
Ezequiel #fundie bbc.co.uk

[It's totally impossible for me to accept Jews, Muslims or other people would go to Hell because they are not Christians .I really don't understand.]

They don't have to be Christians, they just need to accept Jesus as they only Lord and savior.

They need to confess to God that they are sinner (we all are), and believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for their sins on the cross and was raised for our justification, they need to receive and confess Jesus as they personal Saviour.

Don't need to change who they are, but confess that Jesus is the Lord.

Keith #fundie bbc.co.uk

43 years ago I sought spiritual healing from the Great White Brotherhood for my dying father. The doctors had given up on him and his miraculous healing led to think this brotherhood was of God. Three years later as an Outer Brother I was invited to the groups UK headquarters for a pre-initiation test for Inner Brotherhood.

During this test the founder was transfigured by a satanic spirit snake that was reaching out to touch my forehead. Although frozen with fear I mentally called out to God (in whom I then disbelieved) to come and save me. Miraculously He did and I never went back to the group. But first I had to last out the week’s Retreat I was on.

Amazingly confirmation of the transfiguration came with the first lesson next morning. We were taught (I closed my mind to the lesson) how by deep meditation we could bring alive the spirit snake that lies dormant at the base of all our spines. When this happens, we were told, it crawls up our spine to our head where it develops wings to carry our soul to Heaven!!!

This spirit snake we were told was called the Kundalini of Yoga and the physical exercises of Yoga were part of the spiritual purpose to bring the snake alive. At that time I had no idea of what Yoga was about and had never heard of the Kundalini.

Thus I can give living testimony of what the exorcist warns about. The spirit snake doesn’t go to Heaven it lies in wait within the medium until a victim is lulled into a sense of false security when it is able to transfigure the medium and strike out to enslave a soul for eternity with the Devil.

Anyone interested can access my 6 short videos about my experiences which confirm in greater detail what I say above.

ste-mac #fundie bbc.co.uk

What is being taught at most schools today, out of fear from being labelled as non-inclusive:
1. Everybodies view on truth is okay and just as relevant as the next persons
2. We evolved from primeval slime and can ignore the possibility of a higher power
3. Each nation/organisation can have it's own view on right or wrong. And it is okay to have different views
And then after another school mass shooting they wonder what went wrong.
There is only one set of rules that is consistant and sensible. This is provided in the New Testiment. Follow Gods rules and the world starts to make sense and run smoothly.
You can still be fat and saved.

persecuted #fundie bbc.co.uk

Free will is associated with those who have no sin. But once a person has sin they are dominated by their physical bodies where there is no free will. Free will basically comes from those who have minds which don't have dominating sinful bodies.

NicolasMarks #fundie bbc.co.uk

demons are an electric phenomenon trapped in the magnetic structure around the Earth...this is the common grave, where all have been retained in readiness for the ressurection...all that is, except those who followed the accurate teaching of Jesus Christ. They experienced rebirth via the mechanics exposed by Jesus and have been passed along the generations to the present day.

This is a universal law and will not be countermanded. Those who dabble with the common grave are frowned upon by the teaching of Jesus Christ.

Aquinas_Theologica #fundie bbc.co.uk

As far as i am concerned Paganism is the uneducated way of life. Paganism has definate links with Satanism and that is in itself inexcusable. It branches too far into the realms of dark magic. Surely Pagans should repent of their beliefs of witch-craft and sorcery.

PTL #fundie bbc.co.uk

Please stop claiming that Ireland is 600 million years old. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever to support this view. This Blueprint programme is an attack on biblical truth. The world was created by a divine designer and nothing this toothless mammoth can "reveal" will overturn that FACT.

Here is the simple truth for you:

Evolution = THEORY

Creation = FACT

When you speak about evolution, William, I hope you will use the word THEORY to make it clear to your viewers that there is no factual basis to this view of the world.

Glorybe21 #fundie bbc.co.uk

As I have indicated many times, the fact that numbers (0123456789 and all multiples) exist in some form in every aspect of existence (chemically, psysically etc.), and in every letter of the alphabets of the original words of the Bible is more than sufficient evidence (proof) that God exists. and that the Bible is exactly what it claims to be. The veritable word of God Himself to mankind.

breachman #fundie bbc.co.uk

(discussing the integrity of Noah's Ark)

The cypress wood(and all pre-Flood wood) that Noah and his helpers used, was of much harder substance than wood we use in the 21st century.

TexusWarrior #fundie bbc.co.uk

[I nominate this for the "reversin history for Jesus" award]

It is interesting to note that pagans believe in a horned god.

Is this not significant? Don't you guys think you should ask yourselves some questions about the origins of this horned god?

If you look at medieval imagery in art and literature, the devil is often depicted as a goat, dragon or horned figure. These descriptions accord with Biblical teachings about the devil (see eg Revelation 12:9). During those times, when witchcraft was at its peak, worship of the 'horned god' was also recorded.

Although I fully appreciate that most modern day pagans do not intentionally worship the devil, perhaps you should ask yourselves why one of your deities is represented in the same manner as Satan?
Could it not be that something that was started as a sinister rebellion to the Yahweh, God of the Bible, has been innocently passed down the generations as the 'horned god' of paganism?

Watchwoman #fundie bbc.co.uk

If a Christian sins he actualy gives the Devil a legal right to affect his life. For example unforgiveness in a women especially with another female has been known to make one more vulnerable to breast cancer. Sin and sickness are linked.

Watchwoman #fundie bbc.co.uk

Well done Indie,

Hope you all have fun. Telling children something is wrong one minute but ok on another time is very confusing to say the least.

Who is the author of confusion and all lies...Satan.

Then the public wonder why some teens and adults are liers and you can not trust them, its because they have not been shown trust by their parents ie, Santa and talking to strangers on halloween.
Teaching lies is betraying the children but Satan says its okay if you add "temptation", another sin he offers parents to perform.

So kiddies you can dabble in the occult and get your sweeties and presents but don´t forget the wages of sin is "DEATH". Too high a price for 1 nights fun in my opinion. Now that is scary!

71Paul #fundie bbc.co.uk

to you heathens at the beeb [BBC]. as you only seem intent on attacking the christian faith, and you seem to be in the pocket of the devil. I hope the god has mercy on you no judgement day, but soom how i don'y think he will save you from yhe fires of hell, which is your fate.
these massage boards are a total shame and a wate of the TV TAX, this is a christian ciuntry even if you heathens at the beeb want to remove god and rplace him with the devil.
i won't be wasting my time on the beeb massage boards again as you are a waste of space.
rember god will judge you and condem you tio a hell at the end of days

drf333 #fundie bbc.co.uk

It does not say God created man and woman in chapter 1. In verse 27 it say that God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him ( singular); male and female created he them (plural).

Adam had both male and female organs. In other words Adam had the capacity to reproduce within himself. No contradiction.

fun_fundamentalist #fundie bbc.co.uk

The bible is quite clear when it refers to the 4 corners of the earth that the earth is indeed flat. Not a sphere as the scientists will have you believe. If the earth was round we would fall off.

Don't believe the lies of the scientists, they are trying to deny God!!!

Chistboy #fundie bbc.co.uk

Here are just some of the symptoms of demonic possession I have come across: growling, eyes turning and glowing red, different voices coming from the person, self harming, contorted facial expressions (once saw a guy literally smiling from ear to ear... a bit like the 'mouth' from Lord of the Rings), blasphemous remarks about Jesus, clawing at the ground, strong sulphurous smell, chang in room temperature, sense of oppression.. these are some that I have witnessed and dealt with.

Billy #fundie bbc.co.uk

SIN affects the way one thinks, SIN is the motive for the way that Darwin’s nodding dog thinks, the father of all lies.

The deceitful pen of shrewd men shall be put to shame; they shall be dismayed and taken; behold, they have rejected the word of the LORD, so what knowledge is in them? None, For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears, with their sinful itching ears they will turn away from listening to the truth and turn aside to the myths and lies of evolution.

Richard Dawkins and his blasphemy is hardly worthy of the distinction of the person of the year, there are others who art more worthy.

You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Laurian #fundie bbc.co.uk

A few findings...

Santa is an annagramme of Satan.
Old Nick is a term used for Lucifer.
Claus is an old English name for hoofed claws.
Clause is another name for Lucas ( lucifer).
HoHoHo is 666 eg.. H ijklmn O six letters between H and O.
He comes in the darkness
Prince of the air ( on his sleigh)
He has helpers .. elves ( fallen angels ) or demons.

persecuted (U1736044) #fundie bbc.co.uk

The world's popualtion has doubled in the past 60 years, so will double again and again in quick time. Which makes a mockery of evolutionists stating that human beings have been existing for 200,000 years, more like 6,000 years to be exact.

chaiyah (U1848948) , #fundie bbc.co.uk

... the ability to progress by the Hand of God, without human schools, human learning, human understanding.

... Before I knew God I was dependent on human Wisdom. Now, with this telepathic LINK to the Divine, I receive "the still small thoughts of God" when I ask for Guidance.

Jude65 #fundie bbc.co.uk

Dick Dawkins, at the end of his newsnight interview with Jeremy Paxman said something like

“I wasn’t put on this earth to be comfortable”

This shows that he doesn’t believe in the bull manure of evolution. How could he be “put on this earth” if he evolved

So, since he doesn’t believe in that evolutionary bull manure, what does he believe (and I say believe because shred of proof there is not!!)

BornAgain (U2249300) #fundie bbc.co.uk

serrae (U5423419)

Your reply has reminded me of the following experience.

I was still living with my parents and we had moved into newly converted block of 8 flats. The 4 on the ground floor each had private entrances. We were the first tenants. Next door a newly married young couple moved in and we heard screams in the night. Next day we learned that they had been awoken by a feeling of intense cold and had been horrified by a green mist rising out of the stone flagged carpeted floor by the side of their bed. They sensed a ‘being’ in the mist which slowly dissolved when the wife screamed.

My father was bricklayer who had worked on the conversion so he knew that there were no cellars. It was a mystery. After the 3rd night of the couple being petrified and their determination to leave he offered to take up the floor to see what was beneath. Beneath the flags was a substantial wooden floor and joists. When this was cut through they climbed down a ladder into a stone room with no entrance. In the centre was a two piece stone table. One stone forming the lengthways upright with the table piece resting on it.

The building had been nursing home at one time but the lack of entrance and the substantial ceiling forming the floor to the bedroom above led to the conclusion that it must predate the Nursing Home. Whether the room had been used as a mortuary or for sacrificial killings was never established.

Nearby was large church run by very godly vicar who came and conducted an exorcism service and after the floor was restored the couple were able to return and didn’t see the ghostly apparition again.

My personal experiences of phantoms, demons and witchcraft can be accessed on the following link: http://keithsstory.mysite.orange.co.uk/

serrae (U5423419) #fundie bbc.co.uk

I had a personal experience with a Witch. She visited me in my home and I was concerned re this as knew her reputation.
She chatted to me for a while as we sipped coffee.
Suddenly I could no longer see her. A cloud appeared where she sat,it was grey and opaque.
It was really embarrasing talking to someone I could no longer see but I was not afraid. Incidentally I could see everything else in the room and out the window.
After a while (10 long minutes or so)the cloud dissapeared and i could see her again.
After prayer God revealed to me that he had 'hidden'this woman so I would not see the evil she wished to frighten me with.
These things are real and evil does have power.
I know this was subjective but it was a real shocker at the time.
Its easy to dismiss people like me as 'nutters'and those who do satan's work love this attitude as it allows them to attack with impunity.
I have met many fellow Christians and they are dignified by the truth in their life,testimony and faith. To call a born-again Christian a liar is both hurtful and an oxymoron.

Emily #conspiracy #ufo #magick bbc.co.uk

Liars, thieves and witches are running the top levels of our government at this time; and they threaten to bring down the entire government.

I mean, Honey, it's so bad, military men are talking about mutiny and honest politicians (meaning, people of leadership quality willing and able to serve) are talking about setting up a parallel government.

The Bush Regime needs to be led off in handcuffs and straitjackets, they're that crazy.

Unfortunately, the Special Prosecutor who's archiving all the evidence against Bush and the puppeteers behind him, is on their side. How that works, I don't have a clue.

I think some of the whackiness has to do with the presence of UFOs and space technologies. That's where the data gives out and mere conjecture begins.

byrite #fundie bbc.co.uk

Wherever there is parody, someone once wrote (in the context of the arts), there is always an unconcious desire and actual love of the object parodied. I think most artists of whatever sought, who blaspheme are secret Chrsitians, though they do not know it.

jesw1962 #fundie bbc.co.uk

THE BIBLE CLEARLY STATES THE MAN IS THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY. That wives should obey their husband because God has made him the head. Isn't it about time for Christians to get back to the teachings of the Bible again? Women should be made obedient again!

qohldr #fundie bbc.co.uk

[Defending Christian child sacrifice]

Druids sacrificing children is an abomination but god asking for child sacrifices is acceptable.

"The firstborn of thy sons thou shalt give unto me."
EXODUS 22'29

Researcher 212943 #fundie bbc.co.uk

Although it's astonishing to me, it's not difficult for God to convince a human of His exsistence, is it? He's God after all. So, for example, if He wanted the Bible to be true, reliable and perfect, it wouldn't be difficult for Him, would it? Admittedly, it would be difficult for humans to maintain the integrity of scriptures over thousands of years, but not for God. I realise this is a truism but that doesn't mean it can't be true. Knowledge is more important than information; but wisdom is more important than knowledge. In fact. I predict that we'll soon start talking about Wisdom Technology or Management, rather than information technology or knowledge management. You heard it here first!

andy butler #fundie bbc.co.uk

It is telling that if one compares the DNA of a human, a cow and a kangaroo one finds that the human DNA is more similar to the kangaroo (a marsupial, of course) than the cow (a fellow mammal). Why is this?

Chris Groves #fundie bbc.co.uk

My original point was purely that the belief the theory of evolution is based on is excactly the same belief that the ancient Egyptians and Greeks shared, namely that the Universe and the first goddess formed themselves and all the gods were descendants of her

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