@Bastethotep #178321
They don't.
What they want is a federal government that only involves itself with the defense of the borders and the enforcement of contracts, and does not involve itself with the affairs of the states or of common individuals at all.
In this scenario, the individual states would essentially be their own independent, sovereign nations and would have complete control over affairs within their own borders. If Texas, say, decided that the state religion was Christianity, specifically the Church of Christ, that all other religions were outlawed, that church membership was mandatory and that only white male property owners in good standing with the church were allowed to vote, work or take any part in civil affairs, the federal government would have no say over it. If you as a Texas citizen didn't like this, your only options would be to leave Texas and settle in another state more to your liking if you could, or shut the fuck up, cope and assimilate if you couldn't. Except that, if they had their way, you wouldn't HAVE any better place to go, since every state would be equally horrible. Not without leaving the United States altogether.
What they mostly don't realize is that this has been tried. It was called the Articles of Confederation, and it was abandoned because the system rapidly became unworkable. It wouldn't work any better in the 21st Century, either.
You may also notice that this is in direct conflict with his desire to have a welfare state reserved for white guys. Under this governmentql system, and without a system of taxation, the welfare state he envisions would only work if he intends to confiscate the property of the noncitizens of his country, and would then require a slave underclass to continue providng the necessary economic output to support it. Whether he realizes this or not is hard to say, but he IS posting on Gab, so he might well be in fervent support of slavery. Alternatively, he's a fucking moron.