Andy Schlafly #fundie
An intelligent designer is not constrained by an idiotic straight-jacket of consistency.
An intelligent designer is not constrained by an idiotic straight-jacket of consistency.
(in reference to obsessive compulsive disorder)
The term is routinely used in liberal psychobabble propoganda attacks against Christianity by undermining the doctrine of Priesthood of all believers and its derivative the Protestant work ethic.
Wearing all black as a teenager is suggestive of anti-Christian beliefs. Other examples in this entry illustrate that. I welcome more evidence, but am not going to play dumb amid liberal denial by others.
Your entry that you link above takes a small step towards the truth, yet ignores how deadly anti-Christian animus is, and how many self-described atheists suffer from it. It's not a mental illness, but a belief system that results from being misled.
["Biblical scientific foreknowledge"]
Impossibility of a Grand Unified Theory
Billions of dollars and millions of hours have been wasted by atheists in futile pursuit of a "grand unified theory" for physics. But Genesis explains that the creation of light was done in a separate, initial creation, free of darkness or entropy, and thus incapable of unification with matter.
[Matthew 6] verse 22: Translating the reference to the dancer as a "bimbo" (or something similar) seems to fit the context. I wonder if the Greek word ever meant that. This may be a case where the Greek itself is inadequate and there may be richer options in English to choose from. It seems obvious what was meant and thus justified to convey what was meant despite inadequacies in the Greek
Although negative numbers were not accepted by mathematicians until the 1600s, negative infinity is logically implied by the existence of Hell as described frequently in the Gospels. Also, the existence of an infinitely good God implies the existence of an infinitely bad evil that rejects God.
Negative infinity is difficult to define with independent terminology. Taking a cue from negative infinity as a representation of Hell, negative infinity is the lowest value possible.
The Parable of the Vineyard Workers conveys truths about mathematical logic unknown at the time of Christ. In a mere sixteen verses at Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus explains surprising truths about infinity, zero, and set theory. It would take nearly 20 centuries before mathematicians caught up. [Emphasis added]
Only in set theory is it true that "the last will be first, and the first last," as stated by the conclusion of the parable. Outside of set theory that statement ostensibly appears to be false.
Only if infinity exists can a master pay everyone the same wage, no matter how hard or little they work. Infinity is synonymous with God.
The existence of infinity in turn implies the existence of zero, based on the inability to diminish infinity by anything more than zero. Zero -- the zero difference between the "wages" paid, and the jealousy that results -- is synonymous with the lack of God in this story.
A silver lining to the parable is how it demonstrates that communism can create more jealousy than capitalism does, through the jealousy of those who work less and yet get paid as much.
Logic anarchy is the result of a belief that cannot serve as the foundation for a logical system.
In mathematics, logic anarchy occurs when there is a proof by contradiction. To prove the falsehood of a mathematical statement, this approach first assumes that it is true and then tries to build logical statements on it. Once the system collapses in an absurd contradiction, then the conclusion is that the assumption must be false rather than true.
Atheism is a belief that results in logic anarchy. To avoid that, freedom of speech is censored in all atheistic societies.
It's a liberal fiction that E=mc2 has ever been applied in any practical way. The equation defines rest mass in terms of the speed of light - an absurdity.
Does the term "ugly American" really refer to "liberal American"? Ryan Lochte, a favorite of liberals, is indicted in Brazil for smearing the country with a false report after he misbehaved himself. He got out quickly, however, leaving his teammates detained in Rio de Janerio. [Emphasis original]
(Though abstinence is the best prevention, it's still a good idea to take the HPV vaccine due to the chance of rape.)
Do the math on your scenario and I'm confident you'll find that risk to be less than the risk of being struck and killed by lightning.
(Actually, there's a a 0.6% chance of a woman being exposed to an STD through no fault of their own versus 0.016% of people being struck by lightning.)
Your data are from a one-sided source that combines rape with attempted rape, a misleading statistical trick (which is it, rape or not?). The same source claims that 3% of men are raped, which is absurd.
The vaccine protects against only a tiny percentage of STDs, and you haven't factored that in either. When you do an objective analysis, you'll see that the risk of being struck by lightning is higher, which is hardly a risk anyone incurs costs and risks adverse effects to avoid.
Wikipedia is a like a 3rd grade essay contest that gives points for more words. Here, we focus on learning and teaching, which is why we've helped hundreds of teenagers get into top colleges while I don't think Wikipedia has helped anyone do so.
[Note: The original has been deleted, this screenshot is hosted on RationalWiki.]
[Transcript: "Wintery mix dumps record snow on New York." Where's the phony global warming that liberals have been yipping about?]
Conservative of the Year 2013
"Duck Dynasty" family
Gives up millions of dollars rather than cave into liberal censorship by the homosexual agenda, after the liberal media expelled a member of the family for speaking biblically.
Hard to disagree with a high ranking for how this family stands on principle, and opposes liberal censorship of free speech
[In a mathematical article about sets]
There is the set of unborn children who were aborted, about which striking conclusions can be drawn. Given the large and diverse number of elements of this set, it would likely include many who could surpass existing athletic and intellectual achievements. Indeed, many of the world records and Nobel Prize achievements recognized today would have been outdone by members of this set.
[Under Essay: Best New Conservative Words]
New Term: uncertainty principle
Origin date: 1929
Comments: an underlying chaos (uncertainty) at the atomic level in the physical world after the Fall of man, which renders a perpetual motion machine and life beyond 120 years impossible
["Would think that the absolutely horrible devastation caused by the Tornado in Moore, Oklahoma would be worth a mention on your main page and maybe a link to donate to Red Cross appeal for it."]
Praying for the Oklahoma victims would be a better suggestion - which I will do personally now. [Emphasis added]
["Christ admonishes us to pray in private and love our neighbors. Christ truly loves a gift of charity."]
It's great to give to the unfortunate and poor (which is not necessarily the same as the Red Cross). But that is not what Jesus did. Jesus prayed, often publicly, for people.
[Someone quotes Matthew 25:34-46]
The Bible quotes are great. Jesus expressly talked about the Great Flood, and how people misbehaved right up until the Flood occurred. See Luke 17-24 (Translated)#17:27. Do you think Jesus was somehow wrong, and liberal denial right?
[re: Jesus being the writer of Epistle to the Hebrews]
There is no other plausible author. Do you suggest any? The author had to be highly proficient in both the Greek language and Hebrew culture and scriptures, and capable of writing or dictating a flawless essay. Only Jesus meets those conditions.
I didn't see Saving Private Ryan, but I suspect that is liberal also. The quotes and clips I saw from it had the trappings of liberalism: faithless with a kind of dumbed-down "that's all there is to life" approach. Woe is me and my brothers will be my salvation. "At death there's nothing more" is the message, expect (if you're lucky) some spirit of brotherhood.
Tom Hanks is a liberal, big time. Seeing the world through the atheistic eyes of a "retard", with sermonizing about civil rights, was a liberal distortion and fantasy. I'm sure we all know people of low IQs, and they don't think and act like Forrest Gump. For starters, often they have strong religious faith. As I recall from the first half, Gump's perspective was without any genuine expression of faith.
["Why don't we just use the dictionary definition of liberal...?"]
I don't use that definition because it is false. Liberals are people who favor taxpayer-funded abortion, censorship of classroom prayer, and just about anything that is anti-Christian
Is atheistic terrorism worse than Islamic terrorism? Liberal denial prevents honest reporting on whether the Germanwings co-pilot who killed 150 passengers was an atheist.
Negative implication is an underdeveloped concept of logic that the existence of +1, for example, implies the existence of -1. The existence of evil implies the existence of good, as an other example. The existence of the seen (the material) implies the existence of the unseen. And so on.
Negative implication is required by the fundamental uncertainty discovered in quantum mechanics and described in the Book of Genesis, because uncertainty about "A" requires the existence of "Not A."
Unsolicited gratitude from an attorney/mother/teacher whom we've never met: "I love Conservapedia, and was able to check a few things. I learned from you that the first thanksgiving was to give thanks for the Constitution."
An prominent element of uncertainty, as found in football, seems to enable demonic influences to thrive.
In modern times, pagan rituals include the Super Bowl, certain public school events, and even misnamed holidays like "President's Day."
[re: Noah's flood]
Emphasis added
First, there is no logical objection to the biblical account. It cannot be disproved. Let's be clear about that. It may not comport easily with someone's everyday experience 5000 years later, but the same could be said about many other facts in history also. There is simply no logical flaw in the account.
Second, the theory of evolution has even greater difficulties explaining how species survived massive flooding. No one credibly denies that worldwide flooding occurred; even today the world is over 70% covered with water, most remaining inhabitable land is within 100 feet of sea level, and limestone deposits from water are found at all heights. Local, but massive, flooding occurs frequently and widely, with devastating affects. The theory of evolution does not have a more plausible explanation for how species survive this in the long run. [Emphasis added]
Prophet Not Welcome in His Hometown
The Jacksonsville Jaquars are one of the worst teams in the NFL, racking up horrific records of 2-14, 4-12, and 3-13, in 2012, 2013, and 2014, respectively. Yet they have been adamant in not giving hometown hero Tim Tebow a chance to quarterback the club, despite how Tebow has been given opportunities by better teams and despite how he led the Denver Broncos to playoff success.
The Bible predicts this odd phenomenon in Matthew 13:57, Mark 6:4, and Luke 4:24. For example, Mark 6:4 quotes Jesus as stating:[4]
“A prophet is not without honor, except in his hometown and among his relatives and in his own household."
[In Conservapedia's article on Sets, Application section]
Another striking example is the how traditional marriage provides a greater set than otherwise: the union of A = {a, b, c, d} and B = {a, b, c, e} is merely {a, b, c, d, e}, while the union of M (man) = {a, b, c, d} and W (woman) = {e, f, g, h} is {a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h}, which is a broader and more diverse set.
The gay lobby has been increasingly influential over the Mormon Church, such that by 2015 pro-homosexual agenda legislation began to pass easily in Utah.
SamHB, you're free to deny obvious bias against outspoken Christian athletes. But be aware that determined denials ultimately lose credibility.
Do you even deny that Tim Tebow was criticized more harshly, and more unfairly, than other quarterbacks? If you take your denial to that level, the loss in credibility will be complete. If, however, you admit that liberals criticized Tebow more harshly than others, then why do you deny it with respect to Gabby Douglas? Notice that you never provide an alternative plausible explanation for the unfair criticism of Douglas.
You say that liberals do not criticize their Christianity specifically, but it obvious why they criticize other things instead. If any liberal criticized someone directly for being a Christian, then the liberal would lose support. Liberals are not that dumb.
If you find the math in relativity fun, great, but relativity is not going to help anyone. It never has. Pick up a Bible in between some equations.
[re: Washington's Birthday being called 'President's Day' as an example of "secularized language"]
Washington was a prominent Christian whose habit of praying and appealing to God for assistance is well-known. He was a kind of saint, and the downplaying of his (indisputable) significance is due to his Christianity. If he had been an atheist then you'd see the opposite effect.
"What kind of saint was George Washington?"
The kind that wins wars. There have been other examples. Have you heard of Joan of Arc?
"So which churches DO recognize Washington as a saint or other type of sacred being?"
Perhaps the church of Satan does, or perhaps atheists simply dislike Washington. Wouldn't that be enough to explain the misnaming of the holiday as described in this entry?
Atheistic bias, like other forms of bias, seeks to downplay and minimize Christianity. Washington was a leading, accomplished Christian. Lincoln far less so, other presidents even lesser still, and the office of president not Christian at all. An atheistic bias pushes language from the Christian recognition to the more atheistic substitute.
Evolution syndrome is the tendency of some people to insist compulsively that human evolution from animals must somehow be true, and to spend nearly all of their time pushing that belief on others. It is reflected on the internet by people who devote over 90% of their edits and postings to pushing their belief in evolution and insisting on censoring or demonizing alternative views of the issue. They are particularly against teaching any alternative theories to children in school, sometimes claiming that this will harm children's critical thinking. A childish insistence on last wordism is a common characteristic of evolution syndrome.
Sufferers of evolution syndrome tend to be college students or graduates who wanted to excel in math or physics, but lacked the ability or work ethic to do so. They are frustrated "wannabees" with respect to academic recognition. But they find that liberals will praise their intelligence if they promote evolution. This is analogous to a struggling ball player deceitfully turning to steroids to enhance his performance, and thereby make it to the "Big Leagues."
[Conservative of the Year 2014 nomination]
Continues to reject same-sex marriage and, with a conservative spirit at home and abroad, emerged victorious over same-sex marriage nations in the World Cup.
The second chapter of the Gospel of John describes the conversion of water into wine by Jesus at a wedding reception. Intuitively one would expect the conversion to occur before anyone tasted the drink. But under quantum mechanics, it is not until observation that matter acquires a definite state. John 2:9 describes this precisely as required by quantum mechanics, and the KJV misses this subtle issue of timing in the conversion.
[In Conservapedia's article on 'Scientist']
A scientist is someone who practices science. Scientists who have tenure at universities, however, are often liberal atheists, as faculties today are hostile to people like Isaac Newton or Louis Pasteur who were inspired by their faith.
By a landslide 10-5 vote, "Texas education board backs conservative curriculum." It tosses out liberal lies like overuse of the word "democratic" and myths about America being founded on "religious freedom." [Emphasis added]
The problem is that E=mc2 does not meaning anythimg that makes sense. Anyone is welcome to try to explain it here. Eating a pound of cake does not cause one's energy to increase by the speed of light squared.
Wonder why Germany wins zero (0) medals in gymnastics? Homeschooling is illegal in Germany.
What's the name for a self-centered, uncharitable person who censors classroom prayer? An atheist. That's why atheists do not build hospitals, and they don't win sports championships like the World Cup either.
Black holes are a sacred cow of atheistic science.
The lack of cheering by atheists for the upset victory by the Giants in the Super Bowl -- overcoming preseason odds of 25-1 against them -- begs the question: Mystery:Why Do Atheists Dislike Underdogs?
Set theory is a branch of mathematics dealing with collections of objects, called sets. It revolutionized mathematics and made possible enormous new insights. The approach of set theory also offers a powerful way to think about life, handle anxiety, escape addiction, and understand the miracles in the New Testament.
(Emphasis added.)
[re: whether humor existed before the arrival of Christianity]
To one with an open mind, your vulgar "examples" tend to reinforce the basic observation: (real) humor was lacking before Christianity. Crudeness or vulgarity or mockery is not true humor, and Greek "comedies" were not attempts at humor in today's sense.
If you had evidence of writings about humor itself, or books of humor, or truly comedic performances, or anything remotely similar to quality humor today, then that could help your argument. But the above examples, if they are the best you have, simply underscore the insight in this essay.
Quantum tunneling is the ability of particles to move through energy barriers even though ostensibly impossible based on traditional laws of mechanical physics. This was not discovered by scientists until the 20th century.
Jesus proved this was possible in John 20:26, when he appeared before the Apostles in a closed room with completely shut doors.
With young people having gray hair with increasing frequency, this does suggest that the slope of man's developmental path is a much sharper incline (downward) than Old Earth believers claim.
["I am going to suggest you present some credible references." ]
Your request for references is unpersuasive, as evidence is abundant in daily life. Would anyone ask Jesus for a reference after telling the parable of the Prodigal Son?
Ladies and gentlemen, FOX News is now a liberal news channel:
"The Fox News Channel heavily promotes RINO Backers -- commentators who may appear to be conservative but side with RINOs just when it matters most. Examples include Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Karl Rove, and Rush Limbaugh, who savaged Todd Akin for making a pro-life statement pointing out that pregnancy from rape is rare due to feminine biology. The Fox News Channel gave Karl Rove a platform to raise money against pro-life Republican candidates.
Even center-right pundit Sarah Palin is too conservative for Fox News Channel, as when it canceled some of her interviews at a key political moment in August 2012,[1] and then refused to renew her contract. And Fox News believes that the former guatemalan president Efraín Ríos Montt was a dictator.[2]"
Atheistic science predicts that earthquakes will be correlated with fault lines. That is simply not true, as many recent earthquakes (Napa Valley, Japan, etc.) have demonstrated. It would be fine if atheistic science admitted it doesn't know, but instead it claims it does know, but it is wrong.
Atheistic science also fails to explain the many examples of beauty in nature, including the blood moon.
Biblical scientific foreknowledge, meanwhile, is spectacular in its success.
[h2]Andeepak Schopry[/h2]
Wave-particle duality, not discovered by scientists until the 20th century, is when something is sometimes a wave and sometimes a particle. Subatomic particles have wave-particle duality; so does light.
This is the same as God being a "wave" as the Holy Spirit, and also being matter in the form of Jesus. A open-minded appreciation of the wave-particle duality of the Trinity could have opened the eyes of scientists nearly 2000 years sooner to the fundamental wave-particle duality of nature discovered in the 1900s.
Nothing useful has even been designed or built using relativity. If you want to look and look and look for a counterexample then you'll be wasting your time. I'm not going to waste mine. This is my final reply on this topic for now. Do something logical, such as editing the Bible, and after benefiting from that experience we can revisit this issue in a month or so. [Emphasis added]
[In a discussion about Einstein's theory of relativity]
Other commenters above, if you don't mind, I wonder if any of you would estimate how much time you've spent reading the Bible in this month of March. I ask because I've found that once someone falls for Relativity, they almost never open a Bible again.