I was lied to.
I'm sure this is of no surprise to many of you, wiser women who saw this many years ago and probably think me naive, but I was raised in the 80s and 90s, an era when women were encouraged to be whatever we wanted to be, when we were told we could do anything we wanted, study anything we wanted, wear whatever we wanted, that nothing about our choices changed the fact that we were women, we were human, we were people. That we had an equal stake in society and we could participate as equals. All we needed was time to enter the fields of work and study we wanted, to bring about balance and equity.
But that was all a lie, and I'm fucking angry about it.
As the trans agenda has marched onward, I've noticed two things that really underpin society's simmering misogynistic attitude. First, that this lobby is incredibly well-organized and funded and apparently has been planned for a good long while, because it has succeeded in infiltrating many layers of government, public services, charities, lobby groups, all over the western world, wholesale, a tidal wave of misogynistic reform. Either there are a very few very evil men funding this who don't care about women, or the vast majority of men genuinely don't see a problem with womanhood being a sexist fucking costume that men can wear. Well, as time has ground on and this farce has continued, worsened, become more insane... it's obvious it's the latter. Perhaps that part was always obvious, but for me, 80s kid... well, I was lied to. By men. By society. By everyone. I thought common sense would prevail in time. But truly, when they said I was equal, they didn't actually mean it, not once, not ever, not even for a moment.
Fuck me that's a heavy load.
Second thing I've noticed is that when the trans agenda pushes for something new and insane, something that even the most cursory commonsense observation would see is absolutely insane and rife with problems... the lobby succeeds and they push it forward. I see a male high-school athlete competing on the girls' team, a hulking great 6'+ male, obviously male, and I think "surely they see how dangerous this is", and yet... three girls had to be hurt before they called the game off. Not one, not two... three. Did they have their brains removed? Did they not stop to consider what would happen for even a second? Are they that fucking stupid?
No. It's just that those girls weren't important. Only at the point when it was too obvious, too blatant, too embarrassing did they call it off... before then, the girls were an acceptable sacrifice to the feelings of the male. Because the girls don't matter.
Trans "breast milk"? Insane, even a cursory glance at the facts makes the many reasons why it is insane obvious, and yet... the NHS is saying the milk is better than women's milk... when they harange us for taking a fucking aspirin while breastfeeding? Are you fucking kidding me?
TiMs in rape shelters... why only a moron would fail to understand why that was completely bonkers, those women are vulnerable and traumatized and giant men with penises are the worst possible idea for anyone with half a brain and a smidgen of conscience... wait, they're fucking closing shelters that won't take TiMs? They're nailing a rat to the door? REALLY?
I could list a thousand other examples, and every time I look it gets worse. TiMs in sports, prisons, shelters, 50-year-old TiMs in locker rooms ogling teenage girls while they change, TiMs provably putting recording devices in bathrooms, TiMs threatening women with rape and death for questioning any of it... and still the establishment is either willfully stupid about the risks this poses to women, or they just don't care.
And it's obvious which that is. I was lied to. They just don't care. They don't see women as people with a right to safety, with autonomy, with whole lives that don't involve them. They see women as service animals for men, as props, as sexual objects that need to shut up and sit down, men are talking. It was always misogyny, all the way down. I'm fucking angry about it because I was lied to, and I've been sitting with this rage for a while, and here's where I have finally gotten:
They went mask-off, and they showed us what they really think of us, they revealed that they were lying all along, and that misogyny was always the prevailing belief among the men.
When this all blows over - and I believe it will, the pendulum has begun to swing already - they think we will forget. The think they will be able to say, "well, nobody could have known this outcome!" or, "well, we had the best intentions," or "well, we didn't realize the harm this would cause women and we've course-corrected and we're sorry!" but the truth is... one glance at the hulking male on the highschool girls' team, and you know what the outcome will be. You are either a misogynist, or a moron. And I don't believe you're a moron, not any more.
When this all blows over they will want us to forgive and forget. But my trust is irrevocably damaged, and I will not forget. I was docile and I believed your lies, and thus was easy to control, but you went full mask-off, and now I'm an angry feminist who will never believe a single word you say ever again.
I wonder if the men will be happy with what they've wrought. Oh wait, I don't fucking care what they think.