Those last two sentences worry me. Does she mean that Nature fiddled with complex life overmuch, or that complex life itself (multicellular life? Life besides bacteria and archae, meaning even protists end up malign?) is somehow Bad and Atrocious? (In which case she gets to explain how Nature is supposed to perceive and comprehend itself.) Check to see if she makes an exception for “male = insane” with Arthur Schopenhauer and/or Philipp Mainländer. (And this is one case where siding with Mainländer is less horrific than siding with Schopenhauer, considering what the latter did to his landlady.)
Never mind that Frankenstein’s own atrocity wasn’t creating the homunculus Adam (Adam was how Shelley referred to the Creature in letters to her friends) by itself, but (a) doing it to show himself his erstwhile mentors’ superior, and far more damningly (b) abandoning Adam when he proved to be less than perfect. Some father Frankenstein was.