Watch Jesus come back and be a racist.
Jesus called one woman in the bible a dog, and didn't want to heal her child.
Let's define the term racism first, most don't even really seem to understand what it means:
a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
I used to think all racist people were the scum of the earth and ignorant, now I'm almost in my mid 30's and I've realized how stupid being PC and not stereotyping groups of people based on the observations you've observed over and over is not only stupid, but not using the scientific method.
You can also look at the IQ's of various races and see a huge difference, though I don't believe the AshkeNAZI's IQ numbers, I'm sure they likely just cherry picked who got tested for their IQ score average, they would break a cheetah's legs just to claim they are faster then cheetahs, and they are chemically dumbing down the rest of us with fluoride, vaccines, and other poisons.
Man was made in God's image, what does that mean? I'll tell you, "That which is above is like that which is below" this is dealing with the fractal nature of reality, we are far down the line fractals of God, fractals are not exactly like the starting point from which they came from and they progressively get smaller and smaller and more distorted from where they came from, who's image they were made in.
If you it were possible to quantify God (I'm not sure if it is) He would be measurement and proportion, but what proportion and measurement? The Golden ratio, the most perfect ratio. Therefore the closest to God's image would be the closest to the Golden ratio. What would someone closest to the Golden ratio look like? The ancient Greeks built everything to the Golden ratio, weapons, buildings, and of course statues, so look at some ancient Greek statues and you will see that the Golden ratio represented in humans would have a very short torso, very long arms that almost reach the knee and long legs.
Which group of people does this describe? You will find these characteristics most closely in the Scandinavian people, other races of white people are close as well, and then in the Han people (chinese).
The people that are furthest away from the golden ratio, thus far inferior are the Ashkenazi jews, they have extremely long almost serpentine torsos, and are not God's chosen at all, but liars and serpents. They are also the most sickly people on earth, they have so many Askenazi specific diseases and deformities comparatively to other races.
This is the true reason for why you get body scanned at the airport, if you are really close to the Golden ratio, they will take you to the back to scan your hands, what sense would that make, you clearly don't have a bomb in your hand, the hand is a microcosm of the body, if your hands measure to the Golden ratio the rest of you will as well and vice versa. They were looking for a specific person with them who had a lot of bone measurements of 19" (man didn't create the measurements we use, those came down from my guess the word of God) and perfectly proportioned to the golden ratio is my guess, they are likely databasing those who are very close to the golden ratio.
Another way you can tell which races are superior is look at what they've accomplished in the past, the great civilizations like the ancient Greeks, ancient Chinese, Persians, even the people of India built great buildings and innovated so much, and had great scientific achievements. Then you look at where the black races are even today, living in bamboo huts in the jungle, the Hispanic races aren't very much further along then that, and the native Americans didn't advance very far either. The Roman's just stole most of their information from the ancient Greeks, though they couldn't reproduce things near to the level the Greeks had.
You can also tell who are the most hated by the furthest away from the golden ratio group (AshkeNAZIs) by how the world is today. Why do you think every group in the US that has victim status is one of the sub-par groups? The blacks, hispanics, and Jews all have affirmative action going for them, if you are hispanic or black you get to go to college for free, and hispanics are becoming a majority. They also have quotas for them, you must hire a certain percent of them. The only two groups of people that get nothing but stepped on are white males and Asians, Asians are more of a minority in the US then hispanics. The AshkeNAZI's fear those two groups the most and want to keep them down. They also want those races to interbreed with the lesser races of man, as it says in the protocals of zion, they say that was debunked, debunked by who, they give no explanation, just that it's been debunked, lies.
What do you think this flood of refugees into predominately white Europe is all about? This is all part of their plan. What do you think Nazi Germany was doing? They were funded by these same Zionists, they were killing some Jews, but those were real Jews, not these fake ass Serpents calling themselves Jews. They were also killing the best and brightest people they found, intellectuals, professors, anyone who was smart, this is because those people were older souls, more advanced, they want to destroy the old, strongest purest bloodlines.
Reincarnation is real, that is why the bloodlines are so important to the illuminati, you can only reincarnate through your line, When you mate with someone your DNA gets stored in those of your children, and their children and their children and so on down the line until you reincarnate again with the same DNA, though you are an older wiser soul, your body would get closer and closer to the golden ratio each time you reincarnate, if they destroy a lot of the older stronger bloodlined people, those people can not reincarnate again. That is why they want to kill the strongest, oldest bloodlines off, as they would be the ones that could challenge them.
Well that's all I can think of to type right now, I went off -topic a bit and wrote a bit more then I though I would, will add more if I don't get banned, or have the thread deleted or unbumpable, which happens a lot to me here.
This is also the reason why in the bible it was very important to people to marry well, why they got mad at Moses for marrying an Ethiopian woman. Why parents cared so much about who their kids married. If you children who are carrying your DNA in them marry one of the lower races, you will be a lesser, and diluted person when you reincarnate.
The bible affirms reincarnation: "I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David
How can you be the root of David and a descendant of David? He is saying in a former life he was the root of David, in this life he is a descendant of David, reincarnation.