Phil Falco #wingnut
You crucified a man for 4 years who you did not pay. Then you glorify a man you have paid for 45 years & accomplished nothing.
You crucified a man for 4 years who you did not pay. Then you glorify a man you have paid for 45 years & accomplished nothing.
I keep waiting for somebody to tell me in which moment of the book of Genesis were the “planets” created? Or how come that the elites know the form of a virus that they haven’t even isolated? I keep looking in the Hebrew original and I don’t find that Elohim has created any “planets” or “virus”, but it only speaks of two places, “HEAVEN and EARTH”, and also of two LUMINARIES with fixed stars together with the firmament that serve as a calendar, and also that everything was good. So could there be life in Mars, Jupiter or Neptune? There simply can’t be life in a place that DOES NOT EXIST, or could there be among people a virus with Shrek ears?… You just can’t create a cure for something that you don’t even know what it is! In fact, everything they show you from NASAland, the World Satan Organization (WHO), are just cartoons for adult kids.
There is an observable relation on volcanos, since in some places where there are volcanic rocks there are also cut down giant trees. It is possible that giants have caused these phenomena.
Did you know that volcanoes don’t actually expel lava from the Earth core?
The lava that comes out of the volcanos comes from the Earth core, according to the false globe Earth model; when it’s actually just lava produced by mining residue accumulated and mined in ancient times.
Warning: Volcanoes ARE A LIE that continues promoting a globe Earth.
I borrowed this!
2300 years ago, long before Islam, Arabs discovered that forcing people to cover their nose and mouths, broke their will and individuality, and depersonalized them. It made them submissive. That's why they imposed on every woman the mandatory use of a fabric over her face.
Then Islam turned it into the woman's symbol of submission to Alah, the man owner of the Harem, and the King.
Modern psychology explains it: without face we don't exist as independent beings. The child looks in the mirror between the ages of two and three and is discovered as an independent being. The mask is the beginning of deleting individuality.
He who does not know his history is condemned to repeat it...
Tury Carpo
They closed your businesses.
They closed your schools.
They closed your churches.
They closed your beaches.
They banned parties.
They banned funerals.
They banned graduation ceremonies.
They banned nursing home visitors.
They banned hospital visits.
They banned dads in the delivery room.
They banned travel to certain states.
They even designated what constitutes a meal.
They allowed protests.
They allowed riots.
They allowed anarchists to coopt cities.
They allowed the storming of police precincts.
They allowed the assault of peacekeepers.
They allowed multiple funerals for people that fit their agenda.
They allowed businesses to be destroyed.
They allowed gun stores to be vandalized.
They allowed churches to be set on fire.
They allowed the infringement of our liberty.
They allowed our Constitution to be ignored.
Vote WISELY in November to save America!
My opinion. Natural immunity is best option. Vitamins C, D3, zinc, quercetin, selenium, lysine, garlic, probiotic & liquid structured silver build immune. Daily exercise. Fresh air & sunshine. Healthy diet. No drugs, alcohol, smoking or vaping. No fast food or junk food. Thats my personal program. That's in my opinion the way to go to build your immune system! But my way doesn't make Big Pharma rich. My way saves America, which makes Joe Biden unhappy- because he is owned by China.
You really Have to first defined Christian extremism To avoid sweeping generalizations
that’s like saying that our biggest problem in America is white supremacy
there’s a HUGE difference between arbitrary or liturgical rules and extremism. In today’s political climate “extremism” it’s just a word to demonized and Marginalize or dehumanize Things That someone opposes
In fact the social media platform like FB are even doing the same thing to its political any enemies calling anyone that doesn’t fall in line with Joe Biden the discrepancies around the 2020 election are now “promoting extremist content”
We need to be careful Not to play fast and loose with the words that we use.
Unless I’m mistaken the Jews are still Gods chosen people, Christ came as their Messiah and while most rejected him not all did, Israel is our only true ally in the Middle East and perhaps someone who feels that Palestine is somehow virtuous should study more. They use women and children as human shields and set off rockets from schools and hospitals, dig tunnels into Israel to enter in and commit acts of barbarism and their goal is to annihilate Israel. I find it astonishing that a Christian would hold such a stance against Israel. My support for Israel is based on scripture, not fundamental ideology I am also unaware that women are nothing but chattel in Israel, that women and homosexuals are stoned to death and that you get your right hand cut off for stealing. I know of no instances where Israel has beheaded an “infidel”.
[comment on a picture of Billie Eilish in a dress]
I have nothing but adoration to add here ... and thanks to the Lord she's past that horrid teenage multi-coloured hair, ridiculous nails, grandpa's shorts stage of her life emerge in such gorgeousness ....WOW!
It looks as if it were a riddle to find a treasure map, but it's not ☺
-The Sun is not a star.
-Planets are stars.
-Stars are not suns.
-Earth is not a planet.
-The Moon is not a satellite.
-New stars are not created.
-"Old" stars do not die nor explode.
-Stars do not collide with each other.
-There are not new planets being found.
-All stars move in the same trajectory.
-Wandering stars move in different trajectories.
If you love God, believe in Him and long for His presence, then why do you still believe in a globe Earth model invented by those who hate God and blaspheme against Him?
Name one grandma or grandpa who has pleaded with you to stay home, locked down, and masked so that they could remain alive.
I’ll wait.
Now try naming politicians or billion dollar corporations that have asked you to— while simultaneously increasing their own wealth via their “essential business” provisions.
(Hint, there are a lot of them)
Both Francis Bacon and Alfred Wegener, proponents of Pangea and tectonic plates, were Freemasons.
The Word is true. Earth does not move, nor will it ever be moved. Tectonic plates are another lien of the system, of the falsely so-called science, to hide the truth of the Bible and contradict what God teaches us in His Word.
Bill Gates is definitely a social Darwinianist, like Adolf Hitler, like Margaret Sanger, like J.D. Rockefeller, like the Carnegie Institute, like [Henry] Ford. … They were all Darwinianists, social Darwinianists. They believed in evolution, they believe that Blacks and people that were not white were not as evolved, and that the whites were the more evolved ones—and only certain kinds of whites—and that was their ideology.
If vaccines are supposed to make you more healthy, and you want to reduce population by 10 to 15 percent—which is going to be 700 million to a billion people on the planet, [Gates] wants to do that right away; about a billion people on the planet he wants to reduce and wipe off the planet now. You have to ask yourself how you’re going to do that. And if vaccines actually make you live longer, why would you then say people need vaccines? Well, it’s because they know that when they inject them, they can put things in your body that ultimately affect your reproduction.
The vaccines go to certain concentrated places. It has very high concentration in the ovaries. What we’re seeing with women is missed menstrual cycles, two menstrual cycles a month, heavy bleeding, painful menstrual cycles. We’re even seeing that with people, by the way, who haven’t gotten the shot but have been in close proximity to those who have the shot. Start asking women in your reaches—it may be a sensitive situation, but just ask them: Have you experienced, after being in close contact with somebody who’s had the shot, have you experienced any rashes? Just ask them two questions: rashes or bleeding? And I can guarantee you [that] you will be surprised at how many women will come back and say, “Oh my—that’s why my monthly cycle is all messed up.”
What it’s doing is it’s affecting the reproductive systems. And it goes to the testes as well. And it’s affecting both men and women in terms of their ability, or rather their inability, to later procreate. So, one: It’s killing people. Two: it’s going to prevent people from procreating. So, I will guarantee you that in a few years, when somebody does a study, they’re going to say, “I wonder why the population reproduction rate has plummeted?” And whether they’re going to connect it to this or not, I don’t know. But this is their insidious plan.
I, as a BLACK AMERICAN, have been pulled over COUNTLESS times by police, in anywhere from Multimillion dollar neighborhoods to Poverty stricken slums, to Redneck, hillbilly country roads, ALWAYS while being locked and loaded with a LISCENSED, 40 cal handgun sometimes with even more than 1 gun. I have been searched and questioned, sometimes even for HOURS, but not ONCE has anything EVER gone violent. WHY? Because I made 1 choice, and 1 choice only, and that was to RESPECT THEIR AUTHORITY, and respect their orders, because I’d rather leave HUMBLE with a HANDSHAKE than leave lifeless in a BODY BAG. Police officers have 1 goal, and 1 goal only. And that is to make it home to their loved ones at the end of the shift. If the REST of America had the SAME AGENDA, This world would be so much different.
America? the beautiful,
or so you used to be.
Land of the Pilgrims' pride;
I'm glad they'll never see.
Babies piled in dumpsters,
Abortion on demand,
Oh, sweet land of liberty;
your house is on the sand.
Our children wander aimlessly
poisoned by cocaine
choosing to indulge their lusts,
when God has said abstain
From sea to shining sea,
our Nation turns away
From the teaching of God's love
and a need to always pray
We've kept God in our
temples, how callous we have grown.
When earth is but His footstool,
and Heaven is His throne.
We've voted in a government
that's rotting at the core,
Appointing Godless Judges;
who throw reason out the door,
Too soft to place a killer
in a well deserved tomb,
But brave enough to kill a baby
before he leaves the womb.
You think that God's not
angry, that our land's a moral slum?
How much longer will He wait
before His judgment comes?
How are we to face our God,
from Whom we cannot hide?
What then is left for us to do,
but stem this evil tide?
If we who are His children,
will humbly turn and pray;
Seek His holy face
and mend our evil way:
Then God will hear from Heaven;
and forgive us of our sins,
He'll heal our sickly land
and those who live within.
But, America the Beautiful,
If you don't - then you will see,
A sad but Holy God
withdraw His hand from Thee..
(Note: This is only a few select batshit-crazy paragraphs from a batshit-crazier article. Read the rest of this idiot’s steaming hot piles of shit if you want to, tho)
There is also the 555 Kingdom that produces the plate 555. These properties of Satan give demons legality. This kingdom of Satan is for household items and food for they control the food, clothing, and the plants we use on the Earth. Most of the food people eat in the world is not food. Often companies signed pacts with demons who multiplied food that they produced so that they can supply the world with their food. These demons are from the 555 Kingdom. They go to the cemetery and collect the bodies of the dead and they transform them into canned meat and processed meat that we eat. These productions happened from September to February. They turn human parts to chicken. People who sell food and clothes sign covenants with demons of the 555 Kingdom because they deal with food.
The other kingdom of Satan is the 777 Kingdom that is the kingdom of domination and power. Most politicians work with demons of this kingdom. Even pastors that aspire to have big churches and crowds work with this kingdom.
There is also the kingdom of Satan of code 999. This is the kingdom that deals with inventions and technology such as Apple, Android, new media. I remember when the Lord took me to the world of Satan, I saw plasma TV. The Lord said this technology of plasma TV was used in the world of Satan 3000 years ago. It is because it is outdated that they sent it to the Earth. Whatever technology humanity is using today was in trend in the world of Satan hundreds of years ago.
"Koko was believed to have had an IQ of between 75 and 95 and could sign more than 1,000 words. The average IQ of a human is around 90 to 110. She also understood spoken English."
According to the "30 point rule" of psychometrics [as proposed by pioneering psychometrician Leta S. Hollingworth], Koko's elevated level of thought would have been all but incomprehensible to nearly half the population of Somalia (average IQ 68). Yet the nations of Europe and North America are being flooded with millions of unvetted Somalian refugees who are not (initially) kept in cages despite what appears to be the world's highest rate of violent crime.
Obviously, this raises a question: Why is Western Civilization not admitting gorillas? They too are from Africa, and probably have a group mean IQ at least equal to that of Somalia. In addition, they have peaceful and environmentally friendly cultures, commit far less violent crime than Somalians, and with minor modifications to Western education systems, can easily be taught to use language.
Why are these gentle creatures, who have been threatened with genocide for decades, not being taken in by Western nations as refugees despite the indisputable fact that they are teetering on the edge of extinction in their homelands?
Can this be called humane or compassionate? What on Earth is going on here?
[Some of you might wonder whether this is a joke. The truth is that I'm not quite sure..]
What a hoax. Can any animal survive when it's digestive tract is 15% evolved? Can any bird or bat survive when it's wings are 10% developed? Can any animal survive when it's reproductive system is 20% developed?
The obvious answer is NO! What happens to animals when their heart is 15% evolved? Their Liver is 10% or their eyes are 10% evolved?
Are you starting to see the scientific truth of evolution? If animals can not survive when major organs are only 10 or 15% evolved, then they would never get to 5 or 10% developed! What a hoax!
“And yet, when a person dies they return back to the soil, not a frog.”
This explains everything. Even $70 billion doesn't help. Liberal men are all MICRO SOFT.…/bill-and-melinda-gates-getting-…
In a related development, Mr.Pillow man has 100% percent proof of the national election steal— though the results will have to be searched for because the thieves have cohorts in big tech platforms trying to suppress the truth. It is yet another proof the prophets who prophesied DJT would win— were not wrong. Meanwhile, there is a leadership group in the Body of Christ upping the ante at going after the prophets that don’t back down on what God said— and is still saying. They consider that if a thief has managed to hold the loot from a robbery for 5 or 6 months that it now has be considered fair and square his loot. They see it as a valuable service to the Body of Christ to “rein in” these prophets who keep agreeing with God. They have unwisely partnered with the thief while true prophetic voices have no choice but to agree with God. If God changes His mind we will too. If He doesn’t we won’t either. I’m guessing He won’t change His mind.
Vision of a Golden Scepter
As I was praying today I saw a vision of DJT seated on a throne holding a golden scepter. He also had a golden crown on his head. This, I was shown, is his PRESENT status from heaven’s perspective. That becomes all I need to know, as to should I back off saying “the steal will not hold”. Heaven does not recognize JB having any scepter nor wearing any crown. From heaven’s perspective, there is only the legitimacy of DJT. God has assigned a massive contingency of angels to that scepter and to that crown. They have not ceased assignment and anointed seers can see this. To repeat, the prophetic word has been true all the way from Nov 3. On that date, DJT won the election “as spoken by His servants the prophets”. IT WAS FULFILLED. The only thing presently yet to be made visible is will an outrageous steal hold for a whole term. It will not! The answer from God to the question of when is— SOON. Do I have a date on that SOON? No, I don’t.
Pro-God, Pro-life, therefore Pro-Trump. Educate yourselves before you vote! Number one for me is always “who will give a voice to the unborn?” A vote for Biden is a vote for murdering babies....and full term at that. Disgusting.
Yes, I have a passion for research; have joked would research a THUMP TACK so did. My career GM that love for finding WHY whatever wasn't working; I would deep dive research do the "root cause analysis" no matter how long it took. Yes, it paid off; although that's not WHY I did it; frankly it was the answer that mattered and still does today. When President Trump came down the escalator; Phil explained "He will be President." I believed Phil; and had to learn WHY.
First, I learned and it was MOST IMPORTANT, DONALD J. TRUMP GREW UP attending church every Sunday with his family listening to Rev. Norman Vincent Peale, a famous minister who authored The Power of Positive Thinking. Does not matter to me Peale's son is no fan of Donald Trump; my Mom read The Power of Positive Thinking; kept the book in her night stand, that is enough for me.
I read 14 books on Obama; he was mentored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis. How many who voted for Obama know WHO OBAMA REALLY IS? I DO.
President Trump took a big chance; asked his Father for a million dollar loan.
When you talk about flat Earth, due to humanity having been indoctrinated for decades, you see that the first reaction from whom hears it is “I can’t believe that in the 21st century there are people who believe in flat Earth”.
In the face of the overwhelming physical and Biblical (much more important) evidence, I think we shpould turn the question around and proclaim the truth; and, instead of defending ourselves, rather we should say “I can’t believe that, in the 21st century, there are still people that believe that Earth is a ball which spins in an infinite Universe”. And, furthermore, in front of alleged Christians who would say the first sentence I quote, a good answer might be “And I can’t believe that there are Christians who haven’t read the Bible”.
Let’s proclaim the truth!
If science says that stars explode and die, why don’t we ever see that in the sky?
It follows that, when a star dies, it leaves behind a black hole, according to science, which makes us deduce that, if stars don’t explode, then the idea of black holes in “space” is just another lie. Everything that astronomy teaches is full of lies.
Arlo Calles: If science says that stars explode and die, why don’t we ever see that in the sky?
Marilyn Suárez: I don’t believe that they explode and die, as I don’t believe that more stars are being created. They all have a special mission asigned by Our Creator, to maintain order under the Dome. What they say about them dying is a pure lie. They will stay in our Dome, until the new Creation.
Tectonic plates moving is a lie made up by freemasons Francis Bacon and Alfred Wegener, who invented the Pangea theory, which until now is promoted by NASA arguing that “all the continents will come together again in millions of years”,
However, the Bible shows us that the Earth doesn’t move, that it is firm, and that it will never be moved. God teaches us in the Bible that the Earth is founded upon foundations and columns.
Don’t forget that the tectonic plate theory continues being just that… one more theory invented to continue an agenda of deveive over mankind.
Spanish original: Las placas tectónicas moviéndose es una mentira fabricada por los masones Francis Bacon y Alfred Wegener, quienes inventaron la teoría de pangea, la cual hasta ahora es promovida por la nasa argumentando que “todos los continentes van a volver a unirse en millones de años”.
Sin embargo, la Biblia nos muestra que la tierra no se mueve, que es firme, y que no será jamás removida. Dios nos enseña en la Biblia también que la tierra está fundada sobre cimientos y columnas.
No olvidemos que la teoría de las placas tectónicas sigue siendo sólo eso... una teoría más inventada para seguir una agenda de engaño sobre la humanidad.
To a vampiric atheistic talking head, the CTMU is like a wooden stake cured in garlic and bathed in pure sunlight. Atheists use their talk shows in pursuit of an utterly mindless agenda, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with finding the truth. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to calculate what such people have to offer.
The CTMU has already been "all over the news", mostly at the turn of the millennium (just as promised); professed Christian GW Bush and his decidedly non-Christian neocon vultures did everything they could to distract everyone from it by immediately staging 9/11, passing the PATRIOT Act, and invading Iraq and Afghanistan, thus immersing us in these last few years of Middle Eastern bloodshed, after which Obama decided that we also needed wave after wave of fake "refugees" and DHS-sanctioned demographic genocide as we "talked about race" (people talked, and suffered, and sometimes died; Mr. Obama played hundreds of rounds of golf and sold everyone but his real employers down the river to the banks and the insurers and the globalists, enjoying lots of air time and over a $hundred million in luxury vacations while he was at it. Now, that's "success" for you!)
We are obviously living in a world that is not run by God, but by something else entirely. When the timer buzzes and this "something else" shuts down the sideshows and takes unto itself all that it owns (and it long ago shared its plans in this regard with all who were listening), all of those uncaring little geniuses of whom you speak - the "righteous" pastors, the snide atheistic showboats, the drooling television and sports and video game addicts, the whorish PC/multiculti-besotted acadummies and politicians, everyone who couldn't care less about Absolute Truth and the true nature of reality - will find themselves, figuratively speaking of course, unceremoniously stuffed into a place that is hot, dark, smelly, Orwellian, and impossible to escape.
Young, Black And Conservative., Consider this idea: Tell those histories, but let the picture tell the skin tone, rather than an adjective. Tell the history regardless of month. My perspective on this has been formed over many years, which included the slogan "there is no black or white in the Army; only green"
An accomplishment is not more remarkable by adjective of skin tone, and there is often a suggestion that it is if the adjective is attached to it. If it is more remarkable because of that adjective, it implies that category is less capable of accomplishment.
Dr Carson, Dr Swain, Candace Owens, Frederick Douglass, George Washington Carver, and so many more are Great Americans, distinguished in their own fields You have added histories of other Great Americans many of us did not know. I avoid the adjective whenever possible because it implies the accomplishment is only remarkable within the category, while I hold it should be considered remarkable for the Nation.
When I look at Medal of Honor recipients, or Generals, or Great NCO's I have known, skin tone didn't make the difference. Their character and deeds did. The bar was higher than the civilian world, and they overcame it, in that military environment. Take a look at the stories of those who have earned the MoH, before the pictures. The standard of bravery and valor is the same. The adjective makes no difference and is left out. Only the picture makes that known. They are equals, though their deeds unique. (There is a difference between the Civil War and GWOT.)
Just consider that way of looking at it, and keep posting the stories of those Great Americans, even if the ones you seek out tend towards a particular group, and even if you choose to spotlight them every day; not just in one month, and even if you don't ignore them in a month or day dedicated to a different adjective.
A repentant rapist may be SAVED, but an unforgiving victim will be damned in hell throughout eternity.
William Lane Craig (professor of philosophy at Houston Baptist University and research professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology [Biola University]) is held up by many as a great apologist for Christianity. But the fact is, he represents one of the major problems with much of the church and most Christian institutions.
Watch his short video and see his pseudo-intellectual arrogance that mocks God and his Word and instead exalts the word of fallible, sinful man above God’s holy, infallible Word. He’s destructive to the church and will have to give account to God for his blatant compromise of God’s Word and for leading many astray.
Craig claims a genre analysis indicates Genesis chapters 1-11 are not literal and historical. That's totally his opinion based on nothing in the Bible. If he had never heard of evolution, he would never think such a thing about the Genesis text. His main thrust is to compromise the pagan religion of evolution/millions of years with God's Word. He is helping atheists undermine the Word of God and capture the minds of generations of people.
"Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!” declares the LORD" (Jeremiah 23:1).
There is what really is science and technological advances. But also false science exists, which is a branch of “official science”, but which is full of anti biblical beliefs and sun worship, such as astronomy, astrophysics, geologic, philosophy, among others.
What others are there? What do you think? Please share your opinion and tell for what reason are these other branches false.
Original Spanish: Existe lo que realmente es ciencia y avances tecnológicos. Pero también existe la falsa ciencia, la cual es una rama de la “ciencia oficial”, pero está llena de creencias religiosas anti bíblicas y adoración al sol, tales como la astronomía, astrofísica, geológica, filosofía, entre otras.
¿Cuáles otras hay? ¿Tú qué piensas? Por favor comparte tu opinión y expresa por qué motivo estas otras ramas son falsas.
This "domestic terrorist", who brought a Confederate flag into the Capitol during this outrageous attack on America has been arrested in his home state of Delaware.
His name is Kevin Seefried. He is a registered Democrat and Biden supporter.
Is Pelosi going to impeach Biden now too?
[addressing people criticizing his failed prophecies of Trump’s reelection]
[God] hates you that are being a troll. He hates you that are attacking your Christian brothers and sisters. “Yeah, but they’re false. They’re wrong.” Excuse me. How do you know? “Because it hasn’t come to pass.” How do you know that it hasn’t come to pass? First of all, the president was reelected. Let’s get that clear. Second of all, he was given a second term based on reelection. “Well, he’s not serving it now?” Because it was stolen by thieves.
Commenters on a Facebook Post from SEIU share some interesting perspectives about Joe Biden’s proposed recovery package
(Steve Steger)
1.9 trillion... where are they getting this money? We will never survive this constant printing of dollars. Stop keeping people at home and start getting them back to work
-Another Commenter suggests that Trump and GOP should not have granted enormous tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans-
(David Kuchta)
[T]he richest 10% pay over half the tax and the poorest 50% either don’t pay tax or get 100+% back in refunds. How about everybody and every business pays 10% with no write offs or deductions. That’s a true fair share.
(Joe Ellis)
[T]hey (Biden & Dems) are going to ruin the U.S. economy and the dollar will be useless !
(David Kuchta)
[T]hat’s what they want so a new world currency can be created. Probably a cyber currency so they can track your money coming and going. That’s when they will insert the chip in your right hand or forehead and you lose your soul or be beheaded.
The dome or firmament is BLUE when it is lightened during the day, and it is totally black or dark in absence of light. It is a great HOAX or LIE or DECEPTION of astronomy all these images of galaxies and nebulas they have shown us. Don’t BELIEVE them. Believe in the Bible, in your senses, not in the falsely so-called science of the jesuit freemasons astronomers of the vatican who are the ones who control nasa.
Shame, shame on the ten Republicans who joined with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in impeaching President Trump yesterday. After all that he has done for our country, you would turn your back and betray him so quickly? We have never had a president like him in my lifetime. He gave us lower taxes, a strong economy, and low unemployment. He made NATO take notice and pay their own way. He had the guts to take on North Korea and meet with their leader personally. He didn’t let China walk all over us. Just his Mideast peace initiatives in the last couple of months deserve a Nobel Peace Prize. He has defended religious liberty like no president before him, and that matters to all people of faith. He has worked to bring prison reform and secured our southern border. He defeated the ISIS caliphate in Syria, and he strengthened our military. He was also the most pro-life president we have ever had. But the House Democrats impeached him because they hate him and want to do as much damage as they can. And these ten, from his own party, joined in the feeding frenzy. It makes you wonder what the thirty pieces of silver were that Speaker Pelosi promised for this betrayal.
My life gets simpler and my email inbox get’s lighter by the day. Just unsubscribed from another leftist leaning theological blogger who wants all us believers who supported President Donald J. Trump to apologize and be embarrassed, they wrote me…“Jesus Was Not a Republican”.
I responded before I blocked them…
“Well, He was not an American either for cryin’ out loud. But Jesus would not support the Democrat godless, pro abortion, pro sexual deviancy, Pro LGBTRUCrazy? agenda.
The Republican party is now the only home for a Bible believer at this point in history
Donald Trump has been a wonderful supporter of religious liberties. If you can’t see that from your theological ivory tower, then you have little to share with me or my ministry. See ya.”
Battle Of The Republic
Trump & The Great America
Myles Holmes Ministries
On Judgement Day You’’ll Wish You Had Been Biblically Correct Not Politically Correct
Congratulations President Elect Biden and soon to be President Biden! With that said, I’m going to need some help from my Democratic Liberal friends:
1. Can I borrow the #NotMyPresident hashtag or is that reserved for President Trump?
2. Who do I contact to see if Republicans are boycotting the Inauguration, like the Democrats did for President Trump?
3. Do I have to accept the election results, or can I cry for four years, claiming election interference?
4. Am I entitled to see Biden’s tax returns to learn how his income jumped dramatically in one year (I mean, we all know how and why. Just show the proof.)?
5. Am I allowed to trash anything that Biden says, without repercussion, because I’m just expressing myself?
6. Is there a sign-up somewhere for riots, do organizers call me, or how does that work, since I didn’t get my way?
7. Are businesses targeted because they supported Biden, or do I just pick a business that has something I want to take home?
8. Were the thousands of businesses that boarded up for fear of riots, for Conservatives or Liberals? If they were for Conservatives, did I miss the riots already??
9. Where are the safe spaces at? Is there a map or something? I may need to go cry for a little while (because of how stupid our country has become).
10. Does all the free stuff your party has promised, just come or do I have to quit my job first?
11. What is the address you guys have been sending all that extra tax money to, since you think people aren’t paying enough in taxes? I’m sure you have been voluntarily sending in more than required...
12. When my 401K crashes, will the President Elect make up for that in give-a-ways, or am I just screwed?
13. Since Socialism is what you just voted in, if my neighbor has something I want, do I just take it or do I have to let him know I’m taking it (Personally, I have had my eye on the brand NEW Mercedes SUV, a couple of doors down ... Biden sign in yard.).
If big tech can shut down Parler, then why don't they shut down child porn?
I watched a video on YouTube from 2017 where a radical muslim leader in the US spoke about instituting "Black Lives Matter" in a negative way against the US.
I watched a video of a young man proud of his participation in the riots, where he said to an under cover reporter: "I am making a living by being paid to riot... just go on and sign up! He pays well.
I watch the movement to erase our history... also a radical muslim approach..
I watch the main stream media and the conservative media and other international media. And I see what NBC, CBS, MSNBC, ABC and CNN leave out of their stories. I see their spin and their lies. And I think to myself, Hoda, Savanah and others have children and families... are they going to feel happy to have their children grow up under a radical lead government, like they reported about in Afghanistan?? Do they really think they are going to be immune from this future for themselves and their families??
While I agree there are still some racists in our Country.. that is moving toward changing. However, we have come a very long way. Look around us, we have scientists of all races and creeds, professors of universities of all races and creeds, celebrities of all races and creeds, sports figures, business owners, politicians and even a black President of the United States... what are we doing here??? Throwing the baby out with the bath water???
WAKE UP AMERICA... we need a Bully President who has the guts to fight for our Counry and to fight for us!!!! It is not about Trump it is about us.... Joe Biden will hand us over to these radical forces because he is not able to stand up.
Go ahead and give me your negative comments, I will then know who the fools are... Later on after you have handed your freedoms over to your new radical leadership, and saying.... "Oh Shit".. will not bring back the beautiful life you once knew. Wake Up!!!!
To those it may concerns
𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧, 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐬𝐨 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐞.
𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑘𝑠 𝑚𝑦 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡.
What I am about to say may very well offend you, severely. Unfortunately, this topic is far more important than the feelings of some non human GMO.
There I said it, because that is what you are now, a GMO. No longer a child of G-d but a product of Pfizer and Bill Gates who now own you, because they own the patent to your artificial DNA.
I wish I could tell you that the choice you made is reversible. Unfortunately it is not. You have chosen to become a lifeform that has no home on earth, in fact no home in all of the universe. See the Universe is the home to each and every of our Creators creations, something you no longer are.
𝑵𝒐𝒘 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑮𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 𝒊𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒈𝒐𝒅, 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓, 𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒐𝒘𝒏𝒔 𝒂 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒖𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑫𝑵𝑨.
G-d listens to all His creation, but you no longer wished to be part of that. Now His voice inside you has become silent. Because, not only did you murder your own body, you destroyed your own soul. It is just so sad to see someone like you, chose death over life, that you chose to blot out your name from the book of life despite all our warnings.
𝐑𝐈𝐏 #KillBill #CoronaGate #killtheelites #revolution2021 #RevolutionNow
[About the Nashville Christmas bombing]
AT&T got a contract to do forensic audit on Dominion voting machines and those machines were being moved to Nashville this past week.
The former owner of the AT&T building in Nashville, William Kennard, is a board member for Cerberus Capital Management and AT&T.... He also was Bill Clinton’s FCC chair, and Obama’s Ambassador to the EU.
Dominion voting is owned by Cerberus Capital Management.... Cerberus is run by Staple Street Execs. Joe Bidens Brother in Law, Steven Owens, is the cofounder of Staple Street Execs along with William Kennard (mentioned above).
Super Computer in TN was connected to the AT&T internet in NASHVILLE.... yesterday evening the Cumberland river cooling system was compromised due to internet outage and Supercomputer fried.....
If you don’t know, “Kraken” is a reference to a supercomputer former prosecuter, Sidney Powell, has been talking about.
So, the explosion “just happened” to be at the AT&T location where they “just so happen” to control the cooling system for the super computer and house the dominion voting machines and drives for forensic audit...
Does it make sense now why no lives were lost? Does it make sense now why the FBI task lead couldn’t even put together a coherent sentence in the press conference yesterday? Does it make sense why the mayor was making light of the situation, almost laughing yesterday?
*Still think we are all crazy? 🤷🏻♀️
Responding to a meme about what Antifa actually means…
And now, presenting the Memey for Most Annoying Meme!
There was incessant gaslighting over the summer about Antifa. It was simultaneously not a real organization and just an "idea," while at the same time a brave movement fighting fascism. Even as Antifa groups occupied, burned and destroyed sections of American cities, memes continued to claim the black clad group were akin to American soldiers in WWII.
Even though Antifa would now consider the average WWII vet a racist perpetrator of toxic masculinity and Western hegemony. They also seemed to ignore that Stalin was anti-fascist.
Runner-up in the comments.
Stay tuned for more Memey Awards, they run until the end of the year. For a complete list of the 2020 Memeys (updated in real time):
[concerning Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, Georgia’s Democratic Senate candidates]
These two clowns running for U.S. Senate down there are both pro-abortion. These two clowns down there are both big LGBTQ advocates. The Bible makes clear, “The fool has said in his heart there is no God,” and these two are both imbued with Marxist ideology. Of course, I’m opposed to them. Of course, I don’t want them to go to the U.S. Senate.
They don’t need to be there. So you all pray for me that we’ll be successful in alerting, awakening Black Christian voters in Georgia of just how evil the two candidates are that are running for the Democrat Party. And if you vote for them, you just might as well vote against God, because that’s what it boils down to. If you vote for Warnock or Ossoff and you claim to be a Christian, you really just might as well spit in Jesus’ face, because they both have done that.
There is an object in the sky, that’s why all comic books show a city in the sky (Asgard, the black Sun, etc), in the Book of Revelation it says that a burning mountain like a burning mill will fall from the sky. That thing is what causes eclipses, probably… Isaiah talks a lot about that, Zechariah.
(Original Spanish: Si hay un objeto en los aires por eso todas las historietas muestran una ciudad en el cielo (Asgard, sol negro, etc) en apocalipsis dice que una montaña ardiendo como un molino ardiendo caerá del cielo. Esa cosa es lo que provoca los eclipses probablemente... Isaías también habla de eso mucho, Zacarías)
(Talking about the December 14th solar eclipse)
Truth be told, this leaves me thinking a lot about… How can this people (NASA) predict these events with so much anticipation? Could it be… they have information from fallen angels so that they know when it will happen???
(Original Spanish:
la verdad, esto me deja pensando mucho en... Cómo es que esta gente puede predecir estos eventos con tanta anticipación? Será que...ellos tienen información de ángeles caídos para saber cuándo pasará???)
I have tremendous respect for the science that goes into aeronautics and the ability that we have. I mean, human beings are amazing because we’re made in the image of God, not because we won the evolutionary lottery.
But I have tremendous respect for the scientific breakthroughs and insights that allow us to do things like that. You’d be a fool not to. But… But… They still only know a little about a little, and God knows everything about everything. And when I get on that plane, you know what I’m saying? Lord, touch the pilot. Lord, guide their hands. Lord, give them judgment. Lord, give them wisdom. If there is any kind of emergency, help them to know what to do in the situation. Surround this plane with your angels.
You have some idiot getting on the plane, “I don’t believe in God, I believe in science! These scientists know what to do! These pilots know what to do! These these aeronautical engineers know what to do! I trust in them! What do we really need to talk about God for? We don’t need God. Look at what we did!”
That’s the fool! That if something goes wrong on that airplane, his life is saved because a believer was on that airplane praying, and saying, “Lord, I’m under Your protection.” And somehow, miraculously, everybody gets out alive and some idiot has the nerve to say… “Isn’t what we can do with science amazing? See?” And he doesn’t know that he got out alive because there was some saint who wouldn’t know an aeronautical principle if they saw one, but they know God, and they cried out to God, the living God, and somehow God worked that thing out and brought them through. And it’s happened in all kinds of circumstances.
So foolishness is to put your trust in anything and anybody but almighty God.