<@The_Dybbuk> #127190
I can explain some of his nonsense. Some of it. He’s a hardline anarcho-primitivist conservative. He thinks that cities are literal demonic poison introduced into human consciousness by the descendants of literal Cain, who he thinks it is a vampire or a figurative vampire, depends on how nuts he is that day. He thinks that both capitalism and communism take humanity away from the purer state - that is, living in the wilderness and tending a garden for fruits and vegetables, and hunting what meat people need.
And he’s registered incredible amounts of anger at the government for making people register properties, pay taxes on those properties, and not just let him run off to the wilderness in a shack or something without obligation.
He’s ranted before about how terrible and evil industrialism is, and blamed Cain for that one too. His favorite mythological whipping children are Cain and Lilith, who he tends to blame for anything not being pure, traditionalist, and lacking complication.