Donald Trump

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Judge Engoron just did whatever the Corrupt Attorney General told him to do, a puppet, including using Valuations so LOW that they are Fraudulent. HE & LETITIA JAMES COMMITTED THE FRAUD, I DIDN’T. He Valued Mar-a-Lago at $18,000,000 in order to make me look guilty of Fraud, when it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount. Now he’s trying to say that he didn’t really say that, but he put it down in writing in his Opinion. Judicial and Prosecutorial Misconduct!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

We have totally proven our innocence in the FAKE A.G. “case.” We have WON ON EVERY POINT, including the fact that their so-called “Star” witness is a complete FRAUD, who openly admitted in Court that he lied, and that the information he gave to the bloodthirsty and disgraceful Attorney General was not factual or true. HE MADE IT ALL UP! Then today, Judge Engoron admitted that his original decision on Fraud was incorrect when he said “I’M NOT HERE TO VALUE THESE PROPERTIES. I’M HERE TO DECIDE WHETHER THESE STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION WERE FRAUDULENT.” Well, the Fraud that he said I committed was based on the values that were set. That’s what the whole case is about! He and the Attorney General knowingly put down ridiculously LOW VALUES on assets, like Mar-a-Lago ($18.000.000) so that they could say my Financial Statement numbers were “INFLATED” when, in fact, they were NOT…..Therefore he should immediately REVERSE HIS WRONGFUL AND TOTALLY DISCREDITED SUMMARY JUDGEMENT DECISION.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

The New York State Judicial System is under attack because of the way the bogus A.G. “case” has played out. It’s a giant SCAM, with no “smoking gun,” No Victim (except me!), and absolutely no crime. Their only witness, already convicted felon Michael Cohen, crumbled like nothing I have ever seen before. He ADMITTED HE LIED, AND THEN ADMITTED THAT I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, TOLD HIM TO INFLATE THE NUMBERS!!! Everybody thinks that this political Witch Hunt should END TODAY. It is an embarrassment to New York…And Remember Mar-a-Lago!!!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

In times like these, you can’t afford to have a president who wants to be POLITICALLY CORRECT—and we cannot have an administration that takes foreign policy advice from Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

On Day One, we will restore the Trump Travel Ban on entry from terror-plagued countries—and we will implement strict vetting and ideological screening for all new entrants.

If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you sympathize with jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country, and you are NOT getting in!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

I am worth Billions of Dollars more than what is on my financial Statements - they are very conservative (Therefore, NO FRAUD!) - and the CORRUPT & RACIST NEW YORK STATE A.G., Letitia Peekaboo James, working in close coordination with the TRUMP HATING, RADICAL LEFT JUDGE, and the Biden White House, refuses to drop the NO JURY ALLOWED CASE that was brought using a Statute never used for this before. In fact, no such lawsuit has ever been brought by the Attorney General’s Office! It is a mockery of our Judicial and Legal System. Something must be done to stop the Fascists. MAGA!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Tomorrow my wonderful and beautiful daughter, Ivanka, is going to the Lower Manhattan Courthouse, at the direction of Letitia Peekaboo James, the Corrupt and Racist New York State Attorney General, who has allowed Murder and Violent Crime in New York to flourish, and a Trump Hating, out of control Clubhouse appointed Judge, Arthur Engoron, who viciously ruled against me before the trial even started, wouldn’t even consider a Jury, and said that Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida, is worth $18,000,000 when, in fact, it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount. Other properties likewise. Based on this information, which is so ridiculous, he said that I was a Fraud, when in fact it is Letitia James and the Judge who are Fraudulent for setting such LOW VALUATIONS in order to undermine and discredit my Financial Statements, thereby making me look bad - Election Interference! Now they are trying to bring Ivanka into the case, despite the Court of Appeals ruling that she cannot be charged. Sad!

Donald Trump #wingnut #fundie #racist

Donald Trump has long been painting a picture of what he’ll do to the United States should he win back the White House next November. His plans include everything from pulling America out of NATO, as Rolling Stone reported on Monday, to a sweeping, multi-faceted crackdown on immigration — which he elaborated on during a campaign speech in New Hampshire

“I will implement strong ideological screening of all immigrants,” the former president vowed. “If you hate America, if you want to abolish Israel, if you don’t like our religion (which a lot of them don’t), if you sympathize with jihadists, then we don’t want you in our country and you are not getting in”[…]
Trump spoke in New Hampshire on Monday shortly after he officially filed to participate in the state’s presidential primary

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Wow! Just found out that Corrupt and Racist Attorney General Letitia James of New York State is financially backed by George Soros. No wonder this “TRUMP CASE,” being presided over by a highly partisan and out of control Judge who found me guilty before the trial even started, wouldn’t allow a JURY, and said Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida, was worth only $18,000,000, when it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount, has become an embarrassment to the New York Judiciary. No new businesses want any part of this charade. WITCH HUNT!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Getting ready to head to the Downtown Lower Manhattan Courthouse to testify in one of the many cases that were instigated and brought by my POLITICAL OPPONENT, Crooked Joe Biden, through agencies and surrogates, for purposes of ELECTION INTERFERENCE. This is the first time this method of cheating in an election has been so blatantly used in the USA as a POLITICAL WEAPON! Mostly done in Third World Countries. Got a really Biased, Nasty, Club controlled, but often overturned, Judge, a Racist, Evil, and Corrupt Attorney General, BUT A CASE THAT, ACCORDING TO ALMOST ALL LEGAL SCHOLARS, HAS ZERO MERIT. A dark day for our Country. WITCH HUNT!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

If you want to Save America from Crooked Joe, then get every Patriot you know, and get them out to VOTE in the Texas Primary on March 5th—Super Tuesday!

2024 is our Final Battle. With you at my side, WE will demolish the Deep State, WE will expel the warmongers from our government, WE will drive out the Globalists, WE will cast out the Communists, Marxists, and Fascists, and WE will throw off the sick political class that hates our Country! WE will rout the Fake News Media, we will evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House—and we will FINISH THE JOB ONCE AND FOR ALL!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

The current invasion at the Southern Border is unsustainable…For any radical left charity, non-profit, or so called aid organizations supporting these caravans and illegal aliens, we will prosecute them for their participation in human trafficking, child smuggling, and every other crime we can find…

Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut

Democrats are “Saving Democracy” by stripping President Trump’s name off the ballot in Colorado.

Make sense yet?

Back in 2022, they tried to do the EXACT same thing to me. I beat them in court.

I was in the legal and political fight of my life. I was dragged to court and forced to testify. They used every single tactic on me that they’re using against President Trump in Colorado.

I defeated these Marxist Democrat attorneys, bankrolled by people like George Soros and other leftist billionaires, who hate America and fund the radical DAs and prosecutors going after Trump.

Now, they’re trying to rig the 2024 election by stealing your right to vote for Donald Trump with lies about “insurrection.”

The real insurrection occurred when Hillary Clinton, the Media and the intelligence community spied on President Trump and schemed to frame him through the Russian collusion hoax. Lie after lie after lie.

That coup attempt failed.

And the hate-America left regrouped and targeted me —and now Trump—with lawsuits that want to STEAL your right to vote for the people who will save America.

Democrats don’t care about Democracy. They don’t care about the rule of law. They don’t care about America. They don’t care about you.

They only care about power.

The Deep State, intelligence community, the Democrats, the media, the left-wing Marxist billionaires, globalists, and everyone else who hates this country are so fearful of Donald Trump. They should be.

President Trump will be elected for a third time. We are going to take our country back. And the people who put our country through hell will be held accountable.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

So sad to see my sons being PERSECUTED in a political Witch Hunt by this out of control, publicity seeking, New York State Judge, on a case that should have NEVER been brought. Legal Scholars Scream Disgrace! My $WORTH is far GREATER than on Financial Statements, plus they contain a full DISCLAIMER CLAUSE telling readers of this information to do their own due diligence and analysis. ALSO, their Star Witness admitted on the stand that he LIED, a big story not covered by the press. Banks and Insurance Companies made money, not even a minor default, and there were NO VICTIMS, except for the people getting mugged and murdered on the sidewalks of New York while our Corrupt Attorney General sits on her ass in Court all day watching the Trump family be abused by a Trump Hating Judge that said a Billion Dollar house is only worth $18,000,000 Million Dollars!!!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Judge Engoron is a political hack who ruled against me before the trial even started. He is doing the dirty work for the Democrat Party. I was not even given the option of a jury, This Rigged Case should have never been brought, but since it was, it should have been in the Commercial Division, but Engoron WOULD NOT LET GO OF IT. He fought us, sanctioned us for no reason, fined us big money, never gave us even a one day delay. This is his big chance, and he was not going to let it go. In the meantime, they “lost” their Star Witness, and my Financial Statements are GREAT! There was no fraud, so they are working with the corrupt A.G. whose campaign was “I will get Trump,” to develop something, anything. They even go back to 2014, past the Statute of Limitations, to look at a “low ball” offer I made for the Buffalo Bills. Someone else offered much more, so what? Now they come up with something called “disgorgement.” I never even heard of the term. WITCH HUNT!!! ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #homophobia #racist

( Donald J Trump )
Our Country is SICK inside, very much like a person dying of Cancer. The Crooked FBI, the so-called Department of “Justice,” and “Intelligence,” all parts of the Democrat Party and System, is the Cancer. These Weaponized Thugs and Tyrants must be dealt with, or our once great and beautiful Country will die!!!

( @JerryBruceD )
@USCenturion @realdonaldtrump

jews and fags... so long Trump.

( @anavrin5 )
@USCenturion @realdonaldtrump We are fighting for the gay community to be completely obliterated

( @FreezingSummit )
@realdonaldtrump Maybe if you pander to more faggots and Jews we can fix it!

( @MickyB57 )
@FreezingSummit @realdonaldtrump
If you ask me, Biden is the one pandering to the faggots. Look at his administration you dumbfuck. You're a fucking Trump troll. Get a life bitch.!!

( @Twisted_Texan )
@realdonaldtrump By endorsing the scourge of sodomites, you have become one of the tyrants.

( @osvanska )
@realdonaldtrump It’s the jews, Drumpf.

( @Toolman89 )
@osvanska @realdonaldtrump he wants us to fight each other so that they can 'destroy the nations' and rule the world from jewruslaem. white liberals aren't our enemy, they are dumb slaves who will become our slaves if we take power. remove the jew and you remove the problem, it's as simple as that and thus they are our only target to focus on.

( @brextremist )
@realdonaldtrump And who are the "cancer" to which you refer? It's the jews. Jews are in control of these crooked institutions. Jews are the ones rotting America from the inside.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Dinesh D’Souza exposed the fraud of the 2020 Election in his film 2000 Mules—well now Dinesh is back and exposing the Witch Hunt that the Deep State has against ME!

And the Police State is coming after you too. Dinesh understands this, and is blowing the whistle on all of it!

We can’t let this continue.

I hope everyone will watch the film, POLICE STATE!

Go to to watch the movie! It’s streaming now so you can watch it immediately!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

This Rigged Trial, brought by the Racist New York State A.G. Letitia James before Trump and developer Hating Judge, Arthur Engoron, which should have never been brought in that the so-called STAR WITNESS, SleazeBag Lawyer (for many people) Michael Cohen, admitted last week on the stand that he LIED, and also that your favorite President, Donald J. Trump, or anyone from the Trump Organization, NEVER TOLD HIM TO INFLATE VALUES ON FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, the opposite of what he told the A.G. in order to get this HOAX started. Therefore, on that fact alone, this Fake Case should be dismissed. Additionally, however, the Financial Statements Values are Conservative (LOW!), Mar-a-Lago is worth MUCH MORE than $18,000,000, there is a 100% Disclaimer Clause on the 1st page of the Statements, the Banks and Insurance Companies were paid in full, no defaults, they all made money, and there is no Victim (except me!). Leave my children alone, Engoron. You are a disgrace to the legal profession!

Pinochet-Heli-Tours #fundie

[FAQ of the sub]

Is /r/Physical_Removal a hate sub?

If this sub is a hate sub so would /r/FuckRapists. Its no more a hate sub as it would be if it were a subreddit for how people don't like other people who violently beat and rob them, or others. If leftists don't want to be "hated" then don't try to steal our private property or go around causing harm to others.

But why remove them?

The same reason bar owners have security (bouncers) who will evict unruly citizens from their premises.

Anarcho capitalists, libertarians, and capitalists are NOT pacifists. We are against the INITIATION of force and violence. This means we will and must defend ourselves from your threats, or acts of violence. For you to implement communism it requires you to initiate force or agresss upon us, seize our private property to redistribute and abolish property rights. Private property owners may even feel threatened enough for preemptive defensive measures to ensure their safety depending on the severity of the threat. If you don't want to receive our defensive measures or threats to impose them, then don't threaten to seize our private property and implement communism upon us. Just leave us alone!

Why helicopters?

Traditionally the tool of choice (adpoted by Pinochet) was the helicopter. But its not absolute, nor the only method used to protect us.

Helicopter ride = x

Where "x" is whatever method of defense is issued by the capitalists or private property owners. This includes physical removal or eviction from the free society. Of course the market would devise the most efficient defense methods. Helicopter rides are just a meme example and is also fucking hilarious which helps get the message across. Leftists don't value free speech, thus logic and reason does not work. Historically, violence tends to be the language they comprehend the most.

This is also the logical reason why freedom loving people love being gun owners.

Are you fascists??

Protecting oneself from violence and theft of private property is simply called defense, not fascism. It should also be noted that fascism has historically never operated under or advocated free market conditions.

I assume this community supports Hitler's views?

Not really. Hitler was a socialist who hated jews. Although yes some jews created socialism and communism, it also doesn't not mean all jews are socialists and communists. We are not so focused on race here, merely the actions of humans.

Why the love for Augusto Pinochet?

In 1973 things got so economically bad in Chile the great General Augusto Pinochet (pbuh) decided he needed to seastead leftists into the pacific ocean. These actions prevented his nation from become a third world shithole, and subsequently became known as the great “Miracle of Chile”. His meeting with Milton Friedman and adoption of Chicago School Economic Theory improved the prosperity and economic conditions, and led to an improved quality of life for the people of Chile. All countries need a Pinochet.

Ideally, Pinochet's defense and security services should be privatized and provided via competing services within the free market.

A free society requires defense and enforcement of private property ownership, so that individuals can trade and live prosperously. Leftist ideology in its entirety is based upon envy which subsequently enables violating these basic human rights, as such they are a threat that needs to be defended against in order for society to optimally function freely. Statism was Pinochet's only "crime", although minarchists will argue defense is a valid role of the state. Ancap and miniarchist libertarians should support each other until we get to the point were police, military, and courts are all that is remaining of the state.

Augusto Pinochet's great deeds in this world caused him to transcended and evolve into an all powerful meme form, where he now serves Lord Kek in the afterlife.

Do you have to be an ancap to support physical removal?

No not at all. While there's a government (which will be the case for many lifetimes), its perfectly reasonable to be more sympathetic to any liberty or anti leftist politicians available who will provide the most free markets. Anarcho capitalism can be viewed as merely the end game or direction humanity needs to head into for the best outcomes for freedom. The new dogma for the right wing should be to seek positions of government and dismantle the state, and thus protect liberty by removing power from the left, which in turn brings back power to the people and to the invisible hand of the free market, where we are free to make our own choices.

What about the NAP (Non Aggression Principle)?

You can't defend yourself or private property (your liberty) without threats to defend, and a means to physically protect it if action is needed. When a violent mob of rabid commies threatens, attacks you or comes to steal your stuff, dogmatic moralist ideals and trying to explain the NAP to them won't get you very far. They don't even value freedom of speech for a start. Again, we are not pacifists! We must be capable to defend our liberty!

Why do you like Donald Trump?

President Donald J Trump is like a great prophet who has enabled many people to finally see and realize the true nature of the left. He is the great triggerer and also one of the greatest internet shitposters of all time.

Anarcho Capitalists and libertarians need to be pragmatic if they are to have a respected voice and survive into the future. Sure Trump is not an ancap or perhaps even a libertarian, and we aren't realistically going to get an ancap president in our life time. So there's no problem in supporting his measures to cut and slash government as he (Trump) has stated he will. Don't forget under Hillary we would be almost silenced and pushed aside and labelled as crazy as they grew the government and took away freedoms. At least Trumps main audience support the majority of what we say, and the direction we want things to head towards. We now have a president who is a warrior for the private sector, aka the productive people of society who do the heavy lifting for all the parasites to leech off.

Why do you group leftists and liberals into the same group?

I'll stop identifying and grouping statism, communism, progressivism, liberalism, and socialism as being the same thing, when they stop confusing my money and private property as being theirs.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Why didn’t Crooked Joe Biden tell his Injustice Department to file the lawsuits and Indictments against me 3 years ago, instead of right in the middle of my campaign for President? You’re setting a BAD precedent for yourself, Joe. The same can happen to you. These Third World Biden Indictments, which should never have been filed, would have been tried and over with years ago. My SleazeBag Opponent shouldn’t be able to do this during my campaign, OR BEFORE THE ELECTION!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

I have just learned that the very Biased, Trump Hating Judge in D.C., who should have RECUSED herself due to her blatant and open loathing of your favorite President, ME, has reimposed a GAG ORDER which will put me at a disadvantage against my prosecutorial and political opponents. This order, according to many legal scholars, is unthinkable! It illegally and unconstitutionally takes away my First Amendment Right of Free Speech, in the middle of my campaign for President, where I am leading against BOTH Parties in the Polls. Few can believe this is happening, but I will appeal. How can they tell the leading candidate that he, and only he, is seriously restricted from campaigning in a free and open manner? It will not stand!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

My daughter, Ivanka, was released from this Fake Letitia James case by the Court of Appeals, but this Trump Hating, Unhinged Judge, who ruled me guilty before this Witch Hunt Trial even started, couldn’t care less about the fact that he was overturned. I also won on Appeal on Statute of Limitations, but he refuses to accept their decision. I truly believe he is CRAZY, but certainly, at a minimum, CRAZED in his hatred of me. This case should have never started, but now must be dismissed. Financial Statements were LOW, NOT HIGH, had a 100% Disclaimer Clause, Banks were fully paid, “on time, on schedule,” with never even a minor default, there was NO VICTIM, EXCEPT ME. Any other Judge in the Country would have thrown this case out on day one. He’s an out of control “Nut Job,” who fined me $10,000 over a ridiculous Gag Order so that the publicity for the day would take over from the fact that Racist James and the Judge’s Star Witness admitted LYING TO CONGRESS on the stand - CASE OVER!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

This grossly incompetent “Judge,” who is overturned on Appeal more than almost any Judge in New York State, is a partisan political hack who totally disregards the Court of Appeals decisions against him, and won’t allow a Jury to get anywhere near my “CASE” (brought by a Failed, Trump Hating, Racist Attorney General named Letitia James, whose entire campaign for office was “I WILL GET TRUMP.” She then used this charade to run for Governor, and lost, BADLY!). The New York State legal system has broken down completely, and everybody who is watching this Witch Hunt so agrees. Hopefully, that will soon change. This CRAZED Judge ruled against me before the Trial even started, and said Mar-a-Lago is worth only $18,000,000. Other properties, likewise. This is a Biden Election Interference Scam! There were No Crimes & No Victims, and there is NO JURY ALLOWED. This Radical Trump Hater Must Be Taken Off This Case!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Writer Maggot Hagerman of the Failing New York Times wrote almost her entire FAKE story today about the Trump Hating Judge’s Gag Order (They love to silence me!), rather than the Racist Attorney General’s STAR witness chocking like a dog on the Witness Stand (Perry Mason?), and admitting that I NEVER asked him to do anything wrong. He also admitted that he lied to Congress Under Oath, AGAIN, brand new charges. THAT MEANS THEY NO LONGER HAVE A WITNESS, OR A CASE. She also failed to report that the Trump Hating Judge refuses to respect or accept the Appeals Court decision reversing him, a first! Maggot should focus her energies on Corrupt Prosecutors and Judges, whose hatred and bias is so great that they are unable to make a fair and reasonable decision. New York is crime ridden and dying, but I will save it in 2024… It can’t come too fast!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

The Radical Left Judge who should not be handling the FAKE & FULLY DISCREDITED CASE brought against me by the New York State A.G. (It should be handled by the Commercial Division, but should never have been brought!), fined me $10,000 yesterday under his so-called gag order. He is a judge that found me GUILTY before the trial even started, and long before he had the real facts, like Michael Cohen collapsing and choking yesterday under cross examination, and completely admitting that I did nothing wrong. He committed MASSIVE PERJURY, at a level seldom seen on the stand before. It was like watching the end of the best Petty Mason episode, where the defendant breaks down and cries, “Yes, I did it, I did it, I did it.” This case should be ended, NOW, but this Judge and his “boss,” Letitia Peekaboo James, will never let that happen. He even refuses to accept our big win in the Appeals Court. It is a disgrace to the legal system in the State of New York. This is a RIGGED CASE!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut #dunning-kruger

Michael Cohen was a complete and total disaster in the Biden Inspired Trial today. Lie after lie, and getting caught each time. My great assets are worth MORE than is on my Financial Statements, and it’s not even close. The Rigged Trial doesn’t even give me the right to a Jury, but the people are watching, and they are seeing what is going on here. A MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE — The Statute being used for this “case” gives me No Rights, and has never been used for this before, but the FACTS are all on my side. WITCH HUNT!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

I don’t think Mark Meadows would lie about the Rigged and Stollen 2020 Presidential Election merely for getting IMMUNITY against Prosecution (PERSECUTION!) by Deranged Prosecutor, Jack Smith. BUT, when you really think about it, after being hounded like a dog for three years, told you’ll be going to jail for the rest of your life, your money and your family will be forever gone, and we’re not at all interested in exposing those that did the RIGGING — If you say BAD THINGS about that terrible “MONSTER,” DONALD J. TRUMP, we won’t put you in prison, you can keep your family and your wealth, and, perhaps, if you can make up some really horrible “STUFF” a out him, we may very well erect a statue of you in the middle of our decaying and now very violent Capital, Washington, D.C. Some people would make that deal, but they are weaklings and cowards, and so bad for the future our Failing Nation. I don’t think that Mark Meadows is one of them, but who really knows? MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

The New York State Attorney Generals case against me is DEAD, but the Radical Left Judge REFUSES to end it. He just can’t let it go. Their “star” witness lied like a dog on the stand today, and then admitted that I did NOTHING WRONG! A total SleazeBag. Letitia James should focus on Violent Crime, which is out of control. So unfair. I don’t even get a Jury Trial. A blight on the New York State Judicial System. Businesses are watching all over the world, and never coming in, only moving out. The Governor should get involved. Election Interference by my Political Opponent!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut #racist

The fight in GAZA is “coming home” to the USA. The tens of thousands of strong young men from the Middle East, that have already “invaded” our Country, and are continuing to come, totally unchecked, will become a problem the likes of which we have never seen before. Crooked Joe Biden is a very ignorant (STUPID!) man, who has NEVER been right on a foreign policy issue in his life. CLOSE OUR BORDER, NOW. STOP THE ONSLAUGHT, STOP THE INVASION!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

In the Fake Biden Inspired Fraud Case against me, brought by the CORRUPT A.G., Letitia “Peekaboo” James of New York State, a sadly Crime Infested Place, where people and businesses are fleeing to other States in record numbers, it is her and the highly partisan Judge, who has been overturned many times, who defrauded me and the public by valuing my assets at a fraction of what they are worth in order to try and convict me, without a trial or jury, of FRAUD. She got him to Value Mar-a-Lago at $18,000,000, when it is worth 50 to 100 times that amount. My assets are worth MUCH MORE than listed on the 100% DISCLAIMED Financial Statements, and there are NO VICTIMS, EXCEPT ME. We WON on Statute of Limitations, and other things, at the Appeals Court, AND THIS RADICAL LEFT, TRUMP HATING JUDGE, REFUSES TO ACCEPT THEIR DECISION. THIS CASE SHOULD BE DROPPED, IMMEDIATELY. IT’S AMAZING! HE IS OUT OF CONTROL, AND TOTALLY AFRAID OF PEEKABOO. A COMPLETE MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE & ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #homophobia

( @Nature_and_Race )
This is so fucking gay.

White people are being displaced and replaced, White culture is being literally torn down, broken into rubble, and burned to ashes, White history is being erased and rewritten, our history handed over to blacks and browns.

And this fucking retard offers the world comic book trading cards of HIMSELF. Could this fucker possibly get any more narcissistic?

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! My official Donald Trump Digital Trading Card collection is here! These limited edition cards feature amazing ART of my Life & Career! Collect all of your favorite Trump Digital Trading Cards, very much like a baseball card, but hopefully much more exciting. Go to & GET YOUR CARDS NOW! Only $99 each! Would make a great Christmas gift. Don’t Wait. They will be gone, I believe, very quickly!

( @Rob_on_the_right )

I'm shocked that Captain Shabbos doesn't have a star of David centered on that costume.

( @Jb100 )
@Nature_and_Race He should send one to each of the J6 prisoners. Merry Christmas from your favourite zog, Trumpstein.

( @huWhite_Devil )
@Nature_and_Race And at $99 each too, oof. This whole thing looks like parody. Your wife's son is black and your daughter is gay and the neighborhood has become Mexico, but at least you shelled out $100 for a drawing of Trump's head on a buff body. Pathetic.

( @Capt-Maxx )
@Nature_and_Race just like his vax, it’s a litmus test.

( @raqia )
@Nature_and_Race Must be a side effect of his warp speed clot shot on his brain.

( @Jimmymac88 )
@Nature_and_Race He's a worthless piece of shit jew.

( @GlenRaines )
@Jimmymac88 @Nature_and_Race , and we know you suck jew dicks.

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

Does anyone notice that the Election Rigging Biden Administration never goes after the Riggers, but only after those that want to catch and expose the Rigging dogs. Massive information and 100% evidence will be made available during the Corrupt Trials started by our Political Opponent. We will never let 2020 happen again. Look at the result, OUR COUNTRY IS BEING DESTROYED. MAGA!!!

Donald J. Trump #wingnut

I’m at one of my many Biden Witch Hunt Trials, this one in New York City, where New York State Attorney General Letitia “Peekaboo” James has spent many days, rather than looking for murderers and other violent criminals that are destroying our once Great City. Despite my being here, the talk is all about Biden getting ready to fly to the Middle East to see Abbas, meeting arranged, and Abbas just cancelled. No respect for the United States of America!

Donald J. Trump & Marjorie Taylor Greene #wingnut

( Donald J. Trump )
Tomorrow is a big day for Democracy. A Leaking, Crooked and Deranged Prosecutor, Jack Smith, who has a terrible record of failure, is asking a highly partisan Obama appointed Judge, Tanya Chutkan, who should recuse herself based on the horrible things she has said, to silence me, through the use of a powerful GAG ORDER, making it impossible for me to criticize those who are doing the silencing, namely Crooked Joe Biden, and his corrupt and weaponized DOJ & FBI. They want to take away my First Amendment rights, and my ability to both campaign and defend myself. In other words, they want to cheat and interfere in the 2024 Presidential Election. Nothing like this has ever happened in our Country before. It is strictly Banana Republic kind of “stuff.” These political Hacks and Thugs are destroying our Country. Let’s see what happens on Monday in Judge Chutkan’s courtroom. Will America survive, or not? I’ll be campaigning in the Great State of Iowa, where I am leading by 50 Points!!!

( Marjorie Taylor Greene )

They are attempting to muzzle the most popular political figure in America!

President Donald J. Trump!

Stripping all Americans’ (both supporters and not) opportunity to hear from the leading candidate for President.

UnConstitutional and unAmerican!

Colonel Roxane Towner-Watkins #wingnut #conspiracy

First, we need to admit there is a war. It’s been going on for a very long time. The war is against us, our way of life, freedom, individualism, etc. Basically, everything that makes America great. Hence the winning slogan: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Donald Trump didn’t get lucky in picking that slogan. He’s known exactly what has been going on for awhile.
You’ll notice not a single DNC member EVER uses the word REPUBLIC. They refer to America as a democracy. We are not a democracy. A democracy is mob rule of 50.1% majority gets to do whatever they want and our founders wrote eloquently that they adamantly opposed that form of government. The DNC constantly says we are destroying the democracy. The knee jerk reaction is “no we aren’t” when it should be “yes we are”. We are unraveling every single aspect you’ve put in place to create a democracy out of our Republic and stop running from that fact. We demand our Republic back with limited Federal Powers.

There must be a comparable plan of action. In my mind it looks like this:

REPUBLIC RECONSTITUTED as the strategic goal






CAPITALISM is the mechanism to achieve the strategic goal


STATES REASSERTS THEIR AUTHORITY as the tactical way to return to our republics founding principles



Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Donald J Trump )
AMERICA NEEDS A SUPERHERO! I will be making a MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT tomorrow. Thank you!

( @The_Nose )
@realdonaldtrump leaked superhero

( @echoes )
@The_Nose "Congress is, rightfully, controlled by jews." - DJT


( @TN4x4 )
@realdonaldtrump We already have one....Jesus. Putting Him back in our culture will be a start in fixing this country.

( @bobjones13 )
@realdonaldtrump Are you going to start a fund to send donations to Israel and bankrupt America.

Are you going to have more Jews in your family?

( @MichaelTwoWolves )
@realdonaldtrump Unless it is that you somehow perfected resurrection and are bringing back General Curtis LeMay to hang some traitors and set STRATCOM right, it probably won't be that major.

( @RealAnnyIrish )
@MichaelTwoWolves Patton would be better, he figured out who the real enemy was, it's why they murdered him. @realdonaldtrump

( @misswillie )
@realdonaldtrump No Mr. Trump. America needs Jesus Christ!!!

( @bobjones13 )
@realdonaldtrump The white race is being systemically replaced through migration and promoted race mixing.

Atleast Trump got Jerusulem recognized, as the world was falling apart.

Trump's approval rating with jews dropped to 4%.

Don wants to bankrupt the US to make Israel Great.

( @Lifeisbutadreamsweetheart )
@realdonaldtrump Love you President Trump ❤

( @Kushoverlord )
@realdonaldtrump Zionist man?

( @Meisk9235 )
@Kushoverlord @realdonaldtrump The question mark is not needed.

Pubbie #fundie

The slogan, "Make America Great Again" is brilliant. Many of us have watched in disgust as Obama has led a fight against every American value conservatives hold dear. Obama has advanced LGBT rights, illegal alien rights, secularism, and Islam. He has encouraged discord among the races, defiance of police authority, and disregard for the separation of powers.

Many of us see Donald as a leader who will reverse the decline of western civilization and restore America to its rightful place in the world through truth, justice and the American way. This is reality. We need a superman to lead us, and that man is Donald Trump.

Enough of the Obama weakling and his sob sisters.

Donald Trump Jr. #transphobia #wingnut

As we perpetually indoctrinate our children with weakness, feminize our boys, attack masculine men, glorify trans insanity, etc. just understand that one day the savages you see brutally attacking innocent civilians in the streets of Israel will be on your front door & you and your loved ones will have ZERO capability of defending themselves. That’s the future the left is creating for you.

Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Donald J Trump )
“New revelations on Twitter show how President Trump was banned without having broken any of the rules. Come on!” Harris Faulkner. This despite allowing vicious foreign Country dictators to stay on Twitter. It was all about the Crooked Election!!!

( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@realdonaldtrump Hey father vaccine, have you ever said the words White people ONCE? Of course not. Because you're a sellout shabbos goy with all jewish grandkids.

( @brextremist )
@realdonaldtrump Yep. You followed the jew's rules to the letter, by relentlessly pandering to Israel, being a shameless nigger-lover, promoting their death-vaxx and never acknowledging White Americans.

And they still banned you anyway.

( @TheRightTake )
@realdonaldtrump This is what happens when we sell ourselves as a "nation of immigrants" and allow foreigners to run our social media platforms.

( @ttssyf )
@TheRightTake @realdonaldtrump I highly doubt your an indigenous member of this country. We are all foreigners you inbred dip shit.

( @Jb100 )
@ttssyf @TheRightTake @realdonaldtrump white people created the country United States of America you retard.

( @TemporaryBababased777 )
@TheRightTake @realdonaldtrump The US was built, created and liberated by Whites (aka Europeans).
"This was the first law to define eligibility for citizenship by naturalization and establish standards and procedures by which immigrants became US citizens. In this early version, Congress limited this important right to “free white persons.”"

1 minute video about this subject (the American man is Jared Taylor, who runs the American Renaissance organization):

( @Shane_Coombs )
Go away you scumbag traitor. There are consequences for being a stand down pussy. And when you do that as a POTUS, those consequences also run downhill to the thanks for leaving us the mess you piece of shit.

( @Jeriscott )
@realdonaldtrump We all know you won, President Trump!

woodchip #wingnut #conspiracy

Not confused but maybe you don't remember China's Cultural Revolution where millions were killed:

And now you have Dear Hillary suggesting the same thing:
"Hillary Clinton said Thursday on CNN’s “Primetime” she believed there needed to be a “formal deprogramming of the cult members” who support former President Donald Trump."

So once you start sending people off to re-education camps, how long before the leftist will think it will just be ok to kill them? and you should learn to differentiate between leftist and liberals.

Donald Trump #wingnut #racist

Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from, and we know they come from prisons. We know they come from mental institutions [and] insane asylums. We know they're terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we're witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It's poisoning the blood of our country. It's so bad, and people are coming in with disease. People are coming in with every possible thing that you could have. And I got to know a lot of the heads of these countries. They're very cunning people. Very street-smart people. If they're not street-smart, they're not going to be there very long. And when they send up those caravans, and I had it ended, we had the safest border in the history of our country, meaning the history, over the last 80 years. Before that, I assume it was probably not so bad. There was nobody around.

Donald Trump Jr. #wingnut #conspiracy

ERIC BOLLING (HOST): You brought up Fox and this is fascinating to me. It may be -- it's a little in the weeds. But you and I know this, and I think that most of the people watching right now are into the politics and into the gamesmanship that goes on in politics to understand this. So, Donald Trump comes to South Carolina[…]Trump says something about -- and he wasn't really talking about -- he didn't mention Fox. He simply said that debate where no one really watched. Fox jumped off the -- off immediately. Just cut away to it[…]
DONALD TRUMP JR (GUEST): They are that sensitive. They are that sensitive. Just like our government won't let Tucker Carlson talk to Vladimir Putin. You know, maybe we want to hear another opinion[…]They want to smother anything that they don't control entirely. It's why they don't want Trump because they want a puppet in the White House. It's not about fighting for conservatives for this. They're fighting for their billionaire class, and they put, you know, neocon RINOs like Paul Ryan on their board[…]
BOLLING: So, I was hoping that, given the announcement that Rupert Murdoch was stepping down last Thursday as chairman -- he's handing his board seats over to Lachlan, James, Elizabeth, and Prudence -- that maybe the new era of Fox would be a little bit more welcoming of Trump[…]
TRUMP: Hey Eric, I got news for you. My eyes are rolling in the back of my head so hard. I mean, you know, half of those people are just, like, devout Bolsheviks. I mean, they're left of the most radical people in the world. If they're on the board of Fox, I imagine it's not getting better. It's only going to get significantly worse. You know? Certainly the wives are just, you know, avowed leftists. You know, you can say what you want about the others, but, you know, RINO, at best, in my opinion

Donald Trump #wingnut #psycho

Outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley believes former President Donald Trump’s recent suggestion that he deserved to be executed after speaking with a Chinese general during Trump’s fraught final months in office is part of a broader swipe at the US military by its former commander in chief

Speaking to CBS’s Norah O’Donnell in a “60 Minutes” clip released on Wednesday, Milley – who also said he will “take appropriate measures” to ensure his and his family’s personal safety in the wake of the former president’s remark – offered no regrets about his efforts to reassure his Chinese counterpart about the stability of the US during Trump’s efforts to stay in office. In a Truth Social post last week, Trump said the backchannel communications by Milley amounted to a “treasonous act” that was “so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!”[…]
Asked by O’Donnell if there was “anything inappropriate or treasonous” about the outreach to China, Milley replied, “absolutely not. Zero. None”

Milley made two backchannel calls to China’s top general, Li Zuocheng, that were revealed in “Peril,” the 2021 book by journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. In October 2020, as intelligence suggested China believed the US was going to attack them, Milley sought to calm Li by reassuring him that the US was not considering a strike, according to the book. Milley called again two days after the January 6 riot at the US Capitol to tell Li that the US is “100 percent steady” even though “things may look unsteady”

Milley’s actions prompted sharp criticism from Trump and his allies, including calls for Milley’s resignation and that he be tried for treason

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut

Never in all my years in politics have I seen ever anything like the way the gates of hell have been unleashed on Donald Trump. This isn’t just an old-fashioned attack, it isn’t random. This is a coordinated conspiracy to destroy Trump. This is a high-tech lynching. This is a crucifixion!

And that’s why we must all support President Trump. If we don’t back Trump now, if you don’t back Trump now, it’s all lost forever. It’s time to fight like a cornered wolverine. It’s time to fight like it’s the end of America, because it is. We can’t go back in time and save Sir William Wallace. We can’t go back and save Jesus Christ from being nailed to that cross. But we can change the future course of history today. There is still time to stand with Donald Trump against the forces of evil.

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