
Cavalier of Antioch #racist #crackpot twitter.com

Go home, patel. Your race makes it impossible for you to give valid insight into this issue. You are an invalid person in this country, and any of your commentary on the negotiations between nations who actually matter here is far beyond your station as an oriental slug.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Created by an epidemiologist at a top university who wishes to remain nameless so he can keep his job. Latest mortality rates in NZ from official data. Trend shows sustained increase of peak, compared to baseline of 0.0076/0.0068 = 11.8% increase. Rise started right after jabs.


Steve Kirsch quoting epidemiologist #conspiracy twitter.com

A concise description of how the game is played written by an honest epidemiologist:

"At the moment, it just seems to me to be primarily an issue of loyalty vs. independent thought. The people on the govt’s side give me the reason that ‘most epidemiologists and doctors think the vax is safe, so I trust them’. The odds are heavily loaded on the side of ‘the vax is safe’. If you are a doctor and express any doubts…. then your papers are forced retracted, other academics and ‘do gooders’ complain to your academic bosses about your ‘misinformation’ and your livelihood gets threatened. You get hit pieces written about you in the media. You get threatened by fact-checkers. You get dragged into protracted legal proceedings. Others in the community see this and go ‘naaaah’ I’m going along with the narrative. The hand-waving reasons get jumped on and a scientific paper on the vax side gets dragged out in favour of the vax is safe side, and that is the end of the argument. As the science writer Gary Taubes pointed out many years ago, epidemiology has its limits and often epidemiological evidence is conflicting. The real question is what is the best evidence saying? https://science.org/doi/10.1126/science.7618077

Gabriel Guedea גדאה SIONISTA #racist #wingnut #elitist twitter.com

It's funny that they use Hitler and the devil as heroes, with esteem and admiration, of course it was to be expected from animals. I'm sorry, PALESTINIANS, this type of response when you are on fire because you are losing everything. On television they show commercials about using creams for burns. although that is not the point, although that cream may be useful to you, due to your low IQ, but taking advantage of that, you are very unoriginal and have already used Hitler a lot also unfortunately due to your low, low and disappointing judgment... the point is that there have been greater murderers in the modern world, like Joseph Stalin who murdered more than 15 million Russians and 5 million Ukrainians, but Mao Zedong still beat him with 60 million, in reality Hitler saw himself as an amateur, so as You can see that you Palestinian sissies are mediocre in every sense of the word, because you have only demonstrated your total evil in babies, please, do me the favor, in what stupid head does it fit, so much evil, so much mediocrity and so much stupidity In reality, no matter how much someone wants to help you, you are nothing more than mentally retarded with weapons, you are a danger to yourselves, you are not even on a par with Idi Amin and he won the raffle, this one He has been the most stupid dictator in all of history, the Hebrews rescued over 100 hostages that the Palestinians had captured and in their own beards, they killed the Palestinians, they rescued all, all, all of the hostages, just to tell you that still my Father can't stop laughing, since that happened... use what you want, Vespasian did more evil than Hitler, you have nothing in your brain beyond hatred, you have no culture, no imagination to even insult besides having mediocre heroes. of course like you.

Jesse Lee Peterson #fundie twitter.com

Did you know your intellect is God's enemy? The intellect hates God.

But people worship the intellect. People get paid to keep you locked and focused on the intellect.

An intellectual person is evil. They're of their father the Devil. They have no peace.

Steve Kirsch #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

This one Medicare plot PROVES the COVID vaccine kills people. A 25% monotonic increase in deaths at day 365 from a cohort that is fixed at t=0 is impossible if it wasn't the vaccine.

If anyone can explain this with actual DATA and not a hand waving argument, I'm all ears.


Lucien Greaves #transphobia twitter.com

The co-founder of The Satanic Temple has been labelled ‘transphobic’ and condemned by Satanists after posing for a photograph with a gender critical anti-woke atheist.

Satanists are now calling for Lucien Greaves to be removed from his position as spokesperson for the temple for taking a photograph with former American Atheists President David Silverman.

According to trans activists in the Satanic Temple, the man he took a photo with, David Silverman, repeatedly tweets gender critical comments and is critical of transgenderism being pushed on children.

According to a report in The Atlantic "Many Satanic Temple members objected to their leader posing with such a figure.”

Additionally members began demanding he was removed from his position

“There were calls for Greaves to apologize, to cede power, to reaffirm his support for trans rights.”

Jill Colton #fundie twitter.com

When our 1960 Canadian Bill of Rights (not the commie Trudeau Sr. Charter) was written by Christian Europeans, 'freedom of religion' meant Christianity.
You know why? Because back then Canada was nearly 96% white/Christian.

Lauren Boebert #racist #wingnut twitter.com

We don’t even have a precise number on how many illegals are already here… and more are coming daily.

They are draining our resources and threatening our way of life.

We have no choice but to secure our border and deport them.


Cody Williams #racist twitter.com

Landon:Natiom (sic): a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory. Notice the key word “or”? I share in the American culture. I speak english, participate in our democratic government, and believe in our freedoms

Cody Williams: I do see the word "or." Except American history is not your history. American culture isn't your culture and you had to adopt it from Americans. The English language isn't your language and you had to adopt it from Americans.

Eric Metaxas #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Everything Tucker says about why he WOULDN'T want to be VP explains why he would make a great VP. Not wanting power or to control people. Our Founders were THOSE kinds of leaders. We NEED leaders like that. God may need to shout at him... Stay tuned.


Ken Ham #conspiracy #fundie twitter.com

Part 2 of 3

Where we ended in Part 1:

So without a belief in evolution, research for the cure for cancer will cease? This kind of faulty logic is likely the result of accepting naturalistic explanations for our origins.

To continue:

More than that, Kopplin was really saying that he was against critical thinking in the science classroom. His desire was to prevent students from being exposed to any alternative to evolution. But if evolutionary ideas have so much scientific support, then why work so hard to exclude any other ideas about our origins? Allowing an examination of creationist and evolutionary ideas about the history of the universe would only make evolutionary ideas more popular if it was so obvious that they were confirmed by operational science. Actually, evolutionists want legislation to protect their teaching of evolution, because they know that if students were allowed to critically analyze the evidence, they would begin to question the molecules-to-man evolutionary belief.

Jesse Lee Peterson #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

Why don't you guys see there's a genocide upon white people in the Western world?

They're going after the Jews not just because they're Jews, but because they're white. They're accusing them of stealing the land over there in Israel, just as they justify attacks on whites here.

Liz Wheeler #fundie #wingnut twitter.com

Dr. Fauci rejects practicing Christianity because… he thinks he’s God?

Fauci: “My own personal ethics of life are, I think, enough.”

I could not dislike the man more, but goodness will I be praying for his poor soul in Mass this morning.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Part 1 of 3

“O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,”” (1 Timothy 6:20)

It’s so important to teach people how to think, not just what to think.

I find atheistic evolutionists do not want any talk of “critiquing” or “thinking critically” about evolutionary ideas, because evolution is their way of explaining life without God. They are committed to this religion based on naturalism which requires some sort of evolutionary belief to try to attempt to explain life without the supernatural.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

A guest columnist reported he visited the museum. Jacob Tanenbaum, who was a fourth and fifth grade science teacher, wrote the column titled “A Science Teacher Draws the Line at Creation.” The piece was originally published in the January 2013 print edition of Scientific American under the title “Creation, Evolution and Indisputable Facts.”

Unsurprisingly, Mr. Tanenbaum’s “facts” about our exhibits weren’t exactly accurate.

Tanenbaum caricatured and misrepresented what biblical creationists believe.

For instance, Tanenbaum claimed that we teach, regarding the global Flood, that “Noah saved all animal species that we see today from the Flood.” This is a common equivocation that evolutionists make in regard to the animals on Noah’s Ark. As we clearly teach in the Creation Museum, Noah didn’t take representatives of every species of animal we see today—he took representatives of every “kind” (which is usually at the “family” level of classification) of land animal (not every type of animal). And these animals would have had the genetic material within them to eventually produce the many species we see today.


There were other problems with Tanenbaum’s column. He claimed, “Creationists begin with answers and work to prove that those answer are right. … Scientists who formed the idea of human evolution did not invent the idea and go looking for fossils.”

What’s interesting about this statement is that some form of the idea of evolution seems to have been around since at least the time of the ancient Greeks. Over 2,000 years ago, a group known as the Epicureans had a belief that there were no gods who intervened in the world. They also believed that over long ages, all life emerged from atom-like materials, and that life gave rise to higher life, such as mankind.

However, we do have an eyewitness account of the origin of the world—the Word of God Himself, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. We don’t have to rely on man’s ideas (fallible speculations) of how the world may have come to be, because the Bible tells us plainly how the universe and everything in it was created.

Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 #conspiracy #wingnut twitter.com

For Moms and Dads:

Pediatricians have always treated parents like you’re bad if you refuse vaccines for your kids, so don’t be offended and it’s not new.

I refused multiple vaccines for my kids when they were growing up and told the Ped every time “no.”

And when it comes to the COVID vaccine for kids, I would be a “HELL NO!” every single time they recommend it.

Kids aren’t at risk from COVID but they face risks from COVID vaccines.

Joel Davis #racist twitter.com

>"mass illegal migration"

I expect nothing less than this from an Indian immigrant, but it's vital that cuckservatives are never allowed to reframe the immigration issue as the *illegal* immigration issue.

The problem with migrants isn't their legality, it's their race.

Strimmer King #racist #crackpot twitter.com

Nihal when British people hear your name you're instantly coded as foreign. It's reflexive we have no say in it. Even the most polite English people will hear your name, and see your skin and think "foreign", " that nice Indian fella", and will change their behaviour accordingly

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Part 1 of 2 Parts:

Christians and atheists have beliefs. But which beliefs are the right ones?

I have found that atheists by and large are either blinded to their own presuppositions or they refuse to acknowledge them! I find most just can’t bring themselves to point of acknowledging they have beliefs, in fact a religion. And they are good at propaganda. They spread the narrative that Christians have a belief, a religion, but atheism is scientific fact! The reality is that atheists have a blind faith the lacks credulity, but Christians have a faith that makes sense of the facts around us.

A well-known atheist in the USA was interviewing me in my office concerning the creation/evolution issue and the book of Genesis. The conversation went something like this:

“So you admit that you start with the Bible?” she said to me.

“Yes, of course,” I replied.

“And you are not prepared to change anything the Bible states, are you?” she asked.

“No,” I said. “The Bible’s statements concerning creation, the Flood, and so on are not subject to change—God’s Word cannot be altered. Models based on the bible are subject to change, but what the bible clearly states is not subject to change.”

Peter Schiff #sexist twitter.com

The 30-year, fixed-rate #mortgage peaked at 18.45% in Oct. 1981 and troughed at 2.65% in 2021. The current rate is 7.4% and rising. 40 years of falling mortgage rates, plus married women entering the workforce, allowed home prices to rise much faster than incomes. Look out below!

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

Do you know who said this? “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future!”

It sounds like something a modern-day atheist might say. You see, the line reminds me of the time 285 atheists visited our Creation Museum in 2009! One of them later wrote, “For me, the most frightening part was the children’s section. It was at this moment that I learned the deepest lesson of my visit to the Museum.”

He went on to say, “It is in the minds and hearts of our children that the battle will be fought!”

Now, who wrote, “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future”? It was Adolf Hitler! And remember, he was able to capture the culture!

Secular humanists in America totally grasp the concept that if they are able to “own the youth,” they will “gain the future.” Because of secular influences that press on our societies, God, through His Word, has instructed parents over and over again to train their children (e.g., Deuteronomy 6:7).

Sadly, many parents don’t understand that the atheists and other secularists are out to capture the hearts and minds of generations of our children—and unfortunately they aren’t aware that the secularists have been very successful in our schools, media, museums, etc.

Yes, our children are under a fierce attack by secularists. We’ve already seen the horrible results of this attack. There’s been a catastrophic generational loss from the church. Generation Z is said to be the first post-Christian culture.

Ken Ham #fundie twitter.com

In 2014 I debated Bill Nye at the Creation Museum.


There’s no doubt that debate has had, and continues to have, a phenomenal impact. I’ve also heard from people who have become Christians as a result of the debate.


As we were leading up to what some people had dubbed the “debate of the century,” “an historic debate,” and even “Scopes 2,” I want to share some personal thoughts that were going through my mind.

The Scopes trial in 1925 was a turning point in the history of America, and not just for the creation/evolution debate. The man representing Christianity (William Jennings Bryan), a fine man, sadly did a poor job defending the Christian faith as he went against the ACLU attorney Clarence Darrow. Bryan didn’t know how to answer questions like “where did Cain get his wife?” and he also compromised the Bible with millions of years.

Even though Bryan technically won the trial, in the whole scheme of things it was a win for the secularists. In a real sense, the well-publicized trial showed the world that Christians couldn’t defend the history in the Bible—and that they were willing to give in to the secular teaching of millions of years.

I truly felt inadequate. Yet I knew the Lord had put me in this position. As some bloggers and media reports were comparing this evolution/creation debate to that of the Scopes trial, I must admit I shuddered. You see, I thought of the heavy responsibility of representing Christianity to both the Christian and secular world who would be watching. I truly felt inadequate. Yet I knew the Lord had put me in that position.


For Bible-believing Christians, another factor that drove interest in the debate was because biblical Christianity had been losing its influence on the culture over the decades—particularly since the election of President Obama and his pro-gay “marriage” agenda and pro-abortion stance.

And don’t forget how atheists had been successful in imposing their worldview (their religion) on the culture. They had successfully removed Christian symbols like crosses, Ten Commandments displays, and nativity scenes from many public places. And we had also seen that prayer, Bible readings, and creation had all but been eliminated from schools.

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