
Andrew Anglin #fundie #wingnut dailystormer.name

[From "Maybe If Andrew Kaczynski Repented, God Would Heal His Child’s Cancer?"]

Writing about the program of brutal censorship this morning after a German scientist had his door kicked in by cops and was arrested at gunpoint for questioning the coronavirus narrative, I mentioned the incident where CNN hunted down and blackmailed a person that made a meme making fun of CNN, which was retweeted by Donald Trump.
We soon found out Han Asshole Solo’s real identity was somehow figured out by “KFile” writer Andrew Kaczynski, who went on to publicly document that he contacted the man and threatened to publicly expose his identity if he continued to make memes. The apology was posted after Solo was contacted by Kaczynski.
Of course, despite the fact that it is obviously illegal to blackmail someone like this – it’s extortion whenever you threaten to cause someone harm in exchange for them doing something for you – law enforcement did not investigate.

But God investigated.

He found Kaczynski to be wanting.

And He gave his child cancer.
I know that if I were Andrew Kaczynski, and I was holding my cancer-riddled infant child, I would be begging God for forgiveness for the evil I had done, and I would be promising Him that I would make amends for it. I would publicly apologize for serving the murderers of Jesus Christ and I would publicly apologize to all of the people I’d harmed.
God has made it clear that children will be punished for the sins of their fathers. [Exodus 20;5-6]

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #homophobia #dunning-kruger #quack dailystormer.name

[From "Are the Dangers of Heterosexual STDs Massively Exaggerated to Prevent White Reproduction?"]

Heterosexual STDs are frankly overrated and part of a conspiracy to drive down the birthrate, frankly.

Firstly, there is no virus that you can actually test for, by the nature of the virus, and you are always testing for antibodies that the medical establishment claims are associated with these viruses. Viral infections are basically a theoretical phenomenon.

I don’t really even believe in HIV=AIDS, and think AIDS is just old fashioned GRIDS.
Secondly, I should make it clear: gonorrhea and chlamydia are real infections that can cause real complications if they are not dealt with. However, being bacterial infections, they are easily cured using antibiotics.
Frankly, I’m not really a big time believer in HPV at all, and if it does exist, it goes away naturally. There is no real proof linking HPV to cervical cancer, and cervical cancer – ironically – is more likely caused by birth control, and as with every cancer, a bad diet.
Basically, we have a situation where our birthrate has collapsed and the government is pushing for white people not to have kids, and only white people follow these neurotic STD rules, using condoms or not having sex at all because they’re afraid of these diseases. I find the whole thing very suspicious.
Just imagine the way they brainwash little kids with those images of diseased or totally mutilated genitalia. It’s the same thing they do with the Holocaust, when they show you pictures of piles of dead Jews.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "The Plan is Coming to Fruition – Just Stay Focused"]

Obviously, on the face of it, I’m very distraught over the fact that Donald Trump has been falsely declared the loser of the election, and there exists a very real chance that he will not pull off staying in power.[…]
What we saw at the Million MAGA March in Washington, and then in Atlanta over the weekend, is exactly what I’ve been pushing for, and trying to build, from the beginning of my ministry here at the Daily Stormer.
We failed at Charlottesville. There were problems that I didn’t understand, which I should have understood. It was an absolute disaster. But God granted us a do-over, and we’ve now succeeded.
I spent years making Nazi jokes, gas chamber jokes, and so on. That was part of the overarching strategy – we had to desensitize people to the “evil” of the Nazis before we were ever going to get anywhere. It was never my goal to have people dressed up in Nazi costumes, marching through the streets. Sick people took my humor and tried to use me to spin their own agenda.
This recent series of events could have been better, but it also could have been a lot worse. If Joe Biden would have won in the first round, simply with the 80,000,000 mail-in ballots which were rounded up and collected, many people on the right would have believed that Biden won legitimately. Instead, those 80 million were not enough, and the Democrats were forced to shut down the counting in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, and bring in new fake ballots to ensure a victory for Biden.
The ultimate victory as things now stand is this: red states need to secede from the Union.
Like many of you, I’ve been reading the Book of John’s Revelation a lot lately.[…]What we are told is to come out of this system, lest we be infected by it.[Rev. 18:4]

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #homophobia dailystormer.name

[From "Our Boy Kyle is Out on Bond!"]

Our boy Kyle is out!

Asked what he would be doing now that he’s a free man, Kyle told the press: “I’m going to Disneyland… to shoot faggots who prey on our nation’s children!”

My man.

NBC News

Kyle Rittenhouse, the Illinois teenager charged with killing two men during the Jacob Blake protests in Wisconsin this summer, made bail on Friday and walked out of jail, officials said.[…]

Kyle obviously did nothing wrong. However, it was believed that he would be destroyed by the system anyway.

However, since his arrest, things have gone in the total opposite direction. He’s got a great team of lawyers, and it’s become very difficult for these people accusing him of “murder” when the entire public has seen the video of him being chased through the streets, and a man pulling a gun on him.
It also turned out that one of the people he killed was a convicted homosexual child molester. So it’s hard to drum up sympathy.
In all likelihood, he will end up being convicted or pleading guilty to some charges, possibly which carry a couple of years in prison, but there is little chance he will be doing decades, as initially appeared to be the case.

However, once again: this is something that will be affected by the political climate in the country. If Joe Biden takes over, Kyle will be in a much worse position than he will be if the Real President remains in office.
He [Biden] is likely to get involved in the case as president, and could in fact order his Justice Department to bring federal charges (which could easily be brought, given that Kyle crossed state lines with a gun before shooting people).

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

[From "Mark of the Beast: Joe Biden’s People Want to Tie Coronavirus Vaccination to Benefits"]

I just can’t even tell you how bad things are going to get if Joe Biden somehow manages to assume the throne.

You are looking at the absolute Book of Revelations.

The Biden CIA allies Center for Health Security at the Johns Hopkins University have released a document entitled “The Public’s Role in COVID-19 Vaccination: Planning Recommendations Informed by Design Thinking and the Social, Behavioral, and Communication Sciences,” which says that basic government benefits should be contingent on getting injected with the experimental gene-altering coronavirus vaccine.
Joe Biden is deeply tied to the Johns Hopkins University, and is employing their resources in building his plan for an absolute hell on earth in response to this alleged “pandemic.”

Biden has Kabbalistically named a “council of 13” to a “Coronavirus Advisory Board.” It is co-chaired by the Jew David A. Kessler, and includes the diabolical Jew Zeke Emanuel.
How does a chemical communicate with your mRNA and give it messages to sent to your cells? I have absolutely no idea. I’m not a scientist. But the idea that this is a process that was just invented a few months ago but is now ready to be implemented on the entire population is completely nuts to me.
Understand: if this vaccine just starts killing people outright, with blood clots, cerebral edema, autoimmune responses or any of the other potentially deadly risks, the media is going to cover that up. They absolutely have that ability, as you well know.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #conspiracy #fundie dailystormer.name

[From "Trump Needs to Fire Joint Chiefs Head Who is Making Threatening Statements"]

The head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, who is obviously (in my opinion) a violent homosexual, has begun making threatening gestures towards the Real President Donald J. Trump.

CNN reports that Milley made the following statements this week during remarks at the opening of the US Army’s museum:

We are unique among militaries. We do not take an oath to a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator. We do not take an oath to an individual. No, we do not take an oath to a country, a tribe or religion. We take an oath to the Constitution. And every soldier that is represented in this museum, every sailor, airman, Marine, Coast Guardsman, each of us will protect and defend that document, regardless of personal price.

The statement about a “king,” “tyrant” or “dictator” is obviously a reference to Real President Trump, who may be forced to become a dictator because criminal Democrats and the Jewish media have attempted to steal the 2020 presidential election.
We need the people in our military to be ride or die Trump supporters, because Trump is very possibly going to need to call on the military to prop up his claim to power.

If Trump were to declare martial law and shut down the civilian government, the military would benefit from this, as generals would become very influential officials in a military government. Any true military man would be excited about these prospects. But Milley is a despicable sodomist who puts anus first.
We need a clean and Christian military that is willing to stand with Trump.

Hell is coming, and only True Christian Soldiers will be able to stand against it.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Fox News Heiress Kathryn Murdoch is a Jew-Lover, Hates Donald Trump, Plotting Against Him"]

We’ve seen Fox News go from conservative – or at least pro-Republican – to nearly full-CNN in the space between the 2016 and 2020 elections.

This is because the old man who owns it, Rupert Murdoch, was 85 at the time of the 2016 election and is now 89. You simply cannot expect men that age to run companies.[…]
Furthermore, and probably even more importantly, Fox forced out their boss of the network, Roger Ailes, after the disgusting skank Megyn [sic] Kelly claimed that he hugged her in a weird way that made her uncomfortable.
Lachlan is 49. His 47-year-old younger brother James is even more of a serious problem. This week James’ wife Kathryn made waves by going full-Jew on Twitter.

She began her rampage on November 5, quote-tweeting the vile Jew neocon Max Boot and calling Trump a “dictator.”
This woman is not directly involved in running Fox News. However, she is married to a man whose brother is in charge of it. In fact, her husband worked in a top position at News Corp, Fox’s parent company, up until July of this year. The couple are Biden donors.

It is absurd to imagine that this branch of the family does not hold some sway as to the direction of Fox.[…]
Fox News is absolutely involved in a conspiracy against Donald Trump.[…]Judge Jeanine had her Saturday show canceled because she was planning to expose the fraud.
So, they are abandoning a monopoly on right-wing news to go try to compete with CNN?

That makes zero sense in any terms other than as a Jewish conspiracy.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "AOC is Compiling Enemies Lists for Post-Election Punishment (Camps?)"]

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a woman who is possibly the single most powerful person in the Democrat Party, took to Twitter on Friday to call for a compiling of an enemies list – and her supporters are following orders.

Cortez said that the tweets of people supporting Donald Trump against this election fraud are “complicit” and that they will try to deny that in the future, so the tweets of Trump supporters should be archived.
Liberal and apparent Jew, Michael Simon, responded to her tweet saying that they are indeed compiling an enemies list.

Simon is a part of a group putting together an enemies list called “The Trump Accountability Project” and including the names of everyone who works to help Trump.

The official website for the group, trumpaccountability.net, says openly that they are planning revenge.
Communists have always targeted and punished people who they’ve labeled “traitors to the revolution.” There is a 100% chance that members of the left-wing of the Democrat Party will be seeking to hunt down and punish Trump supporters, should they manage to succeed with their fraud and claim the White House.
Get out to the protests this weekend.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Poland Cucks Out on Anti-Abortion Law Amidst Western-Backed Riots"]

This is such a stupid decision. If you give these people a single thing, they take more.

The pro-abortion protests should have been put down with live ammo.

The priests would have blessed the bullets.

These people are actual baby-killing satanists and they deserve to die.

The Guardian

Poland’s rightwing government has delayed the publication and implementation of a high court ruling that tightens the abortion law and has triggered almost two weeks of nationwide protests.[…]

I guess I should salute their bravery in pushing for the law in the first place, but this is so cowardly. It is actually worse than having never pushed for the ban, because it hands the baby-killers a win.

They will use this win as a platform to demand more things. They will start demanding the insane “domestic violence” laws, they will demand feminist divorce laws where the man has to pay his wife when she leaves him. Then, as women continue to consolidate power, they will start pushing for extreme homosexuality and mass immigration.

This is what women always do: they seek to destroy everything that men have built.

They love murdering children, foremost. They get a big rush from it. It seems that this ritual satanic baby murder actually gives them power to expand their agenda, which always involves gays and mass immigration.

Women house demons in their bodies.

The solution is that they should be beaten up and raped.

Andrew Anglin #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Purdue Pharma, Producers of OxyContin, To Shut Down After Anti-Semitic Persecution"]

It is a long-running anti-Semitic canard that the Jews feed drugs to the goyim in order to weaken them and make them easier to control.

I am shocked to see that the federal government is now embracing this sickening and virulent trope.

Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, has agreed to plead guilty to three federal criminal charges for its role in creating the nation’s opioid crisis and will pay more than $8 billion and close down the company.[…]

For centuries, the goyim have falsely accused the Jews of thwarting efforts to ensure compliance.

It’s a virulent trope.
They fled persecution in Eastern Europe… only to find persecution in America.

Was DEA agent Tim McDermott someone who marched at Charlottesville?

This country is totally controlled by white supremacists.

The fact is, the Sacklers were a kind family who were fleeing Communism or Nazism or the Czar or some king or some other anti-Semite who hated them for literally no reason, and were just trying to make a life for themselves.
Many people believe that these Jews were offering a kind service, because they were helping goyim deal with their problems, such as feminism and divorce, wars in the Middle East, pornography, racial integration, the promotion of homosexuality to children, trannies, child trannies, mass immigration, the JJ Abrams Star Wars films, and many other problems that the goyim were facing.
Strong and addictive opioid drugs were a valid service that these Jews were offering, and in fact, it was very kind.

The Sackler family was not all that different from the Sassoon family, which also helped goyim by giving them addictive opioid drugs.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Nigerian Government Folds, Disbands Brutal Police Squad After Western-Backed Protests"]

How the hell are you supposed to keep order in a country filled with blacks without extrajudicial killings?

The Guardian

Nigeria’s government has dissolved an infamous police unit plagued with allegations of extrajudicial killings and abuse after days of protests against police brutality.

A wave of outrage had been fuelled over the last week by the emergence online of graphic footage and shared experiences of abuses by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, commonly called Sars.[…]

Of course, without Amnesty International, no Nigerian would have thought to protest this.

It’s a total hoax – direct Western meddling.

It’s almost like the people pulling the strings behind the scenes are creating total global chaos on purpose.

Maybe, they think they’re going to bring in some kind of figure to solve the problem and then unite the world under a global government?

Frei #sexist #dunning-kruger #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "New York Times Admits All Would be Well If Only White Men Could Vote"]

A New York Times writer with a Jew-sounding name has admitted that America would still be doing fine if only white men could vote.

New York Times

The term “gender gap” has a clinical sound to it, like it’s an intrinsic condition of our politics. But it did not always exist, and with each recent election cycle, it has become more extreme.
We’d likely have a Senator David Duke from Louisiana. The entire U.S. Senate would look far different — with Democratic senators from just a handful of the bluest states. And there would never have been a President Barack Obama.[…]

Interestingly, women were once more conservative than men.

Religion kept women in line. This is, no doubt, one reason why the Jews attacked it so relentlessly. They knew a coalition of grievance-wielding minorities could not, on its own, be enough to defeat white people. Only by peeling off women and gays from the white voting bloc could the Jews ever hope to prevail. Contraception helped them do this.[…]A childless woman, on the other hand, has no natural outlet for her nurturing instincts and instead often seeks to fulfill them by embracing foolish idealistic causes that bring ruin on the society she lives in.
In evolutionary terms, women have basically survived by sucking the dick of the invaders throughout history. If you analyze the genetic make-up of many nations, you see the same pattern: female DNA goes back to the initial settlement of the country after the last Ice Age, while male DNA only goes back to the last successful invasion.[…]This is evident today in attitudes towards immigration or what the New York Times writer with the Jew-sounding name calls women’s “rejection of force and violence, and concern with interpersonal relations.”

Andrew Anglin #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Lesley Stahl is a Disgusting Old Jew and America Actually Hates Her"]

Jews are seriously deluded people, who think that their own people are beloved among the goyim, and can’t stand to face the fact that if Jews didn’t control everything, the goyim would never choose Jews as their cultural figures.

Jew Maggie Haberman apparently genuinely believes that Jew Leslie Stahl is one of the most beloved figures in American journalism.

Haberman writes for the New York Times:


The NYT is an absolute scam by Jews to make midwits and women feel like they’re smart, and it’s really disgusting.

The Jews will appeal to any weakness in the goyim.

But the appeal to the unearned vanity of midwits is the most offensive to me personally.


Listen, Jews: it’s hard to make the goyim care about some young plastic surgery Jew woman. But a 75-year-old plastic surgery Jew woman? No one wants that.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

Recently, we witnessed the Jew Jerrold Nadler poop in his pants while giving a press conference as a way to humiliate the goyim. Even more often than Jews engage in pants-pooping to humiliate the goyim, they masturbate at the goyim.

Very rarely, but sometimes, the goyim get mad enough to go public when a Jew does this to them.


Wait – virtually all of those people are Jews. I think they might all be Jews. (Just try to imagine how Jewish the media actually is. Then realize that they are the enemy of the people. Then, understand the concept of “Antisemitism.”)

This wasn’t a Jew trying to humiliate the goyim – it was just a Jew hanging out with other Jews and acting like a Jew.

Furthermore, I have a feeling that in the real election, the courts are going to do the same thing Toobin did in the simulation.

So, frankly, he did remain in character.


Jews are sick and deranged people, whatever the hell was going on here specifically.

We shouldn’t be involved with these people and we should in fact protest the fact that they rule over us.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Amidst Coronavirus Economic Collapse, Germany Gives $664 Million to Jew “Holocaust Survivors”"]

Even if you believe in the idiotic mythology of the Holocaust, “Holocaust survivor” is an idiotic term. You don’t have to have managed to walk backwards out of a gas chamber to maintain the title of “survivor.”
You don’t have to have been kicked off of the violin team in the orchestra, or kicked off of the football team.

In order to be a “Holocaust survivor,” all you have to have done is:
•Be Jewish
•Be alive in 1945

Theoretically, you’re also supposed to have been in Europe – not just Germany, but anywhere in Europe. That includes Britain and other countries that the Nazis didn’t successfully invade.
This might seem to trivialize an event which Jews want the goyim to believe has a sacred status as the crucial event of history, which defines civilization itself. But it sure is profitable for them.
Every Jew in the former USSR is classified as a Holocaust survivor, just to be clear, despite the fact that the Nazis never made it to Moscow, let alone started masturbating all the Jews to death.
Buying a house in that neighborhood is worse than the bleach blonde fake titty bitches in the video. Plus the song is inaccurate in that it says Beverly Hills is old money, which is the opposite of the truth. It’s a place for peasants like Joe Rogan who somehow end up with millions of dollars, and Jews from the ghettoes of Belarus who ran scams after the war. All that having been noted, it is very, very funny to me to think of the Soviets liberating Auschwitz and then this song starts playing in the Jews’ heads.

Yeah, but seriously – every single “survivor” I read about lives in Beverly Hills.
It’s known as the “Auschwitz to Beverly Hills Pipeline.”

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Fat Bitch Buys a House with Onlyfans Whore Money"]

A fat white bitch calling herself “Savannah Solo” has bought a house with the money she made sticking objects into her vagina for money on Onlyfans.

Onlyfans is a subscription site where you pay money to see dirty women get naked. You can watch their livestreams, which feature them talking sweet and sticking objects into their holes.

This bitch is disgusting, by the way.


If this fat bitch can buy a house with her whore money, just imagine what an attractive, thin girl is making.

This is vulture behavior, on par with what Bezos is doing.


Sex is a biological need. Depriving men of sex and then making them pay for virtual companionship with internet prostitutes is a crime against humanity, by the most basic definition of the term.

It’s a helluva lot worse than the Holocaust, which, frankly, didn’t actually happen, but secondly, even if it had did not target the entire population of men from every white country.

Somebody needs to pay for this.


People have a right to breed. Assuming there is nothing wrong with the man, he has a natural right to breed. No one has a right to deprive men of their ability to breed – and yet, someone is depriving them of that.

Daily Stormer #wingnut #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Chile: Cops Throw Protester Off a Bridge"]

There is also unrest in Chile.

Because these are the days of unrest.

Fortunately for Chile, their cops know how to deal with it.

The Guardian

Less than a month before Chile votes on whether to replace its Pinochet-era constitution, police have brutally repressed demonstrators in the capital, Santiago.

On Friday evening officers of the Carabineros police force used plumes of teargas and high-pressure water jets to disperse protesters congregating in Plaza Italia, where pockets of violence flared amid a heavy police presence.

Videos show a 16-year-old boy being bundled over the railings of a bridge by a police officer. The boy fell into the dirty concrete channel of the Mapocho river, where he lay motionless, face down in the shallow water.[…]

We would be a lot better off if the cops in every country were throwing people off of bridges.

It’s heartening to see.

Presumably, they’re getting ready for a communist revolution, like everyone else.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Paki Slut Who Got Nobel Prize for Being Uppity Says “No Compromise” on Girls’ Education"]

This bitch is not a real person. She is just a tool for the Western powers.

Radio Free Europe

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai says that “there should be no compromise” on the right to education for Afghan girls in ongoing peace negotiations between the government and Taliban militants.[…]

The Western powers know that they can make any concession – all of the concessions – and as long as they ram through women’s education, in a generation, the Western system will dominate.

With women in control, you can only even end up with anal sex, abortion, tattoos, and every other abomination. There is no possible road to freedom if women have rights.

The West knows this. So they will literally say, “yeah, just do whatever you want with your little Moslem stuff, we just want women’s rights.”

Women are literally tools of Satan.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️"]


All the old bitch wanted to do was to make it to November.

Now the bitch bench permanently rests her case!

New York Post

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the second woman to serve on the Supreme Court and a pioneering advocate for women’s rights, who in her ninth decade became a much younger generation’s unlikely cultural icon, died at her home in Washington on Friday. She was 87.

Yeah, she thought that president would be her fellow top cunt Hillary.


Well, that’s that.

I guess you might say… this case is closed.


Unsurprisingly, the ultra cunt Lisa Murkowski is announcing cunt solidarity with this dead Jew cunt.


Show me one single place where a woman in public life has not been a complete disaster. We need to end the concept of “right-wing feminism.” It is not reality. What is reality is a total cunt overload kicked into seventh gear.

Furthermore, beyond the rule of “no women” we need a rule of “no gay homos.”


The entire election is now going to be overshadowed by this nomination, which is a good thing, probably. Trump can say we’re going to completely ban abortion and start handing out machine guns to elementary school children if he gets reelected.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "France: Slut Uprising at High Schools as Dirty Whores Demand a Right to Wear Hooker Clothes in Class"]

Every female knows that all of her power comes from her body, and her ability to make men do things for her using her body. Women have literally no ability to do anything of value, and they cannot survive without men. As such, any attempt by a man to prevent a woman from using sex to manipulate men is viewed as “a sexist attack on women.”

Someone has to stop these sluts.

They need to be beaten and gang-raped.

Girls in French high schools were on Monday invited to dress “provocatively” to denounce sexism.
The #Lundi14Septembre (#Monday14September) hashtag was launched on social platforms after several female pupils complained they were refused entry to their high schools over the past few days because their clothes were judged to be “indecent”, according to French media.[…]

This entire framing of the concept that telling women to wear decent clothing is tantamount to rape is utterly nonsensical.
Honestly, we never should have stopped that practice. Including girls in men’s classes was always going to distract the boys. Every single study, ever, shows that both boys and girls do better at sex-segregated schools.
So: the elite keep their sons in private boys only schools, then they not only force you to send your sons to schools with girls, but have all of these “women’s rights” organizations come out and denounce you as evil for not wanting girls dressed up like literal strippers in your son’s school.

When the ruling elite are doing something completely different than you, then constantly using their organizations to attack you and demand that you keep doing more and more extreme versions of a thing they totally refuse to do, you need to start asking what’s going on.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Brown People are Always Going to Support Socialism Because They’re So Much Less Competent Than Whites"]

In democracy, you have all these different groups which you must pander to. We take it for granted, but it’s really an absurd situation: society is totally divided into groups and politicians have to segment out what they do for each group in order to get votes from that group.
As Joe Biden recently said, Latinos are not monolithic like the blacks.

He apologized for saying that, or rather whoever runs his Twitter account apologized that he said that.
The thing I would like to offer today is this: it appears to me that democracy encourages these social divides.[…]
If immigrants were expected to integrate, very few would bother coming at all. Moving to another country is a big effort. But democracy, with this system of multiple group identities, encourages them to remain in these blocs, which then encourages more to come here.
These people are always with the Republicans, because the Republicans theoretically support military action in Latin America. Also, because they are lighter-skinned, they have higher IQs and generally do not want socialism here in America either. In any mixed-race country, socialism is a way for brown people to siphon wealth from white people. (In a purely white country, socialism is a way for women to siphon wealth from men.)
We need to abandon democracy and go back to the classical American republican model of government. If we did that tomorrow, and made the white majority the singular focus of government policy, things would slowly begin to swing in the opposite direction.

You would see:
∙ Blacks trying to act like people
∙ Women returning to the guidance of men
∙ Brown people going back to their shitholes

Daily Stormer #transphobia dailystormer.name

[From "Philippines: Duterte Pardons US Soldier Who Killed a Tranny"]

Killing trannies isn’t a big deal, really, because they’re going to kill themselves anyway.

This is so funny though, because he pardoned a US soldier as a snub to the US. He knows the US is obsessed with trannies, and he’s like, “yeah, we don’t really think killing them is that big of a deal.”

It’s one of the cleverest things I’ve seen.


Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte on Monday pardoned a United States Marine convicted of killing a transgender woman in the country nearly six years ago, sparking condemnation from activists who described the move as a “mockery of justice”.

Lance Corporal Joseph Scott Pemberton was jailed in 2015 for killing Jennifer Laude near a former U.S. navy base. A trial court signed off on his early release last week for good conduct, but was blocked by an appeal from Laude’s lawyers.

You see, Asians have significantly lower natural testosterone levels than whites. So sometimes, the trannies are easily mistaken as girls to an untrained eye.

But you get that tranny in your room and see his dick – you’re gonna rage.

Pretty soon, trannies in the West will be unmistakable from women, so I hope that the US adopts a policy of going gentle on people who murder them.

Again: they’re dead men walking anyway.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist dailystormer.name

[From "I Don’t Apologize for Calling Kyle a “Retard” – Going to That Riot was Retarded"]

I recently saw some slimy garbage person claiming that I had changed my message on Kyle Rittenhouse, saying that I called him a retard and now call him a hero. He claimed I was trying to “memory hole” that I’d called him a retard. I’d like to clear this up, as best I can.
Going to that rally was retarded. There is no other description for making a decision to go to a black riot with a gun to try to protect other people’s property.[…]
Doing something retarded doesn’t preclude someone from being a hero.

We discover that he is only a kid, and a good kid – a “plump infant,” as one columnist called him – and the impression regarding why he made the decision he made changes.
You’re also going to get more of these people going out with guns, and it’s only a matter of time before someone who isn’t a babyfaced all American boy shoots a person who isn’t a satanist or a child molester and they dig up his social media and find something other than wholesome activities.
Understand: William Barr could end these riots within 48 hours.[…]
If this was just a matter of going out and stopping the blacks, and the cops needed help from the citizens, you could send in 10 ex-marines with sniper rifles and clear the place out in ten minutes. Black people understand getting shot.
Move out of the city, and start getting involved in a small town community, so that our nation and our people have a future.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "On the Unmanageableness of the Cunt Class"]

We now have in the West an entire class of childless women who are past the age of attractiveness or healthy childbearing who spend their lives attacking white men, all of whom they view as stand-ins for their fathers.[…]Female humans never really grow into adults, they just grow tits. They are also completely self-centered and believe the universe revolves around them.[…]Thus, it is her father’s fault that she is so unhappy.[…]
These childless women are the absolute epitome of “worthless human beings,” in that the purpose of a woman is to produce children and everything else that they do was simply tolerated throughout history because they had that ability.[…]
I call these women the “Cunt Class.”
It’s possible that people looked at historical examples of women who had not had children, either due to infertility or very specific circumstances, and thought it would just all work out. However, historically, women who made it to thirty without children were an extreme abnormality.[…]
All of these women are virtually identical. They are aggressive, abrasive, rude, childlike, entitled, disrespectful, belligerent and utterly inane.
If using reason is impossible, then the only way to get them to get married and have children is to use force or manipulation. By the order of nature, there is nothing “immoral” about kidnapping women and putting them into sexual slavery for the purpose of producing children. But that is illegal.

Thus, your option is to use manipulation and deceit.[…]
Use any means at your disposal to prevent the abortion. If she has a Christian background, this is much easier. You can use the family against her in many ways.[…]
The most important thing in dealing with women is this: never be emotionally committed. After 3 decades of marriage, never commit yourself to her emotionally.

Andrew Anglin #racist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "New Zealand: Terrorist-Loving Judge Gives Brenton Tarrant Life Without Parole for Stopping Terrorism"]

Apparently, the entire government of New Zealand is pro-terrorist and will punish people for stopping terrorism.

They switch it up by calling people who prevent terrorism “terrorists.”

Goyim = dazzled.

The Guardian

The terrorist who killed 51 Muslim worshippers at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, will spend the rest of his life in jail, a judge has ruled. It is the first time under current New Zealand law that a sentence of life without the possibility of parole has been imposed.

Who cares???

Moslems have come to our countries and killed how many of us in the last 30 years?

A guy finally says “okay, that’s enough of that,” and he’s evil?

He was just taking revenge!

None of these articles mention his motivation.

They probably didn’t even bother to learn it.

I know his motivation.

[Picture of Ebba Akerlund]

It was revenge AND self-defense!

Brenton Tarrant should not only not go to prison, he should be made Prime Minister of Australia AND New Zealand.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "BASED and REDPILLED: FBI Posts the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion…!"]

It’s unclear why, but the FBI just posted the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a fictionalized account of the Jewish plan for world domination originally published in Russia in 1903.

The document is written as though it is the minutes of a meeting of Jews who are planning world domination. The popular response by the Jews has been that it is a “forgery” or a “hoax.” In fact, it was not intended to be taken as a literal account of an actual meeting, but was just framed in this fictional context as a vehicle for explaining the information contained in it.

Henry Ford used to put a copy of these protocols in every car he sold. It was company policy.


There is literally no way someone can look at what this book predicted over 100 years ago and think that it was all just a big guess. Literally, everything that the Jews have done to us is laid out in this document.

Let’s just go through a few quick quotes.

Keep in mind: wherever it came from, this was published before World War I, nearly half a century before the founding of Israel.


There are also better quotes that I can’t find right now. None of the quote collections still exist online, so I just had to go through and pull these myself.

Skimming through it, I realize that I need to do a full reread and write something long about it, for posterity.

It’s bizarre that the FBI posted this to Twitter. The context is that people were sending copies of it to J. Edger Hoover complaining to him that Jews are trying to take over the world, so the FBI has copies in their records, and they are just publishing their records.


The version on the FBI’s website is illegible, and I had a hard time finding a complete text of it online. When you search for it, you just get a bunch of Jewish pages saying it’s a hoax.

I went ahead and posted the full text here. It’s only 26,000 words. People should read it.

Andrew Anglin #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Why Would Right-Wingers Want to Allow Women to Vote?"]

["What 2016 would look like if just women voted?" map showing a huge Democratic victory and "What 2016 would look like if just men voted?" a huge GOP victory at the Presidential elections]

Take a good look at that chart.

Then ask why on earth the right-wing would ever, in any situation, support women voting.

Washington Post

On Election Day in 1872, nearly 50 years before women gained the right to vote, Susan B. Anthony walked into a polling site in Rochester, N.Y., and cast her ballot. A federal marshal later showed up at her door to arrest her for wrongfully and willfully voting. She was ultimately tried and fined $100.

On Tuesday, the 100-year anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment that granted women the right to vote, President Trump announced he would pardon Anthony.

Donald Trump: the hero of progress.

He’s dragging all of us troglodytes out of the stone age, whether we like it or not.

It’s whatever.

You see this stuff, and you know who’s responsible for it, and it’s depressing.

But it is what it is.

It doesn’t matter.

He has to get reelected, regardless.

We do not have any choice.

Daily Stormer #sexist #racist dailystormer.name

[From "White Girls are the Greatest Because of Their Independent Aryan Spirit"]

A lot of people in the right-wing are talking bad about white girls nowadays, and I just want to say: if you don’t love white girls, you don’t love the white race.

Our white women are our greatest treasure.

It’s time for white men to man up and start marrying single mothers, because actually, it is the fault of white men, or maybe the fault of Jews somehow, that white women made these decisions in the first place.

It’s only because men are so weak that they don’t have the bravery to marry a used-up single mother. It’s that men who don’t respect women just aren’t masculine, so they just love Donald Trump, because they can’t get the respect of other men.

If you’re a true man of the pure Aryan spirit, it’s time for you to man up and honor our princesses.

Time to man up and be a real man if you want to be respected by other men as a true respecter of real Aryan princesses.

Our princesses represent true diversity, I just love their different independent styles and their unique personalities.

[Pictures of White women holding placards saying they want to date and sleep with Black men]

The love of our Aryan women is why we need communism, you dumb incel irony bro.

We can’t just control women, and force them to do what we want them to do.

We have to give them their freedom. We have to let them choose for themselves. That is the real Aryan alternative lifestyle choice.

The Christians want to control women, because they are afraid of their true Aryan independence.

They are insecure cowards.

If a man is not an incel and a woman-hating irony bro, then he understands that it is part of our values that we don’t control our women. We know they are strong, so we allow them to make their own decisions.

If you’re the kind of weak man who doesn’t think white women should be allowed to make decisions, it’s just that you’re weak and other men don’t respect you because you don’t respect yourself.

[Further pictures of White women holding placards saying they want to date and sleep with Black men and not White men]

Real men man-up and marry 30-year-old single moms.

That’s what socialism is really all about, and if you don’t agree, you’re a weak incel who just does irony.

Pomidor Quixote #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Scientists Discover Final Solution to Birth Rate, Nagging: RAPE SWITCH Activated in Mouse Brains"]

Earlier this month, the BBC declared the fact that everyone stopped breeding a crisis. Now, scientists have found a “brain switch” in mice that controls the urge to have sex, and can be used to supercharge their sexual drive.

I am confident that if we connect the dots here, we’ll find a solution.

Daily Mail

Two types of brain cell have been found in mice which control aggression levels and sexual desire.

The cells are involved in allowing two regions of the brain – the posterior amygdala and the hypothalamus – to communicate.

A study from New York University found that interfering with these pathways significantly alters mouse behaviour.


When MPN signals were amplified instead of squashed, male mice became sexually supercharged and pursued unresponsive females in a desperate bid to mate.

The scientists activated THE RAPE SWITCH.

Someone — probably Elon Musk — should figure out how to do that on humans through some drug and put the stuff in the water supply as a public health measure. The government already puts stuff in the water supply as a public health measure. Water fluoridation may be a polemic subject, but it’s done in the name of public health.

Declining birthrates are a public health crisis, but we can solve it through the mass activation of THE RAPE SWITCH.

Imagine waking up, making some coffee using tap water, and just as you’re about to finish your first cup, feeling the insurmountable urge to RAPE. All men will feel the unbearable Need For Rape. They won’t care about contraception, and they certainly won’t care about the possibility of hearing “no.”

The solution to every problem has long been rape.

Now we have a chance to implement it.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Nigeria: African Lesbianism Rises, Courtesy of George Soros"]

You’d think that the masses of people would have caught on to the fact that entertainment media is used to transform society by emotionally manipulating the population.

However, you would be wrong.

As a rule, any time you imagine the masses of people catching onto any fact that isn’t fed to them by the media, you will be wrong.

Africa @ Random

A pro lesbian Nollywood film created and directed by Uyaiedu Ikpe-Etim has is in the works and about to be released. The story is centred around the love interest between two queer women.

Uyaiedu said she created the movie to address the subject of LGBTQ head-on as it is more or less a taboo topic in Nigeria.

The title of the movie is “Ife” which translates to mean “love” in the Yoruba language, a dialect widely spoken in South Western Nigerian.

Uyaiedu said she made the movie as an opposition to the stereotypical way queer people were perceived in the Nigerian society as this also got transferred into movies where gay roles are often deemed to be troubled and problematic.

“I’m queer so ‘Ife’ is dear to my heart. I wanted to represent LGBTQ characters in a different light than how they are shown in past stories, to change how heterosexuals view them,” she explained.

Homophobia is a big thing in Nigeria and the larger parts of Africa. Stigma against homosexuals in Nigeria is particularly very pronounced considering that there are even laws in the country’s books that sentence gays and lesbians to long jail terms when caught and convicted.

Yes, the homosexual propaganda film is created by an NGO.

“Equality Hub.”

What is that, you ask?

If you go to their site, you find that they are a part of “The Initiative for Human Rights.”

If you go to their site, you find they’re just yet another subsidiary of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation. Of course.

They have other patrons, including Elton John’s AIDS group, but I’d wager the most money comes from Soros (sometimes it gets passed around in circles, and I would imagine Elton John’s AIDS thing is also funded by Soros).

Again you have whites and Jews from the West going to a third world country to force homosexuality on them.


Part of it is just basic comic book villainy, and a desire to destroy everything in the world by making it sick and gay. But a much more practical and immediate purpose for this, as I mentioned recently when I addressed Mexico going full homo, is the globalist agenda.

You see: right now, the first world is being turned into the third world, rapidly. We are being flooded with third worlders, we are dipping into gross, third world style political corruption, and we are headed into a situation where there is mass poverty, no middle class, and the impoverished peasants are ruled over by an ultra-rich elite.

At the same time, however, we are not adopting the one thing that the third world has that is actually admirable, which is traditional family values. We’re staying totally gay, we’re keeping feminism, divorce, the whole mess.

If we want to combine with the third world then, by tearing down the borders, they must first share the Western fixation on anal sex, female empowerment and the rest of the program as regards to these things. So, right now, you are witnessing a massive push to turn the third world gay, in preparation for this great merger of the nations into a single mass of gay brown sludge.

This is exactly what was written about in 1925 by the founder of the European project, Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi.


We need to be aware of the fact that the goal behind the coronavirus hoax and the ongoing communist revolution is create a one world government run by Jews that rules over a mass of brown homosexuals.

Andrew Anglin #fundie #wingnut #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Christian Soldier Brenton Tarrant Who Cleansed Christchurch of Moslems to Represent Himself in Court"]

God is the only witness he needs, for he did what he did in defense of Christian civilization.

Killing people who invaded your homeland for the purpose of transforming your society and destroying your ancestral heritage is not “murder.”

The Guardian

The Australian man who pleaded guilty to killing 51 Muslims in a terrorist attack in Christchurch in March 2019 has chosen to represent himself at his sentencing next month.

Brenton Tarrant pleaded guilty in March to 51 counts of murder, 40 of attempted murder and a terrorism charge after dozens of worshippers were gunned down at two mosques in New Zealand last year.

Well, he has a right to grandstand.

He was a person who stood up and defended Christianity from our ancient enemies, who are now openly preparing to desecrate one of our holiest places in Constantinople, as they always desecrate everything they conquer.

We may pretend that this conflict between the Moslems is somehow over, because we developed secular humanism, but the Moslems do not believe it is over, and when they move to our lands, they do so with the intention to conquer and subdue us.

Brenton understood that. Soon, all formerly Christian whites will understand it, just the same, when the blood begins to flow in the streets.

History will remember Brenton Tarrant as the precise opposite of what he is being portrayed as now.

History will make him a Saint.

Andrew Anglin #quack dailystormer.name

[From "Self-Help Sunday: Don’t be a Foam Cuck, End Soap Use Now"]

I have not used normal industrial soap really in my entire life, due to the estrogens in it, instead buying natural soaps. These don’t tend to be much more expensive than the estrogen soaps, but they are difficult to find. Due to the idiotic coronavirus hoax, I was unable to get my normal soap, which is made of olives.

I wasn’t going to use the industrial petrochemical soap, so I just didn’t use any soap at all. I scrubbed my body with a rough pad, and as if a miracle, my skin became significantly healthier. I am now more than two months into #NoSoap, and I can guarantee you, this is a superior way of living life.

The musk will become you, and your essence will be the musk itself. That is to say, your musk will be your true essence.

I have very sensitive skin, and would typically get various kinds of small irritating rashes and zits and so on, and virtually all of that is gone now, completely. The only place I get any problems at all is on my hands, where I still use soap.

But Do You Stink on the #NoSoap Train?
I don’t know how badly I stink because I cannot smell myself. I am surrounded by underlings who would not honestly answer questions about my musky odor. But I did ask someone who would have answered honestly recently, and he told me I smelled better than usual. (Note: I have never used deodorant, so there has always been a potential for body odor.)

It makes sense I would smell better than usual, as even the natural olive soaps were messing with the balance of my skin bacteria. Now that the skin bacteria is achieving its true natural balance, I should be smelling like a true natural man. I have also been strongly attractive to women as of late. This is always true, because of my handsomeness and charming demeanor, but it’s been even more true since I quit soap. Girls I speak to in public are becoming smitten, and getting aggressive with me. I believe this is due to my manly skin bacteria emitting a healthy musk filled with pheromones.


But I Work and Wear a Suit?
I still don’t know the answer for people who have to work in a white collar job and wear a suit. Probably, such individuals are forced to wear antiperspirant deodorant, which is literally the worst thing on earth. It is much worse than even the worst petrochemical soap. However, if you are wearing that deodorant, you can still cut the soap, because your natural skin bacteria will not create a stink other than through the sweat of the underarms.


You do need to take a shower regularly, and you might want to take it more often. You need the water on your body to remove the stench of the sweat, and you need to scrub under your arms and on your crotch to remove some portion of the musky bacteria that is created from the musk-zones. The concept of a “stench” like the one that black people have from not bathing is created by letting dead bacteria rot on the skin and letting bad bacteria grow by feeding on excessive dead skin cells. That is the secret: you have to remove the dead bacteria and the dead skin cells through regular harsh scrubbings of the underarms and groin. Scrub between your buttocks as well. In fact, scrub down everything, completely.


Let Me Tell You a Story…
In a moment of weakness, I recently washed my crotch with soap, and I got a bunch of little zits on my thighs. It was horrible. Little infected hair type zits, all along my inner thighs, because my healthy bacteria did not know how to respond to this abuse.

I want you to understand: I have told you this story not to weaken you, but to strengthen you. Now it is up to you.

Never again.
[Picture of Holocaust monument reading "Never again!"]

Andrew Anglin #sexist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "German Men Turn Alpha, Start Circumcising Their Slut Daughters"]

It’s about time Germans went full alpha and started getting their sluts in line.

At least the Moslems are contributing something to the culture in the form of getting these sluts on track to not be completely filthy whores.

Not so fun to be a whore if you don’t have a clitoris, is it, you bitch?


The amount of women and girls in Germany who have undergone female genital mutilation (FGM) has increased to 68,000, the families minister announced Thursday. The increase, up 44% from the last estimated total calculated in 2017, was attributed to greater immigration from countries where FGM is more common.

Up to 15,000 girls in Germany may also be under threat of undergoing the procedure.

“Female genital mutilation is serious violation of human rights and an archaic crime that violates girls’ and women’s right to physical integrity and sexual self-determination,” Minister Franziska Giffey told reporters. “It has lifelong physical and psychological consequences for those affected.”

Giffey said that her goal was “to protect girls and young women from this and to offer them help.”

Wah, wah, wah – you stupid bitch, Franziska. Maybe if your clit had been chopped off in infancy, you wouldn’t be such a rowdy fat cunt?

We’ve been mutilating the penises of men in America for decades, and everything is fine, right?


You’re not an anti-Semite are you, Franziska, right?

You admit that chopping up penises is fine, right?

Well, there shouldn’t be any issue with doing the same to women.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #transphobia #dunning-kruger dailystormer.name

[From "Gay Rights: Trump’s Man on the Court Sodomizes America"]

Donald Trump’s man on the court just bent America over and rammed his penis into the anus of the nation.

This is truly an anal reckoning.

This ruling might seem trite, as virtually every church is already full-anal and not going to fire a homo, and everyone already knew it was impossible to fire a gay person from anywhere other than a church, but it’s bigger than that. This makes them even more invincible, makes it impossible to even think about taking away their adoption rights. This is a ruling that means that gays are born that way.

The Hill

Neil Gorsuch, widely considered one of the more conservative justices on the Supreme Court, stunned observers and drew enmity from right-wing commenters after he authored Monday’s landmark decision guaranteeing LGBT people protection from workplace discrimination.
Gorsuch wrote in the 6-3 decision that the prohibition against discrimination on the basis of “sex” in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act also applies to gay and transgender employees.[...]

Imagine that the Supreme Court is talking about trannies positively, like they’re normal people.

The Civil Rights Act should be repealed, as it in itself violates the Constitution in that it outlaws free association. But even the Civil Rights Act doesn’t say anything about gays or trannies.

This ruling is based on the idea – as he said in his opinion – that “gay” and “tranny” are the same thing as biological sex. Meaning that this is entirely political. That is absolutely not established as some kind of scientific fact. It is political propaganda that is now being used to make laws – ostensibly by our own side.
I am still 100% behind voting for Trump because of what the Democrats are going to do to us. But this argument is going to resonate with a lot of people, when cuckolds like Erickson make it. Erickson has always hated Trump, and this is a much bigger win than it is for any tranny.
We’re living with a lot of things these days, aren’t we Donald? Living with being locked in our houses while the blacks riot and tear down our entire civilization. Living with a totally collapsed economy. On top of feminism, mass immigration and a cultural crisis we were already living with.

So why not just live with this, huh Donald?

They’re just sodomizing the corpse of America at this point, huh?

The best we can really hope for is that they use a little bit more lube.

Maybe that should be your 2020 slogan, Donald?

“Please Use Lube While Sodomizing the Corpse of America.”
Yes. Foster care. And adoption. The reason that this is a big deal for the gays is that it is going to give them expanded access to little boys to use for sexual purposes. Everyone who knows anything knows that. Gorsuch and Roberts knew it very well.

It’s just so insane that we can still be talking about “securing equality.” Everyone in this country knows that gays are an ultra-protected class, who can do whatever they want.
Of course that law wasn’t written that way. That is insane. Gorsuch claiming to be a textualist is simply a lie. There is no such possible interpretation. He is saying “gay is a sex,” which not even the gays say. If the Civil Rights Act was intended to protect gays, it would have said that.

Furthermore, any textualist reviewing this case would have determined that the Civil Rights Act itself is unconstitutional. Because it is.

Everything in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was ALREADY declared unconstitutional in 1883 when the Supreme Court overturned the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

Did you know that? That there was a virtually identical civil rights act passed in 1875? Probably you didn’t know that. They don’t want you to know that, because obviously, the 14th Amendment hasn’t changed since 1883. It has not been repealed.

How is Neil Gorsuch going to rule on the First and Second Amendments under a Democrat president?

With this ruling, he seems to signaling – winking at the Democrats, saying, “you don’t have to worry about me, guys! I’m on your side!”

At least Kavanaugh is still riding hard.

Pomidor Quixote #racist #psycho dailystormer.name

[From "Statues of Belgium’s King Leopold II and London’s Robert Milligan are Removed Because They Raycis"]

You are witnessing the destruction of the history of your people in real time.

Daily Mail

A statue of King Leopold II of Belgium was taken down in Antwerp today after it was vandalised by protesters because of his brutal colonial rule in the Congo.

Leopold owned the Belgian Congo as his personal property from 1885 to 1908 and subjected its people to forced labour while he exploited the country’s rubber reserves – leading to millions of deaths in what some regard as a genocide.

White people cannot have their heroes, because white people are evil and cannot feel pride for anything ever.

You must feel shame, because you were mean to blacks that one time.

You do not have a history, other than being mean to blacks, so you don’t need to remember where you come from and what your people went through.

The only thing that you need to remember is that you were mean to blacks, and that you are evil.

Daily Mail

Workmen have torn down the monument to 18th Century slave trader Robert Milligan in the West India Docks he helped to construct in London’s Isle of Dogs – after a day of Black Lives Matter protests have taken place across Britain.

This afternoon, amid growing pressure to act, the Museum of London removed the giant bronze figure of the Scottish merchant who owned 526 slaves at his Jamaican sugar plantation.

Forcing black people to work is a crime against humanity.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "BEAST: Synthetic Red Blood Cells Can Administer Drugs, Carry Oxygen, Detect Toxins"]

If you’ve ever wondered why some people are concerned about what vaccines are made of, imagine the things, similar to this, that are not made public.

Daily Mail

Scientists have created synthetic red blood cells that can perform all the functions of the real thing and more.

Tests in mice and chick embryos showed that the artificial cells were able to carry oxygen and squeeze through capillaries just like the biological versions.

But they also revealed the man-made cells’ ability to carry drugs, detect toxins and perform magnetic targeting.

Yes, it is only going to be used to treat cancer, because we’re very concerned about your health. We’re so concerned about your health and well-being that we’re forcing you to abide by the new social distancing rules.

Because we care about you.


This will never be used as a kind of Trojan horse to sneak damaging stuff into people’s bodies, because warfare is not a thing and the entire planet is driven by altruism.

We scientists really do care about people’s health, which is why we’re always thinking of ways of sneaking foreign objects that can deliver drugs into their circulatory systems.

Andrew Anglin #psycho #wingnut dailystormer.name

I just wanted to remind everyone that the Tiananmen Square “massacre” of June 4, 1989 was not some kind of brutal “human rights violation.” Well, it might have been that, but I don’t care.

Primarily, it was this: putting down hippies.

The United States had a hippie uprising in the sixties, and we’d have done a lot better if we just would have shot all of those faggots, or ran them over with tanks, or gassed them with Zyklon B, or whatever.

Hippies destroy nations and a nation that allows hippies to live will never survive.

I’ve already explained, over and over again, that Chinese human rights issues are not our problem and we shouldn’t even be thinking about them, let alone talking or caring about them.

But I’m just going to tell you, as all of these liberals and conservatives try to stir up emotional hysteria over Tiananmen Square today: they deserved it.

If we had killed our hippies in the 1960s, we would not be in this horrible position we are in as a society right now.

Because we didn’t kill hippies, all boomers became hippies, and then the boomers drove us into the ground.

It is still boomers running things and they are still running us into the ground.

We’re 50 years out from the Summer of Love and it has never been clearer than it is today: the only good hippie is a dead hippie.

So I will not only say that I don’t care that China killed those hippies.

I will go so far as to say I support it.

I will also go so far as to say that I wish that Richard Nixon would have done the same thing as the CCP did.

Hippies strangle nations.

A nation can tolerate its fools, it’s retards, its nerd, its dumbasses, its gang-rapists, its black looters, its stupid whores, its kooks, its cranks, its lunatics, its black people – but no nation can survive hippies.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #transphobia #racist dailystormer.name

Anal Fiasco: Sadistic Homosexual “Gay Dog” Mattis Condemns Trump for Failing to Stop Riots with Songs of Love

The Anal Avenger himself, Down Low Mattis, has vowed a rectal reckoning.

The day of Rectumrok is upon us.


In fact, the Anal Ranger fled the administration after Trump got in the way of his plans to turn the military into a tranny bathhouse.

He gave a valiant speech, saying, “I will seek new, fresh anuses to ram my penis into in the fields beyond the sun.”

You can read his full statement on these riots. I don’t really understand what he’s talking about. It’s just a bunch of cliche platitudes about “who we are.” I guess he’s saying that the protests are peaceful, so the blacks should be allowed to continue rioting and looting.

I don’t understand what anyone expects Donald Trump to do in this situation. The riots are happening. He doesn’t have any way to stop them, because he is not in charge of the police.

Does the Anal Ranger want him to sing songs of justice and hope the spiritual vibes spread through the lands and cause the blacks to drop their looted TVs and join him in song?

What song would it be, Mad Dog?

Cat Stevens’ “Morning has Broken”?

Andrew Anglin #racist dailystormer.name

[From "Inexplicably, Europeans are Rallying in Support of George Floyd"]

Oh you faggots.

Get your own problems.

The sickening Canadians at least had the decency to invent their own hoax where they said the cops showed up where a black woman was having a drug overdose and threw her off a balcony because they hated the color of her skin.

That’s all you have to do, Europe: invent your own stupid race hoaxes and stop parasiting off ours!


Hundreds of people protested in London and Berlin on Sunday in solidarity with demonstrations in the United States over the death of a black man shown on video gasping for breath as a white policeman knelt on his neck in Minneapolis.

Get it – who’s neckst?

Get it?

No, I’m just messing with you. I don’t get it myself.

The sickening New Zealanders were also protesting in solidarity with the blacks.

The Guardian

Tens of thousands of New Zealanders have come out in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, after the death of George Floyd in the US.
Earlier, as speakers called for the prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, to denounce the killing of Floyd as a hate crime, many in the crowd took to one knee. Auckland is New Zealand’s biggest and most ethnically diverse city, with more than 40% of the city identifying as something other than Pakeha (European New Zealander).

HA – 40% nonwhite….!

Great job, New Zealand. You genocided yourselves.

Round of applause.

This is all just so stupid and ridiculous. We know as an absolute matter of fact that more whites are killed by cops than blacks.

Here’s a recent study:

Officer characteristics and racial disparities in fatal officer-involved shootings – PNAS

You can do the statistics any way you want, and it is always going to come out that if you are a white man in an arrest situation you are more likely to die than if you are a black man in the same situation.

The only statistic you can come up with is “more blacks are killed by cops,” but that is always because more blacks are involved in a confrontation with cops. And even then, they are more likely to be killed by the cop if the cop is black!

Andrew Anglin #sexist #racist #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "The Road to Zero Fertility"]

We have a new weird sexual thing to discuss.

Daily Mirror

A new reality series is sparking controversy with its promise to ‘skip the dating and go straight to the baby-making’.

Fox’s Labour of Love sees 15 men competing to impregnate a 41-year-old woman they have never met.

Kirsty Katzmann is the singleton hoping to bag herself a baby daddy on the never been done before series.

In last night’s debut episode, Kirsty introduced herself to the hopefuls as a professional and a divorcee from Chicago seeking to find the right man to have a child with.

After having no success on the dating scene, Kirsty said yes to the divisive premise because she felt her ‘biological clocking was ticking’ and wanted to achieve her dream of motherhood.


Let me tell you what is most offensive about this game show: the woman is 41-years-old, and they are talking about a “ticking clock.” In actual fact, she is virtually a finished clock. Many women at the age of 41 are simply incapable of getting pregnant and carrying a child to term, especially if it is their first. Others require tens of thousands of dollars of medical assistance. The statistics are difficult to parse out, given that there is a lot of political correctness involved, but everyone admits that the chance of experiencing every possible complication increases progressively every day after a girl turns 17.

By simply existing, this show advertises to women the idea that they can wait until they are in their forties to have children, which is just absolute cancer for society. The worst form of social cancer, in fact. The refusal of women to follow the order of nature – a refusal which stems naturally from giving them the choice – is the very heart of the collapse of the family and thus the very core of our social rot.

This game show woman explains that she is doing this quirky game show because she couldn’t find a good man on the dating scene. The reason for that is very simple: she is 41. Virtually no man of any quality at all, of any age, is going to be interested in a woman this old. That is just the harsh reality that these women have to face. They aren’t told this when they are young. Instead, they are told that men care about women’s education and life experience. Men might care about these things, but only in the sense that the less of these two things a woman has, the better. Even if you could find a high-quality man that was exclusively interested in women for their personalities (and it’s questionable than any such man exists), the fact is that the longer a woman remains unmarried, the more sexual partners she has, the more jaded and incapable of developing trust she becomes, and the worse her personality becomes.

A Happy Woman is a Baby Machine
Given that our society is controlled by satanic Jews who have an agenda to wipe out White Christians, anti-natal concepts flood every crevice of our bizarre and unnatural culture.

The modern anti-natalist lingo has continually pushed the claim that men think of women as “baby-making machines” and that this is morally wrong. However, “baby-making machines” is literally what women are, and the best among the crueler sex are happy to admit it, and take pride in it.

Modern society, with its birth control pills and abortion, and its feminist morality, encourages women to engage in the mating game well past the period of time in which they are naturally supposed to be doing it. It also constantly tells women that if they seek the second thing they want and are good at, children, then they will regret the loss of the first thing. Though she really does enjoy the mating game, it becomes progressively less enjoyable as she ages, in part because she becomes progressively less successful at it.

Virtually every mammal begins breeding as soon as it experiences its first menstruation, which is why women were typically sold off at this age. That biological fact tends to make people in our society very uncomfortable, as in the last century we’ve developed various taboos around an arbitrary age of female sexual readiness. That taboo is in itself not especially problematic. There is no reason women can’t wait until the arbitrary age of 16 to get married and have children. If that is what we were talking about, that would be fine.

But that is not what we are talking about. What we are talking about is waiting to the arbitrary age of 16 before the girl is considered available for so-called “consensual” pre-marital sex. The social acceptability of pre-marital sex is the first concession on the road to zero fertility.

A girl’s innocence is not truly lost when she loses her virginity. Her innocence is lost when she realizes that the man she lost her virginity to will not be her husband. She will shed a tear when her hymen breaks, but it is when she finds that her first will not also be her last that she weeps. Even today, I assume, most teenage girls imagine that they will marry their high school boyfriends. This is because in that state of innocence, she has not yet learned to become a slut.

Most Christian preachers will speak of “waiting until marriage” to have sex. Or, at least, they used to. Human biology, however, works differently than this. In the upper classes, it may have been possible to indoctrinate a girl into forcing a man to wait until marriage. And surely some lower class girls would be just that good. But in what is probably a majority of situations, going all the way back to the establishment of monogamous marriage for life as a fundamental institution for maintenance of the the stability of a complex society, teenagers had sex before marriage, the girl got pregnant and the marriage was then quickly arranged by the parents. I don’t know how these conversations would go, but you can easily imagine it. The marriage would happen quickly, the girl would wear a white dress and everyone would be too polite to do the math on the number of weeks between the wedding and the birth.

A teenage girl is told that she not only must wait until she finishes high school, but also college, and then have a job and work for some indeterminate amount of time. Basically, if we were now teaching “wait until marriage to have sex,” we would be telling women to wait until they are nearly a decade past prime fertility. This situation is utterly insane on its face, and it is unbelievable that Christians have accepted it unquestioningly.

If Christians truly believe that women should wait until marriage to have sex, and believe that the family is the foundational block of society, then literally every single sermon they give should be about the evils of sending women to college instead of marrying them off after high school. If churches were doing that, then we would have an established subculture in the West of conservative-minded people who were creating large, stable families. As the liberals failed to produce children, we would be the overwhelming majority of the population by now if every daughter of a Christian man was pumping out babies from the time she turned 16. But no, instead, preachers are talking about “prosperity gospel” and telling well-meaning people to serve the satanic Jews who murdered our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

When a girl knows that no path exists to marry the first boy, for which she felt feelings that she will never again feel for the rest of her life, driven by all of these hormones that are intended to create a bond during the teenage years, she gives up on the idea of maintaining her innocence. After the first few boys, she has become hardened to it, and has embraced the fun and the power of promiscuity. This is literally a system designed to break the basic psychological mechanisms that exist biologically in the brain of a female that drive her towards family formation. It is all promoted by the psychological warfare machine that is the media and educational establishment, both of which are totally dominated by the Jews.

Someone is going to be in control, and what modern women always demand is that they be the ones in control. It is only by refusing them that control that you will gain their respect. Of course, whatever respect you gain from a woman is fleeting and as long as a woman has the option of surviving without you, which all Western societies currently offer them, they will never respect or honor their husbands as the Bible commands them to – which is in total submission, just as a Christian man is in total submission to God. For a woman, submission to God takes the form of submission to her husband. This concept is spelled out without ambiguity throughout the Old and New Testament.

[Ephesian 5:22-23 urging wives to be submitted to their husbands]

Everyone is having a hard time. Families are the single most important thing to me, and I absolutely want men to have the best chances possible in forming their own families. I do believe that the coming troubles may give people much better opportunities on that front, so single men should be prepared. Of course, there is going to be a massive wave of divorces in the first stages of this collapse, when the government is still offering women money and various other incentives if they leave their husbands, which they are going to be desiring to do because their husbands will be out of work. But I do believe that the government will not, in the longer term, be able to provide very much for a woman, and in such a situation a man who is capable of providing will be in a position where he can demand the woman submit to him.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "A Dawn of a New Age of the Daily Stormer"]

I started this website to make jokes. Sure, I had ideas I was pushing, but I felt the best way to push those ideas would be through humor, and so I said that the site was working as long as I was having fun.


Given this, I’ve found myself in a place of responsibility to the people. The racist stuff is no longer all that important when you’ve got a government that is literally imprisoning people in their homes after having stripped all their basic rights from them and is sending thug cops to attack people in public.

They’re attacking women in front of their children in a way that is nigh cartoonish.

And yet, Fox News, Breitbart and the rest of the Republican news sites are largely enforcing the hoax. Others in the former “Alt-Right” are even worse, going completely insane promoting the hoax.


On the whole, I’m the only person who is giving a clear view of this situation. I hope others get on board.

This site will be a source for anyone who wants to know the truth about what the government is doing, starting with this coronavirus hoax and then following everything that comes after that, from these vaccines to the ID cards to the one world government agenda, and it will be a site that you can link to your friends and family without being scared that they’re going to be put-off by the other content on the site. I’m cutting out racial slurs. Not because I want to, but because I don’t have any choice. No one else is stepping up to confront this hoax, so I have to become a universal anti-hoax, pro-freedom website, which is friendly for the whole family.

I’ll still talk about Jews and immigrants and so on, but it’s going to be in a way that doesn’t immediately trigger people. If people want to use 2017 stale memes on me and call me a cuck, well, I think you’re a cuck for prioritizing edginess over direct confrontation of the struggle of our age, which is this coronavirus hoax and new society they are building on the back of it. What I see right now is a lot of people hiding behind old memes in order to fuel their own denial of the fact that we are now in a completely new reality and nothing of the old reality is coming back. The coronavirus hoax is not going away, and we are never going back to normal. This is the new normal and it is about to get a whole lot worse.

To be honest, as a creative, this racist humor thing has gotten very monotonous and boring for me. I feel like I’m just making the same jokes over and over again, and that they are less funny every time I make them. The only funny racist joke in the last however long I can remember is “Jogger-American,” and that would be something I would consider within the bounds of appropriateness in the future.

By the end of the week, I will have removed the Race War and Jewish Problem sections of this site, and any articles after that will not use racial slurs or other inflammatory language. I will continue to report all the same stories about Jews, but in a different section and without using racial slurs. The black crime I am going to stop reporting to this current extent, as all of those articles simply amount to “black kills white for no reason,” and I don’t think this is important enough to account for the way it will taint a message that is meant for a wider audience.


For me, this new quest is more exciting than it is sad to end an era. As I say, I’ve been getting pretty bored with the racist stuff, and I am in need of invigoration, so necessity and desire are overlapping brilliantly.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #pratt dailystormer.name

The United Nations has posted a new website at unnwo.org, declaring the dawn of New World Order of happiness. The site contains a creepy message about happiness and how they’re going to make 10 billion people happy. This is a real UN website. It is registered to Illien Global, the NGO responsible for the UN’s “happiness” program.

Although the website claims that the New World Order was founded in 2008, the website was launched purposefully during this coronavirus fake pandemic.

Obviously, the UN is aware that the masses of people associate the term “New World Order” with a conspiracy for global government. So there is no reason for them to use this term unless they’re purposefully trying to provoke. And we should of course be wondering why it is that they would be trying to purposefully provoke people in the middle of a crisis that they themselves created out of nothing.

The United Nations is not a joke. It may look like a joke. But it exists as the structure for a world government. At the point which a world government is viable, the UN is ready to go. As we’re trying to understand this coronavirus hoax, we should be aware that the end goal of the people in power is the establishment of a New World Order run by a global government based at the UN.

Martin Bieber #racist #conspiracy #sexist dailystormer.name

[From "Saudi Controlled Arab Media Pushing Jewish/Moslem Romance, Friendship in New Diversity Entertainment Campaign"]

Many of our daily readers have a big heart-on for the pure kino aesthetics of absolute dictators with absolute power.

I get it. I really do. The highest praise that can be heaped on this form of government is that there comes a time for every nation when it is necessary. Militaries and revolutions can only be organized by this principle.

A problem can arise, however, when the Guy In Charge gets there by accidents of birth order and family relations, and not because of popular support and proven merit in times of crisis, or at least because of some impartial militaristic bureaucracy in times of stability.

A nation can end up – as many monarchies have – with the most vicious and entitled little cunt of all the cunts, whoever was most willing to kill or imprison his own family members, making decisions everyone hates with impunity.

In other words, you can get exactly what we have now, but without the extra steps.

New York Times

In a mud-walled village in the Persian Gulf, a Christian woman sheds tears of love for a Muslim merchant. But he is stuck in a miserable marriage to a woman who longs for another Muslim man. But she can’t have him, because he is crazy about the local rabbi’s daughter.

These tangles of interreligious intrigue unspool in a new blockbuster television series that has set off heated debates across the Arab world about the region’s historical relationships with Jewish communities and the shifting stances of some of its current leaders toward Israel.

Fans laud the program, set in the 1940s and 1950s, for highlighting an often overlooked aspect of the region’s past — Jewish communities in the Persian Gulf — while providing a much-needed example of coexistence among different faiths.

But critics have blasted it as a blatant effort to reshape Arab views of Israel to pave the way for formal relations, or what many in the Arab world call “normalization.”


Allah is nothing before the powers of Coca-Cola, man-on-man anal, consumer debt, and nagging whore-wives.

The Saudi will be the perfect consumer – because he is so stupid (from inbreeding) that you need to threaten him with violence in order to get him to do anything resembling impulse control.

A new nation of goyim rises.

Andrew Anglin #homophobia #conspiracy #pratt dailystormer.name

[Regarding a story about a 43-year-old man with no underlying health conditions who experienced severe physical degradation after contracting coronavirus]

It is absurdly dishonest that they don’t come right out and say this guy is gay, and in fact don’t even say it at all except to mention that he has a boyfriend – in the NINTH PARAGRAPH.

For those who don’t know, something like 99% of people who see a news headline don’t read the story. And of the 1% that does click the headline, 99% don’t read through to the NINTH PARAGRAPH.

This is a complete hoax, meant to disinform the people. Because they simply cannot find real stories of actual healthy people under 65 who experience complications from this disease, they have to find homosexuals and pretend they’re healthy people.

He arrived in Boston to visit his boyfriend, Josh Hebblethwaite, 29, on March 14 — a week after they had traveled to Miami Beach for a festival where at least 38 people later tested positive for the illness and three men died, BuzzFeed reported.

Yes, and I think we all know what kind of festival that was in Miami. The three who died probably had full-blown AIDS, so they couldn’t use them for anecdotes about how this virus affects normal people.

Here’s the thing: homosexuals are not “healthy.” Even if they look healthy, they all have immune system problems. That’s what AIDS is, right? Well, even if they aren’t diagnosed with AIDS, they have lesser forms of immune system problems.

Their immune system-weakening behaviors include:

Recreational drug use (which I’m sure he was engaged in at that Miami festival)
Endless casual sex including “anal sex” (sodomy)
Getting STDs constantly and treating them with antibiotics
What’s more, Schultz was obviously also taking steroids, which can have all sorts of negative effects on the body.

The fact that homosexuals have nothing that comes anywhere close to the immune system of a nonhomosexual is not some kind of a secret. They just don’t publish it in the New York Times anymore, for political correctness reasons.

But you can read about it in any medical journal. (Male) homosexuals are in a high-risk category for virtually every conceivable health problem.

What’s more, the homosexuals themselves are talking about how they’re more vulnerable to the coronavirus, specifically.

So, nice try, media: now go see if you can find a healthy heterosexual who experienced these issues.

By the way, I feel like I’ve lost about as much weight as the queer in the photo since this lockdown has been going on. I want to go to the gym and I just can’t hardly even take it anymore. Quarantine the homos (should have been done anyway), and let me in the gym!

Andrew Anglin #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #pratt dailystormer.name

China may or may not be a looming threat to America. I tend to think this threat is widely exaggerated by the media, but whatever – who knows. What we do know is that the immediate threat, which is right in all of our faces, is not China but the US federal government.

• China did not lock us all in our houses.
• China did not strip us of our Constitutional rights.
• China did not collapse our economy.
• China did not take away our jobs.
• Chinese cops are not attacking us on the streets.
• China is not talking about releasing the military onto the streets to force vaccinate us.

In fact, aside from the frankly stupid claim that China purposefully spread the coronavirus, all of the alleged problems caused by China, if I am to believe the television, have nothing at all to do with me, my country or anyone I know.

According to the media, the reasons China is bad are all things that I do not care about in any way.

• China is abusing Moslems.
• China is abusing black Africans.
• China is taking democracy from Hong Kong.
• China is controlling the South China Sea.
• China is threatening Taiwanese independence.

Frankly, these issues wouldn’t matter to me if everything was fine in my country. When the government has destroyed the economy on purpose and created a massive and brutal new police state, I think that people telling me I should care about this crap are traitors and enemies of the people.

Whether the coronavirus came from China or not doesn’t really mean anything. I have a very, very difficult time believing that it originated from China, given that it is now blatantly clear that the US government had this entire program ready to roll out and would not have left the trigger up to the actions of a foreign country. It seems to me that it has to have been released in China by the US government, and then someone dropped a hint to them to develop a test for the virus. But it does not really matter.

The virus is not harmful. It only kills old people and the chronically ill. The response has been insane and has had nothing at all to do with public health and everything to do with establishing a new social order in the Western world, one based on total poverty for all but the ultra-wealthy and brutal police state control over the masses of poverty-stricken plebs.

The threat to our lives is coming from the US government. Period. They are the ones we need to be addressing. If we are able to take back control of our country and restore the freedoms and rights of the people, we can then work on rebuilding the economy. Once everyone in the country has a job again, then we can talk about how much it matters to us that the Chinese are not giving enough democracy to Hong Kong. If at that time polls show that a significant portion of the public cares about Hong Kong democracy, then I will be in full support of the US State Department sending an angry letter to the Chinese about how bad we think it is that they’re not giving the Hong Kongese enough democracy.

However, until these very immediate problems relating to the collapse of America are solved, I will consider anyone who attempts to redirect American anger over this situation towards China and away from those responsible as a shill and a traitor.

Andrew Anglin #transphobia dailystormer.name

[From "Georgia: Tranny Self-Immolates Because He’s Not Getting Enough Attention During the Lockdown"]

It’s a hard hoe to row, being a tranny and not having enough people paying attention to you because of virus mania and total economic collapse.

The poor dear.

(Note that I think this is a man pretending to be a woman, since the media is referring to it as a “she.” It’s always a little bit confusing to me to figure out which is which, as a “trans woman” could mean a woman who went trans or a man who is pretending to be a woman. You can’t really tell what it is in the video. It’s kind of a shame that Groypers are now using proper pronouns. I guess this has just happened through osmosis.)

NY Daily News

A transgender activist in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, set herself on fire to protest the government’s treatment of the trans community during the coronavirus pandemic.

The dramatic scene unfolded in front of the Tbilisi City Hall Thursday, according to the Georgian newspaper Georgia Today.

Madona Kiparoidze was among a group of transgender women who were protesting the “lack of access to services and basic needs” during the nationwide state of emergency.


Trying to keep trannies from offing themselves is no longer the main purpose of governments. This is going to lead to a mass suicide of these perverts, which is going to be hilarious to people like me who want to see them dead.

What’s more, with the hospitals collapsing as a result of this lockdown hoax, they’re not only not going to be able to cut their dicks off and get injections of estrogen – they’re not going to be able to get follow-up treatments for operations they’ve already had.

A “neo-vagina” is really just an open wound, and if it heals shut, there is probably nowhere for the urine to go. The trannies that do not kill themselves are going to die from infection and other complications, which is nearly as funny as suicide.

Self-immolation is the funniest of all of course, and I hope this happens more.


When you put this beside the fact that immigrants are going to be fleeing for their home countries, as during an economic disaster it is much better to live in a third world country that has subsistence farming than a developed Western mega-city, there are going to be several different upsides to this economic collapse.

Of course, none of the upsides will make your life any easier, when you lose your job, your wife leaves you and takes the kids, and you’re standing in line for a can of government soup. But hopefully the media will keep reporting on dead trannies, so that we can at least have a few laughs in our time of despair.

Andrew Anglin #wingnut dailystormer.name

China never did any of this insane stuff to their population. They never locked people in their houses. Even in Wuhan, they didn’t lock people in their houses, they just closed the roads into the city. Life went on largely normally inside of Wuhan. Life was always normal in the rest of China, and they just made people wear masks and told them to stay home if they were sick.

In fact, China now has the moral grounds, according to the theories of the US government, to begin funding terrorists in America to overthrow the government in the name of democracy, given that the US government has engaged in this insane program to lock everyone in their houses and collapse the economy, which is totally unprecedented throughout all of human history.

I’m not saying China should do that, I’m just saying it follows the same reasoning that the US was working with by funding these antifa lunatics in Hong Kong.

The bigger problem, however, is that the West simply isn’t going to have the money for this nonsense anymore. China is now officially the adult in the room and the man holding all the cards.

Andrew Anglin #racist #sexist #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy dailystormer.name

[From "Saudi Arabia Continues Rapid Liberalization, Ends Death Penalty for Minors and Flogging"]

Under the gaylike leadership of Jewfriend Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia is experiencing a bullet train ride to absolute Judaism.

Once the most conservative nation in the world by a longshot, the kingdom of Saud has in the last three years made drastic changes to the way the nation is run, as they quickly catch up to the West. This happened only following a plot by the prince to lock up everyone who believed in the country’s conservative values.

In 2017, hundreds of Saudi royals, billionaires and senior government officials were detained in the lobby of a hotel, and threatened and tortured.

They were forced to sleep on crappy foam mattresses on the floor of the lobby.

The claim was that the prince was shaking them down for money, but it is very clear now that he was in fact forcing them to agree to go along with his deranged plot against the entire Islamic world.

After that event, there was no more resistance to the prince’s Jew agenda, and it has unfolded with great speed.

You should remember that Salman is a close personal friend of Jared Kushner, and it was they together who allegedly developed the Israeli “peace plan” which is simply a massive land-grab attached to a bribe.

This is all about getting the region ready for the ascension of the Antichrist, who will rule from the Temple Mount.

With the Saudis on board with their agenda, pacified by sex and nigger music, there is nothing standing in the way of the Jew plot to build a new temple for their coming savior.

You first heard about them giving rights to women. Then they began allowing inter-sexual rap concerts with drugs and alcohol. Now you have them just slowly removing whatever is left of the old system.

They’re now moving to remove corporal and capital punishment, something which marked the seriousness with which they had traditionally dealt with crime.

ABC News

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has ordered an end to the death penalty for crimes committed by minors, according to a statement Sunday by a top official.

The decision comes on the heels of another ordering judges to end the practice of flogging, replacing it with jail time, fines or community service and bringing one of the kingdom’s most controversial forms of public punishment to a close.


This is so fake and stupid.

Salman is a “reformer” who is very concerned about human rights but also torture-murders journalists who write mean things about them and chops up their bodies.

It’s an absolute sham.

Human rights are themselves a sham, and this just does a perfect job of illustrating that fact. The reason that harsh penalties against crime exist is to protect the “human rights” of the rest of society, who deserve to live in peace. You don’t execute people simply to be mean. That is the thinking of a little child or a woman.

Since we’ve implemented “human rights” in the West, the society has collapsed. Crime runs rampant, because we are more concerned about the criminals than their victims.

This is a small part of the larger agenda at work in Saudi, but it is a significant part.

The bigger issue is the empowerment of women, which will make the country nonviable as an Islamic superpower, and make it impossible for the monied powers there to launch a counter-offensive when the Jewish menace implements its plan to build the throne of its messiah.

They’re on the clock now that the flu hoax has begun the countdown.

Andrew Anglin #racist #pratt dailystormer.name


[On the left side of the image is a picture of a morbidly obese black man, and on the right is a picture of an old grey-haired man]

This is who you’re locked down to save. No one has explained why we couldn’t use the $10 trillion we’ve already spent to lock these people down instead of locking everyone down. Presumably they haven’t explained that because there is no explanation.

Andrew Anglin #conspiracy #wingnut dailystormer.name

I’m only half joking with you when I say this: I will not be surprised if autistic gentleman Elon Musk becomes the leader of the freedom movement in America.

I am already personally on-board with this, and I was going to be the hardest person to convince. I didn’t like when he did all of those horrible things he’s famous for doing, but we’re in a new world now, and everyone must be forgiven for anything they did before this beast opened its jaws and tore our nation asunder.

He is one of the single celebrities speaking out against the brutal lockdown. In the midst of it, he collapses his own stock for no reason and sells his mansions to live like the Buddha. It’s all looking great. […] He’s selling his possessions to live at one with the world. The ball is his, as far as I am concerned.

Given that he is the only person speaking sense, I will follow him. Although he’s been proved a scumbag in the past, he’s never shown that he’s indebted to the brutal Jew system, and in fact he’s condemned the Jews for using their media to attack him.

He can’t be president according to current law, but basically, electoral politics are largely off the table in this new apocalypse realm. They’re not going to let people vote. If they let them cast ballots, it will be mail-in, and they will just choose whichever candidates they want. If Musk is successful, he will be leading a new country with new laws, and previous rules about a president needing to be born in America will mean nothing. So what Musk would be doing is leading an American freedom revolution, as was the case with Charles Lindbergh and his America First movement.

[some stuff about how Musk has to make sure his infant son doesn’t get killed “by the Jews” like Lindbergh’s baby]

If he decides, he can take a position leading the freedom movement, and there will be many enemies. All of the enemies. The fact that he collapsed his own stock for no reason shows that he is the kind of cavalier caballero that we need steering this ship of doom. A new base of supporters now exists for anyone who chooses to take a position as a leader of an anti-oppression, pro-freedom, anti-hysteria movement. He who dares wins. I will toss my lot with Musk. We can call ourselves “The Musketeers.”

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