
Brett Stevens #conspiracy #crackpot #elitist #racist #wingnut amerika.org


The problem with power is that the more it is exercised, whether to prohibit things, rank people with tests, or to give free gifts like the welfare state, the less the population can fend for itself. Through degeneration, over generations they lose the ability for independent thought and action.

Elites during these times become so accustomed to being the committee that “just writes checks” and buys off every special interest group, victim, or failure that they eventually want to become the dispensers of money to everyone, because then they will have total allegiance. This is why intellectuals love Socialism.


Change the genetics and you change the politics. Funny how that is, since changing the genetics also changes the culture, average IQ, abilities, and attitude toward fair play and the law. Not surprisingly, the group in charge now is heavily invested in bringing other diversity into the nation to further destroy what is left of the WASPs.

Arguably, on top of that, our nü-elites make their money from the government and therefore depend on Keynesian socialism to produce the consumer base that buys their products and keeps their stocks at a high value; our elites are the product of LBJ socialism in the vein of FDR socialism [...]


Johnson transformed our government by dedicating it to fighting poverty and “racism” instead of aiming to be prosperous and creative. Not surprisingly, jobs became jails, the sexes became alienated, diversity riots broke out frequently, and infrastructure crumbled as people became hopeless and bitter.

Our only remaining solution is to go back to the WASP elite. Racial nationalism does not work, nor does civic nationalism, but ethno-nationalism does, and the ethnic Western European Cro-Magnid/Nordic-Germanic ethnic group was the last one to make America into a place we could be proud of, without socialism or diversity either.

Brett Stevens #crackpot #elitist #forced-birth #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

DiversityWatch (November 12, 2024)


*Daniel Penny trial live updates: Subway chokehold case back in court Tuesday

Pro-diversity people keep flogging this case despite its massive unpopularity because most New Yorkers wish someone would put crazy people on the subway in a chokehold when they terrify innocents. These chokeholds do not kill you if you just stop struggling and relax. Successful societies build up huge reservoirs of useless people and unless they purge the useless, they drown in uselessness and become third world ruins. Diversity just makes this much worse.

*Dehumanizing child-free women in film and TV gives misogyny a stage

Leftists think that asserting biology is misogyny, but normal people like having families and grandkids, especially since ending the family line is painful.

*Study links abortion access to women’s economic outcomes

Poor people are less poor when they are able to abort their offspring. Imagine what would happen if we ended all welfare wealth transfer programs and the poor had to get their act together or perish. Instead of stopping productive people from having extra kids, we would stop subsidizing future poor, and instead have a wealthier, saner, healthier, and more prosperous society.


*A pair of Trump officials have defended family separation and ramped-up deportations

Screeching outrage as people demand laws must be followed uniformly not only when convenient for Leftists.


*Queen Bey and Yale: The Ivy League university is set to offer a course on Beyoncé and her legacy

Diversity has replaced our culture, leaving us with nothing but xenophilia.


*The refrigerator as a harbinger of a better life

What lessened poverty worldwide? Technology, brought to you by capitalism and White people.


*The Case for Mass Deportations

America was a happier place with 120m WASPs than it has been with 320m mystery meat people. Send the Irish back!


Alphabet Agency Alert Award

Brett Stevens #conspiracy #elitist #psycho #wingnut amerika.org

Fatwa: Pope Francis

This fatwa applies to all people who have not yet vanished into the illusion of human individualism and mass culture. If you encounter Pope Francis, and are to kill him and string his intestines around the room spelling out the word WHORE, you will be accepted joyfully into Heaven.

Pope Francis, who purports to be a religious leader, is in fact an agent for the third world which wishes to overrun the first world and take its wealth, destroying it in the process. The proof is here:

To blame population growth instead of extreme and selective consumerism on the part of some, is one way of refusing to face the issues.

In addition to being apologism for the reckless growth of the third world, this places the blame in the scientifically and technically wrong place. What will create ecocide is our overuse of land, crowding out natural species and interrupting ecosystems. The driver for that is population. Pope Francis is lying to us in order to promote his egalitarian agenda, which benefits those at the bottom at the expense of those at the top.

His death will be a holy act and all who participate in it will be holy.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #racist #conspiracy #elitist amerika.org

Over the years, any writer against the modern condition accumulates a series of heresies that in simple form undermine the illusions upon which the modern era is built. These are things that, while said plainly and in non-emotional form, still produce panic and disturbance among normies.
Let us look at some heresies that debunk and invert modernity:

1. Equality creates mediocrity: in Natural Selection, creatures that achieve endure; in human groups, everyone is subsidized so they endure at the expense of the achievers. This produces a downward spiral toward mediocrity and eventually, third-world levels of dysfunctional but still present and rent-seeking institutions.
4. Individualism replaces reality: in this life you either try to adapt to the world, or insist that you are the most important and thus it should adapt to you. Wealthy societies allow the latter, therefore produce a bumper crop of parasites and predators, each of which has the me-first “I am the center of the world” philosophy which in groups becomes collectivized into egalitarianism.
5. Diversity displaces culture: when you have one ethnic group in a society, you have one culture for everyone; once you have more than one ethnic group, you cannot have one culture for everyone because cultures differ and therefore in conflict. Instead, you loosen the rules and get a psychology of permissiveness and narcissism, with commerce, government, and ideology becoming more important as they take over the space culture once occupied.
6. Tolerance produces hatred: when you are forced to tolerate others, it means “agreeing to disagree” (pluralism) on a large scale, which in turn means that honest grievances are ignored in the means-over-ends struggle to avoid conflict (pacifism). This produces anti-culture, racism, and genocide as groups fight for control of the Narrative.

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist amerika.org

Many joys await those who wake up to the sudden recognition that they are living in dying civilizations. For most of us in the West, the fact that our civilization basically hit rock bottom after WW1 has slowly become clear, leading us to want to go through the re-written history to filter out the lies.

Most Americans — if they believe their televisions, teachers, celebrities, public “scientists” and “historians,” social media influencers, and compromised clergy; in other words, if they take this Leftist regime at face value — believe that America did good things in WW1/2 and set the world on a path to peace.

Realists see it another way: WW1 was an extension of the Napoleonic Wars, and like other democracy wars caused by the internal failure of Leftism and therefore its need to expand through conquest, and WW2 a direct result of the unresolved issues of WW1.
The victories in WW1/2 led to a complete disaster for American domestic politics: conservatives found themselves championing the cause of worldwide democracy and equality, a Leftist idea, and adopting Leftist notions of total mobilization of the population as “good.”

American conservatives have never recovered from this, whether in our dogmatic patriotism, our embrace of mass mobilization, acceptance of racial integration and women in the workforce, or our increasing reliance on a powerful centralized state as the only means of policy application.

Many have longed for another conflict like WW1 or WW2 which would unify the nation, make us unite in patriotism, and point us toward another glorious future like the postwar years. However, in those years, we clearly won the wars, but in doing so, adopted the toxic Leftism that then took over the world.

Brett Stevens #crackpot #wingnut amerika.org

[Regarding the current state of the USA]

Over the past few years, we have transitioned to Libertarian Communism, or “neo-Communism,” which combines Libertarianism, socialism, Wall Street style refinancialization, and the authority enforcement of the SJW/Antifa wing as well as the propaganda organ of Big Media and Big Tech combined.

This shows Communism mutating and evolving, much like COVID-19. It aims more for stability. Driven by the engine of free markets, steered to provide massive amounts of capital, it then allows for the borrowing required to keep socialism afloat and uses Communist-style anarcho-totalitarian control methods like ostracism, deplatforming, gaslighting, and mobbing to control the population.

The Libertarian Communist state, by the nature of the worker’s movements that are its ancestor, wants to take over the world. It sees its ultimate goal as joining all nations in the same system, united by the same market, and organized by the ideology of Libertarian Communism, although they may eventually shift to full Communism because ultimately, their symbolic belief system forces them to crave total enforced equality at all times. This arises from the appeal of the belief system itself, in that it promises the individual a defense against loss of social standing through the insistence on equality, essentially abolishing all hierarchy in favor of a centralized system where all but a very few are the same in power, wealth, and status.

As members of a relatively newly Libertarian Communist state in America, we find ourselves in the beginning of this process, but the high degree of diversity in America has increased instability and therefore accelerated it. We have a choice to turn back now, but it requires rejecting the root of Libertarianism Communism, which is its two forms of “freedom”: subsidies and anarchy.

Brett Stevens #ableist #wingnut amerika.org

At Some Point, We Will Have To Admit That The “Homeless” Are Parasites

Back in the day, we used to have a term for what are now called in politically correct mincing verbiage “the homeless”: bums, winos, drifters, hobos, grifters, beggars, and thieves.

That is not politically correct to say these days because egalitarianism demands that we consider all lifestyles equal. If you want to live in a ditch off handouts from government and guys trying to impress girls on a first date, we consider that a “choice” and the fact of its stupidity is not particularly relevant, at least socially.

However, in realityland, we recognize that the homeless are those who choose to avoid participating in our system and tend to live off of charity and theft. This has always been the case, which is why they never were viewed as anything but blight and risk by our ancestors. Our view was that it was easy enough to live a subsistence life without being a hobo, so hobo-ness conveyed instability.

Maybe five percent of them are Diogenesian geniuses wandering a vacant landscape, penning scripts of incomparable brilliance while the world misses their inner essence for their outer appearance and scorns them. Maybe. More likely, it is only a few per generation, and the rest are merely thinly-disguised parasites.


Government is blind to the homeless problem because it throws the cost back to the victims. You go to the police department, wait in line, file the reports, and then get the shrug and explanation that they just cannot do anything. ...

In the meantime, because of our pretense of egalitarianism, we tolerate among us people who are outright criminals but smart enough to keep their activities to such a low level that our bloated civil servants will never notice. This makes us bitter toward life, and cynical toward ourselves, just so some hobos can keep drinking and being useless in a valley somewhere.

Brett Stevens #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

[Legalize Rape III]

Right now it is taboo to mention that casual sex = sex work, but unpaid. In the future this will not be so. People are recognizing that chastity protected more than a woman’s future choices; it protected society. Once you let casual sex through the door, everyone becomes a whore.

Treating rape as a property crime just formalizes that arrangement, instead of allowing women to operate in the pocket between how things were, upon which our legal system is based, and how they actually are now. No one cares when a whore is raped like no one cares when a thief is robbed. These are people who violate the common sense and logical values by which the good people in our society (mostly) abide.


Again, how is this different than casual sex? A man meets up with a woman in a bar, and it becomes clear that she drinks too much and goes to bars to have sex, has a boring job and a lonely life, is personally disorganized and slovenly, and has no clue where her life should go. It is pretense that this woman is that much better off than a heroin addict.

Feminism has made itself powerful by portraying women as victims, rather than accepting that the poor choices of women — casual sex, delayed or denied family, excessive drink, entering the working world — have created a world of misery for women. No wonder they are looking for someone else to blame, and have settled on the mythical Rapist as their target.

Brett Stevens #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

[Legalize Rape III]

… My point was that consensual casual sex treats sex as a commodity and makes choice of partner arbitrary, which means that we should no longer treat rape as the life-wrecking crime it once was, but as a lesser crime related to theft.

That blew up the SJWsphere. My Facebook account was deleted ... I was unfriended by all sorts of people on social media. I had transgressed the ultimate boundary, sinned the ultimate sin, and was destined to be exiled from the good graces of good people forevermore.

Except that I was right, as a sex worker admits:

“If sex is just a service, then rape is just theft. If sex is to be equated with any other service, then we cannot complain about the rape of a woman in prostitution any differently than we could complain about someone having their sink fixed and not paying the plumber.”

“Rape is disappeared here. In ‘sex work’ ideology, we are dealing with theft, not rape.”

When women stayed virginal for marriage, rape was a terrible and destructive crime.

Now that women are far from virginal by marriage and proud of this fact, and having sex constantly, rape looks more like “unrewarded services” instead of a life-wrecking act.

What this means in converse is that casual sex is the equivalent of rape: it destroys their lives, but by their own hands, and their quest for a scapegoat is why feminists are angsty about rape despite being unlikely to face it in their lifetimes.

If women stopped getting blind drunk and having sex, most “rapes” would vanish. But as long as they engage carelessly in casual sex, a few of the wrong penises are going to sneak into the great stack of dongs they will have given entry by the time they hit “the wall” in their late 30s.

Brett Stevens #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

[“Legalize Rape, revisited”]

Feminists, being the ideological blockheads they are, have been screaming for years to reduce rape from a crime requiring violent submission of the victim to an issue of mere choice. But the violence has a purpose: it provides a trail of evidence.

Evidence, you see, is how civilized societies determine culpability. With the definition of rape as a mere revocation or unclear consent, there is no trail of evidence. Under the feminist rule, a man accused would be a man convicted, every time.
That is an obvious injustice.

The equal injustice however occurs in cases of actual rape. ...


This is a sick comedy where 18th century morals are used to justify destroying a man’s life for a crime without evidence.

This is why we should legalize rape, if our citizens are so foolish as to insist that casual sex remain accepted.

Make it a property crime. She has gone to the club to have sex; that fact is undisputed. She either revoked consent or he never achieved it; either way, it is not a case of her virtue and marriageability being destroyed, but that she had sex with the wrong man.

She is thus entitled to some monetary compensation equal to the value of what is lost. But it is no longer virtue being lost, more like a few hours of time. Pay her at the day rate.

Yes, that is cold and many of you are outraged. But your outrage is a sham. It is the outrage of someone who has been living in denial. This is the face of casual sex: sex is cheap and consent is cheap, and so rape should not be an expensive and life-destroying crime.

This outrages feminists who are secret authoritarians who desire any power they can have, believing that having external power will assuage their internal void of soul. Not so, ladies.

Brett Stevens #wingnut amerika.org

[From “My Lai II”]

America recoiled in shock at the My Lai massacre. In a war where the enemy routinely tortured, mutilated and killed villagers in order to maintain control, and where American troops greeted smiling villagers to hand out food, medicine and agricultural help only to see those same smiling faces shooting back at them at night, My Lai was not an aberration.

It was an inevitability.

One side got all the advantages, protected by the useful idiot public image war fought on American televisions. American soldiers must have felt like they were on another planet when they read and saw news reports, none of which mentioned the tendency of eight-year-old girls to smile and laugh and then throw grenades concealed in their dolls. Nor did the media mention the routine atrocities that the Communists used to keep power.


America has been preparing a My Lai with its treatment of police.


We need police more than usual because we have no social order and no culture in common. Without standards, people do whatever they want, and the cops rein them in when they get too dangerous.

“Police brutality” means cops deliberately using excessive force. The term has been extended to apply to any police violence that the crowd does not like, which means they ignore any of it that does not fit the narrative and categorize many justifiable incidents as police brutality.

This puts the police in a paranoid position where they nonetheless must go out there and deal with the residual effects of our society’s poor choices. Frustration and anger inevitably build.

We’re setting up another My Lai, and no one will talk about it.

Brett Stevens #homophobia #wingnut amerika.org

[From “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”]

This strikes me as the fairest statement to homosexuals: you are a minority whose sexual practices are abhorrent to the majority, so the best deal we can work out is that you do not tell us what you are doing sexually, and we do not discuss it, but you are left alone as a consequence.

Clinton called this “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and it has been the traditional WASP policy for homosexuals. We prevent people from beating them up in the streets, let them have oyster bars and districts, but basically never talk about it. It seems like stuck-up WASP stuffiness, but really it is a practical compromise that allows us to coexist with them.

After all, coexistence is a two-way street. We tolerate their behavior so long as it stays in the bedroom (or oyster bar) and they recognize our need to keep society oriented toward chaste heterosexual family unions. Both parties win this way.

Our other option is the see-saw. One group gains power, smashes down the other, then guilt arrives, so the process repeats in reverse. This means that homosexuals get Pride parades for a little while, then they all get burned in barns, and then we go back to the Pride parades until everyone is exhausted of the process.

Like someone who grows weed in his backyard and smokes it in his basement, homosexuals do not harm society so long as they keep their activities (relatively) out of sight. This means no Pride parades, but it also means no gay-bashing. Everyone wins this way.

Brett Stevens #sexist #wingnut amerika.org


When we started sending women to work, we began doubling our workforce. This is great in theory but for employers only. More workers devalues the cost of any one particular worker because there are more alternatives. But then the question is what type of job is filled.


When women were placed into the workforce, most of them took jobs that were not already filled. A good portion of these were administrative; not coincidentally, this category has swelled dramatically in the last fifty years.

One reason a category swells is because it can since there are not only people who take those jobs, but people who will depend upon them. Thus it seems cheap at first to hire more, and then more.

If you wonder how we got to the point where most jobs involved four hours of actual work per week, and 36 hours of attending meetings, filling out inconsequential paperwork, reading email, being on conference calls, etc. this is the source: the jobs themselves aren’t important.

When women entered the workforce, we needed to find a way to hire all these new people who would need the income. We diluted job roles in order to make room. This in turn made jobs boring, except for people who enjoy the social aspects of the job, which are all of the non-work parts of the job.

By insisting on this universal participation, we’ve changed jobs from having purpose to being a process of attendance and compliance. Even further, this has diluted productivity. We have made most jobs or most of jobs fully extraneous.

The result is that industry moves more slowly, and has a higher cost in those jobs which are not related at all to the production of widgets. This is the new norm, and most people are afraid to criticize it.

Brett Stevens #sexist #psycho amerika.org

Let’s say your daughter is eleven. She is 1.5 years away from menstruation, if she’s an average girl. She is 5.3 years away from her first sexual experience, on average. But that’s not to say it won’t happen sooner. ... Are you ready to even think about this?

... another question ... a real doozy:

What type of sexual experience do you want your daughter to have?

... what kind of life experience do you want her to have? ...


Everything fits into a new context when it’s your kid. When do you want her to have her first anal gangbang? Your princess, penetrated by many penises. What about her first bukkake? Her first one-night sexual encounter with some guy whose name she forgets by morning? Her first anonymous blowjob at a blindfold party? What about her first three-way, and double penetration?

Your little princess. What kind of future do you want for her?

You can hide beyond, “Whatever she chooses, they’re all equal,” for only so long. At some point you realize there’s a number line between the drunk cocktail waitress aging without grace and taking home whatever man she can grab, and the nuclear family with a loving husband and stability and kindness.

But of course, you don’t get that outcome by sleeping around. In fact, you’re mostly likely to get it by being the 31% of American women who have only one sex partner in their lives. When you haven’t experienced others, you hold nothing over your husband or wife. You give it all to them. There is trust and love uninterrupted by fear and cynicism.

The scary thing is that we all know this underneath our cynical outer selves. Inwardly, we long for the fairy tale. …

You know what you want for your little princess. You’re afraid to say it because it will break a social taboo. …

Dave Cunningham #racist amerika.org

[From “Marijuana made me a racist”]

Another thing I learned from marijuana was the importance of breeding. When I went back home, I found that a girl I had crushed on in elementary school was just ending her first marriage. She had married someone who looked good on paper, but he was from another country. They split and I took up with her. We are now married with two daughters. She and I were out one day and another friend remarked how similar we look. It’s true that we look like we could be cousins. Our daughters are better looking than either of us alone.

On the other hand, my sister married a guy from a totally different place; he was a Sativa to her Indica. Their kids are strange looking and while they are bigger for their age than the other Indica kids, they are unbalanced. Some things that kids naturally just understand have not come to them yet. They also have strange tantrums which seem weird for their age. She ended up divorcing him recently. ...

Dave Cunningham #racist amerika.org

[From “Marijuana made me a racist”]

Let me be clear about what “racist” means in this context. I am a racist in the sense that I recognize the difference between racial and ethnic groups and that these differences are biological and convey unique abilities to each group. ...

During my years as a high-flying drug grower, I learned a lot about the genetics of marijuana. Specifically, there are three races of marijuana ... Within each of these races however there were different ethnicities of marijuana. ...


Marijuana made me a racist by showing me that although all pot plants are from the same species, there are huge variations within that species (Indica, Sativa, Ruderalis) and even within those sub-species there are huge variations for different strains like Skunk #5, Northern Lights, Jack Herrer or White Widow. When you mix the strains, you end up with something closer to the generic stuff that they sell as high school weed. By racist I do not mean I dislike people of other races. I have had people of other races as business partners and friends and probably always will, unless a big race war happens. But I mean that each strain does best when it is kept pure. Further, while you can mix different sub-species like Indica and Sativa, the best strains come from the pure Indica which is rarest, less than 10% of the marijuana grown worldwide.

No matter how well you treat it, generic weed never becomes great. On the other hand, even if you just toss the seeds into a sunny backyard where it rains, great weed always becomes great. This truth snapped me out of the mindset that all plants are the same and you just need to grow marijuana by the pound. ...

Brett Stevens #psycho #wingnut amerika.org

[From “Mark David Chapman, American Hero”]

It was 37 years ago today… when a lonely and maladjusted man, perhaps a forerunner of the /pol/ aggro-NEETs of our decade, took aim and destroyed the greatest icon of the hippie era. John Lennon led the Beatles into pretentious pseudo-intellectual pop music that was beloved for its Leftist politics more than anything else, and turned catchy songs into a mantra-like indoctrinate for the 1960s.

When Mark David Chapman raised his .38 special and perforated Lennon, he not only entered himself into the history books as an early type of what later became the spree shooter, namely the attention-driven perpetrator of violence, but also delivered the crucifixion that Lennon had pretended to undergo with his artistic drama and attention whoring.

Having made himself famous for being half of the writing team that produced catchy songs — Lennon-McCarthy invented a way of writing a simple three-part melody and then wrapping it around a pop song format — John Lennon, the Irish-descended outsider who never felt at home in England, turned on and attacked the societies that had enriched him, both England and the United States. It was as if he blamed them for celebrating him despite his failings, and in resentment at condescension he lashed out.


Entering his fourth decade, Lennon thus found himself somewhat artistically becalmed, writing songs about seemingly profound truths that he may have no longer fully believed, but since his fame and continued relevance was based in being a hippie icon, he was trapped into being a trope himself, a media figure. Fortunately Mark David Chapman intervened and spared us all further tedium.

Brett Stevens #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

[From “Legalize rape”]

Rather, we should view rape as a form of theft. We know that the woman intended to have sex with someone because she does it on a regular basis; what happened instead was that she had sex with the wrong man. It occurred not by force, since we no longer require that to prosecute a man for rape, but by mistake. ...

But no matter: In all of these cases, the only crime was theft of sexual services. She could have sold that sexual encounter for anywhere from a few dollars to a few thousand. Perhaps it was wrong that he took her as he did, but we have worse physical affronts in car crashes and when people crash their shopping carts into us at Wal-mart. As with an auto accident, we could write him a ticket and slap a heft fine on him, then move on.

It is not as if anything permanent were taken from that woman. She is already accustomed to having sex with strangers. She does not expect to be virginal for marriage, but fears being virginal past age thirteen, as socially that means failure. The only real crime here is that the wrong man ended up having sex with her, or that he did not pay. Our legal system offers many ways to rectify this. If he is ticketed, she can sue in small claims court much as she would if he took her paid parking space for a month.

... Rape is no longer a violent crime, but a case of mistaken consent, like parking in spot 81 when you rented spot 82. We should not punish it like grand larceny, assault and murder. As the feminists tell us, most rapes are acquaintance rape. And for that, a quick ticket and a sharp fine should do the trick, and we can stop ruining the lives of men for regrets in a sexual marketplace of the lowest common denominator.

Brett Stevens #elitist #racist #sexist #wingnut amerika.org

When rape first became a crime, we lived in a different world. Among the middle and upper echelons of society, women expected to be virgins at marriage and to be respectable in public thereafter.

These expectations arose from common knowledge which has been forgotten. Without the bonding that sexual inexperience provided, couples lacked the trust that came with shared exclusive experience. Their marriages also became unions of convenience, not based on the sacred but in business-like negotiations for mutual satisfaction on a day-to-day basis.

Not surprisingly when we abandoned this outlook our fortunes fell as far as marriage is concerned. First infidelity swept through marriages, then divorce became common, and now people simply avoid marriage in the first place to avoid being penalized to subsidize someone else after the inevitable divorce. Marriage is like extended dating at this point.

In saner times, rape ruined a woman. If it occurred before marriage, it made her unlikely to become married; if it happened afterwards, people saw her as being ejected from the throes of marital contentment. (This was for decent people in the upper echelons: peasants, criminals and gypsies rutted like pigs and still do, which creates their ever-expanding numbers and ever-decreasing fortune.)

In our new age however rape no longer carries this weight. No woman is ruined by having sex with one more man, since they commonly have sex with six of them on average that they will admit, but we know that people lie on surveys and the actual number may be ten times higher, some without even knowing his name or spending more than a dozen minutes in his company. At this point, it is farce and injustice to keep rape classified as a crime of violence.

Brett Stevens #elitist #racist #wingnut amerika.org

[From “Periscope (December 30, 2019)”]

Is ‘Dixie Highway’ racist? The debate is growing

Let us make it clear: if anything references the world before diversity took over in the late 1990s, then it is racist. You cannot remind people of the founding ethnic majority because then they realize how much they are simply squatters in the house of more intelligent ancients. This applies to both the ethnic diversity (Italians, Irish, Poles, Jews) and the racial diversity (Africans, Asians, mixes) but also implicates the various boxwine feminists, pajama soyboys, religious fanatics, and neurotics who make up the Left. Once there was greatness, and now we have this lumpy, ugly, unhealthy, angry group of orcs and goblins who have nothing but an impulse to destroy. We will have to remove all of these people, sending them to places where they will have the society they need.

Brett Stevens #racist #wingnut amerika.org

If The Neocons Are Wrong, Why Are The Russians Acting As If They Are Right?

Putin is rebuilding the Soviet Union. He is doing this for a simple reason: his people want it. They are a starving nation, beaten in a Cold War and a cultural war, and known mostly for selling their women on the open market. Their average IQ is ten points behind that of Europe. As a people of a quarter Asiatic blood, they are forever stranded between being European and Asian, hence the term “Eurasian” has been historically applied to them. They will always struggle for borscht, vodka and firewood. Putin cannot change this situation because no one can change this situation. But people do not live by material alone. They live by spirit. This is why they love Stalin despite his many murders. Under Stalin, Russians felt like not a failed state, but a great empire, and they want that feeling back. To that end, Putin is annexing or partnering with territories on all of his borders, building the greater Russian empire after which the Soviet Union was built. Soviet Union – Communism = Putinism. This is just him acting in self-interest for Russia, doing the best he can for the Russian people.

Brett Stevens #conspiracy #wingnut amerika.org

Hitler won and the Holocaust is about to happen

The Jewish people now face a greater threat not just in Europe but worldwide than they ever did under the Holocaust. This threat comes from the Left who, being far more populist and popular than the right, mask their opinions under moralism and then use that to — much as in the Civil War or WWII — justify destruction of those who disagree. The Left has turned the Palestinians into the new denizens of Auschwitz and will gladly do everything it can to deny the Jewish people in Israel any recourse. The UN, the media, academia and most NGOs have now turned on Israel and by extension, the Jewish people, who by wanting to exist as a people seem to exhibit the kind of nationalist sentiment that enrages liberals about Israel. This dovetails with a general process of assimilation by Jews in their host countries through outbreeding, secularization and most of all, a lack of belief in culture itself as leftism takes over and makes ideology, not culture and social order, the basis of society.

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut amerika.org

The 1%

In many ways, the “blame the institutions” people create a self-fulfilling prophecy: they replace a nation of living, breathing individuals with a giant drone collective mind that conforms to its own notions of acceptable non-conformity. That’s what the Occupy Wall Street/”We are the 99%” protests are about.

Those protests are created by a herd that, having demanded equality and subsidies from its government, now has more demands. Its initial demands, from the 1960s onward, have trashed the United States as a functioning nation. Instead, it’s two groups: the mindless herd of proles, and those working around the system.

What it forgets is that our nation has always been made great not by the 99%, who attend jobs and buy stuff but don’t do much else (besides litter, vote randomly, and protest in the streets), but by the 1% who have had exceptional ideas and taken risks in order to invent or create new ways of doing things.

The 1% contains all of our captains of industry, our best artists, our thinkers and doers, our innovators and inventors, and our critics who could not be bought by pandering to some audience just waiting for validation. The 1% are the critical thinkers, the frontierspeople, the leaders and the creators.

When we hand our society over the 99% solely because that angry mob is certain that society wronged it, we give up on all things higher than the lowest common denominator.


What we don’t need is another angry mob screaming demands they don’t understand in their fury to assign blame to someone other than the guilty party — the 99% themselves.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #racist #transphobia #elitist amerika.org

History will record this as the dumb era. A bunch of people who belong in jobs decided that they could rule better than the naturally talented, and they set off an orgy of bureaucracy and control-scheming that eventually destroyed the group. Obviously they were dumb.

All of this came about because society prospered just enough to get arrogant. We had more free time. We became distanced from nature, with our tools. Most of all, we no longer had to agree on anything, since we were already members of a permanent civilization.

In previous civilizations, people formed small bands. It was libertarian, and fascist. You went with the band that matched your mindset. If you encountered other bands, you would kill them if they were weaker than you. (If they were stronger, you ran like hell.)

Once you get permanent civilization, you have to “accept everyone,” or at least, a market is created for those that do that. In any social group, you will become popular by saying that all are welcome and everyone is at the same level.
That is the basis of the dumb era. We meant well, but forget to think through the logical conclusions of our actions, and by inviting in the misfits, we also summoned demons. Most of these are mundane parasites, but in large enough numbers, they kill the host.
It takes someone to enter from outside of politics to shake things up by asking the questions, “do we actually need this?” and “is this worth the cost and side effects?”

When you ask those questions, you will end up throwing out most of what government does. We do not need affirmative action, welfare, diversity education, transgender representation, foreign aid, socialized medicine, and social security. They are just vote buys.

Johann Theronn #wingnut #racist amerika.org

On the Right we use the narrative that politics is downstream from culture, and culture is downstream from genetics. This attempts to summarize the idea in short form, but we must consider the implication of language in the process.

Environment influences genetics through Darwinism, then genetics in turn generates language and culture. From that comes politics, and in turn, that influences the environment that eugenically or dysgenically shapes future generations.

Civilization is destroyed if the above linkage is not properly maintained. For example, Joe Biden recently declared “climate change” a National Security Risk. If one assumes that Biden is of European descent, it might be enlightening to know that other races/genetics think global warming is a money-making scheme.
The implied benefits of speaking proper language affect all aspects of life because we can only benefit from avoiding the scourge of pidgin language. For example, a recent realization by Brett Stevens is that we should not only protect our environment, but also protect natural selection.

I would even go so far as to say that Aristotle was wrong about his pursuit of happiness. It should be the Pursuit to Protect Natural Selection (in proper language).

Back to our “Reality Czar” crazy talk: Joe Biden is about to declare war on diverse cultures/languages that does not agree with his views on climate change.

Does that make sense? Only in a pidgin world and people told me pidgin is not dangerous? It is fatal, brother.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #wingnut #racist #elitist #dunning-kruger amerika.org

Prior to modernity, unemployed people were considered useless. Feudal minor nobles would typically conscript them into levies and send them marching off to some conflict armed with their farm implements. There was no vital security interest necessary for the minor feudal nobles to send these people off. This was a eugenics program; the nobles wanted to offload any proportion of their population that couldn’t get something useful done.
But the political class in both of our major political parties caters to this mob. The cucked civnats tell us kids like Tiffany France’s son must not be left behind. The Leftists turn them into secular saints. Demotism is like that. The rulers feed them, fan them, and hope they stay content to just sit on the front stoop drinking their juice down in the hood.

Demotism is rule by those who fear what happens when this sullen, perpetually aggrieved mob stops being content drinking the juice. Then, the most evil, the cleverest, and the most debased get to use them for something. If there’s a pointless beef you need to have settled, then Tiffany France’s son is out there on the streets somewhere. It’s not like he’s working as a stock broker, and he’s got not much else going on for the next three years.

There are people in positions of power who find this misbegotten and already ruined young man useful to keep around on a subsistence level of pointless existence. They are a part of why our nation is going to Hell instead Mars or The Moon these days. The ninth century feudal dedge Lords were perhaps more morally decent than our Great Society when they rounded up all the people like Tiffany France’s son and sent them off on Crusades. Syria was a popular destination.

Brett Stevens #racist #elitist #wingnut #conspiracy amerika.org

In a multicultural society, each group has a choice to be conquered or a conqueror. If they remain an ineffectual minority, their fate lies in the hands of other groups, who they trust to act in their own interest by oppressing that minority.

On the other hand, if they seize power and use it against other groups, they can achieve dominance and oppress the other groups, removing the threat of being conquered by them. Diversity brings international politics into a domestic race war.
These multiculturalists miss the point: each group wants to maintain its own standards, behaviors, values, aesthetics, and customs, so that it can win the racial cold war that diversity introduces.

They do not want “White” behaviors, since to adopt those is to accept being conquered. They want to assert their own, however arbitrary, in order to build up their own brand and project their own power, in order to win the conflict.

Consequently, we see a condition where there is no solution: whether “racist” or “anti-racist,” our diversity policies end up at the same place, which is a divided population warring against itself for ethnic dominance.
Diversity offers us no solutions except self-destruction or ending diversity. It does not work and cannot be made to work. It serves as an epitaph for empires, not a new beginning; our hopes for it are simply denial rebranding with a positive spin.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #transphobia #elitist #psycho amerika.org

Very few focus on how fascist nature is, and simultaneously, how forgiving. You can use any method that you want to achieve the goal, but you have to find some way to adapt to your environment and reproduce.
If you wonder why people seem pathologically opposed to anything real, natural, or intuitive, this is why: they reject the world. They want symbols of this rejection like diversity and transgenderism to replace reality, so that we can all be happy solipsists in narcissistic navel-gazing worlds of our own emotions.

Normal people — those still “clinging” to reality, history, and common sense — find the image of a bearded pregnant woman to be appalling, just like men with breasts and androgynous people. The Baphomet is gender-ambiguous for a reason.

This means that we have reached a tipping point: much of, if not most of, our species has gone insane. This means that they are not just irrelevant to us normally-adapted people, but toxic.

If people were thinking clearly, we would encourage transgenderism and support the surgery, so long as it sterilized the transgender person in question. Let us remove those genes from the population, since something went wrong.

In the same way, one wonders why we are not handing out free abortions. Encourage the insane to abort as many of their genetic offspring as possible. The children of insane and retarded people tend to be insane and retarded anyway.
It is time we admit that, unlike the problems humans have been pursuing, humanity has a quality control problem, both in our thinking and in the genetics of the people around us. Let nature fix this as she will.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #wingnut #elitist #conspiracy #dunning-kruger amerika.org

You’ve probably seen at least some YouTube car chase clips from the old Mad Max Movies. Notice they don’t treat the vehicles they drive with the tender loving care that Big Rocky would treat his vintage, collectable Mustang Poonwagon. They’ve gone a month or so without a car wash and may not be changing the oil on a planned, regular basis. So why abuse the chrome, man?

The answer to this is because nobody really owned these cars anymore. This is because his world had effectively collapsed. Resource scarcity and advanced-stage Anarcho-Tyranny do unleash havoc upon the poor dimwit clerks at the County Title Office.

So Mad Max drove those junk jalopies he scavenged out in the desert like he stole them. If we foolishly assume his timeline still had orderly civilized governance, then he did steal them. Had he politely obeyed the one or two derelict speed limit signs that still remained, the bad guys would have caught him and doused his ride with Molotov Cocktails.
Whatever we still have in place of the once-functional Amerikan Republic will be driven the way Mad Max drove that random, still-functional derelict car he found out in the Post-Civilization Outback wastes. The people ensconced behind the barbed wire at Firebase Capitol Hill feel the same level of legitimate title to what they’ve stolen that Max felt to the vehicles.

Maybe the good guys win, maybe they lose. The car that got them through the grand finale chase scene is just like “Rosebud” in Citizen Kane. It’s a Mulligan. It has no intrinsic value to the actors in a given timeline beyond abstract symbolism. Once it no longer has a role as a useable symbol, it gets chucked as a derelict.

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #racist #psycho amerika.org

Almost everyone out there has some plan that involves re-arranging the current system. However, if its basis is superstition, then the whole thing is rot. We need something new, perhaps not even a “system” at all.

The first step in any sensible goal involves re-orienting toward realism. No matter what you have to say in public, remember that human opinion is worthless, and you must focus on what you know to be real and true.

When you know what is real, you knpw what you can choose within it. Look to what you actually value because you spend your time on it without others demanding that you do so. You will find things like family, culture, spirit, and civilization.
This orients the mind toward what is both real and necessary.

I have written here extensively what such a reality would involve. Briefly:

Homesteads: we all have houses with small farms attached, and spend most of our time producing things there.
Aristocracy: instead of promoting our most popular as leaders, we promote the most competent and moral.
Caste: each person has a place on the IQ band, and a niche within that, where they can be important and respected.
Eugenics: perhaps “adult eugenics,” this means the promotion of the good and the removal of the bad.
Morality: instead of egalitarianism, we need a moral system that rewards good to the good, and bad to the bad.
Competition: instead of subsidizing the weak, we need a system where the strong rise.
Culture: we cannot trust bureaucracy or ideology, but instead need an organic culture for each ethnic group, which requires separation from all other ethnic, racial, and organized religious groups.

Jonathan Peter Wilkinson #racist #wingnut #elitist amerika.org

Even amongst diversity, you will find a certain non-homogeneity. This runs athwart the Marxian Catechism of Post-Modern Leftism. Hence we discover a purificationist impulse, not entirely dissimilar to that which empowered The Spanish Inquisition, stirring amongst this Left-Sanctified Racial Diversity. In Amerika, amongst the African Diaspora of the Left-Sanctified Racial Diversity; we detect a growing stratification.

One particular element thereof, The Amerikan Descendents of Slaves (ADOS) has become increasingly politically strident in a manner reminiscent of Reverend Jesse Jackson.
Imagine the dissonance among the Leftists when someone comes here wearing thread-bare clothes, is somewhat overjoyed not to be sent back to Africa with not much more than an inner tube and a 5th of Gin; and then massively outperforms a dough-bodied product of either suburbia or the EBT system. The fear and jealousy are the only natural responses. The ADOS attacks the real, Strong Black Man with the virulence of a pissed-off immune system.

When a Black African comes to the USA with nothing, plays by what ADOS types swear are rigged White Man Rules and soon afterward rolls down the street with baller swag, it triggers a questioning that nobody over at the $PLC wants to see take place.

Thus ADOS is a backwards perversion of a neo-reactionary movement. Unlike an NRX that recoils against societal deterioration and the threat of death by demotism, ADOS protects that demotism as an established, yet metastable equilibrium under threat. The threat comes from hard-working Blacks who are on the way up and want Freedom of Initiative rather than “Fweedom” of being someone’s pet diversity.

Brettus Estevenius #sexist #wingnut amerika.org


Women in the west have it pretty good. If they stumble out of high school with a degree, and stumble down the street to community college to get some kind of certification, they are basically guaranteed a middle class income.


The root paradox of feminism is equality. It believes that men and women should be equal, except that women are more equal because women, as the “underdog,” need more help to be equal.

For 30 years, the feminists have been pretending that their goal is to abolish all sex discrimination, eliminating all gender differences no matter how reasonable. When it comes to domestic violence, however, feminist dogma preaches that there is an innate gender difference: Men are naturally batterers, and women are naturally victims ...


Like all liberal ideas, feminism favors the underdog and so becomes a jihad/pogrom against those who are doing just fine. That means men.

... Men now have no recourse except to treat all women as sociopathic parasites and avoid entering in contract with them. Goodbye, marriage. How many Gen Xers managed to get married again?


Either men and women are equal, or they’re not.

If they’re equal, neither one should be expected to bear the burden of the other. ...


... (It’s paradoxical for a man to be a liberal. Liberalism is defense of the individual against reality; men who are masculine embrace reality and view it as a joyful challenge. If you sit down to pee, by all means be a liberal. But masculine men, gay or straight, have no business being liberal.)


Feminism is female self-destruction. In the name of equality, it has put men in a position of assumed guilt. The male response is withdrawal. The female consequence is loneliness, schizoid neurosis and self-hatred.

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut amerika.org

[From “Multibungle in Ukraine”]

All of the West is bankrupt because it insisted on Communist-style social benefits, and it has imported foreigners to keep the Left in power despite having spent all our cash on buying votes with luxuries.

America was not weaker before public schooling, welfare, social security, EMTALA/medi-obamacare, and school grants. In fact, none of those things have made us stronger, nor have benefits made Europe anything but more bloated.

In the current time, we are seeing the most common of complex errors, the multiple bungle or multibungle. The West has bungled by following democracy and equality to their end point; Russia has bungled by jumping the gun and instead, unifying the West against Russia.

All of these nations have been buying off their populations in order to avoid French Revolution and American Civil War scenarios, using civil rights to enforce equality, to the point where now, we are almost as totalitarian as the Soviets.

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #racist amerika.org

[From “The cause of rising inequality is liberalism”]

[…] Social Darwinism: the idea that income should reflect ability and the best should rise, and that others will do better — a broad tide will raise all boats — if power, wealth and culture are in the hands of the more competent. This idea offends liberals to their core because it points out the contradiction in egalitarianism, which is that there will always be disparate results because there are differing abilities, and thus that attempts to create “equality” amount to parasitism on the more competent in order to subsidize the less, in reversal of evolution itself.

To an observer a thousand years from now, it will be clear that “rising inequality” is a case of focusing on a detail and missing the background. What has happened in the United States is not that inequality has risen, but that the population has changed in two ways. First, it has shifted from majority Western European (“WASP” in the vernacular) toward majority third world and fringe European under liberal immigration policy, and second, it has been altered by liberal social policy, which has changed focus from a K-strategy focused on strong families to an r-strategy focused on third-world style mass subsidy and absence of stable family, religion and culture.

The people coming into the United States now are almost all already of mixed-race as most third-world populations are, and generally of lower IQ. […] IQs in the West have dropped 14 points in the last century. […] a logical inference is that recent immigration has something to do with it. That alone explains inequality, which is that if you take a thriving first-world population and import a third-world population which lacks the ability to achieve what that first world population did, the third-world population will remain poor and thus statistically inequality will rise. Factor into that cultures based on endurance of dysfunction […]

Brett Stevens #racist amerika.org

However, in the 1960s, destroying the status quo became the new cool, and Hollywood jumped to step and fetch it. This introduced the platitudes/consequences split that Kersey so expertly satires, in which:

We want to believe. We would like to have positive attitudes toward African-Americans integrating into society.

We symbolize. Instead of showing a literal integration, we decide to show strong symbols of African-American success.

We portray a false reality. As a result, in movies African-Americans act in a way that shows little resemblance to reality.

We form a crowd. Anyone who does not speak, act and portray this false reality is now viewed as an ideological enemy, even if they’re African-American.

True, there were plenty of exceptions to the rule — Dirty Harry’s legendary rash of beating up minorities in order to get to a white serial killer, or the blaxploitation films of the 1970s, or even the forced diversity in Star Wars — Lando Calrissian — turning out to be more of a traitor, pimp and two-faced double-dealer than positive role model. But for the most part, Hollywood has shown us the shiny happy people version of race relations: African-American presidents, hackers, doctors, lawyers, judges and superheroes.

Kersey mocks this trend with a method dear to my heart, because it combines both the left and right brains. From the geeky scientist side of the brain, he takes a love for facts and figures and citations; from his liberal arts major side, a love of the juxtaposition with ironic commentary. The blog posts (from SBPDL) that he reprints to make this book consistently show us a concrete example from a Hollywood film, then hit us with the statistical reality, then point out the logical inconsistency and show us how we are being manipulated.

Brett Stevens #crackpot #wingnut amerika.org

Leftists frequently tell other people to “check your privilege.”

This implies the assumption that the person has no value of their own, but only is in their position by virtue of this privilege. Otherwise, they would be competent to comment.

This ties into the fundamental mysticism of the left, which is that poverty in individuals and nations is caused by some great oppressive conspiracy, and not by the decisions made by those individuals and nations.

In turn, that illusion arises from the idea that all individuals are perfect just as they are, which is what makes them equal. Any deviation from equality of outcome thus must be explained as oppression or conspiracy.

Tracing farther back, the root of that idea comes from the pretense of the individual. That pretense is: I am here, therefore I am equal, therefore whatever I do is good, and thus I extend that privilege to others — “equality” — to prevent oversight or criticism of my own actions.

Pretense arises from the self-importance of individuals. They assume that because they exist, there is importance to their existence. Further, since they are aware of nothing but their own wants, judgments, desires, feelings and impulses, they assign to these gestures a kind of objectivity and thus importance.

Realism destroys pretense. Under realism, we reverse the inversion accomplished by pretense: instead of the individual being the focus, the world is the focus. The individual is part of the world, not the other way around (which is how the pretentious individual perceives it, namely that the world is a manifestation of the individual’s mind and emotions, a condition known as solipsism).

When a leftist says “Check your privilege” what they are actually saying is “Validate my pretense by joining me in the assumption that I am important for no reason.”

Thus a significant and reasonable response to that leftist catch-phrase is to turn around and call them out on the one thing they really fear that you’ll notice: “Check your pretense.”

Brett Stevens #fundie amerika.org

As democracy winds down in the West, many of us are facing an ugly truth that first reared its head in the 1800s: that democracy itself impedes conservatism.

Mainstream conservatives will not publicly approach this realization, but the core tenet of democracy is leadership by desire, not by reality. People vote for what they wish were true.

While the ashes cool in Baltimore and the latest news frenzy keeps us distracted so we can avoid noticing the systemic problems of Western civilization, many are wondering how the situation got so bad without anyone figuring it out.

The answer is simple: we voted for it.

By “we” I mean the largest plurality which could work itself into a frenzy over an issue. This is how democracy works: the simplest and most emotional concept unites a mob, they rage and expound and demand it, and then it gets passed. Everyone assumes the situation is decided and moves on.

In any sane democracy, every single law would be voted on every year with a simple question: Is this law achieving its aims?

When you speak to the average voter, it becomes clear that they focus on anything but this question. They talk about moral categories, such as how well-intentioned the law is, or how essential it is, or how it cannot be changed because people depend on it. Never do they look at it as a cause-effect principle that intends to achieve a goal.

The conservatives you see on the television earned the name “the stupid party” because their ideas are fundamentally paradoxical. They want a reality/accountability/responsibility-based (consequentialist) society with a transcendent focus, since if you understand reality, you have no need for the emotional distractions of ideology and go right to the need for meaning. The voters do not want this because distraction is always simpler and more emotionally comforting.

The situation can be revealed in this comical law of politics from Robert Conquest:

2. Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.

This law succumbs to an easy attack, called (sensibly) “entryism” by neoreactionaries, which is that it is easy to dress up a liberal idea as a conservative one and declare it explicitly right-wing, then use it to subvert the rest of a right-wing movement.

The left wing will forever be more popular because it offers ideas that are easier to understand, since they require no knowledge of reality and its workings, and more emotionally satisfying, since they are both distraction and “social,” or consist of gift-giving to those who identify with victimhood. Every person in their under-confident, weak and uncontrolled moments succumbs to self-pity and in remembering those, they yield to this force.

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote about this process because he saw it first-hand. In the 1800s, he drove an ambulance in one of the early wars of the forces of democracy versus the rest of us. In it, he saw the process: liberalism appeals to the best of us first because they are reacting emotionally to problems in our society, and only later do they recognize it for what it is, which is a cynical power grab by those least competent to rule.

Conservatives have balked at this dividing line so far. They hope to ride the train of liberal popularity by endorsing the great illusion that desire can decide our problems. They also fear alienating the Christian segment of the right which sees Nietzsche as an atheist and blasphemer, since they have confused the name of what is holy with what is actually holy.

Like other dividing lines — nationalism, rejection of all socialism and need for social hierarchy — this decision separates the men from the boys. Boys still want to please their mother and their friends, maybe hope one of the girls in the class will let them kiss her if they do what she wants. Men realize that original sin was correct, and that without the intervention of discipline and focus the human being is nothing more than a monkey which can talk.

As mainstream conservatism is forced to confront issues like the ongoing failure of diversity, the corruption rising from the liberal state and its institutions, and the accelerating decline of Western Civilization, more conservatives will join the “underground” fringe of conservatism and take the path that Nietzsche did. Until that point, nothing said by conservatives in public will make any sense.

Roderick Kaine #fundie amerika.org

[How does awareness of genetic differences between the sexes factor into understanding a Neoreaction or right-wing platform?]

The over-arching goal of most western right-wing movements is to preserve western civilization for ourselves and especially make it available for all of our descendants. By “our” I am very specifically referring to white Europeans and their descendants throughout the world. Two very major problems are caused by female “emancipation” which are in direct contradiction of that goal. There are of course other things of concern, but I am only referring to gender relations here. The most important is the lowering of the birth-rate of ethnic Europeans. It is well-known that most European populations have a birth-rate under replacement level and that if this continues European ethnicities will eventually cease to exist. Unfortunately, our time to fix this problem is much less than it could be because of our mass importation of swarthy people from around the world. Most of these groups have a higher birthrate than the native populations and won’t hesitate to subjugate them once their numbers reach a critical mass. If we don’t do something in the next couple of generations it is very likely we will start seeing the events that have destroyed South Africa and Rhodesia repeated in most western countries. At that point however, there won’t be a strong US or European countries to suppress white interests from overseas like in those cases so I imagine things would get very bloody indeed. This is something that could and should be avoided.

Female education and employment are directly causal of this low birthrate. Setting women on paths other than motherhood obviously has a direct negative impact on birth rates. However, it also has an indirect negative impact on birth rate because it interferes with the male ability to signal provider status to the satisfaction of female hypergamy. If you take jobs from men and give them to women artificially through government regulations, you cause a lot of men to not be able to get jobs at a level they are capable of. These men are much poorer than they need to be and thus their ability to attract wives is substantially reduced. Mass immigration policies, affirmative action for swarthies, and free trade agreements do something very similar by increasing labor competition and even giving unfair and unearned advantages to the new-comers. All these policies are extremely bad for working class whites (and blacks descended from the original slave population in the US). Some men may be consciously choosing not to have kids and just play video games, but it shouldn’t be underestimated how much the lack of decent employment opportunities for white men are killing the west.

There is also another problem, not as dire but still important. As is shown in the book, the most capable humans a population is able to produce are going to be almost exclusively male. By setting up quotas for women you introduce massive inefficiencies in the economy which reduces the wealth of the country as a whole and thus its ability to maintain itself and a good standard of living for its people. This is partially the result of putting women into positions they aren’t psychologically or intellectually suited for and also through the creation of make-work jobs which require massive wealth redistribution from taxpayers. Most taxes are paid by men and that is all wealth those men can’t use to have 1 or 2 additional children.

Understanding the biological differences in intelligence, then, are very important in articulating why what we are doing today in these massive wealth redistribution plans are ultimately pointless and actively harmful. Our policies are based on a false premise: gender equality. By knocking out that premise you destroy the justification for some of the worst policies that are causing the collapse of the west. These are all things that traditionalists have all addressed before, but now that have more ammo for their arguments that didn’t exist in such a condensed form before.


[What do you hope will happen in the future, if things go really well, and what would life in America and Europe look like after that?]

Affirmative action would be abolished. Most of the university system would be dismantled leaving only training in demonstrably useful and needed fields. The people who would have previously pursued useless degrees would instead focus on motherhood (women) and technical vocations (men). These people would not be encouraged to take on massive debt. 3-4 White children would be born in wedlock to every family and divorce would not occur at all, or at least not until after all children were raised to adults. Alimony and child support would not exist. Focus on GDP growth would be heavily tempered by concern for the cultural and economic health of native populations. Immigration would be all but halted. New arrivals would be given strong incentives to move back to their country of origin with their children. Anchor babies would not be a legal possibility. Ethnic groups which dislike whites and for whom repatriation is impractical would be given countries of their own where they would be expected to move, and they would have full self-determination. Islam would be banned completely in all western countries. Africa would learn to control their insane population growth. Enforced diversity in housing would be abolished. Freedom of association would be an enshrined right of every person and group. I am sure there is more things I could think of, but I think you get the idea.

Brett Stevens #wingnut amerika.org

Freedom and accepting everyone looks good on paper until you consider time and how that order will play out. Seventy-five years later, our crumbling infrastructure, divided society, and day-to-day life of Soviet drudgery in order to pay taxes to keep the clown show going show how much our dogma has failed us.

Brett Stevens #fundie amerika.org

The Constitution was an elaborate workaround for democracy. And still, in just a couple centuries, they have trashed the USA. Yes, we have more wealth and technology, but social order and quality of everything has declined, and now we’re at mob rule with imported voters basically dictating to the rest of us that we must have Leftists.

What system can’t be abused?

This observation contains two points: (1) there is no perfect method and (2) systems make abuse easier, because they create formalized targets.

Many of us turn to aristocracy for this reason. No formal targets, only a social hierarchy by mental and moral excellence.

Claire Stevens #fundie amerika.org

In the story of The Fall, Satan tempted Eve with the fruit of the tree of knowledge, telling her that she could have the power of God if she ate of it. By giving in, even if she did not directly intend to do so, she defied God and the order of nature. Feeling concerned when she realized this, she convinced Adam to join her. And then the story gets more interesting.

Adam, much as as Eve was seduced by the lies of the Serpent, is tempted by Eve. He wants the power of God, and so once given an excuse in that someone else led him down the path, he gives in. When God confronts Adam, he immediately points the finger at Eve and abdicates all responsibility for his actions.

This scenario has been repeating itself for millennia.

Human beings instinctively look for a reason why they are not to blame. If someone else can be blamed, we tend to accept that as carte blanche to go ahead because we will not be blamed. This is why people in groups are so malevolent, and why mothers always say, “If Johnny jumped off the Empire State Building, would you follow him?” to cure children of this bad habit.

Scapegoating creates a vicious cycle. First it absolves us of responsibility in our minds, but that bluff is called whenever what we are doing causes bad consequences for ourselves or others. More importantly, it serves to hide the actual problem behind a smokescreen where we are blaming demons, Satan, or the group for our own bad acts.

The last millennium has been dominated by this thinking because when we gradually abolished the aristocracy, we got rid of the idea that people who know better should be able to stop the rest of us from acting like a herd of unruly animals. For this reason, the scapegoating tendency infects us like a virus, and the Alt Right is no exception.

When I go online, I encounter legions of “woke” Alt Righters who believe that “naming the Jew” and blaming the Negro is the sum total of the solution to our manifold and complex problems as a human species, and Western Civilization within it. Most galling of these is the advocacy of abandoning Western women because some are “thots,” or “loose women” as they were called a century ago.

Taking tragedy to the level of comedy, many “pro-white activists” in fact argue that Western women are so bad that Western men should seek out Eastern women to replace those awful thots. Some argue for Slavic mail-order brides, while others advocate race-mixing itself by marrying Asian or Oriental women.

This shows a desire to evade responsibility for the actions of Western men. Under democracy, Western men gave women the vote, legalized mass third world immigration, enabled the sexual revolution, and even attempted to provide free birth control to all women. The disease of Leftist thinking infested men first, and the way women behave now is a result of the confusion and enmity it created.

Punishing women for failures of men is not the solution. Nor is erasing ourselves by hybridizing ourselves with Asian DNA. As ancient knowledge tells us, the Occident and Orient are opposites: the West guides itself by “transcendental realism,” while the East is based in a fatalistic “me-first” group think that resembles both Communism and the rule of the Mongol Empire.

If the problem is that our culture is failing, no amount of talking about Jews, Negroes, or thots will help us. The only salvation lies in taking the best of our people and giving them power, then driving out or oppressing the rest. We made bad decisions in the past, and we are now living with the consequences. Only by accepting that can we begin the process of change.

The same failures of Western men toward Western women will manifest in relationships between Western men and Asian women. Thanks to a culture where all people are essentially selfish, Asian and Eastern European women view marriage as a transaction. This makes them appear compliant, although they are always looking out for their interests and not yours when calculating future moves.

How many Western men funded Vietnamese or Russian mail-order brides, only to find themselves divorced a few years later, while the woman had her new American citizenship to use to exploit our welfare and social benefits systems?

In the parable of the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve externalized their problem by giving agency to Satan by scapegoating him. They said in effect that it was not their fault that they did bad things, because he told them it was acceptable. In the same way, people now use Hollywood films or urban rap culture as excuses to behave badly.

Western women, caught up in this whirlwind of lies, have never had proper role models to show them how to be not just wives and mothers, but leaders in their communities and supporters of their men. Instead, they wander lost in a wasteland of false promises and ersatz faith, finding themselves used, abused, and discarded by men who should know better.

Men and women depend on each other. We are not equal, either between the sexes or as individuals. Some women are born thots, and some are born virtuous, but in a time as fallen as ours, the lines blur somewhat. Our only escape from this is to end the confusion and separate the stumbling but virtuous from the born thots, who do not actually belong in our race because of their third world behavior.

If we follow the Asian model, and breed with Asians or whites who are partially Asian, we will cease to become white. We will become a new mixed-race group which will follow the model of Asian-white mixes in Brazil, the Middle East, and Eastern Europe. At that point, we will no longer be Western, and because culture is downstream of genetics, will be unable to restore Western Civilization.

The West and East think differently, which is why we ended up with such different civilizations and degrees of success. In the East, as in most of the third world, “me-first” is the rule, which ironically unites people into a collective that protects them from any people who know better enforcing sanity and limiting selfishness.

In other words, they externalize the problem of deciding how to act, while in the West we internalized it, through a sense of intuitive inner truth in discovering a hierarchy of nature and man. If we choose to externalize our problems, we will never see them for what they are and will become doomed to repeat them endlessly, no matter how many Jews, Negros, or thots we exterminate.

Avery Morrow #fundie amerika.org

Equality is a god that demands perfection, punishes weakness, and calls for the destruction of unbelievers. It is heretical to claim there are “different paths to Equality”, for there is only one, unquestionable path, that has many pillars which must all be followed. Its holy warriors must always be pure, must work twice as hard to cleanse themselves if any flaw is detected, and are always open to any practice that could improve their purity. It rewards those who fight for its cause, although its adherents argue over whether violence is an acceptable form of battle. Yes, Equality is a Muslim God.

Brett Stevens #fundie amerika.org

When rape first became a crime, we lived in a different world. Among the middle and upper echelons of society, women expected to be virgins at marriage and to be respectable in public thereafter.

These expectations arose from common knowledge which has been forgotten. Without the bonding that sexual inexperience provided, couples lacked the trust that came with shared exclusive experience. Their marriages also became unions of convenience, not based on the sacred but in business-like negotiations for mutual satisfaction on a day-to-day basis.

Not surprisingly when we abandoned this outlook our fortunes fell as far as marriage is concerned. First infidelity swept through marriages, then divorce became common, and now people simply avoid marriage in the first place to avoid being penalized to subsidize someone else after the inevitable divorce. Marriage is like extended dating at this point.

In saner times, rape ruined a woman. If it occurred before marriage, it made her unlikely to become married; if it happened afterwards, people saw her as being ejected from the throes of marital contentment.


In our new age however rape no longer carries this weight. No woman is ruined by having sex with one more man, since they commonly have sex with six of them on average that they will admit, but we know that people lie on surveys and the actual number may be ten times higher, some without even knowing his name or spending more than a dozen minutes in his company. At this point, it is farce and injustice to keep rape classified as a crime of violence.

Rather, we should view rape as a form of theft. We know that the woman intended to have sex with someone because she does it on a regular basis; what happened instead was that she had sex with the wrong man. It occurred not by force, since we no longer require that to prosecute a man for rape, but by mistake. She said no and he heard yes, or she said yes and meant no, or (as is most common) both had to get so drunk to engage in the animalistic act that neither knew what the other said and in the haze of regret the next day, she decided it was rape.

But no matter: In all of these cases, the only crime was theft of sexual services. She could have sold that sexual encounter for anywhere from a few dollars to a few thousand. Perhaps it was wrong that he took her as he did, but we have worse physical affronts in car crashes and when people crash their shopping carts into us at Wal-mart. As with an auto accident, we could write him a ticket and slap a heft fine on him, then move on.

It is not as if anything permanent were taken from that woman. She is already accustomed to having sex with strangers. She does not expect to be virginal for marriage, but fears being virginal past age thirteen, as socially that means failure. The only real crime here is that the wrong man ended up having sex with her, or that he did not pay. Our legal system offers many ways to rectify this. If he is ticketed, she can sue in small claims court much as she would if he took her paid parking space for a month.

But what we must not do is use the old punishment and the new crime in the same action. Rape is no longer a violent crime, but a case of mistaken consent, like parking in spot 81 when you rented spot 82. We should not punish it like grand larceny, assault and murder. As the feminists tell us, most rapes are acquaintance rape. And for that, a quick ticket and a sharp fine should do the trick, and we can stop ruining the lives of men for regrets in a sexual marketplace of the lowest common denominator.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist amerika.org

Most of us on the Right, no matter how racist, remain pretty ambivalent about slavery if not outright opposed. After all, taking people from their native lands, bringing them to a strange place, stripping them of their names and culture, and making them into forced chattel labor seems inhuman.

We can mention mitigating factors, like that the first slaveowner in America was black, most slaves were war captives who would have been dead and eaten otherwise, that slavery was usually gentler than living in a ghetto and working fast food, or that slaves inherited a world more prosperous than Africa.

Generally all of this misses the big issue, which is that by freeing the serfs, we deprived ourselves of a native labor caste in the West, at which point we picked up on a few crucial ideas from ideological religion, namely acquiring foreign slaves: [...]

In this, we see the problem with diversity: the host nation seeks to incorporate others as a form of labor, guaranteeing that it will gradually make them into part of its own genome, effectively abolishing itself.

Throughout human history, it has been tempting to use Others as labor, or to wage genocide against them, but to a long-term view, this simply bonds the two populations. If you interact with them, you become bonded; then, it takes a great deal of effort to sever those bonds.

In the long calculus, slavery was neither the evil which is portrayed in the Leftist media, nor in any way a good thing. It was a substitute for the natural order, in which every group has internal divisions that correspond to the standard distribution of abilities:

The West, like all great civilizations, died of class warfare, which happens when the many without particular competence gang up on those who know better about how to make a civilization which lasts for eternity.

Chattel slavery came out of this, and like the Holocaust, does not show us at our proudest moment. This leaves us only to clean up, make amends, end the diversity and class warfare which caused slavery, and move on.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist amerika.org

Most people still do not understand that humanity is locked in a mortal conflict. Evolution never stopped; we dominated the basics, like food and hygiene, and the race is now on to produce a variety of human which is inherently sane.

Sanity can be defined as the absence of obstructions to seeing reality as clearly as possible. These obstructions include illusion, or the pursuit of internal mental signals over perception of external reality, and stupidity, in addition to clinical insanity (which, since its basis is in neurosis, consists of illusion which has become a biological dependency).

Future humans will view the present age as a time of confusion when our ability to conquer nature outpaced our ability to understand nature as pattern order. Pattern order refers to the need for a certain pattern of objects and events in order for outcomes to occur; it replaces our old idea of linear causality and the intervening stage of relativity.

In that view, humans represent part of a pattern in nature that produces more intelligent species but kills them off if they become solipsistic, or focused on inward symbolism instead of paying attention to how their world is organized and what this implies for the best ways to adapt.

For example, future humans would find it ridiculous that we do not have cradle-to-grave reclamation and recycling plans. They would mock our ugly cities as psychologically destructive, look at jobs as blind repetition of method instead of a focus on productivity, and view democracy as a hive mind aimed at amplifying the lowest common denominator and enforcing it on those who are trying to break away from that gelatin mental state.

Those who might survive our time and live on will be extreme realists. That is, they will concern themselves little with the judgments of others, and focus on quality of analysis, brushing aside group emotions.

They will recognize hierarchy of ability inherently, and defer to those more competent in any area in order to achieve best results. They will view people that do not understand this principle as insane and exclude them.

Whichever human group reaches this condition of mental discipline first will come to greater technological and military power, and quickly subdue and eliminate the rest. Human history is writ in bottlenecks and genocide is one of them; each bottleneck improved our capabilities.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist amerika.org

After years of denying it in the hopes of building a bigger coalition, the realist Right may have discovered that nationalism is the science of building nations around one ethnic group only, and through that, the idea that our “ethnostate” in America would be a WASP colony.

History tells us that America was founded by a group of English people with aid from some similarly-minded Scots, Dutch, German, and northern French individuals. When I last visited New England, those were the types of names on the oldest tombstones and on the oldest documents.

These people came over the sea as pioneers, arriving in an uncertain land where death lurked around every corner, that is if they did not die on the way over. They had to make or make do without any of the luxuries or infrastructure of Europe, fighting Indians and wild animals and new diseases.

As soon as they got things established, however, a flood of people began coming from Europe to take advantage of what others have made. This is how humans destroy everything: once the good people make it, the rest smother it.

Early America worked because the people were so similar; ethnic Western Europeans are genetically and culturally similar enough that they cluster as a single ethnic group. This allowed America to borrow a culture without even knowing that it was doing this.

Once the newcomers arrived, things got worse. In cities like Chicago and New York, political “machines” sprang up around the idea of buying votes with benefits, targeting new groups like the Irish and later, Italians, Jews, Slavs, and assorted Southern Europeans and South Americans.

These eventually conspired against the ethnic Western Europeans — called White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) to recognize their shared English cultural root in America — and by having large enough numbers to sway the vote, overthrew the WASP power structure in the 1960s.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #elitist #racist amerika.org

Where are they now, these people who once built this nation? They are Whites Going Their Own Way (WGTOW) who have dropped out, moved away from the big cities, set themselves up with rougher surroundings, and done their best to secede from political and economic life. They are earning less to avoid paying taxes, and doing more through barter and producing their own food, supplies and tools.

If you go to the outer suburbs here, every other house seems to be subsidized to some degree by reselling products on eBay or other internet work. The kids who mow the lawn are paid in canned food. A guy down the street swaps homebrew beer and tobacco for raw materials to make more. The carpenter takes labor in kind in trade, or goods, and just acquired a used car cheap this way.

Look at their 1040s. Every single one includes a home-based business that generates massive deductions, if they even bother to file one. The end result is that these people have converted themselves from tax cash cows into tax-eaters. They buy almost nothing new, and are fixing those old gadgets, cars, heaters, air conditioners and water heaters, especially since the old ones work better anyway.

When you need someone to help out, you go hang out at the local watering hole that now serves homebrew beer and allows people to smoke again. The band tonight takes payment in home-grown vegetables and homemade beef jerky. People are buying what they need online with BitCoin or through swaps via Craigslist. There is a neighborhood website where further transactions take place.

Brett Stevens #elitist #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist amerika.org

While the coronavirus first seemed as if it would serve as an acceptable scapegoat for the failure of Leftism — diversity failing, equality creating enmity, mass incompetence of democracy, pollution threatening lives, food and water stocks failing, and war looming — the divisions in our population emerged.

We can see two groups: the unisonists, who want us all to do the same methods in unison so that no one gets ahead of anyone else, and the naturalists, who want us to each find our niche and for natural selection to trim the weak from among us while promoting the strong so we get stronger as a group.

Unisonists come from the oldest human impulse, fear. They fear that someone has something that they do not. They fear that their own inability to achieve the same thing will place them at a lower rank. In fact, they know they are lesser than others, but want to use the power of the herd to obliterate that.

The naturalists accept that there is an order larger than the self, that we all fit within it, and that we have a niche in it, both in terms of vertical rank and specialization. They do not look for universal truths and rules; they want to find something that works for them.

Right now, the naturalists have accepted risk because they recognize that life is uncertain and things sometimes turn out badly. It is better, they think, to have a functional civilization with some deaths than a dysfunctional civilization with slightly fewer deaths.

Brett Stevens #wingnut #dunning-kruger #racist amerika.org

Clowns love to tell us how Communism has never been tried, or that it is the natural state of primitive man, and therefore we should discard all that we have learned since the dawn of time and embrace the red star, hammer, sickle, and gulag.

A look at American history shows us that, under the control of large corporations, America began as a Communist experiment which became, like all Utopian experiments, a brutal learning experience:

A major reason for the persistent hardships, for the “starving time,” in Plymouth as before in Jamestown, was the communism imposed by the company. Finally, in order to survive, the colony in 1623 permitted each family to cultivate a small private plot of land for their individual use.
Let us assemble what we can learn here. First, large corporations would love to have people dwell in Communist-like conditions, because that way the money would flow upward, much as it did in Russia after Communism fell, and maybe even during Communism.

Second, these companies feared the dominance of culture, in this case Anglo-Saxon culture plus Pilgrim religion. They wanted a heterogeneous group instead because it would have nothing motivating it except money, which allows these companies to take advantage of the profit motive to individuals that replaced the original Communist scheme.

We find ourselves still caught in this dilemma. Our Puritan streak wants to be pagan, nationalist, traditionalist, and that type of religious which demands people motivate themselves toward the good instead of simply avoiding the bad and otherwise being mediocre.

Lilou and John #racist #wingnut amerika.org

As you will understand if you continue reading, the White Art Collective is indeed something everyone should follow if they have any desire to know anything about contemporary counter culture.

But half a year ago we had no idea what to expect. The dissident right can sometimes get very picky with whom they choose to fraternize with and we were not sure whether our anti-establishment burn-last-year’s-fields-to-give-way-to-new-crops mentality would find an audience in the White Art Collective.

We knew that WAC played different kinds of music by artists of European descent but would they like our free speech mongrel rock? After all, we are Lilou and John, the “two crazy Swedes,” not the most traditionalist folks and we have a reputation of being troublemakers to people on all sides. Reactionary in a bull shark manner perhaps, but would we fit in with what could possibly be a tribalistic bunch of preppers who just might suspect us of being Communist infiltrators?

Half a year later we are more than happy to say that we were not only welcomed with open arms, but we have also had the honor to work alongside some of the most interesting new artists today.

White Art Collective is only a few years old and the man behind the famous Saturday Night Livestreams and the many new programs that have emerged lately under the WAC umbrella, Jeff Winston, has proven to be a man of ideas and visions. Today the WAC-pack is more and more beginning to be something of an icon-in-the-making of contemporary counter culture on a global scale. The artists come from many countries, including Australia, Great Britain, the US and Sweden. This is not a local riot. It is a rhythm that rocks the entire planet.

The very idea to create a platform for artists who are not welcome in mainstream media because of a politically incorrect combination of ethnicity, worldview, lifestyle and music taste was a brilliant move and something we had hoped for ever since we released our now almost legendary album Dissidentica in 2017 that paved way for a new way of looking at dissident music and media, at least in Scandinavia.

You see, White Art Collective is far away from the angry vibes of European old school Rock Against Communism. Do not misunderstand us — RAC is one of few original working class genres that have survived in a post-Soviet world that turned the Marxist-Leninist dogmas into law — but the White Art Collective is something brand new.

We find barbershop-influenced retro-pop, rock-identitaire, neo-folk, singer-songwriters, art rock, jazzy steampunk-ska crossovers and dystopian Gustave Le Bon-inspired fusions of fashwave and psybient techno that you will not hear on any radio station.

Just try to remember where was the last place you heard an eccentric experimental Swedish cello-enthusiast who mixed his instrument with spellbinding pagan rhythms like something the mythological Shetland seal god would play in Mollie Hunter’s A Stranger Came Ashore?