…they cannot say what they actually want because what they want is not socially acceptable. It needs to be cloaked under the cover of vague "human rights". What they actually want is the following:
Do you really believe that cis don’t do the things you’re listing? Because…
To see your 12 year old daughters' naked bodies in changing rooms;
Some cis women have also sexually abused little girls.
To masturbate in women's lavatories;
Some cis women have done this.
To intimidate and cow women;
Cis women intimidate and bully other women.
To have all the attention at all times;
Some cis women do this as well.
To compel others' speech, respect and deference;
How is this different from what TERFs do? You want to take away trans women’s right to call themselves women and you want them to defer to you as a “real woman”.
To speak on behalf of women;
You seem to think you speak for all of us.
To win all competitions;
This is just stupid.
To rape women in prisons;
Do you think cis women have never raped other women in prison?
To rape women in women's shelters;
Again, do you think cis women have never raped other women in women’s shelters?
To be praised for everything they do;
This isn’t happening.
To be acknowledged as better than women in all things.
Some trans person got angry and said this. It wasn’t ok for them to say it but I still get why they did. But now y’all are treating it like every single trans woman you’ve seen is saying it all the time. And it’s just not the case that all trans women think this. I also think there’s some projection going on here, because y’all clearly think cis women are better than trans women. And that isn’t true either.
I cannot think of any other rights that they do not have that they could possibly be pushing for. Please add where you see fit.
None of these things are “rights” that trans women are trying to achieve. Nobody is pushing for these things. You just say they are. You seem to think the only thing anyone could possibly want from cis women is to rape us, which is honestly pretty insulting.
If I am part of the gender ideology movement, then universe did not consult me and get my permission before making humans a sexually dimorphic species, and so I demand exemption from all the things that stem from biology.
This… has absolutely nothing to do with being trans. I’ve never met a trans person that thought they were “exempt” from rules nor did they think transitioning would make them so…