
Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

["George" is distraught to find out his wife has been flirting with another man on the internet.]

George, I hate to break it to you, but your wife's flirting isn't for no reason. It's actually a sign that things are not right in your marriage. And, guess what, George! It's all your fault! Okay, so it may not be all your fault. Let's just round it out to 99.3% your fault.

But don't be mad at me! Rav Shalom Arush, in his bestselling marital guide, The Garden of Peace, puts the blame on the husband! You see, marriage is really more for the man than the woman. By nature, women are more giving and nurturing, and they tend to put themselves last. On the other hand, men are more selfish, self-centered, egotistical, prideful, and tend to put themselves on a pedestal. That's why a man is supposed to get married: so he is forced to focus on someone else's needs for a change. Let's review that again, George. Marriage is the perfect setup to teach a man how to put the needs of his wife and his family before his own. It's a man's main mission in life, and all of your rationalizations around it isn't going to change that fact.

Dovber HaLevi #fundie breslev.co.il

Freedom of Screech

I get along pretty well with most of the gay people I know. We speak about everything outside of our personal lives and it works.


How did we get to a point where it's acceptable to discuss the worst abominations in the Torah, yet it is wrong to act to silence the discussion?

There is a powerful lesson to be learned here.

About half a century ago, it became acceptable to talk about all forms of physical relations between a man and a woman. Once we did, we broke a line. Some of what is forbidden by G-d suddenly became acceptable to man. In ushering an era of selective permissiveness, we devolved to the point where everything is permissible.

Now we value it. To say that some people are forbidden to express what they want is racist, not righteous. How do you combat an evil without being pushed into being called evil yourself?


This was what we faced in the Spring of 1980 when the FDA approved the birth control pill and it ushered in an era of "acceptable promiscuity." Back then, the voices that objected warned that any form of promiscuity does not belong in civilization. Once it started there was no end to how far our world could fall.

The graphic nature of gay speech is the extreme end of any type of personally unholy speech. The fact that it stings a lot more than listening to "straight" talk of this nature is a potent warning to our senses that something must be done.

We are the standard bearers of right and wrong. We represent not human values which change with the wind, but G-d's values which are eternal, absolute, and unchanging.

It is up to us to demand a world where the basic standard of conversation is always rated G - suitable for all audiences. If we do not, then we are also liable for a world in which watercooler talk includes what happened at last week's pride parade.


Anybody who dares talk openly about subjects that belong strictly within the sanctity of marriage should be made subject to criticism and rebuke. There is no need for discrimination - a member of any ethnicity, personal orientation, religion, or race should be reminded of the human responsibilities to upholding a civilized world.


Democracy permits freedom of speech but not freedom of screech, contaminating our spiritual atmosphere with lewd talk.

Are you a prude if you want a healthy world to raise your children in? If so, then being a prude is worth fighting for.

Rivka Levy #fundie breslev.co.il

Sexual impurity - why is it so bad?

In the Western world, people make fun of 'superstitious religious nonsense' about spilling seed. Western society teaches that it's great, fine and even healthy to spill seed. The main problem is that Western society doesn't believe in souls or the afterlife. Once we believe that the soul is a reality, and an integral part of each human being, we can start to understand why spilling seed is so bad.

In a nutshell: Each sperm contains its own potential soul, with all the different 'soul' levels of nefesh, neshama, ruach etc. When a person sins, a part of their soul's 'energy' is captured by the forces of darkness, and is used to power destructive forces in the world. When that person subsequently repents for their bad deed and makes teshuva, they repatriate that part of their soul's energy for good, and it can once again be used to build a new world, instead of destroying it.


The tremendous spiritual energy from all these 'wasted drops' goes directly to power the forces of evil in the world. Once these souls are captured by the forces of evil, it's very hard to free them, and they will do everything in their power to avenge their horrible situation by attacking their 'father', in whatever way they can, including trying to 'steal' his energy, confusing his mind, filling him up with heresy and other evil thoughts, and making him thoroughly depressed, miserable, mad and 'disconnected'.

Rivka Levy #fundie breslev.co.il

In the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (or Abridged Code of Jewish Law), it's written: "One who spills seed not only commits a major sin, but also places himself in a state of excommunication. It is considered as if he kills a person."

Why? Because he 'killed' the spiritual potentials of billions of souls, who are now trapped by the forces of evil.

Sexual impurity is a very big reason that people feel 'disconnected' from themselves and from G-d and from good, because the evil forces that are created from 'spilled seed' attach to a person at the level of daat, (which is represented by the neck) which is the 'bridge' where the physical meets the spiritual. It's like pulling the plug from the socket - disconnecting the soul from holiness.

To put it another way, these evil forces punish the people who created them by blocking G-d out at the level of the neck, cutting them off from any 'higher' spiritual concept of G-d, or emuna. These people are then only alive 'from the neck down', and live lives of unbridled physicality and materialism, cut off from any connection to their soul, or higher self.

Rivka Levy #fundie breslev.co.il

Movies, internet, mixed beach and pool

Once again, we come back to the internet and the Hollywood 'fun' and entertainment culture.

We women have to be honest for a moment, and to try and understand where our men are coming from. Men's sexual desire is completely different from women's. Things that don't get women so excited, or that women don't even noticed, can have an absolutely massive impact on men.

We have to ask ourselves some really touch questions:

What am I really doing to myself, and to the men in my life, when I insist we go to a mixed beach or swimming pool?

Why am I encouraging my family to watch Bay Watch (or whatever the latest underdressed ladies program is these days?)

Why am I taking my husband shopping, when it just bores him stupid and / or exposes him to the supermodel in the next cubicle who's doing a much better job of wearing my dress?

Why am I chatting to male friends on Facebook? Would I really want my husband making the sort of comments to other women that some of these men are making to me?

Why am I bringing magazines with nearly naked women on the front page (and on every other page) into my house?

Why am I letting my girls have 'boy' friends (or vice-versa)?

Why am I letting my kids watch movies that promote that sort of behaviour?

Why am I watching those movies myself?

And then, there's those other questions we need to ask ourselves:

• What am I willing to change, to protect the men in my life from making some terrible mistakes that could devastate them, spiritually (and otherwise...)?

• How much do I want G-d's blessing in my home and in my life?

• How much of a price am I willing to pay for unwarranted male attention?

• How much do I want to be able to really connect to the people in my life again, and to myself, and to G-d?

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

The more we stray from our traditional Jewish path, the more confused we get. Now we have sects of Judaism that alter Jewish law to meet the ever-changing winds of society. As a result, we get results like women lesbian rabbis and shrimp cocktails at interfaith weddings. And who says boys need a brit milah anymore? Don't you know it's barbaric and cruel?? And why can't girls count towards a minyan and wear tefillin? Aren't we all equals??

There is no end to the madness. It's a bottomless abyss once you start sliding to the left. Every day, we are in a spiritual war, even greater than the war of Gog and Magog. This war is a war for our souls and the souls of all future generations. We must realize that the pull of assimilation into gentile culture is very deceptive. It is alluring and enjoyable, and before a person realizes it, relaxing one or two seemingly minor observances leads to a completely non-observant life. The thing we have to understand is that it's not our lives that will end up non-observant. It's the lives of our children and grandchildren!

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Imagine all of the things that we wouldn’t do if we were really aware that Hashem and the NSA were recording all of our actions, 24 hours a day. Imagine all of the sins that we wouldn’t do, simply because we would be afraid of having to pay the price later! How much more righteous would we be??

So there you have it: more awareness of Hashem = less sinful behavior = less harsh judgments. Go ahead and say it. I’m a genius.

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Under the guise of progressive, modern living, Planned Parenthood secretly furthered the true agenda of murdering helpless babies in order to keep the lower class in check...


For the last nearly 100 years, the average woman in society has been duped into thinking that Planned Parenthood gives a hoot about her welfare. In reality, this organization makes the Chinese Mafia look compassionate.


Aside from murdering approximately 300,000 babies a year, they have recently been exposed in an undercover investigation selling aborted fetal body parts for lucrative profits. Google away. In the names of "science" and "research," PP has been caught making deals with companies like Senomyx, which contracts with Pepsi-Cola for flavor research. In the name of science and research, your beloved Pepsi-Cola company is exploiting aborted fetal kidneys to see how they react to different flavors and additives.


[Margaret Sanger's] wickedness is compounded when we realize that she has greatly contributed to turning a woman's role in life completely upside-down [...] Can it be any more obvious that society has predictably followed the path that this organization and others like it have laid out? The revelation of Planned Parenthood's true agenda is exactly why we cannot live by society's fleeting and fickle morals, guidelines, and ideals! It is no accident that today's society lives like there is no God! We have been duped, and now it's time for the truth to set us free.

Rivka Levy #fundie breslev.co.il

In our 'modern' world, everything is so messed up. There are so many women, like me, who are being educated to submerge our femininity, and our 'softness' and our 'neediness', to act like hard men, and there are so many men who are being emasculated, and made to feel like small boys who can't do anything right.

The main reason why so many marriages are failing, or struggling, in our times is because we've forgotten what we're meant to be doing in our relationships: the man is meant to give, and the woman is meant to receive.

Rebbetzen Shaindel Moscowitz #fundie breslev.co.il

[The Rebbetzen gives advice on parental authority.]

If you are your children's "friend" it means you are abdicating the responsibility of being their mother and educating them.


And more than that, if they consider themselves on the same level as you, they will feel it perfectly acceptable to tell you that they disagree with you because you are old-fashioned and don't understand them. They will also feel free to criticize your point of view, tell you where you've gone wrong, what you should be thinking and even more what you should be doing; they will not be ashamed to tell you, because they will genuinely feel that way, that they are right and you are wrong.


Children should be allowed to voice their opinion only when YOU feel it is appropriate, and only within the framework of the parent-child relationship.

Children must be raised with the basic understanding that parents are wiser than they are and understand better what is best for them in all areas and walks of life, and this must be done right from the beginning.

This includes not apologizing when you have done something wrong in the child's eyes (and even in your own); if you want you can explain why you have acted in a certain manner but not in such a way that it sounds as if you are justifying yourself.

You should also not always explain to your children why you want them to do something; if you always give them an explanation it "teaches" them that they only need to obey you when they understand the reason for it. By not explaining everything they are learning that they must obey their parents simply because it is part of kibbud horim - and because parents know best!

Rebbetzen Shaindel Moscowitz #fundie breslev.co.il

[The Rebbetzen offers advice on protecting children from "bad influences."]

It's obvious that even when you educate your children properly at home, your children need the right influences. Education can all be undone very quickly if children do not attend the right school or have good friends. [...] I was always very careful which friends' homes my children visited because I didn't want all the hard work I had invested in them at home to be undone, or even just blunted, in other peoples' houses.


We had all learnt in school how Dinah, the daughter of Ya'akov, was a curiosity seeker and the troubles that befell her. Our mother explained, without going into too much detail, that this had happened because she had gone out when she shouldn't have without her mother's permission; because of this she was unaware of the dangers that awaited her. Our mother told us that it was the duty of a good girl to always let her parents know where she was and who she was with.


Regarding allowing children out alone, I too monitored my children the way my mother ob"m had done, but because other children were allowed more freedom by then, one of my daughters went through a stage where she questioned our close supervision of her activities. She used to say "but don't you trust me mummy", or "all my friends are allowed to go, why can't I"? Out of "all" her friends perhaps one or two were actually allowed out alone, and I explained very clearly to her that I considered this to be "hefkerus" - wantonness - on their part. [...] I also explained to them that it was a bad world out there (without going into too much detail) and for that reason I felt they needed to be protected. My children already knew that Jewish kinder do not roam the streets getting into trouble like otherchildren do.


Part of this policy was that my daughters did not go shopping themselves. I always accompanied them because it was my policy, but also because I wanted to be on hand to discreetly guide their taste in the right direction. I explained to my daughters that salesladies are not primarily interested in the client's welfare; they are interested in making a sale. And therefore it was in their best interest that I help them in deciding whether the item in question was as nice, well-fitting and modest as the saleslady claimed it was.

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Since the development of the feminist movement, women have been systematically brainwashed into believing that the role of wife and mother is not only demeaning in itself, but it is also an insult to her highly functional brain. Generally speaking, it's an embarrassment for a modern woman to say that she doesn't work, or that she didn't graduate college, or that she's a dreaded stay-at-home mom, God forbid.


I believe that the theme of self-empowerment is yet a further attack on the woman, and here's why. To me, self-empowerment implies a certain defensiveness; a need to be ready to stand up against... well, what, exactly? It seems to me that this term creates a subconscious need to be ready to stand up to a man! Not in the way of physical defense, but in the way of mental defense; as if the male gender is constantly ruling over the female gender in a domineering way.


The self-empowerment mentality thus creates not only a mental and subsequent emotional divide between women and men, but it creates a mentality of "attack before you're attacked" in women. This could definitely lead to all kinds of strains in marriage, if a girl is raised with such a mentality and finds that her husband is more the traditional type (if such a thing even exists anymore.)

Here's another aspect of this problem. The idea of self-empowerment goes along with phrases such as "be a go-getter" and "come out of your shell." Newsflash, people. Girls, by nature, are more docile, quiet, reserved, and shy than boys! That's the way Hashem made us! What's the problem with being a shy, quiet girl who doesn't try to get everyone's attention?


Hashem, in His infinite wisdom, created a perfect system of balance. By nature, women are more quiet, reserved, and home-oriented. But look what we have done with nature. We have perverted it into a nature where women are expected to act like men.


It's time to toss the anti-Torah life values to the trash, and start living the way Hashem intended for us. If we listen to the timeless advice of the Torah, I have no doubt that everyone, not only women, will be not only self-empowered, but incredibly fulfilled as well.

Rabbi Shalom Arush #fundie breslev.co.il

The material world is very deceiving; by looking at seemingly beautiful women in this world, one falls under the power of lies, fantasies and the dark side's concealment of Divine light, losing all connection with Hashem and with truth.


With the above in mind, guarding our eyes becomes all the more urgent. We should even be teaching our children to guard their eyes; we don't describe the forbidden sights that they should avoid, for we don't want to introduce them to anything that's not pure, but we tell them the importance of clinging to Hashem and to His Torah.


By closing our eyes, we become immune to and protected from the bombardments. We spare ourselves the wasted time and mental energy of looking at this world's lies and fantasies. Women and children are especially enticed by what their eyes see: notice how women stop and glare at the showcase window of a women's clothing store, even if all the clothes are immodest and unacceptable. Notice how children will stop in front of a toy-store window and gaze at the electric train, even though the window is garnished with idolatrous icons. So once again, we see that we have a choice between the enticements of this world and between Hashem.

Rabbi Shalom Arush #fundie breslev.co.il

Why are people in spiritual hibernation their entire lives? The reason is that the lust for women consumes their heart, brain and all their desire for holiness to the extent that they fall into an abyss of spiritual darkness, tantamount to a cardiac failure on a spiritual level. They feel nothing. They don't feel how blemished they are. The lower they sink, the more they'll have to cry out to Hashem in order to rise up and purify themselves. Only then, will they be able to realize where they are in life and to begin to taste holiness.

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Getting in God's Face

In unprecedented chutzpa, the U.S. Supreme Court is telling Hashem, "We will do what we want, and we don't need your silly moral codes. Stay out of our world, God!"


The problem is not simply the transgression of a Torah commandment to not lie with a male as one would lie with a woman, or however it's written. The real issue at hand is the attempt of the Left to legitimize something which goes against the very order of Creation.

By claiming that same-sex marriage is on the same level of morality and normalcy as heterosexual marriage, the liberals are essentially denying God's wisdom. They are getting in God's face with unprecedented chutzpa, telling Him, "Hey, God! You may have made every species that procreates do so with the opposite sex, but with us, You got it wrong! We don't have to act according to Your intentions! We will do what we want, and we don't need your silly Torah and religion to give us moral codes! We'll create our own moral standards! Stay out of our world, God!"

This point is further emphasized by the fact that religious beliefs are deemed irrelevant, antiquated, and too politically incorrect to be tolerated by the Left. They are therefore doing their best to separate the entire notion of religion from society, persecuting it all the way from its practice in Synagogues and Churches, to one's personal belief in God. In the not-so-distant future, it will become increasingly difficult to portray any outward expression of religion without suffering a negative consequence.


Today, everyone in the United States is forced to recognize gay marriage as a legitimate collective principle. What issue will it be tomorrow?

Jews, how much longer are you willing to sit back and passively watch your beloved country degenerate before your very eyes? How much further will you let yourselves be backed into a corner and persecuted because you believe in God and His Torah?

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

[T]he other day, my husband showed me a picture on his phone of a beautiful woman in a seductive pose on the cover of Vanity Fair.

I know what you're thinking: "Mujer, what is your husband doing looking at such pictures?" You're right. I asked him the same thing. He explained that he gets the top 9 news stories every day automatically, and this happened to be one of them. "So, what's news about this woman?" I asked him.

It's not a woman. It's Bruce Jenner," he said.


He/she is not a complete woman, if you get what I mean. Actually, his transformation isn't the point of the article. What really gets me is not what he did, but how the world reacted to it.


As far as I know, there has not been one condemnation of what he has done. To really emphasize the pathetic erosion of morality that is going on in the western world, none other than Caitlyn himself has said in his upcoming documentary: "I am the new normal."

This statement is the essence of the problem. We live in a world that is sliding down a giant spiral which seems to be headed into a gehinnom-like abyss. There is no right and wrong anymore. What was seen as inappropriate behavior just 15-20 years ago is now glorified as "progressive life choices" or whatever politically correct term people can come up with.

Why are we supporting such behavior? Jews around the world! Is this the way Hashem wants us to live?? That we should be happy for people that want to live in debauchery, completely controlled by their physical desires? What about our Torah, our Divine guide to life? Does it say somewhere, "Thou shalt support whatever perversion people come up with, because thou art too afraid to say otherwise"?

Jews! What kind of morals are you teaching your children? What happened to right and wrong? This is how you want your children to grow up? Thinking that a man can turn into a woman, because he feels that Hashem made a mistake??? Why are we not teaching children that Hashem knows what He's doing, and if He puts a female soul inside a man's body, it is because that is what the soul needs for its correction?


We should be crying for our children. They don't realize what an injustice they've been done. We have literally murdered their innocence. So many children these days have such a jaded look in their eyes. Where has the pure child gone? Are there more than a handful of children over ten years old who still don't know anything about sex?

Racheli Reckles #fundie #homophobia breslev.co.il

[JONAH, a Jewish gay conversion therapy organization, was found guilty of consumer fraud.]

First, this case sets a new standard for leftist censorship in the name of my favorite term, "progressive life choices." In the name of allowing the left to express its freedom of expression, it silences those whose beliefs veer more towards the middle or the right. In other words, if you don't agree with the nosedive that morality is taking in the United States, you just better shut up or risk being labeled a bigot, hater, or prude. Rav Lazer Brody said it best: "They advocate their First Amendment rights to free speech, but they've killed mine."


The second major issue this court case exposes is what I believe to be the intentional breakdown of traditional values. Now, homosexuality is perceived as something normal, not to be shied away from, and furthermore, something to be celebrated. It is not a disorder that needs to be treated; it is now a normal and healthy expression of physical desires. It follows, then, that if homosexuality is a normal, healthy state of being, then there is nothing wrong with two men or two women or whatever twisted combinations we can think of getting married and raising a family.


Now that gay marriage is well on its way to being legalized in every state, the United States has reached a point of no return. Gone are traditional life and family values. Parents, it's time to open your eyes wide to the future you are placing your families in. The wise ones will see that there is no hope for a normal future in what has become “Land of the Depraved.”

Rebbetzen Shaindel Moscowitz #fundie breslev.co.il

Whereas the nations of the world believe that man was created as an ape and has only been improving since then so that the further back in time you go the worse it was, we feel the exact opposite; the further back we go the BETTER it was.

Throughout the generations those who did not keep the Torah have always had this distorted perception about "old-fashioned" Jews living in the dark ages who persist in clinging to their outmoded ways and do not want to see "the light of day" i.e. live a modern life; to them religion was considered to be the opiate of the uneducated masses.

All those "enlightened souls" never understood that the only way for a human being to be "human" was if he kept the mitzvos as laid down by the Torah - seven mitzvos for the b'nei noach and six hundred and thirteen mitzvos for us Yidden. Without that there is nothing to stop a human being from doing whatever he pleases to the detriment of all those around him.

Rebbetzen Shaindel Moscowitz #fundie breslev.co.il

I was careful to have only Jewish tapes and CD's, and "clean" pictures and books in our home, and no outside newspapers, magazines or a television were ever allowed into our home.

As I needed a computer for work I Had the modem removed before I even brought it into the house so that there was absolutely no chance that anyone could access the outside world; for me the computer has always been a "glorified typewriter".

When I want to print a document I print it and fax it. The convenience of just pressing a button to send something through the computer is not worth the terrible danger of being able to access the outside world and all its filth.

I also never allowed any games to be played on the computer either. All those games are not at all as "innocent" as they seem. Even the "clean" ones are still educating our children to outside values that are absolutely anti-ethical to yiddishkeit. For instance, is it a Jewish value that it's perfectly acceptable to shoot and kill in order to win a game? Even if it's the "good" guy who's killing the "bad" guys - murder - because that's what it really is, is absolutely forbidden by the Torah (we're not discussing self-defence when someone wants to kill you here). By playing these games your children are losing their sensitivity to Jewish hashkafa; in their place they are absorbing foreign values and behaviour.

I was careful with all these things because my aim was to have a "clean" home where our children would only absorb the purity and beauty of yiddishkeit, and not have it diluted or blunted by foreign influences, G-d forbid.

Rebbetzen Shaindel Moscowitz #fundie breslev.co.il

A queen must submit herself to the king's authority and treat him with respect. In order for there to be peace and harmony in the home the wife must accept this fact and abide by it. In reality this was always the case in times gone by; it's only a lack of understanding of the crucial importance of the woman's role together with the modern "illness" of women's liberation which has caused the scales to be weighted differently.

[W]hen all's said and done we still come up against the unalterable fact that in a true Jewish home the husband is the authority and his wife must accept this.

And there is a very valid reason for this hierarchy. A man is by nature far more logical and rational than emotional and is thus far better suited to assess situations and lead his family with cool-headed logic; men are not usually swayed by the emotions of the moment.

A woman on the other hand, has been created precisely with the opposite ratio of logic and emotionalism because this is specifically what she needs in order to be able to raise her family and care for her husband with warmth, emotion and caring.

[T]he Torah states that there cannot be peace and harmony in the home where there are two equal leaders; it's not the woman's position to "wear the trousers" or be the equal of her husband in leading the family, but


Rebbetzen Shaindel Moscowitz #fundie breslev.co.il

True aristocracy is nobility of character; both husband and wife should always remember that as royalty, it behoves them to behave with royal manners and dignity.


Part of being a member of the aristocracy is the necessity of always presenting a cheerful front. You would never see the Royal Family in England or the President of America showing sad or tired faces to their nations because it would demoralise them. They always appear in public smiling and with an air of confidence; as the leaders of the people it is their duty to appear happy and optimistic.


Included in your aristocracy is your dignity. As a princess you should try to do the parts of the housework that are not befitting your status (like scrubbing the floors on your knees) at a time when your husband or children are not home.


A kalloh [bride] is dressed in beautiful clothes so that the first impression her chosson [bridegroom] has of her is that she is beautiful and good; he will be enraptured by her beauty and that will make it easier for him to live with the differences that will inevitably arise.


Part of making it easy, as a wife, for your husband to "cling to you" is that you appear attractive to him; you should be well-dressed with a pleasant demeanour so that your husband is attracted to you, and you alone.

Rabbi Shalom Arush #fundie breslev.co.il

The first step to purification of the heart is to guard the "seven candles" to prevent any unwholesomeness from accessing the brain by way of the seven entrances - mouth, 2 nostrils, 2 eyes and 2 ears. Once he guards the "seven candles", he can begin to serve Hashem with enthusiasm. Serving Hashem with enthusiasm purifies the heart.

Be aware - whatever reaches the brain by way of the "seven candles" is embedded there forever. There should therefore be a "No Entrance" sign at each portal of the brain to exclude anything that is not pure and wholesome.

Ears - whatever a person hears is recorded in his mind. He must therefore be extremely cautious in what he hears and listens to. He should avoid listening to slander, lies and heresy. He should try to maintain control over what he hears. Therefore, he shouldn't listen to news broadcasts, especially when the newscasters are not people with emuna. Newscasters and commentators frequently express opinions which are diametrically opposed to Torah outlook and therefore are detrimental to a person's emuna.


Eyes - everything a person sees is not only recorded on the brain, but becomes part of the brain. A person who has images of filth and pornography on his brain, is a person with a filthy mind. And, as we've learned, a person is what his mind is.


Nostrils - guarding one's nostrils entails avoiding the smell of women's perfume, idolatrous incense or unkosher food and the like. [...] [W]hen Moshiach comes, he'll be able to smell piety. Therefore, piety and fear of Hashem are also spiritual purifications of the nostrils.

Mouth - whatever a person utters is recorded in the brain. [...] [W]holesome speech is an indication of personal holiness whereas vulgar speech is a sign of blemished personal holiness.

Rabbi Lazer Brody #fundie breslev.co.il

The Yetzer doesn't want you attaining your soul correction, so he fights to keep you away from here and gives you fifty reasons to remain in the Diaspora.

Patience is the key to emuna. Rebbe Nachman tells us that the only place on the world where a person can attain true patience is in the Land of Israel.


All prayers rise by way of the Land of Israel. A person's prayers are strongest in the Land of Israel, to the extent that they can work miracles, above the limitations of nature.


Our forefathers were barren outside of Israel, but Abraham and Sara came here and had children. This can work for you too.


The air of the Land of Israel makes a person's brain function better. The Talmud teaches that a person can fulfill his intellectual potential only in the Land of Israel. That's understandable, because the more emuna a person has, the better his or her mind functions. Since the Land of Israel is the place of emuna, one can attain a broadening of the mind here.


The Torah teaches that Hashem's eyes never depart from the Land of Israel. Therefore, those who are privileged to dwell here enjoy a maximum measure of Divine providence over their lives.

The Land of Israel is the source of blessings, for all blessings are derived from here.


If you yearn for fulfillment, emuna, fulfilling your potential, raising your children in the best way possible, living as a Jew, and attaining personal freedom, then come home to the Land of Israel!

Dr. Zev Ballen #fundie breslev.co.il

["I read your article and was quite embarrassed as a Jewish psychotherapist and as a psychiatrist that someone can still be so ignorant. If you believe that the point of psychotherapy is useless as 'everything' comes form Hashem, then why do you do psychotherapy? [...] Next time I see a patient with Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, Major depression, eating disorder, etc, I will tell them there is nothing I can do, as 'everything' comes from Hashem and talking to me just adds to the doubt."]

Psychotherapy is not only useless - it's downright dangerous to the soul of a Jewish person when it is conducted by a therapist who doesn't acknowledge that all healing comes from Hashem. A psychotherapist with emuna, on the other hand, can elevate and strengthen his patient's awareness of Hashem and teach him about his true purpose in life - He or she is not useless at all - such therapists have a very important role to play before Moshiach.


Here you have listed some of the most severe mental conditions that psychiatrists treat. Honestly, Doc - do you really think that there is anything that you can do to cure these plagues - if the greatest Tzaddikim of previous generations all the way back to our Patriarchs and Matriarchs have not had the merit to rectify this world and it's ills - are you going to be offended if I suggest that your medical degree might not be enough to tip the scale or even that the whole medical profession could not?

C'mon Doc - you can prescribe medicine for your patients and sometimes calm them for a while - but do you really know who they are and what they've gone through? How far can simple people like you and I actually see into the spiritual roots of our patient's dilemma?

Have you ever wondered, Doc, why great Tzaddikim like the Chozeh of Lublin (The Seer from Lublin), the Baal Shem Tov, Rebbe Nachman of Breslev, and the Baba Sali were able to cure the sick without ever once opening a medical textbook? It was because they had eyes like spiritual MRI machines. They could look into a person's eyes and in seconds see the story of their soul as it passed through a chain of previous lifetimes - they could to see way back to the root cause of a person's illness and rectify it.


Doctors whose faith is limited to what they learned in medical school will never be able to perform miracles - Hashem limits those doctors to healing within the confines of natural law. Since Hashem is higher than nature, when a doctor turns to Hashem and puts his ultimate faith in Hashem rather than in the medicines and treatments he administers - he merits being a messenger of the Divine. The Angel Raphael (from the Hebrew Refuah - to heal) is constantly with that doctor and his patients.


Doc, please have mercy on those you took an oath to treat. Human suffering just keeps getting worse: suicide, murder, mental illness, divorce, abuse, rape, addiction. You can either continue to put your faith in your medical books - and watch as mental illness continues to spiral out of control; or you ca have the courage to join us in begging Hashem to show us our true place at His feet. Only once we've humbled ourselves before Hashem - will we have the joy, serenity and the personal power to channel goodness and health to our patients.

Dr. Zev Ballen #fundie breslev.co.il

On the surface, self-assessment and trying to think positively have much in common with what the Torah espouses. We also engage in self-assessment and endeavor to improve ourselves - but don't be fooled. There are many partial-truths but only One Absolute Truth - what the Torah prescribes for anxiety, depression, and other emotional problems is as different from CBT as a building that is built to last and one that is doomed to topple to the ground - they may appear alike but they are not.

First of all what are the "more reasonable and adaptive" thoughts, and beliefs that cognitive therapists would like you to have? Secondly, dear reader, do you really believe that after your 10 to 15 sessions of CBT are over that you - alone - will be able to triumph over the powerful forces of evil that incessantly attack your thoughts seeking to sadden you and cause you fear?

Cognitive Therapy like all secular psychotherapies ignores the fundamental nature of man and therefore offers "solutions" that are not likely to last in this world and certainly can do nothing to rectify the soul of a person in distress. The Talmud defines man as "the creature who prays." [...] Since it is our fundamental nature to worship G-d - science not only leads us away from Hashem, it leads us away from ourselves. There is no lasting help without Divine assistance and CBT is a therapy without a G-d. How can we ever expect to find our purpose and ultimate happiness in a therapy that ignores our basic nature?


Cognitive psychology looks good and true. It certainly appears to have many advantages over Freudian psychology which is filled with blatant heresy but it does not. Here is the crucial point - behavioral science will take you off course because it divorces itself from morality and Hashem. Anything less than the full Truth causes cracks in the foundation of your life. One falsehood leads to another - the cracks widen - and tragedy results - G-d forbid. "Falsehood does not last", says our Holy Talmud.

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

[Racheli Reckles tries to convince her husband to tell her some gossip he heard.]

I saw that verbal insistence wasn't working- so I tried a different, more Iraqi approach. "I'm going to beat you up if you don't tell me!" And the punches began...
As my knuckles started swelling from my repeated futile attempts to hurt/intimidate him, he was getting increasingly annoyed with me. Finally, he gave in. He revealed the secret that he had been holding in for almost 10 years about a certain person.

"That's IT?!!" I exclaimed, totally let down by his boring revelation. Now I was the one who was annoyed, especially since my knuckles started throbbing.


As I held the baby in one arm and hungrily ate my cereal, I was going over the list of what I still needed to get done for our move. I guess I must have started daydreaming, because I stopped paying attention to what I was doing.



I stumbled over to the counter to fumble for a napkin, still trying not to pass out (while still holding the baby!) I started whimpering to myself as I blotted the unusually large amount of blood that was oozing out of my tongue.

I noticed that my darling husband was not around to console me. He was probably laughing from behind the corner. As I dabbed my tongue, my annoyance with the situation began to build and build.


At that point, my husband decided to see what was going on. Thanks for your concern, honey.

"What happened?" he innocently asked, trying to get away with not having checked up on me when I screamed bloody murder.

"Hashem has a great sense of humor," I answered. "He gave me a bloody tongue because I made you speak lashon hara!"

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

["We live in an Orthodox neighborhood, and most people here don't have T.V. or video games. However, one of my 7-year-old son's friends plays video games, and lately he's been begging me to buy him one. I try to explain that they're not allowed, but it isn't getting through to him. How can I get him to stop asking me for them?"]

[T]here is no easy answer for this one. You simply cannot let your son be exposed to poison like this. Either you ban him from going to the kid's house, or make an agreement with his mother that there will be no video game playing or any similar activities going on when your son goes to their house. Personally, the first choice is harder, but I believe it's better for your son in the long run. If they're already letting their kid play games, who knows what else is going on in their supposed Torah-observant home?

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Many people assume that political correctness and Torah values go hand in hand. Guess what- they don't. In fact, many of the P.C. values actually undermine Torah values.

For example, it's P.C. to support gay marriage and relationships. Many Jews would never dream of telling their gay friends that they're doing something sinful and against G-d's wishes. No way. So they either keep their feelings to themselves and fake approval, or they really feel that there's nothing wrong with being gay.


[W]e, as Jews, are already given a set of morals, and they are in our holy Torah. No, they are not politically correct according to the latest whims of modern society. However, they are eternal and given from a Divine source. Therefore, they have an inherent wisdom that is light years beyond our limited rational understanding.

"To each his own" is the mantra that most of our society lives by, even the most frum Jews. Does anyone actually care what the Torah says about all of the controversial issues we face? Or would we prefer to not rock the boat and just live like the rest of the world?

Look at what assimilation has done to us! Most of us don't even know what the Torah says regarding Jewish etiquette, and we don't seem to care either.

Here are some examples that show how the Torah is definitely not politically correct. It tells us that a woman's primary role is in the home as wife and mother. Many modern feminists just can't deal with that. It tells us that we shouldn't have sex before marriage. Most singles under 50 just can't deal with that. It tells us that we should be fruitful and multiply. Most married couples don't want more than 2 or 3 kids.

There are times when we are tested; times that reveal which side we're really on. Such a time is now, when there are all sorts of indecencies and abominations happening all around us. Sure, it's easy for many people to support the Gay Pride Parade that shoves its nose at Hashem as it struts through Jerusalem, the holiest city on earth. That's P.C.. It's easy to support the reform movement as it attempts to strip away all that is holy from our traditional Judaism, through its antics of women praying like men at the holiest site on earth. That's also P.C..

To all the liberals out there, I ask just one question: who is standing up for Hashem? Yes, they might think it's great to be a forward thinker; to embrace every person's decision as the right one for him or her. Have they given any thought as to what Hashem wants? Have they contemplated how insulting it is to Hashem when people go right up to His home in Jerusalem and arrogantly yell at Him that He's got it all wrong?

What's more important to them- doing what's accepted or doing the right thing?

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Men are created with a wild, unbalanced energy. Since hair is a spiritual antenna, men keep the hair short in order to tame this energy and draw it down in a more balanced way. Women, on the other hand, were created with a perfect balance of energy. The problem is that the balance is so sensitive, that any leak in the system causes it to fall to dangerously low levels. Once such a weak and "darkened" energy exists, the dark side forces swarm like vultures to consume it. Unbeknownst to the woman, these forces wreak havoc on her and her family as well.

It's a snowball effect of magnanimous proportions. I would call it an "avalanche effect". An attractive married woman has a marriage that could use a serious boost in the romance department, kids that are rebellious, wild, and generally disrespectful, and her- maybe she's on anxiety meds or a lifelong diet. There's serious financial trouble- sky-high credit card debt and downsizing at her husband's office. Her life is anything but happily-ever-after. Does this sound too simplistic? Why does it need to be complicated? By covering her hair, everything will begin to fall into place. Of course, she must do her part and make every effort to correct her issues- but covering her hair will bring the energy of holiness into the home and everyone will be positively affected by it.

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Can a woman be sexy and holy at the same time? Absolutely not. It's like oil and water- they don't mix. A woman can be beautiful and sexy, but at what price? I recently watched a great lecture from Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak. A secular Israeli woman was complaining to him that she wasn't blessed with children yet, and she was married in a traditional Jewish wedding. Rabbi Amnon held up a white handkerchief and replied: "Do you know what's been stopping you from having children? See this white piece of fabric?" Yes, ladies, he was saying that the reason she couldn't have children was because she didn't cover her hair.

"Objection, your honor!" I can hear you say. "There are plenty of religious women that also don't have children, and they cover their hair!" Okay, we can't know the spiritual reasons for everything. I can only tell you that the connection between hair covering and fertility has been pointed out repeatedly by many sages and rabbis throughout our history. You can do your own research on the matter. Rabbi Amnon has a great track record, though. He promised her, "If you commit to covering your hair, I will give you a blessing that you will have a baby this year." She could barely hold back her tears as she reluctantly placed the covering over her hair. Next thing you know, I was the one who couldn't hold back the tears as the video cut to her holding her baby boy at his brit milah, as Rabbi Amnon sat down in the Sandak's chair. There are many, many cases of infertility that have been resolved in this matter.

There was another video in which a woman who was childless for many years was very reluctant to cover her hair as well. Rabbi Amnon asked her, "Do you want the shechena (neighbor) in your home, or the Shechina (Divine Presence) in your home?" That was enough to convince her!

Is it enough to convince you?

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Recently I read an interesting article titled, America Has Shifted to the Left and the Culture War is Over. It made a great point of showing how conservatism is dying away and quickly being replaced by the younger, more progressive and liberal-minded generations. What is the problem with this? Well, if you're a traditionalist at heart, meaning you still treasure old-fashioned morals such as getting married and raising a family with wholesome values, then you're in the ever-shrinking minority. If you want your children to be raised with a strong sense of respect and what's right and wrong, you're in the minority. If you think that kids need a mom and a dad that are married and live in the same house in order to be raised properly, you're in the minority.


Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana. This one particularly upsets me- what's left of the "say no to drugs" speech we're supposed to give our kids? It wasn't difficult for a kid to get his hands on marijuana if he wanted to, but now we're telling him, "Here you go, son, take a hit before you cram for that calculus exam tomorrow." Seriously. And furthermore, how is a kid supposed to understand the difference between pot and cocaine? If they're both drugs, what makes one okay and the other off-limits? I strongly believe that marijuana is the gateway to heavier drug use- if a kid is going to experiment with this drug, what's going to stop him from trying ecstasy or acid? It's completely messed up!


Usually the Jewish people are protected from such catastrophe [Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Irene]. But this time it seems like the Jewish people were particularly targeted for destruction- communities with high Jewish populations were devastated by the storm. The question is- why?

Rabbi [Zecharia] Wallerstein makes the connection between the legalization of gay marriage and the Frankenstorm. One year ago, exactly a week before Hurricane Irene hit New York, gay marriage was legalized. This year, exactly one week before Hurricane Sandy, there was a motion to overturn gay marriage, and it was denied. The problem is not only that it was legalized- the problem was that not one Jew demonstrated against it. No Rabbis, no congregations made any demonstrations. Not one Jew took a stand to defend his Torah, the value system given to us by Hashem Himself, and said, "I don't support gay marriage." People are terrified of being ostracized, of not having public approval. They're afraid they might get fired or lose a few friends. But are they terrified of what Hashem thinks of them? Do they care that they're accepting the values of a depraved, spiritually (and materially) corrupt nation over their own Judaism? Do they even identify as Jews anymore? Where in the Torah does it say that gay marriage is okay?


The problem [...] is not about being gay. If you want to be gay, that's your choice, and you will have to deal with the spiritual consequences one day. The problem is that now, gay marriage is viewed as equal to marriage between a man and a woman. Gay marriage is now viewed as sanctity, a holy act between a man and a man, or a woman and a woman. This is disgusting in Hashem's eyes. How dare people raise sodomy to the same level and holiness as marital relations.


I'm screaming, because it hurts. It hurts me to see what assimilation has done to our people. It hurts me to see how we have traded in our holiness, our royalty, for cheap thrills. It hurts me to see how most Jews don't want to come back home, to Your beloved Israel- the land You set aside as their inheritance. It hurts to see how they would prefer to live among the goyim and continue to adopt their culture and lifestyle instead of living how You want us to live. It hurts me to no end that sweet, innocent children will be taught that a man marrying a man is the same as a man marrying a woman. It's like giving them a choice that they should never get. But do You know what hurts me the most, Hashem? That I have to witness the next generation of Jews not even be given a chance to live by Your Torah. Most Jews don't live in homes that put their religion first. They go to pseudo-Jewish schools and once they're home, the Judaism is forgotten about. And those are the lucky ones. The unlucky ones go to public schools and never, ever get a taste of what it means to be Jewish for their entire lives.

Hashem, it hurts. It really, really hurts.

Parents, take an objective look at the environment your kids are growing up in. Where do you see your kids 5, 10, 15 years from now? What is the likelihood that your children will continue to be Jewish? What is the likelihood that your daughters won't tell you they're pregnant when they're 16? What spiritual glue is going to keep your kids and their spouses together when the going gets tough?

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Do you remember that Pink Floyd song, "Comfortably Numb"? I think they were ahead of their time when they sang this one! To me, this sums up the state of our generation. The problem goes beyond the five senses. We have become emotionally numb as well. Young men and women, even pre-teens, are becoming intimate without thinking twice. I've ever heard of people meeting in clubs and going home together, without even knowing each others' names! Women are coerced by society to become more emotionally detached from intimacy by the destructive forces of television and magazines like Cosmopolitan. They try to make women feel archaic and ugly if they're still pure! As if that were even an assumption- most women are assumed to have lost their purity. You'll never see a popular magazine promoting chastity! Like, that's so 1800s! It's a very sorry state of affairs. And what about the next generation? They're brought into this without a say in the matter. It is perfectly acceptable for a woman to have a baby without knowing who the father was, never attempting to find out, and raising her child without a father! The child grows up thinking not having a father is a normal thing! Or, if the woman marries someone else, the child may not even know until later in life that this is not his real father! It's a tragedy of the greatest proportions!


There are so many ways we can bring ourselves back to a state of spiritual sensitivity. Throw away the garbage magazines, as my mother would call them, and replace them with books of emuna and spirituality. When was the last time you read "The Garden of Emuna"? Did you ever experience the joy of reading "Chassidic Pearls" to your children during Shabbat dinner? Eating kosher meat is another way to make our hearts more sensitive. Kabbalah teaches that a person absorbs the energy of the animal that he eats. If it is a non-kosher animal, or was slaughtered in a non-kosher way, this contributes in a major way to a spiritually thick, fatty coating around our hearts that creates an impermeable barrier to emotions. Nothing goes in and nothing comes out.

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Another secret Rabbi Brody shares with us is that keeping niddah brings prosperity to a couple. [...] According to Kabbalah, there are several main spiritual pipelines, or channels, by which our sustenance is brought down from Above. [T]he main pipeline for prosperity is the wife. Therefore, the cleaner the pipe, the greater the channel is for receiving abundance from Hashem. For a husband to reach his full potential in his career and business ventures, the wife's soul must be a pure channel for abundance. I like to think of spiritual impurities as "spiritual cholesterol". They are unhealthy for the soul and body, as these blockages greatly diminish the amount of abundance that is able to reach it's intended destination.


Regarding the husband, Rabbi Brody explains that instances of prostate cancer are significantly lower among men whose wives observe niddah. The same holds true for rates of uterine, ovarian, and cervical cancer.

There is another reason why it's called "family purity". The children that are born from such a pure and holy union are blessed in every way. "When two parents are pure channels, they impart their purity to their children," states Rabbi Brody. During the time of conception, Hashem acts as a partner with the parents in the creation of a new child. This child will be born with a healthy and balanced mental and emotional disposition, along with a sharp mind and a good heart. Conversely, children that are born of an impure union are more likely to suffer emotional and mental disorders, anxiety, and be more difficult to raise. This is because the child received the impurity from the parents at the time of conception.

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Ever since the Haskala, or Enlightenment movement, began in the 19th century, there has been a new breed of Jew- the non-observant type. Historically speaking, never before this time was there any type of Jew other than a Torah observant Jew. Rebbe Nachman warned about this many times, saying that "Great atheism is coming to the world". This new type of spiritual revolt against G-d led to future generations of Jews completely forgetting their identity, not to mention their Torah obligations. As a result, the Jewish neshama, or soul, is so deeply concealed within the person himself that he is now questioning and dismissing the very validity and practicality of our Holy, G-d given Torah. This, I believe, is the root cause of the dissention between non-religious and religious Jews.


When we observe a Torah lifestyle, which is full of restrictions and physical limitations, we actually provide the rest of the world with the spiritual vitamins they need in order to function. This is why when we try to act like non-Jews by leading a lifestyle similar to theirs, and forgetting our spiritual obligations, the world rebels against us. They don't even realize it themselves, but they are upset that we're not holding up our end of the deal. I can't blame them!

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

What I take issue with is what feminism has done to the woman. In my opinion, (again, I stress that this is only an opinion) feminism has taken away femininity from the woman. Let's start with looks: how many women do you know that actually dress like women? Most women these days wear jeans or shorts, plain t-shirts, and sneakers. I would guess that 99.9% of women wear pants at work. I'm not even talking about the lack of modesty- I'm just referring to the lack of femininity in women's looks today. There is a small percentage of women who do put on makeup and take the time to look attractive, but that in itself is a whole 'nother can of worms, and I'm not opening that up today. I'm not promoting the etiquette schools of the past, but I am wondering where our lady-likeness has gone.

Next issue: Behavior. Nowadays, women feel the need to compete with men in every area of life, including binge-drinking. If a woman can guzzle down a six-pack, the men around her will surely be quite impressed! Young women think nothing of being loud and rowdy in a restaurant or any public place. It is totally acceptable for everyone at Starbuck's to hear a girl describe every detail of her date the previous night to her girlfriends. What about sports? Aside from football, I don't know of any sport that women don't participate in. You might say that's great, but I don't see the point of women playing basketball. Be honest- do any of these ladies look lady-like? Even bodybuilding has its fair share of women. Do any of those bodybuilders even look like women anymore? I sure don't think so! They're more muscular than most men!

Third issue: Career. Here's where it gets really controversial. Let me start by saying that if a woman is in a financial position where she needs to work, no one can fault her for it. I'm not referring to these women. What I would like to call attention to is the women who choose to work. What influenced your decision, ladies? Was it something that was always expected of you? Sadly, most of us were trained to expect a glamorous work career at the end of our college career. Did anyone train us to primarily want to raise a family? [...] To me, it's no wonder why so many families are dysfunctional today. There are too many things pulling the parents apart, and women in the workplace is a big part of it. Not to mention all of the adultery going on! Cheating would be much less prevalent if women weren't working with men! [...] Yes, you might be a career woman with a comfortable income and a nice title after your name, but who's raising your children? The nanny or the television? Who is home to greet them with a smile and a hug when they walk in the door after school? as a result of spending so much time and effort at work, does your house feel like a home? Does it have that magical energy of warmth and love that only a woman can give it? Or is it a house that your family uses to eat and sleep in until life begins all over again the next day?


Ladies, I am aware that many of you might be upset and even angry with what I wrote. My intention is not to make anyone feel bad, only to present information that will cause you to question your ideals. Do you want to be a real feminist? Then take back your home! Take back your family! Go against what society forces you to believe in. Be a woman who thinks outside of the box. Real feminism is about being the most incredible woman you can be. It's not about trying to be as much like a man as possible. But if you think about it, that's what feminism is to most people. How ironic! If you're a feminist, that means you're trying to live your life like a man as much as possible! This is exactly the antithesis of feminism!

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

Aside from bringing out the absolute worst in people, the internet has created an addiction that is engulfing millions of men and women in its abyss: the addiction to pornography. It goes without say that this addiction has ruined the lives of millions of men and the lives of their wives and children. Even if a man or woman is not addicted to such websites filled with complete tum'ah (spiritual filth), the simple act of going to these sites once in a while is enough to kill them and their relationship with their families.


It is obvious that parents who give their kids free reign to use unrestricted internet are putting their children in serious, potentially life-threatening danger. But this is just one aspect of a larger problem.

The larger problem, I believe, is the progressively decaying morals of society in general. What morals, you ask? Good question. I think the answer is precisely in that question. These days, anything goes. Everything is okay. Whatever you want to do, more power to you. If it feels good to you, go for it! And cliché after cliché after cliché.

Except this is really what life has become. People have become so concerned with living their lives for themselves, they don't know how to make room in their hearts for others. We have become a cold-hearted, depraved, and self-centered society.

So what is a parent supposed to do if he wants to prevent his children from growing up in such a laissez-faire world? In my mind, there are two options:

a) build an underground cave in your home and hide your kids there until, well, indefinitely

b) pack up and move to a family-oriented, child-nurturing, Torah-observant community in Israel

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

It waits patiently in the homes of millions, waiting to infect its unassuming victims. There is no bias, no preference based on age or gender. Everyone is equally susceptible to this equal-opportunity killer. Every day, in the "safety" of our own homes, we come into contact with its venom, but we don't feel the sting right away. Like radiation poisoning, it builds up slowly, steadily, until its effects are felt through our ravaged bodies, and we become helpless to fight off the deadly sickness. Though most of us become infected as children, we don't notice the cumulative effects until we are much older, if ever. The biggest problem with this disease is that we willingly invite it in. Not only do we invite it into our lives, we relish every moment that we are being infected. That's one of its tricks; like chocolate-covered poison, as Rabbi Brody says. If you haven't guessed what sneaky killer I'm referring to, I'll give you a hint.



Unfortunately, the problem with addiction to television began before most of us had a say in the matter. As young, unassuming children, we trusted our parents' actions and even until today, don't think twice about it. How do I know that TV is an addiction for most children? Let me ask you- do you remember how MAD you got when your parents turned off the TV? Were you begging for just one more minute? Did you burst into tears? Did you stop your feet and threaten to not eat dinner? This behavior is much too similar to addiction, don't you think?


And don't think any of this is accidental. The media knows exactly what they're doing! Since the 1950's they have been successfully turning most of the nation into TV zombies, programming their brains with exactly the desires they want them to have.


In conclusion, I can't think of one positive reason for anyone to watch TV, especially a child. In every respect, TV literally kills the innocence and potential of a child. They should be enjoying the afternoons running outside or using their limitless, G-d given imaginations. Childhood is such a short, precious gift. Let's not take it away from them. Parents, if you want the best for your children, get rid of the TV. You won't regret it.

Rabbi Lazer Brody #fundie breslev.co.il

The Torah's commandments are neither logical nor are they based on human logic. They are the products of Divine logic. And, the only way we can begin to grasp even the slightest thread of Divine logic is by way of emuna.

We can now understand why Kabbala calls our Sabbath means, the "meals of emuna". Logic says that we'll lose money by closing our stores on the Sabbath, the day when the malls are busiest. But in reality, our observance of the Sabbath actually insures a better income, and certainly a more pleasurable income.

In observing the Torah's commandments, Rebbe Nachman of Breslev stresses that we must cast logic aside and serve Hashem with utter innocence and simplicity, trusting fully that Hashem knows that's best for the health of our souls.

Rabbi Natan of Breslev adds a wonderful perk to casting logic aside: those who do so gain freedom of the mind.


Rebbe Natan explains that the evil inclination torments a person with negative thoughts by attaching itself to that person's logic and making everything in that person's head look like a doomsday scenario. What's more, writes Rebbe Natan, don't ever try to reason or argue with your evil inclination, because you'll lose both the argument and your peace of mind. "Logical" people are therefore prime candidates for sadness, depression and confusion. But, by casting our logic aside and telling ourselves that we don't understand a thing, and by accepting our circumstance with simple emuna, we neutralize negative thoughts. Suddenly we're happier, we smile more and we sleep better. We literally become healthier.

Rabbi Lazer Brody #fundie breslev.co.il

The Torah is a timeless template for posterity. Whenever the masses seize power, the result is horrifying. Here in Israel, the rule of the ignorant masses - even those who have kippot on their heads - has led to a statutory and legislative uprooting of Torah values, Heaven forbid. These are the erev rav and those who partner with them. They are easily recognized by their readiness to trample the sanctity of the Sabbath, the institution of marriage, the conversion laws and Torah learning in the Land of Israel. They scoff at our people's spiritual leadership. Their true motivation is to give a free reign to their base urges and appetites; not only that, but to legitimize them with legislation. As in the time of the Golden Calf, even decent people are afraid of speaking up against what's "politically correct". "Political correctness" is none other than the muscling of the ignorant masses by way of the erev rav's control of media, legislative and judicial organs. It's not truth - Torah is.

Tiferet Israel #fundie breslev.co.il

I have heard Rabbi Lazer Brody say that the children with cancer are very holy souls who came down to suffer as atonement for the sins of this generation. Sometimes I believe that the same is true for some of the children trapped in abusive homes and the heinous underworld. These children, these souls, chose to take it upon themselves to leave the beautiful Heavens and dive into the deepest darkness. They chose to have the worst sins piled on top of them so that they could be an atonement.

Dr. Zev Ballen #fundie breslev.co.il

We are living in a Sodomite-world that is so flooded with increasing crime, murder, terrorism and the threat of nuclear war – while the atheist movement, spearheaded by very learned and renowned academics in psychology, and other fields continues to thrive – blaming G-d rather than themselves for the mess they have made of the world.


The confessions of a psychotherapist

- Self-Doubt and doubt about the existence of G-d is the primary weapon of the evil inclination. Once doubt is allowed to enter a person's mind, it can manifest itself in numerous forms of psychopathy.

- Any form of psychological treatment that is not based on emuna will at best, led to very temporary results.

- Psychology can never be separated from morality. It is only through the study of Jewish Law that we can determine what is good and what is not.

- Restlessness, irritability, impatience, anxiety, low-mood, obsessive thinking, impulsive behavior, aggression, competitiveness and sadness- are all reduced or eliminated when one lives in alignment with the Spiritual Truths than run the universe.


- The theoretical underpinnings of psychotherapy are mostly heretical and come from unclean sources.


- Conventional psychotherapy encourages dependency.

- Psychotherapy only makes addictions worse.


- One who is aligned with his true purpose senses the enormity of his mission and how unimportant his "problems" are.

- Submission to Hashem, the Torah, Tzadikkim, and a spiritual guide brings immediate relief.

- There is no need for obsessive compulsive symptoms in a person who knows how to decipher what Hashem's next right step for him is.

- The industrial revolution and the effects of the haskala, (the enlightenment) have poisoned our minds and severely weakened our knowledge and certainty of the Truth.

- We have inherited doubt from our parents and grandparents. Our environment is saturated with the effects of atheism which without Spiritual awareness, we habitually and continually internalize.

- Without happy, living role-models whose personalities and lives are imbued with Torah values and Wisdom a person will be lost.

- The most common source of suffering is sadness. Nothing evokes such severe judgments as dissatisfaction with one's lot. The Torah says that sadness is the root cause of life's curses. Many conventional therapy sessions lead to sadness.

- Continued philosophical questioning without truthful answers leads to illness.


So when Hashem in his loving kindness sends us tribulations to help us grow stronger in emuna, instead of immediately turning to a therapist, why not turn to someone who can really help to you. Emuna can not only give you immediate relief, it can lead you to a way of life that will immunize you against further problems.

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

[Larry writes, "Lately my wife has been acting unusual. She's dressing more provocatively and going out with her girlfriends more often, even to bars at night. I'm not happy with her current actions and I've told her so. Obviously we're fighting a lot more these days..."]

I hate to break it to you, but your wife suffers from a severe form of ADHD: Attention-Deficient Husband Disorder. But don't feel bad; unfortunately, it's a very common disorder these days. Maybe the insatiably greedy and conscience-impaired people over at Big Pharma can come up with a vaccine for this. Alas, until then, we'll have to work on fixing the problem ourselves...

Wives are a strange and complicated species, one whose emotional moods range way beyond the scope of this answer. But there is one general rule that applies to all wives, as Rav Shalom Arush explains: a wife is dependent on her husband for her inner sense of happiness and worth. For all of the ladies that are up-in-arms from this seemingly sexist comment, either you're not married, or you're not taking a good look at the dynamics in your marriage.

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

There are two ways a Jew is entitled to the land of Israel- one of them is the concept of circumcision. However, upon deeper understanding, it is not just the fact that one is circumcised that entitles him to live here. It is the associated morality that earns him his rightly place in this holy land. If the people of Israel live a morally upright life, they will be free to live in Israel in peace. However, instead of G-d taking the land away from the Jewish People if they break the covenant of morality, He has put us into exile. Is it starting to make sense now?

We can clearly see the spiritual big picture now. How many of us can say we are living morally upright lives? Even in Israel, all a person needs to do is go to Tel Aviv, home of the nightclubs and far-from-righteous behavior. All over the world, as a whole can us Jews honestly say we are a moral people? Do young, single Miami and New York Jews frequent bars just as much as non-Jews? You bet! I used to be in that young, single crowd, way back in the day. Do we text and flirt and have illicit relationships just as much as others? We sure do!


So what can we do to fix this problem? One solution is to work on overcoming our animalistic desires. Men, that means you. If you are regular visitors to adult sites, by all means, STOP. You cannot imagine the spiritual ramifications of your actions. If you live your lives looking for the next cheap thrill or one-night-stand, STOP. Aside from all of the broken hearts you leave by the side of the road, you are also doing tremendous spiritual damage to yourselves, your “lady friends”, and all of us collectively.


Ladies, don’t think you’re off the hook so easily. If you dress and/or act provocatively, you are just as much a partner in crime as your partner of the evening. Hanging yourselves as cheap bait waiting to be swallowed up and spit out by the pirana on the prowl is just asking for trouble. You are worth infinitely more than that. Hold yourselves to a higher standard- you are The King’s daughters, worthy of a man who will cherish you and treat you like the princesses that you are. Don’t settle for anything less.


If we are serious about reclaiming the rights to our beloved Israel, a moral lifestyle is the primary way to do this. May we all collectively merit to bring about an end to the threats that surround us, and may we welcome the era of peace and tranquility this year, Amen.

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

In Rebbe Nachman's Wisdom, lies the heart of the problem with modern medicine. Point #50 states: "The Rebbe often spoke to us about physicians and medicine, denouncing them in the strongest terms. He advised us to avoid them, even in the case of serious illness." Apparently Rebbe Nachman foresaw the future tyrannical rise of Big Pharma. Yes, it's true- Big Pharma really does want to control the world. There- I said it. Prove me wrong.

But what is the crux of the problem with their world domination? Aside from the fact that there are many more chronic illnesses than ever before, people are generally not much healthier. Worse than that, however, is the side effect that modern medicine has created: it has transformed us from once-in-a-white patients to life-long patients. What does this mean for us?

It means that we have given up control over our health. Modern medicine has switched the focus from living a healthy lifestyle to prevent and/or overcome disease to using medical interventions to overcome (yet certainly not prevent!) disease. For every little cold, we run to the doctor for a magic pill. Never mind the hundreds of side effects. We live in a society that wants a quick fix, and the consequences can be dealt with later- with more pills, of course. FYI, people- antibiotics don't cure viruses!! As for bacterial infections, medicine suppresses the infection deep into the nervous system, and lowers our immune defenses at the same time. Talk about a 2 for 1 deal!

So what does all this have to do with Obamacare? I think Hashem wants us to reclaim our health and overhaul our decadent, materialistic lifestyles. Unfortunately, He had to bring us to a point where many people simply have no choice but to learn how to fix their health problems on their own, because health care has become unaffordable for many Americans.


There are times when modern medicine can save a life. This is wonderful. However, we need to clarify when we need it and when we don't. And, of course, we can't forget that G-d runs the world. If He wants us to be healthy or sick, that's His choice, and we must trust that it's for our best. Our job is to take care of ourselves using the tools that He gave us- our minds, Google, and lots and lots of personal prayer!

Dr. Zev Ballen #fundie breslev.co.il

Things were going along pretty well for Dan [a baal teshuva] until he started listening to a particular kind of "music" known as Death Metal. This "music" appeals to angry depressed youngsters who haven't found themselves; who haven't found G-d, and who certainly haven't found a solid purpose for living.

Young people who are angry at their parents, angry at themselves, and angry at life - are easily seduced by the violent screaming, cursing and the images of death and mutilation that reflect what they feel inside. Death Metal itself is written by depressed, drug-addicted suicidal youth who normalize suicide and homicide as viable even desirable options for themselves and their peers. In today's world, where a suicide takes place every 40 seconds, there are young people who are killing themselves with this "music" playing in the background right now!

Dan fell into Death Metal - almost, all the way. He changed his dress. He stopped smiling and even began to produce and sell this awful "music" himself. He couldn't give it up because it was his "identity," it was the only "him" that he knew. Needless to say, Dan's observance of tefillin, prayer, and Shabbos fell to the wayside; and it wasn't long before his suppressed anger turned to rage and even violence towards his parents.


I just told Dan what he really wanted to hear - the truth. I told him that Death Metal and pornography were the problem and that nothing else would help him if he didn't cut them both out completely. He wondered how I could "blame" his problems on Heavy Metal when other people who listened to it seemed to be "okay." I told him that they were far from "okay." But even if they seemed to be getting away with listening to it, for now, that he would never be able to listen to it and function normally again. I told him that whether he liked it or not he was a very spiritually person who could never tolerate such impurity. I reminded him that it isn't everyone who was given the great spiritual awakening that he was give a few short years ago. This was why G-d was giving him these weird symptoms. He wanted him to have no choice but to follow through on his original plan of becoming religious.

Dan wasn't buying that "music" however filthy and profane could account for his symptoms. He had heard enough of my religious babble and was once again searching for a real psychologist - someone who would agree with him that he could be cured without having to give up Heavy Metal and pornography. I wished him luck finding someone who could accomplish such a feat - I for one could not.


Heavy metal and pornography were lethal weapons that the evil inclination uses to bring psychological havoc and destruction upon people.

Rivka Levy #fundie breslev.co.il

If someone asked you what you thought the biggest hoax of the century was, what would you tell them? The 'UFOs' that were just a cover-up for all the military testing that was going on in the 1950s? That nuclear energy really is safe? That the Palestinians really want peace with Israel?

I'd pick this: that there really is a chemical imbalance in people's brains, and that's why they need to take lots of mind-altering drugs.

Before you get all huffy with me, give me a couple of minutes' grace, and just read to the end of the article. I've been doing a lot of research into depression as part of my preparations to train for and start up an aromatherapy practice.


Anti-depressants don't work. Placebo sugar pills achieved the same 'success rates' as the drugs - without all the horrible side effects.


Do you know that anti-depressants are linked to a whole bunch of horrible things including weight gain, permanent dysfunction in the bedroom; birth defects like autism (yes, you read that correctly); tics, neurological damage and with long-term use, even things like Alzheimer's and Parkinsons?


Do you know just how many of the mums I know are on anti-depressants? Do you know how many of them are urging their friends and relatives to follow suit?

They'd have a heart-attack if their kid developed a coke habit, or became a heroin junky - but I guess if their child got it on prescription from their doctor, somehow, that would be OK.

People, we need to listen to our holy rabbis! Rav Shalom Arush, Rabbi Lazer Brody and others have been telling us for years that Prozac is bad, that 'chemical imbalances' is a big lie an that the only way to really be happy is to learn some emuna.

There are no shortcuts: either, we learn emuna and put G-d in the picture, or we take Prozac and give ourselves potentially irreversible brain-damange. The choice is ours...

Rabbi Shalom Arush #fundie breslev.co.il

So many people nowadays are putting off marriage for all sorts of reasons. Most of their excuses center around finances, but they don't understand that the best way to get money for a marriage is to get engaged and set a date. They also don't realize that anything they do - whether learning Torah or pursuing a profession - will be much more successful once they're married.

With Rebbe Nachman's teachings in mind, we can summarize eight main points why marrying young is desirable:

1. Our sages teach us not to delay doing a mitzvah once we have the opportunity to perform the mitzvah. The Torah's first command to mankind is, "Be fruitful and multiply." As with every other mitzvah, we should strive fulfill the commandment of marriage and starting a family as soon as possible.

2. Our sages teach that a person must marry before the age of twenty to maintain a pure mind. A man who marries young is far more capable of maintaining personal holiness, or tikkun habrit, which is conducive to every blessing in life - good income, success, peace of mind and much more.

3. An unmarried person is not a whole person, for he or she lacks a soul mate from whom he or she can derive tremendous strength and gratification. Therefore, a person should marry as soon as he or she is mature enough. The one that one should first complete higher education or save the needed funds is erroneous. Indeed, a married person is much more settled and serious as far as learning goes. Also, one's income comes by virtue of one's wife (see Likutei Moharan I:69). A married person will have a much greater blessing for the income that he needs. Besides, a person who truly honors his wife is guaranteed to have financial success.

4. The greats of Israel all married at a young age. Not only did marriage not hinder their personal and spiritual growth, but it helped them become great. Rebbe Nachman himself married at the age of 13, and so did Rebbe Natan.

5. A couple living in holiness is the ideal vessel for abundance, whereas single people are not.

6. Since a married person must provide for a wife and children, he gives Hashem the reasons to give him the blessings of an income and livelihood, as well as good character.

7. Marriage gives a person stability and motivation. A married person has a reason to apply himself. He's much more serious and mature and less confused and swayed.

8. The younger a person is, the more adaptable he or she is to a spouse. Younger parents often have a closer rapport with their children.

In light of the above, marriage at a young age is a blessing any way you look at it. Those who delay marriage for all types of seemingly logical reasons are often big losers. Those who marry young, while not nit-picking in choosing a partner for they know that they themselves are not perfect, see big blessings.

With emuna, we know that Divine providence plays the main role in finding the right spouse. A person does his best to find a compatible partner, and Hashem does the rest. So, if a person does his utmost to observe the Torah’s commandments, he’ll most likely find a suitable soul mate with relative ease. For those in doubt, the holy Ariza’l said that if a person stands under the chuppa (marital canopy) with someone, then that’s his true soul mate. No matter what a person did previously, if he makes an effort to do teshuva and get married, he’ll undoubtedly be blessed with his true soul mate.

Avri #fundie breslev.co.il

Over the last few months, I have been very lethargic and foggy headed. I recently lost 20 pounds of weight and thought that I would intrinsically have more energy. I also go through spurts of being connected to Hashem followed by periods when the spirituality leaves me. In short, since I became a Baal Teshuva two years ago - thanks to Lazer Beams and Breslev.co.il - I have been spending a lot of time in hitbodedut and self-evaluation. But recently, I spoke to a rabbi who I thin is a Kabbalist, and he told me his take on Shmirat HaBrit (personal holiness).

After he explained the severity of the sin of spilling seed in vain, I "freaked out." He told me that this is the worst of all sins that I have been very guilty of particularly before I was married. However, everything in terms of my lethargy and losing my desire for spirituality started to fit together. My wife and I started keeping Taharat mishpacha (family holiness) about a year ago. During the 7 white days where before we kept Taharat mishpacha we would have relations, now we don't - this has been murder on me. In short, I would "harmlessly" release myself once or twice during the period. It started to make sense ...the lethargy and loss of desire to connect to HASHEM after each release. I immediately jumped in the mikvah.

I was so freaked out that I even asked a religious friend of mine last night how he gets through the period. He said that it is very hard and whenever he falls, he noticed that the punishment is instantaneous. For example he said he did it the night before his CPA exam and failed the test. Or a child becomes sick the next day. He said that he never spoke about it with anyone but the correlation was so sharp that it was clear to him. In fact he said that whenever he falls, he simply awaits the punishment.

With that said, I started reciting Tikkun Klali and jumped daily in the mikvah. The change in my energy level was sharp and amazing. I took out my samurai sword and said to my yetzer hara, I've got you now! Last night, I went to bed at 1 am and jumped out if bed at 5 am ready to pray. However I twisted and turn in a fit of libido where it felt as if my prostate filled up to the burst point. In pain I went to pray shacharit and then to a very cold mikva. By the time the afternoon rolled around, the prostate pain was so intense that I lost it and now I am foggy headed waiting for my punishment.


In that I have a few more days before the pressure builds again, I want to be ready for the next onslaught. I know you're tremendously busy, but my soul and I need help right away. You know how urgent this is.

Racheli Reckles #conspiracy breslev.co.il

[These are from a response to a pro-vaccine article by Justin Taylor.]

There are endless articles regarding the full range of harmful side effects from different vaccines, and this article would be never-ending if I listed them all here. I will touch on a few of the most controversial ones and I invite you to do your own research on the matter. Before I begin, I would just like to note that not one of the sources that Mr. Taylor had provided on this issue was a non-government-related or alternative media source. It is unfair to only present information provided by the CDC and other such government groups. If you're alive today, you know that everything government groups.


What about hepatitis B? It is being forced onto newborns without second thought. What exactly is Hepatitis B? It's a sexually transmitted disease! Why are they giving this shot to newborns?! If a baby is born to a high risk mother, it would potentially already be infected with the virus, so a vaccine after birth is too late. Did you know that by the time a child is six years old, he would have been given 48 vaccines? For anyone who argues that they are perfectly safe, I'd like to see that person take those 48 vaccines all at once!


If you deny that there is any link between vaccines and autism, I challenge you, Mr. Taylor, to look one parent of an autistic child in the eyes and tell them that vaccines are not the culprit. Sadly, it is a familiar occurrence- a well-meaning parent takes his child to the doctor for his shots. A few hours, sometimes days, later, the child develops a fever, irritability, and crying. Next thing you know, the child seems to be "not there" anymore. What suddenly changed? What the child exposed to any different environmental factors? The United States may be a country with the latest technology and medical advancements. But ask yourselves- how much healthier are we? How many people do you know that take at least one prescription medication every day, or have a child with some type of allergy? What has happened to us?


Vaccines are a multi-billion dollar a year moneymaker, not just because so many people get them- they also guarantee repeat customers later in life because of the resulting health issues. Unfortunately, it's all about the money. Greedy people are in dangerously powerful positions, preying on our ignorance. This is why it is up to us to research, research, research. Don't let anyone intimidate you into agreeing to their position. Question their intentions and their information. The lives of your children depend on it. If you are a parent of a child who has been hurt by vaccines, my heart goes out to you. I cannot imagine the pain you must feel, knowing your child was once perfectly healthy. If I have offended any reader, please accept my apologies. My only intention is to get people to question this highly controversial topic. I am not expecting everyone to agree with my position; I'm only hoping that it will make someone think twice before vaccinating their children. If they do, then I have done my job.

Racheli Reckles #fundie breslev.co.il

What is another similarity between America and Gomorrah? Their perverse lifestyles. It's no secret that today's youth have completely lost their innocence. Have you seen Miley Cyrus lately? Disgusting, to say the least. Unfortunately, she has become the latest role-model for young women, much to their naïve detriment. I read about her antics at the MTV awards a few months ago, and it left me quite nauseated - especially the fact that she is now idolized by millions of young, impressionable girls. Where have all the good girls gone? Isn't it clear that the media is pressuring young women to rid themselves of their dreaded, ball-and-chain purity, as if it's some kind of birth defect? Just the thought of my 13-year-old cousin watching such garbage and thinking it's desirable to be sexually attractive to dirty old perverted men made me want to grab her from across the ocean and bring her here!

Most recently, a famous TV star was nearly burned alive when he expressed his religious-based opposition to homosexuality. Liberals everywhere had a field day as they attacked him for his unwillingness to conform to the "everything goes" mentality that the U.S. has adopted. That's not the real issue, however. What's worse is that his right to free speech was clearly violated. This is a huge warning sign as to the direction the U.S. is heading, and must not be taken lightly.


Parents, don't you see what's happening to your children? Don't you see that their childhoods have been infected with sex and violence? Nowadays college girls are encouraged to pursue casual sex when their hormones get the best of them. Here in Israel, there are still cities that don't treat modesty like the plague, and a girl walking around in a long skirt has no reason to be embarrassed.

And what about marriage? Do you think that these children will want to get married in the future? Not if Time magazine has any say in it. A few months ago, right on the cover, was a picture of a couple sunbathing on the beach, blissfully without any real-life responsibilities. The title was something like: "When not getting married means having it all." Just look at the average age of people getting married these days- mid-30's.

It seems that in every way traditional family values are being attacked in the U.S.. And I'm not even referring to Torah values. Unfortunately, most American Jews are so assimilated, that they have no idea what real Torah values are. It's not just the spiritual side of Judaism that is being attacked; anti-semitism and hate crimes are on the rise again. Don't believe me? DO YOUR RESEARCH.


Incidentally, the whole "fire and brimstone" way Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed seems to have been archeologically proven. The brimstone is a type of sulfur, a volcanic ash that has been found coating the remains of the cities. Apparently a nearby volcano exploded and caused the lava and ash to mix, hence the rain of fire and brimstone. FYI- did you know that there is a supervolcano underneath Yellowstone National Park? It's called Yellowstone Caldera, and if it explodes, you can say bye-bye to most of the country. Just something to think about...

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