Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il
Many people assume that political correctness and Torah values go hand in hand. Guess what- they don't. In fact, many of the P.C. values actually undermine Torah values.
For example, it's P.C. to support gay marriage and relationships. Many Jews would never dream of telling their gay friends that they're doing something sinful and against G-d's wishes. No way. So they either keep their feelings to themselves and fake approval, or they really feel that there's nothing wrong with being gay.
[W]e, as Jews, are already given a set of morals, and they are in our holy Torah. No, they are not politically correct according to the latest whims of modern society. However, they are eternal and given from a Divine source. Therefore, they have an inherent wisdom that is light years beyond our limited rational understanding.
"To each his own" is the mantra that most of our society lives by, even the most frum Jews. Does anyone actually care what the Torah says about all of the controversial issues we face? Or would we prefer to not rock the boat and just live like the rest of the world?
Look at what assimilation has done to us! Most of us don't even know what the Torah says regarding Jewish etiquette, and we don't seem to care either.
Here are some examples that show how the Torah is definitely not politically correct. It tells us that a woman's primary role is in the home as wife and mother. Many modern feminists just can't deal with that. It tells us that we shouldn't have sex before marriage. Most singles under 50 just can't deal with that. It tells us that we should be fruitful and multiply. Most married couples don't want more than 2 or 3 kids.
There are times when we are tested; times that reveal which side we're really on. Such a time is now, when there are all sorts of indecencies and abominations happening all around us. Sure, it's easy for many people to support the Gay Pride Parade that shoves its nose at Hashem as it struts through Jerusalem, the holiest city on earth. That's P.C.. It's easy to support the reform movement as it attempts to strip away all that is holy from our traditional Judaism, through its antics of women praying like men at the holiest site on earth. That's also P.C..
To all the liberals out there, I ask just one question: who is standing up for Hashem? Yes, they might think it's great to be a forward thinker; to embrace every person's decision as the right one for him or her. Have they given any thought as to what Hashem wants? Have they contemplated how insulting it is to Hashem when people go right up to His home in Jerusalem and arrogantly yell at Him that He's got it all wrong?
What's more important to them- doing what's accepted or doing the right thing?