
David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Missionaries are taught not to meet all the needs of the people they’re trying to evangelize and mentor in the Lord. The worst thing you can do as a missionary is to meet all someone’s needs, because when you’re gone they’ll fall by the wayside, never having learned to trust God. We all need to learn to trust God. Deuteronomy 8:3 tells us that God deliberately allowed the Jews in the Wilderness to go hungry before feeding them with manna from Heaven. They were so hungry that they wanted to go back to Egypt, and they complained to Moses like whining little spoiled brats. The Bible says that God didn’t feed them at first BECAUSE He wanted them to learn that “man shall not live by bread alone (earthly provisions), but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (the Bible). See also Matthew 4:4 where Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 8:3 to the Devil. Nothing has changed in 3,500 years. God still wants us to learn the same truths today.

Thus, your married child needs to learn to trust God. If you help your child financially, offer to pay half. It’s ok to help them, but not to the point where they expect it and you are hindering their faith in God. Each situation is different and nothing is set in stone except what God has commanded. Parents are prohibited from meddling in the marriage problems of their children. If you want to give advice, then it should be in love, and from the standpoint that you’re NOT taking sides. A wife should never be allowed to move back home with mama. If you allow it, you’re ruining a marriage.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Federal Reserve Bank is evil, rotten and monstrous. America is in serious debt trouble. Karl Marx's COMMUNIST MANIFESTO has been fulfilled in the United States. The ultimate goal of Communism is a global government, aka, a New World Order. Nazism and Communism are simply two different legs headed in the same direction. Whether it be religion, the economy or the government, we're all headed for a New World Order.

Everything that we see happening in America today is the same totalitarian type tyranny and abuse that happened in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. When a government starts spying on it's citizens, tyranny is here. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Use StartPage for your web searches, because they DON'T record your IP address. Google, Yahoo, MSN and other mainstream companies are all working with the government. Read this StartPage article. I've seen numerous videos on YouTube banned, videos of U.S. congressman speaking before the house, banned because of the sensitivity of the information. The truth is frightening. YouTube is owned by Google and they are censoring the truth. I can only wonder how much longer it will be before all websites are censored by new laws being passed in America. CIA and Google are Teaming Up for More Spying. Google, Yahoo and other search engines RECORD every IP address, where you search and the results you view. You are being spied on every time you go onto these websites.

Not only that, Google and Yahoo openly admit that they spy on your e-mails, searching for key words in your e-mails to match up advertisements with your messages. Most people just click on the lengthy agreement without reading through it. You are being suckered. These companies are spying on you. There's no free meals in life. That free e-mail account is all being recorded into a mainframe computer, forever retained for all you know, and the government is collecting information on every American. There are only 300,000,000 people in America. One mainframe computer can handle the information on all those people. So just imagine what the government can do with a network of THOUSANDS of computers all working together to spy on you!!! Oh, and watch out for the eco spy kids!

And now the government wants to computerize all medical records. Everything about you is going to be stored and retained on a series of government computers. Although some of these new technologies do offer many benefits, they are all a double-edged sword that also introduce many risks to our privacy and freedoms as Americans. You know as well as I do that Homeland Security and the greedy corporations are going to exploit these technologies.

How about a forced rectal exam for simply getting injured at work?

Everywhere you go on the internet is recorded. Every cellphone call you make is going to be recorded. Even if your cellphone is off, you may be monitored through it. Every transaction you make is recorded. Every letter you send to any government agency is scanned and recorded into a database. Your baby's blood type is recorded at birth. All U.S. passports now contain RFID's chips, allowing people to be scanned and tracked. Mass-chipping has begun.

Voicemail messages are influencing court custody decisions. Text voice messages are being recorded. Anybody can tape you with a pocket recorded, which records high-quality MP3's up to 100-hours. How about spying Teddy bears?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

"But there was none like unto Ahab, which did sell himself to work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up." -1st Kings 21:25

Jezebel was a feminist, she wore the pants in the home. Ahab was henpecked for sure. Jezebel was the epitome of what every wife should NOT be. Holy women who trust in God WILL submit to their own husbands, rebels won't. Unfortunately, most women are more Hollywood than holy

jack hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Dress her like a girl. Let her have long hair. Let her wear lace and ribbons. Do not let her wear that which pertaineth to a man. Deuteronomy 22:5 says, "The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God." The parent who wants to make a young lady of a daughter should see to it that she does not wear revealing clothes, but that she dresses modestly. I Timothy 2:9 and 10 says, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety: not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works."

This must be started early in the life of a girl. If she never wears pants for the first time, she will always wear skirts. If she never wears mini-skirts for the first time, she will always wear skirts of a modest length. In these days of hot pants, mini-skirts, and pant suits, may God give us some old-fashioned mothers and dads who well rear some sweet, feminine ladies for our boys and dress them accordingly.

Scott Jonas #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It shouldn’t be a secret that women’s sports promote immodest attire. The pressure to be immodest is just one more reason women should avoid sports, and in many cases we shouldn’t even watch women’s (and sometimes men’s) sport competitions. The Apostle Paul often referred to how athletes ran races “unencumbered” (i.e. nude), because of the Greek influence in sports during his day. Based on what Mr. Eldridge writes, the question of whether or not women should participate in sports should be easy to answer.

Given that sports may very well foster pagan and humanistic attitudes, I urge parents to think deeply about this issue and about whether or not any members of their families should participate in organized sports programs. As a minimum, I hope you will agree with me that we should keep our daughters away from competitive sports a

david j stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Thus, when a woman with bobbed hair and a rebellious heart comes to pray, angels who are near and see her head and see her heart are tempted to sin; are tempted to commit the sin which such women commit, the sin of rebellion against authority. Because of the angels, every woman should wear long hair and be careful that she does not have a rebellious heart lest she should be a curse to the angels God has sent to be our ministers and guardians.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

That's right, Madalyn O'Hair was NOT an atheist! Shocked? An atheist by definition is: Someone who denies the existence of God. From O'Hair's own statements, it is clear that she DID believe in God, very much so, and she hated Him with a passion...

"We find God to be sadistic, brutal and a representation of hatred."

SOURCE: THE ATHEIST, by Bryan F. LeBeau, pg. 85 (a response from the self-announced "Maryland Atheist" to a Life magazine editorial)

You can't express utter contempt for a God Who doesn't exist. Madalyn O'Hair hated God and the Bible. It's irrefutable evidence against any professed "atheist" who curses in God's name, talks about how much they hate God, and spends their life attacking a Person that allegedly "doesn't exist." No one hates God as much as professed "atheists." Madalyn Murray O'Hair was no atheist. Her very hatred for God manifested her belief in God. Madalyn O'Hair was consumed with hatred and anger against a God that she claimed didn't exist.


"Mad Madalyn" lived out her professed atheism. No atheist should be ashamed of her and her profane life and words, for she was the epitome of every professed "atheist." She lived a reckless life of self-indulgence, wickedness and rebellion against the God of the Bible. No one curses God more than professed atheists. Truthfully, there is NO such thing as a genuine atheist, only wannabes, i.e., people who prefer to live as if there is no God in their unrepentant minds.

Ultimately, O'Hair's bad company brought her own tragic demise and that of her precious family...

"The dismembered bodies of Madalyn Murray O’Hair, Jon Murray and Robin Murray were found in January of 2000 in Camp Wood, Texas. One of the killers, David Waters, led the authorities to the site in return for a guarantee he would serve his time in a Federal rather than in a Texas state prison. He died of prison of liver decease in 2003. A second killer was sentenced to live in prison."

SOURCE: http://www.wjmurray.com

Madalyn liked hiring unrepentant, convicted felons — disobedient, lawless, reprobate persons — and one of them ending up stealing $54,000 from her and killing her. Her Mercedes, her mansion, and her fine liquor took her down that Highway to Hell way that so many people foolishly choose to go down.

Madalyn Murray O'Hair is America!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab]

The so-called “crotch bomber” is a big scam. The bomber supposedly hid the bomb behind his testicles. It's laughable that anyone would even believe this stuff. The guy didn't even have a passport!!! He was there to create a media incident. It wasn't even 24 hours after the alleged incident, that the government was already calling for more naked scanners in America's airports. Many people have already decided not to fly anymore because of the Nazi-style security in airports. A little bit of authority can turn people into monsters. To no surprise, the travel industry is hurting. People are getting tired of being treated like POW's in airports. They're listening to our phone calls. They're reading our e-mails. Now they want to film us naked. Where will this intrusion of our privacy end?

Also, the safety of these scans is being seriously questioned. CBS news has reported that CT scans cause cancer, makes people's hair fall out, et cetera. Radiation is unsafe even in small doses.

From what I've been reading, the naked images being taken by airport security are biometrically stored and turned into an algorithm, which allows them to scan and identify passengers from a distance. It appears that the government is collecting all the information possible, scientifically, to be used against us down the road. Hitler would have loved such control over the masses.

I'm simply sharing all the things I've been reading in the mainstream news with you. None of this is a “conspiracy theory” as some idiots tout. 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to Be True. This is all mainstream news. Tyranny turns law-abiding citizens into criminals. That's what is going on today. The global ruling elite behind the New World Order desire to break us, domesticate us and condition our minds to adapt into an oppressive Police State. It's working like a charm, because Americans are complacent in their love for sin.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Literally, mad scientists are now creating new species in their laboratories, creatures that are part human and part whatever the scientist fancies to use. The Devil's hands have been busy! In recent years mad scientists have successfully genetically mixed the DNA of scorpions with cabbage, silk moths with potatoes, fish with tomatoes, glowing jelly fish with all sorts of mammals, cows with humans, goats with spiders, and God and Satan only know what else! Man is destined for self-destruction.

In the National Geographic article, one researcher has already tried to give mice human brains. The intended goal according to that scientist, who says he's “not a mad scientist,” is to study the human brain function. As actor Sam Neill (who plays Dr. Alan Grant) says in the Jurassic Park trilogy movie series, in part two, “Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions.” Tampering with genetics is one of the worst ideas in the history of bad ideas.

God knew what He was doing when He created the universe. Nothing is by chance or by accident. In a 2013 presentation titled, “How The Earth Was Made” by Walt Disney's H2 (History Channel), the narrator (Dirty Jobs star, Mike Rowe) refers to the earth's creation as an “Accidental Aftermath” and a “Cosmic Glitch.” In sharp contrast, the inspired Holy Bible says in Genesis 1:31, “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” God saw that His creation was “VERY GOOD.” There are no coincidence or accidents with God. Yet, as insane as it may seem, mad scientists think they can IMPROVE on God's creation. This is because they are Godless scientists and do not accept the Holy Bible. Judgment day is coming for all mankind (Hebrews 9:27).

Visions of all manner of freakish creatures come to mind from various films; such as, Spiderman; and H.G. Wells novel, The Island of Dr. Moreau; Jurassic Park; The Thing; and Frankenstein. Chimeras themselves are defined as a Greek mythological creatures. The Egyptian Sphinx (half man and half lion) is an example of a type of Chimera. The Greek mythological character, Medusa, part woman and part snake, was a Chimera. Until modern science, Chimeras were only a thing of the wild human imagination and tales of folklore. Today, Chimeras are a frightening reality. A startling 150 such Chimeras were produced in European labs in recent years, shocking the world.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Perhaps the greatest flaw with evolution is that it totally disregards the sinful nature of mankind and his inherent greed, lust and desire for power. Evolutionists do not recognize the concept of sin. Modern psychology doesn't even define the term "sin."

The reason why evolution is taught in public schools is because Satan wanted to remove God from the classroom; thus, morality ceased to exist in the minds of children. Is it any wonder why America is so messed up today? Yet, the reality of sin cannot be denied. Just look at the horrible things people do to each other. The Bible calls it "sin." Sin is violating God's Law. Only a dishonest fool would deny the existence of man's sin-nature.

So where did that sin-nature come from? How could lifeless stardust bring forth life, and then develop intelligence? Even wealthy people who have everything they could desire still commit horrible sins. It is more than just a matter of survival of the fittest. Mankind is inherently prone to greed, lust and hatred. If, as evolutionists claim, the universe evolved from lifeless stardust, then where did the sin-nature originate? Evolutionists cannot explain this phenomena.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

It is important to know the motive behind the Children's Services organizations. The number one motive is MONEY. Federal dollars are awarded to each state based on certain statistics like how many children are taken into care, how many are adopted out, what kind of services a child needs etc. These services are "needs" created by the state to justify the well paid therapists, psychologists, doctors, counselors, lawyers etc. who all benefit from this industry. This makes JOB SECURITY the second motive behind Children's Services.

We do not believe that people would actually enjoy ripping families apart and placing children into conditions sometimes far worse than they were taken from (often only to die or be raped or abused in foster homes). We believe that people take the philosophy of "this is just my job" and "the state has the best interest of the child in mind". Our government has helped to create a nation full of mindless zombies who go about "doing their jobs" in direct conflict with their own conscience. If anyone raises an eyebrow they are quickly relieved of their position, sometimes of their life.

For now, Children's Services concentrates mostly on the weak, the poor and the vulnerable, people known to be easily subdued or swept under the carpet. But statistically they are running out of children, so they are working on ways to infiltrate all sectors of society.

Look at your local newsletters and bulletins. Do you see flyers and leaflets that beckon you to come and contribute to help prevent child abuse? Do they speak of how many children are abused and never receive help because it goes unreported? The only reason they want people to come to them is so they can scope out every family in every community.

Don't believe it? This year, 2000, Governor Kitzhaber decried his plan to screen every firstborn of all families in the state of Oregon. He wants to "ensure" no abuse goes undetected. If you are familiar with King Herod or Pharaoh of old, then this "Firstborn" talk should raise the hairs on your neck! History repeats itself my friend, WAKE UP!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #kinkshaming jesus-is-savior.com

There has been much talk in the news recently about a famous Penn State college football coach who has been accused of sexually abusing several young boys. The coach has maintained his innocence, but admits to foolishly showering NAKED with several young boys. This case alone shows what's wrong with public nakedness. One thing often leads to another and public nudity is asking for trouble. Americans are deceived to think that males and females can walk around immodestly dressed without consequences.

The Bible teaches that it's best to stay as far away from sin as possible, which is why Jesus equated lust with adultery (Matthew 5:28). James 1:14-16 plainly teach what is wrong with public nakedness, for it is the root cause of sexual immorality...

James 1:14-16, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren.”

It all begins with lust. If you aren't in the presence of other naked people, then you cannot be drawn away by lust. it's not rocket-science!

It is unscriptural for men to shower naked around other men, let alone in the presence of young boys. This Scripture passage makes this clear. It is not good for men to see each other naked, as evidenced by the pederast homosexual problem. The Romans were infamous for pederasts (men having sex with boys). Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher, was a pederast homosexual.

There is nothing manly about men disrespecting one another by walking around naked in the shower room. It is proper and right for men to show respect for the body, and toward their fellow mankind, by clothing the body. It is more than coincidence that initiates into Luciferian occult groups are required to perform acts of homosexuality as part of their initiation rights. The purpose for this is to debase each other, removing all bastions of decency and reservation between one another. In all sexual relations, even if with a prostitute for a few minutes, a soul-tie is formed between the two people (whether male or female) involved in the act. This is one of the spiritual dangers of sexual immorality, which undermines one's entire soul's health. Proverb 6:32, “But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.”

I heard an internet radio commercial today advertising the product, “AGELESS MALE,” guaranteed to boost testosterone for men by 61%. Then the advertiser said, “Get back in the game!” That's not why I wrote this article, but the timing was perfect for this article, because it evidences the sinful and irresponsible attitude of society today toward sexual relations. Get back in the game??? Sadly, sex is a game to many people!!! This is the horrible consequence of America's sexually-indecent television programming, promiscuous sitcoms, perverted Late Night comedy shows and TV in general.

I don't watch TV because it is too evil. So when I do occasionally see a TV show on someone else's TV in a hotel or at a restaurant, I am absolutely shocked and angered by what I see and hear. If you watch TV all-the-time, you won't see just how evil it is, because you are sinking into the abyss of wickedness with the hellivision. I guarantee you that if you turn off your television for 6-months that you'll be absolutely shell-shocked when you turn it back on. I hate TV!

It is common practice in health clubs, YMCA's and locker-rooms across America for men to shower naked in the presence of other men, and to walk around naked and let it all hang out. It is uncouth, tasteless, lacking of respect for each other and unscriptural. The same is true of women's locker-rooms. Historically, sports and public nudity have always been synonymous. The Greeks were famous for sports and infamous for nudity.

Genesis 9:21-27 teach us several important life-changing and moral lessons. We see that alcoholic beverages are spiritually dangerous, linked to nakedness and sin. Noah sinned by getting drunk and led his son to sin by doing so. Don't think that Noah didn't think about that either. Noah had to live with the division created between him and his son because of booze. Alcohol brought shame upon Noah. Noah had to live from that day forward knowing that Ham saw him naked and drunk. Although Noah knew he was forgiven in Christ, he caused permanent division between he and his son, Ham.

We also see that Ham sinfully paraded his father's sins, instead of faithfully concealing the matter. America's history books, Wikipedia and newspapers are filled with what husbands and wives have hypocritically said about each other during and after a divorce. The next time you hear a woman talking about how evil her husband is ask her how she obtained perfection. The Bible warns against condemning anyone. James 4:12, “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?”

By the way, I hate Wikipedia. I've noticed that celebrity profiles (like George Clooney) are locked, but gospel preacher's profiles are open for every snake, rat and God-hating trash to slander and serve roast preacher. Wikipedia is a sewer of American society and Jimmy Wales will give account to God for helping spread malicious gossip. Wikipedia is a weapon. It's easy for some worm who never built a hot-dog stand to throw rocks at a faithful preacher who gave his life to others in the Lord for 50-years, helping literally millions of people in so many ways and changing a nation for God.


The Demon-Possessed Maniac of Gadarenes

Luke 8:27 and 35, “And when he went forth to land, there met him out of the city a certain man, which had devils long time, and ware no clothes, neither abode in any house, but in the tombs... Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.”

What a precious passage of Scripture! This afflicted man was possessed by devils, running around naked and living in the wild. The entire city knew he was insane. Yet the Bible says when he found Jesus, he came into his right mind and put his clothes back on. Amen! Jesus is the cure for insanity and nudity.

Millions of Americans go to psychologists, psychiatrists and religious leaders for help; but the Word of God says the afflicted man at Gadarenes came into his RIGHT MIND when he found Jesus. It is interesting that being in one's “right mind” is associated with being properly clothed. Americans have a problem keeping their clothes on because they AREN'T in their right minds, they are mentally-ill. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that nearly half of the women in America have murdered a child by abortion. Only a mentally-ill person would deliberately kill a precious child. So it doesn't surprise me in a rotten society that devours it's own children that they would also have a problem with nudity.

The Cure for Nudity is Jesus!

Women who love and respect the Lord won't wear bikinis at the beach, or wear miniskirts, or wear pants, or pose in Playboy. There's not an honest normal man alive who doesn't know what's wrong with women wearing pants—they are extremely revealing of a woman's flesh.

We are living in evil times, when unrepentant sinners are trying to justify every sin imaginable with the Bible. I heard a woman on the news, a professional pornographic model, claim that God approved of her vile career. She said that God created Adam and Eve naked, so nudity must be ok. Evidently she's never read Genesis 3:7 or 1st Timothy 2:9.

Here's a Scripture for all you women who keep trying to justify your nudity and immodest clothing ... “Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and he delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of judgment?” (Malachi 2:17). Beyonce Knowles claims to be a devout Christian; yet says she has permission from God to wear sexy clothes and strip on stage. She is woefully wrong! Beyonce needs to see Jesus.

God knows what we watch on TV. It's just as bad to watch adultery on TV as it would be for us to be in same room with them. The TV has a desensitizing effect on its viewers. Sin is not shocking anymore but rather becomes commonplace (no big deal). This is why many people have become lackadaisical and acceptant of the wicked sin of homosexuality. The following reads like a synopsis of hellivision and unholy-wood:

Romans 1:28-32 -"And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:"

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Did you know that the evil company Monsanto (manufacturer of aspartame), also is heavily involved in the developing and manufacturing of GM foods (Genetically Modified Foods)? I prefer to call them Frankenfoods. Monsanto controls 100% of the GM soybean supply. This is indeed frightening. When you tamper with God's creation, you are asking for serious trouble. Monsanto is just one of hundreds of companies tampering with life. God never intended for Potatoes to be genetically combined with silk worm moth DNA. Folks, these potatoes are already on the market, producing their own internal pesticides to kill bugs. Thank God, McDonalds turned them down. One day, I foresee a genetic nightmare on planet earth. Scientists are trying to create crops that are completely resistant to all weeds, diseases, et cetera. What happens when life creates the invincible weed or disease in response to their mutated crops?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

God hates the Catholic Church! Isaiah 42:8 states... "I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images." God says He will NOT share glory and praise due only to Him. Yet, who gets the praise in every Rosary recital? Who gets the praise when Catholics are bowing to statues of Mary? Who gets the praise from all the pictures and statues of Mary in Catholic's homes, and on their desks at work? Everywhere we turn we see Mary, Mary, Mary; while Jesus is forgotten. Catholics say they love Jesus, but their actions deny their words... "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:8). I ask you if you're a Catholic... Does the Catholic Church teach for doctrines the commandments of men? Yes, they irrefutably do! Jesus said that Catholics worship God IN VAIN. God hates false worship, false prophets, and false religion.

Psalm 119:104, "Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way." The problem is that most people would rather trust the words of men, than SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES themselves as Jesus commanded in John 5:39. When's the last time your priest, or the Pope, encouraged you to "search the Scriptures"? Never? They don't want you to learn the truth! Priests only quote certain portions of Scripture to support THEIR doctrines, but those same buzzards avoid the majority of Scriptures, which condemn their manmade traditions.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I'll tell you, the TV is America's worst enemy. Women sit around watching heathen television, reading heathen newspapers and heathen magazines, listening to heathen radio, gossiping on the phone with heathen friends, attending corrupt churches, and their life is as heathen as can be. By “heathen” I mean sinful, worldly, carnal and lacking any desire to obey the Bible and please God with your life. The world is 99% heathen and always has been (1st John 5:19).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

A Catholic man recently assured me that he believes the Bible. He said he believes that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose again 3-days later. He said he believed that Jesus' blood washes our sins away. Boy, he sure sounds like a Christians doesn't he? Nope! He's also trusting in his good works to merit him salvation. He's relying on his baptism into the Catholic Church, his daily reciting of the Rosary, and his keeping of the holy Eucharist to get him into Heaven. He is attempting to break into Heaven, as a thief. The Bible is adamantly clear that a person CANNOT get to Heaven by their own works (Romans 4:5; Ephesians 2:8,9; Titus 3:5). ADDING works to faith is self-righteousness. Listen to what Romans 10:3,4 has to say about those who ADD works to faith... "For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." Do you understand that? The purpose of the Law is to show us our sinfulness, i.e., our NEED for a Savior. The ONLY way to Heaven is by FAITH ALONE in Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The American public is so woefully ignorant of the truth. Every baby born for the past couple decades has had their DNA collected by the global government, by taking a blood sample at birth without the parent's knowledge or consent. They got caught in Texas, having taken 4,000,000 blood samples! That's just the tip of the iceberg. Don't believe the lying propaganda, all of these blood samples have already been processed into a global database. You are being victimized and you don't even know it! This article should be alarming to every American! Why would Texas be collecting every baby's blood? Obviously this is something much bigger. The New World Order gang wants your DNA!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Americans have been deliberately brought between a rock and a hard place. The dire economic conditions in America today are not mere coincidence. The predatory ruling elite have hijacked The White House; robbed us blind through the criminal Federal Reserve Bank; have sent all our manufacturing jobs overseas; trafficked illegal drugs into our nation through the CIA (many of whom are Yale graduates); exploited our children as paid mercenaries to kill innocent people, steal their oil in Iraq and farm poppy for heroine in Afghanistan; dumbed down America's children through the public school system; eliminated private property via property taxes (which is rent paid to the government); and so many other evils which have overtaken the United States.

This mess in America is all by design. It was all planned by the predatory ruling elite. It is tragic that Americans were rejoicing when Barack Obama, a Communist, became U.S. President. In case you don't know, Mr. Obama's real name is Barry Sottero, and he was born in Indonesia. President Obama is just a puppet, as was President's Bush and Clinton. The puppeteers are behind the scenes, including the Warburgs, Rothschilds and Rockefeller dynasties.

The takeover of America began centuries ago. In a letter to an associate dated November 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote, “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson.” America was founded by Freemasons as a vehicle by which to achieve a World Government. Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the Supreme Court (1939-1962), said: “The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes.” Baron M.A. Rothschild wrote, “Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws.” And so it has been since 1913 in the U.S. when the Central Bank was birthed in Jekyll Island, Georgia.

The New World Order [NWO] is here! The fact that many wealthy and middle-class Americans are moving overseas should be a wake up call for the rest of us. Certainly, the NWO will dominate the entire world; but smaller islands and countries will be less affected to the woes of multi-million strong population cities that will become war zones with massive killing, robberies and mob attacks. Tens-of-millions of people worldwide are going to die in a very short period of time! This is all foretold by the Georgia Guidestones.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I once heard a rebellious woman say that she divorced her husband because he looked at pornography and went with a prostitute. She never mentioned what her sins were. She must be perfect. She's a hypocritical brat. The truth is that she finally decided to divorce her husband and those were the excuses she found to justify her decision at the time. That's ALWAYS the way people do what they do. It's never for a certain reason that people do what they do. It never is. People do what they want to do, and then search for reasons afterwards to justify what they've already decided to do. No wonder the Bible says man's heart is deceitful above all else and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9).

Your own sinful heart will condemn you on judgment day when you stand before God. Many women today have learned how to manipulate the law in their favor. Many women deliberately taunt their husband to hit them, knowing that she can call the police and will automatically get the kids and everything he owns.

Country singer, Faron Young, after 40-years of marriage, got drunk and shot off his gun in the kitchen. His wife filed for divorced and automatically won. She got $1,000 per month in alimony for life. The poor guy developed prostate cancer and blew his brains out 10-years later. He couldn't take it anymore. His wife murdered him as far as I'm concerned. It is common practice in America for disgruntled wives to wait until their husband sins or doesn't something stupid, like Tiger Woods trail of devastation. Then those malicious wives file, knowing that they'll get everything. God sees their wicked hearts. God sees the lying lawyers and the perverted judges. God sees their haughty arrogance and their evil intentions.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The government has recruited 26,000 clergy so far to be part of their “Clergy Response Team,” with letters advising pastors to use Romans 13 to brainwash their congregations to obey government authorities. These letters came from Homeland Security.

Clergy Response Teams are evil. It's just more government tyranny and control. How stupid can Americans be? You need to read this article called The Faith of Our Founding Fathers. Most pastors today have been brainwashed with Zionism, which is all by design. Truth is stranger than fiction.

America has been headed for a New World Order for centuries, as you just learned if you read about our founding fathers. Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. America has become the land of the cowards and the home of the slaves. Ask your pastor if he is a member of the Clergy Response Team program, and leave the church immediately if he says “yes,” or refuses to speak about the matter. This is Nazi, fascist, policing at it's worst . . .

I am not anti-government, God forbid. I am anti-evil and anti-corruption. Freedom is not a privilege, it is something that we must fight to keep or we'll lose it. The government is now forcing Americans to go through Naked Body Scanners. This is a strip search. American and British government officials have stated that the genitals must be clear in order for the scan to be effective. What will we tolerate next?

All of the victims of the holocaust were stripped naked before they were murdered. Is this where we're headed? It would appear so. Someone recently discovered 500,000 plastic coffins in Georgia, purchased by FEMA. Connect the dots.

Any pastor or Christian leader that uses Romans 13 to teach that citizens should obey oppressive government authority is a liar. The U.S. National Guard kicked down people's front doors after hurricane Katrina, forcefully stripping them of their guns. Marshall Law is coming . . .

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Vaccines, by Dr. Len Horowitz | Download (Note: I do NOT endorse Dr. Horowitz' New Age religious beliefs, but I do respect his medical knowledge. This is a frightening 121 Minute MP3 audio presentation, 37.3 MB. Did you know that public schools receive government money for vaccinating your child? ...Potentially deadly vaccines that parents are NEVER made aware of or given the option to refuse. You can LEGALLY refuse vaccinations and Dr. Horowitz tells you how in this presentation. Dr. Horowitz' own child was forcibly taken by the state government, you'll be shocked why. He advises people how not to make the same mistake. If you're a parent, you need to hear Dr. Len Horowitz!)

Emerging Viruses, by Dr. Len Horowitz | Download (Note: I do NOT endorse Dr. Horowitz' New Age religious beliefs, but I do respect his medical knowledge. This is a frightening 204 minute MP3 audio presentation, 114 MB. Dr. Horowitz exposes the evil conspiracy behind AIDS, Ebola, and other emerging manmade viruses. Learn how your own government has conspired against you. AIDS didn't just happen!)

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Burlesque Shows Evidence Immorality In Early America

God's judgment was upon this wicked nation long before the Bible and prayer were removed and banned from public schools in 1963. The filthy and lascivious burlesque shows of the Roaring Twenties led to The Great Depression which changed our nation for ever. The burlesque shows of the 1920's were just a continuation of the booze, gambling and dancing which Evangelist Billy Sunday tried to shutdown throughout his preaching ministry. Burlesque shows were popular in the 19th century as well.

The sale of booze (Liquid Devil) became legal once again in 1933 when the Prohibition Era (which began in 1919 (ended). Booze, abortion and homosexuality have destroyed this nation. These are three menacing evils. Right beside these horrific evils are the crippling evils of divorce, feminism and idolatry in America.

We are an idolatrous culture of rock star worshippers. They even tell on themselves by calling America's biggest talent search show, AMERICAN IDOL. Celebrity Syndrome Worship (CWS) affects many Americans, who idolize their favorite Hollywood actors and pop singers as if they were gods amongst the people. Burlesque is virtually synonymous with immorality in old America. Although burlesque originally began as musical plays and comedy skits, they gradually developed into sensual chorus girl lines. Prostitution has always existed since the beginning of time, and Burlesque shows likely were the place to find them in early America. Taverns, booze and loose women have always been synonymous.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com


Photo left: This is an actual Walt Disney movie cover. This is typical of the sexual filth and sleaze that their employees put into Disney's movies and products. This ought to alarm and anger every Christian who loves the Lord Jesus Christ and cares about children. Disney's former CEO, Michael Eisner, said that he thinks 40% of Walt Disney's 63,000 employees are homosexuals. Their new CEO is an open homosexual!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

One of the ways in which HAARP is thought to work is similar to firing a cap gun in an avalanche area. The snow is built up, ready to collapse and even the slightest disturbance causes an avalanche. That's one way that HAARP works. In key areas where seismic pressures are ready to shift, HAARP bombards the already sensitive area with an incredible amount of energy in the form of a beam that reflects off the ionosphere. The earth's tectonic plates vibrate and an earthquake results.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. the Washington Monument]

Should it be surprising in a sexually degenerate American culture, where fornication and adultery have caused the murder of over 51,000,000 precious children by abortion, that our nation's capital is adorned with a 555.5 foot-tall obelisk that represents the male sex organ? I think not! Is it mere coincidence that an obelisk is the most visible object in Washington D.C., in a perverted Godless nation that worships sexual immorality? There is something mentally ill and spiritually evil with anyone who adores and seeks to erect obelisks in society. Unrestrained sexual promiscuity and homosexuality are a common denominator in Witchcraft, occultism and Satanism.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There's no reason in the world for TSA to be groping citizens and sticking their hands down people's pants at all U.S. airports. The so-called “shoe-bomber” and “underwear bomber” are proven hoaxes, intended to be used as a pretext for Communist takeover. The criminals behind the Al Qaeda boogieman stage these false-flag terror attacks as a pretext to create a thug Police State (and it has been extremely successful in America). The 911 attacks gave the global criminal elite more territory than they ever could have imagined. It worked beyond their wildest expectations, so much so that there hasn't been another attack in over 10-years now. Americans are like dumb sheep entering the slaughter house, and WHERE ARE AMERICA'S PASTORS??? They're boarding the trains to go oversee prisoners at Auschwitz concentration camps, repackaged today as Clergy Response Teams.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The thumb-sucking baby public wants Big Daddy to take care of them. Most people are not independent thinkers, and the criminal elite pulling the strings from behind the scenes know it. We are a society of sheeple. This is why government has killed over 200,000,000 innocent people over the past two centuries. Wake up and start listening to alternative newsmedia!

Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982) said that the newsmedia is the greatest power in this universe next to the Word of God. Brother Roloff was so right. Our own government leaders in the White House, FBI, CIA, Pentagon, FEMA, and other key appointed leaders by the CFR in recent decades were caught orchestrating 911. The evidence that has surfaced over the past 10-years is astonishing, overwhelming, irrefutable and disturbing. It is only because the same corrupt criminals (CFR members) own and control the mainstream newsmedia that they were able to pull it off and get away with it.

No one has ever been arrested, indicted, nor convicted for the 911 attacks; yet Pastor Kent Hovind, a faithful preacher in Florida, is rotting in prison for 10-years for not accepting a $50 state license for his ministry, standing upon his conviction that the government has no authority over the church. Since he refused a license, the state of Florida (the same State that murdered Terri Schiavo) made him pay taxes on all his property and ministry assets. He refused, as he wouldn't have to pay taxes if he were a state-licensed 501c3 organization. As a ministry he shouldn't have to pay taxes, just like non-profit homosexual organizations like NAMBLA or abortion groups like Planned Parenthood don't pay taxes.

The thug judge even said Pastor Hovind was a threat to the community. That's how tyranny works, by demonizing anyone who dares to resist the almighty power of the State. They went after Kent Hovind because the State of Florida is corrupt, with Jeb Bush as governor (yes, George W. Bush's brother). Florida is a drug import state, as is Texas. Rick Perry is a flaming homosexual, part of the Bush criminal syndicate. The CIA is the most evil, Anti-American, murderous organization in existence. The movie series, Bourne Identity (Supremacy, Ultimate) is a joke, not even scratching the surface how corrupt the CIA really is. The CIA was set-up to overthrow the American republic!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Hell is no joking matter friend. The highway to Hell is real. Please don't choose Hell instead of Heaven. Why would you do such a foolish thing? Whether you believe that a literal burning Hell exists where unrepentant sinners will spend eternity is irrelevant from the fact that it truly does exist. You may not believe in electricity, but drop a radio into your bathtub without a ground fault circuit interrupt (GFCI) outlet and see what happens. Goodbye Charlie! Many people have been electrocuted over the past half century by electrical appliances falling into their bath water. ZZZHHHH!!!!

Even after ten trillion years, it won't even be the beginning of your eternal damnation, torment, misery, loneliness, regret and agony in the Lake of Fire. Perhaps you think that a God of love wouldn't put any of His creatures into Hell to be tormented. Look around you at all the suffering, torment, starvation and utter misery and pain in this sin-cursed world. If God allows suffering on earth, what makes you think that He won't cause suffering in eternity for those who caused most of the suffering on earth? Do you really want to be separated from God, your Maker, for all eternity, abandoned and forgotten about?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Skull and Bones is of the Devil. Freemasonry is of the Devil. Nearly 2,000 carefully selected government officials, corporate tycoons and other luminaries—men with power to shape the future—assemble privately every July in a redwood forest about 65 miles north of San Francisco. The meeting includes a somber ritual that features the Druidic burning of an human effigy on the alter, chants from a robed chorus, and wild drinking and sexual promiscuity. Richard Nixon once famously described the gathering as “the most faggy G_ddamned thing you could ever imagine.” The Bohemian Club (“Bohos” as they are informally called) meet annually for a time of mixed business and pleasure, making decisions that will shape our nation's future, while sinfully indulging in homosexuality, cross-dressing, and debauchery. Please watch the video: The 124 Groups Of Bohemian Grove (the United Nations & Atomic Bomb were birthed at Bohemian Grove).

The most bizarre Pagan ritual of the Bohemian Grove—the Cremation of Care ceremony—is practiced by its members (all men), including both Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Alan Greenspan, Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Walter Cronkite, Colin Powell and Henry Kissinger to name but a few. The meeting is held every July. It is purported that Obama and McCain visited Bohemian Grove in July of 2008. WORLD LEADERS AND THE OCCULT. No sitting U.S. President ever attends the grove to avoid public scrutiny, as the President's every move is closely monitored by the media. Albeit, nearly every President attends the grove before and after holding public office. Here's information on the grove's financial records, who are registered as a 501c7 non-profit organization. Anyone who denies the Satanic nature of Bohemian Grove is either stupid, woefully naive or deliberately complicit. Many celebrity stooges in the newsmedia, like Bill O-Reilly, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, are “gate-keepers” (i.e., influential people who protect the grove by ignoring and downplaying the Satanic, perverse and treasonous activities of the club).

In the following full-length documentary films by syndicated radio host Alex Jones, you will learn the shocking truth about Bohemian Grove. Actual witches and warlocks (not members of the grove) gather and dance outside the gates, praying to Satan, summoning demons to Bohemian Grove (see 25 to 28 minutes in the Order Of Death documentary below). It is a fiesta of occult activity. It is the evil equivalent to a prayer meeting of believers before Pentecost; in this case it is witches and warlocks calling forth demons prior to the Bohemian Grove occult gathering. These are our nation's leaders worshipping a 40-foot owl!!! You couldn't make this stuff up...

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Women need to be taught from the pulpit to shut up; submit to her husband; and to bake cookies, learn to make clothes and care for her children at home instead of pursuing a career outside the home. Economic oppression is being used as a weapon against families in America. The globalists behind the New World Order don't want you to have more than one child.

The Georgia Guidestones mysteriously appeared out of nowhere in 1979. A well-dressed anonymous man paid for the monument, which shows the blueprint for man's future on earth if the Lord tarries His return. The Guidestones call for a reduction of the earth's population to 500,000,000 people (a 90% reduction from present population numbers). Through sterilization-laced vaccines, the globalists are succeeding. All of the help-the-children program today sponsored by the United Nations are front groups for population reduction agendas.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

NASA is insane, teaching that the earth and moon formed by a massive collision of two planetary bodies billions of years ago. That's ludicrous! The Bible teaches that God made the sun, stars, moon and earth. All we hear about from Walt Disney, NASA and National Geographic concerning the origin of the universe is explosions, catastrophes and collisions. How can such perpetual destruction lead to the symmetry, order and incredible awe of the universe? It cannot? The only plausible answer is God!!!

The Bible teaches in the book of Genesis that God created the sun, moon and stars . . .

Genesis1:16, “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.”

The lesser light to rule the night is the earth's moon. God is an awesome God!

Psalms 89:37, “It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah.”

Psalms 94:11 “The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity.”

Anyone who can look at the round moon and believe that it formed from two planetary objects impacting, must be really desperate to believe anything other than the Bible. The moon looks perfectly round. If an steroid or planetary object crashed into the earth billions of years ago, or if two objects collided with each other to form the earth and moon, then there wouldn't be anything left. When objects collide, they don't form rounded shapes as the earth and moon. Why is it so hard to believe that God created the universe? NASA are part of the Devil's system, denying and blaspheming the inspired Word of God.

The fact that 95% of the earth's core is composed of molten liquid rock (lava) proves National Geographic magazine NASA and all the so-called “scientists” who believe the moon/crash theory, WRONG! No wonder 1st Timothy 6:20-21 warns of “science falsely so called. Which some professing have erred concerning the faith...” Evolution is false science, no science at all. To be considered genuine science, something MUST be observable, testable and verifiable. Evolution is none of the above!!! Evolution is nothing more than non-verifiable, untestable and unresearchable THEORIES!!! Secular scientists are so arrogant, refusing to admit that they cannot explain the origins of the earth, moon and universe (which is why their theories keep changing). The Bible says the answer is God.

The Old Testament mentions the earth 760 times! Wow! And the New Testament mentions the earth 188 times! 1st Corinthians 10:26 says that the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof. God created the universe, and then looked over what He had made, and God was pleased. We are created in God's image, which is why we also like to look over the work we have done, to see if it is good and done the way we wanted. Amen!

The moon is mentioned 52 times in the Old Testament, and 10 times in the New. The earth is God's creation and He is pleased with it. Psalms repeatedly teaches that the earth has been established FOREVER by God. We (as born-again believers) will live here upon the earth with God forever...

Psalms 78:69, “And he built his sanctuary like high palaces, like the earth which he hath established for ever.”

All Christ-rejecters will spend eternity in the Lake Of Fire (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 20:11-15; John 3:5-7). Won't you receive Jesus as the Christ right now? I am amazed how many people readily believe in the possibility of aliens in the universe; yet they blindly reject the possibility that God is real and the Bible is genuine. By every definition, God is an alien. God is a real Being, Who has communicated with mankind. Yet heathen people search ancient Egypt for evidence that the pyramids were created by aliens. Heathen people spend their lives looking through telescopes, listening into space, sitting on the edge of their seat watching Star Trek, hoping to find proof of life elsewhere in the universe.

And yet, the holy Bible is divine in every aspect, not only astronomically improbable in the manner that it came into man's possession, but miraculously impossible! How could 40 writers who spanned 1,500 years, who spoke different languages and lived in different countries, who came from different backgrounds, write ONE BOOK that perfectly harmonizes and contains one-third prophecy!!! Life does exist elsewhere in the universe. Man's spirit is proof of a spirit world, of an unseen world of angels and demons. The Bible is the ONLY Book in existence that provides complete, detailed and plausible answers.

How awkward it is that wicked men separate themselves from a holy and righteous Book, authored by a holy and righteous God. Is religion merely a manmade device to control other men? Only a fool believes that nonsense! Our time system (BC and AD) testifies to the preeminence of Jesus Christ in history). The nation of Israel, the uncanny need to mention God (or Jesus) during climatic moments of human emotion, the need for religion and a thousand other reasons... all shout loud and clear the existence of God!!!

I'll tell you, if I didn't believe the Bible for the Bible's sake itself, I'd run to the Scriptures and believe the gospel Jesus Christ because of the preponderance of Satanism in this world. The New World Order is all about worshipping Satan and Rock music is demonic. Life is truly short and I'm so thankful that I'm on the Lord's side. Consider Job 20:4-5, “Knowest thou not this of old, since man was placed upon earth, That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the hypocrite but for a moment?”

I feel sorry for anyone who is so blinded by Satan (2nd Corinthians 4:4) that they refuse to see the glory of God (Psalm 19:1-3) and His eternal power and Godhead by all the things which are made (Romans 1:20). Note that all Scriptures are quoted only from the trustworthy and inspired King James Bible.

The claim by evolutionists, geologists and scientists that the earth and moon formed by two planetary bodies colliding billions of years ago is just REALLY BAD SCIENCE. It's not even plausible when one considers the core content of the earth. How would the collision of two space objects produce the molten core of the earth? Why doesn't the moon have a molten core? If the earth and moon formed by the catastrophic impact of two planetary objects, then did all of the planets and their associated moons form the same way? How did the sun form? Where did man's spirit come from? Why don't animals have spirits to write a poem, compose a song or worship in a religion? The only answer that makes perfect sense is God!!! Do you believe?

Science makes no logical claims that can be supported with credible evidence; yet the Bible makes logical claims, with plausible explanations to support those claims. The only evidence that scientists can present for their earth/crash theory is that moon rocks collected in the 1960's are composed of the same elements as the earth. God can do that you know!

NASA is sending up the James Webb Telescope in October of 2018, which is exciting. Here's a comparison of the old Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to the new James Webb Telescope (JWST). Lord willing, the JWST will send back incredible new pictures and data about the universe. Mankind has only begun to discover God's universe and creation. If the Lord tarries, the next 100-years will be as strange, different and revolutionary in science, medical and bizarre discoveries than the last century (and likely much more).

I took a good, long, look at the moon the other night; it was almost a full-moon; and I thanked God for such a beautiful night light that He gave to us. God is so good to us. As I viewed the perfect roundness of the moon, I thought about the absurd claim that the moon broke off from the earth by a cataclysmic asteroid crash.

I know in my heart that it is much more than just the innocent ignorance of bad science; it is the wicked unbelief of God hating men and women. Romans 1:21-22 teaches us that the wicked are ingrates, who do not glorify God in their lives, and they are fools who claim to be wise.

Proverb 1:7, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

The reprobate evolutionists, geologists, professors and NASA's scientists who write articles for National Geographic, and teach in heathen State universities all across the world, don't fear God. They haven't even found the first step to true knowledge. Romans 3:18, “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” The Word of God teaches that genuine knowledge begins with the fear of God. All true science begins with God, centers around God, and never strays off the fact that God is the omnipotent Creator of all life and the Maker of the universe in which we live. What a precious Redeemer!!!

If you repeat nonsense long enough, it becomes as a proven fact
— It's a proven fact!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The entertainment industry is predominantly Jewish. Gene Simmons of the Rock band KISS is really Chaim Witz, Jewish. Jon Stewart's full name is Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, Jewish. I'm not bashing Jews, I'm just pointing out that the entertainment industry is so Jewish that a deliberate attempt has been made for decades to hide it from the general public.

I love Jewish people as much as anyone else. I love Muslims. I love all people. Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary for all people, to pay for our sins. The issue is not about racism at all; but rather, the powers that are in control of Hollywood, the newsmedia, The White House, major corporations, the Federal Reserve Bank, our school system, the CFR, the United Nations, et cetera. You'd be surprised to know. Please watch, Mystery Babylon and the Illuminati by Pastor Texe Marrs.

David J Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Katy Perry—the Babylonian, big-breasted, Baphomet, blasphemous-bimbo—recently said that she is NOT a Christian and thinks Heaven is “a hoax.” Katy Perry began her trainwreck career of sleaze as a Gospel singer. Talk about a loser and sell-out! I guess Satan has done more for Katy Perry than God has. God keeps us all breathing. God gives us the awesome delicious foods that we eat and the taste buds and health to enjoy it all. What has the Devil ever done for you? God offers you eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ, but Satan can only offer you the world until your earthly life is over; then God will judge you (Hebrews 9:27).

Who would want to follow a total loser in God's eyes like Katy Perry? This Illuminati-favorite, slithering servant of Satan, stripper-singer, promotes satanism as being “cool” to preteens and teens. Ke$ha, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus (Manly Virus), Kanye (Pest) West, Kim (Kartrashian) Kardashian... THESE ARE GOD'S ENEMIES (James 4:4). You will become like those you hang around. Do you want to be like God's enemies? Do you want to become God's enemy too? I wouldn't recommend it if you're smart

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

MILLIONS of people watch Taylor Swift's music videos and concerts. Every time Taylor Swift wildly wiggles her butt on stage into the camera, hundreds (if not thousands) of men's soul are overcome with lust and they go commit sexual immorality—some raping women or little girls, others seeking sex from a prostitute, some beating their wives who aren't as sensual, many committing adultery and end up divorcing. Our nation is falling apart morally, and it was planned that way by the Communists who funded the feminist movement in the 1960's. Sexual liberation is evil.

David J. Stewart #sexist #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Ladies especially have to be careful because there are many women in this world (including in our churches) that HATE masculinity. They are female chauvinist pigs. In Baptist churches? Yes! Let me tell you... Americas churches are filled with carnal believers and feminists. I'm simply saying, be careful who you talk to! When these women poison your mind with garbage, and cause you to hurt your husband, they still have their marriage but you just ruined yours. I've seen this happen. People talk you into hurting your husband with the police, unkind words, leaving home, filing for separation, etc... but they would never do such a thing to their own husband! And then to add insult to injury, they don't even call you back to see how your doing after they gave you a knife to stab your husband with. This is how rotten people can be... I'm talking about church people here too. The bottom line is, seek counsel from God's Word... not people. If you do go to someone, be very careful who you go to, and what you do with their advice. Remember what God says..

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Americans are idiots to keep sending billions of dollars in financial aid to struggling countries (all in the form of continuing federal debt mind you), who are deliberately kept in ruins by the same Council On Foreign Relations that professes to want to help the poor. It's all a big scam! The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is sold out to the New World Order agenda, i.e., the Beast system of the coming Antichrist.

We are living in the last days, and are increasingly headed for a cashless society, a global police state, a one-world New Age religion, and the massive extinction of human life. Bill and Melinda Gates, as well as many others, are committed to the population elimination agenda. Don't believe it? Paul Watson, Founder and President of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, wants the world's population reduced by 85% to only one billion people. The rich are still having children, but are secretly sterilizing poor women to prevent them from ever having any children. Many sickos today see no harm in this.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Many Illuminati members are elite Jews (which has nothing to do with Anti-Semitism). I love Jewish people, but I love Arabs just as much. God is NO respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). Jews are NO better than Gentiles (Romans 3:9). This is why the Jews hate the New Testament, because it gives equal ground to the Gentiles, which makes the Jews extremely jealous (Romans 11:11). Many of the names you've often heard from Hollywood are fake, hiding the actor's real Jewish name. This was done on purpose to prevent the American public from realizing just how “Jewish” Hollywood really is—the number one source of immoral, Communist, Anti-Christian, Anti-family, Anti-American, blasphemous, pedophile, sicko, brainwashing propaganda in existence.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

DR. FRANKENFOOD WANTS TO DESTROY ORGANIC FOOD If Dr. Frankenfood was in charge, he would create biological warfare crops that would destroy organic foods, destroy the competition. Just as the evil genius would have hoped, the USDA has allowed genetically altered foods into the conventional market which threaten organic farmers. Scientists of virtually every persuasion realize that Bt soy, corn and potatoes predictably will create Bt resistant insects. Organic farmers use Bt as their main line of defense against insects. Bt resistant insects could wipe out organic crops and organic farming. Destroying the competition just makes good business sense, reasons Dr. Frankenfood.

CONSIDER STOCKING UP ON SAFE FOODS Frank Ford, in his book, "The Coming Food Crisis," says that events are pointing to a food crisis of unbelievable proportions. With genetic engineering of the food supply, only a relatively small part of the total food supply can be known to be safe. Since 95% of the food supply contains conventional corn or soy, the rules of supply and demand show that there could possibly be a shortage of safe food over the next several years. You may consider taking advice from Frank Ford's book. He advises stocking up on organic or safe conventional dry foods that are low in oil content--wheat, beans, lentils, grains, dried fruits. If possible, stock enough for yourself, your family, and if possible your friends to live comfortably for two or three years. Create local food co-ops so you can pool resources and make large bulk orders, saving everyone money.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

How tragic it is then that so many women hardly wear any clothes these days, or wear sensual clothing, and mothers allow their little girls to run around in public in their underwear. The word “underwear” sounds offensive, so people put some colored underwear on their children instead and call it a bathing suit, thinking that's acceptable. It is wrong for any woman, be she young or old, to walk around in public in her underwear, bathing suit or whatever you choose to call it. It's immodesty! It's indecency! It's America today! And that goes for men and boys too!

When we as Christians speak of sexual matters, we need to be very selective in our words, because it is a delicate matter that ought to be approached carefully. Some parents are just plain idiots, allowing their girls to dress and behave promiscuously. A wise parent insists that their child sit properly in public. A parent should continually be observant of where there child is and what they are doing. It is shocking how some parents are so naive of what is going on around them, especially concerning their children. Nudity has become commonplace in American society. It is sinful. Public nakedness is wrong. As America continues its spiritual decline, a thug police state will rise up around us. We are living in unstable times. As America digresses and moves toward third world status, it will be evermore needful to dig-in and die-hard in these perilous (hard to endure) times foretold in 2nd Timothy 3:1-5.

You can't go hardly anywhere in public these days without seeing immodestly dressed women, hearing vulgarity and seeing indecent store displays. Most people aren't shocked by sin anymore, because they don't abide in the Scriptures. Paul said that God's Law made his sins exceedingly sinful. The television does the exact opposite, making sin less offensive and desensitizing the viewer. The daily news features whores with miniskirts up to their neck. That's all the viewer sees is a woman reporter's thighs and two men sitting on each side. Do you think that's a mere coincidence? No, it's deliberate, sinful and God hates it. Judgment day is coming!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Americans owe a debt of gratitude which cannot be expressed in words to Pastor Jack Hyles. My website ministry wouldn't be here if it weren't for Dr. Hyles' Godly influence on my life, who taught me to uncompromisingly stand for truth.

Brother Hyles stood preaching each week behind a specially-made bulletproof pulpit at First Baptist Church of Hammond, because of multiple threats made upon his life for preaching the truth, including being shot at while jogging. A two-inch-thick bulletproof plastic shield was installed in the balcony at First Baptist Church, to prevent a shooter from making an attempt on Pastor Hyle's life while preaching. How many preachers need their own security team to protect them 24 hours a day, sitting round-the-clock in a squad car in front of the pastor's home 365 days a year? The average lackadaisical pastor has nothing to fear, because he doesn't take a stand for nor against anything. Brother Hyles STOOD faithfully for God, preaching THE TRUTH of the Word of God!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

All of the political mudslinging each election time is all staged, to divide and conquer the foolhardy public. Behind the scenes there's not a dime's difference between Democrats and Republicans. They're simply two separate legs both walking in the same direction of a New World Order, both parties being subject to the Illuminati's money, threats and blackmail. The CIA are the private police force of the Illuminati. History shows that Wall Street bankers and attorneys started the CIA while Harry Truman was U.S. President. Zionism, Freemasonry, CIA, Wall Street, Pentagon, Rothschilds, puppet Washington DC politicians, complicit newsmedia, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones, The Vatican, Masonic false religions, Hollywood, the music industry, and thousands more collaborator groups, are mere puzzle pieces all fitting together to form a satanic hierarchal power structure striving to achieve a New World Order.

I could give you a hundred examples of controlled opposition, which is intended to mislead and deceive the public. For example: in 2011 when President Barrack Obama ran for his second term in office, Goldman Sachs didn't back him for President, when in reality Mr. Obama has hired a few dozen former Goldman Sachs employees right off Wall Street into The White House. They're not fooling everyone! They love Obama! Goldman Sachs is The White House!!! So don't be stupid! Question everything you hear from the media and the government. Be objective! Always ask yourself, why are they telling me this?

I heard news reports this week (August 2015) from the Zionist-controlled U.S. government that Syrian leaders are raping women and children. I don't believe that for a second. The truth is that the CIA created ISIS as a tool to overthrow the Syrian government. Of course they're going to demonize President Bashar al-Assad, because he has sided with the victimized Palestinians against Israel's thuggery. Israel is the Illuminati's whore, just as we read in Revelation 17:1-2, 18. The kings of the earth have fornicated with the Illuminati-controlled United States and Israel. When the Beast comes, he will burn the whore (Revelation 17:16). Israel is being pimped-out, just as the U.S. is. The Luciferian-worshipping elite behind the Illuminati have no regard for mankind nor God.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

In her pathetic song, COLD AS YOU, Taylor Swift sings the lyrics...

You never did give a damn thing honey but I cried, cried for you
And I know you wouldn't have told nobody if I died, died for you

This is just one more of thousands of lyrics embedded in feminist songs today, portraying men as abusers and women as victims. Oh how American women suffer at the hands of those big, bad, mean husbands! Those spoiled-little brat wives are not right with God, nor will they ever be until they forsake the demonic indoctrination of feminism that teaches women to hate their husbands.

Here's some feminist garbage from the DIXIE CHICKS, from the hateful song GOODBYE EARL...

Earl had to die
Good-bye Earl
We need a break
Lets go out to the lake Earl
We’ll pack a lunch
And stuff you in the trunk Earl
Well is that all right
Good Let’s go for a ride
Earl Hey

The song teaches because Earl was an abusive husband, Earl had to be murdered. This is the type of trash that is being pushed off on America's women, and the most frightening thing is that over 26,000,000 Americans have bought the DIXIE CHICKS albums as of 2010[1]. What type of woman would idolize the Dixie Chicks and listen to such hateful music? A woman not right with God, that's who! These are the women who see no harm in divorce, couldn't care less about pleasing God, divorce and live in fornication, many are lesbians, they dishonor their parents, and are reprobates.

Instead of listening to music about love, forgiveness, and pleasing God, heathen feminists listen to fools like the DIXIE CHICKS sing about murdering an abusive husband. Why listen to music that glorifies committing sin and breaking the law? I mean, why listen to Eric Clapton's song, COCAINE, when cocaine is illegal? We're a retarded society!

Stop being a self-righteous little witch and look in the mirror if you want to see the biggest sinner. I'm sick and tired of feminists demonize men in their singing... “I am good, you are bad, so I left you... Hardy Har Har!” No, you are a feminist fool and will answer to God for breaking your wedding vows.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

As of August 2015, Presidential candidate Donald Trump was 100% pro-death concerning abortion a decade ago, but now mysteriously has become pro-life to run on the conservative Republican ticket. It's all staged. Trump knows he'll never sit in the oval office as our nation's commander. He's not evil enough. It's a puppet position anyway, beneath Trump's caliber. The job of U.S. President has apparently been reserved for pot-smoking, pedophile-pervert, cocaine-using, draft-dodging, lying, satanic, murderous, homosexuals. I think Trump is like World Trade Center building #7 imploded on 9/11, thrown into the mix to add confusion, dissonance and act as a red-herring, to distract everyone from the truth that two criminal families have hi-jacked The White House. Trump has turned this into a media 3-ring-circus (as I believe he was asked by his Illuminati buddies to do)! I am very confident that Jeb Bush will be U.S. President in 2016. I could be wrong, but that's what I see from where I sit as a caring Christian citizen.

Hillary, a Democrat, likely won't win. If she did, it would be the first time since 1836 that a Democrat won after a seated two-term Democrat. I think this whole e-mail ordeal with Hillary is another red-herring. Hillary is so popular with the sicko public that they need an excuse for her to lose, and this might be it. Legally, Hillary could get 600-years in prison for obstruction of justice. The fact that she is laughing and joking about breaking the law shows that this is all staged. It's not a coincidence that Jeb Bush is quietly lurking like a snake in the background, staying out of sight for now until election time. The mainstream newsmedia lost credibility a very long time ago with smart Americans, but the majority of people are dumb fools marching-on to their destruction!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Old Paths

I liked the old paths when Moms stayed home
And dads went at work.

Brothers went into the army.
And sisters got married BEFORE having children!

Crime did not pay but hard work did,
And people knew the difference.

Moms could cook, dads would work
and children would behave.

Husbands were loving, wives were supportive,
And children were polite.

Women wore the jewelry, and Men wore the pants.
Women looked like ladies, and men looked like gentlemen;
And children looked decent.

People loved the truth and hated a lie,
They came to church to get IN not to get OUT!

Hymns sounded Godly, Sermons sounded helpful;
Rejoicing sounded normal, and crying sounded sincere.

Cursing was wicked and drugs were for illness.
The flag was honored, America was beautiful
And God was welcome!

We read the Bible in public, prayed in school
And preached from house to house.

To be called an American was worth dying for,
To be called a Christian was worth living for,
To be called a traitor was a shame!

Preachers preached because they had a message,
And Christians rejoiced because they had the VICTORY!

Preachers preached from the Bible,
Singers sang from the heart and sinners turned to the
Lord to be SAVED!

A new birth meant a new life,
Salvation meant a changed life,
Trusting Christ gave us eternal life.

Laws were based on the Bible, homes read the Bible
And churches taught the Bible.

God was worshiped, Christ was exalted
And the Holy Spirit was respected.

Church was where you found Christians
On the Lord's day, rather than in the garden,
On the creek bank, on the golf course,
Or being entertained somewhere else.

I still like the old paths the best!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

It is unscriptural for men to shower naked around other men, let alone in the presence of young boys. This Scripture passage makes this clear. It is not good for men to see each other naked, as evidenced by the pederast homosexual problem. The Romans were infamous for pederasts (men having sex with boys). Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher, was a pederast homosexual.

There is nothing manly about men disrespecting one another by walking around naked in the shower room. It is proper and right for men to show respect for the body, and toward their fellow mankind, by clothing the body. It is more than coincidence that initiates into Luciferian occult groups are required to perform acts of homosexuality as part of their initiation rights. The purpose for this is to debase each other, removing all bastions of decency and reservation between one another. In all sexual relations, even if with a prostitute for a few minutes, a soul-tie is formed between the two people (whether male or female) involved in the act. This is one of the spiritual dangers of sexual immorality, which undermines one's entire soul's health. Proverb 6:32, “But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.”

I heard an internet radio commercial today advertising the product, “AGELESS MALE,” guaranteed to boost testosterone for men by 61%. Then the advertiser said, “Get back in the game!” That's not why I wrote this article, but the timing was perfect for this article, because it evidences the sinful and irresponsible attitude of society today toward sexual relations. Get back in the game??? Sadly, sex is a game to many people!!! This is the horrible consequence of America's sexually-indecent television programming, promiscuous sitcoms, perverted Late Night comedy shows and TV in general.

I don't watch TV because it is too evil. So when I do occasionally see a TV show on someone else's TV in a hotel or at a restaurant, I am absolutely shocked and angered by what I see and hear. If you watch TV all-the-time, you won't see just how evil it is, because you are sinking into the abyss of wickedness with the hellivision. I guarantee you that if you turn off your television for 6-months that you'll be absolutely shell-shocked when you turn it back on. I hate TV!

It is common practice in health clubs, YMCA's and locker-rooms across America for men to shower naked in the presence of other men, and to walk around naked and let it all hang out. It is uncouth, tasteless, lacking of respect for each other and unscriptural. The same is true of women's locker-rooms. Historically, sports and public nudity have always been synonymous. The Greeks were famous for sports and infamous for nudity.

Genesis 9:21-27 teach us several important life-changing and moral lessons. We see that alcoholic beverages are spiritually dangerous, linked to nakedness and sin. Noah sinned by getting drunk and led his son to sin by doing so. Don't think that Noah didn't think about that either. Noah had to live with the division created between him and his son because of booze. Alcohol brought shame upon Noah. Noah had to live from that day forward knowing that Ham saw him naked and drunk. Although Noah knew he was forgiven in Christ, he caused permanent division between he and his son, Ham.

We also see that Ham sinfully paraded his father's sins, instead of faithfully concealing the matter. America's history books, Wikipedia and newspapers are filled with what husbands and wives have hypocritically said about each other during and after a divorce. The next time you hear a woman talking about how evil her husband is ask her how she obtained perfection. The Bible warns against condemning anyone. James 4:12, “There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?”

By the way, I hate Wikipedia. I've noticed that celebrity profiles (like George Clooney) are locked, but gospel preacher's profiles are open for every snake, rat and God-hating trash to slander and serve roast preacher. Wikipedia is a sewer of American society and Jimmy Wales will give account to God for helping spread malicious gossip. Wikipedia is a weapon. It's easy for some worm who never built a hot-dog stand to throw rocks at a faithful preacher who gave his life to others in the Lord for 50-years, helping literally millions of people in so many ways and changing a nation for God.

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

The Jews are so prejudiced that when they had a blood shortage in Israel, and the nation of Ethiopia came forward to donate blood, Israel dumped the blood into the garbage. Many Jews think they're better than everyone else. I've met some Jewish people, and they are very arrogant. One woman said, “Duh, I'm Jewish,” when asked if she was going to Heaven? Hell will be filled with such foolish Jews, who think errantly that their biological heritage guarantees them a place in God's kingdom.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Everyone from Larry King, to Gene Simmons, to Jerry Lewis, to George Burns, to Woody Allen... and hundreds more Jews have changed their names to conceal their Jewishness. Again, the issue is not about being Jewish, it is simply the fact that few Americans realize the Jewish control over America. We have lost control of our country. Our economy has been hollowed out, we are in massive debt, our jobs are all gone, tens-of-millions of people have either lost their home or will never be able to afford one one, and things are going to get MUCH worse. What a joke to hear Jack Chick and others ministers claim that the U.S. doesn't help Israel enough. Israel controls America!!!

The facts cannot be denied. The newsmedia is Jewish controlled and lies to the public continually. When I went to get my neck surgery in 2009, I stayed in West Hollywood, California, where I saw Jewish temples all over the place. It is no secret that Hollywood movies are saturated with Zionist propaganda, blasphemy against Jesus Christ, cursing in God's name, sexual filth and perversion, and every form of sin imaginable. Do a web search under “Jews control American government.”

As noted in the book, “In Search of Anti-Semitism,” by Leonard Dinnerstein, former U.S. President Nixon acknowledged the Jewish Media Barons influence in America. President Nixon said:

“Politicians are often controlled by the media ... People have to realize that the Jews in the U.S. control the entire information and propaganda machine, the large newspapers, the motion pictures, radio and television, and the big companies. And there is a force that we have to take into consideration.”

Now you know why they ousted Nixon as President. He was too honest, which is exactly why they killed Kennedy.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I heard a guy on the radio trying to push the idea that Jews and Arabs believe in the same God of Abraham, but this guy sinfully tries to sugarcoat Islam. It confuses people. May I say, ISLAM IS OF THE DEVIL!!!! The God of Abraham is Jesus Christ, the Lord (Genesis 15:6, Who neither Judaism not Islam receive.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Images are extremely powerful, which is why secret societies put them everywhere around us in society—on buildings and monuments, on tv, on the U.S. one-dollar bill, in advertisements, hand-signs flashed by the rich and famous, on music albums, on most of our churches (part 2), grave-markings, and everywhere else. Nebuchadnezzar made a giant image to project himself (just like the little man behind the curtain in the movie, The Wizard Of Oz). The Masonic symbols on our money and even shoved in our faces at The 9/11 Ground Zero Memorial are the elite globalist's way of projecting themselves and their cause, which is to usher in the Beast System of the coming Antichrist. The world is eagerly awaiting his arrival, welcoming him, and his number is 666. Entering the Realm of the Antichrist!

Carefully notice that Nebuchadnezzar's image in Daniel 3:1 had the EXACT SAME 10:1 SIZE-RATIO AS THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT OBELISK...

Daniel 3:1, “Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits [90 feet], and the breadth thereof six cubits [9 feet]: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.”

I've read the Bible for 30-years and never realized that Nebuchadnezzar's image was the same dimensions as an obelisk (a male phallus, an erect penis). Both Egyptian and Babylonian ancient occult religions included sexual immorality in their satanic ceremonies and rites. These satanic orgies and immoral practices are commonplace in modern satanism, Mormonism and Freemasonry. If you study the false religion of Freemasonry, who worship The Great Architect (Satan), then you will learn that it is a VERY sex-perverted occult group. The Washington Monument is a giant phallus! At the ground level each side of the monument measures 55.5 feet long, which is equal to 666 inches. The height of the obelisk is 555.5 feet, which is equal to 6,666 inches. That's a 10-to-1 ratio (the exact same dimensions as Nebuchadnezzar's golden image in Daniel 3:1). Nebuchadnezzar's image was AN OBELISK, an erect male phallus! Perhaps this is because the Illuminati are raping the world through their treachery, deceit and lies!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There have been conspiracies by the billions throughout history. One of the biggest lies ever fabricated was that there are no conspiracies. Folks, conspiracies are an inherent part of mankind's sinful nature. Anytime two or more people get together and plan to do wrong, they are conspiring. Why is it so hard to accept the word CONSPIRACY? The deaths of 2,752 American citizens on 911 was the result of a diabolical conspiracy involving the Bush family, the Bush Administration, the Bin Laden family, the global billionaire elite, and others. Only a fool who is wearing blinders would say that the Bush administration wasn't involved in carrying out 911.

It was president Bush who signed Presidential decision directive W199-eye to protect the terrorists. It's been in every publication from the Wall Street Journal to the Washington Times. I guess you can't believe this either. No legitimate investigation has ever been done into what really happened on 911. That in itself is damning evidence against The Bush Administration, CIA, FBI and other Harvard and Yale graduates. They're all in bed together. Harvard and Yale are breeding grounds for the New World Order.

Why would George Bush sign presidential directive W199i to block the FBI and defense intelligence from investigating the terrorist? Several FBI and CIA agents have actually filed lawsuits against the Bush Administration for obstruction of justice and abetting terrorists (their lawyer is nationally known, David Schippers). David Schippers is right, he said "Once you've had license, tyranny is next." What is license? "License" is "Freedom to deviate deliberately from normally applicable rules or practices; Excessive freedom; lack of due restraint." President George W. Bush signed legal documents to protect the terrorists... It's the smoking gun of 911. Wake up sheeple!

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