
That's Not What That Word Means Award

Evident, def: baseless imagining

Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com

Evidently the supposed glitch that temporarily shut down EBT cards in some parts of the country was only a dry run. The Obama Regime plans to cut off food stamps next month, mobilizing his zombie armies of government dependents by choking off their supply of other people’s money and letting his media enablers tell them Republicans did it.

Using food as a weapon is a favorite tactic of collectivists; Stalin employed it to pacify whole regions, killing millions in the process. This is one of the many reasons private charity is preferable to allowing people to rely on government for food.

Obama knows America has deteriorated to the point that a ploy like this might work, because otherwise he would never have been reelected running on an essentially Marxist platform. The objective is to render the House of Representatives completely powerless. This is why he will not negotiate at all, even on insignificant face-saving measures. When Boehner unconditionally capitulates to prevent massive rioting, thereby turning over Congress’s power of the purse to the White House, the USA will officially become a collectivist dictatorship.

We could be witnessing a bloodless (for now) version of Russia’s October Revolution.

Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com

Soldiers Trained to Regard American Family Association as a “Hate Group”

Don’t be alarmed that the Obama Regime has been systematically purging the US Armed Forces of Christians who take their faith seriously. No doubt this is just yet another isolated incident:

Several dozen U.S. Army active duty and reserve troops were told last week that the American Family Association, a well-respected Christian ministry, should be classified as a domestic hate group because the group advocates for traditional family values.

At the briefing, propaganda was used to associate the AFA with Fred Phelps’s harmless but infuriating Westboro Baptist Church, which gets attention by disrupting military funerals. There is no actual association between them.

A chaplain had the character to challenge the assertion that the AFA is a “hate group.” But the doctrine was passed down from on high that any group that disapproves of homosexual deviancy deserves that designation. That means soldiers are expected to regard this mainstream Christian group as the enemy.

Later in the briefing, the soldiers were reportedly told that they could face punishment for participating in organizations that are considered hate groups.

That would logically include any Bible-based Christian group.

Observes Bryan Fischer, who hosts a talk show on American Family Radio:

“If our military wasn’t headed by a commander-in-chief who is hostile to Christian faith, these allegations would be laughed off every military base in the world.”

Given enough time, Obama et al. will completely purge the military of sincere Christians. This will take them a long way toward creating a new military reflecting their own values. It will be less useful on foreign battlefields, but they won’t have to worry about principled refusal to follow orders on American soil that no Christian would obey.

Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com

Not even a moonbat drunk on liberal media Kool-Aid would be able to miss the symbolism of America’s first anti-American president positioning armed thugs to keep us out of Independence Hall, the birthplace of the USA[...]

The purpose? It’s all part of the Shutdown, a transparently phony tactic Obama is using to impose ObamaCare, the objective of which is to destroy the private health insurance industry, thus moving us closer to socialism.

The Founding Fathers would be ashamed of how much we have already put up with — and the situation will inevitably get far worse if we don’t put up more resistance.

Bo Jangles #racist moonbattery.com

Jews make up the overwhelming majority of the Left and far-Left. They have total control of NYS and NYC’s notoriously leftist political system.
As for B’nai B’rith International, they were (directly responsible) for importing millions of Russians into the US under the guise of “escaping religious persecution” in Russia. Most of those Russians migrated to NYC, which now has the largest population in the US, and where they receive every conceivable govt. handout imaginable. Another thing the Russians brought to NYC is Russian organized crime, (far worse) than anything we ever saw from the Italian mafia.

One thing Anonymous didn’t mention is that the controlling body of the Communist Party USA, which created the ACLU and America’s labor movement, is almost all Jewish. They also control the entertainment industry, the media, academia, and most of our public education systems.

Jodie #fundie moonbattery.com

Obama is extremely successful at influencing those who are perishing – those whose names are not written in God’s book – which evidently is billions of people. You can’t deny that these people worship Obama and believe that he is their messiah, can you? Obama has been changing and ignoring laws and destroying this country since day one and yet the MSM and his followers not only don’t question him, they praise him. I can’t imagine any man having the power and influence that Obama has without Satan dwelling inside him.

Jodie #fundie moonbattery.com

I have believed that Obama is the anti-Christ since around 2006 and I’ve stated it many times. Two of the most common arguments that people make against my theory is that Obama’s not good looking enough and that he’s not persecuting Christians. Well, nowhere in the Bible does it even IMPLY that the anti-Christ is good looking. And as far as Obama not persecuting Christians—HELLLOOO-OOO!

Dave Blount #transphobia #homophobia moonbattery.com

Lesbians Adopt Boy, Chemically Transform Him Into Pseudo-Girl

The sexual molestation that inevitably results...is hardly the only reason that the liberal push for more homosexual adoption is morally abhorrent. How can it be called decent to put children into situations like this?

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl — defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young.

Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy.

[Adoptive guardians] Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel warn that children with gender identity disorder forced to postpone transitioning could face a higher risk of suicide.

Whereas if they are freakified through grotesque medical practices best left on the Island of Doctor Moreau, they live happily ever after. Just ask Nancy Verhelst. No wait, you can’t; she had herself put out of her misery like deformed dog.

Thomas’s transition into a make-pretend girl began at age eight. His guardians are inflicting hormone suppressants to prevent him from developing a male voice, broad shoulders, and facial hair. If this doesn’t qualify as child abuse, the statutes need to be rewritten.

Whatever the motivations involved in this particular situation, given the pathological fear and hatred of males that often characterize women who base their identities on being lesbians, situations like this are an inevitable consequence of homosexual adoption and the bizarre moonbat notion that a person’s sex can be altered. The progressive ruling class is dragging the rest of society down a path that cannot lead to anything healthy.

Dr. 9 #racist moonbattery.com

If you were black you would be in favor of [ObamaCare] also. Hey, it’s lots of free money comin their way. I wonder what their comments would have been if Obummer were White. BTW, when does the Congressional White Caucus meet?

“Beware of those who cry racism, for they are the true racists—”

Dave Blount #racist moonbattery.com

James Gifford, Saintly 70-Year-Old Victim of “Random” Black on White Violence

The Knockout Game, which enriches our more diverse neighborhoods with its robust ethnic multiculturalishness, has evidently claimed yet another victim. From Syracuse:

James Gifford, the 70-year-old man who was randomly attacked on Saturday, has died of his injuries, according to Syracuse Police. —

Romeo Williams, 18, has already been charged with assault in connection to the attack. Syracuse police and the Onondaga County District Attorney’s office will meet to decide what further charges to bring against Williams now that this is a homicide case.

Murder would be good for starters.

Print reports tend not to mention race unless it reflects well on liberal ideology — and it rarely does. Good thing we have video so we know why the attack occurred.

Otherwise random attacks on vulnerable whites by young blacks are sometimes called Polar Bear Hunting or the Knockout Game. Because of the media’s devotion to its politically correct narrative, it is difficult to determine the factor by which the frequency of these attacks has increased since the Passion of Saint Skittles. That propaganda campaign allowed the moonbats controlling the federal government and information establishment to whip low-information blacks into a homicidal frenzy by distorting and exploiting the justifiable homicide of Trayvon Martin.

Good thing incidents like this never make the national media, or others might get angry with substantially more justification.

Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com

Common Core Turns First Graders Into Advocates of Social Justice

We’ve recently seen how Common Core exposes children to pornographic literature and promotes ghetto culture, and how speaking out against it at the wrong place and time can get you thrown in jail. Here’s how Common Core trains 6-year-olds to become social activists like the Community Organizer in Chief[...]

The tradition progressive quotations apply.


“When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side,’ I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to us already— What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.’”


“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

762x51 #conspiracy moonbattery.com

In just over 6 weeks, Weld County, adjacent to Boulder and 7 other northern Colorado Counties will vote to secede from the State of Colorado which by extension means the United States since the libturd run Congress will never vote to admit us as a new state. The importance and net effect of this action is to call out the forces of evil in this state and nation. The Turds cannot allow this happen as we produce 80% of the state oil and gas revenue plus another 70% of the agricultural revenue and we will no longer be dictated to by them from their Denver ivory tower. There will be a gun fight over this so those of you located elsewhere need to start figuring out how you will react to that war. The leftist media will report the government line and no truth will be heard.

FEMA and other enemy agencies of this criminal government need to be kept under surveillance by those of you outside of this area. Drone THEM, photograph THEM, report on THEM. We will need intel on troop movements, and any asset relocation’s, i.e., DHS gun trucks, air assets, etc.

We will take control of this area by force of arms if necessary, without question, and the fight will be on. This will likely spill out into other states.

Are you prepared?

Jodie #fundie moonbattery.com

So which ones are the peaceful Muslims? The ones with the bricks or the molotov cocktails or the metal bars? Or the ones who torture and kill their wives and daughters? Or are the peaceful ones those who rip the organs out of their enemies and eat them? I’m not sure that I’ve seen the “peaceful” Muslims yet.

Maybe it is the two Muslims who showed up for the Million Muslim (peace) March.

Leonard Jones #conspiracy moonbattery.com

Does anyone rmember that Obama called for the creation
of a “Civillian army” in the 2008 campaign?

The Brown Shirts of the SA have been replaced by the
Purple Shirts of the SEIU.

Leftists have always considered black people as the
“Vanguard” of their revolution. Obama was praying for
riots in the wake of the Zimmerman acquittal. That
would give him the chance to deploy the 2,500 APCs and
the 2+ billion rounds of ammo, as well as a declaration
of martial law.

I will have to give the black community a little credit
here. After the O.J. Simpson case, the Duke Lacrosse
case and the Sharpton / Tawana Brawley hoax, I think
that there are a lot of black Americans who who are
seeing through the liberal media bullshit!

Enough time has passed that there are probably no black
Americans who have not seen Zimmerman’s wounds. This
was the race riot that fizzled! All that are left are
the True Believers.

This is my theory: that enough people in the black
community recognized Trayvon Martin as a violent crim-inal thug and simply did not enter the usual 100 yard
dash while carrying a stolen TV or stereo system.

Obama Obama Uber Alles!

Dave Blount #racist moonbattery.com

Trayvons Murder Father of Six as Crowd Watches

Given even local media’s refusal to tell us what is going on when events don’t fit the politically correct template, a story like this must be a real mystery to those who haven’t learned to read between the lines:

Yarvon Nathaniel Russell, James Alon Shorter and Kent Anthony Tyler III, all of Des Moines, were charged Friday with first-degree murder. The teenagers are accused of killing Richard Daughenbaugh, who was found severely beaten in a parking lot near the Center Street bridge around 1 a.m. Sunday morning. He later died at Iowa Methodist Medical Center.

The bridge is a popular fishing spot.

Several dozen people were in the parking lot when Daughenbaugh was beaten and watched the attack, police believe. Police suspect three or four others participated in the attack.

“The phrase ‘mob mentality’ is probably accurate here,” Halifax told the Register on Friday. “Once the assault began, acquaintances of the suspect jumped in.”

Nowhere does the story mention race, so the reader would have no way of knowing why the father of six was beaten to death by strangers as a crowd looked on — without looking up the word “teenager” in the journalist dictionary to see that in the context of senseless violence it is a synonym for “young black thug” or “Trayvon.”

John Derbyshire wrote a very valuable article for Taki’s Magazine encouraging parents to have a talk with their kids about recognizing danger signs in their surroundings so that they don’t end up like Richard Daughenbaugh. After all, you have to live awhile before you learn to pick up on what the media and other authorities deliberately do not tell you. For this service, Derbyshire was fired from National Review by establishment thought cop Rich Lowry.

Nonetheless, parents had better have that talk. Rule number one is to regard any crowd that is mostly black as an immediate threat to your life. You could be killed for your skin color. The media would call you racist for objecting.

ThisObamaNation #racist moonbattery.com

Here is the bottom line.

The sad truth is the black community is full of dangerous sociopaths who absolutely hate white people.

Despite this unfortunate reality, parents and the police are afraid to warn gullible young white people that they need to be on their guard against racial violence.

They need to know that just because they are not racist against blacks that does not mean the non-racist “kum bye ah” feelings will be reciprocated.

They need to understand that some blacks maybe harboring intense feelings of animosity towards whites, and that these feelings can manifest themselves in sudden acts of extreme violence.

White people need to take precautions, and avoid hanging around black people that they don’t know very well.

Unfortunately in this PC World you can’t give people this kind of advice because it sounds so racist.

Personally, I would rather be considered racist than dead.

Eric #racist moonbattery.com

I think the whole problem with all this “race” talk is the terminology used. Myself, I see people as different breeds. You distinguish the difference between a Rotweiler and a Doberman by calling them different BREEDS, they are the same RACE; Dog. Yes, blacks are still “human” but they are definitely a different BREED.

When you interbreed a Poodle with a Pekingese it’s still a DOG.

Of course this is just an excuse for me to use so I can call myself a “breedist” rather than a “racist”.

Dave Blount #racist moonbattery.com

Yet Another Opportunity for the First White Al Sharpton

The institutional anti-white racism that characterizes our society is even worse among government authorities than it is in the local media, to judge by this story from liberal Saint Paul[...]

National media is of course another matter. That’s why the epidemic of black on white mob violence is only reported at the local level.

Hopefully this will convince a few more people that the notion of “hate crimes” is absurd, will never be applied fairly, and is an assault on the fundamental concept of equality before the law.

Saint Paul residents had better get used to public violence. Our moonbat rulers have been importing welfare colonists from savage Somalia by the tens of thousands and settling them in the Twin Cities area. Already Minneapolis has produced an ultra-left Muslim congressman (Keith Ellison), and al Qaeda recruits in the area. The peaceful streets of the past will soon become a fading memory, like faith in the future.

Laurie #racist moonbattery.com

Study that bus beating carefully, white people. This is what the liberals want all of you to be like. Helpless whimpering babies being beaten savagely by black scumbags.

Therefore, from this point forward, it’s our job to teach our children a serious form of fighting (Karate, boxing, or whatever they like that causes maximum damage), and then give them full permission to beat the living crap out of anyone, especially blacks, who advances toward them in a threatening manner.

And then our job, as adults, is to stand up for them and defend their actions as right and justified, and WE beat the crap out of anyone, including protesters, who approach threateningly.

We might as well. No matter how badly some white kid gets beaten, the LSM will ALWAYS find some way to justify it. And if the kids fights back, he/she will ALWAYS be held up as a criminal.

So if we’re going to be demonized, we might as well have a good reason. Putting a few scumbags in the hospital and/or six feet under is a damn good reason. I’d be very proud of my kid if, in this situation, he jumped up and made mincemeat out of those three punks. Seeing him break bones and dislocate joints so that those little attacking twerps were screaming in agony would do my heart good. And it’s got to start being that way NOW.

And for the civilized and educated blacks in America, I apologize that it’s come to us having to do this. But if you’d stood up and shouted down this kind of crap years ago, the coming white backlash wouldn’t be happening. But your silence brought your future upon you.

Xavier #conspiracy moonbattery.com

1) “Teabaggers”, as you call them, are supportive of a fiscally responsible government. The Tea Party has nothing to do with the belief that Barry was born in Kenya. However, his wife said he was born there and it was recorded on video.

2) Why do PDFs have layers? What does it mean if a document has multiple layers?

MicahStone #conspiracy moonbattery.com


Speaker of the House Boehner must stop crying, get a pair, man-up and convene a special panel to begin IMPEACHMENT hearings for the high crimes and misdemeanors of OBOZO on the following grounds:

- the illegal sestak and romanoff job offers,
- CRONY CAPITALISM with GE, Goldman Sachs, GM, GovernmentOOGLE, solyndra and hundreds of others,
- blatant extortion of money from a company (BP),
- intentional failure to protect our borders a requirement of his oath of office,
- willfully ignoring the legal rulings of the courts,
- funneling massive amounts of taxpayer money to unions that then illegally kick-back money to the d-cRAT socialists,
- unilaterally and illegally gutting the work requirement in welfare reform legislation,
- making campaign videos in the White House in violation of FEC rules,
- intentional failure to enforce immigration laws and the intimidation of any state or law enforcement agency that does try to enforce them,
- unilaterally and illegally refusing to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act,
- unconstitutional NON-recess appointments,
- unconstitutional/unlawful military action in Libya,
- DOJ acceptance and encouragement of Blank Panther voter intimidation,
- unconstitutional attacks on religious freedom in violation of the 1st Amendment,
- outrageous race-base law enforcement by the DOJ,
- serving as an accomplice to murder of four Americans in Benghazi and his massive cover-up of the facts of this atrocity,
- serving as an accomplice to murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry (and thousands of mexicans) from his ILLEGAL gun-running operation of Fast and Furious and his massive cover-up of the facts of this atrocity,
- his use of the IRS to harass and attack conservative American as an act of DOMESTIC TERRORISM by his administration,
– and his many, many, many other offenses against America and the US Constitution.

Gary Benson #racist moonbattery.com

[RE. A Time Magazine article on childfree couples.]

The tribe is behind this. Read “The Culture of Critique.” They HATE white Christians of European descent. They say that “Israel is for white men” while demanding that we continue to allow them to slam us with third world invaders. Whites are in BIG trouble. This Time article shows you just how much power the tribe has and how they can now opening and brazenly advocate white genocide.

Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com

[Time Magazine has an article about childfree couples.]

Time Magazine Propagandizes Against Reproduction

By fundamentally transforming America, what liberals mean is that they want to eradicate America, so that it might be replaced by a different society made up of different people. If you doubt it, check out the cover of their flagship weekly, Time Magazine[...]

The article aggressively advocates childlessness. This fits smoothly with the liberal campaigns to promote abortion and to normalize homosexuality (if only in the weakest of minds). Not having children also allegedly protects the planet from imaginary threats that the liberal press has sacrificed much of its credibility to convince us are real. Plus it saves money!

The Nazis were impatient. They wanted the groups they considered undesirable to disappear immediately. Liberals learned from the failure of their fellow progressives. They are willing to wait a few generations for Americans to fade into nonexistence.

North America will still be populated, even if the liberal ruling class has its way. That’s where the push to erase our borders completely through amnesty comes in. After America is gone, its place will be taken by a gloriously diverse Third World hellhole consisting of peasants and their oligarchical collectivist rulers. The future will look like a cross between Zimbabwe, Guatemala, and the Soviet Union. Or at least, that’s a politically correct statist’s dream.

No one who wants to disarm you means you well. The same goes for anyone who does not want you to reproduce. The liberal ruling class that excretes publications like Time is the sworn enemy of every American, including those who consider themselves part of it.

Spider #fundie moonbattery.com

Does anyone actually think this is some kind of coincidence or accident? Destroying America’s military has been a goal of the far-left for decades. What better way to do it than turning the military into one huge San Francisco gay fest?

By first declaring the military as being “discriminatory”, the left was able to inject women. The next logical step for them was gays. That’s why they fought so hard to eliminate the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that worked just fine. The conduct described in this piece is the direct result of the Left’s manipulation. And, you can bet it’s more widespread than they’re saying, and it will increase, especially when you consider how long our warriors have been fighting in foreign hell-holes.

Of all the despicable things the Left is known for doing and favoring, this, IMO, is one of the worst. To deliberately destroy the best young people this nation has to offer is unconscionable. I would say that liberals should be ashamed, but i know they have no such emotion.

J Paul Sullivan #fundie moonbattery.com

I’m willing to corroborate with angry Europeans, disgusted Americans, and the stste of Israel to finally destroy the grand center of gutter Islam, Mecca & Medina. Then we’ll descend on the capital of every Islamic country. Finally kicking all Islamists out of the UK and France. Where will they go? We’ll set up grand theatres where thay can view The Satanic Verses in celluloid, run in perpetual looop, with the Dutch cartoons providing intermitent comic relief. Sharia Law won’t stand a chance.

Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com

Lid Begins to Come Off Benghazi

It’s beginning to become clear why Obama refused to rescue the Americans who died in Benghazi on September 11, 2012; why he absurdly attempted to blame the terror attack on an unwatched YouTube video out of California; why undocumented Democrat John Boner won’t appoint a select committee to get to the bottom of the matter; why our rulers don’t want to find out what really happened. They know what really happened. Soon we will too. The lid is coming loose:

Sources now tell CNN dozens of people working for the CIA were on the ground that night, and that the agency is going to great lengths to make sure whatever it was doing, remains a secret.

CNN has learned the CIA is involved in what one source calls an unprecedented attempt to keep the spy agency’s Benghazi secrets from ever leaking out.

Since January, some CIA operatives involved in the agency’s missions in Libya, have been subjected to frequent, even monthly polygraph examinations, according to a source with deep inside knowledge of the agency’s workings.

The goal of the questioning, according to sources, is to find out if anyone is talking to the media or Congress.

It is being described as pure intimidation, with the threat that any unauthorized CIA employee who leaks information could face the end of his or her career.

In exclusive communications obtained by CNN, one insider writes, “You don’t jeopardize yourself, you jeopardize your family as well.”

Another says, “You have no idea the amount of pressure being brought to bear on anyone with knowledge of this operation.”

The dead — Ambassador Chris Stevens, Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, and former SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods — were hardly the only Americans at the Benghazi consulate that night.

A source now tells CNN that number was 35, with as many as seven wounded, some seriously.

Who are they? Where are they? The Obama Regime does not want us to know. It is taking desperate measures, according to Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC):

“Including changing names, creating aliases. Stop and think what things are most calculated to get at the truth? Talk to people with first-hand knowledge. What creates the appearance and perhaps the reality of a cover-up? Not letting us talk with people who have the most amount of information, dispersing them around the country and changing their names.”

What was Obama up to that puts such an extravagant price on secrecy? We don’t know yet, but it appears to involve illicitly supplying missiles to the al Qaeda–linked terrorists who have been attempting to gain control of Syria as a step toward establishing a vast terrorist caliphate across the region to challenge American hegemony.

You put someone who holds to an anti-American ideology in charge of the Executive Branch, what would you expect to result if not treason?

Inept Kakistocracy is Shit #conspiracy moonbattery.com

The black Lenin bathhouse queer [President Obama] wants some civil unrest since the early second term gun grab didn’t work. Vibrant diverse youfs with nothing but time on their hands to soak up hate speech and hate music will do their pied piper messiah’s bidding but it will fail like everything else associated with SCOAMF.

Dave Blount #racist moonbattery.com

After Obama splashed gasoline on the Trayvonista uprisings Friday, again explicitly identifying with the violent hooligan who attacked George Zimmerman (“Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago” — yeah right) and even denouncing white women for clutching their purses nervously when blacks (who are eight times more likely to commit robbery than other races according to the federal government itself) step onto the elevator, it was too much to expect that the people who installed him in power would call him out for being irresponsible. But are gratuitous insults to our intelligence really necessary? AP led off its piece on the speech with an oversized version of this:

[Photos of a young Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman.]

Can they possibly be serious? By now everyone on the planet knows that it was not a cherubic 12-year-old who repeatedly bashed Zimmerman’s skull against the sidewalk but a full-grown thug just short of 18. This could be yet another example of information gatekeepers taking the Big Lie strategy to the point of self-parody — or maybe it is a tacit admission by the “mainstream” media that it has no credibility left to lose among anyone except Kool-Aid–guzzling cretins who like to be told how special they are for swallowing establishment ideology.

Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com

Obama Splashes Gasoline on Trayvon Violence

No intellectually mature adult could consider it appropriate that this irresponsible demagogue is President of the United States:

The president delivered extensive remarks during a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room. He went far beyond his remarks a year ago in which he stirred controversy by saying if he had a son, he’d look like Martin.

“Another way of saying that is Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago,” Obama said.

Somebody get this guy an I Am Trayvon Martin shirt.

We already know that Obama was a pot-head like St. Skittles, but does he mean he was also a violent hoodrat with a penchant for burglary who was suspended three times, who referred to people with lighter skin as “creepy ass crackers,” and who apparently assaulted bus drivers as well as neighborhood watch captains? Of course not; the red diaper baby spent his teen years at a hoity-toity prep school. He means that all blacks (including half-blacks like himself) are the same; they must remain united against their racial enemies.

His purpose is classic Alinsky. The Community Organizer is doing what community organizers do — he is getting people riled. “The worse the better,” as Machiavellian left-wing revolutionaries like to say. In a country that would work fine if the government and media would just leave it alone, you can’t exploit a crisis without first creating the crisis, or at least the perception of a crisis.

By whipping up mobs that are already out of control, while simultaneously denouncing stand-your-ground laws that had nothing to do with the Trayvon Martin shooting, Obama appears to be setting up a row of dominos that will inevitably fall when one of the sociopathic punks he so openly identifies with attacks someone with a gun who defends himself. The aftermath will be Newtown + St. Skittles, hyped to the last extreme of absurdity by the cultural Marxists who run the media, with the short-term goal of attacking our fundamental right of self-defense and the long-term goal of creating a social divide so deep that liberals will be able to keep exploiting it indefinitely.

A leader attempts to unite his people. A ruler divides and conquers.

Americansagainstretardswhomakrrealretardslookbad #racist moonbattery.com

Does anyone else think that the African slave traders ripped us off 400 years ago? Cause America paid good money for the best slaves but some how their descendants today are not that great of a product. I mean didn’t these blacks come with some sort of warranty? So apparently the worst thing about the time when slavery was legal was the lack of a lemon law. Cause I got no problem returning any negro in America back to Africa.

Think about that. I’d rather have a robot who did ok work for a thousand years then a robot who peaked a couple days after I bought them.

Take the nations debt subtract negros = less debt. Atleast just like bugs sooner or later they’ll just kill their own species off. Seriously no one hurts, hates and kills more blacks then other blacks. All we need to do is wait for the math to catch up.

Dave Blount #racist moonbattery.com

White People Told It’s Not Enough to Feel Bad

It is beyond obvious that the government/media axis converted the Trayvon Martin shooting into a race issue and then hyped it through the ceiling in order to exacerbate racial tensions. The only question is: why would they do this, positioning themselves firmly on the side of blacks, when blacks make up only 12% of the population? This pro-Trayvon protester provides the answer[...]

When it comes time to make Whitey into lampshades, there will be no shortage of white volunteers to man the guard towers at the concentration camps. It will be whites who oversee the whole operation. Liberalism works by manipulating the weak-minded through self-hatred.

Dave Blount #racist moonbattery.com

America’s Ongoing Kristallnacht

One of many examples of what the information gatekeepers have been using the Trayvon spectacle to exacerbate[...]

You would hardly know that incidents like this occur on a constant basis, would you? Some of them would make extremely compelling news stories, far more interesting than some punk getting shot after he tried to kill a neighborhood watch captain. But the growing conflagration of one-sided racially motivated violence doesn’t fit the narrative, so it goes unreported.

According to government statistics,

Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa.

But these statistics don’t fit the narrative either. Instead of being told the truth, we are fed a contrived man bites dog story about a white who is actually Hispanic killing an innocent black child who was actually an oversized psychopathic goon who otherwise would have murdered him.

By hyping the grotesquely distorted Passion of Saint Skittles, the liberal establishment media (and its subsidiary, the Obama Regime) are pouring gasoline on a fire. No doubt scenes like this have been unfolding all across the country:

The Milwaukee Police Department is investigating a July 14th battery that happened around 7:30 P.M. on the 2600 block of W. Cherry St.

A 34-year-old Wauwatosa man tells police that he was walking through a park from a friend’s house when he was punched in the back of the head and knocked down by an unknown suspect.

The Wauwatosa man says that several other suspects then punched and kicked him. The victim says that he heard one of the suspects refer to Trayvon Martin as they were striking him.

To learn about these incidents, refer to local media, which may or may not report them, or to sites like White Girl Bleed A Lot. According to the national media establishment, the ongoing Kristallnacht it has done so much to create does not exist.

DJ #racist moonbattery.com

The theory behind Brown V Board of Education was if blacks were integrated with whites, blacks would gradually become intellectually equal to whites. IOWs, the achievement gap would be closed.

Well 60 years on into that egalitarian experiment has proven the social engineers completely wrong.

The fact is, blacks’ average IQ is only 85 whilst whites is 100. In real terms only 16% of blacks have an IQ of 100 or more. Even more relevant, only 2% of blacks have an IQ @ or > than 115 – which is the minimum level required for serious college level coursework.

But the radical-egalitarians* will not nor never acknowledge the unPC fact there is a huge gap in IQ distribution between races. Moreover IQ is an inherited trait and is minimally affected by environment.

I’m convinced it will take a complete collapse of the system in order to reform it.

Radical-egalitarians believe in equality of outcomes vs equality of opportunity.

Dave Blount #wingnut #homophobia moonbattery.com

Repercussions of the Supreme Court’s Attack on Marriage

Yesterday the Supreme Court launched an intolerable assault on the sanctity of holy matrimony, squashing the Defense of Marriage Age and California’s Proposition 8. The repercussions will twist society beyond recognition. Among the most obvious is the effective banning of Christianity; inevitably, priests and ministers will face legal retribution if they refuse to reject their own faith by performing blasphemous homosexual “marriages.” There are also secular forms of blasphemy, like this:

The spouses of gay and lesbian service members will be among those to receive federal benefits, including burial at Arlington National Cemetery, the Pentagon announced Wednesday, hours after the Supreme Court overturned the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act.

Just hours after. It’s almost as if the moonbat apparatchiks Obama has set atop the Armed Forces were waiting for the Supremes’ rulings on the edge of their seats.

“We will move very swiftly, expeditiously, on implementing the law,” Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said during a Wednesday afternoon press briefing. —

“I have a responsibility to carry out the law of the land – the decision the Supreme Court gave today – from this place,” he said.

Presumably Hagel managed to say this with a straight face — despite the Obama Regime’s open refusal to enforce DOMA, which was the law of the land until yesterday. But things change quickly lately; until just recently, Obama himself opposed the obscene concept of homosexual marriage, recognizing that it was too outrageous for the public to support.

That leftists were able to push this grotesque social engineering campaign to such a disgusting extreme is due not only to the compliance of the same brainwashed herd that was duped into electing Obama, but to the cowardice and moral spinelessness of the conservatives who failed to rally resistance. Virtually no so-called conservatives will criticize anything to do with homosexuality, out of pants-wetting terror of being denounced as politically incorrect. All who have been cowed into pandering to depravity are complicit in the Supremes’ sick rulings — which like much that is imposed by the federal government these days appear to be a calculated gob of saliva in the face of all that is good, decent, holy, and worthy of respect.

Fortunately, spit wipes away. Liberals in their absurd hubris believe they can reverse human nature and thousands of years of history by simple decree. Depravity is now normal, according to the law. But not according to our hearts.

Though liberals revere homosexuality, the taboo against it is so strong that all three of the major religions that have come out of the Middle East to shape human history — Christianity, Judaism, and Islam — have called for it to be punishable by death. Other than Muslims, no one advocates the death penalty now; but normalization, so that homosexual liaisons are decreed by law to be of equal validity to legitimate marriages, as the deranged Justice Kennedy demands? No way.

The social engineers have run a masterful propaganda campaign, but this time they have overstepped. Though human spirits often give way, they are not easily broken. Like saplings, the farther you bend them, the harder they snap back. Sooner or later, people will rediscover their sense of decency — and their sense of outrage.

Dave Blount #fundie moonbattery.com

Cultural Lowlights

Politics is downstream of culture. Recent examples of the toxic sludge freely flowing into that stream include Snooki’s announcement that she hopes her son grows up to suffer from a psychosexual dysfunction closely associated with other serious mental and physical health problems such as suicide and AIDS:

Snooki and her “Jersey Shore” co-star Jenni “JWoww” Farley were two of many attendees at the TrevorLIVE event Monday night promoting The Trevor Project’s anti-bullying and suicide prevention campaign.

“Me and Jenni weren’t exactly the best role models, but now that I’m a mom,” the 25-year-old, who has a 10-month-old son with her fiance Jionni LaValle and considers herself bisexual, said at the Chelsea Piers event in New York. “I’m so grateful for The Trevor Project to support the LGBT youth so they have someone there for them because I’m praying I have a gay little boy one day.”

I wonder what god she’s praying to.

Speaking of reproduction and the cesspool that passes for mainstream culture, WE tv is introducing a new reality show entitled “Pregnant & Dating.”

If a generation that grew up on Happy Days and the Love Boat could produce the aggressively degenerate government we have now, imagine what “Jersey Shore” and “Pregnant & Dating” will spawn.

justme #racist moonbattery.com

Is black sponsored genocide on whites even newsworthy?

In US inner cities the genocide of whites is attributed to “teens” and “crime”. A Caucasian Victim is not worth nearly the same as his melanin preferred attacker’s life. Just Ask the “white hispanic” George Zimmerman about that.

And all of the white artists who decried the “evil” of Apartheid and granted living saint status to the head “necklacer” Mandela and his equally evil wife and their ANC remain blissfully silent on the wholesale slaughter of the innocent Caucasians.

Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com

It isn’t your imagination. Liberals really do want to eradicate the white race. John Derbyshire (who was canned from National Review by establishmentarian thought cop Rich Lowry for failing to toe the liberal line on racial issues) found confirmation by watching the knee-jerk libs comprising the audience of Conan O’Brien’s show. At 3:34 of the video of last Thursday’s program, we hear this:

“Interesting report I heard about the future: A recent report finds that by the year 2043 white people will no longer be the majority in America. [Whooping, cheering, scattered brief applause.] Yeah, and by 2050 people will be saying: “I’m not racist. One of my best friends is white.” [Laughter, applause.]”

The audience no doubt consisted primarily of reasonably well-to-do white people.

Consider for just a moment the implications of a people so deranged in its dominate ideology that it would cheer its own eradication. But then, how else would you explain the policies imposed by the liberal ruling class except as a methodical program to completely wipe us out by destroying our traditions, our mode of government (limited, constitutional), our culture, our pride, our freedom, our morals, our faith, and even our biological kind?

What progressives are progressing toward is this: a world in which America and Americans no longer exist. They are the enemy at a far more profound level than even the Nazis or the imperial Japanese.

If the demons driving this malignant ideology can convince the clapping seals of talk show audiences to cheer their own extinction, there is no thought too depraved to be established as correct.

At least when we are extinct there will be no Conan O’Brien.

Laurie #fundie moonbattery.com

You’re missing an important point: The majority of abortions are performed on *liberals*. Therefore, abortions are a good thing.

If we assume (roughly) that 2/3 of abortions are performed on liberals, then that’s 36.3 Million liberals who aren’t sucking on the government teat and/or marching in the streets and burning cars.

Therefore, we should *encourage* all liberals to get as many abortions as possible. That’ll do three things:

1. Prevent more liberals babies coming into the world.
2. With enough abortions, the lib female will become sterile.
3. Once the LameStream Media figures out why we’re pushing it so hard, they’ll be less likely to promote abortion as the panacea that they currently claim it is.

Yes, I know it’s counter to our beliefs about human lives, but these are liberals we’re dealing with. They have the IQ of a four-year-old, so the only way to deal with them is severe punishment.

Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com

First liberal masterminds must destroy America, before they can construct upon its ashes the ultimate totalitarian utopia. This is being accomplished through cultural Marxism (a.k.a., moonbattery). What we are seeing done to our society now was spelled out plainly in advance[...]

All sounds more familiar every day, doesn’t it?

Communism is more of a threat to us now than it was during the height of the Cold War. Thanks to the strategy of taking over the media and education establishments and using them to brainwash America into committing cultural suicide, communists are now winning.

Wyld_Goose #fundie moonbattery.com

It’s amazes me the words you can and can not use in a freedom of speech representative republic we live in. I refuse to stop using the term faggot. It literally draws scorn looks and forum post deletes, yet not one person can explain why the the term should not be used. Homo = not acceptable, homosexual = acceptable, faggot = not acceptable, gay (a word of coarse that means something else entirely and was high-jacked) = acceptable. WHY?? In this one clear example of NEWSPEAK you have 4 examples of words that mean the same thing, yet we are to be programmed that some are to never to be used because———..? Oh that’s right we are not supposed to ask. Faggots are the Fox in Aesop’s Fable “The fox with no tail”, in that the only way the fox (or faggots) can overcome their own depravity is to attempt to deceive society into thinking that it is the society that is deprived for not accepting and joining the fox’s or the faggots’ depravity.

wingmann #fundie moonbattery.com

NEVER forget that the linchpin of the left is HYPOCRISY.

My friends,you need to understand the three-legged stool that is “political correctness”: CD(cognitive dissonance),SI(selective indignation)and ME (moral equivalence).This mental straightjacket allows blacks to insult whites with impunity but reprobates whites who insult blacks.There’s a Congressional Black Caucus, but no Congressional White Caucus,and that arrangement is considered unremarkable.
Gays can press for admission to straight organizations like the Boy Scouts, but those who seek refuge under the first amendment (“freedom of assembly”) are homophobes.
In the press Democrats are lionized and Republicans are reflexively ostracized. Muslims are a protected category, but Christians are fair game.
I could go on but I think you get it.KP.

Dave Blount #conspiracy moonbattery.com

Chris Christie Backed by Soros’s Shadow Government

This should clear up any lingering doubts as to whose side Chris Christie is on. Like some of the most pernicious hard left outfits in the country (e.g., Media Matters), he is taking money from the circle of socialist financier George Soros[...]

The pieces of silver are rolling in for selling out Romney during the Hurricane Sandy photo ops.

The Soros-supported ultra-left now owns the Democrat Party. But that isn’t enough. It has infiltrated the GOP. If backstabbing RINOs like 2012 RNC Keynote Speaker Chris Christie aren’t purged, it will soon own that too — if it doesn’t already.

Dave Blount #wingnut #homophobia moonbattery.com

The High Price of Losing the Culture War

Imagine living in a culture that has become so degenerate and depraved that your love for it is shoved aside by disgust. In such a culture, nonconformists who resist brainwashing will be marginalized. Cut off, alienated, thinking themselves alone, they will put up minimal resistance to those driving what Obama calls the “fundamental transformation” of America. That is why the liberal ruling class is aggressively using its control of the government, military, media, and schools to impose the normalization of homosexuality.

The poison has reached even small towns:

Dylan Meehan and Brad Taylor, two seniors at Carmel High School in Putnam County, New York, have become the first gay people to be voted “cutest couple” in the school’s yearbook.

The perverted pair are reportedly “happy to be role models.”

No one in their right mind could think encouraging high school students to engage in deviant sex acts that spread lethal diseases like AIDS is constructive. But no one in their right mind has a voice in the journalism or education establishments.

The military provides the masterminds more direct control. Consequently, the Marines are getting transformed from The Few, The Proud into this (barf alert).

The revulsion this depravity evokes in normal people is not taught but instinctual, like the reaction to the smell of sewage and rotting corpses. It serves the same purpose: to protect us from that which threatens our health.

But this natural revulsion can be overcome, if only temporarily. All the drovers who are driving the herd off a cliff need to do is convince people that they are bad for feeling it. Humans can convince themselves of literally anything if they think it is what others believe, and what they must believe too to be good persons. They will even believe sickness is health.

Fiberal #racist moonbattery.com

That is exactly what the Amnesty Bill is all about – and what the immigration policy for the last 50 years has been all about — bring in these low IQ, parasitic slugs, give them food stamps and beer, shuttle them to the polls and point at which lever to pull.

The pits of this is that RINOs actually think immigration will work for them. That is how corrupt and stupid they are.

And 30 million more? With an exponential birth rate? With chain amnesty for their f’n “families”?

Yeah. Let’s just sit back and watch.

Porter #racist moonbattery.com

Every (heretofore) white country is being colonized and race replaced. Our institutions subverted against us, our culture razed, and our people attacked both physically and rhetorically. What will be left to our children within a few generations? Certainly not a nation other than its besieged remnants. Just a polyglot geography. One featuring an eternally increasing and violent black underclass; a sprawling mestizo proletariat employed by an Asian/Indian merchant class; all supervised by a film of anti-white jewish plutocrats and politicos. The diminishing number of Whites within all strata will be marginalized through the ancient and ingrained nepotism of the aforementioned groups—their future to be found in rest-homes and museums—their children demoralized or turned janissary.

And what do “conservatives” have to say of this future? Nothing obviously, as it doesn’t affect marginal tax rates or endless military expeditions. Because that’s “conservatism.” In fact, the only time they can be roused to address their own children’s impending dystopia at all is to reflexively chant programmed responses at any white who mentions it or the jews’ role in it: “nazishitlerholofascist—” ad infinitum.

Yes zombies, it’s all well-trod rhetoric; you’re performing immaculately. Let us hope your assiduous embrace of prescribed dogma will offer some succor to your posterity when Haiti 1804 becomes America 2104.

RKae #fundie #homophobia moonbattery.com

I see. The homosexuals shriek and shout endlessly, getting in the Christians faces until it’s impossible to ignore, and when the Christians reply you hit them with “Why do you talk about homosexuality so much?”

What are you – fourteen years old?

Homosexuality is lust and fornication. Jesus talked about it plenty.

St. Paul talked about it. The New Testament is loaded with admonitions against it.

Answer me this: Why was SCIENCE obsessed with it? It was psychologists who tagged it as a mental disorder. So what made them switch sides? Social pressure? How is that science?

IslandLifer #fundie moonbattery.com

"jesus never said a word about homosexuality—so how did making the lives of gay people miserable become the main (only?) tenet of ‘christianity’ ??
if the admonitions of the old testament are what we’re talking about then why isn’t anybody upset about people who shave or cut their hair ? people who eat shrimp ? parents who do not stone to death their disobedient children ? women who don’t move out of the house during their ‘unclean’ periods ? there’s a whole lot of stuff that the old testament god had problems with besides ‘men lying with men’."

Hey pollack! Have you ever seen a guy put his pecker in the butthole of another guy and create life? Do you understand the laws of nature even if you can’t admit something greater than man created it? Do you have your head so far up your ass you can’t see the damage that faggots have created? Of course not—you’re mentally twisted and therefore blind to truth.

DJ #racist moonbattery.com

Multiculturalism and multi-racialism via immigration spells death to white nations. So why do white nations, and only white nations, embark on such ethno=suicidal nation destroying endeavors? The answer is not as simple as “Liberalism is a mental disorder.” Liberalism is a problem but not the sole problem. There is something much more sinister and insidious than mere liberalism taking place. Moreover, it’s taking place in ALL the white homelands. Why? For what reason is it taking place?—.. and Who’s the force behind it?

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