
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Top Secret: What is the name of the mind control device utilized by aliens to rewrite history on earth?

Answer: Mach.

Mach is an alien device which you aim at earth in order to erase the minds of humans within its trajectory. When the mind is clean, the aliens insert themselves as rulers of that mind controlled society, rewriting history and commanding nations.

Mach induced mind control has occurred for eons.

This message is coded.

Do not attempt to decipher this message, you are not a Member of the Elite:

"The Skins are among us."

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

For all GOOGLE
Maria Sharapova's staged drugs confession - agendas for dummies
World's Highest-Paid Female Athlete for 10 years and on drugs: psy-op part of the series "falsely accused champions".
The climax: the "confessions" series: the greatest cyclist ever (Lance Armstrong, 2013) and the fastest man ever and forever, Usain Bolt (coming).
But unlike Lance and Bolt, Sharapova's confession isn't the result of torture.

Maria Sharapova's confession same goal as Putin's role in Russia banned - agendas for dummies
"Putin accepts Russia first country ever banned from athletics at the Olympics": "Putin" plays in this script the same role as one of Kenya's Kenyatta key acts: falsely accusing kenyan athletes thus pushing the "best runners on drugs" hoax to the utter limits of the grotesque.
In other words, the same role as Sharapova's staged confession: make people believe that the accusations to "hundreds of oither russian champions" are indeed true.
Side note: Suicide bomber "Putin"'s role goes well beyond this. It also includes "Rissia first country ever stripped not only of Olympics but also of World Cup".

Sharapova's fake confession: Why are the pills called meldonium?
To rhyme with another episode of the series "russian poisoned by Putin": the fake "death of Litvinenko, who first lost his hair and finally died after poisoned by Putin with Polonium".

Casting the World's Highest-Paid Female Athlete for 10 years now: Simulated reality paradox:
Forbes magazine says so and that's the ideal title for the "on drugs" confession, independently from the specific Russia related agendas.
A title that would be easy to manufacture, although not as easily as the mockery known as "list of the richest men in the world", served by the same Forbes magazine.
Reason: the dozens of millions that tennis champions supposedly earn are almost as true as the totally fake lottery jackpots.
Sharapova earned in reality around 3 not 30 million dollars in 2015, yet she probably is indeed the World's Highest-Paid Female Athlete,
And that paradoxically contradicts the illuminati commandment to serve nothing but simulated reality at the end of the show.OGLE

Red Pill is Not Kosher #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nibiru is coming and it's new king is the one that Muslims call **ALLAH**. That explains EVERYTHING happening in the world today!

First and foremost, this is **NOT** about what "nibiru" can possibly be. Planet X, death-star-like space station, planet sized mothership, it doesn't matter now.

This is about a series or articles published by a famous military insider and whistleblower, whose name shall not be told here (W.P.), about information provided by outcast "anunnaki" aliens quarantined on Earth, concerning the new king of their race:

A prince formerly known as "NANNAR" aka "SIN the moon god", jumped to the throne succession by ANU, as punishment for ENKI/ENLIL's 500-thousand-year clusterfuck on Earth.


That's the alien intell, and regardless whether you believe it or not, that would definitely explains EVERYTHING that's happening nowadays:

The sudden rise of Islam as a major social-control tool worldwide, mostly because the current Illuminati elite in charge of the status-quo, is cornered and has no option, but bend over to the owners of shithole Earth.

A simple matter of metropolis-colony affairs at interplanetary level.

Earth's fire power is nowhere near enough to stop the "nibiruans" from coming back and taking over, but it *IS* more than enough to turn Earth into a sterile wasteland for the next 50k years, or even permanently.

Both sides can't afford to repeat Mars all over again, so it is not only plausible, but also very likely, that the outcast Illuminati overlords under Marduk's rules, negotiated a truce to give Islam some room and maybe even having it coexisting with the current jew-christian apparatus.

Just take a good fucking look around: Obama, Israel funding muzzie terrorists, David Camoron, Hollande, Angie Merkel, the Vatican and everybody else in bed with Islam.


If you can't put this all wrapped together...

ashes to ashes #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

This post will shatter every 'belief' you ever held into dust.
All our laws were written in the 1800's! How old is creation now?

All our Tombstones date from the 1800's! How old is evolution now?

All our trees are GMO's, and do not reproduce, trees must be planted.

How old is the earth now?

Fuck the Pope #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Pope is the bastard son of satan

This fuckin prick is a major fuckin asshole

Setting up the NWO for the anti-christ and the fuckin asshole Catholics worship this evil cockroach piece of shit

Rot in hell Pope. Your days are numbered

This fucker won't stop with his communism agenda

Hopefully ISIS will bomb the Vatican and destroy the entire city

Go ISIS (who get their arms from Obama)

Come on ISIS

Bomb those fuckin pedophiles out of their walled off city

Especially the Pope!

sorcerer #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

JH15 IS REAL, I've Been Selected To Be A Civilian Contractor With DHS and Inside The Cogs of FEMA, DOJ and DARPA in Intel and Recon Missions. AMA

Couple months the shit is hitting the fan.

SE Gulf Coast Region WILL BE under Martial Law.


I can confirm MANY sources from various communities and agencies that the PUBLIC will be under the impression that it is a REAL, LIVE EVENT and that people WILL be relocated to INTERNMENT CAMPS throughout the region.







In order to gather actual INTEL and analysis the public MUST BE CONVINCED IT IS REAL.

And so in all intents and purposes it WILL BE REAL.

BUT there are those who are already working covertly with LOCAL officials in various cities for EMERGENCY COMMUNITY VIGILANCE, PREPAREDNESS and CONTINGENCY PLANS to keep local government running and operating.

Get ready.

There are only a few months left until everything will be in place.

And don't shoot the messenger here.

I'm doing what I have to do to gain INSIDER access and security clearance.

I wouldn't tell you if I wasn't concerned.

This isn't coming from an uncle.


Don't say I didn't warn you.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

TPTB want Ted Cruz as president so that he can form the North American Union

Here's why. Since Ted Cruz was born in Canada and is also Hispanic, wouldn't it make sense that he would be the one to form the North American Union after the collapse takes place under Obama? TPTB plan to merge the US, Canada, and Mexico into one country, and Ted Cruz relates to all three of these countries since he's American, Canadian, and Hispanic.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Feel free to copy this and post it as your own post. Share and make it viral.This thread was posted once and was deleted by GLP's resident Jesuit astronomer mod,
although it does not go against any of the rules of the private forum that is GLP. This thread will be deleted again, so click on the 'quote' button, and copy all the text along with the Youtube codes.

The Goal: To place 'science' as bigger than scripture.
The subjugation of the wisdom of the scriptures to the agenda of the satanic Jesuits.
Around 1539 AD was the time the Jesuits converted humanity to the SPHERICAL earth representation of reality. Since then a stream of astronomers and scientists originated from the Jesuit church. Which is why the founder of NASA in masonic attire is no surprise. The Jesuits control the world via the Vatican, which is preparing for a big manufactured 'alien invasion' as a preparation to lay the foundation of Lucifer's new world order.

Being both a priest and a former particle physicist at CERN, I am often asked to give talks on faith and science. Quiet often young people ask me the following question: "How can you be a preist and believe in the Big Bang?" To which I am delighted to respond:
"We invented it! Or more precisely , Priest Georges Lemaitre invented the theory that is today called the 'Big Bang' and everyone should know about him. [link to thesestonewalls.com]

Geroges Lemaitre:
Georges Henri Joseph Edouard Lemaitre was a Belgian priest, astronomer and professor of physics at the Catholic University of Leuven. He proposed the theory of the expansion of the universe, widely mis-attributed to Edwin Hubble. Lemaitre also proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe, which he called his 'hypothesis of the primeval atom' or the "Cosmic egg."
[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]


Feel free to edit this, add to it, and publish as your own.

The Jesuits are a satanic worshipping cult , who go around dressed in black 'church' robes. During the middle ages, the Vatican was taken over gradually by the Jesuit Satanists, and today this cult practically runs the whole world. They use the trappings of Christian robes and symbols to cover their real nature. They are probably linked to the Knights Templar (research needed)

Satanic worshippers try everything to please Satan, and Satan wants only one thing; the complete take over of this, our spiritual earthly domain by the legions of inter-dimensional evil entities. The Jesuits agenda was to achieve this. In order to open up the portals to the demonic, the Jesuits needed to dismantle humanity's powerful spiritual links. Humans before the 16th century were well and truly anchored into the flat stationary domed Earth system, and thus felt special close to God. This protected them and made them strong. The Jesuits realized that they needed to take down this protective system by altering our perception .

So in or around the year 1539 they introduced and converted humanity into accepting their heliocentric view via Copernicus. Since then, as they already had control over the Vatican, they made this the de-facto reality of humans. All the the establishment "Astronomers", and "Scientists" originate from the aegis of the Jesuit Satanic platform. The Jesuits thus controlled ALL scientific knowledge and dispensed the 'truth ' according to science and humans have for the last 5 centuries accepted anything these Jesuit vermin dish out. Operation paper clip was launched as a way to control all 'space' exploration. Fictitious photographs and moon landings are their way to keep the populace in a constant state of disconnection.

The Jesuit agenda of opening up portals will most likely come in the form of a fake 'alien invasion'. Only thing is instead of aliens, what will come in through the portals (CERN maybe- research needed) will be hordes of demonic beings. This was shown by the Jesuit controlled Hollywood mind control movies like THE CABIN IN THE WOODS, PROMETHEUS, THE AVENGERS etc. In the Avengers you can see the Ironman enter a sky portal only to release a horde of demonic beings. BATMAN movies show the rising up of great evil onto our domed earth system.

Protect yourself by connecting to your real spiritual origins.


The Big Bang theory is a pile of dog-shit fiction created by the satanic Jesuits.

Look at it this way:
If the Jesuits can pinpoint and locate and event BILLIONS OF YEARS IN THE PAST< why is it so difficult for Jesuit Scientists to invent FREE ENERGY?

If these fake jesuit scientists can pinpoint the location of the Sun to 93 million miles out in 'space', why is it so difficult for them to cure cancer? Makes your brain go bump.

If you look at their work close, you will realize that these scientists are just dishing out fake shit. Their aim is to surround themselves with expensive equipment that only a few can access, and huge and complex formulae that they keep throwing on your face to invalidate your own innate spirituality.

dust to dust #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger godlikeproductions.com

The Ball Earth Theory was designed to conceal that Humans appeared on earth in the 1800's.

But on account that many flaws existed in theory TPTB funded the society of flatness to compensate for the flaws. Both theories have flaws, namely both advocate 1 sun and 1 moon.

The following will reveal the flaws of 1 sun, 1 moon:

Flaw #1: If 1-sun was seen everywhere on earth, then those north of the equator (flat or ball) when facing the sun would see the sun travel from left (rise) to right (setting). And those south of the equator-line would see the sun travel from right to left. This not what happens, everyone everywhere sees the sun travel left (rise) to right (setting).

Flaw #2: The sun isn't hydrogen.

"Hydrogen flames in other conditions are blue, resembling blue natural gas flames."
[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]

There's no oxygen in outer-space, is there? Hydrogen fusion in space would reflect the color blue. Shouldn't the hydrogen sun burn blue? Of course it would.

Flaw #3: The suns are electric and why solar eclipses are possible. With only 1-sun everyone in daylight zone would see a Solar-Eclipse.

Here's the solar eclipse diagram.
[link to szsdneperska.edupage.org]

Looks a-lot like the new moon diagram.
[link to moonblink.info]

One of these is definitely wrong, right? Wrong! Both are wrong.

Flaw #4: The new moon would always cause a solar eclipse and a solar eclipse would be seen by everyone in daylight zone. And with 1-moon pulling on ocean waters would instantly cause a Low tide everywhere AT THE SAME TIME! Oceans are all connected, 1 body of water, and this not what really happens in the real world.

Here's a photo of the moon taken by the International Space Community.
[link to universe-beauty.com]

The moon is in direct line of sight parallel to the ISS which means the distance the moon's at isn't where the books say it is, in fact if you've flown in an airplane during the day you probably noticed the sun wasn't that much higher than the airplane. And if you took a photo of the sun and compared it with a photo taken from the ground of the sun around the same time perspective of how you see the sun shouldn't be noticeable if the sun is a Gazillion miles away, because flying 5mi up won't change much in its perspective of how the sun is seen from the ground or from an airplane. But it does.

Flaw #5: If there were only 1-sun and 1-moon you wouldn't be able to see the same stars 12 months, and at their same place due to the 23.4° tilt of earth's axis towards the sun or away. Because according to the following diagram we should be able to see different stars at different times of the year and at different angles. On the flat society earth you would see the same stars, hence why TPTB funded the program.
[link to www.buzzle.com]

Note: The stars would be seen lower in winter, higher in the sky in summer. But not in the real world. In real time the stars are always in their proper light-station order. There are multiple suns on earth, and moons, and star-systems for your geographical locations. In conclusion, the earth is an infinite flat plane extending forever in the unknown universe. There are many continents beyond ours with many suns, moon, star-systems. It is highly likely that more life such as ours existed before our own and are highly more developed and advanced.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nibiru and nuclear plants!

I think, that the aliens told some humans (government?), that this time Nibiru will come to close to the Earth and that it will get destroyed. That is why humans did get the might to create nuclear plants and all that technic, because it was all known, that the Destroyer wants to come soon and so that the humans got the fool card! Now, is it not clever? To destroy the planet without bad feeling, because "Jesus" wants to come and take all sins away?
But as we know from the science, there is something about Jesus, that he is known under other names from the past history. But this time Nibiru wants to wipe our planet totaly out. So, I think, that Einstein got his formula from aliens!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I know there are ETS here. So why not introduce yourself?

They look like super fit tall blonde people with blue eyes, those would be the nordics.

Since there's no way for me to even track you why not introduce yourself here on the forum?

Come on. We know you exist.

and please answer this question:

Why were you guys so flirtatious with Mr. William Thompkins, what the heck was going on there? Why are you women so sexual?

For the record I've seen one of your people, and her name is Mira. What's with you guys? Why so secretive? We look just like you why can't we just start working together now? What's the purpose?.. I've seen you and been on your ships it's frustrating to me that you hide!

And, do all of you look like flawless swedish models? Or... what. Not trying to be spacist.

These are serious questions. I want to know why you women are so into subjecting yourselves to sex. what is that all about?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Watch out europe may do some kond of election fraud
The uk is scared to death of Donald Trump!
Already they look like complete idiots after having a parliamentary debate on banning him from the UK.

But seriously watch out for them, they may even try to assassinate him!







Crush those islamic PROSTATE leaders TRUMP

YES TRUMP save the children from the islamic scum UK BABY MURDERERS TRUMP

Crush those islamic PROSTATE leaders TRUMP


Looking Around #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[Following Romney's speech on Trump]

Romney is setting himself up for sacrifice

New theory:

I bet Mitt had some blackmail called out on him. He is now a target for Trump.

I could see the establishment setting up a false flag attempt to take Romney out and blame it on Trump supporters. he might get injured or something and come out later as the savior that is under fire and grab the nomination. I bet the patsy will be a KKK member (they are programming us for this).

christian #fundie godlikeproductions.com

GOD has lifted up *The Donald* as the LAST TRUMP before the destruction comes!

Has GOD lifted the Donald up as such a time as this.
to call out:

The Poison of Liberalism
The Poison of Political Correctness
The Poison of Lawlessness
The Poison of Godlessness

The name Donald is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Donald is: Great chief, world mighty. From the Gaelic Domhnall.

Trumpets are warnings from GOD...

Is Donald Trump the Last Warning the 7th Trumpet?

Donald Trump will become the Trumpet of Prophecy..

Isaiah prophesied of Cyrus and speaks as a mouthpiece of the Lord when he declared, “I have even called you by your name [Cyrus]; I have named you, though you have not known Me. I am the Lord and there is no other; there is no God besides Me.
I strengthen you, though you have not known Me, so that they may know from the rising of the sun and from the west that there is no one besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other” (Is. 45:4-6).

What a powerful and profound prophetic declaration to a man who did not know or serve the Lord! Could God not use the wicked and ungodly to bring about His plans and purposes thousands of years ago and can He not still do the same thing again, especially in the midst of the crisis that we find America in today?

[link to avemariaradio.net (secure)]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

KELLY OSBOURNE WAS ORIGINALLY HUMAN! she is currently residing "somewhere else"

Yes the real Kelly Osbourne is A HELL OF A LOT prettier than the strange looking reptilian Kelly!

The real Kelly Osbourned is far, FAR better looking than the reptilian Kelly we all know!!!!

She is a far FAR more pleasant and nicer person! MUCH more decent of a person!

The human Kelly Osbourne has a round and feminine shaped face! with a much more slender and rounded jaw! NOT A BIG SQUARE FACE WITH A HUGE VERY WIDE JAW like the reptilian Kelly Osbourne!

The real Kelly Osbourne has NOTHING against Christina Aguilera hahahahaha.

The reptilian Kelly is a very mean, nasty, disrespectful, absolutely disgusting, and a VERY low class person, the human one is the opposite! well I'm sure the real Kelly is not the most respectful person under certain circumstances like dealing with assholes, but she is a very nice and NORMAL person!

Kelly Osbourne was taken away at a VERY young age! if this word gets out, the human Kelly Osbourne can be brought back permanently!!!

Same with her other two siblings! all MUCH more normal looking than their reptilian doubles we all know!

I mean Sharon Osbourne is very pretty especially when she was younger!, Ozzy Osbourne was VERY good looking when he was younger, so why are all three of their kids so horribly strange looking, because those are not their kids, just reptilian doubles of their real NORMAL looking kids!!!


the human Kelly Osbourne has a very rounded jaw, NOT A HUGE ABNORMALLY SQUARE JAW we have seen in the reptilian Kelly Osbourne since IT lost weight!!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The USG And The Weaponization of The Weather

Earth has been suffering an increase in earthquakes and volcanoes. Winter and summer temperatures are heading to the extremes and storms are more powerful than modern recorded history. The USG has set up a federal website addressing those weather changes, yet it doesn’t provide any real cause for them, and they know why Earth is suffering those changes because they’re responsible for many of them.

According to the US Navy, the USG is experimenting with weather modification and has been for a very long time and admits to the spraying of chemtrails, per my brother-in-law who wrote policy for the US Navy until his retirement.

They’re not experimenting, they have weaponized the weather using Earth’s ionosphere and magnetic fields. Alaska is home to one of the HAARP installations that are located around the world. HAARP or High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program affects the ionosphere by using an antenna array that emits microwaves more commonly known as radio waves.

Run by the US Navy and US Air Force, HAARP is a global multipurpose weapon capable of destroying all life on Earth. A bold statement yet accurate and HAARP proves that using intelligence without wisdom is not intelligent. The experiments to Earth’s atmosphere that started in 1958 have caused so much harm to the workings of this planet you’d think scientists would stop doing them, but that would take common sense and a certain amount of humility to admit they don’t know what they are doing.

The idea of the experiments leading up to SDI, HAARP, and beyond were partly to disrupt an enemy’s communication systems by artificially creating electromagnetic fields using a type of EMP blast in the upper atmosphere without the destruction caused by an atomic weapon. So amongst other things, HAARP can take out an entire region’s communication systems.

The atomic bombs that were detonated in the upper atmosphere back in 1958 created new magnetic radiation belts inside Earth’s natural magnetic field. Those experiments continued over the years causing more alterations and damage to both the atmosphere and Earth’s natural magnetic field. That started to cause both physiological and health problems to children born after that time.

For example, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is common in children now but that’s not the whole of it, it’s affecting adults too. Geneticists learned long ago DNA can be changed even in an adult, and there’s more than one way to make those changes. Pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and man-made viruses modify DNA too.

Our brains and central nervous systems run on chemical-electric energy and produces a small electromagnetic field, just as any electrical activity does. Magnetic fields can influence other magnetic fields. Earth has a magnetic field, and our brains develop and work within that field. Disrupt that field and thinking is affected. Because of the experiments, the changes in Earth’s magnetic field were more or less instantaneous, and those changes do not sync up with Earth’s DNA and the development of a newborn.

Those EM (electromagnetic) systems can also be used to produce mild to severe physiological disruption or perceptual distortion or disorientation. Also, the ability of individuals to function could be degraded to such a point that they would be combat ineffective. That part of the technology was used in the first Iraqi war in which my cousin was an aid to the Colonel of a tank battalion. HAARP, to a certain degree, was a mobile technology even then. The stationary HAARP installations can affect vast areas and are being used to do so. So, a real question would be why would they prefer the general population to act contrary to nature, to ignore their natural tendency for survival?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


They use very advanced technology to alter weather patterns to cause a cold front that otherwise would be more mild, to cause a heat wave that otherwise would be more mild!

They do this all over the world!

They cause MASSIVE downpours when otherwise it would be just a big downpour, REPTILIANS CAUSE HURRICANES WHEN THERE NORMALLY WOULD BE NO HURRICANE AT ALL!!!

Hurricanes only strike area's where hardly or NO full blood humans live, and the full blood humans never die from the hurricanes due taking more precaution than the careless reptilians! It' true!!!

Reptilians cause MASSIVE earthquakes when there otherwise would be no earthquake at all! That also only happens in area's where hardly to no full blood humans live!! and you will not hear of any human fatalities of the full blood humans!

Reptilians will cause snow falls in places like Edmonton Alberta in APRIL and MAY when there otherwise would be no snow falls and colder weather causing the freak snowfall!

REPTILIANS CAUSE TORNADO'S when there otherwise would be no tornado at all! all the tornado's strike where no full blood humans live, or area's where they are not in the area currently!!

Reptilians also cause DROUGHTS!!!

They use very advanced technology for this!

If the word gets out enough it can be STOPPED!!!!

Large area's of Russia East of Moscow are GREATLY affected by reptilians altering the weather!

In places like Sibera for example just ONE part of Russia reptilians make 5 degree's to MORE than 5 degree's colder, they make the winters MORE than 5 degrees colder on average than it otherwise would be!!!


That is why you see all those larger trees there that are dead, it used to be wetter there and then reptilians started to cause drought in the outback of Australia!! making the large tree's die!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Aliens are Dinosaurs - Humans are Slaves - Bigfoot is an Experiment

Aliens are not from another world, they are from Earth, long before people were created by them to mine minerals for their vast cities under the oceans. Many Dinosaurs died off, some evolved into birds, while yet others oise to become 65 million years more advanced than us. Now they fly around in saucers.

They are constantly experimenting on humanoid forms and is the reason why no bigfoot carcass will ever be found.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com


Demons are contagious and transmitted through fornication.

According to the Book of Enoch, The nephilim were killed by the great flood and their disembodied spirits roam the earth seeking a body to enjoy the pleasure of the flesh again. They get legal rights for possession when you sin.

Sex magick rituals such as sacred sodomy and Tunnels of Typhon have the specific goal of implanting Elite fallen angel arch demons like Mephisto, in the receiver.

The reason the Bible requires a Godly marriage covenant before sex, is because marriage is holy before God and if anything is transmitted it is only the holy spirit.

Sex outside of marriage (fornication) is a sin and can pass weaker Nephilim demons from one infested person to another and sometimes even strongman demons.

You body is a temple. Don't fill it with Demons

Shad01 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Earth is Flat cause Balls Bounce

The Earth is Flat.

How does a ball bounce without getting stuck to the ground?

Because their is air in the ball, which reduces its mass. Which allows it to bounce back up.

The rubber allows this to happen.

Try bouncing a ball thats heavy. It just stays down if the force isnt hard enough to shift its weight off the ground.

Gravity = Non Existent.

Weight and mass can be calculated.

Why does smoke go up?

why does Helium go up?

Cause they are lighter than air. Thus proving their is no such thing as gravity.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Alex Jones : Illuminist

Jones interviewed Antichrist Farrakhan because he is controlled opposition to truth movement and desire to steer us sheeple in the desired direction they so choose, which is away from Christ and our God given identity in truth.
THat's why if you watch that interview, you will hear him promote "humanism", as if we would not recognize what that fully means, because hey, "sheeple" cant think for themselves, can they?....
Henry Makow wrote an article mentioning Humanism/illuminism back in 2005....... IN it he said...

The term "Illuminati" means "enlightened ones" and refers to Lucifer, the "light bringer." Its essential philosophy is to substitute "reason" i.e. expedience for "right reason" i.e. universal morality. "Do as thou wilt" was the Illuminati motto. The Illuminati will define reality, not God or nature. Illuminism or "humanism" is a secular religion and a transition to Satanism (i.e. "tolerance"). The decline of public decency makes this increasingly apparent. Look for the world to increasingly resemble the game "Grand Theft Auto" or an occult Hollywood feature. - See more at: [link to www.savethemales.ca]

I used to like Jones but I see through his charade now. I'm starting to get clearer glimspes of reality as more and more truth is revealed but as we can see now, Jones has certain things he himself also seeks to keep quite while...

While making us believe he has our best intention at heart....
If you understand what humanism is, you will know, Jones, Like ANtichrist Farrakhan are working with the "light" bringer to lead mankind straight into the abyss of luciferian enlightenment.... THat's why or how islam can grow, because it's a tenant of "illuminism"/humanism which opens the so called third eye, which is really a demonic spirit coming into your soul......

Verdeschi #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Breaking: NASA will admit to causing global warming with its gravitational engine!

Wow, this is something big.

For years NASA has been banging the drum for global warming, blaming it on cars and trucks and planes and just about anything we do. One noticeable exception to the blame game is that they have never fingered themselves for any of the the harm they have done, until today.

Tucked away on a page about surface temperature [link to data.giss.nasa.gov] is this graph of ocean surface temperature. [link to data.giss.nasa.gov] So far so familiar but what happens when we overlay the graph with information about NASA spacecraft that use the gravitational assist engine.

[link to i.imgur.com]

Every single temperature peak coincides with NASA using a gravitational engine! sneaking this data out with no mention of their spacecraft is criminal behaviour.

So what is the gravitational engine? Back in the 1970s NASA was stuck with a headache, how to power themselves through the solar system. They came up with an innovative solution to the problem of rockets in outer space, steal gravity from the planets! The gravitational assist engine, codename SLINGSHOT, could push spacecraft to Saturn and beyond by stealing a little bit of gravity from every planet on the way and accelerating the probes to incredible speeds, here is how it worked for the Cassini spaceship.

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

So what does it look like? I'm not a hundred percent on this, but this is Cassini ( or part of it ) under test [link to www.esa.int] It looks awfully familiar, where do you suppose they got the technology from?

What happened when it passed Earth? Every time one of the spacecraft passed Earth, gravity would be sucked off and used to power the engine, speeding up the probe on its way out but there is a problem, each of these temperature spikes [link to i.imgur.com] coincides with the use of the engine somewhere in space. So Cassini used it first in April 26, 1998, and June 24, 1999 causing two obvious spikes. By carefully selecting the data I have shown beyond doubt that NASA is culpable for at least some, if not all of global warming. That graph is as good as an admission from them.

So why is this happening? I think maybe its because the Earth's atmosphere is being held down by gravity, so if it's reduced, even by a tiny amount, the atmosphere has a chance to plump up, like a pillow, keeping more heat in [link to travellingacrosstime.files.wordpress.com (secure)] It wouldn't take much, maybe just a couple of hundred extra feet could cause these temperature spikes but then again, I may be wrong about that bit.

Anyway, that's what I have discovered, conclusive proof that NASA is behind global warming.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


They purposely release these foul odors directly from their skin to disgust people to intentionally make them feel sick and awful!

They also do it to make people want to avoid them so that they can more easily hide that they are reptilians, and hide all the abnormal things about them that they do not want people to know!

Yes, anyone who has a straight out STRANGE and foul smelling smell to them is a reptilian!!!

This does not count guys who smell like NORMAL BO after doing a big workout, lol, unless they smell abnormally strong, or most of all if the odor itself is NOT NORMAL, like if the odor itself is a worse smell!!!

I have not actually looked into this and taken time to smell other people obviously hahaha, I have just observed it over the years just like anyone else!

I have noticed that bad smelling and also the worst smelling people/people who have the worst kinds of odors coming off the are noticeably physically unattractive!!!

Sometimes these odors are not on people all the time, they will randomly come from them and smell AWFUL and STRANGE, and then go away, that is them deliberately releasing strange substances from their skin to disgust people on purpose!

THE ORACLE OF UNKFUCKSTICKSTAN #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Did Justice Scalia even actually die????

I wonder if scalia is actually even dead

Here's a twist to the conspiracy theory....
Scalia was a Roman Catholic but also opus dei and a knights of Malta....so while he was playing the part of a staunch conservative, according to some of the secret society oaths like the Jesuit oath they will fight their fellow Jesuit tooth and nail on the opposite side just as long as the end justifies the means...

No autopsy maybe equals no body

Maybe scalia has punched out his timeclock to go get life extension technology or maybe he just got put on ice until the tech is perfected..

Meanwhile the NWO needs to provoke USA patriots to do something stupid to give up the moral high ground in public opinion as an excuse to drop the hammer on dissenters to set the precedent before the banks go on holiday, steel their life savings and piss off the masses...

Just like Obama's birth certificate was a ruse/smokescreen to trick people to not look at his real commie fuck father Frank Marshall Davis, deception is their ONLY PLAY until an Inquisition is publicly justified

CERNology #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Frightening Science What They Are Really Doing At CERN

I posted this in the CERN Earthquake thread and thought it might make a good thread of its' own.

First of all to hopefully simplify things for everyone: The Earth operates like a huge DC motor. Our planet, all the weather, the tectonic plates which float on magma and even more that I don't know about is electromagnetic. The magnetosphere receives it's energy from the Sun. We see that power all the time when we see huge storms, thunder, lightning little rain showers, and winds all over the Globe. Not to mention the magnetic ley lines all over the planet that are linked to government classified and occult technology dating back to at least the pyramids.

How do you think respected scientists are able to say that they can use HAARP to create weather anomalies, earthquakes and even some with real understanding say mind control with these atmospheric heaters (a.k.a. HAARP)? It is because our planet and every living thing on it is sensitive to anything screwing around with these EM fields. Our brains function electromagnetically at ELF's (extremely low frequencies) of around 10 Hz.

So at CERN they are taking two streams of lead-ions and releasing them in what they call bunches of trillions of particles with very very short intervals in between bunches.
They are doing this with two streams traveling in opposite directions. So, arguably what they are doing can be thought of as two streams of liquid lead traveling in opposite directions at **near the speed of light**.

Now here is the important point that you and everyone remotely interested in CERN needs to understand. They are propelling these particles at near the speed of light. And Though the thoughts and math change in both of Albert Einstein's General and Special Theories of Relativity, one important thing does not change.

The relativistic mass of each particle gets greater as the velocity increases toward the speed of light. The mass or weight of each particle relative to the observer increases toward infinity as the particle gets nearer and nearer to the velocity of light.

What this means is that the electromagnetic fields needed to just get these super heavy particles at speed is difficult to comprehend. Then you have to consider containing these two rings of liquid lead as they are only increasing in mass or weight as they get faster and faster. It is mind boggling.

Now consider that they were previously colliding protons and they were doing that at an angle. Now, protons weigh almost like nothing when compared to a whole atom of lead. And they were crashing them at an angle. They are colliding these lead ion particles head on and there are a lot more of them and the duration between groups of particles is so short that it almost may as well not be there at all.

So to sum up what is really happening. CERN scientists are misleading people about the amounts of energy being released. Before it was 13 TeV which others have said isn't a lot. Yes that is true but that was for a single collision of a proton at an angle. The reason that there have been physicists issuing warnings and conCERN about what they were planning to do at the LHC is because you have to multiply that 13 TeV by billions and trillions of ANGULAR collisions to understand that it is like trying to contain the energy of one of the Hiroshima or Nagasaki WWII nuclear explosions within a very small space and containing it electromagnetically.

The difference now is the energy releases of single collisions of lead-ions can be described in PeV (Peta Electron Volts). A PeV is 1000 times the energy of a TeV. So the energy projected to be released now is more than 100 times what it was previously published. Plus the collisions were at an angle before and now they are head on. In addition, there are far far more of them and in very very quick succession. Really no interval at all even in terms of time at the atomic level. I would have said in terms of time at the quantum level but time breaks down at the quantum level.

So now instead of billions and trillions of collisions, we are talking about trillions and quadrillions of collisions. I really can't comprehend how they have the technology to even build a machine that can contain these energies especially in light of what Einstein said about these particles getting heavier and heavier towards infinity as velocity increases.

Now I am not a theoretical physicist but I am an engineer and people tell me I am pretty smart. But with the little I do know about what they are doing, the technology they are using to do this must be super top secret Roswell type stuff. What they will not be able to prevent is what these electromagnetic fields that they are using are going to do to the Earth.

They scary part is, these super genius scientists themselves are readily admitting that they don't know what is going to happen. They have built the biggest machine the modern world has ever seen and they have adopted a wait and see attitude?

That's the kind of crap I used to do as 13 or 14 year old kid with gasoline and any other chemicals I could get my hands on! I know this is long and I apologize for that but to top it all off. They are openly occult. They are timing everything to the minute with occult dates and their freaking logo has 666 right there in plain sight.

Almost done Thanks for reading this far. I think I needed to vent!

99.99% of people don't know that the very first website was guess where? CERN. That is even though the Internet was created by DARPA, the first website of all websites operated at CERN of all places. That was 1980. This is a scary amount of long-term planning tied to CERN and the Internet. Final thought. Initially the Internet was awesome and it looked like freedom for ideas and thoughts and generally freedom for all. Now the Internet is the absolute opposite of that and it is the most diabolical scheme for population and mind control the world has ever seen.

Some have longingly said (Nazi evil humans have said) gee whiz if Hitler and the Nazis had only had the Internet.
Well now we have people in control that make make Hitler look like a sweet school girl in comparison.

I don't know what CERN is going to do. It really could be not much that we can physically see. It also could be very horrible. Both possibilities are equal in probability.
Ultimately with or without CERN though, we are heading to an evil end which appears more obvious and more ominous and inevitable with every world news cast each day.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


WARNING!!! The CIA Will ASSASSINATE President Obama WIth A REMOTE-CONTROLLED RIFLE To Cause Civil War and Race War, Destroy US, Set Up The New World Order!!!

On this day, which will be the absolute most disastrous day in the United States since September 11, 2001, Barack Hussein Obama will be shot!!! This happening is not a coincidence. This is all pre-ordained. In Biblical terms we are witnessing the birth of the Beast from the sea. In secular terms it is called the New World Order. The Global Elite flaunt it in your face every time you use the United States currency. Here is just one example. Read the words in Latin over and under the Egyptian pyramid with the all-seeing eye. It's on the back of the one dollar bill. You will see exactly what I mean.

Now I want to reference just one verse from the Scriptures. It warns us of who we are really fighting, and it warns us of who is really in power of what we are truly facing. I take you to the Bible and reference the book of Ephesians, chapter 6, verse 12 it states the following. "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Chapter 6, verse 12 in the book of Ephesians.

May I remind every one of you that coincidence and chance do not exist. Providence alone explains all reasoning. Now that you have this nugget of truth, please listen carefully to the rest of this message. The assassination attempt will be plotted and executed by the United States Government via the CIA in a covert operation. The actual shooter will be a machine. It will be a remote-controlled sniper rifle. But the actual blamed culprit will be a pre-selected candidate, an implanted puppet. The mission is to make the attempt look like it is racially motivated. It is also to be portrayed to seem as if it were religiously motivated. The scapegoat will be a White, Caucasian male. They will label him as a racist against Blacks. They will label him as a White supremacist. They will label him as a radical Christian. This is all put into play to drive a huge wedge into the national community. This scapegoat must fit all these criteria because of that these Global Elitists want to accomplish. It will demonize all Christians as being terrorists. It will set all ethnicities against one another, not just Blacks and Whites. It will also generalize that all Whites are against Barack Hussein Obama, and the rest of the Black community. They want to crate global chaos like you have never witnessed in your entire life.

Remember that this is all plotted, and if it is plotted, then it is planned, and if it is planned, it has a goal. The plan is to start race riots in the entire country. Every single person will be affected. The plan is to create animosity inside of you. It is specifically targeted to instigate Blacks against Whites, and Whites against Blacks. The plan is to create national pandemonium, and over time this in turn will usher in the governance of martial law. The intended goal is beyond absurd. The goal is to strip away every freedom you had as a citizen of the United States of America. The goal is to abolish the United States Constitution, which guarantees every single citizens' rights and freedoms in the land of the free, and the home of the brave. They are specifically targeting your First Amendment right to free speech, and religious worship. They are specifically targeting your Second Amendment right to form a militia and bear arms. They are specifically targeting your Fourth Amendment right of the protection against unreasonable search and seizures. The goal is to give President Barack Hussein Obama tyrannical powers as he helps to usher in the Beast of the sea, or the New World Order. At this very same time he will leave every single citizen standing alone in a life or death free-for-all with no government protection, but rather government neglection.

This civil war will cause massive calamities. There will be violence like you can't even imagine. There will be all kinds of lootings and robberies. There will be shut downs of stores and restaurants everywhere. There will be no food and no water. Cannibalism will abound. Fear will spread like a contagious disease. This civil war will cause millions of people to die. If you do not know what happened in the country of Rwanda, located in Africa, in the early 1990's, please do your research now. In that genocide that took place over 100 days approximately one million people were killed. That means on average ten thousand individuals saw their death per day. This civil war, only the second ever in America's 236 years of existence, will be greater than Rwanda.

This is all fact. This is all truth. This will all happen and come to pass. Do not be deceived. This is not a real assassination attempt. This is not a terrorist attack. This is not an act of racism. This is an exact definition of a false flag event. This is very simply a sinister plan to overtake the country, and make every citizen a slave of the upcoming New World Order. This is not a threat. This is not to make you fear, but to make you prepare. This is a warning. This is a message from God Almighty. And there is only one way out of all of this.

In the Book of John, chapter 3, verses 16 and 17, from the Holy Bible, it states the following:

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."


TrumpsVeryHighIQCat #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CONFIRMED: Ted Cruz is a Freemason ((PHOTO PROOF))


Cruz has used the "hidden hand" gesture in two debates, and now a photo found from early 2014, during the pledge each time. That is no accident. He is signaling other Masons that he is the chosen one to vote for.


Freemasonry is nothing less than a secret society bent on establishing a One World Socialist Government.

Cruz is declaring to the world at large that he is a true son of Freemasonry, and that as president he will follow the edicts and guidelines set forth by his Satantic brotherhood.

Understand that only the highest initiates of Freemasonry openly serve Satan. Lower initiates are taught to serve God.

More info on what the "Hidden hand" means:

[link to vigilantcitizen.com]

[link to freetofindtruth.spam]

[link to www.bleh.com (secure)]

[link to www.bleh.com (secure)]

"Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!" -- Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 321, 19th Degree of Grand Pontiff

KABOOM THE MOON #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Be Warned! The Elite is Preparing a Staged Alien Invasion to Provoke an Interstellar War! Don't Become Fools!


Lunar agents ghrees had informed of the galactic police to have arrived on our solar system and soon to wage war on the lunar scum.

This subliminally is verified in the jupiter movie where the lunar boss is scared shitless of losing earth and plans to harvest the whole earth completelty before it's taken from him/her.

I have mentioned many times in the soul traps thread of the countless movies that portray all aliens as bad and the plan of the elite to unite all nations and that is to use earth united to defend the moon against the galactic police.

There are many scientists that are baffled by the amount of military satellites that surround earth and all looking to outer space like expecting for someone to show up.

So that's why most hollywood movies portray aliens as bad so when the good guys show up to kill or arrest the scum that have infested our solar system we will fight to protect the lunar scum from their enemies/our friends.

There's intel of the first alien invasion on earth not to be alien at all but made by the secret governor of earth with the assistance of the moon too, that way they hit 2 birds with one stone and that is at the same time they unite all nations against an alien enemy and earth now will be angry and ready to die fighting the real aliens that will be coming soon after to bring justice to the galactic criminals that are already here and been here for a very long time!

This satanic plan that will be played on humanity is shown to our face in the movie "wanted" with angelina jolie.
Where the criminals got to the son(symbolizing earth/humans) before his father(symboilising galactic police) and tricked the son who had no memory of his father believing that his father was murdered by a specific guy and they trained him to take revenge and kill that specific guy.
That specific guy was the son's true father who was coming to save his son from the criminals/lunar scum. The criminals were no match for him so they had this evil genius idea to train his son and brainwash him to kill his own father as they knew his father wont have the courage to kill his own son and that way they will have the advantage to kill the father through his son!

And they succeeded!
Them training the son symbolizes all the technology the lunar scum have given to earth and slowly program us for a star war and to view all aliens as bad who will come to take our precious earth. Those bad aliens in hollywood movies are already here and they are milking/mining the crap out of our precious earth down to our very souls and memories for a very long time!

So whoever comes from space with bad attitude it will not be for us humans but for the parasite moon and its fleet!

Recently i've become more cautious and trust nobody as even if the real good guys come from space there's no way for us to know for sure, so it's better not to trust anybody, not to sit on our eggs and wait for help from space but try to solve our problems ourselves!

One of my plans is for us to use the technology and training the criminals have given us to protect them, against themselves, against the freaking moon!
Which is something the son from the movie "wanted" did too after he found out who his real enemy was!

Zakk #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

For the Zakk fans who know the CIA is sick, the lie, the problem and stupid...

I went to a new place to shoot a pool tounament last night.
Mikes break room...


As I walked in you could hear the masonic audio greeting.... you can hear it everywhere I go, and see the denial of anything going on... yet, you can clearly hear the masonic audio patterns...

last night.
last week.
over there.
you know.
all day.

all this while, you can see the face touching, whatever that is and whatever that means, im not one, and joke it and do it back to them, they said it means thing to them.. joke them mock them and kill them and deny them...

you gotta come yougotta come - from the little girl in the other room .. mk ultra made me type it in, you can hear the sickos and see they aint children, they are masonic alien lizard actors... faace touchers...

omg im surrounded by sick fucks.

anyway, as I hung out at mikes and got into the pool tournament it got sad bad I started to joke it, and when I said CIA and smiled and began to joke with the pool shooters you could see they responded to my saying and joking the CIA by touching their faces.

anyway, I spent too much money , and got sharked, mind controlled and lost the pool tournament to scrub players who were clearly CIA and more, masonic aliens doing it and denying it and know they are the problem with obama and bush jr and britney spears and the currituck county police and government ....

anyway, what im saying here is... go around joking the cia, especially if you see ORANGE.. if the person is wearing orange. joke the CIA in front of them, so they hear you ....

see what they do, if they smile and then touch their face and pose... there you go... CIA.

you can see they are trained to mock, lie , deny, and pose while talking that masonic audio shit and saying nothing is going on.

I smiled, left the place and watched the external masonic mk ultra say it fucked up and they are the problem, over and over... and its masonic, cia and presidential... literally, obumya sent its nagger aliens to sing masonic audio and make signs and lost , got joked and got mad cuz its the lie... not me.

same with bush jr.... and britney spears... and the NSA.

already verified.

cant hide it from the all seeing lie.

I was about to win, and they turned the mk ultra up and made me lose , literally, saying NOW... NOW... NOW ...

as I had a out, I had ball in hand , 4 balls on the table and was wide open, about to finish in the money, and got the masonic cia mk ultra deny...

I joked them to thier faces and you can see they are trained to stand there and say nothing is going on, after all, they are masonics, DEAD, 32 ... get it?

and of course, this is why god kills them....

and I cant wait to watch.

everyone already knows.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Evolution is sun worship

Evolutionists say that evolution doesn't violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics (that there will be an increase in entropy without an energy input) because, you guessed it, the sun provides the needed energy!

So evolutionists literally believe the sun created all life ... including you!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

We must thank RED DRAGON. Message from Heaven.

From Eve Marchal:

"We must thank Red Dragon ..."

Last week I was called through remote viewing in an ET vessel. Our future bodies which had been heated were lying and waiting on tables. New adults bodies! Everything was beautiful, perfect, no scar, no trace of teen buttons ...

A Mounian (small blue ET) asked me if I was happy. 'Glad' is well below the emotion I felt.

This is my first 'mindfulness' body, beyond the carnal cycle. A body that can support high densities of time and play with them. An incredible gift!

Some months ago (July 20, 2015), Kelren (Tall Blond ET) gave me a clue as to the time of departure. Here's what he told me after indicating 'you leave tonight' :

" We must thank Red Dragon".

I noted at that the time the absence of the definite article "the" before 'Red Dragon', but didn't know, at all, what it was about.

We made, Eric and I, researches. THE Red Dragon is a tropical flower, sometimes the first beast of the Book of Revelation. In the Apocalypse, in fact, the RED DRAGON is the first beast with seven heads and 10 horns, the symbol of Wales and its princes who became kings of the British monarchy (House of Hanover / Windsor). It is more widely the symbol of the political power in the world.

But neither the two solutions (flower or beast) made sense until now.

This morning (February 10 2016 around 7 AM) on TV, this sentence was said several times by the anchor (Telematin on France 2 channel) speaking about the logo of the Paris bid for the 2024 Olympic Games.

Red Dragon is the name of the company that created this symbol (Dragon Rouge in French) that seems to please.

The anchor on France 2 therefore pronounced this sentence:

"We must thank Red Dragon [for creating this logo]."

This precised what Kelren showed me about a visible planetary alignment seen from the Earth. We are in this configuration since January 20, 2016, that, for a month. If I'm not mistaken, we are finally there, and this will be the 'show time' in the sky of Orleans (France) in hours or days.

For you, it will be stunning then fascination with this show of ET ships above this city in the Loiret (these are their words). For us, it will be our last death for humans coming from a woman's body (our mothers), and a birth in the spirit realm.

In 1960, while I was still in her womb, my mother received a call from his brother John Souhami who lived in Paris. He told her that an angel had visited him in his sleep and asked him to intercede with her sister that her unborn child should be called Eve.

My mother, of Jewish culture, refused since it was first for her a connotation of vice.

But the angel insisted, forcing my uncle to call his sister living in Antibes, France, again and again ... until she capitulated and agreed to give me this name. Which she did reluctantly. Uncle John offered me for my birth a little golden apple with my name engraved, happy to have been able to influence my mother and satisfy his nocturnal visitor.

But Eve is not the symbol of vice, but that of the spirit falling into materiality, enjoying it to the point of forgetting its subtle origin, and after endless wanderings and multiple incarnations, finally going back to the spirit world.

Eric and I are in a great impatience to live this moment.

And you? Are you ready for this great adventure?

With all my love,


Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Scalia was Raptured

Everyone assumes the Rapture will take place instantly but I suggest to you that the Rapture began some time ago and this is why David Bowie, Vanity and Scalia died.

Read the description of Scalia...

“Other than being with his family or in church, there’s no place he’d rather be than on a hunt,”

“Everything was in perfect order. He was in his pajamas, peacefully, in bed,”


the more I ponder it, the more sense this makes. If Scalia was Raptured, the family wouldn't be worried about an autopsy, in fact they'd avoid it and cremation. It would be proof positive.

We know Vanity had been a God-fearing, church-working woman for many years.

I'm not sure about Bowie but I'm black star had something to do with it. Perhaps its a code word for the Rapture.


Scalia being Raptured could create a lot of inexplicable weirdness around his death. What if some of the other attendees witnessed his Rapturing?

Everyone would be freaked out, not want to discuss it, rush him off out of sight as fast as possible.


He died at Cibolo Creek Ranch.
Cibolo means "bison".

The spiritual meaning of bison -

:Those with buffalo as power animal must walk a sacred path, honouring every walk of life. Buffalo will assist you in establishing a deep connection with Mother Earth and Father Sky. and will ask that you help the endangered species in the world"

Scalia was a old white guy...

"the White Buffalo is the considered incredibly holy. When the White Buffalo comes into our awareness (dreams, vision or even while hiking) it is a huge sign of promise, and great prosperity is soon to come after sighting this regal creature".

"Mid-tribulationists appeal to Daniel 7:25 which says the saints will be given over to tribulation for "time, times, and half a time," - interpreted to mean 3.5 years"

so according to some interpretations, the Rapture could take place over a multi-year period.

There are three theories about the Rapture:

1) Rapture occurs before tribulation

2) Rapture occurs mid-way through tribulation

3) Rapture occurs after tribulation

But what if all three are correct?

What if the Rapture is an on-going process throughout tribulation? Doesn't that make more sense?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Inside info: Scalia was murdered by an Electro-gun in the same way as Robin Cook

Antonin Scalia was assassinated by Remote Controlled Heart Attack Bio-electromagnetic weapon. It disrupts the nerves, causes change of electrocardiogram. It also interferes with the electrical potentials that keep the chambers of the heart synchronized, producing fibrillation and rapid death. A death ray doesn’t need to be a truck-sized laser that reduces the target to smoking heap. A small device that stops the heart will do the job.

This electro-gun attacks human nervous systems and body organs including the heart and brain. That remote heart attack weapon can attack from a distance, invisibly and can send immense amounts of energy directly to the central chest region, creating a sense of congestion, pressure, and an impending heart attack. it also can send pulses of directed energy and subsequent pain sensations from above onto the left-side of the chest, from behind, near the spine, from underneath, near the left side of the chest, going up under the ribs, into the chest region also from the right-hand side of the chest.

This exact way of assassination was successfully attempted on former British Foreign Minister Robin Cook (Who said AL-Qaeda does not exist and a fabrication by Intel agencies). Robin Cook was murdered the same exact way up Ben Stack and is wife couldn't make a 999 call by herself to rescue him due to the electromagnetic wave that stopped her phone.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

True Christians know that earth is FLAT, hypocrites go away!!!

if you read the bible, you know earth is flat, if you know God, you know earth is flat and "cosmic space" is science fiction CGI painings, if you know that God is love, you know there is no chaotic dark hostile universe, if you have basic logic you know earth is flat.
hypocrites catholic and protestant SUNDAY demon worshipers will not understand.
i'm not here to foolishly argue with the ignorant sheep, google and youtube is there if you have the desire to seek for evidence.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Antonin Scalia was assassinated by Remote Controlled Heart Attack Bio-electromagnetic weapon. It disrupts the nerves, causes change of electrocardiogram. It also interferes with the electrical potentials that keep the chambers of the heart synchronized, producing fibrillation and rapid death. A death ray doesn’t need to be a truck-sized laser that reduces the target to smoking heap. A small device that stops the heart will do the job.

This electro-gun attacks human nervous systems and body organs including the heart and brain. That remote heart attack weapon can attack from a distance, invisibly and can send immense amounts of energy directly to the central chest region, creating a sense of congestion, pressure, and an impending heart attack. it also can send pulses of directed energy and subsequent pain sensations from above onto the left-side of the chest, from behind, near the spine, from underneath, near the left side of the chest, going up under the ribs, into the chest region also from the right-hand side of the chest.

This exact way of assassination was successfully attempted on former British Foreign Minister Robin Cook (Who said AL-Qaeda does not exist and a fabrication by Intel agencies). Robin Cook was murdered the same exact way up Ben Stack and is wife couldn't make a 999 call by herself to rescue him due to the electromagnetic wave that stopped her phone.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Scalia asphyxiated by muslim secret service agent

Calling card left - perfectly left sheets, pajamas, pillow over head and indication of muslim brotherhood. Cannot post source out of fear from my government but u will see it shortly. The JPs were called away for the weekend necessitating call to far away JP. Marshalls disuaded visit for confirm of death, giving cause over phone. This is Obama's horsehead in the bed to Trump, being done on the eve of repub debate - if we can get to Scalia we can get to you. Secret service protection means nothing. Expect Trump now to either double down, or let up on Obama and withdraw. If Trump continues on, it is all out war between TPTB and him. If so, hope he has his personal security overlooking the SS, as I'm sure he trusts them more. You would not believe what is being circulated here in the press, it would boggle ur mind. Sorry that I cannot post without fear from gov but it is the way it is. The US govt is the biggest most corrupt crime organization in the history of the world. Trump is ur only hope, assuming he somehow gets past the corruption alive.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

flat earth is designed to draw attention from the concave earth model.

if youre in the US and you fly straight up across the universe you'd reach china.

I know it sounds stupid, but im not kidding, research about it.

theres a guy steven something, I suggest watching his vids.

little disclaimer, he thinks he is the messiah... a bit on the crazy side, but his science is still good, regardless of his insanity.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The great flood and nibiru.

When nibiru came and scorched the earth, it melted the polar icecaps.

The places that were not burnt were flooded.

We're either getting burned alive or drowned or maybe both. The water will likely boil.

I think I'll go with the Hopi Indians 'remember the ants' and hide underground.

Who knows where theres a 100 mile deep bunker with room for me?

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Hi Everyone!

I have this very important video I wanted to get out to you today. This may be considered the most important video I've ever done! So please get this Word out. I do believe this is an urgent Word from the Lord a Revelation! This could be the biggest sign ever that the rapture is imminent! As we know they are going to perform the Grammy's tomorrow night with Lady Gaga acting as Lucifer.

I was told through the Holy Spirit that this is a cornerstone event, meaning that something significant is going to come about because of this. History repeats itself and the Antichrist will come on the scene in the same way that Jesus did 2,000 years ago. Well what happened back then is there was a forerunner to Christ and he was John the Baptist. Well from what I was told there will also be a forerunner to the Antichrist and I believe this forerunner is Lady Gaga. She is introducing him at the Grammy's, his ideals and his ways. But what I am telling you as that this forerunner is also introducing the spirit of the Antichrist and is about to release to the masses on February 15th, through our televisions. All who watch this will become susceptible to this spirit and it will cause most people to succumb to this spirit in preparation so that they will be in acceptance to the Antichrist.

This Jezebel spirit in Lady Gaga, this evil influence will cause people to want to accept the the Antichrist, his ideas and most of all the Mark of the Beast. I think they are also anticipating that the rapture is near and are starting to persuade the masses now with the spirit of delusion. So Please do not watch that show. Those who are strong in the Lord may not be influenced by it, possessed by it, but we could very well be attacked by it as it comes in through the television. The TV tomorrow night will most likely be used as a portal for this evil influence so we can expect things as for as Bible prophecy is concerned, to escalate "Big" time after tomorrow night.

World leaders will also be influenced by this army of demons about to be unleashed into the world. If you remember in the Bible, that John the Baptist was there, just before Jesus came on the scene. Just as Lady Gaga is there, just before the Antichrist is set to reveal himself. I look for more people to join Lady Gaga in the days to come, being under this influence in helping to introduce the Antichrist, such as possibly the Pope. If he is the false prophet, I look to him to take over where Lady Gaga left off at the Grammys.

I had a vision about obama on New Year's Eve. He was standing there watching the ball dropped. After it did, he got on his phone and said to the person on the other end...it is time! Then he hung up! But I knew it meant that he was about to show himself in this year and very soon! This plan at the Grammy's as a plan by Satan to unleash his army on the masses and to bring the Antichrist forward. Its the battle of all battles about to begin and it means the tribulation is about to start any minute now! If we are the restrainer and God's timing is perfect, then it means we have to go very soon in order for all of this to come to pass! And since the Antichrist is going to reveal himself now, we cannot be here for that. Also a spiritual event of this magnitude will most certainly manifest itself in the physical.

I look for a major geological event to happen very soon because of this! And we can expect every day people who are not grounded in the Lord and world leaders to start making decisions in favor of what the Antichrist would have them think or believe. I would expect people to start wacking out after this the grammy's are broadcast and hatred for Christians will increase substantial! All of this means that our time is just about up! God is separating the goats from the sheep and if you are not grounded in the Word, then you can become influenced! Those who are grounded in the Word can expect satanic attacks to be off the charts so stay in prayer! All of this means that Jesus is coming soon! So stay in prayer and keep looking up! Jesus is coming soon! God bless you all!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Romans 13 ; THE SYRIAN GOVERNMENT HAS A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO PUNISH EVIL - without hinderence from those who are backing it





Submission to Authorities
(1 Peter 2:13-20)

1Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 2Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. 3For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. 5Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.
[link to biblehub.com]

Submission to Authorities
(Romans 13:1-7)

13Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; 14Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. 15For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: 16As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. 17Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

18Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. 19For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. 20For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God.
[link to biblehub.com]

The usa , the uk and european governments are aiding and abbetting evil



Please pin and shut up those who resist Gods authority

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Masons - Nobody - Illuminati - Templar - Soul - Conscious - Atlantis - Religion - God - All Linked

I have never posted on this site before. I was sent here a few weeks ago to monitor a few things. Upon reading this I ask the following from you.

1) Question Everything I say. Do you reasearch.
2) Be opened mined.

I am going to start off by saying everything is possible. Yes anything.

Here we go:

George Washington (The first president), said "Do not trust the masons". Why would he says this if he himself was a mason? It was because as he advanced his way up threw the ranks, he learned the cold raw truth and their agenda. He was forced to be president.

Keep that in mind as I will get back to it.

It is a common known fact that the masons has ties with the Vatican. It is also a known fact that the Illuminati went under ground because of the church.

This is the one of the only few known facts about the Illuminati.

FACT: In every ancient civilization the term soul or spirit is what they would call a person.

So when you "sell" your soul to the devil and (as you all think) the Illuminati you are actually selling yourself to do a service.

This is where everyone is wrong. It is not the illuminati but it is the masons.

Everything that you think is illuminati is doing (things in music and that nature, is actually the masons.

The illuminatis means are to enlighten people. We are still very doing it today. You have all thought about "doom" and I am sure you know there is nothing you can do about it, but at the same time, you have a feeling that there are people sitting, watching, and waiting for the time, so that they may act.

The knights templar evolved to the current day masons with the information they got hidden under the temple. Why do you think masonic temples are called temples.

What you call the soul or spirit is actually your consciousness.

The nobody never defeated the illuminati. Alot of you may think it is just people roll playing but he is infact the spawn of the devil.

I am not going to go into grave detail of everything as you yourself need to seek the answers and come to your own judgement. I just ask that you question what I say while using common sense.

Here are a few things I can tell you.

- God is real.
- Jesus walked the earth.
- The bible is mixed with truth and lies.
- Let your faith guide you.
- Praying actually works. Vibrations are amazing.
- We are living in the end of days.
- JFK found out the truth and paid with his life.
- We are living in the flesh, there is life after for those that are granted it.
- Atlantis is not a myth.
- The great pyramids are a power plant.
- The devil and his minions are running the world right now.
- Everything is connected.

Here are a few things that can help you.

- Be positive at all times. Positive vibrates more then negative.
- Have Faith
- Avoid Politics, you can sit back and watch.

A wise man once said, save your soul. So please save yourself, remember the true meaning of the soul and spirit.

Again, I will not be posting here anymore, or for that matter visiting this site as duty is calling me to other places.I ask the you question everything I said and everything in this life. Don't follow any religion as it is a mind trap.

I expect this to be deleted as it speaks the truth, and the government has this site on lock down.

Max Ratt Deconstruction Zone #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Compelling Evidence that Barack Obama is the Son of Michael Rockefeller and Megawati Soekarnoputri

This is a slideshow including many pictures of Barack Obama, Megawati Soekarnoputri, Achmed Sukarno, Michael Rockefeller, and Jokowi Widodo. I believe this is quite compelling evidence that this is Obama's REAL FAMILY. Jokowi Widodo who seems to look like Obama's twin or double or possible brother and who can be seen in dozens of appearances with Megawati Soekarnoputri the former President of Indonesia along with her father Achmed Sukarno who is called "The Father of Indonesia" and a long time Rockefeller aparatchik. Obama admits to speaking the Indonesian language in his own book as he also admits to having been raised in Indonesia for part of his youth. The claim that his mother is Stanley Ann Dunham a single mom who had a child with a Kenyan man and then some how ended up in Indonesia is a nonsensical LIE typical of the Rockefeller Garbage Spewing Propaganda Machine. We've been told Obama's Columbia University Student ID has the name Barry Soetoro which seems to have a connection with the name Soekarno and his first name Barack I would argue is a connection to B-Rock! Take a look and listen and you tell me what you think?

youareallsheep #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Zionists Using Donald Trump to Fix Another Election

Like a turd that won't flush, Donald Trump is back again to serve his Illuminati Jewish masters. This time around, his role is to win the GOP nomination and throw the election to Hillary Clinton, the Illuminati bankers' preferred candidate.

If this seems farfetched, consider that Trump is allegedly leading the other GOP candidates by a large margin. He catapulted into the lead by pretending to champion ordinary Americans who are fed up with illegal immigration. Calling Mexicans "rapists" is a little extreme but he needed to get attention fast.

The Illuminati Jewish bankers have a long history of manipulating US Presidential elections. An obvious example is when they dusted off Theodore Roosevelt in 1912 to split the Republican vote, defeat Taft and elect their pawn Woodrow Wilson.

In 1940, they got a Democrat, Wendell Wilkie, to run for the Republicans, and ensured FDR's reelection, and US entry into World War Two.

In 1992 election, they elected Bill Clinton by running Ross Perot in order to split the Republican vote. If Perot hadn't run, Bush Sr. would have been re-elected. (Apparently, he had angered the Zionists by referring to their control of Capitol Hill.) Perot got 20 million votes. Clinton got 45 million and Bush got 39 million.

Trump was drafted to run in 2012 but they decided he wasn't needed. Then as now, Trump tailored his position to co-opt the opposition. He is "Christian, pro-life, anti gay marriage and so for the death penalty especially for terrorists."

"I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian," "And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion."

He attends church "as much as I can. Always on Christmas. Always on Easter. And when there's a major occasion. And during the Sundays. I'm a Sunday church person. I'll go when I can." Now, there's conviction.

His real loyalty is to Mother Israel. Recently he said, "there has never been a greater enemy to Israel than Barack Obama. It's incredible the way he treats them, the way he's speaking to them. I think he treats our known enemies much better."

Other stories linked there provide the flavour of Trump's relation to Israel:

Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to Judaism in 2008 before marrying Jewish real estate developer Jared Kushner. Last year, Kushner was part of a group that bought Israeli insurer Phoenix for $500 million.

We can thank Brother Nathaniel in 2011 for alerting us to the hokey nature of the
Trump campaign and the fact that his David Axelrod (aka "handler") is another Illuminati Jew by the name of Michael Cohen. He is a Trump advisor again in 2015 saying Trump speaks for the "silent majority."

img-bs-bottom---alexander-trump-advisor_142917540849.jpgCohen? supported Obama in 2008, but has "grown disappointed with the president, so much so that he now describes himself as 'offended' by the administration's agenda. America, Cohen said, has become a "third-world nation," echoing words that have become a familiar refrain of Trump's.

Michael joined The Trump Organization in 2006 following a career as a private attorney and "personal advisor to some of the world's wealthiest individuals."

Last summer, Cohen rented a Hampton's mansion for one month for $150,000 without even looking at it. He sued the owner for $500,000 because it was in disrepair.

Another Trump backer is Stewart Rahr, an Illuminati Jewish billionaire, who made his fortune as a pharmaceutical distributor. He is the 183rd richest man in America (139 of the top 400 are Jewish) and one of the 400 richest men in the world. (Trump isn't in the top 400.)

If Americans think Trump and his backers are going to change anything, I have some real estate in Florida .... His role is to take a fall.

Politics is a charade put on by the Illuminati. Their mass media puts lipstick on this pig.

We don't realize how we are totally manipulated. Our political, economic and cultural lives are psy ops.

Anonymous #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

ALL ASIANS ARE PART REPTILIAN!!!! They all have active reptilian DNA!

All Chinese Japanese, and Koreans have active reptilian dna!

All Asians who have slanted eyes and flat/flatter faces have active reptilian dna!

Reptilians are fully telepathic, and anyone who has telepathic reptilian dna in them is also telepathic, but the less reptilian dna you have the weaker your telepathic abilities are!

Asians are between 1/12 and 1/20 reptilian which still makes them completely telepathic but far weaker than reptilians who's telepathic abilities is extremely powerful, reptilians can read minds from million of kilometers away while Asians sure cannot, only at normal distances like 10 feet for example!

A lot of Asians do well in academics because they can hear everyone's thoughts and harvest a lot of information from everyone else!

No South East Asians, Filipino's, Indonesians(Malays) Ainu, and Native Americans are not telepathic at all because none of them have any active reptilian dna in them.

They all have recessive reptilian dna though, but that is like not having any reptilian dna at all because the reptilian dna does not function at all!

Reptilian dna becomes recessive when they become less than 1/46th reptilian because by then all 46 chromosomes are active rendering the reptilian dna recessive and completely inactive!

The reason Asians have slanted eyes and flat/flatter faces is because the reptilian dna caused their human dna to evolve much faster causing the evolution of their faces!

Before 30 000 years ago Asians were proto mongoloid which is what the Ainu of Japan are, and most Native Americans are in almost proto mongoloid form, with some like the Cherokee amongst the most proto mongoloid looking, so the proto mongoloid ancestors of todays Asians looked a lot like them! but they all had thick beards like the Ainu.

South East Asians and Filipino's are like a mixture of proto Mongoloid and neo Mongoloid on average, with some more proto mongoloid than others, and are only left with recessive reptilian dna.

Asians started to evolve their present faces around 30 000 years ago and trust me that would take way WAY more than 30 000 years!!! Probably more like 100 000 years maybe even longer! that proves their evolution is unnatural!

jiaogulan #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Evolution VS High School Biology. Evolution Loses. Check My Math

The law of biogenesis. Have you heard of it? Louis Pasteur proved that living organisms come from other living organisms and do not spontaneously come to life from non-living material. 150 years later there are some that believe that all life arose from a cell or cells that spontaneously generated from non -living material. Perhaps the law of biogenesis is more of a guideline rather than a law. Or perhaps everything that has ever been observed in nature by scientists over the last 150 years affirms the validity of this law. So the spontaneous generation of a theoretical original cell is a violation of this law and is contradictory to scientific observation.
The End.

No, not really. Let’s look at several of the insurmountable problems associated with the theory of spontaneous generation (evolution)

Problem 1. Amino acids.

Amino acids would be needed to form the protein molecules contained in the first theoretical non-living cell. These amino acids would have been formed by natural processes. Dr. Stanley Miller performed a series of experiments to show how amino acids could be produced by generating electric arcs in a gaseous mixture of hydrogen, methane and ammonia along with water. The main problem with producing Amino acids by natural processes, apart from formation within a living organism is that a mixture of left-handed and right-handed amino acids will be formed. These two forms of amino acids are chemically the same but the component atoms of each are put together differently. In fact, mirror images of each other. In living organisms, virtually all amino acids are left handed. The Miller experiment produced a 50/50 mixture of both. Half left-handed and half right-handed. Typically one right-handed amino acid in in protein molecule will render the protein useless or inactive. In other words, if you have an enzyme molecule that performs a particular function in a cell or organism that contains only one right-handed amino acid, that enzyme will not work.

Problem 2. Specific sequence of amino acids in proteins:

Proteins are made of 20 different amino acids. The amino acids are chemically bonded together like links in a chain. The specific arrangement or sequence of amino acids determines the characteristics and function of each protein molecule. To calculate the probability of the correct amino acid sequence in a given molecule in the first theoretical non-living cell, you only need to know two things:
The probability of a particular amino acid in the sequence being the correct amino acid out of a possible 20 amino acid is one chance in 20.

Multiply all the probabilities together.
In other words, if one of the theoretical protein molecules in the theoretical cell had 50 amino acid links, multiply 20 x 20 x 20 etc. 50 times. So the probability of the first two links being in the correct sequence is 20 x 20 = 400 or one chance in 400. The probability of the first 3 links being in the correct sequence is 20 x 20 x 20 = 8000 or one chance in 8000. As a mathematical shortcut to visualize how big of a number you get when multiplying 20 x 20 fifty times, do this:

Multiply 2 x 2 fifty times (2 x 2 x 2 ——) and tack on 50 zeros to the end of that number.
To calculate the chance of getting all 50 sequences correct AND all left handed, consider that each link could be a right-handed version of any of the 20 amino acids or a left-handed version of any of the 20 amino acids but only one of the 40 possible amino acids is correct for each link. The probability of the first amino acid being correct and left-handed is one chance in 40. The probability of the first two amino acids being correct is 40 x 40 = 1600 or one chance in 1600. The probability of the first three links being in the correct sequence is 40 x 40 x 40 = 64000 or one chance in 64000. The probability of the first 4 links being in the correct sequence in one chance in 2,560,000 or about one chance in 2 and a half million. To get a handle on the probability of getting all 50 links in the correct sequence multiply 4 x 4 fifty times and tack on 50 zeros to the end of that number. That is a really big number. Please enter your answer in the comments section below.

A protein with only 50 links is relatively small in nature. Some enzymes are made up of thousands of amino acids. The first theoretical non-living cell must have had many protein molecules perhaps 100 or more. To give an unfair advantage to those who reject the law of biogenesis lets suppose the first cell or proto cell had only 50 protein molecules that contained 50 amino acids each. To get an idea of the size of the number that represents the probability of all the amino acids being in the correct sequence and all left handed in in all the protein molecules:

multiply 4 x 4 2500 times and tack on 2500 zeros on to the end of that number. I am no math whiz but I believe that would be a really big number. It is bigger than the estimated total number of fundamental particles in the observable universe”

So, if every particle in the universe represented a trial and error formation by natural processes of just two of the theoretical proteins, you could possibly get two molecules that were correct at the same time somewhere in there. The odds would still be against it. By the way, proteins have not been observed to form by natural processes apart from living organisms and isn’t that what scientific theory is all about? The observable and reproducible? How many universes of chances do we need to get the first cell right?
By the way. All of the above math is overkill. Just the left-hand, right-hand problem destroys any hope of spontaneous generation. The chance of all the links in all 50 protein molecules being correct can be calculated by multiplying 2 x 2 2500 times. Every time you multiply by two you cut the probability in half. Please write your answer in the comments section below. One more thing while we are on the subject of multiplying by two. How many times you would need to fold a piece of paper in half to make it thick enough to reach to the moon? The number of folds is as ridiculously small as the piece of paper needed is large.

Problem 3. Specific sequence of the genetic material.

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the molecule inside a cell that among other things contains the code for making protein molecules. As a cell grows it takes in nutrients and produces protein molecules. When the cell is large enough it splits into two cells. The ability for the cell to produce the correct amino acid sequences in the various protein molecules is dependent on the specific sequence of molecules in DNA called nucleotides. If the sequence of nucleotides is incorrect the cell will produce proteins with the wrong amino acid sequence. The DNA molecule contains the code for every type of protein in the cell as well as the code for the specific structure of the cell. The probability that the DNA in the first non-living theoretical cell contained the correct code for all the types of protein molecules in that cell is the combined improbabilities of at least one of each type of protein molecule in that cell having the correct amino acid sequences at the point in time the cell spontaneously transitioned from being dead to being alive. You may want to re-read that last sentence a few times so the implications become apparent.

Problem 4. All the component parts in the same place at the same time.

Cells contain structures called organelles. They are like small organs within the cell that have specific functions. Some of the organelles and other structures one might expect to find in this theoretical cell are endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, nucleus, DNA, RNA, and cell membrane. At the very least, the theoretical minimum set of component parts to sustain cellular life needed to be present at the same time and place. The component parts needed to be structurally correct and needed to, by chance and unknown natural processes not associated with living organisms, be in a state of correct assemblage. That is a strange concept. The complete simplest theoretical cell needed to be produced by a set of natural processes, then transition from a dead state to a living state, and then grow and reproduce by an entirely different set of natural processes other than the ones that originally generated it. Highly improbable? No. Totally impossible.

Cornucopia of other problems:

Due to the fact that there is massive amounts of calcium on land and in the oceans, there would be no free phosphorus to form DNA. All the theoretically free phosphorus would end up in the form of calcium phosphate in no time.
The theoretical primordial earth atmosphere contained no oxygen. As useful molecules were theoretically being produced by bolts of lightning they would be destroyed by ultraviolet light since there would be no ozone layer. Some molecules would end up in the ocean and if submerged deep enough to be unaffected by UV radiation would be in the ocean along with other lucky molecules in a state of near infinite dilution. At some later time some of these molecules might end up on land in a muddy little evaporating puddle or pond with less dilution. Then they would be destroyed by ultraviolet light. If the atmosphere contained oxygen, these same molecules would be oxidized and useless.

The same lightning that could produce organic molecules could and would far more easily destroy previously generated molecules. That is just how the physics works. Some fortunate few would make it to the depths of the ocean.

Some might theorize that the first living cell might be of the type that would exist near a submerged volcanic vent far from the perils of the earths surface. This cell would reproduce and future generations of cells would produce oxygen by some method other than photosynthesis. As impossible as this is, you still have to get to that first cell. So all the afore mentioned problems still apply.

Misc. notes:

The math in regard to the left and right-handed amino acids is a little flawed. One of the amino acids, glycine, is left handed only. With that in mind the odds are slightly better so spontaneous generation is totally possible. Not. In all fairness, the Miller experiment produces several amino acids with left-hand and right-hand versions that do not occur in living organisms. In other words the Miller experiment produced all the right amino acids as well as some wrong ones. These could just as well be factored in.

Some researchers have concluded that under certain conditions amino acids could be generated with about 90 percent being left-handed. This does not help much. So instead of half of 2500 amino acids statistically being right handed in the theoretical cell, only 250 will statistically be wrong. Then we multiply the results with the probability of all 2500 amino acids being in the correct sequence.

A chemist once came up with this great party game to help illustrate math probabilities like those in this article. He suggested that you get 17 people to line up in a row. Then line up in a different order. Keep lining up in a different order until all the possible combinations have been used. How many unique arrangement of 17 people in a row are there? More than 355 trillion combination. This can be calculated by multiplying 17 x 16 x 15 x 14 x 13 x 12 x 11 x 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2. Since guinea pigs are so well suited for scientific experimentation, guinea pigs can be used instead of people in this experiment. The results are the same.

One last thought. Someone once wrote something like this:

If you had an infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite number of typewriters all the books that have ever been written and would ever be written would be written.

The problem is there is no such thing as an infinite number of monkeys and typewriters. Ok. Let’s deal with the finite. Start with a meaningful paragraph 2500 characters in length. Forget case and punctuation let’s just get the spelling correct. There is 1 chance in 26 of getting the first letter correct. What is the probability of getting the first two letters correct?.......

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com



Please let this prayer be understood by 'Truthseekers' globally in Your will. We know satan and his demons are working through the MASONIC JESUIT VATICAN CONSPIRACY. Freemason Albert Pike wrote in the letters about Three World Wars that 'Christianity must be destroyed'.

On page 184 of Ronayne's 'Masonic Handbook' we read:
"Whether you swear or take God's name in vain don't matter so much. Of course the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as you know, don't amount to anything, but Mah-hah-bone--O, horror! You must never, on any account, speak that awful name aloud. That would be a most heinous crime--unmasonic--unpardonable."

May 'truthseekers' and others understand that the name LORD JESUS CHRIST is not allowed to be spoken out loud by satanists, such as masons, because it creates terror for them as YOUR HOLY NAME INVOKES YOU, ALMIGHTY GOD, AND YOU BREAKS ALL CURSES OF DARKNESS AND DELIVER FROM EVIL.

The True light of Lord Jesus Christ has already conquered the darkness and false light of Lucifer. Demons run and flee for His name. Truthseekers, new agers, illuminati-fighters and others pure of heart, but still dwelling in darkness and deception, may they know that demons are real and they are allowed to call out to You to be saved, when 'the energy is crazy again' and they are in despair. Let it be known amongst them, that you, LORD JESUS CHRIST, are the MASTER who makes demons shiver and shake and that your are the ONLY way to come to the Father.

JOHN 14:6 "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."


You already paid with your blood for our sins. Thank you Jesus! Thank you. May the online dwellers pure of heart REPENT IN YOUR NAME, BE BAPTISED AND RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Your True Light casts out darkness and those calling out Your name from deep within their hearts will be saved. May the unbelievers of this prayer who don't believe your Word, Oh mighty LORD, be intrigued to challenge You with a spoken prayer, by praying to you GOD ALMIGHTY, and finishing their prayer with your name LORD JESUS CHRIST.

May conspiracy sites around the world, such as these, be filled with your name, LORD JESUS CHRIST, and testimonies of great wonders and deliverance shatter darkness and destroy demons! In these times of great despair, You need soldiers who will fight darkness with prayers of FIRE in Your name, LORD JESUS CHRIST.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Let this prayer be heared in your name, LORD JESUS CHRIST.

In the name of THE FATHER,
and the HOLY SPIRIT we pray.


ISIAH 54:17
"No weapon that is formed against me will prosper".

Salt #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Saturn is a Device (Redux)

First, let me plant a seed from my old thread from back in May 2012 (which sorely needs updating, the vids are mostly missing, but i can no longer access it to edit it.)

Ownership of the Portal: Brotherhood of Saturn, Chronos, & the Linear Time Trap. Saturn is a device & the Illuminati know. TRUTH is HERE NOW
The series i want to share here has 4 parts. i want to start with the 4th in the series so you can hear about the reality of Saturn and what role this device has in our universe. It suggests that Saturn is not a planet, but rather, a hyperdimensional portal or device of some kind, that basically is the regulator of our linear time.

The solar system looks as though it was constructed as a "time trap." since the entities are so interested in governing this portal, i would be willing to postulate that this is the device that brings back Christ. they do not, of course, want this to happen. Christ uses this portal to return. the device is destroyed. liner time is no longer imprisoning us. We are locked into linear time, but it is only temporary. this is why the illuminati want control of the Linear Time Device. Kubrick revealed many of these important facts. the elite know. Kubrick was murdered for trying to tell.

Thread: Ownership of the Portal: Brotherhood of Saturn, Chronos, & the Linear Time Trap. Saturn is a device & the Illuminati know. TRUTH is HERE NOW


That was old thinking.
My research has changed my theory about this model and it isn't a portal for Christ's return. Quite the contrary. It might not be a portal at all. Merely a device, that locks us into linear time? A signal to the rise of Antichrist?

The trippy thing tho, is that it is changing, shifting. And this change was noticed in Sept 2015 which is when I theorize that the Great Tribulation may have begun. And these timely changes seem to be reflected in Luciferian propaganda programming. Somehow Saturn is regarded as a device connected to Linear time (Cronos), Satan, death, and antichrist. And its dramatically changing as we speak. And the luciferian cube/antichrist symbolism is on a huge rise in 2015/2016.

See these articles:
Something Strange Is Happening Inside Saturn
[link to www.space.com]

What is stirring deep inside Saturn? Strange spiralling ripples in gas giant's rings are revealing the planet's internal structure
Published: 10:50 EST, 29 September 2015 | Updated: 07:07 EST, 4 January 2016
[link to www.dailymail.co.uk]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

An offer the illumislutties couldn't refuse...

The monkey minded moron idiots at the helm of our world validate each other's ideas by excluding all but their core ingroup in discussions. Their neuron connections make sense to one another accordingly.

They keep greater intelligence out of their circles so as to not "corrupt" the purity of their peer-validated insanity.

Copy and paste this instantly - spread it where you can - this site is a counterintel hub and deletes real truth very quickly.

This is the pathetic world we were all born into. Solution to the worlds problems? Easy - it's exactly this: Pass a maximum earnings, profit, and capital gains law = free market capitalism with healthy limits to prevent monetary authoritarianism (MA). MA is the actual governing technique throughout the world and euphemistic speech is used to spread it like "getting people out of poverty." Agrarianism is not poverty, it's freedom from monetary authoritarianism. Votes are purchased or programmed into people's minds with media... that's what democracy is. In addition, real freedom would be passing a universal fundamental human right stating that: It is a fundamental human right for every person to gather together with their ancestry group to live a healthy culture with the goal of preventing health problems and striving for better youthful longevity through the years by cause/effect observations.

CIA, NSA, MI6, MOSSAD and all the rest... I currently work with a planted MOSSAD agent at a big Korean company in Silicon Valley, have interacted with idiots affiliated with the CIA too often, and the brain power is imbecilic. Robots doing as they are programmed, thinking they are donig something for some greater good. Nope... you're just making the world safe for monetary authoritarianism... the shits the few authoritarians take and the orgasms they have inside of whomever. That's what you are protecting idiot agents.

No real progress is ever made by design... Google, Facebook - branches of the CIA/NSA etc - achieve such great company valuation because they are helping the global spy network. Certain companies get the green light for success if their part of the core global in-group.

Engineers and people that work in supply chain are excellent covert agents to walk around China and other countries just "doing their job" with some Silicon Valley company.

These are the facts on the ground. Maybe one day it will improve, I don't know. I've done what I can but the idiots at the helm are, well, idiots. They lack the capacity to do the right thing. Nothing but wrong written throughout their neuron connections. The entire world could be a completely different place today with better leadership... they maintain a sort of intelligence "dark ages" fueled by endless entertainment counterintel to keep people's mind spinning on nothing of significance from birth to death. This is the actual, intentional design of society today. It's the best these idiots can do. It's all they got - all the meetings they have throughout the world - all you see around you is the best they can do.

They suck. They are pathetic worms, with even more pathetic worms doing as they command. A few people on the sidelines like me strive to get some creative new direction going, but it's always stopped, delayed, prevented in some way. Never supported, helped, moved forward.

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