
bestupidvoteobama #conspiracy #homophobia #fundie uk.youtube.com

[response to a video of former leaders of "ex-gay" group Exodus apologising for their part in the minstry and speaking against such therapies]

I wouldnt be a bit surprised if these folks werent part of the homosexual agenda from the beginning and had this planned. It wouldnt be the first time homosexuals partake and carry out a plan over decades to accomplish their recruiting efforts of our children, or to mock God. Notice they all talk about how they discovered gay Christians everywhere on earth and this was what helped them understand. If every converted Christian from every sin used that excuse there would be no Christians!

miketelz #homophobia uk.youtube.com

"The homosexual community has sold the public their licentious lifestyle in the name of tolerance and freedom when they should be seeking to be freed from it. Ask the person dying from HIV if it was worth having hundreds of partners or if some of the millions who are enslaved to it would like to be free of it. (...) Legitimizing homosexuality and trying to condone it as being natural does harm to the person trying to be free from it and the society that should not be tolerating it."

malakhhatzadik #fundie uk.youtube.com

(Mirror, Mirror...)

This is the problem with you atheists. You have to make everything personal, and because you're not logical, you can't distinguish between a logical objective to your paradigm and an attack on your character, and come away without a clue as to what is even real. I DON'T CARE IF YOU CHOOSE TO LISTEN. I'M NOT TRYING TO "CONVERT" YOU. It's YOUR problem if you choose to be stupid. Just don't blame me because you don't like what I have to say before you've even heard it. Inflammatory? GET OVER IT.

mmootsy #fundie uk.youtube.com

Please stop with the fact that you think you know something TRUE and RIGHT. I am tired of blind,deaf fools, who on that day, the day when this world will see that there is a God, and that we didn't come from MONKEYS. For many, it will be too late to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. And, then, maybe you'll start to believe in all those who have been telling you the truth from the very beginning.If I came from monkeys I would be hanging from trees, eating bananas all day long, and scratching my arm pits. I love trees, don't like bananas, and believe that God is REAL. I do have a piece of advice for you. Get your facts, and stories straight, also, before? you get onto anyone's ("Christian") site........LEARN TO SPELL CORRECTLY.

germanicelt #homophobia uk.youtube.com

So I am the ignorant one, but you believe that homosexuality is not against nature. Any 5th grader knows that a penis does not fit into a penis and a vagina the like. But you think thats natural. Even if you approach this from an evolutionary perspective you still lose. Homosexuality does not propagate a species, therefore it would be a rejection of the evolutionary process. But it is my opinion that gays can do want they want in private, it is their free choice. I am just against gay marriage.

RightWingRightMind #fundie uk.youtube.com

Homosexuals are retarded or have average intelligence, you have to have a small mind to want to be one.

('I hope you get quoted by Fstdt and get your own page on Encyclopedia Dramatica.')

I hope someone creats a virus, that redircts people to a King James Bible site or vandalizes websites with scripture and pictures of hell. i hope those sites get removed off the web, i will pray for the poor sick lost souls.

stop spamming my videos with quotes by deviant satanists.

MidNightRider2001 #homophobia uk.youtube.com

On Earth right now, over 40,000,000 people have AIDS/HIV. These 40 million, sure to be dead, were all killed by homosexuals, who spread this disease. Homosexuals, who can't control their sex drives, have unleashed a greater holocaust upon the world than Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. Gays are sick, violent maniac killers.

MidNightRider2001 #fundie #homophobia uk.youtube.com

[there is no gay religion retard.]

Quite false. They've become a cult with: radical beliefs, flags to mark their territory, newspapers, websites, TV networks, economic forces, etc. and all contrary to established science, religion, moral standards and decency. And yes, homosexuals like fanatic Islamic terrorists are jihading to remake society. Homosexuals have no right to usurp the power of the state to force a Reformation of their choosing upon the mass public. No Right of the minority to tyrannize the majority has ever existed.

NephilimFree #fundie uk.youtube.com

"I am sure science will find the answers. It always has and always will."

"Science", or rather secular humanist men of "science" have produced a plethora of lies in an attempt to discredit the bible, such as inventing the idea of an oort Cloud to explain away comets, when there is not physical or observed evidence it exists. It's the most bogus, ridiculous, silly, and falicious concept ever put forth in science, next to evolutionism that is.

MsLatosi #homophobia uk.youtube.com

Hitler was a closet homosexual, that is a FACT. When the word started to get out, he had his SS officers execute everyone at the homosexual bath house he use to visit.
Hitler's officers had the best designed clothes because he hand sellected his homosexual friends to be in charge of Nazi wardrobe design. It's painfull for most Nazi retards to swallow this fact. But Hitler enjoyed the taste of men because he was a HOMOSEXUAL Darwinist!

eezyone #fundie #homophobia uk.youtube.com

Homosexuality is not static more homosexuals change to hetersexuality then hetersexauls change to homosexuality there is research from all around the world that as homosexuals grow older they gravitate toward hetersexuality. God made male and females with freewill who become confused and hurt by their social circumstances

YesJesusYes #homophobia uk.youtube.com

This is why our educators and doctors should not have shared the results of their homosexual studies with the general public. As soon as homosexuals got a hold of the studies that proved they weren't mental cases, they were emboldened to ask for equal marriage rights! Every time a new study comes out, further proving that homosexuality is unchangeable and natural, these homosexuals feel even more emboldened to ask for more "rights" and marriage equality.

AcePilot101 #fundie uk.youtube.com

The binary code proves that atheists are wrong. If you start with zero (0), you can't go anywhere. You have to start with one (1).
1 + 0 = 1; 1 + 1 = 2. The Bible is right!
FEAR of God is the beginning of wisdom, dude!

fellowservant34 #fundie uk.youtube.com

The atheist worldview is completely illogical, you'll never get a logical and rational answer to your questions because they don't care. These ungodly heathens will not be content until they reach Hell. These are railers, blasphemers, virulent haters of God, wells without water. This is what the Bible says of them.

Vessel4MyFather #fundie uk.youtube.com


this man has astounded many. the entire world is practically falling to his feet worshipping him. i believe with all of my heart he will continue to arise in power just as the Bible tells us and he will go on to the new holy roman empire aka the europian union to become the EUROPIAN UNION PRESIDENT! THEN hell on earth begins! it is falling together TO perfectly between the new world order forming into place right be4 r eyes and the mark of the beast forming into place all at the same time!

apostledbm #fundie uk.youtube.com

'Thou shalt not bear false witness...' - I do not worship Ann Coulter or any other female commentator who should be at home making babies & baking for her lord husband. Titus 2:4,5..teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

nextinline89 #fundie uk.youtube.com

Yeah porn is an evil works to pull away people from God..it's no diffrent from stealing,drunkyard,orgies nor adultery!..I am Christian and used to hooked up with porn..but when i say this is ENOUGH!i surrender everything to God and feed my mind with His word!thanks God i overcame it!!Loving Jesus 99% & 1% porn is the same as 1% to Jesus and 99% to other!!!Just pray and surrender everything to Him!And feed your mind with The Word of God!and He will renew your life as if it's new!Godbless

bbblolol #fundie uk.youtube.com

Do some research on DNA. You'll see how wrong you are, and that even christians were closer to the truth than you are. DNA is discovered to be some sort of radio antenna which resonates with energy from all over the universe. We are created by the universe. Even our genes are shaped by the universe. The problem with science is people like you who refuse to accept that it's only incomplete theories and that the search of science is not finished yet. This stubborness is what holds science back.

BreshiBaraElohim #fundie uk.youtube.com

I believe the majority of Darwinist arguments are based on lack of Testability, Observability and Conceptual Falsifiability.

Darwinism is the blind faith that there is no Design.

You guys just close your eyes and pray its all by chance.

thecreationguys #fundie uk.youtube.com

(on Expelled)

"You are also ADMITTING that they lied to get the interviews."

Yes. Unfortunately to get an evolutionist to open up, you cannot let him/her know that you will be closely examining his/her views.

It's sad, but yes, they had to lie to get the interview.

MsLatosi #fundie uk.youtube.com

Ben Stien will go down in history as a great and courageous man! His movie will bring in well over 100 Million Dollars at the Box Office regardless of the massive and critical attacks upon him. He will awaken the Jews that this subject is not just a BIG MONEY MAKER, but if the Jews don't stand up to this Evolution Fraud, then Hitler is still alive and well living in the fevered minds of radical international control freaks behind the Evolution Conspiacy. Good on Ya Ben!

TheAmazingBeliever #fundie uk.youtube.com

(Atheistic nations (Japan, Norway, Sweden etc) have much less crime than the United States.)

That doesn't prove anything. All it says, is that where there is a force for good, there will be a force for evil fighting it. If the entire country is part of the evil force, they aren't going to be evil to one another.

micklovn #fundie uk.youtube.com

if you are a gay who wont settle with civil unions that will give you some of the rights of married people or make homosexual acts and claim to be a Cristian ,if you wont straighten up then why dont you just "get aids and die"

GospelPete #fundie uk.youtube.com

I have as much proof for what I believe as does Richard Dawkins and his brainwashed followers...

The difference is that my faith actually leads to a meaningful and fulfilling life which answers questions rather than asks them and never has them answered...

Atheism = Organized confusion
Christianity = Organized cohesion

Atheism = Animal instinct
Christianity = Self control and Moral accountability

CurtusLove #fundie uk.youtube.com

["Hitler was a closet homosexual, that is a FACT." Yeah, I guess that's why he married Eva Braun just before they committed suicide.]

At the last minute I guess he figured being a closet homo wasn't working out for him. I saw a detailed TV special about it, it was well documented why and how their uniforms were so well designed then he sent 50 SS officers over to the bath house to stop the them talking about his past.

Jesus4mankind #fundie uk.youtube.com

Orals sex is sodomy when performed by sodomites (GLBT), all homo-sex is sodomy. It is my desire to spread knowledge of God's love for the repenter (and knowledge of His hate for unmovable law breakers, perhaps some will turn). God will harden the willful sodomite hart and laugh in the day of their astonishment, when their calamity suddenly comes upon them. God is never mocked but bides His time storing up His wine.

guerrald #fundie uk.youtube.com

Show them ignorant atheists how amazing god can be, giving us the mind, so that we are not like animals. I mean look at those pathetic creatures, doing all kinds of crazy stuff, having four limbs while we have two, hair all over their bodies ...tons of other stuff Shows that we are people and NOT ANIMALS.
Praise the All Knowing and All Loving god. Amen!!

NephilimFree #fundie uk.youtube.com

The sun produces C-14 in the upper atmosphere, and at the same time it decays which removes it from the Earth. Because the Earth has not acheived C-14 equalibrium but is instead still increasing, which would take approximately 30,000 yrs, C-14 verifies the fact that the Earth is less than 30,000 yrs old.

johnlewisbrooks #fundie uk.youtube.com

(If he (god) didn't approve of the Holocaust, he wouldn't have let it happen. Would you let it happen if you had infinite power?)

If I were God I would absolutely allow it. I would have the wisdom of knowing that by giving man free will he would ultimately destroy himself, proving that my way is RIGHT. If man chooses folly, let Him. If he were to reject me and my Son he would burn in Hell for eternity because he RICHLY deserves it! Satan rejected His authority and he awaits judgement. And any man STUPID ENOUGH to follow the DEVIL by rejecting me and my Son would burn in the LOWEST PIT OF HELL WITH HIM!

TheJaredJammer #fundie uk.youtube.com

This video was fueled by a comment read elsewhere. The comment was "Why are atheists always so weird looking?". Once I thought about it, I realized the commenter had a point. A large percentage of atheists do seem to be aesthetically challenged. So I scoured YouTube watching every pro-atheism video I could find, trying to find evidence to back-up my beliefs.

This video presents my findings. I'll let you be the judge.

My Theory?

Atheists became atheists due to their inner-hatred. Hatred that came about due to their being treated as sub-human freaks of nature, and outcasted from society. At first they were hurt, then their hurt turned to rage. They put the blame on God. After all, God created them, so it's his fault they're so hideous. They don't actually have a disbelief of God, they're just angry at him.

[Note: apparently some of those "atheists" in his video are in fact Christians]

NephilimFree #fundie uk.youtube.com

The giants that inhabited the Earth were the called Nephilim by the Hebrews, other names by other cultures. They were the offspring of the angels God kicked out of heaven from crimes of pride agains Him. The inhabited the entire Earth and set themselves up as kings over every tribe of man on Earth. Almost every ancient culture created statues of them. Native American totem poles are also statues of these giants. Many of them are 30 ft. high.

sablechicken #fundie uk.youtube.com

4Article1:I was a Boy Scout leader for 15 years, was recognized an awarded for being a good leader, and although the Council wasn't aware of my religious views, I never imposed them on any Scout, nor restrict their right to practice theirs. So how do you like them apples Fundie?

sablechicken's reponse:
4Article1, you telling me how how wonderful you are, how you are going to feed the poor at the Missions (that the Church set up) YOU MAKE MY WANT TO PUKE, unless atheist do a turn around they are going to drive this world into HELL and I mean that LITERALLY. You are blocked until you? show your face!

zzz107550 #fundie uk.youtube.com

You find Christianity rediculous, but you see Star Trek as non-fiction? There's the big bang and creationism. You can believe the big bang created the world, or an intelligent designer did. I'm sure both can be backed up by reason and evidence, and I'm sure both side will try and attack each other. If you want creationists to satire evolution, well it's not that hard to insult a belief where frogs become princes, of course its not by a kiss anymore.

NephilimFree #fundie uk.youtube.com

The existance of DNA alone is proof of Intelligent Design. DNA is information (instructions) on how to build and operate every part of a CREATure. Information comes only from intelligence. Nature doesn't produce information. There's no known example of information arising by natural means. It does not happen, and you can't cite an example because none exists. Furthermore, DNA's information packed with algorythms.? Nature does not produce algorythms either! Only an intelligent agent can do so!

knightster1951 #fundie uk.youtube.com

You atheists remind me of little spoiled brats throwing a temper tantrum when you did'nt get your own way.You're mad at daddy (God)because you did'nt get your way,you don't like his rules,so you said ;I'm just gonna run away from home(I'm even gonna change my name,I'm not even gonna talk to him anymore ,whine,whine.