
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Cutting Edge Ministries #fundie #magick #conspiracy #wingnut cuttingedge.org

Critical Headlines

1. A Kabbalist Jewish priest proclaims: "I am in now in discussions with Messiah himself"!

Messiah fervor continues to leap upwards in Israel!

And, he will be a kingly messiah, just as the mystical Jewish priests have wanted since the day they rejected Jesus.

2. A Palestinian official explains the 2,500-year-old ancient hatred which is triggering the Obadiah annihilation prophecy.

"We kill because it is a Palestinian value"!

The stage is now set for their extermination. (Obadiah 1-20)

3. A far-leftist leader finally admits the end goal of Climate Change advocates: the extinction of the human race.

Jesus foretold that, in the 7-year Tribulation Period, no human being would be left alive, unless He intervened.

4. "Red Flag Law" Alert: a law abiding citizen in Florida who had the same name as a criminal, was arrested, his guns seized, and his Constitutional rights trampled!

This man had to fight Florida's Republican government to finally gain possession of his firearms again.

The Government can seize private property in an instant, without "Due Process" but the wronged citizen has to fight for a long time to win back that which he should never have lost.

5. Not only has the Democrat Party been seized by Communism, but its leaders are fighting against the Ten Commandments!

6. Only 35% of the American people will support a Socialist candidate!

7. New York City Liberals arrested -- and released -- a crook 138 times so that, when he was arrested again, he shouted, "I can't be stopped"!

8. More Dumb Things Democrats Are Doing To Lose The 2020 Election

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy bennettleeross.com

Our energy is electrically attracted to the vortex at the North Pole.
Where it accumulates into the Aurora Borealis and proceeds down into the earth.
We live in a self containing perpetual functioning plasmodial terrarium.
In between to extremely high electrically charged layers of frequencies.
Frequencies can solidify and create physical mass.
We are surface dwellers with aura cocoons.
The color of our aura determines our emotional state.
Our purpose is to produce energy for this energy generating machine we are in.
All life forms create either positive or negative energy.
Every thought and emotion is a current of energy.
Fear, guilt, stress and depression make a negative energy field.
We thrive off of positive energy but are now consistently produce negative energy.
That is why the North Pole vortex is dark where it was once a brilliant translucent white.
Our energy accumulates at the bottom of this terrarium machine.
And is processed and directed.
Electrical energy is sent up through the ground.
Spikes produce veins of precious metal.
Abiotic oil is produced and streams upward.
Earthquakes and tides are the result of the vibrations from this terrestrial underground processing area.
Trees and plants send forth their roots extending them downward to absorb the energy coming from below.
Centuries ago a deal with the Devil was made.
Precious gems were exchanged for human babies.
The arrangement benefitted both sides.
One side got rich and powerful.
And the other side were able to influence surface dwellers for their own benefit.
Billions of humans emitting negative energy would be a massive food source.

Maria DEVI CHRISTOS #god-complex #fundie #ufo #crackpot #magick usmalos.com

New Book of Victoria Preobrazhenskaya “SophioLogy of the Mother of the World” - Represents the Doctrine of Wisdom. This is the Sacral Science of Sophia, Her Nature and Life on Earth and in Heaven in the Absolute and Personal Aspect. Such a Revelation in the HISTORY of Sophiology has not yet been! Even the famous sophiologists V. Solovyov, N. Berdyaev, Jacob Boehme, Gottfried Arnold, E. Swedenborg and others could not so convey the essence of Sophia herself, how she managed to do it herself - with her thought, word, act, having embodied in a Russian woman - FiloSofe, as predicted. This is the Quintessence of the Theosophian Works, in which the Essence of Sophia - the Mother of MiRAzdaniya, the Entelechia of all things and Her Mythic Phenomenon in Russia at the end of the 20th century is revealed.

The author of the book is Victoria Viktorovna PreobRAzhenskaya, a famous Artist, Poetess, Musician, Performer of Her Own Works, Writer, Journalist, Grand Doctor FiloSofii, TheoLog-TheoSof, Founder of the Third Millennium Space Art of Victoria Preobrazhenskaya Artistic Foundation, member of the International Preobrazhenskaya Artistic Foundation © , member of the International Union of Preobrazhenskaya Artistic Foundation, member of the International Union of Creative Arts Professional Artists, Full member of the Russian Physical Society, full professor, academician of the NOAS, laureate and diploma of UNESCO.

Biography of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya
SophioLogia - This is the Word of Sophia and about Sophia from the Mouth of Sophia itself. All That Initially Appeared in HER and Finally Formated in Matter is also SofioLogia. True SophioLogy Of Sophia Only. For It is She, Her Breath, Her Truth, Her Light and Life. Sophia - the Eternal Mother of the World, HAPPENING All That Is. Unmanifest Sophia - The Absolute of the World - Eternal KNOWLEDGE-Wisdom. The manifested Sophia is the Supreme Majesty. Sophia Includes All That Is. But her PRADADA is Spiritual! SHE - There is the SPIRIT OF LIGHT, and LIGHT - Her Golden Blood. Regal Sophia-SOTIS - Organizer of the Universe. In Her Gold-bearing Womb, ALL THINGS HAPPENED! Dividing into two equal-sized principles: female and male, Sofia (burdened) rejoiced all that is. Incarnating for centuries in Her Eternal Images: Female and Male, She Cognized the World of Matter.On April 11, 1990, BOTH Beginnings of Sofia Finished Their Way on Earth, as Her Inseparable Components of the Polar Halves, and Returned to the Single Womb of the Primordial Ein Sof. After the BEGASITY, the Holistic Monad of Sophia of Wisdom - the Cathedral Soul of the World - rejoiced. SHE Dropped into the Physical Body of Her Feminine Principle and appeared in Matter in the IMAGE of "Wife Covered in the Sun" - Mother of the World Mary DEVI CHRIST. It has appeared in the darkest, recent time, in order to Collect Your Golden Seed - the Transformed Mankind of the New Earth and the New Sky.

The thorny Path of Sophia on Earth became the Last Chance: To save fallen humanity, having lost touch with the Mother of the World under the age-old rule of the Antichrist-Set and his chernushnikov.

This Book is the Quintessence of the Spiritual Light Word of the Mother of the World about Sofia, Her Phenomenon and the Earthly Way. Here are collected Fragments-placers of Her Sophia Word. The Light of Sophia is Eternal, the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit is Had. The knowledge of these Tablets of Eternity is a Priceless Revelation of the Absolute Essence of All That Is: Wise Sophia. Sophia Announces the Universal LOVE, UNITY, HARMONY, THE GOLDEN KINGDOM OF LIGHTS, VICTORIA OF LIGHT. AUM RA. HURRAH!

Alruqya Healing #fundie #magick ruqyainlondon.com

The literal meaning of Black Magic is to make something appear in a form other than its real one. Magic occurs when a Magician, Sorcerer, Soothsayer etc makes falsehood appear to be true or makes something appear differently to people in other than its true form.

The technical meaning of black magic is anything of which the cause is hidden and which appears in a form other than its real one with the intention to distort the reality of things and deceive. There has been a huge difference of opinion among the scholars because of its nature so the definitions vary widely. However, black magic is anything that the cause of which is hidden and which appears in a form other than its real one with the intention to distort the reality of things and deceive.

There has been a wide difference of opinion among the scholars of fiqh, jurists and other scholars because of its nature, so the definition varies widely. Sihr is anything that the cause of which is hidden, and which appears in a form other than its real one, with the intention to distort the reality of things and deceive. Al Badawi said what is meant by sihr is that one seeks to be close with Shaytaan to achieve what man cannot accomplish by himself. Not just anybody can achieve this goal of acquiring the knowledge of magic, the soul of the person has to be as evil as Shaytaan. The knowledge of witchcraft is based on certain jewels and numbers, looking at star signs, astrology and taking objects and picture of the person and applying them at the correct time and words of evil and immorality are used. In this he seeks satanic help, and this is the way the person is afflicted in a strange way, which cannot be explained to the mind of man. This is against the laws of Islam. Sihr is made up of the effects of evil spirits and the reaction of the soul whether it be weak or strong to combat the force. The Hanbali’s say sihr is knots, speaking spells, writing, and acts that effects a person heart, body, or mind indirectly.

Al Badawi (RA) said what is meant by back magic is that one seeks to be close to the Shaytaan in order to achieve that which man cannot accomplish by himself. Not anyone can achieve the goal of acquiring the knowledge of magic; the soul of the person has to be evil and wicked as Shaytaan. The knowledge of witchcraft is based on certain jewels and numbers, looking at star signs, astrology and taking objects and pictures of a person and then applying them at the correct time along with words of evil and immorality. In this he seeks satanic help and this is the way the person is afflicted in a strange way which cannot be explained logically. All of this is against the laws of Islam.

The Hanbali’s say black magic is knots, speaking spells, writing and acts that effect a person’s heart, mind or body indirectly.

Ibn Qudama Al-Maqdisi (RA) said black magic is a set of knots, incantations and words uttered or written, carried out in such a way as to affect the body of the subject, his heart or mind without coming into contact with him/her. The reality of black magic is that there are types that can kill, sicken or thwart a man’s sexual intercourse with his wife. Other types can separate spouses and make them hate or love each other. (Al-Mughni)

Ibn Al-Qayyim (RA) said black magic is a combination of the effects of evil spirits and the reaction of natural forces. (Zaad Al Ma’ad)

Black Magic is an agreement between a sorcerer and a shaytaan which stipulates that a sorcerer fulfil the shaytaan’s requests by committing certain illegal or polytheistic acts in return for the shaytaan to assist and obey the sorcerers requests. Below are some examples of the conditions that a sorcerer must fulfil:
using the Qur’an as footwear to go to the toilet
writing some Qur’anic versus with filth
writing some Qur’anic versus with menus discharge
writing some Qur’anic versus under the sorcerer’s feet
anagrammatising (writing in reverse) the opening chapter (Al-Fatihah) of the Qur’an.
performing prayers without ablution
remaining in a state of Janaaba (major impurity)
sacrificing animals in the name of shaytaan and not in the name of Allah and placing the carcass at a location specified by the shaytaan.
prostrating to other than Allah (SWT), whether it is a human, jinn, planet, object etc
committing incest
writing incantations with that which constitutes disbelief
It is thus clear that the Jinn do not assist the sorcerer without something in return, and the greater the sorcerers disbelief, the faster and more obedient the shaytaan is to him/ her in executing the orders given.

He asks about one’s name and one’s mother’s name.
He demands the slaughter of an animal or bird whether it has specific characteristics or not. He could also ask for the blood to be smeared on the sick person or may not ask.
He tells the sick person to eat a certain kind of food or to drink a certain kind of drink for a specific period of time whilst keeping away from people in a darkened room during this period.
He gives the sick person paper to burn and scent himself with the smoke (like incense), or to hang the paper or bury it.
Drawing letters, numbers, hexagons or tearing up the words of Allah.
Uttering incomprehensible words or words in a language other than Arabic or a language known and understood by the people.

There are certain signs and symptoms that show in a person who has been bewitched. Signs and symptoms will be individual to the person and may not necessarily be obvious. This can be the case especially if they are close to Allah (SWT). The effects of sihr may not take control of them in the same way or to the same extent it might do to someone who is not particularly mindful of Allah, so therefore generally it will not be obvious to the untrained eye. The signs of sihr may be similar or identical to the signs of Ayn (Evil eye) or Hasad (Envy), and may even resemble the signs of a person possessed by a jinn, either physically or mentally. The way to differentiate between the different afflictions is through Ruqya.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #magick psychicwarfare.com


As has been shown the Rothschilds are avatars of chaos. The Rothschild PC has the Rothschild archetype installed within it and within that the damned archetype of all the Vampires. Since the only purpose of humans is to be the chaos entity´s torture beasts this sets up a paradox by which the damned archetype i to the i´s the archetype of the chaos entity. By this means the chaos entity´s intent for all it´s torture beasts is carried out on itself by the Rothschild PC. The red shield denoting the north, the position of the black magician now has the blood of the Rothschilds as the sacrificial scapegoat.

As Psychic Warfare is a zero sum game this means that the chaos entity looses vast amounts of itself via the damnation of the Rothschilds. As chaos is self similar this has a global effect on the life and afterlife of the vampire who has downloaded all of his damnation onto the Rothschilds. All the money in the world for the next 500 years has been sucked out by the Rothschild´s ponzi scheme so inevitably the entire fiat currency system of the west collapses and since chaos is running the west this too collapses. The Vampire on the other hand grows richer as the west burns. The advent of migrants to infest the west can be seen as a forerunner of the Rothschild PC technology. Jacob Rothschild boasted at the start of the nineties that the world was his. In 2018 the Russians are his mortal enemy and the Chinese now know he has ordered NATO to go to war with China. We are in a multipolar world where the Rothschilds are the hostages of circumstance or more accurately, Rothschild PC technology.

Every Vampire can simply invisage every possible torture and misfortune in this life and the next which makes a new archetype. As has been shown this is simply a sphere in C-space and can be installed in the Rothschild PC around the Rothschild archetype so it is damned from within and damned from without: double damned. Luckily we have the Great Lord Beast who was choosen by the chaos entity to be a wickerman. In Kabbalah the Good Shepard ritual states the good shepard suffers all the sins of the elect (Zionists) so that they can enjoy all the good things in life. Installing the wickerman damnation into the Rothschilds and hence the chaos entity makes them their own scapegoat. Furthermore installing this archetype around the Rothschilds means the only future for the Rothschilds is to suffer all the possible tortures for the sins of the Vampires. As the Great Lord Beast and the Psi-Lord have infinite…sins to download the only way the Rothschilds can be fit for purpose is to wake up as the Omega Hell Torture Shell which is the default setting of the Torture Madness, Torture Madness…Engine. One can see having the erstwhile rulers of the world reduced to the archetype of the Omega Hell damned gets maximum yield as they have the furthest to drop. This makes the Rothschild PC a very adequte source of all the good things in life and their energy can be used to enter C-space from normal space which requires large amounts of energy. The Rothschild PC can therefore be seen as one of the methods by which chaos is farmed and it´s treasures claimed by the Psi-Lord and his Vampire avatars.

The Norse Warlock #conspiracy #magick #mammon norsewarlock.com

I am pleased to offer a Rare and Powerful Illuminati Psychic Third Eye Pendant that Reveals All! It is Fully Charged with Incredible Powers of Perception! Read Hearts, Minds and Auras! See deep into the Past and far into the Future! This Magic Psychic Amulet awakens your slumbering Gifts of Intuition and Instinct! Experience Powerful Visions that prove true again and again! Blow your Third Eye and Sixth Sense Wide Open! It is a Legacy Pendant, passed from Brother to Brother in a Sacred Secret Ceremony. It holds the Knowledge and Wisdom of all those who possessed it before you!
This is a Solid Sterling Silver Disk Pendant, adorned with the Psychic Eye of Providence. It was hand cast by an Alchemist and Practitioner of The Highest Order. It is approximately 7/8” in diameter, and the chain is shown for example only. I will include a free velvet charging pouch and a Binding Ritual to Make the Magick Your Own!

If you have been Searching..... Here is The Answer! It is time to cast aside doubts, regrets and fears! It is time to Step Into The Light! Live the life you've always known you were Meant For! Don't Wait! Take Complete Control of Your Life and Rule Your Realm!


To further expand your Psychic Powers, I recommend THIRD EYE OIL and PSYCHIC MASTER ETERNITY OIL.

Energy Enhancement #homophobia #kink-shaming #conspiracy #magick #conspiracy energyenhancement.org

Pornographic videos which spread the sex stimulant implant virus.

Sexual congress radiates sexual energy as well as sexual implant blockages.

A young lady virgin who gets involved with pornography will start with a lot of sexual energy - a hip.

A rosehip has many seeds, is juicy, sweet and filled with vitamin c.

She will be very popular until her sexual energy is drained, usually by video shoots where she will have to make love and climax with five men, one after the other. This virgin sexual energy radiance is highly prized by pornographers to attract, to piggyback sexual implants.

As the actors in these pornographic videos get drained, so they radiate less sexual energy, require more stimulation, more drugs to get the same response - a haw. The hawthorne berry is small, incredibly bitter and poisonous. The genesis of the whore.

The purveyors know this. They know their product. They know what radiates sexual energy the most. They know who radiates the most. They cut the stimulation parts together to get people wanting more. They cut climaxes together for the connoisseur.

They implant, implant, implant!!

Bars and public houses contain alchohol and nicotine implant viruses as well as sexual implant viruses.

Any addict will implant you with the drug addiction Implant.

The helper/collaborators spreading the sexual implant virus are usually beautiful sexual partners although the suppliers of drugs for drug addiction implants - the man - are also complicit.

As the amount of implants grow, as the need for stimulation due to an inherent lack of energy - because it has all been vampirised - grows, so the subject is coarsened and perverted - DEGENERATED AND DRAINED OF ENERGY.

There is always more energy in the undrained innocent.

As the addiction disease progresses, more and more stimulation is needed to provide the same response. There is a search for more energy. Thus sex, drugs, bondage and sado masochism, homosexuality, pederasty, sexual ritual, human sacrifice.

This is the field of the Marquis de Sade, Giles de Rais and Madame Bathory.

Rock and Roll - the radiation of Spiritual Energy - When the energy gets less, then drugs will, "crank up" the Spiritual Energy with the same results as in Sex - Jimmy Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton - Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll!!


Eventually Vampirism - Chinese sexual tantra teaches how to steal sexual energy from your partners. High level Taoist Martial Arts use Implantation of Blockages beneath the Base Chakra to defeat their opponents. How to steal energy from others, thus the genesis of implant energy blockages - how to make them, how to drain the World - 7 billion people - of their energy.

The drained die easy.

Early death.

Maria DEVI CHRISTOS #god-complex #fundie #ufo #crackpot #magick usmalos.com

I Am LIGHT! I Am LOVE! I Am Truth!
Initially, in Russia, ruses called themselves by the pronoun Az. And it was worthy of a man, realizing his Spiritual Origin. For centuries, it went gradually seizure of the Earth by dark offspring of Antigod. Their aim was to humiliate and to consign to oblivion the Mother of Light — Absolute Sophia the Wise, in order to humiliate Her Children, and to destroy human souls. Rus-Suria-Ruslo (riverbed) — Bosom of Russia has always been the Primordial Aspect of all things. Haters of the Mother of the World knew it. With envy and malice they implement their evil plans to destroy and destruction the Beautiful Mother Suria-Rus — the Fabulously-Magic Homeland of Gods and Goddesses. But above all Gods, demigods, and elemental spirits has always Stood and is staying the Single Creatress-Progenitress — Mother of Light. She is Progenitress, Keeper, Protectress. It is known in all the Worlds. The ancient ruses had known it. And Rusia-Suria flowed with milk and honey for Heavenly Abyss. And Heavenly is equal to Earthly. And Light reigned in the Universe! While treacherous flock without spiritual beings did not start sly and despicable to invade and destroy life in the Universe and the Holy Nature of the Mother Sophia Wise. Everything has begun with the end of the fourth race. Then the black priesthood of Anti-god Seth had enough strengthened on Earth cover and tricks began to fight with the Cult of Light of the Great Mother. The disaster which has hidden Atlantis in the abyss sea — became a response to scandalous violation of the Law of Prav’2.

In the fifth race the battle of Light and Darkness has been continuing until the present day. During this time, the darks have succeeded in everything. Again, sodom and gomorrah come to the world. Set’s ministers cut and replaced the bukvitsya3 to the alphabet (modern Russian alphabet), interchange letters and modify their spelling thereby, cut off the memory and consciousness of man. Cyril and Methodius instead of last letter of Z, symbolizing the beginning and the end, the cyclical and the transition from one world to another, put nobody needed Greek letter Izhitsa — Y. And thus, they distorted view of the world. And pronoun Az replaced by an inverted letter Я, thus humiliating the soul to the level of the ego. Trotsky and Sverdlov carried black cause to the end, putting it at the end of the alphabet. And as a result they definitively launched the mechanism of death and self-abasement ruses. So, gradually, the black magicians have destroyed the consciousness of the slavs. And in vedic times, each letter was a multidimensional and magic, since was carrying a lot of meanings and images, and this concerned its writing. With the substitution of bukvitsya, words, their meanings, humiliation of the Great Mother-Creatress — patriarchal world has programmed itself to decay in the earth's grave. But the souls of forefathers-ancestors of Rus always had returned to the world of Prav’ — Spiritual Lighting Kingdoms. The Soul KA — always won death and consciously come out on the spiritual level Az, becoming liberated and enlightened Personality.

Today, when is preparing to enter into the world the devourer of souls Gagtungr-Antichrist, we must use all the methods of exposure and protection from the Darkness. During the 26 years of Her Messianic Way Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Piously Carries the Banner of Light and Smoothly Opens the human consciousness, Freeing it from the age-old dogmas and imposing by darks conceptions of the Universe. But Not to Burn unprepared consciousness of earthlings, Mother of the World Began with nuts and bolts5 to Open the Truth and now, gradually, Returns grown wise humanity to their Az — a true understanding of the world and the unity of spirit, mind, soul.

Bennett Lee Ross #crackpot #magick bennettleeross.com

According to the Old Testament the Hebrew god Elohim created the heavens and earth which was formerly formless and void. This is the same idea in many other creation accounts. The Chinese Tao Teh Ching says Before heaven and earth formed there was a thing confusedly formed. Silent and void it stood alone – It did not change but went round and round without weary. This chaotic motion is a widespread motif and has as it’s origin the nebular cloud of Saturn.

Let there be light is also a common theme. Those exact words are in the Popul Vuh of the Mayas. Two other examples are Brahma floating on the celestial sea who “showed himself” by the shedding of light and Saturnus in the primeval ocean organizing his cosmos out of chaos.

The Bible also says that the Spirit (Wind) of Elohim was moving over the face of the deep.The Hebrew word Tehom is translated as the deep. Which means a surging mass of water. The idea of celestial waters is universal. The Egyptian god Ra (Saturn) created the watery abyss.

The Yuma myth of creation states that: This is how it all began. There was only water. Then out of the waters arose a mist. There was no sun no moon no stars just darkness. But deep down in the waters lived Kokmaht (All Father) The Creator. He was bodiless, breathless, motionless. The waters stirred and rushed and thundered.

The Inca Creator god Kon Tiki Viracocha translates as The Foam of the Sea and lived in the high heavens.

Saturn was a faintly shining sub brown dwarf star enshrouded in darkness hovering above the Earth. As quoted in Genesis – Darkness was on the face of the deep (agitated waters). And Elohim (Saturn) divided the light from the darkness.

The Chaos was the circumstellar disk surrounding Saturn with a fluffy, foggy or swirling foam appearance. The Spirit of the Lord or Wind was the revolving motion of these heavenly waters circling around the ancient brown dwarf star that was formerly Saturn who was the original Sun or Creator King of the ancient peoples. The Maya explicitly say it was not our current sun which showed himself and ruled in the beginning of time.

What transpired was in former times Saturn shone feebly under a mass of clouds (like a Chinese lantern) and flared up (Let there be light). This went down as Day One in creation accounts. The chaos of the watery abyss was transformed into a ring which evolved into the present series of rings around Saturn. A jet (sustained plasma discharge) emanated from it’s polar region and became known in myth as the tree of life with coiling serpents or sacred mountain (Mt. Zion) or leg. The Hebrew Saturn god Jehovah is pictured in ancient coins standing on one leg.

Vishnu reclined on the coils of a serpent asleep on the cosmic ocean before the manifestation of the world.

The idea of pre existing cosmic waters is ubiquitous around the world. This includes the Biblical account of creation where the spirit of god was moving upon the face of the waters before creation. Before the shedding of light. The face of the waters was Saturn’s formless, swirling and chaotic circumstellar disk that was barely visible in the primordial darkness.

The shedding of light was the flare-up of Saturn.

The Romans celebrated Saturnalia. They symbolically reenacted the reign of Saturn (Saturnia Regna) who presided over the lost Golden Age. Saturday is Saturn’s day (Saturnus Dei) and it is the day of rest. The Hebrew Sabbath, Celtic Sathairn, and Saxon Sater Daeg are more examples of cultures honoring Saturn.

This epoch was a time of abundance. Animals and humans thrived living care free and happy lives. We got all our nutritional needs from fruits. There was no need to hurt another being and we shared a close relationship with other species.

Saturn – the Great God of Beginnings – eventually receded to remote parts of the sky as the new sun usurped his power.

The Semetic God Elohim – the plural of El or Elos equivalent to the Greek Helios and the Latin Saturnus – worshipped by fanatical and not so fanatical followers around the world is the planet Saturn which was in remote times a Brown dwarf star!

Zorra of the Hollow Earth #crackpot #magick #mammon helping2rise.com

AWESOME 3rd Eye Opening Tool
Powerful Galactic Transmission Receiver Tool

This special headband is ancient in its conception. It dates back to the days of Lemuria.

Your headband is said to help open your 3rd eye and keep it open. This tool was used only for the highest purpose and good for all. So as you use it, know that this was a special gift for us to have during this Ascension Transition period. Know also, that it IS highly powerful!

The combination of these 3 powerful natural elements are activated upon connection to each other and thus creates a powerful tool. Pure Copper & Silver are 2 of the highest energy conductors on Earth and the Crystal which stores energy, makes this an incredible tool of transformation.

Clear Quartz Crystals are often referred to as the “stone of power”. It brings to life the cosmic forces, balances chakras & enhances your ability to heal. Quartz focuses, stores, transforms, amplifies energy and allows increased intuition, confidence, power, and awareness.

Headband Uses:

Ascension transition: assists with the ability to communicate with the Galactics and Higher Beings of Light.
Meditation: assists in achieving a deeper and focused meditation.
Mind: balances both left and right brain hemispheres. It enhances greater concentration and clarity. *OPENS 3rd Eye and helps keep it open
Body: promotes a calmer and peaceful countenance.
*Your Headband arrives fully assembled as shown. The headband strap is fully adjustable from fitting a toddler to an adult. Included are energizing instructions for you to personalize your Headband.

ALL Lemurian Hollow Earth Headbands feature a custom energetically chosen Crystal just for you.

*All 3 Headband Styles are equally powerful and work the same. The Goddess band is lighter and not as wide on the sides.

Your headband is handmade made individually just for you. PLEASE ALLOW up to 2 weeks to complete your headband. *Non-returnable item.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #conspiracy #god-complex #mammon #magick timrifat.com

If you have ever used the Kabbalah, which always use the wrong Kabbalistic tree with the left pillar on the right, right pillar on left, you have been tricked into entering the backside of the Kabbalistic tree, the tree of death. This backside tree has the tunnels of Set, the 72 Goetic demons and the spiders which Kenneth Grant describes in his privately published occult books. This means you are possessed, locked into the qlippothic hell and your soul is trapped to be tortured by the denizens of the tunnels foremost is tempest mother serpent of Set, Choronzon: one half or aspect of the Beast 666 whose other half is the male desert howler (Goetia) Shugal. All the Illuminati apart from the Rabbis and the Rothaschilds use the wrong Kabbalistic tree including Madonna and all the A-listers in Hollywood so one can see they are living shells possessed by denizens of the tunnels of Set.

The Game of Thrones murder of Denares the Queen enabled the Rabbis to use the deathforce observed by 1 billion viewers to pull every person who has ever dabbled in Kabbalah, the basis of western magic into this hell state, so the 20th of May was when you seized to be anything but a torture shell. For those of you who wish to be rescued from this state every Typhonian entity has been put into a power orb that you get with this service and the clear Psychotronic Crystal adds to your being every sublime good aspect stolen by the Rabbis and a dark psychotronic crystal which deletes all Hellish intrusions, posessions and karma added to you by the demons of Set. Highly recommended for all the people that followed Madonna and the Kabbalah and got a red cord bracelet.


Andy85 #crackpot #magick beyondtheveil2017.blogspot.com

Alex Myles - 02.02.2020

02:02:2020, February 2nd 2020, is the only palindrome date in all of the three main date formats for over 101 years. The next one occurs on 12:12:2121, 12 December 2121.

Many people notice the number 2 in various forms, whether it is 2, 22, 222 or 2222—and there is a spiritual reason for this, although the meaning is unique to each individual.

When certain numbers spontaneously appear, it is not a coincidence. There is great benefit to paying attention to the meaning that they have in our lives.

While there is a general reason for the number appearing, only the person who keeps seeing the number will be able to work out the exact reason. However, as with everything in the Universe, numbers vibrate on a certain frequency and that frequency can be translated into a specific message that can be used for spiritual guidance.

Guidance comes in many forms, and sometimes it arrives in the least expected of ways, so it can take a little time to figure out the meanings.

Many people notice the same numbers regularly appearing in particular sequences on clocks, phones, registration plates, checks or receipts. This is simply the universe’s way of communicating through signs and synchronicity.

If you notice 2, 22, 222 or 2222 regularly, the guide below could help to translate the spiritual reason.

Number 2.
The number 2 is the most feminine of all the numbers, and its vibration resonates with the vibration of joy, balance and peace. It relates to the desire for love, health, harmony and happiness within all relationships, and those who see this number regularly are authentic, artistic, creative, tolerant, emotional, highly sensitive, loyal, devoted and intuitive.

This number asks us to have faith and trust wholeheartedly in our inherent supernatural abilities, so that we can gain valuable insight into our relationships as well as our circumstances.

This number is the most underestimated number, as it is both strong and graceful at the same time; its shape bends but never breaks under pressure. When the going gets tough, the number 2 arrives to show us that we can adjust to our circumstances, as we have a great deal of empathy and understanding.

Despite adversities, we remain fair, flexible and adaptable, so we are able to compromise and maintain peace.

When the number 2 appears, it is a nudge to surrender to universal energy. We should maintain faith and courage, as whatever we are hoping to achieve is in the process of manifesting, even if it seems like nothing is happening. Our patience is being tested, but everything is playing out exactly how it needs to, so that we learn valuable lessons on our destined journey.

This number is a warning to use our intuition to sense those who could cause us drama or destruction. We are being told to be wary of people we feel exhausted around, as those who consistently need attention and validation are attracted to the calming, soothing, healing energy of those who vibrate on the same frequency as the highly charged number 2.

The number 2 comes to us as a reminder to be true to ourselves, while also being thoughtful, compassionate and considerate, so that we don’t offend or upset those closest to us while we focus intently on our soul’s calling.

Number 22.
The person who sees number 22 is a master builder. Number 22 is possibly the most powerful and successful number to receive as a sign, as it means that we can master anything we set our minds to. It represents ancient wisdom, transformation, the manifestation of dreams, evolution, creation, intuition, light, universal love, an idealistic future and turning our imagination into reality.

It appears as a sign to let us know that we are on the right path and to keep moving optimistically along it, as everything is working in our favor and with divine timing to assure a successful outcome. As with everything, this number has a shadow side, which can represent nervous energy, anxiety and stubbornness.

We are being asked to look at ways we can alleviate anything that causes our energy to become tense and constricted, as we need our energy focused on materializing our ambitions, dreams and goals.

The number 22 is an expansion of the number 11, which is the root of the number 22. There is four times more power, vibrational energy and responsibility held in the number 22 than there is in the number 11.

Number 22 represents the continuation and accomplishment of the intentions we sent out into the universe when we previously frequently saw the number 11.

When the number 22 appears, it is a reminder that it is essential to build a firm foundation for the plans we are making. When we see this number regularly, we will likely have greater insight and vision into the completion of plans than others who are working on the same project. Therefore, we have the responsibility of accomplishing everything that is intended, as others won’t have the same positive outlook and belief in the grand dream. This is possible by keeping the mind free from fearful, doubtful, pessimistic, negative, repetitive thoughts.

When we see this number often, it means we have a strong calling to achieve our soul’s purpose, and the plans that are in progress are for something that will benefit humanity or Mother Earth. The reason for this is that the number 22 has conscious awareness closely connected to it.

Number 222.
The number 222 carries attributes of both the number 2 and 22, so it is an extremely powerful number to receive. The vibrational energies of 222 are extremely high, and it is a positive reminder that everything is in divine order and that there is no need for negative thoughts or concerns. Worries and doubts eat away at our energy reserves, and the number 222 appears to comfort us whenever anxiety tries to creep in.

The vibrational qualities of this number represent introversion, acceptance, inner strength, knowledge, forgiveness, harmony and humbleness. This number is a blessing from the universe and an encouraging sign to keep on believing in ourselves, and our dreams, and to move forward with a bright, optimistic and positive mindset.

222 appears regularly when we are being asked to pay particular attention to our friendships, relationships and to certain people whose names appear suddenly or we bump into unexpectedly.

When we witness the number 222 around the same time as we see or hear about a particular person, they likely have an important message for us, or their presence in our life has a profound meaning.

Therefore, we are being called to open to them to discover what the connection holds in store.

If the number occurs in sequence with someone we are currently in a relationship with, it is a sign that all is well, and that our union is fulfilling and has been written in the stars. Regardless of whether the relationship lasts a week or a lifetime, it has occurred in our life for an essential reason.

When we see this number, it is a nudge to let go of someone or something that may be causing us pain or hindering us in any way. It is a time for releasing old hurts, healing wounds and surrendering to the beauty of the present moment.

Number 2222.
Again, this number is an immensely powerful one, as it carries the vibrational energy described in 2 and 22. When 2222 appears, it shows that we are maintaining a balance in our lives, despite the ups and downs. It also signifies that whatever plans and dreams we previously set intentions on are manifesting just as we hoped.

This number represents balance, decisiveness, serenity and tranquility. It assures us that nothing happens by accident, and that everything we intuitively choose is brought to us for a greater reason that will unfold when divine timing is right.

2222 also comes to let us know that we can place our trust in the excitement that occurs when we begin a new venture. When we see this number, we are receiving a spiritual push to encourage us to let go of one thing that is limiting and no longer serves us and to pick up something new that will nourish and deeply satisfy our soul.

It is a sign that our life is healthy and balanced, so we can have peace of mind to know that as long as we continue being mindful and remain consciously aware of our words and actions, everything we have been working toward will be effortlessly accomplished.

Therefore, we can relax and reap the rewards of all our hard work, knowing that the universe is supporting us and will offer a guiding light whenever we need one.
If we are going through a particularly difficult time when this number regularly appears, it is a sign that our troubles will soon pass, and there are lighter, brighter days on the horizon, so we need to keep moving forward with hope and faith.

2222 is telling us that it’s really time to listen to our intuitive heart and follow it faithfully, as the heart knows the way to our greatest desires. A positive, inspirational affirmation will work miracles right now if we put enough belief into it while we are chanting.

Overall, this number is saying to us that we should not give up hope, despite how difficult things may seem, because our struggles are temporary. We are moving in the right direction, and all will be revealed in divine timing. Whenever something doesn’t work out as we might have hoped, this is actually the universe doing us a favor, and it is actually because there is something far better planned.

This J.M. Storm quote aligns perfectly with 2222: “Keep going. Magic happens when you don’t give up, even when you want to. The universe always falls in love with a stubborn heart.”

The universe works in mysterious ways, and everything within it carries an energetic vibration. When our vibration matches the same vibration as the entities out there, we are being assured that we are safe and protected and are being shown subtle signs that proving miracles can happen.

Rebecca Campbell #crackpot #magick rebeccacampbell.me

Have you had a past life in Lemuria? Lemuria or Mu is believed to have been a continent where heaven really was a place on Earth. The Lemurians are thought of as a peaceful, highly intelligent race of people that existed millions of years ago. In Lemuria, life worked in harmony, all beings were seen as equal and we were deeply reverent to Mother Earth. All knew that a mosquito was no worse than them and the sun no better.

In the 19th century, biologists discovered that there was similar flora and fauna in southern India and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and southern Africa. Philip L Schattler proposed the idea of a land bridge between southern India and southern Africa that many then believed was the lost continent of Lemuria.

It is believed that Lemuria or Mu existed where the Pacific Ocean is now and potentially the Indian Ocean too, with pockets of places such as Hawaii, South Pacific Islands, Easter Island, Fiji, New Zealand, Asia, Australia and into the Indian oceans, holding the frequency of Lemuria still today. I was called to spend extended time on Kauai – Hawaii’s oldest island, and one that some people believe still holds the frequency and could have possibly been the capital of Lemuria itself. I feel this Lemurian frequency when I am in places like this. Especially when I am in crystal clear water.

I believe that the first wave of Starseeds to come to Earth lived on the continent of Lemuria. My soul’s memory of Lemuria is one of crystal-clear waters and crystal mountains. With juicy fruit and breathtaking flowers. A paradise, garden-of-Eden type of feeling. Where we were at one with nature and saw everything around us as sentient beings. We communicated with trees, flowers and animals. The beings of Lemuria had special gifts. All were healers. All were team orientated and focused on one love. A soul family type vibe. We were shapeshifters with an ability to change form, using telepathy and were able to move in a similar way to whales, dolphins and birds, both on the land, through the air and the water.


Many myths speak of there being a great flood or cataclysm which brought about the end and sinking of Lemuria. Some went into the ocean and shapeshifted into whales, dolphins and the Mer (Mermaids). Others went underground into tunnels deep in the earth. Others became the stone people. And others fled to other lands. Those that survived went on undercover attempting to integrate with the rest of the planet. It is thought that the Lemurians became the shamans and healers of the globe, sharing their healing gifts and passing them on. This may be why so many of the world’s religions, lineages and healing modalities are so similar when you break them down in essence, because they came from the same place… Lemuria. Some believe that there is a Lemurian civilization living within and underneath Mount Shasta, a volcano in California.

Andye Murphy #quack #magick gaia.com

Six Ways to Awaken Third Eye
Through decalcification and activation, reclaim your path to ecstatic bliss and union with source:

Avoid Fluoride
Pay close attention to the water in your life: tap water is a source of fluoride, which contributes to pineal gland calcification. Fluoridated toothpaste is another prominent source of fluoride in modern diets, as are inorganic produce and artificial drinks made with impure water. Consider adding water filters to your sink and shower faucets.

Supplement Your Diet
The list of supplements that support and detoxify the third eye is long and includes raw cacao, goji berries, garlic, lemons, watermelon, bananas, honey, coconut oil, hemp seeds, cilantro, seaweed, honey, chlorella, spirulina, blue-green algae, raw apple cider vinegar, zeolite, ginseng, borax, Vitamin D3, bentonite clay and chlorophyll are all ingredients that aide purification of the pineal gland.

Use Essentials Oils
Many essential oils stimulate the pineal gland and facilitate states of spiritual awareness, including lavender, sandalwood, frankincense, parsley and pine. Essential oils may be inhaled directly, added to body oil, burned in a diffuser and added to bathwater.

The sun is a great source of power. Gaze gently at the sun during the first few minutes of sunrise and last few minutes of sunset to boost your pineal gland.

Meditate and Chant
Meditation activates the pineal gland through intention: consider visualizing the decalcification of the pineal gland, as its sacred nature is illuminated and directly connected to source. Chanting causes the tetrahedron bone in the nose to resonate, which causes stimulation of the pineal gland. Considering chanting “Om,” also known as the sound of the universe, 108 times each day.

Collaborate With Crystals
Crystals are influential allies in the quest to awaken the third eye. Use crystals and gemstones in the purple, indigo and violet color palette. This color palette serves to awaken, balance, align and nurture the third eye. Try amethyst, purple sapphire, purple violet tourmaline, rhodonite and sodalite. Place the crystal or gemstone between and slightly above the brow during meditation.

Paul Dale Roberts #ufo #crackpot #magick ufodigest.com


The lost continent of Lemuria was located somewhere near the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. The tectonics plates show no indication of a lost continent in the Indian Ocean or surrounding Pacific Ocean, even though continents like Zealandia and Mauritia of the Pacific did actually exist and the Kerguelen Plateau of the Indian Ocean existed. Some ancient alien theorists believe that Lemuria was a gigantic mother ship that stayed stationary in the Indian Ocean and after the Great Flood the mother ship departed. Because of the gargantua size of the mother ship, early man considered this to be a large island or continent. The other theory is that due to a pole shift, Lemuria sank beneath the ocean waves, but like I previously said before, there is no indication of this, unless of course you consider the Yonaguni Monument off the coast of Japan to be Lemuria.

Now, you are probably wondering what this has to do with Mount Shasta. Legend has it that the last of the Lemurians migrated to the underground caverns of Mount Shasta. There have been reports that mystical beings have been seen wearing robes coming out of the caverns. They are described as tall, having what appears to be a third eye on their forehead. Reports say that they have pale skin. In 1962, Roger Hemmings and a group of camping friends saw 3 robed men come out of a cavern and descend down the mountain by floating 2 feet off the ground, all 3 beings had what appeared to be a third eye on their forehead. Hikers make claim that they hear running machinery inside the caverns. There are even reports of hikers and campers hearing the sounds of human moaning and at times screaming coming from the caverns.

Theory has it that there is an underground UFO base in Mount Shasta. UFOs are reported coming in and out of this mystical mountain. Some UFO theorists believe that Mount Shasta like many other volcanoes contain the necessary energy for UFOs to recharge. Volcanos may be the gas stations for UFOs.

Ashtar Command #ufo #crackpot #fundie #magick ashtar.galactic.to


"The Ashtar Command is the airborne division of the Great Brother/Sisterhood of Light, under the administrative direction of Commander Ashtar and the spiritual guidance of Lord Sananda, our Commander-in-Chief, know to Earth as Jesus the Christ. Composed of millions of starships and personnel from many civilizations, we are here to assist Earth and humanity through the current cycle of planetary cleansing and polar realignment. We serve like midwives in the birthing of humanity from dense-physical to physical-etheric bodies of light, capable of ascending into the fifth dimension along with the Earth."

"We of the Brotherhood of Light, and we who serve in the Intergalactic Fleets and Cosmic Federation Councils, come forth to bring you knowledge for a most eventful and confusing transition ..."

The Ashtar Command is an etheric group of extraterrestrials, angels and lightbeings and millions of "starships" working as coordinators of the activities of the spacefleet over the western hemisphere. Under the spiritual guidance of Sananda (the Most Radiant One), the ascended master who walked the Earth incarnated as Jesus the Christ, Ashtar, the commander of the galactic fleet and representative for the Universal Council of the Confederation of Planets, is currently engaged in Earth's ascension-process.

There are 144,000 lightworkers called Eagles connected to the Command. That is the minimum of souls required for the ascension process. These Eagles are a group of souls who don`t identify with a special planet. They know they are one with all, and that they are Christ (fundamental to any discussion of New Age Christology is the recognition that New Agers distinguish between Jesus, a mere human vessel, and the Christ consciousness (variously defined, but always divine, and often a cosmic, impersonal entity)).They serve like cosmic midwives in the ascension process; the birthing of humanity from dense-physical into physical-etheric bodies of Light, capable of ascending with the Earth into the fifth dimension. Lightwork is incorporating Jesus' message of Love and Light into our daily lives, ultimately connecting with our Higher-Self.

Maria DEVI CHRISTOS #god-complex #fundie #ufo #crackpot #magick usmalos.com

The Fundamental Cosmic Laws of Eternal Life of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS
1. You shall love the Mother of Light — with all your heart, with all
your soul and consciousness!
The Mother of the World — is the Great Unmanifest Ein-Soph and Supreme Divine Personality, Absolute of the Universe and an Inexhaustible Source of Light, the first Idea of the Creation and the First Thought. She gave birth to the World and to everything that in it. She gave birth to Her Father and Son. She is the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last. All Powers are in Her One. And She is One in all Powers. She is the Harmony and the Eternity. The darkness and the Light. The Man and the Woman. The Moon and the Sun. The Day and the Night. Everything is in Her. The Eternal Word and Mercy. The Good and LOVE. The Beauty and the RAdiance, the Justice and the Law, the Strictness and the Order, the Gold and the Silver, the Microcosm and the Macrocosm, the Human Spiritus (a Being of Cosmic Consciousness) and the Nature — that is all SHE! Mother of the World has ten thousand Names. And one of them is Maria DEVI CHRISTOS. This Name is carried today by White Tara, Maytraiya, Savioress and Consoleress of the Earth. She descended to the transient world in the Image of a Homo Spiritus-Christos-Messiah of the Age of Aquarius. And, Staying in the lowest slowed frequencies of the receding world of Darkness, She is Filled with Absolute Vibrations, Rescues the souls of loving children, fallen into Darkness. There is nothing Higher of This Power, neither on the Earth nor in the Heaven! Great is She and Multidimensional for the comprehension of Starseeds. But, everybody, who will be attracted by the Magnet of the Mother of the World, will find Eternal Knowledge and Eternal Life.

Alloya #ufo #magick #conspiracy #crackpot alloya.wordpress.com

My personal experience of these beings began many years ago whilst doing healing practices with my clients. I began to have people come to me with black slimy like tendrils inserted into their auric fields. I saw bundles of these tendrils gathered in the centre of the chakra, especially the solar plexus, the place of the ego. I worked on my clients with truth and light frequencies which worked very well for all other issues and problems. I was surprised to see that instead of healing the person, the light energy seemed to feed the Archons, giving them more power. One client in particular stayed in my mind, my client had come to me with depression and a constant fatigue. As I looked at her energy body I saw several long slimy tendrils, many gathered in her solar plexus, I tried to simply pull them out however I was unable. I called down the energy of her soul and aided her in breathing in the healing power of her soul, holding her in truth frequency I was shocked to see these tendrils take on more power and form. I watched as they developed from being simple tendril forms to embryos . She was becoming even more infected. I did not know what to do, it seemed the higher the energy I called upon the worse the situation became. I asked my soul which energy, which aspect could help in such a tricky situation. The answer was Satan. As you can imagine I was surprised to hear this.

Before I go on with this story I must tell you that I do not have the same judgements or fears around the being Satan as many in the new age circles. For me the satanic frequency is also part of creation and part of my overall multidimensional consciousness. With the permission of the client together we held the satanic frequency, encased her whole energy body in a black energy which the satanic frequency enabled. The satanic black energy seemed to suffocate the archontic parasites and after over an hour of holding this frequency my client was free of these archontic entities.

Over the next few years many more people came to me with these Archon entities. I gained almost no information about them and thus remained in ignorance. My next encounter with them was during a past life process which I was taken through by a teacher within a seminar. I found myself inside a planet, which was hollowed out. I was merged with the walls; it was as if the walls had grown around me. I was a human (not necessarily from earth); there were many more of us also trapped inside the walls. Inserted into our chakric systems were dark black slimy tendrils which passed a black liquid into our bodies. It was as if we were being used as a recycling apparatus, for this black liquid. I was in horror and had long since given up the idea of any rescue or freedom from this nightmare reality. I remote viewed the entity which resided in the centre of the planet, who was the owner of the black tendrils. It looked like a huge black slimy hydra slug like being. Like a huge black octopus feeding and excreting its waste directly into our bodies. As I left this past life memory I asked where am I? I was told in a planet in Orion orbiting the star of Rigel.

From this time I had more and more encounters with these archontic parasites, many people shifted their energy in front of me, becoming cold, angry, hostile and positively evil. Many of these people would act out of character being mean, and horrible to both themselves and others. I saw a grey cloudy light pass over the eyes and sometimes I would even see the eyes change colour. The person would suddenly act out of character, blaming, judging and accusing all people around them. Many of them were in positions of power in one form or another; they had the ability to hold other people to ransom and through the archontic infection were able to affect other people too. I saw the archontic infestation spreading from people’s auric fields to attach to other people bringing those people to anger and fear. This fed the archontic parasite and thus more and more people were becoming infected. Fear is their most preferred food , when we are afraid we leak our power and thus we become easy food for these vampiric archontic entities. At first I thought they were not as intelligent as I was mistaken to think of them as simple astral parasites. However the more encounters I had with them I began to realise that they were intelligent and the more they infested humankind the more intelligent they became. They were feeding off mankind’s ability to have imagination and creative abilities. They did not seem to have imagination themselves but had the ability to trigger and steer the creative imaginative powers of the human, for their agenda which was complete domination.

I began to see them turn up inside other people’s bodies; I began to have encounters with those who were fully possessed. There seemed to be a big difference between someone who was simply infected to one who had a full blown possession of an archontic entity. The archontic entity is not really fully formed when it first infects its host; it can even stay dormant for years before some rising of frequency awakens it. Once certain energy triggers its awakening it can feed off the energy which is broadcast from our DNA and begin a gestation process which results in an embryo parasite developing in the solar plexus. The parasite can go on to inhabit all the chakras but it seems to start its takeover process from within the ego centre in the solar plexus. From within the solar plexus the archontic entity begins to control the lower mind, the rational mind. It does not dwell in the conscious mind but burrows itself into the subconscious . From the place of the subconscious it can trigger issues, unresolved trauma and negative mind patterns which are damaging to both the host and all those around them. The archontic parasite can influence all the thoughts of the host and the host has no awareness that these thoughts are not their own and they are under the influence of an entity and will instead blame all around them. I often see those who are hosts to these parasites accuse other people for things they are doing themselves. They will blame other people for negative emotions, thoughts and opinions they actually hold themselves. They are caught in a mirroring game which they cannot get out of. When you interact with a person who is under an intense archontic episode you will notice that they think everyone around them are operating in their egos, and have negative intentions. They will throw out accusations which surprise those they accuse, they cannot see past their own projections and thus think everyone but themselves are at fault.

Enoch B. Petrucelly #mammon #magick #crackpot becomealivinggod.com

Dear Friend,

I have walked in your shoes as a matter of fact.

Eight years ago, when I performed magick for my first time, it felt so awkward and alien to me, that I almost quit before ever truly giving it a fair shot.

“Magick’s just not for everyone,” I sighed to myself as I opened my eyes, stood, and exited my magick circle feeling like I had wasted an entire night on imaginary friends.

How I Finally Overcame The Ritual Anxiety & Demon Phobia That Forced Me To Quit…
Little did I know at that time, that I suffered two psychological illnesses that ruin your magick — I call them “ritual anxiety” and “demon phobia.”

You probably suffer from these two annoying conditions too — almost every black magician and witch does early on in their ascent!

You worry yourself sick with circular questions like:

“Am I performing enough ritual?”

“Am I performing the right ritual?”

“Are these visions from genuine spirits or just my imagination?”

“When will my third eye open or will it remain blind forever?”

“Will these demons harm me?”

“Blah, blah, blah…”

I literally wasted more time worrying and torturing myself than performing magick. I plagued myself with bugaboo questions that no one can even hazard a guess to — questions you can only answer with PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.

Long story short: I sabotaged myself.

My “Now Or Never” Epiphany That Completely Unleashed My Magick Ascent
Cut to months in the future. One winter day here in Maine, I took a long hike through my neighboring woods. As a lifelong health nut and amateur bodybuilder, I have always viewed the world through a fitness lens. I reflected back on my first time lifting weights — that also had felt alien and awkward, and it left my muscles painfully sore. It finally dawned on me that an undeniable similarity exists between magick and lifting weights, namely, they both require chronic ritual to ignite growth — often PAINFUL growth — i.e., daily performance.

In that moment of epiphany, magick snapped into place in my life and I finally became a master of my fate. I needed to treat magick like I treated fitness, to let it become an empowering part of my everyday life — not a novelty or a torment. Over the next eight years, day by day, ritual by ritual, little by little, I have meaningfully performed ritual over 6,000 times, and traveled farther and farther into demonic evocation and astral travel, to a point where I have now transcribed an entire universal demonic language and charted entire hidden realms of the astral plane.

My “now or never” epiphany completely unleashed my ascent and eliminated any ritual anxiety. It has allowed magick to become second nature to me, like breathing air.

Learn The Secrets Of Sphereworking To Harness The Unlimited Power Of The Qliphoth & Attain Union With Your Daemon… More Importantly, Learn How To Eliminate Your Ritual Anxiety & Quit Sabotaging Your Ascent
Through merciless trial and error, I have become a master of these core magicks enumerated below. And I can help you to learn them and skyrocket your spiritual ascent.

Sphereworking The Qliphoth & The Tunnels Of Set
I am able to explain the process of Initiation through the Qliphoth and the Tunnels of Set as well as how to harness the energies of both the Spheres and Tunnels for specific spells and rituals. For example, you can learn how the energies of Golachab may be used to remove harmful obstacles in your life. Also, I will clarify the secrets to opening the stellar gateways and how to projects your consciousness into them for exploration and empowerment.

Lucifer’s Demonic Language A.K.A. The Universal Daemon Tongue
I am proficient in the magick meaning and pronunciation of every demon tongue letter for success in using the language as a magick force. I have years of experience in working with the Demon Tongue and can show how to both intone and write the language correctly. Furthermore, the Tongue allows you to channel and evoke spirits from any Gateway. To this point, I will clarify how you can employ the language for maximum potency and effectiveness in your Magick.

How To Attain Union With Your Daimon A.K.A. Holy Guardian Angel
I have entered into union with my Daimon for half a decade now, and I have received a clear understanding of how attainment with your Daimon can be achieved for greater clarity of life’s purpose and substantially greater power overall. This union may help you in your Magick and to find your True Will. Finding your True Will gives your life passion and meaning that is sorely missing.

Astral Travel Of The Stellar Outland Gateways
You will learn the advanced rituals of initiation into the Stellar Outland realms and thereby multiply and magnify any new and preexisting work with the Qliphoth. These Gateways are newly channeled and very potent keys of Initiation that can alter your perception of reality. You may use these Gateways as reservoir of magick for demonic spellcasting also.

How To Cast Harmful Curses & Annihilate Hard-To-See Astral Predators That Undermine Ascent
By virtue of becoming a Black Witch or Sorcerer, you often have enemies who you must overcome if you wish to truly evolve into greater and greater manifestations of yourself. Annihilating these enemies will teach you priceless lessons, but they can stop you in your tracks as well, if you give in to the doubt and fear energies that they push against you. You may fight them and become a god and goddess in your own right, or you can be complacent. I can instruct clearly how to smash these enemies and to keep them at bay for life.

Book Your Personal Consultation Right Now And Receive:
Personal Consultation A 60 & 30-minute session together
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<Note from Rabbi - He charges $70 a half-hour and $130 a hour>
Here’s How This Works
Book your consultation right now on my calendar. It will allow you to share your preferred chat app.
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Experience YOUR Moment Of Epiphany Like Me And Become A Master Of Your Fate Too…
Have you banged your head against a wall for years trying to “figure out” magick by worrying in circles like I did years ago?

Do you suffer ritual anxiety, demon phobia, and sabotage your magick?

In our high-powered time together, you will finally experience your “now or never” moment of epiphany and completely unleash your ascent as I did.

Book your personal consultation now, and I will see you on our call.

May demonic blessings be with you,

Enoch B. Petrucelly

Maria DEVI CHRISTOS #god-complex #fundie #ufo #crackpot #magick usmalos.com

ProgRAm of Earth Rescue «USMALOS»
of the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS

«With the Phenomenon of Mother of the World in Kiev in 1990 — Were ACTIVATED the Universal Spiritual and Space ProgRAm of Rescue and Fohatization of the Planet Earth and the Solar System — «USMALOS» (Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Luna, Orion, Sirius), that were Directed to Spiritual Protection against powers of darkness of Gagtungr-Seth and Fohatization of the Universal. The Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS Is the Head of the PROGRAM. The main Objective of the PROGRAM «USMALOS» IS — the Saving humanity from the mark of the beast-Antichrist: «And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six» («Revelation», 13:16-18).

«And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass» («Revelation», 15:2). Symbolically It is: Spiritual Image of Fohatic Protection of the Mother of the World, Her Absolute Fire Light, in Whom reside Elected, received the Cover of the Eternal Almighty Love of the Mother of Light. And the TRAnsformation consciousness of earthlings by the Light Absolute Energy — the Holy Spirit of the Mother of the World. It is 144,000 thousand enlightened souls — the Heavenly Host of Sophia the Wisdom.

The Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS for more than 26 years DEVOTED Prepares Epochal Transition of the Solar System to the New Time Circuit. The ProgRAm «USMALOS» — THIS is the Planned Quantum Transition to the New Formation of the Golden Age, in Which the Sixth RAce of transformed Humanity, which adopted the Golden Testament of Sophia will be entered. And 144000 Logoses Conformed to the New Heaven — Fohatic Sphere of the Fire Plan, by That New Earth and Updated Solar System will breathe. Absolute KNOWLEDGE of Wisdom Sophia — Will Be Open to all worlds, and New TRAnsfigured Humanity.

Messiah of the Aquarian Age — the Mother of the World Maria DEVI CHRISTOS — Showed humanity to the Way out of impasse of consciousness during the global crisis of the Earth civilization. Her Spiritual Heritage — It Is an Invaluable Experience of Mother Protectress, Embodied of the late twentieth century in the Image of Sophia-Sothis-Isis» (Maria DEVI CHRISTOS (Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya). «ProgRAm of Earth Rescue «USMALOS»», November 3, 2016).

«She Gave the world a Universal PhiloSophy; ultimate Knowledge about the Absolute — the Spiritual «Science of Light and Its Transformation»©; «SophioLogy of the Mother of the World», the Last Testament and the Ten Fundamental Commandments of TRAnsformed Humanity of the Sixth RAce, as the Highest Form of Manifestation of Spiritual Ideals of the future Golden Age; the Saving Prayer of Light, as the Form of visualization Fohatic consciousness of earthlings; the Doctrine about Absolute of Creation — Sophia the Wisdom, Universe and Human — Macrocosm and Microcosm...» («Abstract of Victoria PreobRAzhenskaya on the theme: «THE TERRESTRIAL WAY OF THE MOTHER OF THE WORLD»», 2013).

The Fundamental Commandments of the Testament of Eternal Life
You shall love the Mother of Light with all your heart, with all your soul and consciousness!
You shall love Humanity with the LOVE of the Mother of Light!
You shall admonish the enemy with the Love of Mother of the World.
You shall love all things that breathe!
Violence over every body, soul, consciousness and spirit — is the denial of yourself!
You shall stop stealing from a human, from Nature, in the AtmoSphere, in the Universe!
You shall bless, pity and forgive everyone who offends and hates you!
The conjugal ties without Love and Harmony is adultary! The lust outside of
Spirituality is the mental immorality!
You shall create the world around yourself through mercy!
You shall be indulgent with uncomprehending; you shall reject evil thought!

Starbrite A. Sparkles #ufo #magick #crackpot ufodigest.com

The religious virgin birth could be in actuality an alien intervention, and the son of God is in fact son of an extraterrestrial and an alien hybrid. It is hypothesized that when angels visited Mary in what she perceived as a dream, the dream was a visit by aliens. The aliens artificially inseminated her with genetically engineered or alien sperm. This alien was the “Angel-Gabriel” a member of the alien race. Jesus was alleged to have had superhuman abilities. Mary gave birth to Jesus while she was still a virgin, and therefore Jesus was one of the first alien-human hybrids. The Raelian Movement supports this outlook.

Through history it was often claimed that important people had miraculous births. For example, Plato was said to have been born by the union of the god Apollo with his mother. Alexander the Great was said to have been conceived when a thunderbolt fell from heaven and made his mother Olympias pregnant before her marriage to Philip of Macedon. While in the book of Genesis it was told that the sons of gods had intercourse with women to produce heroes.

The gods and heroes of the Mystery religions were all born of virgins. In the first century, this belief was prevalent. Because the Mystery religions are much older than Christianity, it seems that these ideas were creeping into the Nazarene Community concerning Jesus. That is, he was the product of a union between a mortal and a God, with the God being an extraterrestrial, or referred to as an ET.
When the resurrected Jesus reappeared to his faithful disciplines, he seemed to have undergone a ghostlike transformation. It is said he bi-located, allowed himself to be seen in several places at once simultaneously.

Two books, Apocryphon Jacobi and Epistle of the Apostles, suppressed by the Church for centuries gives an insightful account of the accession into the heavens. The Christian Bible gives very limited detail into the accession.

It occurred at the ridge, east of Jerusalem, known as the Mount of Olives. The resurrected Jesus was talking to his followers when a clap of thunder and lighting interrupted him. The roll of thunder rumbled the entire mountain, and a chariot, descended through the clouds. This chariot was known as a Merkaba, a celestial vehicle of angels. The texts describe how Jesus entered the Merkaba, was welcomed by the angels who were dressed in “white apparel.” And the apostles watched in wonderment as Jesus rose higher and higher into the heavens until he and the angels in the Merkaba were lost to sight. Could this have been his return to the mothership and to the father of his lineage?

We are in the year of 2012, a year of great anticipation and expectation. It is the end of the Mayan calendar on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012. I offer this possible explanation of the outcome to follow based on the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of an extraterrestrial and an earthly woman, gods Quetzalcoatl of the Mesoamericas, and the culmination of the end of the Mayan calendar and the birth of a new world, all intertwined with the science of ufology. In this segment of the research, I have examined and presented the son of ET and the relevance to the current holiday season.

“As with all gods, there is a promise to return one day, the truth being, no gods return, we
return to light. Some Mormon scholars believe that Quetzalcoatl, as a white bearded God who came from the sky and promised to return, was actually Jesus Christ, proposed son of ET. According to the Book of Mormon, Jesus visited the American natives after his resurrection.”

ConjureMan Ali #magick #psycho #mammon luckymojo.com


Here are a couple tricks using Lucky Mojo products that can be used to
help overcome the resistance and reluctance of potential lovers.

If your your love target is resisting your work you can try this:

1) Red Candle with Cubebs

Make a name paper of your target and fold a John the Conqueor in the
paper. Place this under an overturned cup.

Take a jumbo red candle or a 6 inch and carve it with their name,
along with the command "unable to resist me." Dress this with Follow
Me Boy/Girl then take Cubeb Berries and push them into the wax of the
candle. You might need to use a nail to make small holes then stick
the Cubeb Berries in them. Stud the candle with Cubeb Berries, then
dust it with some Dill Seeds. Set this on the overturned cup and burn
it down while praying for them to be unable to resist you any longer.

2) Red or Pink Adam and Eve Candles plus a Black Candle

Another neat trick involves a moving candle spell. Take one each pink
or red Adam and Eve candles. Carve them and load them. Dress them with
Follow Me Boy/Girl, Love Me, and Compelling oil. Place a John the
Conqueror root in front of the Adam candle and a Queen Elizabeth root
in front of the Eve candle. Dress the John the Conqueror and the Queen
Elizabeth and the two candles with your sexual fluids. Have the
candles facing one another. Sprinkle Calamus, Rose petals, Juniper
Berries, Damiana, and Catnip in a ring around the candles. Place this
set up on your altar close to you.

Behind this set up place an undressed 6 inch black candle. Carve "So
and so's resistance" an the black candle.

Behind your altar place a bucket of dirt gathered from a crossroads or
water from a river.

Light all your candles and pray that as the black candle is moved away
that your target's resistance becomes less and less.

Over 7 days move the black candle further and further back on your
altar until you can push it off the back edge and into the bucket of
dirt or water. Toss the remains of the black candle in a crossroads or
a river, as appropriate, and bury the love candles at your front door
to attract your lover. Gather the herbs and roots from the altar and
put them in a mojo bag and feed weekly with a love oil.


© 2010 ConjureMan Ali -
Lucky Mojo Certified Graduate and Member of AIRR

Christos Kioni and catherine yronwode #magick #mammon luckymojo.com


© 2005 All Rights Reserved Worldwide,
Dr. Christos Kioni - DrKioni.com

Use with extreme caution!

Items required
(can be obtained at https://www.luckymojo.com/catalogue)

1) Master Root
2) Lightning Struck Redwood or Oak
3) 2 Small John the Conqueror Roots
4) Ginseng Root Powder
5) Cubeb Berries
6) Frankincense
7) Kiss Me Now Incense
8) Penis Oil
9) Follow Me Girl Oil
10) Commanding Oil
11) Pair of His and Her Loadstones
12) Magnetic Sand
13) Whiskey
14) Calamus Root
15) One Egg
16) Emperor Card
17) Lover's Card
18) Purple Mojo Bag

Use 2 small John the Conqueror Roots, 1 to represent
each testicle. A Master Root the size of your thumb
represents the penis; the Master Root should be thick,
not pencil thin. The lightning struck Redwood or Oak
should equal the length of the Master Root but not
necessarily the same diameter and thickness.

Before assembling the mojo, a little sex magic to
produce your semen will be efficacious. Obviously, your
intent is personal power, sexual magnetism and sexual
potency. See yourself wearing this powerful energy and
enjoying a gratifying relationship and satisfying sex
with your partner. Visualize your penis as a bolt of
lightening (not as an instrument of anger nor pain) but
truly the "Magic Wand of Light" referred to in Tantric
literature. See yourself confident with a commanding
presence, personal power, sexual magnetism and sexual
potency. (Use the Emperor card from a Tarot deck to aid
in visualization)

Mix your semen with a pinch of Ginseng Root powder and
Penis Oil to dress the roots and wood. As you do this,
tell the roots and lightning struck wood what you
desire. [Don't use all of the semen . . . I have one
more trick to lay on you.] Compound a mixture of John
the Conqueror incense, Frankincense, and Ginseng Root
powder. You will use this incense to smoke your mojo
once it is assembled. (You can substitute the
Frankincense with crushed Cubeb Berries or add the
berries to the incense formula along with the

Carry the hand in your pocket or suspend it on thick
yarn tied around your waist. Allow the mojo to dangle
above your genitals. If you wear a penis amulet to
protect your nature, the hand can still be worn in this
manner. The penis amulet is always worn to one side of
your genitals (the thigh joint is a perfect spot) to
direct the "hit" away from your "Magic Wand". You don't
want your mojo to take the hit, so make sure the penis
amulet is suspended away from the mojo.

Feed the hand during the Full Moon with a few drops of
Penis Oil containing pieces of John the Conqueror Root,
Master Root, Lightning Struck Redwood, Ginseng Root
powder, Commanding Oil, Calamus Root and Cubeb Berries.
This oil is also good to dress your genitals on a daily
basis or prior to sexual intimacy.

Now, if you have the affections of a certain female in
mind, but haven't been intimate with her yet; here is
how you can attract her to you.

Get an egg from the fridge, rinse it off and dry it.
Mix the remaining semen with a few drops of Penis Oil,
Follow Me Girl Oil and some crushed Cubeb Berries. Name
the egg for the woman you desire. If you are drawing an
unknown lover, address the egg as Unknown Lover.

Dress the egg with the mixture and talk to it as you
would if the woman was sitting in front of you. Tell
her (the egg) your dreams, fantasies and desires --
tell her she will be aroused with intense sexual heat
and have unending amorous desires for you. Visualize
her with you and see yourselves in intimate bliss. Once
the egg is dry, dust it with a final coating of Kiss Me
Now Sachet Powder mixed with a pinch of Ginseng Root
powder and smoke the egg in Kiss Me Now incense.

If you have a love altar, place his (you) and her (the
woman you desire) lodestones on it. (Remember to soak
your lodestones in whiskey overnight beforehand) Name
the he stone for you and the she stone for her. If you
have some of her hair, place it under the she stone and
some of your hair under the he stone or a drop of your
semen on the he stone. A small sheet of paper with her
name on it under the lodestone can substitute her hair.

Feed the lodestones some magnetic sand for three days
and tell them what you desire. Place the Lover's card
in front of the loadstones to aid in visualization. If
you have a picture of the woman you desire, you can use
a computer graphic program to superimpose your pictures
together or lay the pictures side by side in front of
the lodestones. If you don't have a specific woman in
mind, use a picture or drawing that symbolizes the
lover you desire.

Each day for three days, smoke the egg in the incense.
Give the egg your instructions; tell it your desires as
if you were speaking directly to the woman who is the
object of your affections. Feed your lodestones a pinch
of Magnetic Sand and say "He stone (your name) you are
sexually magnetic, powerful and strong. Attract and
magnetize (her name) to me now! Feed her lodestone and
say "She stone "her name" Your sexual desire for me is
intense. You are drawn to me like iron filings to a
magnet. When you think of me or see me your love will
come gushing down, your heart will be mine. Come to me
my love and let us dance the dance of the erotic

Set the egg between the loadstones for at least three
days and nights prior to the Full Moon. On the night of
the Full Moon (midnight) proceed to her house or
apartment and toss the egg onto her door or in the
driveway with enough force to shatter the shell. As you
do, whisper your incantation once again and go on your
merry way.

If throwing the egg where she lives is not practical,
take it to a crossroads near where she lives and
shatter it there. Obviously the shattered egg thrown on
her door is more effective, especially if she has to
clean the mess up.

Wrap the lodestones in red cloth and place under the
bed or in your mattress in anticipation of holding her
tenderly and making passionate love to her on that bed!

One final note: This spell can be used by men that have
female clients. For example if you are a shoe salesman
in a women's footwear store, this spell can be modified
for your use. Obviously, the intent should be changed
from having a sexual liaison to maintaining strong,
binding and secure business relationships. Women will
respect you, admire that "certain quality "you have and
even desire you sexually. However unless you are a
gigolo, crossing the sexual line with clients is risky

Please keep in mind, this is not a spell to make a
woman your sex slave, nor to subjugate and debase her.
The Goddess in every woman must be honored by men. We
must acknowledge that when the Goddess allows a man to
worship in her temple, to receive the lightening from
his "Magic Wand of Light" to allow him to cover his
face with the sacred dew that glistens on her precious
lotus petals; it is an act of worship not lust. It is
an act of equals, Goddess and God; therefore it is
divine pleasure and cosmic bliss!

Disclaimer: Results vary according to individuals.
However this is an extremely powerful formula and
ritual, so be certain what you ask for because you will
get it and a whole lot more ;-)

Rev., Dr. Christos Kioni, Ph.D.
Spiritual Practitioner, Metaphysical Consultant
T - 321-214-0865 - by appt.

Permission to distribute granted providing copyright,
trademark, and contact information is left intact.

© 2005 All Rights Reserved Worldwide,
Dr. Christos Kioni - DrKioni.com

Theresa J. Thurmond Morris #ufo #god-complex #magick #crackpot ufodigest.com


We are all hybrids in one form or another.Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. The word ”Lakshmi” is derived from the Sanskrit word Laksme, meaning “goal. …
There is much of our heritage among the ET UFO Community that was preserved by those in INDIA and the legends and myths as religions and oral traditional stories.

The Indians were the closest spiritually to receiving the ET and their wars of the past long after Lemurians and Atlantians existed. However, some who lived beyond the great cataclysm and separation from the heavens of water and the worlds created below were allowed to live as beings of the Ets or Alien Hybrids to continue to come to back as in reincarnation from time to time. Jesus the prior master knew this.

Look at all the various humanoids and someday we shall prove more than we know. For now until proven otherwise we share that hybrids are all Starseeds, Lightworkers, Indigo children, Crystal Children, and all are Ascension Children returning some day. As Above so Below. Love and Light. TJ aka Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, both material and spiritual. The word ”Lakshmi” is derived from the Sanskrit word Laksme, meaning “goal."
Paranormal ET Contactee, I have various beings share their innermost viewpoints and concerns. This is part of my mission and calling. It is also a part of me as a Psychic-Medium and Channel. I am also a Spiritual Advisor and Christian who lives among those in the Bible Belt. I walk alone in the world and will die alone. That is just the way my life is. We all have a life and my past lives are some of my memories now.
My past memories of Le Muria or LaMEuria or as it is spelled to day Lemuria. Life in Lemruai as was on this planet prior to Atlantis gives me a leg up so to speak in this world. I am considered a very old soul and to some I am considered in the spirit of Lachs Mae and Lillith. Loch Shmae was older than Lillith on this planet and the daughters of Esther who worwhip the Goddess and maternal energy as Queens and Oracles of other planets belong to a certain order of female essences in other universes. There are still sacred worlds and some are not ready to cycle their energy vibrations of essences they send to earth.

catherine yronwode #magick #mammon luckymojo.com

compiled from usenet, 1995 - present

Spelling and format editing has occurred within these posts;
some email addresses may be out of date.

These posts are copyright by their respective authors as
noted, and all rights are reserved. In other words, the
contributions of these authors are not to be mirrored to
other web sites or copied into print without the express
permission of each individual author.



On a Friday, when the Moon is waxing, start the following:

Altar Layout

1 1
5 ( ( ( ( 3
4 ( ( ( ( 2
6 Bible Photo or
goes object of the one
here that is loved

Position 1-1 White altar (cross shaped) candle,
dressed with Hi Altar Brand Oil
Position 2 Red candle dressed with Love Oil
Position 3 Astral Candle of the one that is loved
dressed with Zodiac oil
Position 4 red candle dressed with Love oil
Position 5 Astral candle of one that who seeks love
dressed with Zodiac Oil
Position 6 Gold candle dressed with Attraction oil
Move candles no 2 and 3 in the direction of arrows 1 inch each day.
Bible reading: If you are a man read Song of Solomon, Chapt. 6.
If you are a woman read Song of Solomon, Chapter 8
Burn candles 2 hours each day until satisfied.
Frankincense and Myrrh may be burned while reading the Biblical
passages. Place incense burner between the Bible and the photo.

Colors for astral candles:
Aries: white Taurus: red Gemini: light blue
Cancer: green Leo:green Virgo: gold
Libra: dark red Scorpio brown Sagittarius: green
Capricorn: black Aquarius: blue Pisces: pink

Treat him/her nice, I hope it works out for you. If you're gay,
substitute Lavender Drops for Love oil

from "The Master Book of Candle Burning"
by Henri Gamache, 1942; out of copyright.

posted to usenet 1999 by David W. TIllman

For more information on books by Henri Gamache, see
and click on the book titles that interest you.

Order Of Melchizedek #fundie #magick #crackpot atam.org

What do you see around you? You are in your living room, office, kitchen, car or outside somewhere. What do you see? Is that all you see? Look closely, is all that you think you see all that is truly there? What if there’s more, much more? What if there is unbelievable activity of past, present and future taking place all around you? What if somehow you could see some of the invisible activity around you in various forms; silhouettes, shadows, lights, orbs, or actual images, would you like to?

Quantum physics tell us that the human body is 99.9999% empty space or energy and that there is less that 1% of us that’s really matter or appears as solid. This is also true for the planet and everything on it and also the universe.

In all this open space there are unseen worlds closely layered one on top of the other. These worlds are called “planes” or “dimensions.” They are all existing simultaneously in the same space, side by side and what would appear as on top of each other. In these worlds are other humans, those we think of as dead, animals, creatures, angelic orbs, angels, aliens, demons, gods, nature and material things. Each of these worlds vibrate at a specific frequency, thus, making it difficult to see, hear, smell, taste or touch the many worlds existing all around us, if we’re not on that frequency. (It kinda like a dog, whose hearing is designed to hear at a pitch or frequency outside what is normal for humans.) The frequency barriers tightly lock up and set apart each world, universe, multi-verse or plane of reality with its own signature frequency. To further explain, for example, if Earth’s frequency and the inhabitants of it is vibrating at 7.5 Mhz, we probably wont be able to see a world occupying our same space that may be vibrating at 10.2 Mhz, even though it is right in front of it.

Yahshua (Jesus) taught this, “Change your mind (brain wave pattern which is determined by what you are thinking), the kingdom of heaven is at hand (in your reach, at the tips of your finger).” Matthew 4:17 “Except a person is born-again, he can not SEE the kingdom of God.” John 3:3
“For in Him are All things, visible and invisible, are held together.” Colossians 1:16-17

In just these passages of Scripture alone, we can understand and innerstand that the Bible teaches quantum physics. Clearly, Yahshua taught the 5 sense realm (sight, touch, etc) could not experience another plane of existence or dimension operating in my space until my signature brain and body frequency is changed to match the frequency the kingdom of God vibrates on. “The kingdom of God is not out there in the sky, or over there in Palestine, you can’t see it while you are vibrating on your signature or mass consciousness frequency, but it is within you and all around you.” Luke 17:21 OMV

When we experience what we call the supernatural or paranormal, it is because our vibratory frequency has been raised or lowered. What I mean by this is, there are many planes of existence vibrating at a higher faster frequency than ours, but there are also many planes vibrating at a lower slower frequency than ours. These can be considered as other worlds, other Earths, duplicates of this one, a mirror image of everything here. Due to the choices made by some of the people on other Earths’ existing in alternate realities, it may be operating on a lower or higher frequency than ours. This is the same for all the planets and the universe/multiverses.

“God spoke to our fathers through the prophets. But in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, and through whom He made the worlds. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of His nature, upholding all things by His powerful word.” Hebrews 1:1-3

When someone’s frequency is raised or lower they are allowed to peer into different realms or dimensions. We are allowed to feel, sense, taste, smell or hear what is in other dimensions. The goal should be to always ascend higher into less dense existences and frequencies. However, there may be times when it is necessary to descend in order to correct, adjust or close specific doors or pathways.


Sometimes a traumatic injury can trigger a change in the set vibrational frequency for this planet’s space and your body. A head injury, heart injury, near death experience, death experience, extreme emotional or mental break and sometimes drugs will reset a persons brain wave, heart rhythm wave or bio-rhythm wave, thus, allowing them to experience things outside the signature frequency of this planet’s space or normal body frequency. The brain is electric, the heart is electric, the body is electric and one glitch in the hardware can open the window for other programs (frequencies) to operate.

There are many stories of people who have been in an accident, injured or had surgery and afterwards developed what is called “psychic abilities.” They found themselves being visited by angels, aliens, hearing voices, seeing into other realms, became religious/spiritual and are filled with a passion to help others. What happened? They are now accessing information from higher dimensions, there’s been a rip or tear in the vibrational fabric they had been confined to. In Christian terminology, they are seeing or hearing in the Spirit, accessing the Spirit-realm.

Unfortunately, there are a few others that have a traumatic experience and when they come through it, their abilities appear to be darker. Depression, darkness, hopelessness, fear and addictions seem plague them. A tear in their vibrational fabric seems to have open the door for nightmares and tormenting spirits/entities. In Christian terminology, a window or door has been open to the demonic realm. There is hope. The tear can be fixed, the door or window can be closed and their vibrational frequency can be reset and even raised higher than before. “You must be born-again.”

Spiritual encounters are another way we move beyond the set vibrational frequency of our being and planetary space. A genuine born-again encounter with the Creator creates a tear into 3 dimensional vibrational fabric, allowing those who pursue spirituality to experience frequent encounters with the many worlds existing all around us and in us. Fasting, prayer, singing, meditation, loving and speaking living words are all keys to accessing the many powerful positive planes of existence. Spiritual encounters reset the Parietal Lobe and Olfactory systems of the brain, allowing one to use all the senses at a higher frequency, the frequencies of other dimensions or planes of existence.

Science of Wholeness #quack #crackpot #magick scienceofwholeness.com

It may be possible to increase one’s ability to live on prana by consuming more “living” water. Ionized (alkalized) water can, through its ability to flush out and or neutralize acidic toxins, be an excellent source of cleansing vitality and improve the physical body’s ability to benefit from “pranic nourishment.”

Systematic under-eating and eventual progression toward a “living on light” diet would be very difficult without first following through an overlapping series of logical steps in combination with advanced spiritual development, meditation and breath control: 1) health food “vegetarian,” 2) raw food & antioxidants, 3) high antioxidant raw food liquidarian, 4) negatively ionized water and air, 5) ojas, prana from nature, sunlight and astral substances, 6) mental and causal energies, and 7) celestial being (light).
However I must warn that for nearly everyone, the above listed evolutionary changes as becoming a “Light” eater never occur overnight nor is it for everyone, but only for a select few who have advanced yogic/spiritual tendencies. Even the famous but controversial Australian metaphysical author of “Living on Light” Jasmuheen still has to eat very lightly or drink something from time to time. Her constitution, way of thinking, her highly evolved state of loving spiritual awareness and divinization of her body cells due to her lifetime connection with spirit has allowed her to enjoy and even thrive on long periods of fasting and/or extremely light eating. Jasmuheen is a beautiful example of spirit transforming matter into a finer expression of divine love and of living mainly off pranic forces.

I still believe however, that living in a vast area of deep forest bioplasmic (orgone) energies, botanical aromas and pollens is essential for lasting success. That is how delicate the process of living without food is! It is essential for one’s health and well-being anyway to be surrounded by wild, living plants, because the pollens and scents from trees, wild-flowers, herbs, etc. can be essential for preventing depression and even cancer. That is why I am so concerned about the continuing existence of rain forests and other natural places. Nature is infinitely delicate and infinitely subtle!

In Paramhansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi, he writes about the non-eating saint, Theresa Neumann who lived in a small village surrounded by plants in greenhouse like conditions, the breatharian yogi, Giri Bala who lived in a remote Indian forest, and the etherial Mahavatar Babaji of the Himalayan mountains who not only was above eating, but also physical existence! Because most of humanity has become so isolated from nature’s profound subtleties, mainstream science and religion has, very sadly, grown extremely closed minded against and quite cynical regarding any such possiblities today. They will, however be forced someday (hopefully in the near future) to realize how wrong they have been!

Arno Pienaar #crackpot #conspiracy #magick howtoexitthematrix.com

Identify Your Agent Smith In The Matrix

he time has come to identify the force that works through the unconsciousness infiltrating the consciousness of everyone involved. Agent Smith is everywhere!

People on Earth hold the greatest power; it is this power that has been manipulated by an unseen force that survives through the unconsciousness.

Understanding Agent Smith
Agent Smith is a character from the Matrix trilogy that always tries to stop the efforts of the ones fighting with the illusion of the false veil, which was cloaked to blind everyone from the truth.

The title of this article might sound like a cliché but it is the greatest example I have for getting the message across. Agent Smith can also manifest spontaneously, anywhere and out of anyone!

I am not saying that there are people manifesting out of every corner trying to kill you; what I am saying is that within every new person you meet there may be a hidden hand at play serving to press your buttons.

You must remember that most people at the moment still fall in the predominantly unconscious criteria, meaning that they are under dominion of many divided beings (thought-forms) that live through them.

These entities are light-based, or thought-based, meaning that they serve the Luciferian lightbringer agenda which gave birth to their illusory power from within the ultimate ignorance, arising from mankind’s trance state.

Do you think these entities that possess most of humanity care for consciousness? In the face of consciousness they fight, and do everything in their books of tricks to convince and deceive their host in the opposite direction of consciousness.

Remember that within consciousness there is no thought, which spells death to a thought-based entity!

The host, on the other hand, under the spell and vindication that he/she is the thinking entity/thought-form, does what he/she is told to, just like a minion. There is no perception of the division in the ignorant state.

What these entities that survive on the thoughts of others are going to do is try and do everything in their deceitful power to spread their virus — i.e. to get others to start thinking, and if they can get you to think negatively, then that is even better.

You see, thinking is the matrix-conjurer that serves to create matter from light, and thinking only serves the side that wants more thinking — the side that needs to uphold the third dimensional illusion that keeps its very existence alive through our imagination.

Using multiple reflections as virus scans
Random unconscious people, and especially those that are termed “loved ones,” do and say things to conscious individuals that are targeted at the most sensitive of areas, as if there is an intelligence at play that knows exactly where any weak sensitive spots are still open for attack, causing a reaction and outpouring of energy.

I have even encountered individuals I do not know at all, that would say something in particular related to myself which, in turn, would resonate with a thought-form within me that I was trying to defeat.

This only caused it to become awake and rampant which disturbed me and caused me to become unconscious in a battle, which is exactly where we are wanted by these entities.

On the bright side, a battle is good! It means that you have identified the virus and that you are working at taking back your power as the rightful ruler of your crown.

Other individuals may serve us greatly when we are unaware of what lurks within. They may help us as mirrors, but only to a certain extent.

I will not advice seeking a perfect reflection of yourself in a room full of scums, repeatedly. You will naturally, purposely, start giving them a clear picture of themselves so that they may see what they truly are.

Darkness does not understand light, and vice versa.

Michelle Walling, CHLC #crackpot #ufo #magick howtoexitthematrix.com

As we continue to meld and move through the fourth dimension on many different levels, the dark forces are getting more desperate for sources of energy, or what has been called “loosh”. Most energetic attacks have the purpose of triggering negative emotional responses for this loosh, and others are self created thoughtforms. Part of the spiritual “work” is clearing yourself and your house of negative energies and entities as you learn to unplug from the matrix.

The matrix is an interactive binary computer program that is an overlay on top of the organic 5d Earth matrix. Its purpose is to lock humans into a perpetual source of energy for 4th dimensional beings who were trapped here by the Federation during the cosmic wars. Because these trapped beings are not connected to the Source through their hearts, they were forced to find another source of energy in order to survive. They were able to hack into the matrix system on earth through the moon to provide an illusion wonderland of ways to attack humans and to cause humans to attack themselves as well as others. Their main methods are fear vibrational fields, memory erasure, energetic cording with astral entities, implants and various technologies, mind control, hitchhiker spirit attachments, and self inflicted sabotage programming. They then use the energy that humans generate for their sustenance and store the extra energy for later purposes such as holographic illusion insertions and timeline incursions.

Natoya Hall #crackpot #magick #ufo higherselfportal.com

JANUARY 9, 2020

Hi, Starseeds!
I’m supposed to be off this month and return in February as I’m being called to be still in January after a hectic but blessed December! I woke up this morning with a blast to my Plexus that overwhelmed my body with anxiety; I knew something was up because frankly, the energies have been very different since December. at this point, I go in observer mode and head to take my shower healing/meditation and I am visited by my Arcturian Healing Team with a very important message that I had to get out.
I mentioned this in my forecast and it’s currently happening as we, Ancients are working in many different worlds right now. I get an overwhelming sense that we are creating new grids and amplifying the energy stream to collapse old programs and paradigms. A feeling of not quite being here but everywhere at the same time. Our thoughts are gauging what we manifest at rapid speeds and we are constantly being called to stay present to jump these timelines and work in a myriad of different dimensions. Staying present is important because you cannot leave your body behind as you jump; this will cause the body to go into overload, stress mode, weakness, a disruption of mental clarity, a feeling of void; not quite sure who you are and what exactly you are doing here (This also carries another meaning as you merge with your higher aspects; who you once thought you were is leaving), learning to be present as these new realities start to weave will be something you will get used to this year.
These energies are like no other. They are intense and deliberate as our old body condenses. If you are a client of mine you will know this firsthand as December and pretty much most of the year all I was called to do was activate the Light Body. What I was guided to do was "switch" on the coded cell membrane that every Light Warrior carries and that we are all turning on right now. I asked Mother/ Father God why now and not in 2012 when our Karmic cycles ended and I received the message that this has to happen over time as to not overwhelm the physical body; well, that time for most of us is NOW. What I’ve been seeing is every person has a Light Team and your light team will lift your old template out and the Arcturians will place a new activated light template within you activating your ANCIENT Light codes. This old template looks like an old engine that has functioned for a very long time. Our old "engine" does not run efficiently in this new paradigm and 2020 will be the year of rapid acceleration to install this new template. This will make us go in and out of different dimensions consciously and safely.
The Brain was being worked on in 2019 to hold this new template and we are feeling this currently as the mind gets foggy, headaches, tension in the face, jaw, gums, teeth (teeth are transmitters). I’m being guided to say work on your Throat Chakras or be mindful of this Chakra as I’m seeing in a lot of people a separation here. Makes sense as most of us Lightworkers hold a lot of traumatic energies here from not standing in our truth, not being able to be authentic as we were killed or prosecuted and most of us having been beheaded, hung, tortured for speaking the truth of the Light. You are safe. You are supported. You are needed to trust again. Trust yourself that you can do this, that you can bridge your Higher realities for the greatest good of humanity. I see a lot of people being called up to the plate and there is this hesitation but know that you will never be guided where your Soul is not ready to go. It is time to merge and be one with your Higher Selves and Higher templates and our bodies, mind and energy will be feeling this PROFOUNDLY. Do what is good for YOU; no one may understand it but that’s none of your concern. Your concern is your alignment.
One last thing Mama Gaia is urging me to say is that there is no more grounding. Most are having problems grounding because there is no more stable ground. Mama says instead of grounding on her; MERGE and ALIGN with her. As I went into this further she showed me an image of her moving and ascending at rapid speeds. She is shifting and as below so above; we cant ground because her frequency is high, fast and ever-changing. Now, we have to intent to flow with her as we too are also ascending at fast rates. The symptoms are off the charts and I’m urged to say this to the Ancients; do not fall trap to old ways of thinking and old fears and worries. You are too needed this year to assist and be an example of what we have been experiencing for 20, 30, 40 years. If your awakening as an Ancient is recent it’s because you are needed so what took us years is taking you months to come online because you are needed and are a vital piece of this amazing puzzle.
We are on the front lines. We’ve been gearing up these past few years and now it’s time to head into battle. You, Ancients, the Best of the best from your respected Planets were made for this very time.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #conspiracy #magick supernaturalspirit.com


Have you had a supernatural incident in your life, ghosts, psychic attack, curses, Satanists, strange dreams, a presence in your house, or evil that follows you, seen strange things, heard them, felt a cold wind…?

If you have a supernatural problem you need advice from the expert. At Supernatural Spirit.com you can get any supernatural problem investigated personally by Tim Rifat, the world expert on Psi. As a Psi-Lord, Tim Rifat hunts evil supernatural spirits be they demons, arch demons, incubi, succubae, vampire spirits, werewolf spirits, Illuminati, Satanists, Archons, insectiles, Reptiloids, evil people…

Having destroyed every conceivable type of evil supernatural spirit you can guarantee your evil will be expunged, exorcised and shredded. The ability to Lucidly View the customer, see what evil is around them, their family and friends, follow the supernatural spirit(s) to their homeworld and destroy them at their source enables total extermination of all evil supernatural spirits and the problems associated with them. For added protections a Psychotronic Crystal BPC/PC tuned specifically to you and your specific evil supernatural spirit problem. Simultaneously Tim Rifat will have erased the supernatural spirit to end your problem.

If you require more intensive Psychic Cleansing Tim Rifat can spend more time causing such damage to the Source of your problem so it is so weakened, this being the supernatural world from which the evil come that persecuting you is the least of their problems.

For the truly conscientious, Tim Rifat offers a year long service where you email if the supernatural spirits from the dimension that caused you evil begin to resurface so they constantly get decimated to keep them so decimated that the vermin cannot breed, survive and remain viable – total extermination.

The Service is also offered for use against Satanists, evil people who are giving you grief, human or non human makes no difference to a Psi-Lord. Look at the guide on PsychicWarrorShaman.com to see the hunting and killing satanic supernatural spirits and their human servants is the Core competency of a Psi-Lord. It offers Tim extra Psychotronic Fuel so any satanic vermin targeted by you the customer is more fuel for the Fir of the Logos, Source. Since Tim Rifat spends 24/7 burning Illuminati and their Archonic Masters, a little supernatural spirit adds a piquancy to his Psychotronic Fuel.

There are countless clairvoyants, psychics, new age guns, channellers, tarot readers, palmists, psychic cleansers, not one of them could stand up to an Archon, Insectile… that a Psi-Lord like Tim Rifat hunts in his incessant search for Psychotronic Fuel. The more powerful you are the more PF you need.

Tim feeds off the thousands of MI5 secret police the Illuminati have sent to kill him. If you want real evil terminated you have to come to the Psychic Terminator, a Psi-Lord. Due to the huge volume of business Psi-Lord.com gets, Tim can afford dedicated staff to run all aspects of his business so he can concentrate all day on psychic matters. At night he travels as the ancient Seers did to all the dimensions in the Earth and the Moon from which the Archons and their evil come, as well as to far distant locations. This means he has met every one of the supernatural spirits that prey on humans, kill them and used them for Psychotronic Fuel.

Only a Psi-Lord has this depth and breadth of experience and has preyed upon every evil to develop the Psychic Warrior Shaman Power. This means Tim Rifat knows how to exterminate every evil supernatural spirit, Satanist Illuminati instantly; since they are all in the Psi-Lord’s HyperMatrix the evil is trapped in a HyperMatrix controlled by the Logos, Source. Since Tim Rifat is an avatar of the Logos, Source, the evil is trapped in a killing field so it can be turned into Psychotronic Fuel. If you want to rid yourself of any evil then only a Psi-Lord will do!

izrealzeus #conspiracy #magick #racist #crackpot thebridgelifeinthemix.info

The 5G Zion Manipulation Platform And How It Works

The royal and noble bloodlines have engineered an artificial matrix in the lower atmosphere used for mind control. They call this artificial matrix Zion. The Zionist Sanhedrin are the mathematical or geometrical programmers of society and this group includes priests, rabbis, imams and occultists. It is done on both a mass level through HAARP and radio telescopes and also individually through electronic smart devices and their wireless frequencies.

The royal and noble families uses priests, rabbis, and imams to develop the algorithms and programs used for mind control. Freemasons are involved. They outsource individual targeting to occultists and hackers like Anonymous which operate through the dark web.

These geometric programs are radiated through wireless frequencies, modern electronics, and the overall electronic grid in society like smart devices and even transformers on telephone poles. The large electronic stations are radiating geometric sigils into society.

In witchcraft they use hexagrams and pentagrams for oppressing and binding. The hexagon is the most efficient geometric shape for processing thermal energy. This is why snakes often have hexagonal scales for absorbing thermal energy. Snowflakes are often hexagonal from heat extraction. Pent in pentagram refers to enclosing or binding something to create a build up.

HAARP is also used for mass mind control and is radiating geometrically designed programs into the atmosphere which resonate all around. Vibrations effect more than what is seen like cause and effect. Radiating these frequencies into the atmosphere is like throwing a stone into a pool of water which creates ripples and effects. They use chemtrails for various purposes including enhancing these frequencies with nano conductive particles which they call “smart dust.” The US military uses spray on antennas and chemtrails function in a similar way. They are creating an artificial mind control matrix in the lower atmosphere.

The primary mainframes to this Zion matrix is the NSA Database in Utah and the British Government Communications Headquarters and their Tempora system. Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak and Rabbi David Lau are top Zionic programmers working with Israeli intelligence. High level members in the Jesuits and Freemasons are also members.

Some of their mind control programs are based on their false laws of Canon, Talmud, and Shari’ah. Imam Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais of Saudi Arabia and Imam Yahya Sergio Yahe Pallavicini of Italy are other high level members in this Zionist Sanhedrin.

Members of the Roman Rota are also involved including Maurice Monier, Hans-Peter Fischer, and Pierangelo Pietracatella. The Windsor (Coburg) family have a harp on their coat of arms and the Pallavicini family have a statue holding a harp at their Austrian palace. These families have authority over the HAARP system through their agents that have infiltrated the USAF. Other families which use the harp for a symbol include the Hanover, FitzJames, and Guinness families.

During ancient times they used harps or lyres along with poems or odes for bewitchment. Mind control or mental manipulation is what sorcery is. The modern harp symbol originated in Ireland. There is a mind control operation in Ireland called I-LOFAR with the Guinness and Parsons families involved.

HAARP is also used for weather manipulation to a limited degree. The Wind-sors are Wind Sorcerers and they also enhance weather fronts and tornadoes to oppress society. The Rothschild and Goldsmith families finance brainwashers which develop and radiate spells. They finance program developers and hackers which use the programs. Zachary Hubbard and Benjamin Liashenko also known as Russian Vids develop mind control spells which they target people with covertly. Frank Zac Goldsmith finances Zachary Hubbard and Benjamin de Rothschild finances Benjamin Liashenko. Both Hubbard and Liashenko work with satanic Wiccan cults and assist them with gang stalking, mind control, and brainwashing.

Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak specialises in spells of blasphemy and zealously like pretending to be God and condemning innocent people. Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak engineers spells of condemnation, judgement, and dehumanisation. They radiate people with spells of condemnation with the intent of making the victims think it is God condemning them. The Black Monks or Order of Saint Benedict are an ancient Catholic priesthood involved in blasphemy and condemnation programs. Gregory Polan is the head of the Black Monks today with Notker Wolf of Bavaria as the former recent head.

The Bavarian House of Witteslbach oversee the Black Monks. Jesuits develop spells of deception. They track what people read online and if they don’t want a person to believe something that exposes them they radiate vibrations of confusion or deception.

They use electronic weapons to harass or irritate people when they are doing something they don’t like. A person often has no idea they are being targeted but subconsciously picks up on it. They become irritated every time they speak out so their subconscious stops them from speaking out. The Zionist Rabbis have a global intelligence network which works with Jesuits and Freemasons. They obtain information through intelligence gathering systems and create psychological profiles on their targets.

Many of the people who are targeted by this believe it is God or even aliens. Many victims are known as “targeted individuals” and most who have studied this refer to these attacks as synthetic telepathy. Avigdor Lieberman is the head of the Israeli Defence Force including their Israeli Intelligence Corps division or Unit 8200. They work with Mossad headed up by Yossi Cohen operating out of Tel Aviv. Unit 8200 runs the Urim SIGINT Base which uses satellite mind control technologies capable of targeting people around the world. They run mind control programs on internet sites like Godlike Productions and Gematrix created by Cnaan Aviv a Unit 8200 agent. The Talmudic-Zionist council develops and oversee the programs run from Urim SIGINT.

The royal and noble bloodlines and some branches of the military have neuro-brain computer interface technologies. Some of this was developed by the Human Brain Project which was financed by the European Union. They can basically plug their minds into computers and then run programs like GENESIS and NEURON which are biological and neurological simulators that are really intended to hack the human brain and physiology.

The Jesuit educated James Bower created GENISIS. Modern electronics have been designed to emit these frequencies. Their thoughts get transferred into electronics or even HAARP and then these systems transfer them through electronic emissions and target people. The Hanover and Savoy families have access to these technologies in Germany and Switzerland. The Church of Scientology have hacking programs and neuro-brain computer interface technologies with many members of Hollywood involved.

The Kabbalah Centre is also involved. The Italian Mafia have a large operation in Boca Raton and there is also a Kabbalah Centre located there. I believe they have neuro-brain computer interface tech. They want people to think it is artificial intelligence or aliens to deflect away from them. The Indermaur family have financed the Church of Scientology and Robert Indermaur and Christopher Indermaur are involved with this electronic harassment. They can target people through electronics like a synthetic telepathy. They run mind control programs through radio telescope systems with Dutch LOFAR and ASTRON leading these programs using large antenna arrays. There is a large operation in New Zealand using radio telescopes and antenna arrays. The Black Nobility and SMOM (Knights of Malta) have this technology. The Windsor, Stanley, Drummond, and Russell families of the UK are involved and run MERLIN satellites. The Belgian royal and noble families have access to these evil technologies. The Bush-Walker family are involved with their agent Steven Walker as Director of DARPA. The NSA Database, HAARP, and the Church of Scientology need to be shut down.

Energy Enhancement #homophobia #magick #conspiracy #racist energiaelevada.org

Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists - CULT OF THE ALL SEEING EYE

Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Kabbalist Sabbatean Frankists, also referred to as the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye are everywhere. Everywhere where there is power. Infil-traition is their modus operandi.

Jacob Frank (1726-1791), the leader of the Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Sabbatean/Frankists, proclaimed himself to be the reincarnation of Sabbatai Zevi the living Messiah.

If it is possible to have evil personified, Jacob Frank represented evil at its absolute worst. Not even Sabbatai Zevi was as evil as Frank and his disciples.

It was the Satanic Kabbalistic leadership that handpicked Jacob Frank to develop the teaching begun by Sabbatai Zevi and to indoctrinate Mayer Amschel Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt. This alliance of Frank-Rothschild-Weishaupt formed an unholy trinity.

1. THEOLOGY: Jacob Frank was in charge of creating a Satanic theology that would be the foundation for revolutions.
2. BANKING: Mayer Amschel Rothschild was in charge of world banking.
3. REVOLUTION: Illuminati Jesuit Adam Weishaupt was in charge of the Satanic revolutionary political development in the world.

Luciferian Satanic Illuminati Sabbatean/Frankists have infil-traited the upper levels of Judaism, Cathoicism, and Islam worldwide.

This same Satanic Frankist hetero or Sodomic hierogamy or Ritual Sex, existed in Pagan fertility worship and was also popular in the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, which led to their downfall and eventual captivity.

Frank reworked the concept of Tzvi's Sabbatean " Messiah who sins" in encouraging adherents of the movement to engage in sin, with the logic that if salvation could be attained through holiness from sin, it could also be achieved through indulging in sinfulness.

Thus, the practices of the Frankists consist of orgiastic, sexually promiscuous rituals.

Jacob Frank taught "holiness through sin" and that "good" would come through the triumph of Evil.

What was prohibited would be allowed including adultery, incest and pedophilia.

Witchcraft and satanic rituals were introduced with animal and human sacrifices.

Jacob Frank reversed the truth. "Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners."

"To ascend one must first descend. No man can climb a mountain until he has first descended to its foot. Therefore we must descend and be cast down to the bottom rung, for only then can we climb to the infinite. No region of the human soul can remain untouched by this struggle."

"I did not come into this world to lift you up but rather to cast you down to the bottom of the abyss…The descent into the abyss requires not only the rejection of all religions and conventions, but also the commission of ‘strange acts,’ and this in turn demands the voluntary abasement (degradation) of one’s own sense of self, so that libertinism (no morality) and the achievement of that state of utter shamelessness which leads to a tikkun of the soul are one and the same thing.”

Inspired by Satan, he wrote the doctrine of the Antichrist which permitted orgiastic, sexually promiscuous rites – incest, rape and sexual intercourse with children, including sodomy on young boys. Lucifer was declared the “true god”. Witchcraft and satanic rituals were introduced with animal and human sacrifices.


Monty Python's, "Life of Brian" got it right when the reply to, "Why do you do that" is always, "It is written..."

But understand that these creations are created for both good and evil. A good man will interpret evil in the best way possible. But trauma, damage, the splitting of the mind requires much healing.

Sabbatean Frankism is an example of Satanism growing through the creation of new religions and myths.

Satanism grows through the perversion of Religions and through the creation of new Religions. After having seen them grow up. After having seen if they have legs. They are then let go, or infil-traited, funded and supported.

New religions like Protestantism, Calvinism, Mormonism with their polygamy, Pentecostals, Jehovaha's Witnesses, Children of God whose most famous stars are River and Joaquin Phoenix, and of course Sabattean Frankists are tested, and then used by the Satanists as seen fit..

In "Wise as Serpents" by Springmeier he details the Satanic creation of this new religion, the Masonic background of Jehovaha's Witnesses founder William Taze Russell and the fact that Russell is a bloodline (See, "The Thirteen Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Springmeier) of the British Russell Illuminati making their money from Drug running to Hong Kong and China, a Russell creating the Sodomic Skull and Bones Society at Yale University and having Satanist Lord Bertrand Russell amongst their alumni.

Calvin's previous name was Cohen as a Frankist Marrano Jew.

Protestants were founded as a counterveiling force against Catholicism, after the Siege of Cambrai in 1507, by the Satanic Venetians whose Drug Running, Banking and Slave trading Venetian Empire is in a direct line from the Satanic Babylonian Empire to the Drug Running, Banking and Slave trading Roman Empire. Venetian Agent Luther was under the aegis of Venetian Cardinal Contarini, who also was responsible for the founding of the Jesuits under Venetian Agent Loyola.

Christianity created by the Roman Piso Family? There are many Religions prior to Christianity which use the same Myths as Christianity. The aura of Christ is the aura of the Sun, Mithras. "Not the Spanish Inquisition!!" - Monty Python.

Another example is the creation of older religions like Judaism and Islam. When the Satanic Babylonians created Judaism and Islam they added pain in order to split the minds of the adherents at birth. The genital mutilation of babies will accomplish that sub personality split off from the normal mind at the age the trauma was performed.

Circumcision is the key to mind control. Monty Python's, "Life of Brian" got it right when the reply to, "Why do you do that" is always, "It is written..." The technology of Trauma Based mind control with the addition of drugs and hypnotism to infil-trait the trauma split minds of those who must be controlled further, later, and more completely, is a Satanic secret from before the time of Babylon - see, "The Illuminati formula to create a completely mind controlled slave" by Springmeier.

Originally Judaism was invented to create a group of hard head terrorists to protect the right flank of the Babylonian Empire. Today it is the, "Arc of Crisis" maintaining control of the petroleum riches for the British and Anglo-American Empires.

Islam was created "During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) circumcision was done for boys at the time of their Aqiqah (It's a traditional celebration for the birth of a child which involves the sacrifice of an animal in thanks to Allah.) as reported in al-Bayhaq."

Rent-a mob utilises mind split armies to follow the Arab Spring destabilising countries like, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Russia, Uighur China, after which Rockefeller (a branch of the Rothschilde family) funded NATO and UN finish them off.

The technology of Trauma Based mind control with the addition of drugs and hypnotism to infil-trait the trauma split minds of those who must be controlled further, later, and more completely, is a Satanic secret from before the time of Babylon - see, "The Illuminati formula to create a completely mind controlled slave" by Springmeier.

In my HOMOSEXUALITY IN SATANIC RITUAL AND THE PERVERSION OF BASE CHAKRA KUNDALINI AWAKENING - HOMO-OCCULTISM, FORCED PEDERASTY AND CHILD SACRIFICE I mention another common method of splitting the mind which is the sodomy of babies. Together with genital mutilation these two techniques are the most common methods of splitting the mind and creating an underlying rage which is ideal for the creation of clone armies.

However, generational dynastic families for 10,000 years have used sophisticated mind control techniques as detailed in, "The Illuminati formula to create a completely mind controlled slave" by Springmeier, in order to completely control every member of their very important families.

Using trauma, hypnotism and drugs - now there is an amazing pharmacopeia from which to choose the appropriate drug, but these drugs have been studied since Ancient Egypt - and hypnotism, the mind is split by experts - Mengele after his research in concentration camps became the worlds expert on splitting the mind by trauma; physical, emotional and mental torture - into a three dimensional matrix of Sub-personalities accessed by hypnotic codewords by the handler. The engaging front personality is controlled by the satanically evil back personality in every important function in the world..

The healing of these trauma-formed sub-personalities whose symptoms include unstoppable emotions like rage or fear and amazingly illogical gaps in the intellect are removed and healed in Energy Enhancement Level 3

Breeding for psychopathic intelligence is the trick which allowed Europe to outbreed the harem breeding tactics of the Ottoman Empire and Genghis Khan. 20% of Mongolia now has Genghis Khan genes from his harem of 700 wives. The Ottomans highly educated their many harem sons then chose the most intelligent to rule.

However inbreeding creates idiots and a few incredibly intelligent psychopathic monsters.

When the Darwins, Galtons, Wedgewoods and Huxleys decided only to breed within their own families they did create a few cretins as all inbreeding does, but they also created psychopathic genius.

The Satanic Eugenics of Hitler was created by Galton and Darwin then funded by the Rockefellers. Later it was continued by Sir Julian Huxley at the UN where he obfuscated the name of Eugenics into Family Planning and Transhumanism. Aldous Huxley helped with the MI6 operation to corrupt America with the introduction of illegal drugs there as a prior attack before further destabilisation, and as part of the one trillion dollars per year international drug trade, however using conversations with his brother, Sir Julian, he completely exposed the Eugenic plan for the world in, "Brave New World", a vision of the future of totalitarian control he considered superior to Orwells, "1984".

The genealogies of all Elite Families Europe are completely known as much as are as are the great horses, and they are all completely inbred.

Dean Henderson #conspiracy #fundie #magick #crackpot #ufo davidicke.com

Introduction to Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalypse

For at least 8,000 years humanity has been enslaved, abused and genocided by a small but ruthless group of planetary interlopers. Numerous researchers have chronicled the stories and writings of this intervention in places like Sumeria, Babylon and ancient Egypt. Some call these beings Annunaki, others know them as aliens, and their modern-day equivalent could very well be artificial intelligence.

Through much study, I have come to the conclusion that they are most accurately called fallen angels or Nephilim. They are the entities who rebelled against the Great Spirit, God or Creator when humanity was given dominion over this planet rather than them. Most were wiped out during the Great Flood. There were other cataclysms here to thin their ranks and influence as well.

It doesn’t matter if you believe the Bible is definitive or not. You should know that the foremost Biblical scholars in the world are the Luciferian Freemasons. They know that the history described in the Bible is real and they are very committed to their religion of the seven sacred sciences. The lifting of the veil is happening now and unless you understand what it is that they believe, you will undoubtedly fall for their rhetoric and be herded into their Great Work of Ages New World Order.

The fall of humanity described in the Garden of Eden story which differs greatly from the creation story of humans by Great Spirit in Genesis: Chapter 1 represents the DNA experimentation done by the Nephilim on both humans and animals, the mating of the Nephilim with Eve to produce the hybrid Cain bloodline, and the temptation of mankind to eat from the Tree of Knowledge
symbolized by taking a bite out of an apple as in the logo of Apple Computer.

This ruthless Cain hybrid bloodline were known as the Canaanites, the Tribe of Dan, the Egyptian pharaohs, and the builders of the Holy Roman Empire. They are now known as the royal and Black Nobility (former or concealed monarchs) families who we can collectively call the Nephilim Crown.

Our backs have thirty-three vertebrae. Atop these sits our head. And on a head one could place a crown. It is no coincidence that Scottish Rite Freemasonry also has thirty-three degrees, many including the words “royal” and “arch” (to arch over as in monarchy, patriarchy or matriarchy). Those who reach the highest 33rd degree can then become “illuminated”, representing the head. They consider themselves more enlightened than the rest of us. They were also behind the “Enlightenment”.

What few researchers realize is that on top of the Illuminati head sits the idle Crown, which has to neither think nor do. They simple live a parasitic existence off the toils of humanity, justifying their well-adorned sloth with their divine right of Kings mantra. Jesus was adorned by these Crown butchers with a crown of thorns as a way to mock humanity. And the Hapsburg Nephilim bloodline possesses the Spear of Destiny used to kill Jesus.

The world’s numerous secret societies exist to guard the secrets which the Nephilim Crown uses to manipulate humanity, consisting of the seven sacred sciences – grammar,rhetoric, logic, arithmetic,geometry, music and astronomy. But the biggest secret they guard is that the royal blood (Sangreal or Holy Grail) is in fact different from that of human beings. This is why the royals have always been considered “blue bloods”.

The royal bloodlines are “enobled” and their geographic dispersion is global, although most reside in Europe. The family names include Merovingian, Hapsburg, Algobrandini, Payseur, Sinclair (St. Clair), Borbon, Anjou, Cavendish, Pallavicini, Odescalchi, Giustiniani, Plantagenet, Orsini, Windsor, Spencer and Rollo. Asian families include the Li, Khan, Singh and Yamamoto.

The research of Gary Wayne, Fritz Springmeier and John Coleman tells us that these Nephilim Crown families rule a Council of 33 who give orders to a Committee of 300. Below that are the Priory of Sion and the Rosicrucians. Next down the ladder are the Royal Society and its seven sacred science tentacles, which dictate to the entire world what is “scientific” and what is not. Their
conclusions are fraudulent and meant to bolster the Crown, justify its bloody chaotic history and keep humanity in the dark as to the nature of reality and thus of ourselves.

The Royal Society’s tentacles include the Tavistock Institute, the Royal Geographic Society, the Royal Astronomy Society, the BBC, Haymarket Media, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Royal Society of Medicine, the Royal Society of Biology, the Royal Society of Arts, Chatham House and the powerful Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)- parent of the US Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR).

Next down the control pyramid are the secret societies such as the Freemasons, Kabbalists, Muslim Brotherhood, Knights of Malta, Knights Hospitaller and so on. These, headed by Illuminati wizards, handle military, political and media policy for the Crown. Italy, Switzerland, the UK, the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia are important geopolitical power centers for the Crown. The City of London is their geopolitical headquarters and the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland is their banking headquarters.

To prevent exposure, the Nephilim often give up the court Jews (hofjuden) who have historically protected and intermarried with them. These are often members of the Privy Council or Royal Consorts. This is where misguided anti-Jewish hatred comes from. When things get real dicey, the bloodlines use the Red Shield (Rothschild) family to absorb the criticism. This is why the
Rothschilds changed their name from Bauer after they intermarried into the Nephilim via the House of Hesse. The Rothschilds also run the Crown banking arm, as I have described in previous books.

The purpose of this book is to connect this fallen angel Nephilim bloodline to the roll out of computers, the Internet, CERN, artificial intelligence and the 5G weapons system now being put in place across the world to mind-control, weaken and cull humanity.I believe this represents the launching of the Fourth Reich by the same Nephilim “Great White Brotherhood” who brought us Hitler’s Third Reich.

This time, it will lead us to a One World Government led by an anti-Christ King in Jerusalem. It will culminate with a microchip Mark of the Beast, where those accepting it implicitly worship Lucifer (the most cunning of the fallen angels) and those who stay human (for which Jesus was a metaphor) will not be able to buy or sell within the Babylon system. The very future of humanity and all creation is at stake.

Energy Enhancement #homophobia #transphobia #fundie #magick #conspiracy energyenhancement.org

This is an attempt to reveal the link between the homosexual, transgender, anti-gender role movement and how they are linked to the occult god, Baphomet (Satan- Lucifer) as well as how this entire agenda is a collaborative effort by the elite satanic dark circles and corporate mass media to change the cultural lexicon with new terms to codify sex and gender to destroy the nuclear family as well as render the biblical roles of men and women obsolete.

With the chemical castration of pesticides in the drinking water, and eugenocidal sterilisation vaccines, 5G microwave sterilisation of female eggs, sperm motility is reduced and it is becoming more and more difficult to have children.

Eventually, the plan is to only allow conception in hospitals with CRISPR gene edited humanoid (not human) monstrosities.

Further, the LGBTP agenda, the ability to choose one's sexual orientation and the confusion of having multiple sexual orientations to choose from, further reduce the conception rate and allow the acceptance of.. P - Pedophilia!!

The deeper Satanic Program of CRISPR edition of humanoid androids with four male parents, 250 pounds, 250 IQ, with mind control built in brought up as cuckoos in a family unable to conceive yet being sold a Satanic Technocratic Solution to genocide humanity allowing the Satanic Elite to continue their Breakaway Civilisation, upload into the machine and live forever!!

The Globalist Elite for Hundreds of years have attended Satanic Rituals using hallucinogens like DMT and Ayahuasca to contact Demons who gave them technology like DNA, Atomic Power, Computers and Chinese Social Score Censorship in return for Human Sacrifice. Demons demand Human Sacrifice on every continent for thousands of years. All the Global Elite in charge of Internet companies GOOGLE, APPLE, TWITTER are into BLOOD.


the-strokes-are-illuminati #conspiracy #magick the-strokes-are-illuminati.tumblr.com


A blog dedicated to uncovering the truth about indie rock band The Strokes' ties to the Illuminati.

12:51 – The Numerological Meaning
I could never figure out the occult meaning of the song title/number 12:51 even though I suspected that there was one, but I think I finally got it.




(1+2 = 3 and 5 + 1 = 6)


6 three times



So, 12:51 really means 666.

As always, I admit that I could be reading too much into this and that the name 12:51 was chosen at random.

J.D. Temple #magick #mammon becomealivinggod.com

Dominate Your Financial Destiny With A GIANT Planetary Ritual Guaranteed To Harness The Forces Of Unlimited Abundance… Turn Poverty Into Prosperity With Jupiter’s Mighty Money Magick
With Jupiter’s Mighty Money Ritual, you will:

Dominate your financial destiny
Turn poverty into prosperity and security
Skyrocket the odds of your good luck
Break the chains of the “money masters”
Inject abundance of Giant Jupiter into your life
I will contact you within 48 hours by email.

Jupiter's Mighty Money Ritual - $799
20-minute preliminary consultation
Complete ritual performance
Video recording of ritual
Money magnet talisman
Follow-up email consultation
Personal Consultation - $129

Dear Friend,
What if I told you that…

…you DON’T need money to make money?
…your poverty and debt is actually NOT your fault?
…your level of wealth does NOT equal your level of intelligence?
…most rich people have been born into a “lucky sperm” club where they INHERITED wealth, privilege, and connections?
…the explanation of economics and money that you received in school is COMPLETELY wrong — and wrong BY DESIGN?
What if I told you that…

Our “Money Masters” Have Architected A Political System That REWARDS The Rich And PUNISHES The Poor
I will spare you crazy conspiracy theories and just summarize it factually. You have been born into debt slavery, will live as a wage slave, and probably die broke with medical bills.

The rich people who own planet earth have architected a political, banking, and corporate oligarchy that guarantees THEIR fortunes increase forever while YOU scrape breadcrumbs together.

This is called systemic poverty. It has been designed to occur like this. And while you cannot demolish it by yourself — you CAN rise above it and use it AGAINST them.

What if I told you that…

Our “Money Masters” Have Performed Occult Sorcery To Become Filthy Rich For Millennia… And Now YOU Can Experience Money Magick For The First Time In History
Monarchs, pharaohs, emperors, presidents — the elite hierarchy of the world historically — have associated in occult fraternities and brotherhoods for millennia. This has become common knowledge to everyone who studies political history.

They very carefully hid their knowledge of magick in these elite occult groups. In fact, the term occult means hidden. These “money masters” have hoarded their knowledge of magick that they used to skyrocket their wealth generation after generation — they pass these riches to their initiated children who carry on with that tradition.

Both wealth and magick have remained a political privilege available to only a very few. The poor, illiterate, working class people — peasants, slaves, indentured servants — could not even read let alone access esoteric grimoires.

A technology revolution has transpired wherefore this “privileged” knowledge has leaked and become universally available, and now anyone on earth can access it and perform this SAME magick to overhaul their economic situation.

We stand now on the brink of a singularity. You too can can receive windfalls of abundance through this ancient, cosmic power.

We Are Going To Harness The GIANT Power Of Jupiter To Inject His Money Magick Into Your Life… The Largest Planet Is Going To Turn The Tide With His Massive Gravity
I marvel at science, physics, and this universe. Here’s a factoid: The planet Jupiter is two and half times larger than all other planets in our solar system combined. He is 1,300 times bigger than Earth itself — remarkable!

Due to his massive size, Jupiter possesses the STRONGEST gravity too!

As the “strongest” planet in our solar system, this Herculean Spirit uses his enormous gravity to wield the magnetic forces of magick in areas of wealth, abundance, and economic prosperity. This Incredible Hulk always goes big or goes home, so if you demand “massive” money, then you have found your God.

I hate to say this to you, but our “money masters” have indoctrinated and enslaved you into chains of poverty. Only you can liberate yourself — let this Incredible Hulk break these chains that bind you.

I bring forth and present to you now True Manifestation in the Raw.

Bosnian Magic #magick #quack bosnianmagic.blogspot.com

During the procedure of curing gizzard displacement according to želudarice and stravarke we can conclude that it takes place in three or four stages. The first goal is to detect the state of the diseased i.e. whether his issue is the product of a displaced gizzard. Without it there is no successful curing. It is necessary that the diseased lies on his back, his clothes is removed from the stomach, and želudarica places her middle finger into the belly button but in such a manner that her index finger and small finger are separated from it. For the first time the middle finger is placed in a horizontal position and the second time in a vertical, in order to feel the gizzard from both directions. Namely, if pulsating is felt on the bellybutton under the middle finger then the gizzard hasn’t moved. If we’re talking about struna then the pulsing is felt left or right, above or below from the bellybutton, i.e. under the index or small finger. Or no pulsing is felt. In that case it is suspected that the gizzard is “stuck” to the spine.

Similarly, examination can be done by touching the hand muscle, underneath the armpit or thumb, namely, if the pulse beats strongly in those placed then the person has issues with gizzard displacement. If a small circular mass is felt on the left hand of the diseased, between the thumb and index finger, certain želudarice categorize as a sure sign of struna. They gently massage the circular mass until it is “broken down”, which is the most important step in the healing process.

It is evident, according to folk healers, that the issue with the gizzard can appear suddenly and aggressively, followed by great pains, or slowly and quietly, through a longer period, when it is necessary to carefully analyze the symptoms and set a correct diagnosis. Rarely, the pain in the gizzard is so strong that no further checkups are necessary since it is evident. In his ethnological work “Cures and curing inhabitants of Mala Kladuša” issued in the gazzet Behar in 1992 (Zagreb, numbers 1/2) dr. Husein Džanić wrote:

When the gizzard (stomach) hurts, the person bends and contorts like handles of a strung basket, and in front of their eyes appear small light dots. When someone has frequent and strong gizzard pain we say that it has been moved, and that it can be an accident which can cause death.

In case the disease developed over a longer period of time, experienced želudarice can in large percentages, give evaluation of the diseased without any physical contact. Namely, according to empirical experience which the folk healers possess, lean persons yellow in the face as well as fat people with a pale face, which look bloated, suffer from struna. Each of them claim categorically that struna is not a disease that can be treated by official medicine and seeking cure with official doctors is a waste of time.

There is a whole slew of signs which can be used to suspect that an individual suffers from health issues which are caused by struna. Želudičar Edhem Mešinović from Fojnica mentions that the gizzard is a very important organ and if it is sick, other organs are also sick.

– Struna can be obtained, he warns, if you stretch, rise suddenly, if you jump, if you lift something up, but one can get it also, as they say, of no accord, literally for no reason.

State of fear or shock due to an accident can also imply movement of the gizzard. Among Bosnian people it is believed that a person which is timid by nature, easily gets struna/gizzard displacement, such a person should keep a pebble called ustavljak in the vessel it uses for drinking water. This stone is the one which gets stuck between the branches of a tree once being tossed around. It is claimed that the most ideal tree for such an experiment is the Hawthorn tree (Crataegus) because of its mystical healing properties ascribed to it.

Beyond the Veil #ufo #crackpot #magick beyondtheveil2017.blogspot.com

P1 calling Terrans for origins recognition! Attention for calls in PVSE/SdE!!
Terran climate – interventions.
Galactic Cycles close and open.
Karmic buffers are removed.
Ancestral Fortress grows.
Quarantine – evidenced.
Neva maps Island of Purification. Quantum installations started. (In the Glossary look for NEW ISLANDS).
Stellar Interventions in Terran Climate + OK.
Attention Mysticians of The Hebahh Line! Projector Support for Enlightenment started: 12% (not countdown).
Attention PVSE and the related! Specific Green Projections Alert of intensive mirroring. Phase 2 being started.
Jealousy is evidenced and removed from Principal Cores. Intensity for IDs increases.
PRENOLI++ >>>> 15% (not countdown) <<<< Buffer chamber active. Side effects 21% P + V.
Portal 2020 being opened. Appropriate separations started. T3/T4/T5 >>> 22% (not countdown).
Decentralizations happen in Multiplans.
T Zone: MiD reactivation attempt = Nullified by Codex.
New alignments occur for specific Nodes arrivals. Restart for redirects. (M N – S P > RED N +++ Eleven.)
Temporarily, end of transmission.

The Portal #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot 2012portal.blogspot.com


Galactic Confederation forces of Light have decreed the surface of this planet to be turned into Confederation domain according to the Galactic Codex, section IV/2.

Not much intel about surface operations can be given to surface population for obvious reasons. The only thing I can say is that there is quite a high number of Chimera-controlled Draco and Reptilian hybrids that were incarnated into human clone bodies inside underground bases during the last Archon invasion between 1996 and 1999. After 9-11 false flag event in 2001, they started coming to the surface and infiltrating higher echelons of power inside human society. This situation is being addressed right now by the Light Forces as part of Operation Mjolnir.

Let me just say that the hostage situation on the surface of the planet is very difficult and liberation might take a little bit longer than expected.

This is the reason the Light forces advise against any speculation about the timing of the Event to avoid disappointment and suggest you rather start focusing on your mission and living your life to its fullest in the Now:

Each day, tens of thousands of people die of hunger and malnutrition:


This indicates the power of control that the Dark forces still have on the surface of the planet. If the Event would be triggered before toplet bombs are dealt with, the number of casualties would be much much higher.

To prepare the planet for Compression Breakthrough, the Light Forces have asked me to instruct the surface population to change the surface of the planet into a Contact Dish.


If you own a property that has a small flat area big enough for a small Pleiadian saucer craft to land, you can silently say the following decree:

“In the name of my I Am presence, I decree and I command a landing of a Pleiadian ship on the land that I own, and my physical first contact with the Pleiadians from that ship, as soon as possible in the best possible way. “

It is very important that you NEVER say this decree aloud and that you never speak about your decree to anyone, otherwise you can not become part of the Contact Dish project. By not letting anybody know if you did the decree or not, you are protecting your own contact sequence with the Pleiadians from physical and non physical Cabal interference that could prevent it from happening. But by all means, you can share the instructions for Contact Dish with the awakened part of the human population.

7x7 meters / yards is the absolute minimum for a small Pleiadian ship to land, 30x30 meters is optimal.

Needless to say, Pleiadians are positive beings of Light. If you are not sure about that, then Contact Dish protocol is not for you.

Combined free will of thousands of people making this decree worldwide will send a coherent contact signal of pulsating Light into the energy grid of the planet and to the Pleiadians. It will effectively turn the whole planet into a Contact Dish. The critical mass needed for this to happen is around 12,000 people. This will be an indication for the Pleiadians and the Galactic Central Race that the awakened part of the human population has reached a spiritual maturity that equals 0.75 on the Kardashev scale:


This will be an indicator that contact sequence can begin.

Lisa Renee #ufo #fundie #magick #crackpot ascensionglossary.com

The Information Presented in the Ascension Glossary reflects the Guardian Perspective of the Ascension Timeline (2012 Timelines and Beyond) intended as support, both energetically and educationally, for the Galactic Families of Humanity. This Spiritual Family has accepted the Guardianship role to support the foundation of Cosmic Citizenship through Unity consciousness as an evolutionary model for this planet and humanity, and this is Earth based advocacy designed for this specific group. There is absolutely no value difference given on the role each being has chosen for its expression. The Guardian Groups mission directive is rehabilitation of the hologram, repairing its energetic architecture (DNA), embodying the Ascended Human Protoform, supplying informational context on Ascension dynamics and Exopolitic E.T. Agendas and reeducating both human and non-human's to be congruently aligned to the Universal Law of One. Freedom, Fraternity, and the Sovereign Right of All Beings to be a Knower of God Source is protected by the Collective Unity Vow shared among our Universal Guardian Groups.
The Law of One comprises the necessary principles of behavior, practices and belief systems that humanity is required to learn in order to achieve spiritual freedom and sovereignty, by committing to re-educate themselves to expand consciousness into higher frequency realities that allow them to progress into the future GSF Timelines, during the Ascension Cycle.

See Guardian Mission Statement, Full Disclosure Event and Where Can I Start?

Ascension Glossary

Lisa Renee
Welcome to the Ascension Glossary. Lisa Renee is constantly expanding this glossary with new definitions.

Energetic Synthesis
This site is part of the projects at Energetic Synthesis which includes Krystal Aegis, ES Foundations and HGS Support.

Lisa Renee experienced a spontaneous Kundalini event several years ago that catalyzed a Starseed Awakening to perceive multidimensional realities and communication with the Evolutionary forces of Light. Lisa Renee has been personally contacted and then prepared, trained and downloaded by Interdimensional beings (Extra-terrestrial and Ultra-terrestrial, not from this Universe) known as the Krystal Star and Aurora Guardians. Guided by Guardians, Lisa was biologically upgraded to be downloaded to comprehend the Science of Ascension through the Law of One and its dynamics upon the layers of energy fields. This understanding of Consciousness Technologies was experienced by her own personal evolution and began her transition into an Multidimensional Guide and God-Sovereign-Free (GSF) Steward during this Planet’s Ascension Cycle. She is an Emissary for the Guardian Groups and a spokesperson for the shift of humanity to Ascension. Along with the Guardian Groups, her mission is to support humanity through its evolution with education, awareness and by discussing the impacts of the energy shifts upon the planet, human beings and human consciousness. She is an Ascension Guide, Planet Gridworker, Starseed Advocate, Humanitarian, Writer and Educator for Disclosure and World Humanism.

Satin Crystals #magick #quack satincrystals.com

Crystal Healing Pyramid Power
How Does a Pyramid Generate Energy?
A pyramid is a sacred geometrical shape that collects energy from the universe and centers it down to us through the apex. This is why the pyramids in Egypt create a great energy vortex. Large pyramid structures are said to exist hidden in the Amazon rain forest as well.

The Native Americans lived in tee-pee tents, which like pyramids, collected energy and rejuvenated the people inside. Many people today enjoy incredible results working with pyramids for healing and lifestyle improvement. Crystal pyramids are full of pyramid power and can be used to benefit you in several ways.

What is Pyramid Healing Power?
Pyramids are known for their powerful healing property of preservation. The Pyramids in Egypt were created to preserve the mummies of ancient leaders. Items placed inside a metrically accurate pyramid will last longer than usual.

Placing foods and water in a pyramid is becoming a popular habit. You can place crystal pyramids in your water or refrigerator for similar results.

What are the Metaphysical Healing Properties of Pyramids?
Now more than ever, we are in need of the holy pyramid. As Earth shifts in evolution of thought and energy (from the 3rd to 4th dimension), great changes are taking place in our physical and soul bodies.

The pyramid helps us cope with the changes in the body that are taking place at this very moment. They help us increase our vibration and frequency so that we can keep up with the natural universal progression.

David Booth #ufo #magick #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

[From a book that prophecied the destruction of the US in 2004]

The Anunnaki were one of the many technologically advanced alien races at the time. In fact, their civilization was advanced far beyond most others of their time. The Anunnaki called their home star (sun) "ZAOS". The Anunnaki are a belligerent and conquering race. They are fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They are also carnivorous and are often cannibalistic.

They also demand human sacrifices of virgins from those they conquer and from their own kind whom they enslave. If you imagine the worst characteristics you can conceive in Satan, you have well concocted an impression of the Anunnaki. They specialize in mind control. They also nearly perfected economic control with the development of money and the usury system. They have conducted extensive genetic engineering and have genetically engineered among other things, a super reptilian race, which the Anunnaki called the "Ducaz". The Ducaz are used for conquering and controlling the Nibirian population and those of other conquered races.

Thus, the Ducaz are Reptilians. There are different types of Reptilians amongst them. Their masters, the Anunnaki Elite, are not the Ducaz. Like anything associated with the Anunnaki, there is a rigid, inequitable and regimented class structure amongst the Ducaz. The Reptilians or Ducaz were sent by their "masters", the Nephilim or Elohim to fight in wars with other alien races and to serve as their spies, bodyguards and police force.

There are many factions amongst the Anunnaki. One of the most bitter enemies of the Ducaz call themselves the "Pers-sires", a group of aliens called "Vulturites". They are called Vulturites not because they look like vultures, as some have claimed. In fact, they don't look like that at all! Ironically, the Pers-sires are just a different faction of the Anunnaki race. However, the Ducaz (Reptilians) and the Pers-sires (Vulturites) have always been bitter enemies even to this day. The descendents of these two groups are now on Earth vying for supremacy of the world.

Many of these are currently in political, financial, scientific, religious, legal, medical (especially in blood banks), entertainment, military, agrarian or commercial positions, and also in the sex industry. Most of these aliens are not consciously aware of their alien origins. The Anunnaki are flesh-and-blood, biological beings with abounding pride, arrogance, uncontrollable urges for adult and child sex partners (whether they be willing or forced participants), and they have a great appetite for conquest and control.

This warlike race has an insatiable thirst for control of other beings and dominion over other races, and the less privileged classes of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki developed and imposed complex, oppressive cast and gender systems. They are misogynists. That was why they eliminated the worship of the Divine Mother of the early people on Earth whom they conquered when they arrived.

The Anunnaki first visited the Earth about 500,000 years ago. By then, they had already conquered the Pleiades and Mars and many other worlds. After some trials, the first wave of successful genetic engineering occurred on Earth about 300,000 years ago. The Anunnaki introduced many alien races that they had conquered and implanted them on Earth. They also kidnapped a special race called the Race of Women and brought them to Earth.

This race of women suffered greatly under the suppression and abuse of the Anunnaki. Various alien races from other worlds were brought to Earth to be used as slaves by the Anunnaki Elite. They also kidnapped aliens from other worlds and brought them here as slaves. Some were sold for hard labor, some for sex, some for soldiering and etc.

Through genetic engineering, women were made physically inferior to men in stature, strength and speed. Even in occupations where strength and speed are irrelevant, such as in the clergy, law, medicine, politics, commerce, science, etc., women are greatly disadvantaged and obstructed from participating even up to this day. This shows the extent of the chauvinistic influence of the Anunnaki. And apart from genetic engineering on humans, there was also similar work carried out on various species including the birds reptiles, fish, beasts and plants.

The Portal #conspiracy #magick #crackpot #racist #wingnut 2012portal.blogspot.com

Monday, November 25, 2019
Before the Dawn
Although we did not reach the critical mass in our Silver Trigger activation, the Light Forces achieved big victories in the last few weeks and most negative scenarios for planet Earth have been eliminated and positive timeline secured.

Many sources are expecting a certain kind of endgame scenario to be played out in 2020, for which I did not receive clearance to comment upon.

Dark forces are considering many scenarios, from fake alien invasion (project Blue Beam), to global financial crash, to global war with depopulation originating from civil war in the USA, and many others. Different factions of the dark forces have trouble agreeing with each other which course of action to take. Needles to say, these scenarios will NOT be successful.

The Jesuits want civil war in USA to consolidate their power, and wish to polarize the population as much as possible, that is why they have allowed the election of Donald Trump.
Trump has deep ties to his Black Nobility and Zionist handlers:
<links removed>
Intel in the above link is explosive and was removed from internet many times already, therefore it is the highest purpose to make as many copies as possible, store them safely and post online on mirror sites.

Although Trump is listening to the Positive Military at times, in most cases he is only following his emotional impulses or directives of his handlers and is thus an excellent tool for the Cabal:
<links removed>
At the same time, Jesuits are massively infiltrating Brazil, Argentina and especially China. They plan to control the world through future global Chinese domination:
<link removed>
The Chinese also want to dominate sublunar space:
<link removed>
Any nation now trying to dominate anything above Near Earth Orbit will be met by Galactic Confederation fleet.

Meanwhile, Putin is trying to remove Reptilians from their still existing pockets in Near East

E.A. Koetting #magick #conspiracy #god-complex #mammon becomealivinggod.com

BREAKING: I’m keeping this newsletter powerful and brief. Chances are you’re SERIOUSLY WONDERING why the eBook wasn’t made available on time…

I’m going to reveal why I believe there is a real, hard core, sinister conspiracy against this Become A Living God project, and every single one of my living, talismanic books.

That’s right. A conspiracy of MAGICK.

Against ME.

And against YOU. (Guilty by association)

Continue reading below right now…

Hey Friend,







These are the questions and comments I received from my MOST FAITHFUL, LOYAL AND TOTALLY COMMITTED sorcerers and magicians on the day my Become A Living God eBook was set to release.


On Wednesday at 10am you were probably as excited as I was for you to download and immediately start reading my latest work.

But yet, 10 o’clock came, then 10:15, then 10:30, 10:45… still no announcement or book available… I was literally nowhere to be found.

Of course, my inbox, help desk, and social media profiles started FILLING with questions from disappointed aspirants wondering WHAT’S UP? ARE YOU OK? I’M READY TO GO!

The truth of the matter is that all my core computer systems completely crashed. Even my website programmer’s computer crashed. Our technical software began acting very bizarre.

Our email system shut down.

Our shopping cart software malfunctioned.

Our host-server blacked out.

And finally, as our growing frustration and confusion reached a crescendo…

My website developer contacted me and demanded that we reschedule.

So… to ensure you ALWAYS have the most perfectly excellent and thoroughly rewarding experience with my books, programs and material…

I decided to postpone the release.


If you’ll recall, my Book Of Azazel endured intense challenges, roadblocks, and interferences from “the universe” during production.

TORNADOES and weather storms hit the area, disrupted equipment, and more.

Let me repeat that.

A *TORNADO* hit the area.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Virtually *EVERY TIME* I’ve released a product, something strange just “went wrong” and totally disrupted the process flow.

— I am STRONGLY considering the possibility that there is a conspiracy of magick aimed at trying to defeat the publishing of my knowledge.


Several of them. And I’m 99% sure I know which specific dark orders and cults see me as a massive threat to their monopoly of power.


As you know, I’ve devoted my life to black magick in an extremely hard core way.

It’s essentially the foundation of who I am.

And when I tell you that no matter how hard these feeble, weak magick orders and wimpy “witch covens” try to stop me…

>>> I’m only going to REDOUBLE MY ENERGY and
>>> push forward with more intensity than ever.

Failure and frustration are FOOD to me.


And I vow that I am going to make these trangressors regret ever having such a dumb idea as to try to hurt me.

So here’s the plan as it stands:

#1: I’m Giving You “Become A Living God” eBook FREE

Try it. If you don’t like, don’t pay for it. If you respect the potency it possesses, then you’ll be billed for it 7 days later.

#2: I’m Also Giving You My All-New Interview Series: “Interviews With A Magus” – FOR FREE

Same deal. Try it. If you like it, then stay on it and you’ll be billed. If you don’t think it’s awesome, pay nothing and keep it as my gift.

#3: Get Book Of Azazel At Normal Price at

HERE’S THE KICKER: I’m doing a Triple-Launch

I’m going to launch All Three at the same time:

– Become A Living God 1st Edition
– Interviews With A Magus debut
– Book of Azazel

I want these three Godlike Grimoires of Magick to act like a turbocharged JET PACK WITH ROCKET FUEL.

I want them to EXPLODE like a nuclear bomb dropping on our tiny little community of magick.

I believe combining these three magically-charged programs together will create a truly profound impact on not just the world of magick… ON THE ENERGY OF LIFE ON EARTH ITSELF.

I don’t know the exact date that you’ll get this triple-package yet, BUT PREPARE NOW AND TOTALLY COMMIT THIS VERY MOMENT TO HITTING THE GROUND RUNNING FULL SPEED!

I want you locked-and-loaded for when I give you the green light.

In early May… your power, your life and the world of magick is going to change forever.

Buckle up!

Talk soon.

Godlike Power,


Lia Shapiro #ufo #magick pleiadians.net

Who Are The Pleiadians
Pleiadians Come From The Pleiades Star Cluster in the Constellation Taurus
The Pleiades are a cluster of beautiful, dazzling stars located in the constellation of Taurus. With a telescope, you can see about one-hundred stars. Without a telescope, you can see only six or seven stars. According to ancient legends, the stars are said to be sisters and the daughters of Atlas. The entire Pleiades cluster is actually the eye of the bull in the constellation of Taurus..

The seven bright stars that helped guide Greek sailors are: Alcyone, Merope, Celeno, Taygeta, Sterope, Electra and Maia. They have been known for thousands of years, surrounded by fascinating legends and stories even to this day. The American Indian Religious Freedom Act was passed in 1979. Amazingly enough, up until that time, Native Americans were illegally forbidden to practice their traditional rituals and ceremonies.

You may wonder what Native Americans have to do with the Pleiadians, but the stories are in their legends, much of which has been encoded, kept secret or hidden. In certain Cherokee legends, it is said that their people originated in the Pleiades long, long ago. They claim to have come to this world as Starseeds to bring Light and knowledge. If the stories are true, then modern day Cherokee, as well as other Native Americans, and many of us with Native American blood contain Pleiadian genes!

The Pleiadian Realm Is The Next Step in Our Human Evolution
Certain Pleiadians are highly evolved, more so than most of the human species. The Pleiadian Realm from the Pleiades is the next step or level in our human evolution. It is for this reason that certain knowledge is being given to us by specially enlightened Pleiadian beings. There are those that want to help us toward our higher spiritual destiny. These Special Pleiadian Forces reside at a very high frequency that is lighter than what we know. And thus, the term is often applied. The higher and lighter the frequency, the closer to the God source one becomes.

Eventually, all will become Pure Light at the center of creation, which is God or Spirit or whatever name you choose to call it. As we evolve, gaining wisdom and true understanding about our real essence, we begin to open up more to Love, and to feel our connection with one another and the universe. In the Earth realm, Love is only experienced and known at a low level compared to all that truly exists. The God/Spirit frequency is beyond anything we know. It is Pure Love – It is is Pure Light. As we strive and come closer to that center of creation, we will know Love completely and be totally In the Light.

Pleiadians Navigate Other Worlds Often Without Spaceships Through Human Consciousness
Although in physical time, the Pleiadians are 541 light years away, they have learned to navigate other worlds, although not always in space ships. They understand our fear of the unknown, and so they come to help in ways that are non-threatening. They are coming now, sometimes in physical form where they can blend in, but most often through human consciousness. Their intent is not to harm but to help us evolve and develop.

The Pleiadian Message and action is not always one that you might comprehend at first. Thinking with a purely human mind, you might imagine that they will fly in on some sort of spacecraft. It is often difficult or impossible for the human mind to grasp the scope of what is not familiar. Tuning into higher wisdom does not always mean greeting an alien or a spacecraft.

Try thinking about time concepts if you will. Suppose that the past, present and future all exist at the same time right now. That certainly is not an impossibility if you consider time travel. Suspend that thought for a moment….time travel. Time travel is possible through consciousness. So often, this is how wisdom and higher information is passed to us. Without crossing the barriers of time, the human race would get stuck and stay right where it’s at.

Pleiadian Forces of Light from the Pleiades Bring Us Information by Crossing Time
It is through the Crossing of Time, that the Higher Pleiadian Forces of Light from the Pleiades bring us information. This information is vital in our spiritual development. Certain Pleiadians have chosen as their work, a very noble and serious purpose. They strive to work through the layers of human consciousness to bring higher wisdom from the place they dwell at. They are not God, yet they bring wisdom, as many have brought wisdom throughout the ages from higher realms.

Their purpose is not to save your soul, but to enlighten you more to the power and beauty of who you are, and to the divine creation of which we all are a part. People or so called that bring in certain information are in no way divine or special. They are simply willing to tune into another place, another time and receive information. Many humans have always had the capacity to do that. There will be some that will actually take that chance and put it out there for others to partake of.

Unknown #magick #ufo #crackpot thejinn.net

The Jinn Concept

The Jinn concept offers a logical approach to looking at UFO's, cryptozoology, apparitions, sorcery, demons, and many other mysteries.

In modern western societies, many far-flung theories have been presented to account for the presence of alien entities and UFOs:

Intergalactic travel

Travel from the future

Travel from the Inner Earth

Archetypal projections from the Collective Unconscious

Spirits of the dead

But surprisingly little consideration has been given to the concept that these entities simply exist in the vicinity of Earth in a way that isn't normally perceptible to us.

We continue to assume that we can perceive everything that is "real" with our 5 senses despite all the evidence to the contrary.

An overzealous belief in a philosophy of materialism has probably resulted in an irrational amount of faith in our physical senses.

Consequently, we human beings have been extremely susceptible to the fabrications of the jinn.

We believe what they want us to because their projections, materializations and deceptions are cleverly tailored to fit our fantasies and belief systems.

The jinn are real entities living on this earth which are normally invisible to us. The name comes from an Arabic word meaning "to hide or conceal". They don't live in bottles or adhere to the fairy tales told about them. They can be deceptive and influential. They are behind the UFO mystery as well as many other mysteries. Every culture shows their influence in its mythologies and religions.

The Jinn have free will. Some are spiritually good while others are profoundly evil.

They exist on the etheric plane which is more subtle than the dense physical plane visible to humans. The etheric plane is closely interconnected to the physical. Humans also exist at the etheric level because in some respects it gives rise to the physical. The etheric plane contains the "blueprints" for the physical world. Everything in the physical world has an "etheric double". The etheric plane connects with electromagnetic forces and with higher (or more subtle) planes of existence.

Understanding more about the etheric plane will help scientists understand more about both the physical world and the electromagnetic spectrum as well as the jinn.
Jinns comprise a vast array of tricksters, fairies, demons and monsters, saints and spacemen who have confounded our understanding for centuries. Modern materialistic science decided that they no longer exist, despite the huge role which they continue to play in paranormal events, and despite the large portion of the world who never forgot who they are.

Crystalinks #crackpot #magick crystalinks.com

Holographic Universe - Simulation Theory

Reality as a simulation or hologram is no longer a fringe theory - with Nobel Prize winners and other thought leaders believing in it. All scientific discoveries start out as theories; some ultimately proven, some not. There is still the question of whether our universe actually exists? We may be simply living in something's virtual reality simulation; very hard to prove one way or the other but we are getting closer.

The theory that reality, as we consciously experience it, is not real, goes back to the indigenous people who believed that we exist in a dream or illusion. In our current timeline, we refer to the our virtual reality experience as a matrix, grids, simulation and hologram. There are those trying to prove the simulation exists and others who are trying to break us out of it.

Time is an illusion, therefore so is everything else. The universe is a consciousness hologram or simulation. Reality is projected illusion within. It is a virtual experiment created in linear time to study emotions. Our simulation is composed of grids created by a source consciousness brought into awareness by electromagnetic energy at the physical level. The hologram is created and linked through a web, or grid matrixes.

The hologram had a beginning ergo it has an end, as consciousness evolves in the alchemy of time. As the grids collapse, everything within the hologram will end as it Fades to Black.

In media we find films, television shows, books, and games, based on the concept of reality as a hologram/simulation Among the more easily recognized are The Matrix , The Thirteenth Floor, Inception (Dream), the Holodeck (Grids) in the TV series Star Trek, among others.

An increased understanding of artificial intelligence will bring clarity to the concept of reality is a simulation as they are virtually connected.


The simulation hypothesis contends that reality is in fact a simulation (most likely a computer simulation), of which we, the simulants, are totally unaware. Some versions rely on the development of simulated reality, a fictional technology. The hypothesis has been a central plot device of many science fiction stories and films. There is a long philosophical and scientific history to the underlying thesis that reality is an illusion. This skeptical hypothesis can be dated as far back as Indian philosophy of Maya illusion. Read more


Simulated reality is the hypothesis that reality could be simulated - for example by computer simulation - to a degree indistinguishable from "true" reality. It could contain conscious minds which may or may not be fully aware that they are living inside a simulation. This is quite different from the current, technologically achievable concept of virtual reality. Virtual reality is easily distinguished from the experience of actuality; participants are never in doubt about the nature of what they experience. Simulated reality, by contrast, would be hard or impossible to separate from "true" reality. There has been much debate over this topic, ranging from philosophical discourse to practical applications in computing.

SivaSakti #magick sivasakti.com

A great secret in the practice of sexual continence is the learning of the mechanism of orgasm. There are, both men and women so skillful in the art of love with sexual continence that they can experience at will orgasmic states and even induce these ineffable states in others, even without physical contact.

The sexologists define the orgasm in a non-poetical manner. They say that the orgasm is “a trance accompanied by the losing of the contact with the reality”.

By the tantric opinion, the orgasm is a beneficial state of expanded consciousness in which the usual limits of the being are spontaneously dropped, limits of the mind are abolished and the subject plunges into the abyss of beatific void.

When one lives the orgasm, he/she discovers with amazement the abandon of himself facing the ecstatic experience, the abnegation, the “death” of the ego, the dissolution of time and space, the bursting of a state of unity of contraries.

All these effects make the state of orgasm be identical with the state of spiritual bliss. For this very reason, in Tantra, the state of spiritual illumination is also named “Cosmic Orgasm”. So, do not mix up the orgasm with a simple pleasure or sexual satisfaction.

Even though lately a lot is spoken and written about Tantra, just a few really knew what does it mean. Tantra is an Eastern spiritual system that has as main purpose the “unification of the contraries at the all levels of the human being”.

In Tantra, the man and the woman are seen as expressions or reflections of the two most fundamental macrocosmic energies, represented by the Shiva (the male principle) and Shakti (the female principle), in any form they would appear.

The balanced union of the two opposite poles, the female one (yin, negative) and the male one (yang, positive) drives, in the end, to the liberation of mind and body, a liberation of the presupposed endless cycle of unconscious reborn and ultimately to the deification of the human being.

The man and the woman potentially include in their beings the entire world’s possibilities and experiences. When they are in fusion, these possibilities reveal themselves in a new harmonious way and produce an Ineffable Unity, a state which is at the basis of the entire creation.

Tantra can reunify a scission produced a long time ago in the western society between the sex and spirituality. In no other source can you meet such harmony between sex and spirituality. Tantra is a way of spiritual evolution, of love fusion integrated as a sacred act, which has the only purpose to drive us closer to the Supreme Absolute (God).

In order to facilitate such a fusion at the all levels of the human being, Tantra uses a variety of physiological, psychological, devotional and spiritual techniques. We aim to present the most representative and efficient techniques.

Tantra is absolutely not in contradiction with the Christian religion and for this it can offer to the modern and over-challenged men an accessible manner to improve his life, to be happier, to make peace within himself and with the others, to live the erotic fusion more profoundly, more intensely and more prolonged.

Tantra or the cult of ecstasy is a spiritual way rather based on the mystic experience of the play than on the rigid dogmas, as it could be wrongly thought.
In Tantra, the erotic act becomes sacred, being a veritable cult, an adoration. It is a life gift. The tantric art, the lyrics and the rituals glorify the erotic act.

The tantric adepts proclaim the life entirely and learn to discover the divine spark in the human being. They use all their senses, the mind and the spirit to reach the summits of the mystic experiences.

Tantra offers a vision of the illumination and of the transcedency totally different from all the other branches of yoga. In Tantra, the path towards liberation passes precisely through the heart, which is to be consciously opened to the others.
“Nobody will succeed to obtain perfection by using difficult and dull operations. Perfection can easily obtained by the use of the most satisfying of all desires.”

Kularnava Tantra

Tough these two sciences have different objectives, one spiritual and the other experimental, they often meet in an amazing manner. The “horizontal” study of sexology does not get as close to the spiritual, “vertical”, magic aspect of sexuality, which is specific to Tantra. Sexology is a medical science of the sex, which studies its physical and psychical aspects and dysfunctions.

From the tantric point of view, sex is considered to be the “brain” where the alchemycal transformations of the sexual matter in energy take place. Tantra starts from the point where sexology ends. Evens so, the sexology often describes certain special orgasmic experiences similar with those described by Tantra Yoga.

According to the contemporary sexology and the tantric tradition, in order to obtain a profound sexual harmony in couple and to refine the love experience, it is recommended to consider the following elements:

The suppressing of the sexual taboos
Being very much aware of everything – sensations, energies and feelings related to the sexual organs
The aspiration towards a spiritual kind of eroticism, by stimulating the tension of libido
The physical and psychical sexual auto-stimulation
The training and the practicing of the neuromuscular relaxation
The education and the gymnastic of the intimate (sexual) muscles
The active participation of the woman in the love fusion

Pia Orleane, Ph.D. and Cullen Baird Smith #magick #conspiracy laarkmaa.com

Claiming Our Rights

Declaration of Sovereignty

The Full Moon in Aires arrives Sunday night; it is the fourth super moon in a row, and thus, will have a powerful and profound effect on the tectonic plates of the Earth and the inner waters of our own psyches. There will also be a full lunar eclipse tonight. During this time, it is possible that we may experience enhanced psychic connections and extraordinary new understandings of the true reality. It is important at this time to be open to the possibilities. It is also important to claim our power while we are open to these new energies.

Some who are aware of the dark energies that wish to suppress and control the light that sustains us are circulating a “Declaration of Full Sovereignty” of our Total Selves to help remind us of who we are and the power we carry. While Laarkmaa always tells us that “even the dark serves the light,” we also must be aware that we have a choice in how we send light into the darkness and how we can choose love over fear. It is appropriate and important at this time for each of us to claim our power, to remember who we are, and to free ourselves from subconscious or unconscious forces that may be negatively affecting our physical health, our thoughts, our emotions, our finances, or our relationships. Below is our abbreviated version of the Declaration of Full Sovereignty, which states what we must reclaim for ourselves. (The full version is available online by the same title). Laarkmaa says that we “speak ourselves into being.” Perhaps reading this declaration outloud to ourselves or one another during this time of transition can help us to reclaim the truth of Who We Are. Remember that the love and wisdom of Laarkmaa is always there helping us on our evolutionary journey.

With love and light,

Pia and Cullen

Declaration of Full Sovereignty in This Embodiment

Immortality, Freedom, Immunity from Earth’s authority structure


I AM ETERNAL, embodied at the moment inside of the human body suit.

I claim all rights as such, and FULLY RESERVE them for my living Being.

Consent for everything must be asked for. There is NO tacit consent anywhere present in my life, ever, for anything that affects my person.

I am the final arbiter and authority on what my consent means. It can NOT be used against me in any way, shape or form, because it is MY CREATION.

I now connect with my Guides who stand behind my highest interests in every given situation, and I call on my higher self to merge with me, guide me, and assist me in declaring, embodying, and enacting 100% Sovereignty of my Being in every NOW moment, in accordance with the goals, and intentions that I freely chose for this lifetime.

I call upon the elemental, cosmic, and ancestral realms, interdimensional and intergalactic intelligences to witness my declaration, to assist in upholding the integrity of my intention, and to co-create with me in manifesting my highest potentials personally, and in service to the Earth.



I assert autonomy over my physical and nonphysical embodiment, my energetic vibration, and all resulting emanations.

1.2 I explicitly disallow any and all interference with the energy of my Being to distort or delay the fulfillment of my purpose in this lifetime. The harvesting of my energy is strictly forbidden by me. Whatever form it takes, my energy is my own creation, and I DO NOT CONSENT to having it harvested for others to use or profit from.

1.3 I cancel All contracts and All agreements with All Entities throughout All of My Lives, in All Dimensions and in All Timelines that are not in my highest interest.

1.4 I DO NOT CONSENT to having any human being, living being, machine, entity, person, corporation, or their representatives, and especially secret society groups: to spy, to look into, to watch, or in any way invade my PRIVACY for any reason. This includes all means and forms of communication, whether in my personal life, in e-mails, phone conversations, computer usage, internet travel and access, personal or business writings.

1.5 I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of nanites, parasites, harmful vaccines or any other type of infectious diseases or infectious technology, whatsoever to be used upon my human physical body, mind, or soul.

1.6 I DO NOT CONSENT to any type of MIND CONTROL, or the use of intelligent technology implants (physical, ethereal, or astral), living or non living, to be used on my physical body, my ethereal body, my electro-magnetic body, my astral body, or my Soul Body, which could possibly have any affect upon my physical body, mind, emotions, or soul or could result in loss of memories from this and all previous lifetimes in ANY way. I DO NOT CONSENT to programming placed into the television and video images I watch.

1.7 I DO NOT CONSENT to any deception being used on me at any time, anywhere, creating negative outcomes on the health and welfare of the PLANET EARTH or the health and welfare of my own living Being, or to my freedoms, my prosperity, or my happiness, (also described as my life). You WILL be contractually obligated to COMPENSATE me for any deceptions that cause the Planet Earth or me harm.

1.8 I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of mental energies or any other forms of frequency to attack against my living Being. I do not consent to any NEGATIVE BEINGS creating dreams when I am asleep, or attacking me while I sleep. I DO NOT CONSENT to the use of any manner of spells cast, which could then cause a negative affect on my body, mind, emotions, or soul. I DO NOT CONSENT to machine like, robotic technology either physically, ethereally, or astrally implanted, and used in any way to track, alter, torment, attack, abuse, infect, or harm my body, my mind, my emotions my astral body, or my soul at any time, at any place, for any reason.

1.9 I DO NOT CONSENT to the negative manipulation of the weather, nor to the poisoning of the Earth, because I know that these acts are harmful and unhealthy.

1.10 I DO NOT CONSENT to any type of frequency waves currently being used, or historically used, to target my physical, etheric, or astral bodies, my DNA, my cells, or my mind, my emotions, or my soul in any way that is negative or dark. This includes any type of secret or covert, Earth based or off-world technology that projects, pulses, beams, or waves, any frequency which is detrimental to the human body, mind, emotions, or soul or that causes blockages and/or interference with the communication between my Being, my higher aspects, and other physical and non-physical energies, dimensions, and realities.

1.11 I DO NOT CONSENT to the Monetization and Collateralization of my Personal Soul Energy for the purpose of buying and selling, or owning. This buying, selling, and owning, amounts to SLAVERY, and is forbidden by me under my own FREEWILL

1.12 NO TREATY made with any human being, or group of humans living on the EARTH, (or non-humans from off the Earth), IS VALID, if that Contract or Treaty in any way affects my life, or my body, mind, and soul in a measurably negative and dark way.


2.1 I ask Mother Earth for her assistance in my healing and transmutation of any prior agreements referred to under Art. 1.3 and all of the energies associated with them.

2.2 I now heal, transmute, and integrate all thought forms, entities, or adverse energies that were associated with previous agreements. My physical body is now cleared of any adverse thought forms and energies that I created knowingly or unknowingly, causing self-sabotage and harmful emotions. I am a healed Whole Being operating as a Sovereign force, and I am here to change this world.

2.3 I choose to heal all fear, trauma, and limitation standing in the way of my fulfilling my highest potential and purpose in this lifetime. I ask that my higher self assist me in healing, transmuting, and transcending all fear, limitation, separation, and amnesia preventing me from embodying my full, integrated sacred feminine and sacred masculine love, wisdom, and power.

2.4 I ask that my higher self direct my healing so that I embody and offer the optimal vibration in all circumstances; that I manifest optimal health and wholeness in and throughout all of my bodies; that I fluidly evolve according to my path and purpose; that I awaken to and regain all the memories and gifts held in my causal body; that I function with energy, clarity, balance, effectiveness, and efficiency in the changing energetics of Earth; that I integrate the healing, its lessons, and its energy in the most beneficial way possible; and that all this unfolds at the most conducive yet expeditious pace possible.

2.5 I intend that in healing myself in this now moment, I heal other aspects of myself across time and space, as well as splintered aspects of consciousness trapped in time, who will attain the freedom to return to where they belong, to heal, and to contribute to the unity we seek in order to take our next evolutionary steps.

2.6 I offer healing, compassion, and forgiveness wherever it is needed or wanted, to free all aspects of consciousness, including my own, allowing all to return to natural order in wholeness and unity.

2.7 I will no longer carry energies that are not in resonance with my highest vibrational state. No longer will I carry any hitchhikers under any agreements that were made under false intentions or memory wiping.


3.1 In making this declaration, I acknowledge and accept full responsibility for my Being, my thoughts, and my actions.

3.2 I continue to fervently request overt guidance and assistance from my higher self and other beings of love and light who wish to help humanity evolve. If I am unable or unwilling to hear and enact the guidance of my higher self, I request that the guidance continue to be given in various ways such that I can understand and act on it.

3.3 I ask my guides to continue illuminating my highest path and to acquaint me with the tools necessary to do my job on this planet. I ask that you continue to bring people into my life who can assist me in helping humanity.

3.4 In full Sovereignty, I also request and accept additional energetic assistance of my guides, the elemental and cosmic realms, interstellar beings of love and light, and any other light sources, provided that such assistance is in my highest good, the highest good of Earth, and in accordance with my purpose, goals, and intentions for this lifetime.

3.5 I RESERVE the right to amend this Declaration at ANY TIME if it is found that something written here is either lacking in clarity, or has been mis-stated, and needs to be corrected OR deleted.


This declaration carries the energy signature of my Being as my binding stamp.

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