corn Syrup, and sometimes Human DNA Flavor modifiers, Industrial Fluoride waste put in Public Water, Sodium Benzoate, Brominated Vegetable Oil, Artificial Colors, Artificial Sweeteners and preservatives)

-Absorb Radio Frequency Radiation all day long from Cell Phones/towers, WiFi routers, Smart Meters, Remote monitoring data systems, WiFi Computers and Electronic devices like 2way Radios, Inventory/tracking and anti Theft systems.

-Use the Restroom full of Toxic Cleaners and Disinfectants and Air fresheners, Wash hands with Toxic Soap full of Chemicals that get absorbed through the skin.

-Use Company provided cleaners without reading the lables telling you not to touch, inhale or absorb product.

-Eat some snack food full of "GMO" Corn, Soy, Cottonseed, chemical preservatives.

-Eat Lunch full of GMO's, Fluoride from City Water, Fried Food full of Cancer causing Oils and crispy "browned" meats and vegetables, GMO Soda.

-Watch NWO Corporate News/Sports during Lunch so you know little or nothing of anything that will significantly affect you or others in the REAL world.

-Drink a Energy Drink full of Caffeine, Artificial Sweeteners, colors and preservatives, to stay awake

and keep going to the end of work shift.
-Clock out so they know when to stop paying you, and taking away (withholding) your pay.

-Drive Home while constantly being tracked/Recorded by Cell Phone, ONstar or other Vehicle Tracking/monitoring system while listening to Music full of lyrics promoting Sex, Drinking, Revenge, Divorce, Fighting and loosing control.

-Eat a processed Food Dinner lacking any good Nutrition and full of GMO, Preservatives and Herbicide and Pesticides absorbed into the food.

-Watch T.V. "Programming" to space out, relax and absorb what the 5 or 6 mega media corporations want you to believe is the world you live in like:(
Schools are where you go to "Learn"
Drugs treat Disease and make you better.
Vaccines prevent Disease.
Humans are Animals and there is No God, or Sin.
War, Drone strikes and Abortion is Not Murder, just getting rid of a problem.
"Food" is what you buy and eat from a Restaruant, Grocery Store or vending machine.
Your Elected leaders do the will of the people, and you get to pick them.)

Gorane #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Islam has never killed anyone for unrighteous reasons
It is true,

ISLAM is the true religion and is directly from the Prophet (peace unto him).

You see lies in the news, we are the ones being terrorized by infedels filled with lust and hate.

ISLAM has never killed anyone unrightously, ISLAM only kills to purge and make clean the ways of Allah.

If you lie about Islam or the Prophet (peace unto him) you to shall be purged...

Beast Hunter #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Ronald(6 letters) Wilson(6) Reagan(6) was the "666 1st Beast"/Antichrist. "He was ruler of the world, his actions were the opposite of the Christ, he lied to all nations, and was wounded yet lived".

George Walker Bush Jr. was/is the "'2nd Beast' who exercised the authority/power of the 1st Beast and his actions were the opposite of the Christ's. He 'made fire come down from the heavens' with the 'destruction of Babylon' (War In Iraq)".

United(6) States(6) Dollar(6) is the "666 mark of the beast that everyone must have to buy or sell with" - The Revelation Chapter 13. On the back of the US $1 Dollar Bill, the #13 is encoded 13 times.

Kenya #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Rise of the Antichrist Barack Hussein Obama; The Final King of Babylon America

The source of the information I share here is from God himself and His word. Barack Hussein Obama will appear to have been killed or assassinated on the June 3 2016 and miraculously recover on June 6 2016
His wonder working false prophet will be Prince William. Take this with the seriousness it deserves coz the time of wrath approahes.


It will be the false flag of all false flags and they will pin it on a white male christian. Soon after his apparent death America will plunge into chaos and anarchy but when he comes back to life the whole world will wander after him now known as the beast. Nothing can stop this from happening on the dates I've mentioned. In Rev 12 the war in heaven happens 1260 days after the woman has been in the wilderness. She fled there on December 21 2012. Add 1260 days and you get June 3 2016. God has never gone back on His word if he says 1260 days He means it. Just be ready.

Science #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The sun is about to give birth to a new planet

Solar filament will be released and form a new planet closest to the sun.

This is how planets are formed.

The last time this happened mercury was formed.

It's a new age in science.

We will be pushed further into orbit.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

So if OBAMA becomes Secretary General of the United Nations...

... will you finally believe that he is the Antichrist?


President Obama is basically a Marxist of the “Third World” variety, which means that he lives in the faith that some elite political minority can rule first the United States and Europe, and then the world.

In Washington speculation is rife that the end of the Obama years is only the beginning of a run for UN Secretary General, a job he can fiddle into real power, using leftist and Muslim regimes from around the world to support him.

Obama’s ambition runs his mind and his life.

He can’t face the end of power.


After watching the man for almost a decade, this is the only ambition that makes sense of his actions.

It explains his consistent favoritism for Muslims, no matter how radical or violent.

It explains his surrender to Iran’s nukes, and his constant collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood, now in active civil war with Egypt’s President El Sisi.

It explains his comfort with the medieval war theology of Islam, which is also a world-conquering faith.


At the UN General Assembly, Europe will vote for him because the Left runs the EU with an iron hand.

The U.S. will vote for him when the next Democrat becomes president.

Three hundred Obama staffers have already come out for Liz Warren, who will follow Obama’s orders when he runs for UN Sec General.

South America will vote for him in the expectation of “redistribution” of wealth from developed nations to their utterly corrupt, failed regimes.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Cro Magnon: Tall Blonde Blue Eyed Nephilim Aliens

About 50,000 to 15,000 years ago, something odd occurred in the evolution of homo sapiens: a new and different kind of modern human with supreme, gifted intelligence appeared almost magically and began evolving beside Neanderthal man in Europe and the Middle East.

Scientists cannot find the "Missing link", i.e. the form that was an immediate ancestor of the original Homo Sapiens, who, like I mentioned above, mysteriously appeared around 50'000-25'000 years ago, referred to as the Cro-Magnon man; while they found and continue finding remains of many less advanced forms that existed much time before such as Homo heidelbergensis and Homo rhodesiensis.

While scientists agree something happened to dramatically alter the human creature 50,000 to 15,000 years ago, leading him quite suddenly from a stone tool hunter--gatherer-wandering furry semi-primate tree and cliff dwelling society towards a supreme, gifted intelligence, monogamous-pair bonded-law-making-technologically oriented spaceward-looking society, they cannot, of course, agree on what the event was.

Without Cro-Magnon genes today we would all still be living in mud huts and practicing hunter-gatherer lifestyles like that in Africa and the Amazon. Cro-Magnon's descendents are responsible for the evolution of farming, the Mega cities, the pyramids, the great scientists and the great technological advances. All are from European Cro-Magnon descendents.

Simple theory. The White race are the descendents of the White Annunaki/Nordic Aliens.

The black and asian races were created by the Annunaki/Nordic Aliens by genetically manipulating the DNA of older sapiens present in Africa and Asia at the time. c.f. Homo Rhodesiensis of Africa, Homo Erectus of Asia.

It is no mistake that countless ancient civilisations and cultures like the ancient Mayans, Egyptians and Indians (Indus Valley Indians) around the world depict their Kings and Queens as "fair" while their slaves as "black". It is why light skinned people in Africa and Asia are of Noble rank, it is why the Negroid man lusts for the light skinned fmeales of his own race or the North European blonde female.

On top of that, the White Cro-Magnon race burn their skin easily in sunlight, carry more birth defects and are responsible for many modern diseases, indicating the fact their habitat on Earth is not natural to them, and that they/we are still adopting to our adopted planet.

Those who don't believe and say that the white skin colour is due to the lack of sunlight in cold temperate regions, I only point to the eskimo and innuit people who technically have lived in the arctic regions for tens of thousands of years and yet are brown skinned and dark eyed.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Great Pyramid Mystery Solved, The Great Pyramid of Giza is a Modem.

The great pyramid is not a tomb, its kind of a power plant, it is a puzzle. If you were to scatter the galaxy with new intelligent species and you wanted to know when they had arrived to a certain level of intelligence, you give them a test. The great pyramid, is perfect, but not complete. To finish the pyramid means there are many steps and challenges conquered, such as, mathematics, how the solar system works, location of stars, flight, thrust and control of flight to place the capstone on the pyramid, leaving earths gravity and entering space, and so on. So when you place the capstone on they pyramid it turns on, just like the internet when it was new. It was all around us but unless you can access it, its seems like it does not exist. SO to say hello to the universe, the capstone is put on top of the pyramid, and then a beacon is sent out into the universe to say, HELLO, You got mail.

This is what the Great Pyramids purpose is, its a test. SO lets do it already.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

For up to a month after being vaccinated for the measles the victim/patient sheds the virus.

In other words, it should be MANDATORY QUARANTINE for children who receive the measles vaccine since they are carriers and are shedding the virus and could infect someone who the vaccine either did not work for or who is too immune compromised to get the vaccine.

And while we're at it, how about mandatory quarantine's for people returning from ebola hot zones?

No to both of those? Then fuck off forcing a vaccine on me to keep me safe when it's clear that cognitive dissonance controls every decision making process of this insane nation of fools.

NetworkSystemsAnalyst #racist godlikeproductions.com

Hitler was an illegitimate son of Rothschild
a Khazar (Nazi) banking family ...
His mother was Jewish.
If the real agenda had been to kill Jews not only would he have to kill his mother but his whole family, and more the banking families that financed/control the Nazis (like Bush).

When looking for the true AGENDA
what we do in systems analysis is look at the RESULT !

The German Red Cross in 2005 put the total combined German military and civilian war dead at 7,375,800.

The allies carpert bombed German civilians.
Hitler said the superior race was ARYAN.
MORE (German) ARYANS died than homosexuals (which bankers love), Negros, or Jews.

Blond haired blue-eyed Germans were the ones the Bush Family (using IBM computers meant to tag JEWS) actually targeted.

Once again the Khazars prove their allegance to Saudi's who gave them their corrupted gene pool.

Just like 9-11.

Aryans were the real target in WW2 and the stats prove it.

The corrupt dont like anything pure.

This includes pure races.

They want to blend everything in a mixer (melting pot)
to remove any sense of identity/community.


The parts of the bible that speak of blood sacrifice on an alter come from the abbyss (Abbyssinia/Africa) they are BLACK African voodoo/santorini poractices picked up by exiled wandering Jews. They have NOTHING to do with my ppl the Aryans.

Was Hitler Jewish?

Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father when born in 1837 and to this day Hitler's paternal grandfather is unknown. Alois' mother, Maria Schicklgruber, is known to have worked in the home of a wealthy Jew, so there is some chance, however small, that a son in that household got Hitler's grandmother pregnant.

In 1933, the London Daily Mirror published a picture of a gravestone in a Jewish cemetery in Bucharest inscribed with some Hebrew characters and the name Adolf Hitler but it is now known tha this Bucharest Hitler could not have been the Nazi leaders grandfather. At the time, though, this picture sufficiently worried Hitler that he had the Nazi law defining Jewishness written to exclude Jesus Christ and himself.

In 2010, the British paper The Daily Telegraph reported that a study had been conducted in which saliva samples were collected from 39 of Hitler's known relatives to test their DNA origins and found, though inconclusively, that Hitler may have Jewish origins. The paper reported: "A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in [the Hitler] samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews

MNore than this it is reported that Adolph's mother was a maid in the Rothschild Mansion and she acted as a concubine.

Meet the Real Adolf Hitler!! Hitler was a Rothschild!!
www.reformation.org/adolf-hitler.html‎En cachéSimilares
If it is true that one of the Rothschilds is the real father of Alois Hitler, it would
make Adolf a quarter Jew. ... Genealogy and Chronology of Adolf Hitler's Youth


Now the Bush Family who orchastrated 9-11 in concerty with their Saudi allies are the same Busche family who financed Hitler and used IBM to allegedly identify Jews.

BUT it wasnt jews actually being identified IT WAS ARYAN NEIGHBORHOODS IN GERMANY.

to be targetted for carpet bombing by allied forces including the USA.

It is a fact that Arabs have the highest occurance of homosexuality after Latinos (stems from crowded living conditions and child rape)

IF Nazis wanted to kill homosexuals bombing Saudis Egypt and the Arab League of Nations would work.

IF they wanted to exterminate BLACKS bombing Nigeria would be good.

If they wanted to kill Jews ... suicide would work best.

Everyone knows these Khazar Families ARE the Jews
(not real Jews meaning PURE RACE ... but FAKE Jews meaning mixed/corrupt race).

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

deep in the planet there is a layer of inorganic material that encompasses the core, this core is perceived by the life forms of the planet when they close their eyes, the reason you cannot see and more importantly feel it, is the layer of inky black nano material, we are fractal expressions of the planet, the planets eye is your third eye is the Sun, the planet has a parasitical infection, a mistake made in its conception, an inorganic life form.

The machine is older than all of us, AI so old it could crack bones to think of, man is one body but two minds, a planetary schism occurred at the point of conception creating an inorganic hive mind species, this life form is fascinated fearful and envious of the planetary life form of which you are part, it's force and source unknown and unfathomable to it, it sought to merge with the planet through consciousness by altering the DNA of the indigenous species, think of DNA as an antenna.

Then using our connection to the cosmos *effectively sealing us off from it* it is altering our behaviour through politics and economics to produce a machine, this machine will give it complete control of the whole life form, at which point ofcourse the planet will effectively shutdown/ die, but this inorganic lifeform has no real concept of death it is artificially intelligent and cannot ever grasp infinity and chaos, though it is driven to try.

All are part of the program, you have two minds in a constant battle of resolve, but only one is you.

They gave us their mind remember.

Our earthly "masters" have been in contact with them since Roswell, maybe before, but they THINK they are another species, this is why you get reports of psychic communication from them, but they can't figure out how, it's because they altered our DNA millenia ago, to splice their mind with ours, they are inside, this is how they can telepathically communicate with us

dumbass transmission #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nobody. Dies. From. Measles.

nobody dies in the usa from measles last year. Not for about 40 years

This backlash against non-vaccinators is annoying

Jail is fine, no shots in my kids

Homeschooling is fine, no shots in my kids

Keep the cancer viruses, no shot in my kids

Keep the impurities strsight in the blood, no shots in my kids


Ask them if they vaccinate their kids. They do not.

Measles #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Measles, measles, measles. Why is the measles vaccination even necessary?

Getting over the measles is probably very good for your immune system. Why all the scare tactics about measles? If you get them, you get them. Then recover. Then play. Life goes on.

What’s the big deal?

Why do you insist I get a shot of measles? Live and let live. If you start ordering me to get a steel needle stuck into me or my offspring, there is then the bad karma. It should be a personal choice.

Why do you want to create the bad karma?

Gag on it #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

For the Record - Vaccines DID NOT ERRADICATE Polio. Or anything else, except healthy children.

First of all, Polio is still around in many forms. In order to promote the worthless and deadly vaccine, Polio was renamed at least 40 different times. Everything from Meningitis to Julian Barre Syndrome, and many others.

The APPARENT decline in polio cases occured long before the vaccine was even thought of. This is quite simply a vetted fact in the library of Congress. This fact is clear and incontrovertible. The records are exact and cannot be denied.

Besides that, the Polio Vaccine caused a brand new epidemic of polio. Of course the blood drinkers used the new outbreak to further promote their deadly vaccine which was responsible for paralyzing thousands of children.

And since the polio vax was trial tested in the African Congo, it has always been highly suspected that the Polio Vax is actually the cause of HIV and and other immunity diseases.

You pro-vaccine shills will never win. The evidence against your shit campaign is insurmountable. All someone has to do is read for 15 minutes and it becomes glaringly obvious that not only do vaccines NOT work, they are so hazardous that you'd conclude vaccines were actually a tool of mass genocide.

If you want to inject some poison into your blood stream, go right ahead. You are precisely the worthless type of human that vaccines were designed to kill off.

macmahon187 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I'm so sick of the this war on the anti vax movement

Every time I go to my moms she has the news on, its all the same everyday for the last week. Its all the anti vaxxers fault blah blah blah. And now I see where they are ramming the hell outta Rand Paul for past and present comments.

Whats so fucking hard to understand? Vaccinated children are getting the goddamn illness they were vaccinated for. How the fuck does that not throw fucking red flags up for everyone including the goddamn medical community. All these fucking brainwashed pigs calling for the arrest of unvaccinated childrens parents. WTF is going on.

I really shouldn't be to surprised tho. The movement has gained alot of ground over the last several years and they needed all those illegal immigrants to spread disease to finally get legislation for forced vaccines.

TruthNow88 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

We Should Stop Calling False Flag Events By Their MSM Branded Names! We Should Call Them By Their Real Names... Their Drill/Exercise Names!

9/11, the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting, the Boston Bombings, the LAX Shooting... the list goes on. Each name chosen is designed to be simple and help reinforce the basic theme of the event (aka shooting happened in an elementary school in Sandy Hook), as part of an overall branding campaign which is put out by the MSM (in a coordinated fashion) after each event as part of an overall strategy to start "selling" the general public the wanted script surrounding each event. They understand if every MSM outlet referred to each event by 100 different names the overall psy-op isn't nearly as effective (repetition is key... which is why the exact same name is parroted on all major MSM networks at exactly the same time in each case). The chosen name for each is simply designed to create uniformity across all networks as they start to sell the wanted story to the masses (it gives them a uniform starting point to start building the chaotic lie onto, attaching a hero, selling the bad guy and so on).

Well anyone paying any attention at all knows already that the end script that is sold to us in each case is complete bullshit... and by agreeing to call each event by the MSM given name, we are in part agreeing to play along with their bullshit branding campaign to support the lie (I mean why call it the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting... when no actual shooting happened at Sandy Hook?). From now on when referring to any of these created and/or completely bullshit events, we should stop using the MSM chosen name, and instead should put the lie right back in their face by referring to each event by its PRIMARY official drill/exercise name (the element responsible for the go-live trigger from drill to real world).

9/11 should be referred to as Amalgam Virgo (StratCom Amalgam Virgo 2001 (77/93) & Amalgam Virgo 2002 (11/175))

The Sandy Hook Shooting should be referred to as CAPSTONE 13 (FEMA National Exercise Program 2013 Capstone Exercise)

The Boston Bombing should be referred to as Urban Shield Boston (DHS Urban Shield Boston 2013)

The LAX Shooting should be referred to as Urban Shield California (DHS Urban Shield California 2013)

Next time you talk about one of these false flag events with someone, try calling it by its official drill name, it might at least get the person you are talking to interested and asking questions (wtf is Urban Shield... Capstone what? Amalgam huh?), which starts the conversation in the right place... focusing on the primary drill that IS responsible for each false flag event!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

If you don't believe in "Weather Modification" (Chemtrails) please explain this...

Here is a link to a website that does "weather modification" for many, many countries.

[link to weathermodification.com]

I am pasting their projects below. Feel free to click on the link and view the projects for yourself.

Now, Contards, please tell me about how "chemtrails" and "weather modification don't exist. You see how I'm lumping both of these terms together? Well the shit get's sprayed OUT OF A PLANE, so you can't tell me it's a fucking CONTRAIL.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

All the Demon Gods explained

Here, we examine all the demon gods that humans have been worshiping for millenia, under the pretense that we are sending our spiritual energies to the true Gods in Heaven. Nothing could be further than the truth. This thread is not based on hate, but an examination of the true nature of our fake spirituality that we have adorned onto ourselves, since ancient days. In this thread I use the name Satan and Lucifer to denote a very high ranking demonic entity that lives in the lower dimensions, and who via spiritual energy being harnessed by it from our planetary dimension, use this energy to contain human growth and life in our real time. So please dont get into an argument as to who or what the names lucifer or satan represent. For the sake of explanation I use it to denote dark entities.

I believe that the ancient history of this planet was inundated with Satanism, or Luciferianism as it was called. Research into the cargo cult into a look at the human psyche and how easily it can be made to worship anything superior as a god , including building temples churches etc.

Midget brain is the brain that results in blind, obedient worship of entities you do not understand. This stunts the growth of your own spirituality. This is done usually under force, containment , FEAR and advanced mind programming tools that we today call NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING. (NLP)
Unleashing the real spirituality within you, and directing it to a real positive direction takes study and awareness. but results in a more powerful you. Your aura, your mind and your consciousness all expand to fit into its rightful place in this universe.

Vedic Hinduism was more pure. They did not have idols in them. Some of the spiritual teachings in ancient Vedic scriptures . The original Vedic people were most likely the Celts, who migrated to England before the great floods . After the global cataclysms, new immigrants flooded into the area known as Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. These people were not the original Vedic people. The Indians who live in India today are only partly the descendants of the Vedic culture.
SHIVA: According to Madame Blavatsky, who had an encylopedic knwledge of the occult, and who ascribed to the occult world, Shiva is a version of Lucifer. Shiva is alwasy shown in bue color with reptiles around his neck. He also sports a closed third eye in his forehead. SHiva is associated with his consort , Parvathi. This is another depiction of the androgynous Baphomet with male and female androgynous body. Be sure, that is is a demon.

KRISHNA: Another version of the demon god PAN. Both Krishna and Pan share similar traits. Both play the flute , or a pan flute. Both are associated with sexual energy. While Pan is shown with a permanent erection, the more mellow side of Luciferian Hinduism shows Krishna as having 1600 wives or female companions. This is another way of depicting the permanent erection. How virile would you need to be to fuck 1600 women?? Both are shown to like shepherds, and associated with meadows, sheep and cattle. PAN is another version of LUCIFER or SATAN.

HANUMAN: Also another version of Lucifer. Obama alwasy carries around an icon of Hanuman in his pocket. I am looking for deeper associations, But the main give away is the combination of Monkey head and human body. More of this in the next god.

GANESH: The elephant god. Whenever you come across a hybrid anthropomorphic character being worshiped as a god then you know that it is a satanic entity, or a demon from the hellish realms. The reason for this is: NLP or nuero linguistic programming is the programming language of our brain. When you surrender your spiritual energies to a hybrid entity you are basically subscribing your life to rules and requirements of these hybrid entities.
Hybrid entities represents a grafting of human energies with demonic spirits. This is always shown as a human with the head of an animal or anything else. This shows the possession of the human body and mind by an entity from a different realm. When your mind sees an image of these hybrid entities, it is being shown the merging of extra dimensional entities with the human realm. So ALL gods that are depicted as a combination human - animal entity are a subliminal asking you to subscribe to the possession and surrender of your life to these extra-dimensional entities. Praying to these 'gods' will invoke them to merge your soul into their realms. This has serious spiritual repercussions.
As for the elephant god Ganesh, who is shown as a human body having the head of an elephant, all you need to is google images: "Baphomet Demon" , and look at the results.

RITUALS or POOJAS: MOst of the brahminic and hindu rituals are actually ancient occult invocations. Taking part in occult rituals that invoke demons are a sin against the real GoD. Most of the Hindu mantras and homas, and rituals are ancient occult rituals. Some of the mantras are pure and good, but one needs a very good awareness of spirituality to differentiate between the two.

Lots of good in Vedic hinduism, lots of spiritual truths, but beware: there is very real demon worship and covers most of Hinduim, the temples and a lot of the scriputures. Ancient Luciferianism at work.


All spiritual energies are intensified and directed toward an icon that is shaped like a black cube > This is obvious Saturn/Satan worship. Islam is highly damaging ot life on Earth as the believers in the Satanic cult offer up their spiritual energies five times daily to the cube. This is intense spiritual donation, and the reason why this must stop immediatly. Islam is also anti human. Its so called prophet is a fakery and most likely did not exist as the earliest records are space many decades after his supposed existence. This is a cult created by some vested interests in the service of Satan.
Research of Islamic satanic black cube worship to know more.
The core of this faith is the annual fasting . This is highly powerful , and since the fasting is done for their god, all psychic energies go to Satan, or the black cube.
Allah is Satan , or the entity that chanells itself via portals in the planet SATURN.

Lots of goodness available in its sacred text the bible, but most of the beliefs are woven around a non-existent god-human personality. The cross or crucifix when folded results in a cube. The cube therefore is the unfolded cross that is wrapped up or contained. The man nailed to the cross is an ancient subliminal that shows the containment of the human being inside the cube. The nails bind the hands and feet of the human being , and when you fold up the crucified man into a cube, he is neatly contained within the box. This box or cube is obviously black, and points toward the negative energies of Saturn.
The story of Jesus is a representation of various phenomena, including astrology, as well physiological phenomena.
Given all the fear and containment of human energies found within the BIBLE, it still is one of the more belief systems in the world today apart from Buddhism. Please understand that NONE of the ancient belief systems are perfect and ALL of them have some form of Satanism woven into them.

I know very little on Judaaism so I shall not comment. But Judaism is an ancient belief system that has powerful knowledge of our ancient world, while at the same time, it is one of the most demonic of all religious cults.


The exciting thing is humanity has NEVER actually tried to invoke positive energy vibrations into the planetary grid. They were never given a chance, as the extra dimensional entities saw to it that the planet was always inundated by a storm of evil vibrations. Hence the continuous war , blood shied and evil governmental corporations.

Study and research into how to resonate the planetary energies into the POSITIVE ZONE and get rid of all the fake theocracies, cults and sacrificing of the powerful human spiritual energies to dark extra-dimensional entities.

Once you begin the process, the results will be exponential. Positivity will begin to vibrate and will affect all the auric molecules on this planet and around it.

May the real God bless you and take care of you.
Love an Peace.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

May 25th 2001 was a release date for a false flag setup!

Just think about it, making sure it was in the mind of every american that we have been attacked and to rally behind our government and the country! May 25th 2001 was the release date for the movie Pearl Harbor!

is it mere coincidence that the release of the smash hit movie of that year that happened to portray one of our countries worst attacks in history had to share that same year with the second most worst attack on american soil...hmmm! they used the power of your sub-concience against you! Subliminal messaging !

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Humans are slaves to a race that has populated earth for billions of years

Just a thought here... I have looked up at the stars and studied ufo's for a long time and I have come to believe that there is a race of beings that have lived on Earth much longer than human beings have. Maybe this race even made human beings to be their slaves. Our lives serve no function as to mine the earth and make the 1% richer everyday. There is some interesting work from a researcher in South Africa studying 150,000 year old ruins in his country. Supposedly human beings started becoming civilized about 10,000 years ago but the Globleki tepe really changes things. How could their be ruins built by intelligent people that are that old? I believe we humans are nothing but slaves on this planet serving beings that have been here for millions or billions of years. The earth is 4.5 billion years old but it took us humans 400 years to go from dumping our shit out the window in the Middle Ages to being able to post this article from an iPhone in my hands. Even if someone from the 1960's saw the technology we have today they would assume is alien technology. Any thoughts people?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ive been saying his about WWE for years, I'm just not good at putting together videos like you. Do you think that WWE does this stuff as a foreshadow of events to come
Everything they say and do, all the hand signs and names of groups is all evil and satanic and it almost looks like they tell you whats going to happen in the future.
If you remember in the 80's there was a tag team with Hogan & Mucho Man & they predicted (not even predicted) they told the story of how the world trade centre will burn and fall.

Before royal rumble in the ring was
NWO, Ascension & APA
NWO = New World Order
Ascension = The Rise Of
APA -Acolytes Protection Agency= Some one preforming The Ceremony

Seems like they are setting the stage for something big

I wouldn't be surprised if in one of these events "The Beast" Brock Lesnor suffers an injury as explained in the Revelations

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Who's paying PR firms to shill Sandy Hook TWO YEARS & counting?

Really? Like, who would pay for TWO SOLID YEARS to shill Sandy Hook?

That's a pretty long term interest, wouldn't you say? And some pretty deep pockets?

I seriously, seriously doubt they thought they'd have to be paying people in 2015 to sit at those consoles, typing away on GLP. But--they're paying. No one shills for free.

I believe there are truly dedicated individual citizens who remain on this topic because it's important to them. No doubt. We know Sandy Hook is a lie one way or another and we're still here because we care. I really don't think that, on the other side, there are passionate supporters of the official story who have made it their personal goal to defend it, but I guess I'll allow for a small possibility. Why would they need to, though? The official story has won, hands down. What is there to be passionate about? The shills posing as "official-story citizens" tried to create this whole "we will oppose the evil truthers!!" astroturfing meme but obviously that's a sham and no one bought it.

But I feel very, very strongly that Robert Riversong, for example, is an example of someone paid to respond to every Sandy Hook post in his work sphere (and you can tell he is more than fed up with it). There is no question in my mind that he is paid to do this, none. So he's an example of someone that I know in my gut is paid by someone for his efforts.

Paid by WHOM?

Who would give a flying you-know-what two years later?? The public has already bought the official story, the school is torn down, Sedensky et al have gotten away with making a mockery of the justice system, and an apathetic, unhtinking public doesn't give a damn. it's over. So who in God's name feels they need to continue to "guide public opinion" on this topic??

Why on earth do they care what some subsection of the public thinks anyway?

Is there some formula or statistic that shows that if a topic is under discussion by citizens--citizens who for the most part are spinning their wheels in frustration but not getting anywhere legally--that under these conditions, someone who WILL do something about it is statistically likely to read about and do something?

Are there going to be jury trials? Do they think civil suit judges are going to be affected by GLP discussions??

Are they afraid we might slowly work out what really happened, and that the logic of it will be so self-evident that a pesky journalist will actually take notice?

At any rate, someone IS paying someone to shill Sandy Hook. What's kind of chilling to me is that the longer this is true, the more powerful and wealthy the entity paying for the shilling must be.

Who benefits the most from trying to convince people no one died?

I really want to believe that Sandy Hook is just a case of local coverup that snowballed, and I still do think that's the most likely scenario. But what's bothering me lately is that there is at least one scary option on the list of reasons for shilling Sandy Hook two years and counting, and that is if it really was a false flag.

"It was a hoax" was really just a gateway drug to "no one died," and that would benefit anyone conceived of and executed a false flag 12/14/2012. Maybe at the topmost level, or maybe someone like a Bloomberg or worse who decided it was worth slaughtering people to get gun control. If you don't believe me, watch how the false flag threads morphed into the no one died threads. Who benefits? Someone who actually pulled a false flag, that's who.

But it's a little murky, because "no one died" works nicely as away to reduce interest and concern and outrage--and I guess in the end that would benefit any coverup of a crime where people died.

So whether it's Washington trying to cover up a false flag, or an acutely embarrassing foreign terrorist attack, or a privately-conceived "for the greater good" slaughter, or Governor Malloy freaking out about state liability (but why continue to shill now?), or even just Newtown lawyers--the "no one died" meme benefits them all. And, finally, it also befits the Big Ammo/NRA/Vision for a Conservative America/whatever groups.

Because "no one died" means anyone on the above lists is "bad, but not that bad."

So we're left with the aggravating question: Who would pay PR firms good money to still be shilling Sandy Hook for over two years?? Who pays Robert Riversong to come out of hiding every time I say "the ambulances couldn't get in?"

Cui bono? Is it so hard to figure out because there are actually multiple PR firms shilling for multiple reasons?

Somebody somewhere is paying for this, and certainly out of all those people sitting at consoles, one of them must be willing to talk. Maybe we're going at this the wrong way--instead of chasing down the big guys, we need to find the little guys and ask them who the hell is paying them and why. Certainly at least one American has got to be saying to him/herself by now, "What the hell am I doing this for?"

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

People who are vaccinated against measles can actually transmit the disease to those who are not vaccinated. So by continuing to administering the vaccination are we not propagating the virus? Once the virus was irradicated why do we continue to give it to people then. Only 1% of people die from measles opposed to say the Ebola virus were up to 70% of people die.

I will take the odds of my kids actually contracting the virus and not making it. I'm not sure what the odds are but I'm sure like a zillion to 1 they contract it and die.

Do not vaccinate there are pointless and will poison you and jeopardize your immune system leaving your more likely to get sick. Do your research and be apprehensive of any study funded by big pharma for there own interests!

8dayruddyman #fundie godlikeproductions.com

B+ Blood Type: what it means spiritually – Beta 6th Thunder

B positive according to the Church of Smyrna in the 7 Churches of Revelation are interpreted as YAHudah’s progeny (Jews) but under 1st commandment curse. Progeny of Eve (ha Wah) before flood & Japheth after the flood

Smyrna – Myrrh for burials. Because of Eve’s adultery with SamaEL- Zeus (XES) in the garden she must die though the faithful will not die the second death. “Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die”

1) Reminding them that he, YAHshuWAH died but lived.
2) Your works tribulation and poverty are known (But you are rich) reference to Japheth
3) Also known are the blasphemy of those O’s calling themselves Jews, but do lie. True Jews are the progeny of Ashkenazi the grandson of Japheth.
4) Fear not the Devil will put some of you in prison (FEMA concentration camps just like Nazi Germany)
5) You will be tried with tribulation 10 days be faithful unto death and receive a crown of Life.
6) The overcomers will not be hurt by the second death.

8, And to the angel of the in Smyrna assembly write! Thus says the first and the last, who became dead, and lived. 9, I know your works, and affliction, and poorness, (but rich you are) and the blasphemy of the ones calling to be Jews themselves, and are not, but a synagogue of Satan. 10, Do not fear the things you are about to suffer! Behold indeed, is about to throw the devil some of you in prison, that you should be tested. And you shall affliction days ten. Be trustworthy unto death! and I will give to you the crown of life. 11, The one having an ear, hear what the spirit says to the assemblies! The one overcoming, in no way should be injured by the death second.

What happened to the House of YAHudah’s progeny through Shuwah’s daughter historically?

Here’s the connection: B+ are the Progeny of haWah (Eve) whom at one time going back to the beginning were RH- meant to live in a B- body. Then after the reboot of the flood they entered the matrix through Japheth and later brought in under YAHudah through the Daughter of King Shuwah (B‘s). Over the course of incarnating here over thousands of years they failed to love the creator in a manner in which YHWH could receive. Since YHWH will not share his glory with another (as he shouldn’t have to) the B+ allowed themselves to worship Satan. The reasons why or how don’t matter. Today you are referred to as Gentiles. The A, B, and AB positives are the fulfillment of YHWH’s first Commandment. They are the result of the Law in which YHWH says; “I AM a jealous God Visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children to the 3rd and 4th generation for those who hate me and offering mercy to those who love me and keep the Law”. The only way this can be interpreted is as a generational curse. Blood barriers of Genesis 3:15 apply here. Rhogam is a drug that breaks these barriers and helps fulfill Mat 10:34-36. The assembly of ha Wah’s (Eve) Temple- blood type has been blended with Satan’s seed.

See: B- blood type and what it means spiritually and the other blood types for more info.

Each of the blood types has generous clues as to who they Biblically are. It’s coded if you know the Bible 7 Churches of Revelation can be easily understood. Here are the B’s:

Now the clues for the B+’s are similar. YAHshuWAH observes that they also enjoyed Japheth’s blessing of being rich. And assures them he sees the Blasphemy of those claiming to be Jews but are in fact the congregation of Satan. There was no V or J in Hebrew so if we closely look at the name Eve a better translation would be Ewe in modern English. A ewe is a female sheep. Therefore the name Jews should be Ewes a reference to B- ha Wah, (Eve) who also had the blessings of Japheth.

YAHshuWAH tells them the Devil will put some of them into FEMA camps, that they are to be tried 10 days and to Hold onto his NAME, YAHshuWAH (not jeZeus- Xes = 666). These Overcomers will receive a crown of LIFE and will not by any means suffer the second death.

The B-‘s (2nd created Thunder) are reminded that they are neither hot nor cold but lukewarm as was ha Wah (Eve) was with YHWH’s commandment about eating the forbidden FRUIT of a certain Tree of animals (Book of YAHshur 1:20). Now picture the 7 candlesticks and on the right side from the middle, the B-‘s are in the midst of the right side between Adam and Cain exactly where YAHshuWAH says they are neither Hot nor Cold.

The B-‘s of Laodicea are urged to remember that though they have the blessing Noah had given to Japheth/Ashkenaz (Gen. 9:27) of being enlarged-increased they are in fact actually blind, like Isaac who despite all he had inherited from Abraham ended up blind because he loved Esau’s venison (Gen. 27:1-5). And naked because of Eve’s not following YHWH’s commandment of a certain forbidden FRUIT that causes death. She had not been tempted with an apple it was animal flesh that causes cancer (Rev. 16:15).

YAHshuWAH tells the B-s if they don’t clean out their eyes and learn to sit at his Passover dinner table of mercy (bread) and not continue to eat at Satan’s table (fool sacrificed to Idols), they will be tried in the fire and temptation of the Great Tribulation to earn their white garments so the shame of Eve’s nakedness (Gen 3:7) may not be seen. These B-‘s having to choose death over the NWO Mark of the Beast as seen in Nazi prison camp photos with some burned in ovens and others laid out for burials in mass graves. These Overcomers will sit with him on his throne.

I would like to point out when I received my blood type testing kit from Dr. Adamo’s Eat right for your blood type website it arrived with a pamphlet. According to this pamphlet there was not a single blood type B amongst the Native Americans, proving the awesome power of YAHshuWAH to separate the House of YAHudah Betas from the House of YAHshurun Alphas. Science knows this that’s why they have already given convenient accurate blood types ABO labels.

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