
I am a half-elf and can bend reality to my will with the power of archaick spelling!

Sam Walker #magick quora.com

I do believe you are mistaken in your response. the neuro-chemical process in the brain does not create anything. The eyes and ears does not create anything either. Our eyes and ears allow us to access what already exists. Likewise nothing is created by the brain. The brain provide access to something that already exist.

There are many drugs that will do to the brain what telescopes, etc does for the eye.

Much of our music and art and knowledge was brought back by few who could access the realm of where such exists in the 4th dimension,

There was a person from India named Srinivasa Ramunajen who never went to school, but he taught maths to Professor Harding and Littlewood at Trinity University in England.

Tracy Milanovich #magick #mammon heavy.com

Tracy Milanovich is the Massachusetts-based palm reader who stole $71,000 after convincing a mother that her daughter was possessed, cops said. The Somerset Police Department said in a press release that Milanovich, 37, had been charging the woman in exchange for exorcising the demon. In addition to the cash, Milanovich is also accused of getting the victim to buy household items for her, such as bedding and towels.

Milanovich was arrested on December 27. The victim first went to police on December 17 which prompted the investigation. Milanovich is facing charges of six counts of obtaining property over $250 by trick, larceny and intimidation of a witness. Police are asking anybody else who feels as if they have been victimized by Milanovich is asked to come forward. Victims are asked to contact Somerset Police Officer Donald Cormier at 508-679-2138.


Documents in the case, via NBC Boston, show that the victim told police that Milanovich said the victim’s daughter was “dead in God’s eyes” and had “something inside of her that was bad.”

Milanovich allegedly said that in order to save the 10-year-old’s soul, the victim would have to “purchase her daughter’s soul back.”

The victim said that Milanovich had promised to put the demon in a Barbie doll. The police report goes on today that the victim was told not to tell anyone about the exorcism or else the spirits would find out.


At one stage, the victim told police that Milanovich asked for more than $6,000 as only “half” of her daughter’s soul have been “cleaned.” Milanovich then allegedly said she would need an “additional $6,058.00 to remove what was left.”


According to a Facebook page for Milanovich’s business says that the services she provides include “tarot card readings,” “full life readings,” “spiritual healing” and “psychic readings.” Milanovich also says that she has the ability to “advise on all matters of life.” Milanovich operated her business, Tracy’s Psychic Palm Reader on County Street in Fall River since 2009.


When speaking about the crystal light therapy in her Standard-Times interview, in which clients lie on a bed close to some crystals, Milanovich said, “Some people feel lost and they can’t see their path clearly. It’s something like a new form of acupuncture. Also, it regenerates blood cells. It helps with healing. It helps with inflammation.”

Milanovich said that her crystals had been imported to the U.S. from Brazil, where the crystal light therapy treatment originated. Milanovich mentioned in the interview that crystal light therapy had cured her husband’s knee inflammation.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #god-complex #magick #crackpot #conspiracy #racist #mammon sublimegood.com

Psychic Warfare is not a knowledge dependant endeavour but one of energy enabling psychic outcomes, identical to the real world dominated by money. Money = energy = ability to change reality or protected reality. This energy is called Chi, Prana, Kundalini, Odic Force, Bioplasm, Soul Fluid, Orgone…: it is not all the same. As a Psychic Warfare expert one knows energy has a frequency, wavelength, amplitude, carries information, travels in the 5th dimension, all of which have differing effects on organisms subliming energy to use the toxic energy for Psychic Warfare inevitably leaves Sublime Energy; totally positive rejuvenating, vitality in the psychic attacker as the targets becomes ill and old. It is a zero sum game. So one can see Tim Rifat’s worldwide business of Psychic Warfare.com®, training people how to use toxic energy to get super powers has left him with vast oceans of Sublime Good energy: The Light Side of the Force. His body can only use so much Sublime Good before it burns with The Fire From Within or becomes a Dr Manhattan body (Watchmen Film).

As Tim Rifat made a Luciferic contract to gain Total Power over the Luciferic Force in return for marriage to the Illuminati Queen Witch to produce the ultimate Illuminati Bloodline, he is blocked from transcending and using all the Sublime Good of the human race for his post human God body until she FUBARS by marriage or getting pregnant to a normal human hamster. So one can see Tim Rifat has had to use this Sublime Good elsewhere; in this case, building the Sublime Good Realm in Psi-space. This is why he calls himself the Psi-Lord and his holding company is called Psi-Lord Limited. Tim Rifat like any explorer has found new territory in Psi-space like any settler used Psychic Warfare (advanced weaponry) to kill, drive off the indigenous population like any property developer to build vast new developments in these new lands. Every one of his websites RV Science.com; Supernatural Spirit.com; Psychic Warfare.com has a commitment realm in Psi-space where everything in the websites really exists. Tim Rifat got the idea to colonise develop Psi-space from Carlos Castaneda’s Art of Dreaming. To make the manifold of Psi-space conform to intent, building and anything you like so it becomes real in Psi-space, so you can enter Psi-space and live in your actual intended visualisation, is an ancient technology developed by the sorcerers of Central, South America over 10,000 years ago. 10,000 years on, Tim Rifat used the scientific and mathematical advances of the 20th Century to colonise, conquer Psi-space.

Next came the use of Psi contracts to control the so called real world. How is this done? The same way Psi-entities possess, control and feed off, kill humans; the demon enters the body of the victim and has real world effects on the possessed (See The Exorcist). Tim Rifat scoured through Roger Penrose’s: Road to Reality, a condensate of mathematical Physics, written by the Professor to enable a genius to produce at theory of reality. So instead of spending years in University libraries, Tim Rifat could use this textbook to build a theory of Psychic Warfare, weaponise US, Russian Psychic Warfare research and produce the Psychic Warfare programmes every major nation is now embarking on. Why? To build the customer base for his psychic protection business. Ten years from now 87% of all A-listers will be killed by Psychic Warfare, the other 13% will pay Tim Rifat for psychic protection. If you find this unbelievable, Tim Rifat predicted more than 15 years ago that Cobalt 60 world, North Korea being able to destroy the US with Cobalt 60 derived from H bombs on ICBMs would be fact. As well as Chad world, the West being flooded by immigrants and becoming like Chad a basket case. As the only precognitive remote viewer, Tim Rifat sets the future by being the observer that chooses it; a ramification of the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. He is now predicting Psychic Warfare world where A-listers, the elite such as the Rothschilds who own the planet are slaughters like dogs by Psi-space weapons designed by Tim Rifat or they pay North Korea, Russian psi-trolls… in cyber currency to stay alive.

/r/Tulpas #magick reddit.com

Welcome to /r/Tulpas. In this subreddit, you can discuss tulpas, share your experiences with making a tulpa, give advice to people making a new tulpa, or talk about things your tulpa said or did.
What is a tulpa?

While everyone has their own interpretation, a common definition of tulpa agreeable across our guides, FAQs and glossary:

A tulpa is believed to be an autonomous consciousness, existing within their creator’s mind, often with a form of their creator's initial choice and design.
A tulpa is entirely sentient and in control of their opinions, feelings, form and movement.
They are willingly created by people via a number of techniques to act as companions, muses, and advisers.

Put simply, a tulpa is a sentient imaginary friend. The key difference is that, unlike the classic idea of an imaginary friend, a tulpa does not do exactly what you want it to do. A tulpa possesses independent thought processes and forms its own opinions. This is generally taken as the mark of sentience in the tulpa community. That said, the definition of sentience is disputed and varies, both within the tulpa community and in general.

A tulpa, once created, can communicate with you at any time. They are almost always present in some form, even when idle or not paying attention. Communicating with a tulpa can be done vocally (obviously in a private place!) or mentally, simply directing your thoughts towards them and keeping your mind open. Responses may be as simple as an emotional impulse, a full coherent response (people often ascribe an ‘external’ or ‘alien’ quality to such responses), or even full auditory hallucination of speech. Initially, communication is quite limited, and it takes months of practice to improve. While some part of them remains ever-present, tulpa are typically responsive to their creator’s wishes and can divert their attention and communication if their creator is socializing with others or wishes to be alone.

One of the most common ways to experience and spend time with a tulpa is to visualize what they look like in what we call a “wonderland”, known by some as a dreamscape or mindscape, where you can hang out together. A wonderland is a just a persistent mental environment, easily recalled and visualized. Wonderlands are not strictly necessary though, however convenient or relaxing they may be.

Tulpa aren’t a replacement for human social contact, but a means of personal insight, improved perspective, and companionship outside of your usual social life. While some may seek to use a tulpa in lieu of a social life and a wonderland instead of experiencing reality, we don’t condone or encourage that, and if you try to anyway you’re likely to find your own mental schism admonishing you for such escapist behavior!

Ultimately, each tulpa is unique and distinct to the mind of their creator and host, so while we can assert generalities, specifying exactly the how and why of tulpa is beyond our current capabilities. We are seeking answers through collaboration and comparison though, and hopefully we’ll have shared some of our individual and collective insights and experiences though this subreddit and its wiki.

An older answer to the question, from one of the tulpa community's founders, can be read in FAQman's What is a tulpa?.

Aetheric.org #magick #quack #conspiracy aetheric.org

I have to ask: are you Aetherienced?

It’s well worth your two minutes to become so.

All sorts of lofty perks and unique opportunities will blossom for you. All you have to do is to become aware of your new, locally installed subtle energy enhancements.

Each installation makes use of a highly invigorated form of Aether: the next generation of subtle energy propagation technology.

There is now a mass influx of intricately aligned subtle energy flowing through every Aetherized neighborhood in your region, helping to make life a tangibly more pleasant experience for everyone who falls within range. N.O.Bs excluded.*

This development will prove exceptionally useful to the following audiences:

Those whom are blessed with a perception too keen to be comfortable,
Those whom suffer from depression and/or feel hopeless,
Those whom experience heavy anxiety throughout the day, every day
If any of this describes you, I must advise you to pay close attention and read on.

This information will serve to aid you in great measure.

Aetheric items of various natures were hidden near the very spot you found this sign (for those whom found a sign out in public), as well as throughout the marked routes displayed on the maps above.

Every gold marker you see on the map is from the original Aetheric Network, which began its creation in March 2015. These markers denote an Extended Ray with the Singe Variant instilled. The Extended Rays are buried pointing straight down to serve as a consistent “backbone” for the rest of the Network.

Each blue marker you see denotes a customized TLR. These items are placed within the Earth in a similar manner to the Extended Rays. The only difference is that these can aim horizontally as well, as the situation warrants.

Each TLR has been modified to provide exceptional linear range and impact on its surroundings, and have all been aimed and placed with care to assist the greatest amount of people possible. These were installed during 2017 and 2018, and continue to be installed as people request Gifting services to be fulfilled in their region.

Between these blue markers I’ve placed hundreds and hundreds of smaller, multi-layered items. These units perform multiple functions, all of which serve to empower you physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This installation was made possible by a small number of donors who have chosen to remain anonymous.

If you’re looking for an enjoyable place to lounge and recharge your batteries, I would recommend choosing a nice spot anywhere along these paths to hunker down for a spell. Especially if it’s lush with greenery.


. . . are you still here?

Is this all a little too weird?

Well it gets weirder, so buckle in.

The Greater Seattle Region is a beautiful swath of Earth, and boy does it attract its fair share of N.O.Bs, or negatively oriented beings.*

These folks have energetic cores (long story) that are objectively negative in nature, and this tends to make especially perceptive people nervous to be around them.

These N.O.B types can give you the widest smiles, and appear to be friendliest people in the world. Maybe you’ve known some of these sorts your entire life. Or maybe they’re a seemingly friendly co-worker or acquaintance

Yet making eye contact with them can occasionally give one the heebie jeebies. Or perhaps, after sharing a conversation, they leave you feeling “off,” irritated and/or anxious.

You can chalk this up to a subtle and invisible energetic conflict, or some fashion of “energy vamping.” This may sound like something from a TV show or fantasy novel, but it is unfortunately more common than you might imagine.

The installation of an Aetheric network brings the conflict to them. Since the air and water are now saturated in scathingly positive energy, any individuals with energetically negative cores will stand out like plaid on polka dots.

Is that a saying? Might be. Should it be? Probably not . . .

Rob Burns #magick #fundie cmalliance.org


We consistently encounter the practice of witch doctors or fortune-tellers in Macedonia. This may sound surprising, since many believe these practices are found only in Africa or Asia. But Macedonians have embraced pagan rituals for centuries.

The Turkish occupation, which lasted more than 500 years, brought many new superstitions into the area. As a result, most Macedonians are deeply affected by the occult, even if these beliefs aren’t readily seen on the surface. People hang crosses and Turkish amulets “for luck,” and infertile young couples visit fortune-tellers, hoping for healing.

Shedding Light
Like most Macedonians, our friend Dragan had an encounter with the occult while growing up. After committing his life to Christ, he became convinced that God was calling him to write something to expose the demonic nature of fortune-telling and challenge Macedonians to abandon occult practices in favor of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Dragan, who pastors a church in the town of Veles, produced a booklet that sheds light into the dark practice of fortune-telling. At the end of the booklet, a Macedonian woman shares how God saved her from a life as a fortune-teller.

Because you have given to the Great Commission Fund, we were able to help Dragan publish a second edition of his booklet. We now have dozens of copies to give to people as we go about our work in Macedonia.

Just two weeks ago, we told an orthodontist about the pagan background of a Turkish amulet (“the evil eye”) she had hanging in her office. We urged her to take it down and on a subsequent visit gave her Dragan’s booklet. She happily accepted it (along with a New Testament), saying that would read it. This is only one of a number of occasions we have shared this booklet.

Please pray that God would continue to give us opportunities to hand out the booklet and New Testaments, but above all, that He would smash the enemy’s strongholds here in the Balkans!

Cutting Edge Ministries #fundie #magick #conspiracy cuttingedge.org

Title: Key Understanding Of The 200-Year Battle Between The Catholic Jesuit Order And The Illuminati

Subtitle: The "Grand Global Merger" of all Black Magick forces occurred in June, 1963, when the new Pope, Paul VI, ascended to the Chair of Peter. For the previous two centuries, the Masters of the Illuminati sought to take over the Vatican from within, while the Jesuit Order fought back, trying to take over the Illuminati. When Paul VI held up the Satanic Twisted Crucifx, he was signalling to the entire world that the "Great White Brotherhood" had taken control of the Vatican.
The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!
Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.



Aetheric.org #magick #quack #conspiracy aetheric.org

How Does One Best A Witch?

With this. And only with this.
I’ve named it AETHER,
and you can have some for free.
Intrigued? Read on.

There’s never been a better time to be a “bad witch.”
It’s never been more culturally accepted. Most people would jump at the chance to fall into such a storied lifestyle.
How could they not?
You, me, and everyone else have been besieged by alluring — and downright sexy — portrayals of bleak magick.
Harry Potter serves as a perfect introduction. It made the idea of learning magick with a secretive group an enchanting prospect. Every child who soaked the book in desired, above all else, a reality that could compare.
The trend continued. More and more media arrives in perfect timing with its audience, properly seasoned as to best capture our attention at every age.
It ain’t no wingardium leviosa.

But let’s be honest. What’s the point of investigating this topic, anyhow? None of this amounts to anything in the end.
For magick does not exist.
That’s the typical outlook, right?
No such thing as magick. Thus, no such thing as witches.
You’re free to believe what you will. However, many an organization, order, sect, cult and club think otherwise.
Satanism and Wicca — the fastest growing non-major religion in America [1][2][3] — are quite fond of their rituals. Wiccans are proud to admit that they partake in these actions, but few Satanists tell you the same.
Despite their shyness in being forward with the details, magick and ritual are a large part of their curriculum.
Freemasonry is a widespread yet secretive group, with some form of lodge in nearly every city in the world.
It is almost entirely ritual based.
In practice they employ an energetic methodology which is strikingly similar to Kabbalistic magick. If you’re interested, look it up.
It’s gnarly stuff. Or at least, it was . . .

Until Aether came along.
You have your dark witches, and you have your white witches.
The thing is that the Darker Sorts are much, MUCH more aggressive in their recruiting. With the aforementioned media conditioning their job is nigh effortless.
The only recruiting you’ll see for good witches is, well, me. And a few smaller groups who desire to clear this reality’s muck. They aren’t all that common.
If we’re comparing numbers, it amounts to a single drop in the bucket.
As it stands today, millions of aspiring dark witches are in your schools.
Your workplaces.
Your malls, bars and clubs.
That’s right. Millions. With an M.
And if you’re not with them, you’re likely their food.
Tired of being food? Aether is your way out.
Hop on board. Shake up society a little.
Or at the very least, take a quick look around.
Scroll down a bit, maybe. Read a little.
An informed public is an empowered public.
And an empowered public is the key to real change.

Leilah Wendell and Daniel Kemp #magick westgatenecromantic.com

Welcome to The House of Death!

You are entering a website in Love with Death.... Death the Entity, the Angel of Death, Azrael....in this Spirit's many given names and incarnations, always the Great Separator of the soul from the flesh. This site, and all of our works, remain dedicated to the Angel of Death and Necromantic practice. We hope you enjoy what you see and read. The on-line exhibits will be changing periodically so come and walk with us amidst the fields of fertile melancholy. The Westgate is many things. Yes, we are a "shop", however, first and foremost, we are a Temple to the Angel of Death. A virtual space within which to come, wander and find peace in the dark embrace of our Host, Azrael. All that we do here is born out of love for life's consummation, the metamorphosis which awaits us all. The crossing of the threshold. We celebrate the change that all must go through, even the universe itself. We view death, as the crowning glory of a life well lived. Those of you interested in the evolvement of The Westgate, please click on the Legend link.

We encourage you to check out our entire site, as changes will be made to different pages on an irregular basis, and please remember to hit REFRESH to see our latest additions! Don't ignore the LINKS on the bottom of many of our pages that lead to "hidden doors", where you can read and view our archive of sold items! We are always looking for input, especially, true first person encounters with Death for publication in 'The Azrael Project Newsletter™ Online Archive'- Encounters With Death page located on our Forum.
So enter and find the peace which in life you find fleeting, the certainty that there is a Soul that cares beyond this flesh. The Reaper is a gentle fury, like the storm, there is always a center which is pure peace, surrounded by a whirlwind that is essential change. Cast aside the shreds of fear which encumber you. And enter into the Westgate with an open heart, and a hand ready for the grasp of that which is eternal. The House of Death welcomes all....We hope you visit often! Until next, may the Angel of Death gently enfold you in the solace of His dark wings.

Tim Tony Stark Rifat #crackpot #conspiracy #magick #mammon supernaturalspirit.org

There are various forms of magic Goetia, Enochian, Kabbalistic, Egyptian; then there’s Crowley’s work, Thelemic magic and Tarot magic from the book of Thoth; Chaos magick derived from Austin Spare with Wicca and Voodoo/Santeria. The genius of Tim Tony Stark Rifat is to find the science behind magic and make it applicable to the public. In Atlantean and Lemurian technology crystals were used for occult procedures. So wedding all the systems above into one synergistic system enables all magic to be carried out at the 5 dimensional level available at Atlantis and Lemuria. Magic is a science which is too sophisticated for present day scientists to comprehend but nevertheless is a systematic system which is easy to use when explained from a higher overview.

We start with 34 Psychotronic Crystals to build a power circle that charges the magician up with positive energies by simply being within it and excludes negative forces from the practitioner. A triangle of art constructed from 3 Smoky Quartz Psychotronic Crystals that constrains the supernatural spirit to squeeze it like a lemon to drain it dry. A Crystal Orb Spirit Capture to trap the supernatural spirit in a 4 dimensional prison so its power can be bleed off to power the magician. An Elder Wood Wand to link the magician to the two lowest levels of supernatural spirit realms and generate Octonion grids to cage reality to conform to the magician’s will powered by the spirit in the spirit creature. A Clear Quartz Psychotronic Crystal which generates the pentacle when held in the left hand and Star of David because of the 6 fold symmetry of quartz crystals which is used to command supernatural spirits and magic to charge the magician. In counterpoint, a Smoky Quartz Psychotronic Crystal held in the right hand to wield the pentacle to command supernatural spirits to do the bidding of the magician with an innate Star of David within the crystal to bind the supernatural’s spirit to the will of the magician and focus its magic as directed.

With Atlantean and Lemurian technology we add preprogrammed Psychotronic Crystals to add 5 dimensionality, multidimensionality, intradimensionality using torsion fields that amplify our sexual energy and emotion to enable micro-Higgs field fluctuations in multidimensional conduits to power magic. Magic is simply science beyond 21st Century primitive technology and enables reality to control reality minutely and has the requisite tools.

34 Psychotronic Crystals / 3 Smoky Quartz Psychotronic Crystals / Crystal Orb Spirit Capture
Elder Wood Wand / 1 Clear Quartz Psychotronic Crystal / 1 Smoky Quartz Psychotronic Crystal / Certificate SUPERNATURAL SPIRIT MAGIC KIT

For the first 100 orders the price is $1200, after the 100 have been sold the price will go up to $1800.

Tim Rifat (Kerry Cassidy) #crackpot #conspiracy #magick projectcamelotportal.com


Project Camelot Portal

December 10, 2019

BIO: After getting disillusioned with doing a PhD in organic chemistry at Southhampton University, Tim Rifat left and almost immediately met Colin Bloy. Bloy was MI6’s deniable 007 who was a continuation of the long lineage of Dr Dee and introduced Tim Rifat into the magical world of Illuminati. It was Bloy who taught Tim Rifat all the Magic of the Knights Templar, archetypes, earth energies: which continues on to the Grail state technologies and all of the machine code of the Elohim.

After a falling out, Tim Rifat went his own way and the Illuminati sacrificed Colin Bloy as is their way: he went from being a multi millionaire to losing everything as a Lloyd’s name and died in penury like Aleister Crowley in 2003. Tim Rifat got heavily into the work of Carlos Castaneda, which critics say is fake: nevertheless Tim Rifat experienced all aspects of the Don Juan milieu.
Journeying into intradimensional worlds and the hidden nature of reality he agreed with Don Juan that the human race was parasiticed by entities which the shamans call mudshadows and which Rifat called intradimensional parasitical predators, which controlled the minds of humans and fed of their energies to prematurely age them and lock them into the middle place matrix.

Resistance from the British deep state was extreme as they did not wish this knowledge to be revealed. To rubber stamp his domination over Illuminati magic in the summer of 2019 he consolidated all of Illuminati magic into a comprehensive debugged simplified system, which opened the door to anyone being able to use Illuminati magic. Magic from Tim Rifat’s point of view is simply the ability to traverse the multiverse described by physicist to find the timeline you wish for: since there are above infinite possibilities some of which are so improbable as to be impossible, but still possible by multiversal travel, the sky is the limit as to what is possible to the Illuminati Magus. This gives a simple explanation as to why the Illuminati rule the world, so Tim Rifat decided if you can’t beat them join them and simply change the system from within by sequestering all their magic for himself.

As one can see by the epic misfortune of the Crown and the Rothschilds via Epstein, Weinstein…as well as the catastrophic debacle of Brexit in the UK, the impeachment madness in America, the mass strikes in France and the migrant invasion in Western Europe, the Illuminati’s magic has gone elsewhere dropping them into misfortune. Which goes to show when Colin Bloy trained up the 007 MI6 Magus to take his place the power was transferred with the keys to the Enochian magic, which controls the western matrix, to Tim Rifat who is now using the Illuminati magic to change the world for his benefit: so the elite can either join him or face Crowley, Bloy and Assange’s fate of being sacrificed as Luciferic wicker people.
To this end Tim Rifat has unified Russian Psychic Warfare research and cell biology to come up with a complete working model of Psychic Warfare based in hard science, which produces a methodology where anyone can be made ill, old or dead by the minutest whim of the Psychic Warfare operator. Reversed this technology offers incremental increases in lifespan, which when augmented by new drug regimens spearheaded by professor David Sinclair of Harvard University medical school open the doorway to 1000 year lifespans for those who are enabled by this technology. We are on cusp of a new world where Illuminati magic has been turned into a science by the Polymath Tim Rifat and his informational augmentation allows Yamanaka gene therapies to be used again and again for continual cell rejuvenation. All of this may seem like fantasy but science has advanced so far that the common man has been left behind by it’s developments and Illuminati magic, which allow the elite to dominate, has now been turned into a science by Tim Rifat, who wishes to promote magical science for the masses to not only make them young and beautiful but to access the Source engine that makes them, once fully realized, an aspect of the Godhead.

GSB/LTD #ufo #magick #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

I believe I was "selected" just before birth, was monitored throughout my childhood and was visited when I finally made the connection -and call- as a young man.

When I began questioning my ET-history at a young age, I went to the public library and in their microfiched nespaper records [Yeah: it was THAT long ago!] I found that on the night and time of my birth a UFO wa tracked across three states before disappearing just south of my hometown. MY Mom ocnfirmed later that when I was born I wasn't expected to live - that the Drs. were amazed that I rallied so quickly.

I should also mention that I've always known I was being watched and saw my first UFO at the age of 9 [there was one other witness with me] but have never felt any fear from that observation.

As a pre-teen I developed a strong interest in ancient cultures and have studied them ever since, in particular those of Egypt and Rome. Later, When other 14 yr olds were devouring MAD Magazine I was reading Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, etc. and absorbing them like a sponge... they al seemed to be old, familiar friends! I still read them, and today have a modest collection of artifacts from both of those historic periods. In fact, as I write this I'm wearing a Bronze ring that was originally crafted for a foot soldier in Rome's XX'th Legion.

Shortly after I put out "the call" visitations [I refuse to call them abductions] occurred on a fairly regular basis [every 3-4 months] and I was able to summon them if I felt the need. Shortly after that routine started, I noticed someting new: an impant at the base of my skull; I was told by my "watchful ones" that it was a life-recorder that they downloaded during their visits. At the same time I was given a physical check [via probing which always hurt like Hell] where they would correct any health issues I had. I should mention at this point that today I am 67 years old and in excellent health... I've never even had a personal phsyician! I've never needed one. I take no medications or special care of my body, including nutrition: I eat like a teenager and still manage to thrive on such stupidity!

Some of my latent senses have also been awakened from the experience. I am a telepath, and am a much better "sender" than 'receiver", but can travel in OBE's pretty easily.

I carried that implant for eight years until I finally asked them to remove it - and they did with no hassles. But, since that day the visits ceased and I've had trouble contacting them.

Tony and Ross Jeffries #sexist #magick #crackpot #psycho pickupguide.com

Patterns form the core of Ross Jeffries' Speed Seduction technique. Patterns are scripts of describing various wonderful states of mind and feelings to a girl, seemingly having nothing to do with you and her (for example by describing the wonderful feelings and states that music, dancing, eating strawberries and chocolate etc can create), but subconsciously getting her aroused… by what you're saying and in effect by you:) You can either link all those wonderful feelings you make her feel by what you're saying by self-pointing at appropriate times (which is what Ross Jeffries recommends), but the simple fact that you're there while she gets all those feelings and that you are the originator of them should do the job as well:).

Making her feel all those wonderful states not only means describing them to her, it also means giving her commands embedded in what you're saying to experience those states. Descriptions by themselves might not always work, she might not be paying too much attention and wander off in her thoughts, but once you've given her commands - "Feel it building... focus in on those feelings... surrender completely..." - she might first even be aroused by such commands by themselves, but she will definetly be much more attentive towards the descriptions you are about to offer.

Patterns also contain subconscious messages known as binder commands. For example, an excerpt from a pattern: "… that's the way to do it. Now, with me, its different, because…" incorporates a binder command of "DO IT! NOW! WITH ME!", which will bind all feelings and desires her arousal has created to YOU.

Once you have her attention, one of the most powerful methods of making her "feel" is using sexual metaphors. They sound innocent in the context of what you're saying, but she is bound to pick up on them and once you have her imagining all those phrases out of context… don't be surprised if she says has to go to the bathroom for a moment and you notice her seat is all wet:) A few examples of such phrases are: "Create an opening for it... feel that thought penetrate you.... you come over and over again to the same conclusion...". Now that you know what to look for, you'll find more phrases in the example patterns presented in this guide.

One rather dubious aspect of patterns is the so-called weasel phrases. For example the phrases "…these values are below me" pronounced "BLOW ME!", "…a feeling of happiness" pronounced "hap-PENIS!", "…in you're mind" pronounced "YOU'RE MINE!", "…thoughts flowing in a new direction" pronounced "NUDE ERECTION!", "...the sky is so beautiful" pronounced "THIS GUY IS SO BEAUTIFUL!" - these double-meaning pronunciations are supposed to give her subconscious messages, but the effectiveness of such attributes of patterning are slightly questionable though.

The main value of patterns remains in their ability to make a girl recall or imagine absolutely wonderful feelings and states of mind, while subconsciously linking them all to you.

Tanaaz #magick foreverconscious.com

(The latest type of Mary Sue, for those for whom Indigo Children are so last season!)

I will never forget that fateful day.

I was standing at an intersection getting ready to cross the road to my bus stop when a car came speeding through the intersection followed by a trail of police cars.

The fast car crashed into another car in the intersection and both of them spun across the road.

Debris and glass flew everywhere and I couldn’t help notice that if I had taken one more step across that road I probably would not be alive telling this story.

Needless to say, I was shaken. I stood there unable to move for quite some time, watching the victims emerge from the cars. I am not sure how long I stood there.

I eventually crossed the road, still shaken, when this guy approached me.

He was short with black hair and olive skin and he instantly asked me if I was ok. I nodded but couldn’t say much else. He then opened up his groceries that he was carrying and pulled out a slice of bread.

“Carbohydrates are good for shock”, he said as he ripped a slice in half. I thanked him and took the bread, uncertain if I should eat it or not. He just stood there smiling and reassuring me.

When the bus came he asked me what stop I would be getting off at. I reluctantly told him and he walked up to the bus driver, told the driver to stop at my stop, then he grabbed his groceries and walked away.

I was surprised he didn’t get on the bus, but when I looked back to see which direction he went in, he was gone.

I was too shocked to notice it then, but afterwards I couldn’t help but wonder about this strange encounter. I felt bad I hadn’t really thanked him but figured I would see him again. I never did.

It wasn’t until many months later that I realised that this encounter could have very well been with an Earth Angel.

Earth Angels are everywhere and they were sent to learn certain things about the human condition and to guide humans on earth.

Earth Angels are usually Spirit Guides in training, or Spirit Guides who have been sent back to Earth in order to learn or heal others.

Some Earth Angels can know and feel that they are different and are often aware of their spiritual duties, whereas others forget and have a hard time managing their life on Earth.

Here are 21 signs that you may be an Earth Angel:

– You experienced an awakening very early on and perhaps were always attracted to nature, mythical creatures and the meaning of life

– You seem wise beyond your years and often carry a very worldly energy

– Even strangers tend to vent to you their problems and frustrations and you delight in being able to help them

– You don’t feel called to do any one thing, in fact at times you can struggle with feeling grounded and finding your purpose

– You are interested in philosophy, alternative methods of healing and the metaphysical

– You have an intense and deep personality and are not afraid to dig deep within your psyche and the psyche of others to find the truth

– You may feel a constant struggle to align yourself with the physical world, this may manifest as struggling to deal with boundaries and your ego

-Relationships may be difficult for you to handle as you may find yourself attracted to abusive partners or those with deep emotional issues

– It is very likely that you are bi-sexual or have an attraction to both men and women

– You may not feel the need to “settle down”, marry, find a partner or have children

– You try to align yourself with societal expectations but you have a very hard time doing so, or the pursuit of these things can leave you feeling empty

– You are highly intuitive and often foresee events before they occur, you are also very in-tune with others needs

– You are extremely connected to your Spirit Team and have been since you can remember

– You feel protective of children, nature and other vulnerable beings; these beings are also often attracted to you

– Your emotions feel deep and heavy at times and can fluctuate from positive to negative; you have an understanding of both the light and dark emotions

– You may often “space out” or have vivid dreams or daydreams, lucid dream or astral project

– You have an innate understanding of the potential and magic of the Universe

– Your life may undergo many radical changes and you may find that you move around a lot

– You find yourself floating or moving abruptly from one thing to the next as you feel guided or inspired to do so

– You may not have stability but your basic needs such as money, housing, food etc. always seem to be taken care of

– You feel a longing to return home

We are all here to help others and ourselves to evolve to a higher state of consciousness and universal love, regardless of whether we are an Earth Angel or not.

But, if you are truly curious whether you are an Earth Angel, why not ask your Spirit Team to send you a sign, dream or message to confirm.

Miroslaw Kozłowski #crackpot #magick #sexist researchgate.net

Women`s body cycles and Moon


One sideness of Moon surface in respect to Humans on Earth suggest a special role played by Moon in women evolving and life. In some sense the creation of human embryo depends on Moon period. It seems that surface of Moon or some part of it emitted /reflected the Schumann Consciousness field (Psychon) which reached the only the women on Earth surface Divinus women are in direct connection with our Creator Wihout men Universe can survive, without women not

BleuNuit_ #magick #god-complex reddit.com

how to bend reality

We all have a subconscious mind and a conscious mind, 95% of our life is run by the subconscious mind and 5% with the conscious mind, thats why it's so hard to be who you want to be, because your conscious mind wants to be it, but you never become who you want to be, because you're stuck with all the subconscious beliefs that you have from the time you were born.

The law of attraction and the law of vibration , all the thoughts that you have generate your reality/outer world of what you think the world is suppose to be, but the thing is, its impossible to control your thoughts and vibration frequency because it runs on auto pilot from the subconscious mind, BUT why the fuck would 95% of your reality would run on subconscious mind with beliefs that you dont even want and dont give a fuck about and that your stuck with, THE REASON IS the subconscious mind exist because it's an energy saving mode, thats why habits exist, to save energy. So you're just a fucking drone, no matter how smart you are or how bad you want it will not change shit, you're stuck on a program.

The more energy and the longer your semen retention streak is, the balance is going to start to change from 95% subconscious mind/5% conscious mind, and at one point you can completely reverse it 100% conscious and the subconscious mind 0%,it wont be of any use!! and at that point you will experience heaven on heart because with 100% energy in the conscious mind you wont have zero beliefs holding you back, you'll be able to attract ANYTHING and become ANYTHING you want to be, when you have 100% conscious mind running, you manifest like crazy, because you believe 100% there is absolutely 0% beliefs limiting that , the subconscious is shutdown, now you become a walking god, you're transcending the game, YOU OWN THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, it takes a long streak/years to completely shutdown the subconscious, but as you go your life is going to be way better even at the ratio of 80% subconscious mind running to 20% conscious mind.

That's why you guys start experiencing synchronicities on SR, because now that your using your conscious mind a bigger % of the day, because you have energy, you start to see things that you think about with your conscious mind in your reality, because now you think about new things that you have enough energy to think about, you're not a 95% drone with beliefs of who you think you are ANYMORE !!!

Reality is a hologram, it's not material, you just see it like that for the time being that your consciousness is stuck in the human body suit.

You bend reality by controlling your thoughts, feelings and emotions, become the master of your life and control it by shutting down the subconscious mind.

Love you all !!!

UndertakerCel #magick #sexist incels.is

(An older quote, but since it’s Halloween...)

[Serious] Daily reminder that if you die and become a ghost, you will be able to haunt femoids.

If you’re spiritual (like I am), you already know that the personality of ghosts reflects their experiences in life before their death. Incels have been tormented by women and deprived of sex. As a result, when we die and become ghosts, we will be haunting mainly young women out there for treating us in a terrible fashion. In addition, most of these young women are degenerates, so an exorcist won’t be able to save them (based on religious law), since their actions are immoral.

That’s a new cope for you guys. Enjoy :)

WND Staff #fundie #magick wnd.com

Thousands of witches to cast massive spell on Trump and his supporters
Instructed to call on 'demons of the infernal realms'
WND Staff By WND Staff
Published October 22, 2019 at 8:40pm

[Stock image of a witch with glowing eyes and veins stretching her hand out]

At one minute before the stroke of midnight on Oct. 25, thousands of self-identified witches plan to simultaneously conduct a ritual meant to "bind" President Trump "and all those who abet him."

The practice has taken place monthly since Trump's inauguration, notes Michael Snyder on his End of the American Dream blog, but with Halloween approaching and an impeachment inquiry underway, it's getting renewed media attention.

The practitioners explain that unlike a "curse" or a "hex," a "binding spell" is not meant to cause harm.

"Rather," writes Snyder, "the witches hope to prevent President Trump from doing harm to the United States by his actions, and so they actually believe that they are doing something very positive for the country."

But a closer examination "reveals some very disturbing details," he writes, as the witches are instructed to call on "demons of the infernal realms" for help in binding Trump and his allies.

With props that include an unflattering photo of Trump, a tarot card, a stub of an orange candle, a pin and a feather, the participants will call on the "heavenly hosts, demons of the infernal realms, and spirits of the ancestors" to bind Trump "so that his malignant works may fail utterly."

"Many people may laugh at such antics, but that is only because they have never had a personal encounter with the powers of darkness," writes Snyder. "We live in a world where the supernatural is commonplace, and the powers of darkness are very, very real."

He points out that the developer of the anti-Trump ritual acknowledges binding spells "are some of the oldest in the historical record, and are nearly universal in the world’s magical systems."

Vox reported as many as 13,000 witchcraft practitioners are involved in the anti-Trump movement.

The "resistance witches," comprised of internet neo-pagans, Wiccans and solo practitioners who self-identify as "hedge witches," form a collective known as the #MagicResistance.

The spell, a variant on a traditional “binding” spell found in many contemporary neo-pagan and other occult practices, involves channeling energy to limit Trump’s power, “so that he may fail utterly/that he may do no harm."

Practitioners, notes Snyder, have the option to add, "You’re fired."

From 1990 to 2008, the number of practitioners of Wicca, a form of witchcraft, increased from about 8,000 to about 340,000 in the United States. In 2014, according to a Pew survey, there were as many as 1.5 million.

Laura Eisenhower #conspiracy #magick #ufo #crackpot cosmicgaia.org

Laura Eisenhower is a Global Alchemist, Researcher and Intuitive Astrologist. She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide. Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and she reveals Exopolitical information about his administration, that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Galactic History. Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop, False Archonic systems and Military Industrial Complex and exposes hidden agendas so we can take our power back. Feeling a calling regarding her mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through experience, psychic development and research, about how to guide us into higher Earth energies. She has a deep understanding of the Gaia-Sophia and Magdalene energies of love and wisdom and how they connect to the Venus transits and Ascension. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers.

Karin Tag #magick #ufo #mammon seraphim-institut.de

Translator’s notes
- Italics represent gratitious English.
- [Fortune/Happiness] - the German word, “Glück”, means both.
- As always, errors are deliberate “translations” of errors in the original German.

Overview Events of the Year — Crystal Skull Guardian School 2019 — Star Gate Guardian Seminary 2019 — RetreatTrip Buddha Your LifeBuddha Your Life Seminary — Training for Future-Interpreter of the NazcaOracle2019 — Channeling Summer Solstice — Prayersline Crystal Library 24h — The NazcaOracle of the Atlantean Crystal Library 2019 — Channeling 21.12.2018 — Crystal Skull Guardian Advanced Traininig 2018 - Personal Channeling 2018 — Avalonian Crystal Guardian 2018 — DruidicHoroscopeSeminary — Magic of the Moon — Travel Stonehenge & Avebury — Training for Shamanistic Healer of the Future — Epiphysis Healer - Spiritual Healing through the path of pineal gland activation — One-on-one Advice “The Oracle of the Atlantean Crystal Library” — One-shot ceremony at the Atlantean Crystal Heart — Personal Energy Transfer with Corazon de Luz — Opening Heart and Soul — Angel Seminary — Mediators Training — Ch’usiqa Killa - Initiation into the power of the Moon-Owl with Corazon de Luz — Corazon de Luz and the Dragon Guardians — WIRAK WAYRA - The white wind — Seminary Every person has their star — MasterCode of Universe — Council of World Elders Report 3rd Congress 2013

Events 2019

Seminary “Buddha Your Life
In this seminary, You learn to manifest the Positive and set new goals that make You [fortunate/happy]. With the ancient crystal skull BUDDHA and the crystal skull SIDDHARTA from the future.

A special journey to Turkey

Exercises on the Manifestation of [Fortune/Happiness], together with the experiences of special Places of Power in Turkey, will help You manifest [Fortune/Happiness]. Buddha your Life and enjoy the Creative Force!

Jouney to Stonehenge of the Crystal Skull Guardian School Degree 3

The NazcaOracle of the Atlantean Crystal Library®
The Earth Tablet of the Atlantean Crystal Library® - also known as the Nazca tablet - is, in connection with 100 Crystal Oracle Stones, a wondrous instrument for gazing into the future.

“The NazcaOracle of the Atlantean Crystal Library®”
Seminary in Zürich, Life Force Fair

*Presentation of the Nazca Crystal Tablet for activating our Atlantean wisdom and for invigorating our spiritual growth
*Meditation with the Nazca Crystal Tablets and the Nazca Oracle Stones
*Introduction into the meaning of the 100 Stones of Wisdom
*Interpretation of the divination oracle for Mankind

Channeling with Karin Tag and Corazon de Luz
Life Force Fair, Zürich

Karin Tag channels the crystal skull entity Corazon de Luz, full of Light and Love. Much is said that is important and meaningful for us in this age. The channeling grants us a picture of our current situation and a gaze into our future. It is a wonderful opportunity for spiritual growth and support in all situations in life.

Training for Future-Interpreter of the NazcaOracle - Degree 1
With the OriginalNazcaOracle of the Atlantean Crystal Library®, you will attain your initiation ito the art of divination of the Atlantean Age.
Training encompasses 5 week ends in 2019:


Crystal Skull Guardian School Degree 2
You become able to harmonise the aura and energy field of humans, animals and plants powerfully with help of starlight.

Seminary “Buddha Your Life
Second instance due to high demand.

Channeling on the Summer Solstice on Friday, 21st June of 2019, evening event starting at 7 pm
Karin Tag makes herself available for a channeling of the crystal skull Corazon de Luz. It is explained what is very important for us in this age and a vision of our future can hep us with important decisions. Please tell us as soon as possible if you want to attend, as spots are limited by spatial constrains.


Star Gate Guardian Seminary
Enter the training for Star Gate Guardian together with Corazon de Luz and Karin Tag.

The training encompasses 3 weekends.


24 hours a day, the Prayersline of the Atlantean Crystal Library is there for you!
Crystal Library

24 Hours HOTLINE
2.50 € per minute.
The income will be donated to worldwide projects of the Council of World Elders.)

Your wishes and concerns will be energised at the Atlantean Crystal Library!
From Germany: [number] (2.50€/ minute); Austria: [number] (2.16 €/ minute); Switzerland: [number] (3.105 SFR/ minute)

Infos on the Prayerline of the Atlantean Crystal Library

Events 2018

April 2018
Annual/One-year (?) Training for Avalonian Crystal Guardian of Earth

Merlin’s Avalonian School is a unique school in which old druidic rituals, celebrations and magical ceremonies are taught.

Training encompasses three weekends in 2017⁄2018

June 2018
Star Gate Guardian Seminary

Star Gate Guardian initiation including course for constructing a Star Gate and Starlight Collector.

Training encompasses three weekends in 2018:

December 2018
Crystal Skull Guardian Advanced Training World Healing 2018
Advanced training of Crystal Skull Guardians of all degrees (Degree 1, Degree 2, Degree 3).

Channeling at the Winter Solstice on Friday, 21st December 2018, evening event
Karin Tag makes herself available for a channeling of the crystal skull Corazon de Luz. It is explained what is very important for us in this age and a vision of our future can hep us with important decisions. Please tell us as soon as possible if you want to attend, as spots are limited by spatial constrains.

Prize: 90,– Euro
Place: Region Frankfurt/Main
Date: Friday, 21st December 2018, starting at 7 pm (evening event)

Original GermanJahresübersicht Events — Kristallschädelhüter Schule 2019 — Sternentorhüter Seminar 2019 — Retreat Reise Buddha Your Life — Buddha Your Life Workshop — Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels 2019 — Channeling Sonnenwende — Prayersline Crystal Library 24h — Das Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek 2019 — Channeling 21.12.2018 — Kristallschädelhüter Fortbildung 2018 — Persönliches Channeling 2018 — Avalonische Kristallhüter — Druiden Horoskop Seminar — Magie des Mondes — Reise Stonehenge & Avebury — Ausbildung zum Schamanischen Heiler der Zukunft — Epiphysis Healer - Geistige Heilungen durch den Weg der Zirbeldrüsenaktivierung — Einzelberatung "Das Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek" — Einzelzeremonie am Atlantischen Kristallherz — Persönliche Energieübertragung mit Corazon de Luz — Herz- und Seelen Öffnung — Engelseminar — Mediatoren Ausbildung — Ch'usiqa Killa - Einweihung in die Kraft der Mond-Eule mit Corazon de Luz — Corazon de Luz und die Drachenhüter — WIRAK WAYRA - Der weiße Wind — Seminar Jeder Mensch hat seinen Stern — MasterCode of Universe — Council of World Elders Bericht 3. Kongress 2013

Events 2019
Workshop "Buddha Your Life"

In diesem Workshop lernst Du das Positive zu manifestieren und steckst Dir neue Ziele, die Dich glücklich machen. Mit dem antiken Kristallschädel BUDDHA und dem Kristallschädel SIDDHARTHA aus der Zukunft.

16. Februar 2019 (ausgebucht, Wiederholungstermin am 20. Juni)

Die Plätze für diesen Workshop sind aus räumlichen Gründen begrenzt.

Für Details bitte auf den Info Button klicken.

Anmeldung Info


Eine besondere Reise in die Türkei

Übungen zur Manifestation des Glücks, verbunden mit der Erfahrung besonderer Kraftplätze in der Türkei, werden Dir helfen, das Glück zu manifestieren. Buddha your Life und freue Dich an der Schöpfungskraft!

18. bis 22. März 2019

Info Fotogalerie

Reise nach Stonehenge der Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 3

28. bis 30. März 2019

Info Fotogalerie

Das Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek®

Die Erdtafel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® - oder auch Nazcatafel genannt - ist in Verbindung mit 100 Kristallorakelsteinen ein wunderbares Instrument, um in die Zukunft zu blicken.

1 Seminarwochenende 6. und 7. April 2019

Samstag 10 - 17 Uhr und Sonntag 10 - 13 Uhr



Eine besondere Reise in die Türkei

Übungen zur Manifestation des Glücks, verbunden mit der Erfahrung besonderer Kraftplätze in der Türkei, werden Dir helfen, das Glück zu manifestieren. Buddha your Life und freue Dich an der Schöpfungskraft!

29. April bis 3. Mai 2019

Anmeldung Info Fotogalerie

"Das Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek®"
Workshop in Zürich, Lebenskraftmesse

*Vorstellung der Nazca-Kristalltafel zur Aktivierung unserer atlantischen Weisheit und zur Stärkung unseres spirituellen Wachsens

*Meditation mit der Nazca-Kristalltafel und den Nazca-Orakelsteinen

*Einführung in die Bedeutung der 100 Steine der Weisheit

*Deutung des Wahrsageorakels für die Menschheit

Samstag, 11. Mai 2019, 10:30 bis 13:30 Uhr


Messehalle Zürich Oerlikon

Wallisellenstrasse 49

8050 Zürich

Tel. +41 (0)78 705 6000, Di - Do 10 - 12 Uhr

Vorverkauf und Info

Channeling mit Karin Tag und Corazon de Luz
Lebenskraftmesse, Zürich
Karin Tag channelt das licht- und liebevolle Kristallschädelwesen Corazon de Luz. Es wird viel gesagt, was für uns in dieser Zeit wichtig und von Bedeutung ist. Das Channeling gibt uns ein Bild von unserer momentanen Situation und einen Ausblick auf unsere Zukunft. Es ist eine wunderbare Möglichkeit des spirituellen Wachsens und der Unterstützung in allen Lebenslagen.
Samstag, 11. Mai 2019, 20:00 bis 21:00 Uhr


Messehalle Zürich Oerlikon

Wallisellenstrasse 49

8050 Zürich

Tel. +41 (0)78 705 6000, Di - Do 10 - 12 Uhr

Vorverkauf und Info

Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels - Grad 1

Am Original Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® erhältst du deine Einweihung in die Kunst der Weissagung der atlantischen Zeit.

Ausbildung umfasst 5 Wochenenden in 2019:

Jeweils samstags 10-17 Uhr und sonntags 10-13 Uhr

18. bis 19. Mai 2019

15. bis 16. Juni 2019

17. bis 18. August 2019

9. bis 10. November 2019

14. bis 15. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 2

Sie werden befähigt das Aura- und Energiefeld von Menschen, Tieren und Pflanzen kraftvoll mit Hilfe des Sternenlichtes zu harmonisieren.

8. bis 10. Juni 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels - Grad 1

Am Original Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® erhältst du deine Einweihung in die Kunst der Weissagung der atlantischen Zeit.

Ausbildung umfasst 5 Wochenenden in 2019:

Jeweils samstags 10-17 Uhr und sonntags 10-13 Uhr

18. bis 19. Mai 2019

15. bis 16. Juni 2019

17. bis 18. August 2019

9. bis 10. November 2019

14. bis 15. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Workshop "Buddha Your Life"

Wiederholungstermin aufgrund der großen Nachfrage.

In diesem Workshop lernst Du das Positive zu manifestieren und steckst Dir neue Ziele, die Dich glücklich machen. Mit dem antiken Kristallschädel BUDDHA und dem Kristallschädel SIDDHARTHA aus der Zukunft.

20. Juni 2019

Die Plätze für diesen Workshop sind aus räumlichen Gründen sehr begrenzt.

Für Details bitte auf den Info Button klicken.

Anmeldung Info

Channeling zur Sommersonnenwende am Freitag, 21. Juni 2019, Abendveranstaltung ab 19 Uhr

Karin Tag stellt sich zu einem Channeling des Kristallschädels Corazon de Luz zur Verfügung. Es wird viel erklärt, was für uns in dieser Zeit sehr wichtig ist und ein Ausblick auf unsere Zukunft kann uns jetzt bei wichtigen Entscheidungen helfen. Bitte teilt uns schnellstmöglich mit wenn Ihr teilnehmen möchtet, da wir aus raumtechnischen Gründen nur begrenzte Plätze frei haben.

Ort: Region Frankfurt/ Main
Termin: Freitag, 21. Juni 2019, Abendveranstaltung ab 19 Uhr

Anmeldung Info

Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels - Grad 1

Am Original Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® erhältst du deine Einweihung in die Kunst der Weissagung der atlantischen Zeit.

Ausbildung umfasst 5 Wochenenden in 2019:

Jeweils samstags 10-17 Uhr und sonntags 10-13 Uhr

18. bis 19. Mai 2019

15. bis 16. Juni 2019

17. bis 18. August 2019

9. bis 10. November 2019

14. bis 15. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 3

Neue Grad 3 Ausbildung in mehreren Blöcken.

22. bis 25. August 2019

21. bis 24. November 2019

Weitere Blöcke/ Termine nach Absprache

Anmeldung Info

Sternentorhüter Seminar

Gehe mit Corazon de Luz und Karin Tag in die Ausbildung zum Sternentorhüter.

Die Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden.

31. August bis 1. September 2019

16. bis 17. November 2019

Frühjahr 2020

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info


Eine besondere Reise in die Türkei

Übungen zur Manifestation des Glücks, verbunden mit der Erfahrung besonderer Kraftplätze in der Türkei, werden Dir helfen, das Glück zu manifestieren. Buddha your Life und freue Dich an der Schöpfungskraft!

18. bis 22. September 2019

Anmeldung Info Fotogalerie

Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels - Grad 1

Am Original Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® erhältst du deine Einweihung in die Kunst der Weissagung der atlantischen Zeit.

Ausbildung umfasst 5 Wochenenden in 2019:

Jeweils samstags 10-17 Uhr und sonntags 10-13 Uhr

18. bis 19. Mai 2019

15. bis 16. Juni 2019

17. bis 18. August 2019

9. bis 10. November 2019

14. bis 15. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Sternentorhüter Seminar

Gehe mit Corazon de Luz und Karin Tag in die Ausbildung zum Sternentorhüter.

Die Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden.

31. August bis 1. September 2019

16. bis 17. November 2019

Frühjahr 2020

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 3

Neue Grad 3 Ausbildung in mehreren Blöcken

22. bis 25. August 2019

21. bis 24. November 2019

Weitere Blöcke/ Termine nach Absprache

Anmeldung Info

Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 1

30. November bis 1. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

Ausbildung zum Zukunftsdeuter des Nazca Orakels - Grad 1

Am Original Nazca Orakel der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek® erhältst du deine Einweihung in die Kunst der Weissagung der atlantischen Zeit.

Ausbildung umfasst 5 Wochenenden in 2019:

Jeweils samstags 10-17 Uhr und sonntags 10-13 Uhr

18. bis 19. Mai 2019

15. bis 16. Juni 2019

17. bis 18. August 2019

9. bis 10. November 2019

14. bis 15. Dezember 2019

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Anmeldung Info

24 Stunden am Tag ist die Prayersline der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek für Sie da!

Ihre Wünsche und Anliegen werden an der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek energetisiert!
Von Deutschland: 0900-1777 176 (2,50€/ Minute); Österreich: 0900-540486 (2,16 €/ Minute); Schweiz: 0041-901 800 913 (3,105 SFR/ Minute)

Info zur Prayersline der Atlantischen Kristallbibliothek

Events 2018
April 2018
Jahresausbildung zum Avalonischen Kristallhüter der Erde

Die Avalonische Schule Merlins ist eine einzigartige Schule, in der alte druidische Rituale, Feste und magische Zeremonien erlernt werden.

Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden in 2017/2018:

15. bis 18. Dezember 2017

20. bis 23. April

21. bis 24. September

Region Frankfurt/ Main

Ausgebucht/ Keine Plätze mehr verfügbar.

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Mai 2018
Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 1

26. bis 27. Mai 2018

Region Frankfurt/ Main

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Juni 2018
Sternentorhüter Seminar

Einweihung zum Sternentorhüter inklusive Kurs zum Bau eines Sternentors und Starlight Collector.

Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden in 2018:

9. bis 10. Juni

15. bis 16. September

17. bis 18. November

Region Frankfurt/ Main

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Einzeltermine zum Channeling mit Karin Tag und Corazon de Luz

16. Juni, nur nach Vorreservierung möglich

Region Frankfurt/ Main

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September 2018
Sternentorhüter Seminar

Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden in 2018:

9. bis 10. Juni

15. bis 16. September

17. bis 18. November

Region Frankfurt/ Main

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Jahresausbildung zum Avalonischen Kristallhüter der Erde

Die Avalonische Schule Merlins ist eine einzigartige Schule, in der alte druidische Rituale, Feste und magische Zeremonien erlernt werden.

Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden in 2017/2018:

15. bis 18. Dezember 2017

20. bis 23. April

21. bis 24. September

Region Frankfurt/ Main

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November 2018
Sternentorhüter Seminar

Ausbildung umfasst 3 Wochenenden in 2018:

9. bis 10. Juni

15. bis 16. September

17. bis 18. November

Region Frankfurt/ Main

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Kristallschädelhüter Schule Grad 1

24. bis 25. November 2018

Region Frankfurt/ Main

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Dezember 2018
Einzeltermine zum Channeling mit Karin Tag und Corazon de Luz

8. Dezember, nur nach Vorreservierung möglich

Region Frankfurt/ Main

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Kristallschädelhüter Fortbildung Weltheilung 2018
Fortbildung der Kristallschädelhüter aller Grade (Grad 1, Grad 2, Grad 3).
15. bis 16. Dezember 2018

Region Frankfurt/ Main

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Channeling zur Wintersonnenwende am Freitag, 21.12.2018, Abendveranstaltung

Karin Tag stellt sich zu einem Channeling des Kristallschädels Corazon de Luz zur Verfügung. Es wird viel erklärt, was für uns in dieser Zeit sehr wichtig ist und ein Ausblick auf unsere Zukunft kann uns jetzt bei wichtigen Entscheidungen helfen. Bitte meldet Euch schnellstmöglich verbindlich an, da wir aus raumtechnischen Gründen nur begrenzte Plätze frei haben.

Preis: 90.-- Euro
Ort: Region Frankfurt/ Main
Termin: Freitag, 21. Dezember 2018, ab 19 Uhr (Abendveranstaltung)

Info Anfrage

D. J. Conway #magick amazon.com

Dancing with Dragons: Invoke Their Ageless Wisdom & Power

Why do all cultures, distant and diverse, have similar tales of dragons? Universal wisdom confirms dragons have interacted with people since time immemorial—they call to us, pique our curiosity, and arouse our fears. These mystical beasts are real and their power, their influence, and especially their magick can be captured. Building upon rituals and drawing on their energy, learn to befriend these inspirational creatures and become partners with them on a spiritual journey. Move with them, learn from them, dance in perfect human/dragon syncopation.

(Emphasis added)

Anthony William #quack #magick amazon.com

Medical Medium: Secrets Behind Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal

Anthony William, the one and only Medical Medium, has helped tens of thousands of people heal from ailments that have been misdiagnosed or ineffectively treated or that doctors can’t resolve. He’s done this by listening to a divine voice that literally speaks into his ear, telling him what lies at the root of people’s pain or illness and what they need to do to restore their health. His methods achieve spectacular results, even for those who have spent years and many thousands of dollars on all forms of medicine before turning to him. Now, in this revolutionary book, he opens the door to all he has learned in over 25 years of bringing people’s lives back: a massive amount of healing information, much of which science won’t discover for decades, and most of which has never appeared anywhere before.

Medical Medium reveals the root causes of diseases and conditions that medical communities either misunderstand or struggle to understand at all. It explores all-natural solutions for dozens of the illnesses that plague us, including Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, hormonal imbalances, Hashimoto’s disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, neurological conditions, chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, blood sugar imbalances, colitis and other digestive disorders, and more. It also offers solutions for restoring the soul and spirit after illness has torn at our emotional fabric. Whether you’ve been given a diagnosis you don’t understand, or you have symptoms you don’t know how to name, or someone you love is sick, or you want to care for your own patients better, Medical Medium offers the answers you need. It’s also a guidebook for everyone seeking the secrets to living longer, healthier lives.

"The truth about the world, ourselves, life, purpose—it all comes down to healing," Anthony William writes. "And the truth about healing is now in your hands."

Stefan Limmer #quack #magick amazon.com

Shamanistic Interpretation of Illnesses (with CD): Understanding the soul message, finding ways of healing (GU Mind & Soul solo title)

No one like being ill. And yet, diseases are our constant companions. We tend to see something bad in them. But every illness and every symptom wants to communicate something to us. This message of the soul is unique in each individual case. Nevertheless, a general interpretation is also possible, giving a first pointer towards where the affected have to look deeper to find a cure. Naturopath and shaman Stefan Limmer decyphers the basic pattern of widespread syndromes from a shamanistic perspective, explains the “language” of our organs and shows how illnesses come to be in general. Here, Karma both of the individual and of the family, weakened archetypes within the soul or deep psychological wounds that have led to a loss of the soul can play a role. Paths to recovery are healing meditations, spiritual travels towards the Inner Healer in the book and on the CD. Additionally, many helpful inspirations are given on bringing aspects within us that have gotten out of tune back into balance.

Original GermanNiemand ist gern krank. Dennoch sind Krankheiten unsere ständigen Begleiter. Wir neigen dazu, sie als etwas Schlechtes anzusehen. Aber jede Krankheit und jedes Symptom möchte uns etwas mitteilen. Diese Botschaft der Seele ist individuell und einzigartig. Dennoch ist auch eine allgemeine Deutung möglich, um eine erste Richtung zu weisen, wo Betroffene tiefer hinschauen können, um Heilung zu finden. Heilpraktiker und Schamane Stefan Limmer entschlüsselt die Grundmuster weitverbreiteter Krankheitsbilder aus schamanischer Sicht, erläutert die „Sprache“ unserer Organe und zeigt ganz allgemein, wie Krankheit entsteht. Dabei können individuelles sowie Familien-Karma, geschwächte innerseelische Archetypen oder tiefe seelische Verletzungen, die zum Seelenverlust geführt haben, eine Rolle spielen. Wege zur Gesundung sind Heilmeditationen, Seelenreisen zum inneren Heiler im Buch und auf CD. Dazu gibt es viele hilfreiche Anregungen, wie wir Aspekte in uns, die aus dem Lot geraten sind, zurück ins Gleichgewicht bringen können.

“Dr. Joe Dr Dispenza” #magick amazon.com

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

What would it mean to become supernatural? What if you could tune in to frequencies beyond our material world... change your brain chemistry to access transcendent levels of awareness... create a new future... and transform your very biology to enable profound healing? This is what Dr. Joe Dispenza offers in this revolutionary book: a body of knowledge and a set of tools that allow ordinary people-people just like you-to reach extraordinary states of being. Dr. Joe, author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, draws on up-to-the-minute research in neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to show how this kind of transformation takes place and what it can mean for our lives. In these pages, you'll explore: - How to free yourself from the past by reconditioning your body to a new mind - How changing your frequency allows you to create reality in the "generous present moment" - The secret science of the pineal gland and its role in accessing mystical realms of reality - How to shift your awareness beyond the limited, predictable material world and move into the quantum field of infinite possibilities - And much more Using tools and practices ranging from state-of-the-art brain imaging to exercises such as a walking meditation, Dr. Joe offers nothing less than a program for stepping outside our physical reality and into a new world. "This is who we really are," he writes, "and this is the future I'm creating-one in which each and every one of us becomes supernatural."

Martin Sonnleitner #magick amazon.com

opening Third Eye: Purification and Activation of the pineal gland, Effective Techniques to expand the Consciousness

What are the benefits of an opened Third Eye?

* Times and times again, one hears and reads of that magical Third Eye that allows one to see many things clearly and intensively.

Very few, however, know what exactly the Third Eye is. In this book, we accompany You on an exciting journey of exploration and explain to You in all details what Your Third Eye is, how and where it can be found, and what benefits an opened Third Eye brings.

Start NOW and Learn:

Terms like Chakra and Yoga are explained, You gain insight into meditation and learn how You bring about a good Third Eye through Your nutrition as well.

* In this small and very personal advisor, we attempt to teach You the connections between the pineal gland and the Third Eye and you learn why the Third Eye is more than a mere product of overactive imagination.

* With this book, we take You by the hand and accompany You onto a new and most exciting path towards more intuition, humanity and empathy.

To learn what one neeeds to open one’s Third Eye Click on buy now in the upper right of the page and start today already!

Original GermanDrittes Auge öffnen: Reinigung und Aktivierung der Zirbeldrüse, Wirkungsvolle Techniken um das Bewusstsein zu erweitern

Was sind die Vorteile von einem geöffneten dritten Auge?

Immer wieder hört und liest man von jenem magischen dritten Auge, welches die Möglichkeit bietet, viele Dinge intensiv und klar zu sehen.

Die wenigsten wissen jedoch, was das dritte Auge genau ist. In diesem Buch begleiten wir Dich auf eine spannende Entdeckungsreise und erklären Dir ganz genau, was Dein drittes Auge ist, wie und wo Du es findest und welche Vorteile ein geöffnetes drittes Auge bietet.

Beginne JETZT und Lerne:

Es werden Begriffe wie Chakra und Yoga erklärt, Du erhältst Einblick in die Meditation und erfährst, wie Du auch durch Deine Ernährung für ein gutes drittes Auge sorgst.

In diesem kleinen und sehr persönlichen Ratgeber versuchen wir Dir die Zusammenhänge zwischen der Zirbeldrüse und dem dritten Auge zu vermitteln und Du findest heraus, warum das dritte Auge tatsächlich mehr als ein Produkt einer blühenden Fantasie ist.

Mit diesem Buch nehmen wir Dich an der Hand und begleiten Dich auf einem neuen und durchaus spannenden Weg in Richtung mehr Intuition, Menschlichkeit und Empathie.

Um zu lernen was man braucht um sein drittes Auge zu öffnen Klicke auf jetzt kaufen auf der rechten oberen Seite und starte noch heute!

Dieter Broers #magick #crackpot amazon.com

Age of the Sun: Forwards Into A New Era

In fascinating prose, Dieter Broers explains that we live in a holographic universe, in which the information and creative energy of the Whole is contained in every vertex. Our world is for from deterministic, it also it created through our selves as long as we transform our own Being and merge once more with the Cosmic Consciousness. Dieter Broers supports his revolutionary theses with the results of bleeding-edge research. In this, he draws from the very latest of insights on biophysics, quantum physics and heliobiology that were, until now, only known in the most elite circles of the scientific community. The astonishing conclusion of this unique, interdisciplinary synopsis: The perpetual process of Creation is not in any way an one-way street in communicating unceasingly with the energy of all cosmic planes, the human mind literally becomes the Co-Creator of the Universe!

Original GermanSonnenzeit: Aufbruch in eine neue Ära

Auf faszinierende Weise erläutert Dieter Broers, dass wir in einem holografischen Universum leben, in dem an jedem Punkt die Information und die gestaltende Energie des Ganzen enthalten sind. Unsere Welt ist alles andere als determiniert, sie entsteht auch durch uns selbst vorausgesetzt, wir transformieren unser eigenes Sein und verschmelzen wieder mit dem kosmischen Bewusstsein. Mit hochaktuellen Forschungsergebnissen untermauert Dieter Broers seine revolutionären Thesen. Dabei greift er auf allerneueste, bisher nur in engsten Kreisen der wissenschaftlichen Fachwelt bekannte Erkenntnisse aus Biophysik, Quantenphysik und Heliobiologie zu. Das erstaunliche Ergebnis dieser einzigartigen, interdisziplinären Gesamtschau: Der immerwährende Schöpfungsprozess ist alles andere als eine Einbahnstraße indem der menschliche Geist unaufhörlich mit der Energie aller kosmischen Ebenen kommuniziert, wird er buchstäblich zum Mit-Schöpfer des Universums!

Ancient Astronaut Archive #ufo #magick youtube.com

(Description of two and a half hour video (not the longest of theirs by any means)

Preface 0:35
Introduction 6:57
PART 1: The History of Thoth, The Atlantean 10:03
PART 2: The Halls of Amenti 20:11
PART 3: The Key of Wisdom 30:50
PART 4: The Space Born 40:01
PART 5: The Dweller of Unal 48:24
PART 6: The Key of Magic 57:25
PART 7: The Seven Lords 1:06:50
PART 8: The Key of Mystery 1:16:40
PART 9: The Key to Freedom of Space 1:26:17
PART 10: The Key of Time 1:36:14
PART 11: The Key To Above and Below 1:46:29
PART 12: The Law of Cause and Effect & The Key of Prophecy 1:55:52
PART 13: The Keys of Life and Death 2:03:43
PART 14: Atlantis 2:10:17
PART 15: Secret of Secrets 2:20:32

Primarily through the works of Zecharia Sitchin and other scholars researching the ancient Sumerian, Babylonian and Akkadian texts, a connection has been posited between the pantheons of Sumerian gods and Egyptian gods. To those who have gained wisdom in this knowledge, we know it is more than a connection. One of the primary tenets of the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis is that the Sumerian gods were real beings and not just part of a mythological construct of the earliest known civilization. As such, to find these gods’ equivalencies in other cultures and civilizations is of paramount importance. Such is the case with Thoth.

The Emerald Tablets contain a history of Atlantis, its mechanical and scientific achievements, the manner it sank below the Atlantean waves, the colonizing of ancient Egypt and even to the construction of the Great Pyramid. But their ‘real’ significance is that they contain the keys to the unfoldment of the Heavens, the Earth, and the Divine Soul of Man. These Tablets are so written that the words respond to attuned thought waves, releasing the associate mental vibrations of an exhilarating rhythm in the mind of the reader. Thus, the magnanimous wisdom of the author is revealed. A casual read will immediately glimpse the thrilling beauty of its rhythm. The Truth Seeker, who is willing to give them a more intensive study, will open avenues to the most intrinsic wisdom; wisdom of unutterable majesty and beauty.

Kirsten Cowart, Doreen Virtue, Karen Noe #magick thespiritscience.net

Tapping Into Angelic Energies: How to Connect With Your Guardian Angel

When I was eight years old, I was playing with the suction cup at the end of my toothbrush. I tested which surfaces it would stick to, the door, the windows, the walls, anything I saw. I demonstrated this awe-inspiring find for my father by attaching the toothbrush to the mirror hung in the hallway. I did not expect what would happen next.

When I tried to pull the toothbrush off the mirror, the mirror fell with it! I squeezed my eyes shut, terrified for the impact. There was a thunderous crash, and I tentatively opened my eyes. I was to the side, next to my father, not where I was standing before. But I hadn’t moved! Glass shards were littered on the ground, and the toothbrush was still in my hand.

I can only speculate what could’ve happened to my brain if that heavy mirror would’ve shattered on my head. Miraculously, there wasn’t a scratch on me. Moments like these are impossible to explain logically. Even my eight-year-old-self understood there must be angels protecting me.

You Have A Guardian Angel

Everyone has a guardian angel.

Even if you don’t believe you are deserving of its conservation, it is there to help you.

This angel was with you since your birth, and will be there to transition you the next world.

It stays with you always with unconditional love, ensuring you are safe and guided.

Visionaries view this being’s aura as being bright white. (1)

It’s important to be in tune with your inner prompting to do the right thing.

They could be your guardian angel guiding you to your correct path in life.

What Is The Name Of Your Angel?

Your guardian angel has a name which you can use to call upon it at any time. If you don’t know the name, it’s very easy to find out.

1. Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for a few minutes.
2. Sit straight on a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor.
3. Take off any article of clothing that binds you, like jewelry, belts, and shoes.
4. Relax and take deep breaths. If it helps, close your eyes. Inhale, taking in everything you want. Exhale, expelling anything undesired.
5. Begin to count your breaths. When you reach 20, ask the guardian angel his or her name. Silence your thoughts as you wait for an answer. You may receive the name in a picture, thought, feeling, or even an audible voice.
6. If you don’t apprehend anything, ask the angel to speak a little louder.

The most common way to obtain the name is through a thought. If a name pops into your head during this exercise, don’t think you made it up.

Your guardian angel is telepathically communicating with you. Accept whatever you receive, the first name that comes to you.

Even if the name sounds strange to you, accept it. Angels are named by G-d and their title can reflect their purpose. If you doubt the name that you heard, request a sign from your angel to confirm it.

If the name was Terence, you might begin seeing this name on catalogs, billboards, name tags, etc. Know that your angel is giving you a sign,

Your angel wants you to know its name. All you need to do is ask. (2)

For Life

Your angel always has been and will be there for you. Many instances occur, and we don’t even realize they were protecting us.

Yesterday I was lost and trying to check a map as I was hurrying to work. Suddenly I found myself on the crosswalk of a busy intersection. I looked up, wondering why the walking sign wasn’t on. In shock, I realize the light was green! I ran to the sidewalk, laughing at myself for being such a fool and reveling at the miracle that I wasn’t hurt.

We all make mistakes, gloriously dumb mistakes. They are part of being human. The angels are there to make us realize where we are and to gently steer us back to the sidewalk, to the path where we belong.

(1) Doreen Virtue. 3 Types of Angels Are With You http://www.angeltherapy.com/blog/3-types-angels-are-you Published: Sept 16, 2016. Accessed: Sept 9, 2016

(2) Karen Noe. What is Your Guardian Angel’s Name? http://www.beliefnet.com/inspiration/articles/what-is-your-guardian-angels-name.aspx Accessed: Sept 9, 2016

Maris Moris #magick thespiritscience.net

Are You In A Bad Mood Or Is It An Earth Bound Spirit Who Won’t Leave You Alone?

When the physical body dies people are not always ready to move on. They can choose to remain in the vibration they were at when embodied. They do not have more knowledge. They do not become more enlightened. They are still subject to the sympathetic person. Why? They feel much more comfortable being in a physical body because that’s what they know. They do not and cannot (without permission) take over the body. Their subconscious “programming” does influence the living person’s body and mind. If the person whose body in which a spirit attachment is in is sensitive to energy, that person will feel and react to the spirit attachments thoughts and emotions, not realizing they belong to someone else.

Spirit attachments are ‘Earth Bound’ meaning they are stuck in a limbo state even if they don’t realize it. They are also stuck in the emotions and mind set ( Programmed beliefs) they had while embodied. Their mind set and emotions, as well as the aliments that affected them before passing away will affect the body they are attached to. Sometimes it starts with anxiety or thoughts of impending doom, other times it starts with physical symptoms for aliments that the body does not have. Which leaves the doctor and the patient frustrated, confused or even misdiagnosed.

If you have an attachment, using the Pendulum or Muscle testing will be very inaccurate, as the thoughts of this person will affect the testing. You might be able to discover whether you have one or more spirit attachments with the following: Test with the Pendulum these statements ( but substitute it with your name): “Kim’s Higher Self knows Kim to have a spirit attachment.” “Kim’s body has more than one spirit in it.” “Kim’s energy field has more than one spirit in it.”

If you get a ‘yes’ to any of these, remain calm. It is like having a roommate. Subconsciously, you agreed to this roommate or he/she would not be with you. All this person needs to know is he/she has better choices.

In a quiet moment in your home point out these choices to the spirit(s) with you:

Close your eyes, breathe in and out to relax, then in your mind or out loud say “I am now my I am” and imagine that you are inside of an empty white room located in the center of your chest. You can test “I am my I am” and “I am in my heart space” and if you get yes for both all you have to do is say “I am my I am and I command all beings that are not “Kim” get into this room now!”

In the ceiling of the while room there is a huge spot light as well as a huge sprinkler like the ones that go off when there is a fire in the room.

As the room fills with people who are not “Kim” you may see them as people or just energy orbs or mist, it really does not matter how you see them because as soon as something appears either the sprinkler sprays them and they dissolve or the spot light turns on and they are vacuumed up into it like the old “beam me up scotty” on star trek.

This is the quantum way of doing things and is the best and most effective as well as easy way to do things. If you would like to do the old fashion way and communicate with the hitchhikers and find out who they are and why they are there you can surely do so. In this case say “I am my I am and I command that any soul who has been in my body that is not me step forward now” then imagine on the back wall of the room a door. The door will open and through it will come one being at a time. Those who have been there the longest will come first or you can say “who ever is making me feel so depressed come forward now” for example. Once they come forward you can ask who they are, how long they have been there, why they are there. They may be confused, they may tell you that you are the dead one that you are actually in their body, I speak from experience on that one!

Next tell them:

1)Look for a Light. It is a Light brighter than the sun, except you can look directly into it. You will feel it welcoming you and drawing you to it. There is no judgment or punishment in the light. You can suggest he/she ask for the perfect guide from the light to come escort them and show them the way. Reassure the spirit no one ever has to stay in the light, but it is in the light he/she will be shown how to attain what he/she desires, including having exactly the kind of body they want if they want to be in the body again. Or, if they feel they did not finish up the life they wanted as they desired or still feel things are missing from that life they will be helped to explore their unfulfilled desires. Then say “Goodbye, I know you are safe now”.

2)Then call in the next soul and do the same thing all over again. This is what I use to clear beings and I had times where it took me 4 hours to clear all the beings from clients or myself. The quantum option I gave first is clearly the fastest and easiest and I programmed it to be instant and that God’s light keep you and the spirits protected from fallen beings or other harmful energies in the universe.

When you are done with either technique say in your head or out loud “I am my I am and I now ask my Higher Self to keep me and my home surrounded with the divine light of the holy spirit and Christ light and that my higher self keep all spirits who do not belong here away.”

Every time before using the pendulum (or other muscle testing), begin with this statement: “My Higher Self knows me to be free of spirit attachments.” If no, you know what to do. If yes, you might also test this: “My Higher Self knows me to have been free of spirit attachments for the past week” just to be sure you are normally spirit attachment free.

A statement that can be used with the snowglobe technique after connecting to the snowglobe, grounding, and clearing using the light from above you can say “I am alone in my snowglobe” if you test “yes” you are good if you test “no” say “I am more than one” , “I am more than 2”, “I am more than 3, or 10, or 100, etc…” once you know how many you are say “I am my I am and I am alone in my snowglobe” imagine that you are in the center of your chest, inside the heart area, and then say Zero. Imagine that a huge white zero comes from above you, drops down into your snowglobe, down through your body, and out your feet into the center of the earth. Then test again “I am alone in my snowglobe” and you should be good. If not do it again until you are clear but the first time should work the only reason it would not is if you are not truly aligned with your heart or your I am self.

jakeducati #god-complex #magick #crackpot reddit.com

Hello brothers,

I was introduced to this subreddit on the recommendation of a friend. The content I have seen so far is impressive and I'd like to add my voice to the chorus.

Many people wonder...why does semen retention (supposedly) increase attraction? Think of it this way: all organisms that exist have a compelling desire for more life. Every organism wants to live life more abundantly. Plants stretch towards the warmth of the sun, people bask outside in the sunshine on a sunny day, animals of all kinds enjoy eating nourishment. All of these are in the pursuit of more life.

As a human, we all are seeking more life in various ways, but this potential is frustrated in some. Some seek it through drugs and alcohol, some seek it through shopping, others seek it in eating harmful foods. The life-sustaining mechanism has been frustrated. The goal is more life but the organism thinks that the way it is going is the correct way. This concept is explained pretty well in the book "Psycho-Cybernetics".

As a man, you hold the seed of creation within your ballsack. The spark that starts the flame. It wants to express itself through the mechanism of ejaculation, of pollination. When you hold this seed, when you retain it, you are ascending to a higher vibration. The purity of life within your semen vibrates at a high frequency. It is pure creation itself. As a result of holding this seed, you start to vibrate at a high frequency. You start to become the sun. You start to radiate. People seek the warmth of the sun, so they will congregate around someone who holds this energy. Why do you think the founders of the world religions had so many adherents? Because they carried the seed. They respected the seed. They cultivated the seed.

A woman wants to bask in the warmth of the sun and express herself. Look how eager they are to shed their clothes when at the beach. Why wouldn't they feel the same way around a man who holds life, who has the sun within him? Women don't want to take their clothes off in front of men who disrespect themselves and the seed within them. These are cold men. They do not feel warmth around these men. That's why many women are not openly sexual with many men. They do not feel safe. A woman is a receptor of energy and the energy that constant fappers give off is dead energy.

As for myself, I feel like I am very hollow individual without semen retention. When I used to spill my semen on a consistent basis, my nutsacks were constantly empty. I felt like a paper man. I felt as if I could be scraped off the surface of the Earth at any minute and no one would bat an eye. I felt hollow. My words are hollow, the feeling in my chest is hollow, everything seems dead. But when I retain, I feel full. I feel vibrant, I feel alive.

So brothers, I encourage you - to press on. We will stand out against the hordes of empty men, the ones who use semen retention as a sword and a shield to fight in the name of God, in the name of the universe, in the name of LIFE.

Abd Lomax #crackpot #magick reddit.com

Parapsychology is by definition a science. A poll of "scientists" with no knowledge of the field is meaningless. Science is not a vote, except, of course, on Wikipedia.

I am far from expert on parapsychology, but there are repeated results. What may be speculated is that there are subtle effects not understood. One of the most remarkable of results was a blind experiment that appeared to show precognition. Turns out that what was presented was chosen by a pseudorandom code generator.

When the pseudorandom code was replace by a true random code generator (based on radioactive decay, I think), the effect disappeared.

That is "scientific investigation" and there is no "pseudoscience" involved, but something totally remarkable was overlooked. The human mind can anticipate the outcome of a normal pseudorandom code? Really? This is astonishing!

Many psychological "anomalies" might be explained by unanticipated capacities of the mind. Parapsychology is about testing explanations.

Pseudoskeptics confuse the science with what is studied, and they pretend that what is studied does not exist. But "unexplained phenomena" certainly do exist, and that's the point.

Shaila Gipson (“Omnec Onec”) #ufo #magick amazon.com

Omnec Onec's book "FROM VENUS I CAME" is a unique classic in spiritual literature. It's her autobiography in which she portrays her life on the astral level of Venus. In a very detailed and clear way, Omnec describes the surface, the society, the history, and the life on the astral dimension of Planet Venus. Additionally, Omnec speaks about the adventure of how and why she decided to manifest a physical body, and about her journey to Earth in 1955.
FROM VENUS I CAME was first published by the US Col. and UFO Investigator Wendelle C. Stevens in 1991 in the USA. It was sold out very quickly.

OMNEC ONEC: "As I was born on the Planet Venus in another dimension and came to your Planet as a young child, I was able to retain the knowledge and information that I had gathered as a Soul through many incarnations and life times. I can keep this information intact, and what I teach people is actually what I KNOW and not what I've read about or what I've heard, but what I have experienced through many different life cycles on Earth and in other dimensions." – "We came as Soul into the polar worlds for only one reason: To have the experiences which will lead us to becoming a conscious co-worker with the Supreme Deity – the REAL LOVE. Real Love is the energy that flows from the creator and supports all forms of life. Without it, nothing can exist. Therefore we are all universal beings and not limited to one existence. There are no limits to love."

Melanie Missing #magick #quack #mammon einhornessenz.de

You will receive the 14 Unicorn Essences in a glass of violet, which additionally protects and amplifies the energy of these essences. Violet light contains a higher quantum of energy and a regenerative effect.

Archangel Michael & the Unicorn Lionheart
Trusting in the guidance of the Sword and the Shield of Truth, You arrive under the protection of Archangel Michael and the unicorn Lionheart. Archangel Michael lays a blue cloak of aura protection around You and the unicorn Lionheart a golden one. On all planes, this powerful combination grants you maximal protection of light. In the energy of the unicorn Lionheart, all fears may be viewed and dissolved in love and light. The connection to the Source of Love grants You deep trust, manifesting on all planes of Your existence.

Archangel Raphael & the Unicorn Celestial Ward
Let Your matrix swing in a new dimension by Archangel Raphael and the unicorn Celestial Ward. They will nurture Your cells in their wondrous light, feel them being revived and renewed. The unicorn Celestial Ward directs its Horn of Light at all regions and organs that are in disharmony. Meanwhile, Archangel Raphael and the unicorn Celestial Ward work to open Your Third Eye and to remove the veils. Ask the unicorn Celestial Ward do touch Your Third Eye with its Horn of Light.

Archangel Gabriel & the Unicorn Silverstar
See the clarity of the moment with Archangel Gabriel and the unicorn Silverstar, the messengers of the New Age. and let Your vibrational frequencies swing to unimagined high with these wonderful beings. Archangel Gabriel and Silverstar know the plan of Your soul, feel Your path clearly! They support You in seeing it clearly. Let Yourself be caressed by their soul-balsam and accept this gift of love.

Archangel Uriel & the Unicorn Sound of Peace
Peace! Let Yourself be engulfed in a wave of peace and welcome the new dynamic of peace into Your life. They bring you the process that shows you where un-peace can be found that may be transformed into peace. Open Yourself to the process of becoming Lord of Peace on Earth. Spray new peace upon the whole world with this essence. Peace be with You!

Archangel Chamuel & the Unicorn Love Charm
Open Your heart to a new vibrational plane of love. The unicorn Love Charm touches the centre of your heart with its Horn of Light and covers the wounds of Your heart and Soul with a spell of love. No matter what relationship in Your life requires a loving impulse, Archangel Chamuel and the unicorn Love- Charm give it to You as a gift! They support You lovingly and show You solutions of love.

Archangel Zadkiel & the Unicorn Alchemist
Reveal what still lies hidden and let Yourself be transformed into radiant light by Archangel Zadkiel and the unicorn Alchemist. Let Your light shine and accept it. All disruptive energies are sent away by this essence. Purify Your aura, Your whole energy and body system, all rooms You are in with the magical energy of Archangel Zadkiel and the unicorn Alchemist.

Archangel Metatron & the Unicorn Earth-Power
Take root! Let Yourself be grounded on all planes of Your existence by Archangel Metatron and the unicorn Earth-Power. You will feel the power of being rooted strongly in Your life. Archangel Metatron and the unicorn Earth-Power are standing directly besides You at every new beginning and at every end and accompany You in the name of love. They channel direct divine Impulses into your Being, so that You may recognise and make up- coming decisions. The direct closeness of God swings through them and transfers the power of the Source into You. If You need strength and courage, let yourself be strengthened by their energy.

Jesus-Sananda & the Unicorn Divine Spark
The consciousness of the heart is with you. Jesus-Sananda and the unicorn Divine Spark touch You and take the feeling of separateness from you. Open Yourself to this master energy and perform a quantum leap towards Your inner master- hood with the help of Jesus- Sananda and the unicorn Divine Spark. They grant You integrity and discipline. Have faith in them and ascend, because for this You have chosen this earthly path.

Mother Mary and the Unicorn Roseheart
The matter of concern to Mother Mary and the unicorn Roseheart is the guidance of the soul in the New Age. Discover Your true beauty through the touch of their deep love. They grant You safety and protection Your exciting travel towards Your free existence. Your inner child may blossom and develop in the way that fits You perfectly and completely. All hormonal themes, whether from man or beast, are accepted and accompanied lovingly by Mother Mary and the unicorn Roseheart. They bring the female and the male side within you into harmony.

Atlantis Essence
Let Yourself be brought back to Your Atlantean memory, to Your “ancient knowledge” by the Aquamarine-blue vibration. The Atlantis unicorns touch You and from their Horns of Light flows crystal energy that helps You let go of karmic entanglements and topics of anxiety. In dire situations, as soon as You spray Yourself with their essence, a herd of unicorns that calm and harmonise You is standing beside You. The unicorns from Atlantis that now return to Earth one by one open the door to the seventh dimension of unicorns and invite You for a stay.

King and Queen of the Unicorns
We stir up that which lies hidden and do not shy away from the darkest corner Your Being and swing you upwards to unimagined heights. Open yourself to the process and enjoy the result. This essence can be combined with any other Unicorn Essence as an accelerant. Through this, all processes gain an enormous dynamic. The King and the Queen of the Unicorns allow You to move on all planes. They give You the “Turbo” for Your further development and support You in reaching Your goals.

Pegasus Essence
The heart’s freedom is beyond measure! The Pegasus unicorns ask You to take seat on their back and start a journey towards Your heart’s freedom with them. Trust them and set of with them towards the wonderful process to transform all addictions in Your life into love, in places where Void exists or is forming, they fill in love, so that You can feel Yourself again, can enjoy the freedom of Your existence. The Pegasus unicorns envelop you lovingly into their wings of light and grant You profound faith in your perfection!

Rainbow Vibration of Light Essence
Rainbow Vibration of Light Essence The Rainbow Unicorns have a special task: They lift up Your mood with their wonderful vibration of colour, long story short: They make you FEEL GOOD! They are the unicorns of the vibration of light, of the colours, of the chakras and auras. If You want to purify and activate your chakras, then this is the right essence for You. The Rainbow unicorns activate Your earth-star and nurture your soul-star so that You have an optimal alignment and connection to the Earth and to Heaven. The radiance of Your aura protects You and You feel good. This essence also helps teenagers to go through their age of puberty well.

Unicorn Foal Essence
Blessed be the levity of existence! Playfully, the Unicorn foals bring more fun and joy of life into Your life. In periods of sadness, they envelop You with their loving energy and help You through these times. This essence helps children both born and still growing in the mother’s womb to feel loved, protected, safe and accepted. Especially in children of the New Age, this essence will go into resonance and helps them to fully arrive on Earth. The essence of foals is very well suited for use on animals.

Do not spray into open wounds or into the eyes!

Original German Die 14 Einhornessenzen erhalten Sie im Violettglas, welches zusätzlich die Energie dieser Essenzen schützt und erhöht. Violettlicht enthält ein höheres Energiequantum und eine regenerierende Wirkung.
» Der Basisessenzen-Flyer als PDF
Im Vertrauen auf die Führung des Schwertes und des Schildes der Wahrheit kommst Du im Schutz von Erzengel Michael und dem Einhorn Löwenherz an. Erzengel Michael legt einen blauen und das Einhorn Löwenherz einen goldenen Auraschutzmantel um Dich herum. Auf allen Ebenen erfährst Du von dieser kraftvollen Kombination den höchsten Lichtschutz. In der Energie des Einhorns Löwenherz dürfen alle Ängste in Licht und Liebe angesehen und aufgelöst werden. Die Anbindung an die Quelle der Liebe schenkt Dir tiefes Vertrauen, manifestiert auf allen Ebenen Deines Seins.
Lass von Erzengel Raphael und dem Einhorn Himmelsschutz Deine Matrix in eine neue Dimension schwingen. Sie werden Deine Zellen mit ihrem wundervollen Licht nähren, fühle, wie sie belebt und erneuert werden. Das Einhorn Himmelsschutz richtet sein Lichthorn auf alle in Disharmonie befindlichen Regionen und Organe. Desweilen arbeiten Erzengel Raphael und das Einhorn Himmels- schutz daran, Dein drittes Auge zu öffnen und die Schleier zu entfernen. Bitte das Einhorn Himmelsschutz darum, Dein drittes Auge mit seinem Lichthorn zu berühren.
Siehe die Klarheit des Augenblicks mit Erzengel Gabriel und dem Einhorn Silberstern, den Boten der neuen Zeit. und lass Deine Schwingungsfrequenz von diesen wundervollen Wesen in ungeahnte Höhen schwingen. Erzengel Gabriel und Silberstern kennen Deinen Seelenplan, spüre deutlich Deinen Weg! Sie unterstützen Dich dabei, ihn klar zu erkennen. Lass Dich von ihrem Seelenbalsam streicheln und nimm dieses Geschenk der Liebe an.
Frieden! Lass Dich in eine Welle des Friedens einhüllen und begrüße die neue Friedensdynamik in Deinem Leben. Sie bringt Dir einen Prozess, der Dir aufzeigt, wo sich Unfrieden befindet, der in Frieden transformiert werden darf. Lass Dich auf den Prozess ein, zum Friedensfürst auf Erden zu werden. Versprühe den neuen Frieden mit dieser Essenz auf der ganzen Welt. Friede sei mit Dir!
Öffne Dein Herz für eine neue Schwingungsebene der Liebe. Das Einhorn Liebeszauber berührt Dein Herzzentrum mit seinem Lichthorn und legt einen Zauber der Liebe über Deine Herz- und Seelenwunden. Egal, welche Beziehung in Deinem Leben einen liebevollen Impulses bedarf, Erzengel Chamuel und das Einhorn Liebes- zauber schenken ihn Dir! Sie unterstützen Dich liebevoll und zeigen Dir Lösungswege der Liebe.
Enthülle, was noch im Verborgenen liegt und lass Dich von Erzengel Zadkiel und dem Einhorn Alchemist in strahlend helles Licht trans- formieren! Lass Dein Licht leuchten und nimm es an. Alle störenden Energien werden mit dieser Essenz fortgeschickt. Reinige Deine Aura, Dein gesamtes Energie- und Körper- system, alle Räume, in denen Du Dich befindest mit der zauberhaften Energie von Erzengel Zadkiel und dem Einhorn Alchemist.
Verwurzele Dich! Lass Dich von Erzengel Metatron und dem Einhorn Erdenkraft auf allen Ebenen Deines Seins erden. Du wirst die Kraft der Verwurzelung stark in Deinem Leben spüren. Erzengel Metatron und das Einhorn Erdenkraft stehen bei jedem neuen Anfang und jedem Ende direkt neben Dir und begleiten Dich im Namen der Liebe. Sie leiten direkte göttliche Impulse in Dein Sein, damit du an- stehende Entscheidungen erkennen und treffen kannst. Gottes direkte Nähe schwingt durch sie und überträgt Dir die Energie der Quelle. Wenn Du Kraft und Mut brauchst, lass Dich von ihrer Energie stärken.
Das Bewusstsein des Herzens ist mit Dir. Jesus-Sananda und das Einhorn Götterfunke berühren Dich und nehmen Dir das Gefühl des Getrenntseins. Lass Dich auf diese Meisterenergie ein und vollziehe mit der Hilfe von Jesus- Sananda und dem Einhorn Götterfunke einen Quantensprung in Richtung Deiner inneren Meister- schaft. Sie verleihen Dir Konsequenz und Disziplin. Vertraue ihnen und steige auf, denn dafür hast Du diesen Erdenweg gewählt.
Das Anliegen von Mutter Maria und dem Einhorn Rosenherz ist Seelen- führung in der neuen Zeit. Entdecke Deine wahre Schönheit durch die Berührung ihrer tiefen Liebe. Sie geben Dir Geborgenheit und Schutz auf Deiner spannenden Reise in Dein freies Sein. Dein inneres Kind darf sich entfalten und sich in der Weise entwickeln, die Dir voll und ganz entspricht. Alle hormonellen Themen, ob bei Mensch oder Tier, werden von Mutter Maria und dem Einhorn Rosenherz liebevoll ange- nommen und begleitet. Sie bringen die weibliche und die männliche Seite in Dir in Einklang.
Lass dich von der Aquamarinblauen Schwingung zu Deiner Atlantischen Erinnerung, zu Deinem "alten Wissen" zurück bringen. Die Atlantis Einhörner berühren Dich und aus ihren Lichthörnern fließt Kristallenergie, die Dir hilft, karmische Verstrickungen und Angstthemen los zu lassen. In Notsituation steht sofort, wenn Du Dich mit ihrer Essenz besprühst, eine Herde Einhörner neben Dir, die Dich beruhigt und harmonisiert. Die Einhörner aus Atlantis, die jetzt nach und nach wieder auf die Erde kommen, öffnen Dir das Tor zur siebten Dimension der Einhörner und laden Dich ein, dort zu verweilen.
Wir wirbeln auf, was im Verborgenen liegt und scheuen nicht die dunkelste Ecke in Deinem Sein. Wir bringen Reinigung in alle Zellen auf allen Ebenen Deines Wesens und schwingen Dich in ungeahnte Höhen auf. Lass Dich auf den Prozess ein und genieße das Ergebnis. Diese Essenz kann als Beschleuniger mit jeder anderen Einhorn Essenz kombiniert werden. Alle Prozesse bekommen dadurch eine enorme Dynamik. Der König und die Königin der Einhörner bringen Dir Bewegung auf allen Ebenen. Sie geben Dir den "Turbo" für Deine Weiterentwicklung und unterstützen Dich bei der Erreichung Deiner Ziele.
Die Freiheit des Herzens ist un- ermesslich! Die Pegasus Einhörner bitten Dich auf ihrem Rücken Platz zu nehmen und mit ihnen eine Reise in die Freiheit zu beginnen, die Freiheit Deines Herzens. Vertraue ihnen und begib Dich mit ihnen in einen wundervollen Prozess, um alle Süchte in Deinem Leben in Liebe umzuwandeln, wo Leere ist oder entsteht, füllen sie Liebe ein, damit Du Dich wieder spüren kannst, die Freiheit Deines Seins genießen kannst. Die Pegasus Einhörner hüllen dich liebevoll in ihre Lichtschwingen ein und schenken Dir den tiefen Glauben an deine Vollkommenheit!
Regenbogen Lichtschwingungs Essenz Die Regenbogen-Einhörner haben eine besondere Aufgabe: Sie heben durch ihre wundervolle Farb- schwingung Deine Stimmung an, kurz gesagt: Sie bringen Dir GUTE LAUNE! Sie sind die Einhörner der Lichtschwingung, der Farben, der Chakren und der Aura. Wenn Du deine Chakren reinigen und aktivieren möchtest, dann ist dies die richtige Essenz für Dich. Die Regen- bogen Einhörner aktivieren Deinen Erdstern und nähren Deinen Seelenstern, damit Du eine optimale Ausrichtung und Anbindung an die Erde und an den Himmel hast. Das Erstrahlen Deiner Aura schützt Dich und Du fühlst dich gut. Diese Essenz hilft auch Teenagern gut durch die Zeit ihrer Pubertät.
Fühle die Leichtigkeit des Seins! Die Einhorn Fohlen bringen Dir auf spielerische Art und Weise mehr Spaß und Lebensfreude in Dein Leben. In Phasen der Traurigkeit umhüllen sie Dich mit ihrer liebevollen Energie und helfen Dir durch diese Zeit. Diese Essenz hilft sowohl geborenen als auch noch im Mutterleib heranwachsenden Kindern, sich in jedem Entwicklungs- stadium geliebt, behütet, sicher und angenommen zu fühlen. Besonders bei den Kindern der neuen Zeit wird diese Essenz in Resonanz gehen und hilft ihnen ganz auf der Erde anzukommen. Die Fohlenessenz eignet sich hervor- ragend für die Anwendung bei Tieren.

Bitte nicht in offene Wunden oder in die Augen sprühen!

secret wiki #conspiracy #magick secret-wiki.de

Magic works and is used in many ways, at times unconsciously, at times deliberately.

Prestidigitators, stage magicians and charlatans contributed to the image of magic being banished into the realm of illusion, tricks, deception, sorcery and fairy tales. With this, more or less fear was created or control over magic conveyed through exposing tricks.

The original meaning and the sense of magic were lost in the process. For distinction, Aleister Crowley introduced the term "magick" to distinguish stage magic, illusionists and pseudo-sorcerers from real sorcerers. This article is about this kind of magic, as there is no German equivalent for the English word "magick".

imageThe four elements and the magic mirror are fundamental to magic.

Is magic real?

The average citizen does not "believe" in it or at least speaks little about it, but an astonishing number of people practice magic.

It is important to realise that magic works and is used on a daily base. Its power and its use can be great and delivers tangible results, although only few can actually manifest it on a large scale. But every disciplined mind can learn and practice it.

Some of the real practitioners do not want the masses to know that and how well magic works because they would lose this advantage in power. Therefore, they spread the belief that it is nothing but tricks and magic effects are the delusions of crackpots.

Recently, the knowledge of magic and its effects has been returning more and more to normal society, but generally, it is not talked about much.
During Christianisation, this folk-knowledge was lost and remains only rudimentary in wisdoms. Thus it was forc-ed to only be preserved and practiced in secret societies or family tradition. Since recent decades, ever better literature on the topic is becoming available, but the area is still strongly dominated by half-knowledge.

The very materialistically or scientifically socialised part of the populace stays firm in their belief in the non-existance of magic or connect magic with superstitious practices divorced from reality.


With “magical thinking”, which is also a stage of development in toddlers, one refers cause and effect selectively to oneself. This means they produce a strong correlation between his own powers of realisation and an event that could just as well have happened completely independently of his thoughts. Experience is dominated by egocentrism and the impression of being the centre of Creation, the point of origin of the universe’s power of Creation.

Such thought-magic is considered a pathological loss of reality in the manic phase in Manic-Depressives. Magical thinking however has another foundation, than gaining awareness and thus is only very limited in its effectiveness (generally just self harming).

Blessings are not viewed in the sense of magic. Here, the focus lies on the Divine, not on the own goals and intentions.

Healers can use magical rituals.


Magic is the art and the science of bringing about changes through altered states of consciousness in accord with the will.
- Frater V.D.

Magic is the wilful influence over reality or as Bardon writes, the sacred science of all knowledge.
It works through various techniques to accomplish definitive goals. In this, magic applies the general Laws of the Mind.

Here, magic is a took and, taken by itself, completely neutral. It is just an option which the practitioner can use in any way. It can be compared with a knife, with which one can prepare food or harm someone else. Its effectiveness can be enormous with good magical schooling and correct usage and should not be underestimated.

A large part of the known effects of magic is based on strong projection of the magician upon the energy field of the addressed one (others or himself), so that his sensations and perception are altered. In this, the self-energy is frequently augmented through rituals or external energies. This can also lead to altered resonances within the different energy bodies of a person that attract corresponding experiences, for example what was once commonly known as a “bad luck” curse.

The options for working magic are diverse, for example:
* Training intuition and willpower
* Energetic work (for example with the 4 elements, energetic body training)
* Thought concentration and focussing
* Working with the subconsciousness
* Usage of foreign energies and powers (angels, (Light-) Masters, demons etc.)
* Working with symbols, archetypes and rituals (candles, visualisations, certain sequences of motion) or usage of amulets
* Spells of banishment or magic, invocations
* Tarot can be used as a way of magical initiation, but the Tarot is not to be equated to magic.
* Esoterics work magic, as long as the intention is to influence or manipulate reality energetically or through willpower. Generally speaking, esotericism is a path to enlightenment and does not contain magic. It does, however deal with the same foundational principles that form the foundation of magic, and for this reason it can result from it. The magical path to enlightenment is more concrete and practical in focus than esotericism, which is focussed on developing consciousness in any form.

An important principle of working magic is formulated in ”To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent”, which is one of the reasons why only few practitioners speak about it. Silence is part of the power of the manifestation, whereas speaking can disperse this power and expose it to opposed forces.

The practice of magic means to influence, to deliberately change things through force of will and at one's own discretion. Characteristically, the main focus here lies in the power of the human will – as opposed to ways of knowing that merely recognise that which is without using this insight: here, the usage is left to the Divine and techniques that optimise the bodily/subtle-energy conditions for the purpose of perceiving personal enlightenment (such as Yoga) are not generally understood as magic/magical forces.

More on occult, magical abilities also in the article Esotericism,
more on techniques in the article Energetic Self-Protection
more on the functional foundations in the article Laws of Life
and even more on magic in a FAQ on magieausbildung.de

White and Black Magic
White magic refers to magic used to heal or to help others. It also includes using magic to protect oneself or others. The intention is to use Light and “good”, benevolent forces. Most witch-cults call themselves white-magical. White magic is also used for the purpose of enlightenment.

Black magic refers to magic used in the pursuit of selfish and self-centered goals, for example in order to gain more money, property, power and success. It is seen as acceptable or even intended that others are harmed or attacked by this. A famous example are voodoo techniques that these days are still used mainly in African countries. Black-magical practices are mainly based on greed, envy, jealousy, anger/hatred and/or lust for power.

From this area stem the attempts to oblige foreign or entire societies into certain rituals to draw power from them. Often enough, these tactics are successful. It is common to wrap dark magic in a nice package and thus deceive. Not everyone who enters dressed in White has honest intentions. Black magic in particular likes to use deception and illusion and does so extensively. Furthermore, it leaves its followers in ignorance and wins through intimidation: in Adepts (those learning the way of magic), to stay dominant, and in the deceived “good” people (who frequently do not have any idea who they serve) simply so that they do what they would not do otherwise.

Tarot Card The Magician
imageThe Sorcerer of the Crowley Tarot in his three manifestations

In the Crowley Tarot Deck, publisher Urania has added all three versions of Frieda Harris’s drawings of the Magicician: the white magician (golden, left), the black magician (with a dark shadow in the background, right), and the magician transcendent (the juggler, at the centre. Crowley, however, had only authorised the sorcerer transcendent back then, which was the form to strive for.

The white and black magician are part of the dual system, of the dual plane, whereas the juggler has integrated and transcended the dual magical forces. He can use both forces – not according to his own volition but in accordance to the divine will.

Transcended dealing with the magical abilities is attributed to spiritual Masters and points to a difference between spiritual Masters and magicians.

Protection Against Magic
The best defence against unwanted magical influences is gaining awareness of the way magic works
In the article Energetic Self-Protection, various options for protecting oneself and locations are described. For a start, everyone can pay attention to the resonance. The ones most likely to deal with deliberate magical ham are people who work magic themselves or who did it in a potential previous life. Old connection can appear or be activated during certain procedures or stages of development. Especially white-magically oriented people frequently challenge nether spirits in polarity. This can lead to the magician being disturbed or influenced by their dark power or to the spirits trying to subjugate him.

imageNo one should move glasses, conjure spirits/ghosts or “play” with comparable things for amusement. If it is done “correctly”, the summoned and unused entity will easily turn against the practitioner.
When a dark guest enters the channel in an ill-conceived attempt at channelling, it is not trivial to get rid of him and successful help is rare.

Ultimately, such “games” result in an increased resonance towards magic of the lower or dark kind, which follows one like a shadow and adds a subliminal bad taste to all good works.

* Against general magical mass-manipulation, a clear mind, a lot of water and a healthy body help. It is always the unaware and weak minds that are susceptible.
* In clubs, it can be problematic if one is the target of magic while weakened (for example by alcohol, tiredness, consumption of drugs). In such a case, the magic can even be effective afterwards, but is normally resolved with a lot of pure water and self-centering. In exceptional cases, external help ie needed, for example by an essence.
* Similarly, harmful energies can be taken with oneself unconsciously at mass events, especially in places where magic is performed in ignorance. Unfortunately, this very fact is not known to the visitors of such events. Then this can also include smaller meetings. The knowledge on how to protect oneself or a good connection to the Divine (or to a divine person) are the best companions.

Positions of power can be named as a further endangered group. In such circles – reportedly in lodges – black magic is used frequently to accomplish economical goals.

Where are magical procedures performed?
* Magically effective procedures and rituals are widely used in religions. This frequently happens without the faithful being aware of it, via rituals and prayers.
* The hypnosis of today supposedly originated in the magical tradition as well, it works with the Subconsciousness and influences it.
* Many circles, lodges, neopagans and cults such as witches practice magic and teach it. Among them, most of them are likely honourable and harmless.
* Tantra, which more and more people are discovering for themselves, was original a spiritual method of enlightenment. However, Tantra is also used frequently magically for the manifestation and deepening of a bond with the wish-partner. When used with this (manipulative) purpose, Tantra counts as sexual magic. As targeted built-up sexual energy has a strong effect, it was used against demons in the past. However, it is advised against manipulation of the Kundalini energy because it can also cause damage if impurities are present.
One example of a magical sexual procedure is here – (in English) – with further types of magic here. (Submitter’s note: Links broken)
* Magical techniques are also used for manipulation of the masses.
* For example through religious symbols on vertices of power that change the base structure of the regional energy. (Christian crosses on the summits of mountains, energy intersections and churches, with the effect of binding the populace to the material)
* Symbols of corporations, ideologies and flags
* Modern advertising, as it utilises originally magical ways to deliver information (advertising) into the Subconsciousness. This is exactly what a magician does with himself, it is just that he determines the content and thus the goal himself.
* The massive proliferation, for example printed-on skulls and bones on many products have magical meaning in regards to the manipulation of society as well (corresponds to Saturn and among other things the preservation of existing structures)

Magic & (World) Politics
Secret, very powerful lodges work in the background and supposedly influence politics, banks and the economy. It is known that very many politicians, magnates, nobility, musicians and bankers in some orders and lodges. At times, they may be harmless, at times subverted and at times indeed part of a powerful network of lodges.

Whether secret lodges do indeed rule the world, but some things indicate their heavy influence. Especially the fact that this topic is avoided in movies and media is conspicuous. In documentaries, it is mostly Rosicrucians and Freemasons are portrayed (for example the membership of most US presidents in the Masonic Lodge). It is at least within the realm of possibility and should therefore worth consideration.
For the study of this topic, the following literature could be helpful:
* Banks, Bread and Bombs – Volume 1 by Stefan Erdmann
* Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century 1 & 2 by Jan van Helsing
* Secret Societies 3rd War of the Freemasons by Jan van Helsing
* And The Truth Shall Set You Free – Part 1 by David Icke
* 334 ‰ Lie by H.M. v. Stuhl

Learning Magic
It is harder to cast magic than to protect oneself against it. It requires disciplines and constant practice, as well as continuous development of character. Another perspective assumes that we only remember, skills we already mastered in earlier lives or as a soul.
The practice of magical procedures is always tied into development of character and a form of therapy.
The short, easy way, is generally called the dark one.

imageIn black magic circles, the learning one (adept) will normally surrender his control completely and entrusts himself completely to a master or to a community. Those who want to leave such a circle apparently frequently suffer worldly or magically induced accidents.

*Various circles offer magical training. As most of them are structured pyramidically, the initiate does not know what the intentions of those ranking above him truly are. Disciples are often monopolised and pay either with (a lot of) money or with his energy and magical work. Interested people should therefore inform themselves in advance and select carefully.
* There are small circles and societies, some of them are public or can be found with a serious search.
* One core are the Laws which should be part of everyone’s basic knowledge and are by themselves completely uncontroversial. These laws, however, also find application within magic, as they represent an instruction for reality.
*Books inform about the methods up to self-training via literature.

* School of High Magic by Frater V.D.
* The Way To The True Adept by Franz Bardon
* Transcendental Magic: Dogma and Ritual of High Magic by Eliphas Levi

Original German Magie wirkt und findet in vielfacher Weise Anwendung, teils unbewusst, teils absichtlich.

Taschenspieler, Bühnenzauberer und Scharlatane haben dazu beigetragen, das Bild von Magie in das Reich von Illusion, Tricks, Manipulation, Betrug, Zauberei und Märchen zu verbannen. Damit wurde mehr oder weniger Angst erzeugt oder durch Entlarvung von Tricks eine Beherrschbarkeit von Magie vermittelt.

Die ursprüngliche Bedeutung und der Sinn von Magie gingen dabei verloren. Zur Abgrenzung wurde daher von Aleister Crowley der Begriff "magick" eingeführt, der Bühnenzauberei, Illusionisten und Pseudomagier von echten Magiern unterscheiden sollte. Der Artikel handelt von dieser Art Magie, wobei es keine deutsche Entsprechung gibt für das englische Wort "Magick".
Die vier Elemente & der magische Spiegel sind Grundlage der Magie

Gibt es Magie wirklich?

Der normale Bürger "glaubt" nicht daran oder spricht zumindest kaum darüber, jedoch wenden erstaunlich viele Menschen magische Praktiken an.

Es ist wichtig zu erkennen, dass Magie wirkt und täglich angewendet wird. Ihre Kraft und ihr Nutzen kann groß sein und liefert handfeste Ergebnisse, wenn dies auch nur wenige in großen Ausmaßen manifestieren können. Doch jeder disziplinierte Geist kann sie erlernen und anwenden.

Manche der tatsächlichen Anwender möchten nicht, dass die breite Masse erfährt, dass und wie wirksam Magie ist, weil sie dann diesen Machtvorteil verlieren würden. Deshalb verbreiten sie, es seien nur Tricks und Spinner würden sich magische Wirkungen einbilden.

Neuerdings kommt das Wissen um die Magie und ihre Wirkungen mehr und mehr wieder in die normale Gesellschaft zurück, dabei wird in der Regel wenig darüber gesprochen.
Durch die Christianisierung ging dieses Volkswissen verloren und ist nur noch rudimentär in Weisheiten verfügbar. Dadurch wurde es gezwungener-maßen, nur in geheimen Vereinigungen oder durch familiäre Überlieferung gepflegt, benutzt und erhalten. Seit einigen Jahrzehnten ist immer bessere Literatur zum Thema erhältlich, trotzdem herrscht noch viel Halbwissen in diesem Bereich.

Der sehr materialistisch oder wissenschaftlich geprägte Teil der Bevölkerung hält an der Nichtexistenz von Magie fest oder verbindet Magie mit realitätsfernen, abergläubischen Praktiken.

Wo wohnen die Dämonen?: Was Sie schon immer über Magie wissen wollten* von Frater V.D.


Beim "magischen Denken", das auch eine Entwicklungsphase des Kleinkindes ist, bezieht der Mensch selektiv Ursache und Wirkung auf sich selbst. Das heißt, er stellt einen extremen Zusammenhang her zwischen seinen eigenen Verwirklichungskräften und einem Geschehnis, was ebenso-gut völlig unabhängig von seinem Denken passiert sein kann. Das Erleben wird beherrscht von Egozentrik und dem Eindruck, der Mittelpunkt der Schöpfung, der Ausgangspunkt der Schöpferkraft des Universums zu sein.

Als krankhafter Realitätsverlust gilt solche Gedankenmagie in der manischen Phase von Manisch-Depressiven. Magisches Denken hat jedoch eine andere Grundlage, als die Bewusstwerdung und ist daher nur sehr begrenzt wirksam (eher nur selbst-schädigend).

Segnungen werden nicht im Sinne von Magie betrachtet. Hier steht das Göttliche im Vordergrund, nicht die eigenen Ziele und Absichten.

Heiler können magische Rituale benutzen.

Magie ist die Kunst und die Wissenschaft, mit Hilfe von veränderten Bewusstseinszuständen im Einklang mit dem Willen Veränderungen herbeizuführen.
Frater V.D.

Magie ist die willentliche Beeinflussung der Wirklichkeit oder wie Bardon schreibt, die heilige Wissenschaft allen Wissens[1]
Sie arbeitet mit verschiedenen Techniken, um definierte Ziele zu erreichen. Die Magie wendet dabei die allgemeinen Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Geistes an.

Die Magie ist dabei ein Werkzeug und für sich genommen völlig neutral. Sie ist nur eine Möglichkeit, welcher der Ausübende auf jede Art nutzen kann. Vergleichbar mit einem Messer, mit welchem man Nahrung zubereiten oder einem anderen schaden kann. Ihre Wirksamkeit kann bei guter magischer Schulung und korrekter Anwendung enorm sein und sollte nicht unterschätzt werden.

Ein Großteil der bekannten Wirkung von Magie beruht auf starker Projektion des Magiers auf das Energiefeld des Adressierten (andere oder er selbst), sodass dessen Empfindung und Wahrnehmung verändert wird. Die Eigenenergie wird dabei gerne mittels Ritualen oder Fremdenergien verstärkt. Das kann in den verschiedenen Energiekörpern einer Person auch veränderte Resonanzen hervorrufen, die entsprechende Erfahrungen anziehen, wie zum Beispiel früher landläufig ein sogenannter "Pech"-Fluch.
Hier beruht die gemachte Erfahrung nach dem Gesetz der Anziehung (Resonanz-Gesetz) nicht auf eigenen Glaubenssätzen sondern auf projizierten, in die Aura platzierten Elementen (Introjekte).

Es gibt vielfältige Möglichkeiten, magisch zu arbeiten, wie zum Beispiel:

Intuition und Willenskraft schulen
Energetisches Arbeiten (zum Beispiel mit den 4 Elementen, energetische Körperschulung)
Gedankenkonzentration und Fokussierung
Arbeiten mit dem Unterbewusstsein
Nutzen fremder Energien und Mächte (Engel, (Licht-) Meister, Dämonen u.ä.)
Arbeiten mit Symbolen, Archetypen und Ritualen (Kerzen, Visualisierungen, bestimmte Bewegungsabfolgen) oder Verwendung von Amuletten
Bann- oder Zaubersprüche, Anrufungen (Invokationen)
Tarot kann als magischer Einweihungsweg Verwendung finden, doch ist das Tarot nicht mit Magie gleichzusetzen.
Esoteriker arbeiten magisch, sofern die Absicht verfolgt wird, energetisch oder mit Willenskraft, die Wirklichkeit zu beeinflussen oder zu manipulieren. Grundsätzlich ist die Esoterik ein Erkenntnisweg und beinhaltet keine Magie. Jedoch befasst sie sich mit denselben Grundprinzipien, die der Magie zugrunde liegen, weshalb es sich daraus ergeben kann. Der magische Erkenntnisweg ist konkreter & praktischer angelegt als die Esoterik, die sich auf Bewusstseinsentwicklung ausrichtet, auf jedwede Art und Weise.

Ein wichtiger Grundsatz der magischen Arbeit formuliert sich in "Wisse, Wage, Wolle, Schweige", was mit dazu führt, dass nur wenige Ausübende darüber sprechen. Das Schweigen gehört zur Kraft der Manifestation, während das Sprechen diese Kraft zerstreuen und Gegenkräften aussetzen würde.

Die Anwendung von Magie bedeutet, zu beeinflussen, gezielt Dinge durch Willenskraft und nach eigenem Ermessen zu verändern. Kennzeichnend ist hierbei der Hauptfokus auf die Macht des menschlichen Willens - im Gegensatz zu Erkenntniswegen, die lediglich das anerkennen, was ist, ohne die Erkenntnis zu benutzen: die Verwendung wird hier dem Göttlichen überlassen und Techniken, die die körperlichen/feinstofflichen Bedingungen zur Wahrnehmung der eigenen Erkenntnis optimieren (wie Yoga), werden im Allgemeinen nicht als Magie bzw. magische Kräfte verstanden.

Mehr zu okkulten, magischen Fähigkeiten auch im Artikel Esoterik,
mehr zu Praktiken im Artikel Energetischer Selbstschutz
mehr zu funktionellen Grundlagen im Artikel Lebensgesetze
und noch mehr zu Magie in einem FAQ von magieausbildung.de
Weiße und Schwarze Magie

Von weißer Magie wird gesprochen, wenn damit geheilt oder anderen geholfen wird. Auch die Anwendung zum Schutz für sich selbst oder von anderen zählt dazu. Die Absicht ist, Licht und "gute", wohlwollende Kräfte zu nutzen. Die meisten Hexen-Kulte bezeichnen sich als weiß-magisch. Weiße Magie wird auch zu Erkenntniszwecken genutzt.

Von schwarzer Magie wird gesprochen, wenn eigennützige und eigenwillige Ziele verfolgt werden, wie beispielsweise mehr Geld, Besitz, Macht und Erfolg zu erhalten. Es wird in Kauf genommen oder gar beabsichtigt, dabei anderen zu schaden oder anzugreifen. Ein bekanntes Beispiel dafür sind Voodoo-Praktiken, die heute noch hauptsächlich in afrikanischen Ländern praktiziert werden. Die Basis schwarz-magischer Praktiken ist im wesentlichen Gier, Neid, Eifersucht, Ärger/Hass, und/oder Machtstreben.

Aus diesem Bereich kommen die Versuche, fremde oder ganze Gesellschaften auf bestimmte Rituale einzuschwören um daraus Energie zu schöpfen. Oft genug sind diese Taktiken erfolgreich. Es ist gängige Praxis, dunkle Magie in schöne Verpackung zu schlagen und damit zu blenden. Nicht jeder, der Weiß gekleidet daher kommt, verfolgt hehre Ziele.
Gerade die schwarze Magie arbeitet gerne und ausgiebig mit Täuschung und Blendwerk. Überdies lässt sie ihr Gefolge gerne in Unkenntnis und gewinnt durch Beängstigung: bei Adepten (lernende des magischen Weges), um überlegen zu bleiben und bei den geblendeten "guten" Menschen (welche oft nicht einmal ahnen, wem sie dienen) schlichtweg, damit sie tun, was sie sonst nicht täten.
Tarotkarte Der Magier
Der Magier des Crowley-Tarot in seinen drei Erscheinungs-Formen

Im Crowley-Tarot-Deck hat der Urania-Verlag seit 1986 alle drei Versionen von Frieda Harris' Zeichnung des Magieres beigefügt: den weißen Magier (goldfarben, links), den schwarzen Magier (mit einem dunklem Schatten im Hintergrund, rechts) und den transzendenten Magier (den Jongleur, in der Mitte). Crowley hatte damals jedoch nur den transzendenten Magier autorisiert, welches die anzustrebende Form war.

Der weiße und der schwarze Magier sind Teil des dualen Systems, der dualen Ebene, während der Jongleur die dualen magischen Kräfte integriert und transzendiert hat. Er kann beide Kräfte verwenden - nicht nach Eigenwillen sondern im Einklang mit dem göttlichen Willen.

Der transzendierte Umgang mit den magischen Fähigkeiten wird spirituellen Meistern zugeschrieben und weist auf einen Unterschied hin zwischen spirituellen Meistern und Magiern.
Schutz vor Magie

Der beste Schutz gegen ungewollte magische Beeinflussung ist die Bewusstwerdung, wie Magie wirkt.

Im Artikel Energetischer Selbstschutz werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten beschrieben sich und Räumlichkeiten zu schützen.
Grundsätzlich kann jeder die Resonanz beachten. Wer am ehesten mit bewussten magischen Schädigungen zu tun hat, sind Menschen, welche selbst magisch arbeiten oder dies in einem möglichen Vorleben taten. Alte Verbindungen können auftauchen oder aktiviert werden bei bestimmten Praktiken oder Entwicklungsstufen. Besonders weiß-magisch orientierte Menschen fordern in der Polarität gern niedere Geister heraus. Dies kann dazu führen, dass der Magier von deren dunkler Macht gestört oder beeinflusst wird oder die Geister versuchen, ihn zu unterwerfen .
Niemand sollte zur Belustigung Gläser-rücken, Geister beschwören oder vergleichbares "spielen". Wenn es "richtig" gemacht wird, richtet sich die gerufene und ungenutzte Wesenheit leicht gegen den Anwender.

Kommt bei unüberlegten Channeling-Versuchen ein dunkler Gast in die Leitung, wird man diesen nicht mehr ohne weiteres los und erfolgreiche Hilfe ist rar.
Letztlich entsteht durch solche "Spiele" eine verstärke Resonanz zur Magie der niederen oder dunklen Art, die einem wie ein Schatten folgt und allem gutem Handeln einen unterschwelligen schalen Beigeschmack beifügt.

Gegen allgemeine magische Massenbeeinflussung hilft ein klarer Geist, viel Wasser und ein gesunder Körper. Anfällig sind immer eher die unbewussten und schwachen Geister.
Problematisch kann es in Clubs sein, wenn man geschwächt (zum Beispiel durch Alkohol, Müdigkeit, Drogenkonsum) Ziel von Magie wird. In so einem Fall kann die Magie sogar noch nachher wirksam sein, erledigt sich aber in der Regel durch viel reines Wasser und Selbstzentrierung. Im Ausnahmefall braucht es fremde Hilfe, zum Beispiel durch eine Essenz
Ebenso können durch Massenveranstaltungen schädigende Energien unbewusst mitgenommen werden, besonders an Orten, an welchen in Unkenntnis magisch gewirkt wird. Leider ist es genau dann den Besuchern solcher Veranstaltungen häufig nicht bewusst. Das kann dann auch kleinere Treffen mit einschließen. Das Wissen darum, wie man sich schützt oder eine gute Anbindung ans Göttliche (oder an eine göttliche Person) sind die besten Begleiter.

Als gefährdete Gruppe können noch Machtpositionen genannt werden. In diesen Kreisen wird - angeblich von Logen - öfter schwarze Magie angewandt, um wirtschaftliche Ziele zu erreichen.
Wo werden magische Praktiken ausgeübt?

Magisch wirksame Praktiken und Rituale werden vielfach in Religionen angewendet. Dabei geschieht dies für Gläubige häufig unbewusst, durch verschiedene Rituale und Gebete.
Auch die heutige Hypnose soll aus der magischen Tradition entstammen, sie arbeitet mit dem Unterbewusstsein und beeinflusst dieses.
Viele Zirkel, Logen, Neuheiden und Kulte wie Hexen wenden Magie an und lehren sie. Unter diesen sind wohl die meisten ehrenhaft und harmlos.
Die "Macht der Gedanken" zu nutzen ist eine magische Praktik, da sie darauf abzielt, die Wirklichkeit über den Hebel der Gedankenkraft zu beeinflussen.
Tantra, das immer mehr Menschen für sich entdecken, war ursprünglich eine spirituelle Erkenntnis-Praktik. Tantra wird aber vielfach auch magisch angewendet zur Manifestation und Vertiefung einer Bindung an den Wunsch-Partner. Mit diesem (manipulativen) Zweck ausgeübt wird Tantra zu Sexualmagie gezählt. D

secret wiki #magick #conspiracy secret-wiki.de

Magic works and is used in many ways, at times unconsciously, at times deliberately.

Prestidigitators, stage magicians and charlatans contributed to the image of magic being banished into the realm of illusion, tricks, deception, sorcery and fairy tales. With this, more or less fear was created or control over magic conveyed through exposing tricks.

The original meaning and the sense of magic were lost in the process. For distinction, Aleister Crowley introduced the term "magick" to distinguish stage magic, illusionists and pseudo-sorcerers from real sorcerers. This article is about this kind of magic, as there is no German equivalent for the English word "magick".

imageThe four elements and the magic mirror are fundamental to magic.

Is magic real?

The average citizen does not "believe" in it or at least speaks little about it, but an astonishing number of people practice magic.

It is important to realise that magic works and is used on a daily base. Its power and its use can be great and delivers tangible results, although only few can actually manifest it on a large scale. But every disciplined mind can learn and practice it.

Some of the real practitioners do not want the masses to know that and how well magic works because they would lose this advantage in power. Therefore, they spread the belief that it is nothing but tricks and magic effects are the delusions of crackpots.

Recently, the knowledge of magic and its effects has been returning more and more to normal society, but generally, it is not talked about much.
During Christianisation, this folk-knowledge was lost and remains only rudimentary in wisdoms. Thus it was forc-ed to only be preserved and practiced in secret societies or family tradition. Since recent decades, ever better literature on the topic is becoming available, but the area is still strongly dominated by half-knowledge.

The very materialistically or scientifically socialised part of the populace stays firm in their belief in the non-existance of magic or connect magic with superstitious practices divorced from reality.


With “magical thinking”, which is also a stage of development in toddlers, one refers cause and effect selectively to oneself. This means they produce a strong correlation between his own powers of realisation and an event that could just as well have happened completely independently of his thoughts. Experience is dominated by egocentrism and the impression of being the centre of Creation, the point of origin of the universe’s power of Creation.

Such thought-magic is considered a pathological loss of reality in the manic phase in Manic-Depressives. Magical thinking however has another foundation, than gaining awareness and thus is only very limited in its effectiveness (generally just self harming).

Blessings are not viewed in the sense of magic. Here, the focus lies on the Divine, not on the own goals and intentions.

Healers can use magical rituals.


Magic is the art and the science of bringing about changes through altered states of consciousness in accord with the will.
- Frater V.D.

Magic is the wilful influence over reality or as Bardon writes, the sacred science of all knowledge.
It works through various techniques to accomplish definitive goals. In this, magic applies the general Laws of the Mind.

Here, magic is a took and, taken by itself, completely neutral. It is just an option which the practitioner can use in any way. It can be compared with a knife, with which one can prepare food or harm someone else. Its effectiveness can be enormous with good magical schooling and correct usage and should not be underestimated.

A large part of the known effects of magic is based on strong projection of the magician upon the energy field of the addressed one (others or himself), so that his sensations and perception are altered. In this, the self-energy is frequently augmented through rituals or external energies. This can also lead to altered resonances within the different energy bodies of a person that attract corresponding experiences, for example what was once commonly known as a “bad luck” curse.

The options for working magic are diverse, for example:
* Training intuition and willpower
* Energetic work (for example with the 4 elements, energetic body training)
* Thought concentration and focussing
* Working with the subconsciousness
* Usage of foreign energies and powers (angels, (Light-) Masters, demons etc.)
* Working with symbols, archetypes and rituals (candles, visualisations, certain sequences of motion) or usage of amulets
* Spells of banishment or magic, invocations
* Tarot can be used as a way of magical initiation, but the Tarot is not to be equated to magic.
* Esoterics work magic, as long as the intention is to influence or manipulate reality energetically or through willpower. Generally speaking, esotericism is a path to enlightenment and does not contain magic. It does, however deal with the same foundational principles that form the foundation of magic, and for this reason it can result from it. The magical path to enlightenment is more concrete and practical in focus than esotericism, which is focussed on developing consciousness in any form.

An important principle of working magic is formulated in ”To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent”, which is one of the reasons why only few practitioners speak about it. Silence is part of the power of the manifestation, whereas speaking can disperse this power and expose it to opposed forces.

The practice of magic means to influence, to deliberately change things through force of will and at one's own discretion. Characteristically, the main focus here lies in the power of the human will – as opposed to ways of knowing that merely recognise that which is without using this insight: here, the usage is left to the Divine and techniques that optimise the bodily/subtle-energy conditions for the purpose of perceiving personal enlightenment (such as Yoga) are not generally understood as magic/magical forces.

More on occult, magical abilities also in the article Esotericism,
more on techniques in the article Energetic Self-Protection
more on the functional foundations in the article Laws of Life
and even more on magic in a FAQ on magieausbildung.de

White and Black Magic
White magic refers to magic used to heal or to help others. It also includes using magic to protect oneself or others. The intention is to use Light and “good”, benevolent forces. Most witch-cults call themselves white-magical. White magic is also used for the purpose of enlightenment.

Black magic refers to magic used in the pursuit of selfish and self-centered goals, for example in order to gain more money, property, power and success. It is seen as acceptable or even intended that others are harmed or attacked by this. A famous example are voodoo techniques that these days are still used mainly in African countries. Black-magical practices are mainly based on greed, envy, jealousy, anger/hatred and/or lust for power.

From this area stem the attempts to oblige foreign or entire societies into certain rituals to draw power from them. Often enough, these tactics are successful. It is common to wrap dark magic in a nice package and thus deceive. Not everyone who enters dressed in White has honest intentions. Black magic in particular likes to use deception and illusion and does so extensively. Furthermore, it leaves its followers in ignorance and wins through intimidation: in Adepts (those learning the way of magic), to stay dominant, and in the deceived “good” people (who frequently do not have any idea who they serve) simply so that they do what they would not do otherwise.

Tarot Card The Magician
imageThe Sorcerer of the Crowley Tarot in his three manifestations

In the Crowley Tarot Deck, publisher Urania has added all three versions of Frieda Harris’s drawings of the Magicician: the white magician (golden, left), the black magician (with a dark shadow in the background, right), and the magician transcendent (the juggler, at the centre. Crowley, however, had only authorised the sorcerer transcendent back then, which was the form to strive for.

The white and black magician are part of the dual system, of the dual plane, whereas the juggler has integrated and transcended the dual magical forces. He can use both forces – not according to his own volition but in accordance to the divine will.

Transcended dealing with the magical abilities is attributed to spiritual Masters and points to a difference between spiritual Masters and magicians.

Protection Against Magic
The best defence against unwanted magical influences is gaining awareness of the way magic works
In the article Energetic Self-Protection, various options for protecting oneself and locations are described. For a start, everyone can pay attention to the resonance. The ones most likely to deal with deliberate magical ham are people who work magic themselves or who did it in a potential previous life. Old connection can appear or be activated during certain procedures or stages of development. Especially white-magically oriented people frequently challenge nether spirits in polarity. This can lead to the magician being disturbed or influenced by their dark power or to the spirits trying to subjugate him.

imageNo one should move glasses, conjure spirits/ghosts or “play” with comparable things for amusement. If it is done “correctly”, the summoned and unused entity will easily turn against the practitioner.
When a dark guest enters the channel in an ill-conceived attempt at channelling, it is not trivial to get rid of him and successful help is rare.

Ultimately, such “games” result in an increased resonance towards magic of the lower or dark kind, which follows one like a shadow and adds a subliminal bad taste to all good works.

* Against general magical mass-manipulation, a clear mind, a lot of water and a healthy body help. It is always the unaware and weak minds that are susceptible.
* In clubs, it can be problematic if one is the target of magic while weakened (for example by alcohol, tiredness, consumption of drugs). In such a case, the magic can even be effective afterwards, but is normally resolved with a lot of pure water and self-centering. In exceptional cases, external help ie needed, for example by an essence.
* Similarly, harmful energies can be taken with oneself unconsciously at mass events, especially in places where magic is performed in ignorance. Unfortunately, this very fact is not known to the visitors of such events. Then this can also include smaller meetings. The knowledge on how to protect oneself or a good connection to the Divine (or to a divine person) are the best companions.

Positions of power can be named as a further endangered group. In such covens – reportedly in lodges – black magic is used frequently to accomplish economical goals.

Where are magical procedures performed?
* Magically effective procedures and rituals are widely used in religions. This frequently happens without the faithful being aware of it, via rituals and prayers.
* The hypnosis of today supposedly originated in the magical tradition as well, it works with the Subconsciousness and influences it.
* Many covens, lodges, neopagans and cults such as witches practice magic and teach it. Among them, most of them are likely honourable and harmless.
* Tantra, which more and more people are discovering for themselves, was original a spiritual method of enlightenment. However, Tantra is also used frequently magically for the manifestation and deepening of a bond with the wish-partner. When used with this (manipulative) purpose, Tantra counts as sexual magic. As targeted built-up sexual energy has a strong effect, it was used against demons in the past. However, it is advised against manipulation of the Kundalini energy because it can also cause damage if impurities are present.
One example of a magical sexual procedure is here – (in English) – with further types of magic here. (Submitter’s note: Links broken)
* Magical techniques are also used for manipulation of the masses.
* For example through religious symbols on vertices of power that change the base structure of the regional energy. (Christian crosses on the summits of mountains, energy intersections and churches, with the effect of binding the populace to the material)
* Symbols of corporations, ideologies and flags
* Modern advertising, as it utilises originally magical ways to deliver information (advertising) into the Subconsciousness. This is exactly what a magician does with himself, it is just that he determines the content and thus the goal himself.
* The massive proliferation, for example printed-on skulls and bones on many products have magical meaning in regards to the manipulation of society as well (corresponds to Saturn and among other things the preservation of existing structures)

Magic & (World) Politics
Secret, very powerful lodges work in the background and supposedly influence politics, banks and the economy. It is known that very many politicians, magnates, nobility, musicians and bankers in some orders and lodges. At times, they may be harmless, at times subverted and at times indeed part of a powerful network of lodges.

Whether secret lodges do indeed rule the world, but some things indicate their heavy influence. Especially the fact that this topic is avoided in movies and media is conspicuous. In documentaries, it is mostly Rosicrucians and Freemasons are portrayed (for example the membership of most US presidents in the Masonic Lodge). It is at least within the realm of possibility and should therefore worth consideration.
For the study of this topic, the following literature could be helpful:
* Banks, Bread and Bombs – Volume 1 by Stefan Erdmann
* Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century 1 & 2 by Jan van Helsing
* Secret Societies 3rd War of the Freemasons by Jan van Helsing
* And The Truth Shall Set You Free – Part 1 by David Icke
* 334 ‰ Lie by H.M. v. Stuhl

Learning Magic
It is harder to cast magic than to protect oneself against it. It requires disciplines and constant practice, as well as continuous development of character. Another perspective assumes that we only remember, skills we already mastered in earlier lives or as a soul.
The practice of magical procedures is always tied into development of character and a form of therapy.
The short, easy way, is generally called the dark one.

imageIn black magic covens, the learning one (adept) will normally surrender his control completely and entrusts himself completely to a master or to a community. Those who want to leave such a coven apparently frequently suffer worldly or magically induced accidents.

*Various covens offer magical training. As most of them are structured pyramidally, the initiate does not know what the intentions of those ranking above him truly are. Disciples are often monopolised and pay either with (a lot of) money or with his energy and magical work. Interested people should therefore inform themselves in advance and select carefully.
* There are small covens and societies, some of them are public or can be found with a serious search.
* One core are the Laws which should be part of everyone’s basic knowledge and are by themselves completely uncontroversial. These laws, however, also find application within magic, as they represent an instruction for reality.
*Books inform about the methods up to self-training via literature.

* School of High Magic by Frater V.D.
* The Way To The True Adept by Franz Bardon
* Transcendental Magic: Dogma and Ritual of High Magic by Eliphas Levi

Original German Magie wirkt und findet in vielfacher Weise Anwendung, teils unbewusst, teils absichtlich.

Taschenspieler, Bühnenzauberer und Scharlatane haben dazu beigetragen, das Bild von Magie in das Reich von Illusion, Tricks, Manipulation, Betrug, Zauberei und Märchen zu verbannen. Damit wurde mehr oder weniger Angst erzeugt oder durch Entlarvung von Tricks eine Beherrschbarkeit von Magie vermittelt.

Die ursprüngliche Bedeutung und der Sinn von Magie gingen dabei verloren. Zur Abgrenzung wurde daher von Aleister Crowley der Begriff "magick" eingeführt, der Bühnenzauberei, Illusionisten und Pseudomagier von echten Magiern unterscheiden sollte. Der Artikel handelt von dieser Art Magie, wobei es keine deutsche Entsprechung gibt für das englische Wort "Magick".
Die vier Elemente & der magische Spiegel sind Grundlage der Magie

Gibt es Magie wirklich?

Der normale Bürger "glaubt" nicht daran oder spricht zumindest kaum darüber, jedoch wenden erstaunlich viele Menschen magische Praktiken an.

Es ist wichtig zu erkennen, dass Magie wirkt und täglich angewendet wird. Ihre Kraft und ihr Nutzen kann groß sein und liefert handfeste Ergebnisse, wenn dies auch nur wenige in großen Ausmaßen manifestieren können. Doch jeder disziplinierte Geist kann sie erlernen und anwenden.

Manche der tatsächlichen Anwender möchten nicht, dass die breite Masse erfährt, dass und wie wirksam Magie ist, weil sie dann diesen Machtvorteil verlieren würden. Deshalb verbreiten sie, es seien nur Tricks und Spinner würden sich magische Wirkungen einbilden.

Neuerdings kommt das Wissen um die Magie und ihre Wirkungen mehr und mehr wieder in die normale Gesellschaft zurück, dabei wird in der Regel wenig darüber gesprochen.
Durch die Christianisierung ging dieses Volkswissen verloren und ist nur noch rudimentär in Weisheiten verfügbar. Dadurch wurde es gezwungener-maßen, nur in geheimen Vereinigungen oder durch familiäre Überlieferung gepflegt, benutzt und erhalten. Seit einigen Jahrzehnten ist immer bessere Literatur zum Thema erhältlich, trotzdem herrscht noch viel Halbwissen in diesem Bereich.

Der sehr materialistisch oder wissenschaftlich geprägte Teil der Bevölkerung hält an der Nichtexistenz von Magie fest oder verbindet Magie mit realitätsfernen, abergläubischen Praktiken.

Wo wohnen die Dämonen?: Was Sie schon immer über Magie wissen wollten* von Frater V.D.


Beim "magischen Denken", das auch eine Entwicklungsphase des Kleinkindes ist, bezieht der Mensch selektiv Ursache und Wirkung auf sich selbst. Das heißt, er stellt einen extremen Zusammenhang her zwischen seinen eigenen Verwirklichungskräften und einem Geschehnis, was ebenso-gut völlig unabhängig von seinem Denken passiert sein kann. Das Erleben wird beherrscht von Egozentrik und dem Eindruck, der Mittelpunkt der Schöpfung, der Ausgangspunkt der Schöpferkraft des Universums zu sein.

Als krankhafter Realitätsverlust gilt solche Gedankenmagie in der manischen Phase von Manisch-Depressiven. Magisches Denken hat jedoch eine andere Grundlage, als die Bewusstwerdung und ist daher nur sehr begrenzt wirksam (eher nur selbst-schädigend).

Segnungen werden nicht im Sinne von Magie betrachtet. Hier steht das Göttliche im Vordergrund, nicht die eigenen Ziele und Absichten.

Heiler können magische Rituale benutzen.

Magie ist die Kunst und die Wissenschaft, mit Hilfe von veränderten Bewusstseinszuständen im Einklang mit dem Willen Veränderungen herbeizuführen.
Frater V.D.

Magie ist die willentliche Beeinflussung der Wirklichkeit oder wie Bardon schreibt, die heilige Wissenschaft allen Wissens[1]
Sie arbeitet mit verschiedenen Techniken, um definierte Ziele zu erreichen. Die Magie wendet dabei die allgemeinen Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Geistes an.

Die Magie ist dabei ein Werkzeug und für sich genommen völlig neutral. Sie ist nur eine Möglichkeit, welcher der Ausübende auf jede Art nutzen kann. Vergleichbar mit einem Messer, mit welchem man Nahrung zubereiten oder einem anderen schaden kann. Ihre Wirksamkeit kann bei guter magischer Schulung und korrekter Anwendung enorm sein und sollte nicht unterschätzt werden.

Ein Großteil der bekannten Wirkung von Magie beruht auf starker Projektion des Magiers auf das Energiefeld des Adressierten (andere oder er selbst), sodass dessen Empfindung und Wahrnehmung verändert wird. Die Eigenenergie wird dabei gerne mittels Ritualen oder Fremdenergien verstärkt. Das kann in den verschiedenen Energiekörpern einer Person auch veränderte Resonanzen hervorrufen, die entsprechende Erfahrungen anziehen, wie zum Beispiel früher landläufig ein sogenannter "Pech"-Fluch.
Hier beruht die gemachte Erfahrung nach dem Gesetz der Anziehung (Resonanz-Gesetz) nicht auf eigenen Glaubenssätzen sondern auf projizierten, in die Aura platzierten Elementen (Introjekte).

Es gibt vielfältige Möglichkeiten, magisch zu arbeiten, wie zum Beispiel:

Intuition und Willenskraft schulen
Energetisches Arbeiten (zum Beispiel mit den 4 Elementen, energetische Körperschulung)
Gedankenkonzentration und Fokussierung
Arbeiten mit dem Unterbewusstsein
Nutzen fremder Energien und Mächte (Engel, (Licht-) Meister, Dämonen u.ä.)
Arbeiten mit Symbolen, Archetypen und Ritualen (Kerzen, Visualisierungen, bestimmte Bewegungsabfolgen) oder Verwendung von Amuletten
Bann- oder Zaubersprüche, Anrufungen (Invokationen)
Tarot kann als magischer Einweihungsweg Verwendung finden, doch ist das Tarot nicht mit Magie gleichzusetzen.
Esoteriker arbeiten magisch, sofern die Absicht verfolgt wird, energetisch oder mit Willenskraft, die Wirklichkeit zu beeinflussen oder zu manipulieren. Grundsätzlich ist die Esoterik ein Erkenntnisweg und beinhaltet keine Magie. Jedoch befasst sie sich mit denselben Grundprinzipien, die der Magie zugrunde liegen, weshalb es sich daraus ergeben kann. Der magische Erkenntnisweg ist konkreter & praktischer angelegt als die Esoterik, die sich auf Bewusstseinsentwicklung ausrichtet, auf jedwede Art und Weise.

Ein wichtiger Grundsatz der magischen Arbeit formuliert sich in "Wisse, Wage, Wolle, Schweige", was mit dazu führt, dass nur wenige Ausübende darüber sprechen. Das Schweigen gehört zur Kraft der Manifestation, während das Sprechen diese Kraft zerstreuen und Gegenkräften aussetzen würde.

Die Anwendung von Magie bedeutet, zu beeinflussen, gezielt Dinge durch Willenskraft und nach eigenem Ermessen zu verändern. Kennzeichnend ist hierbei der Hauptfokus auf die Macht des menschlichen Willens - im Gegensatz zu Erkenntniswegen, die lediglich das anerkennen, was ist, ohne die Erkenntnis zu benutzen: die Verwendung wird hier dem Göttlichen überlassen und Techniken, die die körperlichen/feinstofflichen Bedingungen zur Wahrnehmung der eigenen Erkenntnis optimieren (wie Yoga), werden im Allgemeinen nicht als Magie bzw. magische Kräfte verstanden.

Mehr zu okkulten, magischen Fähigkeiten auch im Artikel Esoterik,
mehr zu Praktiken im Artikel Energetischer Selbstschutz
mehr zu funktionellen Grundlagen im Artikel Lebensgesetze
und noch mehr zu Magie in einem FAQ von magieausbildung.de
Weiße und Schwarze Magie

Von weißer Magie wird gesprochen, wenn damit geheilt oder anderen geholfen wird. Auch die Anwendung zum Schutz für sich selbst oder von anderen zählt dazu. Die Absicht ist, Licht und "gute", wohlwollende Kräfte zu nutzen. Die meisten Hexen-Kulte bezeichnen sich als weiß-magisch. Weiße Magie wird auch zu Erkenntniszwecken genutzt.

Von schwarzer Magie wird gesprochen, wenn eigennützige und eigenwillige Ziele verfolgt werden, wie beispielsweise mehr Geld, Besitz, Macht und Erfolg zu erhalten. Es wird in Kauf genommen oder gar beabsichtigt, dabei anderen zu schaden oder anzugreifen. Ein bekanntes Beispiel dafür sind Voodoo-Praktiken, die heute noch hauptsächlich in afrikanischen Ländern praktiziert werden. Die Basis schwarz-magischer Praktiken ist im wesentlichen Gier, Neid, Eifersucht, Ärger/Hass, und/oder Machtstreben.

Aus diesem Bereich kommen die Versuche, fremde oder ganze Gesellschaften auf bestimmte Rituale einzuschwören um daraus Energie zu schöpfen. Oft genug sind diese Taktiken erfolgreich. Es ist gängige Praxis, dunkle Magie in schöne Verpackung zu schlagen und damit zu blenden. Nicht jeder, der Weiß gekleidet daher kommt, verfolgt hehre Ziele.
Gerade die schwarze Magie arbeitet gerne und ausgiebig mit Täuschung und Blendwerk. Überdies lässt sie ihr Gefolge gerne in Unkenntnis und gewinnt durch Beängstigung: bei Adepten (lernende des magischen Weges), um überlegen zu bleiben und bei den geblendeten "guten" Menschen (welche oft nicht einmal ahnen, wem sie dienen) schlichtweg, damit sie tun, was sie sonst nicht täten.
Tarotkarte Der Magier
Der Magier des Crowley-Tarot in seinen drei Erscheinungs-Formen

Im Crowley-Tarot-Deck hat der Urania-Verlag seit 1986 alle drei Versionen von Frieda Harris' Zeichnung des Magieres beigefügt: den weißen Magier (goldfarben, links), den schwarzen Magier (mit einem dunklem Schatten im Hintergrund, rechts) und den transzendenten Magier (den Jongleur, in der Mitte). Crowley hatte damals jedoch nur den transzendenten Magier autorisiert, welches die anzustrebende Form war.

Der weiße und der schwarze Magier sind Teil des dualen Systems, der dualen Ebene, während der Jongleur die dualen magischen Kräfte integriert und transzendiert hat. Er kann beide Kräfte verwenden - nicht nach Eigenwillen sondern im Einklang mit dem göttlichen Willen.

Der transzendierte Umgang mit den magischen Fähigkeiten wird spirituellen Meistern zugeschrieben und weist auf einen Unterschied hin zwischen spirituellen Meistern und Magiern.
Schutz vor Magie

Der beste Schutz gegen ungewollte magische Beeinflussung ist die Bewusstwerdung, wie Magie wirkt.

Im Artikel Energetischer Selbstschutz werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten beschrieben sich und Räumlichkeiten zu schützen.
Grundsätzlich kann jeder die Resonanz beachten. Wer am ehesten mit bewussten magischen Schädigungen zu tun hat, sind Menschen, welche selbst magisch arbeiten oder dies in einem möglichen Vorleben taten. Alte Verbindungen können auftauchen oder aktiviert werden bei bestimmten Praktiken oder Entwicklungsstufen. Besonders weiß-magisch orientierte Menschen fordern in der Polarität gern niedere Geister heraus. Dies kann dazu führen, dass der Magier von deren dunkler Macht gestört oder beeinflusst wird oder die Geister versuchen, ihn zu unterwerfen .
Niemand sollte zur Belustigung Gläser-rücken, Geister beschwören oder vergleichbares "spielen". Wenn es "richtig" gemacht wird, richtet sich die gerufene und ungenutzte Wesenheit leicht gegen den Anwender.

Kommt bei unüberlegten Channeling-Versuchen ein dunkler Gast in die Leitung, wird man diesen nicht mehr ohne weiteres los und erfolgreiche Hilfe ist rar.
Letztlich entsteht durch solche "Spiele" eine verstärke Resonanz zur Magie der niederen oder dunklen Art, die einem wie ein Schatten folgt und allem gutem Handeln einen unterschwelligen schalen Beigeschmack beifügt.

Gegen allgemeine magische Massenbeeinflussung hilft ein klarer Geist, viel Wasser und ein gesunder Körper. Anfällig sind immer eher die unbewussten und schwachen Geister.
Problematisch kann es in Clubs sein, wenn man geschwächt (zum Beispiel durch Alkohol, Müdigkeit, Drogenkonsum) Ziel von Magie wird. In so einem Fall kann die Magie sogar noch nachher wirksam sein, erledigt sich aber in der Regel durch viel reines Wasser und Selbstzentrierung. Im Ausnahmefall braucht es fremde Hilfe, zum Beispiel durch eine Essenz
Ebenso können durch Massenveranstaltungen schädigende Energien unbewusst mitgenommen werden, besonders an Orten, an welchen in Unkenntnis magisch gewirkt wird. Leider ist es genau dann den Besuchern solcher Veranstaltungen häufig nicht bewusst. Das kann dann auch kleinere Treffen mit einschließen. Das Wissen darum, wie man sich schützt oder eine gute Anbindung ans Göttliche (oder an eine göttliche Person) sind die besten Begleiter.

Als gefährdete Gruppe können noch Machtpositionen genannt werden. In diesen Kreisen wird - angeblich von Logen - öfter schwarze Magie angewandt, um wirtschaftliche Ziele zu erreichen.
Wo werden magische Praktiken ausgeübt?

Magisch wirksame Praktiken und Rituale werden vielfach in Religionen angewendet. Dabei geschieht dies für Gläubige häufig unbewusst, durch verschiedene Rituale und Gebete.
Auch die heutige Hypnose soll aus der magischen Tradition entstammen, sie arbeitet mit dem Unterbewusstsein und beeinflusst dieses.
Viele Zirkel, Logen, Neuheiden und Kulte wie Hexen wenden Magie an und lehren sie. Unter diesen sind wohl die meisten ehrenhaft und harmlos.
Die "Macht der Gedanken" zu nutzen ist eine magische Praktik, da sie darauf abzielt, die Wirklichkeit über den Hebel der Gedankenkraft zu beeinflussen.
Tantra, das immer mehr Menschen für sich entdecken, war ursprünglich eine spirituelle Erkenntnis-Praktik. Tantra wird aber vielfach auch magisch angewendet zur Manifestation und Vertiefung einer Bindung an den Wunsch-Partner. Mit diesem (manipulativen) Zweck ausgeübt wird Tantra zu Sexualmagie gezählt. D

Perfectibilist #racist #magick stormfront.org

8 reasons Scandinavians are the chosen people of science.

What is an Aryan?

Have you ever seen an ancient aryan? I know ONE family in all of Norway whose blonde hair is still Targaryen white well into adult age: Silvery-white blonde. (I am not talking about myself.) They have red cheeks, and an angelic heart of utmost purity. They cry, and hate evil, I tell you: These are simply not from this world. But this is perhaps the last we will see of pure angels. Yes. They are extinct. And the world will forget that such incredible purity of heart, and beauty ever existed. Entering into an age of wolves. But there once was hope. Aryans. Hitler believed the true Aryans could only be distinguished by their blonde hair, and blue eyes. A mother who birthed 10 blonde, blue-eyed children in would be rewarded with a medal from Der Fuhrer. It`s time for family planning and breeding! Perhaps we need a rabbit-god like Ashtar?

The chosen people… Have you ever seen a supreme-blonde, tall, broadshouldered Swede with a tiny, upright, foxy nose (swedes have the most beautiful noses on Earth) , and a noble forehead? Their faces are geometrically perfect. Of course they are the chosen people. At least of science.

With Aryan, I mean firstly the aryan race which I term Scandinavian, Germanic, and East-Russian. Preferably blondes. Secondly; an aryan is a person of heroic hearts, yet a peaceful nature filled with joy. You can be as blonde as you like, but if you listen to hateful music like rap/hip-hop, and carry yourself in an uncivilized manner: You are not an aryan.

9 reasons Aryans (like blonde Swedes) are the (God`s) ¨chosen people.¨

So let`s get to it!

1 Because Aryans are the most beautiful, slender people. Aryans are the most beautiful people on Earth, and their beautiful pink skin represents the love-gods which is white.

2 Because Aryans have the greatest variety. Whites have green eyes, blue eyes, red hair, brown hair, blonde hair, and white hair. The latter is dying out. They have curls, some have afro-tendencies, and other have straight hair. Aryans have by FAR the greatest variety of appearance. Aryans come in all varieties while all other races on the planet look similar to their own kin. This is distinct from all other races who only have black hair. Their blonde hair is sacred to the sun, and their blue eyes represents intellect: Peace, wisdom, and high spiritual awareness. They are thus God`s chosen people. Why? Because the scientific creator is the sun. And the sun is blonde.

3 Because of their great historical accomplishments. Aryans built the greatest architecture for two millennia, and preached Christianity (the true religion) , created humanism (human rights), philosophy, the civilized world, politics (Rome), revolution and the school-system (France Germany), the judicial system and the military institutions (Greece) etc, with some credit to the Jews who for the latter centuries have advanced in all science. But seriously; they`re all EUROPEAN Jews.

4 Because they are the most civilized people. Aryans have shaped a humanistic, peaceful civilization of equality, freedom, and civil rights unlike any other. The entire world owes the humanistic codes to the roman-christian Europe.
Scandinavians are the kindest, most empathic, peaceful, civilized people as statistics show; yet they are thus also EXTREMELY naiive, gullible, and cowardly. They simply cannot believe there is evil out to get them, or that evil exists at all! All statistics show whites, and especially native Scandinavians have extremely low crime statistics. In the case of rape, we are ten times better than immigrants throughout all Scandinavia. Ten times! In all Nordic countries. And still: We are so civilized we actually love our open borders. <3 Aryans are among the most peaceful, naive, non-aggressive people on Earth statistically.

5 Because Aryans among the most intelligent races. Native Scandinavians whom are the most beautiful and peaceful humans statistically on Earth has historically had the highest iq of Europeans back in the days; even as intelligent as the Chinese, and Japanese who are the most intelligent people today after Askenazi Jews. (the latter which aren`t a nation-bound race, but a mix)

6 Because are the most spiritually gifted. Both positively and negatively. (Alas.) Whites have dominated the realm of Magick, and the royal houses from Egypt to the druidic orders of England. There is a lot of demonic blood in the white race. But not in the blondes.
Blonde angelic aryans are more spiritually aware because of their loving, peaceful nature, and have a high aura-field-conscience than any other race as they are alien, and part interdimensional. As I am. This is the most pivotal point on my list. They can connect with higher realms of angelic purity, which the other races can`t. They connect to the higher heavens which are populated by blonde angels. To be able to venture forth in dreams, and see these dimensions; you return, and realize you are an angel with wings; a totally different species, as you have seen that your blonde race originate from universes far beyond earthly beauty and purity. I am of course talking about Alvarheim. The spiritual dimension above Norway/Scandinavia.
Only pure blondes can connect to these angelic degrees of purity and conscienceness. Some are very holy, but many have fallen into carnalism of the 21st century, and forgotten about their spiritual origin from the Heavenlies. The blonde remnants are fading, and the glory of Hyperborea, Thule, Greece, Rome, and Atlantis is fading. I would compare myself to a eagle who can look directly into the sun, while other races are terrestrial, and can only experience Earethern life and conscience. After all: It the aryans who created the Hindu mystery schools.

7 Because the original aryans were aliens. If an alien came to Earth to examine all races, he would certainly pick out the tall, peaceful, orderly, non-hairy, blonde or red-haired, blue-eyed, beautiful, intelligent broad-shouldered aryan with milky-smooth skin. Just like myself. �� He would come from the Pleiades looking for his long lost family. An angelic brother with peaceful divine conscience.

8 Because Most aryans have way above world-average penis size. Iceland has f.i a WHOPPING 16.51 cm as average: only 1.5 cm shorter than the world nr.1, Congo in Africa. Today: Iceland in nr 9 on the list of the world`s most intelligent countries; even after taking in immigrants for 30+ years, and is a major competitor in sports in spite of its tiny population.

9 Because we are the best physical athletes, or at least the most tenacious. Norway, a tiny nation of only 6 million hardy Vikings - statistically wins the most medals in athletic (curling not counted) winter sports out of all nations for about 50 years. And in the last 2018 winter Olympics: Norway got the most golds, AND the most medals in general out of ALL nations in ALL disciplines, not only athletic disciplines. (!!!) We have the world record of getting the most medals, and most golds in winter Olympics through history!!! Even while Norway only has a population of 6 million. And that makes tiny Norway`s Vikings the best country at sports in the world_by_quite a lot really. An very credible insider in the shadow military also told me Norway has the world`s nr.1 special-force troop in the world. And THAT is incredible, because that competition is tougher than sports. There are statistics to this as well. But this troop was very unofficial. Why are they the best? They are wolves I tell you. Survival of the fittest through thousands of years in the harsh snow-covered lands produced a strong breed.

Spiritually, physically, behavior-wise, and quite arguably intellectually as well: True aryan Scandinavians are the best.

Shifting SubliminalsHD #magick #god-complex #psycho youtube.com

Wendigo Shapeshifting Subliminal

I can shift into a Wendigo
I can shift safely within seconds
I can shift whenever I wish I can safely get Wendigo physiology
My Wendigo form is my desired height
My Wendigo form is my desired gender
My Wendigo form is my desired appearance
I have my desired abilities
I have air walking
I can safely walk in the air like it’s a solid
I have animal manipulation
I have monster manipulation
I have cold immunity
I can’t be harmed by the cold
I have enhanced condition
I have Contaminant immunity
I have enhanced agility
I have enhanced dexterity
I have enhanced durability
I have enhanced invulnerability
I have enhanced endurance
I have enhanced leap
I have enhanced lung capacity
I have enhanced reflexes
I have enhanced senses
I have enhanced speed
I have enhanced strength
I can safely retract my teeth at will
I have enhanced bite
I have infinite digestive system
I have matter ingestion
I have possession
I have predator instincts
I have a regenerative healing factor
I have invisibility
I have weather manipulation
I have cannibalism empowerment

Shifting SubliminalsHD #magick youtube.com

(tl;dr: Listen to this music video and become a werewolf Mary Sue!)

Dog Shifter Subliminal

Listen at least 3-5 times a day!
This was made as a testing subliminal so I’m unaware if it works or not, let me know your results down below!
I’d say listen upto 3 weeks or 3 months but as I say it hasn’t been used before.

Results you’ll get from listening to this subliminal:
•Become a dog shifter
•Gain dog like instincts
•Shift freely whenever you want
•Have desired fur and eye colour (Only natural colours!!)
•Become desired breed
•Have dog eye colour become your eye colour
•Get increased agility, stamina and senses
•Canines love you
•You can speak human in dog form but humans don’t understand you, only dogs do
•Your DNA turns partly dog
•Your kids carry DNA to shift too
•You can turn others into dog shifters by biting them
•Can digest raw meat and foods dogs are poisonous to (Chocolate, ect) safety
•Vision in dog form is like your human eye sight, no black and white or lack of colour receptors
•Become immune to colds, diseases and simple illnesses
•Shift fully into a dog whenever you wish and as many times as you want
•Dog form is desired gender
•Dog form is desired age
•Shift within seconds

•How do I shift?
-You simply start by thinking of your desired dog form and you’ll start shifting. It should take only seconds. You might need to practice shifting by slowly moving to bigger body parts over time.

•Can I have braces while listening?
-No, I wouldn’t recommend this one for you since they’ll brake.

•Can I listen with headphones?
-Yes and No, the audio may seem like a stage with headphones. I’d recommend not using them but if you must keep on a low volume and don’t be frightened by the audios concert like texture.

•Can I listen at night?
-Sure!, any time of the day is suitable for this subliminal there’s no set time to listen.

•Can I just have ears/tail?
-No, this is only a full body shift.

Haven’t answered your question? Leave me them in the comments box and I’ll get to them ASAP! :)

Anonymous #fundie #sexist #magick archive.fo

Hey guys. Been a MGHOW for about 8 years now.

I know that most people think, at least those who are at the stage where relationships with women are out, that their only choice is to be single and enjoy life with themselves.
And that’s great. But there’s always an option B. The one that’s never considered.

If you don’t believe in spirits, or ghosts, or the supernatural, feel free to move on as this post probably isn’t for you.

But if you have an open mind, read on and think.

This book, from 1879, details the findings of a Priest, Sinistrari, who wrote about the beings called the incubus and the succubus.

Demoniality; or, Incubi and succubi; a treatise wherein is shown that there are in existence on earth rational creatures besides man, endowed like him with a body and a soul

In the end, it is found that they, like us, have souls. That they, like us, have free will. They are not “demons” nor “angels”, nor were they “men or women”. They are they.

There is a phenomenon of tulpa creation that has become very popular. This is not that kind of mental dynamic.

If anything, there is an underground of MGTOWS (which I realize is a loose association to begin with) that already have a relationship with a Succubus, or are working towards it.

Why are Succubi worth it? For one, they don’t understand feminism. At all. In their hierarchy it’s wisdom and power rules, regardless of gender. Frankly, they don’t even care to discuss it. I think it’s because the idea is so alien to their own society that they just don’t care.

Cacodemonic Copulations

The following link is another method. Now, I’m not a satanist, theistic or otherwise so I don’t like the “pray to father satan” line. That’s not necessary, anyway, in my experience…

However, writing down a list of what you want and what you want them to be, IS important. And it’s very important to be honest with yourself with what you really want in a succubus lover.

JOS method of Succubus/Incubus Summoning

The 3rd method is called “The Letter Method”. Remember to always consider the risks before proceeding. In this method, Lilith is used. However, I don’t think that is necessary, either. There are a plethora, an infinite amount of spirits who would fit the profile you determine. The name(s) of who you petition is just religion. The methods, however, are formulas and they do work. I would substitute “Lilith” with “You who would hear my honest plea”, or the like.

You also don’t particularly need to prick your finger. Snipping off just one hair, and then burning it is an ancient method (from Jinn magick) that will suffice.

Not everyone has success with one method or another. Sometimes nothing works. That could be a lack of belief: The mind filtering the intent. It could even be that the person is not ready yet. Or, it could be to try another method.

The Letter Method

In all of these methods, meditation is a skill that takes one very far. It sets the stage for a greater declaration of intent.

If you do not meditate, try it! It has many benefits on it’s own merit.

I’ve been involved with a Succubus (generic title for an infinite number of races of spirits, basically) and I can say that it has been a real blessing.

The only downside I have experienced (which I consider a plus, actually) is that the desire to have sex with a woman is often shed. I find that is because, the way these spirits love and have spiritual sex with you, the intimacy is such that nothing will ever compare. No sensation will ever compare.

For a quick example, one night my succubus pulled me out of my body to “somewhere” and started shining brightly. My whole body started humming, and then I had 4 full body orgasms in about 30 seconds. I was then put back in my body, and awoke a quivering mass of flesh. A very bewildered, awed, person of quivering flesh. Lol.

That’s what I mean, and that’s an example of the dangers.

This is just my input and you’re free to do what you want to with it. Consider it a suggesstion for some.


JFLmaxx #sexist #magick reddit.com

In my experience, being a science-minded person that experiments with the occult:

Women tend to have a very superficial understanding of astrology, paganism, and magick.

It was essentially men who explored this stuff long in the past but it’s been simplified and distorted over time.

(In at least two traditions I can remember, women are actually forbidden from learning and practicing the occult arts)

Women also get into this stuff for the aesthetic of a being witchy or “spiritual” without understanding the mechanics of how things operate “behind the veil”.

Furthermore, magick isn’t necessarily all “hocus pocus”, people do it unconsciously and continually without even realizing it. If I were you I would be very cautious in being so dismissive of “the dark arts”.

You may disagree with me, there’s no question about that. All I’m saying is don’t knock it until you try it and don’t think that setting out a few crystal quartz shards and incense is anything close to true sorcery.

NicholasMarks #fundie #magick religionethics.co.uk

Remember that the field of energy that will become the star already exists and the speed of the expanding universe which fires up all scientific data has already been created. This whole body of star energy is locked upon a black-hole that brought this dense virgin star material into a tight gravitational body. All we need is the swirling, crashing forces, within that star's density, to penetrate down into the static dimension, and in the blink of any eye an atom is born...manifest this a trillion, trillion, times, and I reckon a fully functioning star could form in an instant and in that same instant, all knowledge within the universe gained its scientific roots which all centre upon Almighty God, just as Jesus Christ taught us...and the two part-atom components that gave birth to the living-cell, having derived from a similar birth pattern, is party to all of this.

Unnamed couple #fundie #magick #quack vancouversun.com

B.C. couple loses child custody after stuffed lion purportedly transmitting the word of God acted as their lawyer

A B.C. couple whose religious views are too extreme even for churches and pastors and put them at odds with family, doctors, social workers and anyone else trying to help them with their daughter, have lost their battle for custody of her.

The unusual child custody trial featured the couple speaking in tongues to a stuffed animal they said transmitted the word of God directly to them and refusing legal assistance because Jesus Christ — through the stuffed lion — was their lawyer, witness and judge.

In November, when the girl was one, the Provincial Court of British Columbia formally declared she was in need of protection and placed her in provincial custody, a decision the parents appealed to the B.C. Supreme Court. The parents claimed the judge violated their Charter rights, discriminated against them as Christians and made procedural errors.


“It appears that, due to their strong religious beliefs, they are intolerant of those who do not espouse identical views. This includes other Christians,” Justice Diane MacDonald wrote in her ruling, released this week.

After the woman found she was pregnant, she told a social worker her husband sometimes choked her to make her stop crying, had once tied her hands and covered her mouth with tape, which scared her, and occasionally beat her, court heard.

She told the worker her husband grew up in a cult and believes sexual relations between children should be encouraged and that they “role-play” sins where she plays the victim and he plays the perpetrator, court heard.


After the birth of their daughter, the parents refused all medical tests and procedures for her, including a hearing test, blood test, eye drops and a vitamin K shot. The mother also said she was unwilling to have her vaccinated.

Because of concerns over family violence and mental health, the ministry monitored the family. The couple refused to have parental capacity assessments, despite a court order.

A month after the girl’s birth, she was removed from the home and the parents continued to have supervised access.

The mother applied to change her daughter’s name to Jesus JoyoftheLord and her own first name to Risen Lord Jesus, her middle name to Refinersfire and her last name to Christ (with a hyphenation including her real name.)

When their child custody case came to court, the couple refused legal aid.

They said they had legal help, however, which came in the formed of a stuffed lion. During trial, the couple spoke to the lion in non-discernible words, presented as “speaking in tongues,” and said that through the lion they heard directly from God.

They said Jesus Christ was their “lawyer, witness and judge.”

When they cross-examined witnesses, they told each witness that their lawyer Jesus was asking the questions through them.

In the end, the judge did not find them to be credible and ruled in favour of the ministry and placed the baby in continuing care. The parents appealed that decision, claiming it infringed on their religious freedoms “as Christian parents.”

Gina Marie Marks #magick #mammon nbcwashington.com

Maryland 'Psychic' Convicted of Scamming Clients Out of $340K

A Maryland woman who said she was a psychic and scammed customers out of $340,000 to cure them of "curses" pleaded guilty Friday to multiple counts of felony theft.

Gina Marie Marks, who identified herself as Natalie Miller in her meetings with clients, stole from five people who sought her help over the course of more than two years.

Marks said Friday that she would return all of the payments she received. She walked out of court in Montgomery County with her husband, who wrapped a coat over her head.

She was adamant that her services are legitimate and she really is a psychic.

“People are racist from gypsies,” Marks said from beneath a black, puffy coat. “They’re racist on my culture. We do have power. We’re not allowed to talk about it.”

Police first learned of Marks’ tactics in May 2016, after a 26-year-old Chinese immigrant learned that her boyfriend was married to another woman. Seeking guidance, the woman saw an online ad for “Readings by Natalie.”

When the woman contacted Marks, she told her she would be able to cast love spells. But she said she would need large amounts of cash to do it.

Marks had the woman meet her at stores, where Marks used the woman's credit card.

The customer got suspicious after Marks had received more than $80,000 from her in cash and purchases. The woman asked for her money back and called police and a private investigator.

On four other occasions, Marks told clients she had the ability to reverse curses. In June 2014, one victim paid Marks and said she was told she would get her money back once the curse was broken.

She never got back the $2,654 she paid.

As Marks received cash and shopping trips with her clients’ credit cards, she posted pictures to social media of herself with expensive clothes, jewelry and purses.

Eventually, the private investigator hired by one customer was able to track down Marks at Miami International Airport. She was arrested before she was able to flee the country.

Marks is facing as much as six years in prison and is scheduled to be sentenced in August.

Monstrum Athenaeum #crackpot #magick monstrumathenaeum.org


Werewolf Mistaken For Bigfoot: Sasquatch Obviously More Valuable Than A Lycan

Rural farmlands are home to a plethora of horror tales “designed” to raise the hair on the back of your neck, and to send shivers down your spine. Some of these tales are quite tall, indeed; told to young folk by their elders as a way to ward them away from certain behavior. Hence the word “designed” comes into play. These stories are cleverly crafted to provoke a desired response.

However, some of the strange tales are based on actual experiences; passed down from generation to generation as a way of remembering what could be lurking behind the trees in yonder field. Ever so often a photograph surfaces that raises the question, could monsters be real? Ultimately it’s left for you to decide as such evidence is open to individual interpretation and predisposed biases. Where one person may see evidence of Bigfoot, another may see something entirely different. Case in point, this photograph posted on YouTube clearly shows the carcass of a dead animal, but the type of creature is a mystery.

The story behind the photograph is that a farmer (name and location intentionally left out) was in his fields one afternoon, filling deer feeding bins, when he discovered the corpse of an unknown creature. Quickly, he snapped a single photograph of the beast; claiming that it was, to him, clearly the deceased body of a Bigfoot.

Upon reviewing the photograph, many people have flatly stated the photograph is a fake; no Bigfoot to be seen here – move along. Many questioned the practicality of taking only one photograph and leaving all physical evidence behind. One man pointed out that he’d have loaded the thing up and hauled it away, as well as taken several hundreds of pictures from all sides to prove what he had was real.

Putting aside questions about whether or not the subject of the photograph is real, the corpse clearly doesn’t match the likeness of what we have come to know as Bigfoot. In fact, it looks more like a partially decomposed corpse of a werewolf. When you look at the photo, notice the elongated snout and long canine teeth, as well as the shape of the body. It’s the classic example of a werewolf.

Unfortunately, the anonymity of the farmer’s identity and lack of specific details strengthens the argument against this being hard evidence of cryptid life. Discovering something as rare as a Bigfoot (or a werewolf) body lying in their field, would lead most to stake their claim and become famous. Intentionally leaving out your name seems counter-intuitive to most people.

Is this just a situation where a rural farmer doesn’t want to be famous? Maybe he enjoys the life he has and wishes it to remain free from endless media coverage. There’s nothing at all wrong with that, either. As they say, it takes all kinds—The question as to what is in the photograph remains. Is it as the mystery farmer claims: a Bigfoot? Or is it a werewolf mistaken for Bigfoot?

Submitter's note: It's really obviously a partially decomposed bear. Here is the original source of the photo.

Syncretistic Stupidity Award

Wulf Ingessunu #fundie #magick inglinga.blogspot.co.uk

Ever since seeing this ancient stone which I have called by the name White Stone of Ing the design of the carvings has eluded me, even though I have always seen it as being familiar. The Ing-Rune in its English version can be seen as two Edel-Runes joined as one, which looks very much like an ancient symbol for the Divine Twins - joined at the head. Although the central 'cartouche' is rectangular and not diamond-shaped the 'arms' and 'legs' connecting at the top and bottom do suggest a very similar image.

I can now see some importance in the stone itself, which is a White Stone, since the three major religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity are all connected to the Black Cube which suggests darkness and matter. Could it be that the White Stone is the counter-religion to the darkness and matter based around the Black Cube or Black Stone? I have shown before how Revelations shows how the finding of a 'White Stone' would lead to a 'new name of God', i.e. the name of the god or archetype who rules the New Age. In this case the god Ing is the name found on the stone. The importance is obviously that of the 'White Stone' which is the colour of purity.

The message 'Gift of Ing' is found on the stone, with this being linked to 'Fire' and to the meanings of the Ken-Rune. The Ken-Rune also represents the Fire-Serpent which is linked to Ingwe and the Rune of Ingwe. Agni of the Vedas is linked to the Aswins who are the Divine Twins; both are associated with friction-fire and the kindling of the Sacred Flame. Here we seem to have a connection between Ingwe and the Divine Twins, if I am right in seeing the twin-Edel-Runes in the symbolism of the stone.

There is of course a very strong connection between the Ing-Rune and the Edel-Rune since the former is the Rune of the Blood and the latter is the Rune of the Homeland. The Ing-Rune, as stated here, is in itself twin Edel-Runes which form the ancient symbol of the Divine Twins joined at the head. The Edel-Rune has the shape given to the Greek god Atlas, the God of the World Pillar. The globe is the world, held up by Atlas. Both runes also contain the message 'Gift of Ing', something which has never been explained. Both the Rune of the Blood and the Rune of the Homeland are connected to Ingwe.

Of course, with such figures as Hengest and Horsa we naturally assume that the Divine Twins are always both male. In the case of Hengest and Horsa, who are the founders of a nation, this is obviously true since they parallel Romulus and Remus and other 'twins'. But there are various different aspects of such figures, and there may be a case here to consider that Ingwe is the male 'twin' but the other figure is perhaps female. In this case we could guess at the sister of Ingwe - Freya. Twins are not necessarily both the same sex. There is also the legend of 'Od' to consider here, for Freya loses her 'Od' and searches to find him again. The name 'Od' forms part of the Od-al Rune.

Mercia Eliade hints that fire is held within the 'Eternal Feminine' where man may seek to find it. It is perhaps significant that the Ken-Rune on the stone is a variant used by the Anglo-Saxons, and not the usual rune-shape which has an upright stave with a downwards or upwards pointing offshoot. In fact the alternative can be seen as an ur-glyphic Ur-Rune with a vertical line above it - fire with smoke going upwards. We know that Freya is also associated with fire since she wears the Brosingamene Necklace, the word 'brosinga' being associated with fire.

The ur-glyphic Ur-Rune thus suggests the Primal Fire and the CGF version of the Ken-Rune is shaped as an Ur-Rune turned sideways. I have shown how the English Ing-Rune can be seen as either an Ur-Fusion or Ken-Fusion which parallels the ideas that I have looked at here. Indeed, the shape of the White Stone of Ing also suggests an inverted Ur-Rune at the top and Ur-Rune at the bottom.

Gyfu is the Rune of Gefion who is the Gift Goddess and an aspect of Freya; we have thus Ingwe and Freya shown within the two runes which make up the phrase 'Gift of Ing'. The 'Fire-Rune' (Ken) is actually linked to the Ing-Rune, suggesting a closer link between these two runes. This may be stretching a point too far but these two make the word 'ken(n)ing'. This is likely a coincidence though we cannot rule out that it is synchronicity.

Ingwe is of course also known as Frey, a title meaning 'lord'; Freya means 'lady' which makes up the pairing. Indeed, this is no doubt where Wicca gets its 'Lord and Lady' from originally. In the law of the Waene (Vanir) sister and brother can also be married through a Sacred Wedding. Both Ingwe and Freya are linked to the planet Venus which is the Morning Star and Evening Star. It is most likely that Freya is the Morning Star and Ingwe the Evening Star, though of course the planet is one and the same. Whatever the case Venus is connected to the concept of resurrection.

If the 'Gift of Ing' is the Primal Fire then Ingwe is clearly associated with the Vedic god Agni. Agni is in fact one of the original 'trinity' of gods prior to the later Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva. I believe that with the name 'Ingwe' we are going way back into very ancient times, maybe even linked to the title 'Igg' given to Woden when he hung upon Iggdrasil. Noting the following we can see a pattern emerging here -

Ingwe & Freya
The Divine Twins
The Rune of the Blood
The Rune of the Homeland
Ingwe was known in these islands well before the later Germanic invasions or incursions.

The 'Gift of Ing' is the Primal Fire or Creative Fire which provides not only 'Light' but also the heat needed to germinate new life. The White Stone of Ing has obvious connections to the creation of the English Folk-Nation through the idea of 'Blood and Soil'. The connection here between the Divine Twins - Hengest and Horsa - are obvious, for they are the 'Founding Twins'. The White Stone of Ing has obvious connections to the idea of the Resurrection of the English Folk-Nation. It is also connected to the White Dragon of the English. This 'resurrection' is linked directly to the sinking of ancient At-al-land. We know this through the importance of the Hale-Bopp Comet.

"In the end, K is something programmed into the computer code of the universe — a fundamental fore integral to the world, and designed to arise spontaneously, due to the designed nature of it. Once arisen, it guides the evolution of every self sufficient organism’s form and function. K may even be the fundamental force really driving the universe’s organizaiton, if not the underlying purpose of the entire Creation. In its most basic form, K is about the fostering of a specific quality within the Universe’s organization. The quality can be loosely be described as “greatness,” — encompassing such variables as complexity, ability, resiliency, sophistication, creativity, adaptability, etc.

If one examines the world around them, they will quickly come to the realization that, over the long haul, it favors K innately, and that this is likely an engineered design. God does not want to crack the hood on His Creation, only to look out upon a Universe of a worlds that all look like the world in the movie Idiocracy, filled with imbeciles denigrating the lone eloquent smart person. Indeed, were the universe designed to favour R-evolution would never have even made it that far. All God would see in a perpetually R-universe would be ever more rapidly expanding blobs of goo, each unit of goo competing fiercely with the others, to see which can expend less energy on greatness and complexity, to focus on repoducing more of an ever less-evolved goo."

I had just mentioned the word 'synchronicity' when I was beginning to run out of ideas that would complete this post. I had to look up my emails to sort out something for the coming Folk-Moot when I opened an email with a link to a site called 'Elfnationalist' which contained the above quote, and which compared what is termed R-evolution to K-evolution. What struck me so hard was the use of the 'K' which is connects directly to the K-Rune or Ken-Rune, and underlines yet another reason, and perhaps more important reason for the use of the rune on the White Stone. The basic meaning of what is being said is that 'R-evolution' is based upon quantity, equality, and the masses whilst K-evolution is based upon quality, inequality and an aristocratic order.

Again, speaking of 'synchronicity', the article here was about Tolkien's Elves, and the next section of my post was about Ingwe-Frey as 'Lord of the Elves'. The elves are depicted as Nietzsche's Superman or Overman, as the next stage of the evolution of Man. We are thus back to the idea of 'resurrection' and the ideas put forward here. The 'Gift of Ingwe' is thus the gift of Immortality and the creation of the Sun-Man or Sonnenmensch. It is the 'Fire of Re-Creation'.

The Ken-Rune is also the 'Rune of Kingship' and thus directly related to inequality and to the creation of the Divine Order of Caste. Ingwe is in a sense the Sacral King wedded to the land, to 'Sovereignty' (Freya). This is a very important concept since everything centres around Man and the Earth, to the mystical link between Blood and Soil - the Edel. The key to the 'awakening' is The Hooded Man whose rune is the Edel-Rune!

One last comment here. Does not the phrase - '...imbeciles denigrating the lone eloquent smart person...' ring true when we look at every form of attack upon anyone who stands up against this rotten, corrupt, degenerate system? We see this at every turn where anyone with a bit of common sense and intellect is ridiculed by the 'imbeciles' who make up the masses, the 'mob', the 'herd', the 'people' - the representatives of the multi-racial system that brooks no opposition nor criticism to its falling world.

This we must remember - they represent a falling world, a world quickly falling into decay and ruins, a world on the brink of destruction. Their own greed and foolishness will bring about their own destruction. The 'Black Cube' will symbolise their own destruction. The 'White Stone' and the 'White Dragon' symbolises the victory of Light over Darkness! The White Stone of Ing is held within the ancient Isle of Albion - the Isle of the Elves.

Marisa Moris #magick thespiritscience.net


Has this ever happened to you? You’re zipping around, living your life and for some reason your eyes happen to look at the clock at 11:11, 1:11, 4:44 or some other similar sequence to this? For most of us this may go on for days, weeks, and maybe even months until we begin to wonder why we keep seeing these same numbers. Others may not see repetitive or consecutive numbers but will see the same number, or the same word over and over and over until it just seems silly that it’s happening.

The guides explained this phenomenon about two years ago when my dad and I started doing weekly channeling sessions for the book we published called “Answers – Heaven Speaks”. I asked them why so many people see things like this and explained that I had heard TONS of theories but wanted to hear from them if any of those ideas were real or just superstition. I thought their answer was pretty cool!

Channeled from my guides:

“You are a body, you are a mind, and you are a spirit. Many living on the earth plane have forgotten or have never known just how much control the human spirit has over it’s human vessel. While on the earth plane we tend to experience only the physical using the five senses but there is so much more going on around us than we think. At any moment a loved one in spirit or a guide could be standing right next to us speaking to the spirit that we are. Although the human has no idea, the spirit will process this information so that later the subconscious mind will kick the information over into the conscious mind. We as physical beings will believe it was us who came up with a brilliant idea when really it was grandma, the higher self, a guide, or very possibly an angel who delivered this idea into the mind. When we get very stuck in physicality making it impossible for the spirit to communicate with the conscious mind, our spirit will begin to do things such as prompting us to look at the clock at the same time every day until we reach a point to where our ego mind says “This is impossible! How is this happening?! I don’t know the answer to this question!” Once the ego and intellectual mind come to this point of admitting it does not know everything, this is when the spirit can really be heard!”

So, basically, when this happens, it is“the other side’s” way of getting that racing mind of ours to turn off just long enough to deliver a much-needed message into our mind. We may not get the message loud and clear at that moment but it will appear through dreams, or in time of silence like when we are driving, or sometimes chatting with a friend will bring the information to the surface as well. Regardless of how it comes through it is information that can help us on our earthly journey and I think that is so awesome!!

Next time you see a “magic” number, the guides and I invite you to stop for just one moment, allow your spirit to send the message, and then communicate a message back to them, even if it’s just a “Thank you for watching over me”. You will see the changes in your life begin or at the very least life will seem just a little more magical!

Jordan Duchnycz/The Spirit Science #magick thespiritscience.net

(emphasis original)

The biggest secret that absolutely nobody knows about –> And will change EVERYTHING for humankind!!

It’s been a while since I wrote an article— It seems only fitting that I come out of my writing coma in order to divulge in one of the biggest secrets that absolutely nobody knows about— And those who do, are ridiculed for even considering it.

It’s a HUGE secret, i mean, BIG. I mean like, so big that the only thing that would rival it in scope would be Aliens landing and talking to us about our ways.

And this one seems more likely that it will be revealed first.

The Apocalypse— Do you remember from an early Spirit Science cartoon, we discussed that the Apocalypse was the lifting of the veil? A great secret or truth becoming known to mankind?

apocalypse (n.) Look up apocalypse at Dictionary.comlate 14c., “revelation, disclosure,” from Church Latin apocalypsis “revelation,” from Greek apokalyptein “uncover, disclose, reveal,” from apo- “from” (see apo-) + kalyptein “to cover, conceal”

This Apocalypse has yet to reach the masses, it will likely be several years before this truth surfaces as a fact. Nonetheless, it is the truth, and it will destroy all of our religions at once, unless they are able to adapt to the harsh reality that a great civilization existed on earth a long, long time ago.

The secret i’m about to tell you is the last great secret of Spirit Science. Well.. certainly there will be more secrets that will be unveiled in the future— but this is the big one. Everything else is actually really anti-climactic.

Read on fellow learner, and consider the following:

Whatever remnants of the lost civilizations of Atlantis are frozen under approximately 1-2 vertical miles of Ice of Greenland— and the ice is melting.

You see, when Atlantis sunk, it didn’t actually sink. It froze.There was a disaster, a huge one, there was likely a HUGE tidal wave, if not multiple ones. The disruption that occurred caused the entire continent to freeze over, preserved for a time when we would rediscover it again.

It was almost completely encased in ice. And while it is still likely that many of the man-made things were destroyed, however, there is still ample amount of evidence hiding under that ice, waiting to be rediscovered as global warming melts the ice away, revealing our ancient past.

Who knows what ancient technology awaits us under the ice? What I know, without a shadow of a doubt (which truly I can only attribute at this time to deep, spiritual knowing— and a logic that just says “All of the pieces fit”), is that Atlantis existed on a continent of its own, and that continent is what today we know as Greenland.

Are there actual objects and lives frozen in-tact? Or is there just remnants of ancient giant ruins and rubble? That is what we will have to wait and see. However, I wouldn’t be surprised— in fact, I’m expecting it, that when Greenland thaws from Global Warming, the entire world is going to find out that we had a huge, advanced civilization over 13,000 years ago.

And the technology that we find may just be what is needed to save mankind from our global disaster—. Maybe. ;)

I think it will still take collaboration and community to save us, though.

~ ~ ~

So what evidence do I have to support these bold, bold claims you may ask?!

Good question!

No, the ice hasn’t thawed enough to have any physical evidence actually. We have some other items at our disposal. From the word of Thoth on the shape and description of the continent of Atlantis, to the fact that observing the tectonic plates geologists have mapped that the continent of Greenland used to be much farther south than it is today, smack in the middle of the atlantic, most often propertied as to where Atlantis existed before it disappeared.

Do you remember this picture, from Spirit Science 12 – The Atlantis Movie? In this movie we use this diagram of the continent, which was described by Thoth to Drunvalo, and drawn in the Flower of Life books. Other drawings, equally similar, exist in much older texts, spanning back as far as plato.

And then, and only then, mankind will have the evidence it needs once and for all to see that it in fact is far older, and far wiser, and has a far more intricate history than ever imagined before.

It will be undeniable, and the global discussion will take a rapid 90 degree turn into understanding our true origins.

It will not be able to be covered up by any government or corporate conspiracy— And it will be the sign of a new era of mankind to begin.

That’s all I got, enjoy the research, and not to mention talking about this with your friends.

If they call you crazy, don’t worry. You’re not.

— I am authorized by myself to state that despite these bold claims as hard truths, they are still only but theories in my head— but its one of those things that I just have a feeling on that is TOO REAL for me to not make a post about its legitimacy. Sorry, I know thats typically not how science works— THOUGH, that’s also how science progresses. Einstein made a lot of claims before he actually demonstrated anything, and he was right about the things he saw.

Anyways, till next time!

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