
David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Missionaries are taught not to meet all the needs of the people they’re trying to evangelize and mentor in the Lord. The worst thing you can do as a missionary is to meet all someone’s needs, because when you’re gone they’ll fall by the wayside, never having learned to trust God. We all need to learn to trust God. Deuteronomy 8:3 tells us that God deliberately allowed the Jews in the Wilderness to go hungry before feeding them with manna from Heaven. They were so hungry that they wanted to go back to Egypt, and they complained to Moses like whining little spoiled brats. The Bible says that God didn’t feed them at first BECAUSE He wanted them to learn that “man shall not live by bread alone (earthly provisions), but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God” (the Bible). See also Matthew 4:4 where Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 8:3 to the Devil. Nothing has changed in 3,500 years. God still wants us to learn the same truths today.

Thus, your married child needs to learn to trust God. If you help your child financially, offer to pay half. It’s ok to help them, but not to the point where they expect it and you are hindering their faith in God. Each situation is different and nothing is set in stone except what God has commanded. Parents are prohibited from meddling in the marriage problems of their children. If you want to give advice, then it should be in love, and from the standpoint that you’re NOT taking sides. A wife should never be allowed to move back home with mama. If you allow it, you’re ruining a marriage.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Fascinated by symbolism and numerology, the globalist's favorite tactic is to leave blueprints to their plans “hidden in plain view.” From messages delivered to the masses through the media and films to Time Warner's all-seeing eye, we are repeatedly reminded by the illuminati themselves that they are controlling us and are omnipresent. World leaders from Bill Clinton to Prince William have been photographed proudly flashing the sign of the Devil. Architecture around the globe is laid out to represent their occult icons or structure based on occult numerology (like the pyramid Mitter constructed at the Louvre, which is made of 666 pieces of gold glass). The New World Order's symbolism is everywhere and there are globalist fingerprints all over the September 11th attacks as well as the Madrid train bombing.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Every time I drive by a construction site, I always see a woman waving the traffic flag. She ought to be at home baking bread, not waving trucks and automobiles past a construction zone. What is wrong with America? We've lost our minds as a nation. Many people see no harm in women pursuing professional careers, but when it comes down to reality, those type of women act and think like men. They are decisive, strong-willed, tough, loud-mouthed, rugged and lack the Biblical character traits that God desires in a Christian woman. The Amish people have a beautiful culture. Their kids aren't programmed to work in factories the rest of their lives. Their daughters are taught to cook, sew and be mothers. Their boys are taught to make furniture, grow crops and be fathers. The rest of America's kids know how to play Super Mario, curse in Spanish and do the moonwalk.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

George W. Bush is just a small fish in the globalist empire of darkness. His father George H. Bush is higher up on the food chain. Aleister Crowley, the self-proclaimed “World's Most Wicked Man” ate the feces of women during bizarre sexual acts involving Luciferian worship and Satanism. According to the shocking documentary film titled, “IN SEARCH OF THE GREAT BEAST” directed by Robert Garofalo and produced by Lyn Beardsall (2007), Barbara Bush (wife of President George H. Bush) is the daughter of the world's most infamous Satanist, Aleister Crowley. The truth is stranger than fiction!

Hollywood sex-pervert, Stanley Kubrick (1928-1999), filmed his shocking movie “Eyes Wide Shut” (the film contains nudity) at the Rothschild's mansion. Here's a YouTube video by Infowars exposing some of the Satanic things they do at their parties (including MK Ultra programming—such as systematic and ritualized pedophile and torture abuse, shattering the victim's mind into multiple personalities. Former Scorpions (a pedophile promoting Rock band) bass player, Ralph Rieckermann, admitted publicly to attending a snuff party. These are parties where someone is planned to be killed as entertainment (they're snuffed out). Rieckermann says a person was murdered at the party (and worse he said, but he wouldn't elaborate about it). This is how the Illuminati has fun.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. Why Christians should disable Youtube comments]

First, if you allow comments, mean people are going to mock the Word of God and use vulgarity and curse words. Sadly, the “F___ word” is common and allowed on YouTube. It is mainly for this reason that I always disable comments. I went to look up a Chinese recipe and found a very nice video. There were comments attacking the man's culture and making fun of him, calling him names and saying rotten things about his cooking. I then understood why other members don't allow comments on their cooking videos. It's much worse for any videos praising the Word of God or the Son of God. Every form of vulgar slander and potty-talk is found on the internet. This evil world hates God. I am preaching the truth and don't care what the God-haters and blasphemers have to say. I'll never enable comments, because this wicked generation is characterless and totally devoid of God.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

But you say, "wait a minute, I don't believe in Hell." Why not? The Bible teaches that Jesus created the universe (John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:16). We see it all around us. The Bibles teaches that God created the earth (Genesis 1:1; 1st Corinthians 10:26). We read in Genesis 1:14-19 that God created the stars, which we see in the sky at night. The Bible teaches that God created all the animals (Genesis 1:25). The Bible teaches that God created man (Genesis 1:26). The Bible also teaches that God created a place called "Hell" (Matthew 25:41). If all of the things and places which the Bible claims God created exist, then why would you be so foolish as to not believe there is a Hell or a Heaven? I have no doubt that Hell is located in the center of the earth. Some intellectuals claim that Hell is only an ancient myth, a fable, folklore. They try to discredit Biblical teachings concerning Hell, by claiming that ancient legends contain similar stories of eternal damnation and doom. In effect, they imply that the Word of God is only a series of fables.

But is It? The Bible has yet to be proven wrong. God's Word is historically, archeologically, scientifically, Geographically, and Chronologically flawless.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The average person selfishly doesn't care if something evil is hurting others, just so long as it doesn't affect them. That is why the world is such a big mess today. And sadly, of those who DO care, their charity is exploited by evil people who pocket the money or misappropriate it for their own sinful agendas (like population control).

Only a fool would give a dime to anything involving the United Nations (a front organization to carry out the agendas of the criminal elite to establish World Government). Angelina Jolie has been an active supporter of UN agendas, the same UN behind the 1962 Katanga Killings: The Untold Story (58 minute shocking documentary by G. Edward Griffin). The United Nations were instrumental in 700,000 killings in Rwanda. All major food and medical program now being carried our by the UN are fronts for population control.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Illuminati love to hide things in plain sight. As the saying goes, “You can't see the forest for the trees.” Symbolism and occult imagery are subconsciously perceived, but on a conscious level will not be seen. However, occasionally the symbolism is clear and right in our faces. But the meanings behind the symbolism or references are unknown to the majority and therefore are automatically filtered out by the brain as insignificant and meaningless. You must remember that in order for secret groups to show their affiliation, they use symbols as a means to communicate. Although there are many more reasons as to why they hide things in plain sight.

Another reason is to mock God. The criminal global elite are not atheists. They fully believe in God, and they hate Him with a passion. They have willfully chosen to follow Satan and are Luciferian worshippers. Satan's purpose is to corrupt and deceive every human being, so they'll end up in Hell with Him when it's all over. The occult-inspired global elite (aka, the Illuminati) are all worshippers of Lucifer. They believe in a Luciferian philosophy which teaches that Adam and Eve were in bondage in the Garden of Eden under God's Laws; but the Devil set them free by convincing them to eat of the forbidden fruit, thus opening their eyes of enlightenment and making them as gods to choose for themselves between good and evil. That's why the world is so messed up today, that is, because men have chosen to do evil and blame God for the consequences of sin and evil.

These Luciferian religions teach that such intellect is a gift from Satan and that man ultimately will become “as gods” through occult enlightenment. It is because of these demonic doctrines that God is arrogantly challenged by the architects of the New World Order. Here's a List of Famous CFR Members (most of which are Luciferian worshippers, or at a minimum, supporters of their cause). Here's the evil history of the CFR and how it affects you. The Illuminati openly praise the Devil through the music industry and television. Young budding singers, comedians and actors are told what to do if they want to make it big. That's why Willie Nelson is told to sing a homosexual song or fade away. This is why the Satanists controlling the music industry had Johnny Cash singing Satanist, Glenn Danzig's song THIRTEEN and Dolly (sellout) Parton singing Satanic led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven. The truth is as clear as a blue sky day to those who open their eyes.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It is clear that musicians, beginning in the 1960's, have been recruited to make a deal with Satan in exchange for fame and fortune. Literally, the Luciferian leaders of this evil world came to the musicians through their representatives and told them that if they would sell their souls to Satan, then they would become famous and rise to the top. This explains why there is a preponderance of blasphemy against God in music, and has been since the 1960's. With such evil bands as “God Smack” and “Judas Priest” this truth cannot be denied. Ozzy Osbourne produced an entire album in tribute to the most infamous Satanist of the 20th century, Aleister Crowley. Ozzy has featured the pagan god, PAN, on every album cover of OzzFest since the year 2000. Pan is revered by witches, satanists, and occultists.

Even Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys said they were trying to make witchcraft music. Truth is stranger than fiction. SHAKIRA horribly attacks God and accuses him of being a malign thug. The Rolling Stones wickedly sing, YOU'LL NEVER MAKE A SAINT OF ME. The EAGLES sing A GOOD DAY IN HELL. If you do a study on the religious content in secular music, it is shocking to find that Satan is praised and God is attacked prevalently in music. It's not just music, it's people expressing their views about life and God, and their views are wicked. How could anyone deny the existence of God when there is massive amounts of spiritual content permeating everything in society today. It is abundantly clear that there is a raging spiritual battle between the forces of God and Satan in the world today.

Pink Floyd led a generation of American youth into rebellion against God; making them slaves of the New World Order. Don't you understand my friend, everyone is somebody's slave. If you don't want a good God to rule over you, then you will be enslaved to a cruel Devil.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The "Star of David" is not a Biblical term. The symbol is an occult symbol. Israel, just as the United States, is controlled by the New World Order gang. It was the Rothschilds, and not God, who put Israel back on the map. Certainly, everything happens within God's permissive will; but God did not cause the tyranny and bloodshed, stealing people's homes, which is how Israel came to be a nation today. Jesus said He will regather Israel when He returns at the Second Coming, and not before. Hitler was a Rothschild. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Satan is the god of this world, just as 2nd Corinthians 4:4 declares. We see far too many articles on the internet today exposing the occult, but not enough that tie it all in with the Word of God.

Folks, a bunch of facts will never make any sense until you shine the Light of God's Word upon it. The Word of God is the missing key. Satan is the god of this sinful world, and he controls his servants through occult organizations, such as Freemasonry, Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove.

The term "Illuminati" refers to the highest and most evil people in the pyramid structure. Few people realize that Communism is simply a mask for the New World Order. Please read about The Lucifer Trust.

The capstone of the pyramid is symbolic of the antichrist, who when he comes will complete the pyramid. The beast system is now being prepared, aka, the New World Order. Below, you can get an idea of the power structure of these occult groups. If you want to do research, look up the various groups on the internet, such as the Mother of Darkness.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There are people in this world who could kill you and go have dinner without the least bit of remorse. I can't help but think about the perpetrators behind the 911 attacks. It's sickening to see them smiling and dining, even expressing phony condolences for the people they murdered. The global elite pretend to care about the poor through various programs at the United Nations, while simultaneously sponsoring the criminal warlords who reign supreme as thugs over many third world nations today, afflicting the poor and killing the innocent. Oh how the poor, oppressed and afflicted cry out to God from all corners of the earth. While first world nations indulge in plenty of food and provisions, hundreds-of-millions of people struggle to survive in third world countries.

At present, a worldwide massive vaccination effort has been underway to sterilize the world's population. It is done under pretense of numerous major programs to feed the poor (such as World Vision). There is no escape. Soon, genetically modified foods will be distributed by world leaders to sterilize the population. In the past, fake tetanus shots laced with sterilization chemicals have been given to young women around the world.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

I've noticed that television prices are being kept dirt cheap so even the poorest Americans can afford a giant flat panel high-definition TV screen. The criminal culprits behind the New World Order want everyone to have a big TV with Blu-Ray technology, so they can brainwash everyone. Food may become unaffordable, but never televisions and Blu-Ray players.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

In May of 2012 a tragic story made headlines in Tennessee after a disgruntled husband killed his wife and oldest daughter, allegedly kidnapping the two youngest girls. Speculation is still circulating as to whether the two girls are his biological daughters (likely they are which means he’s not a kidnapper). I always hate when the newsmedia call a parent a kidnapper. No, the newsmedia are hateful jerks trying to demonize parents (usually the father)—anything to make a story more juicer for the bloodthirsty public. People are so far away from God these days that they get a thrill out of watching others suffer. People love to see the calamity of others, until it happens to YOU. Americans are hypocrites!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There's a lot of phonies in this world who profess to be "Christians." Most are not. The Bible tells us that a man is known by his "fruits." I see the fruits of darkness at work in our government. In case you haven't noticed, no president has been elected in decades who wasn't a member of The Council on Foreign Relations or some other New World Order organization or cult. Both Bush and Kerry are Skull and Bone members. When a woman recently claimed that she had been raped by George W. Bush years before, she ended up dead within weeks with a bullet to the back of her head. Hundreds of people died untimely deaths who either knew or worked with the Clintons...including the murder of Vince Foster.

Bush, Clinton, Kerry...they're all cut from the same cloth. I'll never vote Democrat or Republican again. Every four years we are given a choice of voting between a one-world republican or a one-world Democrat. Even when a party wins fairly, the higher powers that be step in and rig the election. Of course, the Supreme (Puppet) Court had to step in to finalize the election. Do you really think those nine people on the Supreme Court have that kind of power? No friend, they are told exactly how to vote. They are nothing more than grand puppets. Every time the Roe verses Wade bill comes up, they conveniently vote 5 to 4 in favor of keeping abortion legal (like the babies ever really had a chance). You people make God vomit!

If it makes me “conspiratorial,” to speak out against these evils, then bless God, I'm conspiratorial!!!

Am I “too conspiratorial?” I hope so! The truth must be known. You need to know THE TRUTH. The truth can be dealt with, but a lie cannot! I haven't even touched on Vitamin B17, the FDA's deliberate attempt to keep you are the dark concerning your health, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Federal Reserve scam, Kennedy's murder, Pearl Harbor, et cetera. Trying to find the truth is like a big puzzle, where some pieces fit and other don't. When you find a piece that fits, you are a step closer to seeing the total picture. There are many people today who are trying to figure out the puzzle without acknowledging God's Word. To do so is to reject the most important piece of truth of all.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Germany today, after the removal of the Berlin wall, is a cesspool of sleaze, filth and sexual immorality. Sexual immorality became epidemic in East Germany under Soviet control. Feminism thrived. Women had careers. There was an abundance of food and materialism. It was worse than Sodom. Erotic films, public nudity and sexual sins were rampant in East Germany. This is where America is headed... total immorality! The Soviet Union was epitomized by atheism, dirty dancing, sensuality and immorality.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Illuminati enjoy mocking our woeful ignorance. They mock us by placing occult symbols in plain site. They mock us in Hollywood movies. Such movies as “Independence Day” (1995), “Lies For Lambs” (2007) and recently in 2013, “Olympus Has Fallen” (starring Morgan Freeman). In “Independence Day” The White House is destroyed by aliens, but only after Jeff Goldblum's laptop counts down from 911. That's not mere coincidence. Movies contain tons of suggestive material placed there by the Illuminati. All Hollywood movie producers are members of occult groups.

The recent film “Olympus Has Fallen” shows terrorists taking over The White House and destroying it. In the film it is admitted that Wall Street bought The White House for $500,000,000. That's the truth in reality. Wall Street owns and controls Washington D.C. Our nation's leaders are bought and paid for by the globalist banking cartel. President Obama has already appointed 38 former Goldman Sachs' employees directly from Wall Street to government positions. And then they mock us with movies, dangling the truth right in front of us like a ribeye in front of a dog. The question is are you hungry for truth like I am? I look for truth, and so I find it. Everything is saturated these days with the occult, including this Paul McCartney tribute concert.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Children are taught that they evolved from the universe (stardust), and their ancestors were apes, and that there is no God. Kids are taught sex education, shown graphic pictures and are provided free condoms to fornicate. In combination with school and today's wicked television and music, the kids are encouraged to fornicate. Courtship no longer exists in modern times. Walt Disney are one of the primary sex offenders, dressing up underaged teen girls as glamour girls, walking and talking seductively, crawling on the floor in promiscuous positions, putting various cameras at just the right angel to catch the girls bending and gyrating for the world to lust upon. You say, “Preacher, you have a dirty mind!” No, I have a man's mind! Walt Disney certainly has dirty-minds, and so do today's kids.

In fact, teens have garbage pails for minds these days, saturated with toilet humor and filthy thinking. And you're a fool if you don't see the harm in what greedy television network owners are doing by exploited lewd, underaged teenaged girls.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Genesis 6:4 teaches that man's days are to be 120 years old. So why do we die so young? People die prematurely because of: poisons in our world; fluoride and chlorine in the water; toxins in our food (like aluminum); air pollution; lack of vitamins and minerals in our foods; suppressed natural cures for cancer; worry and stress; working midnights; smoking; alcohol; drugs (illegal AND legal); lack of exercise; overeating; environmental pollutions by many of the big corporations; and so many more reasons. People are dying much too young!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If you've ever spoken with someone who was a serious drug addict, they can tell you of the demonic experiences they had while high on drugs. I have talked with such people who claim that they saw demons and unbelievable nightmares. Drugs and alcohol are gateways into the demonic spirit world. Those who engage in substance abuse are inviting demons to infiltrate and control their mind. Often, drug abuse is intentionally used in witchcraft to make contact with demons.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

It is a sad time in America. On June 26, 2015 the Godless U.S. Supreme Court ruled to legalize same-sex PERversion in all 50 states. The same thing happened concerning abortion in 1972. Those nine foolish judges have the blood of over 57,000,000 human beings on their hands! Those nine judges are servants of evil, so crooked that they'll have to be screwed into the ground when they die, and are under God's wrath to the utmost. It was those same Illuminati puppet judges who ruled to ban God's Word and prayer from America's classroom's in 1963. To learn much about the Illuminati's infiltration, subversion and control over on the United States, please read the excellent .pdf book by Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959), “Satan: Prince Of This World.”

Perhaps you've noticed that all of the U.S. Supreme Court's major rulings are always 5-to-4 in favor of evil. That's because they don't actually make major decisions that will affect the nation. Do you really believe that nine people have that kind of power? Not a chance. Everything is decided behind closed doors, by Masonic leaders and the shadow government (secret societies like Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove and Skull & Bones) behind the scenes in Washington DC. President John F. Kennedy, despite his mistakes and sins, deserves much praise for exposing the secret societies working to overthrow the United States. All of the top kingpins in positions of power and influence have compromised themselves in one form or another, and thus are all blackmailable. If they ever turn against their puppet masters, the Illuminati, they will be finished by sundown. There is no escape once you're in!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The mainstream newsmedia reported this week that Satanists have unveiled a statue of Satan in Detroit, Michigan, but that is not the main thing I see as a Christian. I see a statue displaying two innocent little children admiring Satan. Please don't miss that! This vile display speaks volumes of the intentions of Satan and his sick followers. Satanists want our children! Satan has a bid for your child mom and dad. Look how the Satanic music industry is pushing sexual perversion and blood sacrifices (Satanism) upon tweens and teens today. Even Taylor Swift, who began her career in Cinderella-like modesty and charm, has now sold her soul to do evil, becoming a slutty whore, stripping her clothes off, and behaving like an animal for the Illuminati who've made her filthy rich (as of 2015 Miss Swift's net worth is $200,000,000).

The New York-based Satanic Temple said they picked Detroit because they have a “good community” of 200 followers there. I don't but that story for a second! I think the real reason is because Detroit is so economically depraved and full of crime that no one cares. Detroit is the direction the whole country is headed! Why do you think the Illuminati are relentlessly working to economically destroy America and demoralize our youth? It's so that the whole country will become like Detroit (dead, dirty, decadent and depressed). The residents of Detroit are repressed, depressed and suppressed! About 700 people showed up for the unveiling of the Satanic statue, some critics and others supporters. The Satanists publicly called their event “a night of chaos, noise, and debauchery.” The group was heard chanting the blasphemous words, “Hail Satan! Hail Satan!”

Also, notice the multiethnicity of the children. One is African American, wearing an afro hairstyle, with distinguishing black facial features. And the girl is clearly white Caucasian. The implied message is that Satanism accepts anybody. I am reminded of the children's song, “Jesus Loves The Little Children.” You know... “all the children of the world, red or yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world!” AND JESUS SURE DOES LOVE THE LITTLE CHILDREN!!! The very image which suggests that Satan loves children is a disgusting bold-faced lie!!! SATAN HATES EVERYONE!!!


There is a darker side to the Satanic image, if you understand the sexually perverted nature of Freemasonry, Judaism, Mormonism, the Talmud, Occultism and Satanism (all related). Don't miss something very telling that the Satanists did immediately after unveiling the statues... two Sodomites began kissing in front of Baphomet! How much clearer could it be that Satan and his followers want to Sodomize children!!! Think about that! Two queers are making-out, sucking each other's faces, in front of children, per se. Satan is a master liar, who deceived people into thinking they are free, able to do anything they so choose, just as long as you don't hurt anyone (and that's their lame excuse). In sharp contrast, God warns all mankind in Ecclesiastes 12:14 that He will hold all men accountable for every deed, whether good or bad. Amen! God will judge us by His holy Commandments and not ours. It's not ok to fornicate as Satan teaches. There are many sinister ideals that are conveyed through the new statue of children admiring Baphomet (Satan). There is truly NOTHING to admire!!! Can you think of a statue where some children are admiring a pastor?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

All New U.S. Passports Have Embedded RFID Chips!


Where will you draw the line?

RFID drivers license?

Your Biometrics taken for ID Database?

Your DNA taken for DNA database?

Microchip Implanted into your body?

Above: 666 markings on the shaved heads of the masses, mindlessly moving toward the light (Satan, 2nd Corinthians 4:4; 11:14). Dave Mustaine, founder and lead guitarist of the Heavy Metal band, MEGADETH, publicly testified on the Alex Jones Show in 2009 that he recently became a Christian. Although I don't endorse the music of MEGADETH, Mustaine rightly believes that the Antichrist, a world dictator, is coming. Mustaine says the flies on the album cover are directly out of the Biblical Book of Revelation (9:1-11). Notice the illuminati pyramid. The walls are stacked FEMA coffins. The song ENDGAME, on the album of the same title by MEGADETH, addresses the forming New World Order. Wake up people!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Bible teaches that it's from the human heart that the issues of life arise. Proverb 4:23, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” It is important that each individual believer maintain, protect and feed their soul. This means reading and hearing the Holy Bible regularly. It means listening to good old-fashioned Bible-preaching. It means being careful what we watch, whether it be at the beach, on the television screen or at the Laundromat. We are always surrounded by temptations, especially men these days.

The lusts of the flesh are a powerful temptation. We are living in a culture surrounded by immoral sex, which will ultimately result in the complete destruction of our society. Immodesty is a demonic influence, intended to war against the souls of men and defeat them. 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” Teenagers are under attack these days by Walt Disney, VH1, MTV and Hollywood, being taught premarital sex (fornication), lewd dress and behavior, homosexuality and rebellion against God and parental authority.

The following speech by Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz's father, Rafael Cruz, is admirable and excellent . . .

SOURCE: Rafael Cruz: Evolution Is A Communist Lie, Gay Rights Endanger Children | Right Wing Watch

To state it briefly, America is in the dire spiritual mess that we are today because we have failed utterly to keep our hearts with due diligence. The average American sits in front of the perverted Devil's box, absorbing every demonic influence imaginable into the soul. Late night comedy shows in particular are nothing than flesh pots of orgiastic sexual perversion of all sorts. Consequently, Americans are arguably the most dirty-minded, filthy, sex-perverted culture in the world's history, with the exceptions of perhaps Britain, France and Germany. All of Europe is pretty much a cesspool of iniquity! A cesspool is where all the sewers meet together.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Communists flooded American society with the Playboy philosophy, Rock Music and feminist ideologies in the 1960's, resulting in millions of unwanted pregnancies and the consequent abortion movement since the 1970's.

All of these subversions are intended to destroy the family unit, and to cause the crime rate to slowly rise. By so doing, there is justification for forming a thug police state to subdue the criminal element of society. The typical dysfunctional American family is in no shape to fight back against the tyranny of the New World Order. All these evils and others, have made Americans numb to immorality, indifferent to political corruption and apathetic toward blatant crimes in government. Americans simply don't think for themselves. The liberal, Zionist-controlled, Masonic, mainstream newsmedia tell people what to think.

Whatever integrity, decency and respect for God this nation once had is completely gone today. Even the churches don't care about the truth, instead using 12 different Bible versions and supporting popular famous preachers who teach multiple different plans of salvation. It makes the average person wonder if anything is important or worth fighting for anymore. There is nothing more frustrating than to know the truth, and attempt to wake people up by sharing that truth, and yet most people refuse to listen to sense and reason.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The cute and innocent “Mario Brothers” video games of the 1990's for kids, has deteriorated into “Vice City” type games featuring drugs, pimps, gangs, prostitutes, murder, shooting police, et cetera. In many of the games you can buy a prostitute and kill her if you'd like. The games come with sexual sounds and all. You can go on a shooting rampage and kill everyone if you want. These types of games are straight out of the pits of Hell. With each passing year, the quality of the technology is drastically improving, making the games very realistic for the viewer. Only God knows the dark and demonic influences of Satan at work in the minds of our confused youth today, who sit around and saturate themselves with these video games for several of hours at a time, every day, week-after-week, for years. No wonder America's prisons are overcrowded and they're only getting worse!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Children will be owned by the State. Parents will be mere caregivers, scrutinized heavily by the authorities. Even a single complaint by a neighbor will result in a legal nightmare, loss of child custody and evil tyranny by Police State thugs, judges and lawyers. This is already happening in the U.S. today. America is no longer the Land of the Free, which 25% of the world's prison inmates are locked up. Texas alone incarcerates more prisoners than the nations of France or England. Private militias are already at work in America, such as the American Police Force, training to kick down doors and disarm American citizens. All guns will be banned and confiscated, except for Police State personnel.

Yes, America's days are numbered. ObamaCare wants to put Planned Parenthood clinics in every public school for the children. Obama wants to expand homosexual rights to get married and adopt children. In fact, Obama's Administration wants to force insurance companies to pay for sex-change operations for transgendered Americans who think God made a mistake. Where will this insanity end?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Navy Seals, team 6, who alleging captured Osama Bin Laden, were all killed months later in a freak helicopter explosion in Afghanistan. Right! Talk about covering up evidence. Team 6 was murdered to silence them. It would have been obvious that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Obama and others were all liars. They didn't dare take the risk so they killed them. Once you've killed tens-of-millions of people in war, what's another 3,000 on 9/11, or 20 from Seal Team 6? It's the cost of doing business for them. They didn't want those guys to become heroes, nor for them to talk. The global elite who are behind the New World Order are bastards.

They murdered 20,000,000 men in World War I and another 60,000,000 (including civilians) in World War II. They're the ones who steal our homes by luring people in with the Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) scam, and then they jack-up interest rates to steal everyone's homes. Then they hire lawyers to foreclose before you can salvage your home. They are scum, maggot-filled, puss-bucket, rat-infested vermin, the filth of the earth. They'll laugh in your face at your child's grave. I'm serious, they are satanic, Wall Street, Communist scum!

When you go into the military, you now work for these perverted people!!!

They've killed a hundred million people over the past century through wars to make money and achieve the United Nations, which is their open door to World Government. The Banksters have started and financed both sides of every major war since the Revolutionary War of 1776. They'll kill their own mother or children to accomplish their dastardly evil deeds for Satan. They are all homosexual, demented, lying, Luciferian-worshippers. Wake up!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

A woman belongs in the kitchen, at home, raising children for the Lord. It's just crazy. Whatever happened to our daughters learning to bake bread and make homemade clothes? Now their doing "back-breaking" work that men should be doing.

The military is no place for a woman. We are so close to becoming a police state that society is turning our women into men. It's sickening. We don't need any more "SHE MEN" in society. There is something very wrong with a woman breaking down crates of weapon rounds and restacking them for shipment. If your one of these women, you need to reconsider your priorities. The Bible expressly forbids any woman from dressing like a man...

"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God." —Deuteronomy 22:5

You may call the Bible "old-fashioned," but it is still God's Word. God hates mixing of the genders. God wants men to look and act like men, and women to look and act like women. It's obvious that women don't wear dresses or culottes into battle, they look like G. I. Joes (like rugged men). It's just not right!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

In an unbelievable turn of events (made possible by the 911 crisis), the New World Order is well on it's way to completion. I anticipate the completion of the New World Order (NWO) around 2015 (just a humble guess). The NWO will consolidate all religious, political, economic, monetary, and military entities—a One World Order.

The hallmark of the NWO will be a Godless Global Totalitarian Communist Police State. A confederate of nations will rule the world under the leadership of the Antichrist. Other nations will comply due to fear. The Antichrist may very well claim to be a Christian, just as many falsely do today. Satan is a beautiful liar.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There is proof of God all around us... "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." This Scripture should scare you immensely if you are a professed atheist or Christ-rejecter. God won't accept any excuses on Judgment Day. All the "proof" you need is outside your front door.

I have met countless skeptics and naysayers who demanded "proof" of the truth I attempted to share with them. It is sad and hypocritical that such people blindly accept the unproven theories of Evolution and the junk science of Global Warming; while simultaneously requiring documentable, irrefutable, incontestable proof of the validity of God's Word. Why the double standard? it just goes to show that such people hate the truth and you simply can't talk sense to them.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Thatcher said, “The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.” Wall Street banksters through the Federal Reserve System (fraud) have been stealing money from Americans since 1913 when the system was illegally started (over a Christmas break while the majority of congress was absent). President Woodrow Wilson was a hundred times more of a traitor to American than Benedict Arnold ever was. The banking cartel couldn't have gotten away with their fraud without complicity from the U.S. President. Thatcher's statement is 100% correct about Socialism. It all boils down to recklessly spending tax-payer's money.

In fact, that's why U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt started all of the social welfare programs in the United States. It was a means for the bankers to rip-off the American people. By lending out billions of dollars in entitlements, all that money was borrowed from PRIVATE BANKS WHO OWN THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. Roosevelt was a 33rd degree Freemason and was the leader who put over 100 occult symbols on the reverse of every U.S. one dollar bill. Between Roosevelt and Hoover (who founded the FBI), America was doomed.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

As webmaster of Jesus-is-Savior.com, much of my criticisms and negative e-mails come from professed "Christians." They tell me that Jesus preached a "gospel of love" and that I should "stop trying to scare everyone into Heaven." They accuse me of driving more people away from Christ than actually bringing people to Him. I get horrible e-mails from Christians telling me that I ought to be ashamed of myself and repent. Other Christians tell me that I am wasting my time because Satan must run his course. One pastor told me last year that people would think I'm a nut after looking at my website. Well, my website had over 90,000 visitors last month alone (praise Jesus!), that's more people than that pastor will ever reach in his lifetime (with all 15 of his church members). If the truth causes people to consider me a nut, then so be it in Jesus' name. I'll happily be a stick in the mud for Jesus. They called Billy Sunday a nut too! I am NOT surprised to receive such foolish criticisms from a generation of Christians who wickedly vote for occult members and deliberately allow their kids be exposed to witchcraft...

"Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?" —Luke 18:8

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Demonic spirits appear in many forms, sometimes working through false prophets, sometimes through corrupt bibles, and oftentimes through adulterous and violent scenes on TV. Every TV program has a spirit to it. Fox News is saturated with a demonic spirit of lying and misinformation. Oprah Winfrey's show is saturated with a demonic spirit of New Age and occultism. Desperate Housewives is saturated with a demonic spirit of adultery and lasciviousness. And on and on.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I was recently reading a ridiculous article from the Christian Tattoo Association (Oh Brother!). The author of the article is a professional tattoo artist, and he strongly attempts to defend his demonic craft with the Word of God. Despite all his ranting and raving, tattoos are sinful. The Bible states in Leviticus 19:28, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." The anonymous author of the article claims that God only condemns tattoos which are placed upon the body to invoke the attention of pagan Gods. However, tattoos are without question, marks of Satan. There are several proofs of this fact.

First, what types of people are operating tattoo businesses? Do you know of any Christ-honoring, Bible-believing churches who are willing to tattoo you? No. Tattoo shops are operated by some of the creepiest, weird looking, worldly people on the planet. Go into any tattoo shop and you'll likely meet some bald-headed guy with tattoos all over his body, and earrings in both ears. You'll likely see nudity in some of the images. Only a fool would say that God approves of befriending the world, "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God" (James 4:4). Most professed Christians today have the exact OPPOSITE attitude, saying that we need to become more like the world if we are to attract them to Christ. The Word of God condemns such apostate thinking. God commands us to SEPARATE from the sinful world (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17), and not to help them by befriending their wickedness. Tattoos are worldly as can be, and the businesses that sell them are demonic. The simple fact that tattoos are always obtained from heathen worldly sources proves that they are of the Devil. There is nothing "Christian" about tattoos!

When you get a tattoo, you are IDENTIFYING yourself with the lost world, because that's where tattoos originated!!! Tattoos didn't originate from the Bible; but from the heathen unsaved world.

Second, what type of people usually get tattoos? There is a common trend nowadays amongst worldly women to have a tattoo placed on their lower back, just above their buttocks, and also on their ankle. Tattoos are very common amongst prostitutes. Tattoos are very common amongst homosexuals. Tattoos are very common amongst witches and in the Goth crowd. Tattoos are very common amongst street gangs and punks. I don't know of any Christ-honoring Christians who have had tattoos placed on their body. I do know some Christians who have tattoos on their body from their sinful past, and they have told me that Satan had control of their life before they were saved; but I don't know of ANY Bible-believing Christians who've been tattooed while close to the Lord. Say what you will--tattoos have always been obtained from WORLDLY establishments.

Thirdly, not one Christian in the entire Bible ever received a tattoo. Not one! Jesus never wore a tattoo! None of the Apostles wore tattoos.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

To understand what is going on in Iraq, you must understand that a New World Order is the bigger picture and ultimate goal. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has warned the American public that a criminal syndicate has taken control of The White House. Their goal is to attain a Global Totalitarian Godless Communist Police State. Our nation's highest leaders have become puppets, and the puppeteers are controlling them through The Council On Foreign Relations. The evil goes far beyond The White House. If America's citizens ever wake up and realize this, they'll stop supporting the troops in Iraq, stop voting Democrat or Republican, and start crying aloud against the blatant evils being committed by our leaders in Washington D.C. Yes, I love America, which demands that I hate anything that threatens her sovereignty.

Although commonly misattributed to Thomas Jefferson, it was historian Howard Zin who wisely stated: “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” So true! Certainly, Jefferson would have agreed with the statement, who stated: “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then.” So why do Christians nowadays support tyranny in government? If you vote Republican, you are voting for tyranny, the continued murder of children by abortion, unlawful taxes, illegally open borders, and for evil itself. Wake up America!!!

If you haven't watched the “Fahrenheit 911” video (1:39 hour documentary) yet, you should. It should make you very mad if you care about America, decency and people at all. The video reveals some scary things about our military. Such scary things as our troops listening to Heavy Metal and Acid Rock HATE music while on the field (to pump them up in their minds to KILL, KILL, KILL). The headphone sets are piped into the tank so each soldier can privately listen.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Americans are so sinfully proud and arrogant. Just because we say that abortion is good doesn't make it good. Abortion is evil murder. Just because we say that same-sex marriage is good doesn't make it good. Homosexuality is disgusting wickedness and hard core evil. It's lust not love! Children are at risk around homosexuals, in many ways. Sin City Las Vegas is evil to the core, as bad as can be, yet we say it is good and tens-of-millions of tourists flock to commit sin annually in Vegas. What HAPPENS in Vegas is RECORDED in Heaven! The Navy is NOT “a global force for good” as they claim; but rather, a force for the Masonic-Zionist behind-the-scene powers controlling the U.S. government. THE WORST GANGSTERS OF THE 20TH CENTURY!

I'm not saying that the Navy is evil. I'm not saying that serving in the military is evil. I AM saying that the Navy (military) is under orders, and therefore the Navy is only as GOOD as the orders which they are legally and contractually obligated (under penalty of life in a military prison) to comply with. As they say... in the military you don't volunteer, you are VOLUNTOLD what to do! Shut up and comply or else! That's why police departments like to hire former military, that is, because they are yes-men who do as they're told (like drug-trafficking fake hero Oliver North), people who don't question authority. Such blind obedience is what cults and abusive organizations are made of.

I've learned in life that there are two evil extremes to which men go: 1) total blind obedience which always results in wicked abuse of power over followers; and 2) those who always challenge authority and are rebellious, anarchists and wicked. Therefore, initially I am always on the side of authority. Yet, we have a right as citizens (or members of a religious organization) to ask questions and scrutinize what authority does. It is our business if we're paying their salary. I am against the philosophy that it is wicked to question one's pastor. No, you are paying his bills. You have a right to inquire about his beliefs, duties, words, actions and job performance. It is human-nature to abuse power over others. Pastors must be held accountable by their congregations. The pastor is supposed to be a servant, which is what minister means.

Big government is always bad, leading to oppression and tyranny. Central government is a denial of faith in God, expecting big government to care for us instead of God. Why have Americans been so complacent and lax about their government's activities? The consequences of this indifference over the years have been devastating? Today, our government leaders are committing blatant acts of injustice right before our very eyes! Wall Street bankers just ripped off $23,700,000,000 (2009-2010) from American taxpayers and Congress is powerless to stop it. Our country is gone!!! Do you think this reckless abuse of power is not destroying our nation? It most certainly is destroying America!


Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Obama are puppets for the occult inspired New World Order. Satan is the god of this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). It is the Rothschild's family who controls Israel and the U.S. America has been hijacked! The Devil's crowd has the reigns of power. America's citizens are so weak and complacent that they'll happily give up all their rights in exchange for "security" against terrorism.

We don't need anymore terrorist attacks on American soil because the American people are acting like cattle willingly headed into the slaughter house. When enough Americans start to ask questions, you'll see another terrorist attack (and there will be another attack in America!). Billionaire investor, Warren Buffet, has predicted a nuclear attack in America. It's inevitable. Russia alone is missing over 200 nukes.

It's your country, what are you going to do about it? First, stop voting for the Democrats and Republicans. Second, start telling as many people as you can in whatever way you can about what is going on. Get informed. Third, don't go along with the new police state system. I refuse to give up my rights and privacy. It's unbelievable how much control the government already has over us (and the average person thinks it's normal). A guy in Michigan was just charged with murder for speeding. He killed someone in a car accident. Do you know how the government knew he was speeding? There was a little "black box" in his vehicle that he didn't even know about. 30,000,000 U.S. cars now have black boxes. Did you know that? You had better wake up to reality friend.

I am NOT a lefty or a Communist. I am a Christian with the freedom to think for myself. I am not restricted by military or religious dogmas. I believe the Bible is God's Final Authority. The Bible clearly commands us not to murder. America was not defending freedom by invading Iraq because we were never attacked by Iraq to begin with; on the contrary, we attacked them.

Honestly, if you think about it, the death of 1,366,350 Iraqi's is blatant evidence of genocide. When I learned that Eric Prince and his Blackwater criminal thugs were shooting Iraqi men in the buttocks with exploding bullets, I knew that the Iraqi people were just being slaughtered carelessly on purpose. The predatory global elite want to reduce the earth's population by 90%. Hence, they want as many people dead as possible.

The Illuminati love Kim Jon in North Korea. While Kim Jon indulges in all sorts of worldly pleasures in his dreamland fortress, without are dying North Koreans who are eating their own babies to survive. This is where Communism ultimately leads. Tragically, woefully ignorant Americans have embraced President Obama as a savior, who is an avowed Communist. The average U.S. citizen fails to realize that Communist agendas have been being implemented in the U.S. for several decades now, beginning with the Communist Central Bank in 1913 (a fulfillment of Karl Marx's 5th Plank of the Communist Manifesto).

True Capitalist freedom produces prosperity. Socialism forces the wealthy to support the poor. Communism makes everybody poor and rogue criminal thugs confiscate and control all wealth. This is what is happening in America today. The New World Order is being achieved by the fascist corporate takeover of the nations. U.S. troops are being exploited as paid mercenaries to do the dirty-work of the predatory global elite. War always profits the Banksters. The biggest threat to human life over the past 200-years has been GOVERNMENT, killing 150,000,000 people.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Conan O'Brien, former host of NBC's Late Night with Conan O'Brien show since 1993, host of The Tonight Show, and now hosting his own show again in California... makes a mockery of Hell. In a despicable song titled “Go To Hell When I Die” by a group of perverts who call themselves The Booty Boys, Conan is the featured singer. Conan has really hit rock bottom with this sleaze. Here are the sinful lyrics:

Editor's note: The lyrics cited in this story may be offensive.

I'm Gonna Go To Hell When I Die
I'm Gonna Go To Hell When I Die
I'm Gonna Go To Hell When I Die
I'm Gonna Go To Hell When I Die

I can't be saved, it's too late for me
I'm going to H-E Double L when I D-I-E
You could say I'm messed up, but I'm keepin' it real
I'll sleep with your mom for a home cooked meal
Give a guy with no legs a new pair of shoes
And give Ben Affleck a bottle of booze
I Call up Nick Lechey, tell him he's gay
Then ask Jessica to spell Chevrolet

I sent Al Roker a box of crullers
With a dozen jelly donuts and a staple remover
I sent Abe Vigoda a cookie basket
With some flowers and a catalogue to pick out a casket
Jacked Michael J. Fox for his time machine
Then I grabbed a couple hookers and Charlie Sheen
And got 'em all to take a trip back in time with me
So we could pee on R. Kelly when he turned 14

I pick Kirstie Alley up out of the gutter
Throw her in a ring with Sally Struthers
Cover them with syrup and melted butter
And see how long it takes before they eat each other
I challenge Stephen Hawkings to some one on one
Slam dunk on that bitch like Alan Iverson
Tried to race Andy Dick but he lost control
Ran his mother-f**king car into Billy Joel

Push an old lady down a flight of stairs
And pull out the rest of Ron Howard's hair
And lock a PETA member in a room full of bears
And hook Gary Coleman up with a job at the fair
Keep an unofficial count of Star Jones' chins
Cast Hillary Swank and Matt Damon as twins
Start a petition that Conan will hate
Get the Tonight Show cancelled in 2008

Do you think God is humored by such wickedness? Do you think God laughs in good humor while unsaved sinners sing about going to Hell. God's wrath rests upon all Christ-rejecting sinners. Psalm 7:11 states that God is angry with the wicked EVERY DAY. We read in Proverb 14:9, “Fools make a mock at sin...”

To no surprise, Conan O'Brien legally officiated over Late Night TV's first same-sex marriage in New York on November 4, 2011. The Jewish wedding between 'Conan' costume designer Scott Cronick and his partner David Gorshein drew nation media attention, as the controlled media told hundreds of networks exactly what to say. It was weird to say the least. You can watch both videos here, the wedding and the media announcements the previous day.

Kindly said, Conan is a fool. In fact, all of the Late Night comedy hosts are fools. Their shows recognize, idolize and promote fools. All they do is joke about sin—homosexuality, adultery, drunkenness and going to Hell. In another episode, Conan portrays Jesus as being a homosexual voyeur (a viewer who enjoys seeing the sex acts or sex organs of others). This is how they portray the sinless Lamb of God on TV. This is the horrible way they mock and desecrate the Son of God.

Most of their guests do the same. Everything is about sex, perversion, illegal-drugs, mocking God, et cetera. Why should God bless America?

Conan sings that he's going to Hell when he dies. Sadly, he will one day be condemned out of the words of his own mouth. Matthew 12:36, “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” How much more shall men give account for blasphemy?

Conan's Catholic religion won't help him escape the fires of Hell on Judgment Day. ONLY through the blood of Jesus Christ can anyone be saved; NOT through religion.

One day Conan will meet his Maker and have to give account for his sinful mockery of going to Hell. The Bible teaches in Romans 1:18 that unrighteous men “hold the truth in unrighteousness.” That is, even in the midst of the wickedness they commit, they know the truth. Conan knows that he's going to Hell, and he shakes his fist in God's face. We see the same rebellion in SIN CITY Las Vegas. They call it “sin city” because they know their works are evil. Yet, they don't care because they love the wages of unrighteousness.

I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, rotten, hell-deserving, sinners (Romans 3:10-23). For someone to openly sing with cheer that they're going to burn in Hell is truly heart-breaking. Hell is forever!

Conan, just as Mandy Moore, and other God-haters, has sold his soul to Satan. Why would anyone joke of such a horrible place as Hell, where lost sinners burn in fire forever? Evidently Conan doesn't take Hell very seriously. I pray for his salvation; but as Jesus said in Luke 18:24, “How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!”

"In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." —2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9

Is it a joke to you also? God is not willing for any to perish (2nd Peter 3:9). Please come to Christ while you still can.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Research online and you'll find substantial documentation that the Biblical cities of Sodom and four other cities which God destroyed by fire and brimstone (sulphur) have been discovered. You can see where the cities once stood. The soil has been tested by a laboratory in New Zealand, found to be 95-98% pure sulphur. Ordinarily sulphur is only found in nature at 30-40% purity. Only extreme temperatures of 5,000-6,000 degrees Fahrenheit can purify sulphur. This is solid evidence that the Bible is true.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Have you ever heard a homosexual take a stand against the evils of Rock music? Many of the Rock singers are bisexuals and homosexuals, like Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and Olivia Newton John. Here's a list of THOUSANDS of gay and bisexual famous influences in our society. God's judgment is upon America for good reason. We have forsaken the Lord.

All of those great love songs of the 1970's were a time of woeful fornication, abortion and homosexuality in the lives of people who now today are parents and grandparents to the most immoral generation in the history of America. Dr Hook's SHARING THE NIGHT TOGETHER led to a lot of adultery. Michael Jackson's I WANT TO ROCK WITH YOU undoubtedly led to millions of abortions. Music is the most powerful force in the world next to the newsmedia and the Word of God.

Steven Tyler just helped Country music tramp, Carrie Underwood strut in her underwear to produce GOOD GIRL (more like a little devil). Today's Country music is as immoral, rebellious and sinful as yesterday's Rock music. Carrie Underwood is no better than Black Sabbath, and I mean that. At least Black Sabbath wore clothes in concert.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

I can almost 99% guarantee you that Jeb Bush WILL BE OUR NEXT U.S. PRESIDENT IN 2016. The reason why is because criminals have hi-jacked our nation. They've stolen The White House just as President John F. Kennedy warned 10 days before he was assassinated. That's not the main reason they killed Kennedy; but rather, presidential directive 11110 dismantling the Federal Reserve's fraud. The first thing that Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson did after taking Kennedy's position was cancel directive 11110. Still, the Masonic powers behind America's subversion, the international banking cartel and the occult powers (spiritual wickedness in high places) wanted to silence Kennedy and make an example of him (which is why they killed him in broad daylight in a crowded place. They could have poisoned him. You can see the guards back away from the car just before Kennedy is assassinated. With few exceptions, Congress is afraid of the global elite.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Why do homosexuals men like to dress up like women? It's for the same reason that lesbian women like to behave like men, and to dominate like men. It's because homosexuality is perverted! It's because God intended for a man and a woman to have sex; not men with men nor women with women. In lesbian relationships, one woman becomes the dyke (masculine role). This is solid evidence that homosexuality is perverted, against natural, abnormal and just plain wrong. Even in the shameful and sinful act of homosexuality, they're still trying to act like male and female.

You can't show me one lesbian couple who doesn't harbor resentment in their hearts against Bible-believing Christians who publicly teach that homosexuality is a sin. Have you ever heard a homosexual expose false religion? No. Have you ever heard a homosexual expose Hollywood's filth and wickedness? No. It's because they're all on the Devil's side! Birds-of-a-feather-flock-together. Their all pulling on the same rope as the Devil.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There is a curse upon the Amish society, because they are teaching a false gospel of earning one's way to Heaven. Isaiah 64:6 says that even our best human efforts are complete filth in God's sight. Eternal life is based solely upon what Christ did for us to pay for our sins, not upon what we can do for Him. Look to Jesus!

Amish also practice the heresy of baptismal regeneration (that is, they require water baptism to be saved). Salvation is not guaranteed in the Amish religion. Amish believe that faithfully attending church increases their chances of going to Heaven. It is a strict salvation-by-works false religion based upon human effort. They do their best and hope they make it.

The truth is that you don't go to Heaven because you're good, and you don't go to Hell because you're bad. You go to Heaven because you have Christ's righteousness by faith. If you die in your sins without Christ's righteousness, then you will go to Hell to be punished and pay for your own sins forever (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9). The sad truth is that there are many good people in Hell this moment.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Teen girls need to be sheltered from the world, seriously. Get rid of that darned television, move out to the country, and spend time together as a family cooking, playing board games, going on picnics, visiting places, listening to old records, et cetera. Don't allow Rock music in your home. Christian families are becoming non-existent because we are all absorbed into modern society. Every home has a TV. Thus, every home sees Hollywood sex and violence on TV. The Christian life is not an accident; it is lived deliberately, intentionally and personally. Rebels always gather in groups. This is why the Antichrist is trying to unite the world before he can come. Whereas Jesus stood alone, and died alone on the cross; the Antichrist cannot stand on his own two-feet. The Antichrist needs followers or else he is nothing.

Our only hope is to abandon the television and all forms of worldliness. I promise you that if you let your teenage daughter or son listen to worldly Rock music and watch television that they will want to stay in their room all day listening to music, or surfing the internet. These are spiritually dangerous and unhealthy things for a teenager.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Extensive research has revealed that Marilyn Monroe was indeed assassinated to silence her. After multiple affairs with Jack (John) Kennedy, Marilyn wised up and started keeping a diary while having affairs with Bobby Kennedy (who was Attorney General at the time). This has become common practice amongst escort girls these days (that is, setting up their victims).

John Kennedy sent Bobby out to Hollywood, California to notify Marilyn that they needed to break off their relationship (between John and Marilyn). Marilynn was overwhelmed because she had been planning on marrying John. So Bobby ends up having an affairs with her too. Evidently, Marilyn Monroe was the Kennedy family's whore!

She threatened on the Monday after her death (if she had lived) to hold a press conference and reveal everything she had learned and wrote in her diary. If Marilyn had made good on her threat, it would have toppled the presidency, so they killed her.

If the Kennedy's hadn't assassinated Marilyn Monroe, the Kennedy family likely would have suffered utter public damage as with the Tiger Woods escapade in the newsmedia. There's a ton of information on the internet to research about the Tiger Woods story.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

It is the CFR that controls our nation, sends our nation to war and has taken complete control over the United States. Admittedly, we are being lied to by the media and our nation's top leaders. YOU ARE BEING LIED TO BY THE MAINSTREAM NEWSMEDIA. I like what Wayne Paul (Dr. Ron Paul's brother) calls them... the MUD-STREAM MEDIA! The mud-slinging media are our enemies, scum, presstitutes, social traitors, sycophantic liars!

A “media whore” is someone who sells out their character and honor; deliberately lying, hiding and misrepresenting the truth in exchange for career advancement and financial gain. That's all that the mainstream newsmedia is today—media whores! Humans are so gullible, easily docile. In a few generations the American people will think they were born to be slaves.

While the media hypes petty crimes being committed by hard-pressed Americans who have lost their job, home, marriage, retirement and children; not a word is mentioned about the treasonous crimes being committed by our nation's leaders. Not a word of criticism is said by the mainstream newsmedia about tens-of-trillions of stolen taxpayer dollars by the Banksters, the perpetual illegal war in Iraq, our troops being exploited as heroin farmers in Afghanistan, the 911 attacks being a proven inside government job, intrusive naked body scanners at the airports, and so forth. Instead, the newsmedia hypes the public concerning LeBron James quitting Ohio's basketball team and moving to Florida.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Many deadly accidents involved alcohol impaired drivers which do not exceed the .08 BAC. Demons love beer drinkers!

What Michael Jackson did to himself is nothing less than demonic. Michael Jackson was and is idolized by his fans as a singing god. Not surprisingly, Jackson's music is highly favored amongst gay, lesbian, transgendered and bisexuals worldwide. Jackson's life and career went from being that of a popular young black entertainer to a nightmarish freak show. Lisa Marie Presley stated on MySpace after Jackson's death that during their marriage Michael saw “awful vampires and leeches” around her. I am not trying to be unkind in any way, truly, but Satan wants to destroy all of us. Jesus even told Peter, one of His Apostles, that "Satan hath desired to have you . . . that he may sift you as wheat" (Luke 22:31). Saved or unsaved, Satan wants to have you and destroy your life!

A common denominator between the occult, witchcraft (whether Celtic or Wiccan) and Satanism are sexual sins and nudity. When Peter was fishing naked and then saw Jesus, he immediately grabbed his fisherman's coat and jumped into the sea (John 21:7). Jesus is the cure for nudity. Luke 8:35, “Then they went out to see what was done; and came to Jesus, and found the man, out of whom the devils were departed, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid.” Amen! Even those possessed of demons come into their right mind when they trustingly sit at the feet of Jesus their Savior. No demonic power on earth can prevent the salvation of a soul or the mending of a broken man when childlike faith is present in Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Also, please understand that the Biblical Godhead is 100% totally masculine. There is NO feminine aspect of the Godhead as feminist theology, New Agers, witches, occultists and spiritists teach. Satan has been relentlessly attacking the Bible in these Last Days, producing the NIV 2011 which removes the pronoun “he” concerning the Holy Spirit in John 14:26. Satan's new transgendered Bible caters to homosexuals and feminists.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Few people realize how much their garbage man knows about them (if he wants to know) from what people throw away. Your garbage reveals what you eat, how much you eat, medications you take, all your financial data unless you use a paper-shredder (which is recommended), personal notes, phone numbers, your mortgage, credit card information, et cetera. If you think I'm being paranoid and ridiculous, boy have I got a shocker for you. There's already a program nationwide called WASTE WATCH, training garbage collectors to spy on citizens and report anything suspicious to the government. I'm not kidding, you've got to be careful about everything these days, because the world is becoming a giant Police State insane asylum. The world will be a Prison Planet by 2050 if the Lord Jesus Christ tarries His return.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

But I also believe that women who dress immodestly should be jailed. Whorishly dressed women are corrupting society. Feminism is of the Devil, teaching women that they can do whatever they want. Albeit, reality simply does NOT work that way. If women dress improperly, they are at a higher risk of being sexually victimized (and are putting other females at risk as well) and that will never change. American women have the sinful attitude that they can do as they please without consequence; but there are always consequences.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I am against eye-shadow in public as this is a seductive look that ought to be reserved for intimacy between a husband and wife alone. That's just my opinion. I also think it is wrong for teenagers girls to be decked-out like prostitutes. Lip gloss is worldly. Walt Disney dresses young girls up to look like prostitutes. Teenage girls should not be allowed to wear makeup, high heels, or expensive jewelry until they're 18 in my Christian opinion. Walt Disney has successfully turned a generation of young girls into lascivious whores and sex-perverts. I have a right to my opinion, and I think the Walt Disney Corporation is of the Devil.

Earrings are certainly appropriate; but not if they hang down several inches. Also, I think multiple earrings in one ear are a worldly look and should not be worn by Christian women. A woman with 5 or 6 earrings in her ear is worldly. Nose and body piercings are worldly as well. I would refrain from diamonds and expensive looking jewelry that draws attention to itself. I think gold or diamond wedding bands are the exception to the rule, which are acceptable if they appear expensive. Such a token of love and commitment is supposed to be bright and let every man know that a woman is taken. Of course, I wouldn't wear such expensive jewelry walking down the street; but to church should be safe. I think pearls are fine too, but not too many of them or you'll look like a giant clam.

I think dying one's hair a different color is fine and acceptable; but green, orange, blue or other strange colors for hair are worldly. Some women must wear makeup or a wig or dentures due to health problems, which is fine.

Also, tattoos are worldly and should never be placed upon one's body. A popular trend nowadays is for whorish women to have tattoos placed on their lower back. This is wrong.

I think plastic surgery is bad. Breast implants are ridiculous and are associated with many health problems; not to mention they're simply not natural. We are living in a nuthouse society where one's looks are all that matters. We are bombarded with worldly sayings like... "get the look" or "own the room" or "impress your friends." I got those from a recent Home Depot TV commercial of all places. American society has gone insane with body worship. So, in this whacko sex-perverted environment, it is important for Christian ladies to be careful how they dress, as to not contribute to the sexual promiscuity of our time. Certainly, Christian women don't have to wear sackcloth; but "baggy is better" is my motto.

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