“Only in the last 18 months or so are people studying to see the earth is flat.”
Um, no. I was having arguments with my neighbor in Charleston 44 years ago on just this biblical topic.
“It's basic, it's simple, it's proof.”
It’s wrong.
“Not one, not 5, but dozens of proofs, and you laugh because you have nothing.”
Just experiments we reproduced in high school.
Just the guidance system we use can detect the speed and direction of Earth’s rotation. Results of which match the globe model, not any flat one.
“You have nothing to say.”
Time zones. How is the sun’s position different above a flat earth?
“Just accuse.”
Are you doing anything else in this post?
“These people are sometimes believers in God, but often they are not believers in God.”
So not all are FEBs because of biblical literalism. Whatever.
“And quit with the slurs,”
First Amendment, bitch.
“the potty mouth talking about the Creator who millions follow.”
First Amendment Divine Bitch.
“In this flat earth, it's great to know that NOBODY gets away with ANYTHING.”
So, that’s your teddy bear. Everyone faces justice, eventually.
“All those evil people, Emperors, people who sold others in sex slavery, they are exposed, and everyone will know what they did.”
Because Earth is flat…?
“It's not easy finding out what really wealthy people hide, but God knows, and God does not even have to show this.”
You really want Santa Claus, huh?
“You really don't know anything and maybe that's why you are how you are.”
Wouldn’t you like to know.
“Do you want the links for this? I think ....no?”
Never seen any ‘proof of flat earth’ that was really convincing. No one has a model taht answers all the questions at the same time.