
Franklin Graham #fundie facebook.com

Planned Parenthood calls Georgia Democratic Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock a champion for reproductive rights. Truthfully translated, that means Raphael Warnock champions the killing of babies in the safety of a mother’s womb through abortion.
Candidate Warnock tweeted that he supports “reproductive justice.” Justice? What an ironic term to use. Abortion represents the biggest, most significant INJUSTICE of our time in history—genocide of entire masses of babies.

I hope the Church and all Georgians will see through this demonic-driven abortion agenda. This is not just a political issue, it is a moral and biblical issue. We need leadership in our nation that sees the wisdom in defending life. The Georgia runoff can have a huge impact on our Senate, which affects all of us. Please join me in praying that candidates who support life—not the murder of babies in the womb—will be elected.

Thomas Schlueter #fundie #crackpot facebook.com

We are the ones, dear Lord, that you have called in this hour to literally release the aroma of Christ Jesus into our state and into our nation. And I am praying, dear Lord, that as your people walk into the polling locations tomorrow, that they will indeed have the aroma of Christ on them. And it will literally cause a scent, a smell, to rise up in these locations, that will cause the people to say, “What have I been duped with? I will turn my eyes now back to the Lord, and we will vote righteousness. We will vote life. We will vote truth.”

Lord, wake up your ekklesia. Let the aroma that only You can release through us be released so that life — life! — as was declared earlier, we choose life and not death, we choose blessing and not curse — let the aroma of Christ go out across our state and our nation, into every polling location, and let the Awakening and the Reformation begin.

David Barton #fundie #homophobia facebook.com

By the way, the Ten Commandments also says “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” And what does that mean? God says, “I want sexuality confined to a man and a woman inside marriage. Anything outside of that is wrong, whether it’s homosexuality, whether it’s sex before marriage, whether it’s adultery sex outside of marriage, sex belongs right there.” Well, that’s LBGTQ issues right there. So God’s taken a position on that in the Ten Commandments! I’m gonna have to take the position that God takes on on that. I don’t care what my beliefs are; I need to care what God’s beliefs are.

Pastor Hank Kunneman #fundie #crackpot facebook.com

I had a dream. I was in a room with the president, and he asked me to pray for him. I said, “Yes”. He said, “Now pray the way that you pray.” And I prayed for him. And he pulled me to his left ear—which is interesting, Marcus—it was his left ear because he wanted me, God wanted me to comfort him regarding the left. And I said to him, “President Trump, they’re going to pull you off of the campaign trail, you’re going to be pulled off for a short season. Don’t worry about it, it’s for your safety. But the second thing is there is coming a Hezekiah moment to your life.”


President Trump said he talked to God more than you ever talked to him in that hospital. He cried out to God, and just like Hezekiah said, “God, remember the good that I’ve done,” so did President Trump. As a result, God extended what was a Hezekiah moment 15 years not only to the king but to the nation. Because of what happened with President Trump just recently, his calling out to God has extended God’s hand that’s going to extend over three elections.

Lance Wallnau #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

Father, in the name of Jesus, we believe that you’re going to have mercy on America. I believe Donald Trump has unfinished business in the nations. And I believe you will not let someone who has stood with Israel and stood with Christians, you will not let them be ingloriously beaten and embarrassed by your enemies. Because your name is part of this, Lord. What would the heathens say? What would the radicals say? What would the communists say when someone who stands with you so conspicuously does not have a friend in high places watching over them? But I believe you are going to watch over this president.

Pastor Derek Rogers #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

...I know that, as pastors, we’re not supposed to talk about politics and those type of things, but because we’ve avoided politics as pastors and hadn’t talked about the truth of God’s word, and the truth in politics, you can see the state of our society now. So I’m going to go out of the norm and I’m going to talk to you just for a minute tonight.

This election, you’re voting for good or evil. You’re not voting for Democrat or Republican, you’re voting for good or evil, one or the other. And I’m just going to encourage you, and I’m going to say it like this: I don’t know how anybody could call themselves a born again Christian, and have a relationship with God, our Father, and know anything about the Bible and the truth of the Bible, I do not understand how anybody that calls themselves a Christian could vote for the agenda and the platform of Joe Biden.

Yep, I said it.

President Trump, he ain’t the greatest dude in the whole world, but he’s the closest thing that we got to what we need. And I’m gonna encourage you. He’s gonna fight for Christianity. He’s gonna fight for everything that we believe in as Christians and the Bible. And the other party is gonna fight to take away every religious freedom and every right we have as Christians.

It matters and you need to know that if you don’t know it. If you haven’t caught up with the current times, that’s the fact of the matter. This Democratic Party is not the Democratic Party that your parents voted for or your grandparents voted for. It is an evil monster. Now, send the voicemails, send the hate mail, send the ugly texts. It doesn’t bother me. I’m just telling you straight up: It matters this year, and if you’re gonna vote as a Christian, and vote for biblical truth, you better vote for Donald Trump so that we can keep America great and keep our religious freedom and our rights as Christians. So I said it.

Kat Kerr #fundie #wingnut facebook.com

(concerning a two-day prayer rally for Trump held earlier this month. Relevant part begins around 2:50)

We in America are the land of the brave, the free, and the filled with God. And I can tell you that whole event was filled with the presence of God. And yes, there were 1,000 angels waiting. You know who these angels were? I could see them sitting all up in the upper stands and everything, in the seats, and they were white—they just glow with the glory of God. But they actually were wearing red, white, and blue robes.

And the Holy Spirit said, ‘These angels are special ops angels that were sent from Heaven back in 2016 to fight on behalf of America, on our president, on his administration, God’s plans that he has for this country.’ And they were there to be sent out again right now. And we all did that. It was very powerful to see them. They shoot past us like beams of light, and they were very powerful beings.

Becky Tawney-Albertson #wingnut facebook.com

The difference between me and a lot of my Democratic friends.....You see Trump’s arrogance, I see Trump’s confidence. You see Trump’s nationalism, I see Trump’s patriotism. You hear Trump’s unsophisticated words, I hear Trump’s honesty. You see Trump’s racism, I see Trump’s words being misconstrued and twisted by the media daily to fit their narrative. You see Trump as a Republican, I see Trump as a Patriot. You see Trump as a dictator, I see Trump as a leader. You see Trump as an Authoritarian, I see Trump as the only one willing to fight for our freedoms. You see Trump as childish, I see Trump as a fighter, unwilling to cave in to the lies. You see Trump as an unpolished politician, I see Trump as a breath of fresh air. You think Trump hates immigrants, I know Trump is married to an immigrant. You see Trump putting an end to immigration in America, I see Trump welcoming immigrants to America LEGALLY. You see Trump’s cages at the border, I see Obama’s cages at the border. You see Trump with a struggling economy, I see Trump with an amazing economy until the Democrats shut it down. You see the violence in the streets and call it “Trump’s America”, I see the violence in the streets of Democratic run cities who are refusing Trump’s help and call it “Liberal America.” You want someone more Presidential, I’m happy we have someone who finally doesn’t just talk the talk but actually walks the walk. You and I? We see things very differently.
Copy & Paste if you agree

Sye Ten Bruggencate #fundie #dunning-kruger facebook.com

Quotes from Sye Ten Bruggencate in [the 2014 Refining Reason] debate:

“Why is it reasonable to believe that God exists? Quite simply, because it’s true that he exists.”

“Premise One: It is reasonable to believe that which is true. Premise Two: It’s true that God exists. Conclusion: Therefore, it’s reasonable to believe that God exists.”

“People sometimes say, ‘You know you’re atheistic towards all those other gods.’ No, I’m not. There are no other gods. I’m not an idolater.”

“Sin is not a matter of how bad you are. It’s a measure of how good you’re not.”

“I don’t do bible studies with non-believers.”

“Logical absolutes reflect the thinking of God.”

(to the entire audience) “Your conscience is on my side. You all know that God exists.”


And those are mere drops in the bucket.

Craig Welter #wingnut facebook.com

[The Meme Policeman made a post arguing that there is not yet sufficient evidence of ICE performing mass hysterectomies]

Craig Welter: Another controversy from the left turns out to be completely fictional? I'm shocked. Well, there will be plenty more in the next few weeks. You can count on it. We'll have a new outrage every day leading up to the election. Making stuff up is pretty much all the democrats have to run on, hating Trump is their entire platform.

Molly Friedrich #racist #crackpot facebook.com

It's true I get frustrated some times, but this is never about hate with me:
Blacks can't win.
There is a process from outside our planet that is working thru the ecosystem to reclaim desert animals as plants. (I've explained how that process is based in physics, and is not arbitrary)
Blacks are just white people with a broken Chlorophyll molecule in their skin called "melanin".
Even if blacks SUCCEED in tricking the planet into targeting the wrong group and turning some part of WHITE PEOPLE back into plants...
All they have done is created a disease that will kill all blacks along with the whites.
Their melanin MUST be targeted to turn back into a plant or the entire human race is over.
I'm not playing a guessing game, what if, or proposing a theory. Either you target melanin or we all die.
In other words, if u.v. doesn't return to serving plant behaviors, the animals (people included) that are manipulating u.v. are only going to succeed in obliterating their entire race, as u.v. continues flicking over the dominos of information that CREATE us.
That's probably why some blacks were certain they couldn't be racist... They understood that attacking whites meant their OWN demise also.
The way blacks "won" with women was because u.v. targeted females to SUCCEED AS THE OPPOSITE OF PLANTS, thereby cancelling the plant reclaiming occurring on black women, and u.v. treated most blacks as women.
But now I'm the one being targeted, and you haven't been trying to make me as female as possible.
And you are currently watching the result of that decision spread virally, and the death has only begun.
If you use u.v. to target DICKS to turn back into plants... you just recreated AIDS. Congratulations my theory that sex is a plant behavior will come true.
Plants aren't stupid, and they are going to COMMUNICATE quite well thru human sex.
I'm not xy so my information isn't TO BUILD DICKS.
I'm white. I'm the angel of His Garden.
My rna doesn't care what you think my name is.
You are not sounding like "innocent accidental black skin, u.v.". You sound like you are desperately trying to figure out how to kill anything but black people.
I already recently exposed you as playing "the white person name game" with u.v.
"What do you want to do tonight, Brain?"
"The same thing we do every night, Pinky..."
Please don't bother commenting, unless you are an Angel of His Garden, I'm not very interested in your hot takes.
To everyone else, enjoy your hateful virtue-signaling gaslighters below, none of whom are capable of communicating their "correct information". 🤣

Donnie Mullins Jr. #wingnut facebook.com

So here is a platform for any of you Democrats out there to use to explain to me and others about your party. I would love to see what you have to say, no, I really would. BUT, keep in mind, this isn't a post to do your Trump bashing! You can do that elsewhere any time you'd like. Any comments found to be disrespectful to President Trump will be deleted and may or may not result in your removal from my face book. That also goes to Trump supporters making disrespectful comments twords Democrats that respond RESPECTFULLY! Aaaaand, GO!

Ben Garrison #quack #conspiracy facebook.com

What does YOUR facemask say? The masks speak:

"I live in fear"
"I believe CNN"
"I will snitch on you!"
"I believe in agenda 21"
"I want safety, not freedom"
"I want medical tyranny"
"My parents are hurting my immune system"
"I love Bill Gates"
"I do what I'm told"
"I want mandatory vaccines"
"I enjoy virtue signaling"
"It's all Trump's fault!"
"The New Normal"

Dinesh D’Souza #wingnut facebook.com

Margaret Sanger supported eugenics & forced sterilization for low IQ, handicapped & “undesirable” black people. Democrat Stephen Douglas was a notorious racist who compared blacks to animals. Democrat Robert Byrd was a notorious Ku Klux Klan leader who filibustered the Civil Rights Act.
So liberals, I must ask... why are you not trying to erase these names from history?

The Meme Policeman #elitist facebook.com

Many have highlighted the Ayn Rand Institute (and other similar groups) taking PPP funds as hypocrisy. Their thought process goes; Rand opposed welfare, they are getting government assistance, thus hypocrisy. This is a shallow and mistaken view of her philosophy and the reasoning behind taking these funds.
-The ARI didn’t secretly apply for PPP loans, hoping no one would notice. They wrote an article back in May proudly announcing the move, “we *will* take any relief money offered us. We will take it unapologetically, because the principle here is: justice.” So how could taking government money be justice?
-Ayn Rand herself explained in a 1966 essay. She explained the recipient in such a case is morally justified “so long as he regards it as restitution and opposes all forms of welfare-statism.” Those who support such handouts, “have no right to them; those who oppose them have. If this sounds like a paradox, the fault lies in the moral contradictions of welfare statism, not in its victims.”
-Rand recognized that the welfare state (the taking of some people’s money by force to give to another) was wrong. To advocate for or support this was also wrong, but what about those who oppose redistribution but are still stuck in the system? “The victims do not have to add self-inflicted martyrdom to the injury done to them by others; they do not have to let the looters profit doubly, by letting them distribute the money exclusively to the parasites who clamored for it. Whenever the welfare-state laws offer them some small restitution, the victims should take it.”
-Similarly, if someone advocates for private roads, but given the current system there’s only government roads, they are not obligated to refuse to use all roads, that would be absurd. To get taxed for the road and not use it out of some sense of principle would make one unnecessarily suffer. And for what? The same holds for programs like Social Security, Medicare and certain government scholarships and grants.
-As for the PPP funds, the government shut down most of the economy, adversely affecting virtually everyone (including ARI and their donors). They then offered money to virtually everyone to ease the pain. But the government has no money of its own, so essentially it is taking from all to give to all. Money that will likely not be paid for through taxation, but through inflation and deficits, which will effectively take from all productive people in the future. To refuse some of this restitution, so that others who might be indifferent or wholeheartedly support government redistribution can solely benefit, is not standing on principle, but enduring yet another sacrifice.
-Rand lists some other factors to consider in accepting money. One must not compromise their values or views and continue to advocate against the welfare state (the ARI was clear in their article that they would continue to fight for laissez-faire and their efforts wouldn’t be affected). And they shouldn’t take part in providing moral or ideological support for such programs, nor help in enforcing immoral laws.
-Rand admits these are often difficult moral questions. “It is a hard problem, and there are many situations so ambiguous and so complex that no one can determine what is the right course of action. That is one of the evils of welfare statism: its fundamental irrationality and immorality forces men into contradictions where no course of action is right.”
-One major drawback to these stimulus programs is it forces almost everyone into these moral quandaries. Essentially, it’s a free-for-all for government money, should you take yours or simply let everyone else benefit at your expense? There’s no purely virtuous move, but the fault of that lies with the stimulus programs themselves.
-She concludes with this caution in accepting government money, “The ultimate danger in all of these issues is psychological: the danger of letting yourself get bribed, the danger of a gradual, imperceptible, subconscious deterioration leading to compromise, evasion, resignation, submission. In today’s circumstances, a man is morally in the clear only so long as he remains intellectual incorruptible. Ultimately, these problems are a test, a hard test, of your own integrity.”

Miroslav Škoro #wingnut #conspiracy facebook.com

[Translation from Croatian by Vman. Tomorrow, July 5th 2020, is the day of parliamentary elections in Croatia. Projected to win more than 10% of the vote, the quoted man’s party is likely to participate in the next Croatian government.]

Miroslav Škoro, the leader of Croatia's third most powerful political party, the Homeland Movement, addressed Andrej Plenković and Davor Bernardić, respectively the leaders of the ruling party, HDZ, and the main opposition party, SDP, with a video message this Thursday.

“Dear sirs, I have some bad news for you: I come to ruin your plans. And I will succeed, believe me. I’ll be like the little David who defeated the arrogant and invincible Goliath, and I'll do it with five carefully chosen stones. Just like David did with his sling, I too will hit you where it hurts.

You have done me a great deal of harm these days. But I actually forgive you, for I know that’s the limit of your capabilities, and because I am not here to speak about myself. There are, however, sins which I cannot and will not forgive you for.

Sirs, you have put my people in heavy chains. You have imposed upon them the yoke of an unreachable referendum, so that their voice cannot reach your laws; you have twisted their arms with an anti-Croat civil society which you finance; you have blindfolded their eyes with an anti-Croat culture; before the eyes of the entire people you rape and denigrate the Homeland War [the early 1990s war in Croatia], our heroes both living and dead, and you have also forsaken and discarded our diaspora and the Croatia beyond the homeland, which are a tissue of our own being. That I cannot and will not forgive. Though I am but one little David before an arrogant Goliath, with five chosen stones I will hit you where it hurts most.

Thus, here’s the first stone: I am bringing and returning the people to the political scene. I will make it so that the referendum initiatives of the citizens will be realistically available. We will request that both the law and the constitution be changed, so that only 150,000 signatures will be required to start a referendum, and the timeframe to do so will be one month*. It must be possible for the people to say what they want to, in order to forestall and prevent your plots. After all, the people are the only reliable guardian of Croatia.

* [Currently, to start a referendum you need to have the signatures of 10% of the country’s voting population, so about 370,000 people, collected over a period of 15 days.]

That is why a second stone follows: I will fight for the sanctity of the Homeland War, which must be elevated to the holiest place in Croatian history. The truth about the Homeland War, the beauty and splendor of that victory, must spark forth from all Croatian institutions, the media, the education system, culture, as well as public and social life in general. The truth and beauty of the Homeland War has the potential to thrill our kids and our youth, becoming their permanent inspiration for the motif of the creation of Croatia. And Croatia must be widely recognizable for that. Without this, there will be no coalition with me.

With a third stone, I tell you that Serbia must pay reparations to the Croatian state. Without war reparations, there is no truth or justice. And the truth must be known and repeated: Serbia was the aggressor, Serbia recruited and sent its army against Croatia, our defenders [war veterans] were taken into concentration camps in Serbia [Vman’s note: that did happen]. Serbia destroyed our towns, factories, churches, sowed fear, inflicted material damage, and robbed us. Only through the truth can we build a future and good neighborly relations.

So, here’s the fourth stone – I will bring one strong world lobby: THE CROATIAN DIASPORA. Yet you fear the diaspora, for it is capable and honest. We will bring back their patriotism, knowledge, skills and recognition in the world. That is Croatia’s actual greatest potential. They will thwart the plots and intrigues you have maintained all the way from the communist times.

Finally, David’s fifth stone shall be a change of the election system. That will be the blow which will sink deepest into your skin, and it will be a vengeance from within. After all, even in your own parties you circumvent those of your members who are noble and good, for they cannot reach positions of power unless they bow to you. Preferential voting will bring forth the right people, which will mark your end and the dawn of a new time.

Pride and dignity will return to our Croatia, and then honesty will as well, leading to the influx of money and good investments, and the beginning of the return of our youth who have left the country seeking a better life. I know that you didn’t count on me; that I don’t fit your templates and that my arrival bothers you. But that is nothing compared to how long and how strongly you have been bothering us… and remember, I don’t do this for any kind of personal interest, but because I love my own people!“

[Posted on Facebook by Miroslav Škoro on Thursday, July 2, 2020]

Julie Bush #racist facebook.com

This is my opinion of what should be done to ANYONE destroying or defacing our National monuments or statues. This is not open for argument, so if you disagree, move on. Don't spew a bunch of shit on this post, cause I will delete it. Make your own post.
They should be arrested immediately, even if the National Guard has to come in and assist. Thrown in jail with no bond. Put on a chain gang like they use to do back in the day, and clean and repair each and every thing that was destroyed or defaced. And the officers and guardsmen should receive hazzard pay. The way to get this shit to stop is to come down on the with a heavy hand. Not enough room in jails, build more tent jails like I believe they did in maybe Arizona? Too hot to live in, tough! Many people go without a/c. Going to be too cold come winter, tough! Many go without proper heating, God knows I did for years. Suck it up buttercups!! Not enough food to feed them, give them bologna or peanut butter, I'll donate the first case!! Like I said, this is my opinion, I'm tired of watching these spoiled brats destroy the country I love and am thankful for!!

Sid Miller (Texas Agriculture Commissioner) #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Folks this is not a protest. It is a well orchestrated attack on America's major cities with plans to attack the police, riot, loot, and burn buildings. The so-called "protestors" are, in fact, domestic terrorists who were organized and paid for by George Soros to further divide our country. These terrorists were bused into these large cities. We must repel this attack and hold those responsible for their actions. This must be brought to a stop now or we will lose control of our country!

Kaniya Keme #racist facebook.com

[there is a picture of three black women and one mixed race woman]

These hybrids are not blk .. IF YOU COME FROM A YT VAGINA YOU’RE NOT BLK !! YOU NEED a blk man and woman to create a blK child PERIOD!!

Curtis Loftis, Jr. #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy facebook.com

(Submitter's note: This is South Carolina's treasurer.)

I was born a free man and am reclaiming my freedom. I don't care if the politicians, unelected bureaucrats, and their sycophants like it or not. I will be prudent and respectful, but keep your hysteria to yourself, your hands off my wallet, your body off my property and your need for control away from my God given freedom.

I'm tired of lockdowns, curfews, looters, weaponized pandemics, mandatory this and that, gov't caused massive unemployment, bad science, worse science, greedy special interest, wasteful public spending and massive debt. I'm tired of being a second-class citizen to anyone screaming mindless chants that happen to align with the Leftists running our bureaucracies or our tax dollar supported universities that are turning our kids into Marxist revolutionaries.

I won't place a chip in my body, carry a health passport, detail my private life to a government contact tracer or be forced to take medicines or vaccinations. I will not replace my Christian faith with your warmed over Marxism called Social Justice Theory.

I am a free man and I won't kneel before any man save my God.

Mack Major #fundie facebook.com

Many of you take your cues from popular culture. And pop culture has always proven to be on the wrong side of history.

Many of you may not know this, but it was popular for ex-slaves in the South to remain living on the plantations and working for their former masters for pennies on the dollar: simply because it was too uncomfortable for many of them to stretch out in faith and set out on their own to find their own path in life.

Even in the face of grinding poverty and extreme racism, they would not leave. God had to literally send a drought and an insect called the boll weevil to eat up all the cotton to finally convince black folks to flee the old plantations in the South and to stretch out across America.

Imagine sticking with your oppressors for decades after your oppression has ended; when you can literally walk free and move to more hospitable areas. Moral of the story: following what's popular can literally impede your progress!

It was pop culture in ancient Israel to kill most of the prophets who were sent by God to correct their straying and errant behavior. Eventually, it was only after He sent severe judgment that Israel was finally ready to listen to what God had to say.

It was pop culture in Jesus' day to exchange the freedom of Jesus Christ for a revolutionary Jewish killer named Barabbas: simply because the jews in Jesus' day couldn't comprehend or discern that the oppression of the Romans against them was in fact ordained by God.

God often uses oppression from an outside force to move His people into the right kind of behavior; to shift us from following what's popular in the current culture to doing what's often unpopular - but right. The Bible is full of such examples from Genesis to Revelation.

Beware of what's popular in our culture or society. It's usually wrong. Because its usually of the devil.

If you find yourself feeling out of place with the majority in society who seem to support things that don't sit well with what you know to be right in your spirit: you're in good company. Because the majority are careening over a cliff; and following what's popular in culture will cause you to take that massive fall right along with the rest.

"For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it." Matthew 7:13-14

"God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted in the same way." Matthew 5:11-12

Don't be afraid to follow the road less traveled. That's the road you want to be on; no matter how unpopular it may seem to be. God bless.

Shawn Roche #conspiracy facebook.com

[On the "LOTR Memes with Traditional Catholic Themes" page, comment under an anti-Masonic picture]

I'm still convinced the Masons helped plan Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A Masonic president hits the only two Catholic towns in Japan... enough to make one question a few things.

Chris Pearson #fundie #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo facebook.com

Mind Reading Technologies, The 10-5 U/Z or 10-6 +A microwave signal and Biblical Tongues - Comparable to cellular satellites. 10-5 U-Z - 10-6 +A signals can connect to your brains internal antenna and monitor the brains decoded wavelength's reading your conscience and emotions using an algorithm and A.I.. They can activate other regions of the brain and show unknown parts of the nervous system under M.R.I.. That you can stimulate the nervous system having the immune system react to heal. People who can hear the satellite communication with their mind talk tongues. That they can communicate by thought. That thought can be translated into many languages. They use these technologies against us. Not informing the world to stay ahead of our civilization. In a attempt to be intelligent as the combined world they record thoughts. They steal our ideas, murder, blackmail and use it as a tool for war. Altered emotions and subliminal messaging the calling. You sometimes get a headache when mind reading technologies are monitoring you.

Soul and Spirit - Your soul/conscious controls much of the brain and the brain controls the body. Your soul and spirit is in the brain and within the thalamus. Many souls and spirits stuck within skull and casket. Soul transferable conscious. Spirit is memory.

A Ravenous wolf in sheep's clothing - An alien soul/spirit reborn as a Human being. They use A.I. and walk the Earth. A alien may have shot a asteroid at Earth working with the devil an alien. The devil walked. God saved us. Destroying an alien ship. The devil to tell us we weren’t deserving and bring back his deserving. Aliens. To use our image from the casket that preserved our flesh. He said, for us to be damned to hell for cremation. The devil to try and conquer the world. Mathew 7:15 Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. To be brought back as flesh and blood means to be reborn a clone. A soul/spirit can be put in a case/chip and be reborn. The clone grown within tank like a womb. Artificial intelligence can also walk as flesh and blood using a programmed chip similar to a robot, not meant to be. They can create remote controlled clones much like a remote-control vehicle/robot that have computer brains. Utilizing energy for satellite reception and signal strength. Grown in labs around the computer where the brain would be. Some are partial brain and computer. Using the flesh from the ethnicity preferred. Many can be commanded to/not to perform a certain task. Also using implanted chip's for mind-control. They can see, hear and smell thru many of them. Having them raised in the country they want to conquer. To win an election in your country and have others get into positions of power within government, military, space agencies and elite society. We need to be educated on the technologies taking our world.

They have been using a satellite and fast radio bursts trying to inform the world - The devil split us apart. Lord Antipas was the devil and changed word to push his agenda. Pas=God/Good A-man. That the God's of Earth are/were Malaki, Amun, Jenovah and Jericho. A-men. The devil also used the image of Jahovah. Mathew had written as told from Jesus while talking tongues. A man talking tongues to save the world and so much more. They want original doctrine's to be released along with the teachings of Jeremiah, Ishmael, Judah and Mathew. The Catholic Church to obtain many of them from Pope Francis. The unsealing. The truth to come out. We're to save ourselves. I'm to teach prophecy and fix his word. Natural existence is SACRED. A King of Kings/Gods war ship to help save Earth.

Christopher, I speak tongues.

Mack Major #conspiracy #fundie facebook.com

And they got y'all running around thinking you're about to die from some brand new disease. This stuff been around for years! Smh!

Never forget: the #1 role of the media is not to inform you. It's to shape your opinion. It's a tool of mass manipulation and mind-molding. Let the Bible mold your mind, and you won't have to walk in fear.

Stop letting them play with your mind. I literally got this picture from the back of some wipes under my bathroom sink.


My wife and I placed a bet on how many ppl would respond with that new strain nonsense.

Let's keep it simple. Think of it as weed...the kind that people smoke. It doesn't matter whether it's Chronic, sour diesel or chocolate Thai: all of it basically still gets you high, and it's still weed. Changing the strain doesn't change what it is.

You're being duped.

Notice how when Democrats were voting on Super Tuesday earlier this week, how the media barely even mentioned the corona virus? Why didn't they cancel voting?

So all those people standing in those long lines coughing and sneezing on the back of each other's necks, or going into those little voting booths after one another touching those screens, weren't at major risk of getting and spreading the virus?

Stop letting them play with your mind. Don't be reckless, but don't be their sheep either.

Practice simple basic hygiene (like you should be practicing anyway) and you'll be alright.

After all: you've survived the swine flu, bird flu, west Nile, Ebola, and every other "killer" virus they scare y'all with every year. You'll survive this one too.

Dwell in the secret place - and you won't have to dwell in fear. >Psalm 91<

Mack Major #fundie #homophobia facebook.com

Meet Judge Shannon Frison.

She was appointed Superior Court Judge in 2012 by former Democrat Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts.

Judge Frison is in the news recently after being arrested for committing domestic violence against her WIFE. Not a misprint.

I won't go into the sordid details. Just take a good look at her; particularly her tattoos. She has a sleeve of some type of skeletal imagery - not human - but somewhat alien if not demonic looking. And its on her left arm.

The left hand is the hand that's placed on the Bible during a swearing in ceremony; such as when taking an oath to become a judge.

So we have a tatted up lesbian suffering from a severe identity crisis and undoubtedly some form of mental sickness, sitting on the bench judging the people convicted of crimes. Meanwhile, she also abuses the woman in her life.

And we were told that men and patriarchy were the enemy.

I thought 'gay' meant happy, caring, wonderful, same-gender loving people...not mean, abusive, belligerent, cantankerous, violent people. We were told that's how straight people are.

*Side note*

There are some cases where people suffering from gender-confusion (LGBTQ-fill in the missing letter) are vexed by evil and unclean spirits. For instance:

Someone might be born a female and may have a disembodied male spirit hanging around them seeking to gain access into them, telling them they're attracted to other females; when reality is they're simply vexed by a male spirit that's trying to take control of them in order to act out its own unrequited lusts through someone living.

It gets really weird when you consider there are male and female heterosexual disembodied human spirits who died in their sins, but also gay, lesbian and transsexual ones (both male and female) who died in their sins and somehow got stuck on the earth plane between our world and the underworld of the dead.

And on top of this we also have demonic spirits from the old pre-flood world to contend with that are vexing, oppressing and possessing people.

That's a whole lot of spirits that classify as evil spirits, unclean spirits, demonic spirits, ghosts, djinn, devils, walking around seeking to hijack people's bodies and souls and use them for their own selfish purposes.

I suspect that many who are suffering from gender confusion like the judge here really suffer from spiritual manipulation by these ghosts and wicked spirits. And just think: her lifestyle and instability is giving these spirits access to our judicial system!

Unless we start identifying the root of the problem as spiritual in nature and casting these things out of people, they'll never get free. And they may end up in positions of power and civic authority over our lives.


Representative Jill Ford #fundie facebook.com

Yesterday, January 27, 2020, was a historic day for not only Governor Tate Reeves as he presented his State of the State address to the people of Mississippi - favorite line: “we’ve been singing the Blues long enough, it’s time to sing Gospel now - the Good News”.

It was also the day I filed my very first Bill. A Bill that will more than likely never see the light of day. But one the Lord planted in my heart years ago: To begin every morning with The Lord’s Prayer in every public school in Mississippi.

Can you only imagine what would begin to happen in the Spiritual Realm if the children would stand before Him lifting their heads in prayer asking Him to “lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil” - oh how we would see the atmosphere begin to change across Mississippi as depression and suicide would stop becoming the norm, we would watch as our children’s grades begin to rise, their hearts softened and their minds saturated with good thoughts and not thoughts of addictions. The Word says “the eyes of the Lord range to and fro searching for those hearts committed to Him” and I believe that His eyes would fall on our children every single morning as they continually sought him to “give them this day their daily bread ...” my heart melts just imagining it!

First step is requesting Congress to allow prayer back in school. Stranger things have happened: it got taken out by one hell-bent woman. Maybe, just maybe, this heaven-bent woman could have something to do with getting it put back in. I know there is a lot of editing to be done, but I just pray it will at least be taken seriously.

David Jones #sexist facebook.com


Tom DeWeese, Ken Johnson #conspiracy #wingnut facebook.com

Tom DeWeese: I’m in Richmond and have just received information from a very reliable source concerning Monday’s rally against the legislature’s gun grabs. Antifa have rented seven buses to bring in their thugs to cause trouble. The report says they will be wearing MAGA hats and wearing NRA garb. They will pretend to be pro gun people. Meanwhile others posing as democrats holding anti gun signs will stand on the side. The Antifa thugs, pretending to be pro gun , will attack the sign holders. Making it look like the pro gun people have started violence. This is the plan. If you are attending the rally be aware. Be very careful.

Ken Johnson: Its a trap people....the UN is massed to the south of Richmound and when violence starts the FBI INTENDS TO BOMB YOU ALL. then the UN will roll in and kill whoever is left....this is supppsed to show an example to everyone to surrender their guns as the UN begins house to house arrests and murders

Conservapedia #fundie facebook.com

A medical journal article published by the American Medical Association entitled Religious Commitment and Health Status indicates: "A large proportion of published empirical data suggest that religious commitment may play a beneficial role in preventing mental and physical illness, improving how people cope with mental and physical illness, and facilitating recovery from illness."

Does faith in God prevent mental illness in people?

Marci Warren facebook.com

I've got skin in this game! I'm scared breathless!
Stop cracking jokes already!
We're a country divided over Republican or Democrat and it's a freaking shame!
One life lost is too much! I'm not Trump's biggest supporter, but he made a move to take out a murdering terrorist. Terrorism is not ok, no matter what your platform! Don't shame our boys for answering their call simply because you don't agree with it. They've taken the issue away from our shores to keep their loved ones safe.
As a mother of an 82nd Airborne soldier, I've got so much at stake, more than most of you. I take offense to the jokes! Don't mock my Son while he puts his life on the line for you! And for those on the other side of things, how dare you shame our sons for protecting your miserable right to complain about your country! If you're so sorry that your country took a step to stop a terrorist (that had already murdered Americans) than why don't you go live the Iranian way?
We don't have to love our President, but we should stand behind him during this frightening time. Think of the picture we paint as a nation divided! We paint a picture of weak, foolish, ignorance and and fear. That's the story our enemies are reading, that's the story that'll spill blood on our soil.
Don't mess with my sons life! He's fighting for his family and brothers and I'll be darned if my fellow Americans make it all in vain.
If you can't be proud of our president at least be proud of our boys!
(Edited to add)
I am humbled by the overwhelmingly huge response my post has generated. Thousands praying......I feel our boys are safer tonight. I believe in the power of prayer. Thank you America for renewing this mother's faith in our citizens. God bless America and our troops! 💚 change your porch lights to green in support of our troops until they come home.

David Cole #fundie facebook.com

(=Regarding Polymorou Christians=)

David Cole: Being faithful to ones covenants is a core to sexual morality. Not matter how much bloggers like to squirm to justify their actions the definitions of immorality does not change.

Kathy Ruth: Where is the immorality ?

David Cole: Do you think it's moral to break ones covenants ?

DL Weiss: Yes David Cole, it is immoral to break ones promises, covenants, not keeping promises, be dishonest, be deceptive, etc. All that is immoral. But may I ask, di you read the article about Polymory ? Because no where in polymory is any of that allowed, or considered "okay" behaviour. Honesty, forthrightness, candidness, love -- these are the attributes to polymory, not what you have said. Either you do not understand the matter (which is still parr for the course, mostly), or you are deliberately misrepresenting polymory for your own reasons.

David Cole: Having more than one covenant partner is not covenant keeping.

Buttery Males Award

Christian Ricker #wingnut #racist facebook.com

By: Hyram F. Suddfluffel, PhD, (Political Science)
I have a degree in Political Science, and I am a card-carrying Libertarian. I've been studying politics and political history for the past 30 years. My specialty is U.S. Presidents. That said, I hope that the House of Representatives impeaches Trump. Let me tell you what will happen next!
1. The House can pass articles of impeachment over the objections of the Republicans and refer to the Senate for trial.
2. The Senate will conduct a trial. There will be a vote, and the Republicans will vote unanimously, along with a small number of Democrats, to not convict the President. Legally, it will all be over at that point.
3. However, during the trial, and this is what no one is thinking about right now, the President's attorneys will have the right to subpoena and
question ANYONE THEY WANT! That is different than the special counsel investigation, which was very one-sided. So, during the impeachment trial, we will be hearing testimony from James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Glenn Simpson, Donna Brazille, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Christopher Steele, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, and a whole host of other participants in this whole sordid affair and the ensuing coverup activities. A lot of dirt will be dug up; a lot of truth will be unveiled. Finger pointing will occur. Deals will start being made, and suddenly, a lot of democrats will start being charged and going to prison. All this, because, remember, the President's team will now, for the first time, have the RIGHT to question all of these people under oath – and they will turn on each other. That is already starting.
4. Lastly, one more thing will happen, the Senate will not convict the President. Nothing will happen to Trump. Most Americans are clueless about political processes, the law, and the Constitution. Most Americans believe that being impeached results in removal from office. They don't understand that phase 2 is a trial in and by the Senate, where he has zero chance of conviction. Remember, the Senate is controlled by Republicans; they will determine what testimony is allowed -- and *everything* will be allowed, including: DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign to fix the election in favor of Hillary, the creation of the Trump dossier, the cover up and destruction of emails that very likely included incriminating information. They will incriminate each other for lying to the FISA court, for spying and wiretapping the Trump campaign, and for colluding with foreign political actors, especially George Soros. After the Senate declines to convict the President, we will have an election, and Trump will win. It will be a backlash against democrat petulance, temper tantrums, hypocrisy and dishonesty. Even minorities will vote for Trump, because, for the first time, they will see that democrats have spent 2+ years focused on maintaining their own power, and not doing anything at all about black murders in Chicago, homelessness, opioids, and other important issues that are actually killing people. And, we will spend the following four years listening to politicians and pundits claim that the whole impeachment was rigged.
So let's move on to impeachment.

Jacquelyn Peterson #wingnut facebook.com

Open letter to Representative Nancy Pelosi:
Madame Speaker,
Congratulations!!!! Well Done!!!!
You have done something that men and women of the legislative branch feared to do since 1776. You have taken the impeachment procedure, a tool used to protect this Republic from a tyrannical leader, and politically weaponizing it to use against the opposing president, thus raising congress above the presidency to establish the very tyranny this tool was designed to protect.
With this next-level, dangerous precedent on a president for conducting his job, you have set up the ability of congress to require future presidents to approach congress on any and all decisions regardless of size or severity, to obtain permission to do their jobs or risk impeachment for crossing the opposing congress’ agenda.
Since the day after the 2016 election, you have screamed impeachment when your anti-American, criminal choice lost to the people’s choice, and you have spent nearly every waking moment screaming impeachment, whispered impeachment, breathed for an impeachment, to nullify the election process and to commit sedition to illegally remove a duly elected president. This is to the detriment of this nation and its lost economy, as you have been on a de facto strike for the last nearly 3 years, ignoring you own work, as you obsessed over removing a duly elected president, as you continue to embrace those seeking to destroy or hold ransom, the people of this great nation.
You, and those who control your strings, have delegitimized a standard procedure used by various presidents for decades to negotiate with other leaders, labeling it “quid pro quo” and calling it illegal, improper, and immoral. You accuse this president of a practice the previous vice-president publicly confessed to committing, though you label it a tame nonminer, rather than the actual term, extortion. Joe Biden publicly stated he gave a foreign government 6 hours to capitulate to his demands or risk a financial loss; they backed down, bow their heads, and acquiesced, doing his bidding to line their pockets with ill-gotten gains.
You have taken this constitutional public inquiry and morphed it into some ugly, evil, secret, anti-constitution, Russia-style process to deny due process, transparency, and accountability, leading into the 2020 election , under the ‘guise of constitution protection, national security, and safety of the Republic.
To those democrats who voted to proceed with this farce. Election 2020 will see a major shift of political seats not seen since the last impeachment, as many democrats in battleground or conservative states will see your seat changing red. Many of those first-time representatives will be a one-time venture, as the people will express their ire and outrage over this act of sedition, stealing their voting rights like you stole the 2016 democrat nomination.
So, to close madame Speaker, enjoy your ill-gotten gains, as this short-lived act of sedition will see you removed in next year’s election, returning the house, with the Senate and presidency, to the Republicans; the democrats watching from the sidelines, as the #KAG waves rolls across you like a tsunami, the likes not seen in 2016.
The 2nd Civil War Patriots

Franklin Graham #wingnut facebook.com

This is a sad day for America. Our politics in this country has hit a new low. Nancy Pelosi and her followers in Congress have weaponized the impeachment process. After two years of the Russia collusion hoax, now they’ve turned to this. In my opinion, asking another country to investigate corruption is a good thing—not a bad thing. This is just another attempt to tarnish and embarrass the President before the next election. We have so many problems in this nation that need to be addressed. Instead the Democrats are fixated on only one thing—removing President Donald J. Trump from office. Pray for President Trump today, for God to give him wisdom, protection, and guide each and every step he takes. I pray that he and Melania will sense the presence of the Lord through this unjust inquisition.

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