That is so much bullshit, that it actually contains a grain of truth is astounding. But one thing about it is true: Big corporations, even if they appear open and progressive would rarely sacrifice profit for defending these values, especially when it comes to the potentially huge chinese market. I don’t trust the free market with social issues at all (I don’t trust it anyway, but this is not the point). Once it becomes profitable again to discriminate and silence homosexuals like me, many corporations will throw us under the bus, it’s simple as that.
Now the OP is clearly fully immersed in their conspiracy bubble, so there is not much too say about him. Liberal death cults? Homosexual “limp-wristed” agendas? Gay for pay characters (this one doesn’t make any sense anyway, is he implying that characters are always straight until forced BY THEIR CREATORS to be gay? By paying them? Does not compute)? Oh and why don’t you tell us about those alleged “masters” that we and the chinese apparently serve? Or are you physically incapable of writing “Jews”? The OP is simply a total victim of right-wing conspiracy indoctrination and already very far gone.
Slight tangent, I have to admit it: I really, REALLY don’t like the chinese government. It is oppressive in ways both open and subtle and the worst thing is that it wants to spread its ideals to other countries. It has shown itself to be ethnicist, racist, homophobic, orwellian, humorless, extremely authoritarian and let’s be honest here, unscrupulous in it’s pursuit of securing its power. Oh and they recently tried to push changing the human rights charta to make it more “agreeable” for them, by downplaying individual rights and including parts about the “duty of each person to the state”. Wonder why they’d try something like that… So no OP, I have a very clear idea about how I feel about the chinese government.