Matthew Ward via Suzanne Ward #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. After several years in an acceleration mode that increased steadily but slowly, now your world is practically dashing out of low vibrations and racing toward higher illumination, luminescence.
The reduction in low vibrations raised Earth’s frequencies and they are “downloading” codes—doorways to the mind of Creator—to elevate conscious contact with soul-level knowingness.
The new, higher frequencies cannot help you make sense of the sea of speculations, opinions, misinterpretations, misleading reports, outright lies and actual facts, which are only the tips of icebergs. Please do not give any energy to the publicized worrisome spread of bird flu, measles outbreak or bats in Wuhan could have a new strain of corona virus foolishness. Until the dark ones draw their last breath, they will keep trying to kill you with vaccines, make money from selling vaccines, and create fear about a new pandemic before new vaccines are ready.
Now then, about days of darkness. Three days may be a holdover from information circulated years ago in connection with the theory that Earth would enter the photon belt. During the planet’s three-day passage from the belt’s edge to an interior orbiting space, light from the sun would be blocked and everything would be as black as ebony.
And, this is a timely topic because photon energy is the makeup of the higher frequencies that are coming in. Always some photons have been around you, but with the recent influx, this lighter energy is blending with the electrical composition of your atmosphere, your planet and your bodies. Photons contain more light than electrons, which are the makeup of carbon-based cells. It is photon energy that transforms those cells into the crystalline structure that is a storehouse of cosmic knowledge.