
a fool in paradise #wingnut #homophobia freerepublic.com

In 2001, Barack Hussein Obama’s mentor Bill Ayers wrote a book recounting his experiences with the Weather Underground.

Among the details covered in the 9-11-2001 NY Times article was a quote from William Ayers that he engaged in partner swapping and even homosexual encounters with the Weather Underground to “smash monogamy”.

When a Marxist terrorist radical admits that the goal of such actions are to subvert traditional marriage, I don’t need some homosexual with a newspaper column to ask “how does same sex marriage threaten heterosexuals marriages?”.

The goal is to undermine the institution of marriage. Feminazis and Hugh Hefner tried to do the same.

RinaseaofDs #racist freerepublic.com

It is the honest truth. Been in sales/marketing for a couple of decades. India/Indians are simply not territories/leads.

They’ll steal it from you first, then look at you dumb-eyed and slightly pissed you are calling them on it. Happened so often to us in the software biz.

Maeve #fundie freerepublic.com

Contraception is telling God that you will not serve him with your body. And when you start telling God "No, I will not serve. I will not be fruitful and multiply as you command me to in this marriage. No, I will not serve you this way, God." Ah, but you've just signed up with someone else who said he wouldn't serve and then crawled out of the garden on his belly eating the dust.

savagesusie #fundie #homophobia freerepublic.com

Sodomites like Rubio are immoral and do vile, evil things to others as habits. Willful turning their backs on God’s Laws. He flaunts satanism inside his little coven.

Rubio is an easy “bot” for the vile satanists, who are all sodomites. They “think” of others in very sick, degrading, vile ways, so it shouldn’t surprise you that homosexuals always are the front of all fascist evil movements, like the Bolsheviks, the Brownshirts, and Man/Boy “Love” movements and Serial Killers. (Hari/Lively).

Vice breeds vice always and they will do the most demeaning vile things to others. There is no “morality” possible with such behaviors and “thinking”/desires. There is no possibility of a Christian worldview unless they are actively suppressing and condemning the behaviors. Rubio “loves” the vile concept of homosexual “marriage” and promotes sodomy to his children. He is sick.

USALiberty #fundie freerepublic.com

"There is really ONLY one logical explanation for the origin of complex, functionally specified, digitized genetic information. GOD CREATED IT — in SIX DAYS when He created the universe. Any other explanation can be torn apart.

It really irks me to know that a lot of tax dollars are wasted in places like government universities on efforts to explain “the origins of life” and the nature of the universe. It’s all there in Genesis — NO CHARGE!

It’s not just evolution we need to take out of schools. We need to address the whole scientific culture that says that we must “seek answers” to questions that we already KNOW the answer to — and spend tax dollars to do it!"

FamiliarFace #homophobia freerepublic.com

There is no homosexual gene. Let me repeat myself. There is no homosexual gene.

If there were, by simple mathematics, there would be no or very, very few gays remaining.

Think about it. Before the in vitro age, gays would only pass on their gay genes via heterosexual intercourse. So if they only desired their same sex, they wouldn’t have any progeny. So fewer and fewer “born that way” gays would be around. If gays were “born that way”, we would be seeing “gayness” less frequently, not more.

Being gay is a choice, even if it is a choice borne of abuse.

greene66 #homophobia #psycho freerepublic.com

Couple of days hard work ferreting out and disposing of all those who've "come out" would probably eliminate homosexuality as a political force.
Not that I'm advocating such an action, but this can turn out to be a two edged sword. They get to destroy marriage; somebody else gets to destroy them ~ AND probably get away with it.

Backlash in matters related to sex and family is always rigorous.

The Saudi government continues to execute and maim homosexual activists of course.

YogicCowboy #homophobia freerepublic.com

It all begins with the compromising acceptance of a false premise: There is no such thing as homosexuality; it is homoeroticism. Sexuality must be inherently functional; that is where it begins. (Forget the Bible if you like; see real science on Sexual Reproduction.)

There is no functional form of sexuality that can occur between two persons of the same sex. Homoeroticism is a narcissistic fetish that happens to focus on another person rather than an inanimate object. I pity such persons, but they cannot make me call a pig a cow.

Norm Lenhart #fundie freerepublic.com

[Commenting on an article titled "What if Your Child is Gay?"]

You take him to an AIDS ward at a hospital or crisis center. Then you rent some gay porn and make him watch it with you while you show your revulsion.

Then you explain he has bought the BS and you want to help him. He can accept that help or he is on his own. Forever.

Then you find a different church.

GodGunsGuts #fundie freerepublic.com

If the evos insist on using force to brainwash our children, then that leaves the our side no choice but to wage an all out political war against them. None of this namby-pambi stuff we’ve seen so far...I mean an unrelenting, in-your-face political battle to crush the jackbooted evos and their Commie-ACLU minions once and for all.

rickdylan #fundie freerepublic.com

The two main pillars of evolutionist philosophy are that "survival of the fittest" is the only moral law in nature, and that he who dies with the most offspring is the winner. The two ideals in that moral world have to be the serial rapist, and the welfare mother. Those are the two people an evolutionist would look up to.

relictele #fundie freerepublic.com

Isn’t it odd that the ‘science’ crowd will threaten, jail, fine, and hurl invective at anyone who points out that a) there is no genetic basis for homosexuality and b) suggests finding a scientific means of correcting or reversing it?

If someone had only three fingers on a hand and a drug was discovered/developed that could restore the missing digit would that be viewed as negative or controversial?

If someone developed hormonal treatment (ie the same sort of treatment currently used to ‘convert’ between sexes) that would eliminate homosexuality would they be praised or persecuted?

ObozoMustGo2012 #fundie freerepublic.com

I said it earlier, and I’ll say it again. While some of this transgenderism is legit mentally sick people, I think most of it, esp. with kids, is nothing but a big fad to gain attention. I knew it would only be a matter of time for the stories of regret to surface.

metmom #fundie freerepublic.com

But gravity has no substance. It cannot be directly measured or observed. It can only be detected through its influence on objects within its field.

If that’s the case, why isn’t that categorized as the supernatural? It is no more detectable than God is and in no other way than God would be.

Da Mav #homophobia freerepublic.com

Suggestion for everyone

Would you call Marxists “smarts”? HIV carriers “healthies”?

Stop calling homosexuals “gay”. It’s a marketing term, nothing more.

Most of ‘em are whiners, miserable, and as a group they have demonstrably higher rates of depression and suicide. They are definitely not ‘gay’ so don’t get fooled into calling them that.

“Homosexual” is descriptive and accurate. It’s time to reclaim the language.

savagesusie #conspiracy freerepublic.com

[Water fluoridation] is unethical-—Nuremberg Trial stated that adding any chemicals to the water for medicating purposes is evil. Europe doesn’t allow Fluoridated water in almost every country. They took it out-—and there was no increase in cavities.

Harvard just did studies last year that shows drop in IQ by 10 points in children who have fluoridated water. We should know that anything the government mandates is probably evil. Power corrupts and Fluoride which used to be a toxic waste and expensive to dispose of-—became a million dollar business.

editor-surveyor #fundie freerepublic.com

First, nuclear energy, electricity, physics, and mathematics do not in any way challenge our spiritual knowledge, so they are not relevant to the question.

When you get into cancer, and antibiotics, its a very different story. Antibiotics are shortening lives every day, and their use is in defiance of God's word, which tells us the "herbs of the field" and "every green leaf" are provided for our health, and they definitely do a good job. Cancer 'cures' do the same as all the other drugs. Sometimes there is remission during treatment, but in the long run the treatments shorten life, even in those that experience remission. The real cure for cancer is to remove the original cause, which in the preponderance of cases is a spiritual issue. (bitternewss, hatred, unforgiveness, blaming God, or any other form of 'toxic' thought) Some illness is due to use of chemicals without regard for the effect on the body, and some cancers fall into this category, but the main rule still applies: remove the cause.

What you call "mailstream Christianity" bears little resemblance to what is described in God's word. I don't mean to attack any particular denomination; they're all in deep do-do, and we are at the point announced in Revelation where we are told to "come out of her" referring to the "harlot" that organized religion has become.

Bobalu #fundie freerepublic.com

I’m a non-religious theist who always treats others the way I want them to treat me. I look with pity upon those who profess to be atheists...they walk always in darkness.

If there wasn’t [Something], then how I ask can there be anything at all!? “Just give us one miracle and we will explain all the rest” say those who hold that the universe and ourselves amount to nothing but an accident.

Neoliberalnot #homophobia freerepublic.com

The preponderance of male homos are in fact pedophiles. Estimates approaching 80% of male homosexuals were molested as children. The incidence of pedophilia, or more correctly, pederastic behavior, in male homos is some 10-fold higher than in heterosexual pedophiles. NAMBLA members often participate in parades of homosexuals and to my knowledge nambla is the only organization on the planet promoting the molestation of children. Natually, this hidden part of the lifestyle won't be found on the will and grace show and yet remains in another part of the closet. Not many years ago I attended a scientific meeting in San Fran and a group of us stumbled onto a "gay" parade. It was undoubtedly the most disgusting display of deviancy I have ever witnessed.

Jim35 #fundie freerepublic.com

Yep. When dealing with some evolutionist fanatics, especially the strongly anti-Christian faction, you are expected to prove every assertion, no matter how obvious, while they sit back watch. If you tell them the sun rises in the east, they ask for a specific scientific, peer-reviewed, published article, with a list of the writer's credentials. Then they make some sneering comment referring to your belief in a flat Earth.

The 'Freeper Freeps Freepingly' Award

For excellence in constitutional law

savagesusie #fundie freerepublic.com

Actually, the US would be within Constitutional rights to ban atheists from all aspects of Constitutional government since they don’t acknowledge that we have God-given rights.

That is how the Founders thought and Atheists were marginalized and not allowed to testify in court. We should get back to the Founding principles of this country which includes Absolute Truth and God. Everyone who doesn’t acknowledge that are free to leave and join those atheist or pagan countries that have been so inferior and created the annihilation of 100’s of millions of human beings, plus abortion “rights” and “euthanasia” and homosexual “rights” where there is no sexual morality...since they don’t believe man is anything more that a “trousered ape”.

ErikJohnsky #fundie freerepublic.com

When are people gonna stop teaching Satanism to ou children? Hell, even if days have equal rights, straights will always be better than gays. There ARE winners and losers, and gays are always inferior. The end!!

little jeremiah #homophobia freerepublic.com

[The result of ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"?]

A list should be made, I’ll start with a few:

1. More AIDS blood (etc) bleeding onto people who don’t have it yet.

2. More homosexual rape (and moves on) of other homosexuals and normal men (and women).

3. After #2, violence against homosexuals.

4. Loss of morale - big time - due to the above reasons, plus the favoritism homosexuals will show each other.

5. Mass exodus from the military of normal men (and women), leaving a weakened and pathetic military with a huge number of homosexuals.

It will ruin the military as we know it. And if anyone says “Well, Britain etc has homosexuals in the military and they’re fine” - my answer is:

They are “Fine”? Ask them. Plus no military compares with the US military. You want our military as “great” as what the British is now? Or as great as the Netherland’s military?

savagesusie #fundie #homophobia freerepublic.com

[A health instructor at Fresno City College is incorporating religious and anti-gay views in his classes. The ACLU is attempting to force him to teach accurate and unbiased medical information.]

He is not basing anything on religion; it is on Natural Law which is the basis of U.S. law. ACLU should be sued for attacking his freedom to teach fact and Truth. That fascist organization needs to be put out of business. It better not be getting any tax payer funds.

Its very Communist roots tell us how divisive and evil the ACLU truly is. We should post everyone’s name who contributes to that evil communist organization and Alinskyite them. The good things they have done are far outdone by the evil—like representing NAMBLA for free in the rape case of that little boy by the pervert who absorbed all the “how to” info from NAMBLA publication. ACLU has been trying to destroy the Boy Scouts and mainstream homosexuality. Their vision for the US is a bathhouse hellhole with old atheists able to legally bed little boys. That old ACLU alum, Ginsberg, wants to lower the age of consent to 12....all for the frisky, sex-obsessed, youth obsessed, narcissistic, homosexual men.

pallis #homophobia freerepublic.com

Seems to me the better solution would be to make homosexuality socially unacceptable, and cause gay, cross dressing children to dress and act straight, at least until they are old enough to have a private life where they can share their perversions with friends who want to share the gay lifestyle with them. All the politically correct attempts to convince straight people that homosexuality is normal won’t prevent the next young thug from killing or beating a gay kid. What liberals will accomplish with the radical, gay agenda is the next step in tearing down sexual morality and cultural standards. Someday, we will read how some young thug shot the neighbor kid for lawfully practicing bestiality on the street. The PC police will admonish us about the need to teach our children bestiality awareness.

savagesusie #fundie #homophobia freerepublic.com

They started decades ago in conditioning children that it is evil to discriminate. Remember Polyanna...with Haley Mills......it was against preachers calling sin, a sin (he was so MEAN!!!!).....this conditioning has destroyed moral principles....so if you are honest and a true Christian, you get called a bigot and hater.

This is on purpose....we live in a fascist country where we have no freedom of thought or speech. Speech codes and Alinskyite tactics to shut down dialogue is intentional—to destroy us from within so they can create a one world currency and government. It is obvious. Christians are too independent and self-sufficient and responsible....they need dysfunctional people who will willingly be slaves and sell out their fellow man.

It is why they are repealing DADT....to eliminate the Christians...they will have to be silent or kicked out....then our military will be equivalent to the Russian atheists or the Nazi homosexual Brownshirts....inhumane, evil and disgusting—even made Patton puke. Their immorality makes it easy for the government to use them to kill their own citizens...which our Christian military would not have done.

It took generations of demeaning Christians....forcing God out of the schools in the fifties and out of the public square and removing morality from the schools which John Dewey did intentionally. Remove morality from all decisions....when morality and virtue were the reasons Washington set up public schools in the first place.

They replaced God with “feel good, do it”. The cultural Marxists are doing it to create a vulgar, dysfunctional mass of ignorant people who are addicted to their sensual pleasures....they are easy to control with throwing freebees, like abortions, condoms, etc. They just want their drugs and sex and they don’t give a damn about family, relationships and the future. The radical homosexuals are disgusting and evil and selfish narcissists.

mvpel #fundie freerepublic.com

"In response to Hallmark now selling gay wedding cards"

er it’s forcing me to explain to my kids why two men or two women are doing what they are doing.

I have to explain that nature did not intend for two of the same sex to be together and that they like to be together for perverted sexual acts

GodGunsGuts #fundie freerepublic.com

I truly believe that Darwinism is inherently racist whether it is true or not. Of course, I don’t believe it is true, which makes it all the worse. But even if it were true, some races would have to be lower or less evolved than other races by definition.

manc #fundie freerepublic.com

How about applying this crap to the indoctrination ,brainwashing of our kids through the media, schools etc.

How can helping someone who says they might be confused, or is saying they think they are a homo hurtful?

It is frigging obvious that in order to have a baby for the human species to carry on then you have to be attracted, or have sex with the opposite sex, not the same sex. Telling someone it is alright to like the same sex is hurtful to them.

fwdude #fundie freerepublic.com

Leftism is not a viable, sustainable way to live.

Despite the extensive damage done to society by the left, it is only by resistance and imposition of residual conservatism that has allowed us a semblance of a society. The left should thank conservatism for their continued existence.

lgjhn23 #fundie freerepublic.com

Even though born here, RATs are NOT Americans. They’re socialist/globalist filth that are hellbent on destroying our country.

Of course, they want the illegal vote....they can’t win without it. The whole damn lot of em should be hanging from light posts.

Alien Syndrome #fundie freerepublic.com

The reason I say this about atheists is because it is the truth. Just because there might be a couple good atheists doesn’t mean that they are the representation of the whole.

If you think you know how admirable atheists are, just read the “God delusion” or “God is not great”, it will show how they really are.

I’m sorry, but it is imposable for atheists to intentionally good, they need the fear of punishment to keep them in line. For you see, they deny God and therefore refuse to believe in heaven or in a closeness to God. Without this, an atheist will only see himself as “God” and live accordingly under this selfish delusion, regardless of the consequences towards others.

libh8er #fundie freerepublic.com

The butches hate men because they know they will always be less men than real men. What makes them hate men even more is men have an easier time getting pretty girls. (Remember, homosexuals secretly desire young attractive heterosexuals of the same sex).

savagesusie #fundie #homophobia freerepublic.com

Our laws were built on Natural Law Theory as understood by John Locke and is not the "inverted" view through the distorted lens of homosexuality. It was meant to be viewed from the heterosexual lens. We did not design our country to be ancient Greece and a pagan society. We did have Christian "morality" firmly established by law into our Founding documents.

Homosexuals are trying to design a communist state which has no family--children belong to the state to form and condition. They do not want to deal with that stupidity of biological ties of true love and loyalty. Important goal of communists is to destroy the natural family and destroy Christianity. (Naked Communist--from the 1950's)

zerosix #fundie freerepublic.com

The problem, you ask?

Men who don't know they are men, or who so strongly want to be women (and demand hormone treatment to make them more resemble women with developed breasts and perhaps breast enhancement surgery and going so far as having penises removed and vaginas created where there are none) and enjoy all of those he thinks linked with the female sex, namely shower and bathroom privileges in the area set aside for women.

This goes in reverse for women desiring they were men instead of women, demanding to be treated as men, hormone treatment and "reassignment" surgeries, picked up thanks to the taxpayers in the form of our tax dollars going to the Department of Defense!

The ultimate problems arise when people who share these delusions demand the "right of serving in the military" then demand the medical treatments necessary to recreate bodies that nature never intended.

Such people deserve our pity but they do not deserve to be acting out their psychosis, while pretending to serve their country.

deuteronimy232 #fundie freerepublic.com

Neither Creation nor evolution are science, both are religions. We who believe God created the world just as He says He did in His book the Bible are creationist. Those who believe the theory out forward by some worm eaten corpse named darwin are evolutionist. Nether believe is based upon science as science is defined, both are based upon a religious belief.
As for me, I'll go with God's book after all, He was there at the beginning. And I admit that it is my religious convictions and absolute believe in the word of God that leads me to that conclusison. Why is it that evolutionist can not be as honest, for there is no science in evolution, just one changing theroy after an other, one misguide belief after another.

Iron Munro #wingnut #homophobia freerepublic.com

The new leftist reasoning:

Homosexuals deserve our respect soley because of the way they abuse their sexual equipment and flaunt natural law.

It matters not if they are worthy, honest, honorable people or if they are unworthy, dishonorable crooks or pederasts. A long as they engage in sexual perversions with members of their own gender they deserve the respect of society at large.

And any retro retard left over from the age of the Flintstones who doesn't see the beauty and wonder of homosexual perversions is just a hate mongering homophobe who probably was around to support the impeachment of Chief Justice Earl Warren back in America's sexual Dark Ages.

dennisw #fundie freerepublic.com

The trannys in our military are in it for the ops and I don't mean special ops. They are angling to have the taxpayers paying for their sex changes trans operations and hormones.

What a stinking farce! Not all trans have the guts to get their penis chopped but how would you like to serve in the military with a freak who is getting free hormones to make him grow female breasts. Revolting!

metmom #fundie freerepublic.com

I'm not opposed to research or the search for knowledge or the practical use of science in the form of technology. I do not reject the scientific method as a means to study the physical world. I do not reject teaching science and the scientific method in school.
What I do reject is the abuse and misuse of science as a tool to promote leftist and agenda and establish political policy. I reject the misuse of it to justify government control of education. I reject the misuse of science as a weapon with which to bash and discredit religious beliefs and to make the Bible out to be a lie.

My decision to not accept the interpretation of the forensic and circumstantial evidence found in the fossil record that are used to support the ToE does not mean that I am anti-science. All it means is that I do not accept the interpretation of the fossil record because I think that their interpretation is wrong and that there are other better ones.

By your own definitions, the best scientists can do is say that the evidence supports their theory. That's not good enough. That's not a better reason to accept the ToE rather than to accept Scripture. On the contrary, believing the God who doesn't lie makes much more sense than believing the uncertain, indeterminate conclusions of men.

Calling me anti-science is a lie, plain and simple. It is not true and will never be no matter how often you repeat it and how much you wish it were so.

Irenic #fundie freerepublic.com

When kids believe in Santa Claus there’s a naughty and nice list. Does one child get to declare I don’t believe in Santa therefore I get a gift from Santa no matter what I do, while the other child plays by the rules to get a gift from Santa? Usually the non-believing child no longer gets a gift from Santa but from mom and dad.

Marriage is a gift from God and we believers live under His law, if you don’t believe and live by Gods law, why should you get a gift of God that is for His believers? Have a civil union that isn’t a gift from God but a gift of mans law.

Does a Mathematician rant and rave and go ape-chit offended with a book containing words because it is not all numbers? Atheists and homosexuals just want to snatch the lolly from another. Miserable Nellie Olesons...the lot of them!

Travis McGee #fundie #homophobia freerepublic.com

Natural laws learned over thousands of years were mocked, ridiculed, overturned, and even outlawed. Toward the end, homosexual drill sergeants prowled the barracks grooming receptive teenage recruits. Hey, we were told, it’s their business, and who are you to judge them? Later, they could get married in the post-interfaith worship center by a military spiritual advisor (“chapels” and “chaplains” having been purged from the lexicon for favoring the Christian faiths) and then move on to adopting children.

And finally, the last old-guard bunker to fall: the Boy Scouts, completing the cycle of government-approved sodomite corruption. For a century the Scouts were morally straight? According to whose definition of straight? So why shouldn’t adult homosexual Scout leaders share tents with teenagers in our brave new world? Don’t be a homophobe, we were told. Each child can make his or her own free choice about their gender identity, but now with helpful adult mentors to guide them along the formerly forbidden paths.

If it feels good, do it. Or have it done to you. Or even do it unto the little children. Tommy wants to become Tomasina before heading to kindergarten? Her brave new mommy agrees? A government-provided surgeon will perform the “gender reassignment” operation. And if kindergarten isn’t soon enough to put the kids on the unrepressed road to gender identification, then start them on Heather Has Two Mommies and Prince and Prince cartoon books in the government-subsidized day care centers.

Smiling experts assured us that we were merely throwing off the shackles of our repressed sexualities. Dissent is hate, and hate is not tolerated around here, mister, so shut up and get with the program. Well, I couldn’t get with the program, so I quit my public high school job. As a world history teacher, moving from a public school to a Christian academy (at less pay and fewer benefits) gave me a couple more years of insulation from the social wreckage cascading down.

I kept looking up for the big asteroid, but we didn’t need God to smite us from outer space. In the end, we smote ourselves with our hubris, believing that we were replacing God’s wisdom with our own. The proud decadence and in-your-face cultural perversions didn’t cause the Rupture, but they were surely flashing red signs warning that the end was near.

JudyinCanada #fundie #homophobia freerepublic.com

Our free speech is eroding. I know we have pastors who have had problems for speaking out against homosexuality. We also have had our free speech clamped down on if we say anything that promotes hatred toward islam.

Naturally, it was a muslim who brought this bill into law and nobody dared say anything. Our dreamy man/child Prime Minister loves the muslims. He also loves the homosexuals, so I don’t know how that lines up, but, whatever. I guess he just never has a photo-op with both groups at the same time.

greene66 #fundie freerepublic.com

[re: a marine supporting letting gays serve in the military]

Yeah, the issue is that Obama has faggotized the damned armed forces. The Marine Corps, The Air Force, etc., no longer exist as they did. They now WELCOME degeneracy and perversion. I have no respect for anyone who has joined up from this year forward. And this cowardly, scumbag Marine can go straight to hell where he belongs.

Lucy Hamilton #fundie freerepublic.com

Where we agree is that it tells us there will be many anti-christs and false prophets but only one Anti-Christ and one False Prophet.

I think Obama is one of the anti-christs, who’s deliberate actions lead the way for the Anti-Christ, I think Angela Merkel is another of the anti-christs. They are being helped by the actual False Prophet as I see him, the Heretic “Pope” Francis.

I’m aware that a strong candidate for the Final Kingdom with the 10 heads/Kings (10 leaders) is a pared down EU, from 28 members to 10 members as a final resurrection of The Holy Roman Empire, historically a political-religious Empire, the religious side being directed from The Vatican, the harlot who rides the Beast.

I’ve just finished reading yet another book about The Holy Roman Empire in prophecy.