
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Synagogue of Satan puts Human Meat in McDonald's Burgers

[link to youtu.be]

Leviticus 26:29

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.

I would stay away from fast food and other things like frozen, pre-made hamburger paddies.....

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Diabolical Refugee NWO plan

The Muslims are invading countries all around the world, both physically and ideologically.

This is of course to cause chaos, as the elite love to do.

Our countries will be brought down to near 3rd world status. It's already begun- and it will only get worse. Keep watching the price of food. Eating 3 meals a day will become rare- no one will be able to afford it with devaluation of the dollar and rises in prices of food. This is all done on purpose.

They want us weak so we'll be easier to kill.

Jihad and war will be instigated by TPTB all over the world.

A major third world war already planned out will be started. It will between major super powers and make the first two world wars look small In comparison.

The main purpose of this conflict will be to kill as many people as possible. Tptb know this. We will be given a message that we must protect our countries and we must go to war. There will be a draft, many will die.

The Elites already have spots secured in bunkers. High Tech, State of the art, 5 Star hotel-like facilities.

With enough food, water, drugs, alcohol and technology to last them for decades.

They plan to find a way to destroy >99% of the population, retreat down to their bunkers, and emerge years later, to build "The New World".

I have no doubt that they get closer to achieving this NWO with every passing day.

But first we must be tricked into believing we must go to war.

They want us to actually believe that we will be protecting our country by going to war.

That we must "go to war with Isis" and they will bring many countries into the conflict.

They are controlling both sides. They control Isis, and they control us and Isis will be the lure to draw us in.

They will lead us straight into the death pit. On purpose. This is their goal. Our death. It's required so they can take over the world.

This will be one of the sickest tricks the Illuminati could play.

Billions will be sent to their death.

nobody important #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

i'm not being vegan-here is THE AGENDA

1) to get you eating like animals = VEGAN
2) living together in crowded cities taking transit and out of countryside. no independence(why do you think family farms destroyed intentionally?)
3) ONE world currency and government
4) new age religion
5) merge technology with humans and make them more programmable and controllable
6) have you ingesting artificial foods to make your body more synthetic
7) Ipads, internet, cars and other technology so you don't communicate anymore independent of the interNET. NARCISSISM is promoted = pump up ego identification.
8) take away your weapons so you can't fight back

the interNET is to gain access to your mind in the privacy of your own home

the interNET is to control everything you do with the flip of a switch

electronic banking is to control you through a card or chip


technology is the enemy

even music is to shape your mind

CT Yank #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

How to spot a shill in a chemtrail thread

There are 2 asshats out here (prob more) that actually admit to working in the airline indsutry and have taken it upon themselves to attack any and all chemtrail threads.

In light of recent global climate BS in Paris, it appears to me that the whole chemtrail idea must be beaten down. Because if the chemtrail truth came out then all would realize that any issues with the climate is due to the chemtrails.

But don't tell these asshats this, they conduct basic attacks.
Ad-hominem attacks is the basic rule, call the OP names, and degrade. They put up very loose arguments which actually end up detracting from the truth, which is also a classic manuever.

On a site where I want to meet folks who are on the same wavelength, who understand things and realize the enemy.
On this site, it is sad, to see the infiltration of the enemy. Of course this isn't new news. We all know this place is run or monitored by some alphabet agency.

So please let us all start as many chemtrail threads as possible to drown out the poor attempts of a few asshats on this site who are shills against the whole idea.


M #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The San Bernardino False Flag: A Double Cross?

The San Bernardino shooting is a botched False Flag riddled with absurdities, irregularities, and mistakes indicating that there may have indeed been a double cross in this false flag ops.

Prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday President Obama chastised Americans to spend their time sitting around the thanksgiving table thinking about gun control.

Thread: White House: Americans Should Talk About Gun Control This Thanksgiving

Obama has repeatedly said that for his last year in office all his efforts would be put toward his top priority of Gun Control:

Thread: Obama says gun control to be top issue of final year

A pretty good indicator that mass shooting false flags are in order for the next year or so until Obama gets his way or leaves office.

Now in Nov, we had the planned parent shooting in Colorado Springs which was fit-to-order. It was Obama's and liberals wet dream. A white , Christian ,gun-lover attacked one of liberals most sacred institutions : abortion and killed three abortion workers. While the shooter looked like an MK-Ultra victim escaped from a mental institution, the leftist media was quick to seize the narrative of white Christian terrorist.

(See think progress “ Yes the planned parent hood shooter was a Christian terrorist” )

But this type of shooting does little to nothing to induce conservatives and moderates to give up their guns, as abortion clinics aren't sympathetic targets. More False flags were in order with targets that would prey upon the heartstrings of broader swath of the American population.

[We should note, around the same time as the planned parent hood shooting, there was a mass shooting in bunny park in which 17 people were injured. Of course this shooting was not ordered, the suspects were black, it didn't fit any of the pre-package scripts so it got little to no media coverage. Thread: There Was A Giant Mass Shooting NOBODY’S Talking About, Care To Guess Why? ]

Now comes San Bernardino. It was apparent Obama ordered a script white (probably Christian) anti-government gun lovers, to go on a senselessness rampage and attack a disability center. The reports on the police scanner indicate the shooters were three white males with body armor, military fatigues and automatic weapons and the Media seemed ready and eager to run Obama's script.

The shooters were obviously black-ops that are CIA/mossad/ or military, who are selected to advance this script. But Somebody apparently had ideas that they didn't like this script. Maybe a mid level manager of the operation changed it while Obama is over in paris, france doing -God knows what- for 12 days at the COP21 conference.

The script got flipped to the accused being a husband and wife, middle-eastern people. They conveniently are reported as dead, killed by police in a shoot out, despite zero footage of the shoot-out existing, which is incredible considering all police cruisers have cameras in them, there is tons of video surveillance in San Bernardino and some jurisdictions in California even require their officers to wear body cams. The accused may have been random muzzies taken out by black ops hit squads to fit the changed narrative or they may not even exist at all. All we know is the narrative conveniently puts them dead, with no chance of exonerating themselves and exposing a false flag.

The third reported shooter just disappeared down the memory hole.

In a press conference from Obama following the alleged mass shooting, Obama looks confused, frustrated and nervous. He doesn't understand how the script got flipped. In an attempt to defeat the new narrative he ridiculously categorizes the shooting as work place shooting of a disgruntled worker. .

Thread: Obama Just Said it! It May be 'Work-place Violence'--Gee, That Didn't Take Long Did It?

From here, the official narrative gets more absurd and stupid with a 100 plus journalist media circus being let into the accused's apartment, a crime scene (within 48 hours of supposedly the biggest terrorist attack since sept 11) to rifle around and create a forced narrative of muzzie extremists. The live broadcast from the crime scene featured the necessary Muzzie narrative trapping with prayer rugs hanging on the wall, Korans falling out of cabinets when opened etc. A stage show with a new level of ridiculousness with the media breaking and entering, criminally trespassing on private property, interfering with a federal investigation, Obstructing justice by contaminating the crime scene, and probably planting evidence to fit the muzzie narrative all to get the public to believe the new narrative was real.

Thread: Breaking!!! Over 100 JOURNALISTS destroy crime scene apartment in San Bernardino !!!!!!!!!!!!

It was as if somebody in the black ops department panicked and said “oh no” “now the script was changed we need to quick do something to reinforce the muzzie narrative”. Get the media and have the items planted.

Thread: Reporters Storm Mass Shooters' Apartment, Reveal Potential Evidence On Live TV

Soon after the Media Circus the F.B.I. held a quick press conference, in which they nervously and sheepishly claimed they let the media in, in an attempt to cover-their-asses and explain why evidence in a criminal investigation was flaunted by journalists on live TV and also officialize the muzzie narrative.

Thread: Just Watched the Press Conference on the Isis Shooting-Senators Demand Obama Release Immigration History of San Bernardino Attackers

All of this was probably much to the ire of President Obama who ordered a white Christian, gun loving, anti government shooter script and got crossed when somebody changed it to be a muzzie extremist scripted false flag.

From here they are stuck reinforcing the muzzie narrative in San Bernardino

With the CIA/mossad creation false flag and hoax group, ISIS issuing statements claiming credit for the attack

Thread: ISIS officially claims responsibility for San Bernardino shootings - meanwhile, Obama and the NY Times are continuing to push for gun control!!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The True Reason For Gun Control

There is one reason and one reason only that the current administration are so desperate to bring in gun control and disarm US citizens. . .

The coming financial collapse!

When TSHTF and everything turns to mayhem, they would not be able to control the anger from armed citizens.

Think about it!

The financial doom of 2008 was never solved as most of the the bail out money never went where it was supposed to go, as usual the money was stolen from the US tax payers.

Since then the global financial situation has got worse, they have been able to hide and manipulate the figures BUT they know that it cant be avoided and a total collapse is coming sooner or later. This is why TPTB are more and more desperate to disarm all citizens.

Imagine trying to control an angry "armed" population that have just found out that their own government has bankrupted the world and a small percentage (TPTB) have stolen trillions and trillions of YOUR money.

Another reason they are so desperate to start a world war, lots of financial theft can be hidden after the turmoil of a world war.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The cornersone of the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy

They all have long noses.

They are the (allegorical) reptilians. When they get a nose job they become "shape shifters." They aren't aliens, they are simply genetically evil men. They fully understand eugenics and hide the science from the rest of the world out of self-preservation.

In the late 1700s physiognomy (the science of "face reading") was considered an exact science with 100% accuracy. Then Freemasonry was formed, the world went to war, the Jews found their genetic allies, and evil began to infect society. 200 years later the world has fallen into a pit of hell ruled almost exclusively by evil men.

Notice there are no profile pictures on this website: [link to famousmasons.com]

There's a damn good reason. They are good at covering their tracks, but if you run a Google Images search for famous Freemasons it becomes obvious. The truth is as plain as the nose on your face.

The world is a race war, but only one side is fighting. It is time for the good people of the world to wake up before it is too late.

A human #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

are bald men alien human hybrids
Why are ALL the world leaders bald why are ALL the cops, judges, news anchors, correction officers bald. ALL the top athletes are bald they are bigger, stronger, faster than humans I am convinced that bald men are alien human hybrids it does not matter where they are from. the mountains of china to the savannas of Africa all over the world these people have the SAME EXACT BALDING PATTERN it first starts off in a pattern of two horns then it bald's the top of the head as if the hair cant cover the cranium because the scull is growing. its like trying to put an aliens head into a humans hat it wont fit. Because of the inhuman growth of the top of the scull the skin stretches to the side creating the balding pattern. Its hereditary so if your father bald you will be bald that makes it genetic so that means there is two types of humans on this planet those who are balding and those who are not. how did this happen when did we get two types of genetically different species on this plant now I know where those the horns come from when we think about a devil they have no conscious just vessels.

Why are all the world leaders bald why are all the cops, judges, correction officers bald.do you remember the wigs. small step for man and giant leap for man kind. does the word nephelam rind a bell. Or how about Matthew 13:24-30 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.

The tares were sowed among the wheat and while growing the tares also look like wheat.

V26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.

And if all the world leaders are bald and this world is the closest thing to hell you can imagine then that means all these bald world leaders are evil. unless your a bald nephelam then your life is awesome talk about an invasive species look at all the top athletes they are bald they are bigger, stronger, faster than humans. They get jobs thinking its their skills but its because they are bald and with a job they can procreate to make more nephelam so woman reading this should know we have enough evil in this world please do not create more by having babies with these demigods. like in the time of Noah.


aVian #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

San Bernadino is in Bankruptcy - Coincidence? I think not

follow the money.

[link to www.huffingtonpost.com]

Gee...I wonder if they cut a deal with the FED's for money in return for staging a really good event..just in time for the Holidays.

rabbit...say hello to hole

lets go down it and see what we can find.

The victims where all county employees correct...who better to get to go along with an event than those who stand to lose their pensions in a controlled "employees" Christmas party and blame it on Islam. Who benefits the most from a war between Christians and Muslims? I know.

SAN BERNARDINO >> Half an hour before midnight on Friday, document No. 1,503 was unceremoniously uploaded to the online record of the city’s bankruptcy case — and with that, San Bernardino moved into the final chapter of its bankruptcy saga.

Getting to the point of filing that bankruptcy exit plan — barely a day before the May 30 deadline U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Meredith Jury set six months ago — has taken the city almost three years.

INTHELORDSNAME #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Watch out for the Rapture of the Saints on CHRISTMAS DAY!!!

The Rapture occurring on Christmas Day has always been a strong possibility for a few Years now.

Since the Rapture hasn't happened yet it's important, more than ever, that we continue to watch and pray throughout this Christmas Season!

On Christmas Day this Year there just happens to be a Full Moon! The last time there was a full moon on Christmas Day was 38 Years ago in 1977!!!

Now check out the following dream:

I was at my home town and I saw up in the sky an object that looks like another moon closing in on our moon. It seemed as if they were going to collide. I was the first one to see this. Then I showed others. The Holy Spirit then reminded me that when I begin to see that object (the other moon) getting near to our moon it will be the next day when fire will fall from the sky and towns will be destroyed. It was a sign of the end of the world and Jesus return.

I was panicked because of how sudden it came about
I then began telling everyone including my neighbor, my mum and brother that the end will be tomorrow.

Then I frantically asked someone "WHAT DATE IS TOMORROW?"

Then someone said to me "TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS DAY".

Then I saw my mum was making Christmas preparations, getting ready food and sorrel wine. I even saw her stirring the
sorrel in a huge pot like she usually does on Christmas eve!

I then asked her to skip Christmas celebration this year
because the Lord is coming she then seemed doubtful of the fact. When I tried to tell one of my neighbors I was speaking with all my effort but she could not hear me for some reason.

I later saw one of my school mates, then I called her and told her that THE END IS HERE and she did not believe at first. But when I showed her the moon about to be struck by the "other moon" and started quoting scripture to her
she believed and gave herself to Christ right there and then
because the scriptures were being fulfilled in front of her eyes, then we started thinking of how wonderful heaven must be.

I also was telling one of my close friends that he should trust in the Lord for everything because I know that I would soon be gone, but he did not believe me. I was also trying to call one of my friends to tell her that the end was tomorrow, but i could not remember all her cell number

Scriptural confirmations:

Joel 2:30
Luke 21:11
Luke 21:25
Rev 8:12
Amos 8:9

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Saturn was once THE sun in this solar system, what i mean by that is Saturn used to produce EM Radiation (like Sol does now) but by the process of cosmic alchemy Saturn now produces gravitational waves. Both EM radiation "waves" and GR radiation "waves" need to "cross" to "create" space time, Earth has been the planet of the crossing for awhile now.

Yes, Saturn is very much like a complex machine, but you need to understand how consciousness is created and maintained. The thought police dont like me talking about that though.

One more thing, you should ask Saturn herself.

Saturn IS the time keeper in this solar system, what i mean by that is Saturn is like a "recorder" and Sol is like the record player.

Saturn is very connected to the black/white hole at the center of this universe, my current understanding is Saturn is a fractal of the black half of the black/white hole in Sag, while Sol is a fractal of the white half of the black/white hole...think quantum spooky action at a distance, whatever happens in the black/white hole in Sag will fractal "down" and "up" to Saturn and Sol.

Greedy humans who think they're the heirs to this planet have hid our real history from us in hopes that we wouldn't find out who our real parents are, look into the constellation Cygnus and Eta Carina.

Saturn is not evil per se, but some humans (and other consciousness that worship Saturn are...

Sorry for typos, typing on phone.

Btw OP, be careful, last time i posted about Saturn i got gang stalked and harassed for weeks. Fucking dumb humans just dont understand there are consciousness' "out there" WAAAY more advanced than them watching.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Debate Is Over - More Than 50 Eyewitnesses Who Saw Heaven, Hell, Jesus Etc. - No More Denying That Christianity Is Real!

The debate is over.

The following website contains the EYEWITNESS testimony of over 50 individuals from all over the world that have seen heaven, hell, Jesus, etc.:

[link to www.insightsofgod.com]

Let me say it again.

The debate is over.

Christianity is real and the Bible is true.

If you are still a skeptic, then I challenge you to go to that website and watch or read even 10 of the mind blowing testimonies there and then come back here and tell us how confident you are that you know all the answers.

Take my challenge.

Do it.

How can you deny so many credible eyewitnesses from all over the world who don't know each other who all saw the same thing?

You can't.

It's over.

It is time for you to decide if you are going to follow God or if you are going to reject Him.

God is still doing miracles and supernatural things today just like He did in the Bible. If you don't know that, you need to learn that. A good place to start learning that is right here:

[link to www.youtube.com]

So what do you all have to say about all the eyewitnesses?

Can you deny them ALL?

If even ONE of them is right, then skeptics you are WRONG.

These eyewitness testimonies drive atheists crazy!!

So take my challenge.

Go to the website at the top of this thread, and read at least 10 of the testimonies.

Then come back here and tell me how much of a skeptic you are.

DOOM ON EUROWUSSIES!!! #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Before anybody thought about it, in the very beginning the refugee problem was deliberately created to destabilize Europe

Before anybody thought about it, in the very beginning you said the refugee problem was deliberately created to destabilize Europe. You said, the poor Syrians cannot afford to travel to and through Europe. you said somebody is financing it. now, pm of Hungary is saying this whole thing was orchestrated and financed by Soros. Another kudos to you.

You said right away the plane was brought down by Israeli missile. That is what the head of airlines is saying. But Russia will quietly blame it on mechanical failure. US wants to bring Russia o fight on multiple fronts and lose focus on Syria. That is why they did it. Israel is something Russia cannot win. It is their (communist) baby. Plus Israel/US could crush Russia into powder if they go against Israel. That is what the U.S. is hoping for. If you noticed, us/Israel/Europe did not express shock or sorrow or condolence or condemnation on this issue. nobody can touch Israel. soon there will be new elections and Putin is retiring and he does not want to start a new front which he can't win and his successors can't handle. His successor is expected to be Jew Medvedev.

Saracen & Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Saracen: Why Evolution is Promoted!

The theory states that essentially man came from monkey. Now for reasons which I will state, white folk all unanimously came to the agreement that the first man on the planet was a black man.

This helped black people to some degree but the theory brought up other ideas in the minds of the Caucasians. Since we were the first and man came from monkey, we as black people, would therefore be the closest in lineage to the monkey. This meant also (to them) that since we were closest to the animal, we should be treated as such.

This could not be any farther from the truth!

Man did not come from monkey, he more so degenerated into one. This is why monkeys and other great apes are still existing on the planet.


[Anonymous Coward: "Interesting theory, I just don't think that's a an important enough reason (keeping blacks down) to develop the concept of evolution.

Now to discredit creation, that's a good reason. They need us to have no God.

Although, I believe Darwin believed his theory and wasn't developing it solely to discredit God.

The theory of evolution has many flaws and its no better than the theory of Creation with genetic adaption."]

Saracen: Its not just about keeping blacks down - it`s about re-enforcing white supremacy and keeping his machine running.

If it has so many flaws, why is it still promoted in school textbooks

Yes it was used to discredit creation but I think it just helped boost non black peoples self-esteem because those in the know, know their true lineage and descendents. They are just too embarrassed to let the world know!

Genetic adaptation can clearly explain this because we currently have DNA as well certain glands and organs in our body which have atrophied. Now if we have 2 strands of DNA and the vast majority is JUNK (they say), whats wrong in assuming that it degenerated to 2 from a higher number. This goes the same with certain glands and organs in our body which have atrophied to the point where they are no longer of any use (vestigial). They must have been in use at one point and through genetic changes, atrophied over time.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The mirror: A portal to the Demonic & My near possession

All of a sudden the reflection turned into an ugly demon face, and started talking to me...telling me things. I started believing it all; I then started feeling like I Was being sucked into the mirror when last second my consciousness awoke and I realized what was happening and said some conjurations

I believe the mirror, without going into a lot of details, is a portal to the demonic realm. This can happen to anyone any time, without a situation similar to mine...Simply by spending time in the mirror


Channelers use a mirror
they only need it when geting started
they can start to channel without the mirror
you stare at your face as if it were just a body, a vessel
you are mearly the observer looking at it
it starts to change
you accept the change and don't identify with it
It will then start speaking through you, just let it
let your mind connect to your lips
In this way you will be able to talk to your demon that possesses you

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

VRIL - the ancient secret energy force of the illuminati elite

Albert Pike said: "There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it, and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world." Helena Blavatski, the foundress of the Theosophical Society, described this Vril energy as an aether stream that could be transformed into a physical force. What are the Occult Secrets of Vril? [link to www.createspace.com (secure)]

Vril was known to these mystics as a natural and abundant energy, having disseminated it's divine wisdom world wide under many names. The Chinese referred to it as "chi", the Hindu as "prana", and the Japanese as "reiki".

The question is how long have the elite known about this universal energy, and why is is kept secret from the mass population?

Is it free energy, and they want us hooked on oil?

Is it a psychic or mental power, and they prefer us dumbed down animals?

Is it in any way related to what Tesla was working with. we all know about Tesla and electricity, and magnetism, but could there have been more that has been covered up since WW2 regarding this "vril" energy?

One last question. Is this Vril life force the same as what William Reich (google him) was working on called Orgone energy? I believe the word is derived from orgasm, but that's another story, one worth investigating.


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CERN as a humane weapon of mass distruction

Let it be known in no way do I support this CERN
but think about it.

Nuclear weapons kill everyone and everything in their path... Not so good to have the blood of so many innocent lives on your hands....

but if you were able to trigger earthquakes it would completely destroy the infrastructure of that city thus winning the war but minimizing civilian casualties... Win the war without the mindless slaughter of innocents and lowering after war animosity. Could that be the reason for CERN?

S.I.A. #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Major Call To All Empaths, Contactee's~ Your Imput Is Critical Today!

There are several reports globally coming into a "Spiritual Intelligence Agency" ... A network if you will that something Massive is "Coming" to earth and it is behind our Sun.
Also, there are Contactee's being advised to stay put where they are as they are "already prepared" for "The Event" which to our collective group is not a negative one which is being herald at this time by many in multiple social platforms as something negative is about to take place, via nuke or some other FF Op~
Be advised we already know "Jade Helm" is the response to "The Event" that is about to take place. This is an event which Blue Beam could be used as an disinformation tactic but be assured this is REAL & not a Shadow Op project.
This is also an issue that involves the overt aggressions towards Russia as there are many Agendas fighting for positioning when this "Event" takes place.

528 Protocol


mad scince #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

are humans committing multiverse genocides?

The assumption of scientist is that with collisions they can recreate the exact conditions happened during the BIG BEN. Then if the condition are the same or very similar is really probable they are creating more big bens in the multiverse and each one is creating its own universe.

But what is the multiverse? watch this video to understand

The multiverse consists of bubbles and each bubble is an universe (our universe is a bubble too). These "bubbles" collides time to time and the result is the complete destruction of the life inside them (thousands planets similar to Earth).

Try to imagine to travel in your car in a highway and suddenly you frontally crash into a bus that didn't existed few moments before the accident: it is exactly what could happen when humans create new universe bubbles with their experiments.

Remember! The bubbles can collide and more bubbles exist more are the possibility of collisions! we are all responsible of such acts...

"We found that if we believed our modified rules of quantum gravity, then it is in principle possible to create a universe in the laboratory without starting from a white hole. The procedure isn't guaranteed to succeed, but in the context of quantum mechanics we were able to estimate a probability for success. Since our calculations relied on a modification of an approximation that was uncertain in the first place, we found it reassuring that Willy Fischler, Daniel Morgan, and Joseph Polchinski obtained the same results with a different method. The probability of success was found to depend crucially on the energy density of the false vacuum. If it's at a scale typical of what particle physicists call "grand unified theories," then the probability would be outlandishly small. On the other hand, it's conceivable that the energy level associated with the false vacuum might be a thousand times larger than those of the grand unified theories, and then the probability of successful universe production would be high."


[link to edge.org (secure)]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why They Are Luring Russia Into WW3- Because Russia Is About To Release Zero Point Energy Tech That Will Make Oil Obsolete Ending The Petrodollar

This is why extra terrestrial contact has been kept secret. It has nothing to do with the fact that 'you couldn't handle the truth'. That is the excuse.

Because once they admit the contact it opens a whole can of worms. One of them is the energy and propulsion techs we currently posses but keep secret. The same ones the ETs use to get around.

They want to keep you on an oil leash and keep selling you oil. This should have ended 50 years ago.

Russia is about to spill the beans. The existing power greedy power structure wants to keep the status quo. They'll do anything to protect their power, including starting WW3 and bring the planet down with them.

Antichrist #racist godlikeproductions.com

Christians are slaves of the Jews

The bible was written by the jews. It talks about a jewish prophet and his jewish followers. It also says that the Jews are the chosen race by the jewish god. It is all about the jews. It demands white people to become christians and to obey the jewish people who wrote the bible.

The christian pope wears a kippah - which means he obeys the jews.

In other words if you are a christian - you are a jewish slave.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Project Blue Beam started in 1998, we have all been fooled

The subject sounds very definitive, but I put this theory to you, that Project Blue Beam started in 1998.

Chemtrails are laid out in cross-cross patterns, so that the elements contained in them will more uniformly spread over the whole sky when activated by HAARP.

Barium and Aluminum are two of the most common elements to be found in chemtrails (3-D holographic display using Strontium Barium Niobate).

And not only they use chemtrails, also they fire high power radio waves into the skies which create artificial glowing plasma patterns causing glowing dots to appear around these patches.

But why would they use high power radio waves and why would they project 3D holographic images in the sky?

The International Space Station. Launched in 1998. Nothing but a hologram. The ISS videos are from a Zero G simulation set.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: Flat earth and seasons

The Sun & Moon rotate around the top, looking down, in a clockwise direction. As the peak summer draws near, the circle gets tighter as it raises higher and slows in rotational speed.

Then, at the summer solstice you can see the sun above the horizon for over 72 hours if you are at the 89th parallel or higher (the north pole is the center).

After the "Midnight Sun," the longest (sunlight) day, the Sun starts its course again with the rotational speed and circumference increasing.

The size of the rotational circle increases, as does the speed to keep the time, or 24 hour day in sync.

How's that for a brief synopsis? If you want to see a video that portrays this, you'll find plenty on YouTube, or just go to Eric Dubay's channel and watch of few of his videos.

Now let the hate flow from those suffering "cognitive dissonance," as opposed to rational critical thinking, aka conspiracy theorist.

"Cognitive Dissonance," is a psychological medical diagnosis of people that attack the Flat Earth theory, because they believe in Captain Kirk, Luke Sky Walker and think that aliens are going to land on a ball earth, that is spinning faster than the speed of sound, and save us from the NWO! LOL!

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

There will be a real holocaust to end the jew mafia

People can not bear the Jewish corruption of the usa.

The jews can leave usa or the people will unite in suffering and hatred and begin going after them in the cities

Enough is enough. 911 should have been the declaration of war against the jews.

2008 financial crime should have been declaration of war on the jews.

The real holocaust will come. And there will be no nazis. Just hurt americans who can take no more jews No more crime no more government by Jewish mafia and stupid jews

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Paris attacks was staged by the reptilians

I'm an expert remote viewer and i remote viewed the terror attacks and it was all staged by the draconian reptilians working from another dimension.
The streets where the attacks took place are all sealed up and blocked and the reptilians are working together with the illuminates and hired crisis actors.
The videos that show the attack the one with the woman hanging out from a window is a staged video shoots and the corpses are just dummies.

They have been planning this event for a long time now and before the attacks they had already blocked access to the streets where the attacks took place.

This is a warning to you all, don't trust the illuminatis or reptilians propaganda and disinformation. More staged attacks are coming to happen in europe and the USA.

Hot Coldman #racist godlikeproductions.com

How to lure a basic negroid

Before I get further into the subject, let's make it clear that luring a 'brother', as the American variant of negroid calls its species, is quite easy.
All you need is to get close to a 'brother', get its attention and then you simply engage in an kind of primal beat. Bongo drums, 'beat boxing', stomping on the ground while clapping, anything goes.

When you succesfully catch it or alternatively calm it, put it in a place you can remember. Now for the harder part. Next phase is knowing how to prevent it from running away!

To tame a negroid, you will need 3 basic things: a name, a food and a basic income your pet can collect while doing nothing.

1. The name
A negro, much like a dog, statistically responds best to names with two or three vowels. Anything you can make up on the spot goes because groids aren't picky. 'Sha-ni-qua'. See? A funny little name for a groid is as easy as that.

2. Food
Again, just like a dog, they typically enjoy being fed scraps of western society. Instead of typical surplus grade C pet feed such as dog or cat food, you may need to improvise. You see, blacks won't typically respond well to the cat or dog variant of pet feed but instead enjoys KFC fried chicken. However, because the nagger lacks self control, you will have to stop the dindu from possessing full access to your supply of 'groid feed'.

3. The basic income
US Dollars and Swedish Kroner works best.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Trump = Voice of NWO (please read)

Listen up GLP...

As the terror attacks continue and Trump says he wants increased security and surveillance he is actually sealing his vote with the majority. People desperately want change and see him as a hero that will save the country and stop the terrorists...

He is not saving the country...
He will sacrifice the people in a heartbeat to gain power as he is a puppet of the Rockefeller agenda.
The sheep will eat this up and he will implement a police state, a wall, new electronic identification integrated with banking, AND .... a perpetual state of war with "the enemy".

"The enemy" will become undefined.
As ISIS gains power in other parts of the world the terrorists will no longer be only radical Muslims but also anti-establishment homegrown Americans and foreigners of all colors...

He will seal the deal with the agenda and he has lost my vote today because I woke up just a little more today...

Lucian Apollo Zalmoxe Lumina #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

We Atlanteans have to help Europe and this entire world

It took a long time to write this subject

The people who planned and executed the attacks in Paris are the worst Hollywood producers possible
The terrorists gave warning of their future attacks and they had their passports on them(did they need them to enter the football stadium?)
and miraculously when they blew themselves up those passports flew unburned and landed in the hands of the investigators

who are those mature societies in Europe?
for I have not met one true mature men in my life
so,with love and compassion we need to help them

They need our help,not in supporting their lies and fighting their wars...
look,they have a true problem with immigrants at home in London and Paris and Berlin and in other places
but these problems cannot be solved by bombing and invading other countries and stealing their resources

These mature countries-France-2300 yars old and some others in Western Europe...
invited the red race and yellow race people in their countries in order to be their servants and to be paid poorly for low jobs
now they have the same problem that the americans had with their black slaves 200 years ago

I know how people in Dacia are thinking
-Let them feel what we felt,let them suffer as we did for them,let them mature themselves as we did
-Oh ,really?
this is not the solution...we will have another nuclear war if we dont get involved in time

We have to raise our own country,we have to develop and decloak our techs,all our techs
including the subjects in our tech and history which are Tabu to us
we must unveil...this is the Last Directive of the Great Council of Atlantia
our great civ is no more....destroyed by dragons and lemurians and annunaki and the insect civs
we are the last remnant on Earth

yes!the fleets still arrive
the securans are in place
some of our people still live in our 40 million galaxies
but not enough for a contiguous effort
we are a dying civ,lead by artificial beings now
this is the naked truth
yes 12000 fleets shall be here shortly

to destroy the Nibiru and the annunaki
but that is not enough
we have to win the war on this medieval blue nice planet too

Why did I said all the things ,why did I unveil all the truths about all techs and histories of Atlantia and Lemuria and Agartha and Shamballa?
becuse we are all dying and the world in changing,populated being by immature civs

We have to help our children ,our nephews and grand nephews as we can
no one is mature enough
there is a war between Water and Fire and this war shall end with a colaboration and union of Apollo and Artemis the white one and the red one
this is the future I see now

What is the greatest law of Atlantia,Great Goddess?
Freedom and Liberty
-You mean...everyone is free to do as he pleases as long as he does not infringe on the liberties of other?
well the fact that you are destroying my world is infringing on my liberty to keep my planet populated with beings
the planet will still be here but humans will be gone
is it reasonable to give 7 billion cars to 7 billion people?is it reasonable to change 7 billion cars every year?where do you get the minerals from?

yes ! you can colonize other planets and I will help you do that
No!Great Goddess.the greatest Law of Atlantia and Lemuria at the same time is Sacrifice
we believe that the Supreme God sacrificed himself to create the universe
yes! we have weapons who can destroy the universe and create and new one
Yes!\Tabu subjects,I told you

we Atlanteans and Lemurians believe that in order for society to evolve
one God or Goddess must come and sacrifice himself or herself for Atlantia and Lemuria
we call this sacrifice in Atlantia the 7000 days of suffernce
6813 days have paseed already for me
I do not fear death,but I do fear loneliness and sufference and old age

I should not this is a lesson for me to be in a medieval and also galactic and universal society incarnated now
Rise Great Goddess for I can do no more
Rise Miley Cyrus for the tip of the spear and the edge of the sword is old now and new ones are needed

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Distractions & signs leading up to Planet X's unstoppable havoc.

Some believe that there is a 10th planet as Zacheria Sitchin documented in his series of books, in which he translated sumerian writtings or texts that detailed the 10th planet. This was was supported by Robert Harrington from the Navel observatory who met with Sitchin in 1983 & in 91 Harrington traveled to New Zealand set up a telescope and reported the findings back to washington, Harrington was said to have died of a rapid cancer before returning to the US and his work includeing his telescope were immediatly confiscated.

Some think the main reason for the large south pole telescope is to see the arrival of this planet or rather the small solar system which will barrel right thru ours. This is suspected to have started to affect Earth with the increase in earth quakes, tsunami's, massive increase in global temp's and the meteors which this incoming object is hurling.

Thing to think about:
massive undertaking in building underground bases since the 80's
FEMA ordering and stock piling $1 billion in disposable coffin liners, 14 million body bags and 140 million long life MRE meals.
Perfecting the chem-trailing of the southern sky in order to hide this HUGE system from our eyes as long as possible.
Countless # of astronomers who've died or vanished since this was first noted.

Some sources say the brunt of the damage is said to happen when Earth passed thru the trailing debris tail and fiery comets and meteors pound the Earth. This was detailed in revalations in the bible. The magnetic pull of this system, mainly a brown dwarf star will grab onto our magnetic pole and drag it over onto it's axis - this will cause a pole shift and massive flooding not unlike the biblical Noah. This incoming system has come back before and will again, it's not God it's science...

Wake Up Muslims!! #fundie godlikeproductions.com


Muhammad himself admitted that he was possessed by the devil:


MUHAMMAD LIVED IN A CAVE BEFORE HE SPEWED WHAT HE SAW TO EVERYONE - I believe Muhammad sincerely believed that he actually saw the angel Gabriel in the CAVE. HOWEVER, I believe that the angel was not Gabriel. I believe the angel was a demon, probably Satan himself.

I believe Muhammad was deceived by a demon who subsequently possessed his mind, changed him and made use of him to deceive mankind into worshipping a pagan idol named Allah in place of the one true God of Abraham called YHWH (Yahweh Elohim). It is just trying to get the average Muslim TO WAKE UP TO THIS DECEPTION WHICH IS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE!!!

‘Anas reported that Gabriel appeared before the Apostle of Allah (Muhammad), while he was playing with some boys. Gabriel took him, laid him down, pierced his heart, and took out a clot of blood. Then he said, “This is the portion of you possessed of a devil.” Next, he washed it in a gold cup with water from the well Zamzam. Thereafter sewed him up and took him back to where he found him—’ (Attended by Muslim. Al-Hadis, Volume 4 page 367)

Muhammad himself admitted that he was possessed by Satan at one time:
‘Have you, then, seen Al-Lat and Al-Uzza? And Manat, the third one, the other? These are exalted females (sublime ones), Mounting nearer and nearer to Allah And truly their intercession may be expected. ( Al-Qur’an, Sura 53 verse19-20, and the Satanic verses in bold letters)

The Satanic verses were present in the original version of the Qur’an when Muhammad was trying to woo the Meccans who believed in many gods including the pagan idols Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat.
Later on, when he was in a more commanding position, he conveniently edited out these embarrassing verses, admitting that they were inspired in him by Satan. “We have not sent a messenger or prophet before you but when he recited, the Devil would intrude into his recitation. (Al-Qur’an. Sura 22 verse 53)

Muhammad admitted that he had a Jinn (demon) up his nose. (Al-Hadis. Volume 4, Book 54, No.516) Muhammed said that bad dreams are from Satan.
(Al-Hadis. Volume 4, Book 54, No. 513) Muhammad had his own resident demon, the one-eyed Dajjal. (Al-Hadis. Volume 3, page 803)


DylanMcGLP #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I came into contact with an alien when I was in Panama City Beach, Florida for a vacation (which I just got back from yesterday, actually). I have had very subtle signs/suspicions for a few weeks, such as a recent interest in space/science that I have never had before (beforehand I actually thought it was boring). I have also seen a cigar-shaped UFO fly over my house once (~3-4 years ago), plus one of my friends who lives a few streets away who never knew of my sighting beforehand has seen the same thing flying over multiple times within the last 2 years. On the way down, nothing happened, but on the 2nd to last day of my trip, I was going outside at night to get phone reception (the hotel I was in was concrete) and when I looked up at the night sky, I saw the same UFO, much farther in the sky this time, but ever since that moment I have had a connection with the pilot/driver of that craft (most likely telepathic in nature). On the drive back, I was about 1 minute from falling asleep, and I telepathically asked "Where?" (as in where is your alien species from), and that instant I fell asleep. When I was sleeping, I heard a muffled voice saying "2" then "0" then "6". It was said as a time; 2:06. But after that, I heard different words/phrases that have a connection to "1" or "single",etc. I put it together as "2061". When I awoke, I looked up 2061 on Google, and turns out the date "2061" is the next year that Halley's Comet will return since 1986. I'm guessing this is an "ETA", that the Halley's Comet is what the alien race I contacted will use as a means of transportation to our planet and will arrive at Earth peacefully in 2061.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

MARK OF THE BEAST 666 Climate Summit Carbon Footprint "Tracking" Carbon Tax.

Plans for the Mark of the beast are going forward in Paris.

Your so called Carbon Footprint is the means by which you are to be tracked through ID,smart devices and appliances as well as home energy meters.

.."That no Man should buy or sell unless he had the Mark."

BREATH IS LIFE so it makes perfect sense that the adversary would want to tax and track you through the air you exhale (Carbon).

Climate summit 2015 will be in Paris 11/15/15 - 12/11/15.

So you can't say that you didn't know what this Climate Scheme was really all about.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I'm an insider and I know what will happen to the refugees

I'm not going to tell you who I'm. just believe it or not, but mark this thread for the near future.

This is the plan:

A new country will be created for them in the Middle east, next to Israel. The country will be named al-Dawla al-Islamiyya (ISIL).

Muslims will be rounded up and shipped back to this newly created Islamic State which includes Syria, parts of Iraq, Lebanon and Jordan. It will be right next to Israel, that's the plan. The mass deportation of Muslims will take place in America and Europe after many false flag deadly attacks including nuclear ones.

TPTB want the world to see Muslims the way they want it to be. The turn will be for the Jews. TPTB will do the same thing for Israel. Muslims are not doing these attacks, but they are the scapegoat, the bridge used by TPTB to cross to achieve their goals both in the short-term and the long-term. It's all theater. Israel is controlled by MI6, TPTB headquarters since 1947 and even all the brutality and chaos in Israel is planned to prepare the world to see the Jews the way TPTB want it to be.

What is the end goal?

Destroying both Islamic and Jewish radicalism from within.

How this will be done?

TPTB will let Israel destroy this newly created Islamic State and then let it establish Greater Israel. They will let it play the fascist role, then the world, led by Britain and France will destroy Greater Israel, rename it Palestine and announce the country and the whole Asian Mideast part under Anglo-French protectorate

It's a long-term plan I just gave it to you on a golden plate. Believe it or not!

This way TPTB would successfully destroy both Islam and the Jews worldwide, regain the whole Middle East without an American or Israeli proxy and showing the world that the world can't have an empire other than the British (you'll understand this part later).

That's the game set and planned since WWII. I have more to say but you wouldn't believe a word, so just take this for now!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

17/11 - England v France and the Satanic Agenda


English fans have been requested to join in the French national anthem

The Song of Marseille

Arise, children of the Fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us tyranny
Raises its bloody banner
Do you hear, in the countryside,
The roar of those ferocious soldiers?
They're coming right into your arms
To cut the throats of your sons and women!

To arms, citizens,
Form your battalions,
Let's march, let's march!
Let the impure blood
Water our furrows!

What does this horde of slaves,
Of traitors and conjured kings want?
For whom are these vile chains,
These long-prepared irons?
Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage!
What fury must it arouse!
It is us they dare plan
To return to the old slavery!

nothing to see here

Old Wembley was known as the twin towers. It's construction period was 6.66years just like the NY twin towers' construction period was 6.66 years.

621st day since mh370 went missing
PW born on 6/21
New Wembley is 8y8m8d old today
PW first public engagement in Cardiff at the same age

The spirit uniting people is that of catching fire, we must understand that first they are bundled then burned aka the bricks are fired aka the char lie

Combined disasters card
Two towers,,,,fire...23 and 2/3
Today is 3y3m23d from the start of the olympics in Cardiff
Two3 / 23

So can we expect doom today ?


Princess William was 12003 days old when Charlotte was born
It was the 123rd day of the year
12/3 is the 71st day of the year

Today Prince William is 12,203 days

3 events in France this year

1/7 Charlie Hebdo
day 83 - A32 Alps plAne crash
13/11 - 132 killed in Paris


You had the event on 13/11 that created a huge amount of hatred, anger and love too

Now the energy has been created - it needs to be directed.

Prince William centre stage of tonight's events will be the that person.

Just like the energy for Charlie Hebdo was directed at his unborn daughter

Great Destruction Desolation #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

EMP or Solar Flare, USA Power Grid Remains Vulnerable/Weak on Purpose so the NWO Can Depopulate/Destroy/Control America (grid X/jade helm)
The USA Power grid has purposely been left unhardened against EMP and CME(Solar Flare) damage weakness so that it can be destroyed or taken down when the NWO(shadow government) desires to bring in Total Chaos.

No Power,
Nuke Plants go Critical and Blow up
No Jobs
No Shipping
No ATM's (food stamps/SNAP)
No Water
No Sewer
No Hospitals(after backup generators out of Gas)
No Communications

People Bake/Freeze and Starve to death quickly.
Looting and Crime as people go "Mad MAX"
Georgia Gide Stones (Wold Population 500,000,000)

America would go from 300,000,000+ to around 30,000,000 in a short period of time.

Nuke Plants go Critical and Blow up

Fukushima times 100, The Nuke Plants require the Grid to be up to operate, and once Generators Fail/Run out of fuel to supply cooling to reactors and spent fuel pools, you get explosions and Radioactive Disasters like Fukushima in America, One after another, after another.

There would be NO Nuclear Power, if they did not need to make FRESH Fuel for NEW Bombs/Missiles. It is NOT Cost Effective and is always subsidized by Governments, and Poisons the World Forever.

In our face!! #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

IF your not a Christian, please don't bother commenting...

THINK - We as Christians are taught to love all people HOWEVER we know most of the people migrating do not have our best interest and could CARE LESS about our ways. We should pray the Muslims come to Christ but we know most are brainwashed from birth and want nothing to do with Christianity. Although not all immigrants are terrorists, if we speak up that they are we are labeled "Islamophobic". SO THE ONLY THING WE CAN DO AT THIS POINT is boldly expose the AGENDA behind the mainstream media and Satans governments WORLDWIDE below. THEY ARE ALL IN ON IT!!! Truth must be told (Eph 5:11).

These video covers how the current global Islamic Immigration is part of biblical prophecy. This immigration (Invasion) is a strategically planned occurrence and not a spontaneous crisis. Key players pushing this agenda include Obama and the governments of the world, THE UN, Pope Francis and the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). The ultimate consequence of this mass rapid migration/invasion is the rise of Islam and Sharia law. We all need to educate ourselves and find a way to stop this in our own communities. They want us to fight so they can come up with a solution to ALL THE FIGHTING COMING OUR WAY. Paris is nothing compared to what is coming.

THEY WANT A PROBLEM - they will push Islam 24/7 until we all can't stand it anymore!!

THEY WILL GIVE US A SOLUTION - they will put new religious laws in place and try to mix Islam with Christianity = ChrisLam.....We are in the birth stages of Chrislam as we speak!!! THE ONE WORLD RELIGION the bible speaks of!!! Islam is being pushed down out throats and the invaders PUSH into all our countries so they can try and persuade people to join their side and the same for the other side!! Are we all this blind that we can not see what they " Are so called leaders" are up to...


KnightsTemplar.TV #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Sexual Union of Souls and The Occult Forces of Sex

Sex is the fountain of all life.

However, let me warn you that this magnificent fountain is not something we humans should profane with our animal needs or wants by treating the most beautiful act of sex similar to that of a dirty dog. But in our current world, many men and women seem to be doing just that by making this most beautiful fountain a possible poisoned Karmic well of death for the unsuspecting souls who treat this divine act like that of an animal.

The facts are that most people are completely ignorant to this “force” when it comes to the spiritual realm, their astral souls and their animal bodies in the material world. The reason being is that most humans are not educated on these facts as the live their lives based on mostly pure materialism as they operate primarily from the seat of their animal selves rather than for their divine selves which would be their souls. These same people think of sex as purely a pleasure act where they feel good temporarily or reach a form of ecstasy, but they do not think beyond the joy we feel and or orgasm that it brings. This is a serious mistake that I have made myself more than once and have lived through the resulting very bad Karma from these ill fated and ignorantly chosen sexual unions.

When you have sex, you need to realize that the other persons soul becomes one with yours and some serious soul work may need to take place to release their astral connection to your astral self.

Think of these unseen forces that are like vampires that instead of feeding on your blood, feed on your energy which is your “life force.” It is almost akin to an exorcism that takes place when you are free from the other’s Astral influence. Some people can do this in days, weeks or months with the proper work and some people who don’t understand this will take a year or more to get over one relationship. If you have multiple sexual relationships then you are creating multiple unions that will end up creating multiple vampires confusing you and making you a bit mad in the head. Hence, think about porn stars, prostitutes and strippers who always seem to have serious mental issues that never leave them and often plague them till death. Most of these people are going crazy not from the porn or the act of sex, but the many sexual unions with dark souls that never leave them. The same can be said about the girl or guy who sleeps with everyone in your school or town. They are always a bit weird and most of them end up dying or going absolutely crazy later in life.

This is really why many people take break ups with their partners or marriages so bad.

Here is an excerpt from the Occult Science in Medicine to help put this in perspective for you:

Popular medicine deals only with external effects and physical causes, occult science goes deeper, seeking for fundamental causes and final effects, which are of far greater importance than the passing manifestations taking place in the physical form. Thus, for instance, a promiscuous sexual intercourse not only causes venereal diseases; but as during that act a commingling of the inner natures takes place to a certain extent, a man cohabiting with a depraved woman takes on some of her characteristics and joins to a certain extent her future Karma and destiny to his own. The basis of the existence of human beings is what, for want of a better expression, has been called the Will (Spirit or Life), and as one body may colour or poison another, likewise a colouring, and perhaps poisoning, takes place by a blending of spirit during sexual intercourse; this “spiritual substance” being the essence of each human being.

“If a woman leaves her husband, she is then not free from him, nor he from her; for a marital union having once been established, remains a union for all eternity.” (” De Homunculis.”)

The important thing to understand when it comes to yourself is that your body is comprised of two entities. One would be that of your material or animal body and the other would be your astral soul which is your divine self. When you are born, these two separate entities go out into the physical world and are always somewhat at war with one another with each trying to control your thoughts or actions in order to gain the upper hand in your daily affairs.

Think of it like you have an angel on one shoulder and a little devil on the other.

The devil would your animal self that encourages you to have as much sex as you please with whomever you please and the angle would be your good side that hopes to find a soul mate to marry and start a family with whom you can make love with because you care deeply for this person.

Here is a quotation from H. P. Blavatsky to help explain this a bit further:

“The ‘harvest of life’ consists of the finest spiritual thoughts, of the memory of the noblest and most unselfish deeds of the personality, and the constant presence during its bliss after death of all those it loved with divine spiritual devotion. Remember the teaching: The human soul, lower Manas, is the only and direct mediator between the personality and the divine Ego. That which goes to make up on this earth the personality, miscalled individuality by the majority, is the sum of all its mental, physical, and spiritual characteristics, which, being impressed on the human soul, produces the man. Now, of all these characteristics, it is the purified thoughts alone which can be impressed on the higher immortal Ego. This is done by the human soul merging again, in its essence, into its parent source, commingling with its divine Ego during life, and reuniting itself entirely with it after the death of the physical man.”

Philo said that “God separated Adam into his two sexual component parts, one male, the other female—Eve—taken from his side. The longing for reunion which love inspired in the divided halves of the originally dual being, is the source of the sexual pleasure, which is the beginning of all transgressions.”

This is where many of our problems had started when our astral souls had left the heavenly spirit world to inhabit the animal, plant and mineral world that we now know as the planet earth. This is where our species of animal, man kind or Home erectus has been in a perpetually lost as many of us are trying to find their way home or search for our souls mates. Our soul mates are our other astral halves thus resulting in a perfect union of souls. We are all Adam’s or Eve’s looking for our other halves so we can then truly be scientifically soul complete, but the wrong choice of a mate may just end up in a destructive union that causes negative consequences and or an outcome for both parties involved. I am sure you may have had this experience yourself or have seen this first hand in your lifetime.

The male element represents the energy, action, warmth, and productive principle in nature. The female represents, the maternal which is passive and procreative, the union of the two is the subjective man’s universal soul. The whole reason we humans have sex is for this union and not purely for the pleasure of the act, but for the reproduction of “souls”which just happens to use our animal bodies which I sometimes refer to as space suits for this propagation process. To put it simply, we humans are used by astral soul entities who wish to propagate our physical bodies to further their Karmic development.

Here is an excerpt from Harry Houdini in his book , The Esoteric that will help those of you out there understand the difference between the soul and animal body;

“The human body is subject to a double law of nature, male and female, and when the student will throw aside this outer material body, as his hypothesis,and learns to comprehend the difference between the objective and subjective man; the animal and the soul body, the outer and the inner being: to polarize either with the astral-magno or astral-force, he can have the might power of nature, and become the grandest of magicians. But the student must not rest here but press on. The student of soul-light finds the union of sex in its dual being is the universal form of God ; unselfish love the “universal force, and wisdom the guiding hand; marriage of the soul with spirit the universal result.

The bottom line is that regardless if you are heterosexual or homosexual, the Occult Forces of Sex And The Sexual Union of Souls is not something that should be taken lightly or you should carelessly toy with. You need to understand that you have now entered into “soul union” with this other person’s soul because when we mate with another human, we are also mating with their soul.

If you care and love them from your heart,this is where you will find the divine spark that culminates from this union as you unite as one with them and the magic can be very powerful. The reason is because this union of souls holds a special energy in a regenenerating as well as a generating force with the former producing this union of souls which is astral and also physical because we can all see, touch and feel the experience in the material world. The consequences of this act could turn out very bad if you simply cannot control these energies or Karma that may be a result of what you think is just “casual sex.”

-GLP-Christian- #fundie godlikeproductions.com

(Re: Why do atheist complain about Christianity more than Islam)

Because we are their real enemies.

Islam, atheism, buddhism, hinduism etc. all play for Team Satan.

Christians play for Team Jesus.

This is a Team Jesus vs. Team Satan fight.

Team Jesus wins.

You need to pick a team to play for and if you don't pick a team you get to join Team Satan by default.
That's how this game plays, the Atheists instinctively know we are their real enemy.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


This dude rang the Art bell radio show few years back , he claimed he worked at Area 51 but was discharged for medical reasons

this is what he had to say:

Caller: Hello Art?
Hi...I don"t have a whole of time...um...
(Art:well,look let's begin by finding out whether you're using this line properly or not)

Area 51...I am a former employee
I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago.

I kinda been running across the country...um...um..man...I don't know WHERE to start...

They're...they're..gonna...triangulate on this position really, really soon...

Ok...um...um...Ok...What we're thinking of as Aliens Art,...they're...they're EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS...
that an earlier precursor of the SPACE PROGRAM MADE CONTACT WITH..uh...they are NOT what they claim to be...uh...they have INFILTRATED a lot of aspects of the MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT particularly the AREA 51,

...uh...the DISASTERS that are coming...the military....I am sorry...the GOVERNMENT knows about them....and there's a lot of SAFE AREAS in this WORLD THAT THEY COULD BEGIN MOVING THE POPULATION TO... NOW..Art...They are not.

...sobbing...losing transmission.
losing satellite....i shoul.......Transmission lost.

ART--In some way someone knocked us off the air (backup system now up and running).IN ALL THE YEARS I HAVE NEVER SEEN THE TRANSMITTER massively fail,--KNOCKED THE RADIO STATION OFF THE AIR.

SO does this explain the moon fake photos ---they made contact up their...massive structures can be seen in many photos-points towards some civilization, not human, that may be based there.

Does this explain all the volcanic activity and earthquakes we are experiencing like never before.

Does this explain why governments are not concerned about marine sea-life/bird-life being wiped out by toxins ie core-exit,oil spills, radiation from fukushima, because they know something more is coming.

Does this explain why fema camps are setup all over your country --with railways leading into them, with train carriage/cattle cars built with small windows and shackles fitted to them, to isolate and control the survivors of the coming disasters.

Does this explain Obama sacking an unprecedented number of top ranking military officials during his presidency.

Does this explain why isis was established funded and armed to spread chaos throughout europe with Merkel's /UN blessing

Does this explain why governments are letting isis spread terror throughout the world left unchecked to disrupt/destroy society...kill more people , create more chaos ...as a distraction from WHATS COMING......

ITS BIZARRE but can we afford to not consider the implausible!!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Rainbow is the sign of the Son of Man like in the times of Noah!!!!

It makes perfect sense. What is happening in the US with rainbow flags everywhere is the sign. Its not a good sign but a sign that things are really getting started. With marriage being a holy joining of a man and woman becoming one, the passage of the LGBT marriage law countrywide truly shows that the US is turning away from God. LGBT people are just that, people, who deserve love and respect, but they have lost their pathway to God. The rainbows everywhere in a celebration of what is wrong in God's eyes is a grim and somewhat sacreligious sign post of what is to come.

It may not be a flood, but as it says in Revelation, no one is going to like what is coming; God's wrath is never pretty and its going to be even worse than anything ever before. I pray you all come to God through Jesus and will be protected from harm and accept everlasting life and the relief of all negative things we all experience in life with profound joy and communion with God.

Between the signs in the sky with blood moons on Jewish Feast Days, conjunction between planets that haven't been seen in 2000 years, the growing persecution of Christians worldwide, the rise of Muslim extrematism, the rise of open Satanic practices, the diseases, the earthquakes, the immorality of the world...don't you think its time you and the world woke up to what is as plain as the nose on your face to faithful Christians?

Everyone is going about their lives, business as usual, and there is such tension, such a growing feeling of something immense and powerful about to happen...please accept Jesus as your savior and step into God's love before its too late. God bless us all. I don't know when or where or how it will go down when it begins, but I would pay attention to the roadmap in the form of the Bible that has fulfilled each and every word of prophecy uttered in it as God's Word will be the companion to guide us in things to come. Just know His wrath is coming.

Please, please stop being stubborn and open up your heart to Him, submit to God completely and fully, and let yourself be filled with His love and protection. He will save you and make you whole. Lord, please be with us and help lead more people to your Son, Jesus that we may be found worthy and forgiven for our sins through His sacrifice. In His name we pray, Amen!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Are the French attacks the wheels in motion for a SET of 'false flags'?

Is more to come? Keep an eye on Europe. How many of the four points can be checked, i count all 4.

The Warning Signs of a False Flag Operation:

1. An immediate comprehensive narrative, including a convenient culprit.

2. Official narrative has obvious domestic and geopolitical advantages for the governing body.

3. Narrative behind the attack serves to leverage emotions like fear, as well as patriotism, in order to manufacture consent around a previously controversial issue.

4. Military training drills, police drills or large events occur on the day of and very near the attack itself, causing confusion to obscure eye witness testimony and allowing orchestrators to plant both patsies, disinformation and backup operatives.

PIN THIS !!!!!

knowledge is power

CULatter #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

A Song of Ice and Fire: The Occultic differences between Luciferianism and Satanism

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

---Robert Frost----

Many even outside of the circle of dark occult beliefs are familiar with the entity known as Lucifer/Satan. Under Judeo Christian belief , Lucifier was a high ranking Angel of light created by God. God created Adam afterward. Lucifer was asked to bow to Adam. Lucifer took pride in his own light and the fact he was created earlier than Adam and refused to bow to Adam. He then plotted to rebel against God and set up his own throne higher than God's. He was cast out of Heaven, lost his light and much of his power and became Satan. After he was cast out, he plotted to get back at God and Adam. With the help and agreement of the serpent , Satan possessed the Serpent, entered the Garden of Eden and seduced Eve into eating the fruit from the tree of of knowledge of good and evil. Before Eve ate the fruit, Satan poisoned the fruit with lust which is the longing/basis of all sins(i.e. lust for sex, lust for materials of other etc). Eve ate and convinced Adam to eat and they were cast out of Heaven.

Satan/Lucifer is known as the father of lies and deception. He is also characterized as being incredibly prideful.

“And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14

Though having a severely altered nature, Satan still retains his ability to appear as an angel of light. The apocrypah book of Adam and Eve and the Cave of Treasures, tells an account of such an instance with satan appearing to Adam and Eve as an angel of light, within the cave Adam and Eve stayed in immediately after they were kicked out of the garden.

This ability to still retain some of his light (at least in appearance to man) has given rise to two influential dark occultic belief systems: Luciferianism and Satanism.

Generally Luciferians do not accept Satan, but believe that Lucifer is the true god. They believe he is misrepresented in the Judeo Christian Bible, and is in fact the good guy. A Luciferian honestly believes they are doing the right thing by worshiping Lucifer and doing his will. A Luciferian believes that lucifer was the liberator of mankind, he taught man knowledge and illuminated them by inducing man to eat for the tree of knowledge. He is therefore an educator, illuminator, and teacher of wisdom and secrets. They are worshiping and deceived by the fallen light, the shiny “Ice” aspect of Lucifer/Satan.

Luciferian clandestine groups and public interfaces include: the Illuminati, the Freemasons, Shriners, and the Universal Church of Lucifer .

Satanists generally recognize that satan was the corrupter and debaser of mankind and worship him for it. They adore the “fire” aspect of satan. Public interfaces include Anton Lavey, Church of Satan, the Temple of Set, Our Lady of Endor Coven.

A Luciferian is usually generational. They know more due to being exposed to secret societies that have direct contact with Lucifer. They tend to be more organized.

Most Satanists are pledge-ins, and not generational Bloodline.

Though Satanists do kill, the difference is they may kill a few people a year. When a Luciferian is in power, he may kill millions in a planned war. Take George W. Bush for example. Luciferians have power. They hang out at The Bohemian Grove. That's when they're not in male bath houses.

Satan/Lucifer pride seems to prefer being worshiped as the Luciferian aspect. As the power elites in many countries are Luciferian.

However, unlike God, satan/lucifer, requires all his followers to compete and fight against each other to be worthy of power.

George R. R. Martin series of novels, “Song of Ice and Fire” is a depiction of power struggles between Luciferians and Satanists. It is the basis for the popular HBO TV series “Game of Thrones”.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

The blood of the 100+ people dead today lies in the hands of the jews

Yes, you, the jews who call anyone who wants to protect their nation and preserve their people "nazis" and "anti-semites" and support jailing them or making them lose their jobs, the jews who go out and protest for "open borders", who like to hold hands with multiculturalism to show you're not racist, you have the blood of the innocents killed today in your hands. Hope your conscience weights heavily on you tonight when you go to bed, but then again I doubt you have an actual conscience to begin with.

Get Out While You Can!!! #fundie godlikeproductions.com


I - Instituting

S - Satans

L - Law/Lies

A - Against

M - Mankind

If you have anything to do with this Satanic religion get out of it while you can. Your soul is at stake!!

Prophet Muhammad speaks from Hell! Listen! (Hell Testimony) النبي محمد في الجحيم

Autodidactic #racist godlikeproductions.com

Watch Jesus come back and be a racist.

Jesus called one woman in the bible a dog, and didn't want to heal her child.

Let's define the term racism first, most don't even really seem to understand what it means:

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

I used to think all racist people were the scum of the earth and ignorant, now I'm almost in my mid 30's and I've realized how stupid being PC and not stereotyping groups of people based on the observations you've observed over and over is not only stupid, but not using the scientific method.

You can also look at the IQ's of various races and see a huge difference, though I don't believe the AshkeNAZI's IQ numbers, I'm sure they likely just cherry picked who got tested for their IQ score average, they would break a cheetah's legs just to claim they are faster then cheetahs, and they are chemically dumbing down the rest of us with fluoride, vaccines, and other poisons.

Man was made in God's image, what does that mean? I'll tell you, "That which is above is like that which is below" this is dealing with the fractal nature of reality, we are far down the line fractals of God, fractals are not exactly like the starting point from which they came from and they progressively get smaller and smaller and more distorted from where they came from, who's image they were made in.

If you it were possible to quantify God (I'm not sure if it is) He would be measurement and proportion, but what proportion and measurement? The Golden ratio, the most perfect ratio. Therefore the closest to God's image would be the closest to the Golden ratio. What would someone closest to the Golden ratio look like? The ancient Greeks built everything to the Golden ratio, weapons, buildings, and of course statues, so look at some ancient Greek statues and you will see that the Golden ratio represented in humans would have a very short torso, very long arms that almost reach the knee and long legs.

Which group of people does this describe? You will find these characteristics most closely in the Scandinavian people, other races of white people are close as well, and then in the Han people (chinese).

The people that are furthest away from the golden ratio, thus far inferior are the Ashkenazi jews, they have extremely long almost serpentine torsos, and are not God's chosen at all, but liars and serpents. They are also the most sickly people on earth, they have so many Askenazi specific diseases and deformities comparatively to other races.

This is the true reason for why you get body scanned at the airport, if you are really close to the Golden ratio, they will take you to the back to scan your hands, what sense would that make, you clearly don't have a bomb in your hand, the hand is a microcosm of the body, if your hands measure to the Golden ratio the rest of you will as well and vice versa. They were looking for a specific person with them who had a lot of bone measurements of 19" (man didn't create the measurements we use, those came down from my guess the word of God) and perfectly proportioned to the golden ratio is my guess, they are likely databasing those who are very close to the golden ratio.

Another way you can tell which races are superior is look at what they've accomplished in the past, the great civilizations like the ancient Greeks, ancient Chinese, Persians, even the people of India built great buildings and innovated so much, and had great scientific achievements. Then you look at where the black races are even today, living in bamboo huts in the jungle, the Hispanic races aren't very much further along then that, and the native Americans didn't advance very far either. The Roman's just stole most of their information from the ancient Greeks, though they couldn't reproduce things near to the level the Greeks had.

You can also tell who are the most hated by the furthest away from the golden ratio group (AshkeNAZIs) by how the world is today. Why do you think every group in the US that has victim status is one of the sub-par groups? The blacks, hispanics, and Jews all have affirmative action going for them, if you are hispanic or black you get to go to college for free, and hispanics are becoming a majority. They also have quotas for them, you must hire a certain percent of them. The only two groups of people that get nothing but stepped on are white males and Asians, Asians are more of a minority in the US then hispanics. The AshkeNAZI's fear those two groups the most and want to keep them down. They also want those races to interbreed with the lesser races of man, as it says in the protocals of zion, they say that was debunked, debunked by who, they give no explanation, just that it's been debunked, lies.

What do you think this flood of refugees into predominately white Europe is all about? This is all part of their plan. What do you think Nazi Germany was doing? They were funded by these same Zionists, they were killing some Jews, but those were real Jews, not these fake ass Serpents calling themselves Jews. They were also killing the best and brightest people they found, intellectuals, professors, anyone who was smart, this is because those people were older souls, more advanced, they want to destroy the old, strongest purest bloodlines.

Reincarnation is real, that is why the bloodlines are so important to the illuminati, you can only reincarnate through your line, When you mate with someone your DNA gets stored in those of your children, and their children and their children and so on down the line until you reincarnate again with the same DNA, though you are an older wiser soul, your body would get closer and closer to the golden ratio each time you reincarnate, if they destroy a lot of the older stronger bloodlined people, those people can not reincarnate again. That is why they want to kill the strongest, oldest bloodlines off, as they would be the ones that could challenge them.

Well that's all I can think of to type right now, I went off -topic a bit and wrote a bit more then I though I would, will add more if I don't get banned, or have the thread deleted or unbumpable, which happens a lot to me here.

This is also the reason why in the bible it was very important to people to marry well, why they got mad at Moses for marrying an Ethiopian woman. Why parents cared so much about who their kids married. If you children who are carrying your DNA in them marry one of the lower races, you will be a lesser, and diluted person when you reincarnate.

The bible affirms reincarnation: "I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David

How can you be the root of David and a descendant of David? He is saying in a former life he was the root of David, in this life he is a descendant of David, reincarnation.

Im In Danger #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Chemtrails Finally Explained

They'll get to me for revealing this, but it has to come out. Chemtrails are NOTHING like what you've heard. It's not poison, it's not DNA-changing chemicals.

It's information.

When you hear about "cloud storage", it's chemtrails. Do you really think there's enough natural clouds to store all the thousands of millions of terabytes of data? When it runs out, we make our own. Chemtrails.

Josie Bear #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Who Wants To Bet Me On A Hypothesis Regarding Chemtrails?

Shills, be damned!

So I am in California and we are supposed to get snow. However, they are spraying us BIG TIME. They killed this morning's perfect blue sky. The wind has kicked up and they are GRIDDING THE EFF out of the sky.

Here's my hypothesis: from what I have seen in the past, when storms are forecasted, the evil maggots start spraying us. Almost as if on cue, the storms either peter-out or do not materialize. Chemtrails, IMHO are storms-be-gone.
I swear the chemtrails eat the storm clouds.

I am willing to bet that the 6+ inches of snow we are supposed to get will be zilch. We won't get anything and then once the hope for precipitation has past, the evil maggot f**ks will stop spraying.

I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think so. If it does snow, well then, there's hope, but in my following of the weather, CHEMTRAILS KILL STORM CLOUDS. Or, perhaps they'll go the other way and make it snow a million inches. Storm is supposed to roll in this evening. I'll keep you posted.

If I'm wrong, it's a win-win and I go back to the drawing board!

PS: I wish I had an RPG... because I like shells?

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