
Novid Houellebecq #sexist #transphobia substack.com

The major sports leagues are twenty four hours away from losing everything they have built over decades because our society doesn’t respect men and their sexual prowess and respect for same. Our society as Rollo Tommasi has mentioned, time and time again is in a Gynocentric social order and men have to emote like they are females in order to seem “safe” in that same order. Same social order gives females more leeway in a lot of things, even when they do horrible acts.

The reason why these sports leagues are going to lose everything (respect), is because many of these men have had relations with those that are transgender prostitutes.

Jon Del Arroz #fundie #wingnut #homophobia substack.com

[Context: Heather Antos edits Star Trek comics]

Heather Antos pushed harder into the LGBTQ+ community, including contributing to a pro-child grooming anthology titled “When I Was Young,” which was marketed as stories about corrupting youth into sexualized situations. The anthology is a poignant example of fueling speculation as to whether this was an offering of child sacrifice to the Devil.

On top of this, Antos posted a viral video mocking Christians again by replacing the Bible with the book “The Jedi Path”, showing a deep commitment to known satanic institutions like Disney Star Wars, which are now pushing messages that evil is good and good is evil through their shows like The Acolyte.

Now, Heather Antos created further uproar this weekend by wearing a t-shirt at the Chicago Fan Expo, which clearly reads “Hail Satan.” With such a past of having toyed with devil worship, it seems like her intention is clear with comics.

If she has indeed sold her soul to the devil, it explains why she’s risen to such prominence in the industry despite demonstrated incompetence which has led to Valiant Comics shutting down and outsourcing their entire line to a different publisher via licensing, as well as IDW Publishing delisting from the stock exchange and laying off a substantial part of their workforce because of massive reported losses since Heather Antos has been editing at the company.

As comic book fans, we can only pray that Heather Antos will accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and get herself off this dark path.

Pepe Lives Matter #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy substack.com

Social media operates off of fear in many ways. Politics uses fear as a weapon against the opposing side. For those seasoned in the great meme wars of 2016-2024, you know this all too well.

Peace and tranquility are not monikers you’d give to political gamesmanship or 5G narrative warfare. It’s quite the opposite actually. Waking up the populace is more akin to guerilla warfare.
The enemy knows no peace. This is their weak point.

This is what hurts them the most.

The fact that we have made it this far despite all situations that could have caused our faith to waver is outstanding. We lifted each other when things got as rough as they did. When morale needed boosting, we found a way. And think about how close this next election is at this point. We are staring down the barrel of a potentially combustible situation in nearly every facet of this country but guess what? I personally have zero fear.

I know that mystery Babylon is falling.

I know that God is guiding us through this peril. This needs to be our anchor.


We need to be elevating our faith. We don't have time to wallow in self-pity or always focus on the pathetic schemes of the enemy. We need to meet this flood of resistance and tower above it like never before with a vision coming from God. The enemy is attempting to scare us when we all know that chaos is always part of the plan. Chaos ensues when Babylon falls. The very system itself quakes before God because it knows its time is short. This is nothing to be afraid of.
If you haven’t become more spiritual, closer to God, and hungry to see revival in this world after witnessing the COVID pandemic, the stolen election, Satanists and pedophiles embedded within our government, globalists scheming to create a new world order, the looming threat of war, and the reality of evil in this world being exposed at unprecedented levels then you are truly blind.

God is shaking people awake.

We're on the winning team.

Nothing can stop it.

Clif High #crackpot #magick #racist #quack substack.com

I died of colon cancer that was induced by the Salk polio vaccine. It was known, at the time that they were produced, that at least 11 million doses were contaminated. They used them anyway. The result was the largest wave of cancers to ever hit any generation. Of course the media are ‘tards & said nothing. Many of them in the Boomer generation died of the cancers induced by the vaccines that they supported.

There was a very large percentage of the cohort of male boomers who died of colon cancers. These were new in the sense that they were long growing, and undiagnosed until the very end when they proved to be fatal. That was my story. I returned due to a debt owed to karma, but it was a typical death from a 30 year old colon tumor in most other respects. One of many.

What is of note now is that it has taken our corrupt Elohim worship cult controlled ‘medical system’ a total of 5 generations to go from the long acting cancers induced into the Boomers, to the new ‘turbo cancers’ created by the covid19 attack.

They have always wanted to kill vast numbers of us, but they did not have the technology.

It they were to just start trying to shoot all the White Americans, sooner rather than later, the armed subset of the population would shoot back, and the word would spread, and ζRevolution would be ON.
If you keep on with this understanding, you may end up taking one of their proffered death routes. The Elohim worship cult not only are gritology centric, but they believe that the creator of the grit gave control of it to them. So they fuck with it, or rather they try. Their understanding is so poor that their achievements in this area are few and puny. The Elohim worship cult is still only good at killing by poisons. Vaccines are nothing but a new label for the same old methods.

Bunch of real egoists & real retards. Watch out for the rabbis, the Pharisees, the talmudists. They are a danger to you.

Clif High #crackpot #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy substack.com

We are at the very END of the Fiat Federal Reserve Note (a debt instrument) aka the 'dollar' system.

As this crashes further this year and next, the economy will shrink back to favor those people who actually produce goods, those people who are ‘makers’.

These makers are the core of any economic system. Ultimately ALL economic systems come back to the farmers, and ‘excess calories’ which is what provides the civilization, the ‘carry power’ to go another year without collapse.

Side note: thus the huge amount of energy put into trying to collapse our food system by the Elohim worship cult.

Ultimately, all power goes back to excess calories. If there is famine, and starvation, there is NO social order. There is NO effective power structure.
It is my premise here that, within the collapse of the FRN/Dollar, will emerge a great cleansing of the social order here in USA, as well as a re-balancing of the political power, with much of that power returning to the Makers/Doers of our society.
As we work our way back into known, and yet to be translated, ancient literature, we will come to understand the ‘economic’ model of the Elohim which, like ours to some extent, was built on excess calories and the ability to carry their civilization forward to the next year.

Unfortunately for humans, we ARE their excess calories.

The economic model practiced by the Elohim, at its core, evolved to that of locating new resources, exploiting those resources, and then moving on to locate more, new resources.

The Elohim had shifted their entire social order away from being their own makers/doers, over to exploiting the makers from other species. Their economic model is based on, and consists of, space slavery.
Means we have to discard all the grit based fake science though. Get prepared to do a total rebuild on your understanding of physics, and humans.

We are coming out of bondage! Freedom and the expanse of the Matterium await!

American Hypnotist #crackpot #conspiracy #dunning-kruger substack.com

Extensive research into history, language, occultism, and psychology has revealed the existence of an ancient cult that hails from the region of the world known today as Ukraine. More likely than not, this cult is in operation to this very day, and is behind the phenomenon that many call the Deep State.

It is almost certain that this cult is the original source of werewolf symbolism, and that they’ve managed to retain some degree of global influence over mankind for many thousands of years. They are known as the Koryos.

Now, the Koryos are not the only group that appears to have worldwide influence. I posit that the Trumps and Kennedys are royal descendants of another “elite” society that was once (and still is) globally influential—but unlike the Koryos, I believe this society to be of a benevolent character. It’s likely the case that this positive group gave us much of what we think of today as “Tartarian” architecture

One of my reasons for positing the existence of a second, globally-influential group is the fact that all the peoples of the world once spoke ancient German. Almost no one in the English-speaking world is aware of this fact, but it is nonetheless demonstrably true.
In our previous article, we discussed the Celtic/Druid royalty connection between Trump and the Kennedys; however, it should also be said that many researchers equate the Druids with the Illuminati. Now that we’ve discovered an important connection with the German language and Trump, I can’t help but be reminded of the fact that the Illuminati reportedly began in Bavaria—a part of Germany.
Knowing the origin of words and languages teaches you how the collective psyche morphed over the years—in an information war, knowing the origin of things confers a strategic advantage. Perhaps the “elite” are the elite simply because they’ve retained an information advantage over mankind going back to “the beginning” (whatever that might have been).

Catherine Austin Fitts/Forbidden.News #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy substack.com

This is a great conversation between investment banker and Former HUD Assistant Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts and Australian freedom activist powerhouse, Maria Zeee, in which the former educates us about the pivotal role of the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) in the New World Order (aka Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Green New Deal, etc).

She explains how the CBDC is designed to be the central hub of the governance system of the One World Government.

The implementation of the CBDC, with the centralization of all currencies would spell the end of both national and individual sovereignty, worldwide. Furthermore, she says, "They seem clearly committed to depopulation."

Catherine says, "Ultimately, as this thing centralizes, they're gonna end up giving up control to Switzerland! It's quite remarkable!"
This is why they WANT us to see how corrupt our governments are and why they WANT us to topple our governments. This is why they WANT us to dismantle the police. This is why they WANT us to eliminate the US Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Convention and all of the pretenses of Human- and Civil Rights associated with the post-WWII West.

The Nazi elite allowed us to believe that such things were ironclad and that we, the plebs "beat" the Nazis and that we "won" WWII.

No. They let us believe we won, while the Nazi CIA destabilized the Third World and sent US soldiers into the meat grinders of Korea, Vietnam and the Middle East and now, all of the bad faith that they sowed has come home to roost.

Now, they have adopted the cloying language of "Equity" while they remain ever-intent on killing the vast majority of humans and on replacing the West's fledgling legacy of freedom with CBDCs and AI to control the handful of humans that they would permit to survive, to serve them in the techno-Medieval Utopia of their adrenochrome fever dreams.

Clif High #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #dunning-kruger substack.com

A few years from today, humanity, and Earth will be manifesting entirely different energies.

Now, we can conceptualize humanity as encountering new energies from space in the form of the increased emanations from galactic center, while being controlled by a clan that is desperate that these energies NOT be acknowledged, nor accepted, nor absorbed, nor integrated. These circumstances necessarily bring contention and conflict to humanity at very deep levels.

The ability of the Elohim worship cult (the ruling clan) to continue in their mindset and control is waning due to these energies. The contention arising from the Elohim worship cult’s attempts to retain control despite these new energies is itself further eroding their ability to control the rest of humanity.
A primary change will be the removal of the Elohim worship cult from power. Much of this will be accomplished by the HyperNovelty in which ALL ‘authority’ is removed from Humanity. As the Elohim worship cult only can exist within the construct of social authority, they are naturally in decline now, and will cease to be a meaningful force.

The ‘authority’ of ‘medicine’ is now dying very rapidly. Ergo, when the Elohim worship cult ‘medicine structure’ issues a warning of a new disease within their narradigm, it becomes yet another instance of a ‘jew yelling flu’, and not to be taken seriously by thinking people.
A few years from now, on the other side of the Time of Testing, on the other side of the Make-A-Way period, Humanity will be emerging into SciFi World.
In a few years time, we will be building out SciFi World. This will be surprisingly fast in its manifestation. This will be due to the shedding of the mental blockages of the ‘grit religion’ of the Elohim worship cult overlay on science. Due to the liberation of science from the grit paradigm, new discoveries will put us rapidly on the path to recovery and exploitation of new technology. The new technology will be combinatoric in its impact.

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