Rapture Ready

David J. Stewart #fundie jesusisprecious.org

My friend, how would you react if you were told today by a doctor that you only had a few months left to live? Would you cry in sadness? Would you tell everyone, no one, or just your family? Would you praise the Lord that you're going home to be with the Lord in Heaven? What would be your response? I know I would be exceedingly glad to learn that I only have a few months to live, knowing that I am going to be with Jesus in Heaven. Goodbye cruel world! I am looking for the glorious appearing of my great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, at the Rapture, but if the Lord tarries His return, then I know assuredly that I will be with the Lord in Heaven before too long. I am ready for the Lord to take me home whenever He decides.

cocoapea9052, rapturemenow09 #fundie rr-bb.com

Hi RR,

I know many discussions have taken place about various excuses that will be offered to explain our disappearances. Form Aliens/UFO's to terrorists to plagues, etc.

But what I am wondering-- if the Rapture was to occur right now, is anything already in place for the government to offer an immediate excuse? Do they have some secret plan all ready to roll out? Or, would they be left to scramble something together after weeks and maybe even months have passed with no answers, no one having returned?

Do you think they will start off treating everyone (I know that's a lot of folks) as missing person's? Like in the Left Behind Movie, going around taking reports, interviewing people, etc.? People posting up pics of missing loved ones? Private Investigators working overtime?

Thanks All and God Bless!


With the med. Union of 5 +5 regathering as we speak, the current conditions, the new laws being passed etc, we must assume that the a/c is soemwhere on stage behind the scenes, which means evil already works a bit, so if he can start to delude these various world leaders already, weather it be by promising them kingdoms etc or whatever, one must assume that he has already started to formulate a plan. I personally think it will be Ufos.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesusisprecious.org

The term “New Age Movement” comes directly from the “New World Order.” New Age is the heretical philosophy of the ancient Mystery Religions, which has been preserved down through the centuries through secret societies, and today is being infiltrated into the churches (just as occultist Alice Bailey foretold). Literally, Alice Bailey said in her writings that the philosophies of the New World Order would be implemented through the transformation of the churches. This is known as the Emerging Church Movement. The Devil is preparing the churches to receive the Antichrist. The unsaved world HAS BEEN READY for a very long time. The only thing standing in Satan's way is the New Testament Church, which is why the saints must be removed at the pretribulation Rapture before the Antichrist will appear (2nd Thessalonians 2:5-8).

I could give you hundreds of examples from hundreds of modern Bible versions of how Satan has corrupted God's Word to deceive the world. It couldn't have been more obvious that Luciferians were behind the NIV 1984, when they changed Christ from being the “head of the corner” to the “capstone” (as in the Illuminati pyramid's capstone). Repeatedly in the Scriptures we are told that Christ is the foundation of Christianity (1st Corinthians 3:11), not the capstone at the top of The Great Pyramid. The New World Order is very real. ...

“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.” —David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

The churches have been infiltrated. Check this creepy pyramid which Illuminists crept into the churches. Although some people may accuse me of being a bit paranoid, I assure you I am not.

Indyted #fundie rr-bb.com

Things have happened rapidly over the last 5-10 years......especially this last year. Why the rush? Why the rapid increase of events? Is it possible that something big is going to happen and happen soon? Is it possible that 'someone' knows that something is going to happen soon and that 'someone' is prince of this world?

Don't get me wrong. I do not believe that the devil knows exactly when the rapture occurs. Only God knows that. But being the accuser of the brethren, the devil has access to God's throne and can see what is going on in Heaven. God may be getting ready to tell Christ and the angels to get into position.

I maybe wrong but with events rapidly increasing as they are, one has to wonder if something is on the horizon.

tractsforchrist #fundie rr-bb.com

Actually it was really funny today... I seriously thought the rapture happened... I was sleeping with my lamp on and all the sudden the light got so bright that it was blinding and I rose from my bed slowly and I was like, 'I'm ready Lord!' To my dissapointment... I think it is amazing that we will be the generation that will see it happen before our eyes.

lighthouse #fundie rr-bb.com

[Wait until you read the final paragraph... these sick fuckers look forward to unsaved children being so frightened by being "left behind" that they contemplate suicide. What the FUCK?!]

Weeping Mothers Cry 'Where Is My Baby?'

Every news service in the world has now reported millions of missing babies. Thousands of hospitals all over the earth report that every single baby in the maternity ward is missing. At the very moment the world experienced the return of Christ - a strange silence settled on thousands of homes and hospitals. Mothers who one moment were feeding hungry little children were suddenly left clutching at air. Not only are the babies missing but also millions of children under seven years of age.

One observer has been quoted as saying - "Jesus once said - Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of God. Now it is very evident that Jesus has called all the little children to himself once and for all."

If you have a missing child - or say missing person in your family - Do not call the police. There is nothing they can do.

Thousands Attempt Suicide

The worst aftermath of the great mysterious disappearance last nigh is the horrible wave of suicide attempts being made by thousands. In most cases those who are attempting to end it all have at one time or another had a chance to get right with God. They are those who have heard the message of His coming over and over again and have grown hard to its truth. Thousands of young people woke up this morning to find parents missing. Mothers were gone - brothers and sisters were missing. While many others were surprised by the 'rapture' - they seemed to know instantly what had happened. When the full impact of the coming of Jesus dawned on them and when they realized they had thrown aside so many chances to repent and get ready - they became desperate. Remorse began driving them to seek a way out. Many have been driven completely out of their minds as they sit in their bedrooms sobbing - "I'm left behind - I'm left behind - There is no hope."

Bound2Him #fundie rr-bb.com

Why do good christen people oppose the rapture, and they they attack us so vigorously and coldly about it sometimes. Even well meaning Christens. Have you noticed? But i understand most of their arguments are becouse they dont know too much about scripture...why?

We have to be ready right? But why do they? Are they too learned in thier own head or what?

Not Perfect, But Forgiven #fundie rr-bb.com

[On preparing for the rapture]

Well, I can totally agree with your actions. I've been getting regular haircuts in anticipation of the Rapture. I'm not sure if our hair will continue to grow in our glorified bodies, maybe it will? So, just in case I started making sure my hair always looks nice for Jesus. I really do feel like I'm getting ready for a wedding somedays.

CHAR and Ron #fundie #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

I wonder which will come first, the election next year or the Rapture. I hope the 2nd one, but we don't know. God is in control.

Hi Char!
I really believe it will be The Rapture first.
The Lord has been laying some things on my heart about such, so I need to do so studying.
I really feel He Will get us sometime then.
God Bless You!

I hope you are right because I am so ready to hear that call from Him and go up hither to be with Him forevermore and I know there are others on this website that are just as anxious as I am. As you would say, wooohoooo and as I would say, Yippy Skippy.

lhaney92 #fundie rr-bb.com

We just finished putting together a left behind box last night. We put a large page on the front of the box, saying to open it immediately upon our sudden disappearance. We are keeping it in our entry way from here on out for 2 reasons:

1. It will be seen by the first person who walks in after the rapture.


2. It makes a great conversation starter about the rapture when people see it!!!!!!!!!

(Oh, and yes, my friends do think I'm an odd duck!)

I also just purchased new checks and they are so cool, they have a pic of the Bible on the front and we had them put: Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready? <a href="http://www.raptureready.com" target="_blank">www.raptureready.com</a> , on them and when they turn the check over to sign for cashing it has Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." printed below the endorse line!

BlessedAssurance #fundie rr-bb.com

We are to be faithful like little children. Think back to a family vacation, when you were small. You hounded your parents, "Are we leaving now? Are we leaving today? Are we leaving tomorrow?" And even if they told you, you were too excited to really listen. After all, they packed for you, got the car ready, turned off the lights in the house, unplugged the toaster, picked up your special blanky and your bunny, said, "NOW!" All you had to do was bounce excitedly out the door.

How will we be any different from small children? WE WON'T! There's nothing we need to do to prepare for the Rapture. We don't even need our favorite bunny. We don't need to pack. When it is time God will say, "NOW!" and we'll excitedly bounce up to Heaven to start the next adventure.

DAVEYBOY #fundie rr-bb.com

Today when I came into work I did as I always do, get online and check out the headlines and wait to see what jumps out at me. This is when I hear God speaking to me, when things kind of just jump out at me. I saw 4 or 5 headlines that spoke to me. The first said scientists said that we have done so much CO2 damage to our planet that it is now beyond repair, and that humans have 30 years, tops, before extinction. The next headline said that the US is heading towards no linger being one of the super-powers. Did you catch that? Not THE super-power...ONE of the super-powers. The next headline spoke of Europe is, by 2025, going to be a "hobbled giant". The next headlline said that by 2025, nuclear confrontations were inevitable because of all the "rogue" states having these weapons and also the scarcity of food and water. Then I read about a teen putting his suicide on the 'net on a webcam and people were not horrified but instead threw insults at him. It popped into my mind. This is world is spinning out of control and is more than ready for a "man" to take control of it with his master plan. Now mind you, I know that nothing is out of God's control, but you understand what I mean. Totally spinning out of control, and waiting for someone to step in and rescue it. Until now, I always thought it would be the Rapture that had this world going berserk. Now I see it's already in utter chaos. Man, I really feel that the Antichrist is chomping at the bit...waiting like a tiger to pounce onto the world scene. I know all these things I've spoke of are no new news to all of you, but I really have felt the Holy Spirit saying to me that things are changing!!! And then at times I can't believe these things are really happening. It's alsmost too much to believe that this is really happening.

Rondaben #fundie rr-bb.com

Personally, I think that there are no 'aliens', only demonic deception.

Picture this...

A Massive war begins in the Middle east. Nuclear armed nations square off in a fight to the death in an attempt to destroy Israel. God intervenes and destroys the invaders (Gog and Magog).

God raptures his church.

Satan, thwarted in this attempt to destroy Israel, counters with "aliens". They send out a message to all people...

"We have returned in this time of your greatest need. 3 million years ago we planted your predecessors here on Earth. We have watched as you have evolved to the point where you are ready to assume your place in the universe. Those who were among you whom were instigating wars and repressing you with religious shackles are now gone--removed--to allow you to realize your full potential of peace without the impediments of hatred and bigotry. They who would attribute your powers to mythological 'gods' are gone, and you will now be able to see that the only true gods are those that YOU are. you were born for this moment. you were born to be Gods...."

and the deception begins...

You've Been Left Behind FAQ #fundie youvebeenleftbehind.com

Q: How are the emails sent out after the rapture if you are all Christians?

A: I have a team, of Christian couples, scattered around the U.S. 4 active couples and one alternate. One of each, of the active couples, are required to log into the system everyday. They are scattered to protect us from having the team wiped out by attack, natural disaster, or epidemic. They are couples in case one is sick, injured, killed, and to assure their walk with God. If they (3 out of 4) fail to log in for 3 days the system figures the Rapture has taken place. There are then notices sent out to each of us daily, for 3 more days, warning us we must log in to prevent the sending of documents. If, we do not, then the system sends out all of the stored data to all of the email addresses. There is one alternate team member to ready as a replacement for a lost teammate. Also one team member is located near enough to the server bank, with access, in case the net goes down, or malfunction.

MinnesotaSlim #fundie rr-bb.com

Bear with me as I build my thesis.
1. Since the first Star Trek we have been bombarded with the idea "Beaming-up" and teleportation. The image of a flash and your gone. This idea has been promulgated on many differant sci-fi shows.

2. The new age movement tells its adherents that mankind is ready to ascend into a new level of being. That those not ready (namely christians) will be left in the lower levels.

3. The UFO crowd and the new age crowd are so intertwined that they will have the same mine set.

4. Global warming/Environmentalists tell us that the world population needs to be drastically cut if we are to sustain life on this planet

My theory is that after the rapture, New Ager's channeling alien thoughts will explain that Christians were "beamed" to a planet far away for us to "learn to ascend" and to save the the environment. The "superior beings" left on earth will be so thankful and embrace the "ascended master" sent to show them the way. They will not sorrow over lost family members because they think they will see them again soon.

SoundingtheAlarm #fundie rr-bb.com

t 10pm central standard time..the first call comes into 911 ..a man is hysterical screaming "my wife just disappeared" the 911 dispatcher replies "sir what do you mean...did she leave and not come home?" the man screams "NO ..I mean she just disappeared right before my eyes and all that is left are her clothes"

another 911 call comes through...its from county hospital and a frantic nurse cries out "ALL THE BABIES ARE GONE?"

a husband and wife are following a car down a two lane highway when the car they are following suddenly veers off the road. The husband jumps out and races to the car only to discover it's empty except for a pile of clothes in the driver's seat.

"Flight 411 this is delta tower...please confirm your plans to descend" "Flight 411?" "sir Flight 411 is not responding" nervous travelers begin to shout ..."what's going on we are passing our destination?" "but the cockpit is empty...the flight crew has disappeared"

BREAKING NEWS ...CNN ...Anderson Cooper reporting..."suddenly without warning ....Seemingly thousands if not millions of people have disappeared...911 emergeny response systems are crashing due to the overload of calls...wolf blitzer stands by with word from Whitehouse Correspondents"...."this just in Anderson....100 car pile up on Los Angeles Freeway...wait another report...New York subway systems are reporting major subway crash....President Obama and his wife Michelle are getting ready to speak to the nation..word is they are currently on a conference call with world leaders as again Anderson this is not a national crisis but reports are coming literally from around the world"

A liberal pastor's cell phone rings...it's a troubled parishoner..."pastor my children are gone...you promised that there was nothing to the rapture...you said it was a fairy tale"

MSNBC's Keith Olberman ..."reports thousands of people have just died in one of the worst airplane crashes in history....a 757 just crashed into downtown Chicago and exploded blowing up 4 apartment complexes"

A 20 year old run away who just weeks before cussed her bible believing parents and told them to never preach again...dials her parents phone hurredly only to hear it ring and ring...she hangs up and dials their cells only to get voice mail...her heart races as she recalls her dad's warning..."honey please turn to Jesus..He is coming soon"

ALL NETWORKS BEGIN TO BREAK IN......AN EMERGENY MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT BARAK OBAMA...."Good citizens of the United States...we are in the midst of THE MOST CATASTROPHIC EVENT OF OUR TIME......to be continued in life's theatre soon

NateNKayliesMom #fundie rr-bb.com

[Fundies have been going on about the Rapture being imminent.]

I look for it to happen any day. Soon. Even my children, ages 15 & 17 know that the day is fast approaching. They are in school and making plans for their future but at the same time, they will make comments that they honestly don't look to have families of their own here on earth.

I'm just ready. I have never been so ready in my life. I'm tired. I want to go home. This world is out of control and it sickens me.

friisans #fundie friisans.tumblr.com

« @ all my Christian followers out there—

Jesus Christ is on the brink of return yall. The Rapture is coming. Hold on tight to your faith and belief in Him, it’s your ticket out of here before things go horribly wrong (some of you may already know what I’m referring to). We’ve waited quite awhile for this moment, and I and many other believers believe He’s set to take us home very soon. So keep praying, keep watching the sky, be ready, for our redemption is nigh. Amen!????

SavedWretch #fundie rr-bb.com

God gave me yet another opportunity to witness to my scoffing 23 y/o son. I've been talking about the Rapture at my house for a year now. He always laughed at me and told me I was crazy to believe that and to stop talking about it. Sunday evening, just me and him in the kitchen, he admitted that the world is so bad and he doesn't think it's going to get better. Perfect lead in to "honey, Jesus will be calling His church home very soon so you must be ready for that. Repent today and open a Bible." I can tell he's nervous about the times. Good.

mikitta #fundie raptureforums.com

[Re. homosexuality.]

The desires of the very few are now outweighing the rights of the vast multitude. God help Western Civilization. Perversion has the support of the courts and is hailed as the good and moral choice, while traditional values of sexual purity are demonized by the popular courts and the press.

It really won't be very long now at all. But we, in the US are going to go through a crucible of persecution over this before we are called up. Be ready folks. Be ready with that shield of faith and the sword of the Word. Be ready to answer before courts and magistrates and give the reason for the JOY you have.

All the perks we've enjoyed as members of the greatest nation on earth are about to be taken from us because we will not bow to society's pressure to approve of salacious behavior. I don't mean we as a nation, I mean we as The Church. The persecution is already here and it's only going to increase till the Rapture.

If you are reading this and you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior - I IMPLORE YOU ON CHRIST'S BEHALF - be reconciled to Him through repentance and belief. Very shortly, the world is going to endure a terrible Tribulation and your chances of making it out alive at the other end of that 7 years is very slim indeed. Your eternal soul is in peril if you do not act NOW.

God Bless,

Angelica Zambrano #fundie christiscoming777.com


From a heavenly viewpoint an angel said “Look you are seeing the earth. Look at all the churches and congregations of the earth. This church has 20,000 members. There is another with 10,000 members. This other church has 1000 members.” He continued to show me many congregations and then said “But there are very few people in these churches who are actually the true church.”

The angel said “I must tell you what the Father wants me to tell you”. The Archangel Michael was the one speaking to me. He said “Look at the earth. The churches are filled with sin, there is so much sin in these churches. Many of the people are spiritually dead”.

Through the angels the LORD showed me that 80% of the Evangelical Christian Church on earth will be Left Behind. They will be left behind because they are cold. Because they dont seek God’s presence. Because of their sin. Because they are discouraged. Only 20% will be caught up (Raptured) to be with Jesus, this is only for true Christians. That is why His word says `Many are called, but few are chosen’ (Matt 22,14). We are all called but we not only must be called, we must be chosen.

Let me explain what takes place inside many of the churches. There is very much religiosity. There is no loyalty to the word of God. Inside church, brothers and sisters happily praise the Lord. They rejoice, they dance and they speak in tongues. But when they get home they are completely different. They act like the devil himself. This is what takes place. People go home and speak things that hurt God’s heart. At home they dont pray, read God’s word or seek His presence. God does not want any of us to be left behind. It hurts me that 80% of the Church congregants are not ready for the Lord’s return. Because few of the churches truly demonstrate the true love of Jesus.

There were angels all around, then Jesus spoke to me, while the angels remained silent. The LORD said “Daughter my heart breaks to see how many people are discouraged. To see how many people have backslid. Tell my people to return to the old paths, to the First Love”

Church, you must encourage the believers. Tell them to seek God, to reject hypocrisy. Listen to what the LORD told me. The LORD said “Do you know which commandment my church has forgotten? Some think its love. Some think its faith. The forgotten commandment within my church is Holiness. My Word say ‘Be holy, for I am holy.'” (1Pet1,16). This is what the Lord says, we have to be holy inside and outside. We must have a pure heart, a clean heart that is filled with His presence. A heart filled with His love. A heart filled with God.

Godrulzunivrs #fundie abcnews.go.com

Hello all - For another view on why there will be no PRE - Tribulation rapture, visit the web site www.wake-up.com . The ICE age was created because of a asteroid ( or two ) hitting the earth when Dino's lived here. More are forthcoming, just a matter of time. Meteor showers 1st, then a asteroid on land, then one in the sea, then Darkness. What will the people of the earth do? Create a one world government to appease God! They will agree God is angry and will make sin-less laws ( like we all ready don't have a billion of them ) This government is called Babylon in God's Word, because of the confusion of so many different religions claiming to know what God wants as worship. People will join this "false" gov. to receive food and medical, to survive, instead of living by FAITH in God. Anyway-- check out the web site, there's also a FREE book if you want it. May you all seek for the truth in God's Word! ~ Gail

Patreesha #fundie rr-bb.com

We had been concerned about our much-loved dog being cared for when we leave in the Rapture. Bailey was only seven and in good health when he just upped and died on us the other morning. He died quickly and peacefully with the family surrounding him, but when we started questioning why it happened (as we all do, even though it all ends with "blessed be the name of the Lord"), we remembered the rapture connection. Suddenly we felt like the rapture was going to be very soon and God was sparing us the worry.

It just seems weird that we've been praying for Bailey to have a long and healthy life and then he just drops dead!! Could be the devil just making us miserable, but God could've spared him, so since we believe it's God's will that he died, we don't want to get another dog. Hopefully and just maybe, we'll see Bailey again someday!! But, hmmm, get ready everyone!!

dougl #fundie abovetopsecret.com

The Rapture is Only Days Away

My name is Doug and first I will tell you a little about myself. I am 45 years old, disabled with AIDS which I got at 19 and I became a Christian 16 years ago. My parents are not Christians. When I was in 4th grade, I received around 9 dreams which were of my future and the future of the world. Most of the dreams were personal in nature and all have come true. An example of one of the personal dreams: I was in an antique store and it had several rooms which I walked through, the store was like walking in someone's house except it was filled with all kinds of antiques. I won't go into detail. When I was in my 30's, I walked into the same store. In 4th grade, I didn't know what an antique was, let alone why anyone would want to buy them.

Another dream I had was 9-11. I saw a plane fly into a highrise building and felt the horror and to my surprise I saw another plane fly into another building. This was when I was in the 4th grade and it was 1972. The horror of it was with me for days and I was 9 years old in 1972.

I have only one dream left that hasn't come to pass. There is no way at this point to prove to you that my dreams have all happened. I can't predict for you a test dream so that you know my dreams are prophetic.

The final dream of my life, I am raptured, taken away by God and joining a crowd of people in the sky where I had to search to find my Grandma.
When I had this dream in 4th grade I was not a Christian and I did not knowing anything about the Rapture. God has given me the opportunity to write this post before this happens.

I believe that the only reason I am writing this is to let everyone know I was not taken by aliens. I think that the government and the world will tell you that all the missing children and the Christians who have the Holy Spirit that have suddenly dissapeared were taken by aliens or maybe they will say it was a solar flare. Do not be surprised if you see lots of black objects in the sky, they are not from another world. They are part of "the devil's plan to confuse you. Everything you need to know is in Revelations, in the Bible. You will be able to become a Christian after the Rapture, I do not know if the Holy Spirit will be here though. Do not accept the mark of the beast.

I believe the Rapture will occur in the next few days. I have been attacked by evil several times this week and I am grateful that I was able to post this message. I will not be posting another message. I have no private agenda associated with this post. I am a happy disabled person who is not trying to write a book or introduce you to a website. This message is of pure intentions and love and I wish no one to be afraid. I want you to be ready and know that Jesus died for you and does not want you to go to Hell. He created Hell for fallen angels not humans. You will be able to accept Christ during the next 7 years.

Russ Winter #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #quack #crackpot winterwatch.net

The only thing left in the New Underworld Order’s bag of tricks is for the aliens to invade (Project Blue Beam), do an international broadcast, tell us to trust world government, be Covid safe and cut carbon emissions all while wearing BLACK LIVES MATTER T-SHIRTS.

The next hoax is being prepared, most likely as a “look over there!” decoy for mandatory scamdemic vaccines and the Great Reset.

Is a fake alien invasion in the works? With the Branch Covidian cult firmly established, the scene seems ripe to run on at least part of the pajama people.

The Jerusalem Post reports that former Israeli security chief Haim Eshed has revealed that aliens from a “Galactic Federation” have been in contact with the U.S. and Israel for years, but humanity isn’t ready to know this. Hoax alert: They only communicate with the U.S. and Israel? That says a lot.

Of course, these appear-and-disappear monoliths are being dismissed as art pieces. The question begs, however: Why are they showing up at all? Psyops.
The theory holds that they use dense hologram imagery combined with voice-to-skull technology [see “Voice of God Mind Control“] and possibly a good dose of suggestibility via drug aerosols in the air or put into drinking water.

Another variation — and we think more likely — would be some type of smaller-scale religious Messiah or prophecy hocus pocus and psyop aimed at evangelical Rapture, Branch Covidians, Judiacs, and New Age types. Perhaps this would be tied into Jerusalem. No doubt the CS has the data to determine just how gullible and controllable the population, or segments of the population, are and what would be required.

Anne Graham Lotz #fundie cnsnews.com

Christian evangelist Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of world-renowned Pastor Billy Graham, is calling on Americans to pray and fast for nine days, May 15-23, to ask God for help in these distressful times because, she says, God is warning that “His judgment is coming on America and on our world, and it’s going to be ugly.”

Anne Graham Lotz’s concerns echoed those she made at a Watchmen on the Wall conference, where she referenced the story of Noah and the flood and people eating, drinking, and giving in marriage, while indifferent to God, and warned that today many people “have no idea they are living on an abyss, and judgment is getting ready to fall.”

In the invitation to the May 15-23 “Mayday! Distress Call for Prayer,” Anne Graham Lotz, the author of 11 books and holder of six honorary doctorates, notes that she recently was teaching a seminar on the first two chapters of Joel in the Old Testament and said the “impact was profound.”

“I knew God had spoken,” she said. “The messages almost made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. Why? Because God was clearly warning that His judgment is coming on America and on our world, and it’s going to be ugly. I knew it then, and I know it now.”

Referencing the evangelical belief in the Rapture when Jesus returns, Anne Graham Lotz said that when authentic Christians are gone, “Institutions will collapse. Banks will close. The Stock Market will plunge. Planes will fall out of the sky. Cars will crash on the road. Government in America at every level will disintegrate.”

“Families will be torn apart,” she said. “In the unprecedented turmoil, our nation will be vulnerable for our enemies to seize the moment and attack us. There will be mass chaos, confusion, fear, grief, despair, anger, threats, danger — judgment.”

However, just as God allowed the Israelites to suffer through the ten plagues before they were delivered in the Exodus, Christians may have to endure “distress and trouble” before God brings peace,” she said, and thus Christians need to pray, “to cry out to God on behalf of our nation and our world.”

Abba's Watchman #conspiracy #fundie #crackpot abbaswatchman.com

Blue Beam description Continues here"

Steps to Completion

There are several events and scenarios that supposedly must play out before the the event can culminate.

Step 1

The first step concerns the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge. It deals with staging earthquakes at certain precise locations around the planet where supposed new "discoveries" will finally explain that the meanings of the basic doctrines of all the world`s major religions are wrong. This falsification will be used to make the population believe that all religious doctrine has been misunderstood and misinterpreted. For example, in the entertainment/movie industry, a falsification started with the film(s) 2001: A Space Odyssey, the TV-series Star Trek, the Star Wars films, and E.T., all of which deal with space invasion and protection. Another movie example is Jurassic Park which was released to push the Theory of Evolution.

Step 2
The second step deals with the gigantic space show: 3D optical holograms and sounds, laser projections of multiple holographic images in different parts of the world, each receiving a different image, according to its predetermined original national religious faith. This new "god" image will talk in all languages. As an example, the Soviets have manufactured the advanced computers and have programmed them with the Minute Psychological Particles based upon their studies of the anatomy and biology of the human body, as well as their studies on the anatomy, chemistry and electricity of the human brain. These computers have also been fed with the different languages of the world.
See Pictures above for solid proof of this unfolding Pre Damascus destruction.

Step 3
The third step deals with telepathic electronic two-way communication, where ELF(Extra Low Frequency), VLF (Very Low Frequency), and LF (Low Frequency) waves will reach the people of the Earth through the insides of their brains, making each person believe that his own God is speaking to him from within his own soul. Such rays, from satellites, are fed from the memory of computers that store much data about the human being and his languages. These rays will then interlace and interweave with the natural thinking processes to form what is called Artificial Talk.

Step 4
The fourth step involves universal supernatural manifestations using electronic means. This step contains three different orientations:
The first one is to make mankind believe that an Alien Invasion is about to occur upon every major city on the earth. This is to push each major nation into using its nuclear capability to strike back. In this manner, it would put each of these nations in a state of full disarmament before the United Nations after the false attack.
The second is to make the vast Christian population believe that a major rapture is occurring, with a simple, orchestrated, divine intervention of an alleged "good" alien force coming to save the good people from a brutal satanic attack. Its goal is to get rid of all significant opposition to the New World Order.
The third orientation is a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces. The waves or frequencies used at that time will allow supernatural forces to travel through fiber optics cable, coaxial cable, electric and telephone lines in order to penetrate all electronic equipment and appliances that will by then all have a special microchip installed. The goal of this step deals with the materialization of satanic ghosts, spectres, and poltergeists all across the globe in order to push all populations to the edge of a wave of suicide, killing and permanent psychological disorder. After that night, humanity is believed to be ready for them to enter in a "New" Messiah to re-establish peace everywhere at any cost, even at the cost of their freedom.

This superbly staged, full-scale production will supposedly result in social and religious disorders on a massive scale, which will lead to a one world religion and the global dominance asserted by the New World Order.

Nasa has been working on Air craft for Project blue beam that are real but will become a part of the Global Holographic Alien Invasion/Light show and this could be a picture of one or Just simply a picture from a movie I could not say but I provide it to help prepare your minds for any eventuality these demon Freemasons pull on us. Do not soon for get the Swine flu was a fraud perpetrated on a mass scale so do not rule any of this out it has been planned for over 50 years and is ready to be introduced to the world to bring the Antichrist Pope to power as if he is god.  He is the Anti god Lucifer.

Psalm 107 #fundie rr-bb.com

Here's a interesting thought (at least to me anyway). This is just speculation and personal musings on my part but what if...

What if... our names that God has written into the book of life (and other heavenly books) also contains our coded DNA sequence? Maybe a small sample of each persons DNA is on file up there.

That would explain how God could perfectly reconstruct from the elements of the earth each of our physical bodies at the resurrection... both the redeemed at the first resurrection, and the doomed at the great white throne judgment.

What if... on the cross as Jesus took on all of our sins and sicknesses, every persons flawed DNA sequences were transposed into His body and blood? In His body the DNA code was repaired to remove the sin element from each and every one of us. My DNA and yours washed and cleansed by the very blood of our Redeemer.

When we, the redeemed, are resurrected or raptured our repaired DNA is exchanged for the damaged DNA (in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye) and we arrive in heaven spotless before the throne of God. The doomed at the second resurrection don't get the exchange and are resurrected with their original damaged DNA code so they wouldn't appear spotless before God. Imagine being in that group and seeing your repaired DNA sample on file, all the time waiting there for you to claim it and all you had to do was believe in Jesus and make him Lord of your life to receive it.

Just my personal musings but to me an AWESOME thought. I have nothing biblical to back these musings up with but I felt a need to share with everyone this thought that has been bumping around in my head for a while.

Get ready, get set, discuss!

Cody #fundie offgridsurvival.com

Dear Preppers: There are indeed dire circumstances coming. There is much preparation needed. Do you know what’s coming? Jesus Christ has given His followers specific details as to what is coming. Keep your eye on the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. That is the turn key event for everything to come down. What is the remainder of what is coming down – HE told us specifically. Why: Because HE wants people to know that HE IS STILL IN CONTROL NO MATTER what these governments, Nibiru, etc. LOOK like they are going to do. Here are just a few of the things HE has prepared his followers for: The Dome of the Rock is going to be destroyed first as the turn key event. Then Miami is going to be bombed (nuclear) shortly after that. New York is also going to be bombed and go under water. There will be several other places bombed but he did not get more specific than those two for now. Then, the Rapture (Removal) of All of Jesus Believers/Followers are going to be removed from this earth. The people that remain will be going through horrors such as has not been seen on this earth prior to this time. Those remaining will be told that “Aliens” – “Greys” have taken those people for “whatever reason”. Know for a fact, that the “aliens” – “greys” are demons masquerading as “harmless” galaxy interlopers looking for a “people to help”. Remember that you read this here because they will be sent to destroy this planet; however, they are on a leash so to speak – they can only go as far as Father God allows them to go. He has also told us that Russia is going to attack us from the Northern Border of the US. We will see planes flying overhead and troops parachuting out. There are also Russian troops here on our soils that are ready to move when given the order. Also, HE is going to intervene and not let an EMP knock out all communications in the US nationwide. HE Is going to use the communication systems to keep His Remnant in touch with one another. Those people remaining who see that GOD has predicted and carried out His specific promises and come to believe and follow HIM, will be protected supernaturally by God. He will provide food, water, shelter, and even invisibility to those who truly believe and follow Him. If you follow and believe in Him, you will be provided for and protected. If you try to live by your own wits, you will not.
Nibiru will be here at the end of 7 years after Jesus’ followers have been removed. The earth’s crust will be rotated by God and all of those “elite” individuals in the D.U.M.B’s will be sealed in their subterranean tombs. These underground bunkers will be filled with magma and water due to the earth’s crust shifting. The North Pole may be somewhere down around Arizona/New Mexico area. Also, HE has changed the Yellowstone volcano eruption to be Much Less than everyone has anticipated. It will blow but not with the magnitude expected. Magma will bubble up from underground and flow out like rivers just like the Kilauea volcano in Hawaii has been doing for decades. Towards the end of that seven year period this nation, USA, will be divided in half – pretty much all the way along the Mississippi River – it will take more than a Ferry to cross it. Martial law will be enacted after these bombings and you will be required to take a “mark” to ensure “security, safety” and to buy and sell anything – receive medical treatment, etc. DO NOT TAKE THAT MARK!!!! That mark will include an electronic interface that can actually alter the thinking/decision making in the brain. You can be incited to kill by someone or to riot just by someone sending a code to your specific mark number.

Once you take the mark, you will be forever separated from GOD and will end up in HELL for refusing to believe that He is the one that can save your soul. Please, I beg you, don’t take that Mark!!!!!

The purpose of sharing these specific items with you is so you can ask Jesus NOW to take control of YOUR life and the lives of YOUR LOVED ONES. That is the only way to escape what is coming. If you or your loved ones don’t believe, understand, or scoff at this message now, know that this is coming to pass and you will know that what has been told to you is truly from GOD. Even in the midst of the turmoil, you can turn to GOD if YOU DON”T TAKE THE MARK!

I know a lot of people won’t agree with this post and that is fine. I KNOW without a doubt what my Savior told me. We have been given much more specific details and know what to do when things hit.
We know we have supernatural protection. Most churches or “christians” you may have met in your life may not have understood or even lived the way Jesus wanted them to – hypocritically. That is something all of them are going to be responsible for when they stand before the Lord.

You CAN have peace, safety, security beyond belief and joy even in the midst of what is coming. If anyone wants to know how to come to Jesus, it’s very simple. If this is something you TRULY and GENUINELY want to change from the very core of your heart, just say the following: “Jesus, I believe that you died on the Cross to pay for my sin as well as the sins of everyone else in this world. I believe you went to Hell and rose again from the dead and live in Heaven. You are willing to forgive me for EVERYTHING I’ve EVER DONE just by asking you to. So, Jesus, I’m asking you to forgive me of my sins and cleanse me from all evil. I choose right now by my free will to live for and follow You. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Teach me now how to live and follow You. Amen.”

The above prayer is NOT an “insurance policy” against what’s coming or HELL. You MUST mean this with your whole heart and desire above all else to follow Jesus. THEN, you will experience His Highest, Most Faithful provision for you! To begin following, living for and learning WHO JESUS is; start by reading the book of JOHN in the Bible. God’s Holy Spirit wrote the Bible through human beings and was sent here to the Earth to help believers when they face trials or temptations in their lives. HE Speaks to them and directs them daily – moment by moment if need be! Just like He wants to reach all of those you Love THROUGH YOU!

I’ll answer questions you may have about how to follow and live for the Lord in these last days. Thank you for reading this post. Cody.

ETW7 #fundie #conspiracy beforeitsnews.com

Revelation 14:11 KJV

[11] And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name…

——The Graves Are Opening! Verdict is In! Bodies Are No Longer Decomposing! They Are All Mummified! This Gives New Meaning To “RIP”! And They Have No Rest…“Revelation 14:11”” & They Have NO Peace! HERE WE HAVE OUR WITNESSES! THEY HAVE RISEN FROM THE GRAVE TO GIVE THEIR TESTIMONY!

God revealed to me- yet, another great mysteries-by means of the Holy Spirit! Maybe today you will finally come to accept the TRUTH! We ARE in GREAT TRIBULATION, people are dying from the Wrath of God and they did take the Mark of the Beast- and, there was NO RAPTURE! The Mark They Could NOT SEE! Part 2 (full documentary)

New Illness coming… New Beast Blood Coming! New NON-Burial Coming! SHARE THIS FAR AND WIDE PLEASE! We❗️NEED❗️ TEAMS NOW⚠️To HELP THIS DR. DISCOVER THE FACTS Before She Is Taken Out Of Their Way❗️

When Jesus was being crucified, they were not allowed to break His legs for a good reason! Maybe now we can finally understand this mystery!

We were not supposed to be incinerated either! There will come a day, that our bodies will be resurrected. We need our bones.

Additionally, the Scientists have created inorganic blood! They are in the human testing phase. 1-2 Tsp’s are being added to the test subjects to see if it will work! Well, there is only life in the Blood of Jesus Christ! If you don’t have His Blood, there is NO life now or ever- for anyone!
#TheTwoWitnesses Are HERE RIGHT NOW! Get Ready! They will be running to their caves, and mountains begging for the rocks to fall on them! Our Redemption is here! God Bless YOU Disciples Of JESUS CHRIST!

All GLORY Goes To God Almighty In Jesus Name and a Very Special Thanks To The Holy Spirit Who Made All of This Possible. I did none of this! It was all orders from our Father! Amen!

Pastor Harry Walther #fundie satansrapture.com











raml #fundie rr-bb.com

The only good thing about this ruling is it makes it easier to want to leave this earth for our next glorious life. At 68 I really don't take to change that well and there have been so many changes in the last 10 years alone that have overwhelmed me that I am ready to go but of course will wait till the Lord calls me. I feel this all had to happen but being here seeing it happen breaks my heart. Anyone who thinks we aren't headed or already in the end times now is blind deaf and dumb. Our country had to go down in stature both in the world and in our hearts for the bible to be accurate. The person who delivered my RX's today wondered why I was so despondent and when I told her she said she is glad that they ruled the way they did and wanted to tell me why and I shut the door on her. I no longer want to hear a liberal persons reasons for anything anymore I see to much in the news already. We need to be in prayer for the people of the world who aren't believers they are the ones who will lose with all these changes God will take care of us even if we end up being here for all of the destruction that is to come. Pray for the rapture but be prepared for anything.

INTHELORDSNAME #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Watch out for the Rapture of the Saints on CHRISTMAS DAY!!!

The Rapture occurring on Christmas Day has always been a strong possibility for a few Years now.

Since the Rapture hasn't happened yet it's important, more than ever, that we continue to watch and pray throughout this Christmas Season!

On Christmas Day this Year there just happens to be a Full Moon! The last time there was a full moon on Christmas Day was 38 Years ago in 1977!!!

Now check out the following dream:

I was at my home town and I saw up in the sky an object that looks like another moon closing in on our moon. It seemed as if they were going to collide. I was the first one to see this. Then I showed others. The Holy Spirit then reminded me that when I begin to see that object (the other moon) getting near to our moon it will be the next day when fire will fall from the sky and towns will be destroyed. It was a sign of the end of the world and Jesus return.

I was panicked because of how sudden it came about
I then began telling everyone including my neighbor, my mum and brother that the end will be tomorrow.

Then I frantically asked someone "WHAT DATE IS TOMORROW?"

Then someone said to me "TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS DAY".

Then I saw my mum was making Christmas preparations, getting ready food and sorrel wine. I even saw her stirring the
sorrel in a huge pot like she usually does on Christmas eve!

I then asked her to skip Christmas celebration this year
because the Lord is coming she then seemed doubtful of the fact. When I tried to tell one of my neighbors I was speaking with all my effort but she could not hear me for some reason.

I later saw one of my school mates, then I called her and told her that THE END IS HERE and she did not believe at first. But when I showed her the moon about to be struck by the "other moon" and started quoting scripture to her
she believed and gave herself to Christ right there and then
because the scriptures were being fulfilled in front of her eyes, then we started thinking of how wonderful heaven must be.

I also was telling one of my close friends that he should trust in the Lord for everything because I know that I would soon be gone, but he did not believe me. I was also trying to call one of my friends to tell her that the end was tomorrow, but i could not remember all her cell number

Scriptural confirmations:

Joel 2:30
Luke 21:11
Luke 21:25
Rev 8:12
Amos 8:9

Ruth #fundie raptureforums.com

I posted this before at Rapture News under my previous onscreen name of Morgan. But thought I would post it again for any new member who may not have read it before. I wrote it one day about 2 years ago and still reflect back on it often. It is an insight that has helped me a great deal and pray it will help others.

Are You a Decoy?

Some days it seems as though I should never have left the warmth of my bed. Everything seems to go wrong - from

1. dropping my freshly filled favorite coffee cup on my keyboard first thing in the morning -
2. to my computer taking four times as long to process every command as usual
3. and a client calling every five minutes to see if I have that report done yet -
4. To the phone ringing and hearing from every friend whom hasn't called me in 6 months and chose this moment to pick up the phone and want to 'catch up'
5. to every telemarketer in the world calling in between
6. to having everyone I have faxed a report to that day tell me they never received it

At some point - I realize I am under attack. These are not coincidences. And the choice is made - to give in and give up and have that temper tantrum I so justly deserve and therefore be ready to tear off the head of the next person I talk to -

or realize that I am on the front lines taking the hits from the enemy and since he is not omnipresent - if he is messing with me - then that means there is a brother or sister in the Lord who is having a good day and recuperating from a day they need to be able to witness to someone for the Lord.

So, I wave the white flag and accept my assignment as decoy and smile. For, while the enemy was thinking I would destroy my witness and lose my joy - he was wasting his time and another soul was saved somewhere down the street by someone who was not under attack.

I am a decoy in the army of God - reporting for duty!

Ruth #fundie raptureforums.com

Are you a Decoy?


I posted this before at Rapture News under my previous onscreen name of Morgan. But thought I would post it again for any new member who may not have read it before. I wrote it one day about 2 years ago and still reflect back on it often. It is an insight that has helped me a great deal and pray it will help others.

Are You a Decoy?

Some days it seems as though I should never have left the warmth of my bed. Everything seems to go wrong - from

1. dropping my freshly filled favorite coffee cup on my keyboard first thing in the morning -
2. to my computer taking four times as long to process every command as usual
3. and a client calling every five minutes to see if I have that report done yet -
4. To the phone ringing and hearing from every friend whom hasn't called me in 6 months and chose this moment to pick up the phone and want to 'catch up'
5. to every telemarketer in the world calling in between
6. to having everyone I have faxed a report to that day tell me they never received it

At some point - I realize I am under attack. These are not coincidences. And the choice is made - to give in and give up and have that temper tantrum I so justly deserve and therefore be ready to tear off the head of the next person I talk to -

or realize that I am on the front lines taking the hits from the enemy and since he is not omnipresent - if he is messing with me - then that means there is a brother or sister in the Lord who is having a good day and recuperating from a day they need to be able to witness to someone for the Lord.

So, I wave the white flag and accept my assignment as decoy and smile. For, while the enemy was thinking I would destroy my witness and lose my joy - he was wasting his time and another soul was saved somewhere down the street by someone who was not under attack.

I am a decoy in the army of God - reporting for duty!

dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com

(Commenting on an article posted entitled "The Shocking Doomsday Maps Of The World And The Billionaire Escape Plans" [https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimdobson/2017/06/10/the-shocking-doomsday-maps-of-the-world-and-the-billionaire-escape-plans/#6ebb75524047], and in response to another member who wrote, in part: "I've had suspicions about something like this for a long time, although my idea of their reasoning has been different." BOLDFACE mine)

To Robert, if you became a Christian, you would never have to worry about how the earth will come to an end. You wouldn't be around to watch it happen. You would be raptured out of here before the wrath comes.

The earth isn't going to be destroyed by an Asteroid. People won't need to worry about don't need to worry about finding a rich man or woman to help you get into a bunker. They wouldn't let you in anyway, unless you wanted to be their slave, but I am sure they already have someone in mind for the jobs they will dish out.

The earth might get hit with some HUGE hailstones that have fire attached to them, but the plagues and loss of water will kill people long before the hailstones start killing people. People will want to be killed by that time.

The rich man's water and food will never last long in their bunkers. Especially when the Anti-Christ finds them and takes away everything they have in those bunkers.

During the first 3 1/2 half years of the 7 year Tribulation period...... people will be celebrating that the Christians are gone, so they can become socialists, communist, Muslims, homosexuals, pedophiles, prostitutes, whatever they want to be, but when the Anti-Christ and his followers takes total control of the world and the people have to take a MARK on their forehead or right hand in order to buy and sell things go down hill REAL fast .

It is going to be very bad for those left behind during the LAST 3 1/2 years of the tribulations.

During that time..... comes the wars...where all nations will turn against all nations, especially the Jews, then comes the lack of electricity, cell phones, computers where technology will no longer work due to each nation using their electromagnetic pulse weapons against the grids .....then comes the plagues like they saw during Moses Day.. plagues that will devastated the whole earth....with frogs, locusts, knats, flies, boils/sores, lifestock dying, darkness, plants dying, earthquakes, hailstones with flames of fire, intense heat, no water.....Mark 13, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Rev 11, Rev 16......then there will be BLOOD in the seas, lakes, rivers as well as blood flowing down a 200 miles canyon that is as high as a horses bridle, right outside the city of Jerusalem. Some have estimated this much blood would require 1 BILLION people destroyed all at once in this one area....THOSE people are the armies who are standing outside of Jerusalem ready to attack the Jews and Jesus and his army......... Rev 14:20....

Millions and millions of people if not BILLIONS are killed, thrown in jail or die from the plagues, earthquakes, hailstones.

They will WISH the Christians were still on the earth, due to the fact that Holy Spirit IN the Christians is what was holding back the Anti-Christ and the end times tribulations.

2 Thessalonians 2:4-7
He (Anti-Christ) will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he (Holy Spirit) is taken out of the way.


Anonymous Gossiper #conspiracy givemegossip.com

Re: What is your reason for opposing the new world order?

My reasons are because I am in control of my own life and my own destiny. I am self-determinant and will not willingly submit to anyone or any power. I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

Here is something I wrote a few months ago expressing my loathing for the NWO:

As we near the precipice - moving ever closer to the end when far too many events converge to ignore - I find myself emboldened to collect my thoughts and write them out for all to see.

A person would have to be a total fool to think that there is any such thing as privacy in this age, and that even though I have done all I know to do (within legality) to protect my own privacy, I know full well that every single keystroke I perform on my computer is logged, recorded, analyzed, categorized, stored, and will most likely be used against me at some point in the future. Whether the man behind the curtain is some paid lackey of the NSA or even some more nefarious organization, I cannot say, but I know it's occurring. I'm too old, too sick, too broke, and too fed up with the state of the world to care any longer what consequence may result from the things I am about to say here. I have nothing left to lose. I have nothing in this world I care about - hence, you have no power over me to coerce or manipulate me.

You and your ilk have worked behind the scenes for thousands of years to enact your grand plan for the world - your New World Order. Your machinations have included the fomenting of wars, famines, genocides. You've treated the planet and it's inhabitants as pieces in some perverse chess game - all because you felt yourselves to be superior, better, more "enlightened" than the rest of us. It would take a lifetime to list your crimes against humanity, but a few highlights of your meddling include:

You provoked, financed, and played both sides of the French Revolution. You're responsible for the October Revolution in Russia, the downfall of the Ottoman Empire, the Spanish Inquisition. You're behind the Knights Templar as well as the Jesuits, Opus Dei and many other groups. You're an insidious multi-tentacled beast who has and continues to pull the strings across every group around the globe.

You're responsible for WWI, WWII, and have designs on WWIII - all from the writings of Albert Pike (a known Luciferian, Confederate war criminal, and 33rd degree Mason of the Scottish Rite). Not only did you provoke WWII and the rise of Hitler, but you financed him through the Bush family (Prescott Bush), all the while playing as though you condemned his actions as he marched across Europe.

False flag after false flag are your creations. The burning of the Reichstag in Germany - yours. The bombing of the USS Liberty during the Vietnam War by Israeli planes and blamed on the North Vietnamese - yours. The destruction Buildings 1, 2, and 7 of the World Trade Center on 9/11/01 - yours. The Sandy Hook school shooting - yours. The Boston Marathon bombing - yours. Hegelian Dialectic - problem, reaction, solution is your tool to invoke emotions form people and drive popular opinion. Your game is old, trite, and there are more and more of us every day who can see through your facade and will expose you wherever and whenever we can.

You're responsible for the creation of the Federal Reserve in the US - an illegal institution designed to enslave not only the citizens of the US, but eventually to control the economy across the globe.

You pick Presidents, Prime Ministers, Popes, Princes - and you do so surreptitiously to give the common man the illusion of "choice", when in fact we have no choice whatsoever.

You've corrupted religions from the time of the ancient Egyptians. From the Jewish Talmud (which is nothing more than a re-hash of the Babylonian religion), to the influence and eventual total control of Christianity through the Roman Catholic Church, to the Protestant Reformation and the teaching of false doctrines like a pre-tribulation rapture, to the creation of Islam in order to build yourselves a new player on the game board that you could pit against Christians and Jews. It is YOU who are responsible for the formation of "terrorist" organizations such as Hamas, the PLO, Al-Queida, ISIS - and all of them are lies meant to incite fear in the populous to get them to fall in line with your grander designs.

You are responsible for the moral decay of society through your influence of media and information. You control the education systems of the world. You write the textbooks used in classrooms. You own all the media outlets (TV, newspapers, websites, etc.). You are the ones to push the idea of the "nuclear family", thereby destroying the multi-generational households that served so well for so long. You're the ones behind the scenes pushing the LGBT agenda.

You do all of these things and more - and why? Is it because you really consider yourselves to be superior to the rest of the people on this planet - we whom you call "sheeple" or "useless eaters"? What makes you superior? Ancestry? Lineage? My ancestry, my lineage is far more prestigious than any of yours. My mother, rest her soul, was diligent and dutiful in tracing my family's ancestry further back in history than most of you could fathom. Verified, documented, cross-checked and referenced through multiple sources including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as well as the British Royal Genealogy Society - blood flows in my veins in a direct line from Edward I of England (ruled from 1272 to 1307 A.D.) on my Father's side, and further back to the year 704 A.D. in Rome on my Mother's side.

I've often asked myself what is the "end game" you wish to play out? Is it merely the totalitarian control of the planet, it's resources, it's people under a one-world government with a single leader at the helm? Is it something more sinister? There is far too much evidence to ignore that you appear to want to actually bring about the "end of days" - Your selection of Pope Francis (who fulfills the prophecy of St. Malachy as the 112th Pope named "Peter the Roman" with his Satanic throne in St. Peter's Basilica), and his blasphemous statements attest to this theory. What role do you hope the "messiah" as recognized by the late Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri who said before his death that the "messiah" would arrive in the Jewish calendar year 5776 (2015 on the Gregorian calendar) will play in your game?. Why is the Temple Institute in Jerusalem preparing to build the third temple, going so far as to gather all the temple artifacts, build the sacrificial altar, and search the world for the unblemished red heifer who will be sacrificed and whose ashes will cleanse the altar before regular animal sacrifices are to resume?

Do you truly wish to trigger the events in the the book of The Revelation of St. John The Divine? Have you not read it? Spoiler alert - your side loses, badly. If I am alive in this point in history to witness the end of days, then so be it.

Why do you suppress technologies that could actually benefit mankind? Are you scared of losing what tenuous grip of power you actually hold? What gives you the right to decide we as a species aren't ready to learn the truth about our hidden history? Why do you suppress the fact that our current civilization is only the latest incarnation of human upon this planet to reach a technological state? Why do you lie to all of us regarding archeology and tell us lies about the age of our civilization and hide that once, many tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago our ancestors had in fact colonized most of the solar system? Why do you lie to us about what is actually in space? Why do you hide from us that there is in fact extremely ancient, albeit still extremely advanced technology all over the moon, Mars, and many other bodies in our solar system? Just how cowardly are you - just how afraid are you of us learning the truth and coming after you en mass to seize you and try you for your crimes against humanity?

The above are merely a smattering of events and oddities that illustrate that there are, in fact, some very evil, very malicious, very depraved and mentally ill "people" running the world from behind the shadows. What can I or anyone do about it?

I'm opting out. Fuck your plans. Fuck your designs for the world. Fuck your multi-millennial machinations. Fuck your control systems. Fuck your surveillance grids. Fuck your control over information to keep the rest of us ignorant. Fuck your poisoning of our food supplies, water supplies, medicines. Fuck your Council on Foreign Relations, your Tri-Lateral Commission, your Bohemian Grove, your G8/G5/G20/G-I don't give a fuck meetings. Fuck your Bilderberg Group. Fuck your United Nations. Fuck your secrets. Fuck you. Period.

I for one will never capitulate to your plans. I never accepted your social programming, nor will I ever. I'll never be your debt slave. Whatever monies I owe you, you'll never collect from me. Whatever expectations your plans had for me will wither and die upon the vine. I cannot be influenced by the "pleasures of this world" - I've no need to fuel your plans or your thirst for negative energies by following the societal norms which were laid out for me decades ago. I'm not a fornicator. I'll not produce a new generation of slave for you to abuse throughout their lives.

I am your enemy. If we are to do battle, then let us get to it.

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