
Spudthecat #fundie bbc.co.uk

Genesis 1 makes it clear that there is a creator. It answers the question: who are we? as if speaking to an orphan who wants to know who his real parents are. The problem with evolution is it is based on assumptions.

PETA #fundie bbc.co.uk

The animal rights group PETA has written to Games Workshop asking for Warhammer to not dress its miniatures in "fur".

Certain characters wear painted-on animal pelts.

Even though it's only plastic, PETA still wants this to change.

"While we appreciate that they are fictional," the group says, "draping them in what looks like a replica of a dead animal sends the message that wearing fur is acceptable."

Even if you've never played Warhammer, you'll probably have walked past a Games Workshop - the shop where the figurines are mainly sold.

Put simply, it's a tabletop miniature game. You buy figurines, build them, paint them, and then battle.

There are two universes - Age of Sigmar, which is a fantasy world, and Warhammer 40,000, which is set in the 41st century.

But PETA argues the the fact it's a fictional world is no excuse for normalising "animal cruelty".

The grimdark, battle-hardened warriors are known for their martial prowess," it says on a blog, "but wearing the skins of dead animals doesn't take any skill."

"[Fur] has no more place in 2017 than it would in the year 40,000."

The group says it's written to Games Workshop's CEO Kevin Rountree.

We tried to get in touch with the company ourselves, but no one was available to talk to us.

Valery Reshetinsky & Ruslan Kukharchuk #fundie #homophobia bbc.co.uk

After a rousing service in the church’s warehouse-like auditorium focusing on the agonies of sin and bliss of salvation, I meet the chief pastor, Valery Reshetinsky. For him, the fight against homosexuality is a matter of “national security” upon which the survival of the nation depends.

“Here’s the issue,” says Pastor Reshetinsky, a large-boned man with a slight moustache, tells me. “In a real democracy, my freedom and rights are limited by the freedom of someone else.”

In his opinion, freedom of speech for sexual minorities is a violation of what he considers his inalienable right not to have to hear something he finds offensive.

“You can’t do everything that you want to do, because there are people who have the exact same rights as you do,” he insists.

The pastor goes on to accuse a worldwide conspiracy of Masons, New-Agers, postmodernists and financiers of various nationalities, of imposing ideas that are not “characteristic for Ukraine” on the nation’s children.


Supporters of the bill, like Ruslan Kukharchuk, a founder of the local group Love Against Homosexuality, deny the accusation of intolerance. They say they too condemn the violence against homosexuals. What is more, they add, gays are free to do whatever they want “in the privacy of their room”.

Kukharchuk, however, has also written about what he calls the “homo-dictatorship” which he claims dominates Western society and persecutes religious, anti-gay proponents like himself. He strives to counter “aggressive” gay propaganda, he says - in other words, public discourse that implies that homosexuality “is normal, is good, is part of democracy”.

jesw1962 #fundie bbc.co.uk

THE BIBLE CLEARLY STATES THE MAN IS THE HEAD OF THE FAMILY. That wives should obey their husband because God has made him the head. Isn't it about time for Christians to get back to the teachings of the Bible again? Women should be made obedient again!

Emily #conspiracy #ufo #magick bbc.co.uk

Liars, thieves and witches are running the top levels of our government at this time; and they threaten to bring down the entire government.

I mean, Honey, it's so bad, military men are talking about mutiny and honest politicians (meaning, people of leadership quality willing and able to serve) are talking about setting up a parallel government.

The Bush Regime needs to be led off in handcuffs and straitjackets, they're that crazy.

Unfortunately, the Special Prosecutor who's archiving all the evidence against Bush and the puppeteers behind him, is on their side. How that works, I don't have a clue.

I think some of the whackiness has to do with the presence of UFOs and space technologies. That's where the data gives out and mere conjecture begins.

Fountainman #fundie bbc.co.uk

We have the universe - you reject that as proof
We have the Bible – you reject that as proof
We’ve had Jesus Christ – you reject Him as God
We have witnesses of many miracles - you reject that as proof
We have the church - you reject that as proof
You have the witnesses of millions of Christians - you reject that as proof

Categorically – you do not want to believe!

FountainMan #fundie bbc.co.uk

What is the difference between atheists and Punks?

Is atheism not just a minority social influence i.e. a deviant subgroup that rejects certain sections of the established majority? Just another group of Counter-conformists. A psychological and social phenomenon – a condition which can be studied alongside depression, schizophrenia etc.

They love to present atheism as an ‘elite state’, some sort of a superior order, only really accessible to geniuses and intellectuals – a new super breed. Their creeds are ‘reason’ and ‘science’.

The punks were a small minority group that aspired to complete individual freedom combined with a strong anti-establishment attitude. Not much difference between punks and atheists there. The punks were from the working class though.

Can atheists be described as the ‘punks’ form the class of geniuses and intellectuals?

Most atheists claim that they just don’t believe in God. That is not true. They are not just everyday secular citizens with just a lack of belief or faith. Atheism is an active negative belief. The atheist belief system is more than just intolerance. It is an active hatred of God and Christianity.

They accuse religion of intolerance but show extreme intolerance to religious beliefs and customs.

They accuse religion of dogmatism but adopt strong dogmatic principles of their own.

They accuse religion of intolerance but show no tolerance to religious beliefs and ideas.

They accuse religion of contempt for one's opponents but show no respects for God, Christians or the Bible.

Atheists are just a minority group who see themselves as superior intellectuals, with a ‘god’ they call ‘reason’ and with a psychological need to disrupt the established norm and create doubt and uncertainty in the mind of the majority. Their goal is tearing down the religious establishment. Punks against religion.

FountainMan #fundie bbc.co.uk

The blatant blasphemy by non-believers on this board is clear evidence that satan exists. Their attitude towards God and His Church is nothing but evil – and then they claim to be good people.

BornAgain (U2249300) #fundie bbc.co.uk

serrae (U5423419)

Your reply has reminded me of the following experience.

I was still living with my parents and we had moved into newly converted block of 8 flats. The 4 on the ground floor each had private entrances. We were the first tenants. Next door a newly married young couple moved in and we heard screams in the night. Next day we learned that they had been awoken by a feeling of intense cold and had been horrified by a green mist rising out of the stone flagged carpeted floor by the side of their bed. They sensed a ‘being’ in the mist which slowly dissolved when the wife screamed.

My father was bricklayer who had worked on the conversion so he knew that there were no cellars. It was a mystery. After the 3rd night of the couple being petrified and their determination to leave he offered to take up the floor to see what was beneath. Beneath the flags was a substantial wooden floor and joists. When this was cut through they climbed down a ladder into a stone room with no entrance. In the centre was a two piece stone table. One stone forming the lengthways upright with the table piece resting on it.

The building had been nursing home at one time but the lack of entrance and the substantial ceiling forming the floor to the bedroom above led to the conclusion that it must predate the Nursing Home. Whether the room had been used as a mortuary or for sacrificial killings was never established.

Nearby was large church run by very godly vicar who came and conducted an exorcism service and after the floor was restored the couple were able to return and didn’t see the ghostly apparition again.

My personal experiences of phantoms, demons and witchcraft can be accessed on the following link: http://keithsstory.mysite.orange.co.uk/

byrite #fundie bbc.co.uk

Wherever there is parody, someone once wrote (in the context of the arts), there is always an unconcious desire and actual love of the object parodied. I think most artists of whatever sought, who blaspheme are secret Chrsitians, though they do not know it.

drf333 #fundie bbc.co.uk

"Scientists have never said anything else!
Has it never occurred to you that if you read a few books about evolutionary biology you would not make such a stunning display of utter ignorance?
But then you fear education because it threatens your faith."

[in response to the above quote by a vertbrate paleaontologist after drf333 claimed that "evolutionists" say that pterodactyls were dinosaurs]

That was what they taught in my days at school. Then that is true about those who believe in evolution, change the story every other decade. The articles I read on evolution and some of the articles that you and others have provide has strengthen my faith. You do realise that you need faith to believe in evolution?

Watchwoman #fundie bbc.co.uk

If a Christian sins he actualy gives the Devil a legal right to affect his life. For example unforgiveness in a women especially with another female has been known to make one more vulnerable to breast cancer. Sin and sickness are linked.

GrandSamDonald #fundie bbc.co.uk

Almighty God punished sin time after time again in days of old. We are told how he rained down his wrath upon many wicked cities and civilisations - eg, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Egyptians, the Hittites, etc. He has wiped out millions of citizens in more recent times too - the Black Death, the Great Plague as punishment for witchcraft and devil-worship in Europe. And need I remind people of the terrible fate of the jews in World War II?

Numerous Indian men #fundie bbc.co.uk

Police in India say they have credible evidence that widespread sexual assaults took place at New Year's Eve celebrations in Bangalore.
Several women have said they were molested by mobs of men, though police say they have had no official complaints from victims yet.
One woman, a marketing professional who asked to be identified only as Pooja, was at the event and told the BBC what happened to her.

Pooja's story
On 31 December, we decided to go to a bar on Mahatma Gandhi (MG) Road. At 11.30 I came out to make a call and found that everything was quiet and calm.
At 12:30 my friend who was to pick me up called me to say that the police had put barricades and he had to park his motorbike at the Shankar Nag theatre. He told me to start walking towards that side and he would meet me halfway. I said goodbye to my friends and started walking towards the Brigade Road side.

Athlete saves girls from 'molesters'
India anger as minister blames 'Western' behaviour
#NotAllMen angers Indian women

In between, I saw people rushing and walking but I did not expect them to do anything. I believed Bangalore was a safe city until then. What happened next shocked me a lot.

People were pushing and shoving, touching, grabbing, groping and everything was happening on that street. It was not only to me. It was happening to other girls too. They were all scared. 'I felt so helpless'. Suddenly, someone pushed me and I fell down. There was no-one to pick me up. Then a group of girls helped me get up. Their friends had formed a circle around them so they could walk safely.
I asked them if I could go with them. Even then when we were walking, there were guys who were trying to touch here and there.

Police used batons to push back the crowds at points. There was not a single face you could make out or who was doing it. As soon as you turned you would be groped or grabbed. There were so many people there that you could not pinpoint who was doing it. There was a lathi [baton] charge on Brigade Road so people were running in all directions.

I felt helpless. Although I have hands and legs and I could abuse and slap them, I could not do anything. I didn't know who was touching me and groping me.
When I came and told my friends, they asked me who were the people? Were they from the slum? I had no answer.

In the pub too, groping was happening. When we pay 6,000-7,000 rupees ($88; £72) to go to a pub to get entry to celebrate, you expect people to be of a certain class. At least, that they wouldn't do such things. These people weren't illiterate or uneducated.

They don't know what effect it has on a girl's life. It has an everlasting impact.
Who would I file a complaint against? I don't know a face or name. Even if I go to the police, they will ask who the complaint is against.

Police have asked people to send in any evidence of assaults. There were so many people that the policemen were highly outnumbered. It was not possible for them to keep a watch on each and every person.

This has become a big issue in the last three days. Why hasn't any action been taken? What are they waiting for? Yes, I have been through such situations earlier. But I have punched, slapped and complained to nearby authorities. I have been in Bangalore for three years. I thought it was a safe city.
Seeing this mass molestation was really shocking. When I spoke to some people, I was told that this had happened last year as well. So why weren't arrangements made? Instead of pretending nothing will happen, authorities should make efforts to curb this.

Pooja was talking to BBC Hindi's Imran Qureshi.

LucyJ #fundie bbc.co.uk

To me, liberals stand for tolerance.

Tolerance includes:
marriage between two men or two women
marriage between cousins/relatives
marriage between dogs/cats/animals and humans
marriage between adults and children
marriage with multiple partners
giving citizenship to all people who come here legally and illegally
open borders and amnesty

To me conservatives stand for limited tolerance.

Limited tolerance includes:
marriage between man and wife
giving citizenship only to people who come here legally, following our laws and being pro-American, swearing allegience to our country
closed borders and no amnesty

SystemF #fundie bbc.co.uk

With the war against white Christianity by the secular left, we all know that openly offending Christians is not only accepted, but has almost become celebrated in this country.

At the same time we also know that had this offended a certain other religion with a tendency for aggression, then everything would be done to avoid any offence.

Wayne Stilwell #fundie bbc.co.uk

A man who threw bacon into an Edinburgh mosque has been jailed for 10 months.

Wayne Stilwell, 25, was caught on security cameras attaching the bacon to the handles of the main door at Edinburgh's Central Mosque.

He then threw the bacon inside the building, knowing Muslims regard pork as unclean.

At Edinburgh Sheriff Court earlier he pled guilty to causing a breach of the peace. His lawyer said Stilwell was sorry for his crime.

Sheriff Gordon Liddle said his actions had been "grossly offensive" and jailed him for 10 months.

Sheriff Liddle said: "A custodial sentence is inevitable."

The city's sheriff court heard that Islam prohibits its followers from consuming products made of pork - and Stilwell's actions, on 31 January 2013, offended people at the mosque.

Sentence had been deferred on Stilwell, a prisoner of HMP Edinburgh, for background reports.

On Tuesday, defence solicitor Matthew Nicholson told the court his client was sorry for his crime and accepted that he would be going to prison.

serrae (U5423419) #fundie bbc.co.uk

I had a personal experience with a Witch. She visited me in my home and I was concerned re this as knew her reputation.
She chatted to me for a while as we sipped coffee.
Suddenly I could no longer see her. A cloud appeared where she sat,it was grey and opaque.
It was really embarrasing talking to someone I could no longer see but I was not afraid. Incidentally I could see everything else in the room and out the window.
After a while (10 long minutes or so)the cloud dissapeared and i could see her again.
After prayer God revealed to me that he had 'hidden'this woman so I would not see the evil she wished to frighten me with.
These things are real and evil does have power.
I know this was subjective but it was a real shocker at the time.
Its easy to dismiss people like me as 'nutters'and those who do satan's work love this attitude as it allows them to attack with impunity.
I have met many fellow Christians and they are dignified by the truth in their life,testimony and faith. To call a born-again Christian a liar is both hurtful and an oxymoron.

Watchwoman #fundie bbc.co.uk

Well done Indie,

Hope you all have fun. Telling children something is wrong one minute but ok on another time is very confusing to say the least.

Who is the author of confusion and all lies...Satan.

Then the public wonder why some teens and adults are liers and you can not trust them, its because they have not been shown trust by their parents ie, Santa and talking to strangers on halloween.
Teaching lies is betraying the children but Satan says its okay if you add "temptation", another sin he offers parents to perform.

So kiddies you can dabble in the occult and get your sweeties and presents but don´t forget the wages of sin is "DEATH". Too high a price for 1 nights fun in my opinion. Now that is scary!

supajimson #fundie bbc.co.uk

"the finding of noahs ark in the mountain range of arrarat is so well documented and researched that you would have to be blind and completely dumb not to even wonder why it is there just as scripture says it is.It has had the full weight of scientists and engineers from around the globe giving it the once over.The Turkish people have declared it a national monument and you are invited any time you like to go and see it.The anchor stones alone tell the story of its epic journey as well as scripture."

[Upon being asked to name the scientists he responds with]

ok,Dave,Jerry,peter,samuel,harry.oswald,tim,Barry Peter and james.

[Another poster then explains that he cannot name any scientists to which he responds with]

"hands up,its a fair cop guv

allthough you need to do your own research to prove that the Ark in question is not the ark,the proof that it is the ark has allready been established as i said.If you want to investigate the real scientific evidence used to identify the vessel yourself you are free to do so as the evidence is in the public domain."

chaiyah (U1848948) , #fundie bbc.co.uk

... the ability to progress by the Hand of God, without human schools, human learning, human understanding.

... Before I knew God I was dependent on human Wisdom. Now, with this telepathic LINK to the Divine, I receive "the still small thoughts of God" when I ask for Guidance.

wolfinnotts & U11261019 #fundie bbc.co.uk

Talking about there being no archeological evidence for the exodus...

[Sir Bernard Quatermass:If it really happened, then god has hidden all evidence that it did.

The reason why god would do that is....?]

wolfinnotts: "same reason he put dinosaur fossils there I guess"

U11261019: "wolfinotts,

Dinosaur fossils are evidence of the flood."

[R.U.Mashin: The flood occured more than 65million years ago? - wow - thats a first.]

U11261019: "R.U.Mashin,

The flood occurred approximately 4,350 years ago."

Fountain Man #fundie bbc.co.uk

[If it is, how do you know its your God that did it or at least your interpretation of God. May be it was a whole army of Gods.]


First page of The Bible: Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

There is absolutely no proof that the Bible is wrong.

Pavlo Lapshyn #racist bbc.co.uk

A Ukrainian student has admitted murdering an 82-year-old man who was walking home from a Birmingham mosque.

Mohammed Saleem was stabbed by Pavlo Lapshyn in Small Heath on 29 April, less than a week after Lapshyn had arrived in the UK.

At the Old Bailey, 25-year-old Lapshyn pleaded guilty to murder, as well as plotting to cause explosions near mosques in Walsall, Tipton and Wolverhampton in June and July.
After his initial arrest for planting the explosive device outside a mosque in Walsall, he told police: "I would like to increase racial conflict."

When asked why he had targeted the mosque he replied: "Because they are not white - and I am white."

warner #fundie bbc.co.uk

>>>'There's nothing amusing about blasphemy '
But at least it's a victimless crime.<<

It might appear so, to you. For those who acknowledge that respect and authority are important, it is a sign of the disintegration of society which leads to anarchy and all manner of evils, including rape, GBH and murder.

The consequences of 'lack of respect' for (the possibility of) the supreme being, leads to wives not respecting husbands, men not respecting leaders, leaders not respecting
ie. complete turmoil

Bethanyone #fundie bbc.co.uk

Smittins, there is no other source of information about life after death than the Bible. This is God's Word, where else would have any knowledge of life. Only one has experienced death and gained new life - Jesus and there is no other surce of information about him. Other 'truths' are incomparable.

Suaidi Yahya, mayor of Lhokseumawe #fundie bbc.co.uk

[Indonesia city to ban women 'straddling motorbikes']

A city in the Indonesian province of Aceh which follows Sharia has ordered female passengers not to straddle motorbikes behind male drivers.

Suaidi Yahya, mayor of Lhokseumawe, says it aims to save people's "morals and behaviours".

Leaflets have been sent out to government offices and residents to inform them about the regulation.

Aceh is the only Indonesian province that follows Sharia.

Under the new regulation, the mayor says that women passengers are only allowed to sit "side-saddle" because straddling the bike seat violates Islamic values.

"When you see a woman straddle, she looks like a man. But if she sits side-saddle, she looks like a woman," Suaidi said.

He added that passengers who sat side-saddle rarely fell off.

freeminer #fundie bbc.co.uk

"You're being asked to point to the Bible's definition of 'kind."

why should the Bible need to give one? It rather preceded empirical specialisms. Conversely everyone [ except apparently evolutionists] knows that a frog is not a 'kind' of cow, whereas both lions and cheetahs are 'kinds' of cat. Thus, amazingly enough, it wasn't written with the scientific community exclusively in mind! However it claims to propose truth and where those truths touch on science they claim relevance. Thus for example the notion that the heavens were "unrolled like a tent" is precisely the way in which one would explain gravity to a layperson.

qohldr #fundie bbc.co.uk

[Defending Christian child sacrifice]

Druids sacrificing children is an abomination but god asking for child sacrifices is acceptable.

"The firstborn of thy sons thou shalt give unto me."
EXODUS 22'29

Researcher 212943 #fundie bbc.co.uk

Although it's astonishing to me, it's not difficult for God to convince a human of His exsistence, is it? He's God after all. So, for example, if He wanted the Bible to be true, reliable and perfect, it wouldn't be difficult for Him, would it? Admittedly, it would be difficult for humans to maintain the integrity of scriptures over thousands of years, but not for God. I realise this is a truism but that doesn't mean it can't be true. Knowledge is more important than information; but wisdom is more important than knowledge. In fact. I predict that we'll soon start talking about Wisdom Technology or Management, rather than information technology or knowledge management. You heard it here first!

TexusWarrior #fundie bbc.co.uk

[I nominate this for the "reversin history for Jesus" award]

It is interesting to note that pagans believe in a horned god.

Is this not significant? Don't you guys think you should ask yourselves some questions about the origins of this horned god?

If you look at medieval imagery in art and literature, the devil is often depicted as a goat, dragon or horned figure. These descriptions accord with Biblical teachings about the devil (see eg Revelation 12:9). During those times, when witchcraft was at its peak, worship of the 'horned god' was also recorded.

Although I fully appreciate that most modern day pagans do not intentionally worship the devil, perhaps you should ask yourselves why one of your deities is represented in the same manner as Satan?
Could it not be that something that was started as a sinister rebellion to the Yahweh, God of the Bible, has been innocently passed down the generations as the 'horned god' of paganism?

Margaret Court #conspiracy bbc.co.uk

Tennis great Margaret Court believes there is a "conspiracy" from the "US gay lobby" to strip her name from one of the Australian Open stadiums.

The 74-year-old has been criticised for her beliefs on same-sex marriage, with 18-time Grand Slam champion Martina Navratilova calling for the Margaret Court Arena to be renamed.

"They have a lot of money behind them," Court told 3AW radio.

Court won 24 Grand Slam titles, 11 in the Open era, which began in 1968.

Regarding calls for the stadium in her honour to be renamed, she said: "I think I've won more Grand Slams than any man or woman and if it is [renamed], I don't believe I deserve it.

"They could probably get 100,000 petitions in 24 hours because that's how they work. There's a lot of money behind it, and it's coming from America."

And asked about a possible conspiracy, she added: "Yes, I believe there is... I think the [gay] lobby, yeah."

Tennis Australia and the operator of the Margaret Court Arena, Melbourne and Olympic Parks, have distanced themselves from Court's views on gay marriage. There are currently no plans to rename the venue.

The recent furore started following Court's open letter to The West Australian, when she declared she would not fly on Qantas "where possible" in protest at its support of same-sex marriage. She then told a Christian radio station "tennis is full of lesbians".

Navratilova responded: "It is now clear exactly who Court is: an amazing tennis player, and a racist and a homophobe.

"Her vitriol is not just an opinion. She is actively trying to keep LGBT people from getting equal rights (note to Court: we are human beings, too)."

In 1970, during Apartheid in South Africa, Court said: "South Africa has the racial situation rather better organised than anyone else, certainly much better than the United States."

Court denied allegations of racism, stating that she had played tennis with compatriot and seven-time Grand Slam singles champion Evonne Goolagong Cawley in South Africa.

"Evonne and I went in there and played for the black people," she is quoted as saying in The West Australian.? "I have 35 cultures in my church and I love them all. I think it's very sad and sick it's being brought up now."

Garvan Ellison #fundie bbc.co.uk

Personally I don't care how close the KJV of 1611 is to the actual Greek. The point is that those Godly men who compiled it were inspired by the Holy Spirit to do so in the way that they did. Indeed, Scripture itself prophecies that, in the years to come, a king will translate scripture perfectly (Ecclesiastes 8:4).

No other version will do, and I have a friend in the US who burns NIVs (many Christians believe the NIV is demon-inspired).

Rev. Greg Haslam #fundie bbc.co.uk

As a philosophy, evolutionism has had proven evil influences on human happiness and welfare.

It is the root cause of such political philosophies as Atheism, Naturalism, Marxism, Statism, Socialism, and Nazism.

The 20th Century alone has spawned conflicts that have led to the loss of millions of lives. Darwin's theories are the root justification for such practices as racism, eugenics, abortion and euthanasia, practiced by Hitler, Stalin and Mao - all "intellectually fulfilled atheists" themselves.

Robert Blay #racist bbc.co.uk

A UKIP candidate has been suspended after being filmed apparently threatening to shoot a Conservative rival.
Robert Blay, who is standing in North East Hampshire, was secretly filmed by the Daily Mirror making the comments about Ranil Jayawardena.
The recording appears to show Mr Blay threatening to shoot Mr Jayawardena if he ever became prime minister.
A UKIP spokesman described his comments as "abhorrent".
North East Hampshire was held by the Conservatives at the last election with a majority of more than 18,500.
'Immediately suspended'
The Mirror published a video of Mr Blay speaking to its investigators at a public meeting on Saturday in Ramsgate, Kent, addressed by party leader Nigel Farage.
Ex-Conservative Mr Blay noted Mr Jayawardena had been tipped as Britain's first Asian prime minister.

The Mirror reported that he said: "If he is I will personally put a bullet between his eyes. If this lad turns up to be our prime minister I will personally put a bullet in him. That's how strong I feel about it."
Questioning Mr Jayawardena's background, he said: "His family have only been here since the 70s. You are not British enough to be in our parliament.
"I've got 400 years of ancestry where I live. He hasn't got that."

a_Truster #fundie bbc.co.uk

was looking at autism the other night. I have some clients who have autistic children and wanted some background information before giving further advice.

Someone commented on the fact that autism might be ''evolution'' and this was so obviously a possibility for those that have believed the lie.

If you honestly believe in evolution then preventative medicine should not be an option. You should let the weak die so as to insure the survival, by evolution, of the fittest.

If evolution is working in these children to change the pattern of thought then evolution should be allowed to take it's course and the evolutionist should not interfere with the process.

Does evolution always mean improvement?

We creationist know that sin was not an improvement, but that in Eden Elohim Yah Veh promised to put things right so that we should be better off after the application of the promise than Adam was before the fall.

Glorybe21 #fundie bbc.co.uk

As I have indicated many times, the fact that numbers (0123456789 and all multiples) exist in some form in every aspect of existence (chemically, psysically etc.), and in every letter of the alphabets of the original words of the Bible is more than sufficient evidence (proof) that God exists. and that the Bible is exactly what it claims to be. The veritable word of God Himself to mankind.

Onesimus Twinamasiko #sexist bbc.co.uk

A Ugandan MP has been told to apologise to victims of domestic violence after saying men should "beat" their wives.

Onesimus Twinamasiko said on Ugandan television channel NTV "as a man, you need to discipline your wife.

"You need to touch her a bit, you tackle her, beat her somehow to really streamline her."

His words have met with strong criticism from social media users, with one leading women's rights group in Uganda saying he should seek therapy.

Garvan Ellison #fundie bbc.co.uk

Planetary orbits are the idea that planets go round the sun.

Yet this phenomenum has never been observed. Psalm 93 and Joshua 10 make clear that this is not the case, but any scientist who subscribes to the Biblical view is deemed to be some sort of nutcase.

Scientists will not be happy until they have silenced every born-again Christian on this earth. Ultimately, (and as this nonsense in Geneva is showing), their sense of self-importance will be their own undoing. Playing God is a dangerous game.

indigopete #conspiracy bbc.co.uk

I have always thought that the official account given for 9/11 was a lie. I don't really know why people are so gullible in falling for it but I suppose if you look back in history they're not so much interested in the 'real truth' but more what is the commonly accepted 'truth'. i.e. folks just want to know what they have to work with and to some extent I can sympathise with that.

GrandSamDonald #fundie bbc.co.uk

One of the most abused passages in scripture is 'Judge not lest ye be judged'. I have seen it posted here on numerous occasions over the past few days, usually by those who are shaken by Gospel.

A few things need to be said about this passage.
First, the unsaved people who use it take it totally out of context. This passage refers to HYPOCRITICAL judgment, and has nothing to do with the scriptural duty of every Christian to discern whether a particular person is speaking truth or uttering the lies of the devil. This passage is a prohibition of hypocracy.

Elsewhere in scripture, Jesus Christ commanded his people that they need to "Judge righteous judgment" (John 7:24). He told one man that he "hast rightly judged" (Luke 7:43) and asked others, "Why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?" (Luke 12:57). In order to do the work that God requires of us, we need to know who's in the camp and who's still in sin. How else can young Christians recognise sound teaching from that of the devil, and how else can we know who so desperately needs to repent and come to Christ? We need to be in a position where we can quickly identify sin, and cast it out from our midst.

Those who are not born again in Christ ought to avoid citing scripture altogether, for the Spirit of God has not opened their eyes to its meaning. These men will not escape the judgment of God for twisting the Truth of His Word (2 Peter 3:16), so they best leave scriptures aside for those of us who genuinely KNOW the Lord Jesus and go back to their theology textbooks and philosophical musings.

drf333 #fundie bbc.co.uk

It does not say God created man and woman in chapter 1. In verse 27 it say that God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him ( singular); male and female created he them (plural).

Adam had both male and female organs. In other words Adam had the capacity to reproduce within himself. No contradiction.

Tyson Fury #fundie bbc.co.uk

In the aftermath of his win in Dusseldorf, Fury had said: "I'm not sexist. I believe a woman's best place is in the kitchen and on her back. That's my personal belief. Making me a good cup of tea, that's what I believe."
He has also drawn criticism for saying that fellow SPOTY nominee Jessica Ennis-Hill "slaps up well".
But Fury, who refers to himself as the 'Gypsy King' because of his Irish traveller heritage, told BBC Radio 2's Jeremy Vine programme on Monday: "I love my women and what I said goes for my wife alone. She knows her place, I know her place. That's our culture of people.
"That's nothing to do with the world or anybody else and if I was a normal person, I wasn't in the spotlight, no-one would be making a scene about what I say to my wife."
The new world champion has also previously said it would only take the legalisation of paedophilia in addition to the decriminalisation of homosexuality and abortion to see "the devil come home".
In an interview he said: "There are only three things that need to be accomplished before the devil comes home: one of them is homosexuality being legal in countries, one of them is abortion and the other one's paedophilia.
"Who would have thought in the '50s and '60s that those first two would be legalised?"