“There have been many comments saying that Creationism is bad science”
It’s not even bad science! It’s theology!
“and those who believe it are idiots.”
Forty quatloos you say something idiotic in defense of creationism.
“But consider this, our DNA is 97% similar to a chimps, however, it is a 98% match to that of a (drumroll please) ........ Banana!”
Oh my.
Forty percent is comparable. Not a ‘match.’ But you can see some stuff here is also there, but used differently.
"Also, if you believe that you evolved by chance”
Not chance, alone, you ignorant fuck.
“then that means that your logic evolved by chance,”
Logic is a tool to evaluate ideas. Not a biological function. SO this is stupid.
Like any tool, it was developed over time and made more and more useful by each change. No one just threw words on a blackboard and called it logic.
“and how do you know that it evolved the right way?”
It works. Like it’s supposed to. This is literally like questioning the evolution of chainsaws.
“You can't even be sure you're using the right arguments against the museum and the theory of creation!”
Yes, we can.
“(Yes, I said theory of creation, just like the theory of evolution)”
It’s not even a hypothesis. It is not falsifiable, so it’s not science.
“I, however, prefer to believe that I was created in the image of God for a special purpose.”
You’re free to believe that, but don’t pretend it’s any sort of science.
"Here's to you my Monkey friends,
Ape, thanks, you don’t even know enough to mock us without mocking yourself.
“I wish you luck (I guess you believe in that)”
Why would you think that?
“in your random chatterings! Monkey On!!”
Your superstition says if YOU drink poison, you won’t be affected. Ever try it? Or do you lack that sort of faith?