Donald Trump

Mark Taylor and Dave Daubenmire #conspiracy

On his “Pass The Salt Live” webcast yesterday, “Coach” Dave Daubenmire interviewed “firefighter prophet” Mark Taylor, whose claim to fame is that God supposedly told him back in 2011 that Donald Trump would become president.

Daubenmire and Taylor spent a good bit of time on the webcast discussing the IRS’s 501(c)(3) designation, which neither of them seemed to understand, considering that Daubenmire wondered why President Trump “hasn’t executive ordered the end of the 501(c)(3) muzzle” on churches, while Taylor said that he has been prohibited by God from even stepping “foot into a 501(c)(3) church.”

Churches and other houses of worship with tax-exempt status are barred from engaging in electoral politics, such as openly endorsing a candidate for political office, but Trump, who has said that he wants to eliminate the prohibition on political activity, cannot simply issue an executive order to scrap the law, as Daubenmire suggested. As for Taylor, if he really has been instructed by God to stay out of all 501(c)(3) churches, then he can never enter any church since, as the right-wing Alliance Defending Freedom explains, “all churches are subject to section 501(c)(3) of the federal tax code whether they apply for recognition as a 501(c)(3) organization or not.”

But not knowing what they are talking about did not stop Daubenmire and Taylor from issuing dire warnings about the dangers of 501(c)(3) status, which Taylor stated is part of “the Baal system.”

“When [churches] enter into that 501(c)(3), they have entered into covenant with the kingdom of darkness,” Taylor said. “They took a bribe is what they did. The Bible says when you take a bribe, it blinds the eyes of the wise and perverts the words of the righteous, so it’s blinded the eyes of those who have come into the covenant and it’s perverting their words. The Lord flat out told me, ‘Mark, many have come before you with this 501(c)(3) message,’ He said, ‘You’re the last.’ He said, ‘I gave you that prophetic word for the 501(c)(3), I don’t even want you stepping foot into a 501(c)(3) church, otherwise you will be blinded and your words will become defiled.’ So I can’t even step foot into a 501(c)(3) church right now because the church and its leadership is under judgment and that 501(c)(3) system, especially, is under judgment.”

While the two were displeased that Trump hasn’t moved quickly enough to change the tax code, Taylor later stated that every Christian should be thankful for his election because had Hillary Clinton won, her administration “was going to use the 501(c)(3) to shut the churches down and turn them into a mosque.”

theantifeminist #sexist

The men’s rights movement is clearly dead. However, things are not that bad, despite this. The ideas of Angry Harry (and to a much lesser extent, the likes of myself) spread out and influenced wider movements, and the wider Web, and into ‘real life’ and politics, even if people don’t always recognize them as having a ‘men’s rights’ origin. Hell, we even have a President of the United States now who called 13 year old girls hot and who regularly referred to men’s rights arguments in his presidential campaign. To think that Paul Elam and the honey badgers would likely have kicked out Donald Trump as a ‘pedo advocate’ and incited their feminist/fake MRA followers to lynch him, if he had become an MRA instead of the President!

Pat Robertson #fundie

Pat Robertson on Monday declared that Donald Trump was the “clear winner” of Sunday night’s presidential debate, and the televangelist asserted that the GOP candidate’s admission that he groped women was simply “macho” talk.

“Trump was the winner,” Robertson opined on his 700 Club television program. “Basically, the pundits were writing him off.”

The TV preacher argued that Trump was like the mythical Phoenix because he had performed well at the debate just days after the leak of a video tape, in which the Republican nominee bragged that he could grab women “by the pussy” without their permission because he was a star.

“A guy does something 11 years ago, it was a conversation in Hollywood where he’s trying to look like he’s macho,” Robertson said. “And 11 years after that they surface it from The Washington Post or whatever, bring it out within 30 days or so of the election and this is supposed to be the death blow and everybody writes him off, ‘Okay, he’s dead, now you’ve got to get out of the way and let Mike Pence run the campaign.'”

“The Donald says no,” he continued. “He’s like the Phoenix. They think he’s dead, he’s come back. And he came back strong. So, he won that debate.”

A scientific poll conducted by CNN following Sunday night’s debate found that 57 percent of people said that Hillary Clinton won, while 34 percent thought Trump came out ahead.

Nicholas Giampa #racist

When Giampa first started tweeting from the @doctorpepper35 account in May 2016, he already espoused far-right views. An enthusiastic supporter of then-candidate Donald Trump, he often used racist slurs to attack Trump’s critics. In the summer of 2016, Giampa told one Twitter user to “go back to the gas chamber,” called another a “kike” and labeled several users whom he disagreed with as “cucks.” He talked about “globalist scum” and, a few weeks later, referred to a right-wing conspiracy theory about “how hillary has literally murdered people.”


When Giampa returned to Twitter this past summer, around the time he started dating the daughter of Kuhn-Fricker and Kuhn, his tweets were vicious. On July 26, the same day Trump announced the transgender military ban, Giampa fired off a series of threatening tweets targeting gay and transgender people.

“I’ve already talked 1 tranny into suicide and I’m working on another 2 :wideeyed:,” he bragged. Then he posted a rainbow lynching image, encouraging gay and transgender people to commit suicide. “#transrightsarehumanrights is an oxymoron because trannies aren’t ‘people,’” Giampa tweeted that day.

Giampa retweeted Trump’s announcement of the transgender military ban, but he appeared to have been wavering in his overall support for the president. “I don’t even support trump lol I just think it’s funny how easy it is for him to piss people off,” he tweeted on July 26, months after Trump’s airstrikes against the Assad regime.


In the lead-up to the Nov. 7 gubernatorial race in Virginia, Giampa described Democratic candidate Ralph Northam as a “jew puppet” and told a pro-Northam Twitter user to “Get the fuck out of my state you white guilt slut.”

A white Europe without Jewish or Muslim individuals “sounds like heaven,” Giampa tweeted on Nov. 11. The next day, he tweeted “The jews are everyone’s enemy.”

He tweeted in support of nationalist marchers in Poland seeking to rid the country of Muslims and Jews. “Muslims and jews are incapable of assimilating and a threat to their culture,” he wrote.

Throughout his Twitter feed, Giampa expressed concern that white men were at risk of losing their access to guns. By late November, he was actively advocating violence. He tweeted on Nov. 20 that Charles Manson, who had died a day earlier, “did the right thing.” On Thanksgiving Day, he advocated shooting transgender and Jewish people.

That same day, Giampa retweeted a pro-Hitler meme.

Giampa retweeted a Nov. 25 tweet blaming Jews for communism and World War II. On Nov. 26, Giampa tweeted a denial of the Holocaust. Days later, he retweeted a call for Vanguard America, the Atomwaffen Division, and other neo-Nazi movements to come together as part of a “white revolution.”

Jesse Lee Peterson #fundie

On his program yesterday, Right-wing radio host Jesse Lee Peterson attacked Hillary Clinton for encouraging children to read and said that parents should never allow their kids to read the Harry Potter series.

Peterson began by declaring that Barack Obama “is going down in history as the most hated, worst, weak, poor, pathetic, pitiful excuse of a president” who brought this nation “right at the brink of destruction” until God stepped in by electing Donald Trump.

“God said, ‘Hold up, I’m not going to let this happen. Where is Trump? Jesus, go over there and talk to Trump and tell him I need him to do something for me,'” Peterson said. “And now the president is making America great again.”

Peterson then turned his attention to Clinton, who he said “keeps going down into the pits of hell, sucking the blood out of the dead and coming back, trying to hold on” to her relevance.

“That is an evil, evil, nasty, dirty woman,” he said. “Thank God, thank God, thank God she did not win as president.”

Peterson was outraged that Clinton had spoken at an American Library Association conference, where she said that books like the Harry Potter series have been proven to teach children to have compassion for those who are different.

“If that is true, immediately stop your children from reading Harry Potter,” Peterson said. “If it’s true that reading Harry Potter causes kids to be more open to immigrants and LGBT people, then you’re going to pay for brainwashing, traumatizing, turning your children away from good toward evil. I would shut down those books right away if that’s true.”

Eric Trump #conspiracy

Left-leaning comedian Ellen DeGeneres must be part of a “deep state” conspiracy, President Donald Trump's son Eric said on Twitter Tuesday night, after apparently misunderstanding how social media works.

The heir to the Trump real estate fortune made the assertion by tweeting a screenshot of which accounts the company's algorithm suggested he follow, including the Twitter streams of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Ellen DeGeneres.

“Shocking,” Trump tweeted. “Once again, here are the @Twitter ‘suggestions’ of who I should follow. #DeepState.”

Donald Trump #fundie

John Oliver slams Trump’s trans order: If we want to protect women from predators, ‘ban the president’

In his Sunday evening “Last Week Tonight” episode, comedian John Oliver slammed President Donald Trump, calling him a hypocrite for his executive order against transgender students. The order would allow students to use their bathroom of their choice in schools. Obama’s order also allowed students to wear a tux to prom or a dress in yearbook photos if it is consistent with their gender identity.

Oliver played a clip of a Trump appearance on “The Howard Stern Show” from April 11, 2005, in which Trump brags about being able to walk into women’s dressing rooms during beauty pageants.

“I’ll go backstage before a show and everyone’s getting dressed and ready and everything else. And you know, no men are anywhere,” Trump told Stern. “And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant and therefore I’m inspecting it. You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. ‘Is everybody okay?’ And you see these incredible-looking women. And so, I sort of get away with things like that.”

Some of those beauty pageant contestants were underage girls, and Buzzfeed interviewed four of them who said that Trump walked in on them during the 1997 Miss Teen USA pageant. At least one of the women was only 15 years old at the time.

“I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’” former Miss Teen Vermont Mariah Billado said. Trump reportedly told the girls, “Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before.”

Oliver had a better idea for a new Trump executive order.

“Yeah, you do seem to sort of get away with it, which is exactly why if we really want to protect women from predators,” Oliver began. “Let’s stop wasting our time with pointless, vindictive bathroom laws and instead launch a military operation to ban the president himself from women’s rooms nationwide.”

Watch the full video below:

"Scott", a C-SPAN caller #fundie

A C-SPAN caller on Wednesday suggested that President Donald Trump’s partial government shutdown was tied to the second coming of Jesus Christ.

C-SPAN host John McArdle spoke to a New York man named Scott who called in on Washington Journal‘s line for supporters of the government shutdown.

“I don’t really have a solution,” Scott began. “But I am in support of it because I’m waiting for the second coming. We just celebrated the first coming of Jesus. But Jesus is coming back.”

“And as crazy as the government is, it’s getting us closer,” Scott added. “Now the solution to having a bill pay for the wall, Trump can do this by going after every business in America that got a tax break if they have any ties to any sister/baby companies off of them that have hired any illegal aliens in the past.”

The caller argued that Trump could “take that tax break back” and “build us a golden wall across the Mexican and Canadian border.”

“I want it shutdown because I can’t wait for when Jesus comes back and gets the righteous real people and takes them to heaven,” Scott opined. “And then we have a real big mess on this Earth.”

“Got your point, Scott,” McArdle said as he cut off the caller.

Archie Montgomery #conspiracy

Stephen Paddock is logically a Leftist, probably Democrat

It only makes sense.

Being transparent and open, I do not know for sure about this. But it follows from the known facts. Consider:

The shooter in the Las Vegas mass murder intentionally selected as his target a group of Country-Western music aficionados. Overwhelmingly, Country-Western music enthusiasts are pro-American and therefore voted for Donald Trump. One concludes the shooter suffers from anti-Trump or Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It is silly and illogical to suggest a pro-American would select such a target group.

The shooter made sure the mass murder would fit the pre-arranged claims of the Left aligned Democrat Continuum. Sure enough, on cue, all the wild eyed Leftists were primed and ready to deploy the ‘ban guns’ paranoid delusion. (Almost as if they were expecting the incident?)

It is silly and illogical to suggest a pro-American would damage the Second Amendment in such manner.

The shooter didn’t want to face his victims. They weren’t real people to him, just ‘them’. Very typical of Leftist thought and behavior.

All the pro-American people I know are rather ‘person oriented’, at least in this sense. Very few are back shooters. Pro-American people tend to consider the consequence of their actions more carefully.

The shooter killed himself rather than face the public, the justice system or the real world.

That is self-evident and I’ll leave it alone.

The last bit of known fact presumes Mr. Paddock was in fact the murderer. If Mr. Paddock was deployed only as a decoy, scape-goat or red-herring, the actual murderer fit into the first three items and then killed Mr. Paddock to cover his crimes.

At the very least the Las Vegas murderer committed his crime to assist the Left, based on logical thought.

Mark Yuray #fundie

Crypto-Islamic news editors at CNN were in shock yesterday: ‘Qandeel Baloch: Pakistani social media star strangled by her brother.’

This was apparently front page news, nestled between stories about Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick, the assault-style truck attack in France, and the aborted coup attempt in Turkey. I doubted many of CNN’s readers knew or cared much about Pakistani social media stars, so I dove into the article to see what I could learn about the mass mind-control apparatus that is CNN. What did they want me to think because of this article?

The answer came quickly, in the vein of why we are all constantly force-fed praise about Malala Yousafzai: women are being oppressed in the Indian subcontinent, and you should feel bad about it. This time the oppression took the form of an angry Pakistani man who strangled his sister, who was making a name for herself posting half-naked selfies on Facebook and Instagram. He protested the “kind of pictures she had been posting online.”

CNN described Qandeel Baloch’s online exploits as “brazenly sassy, and increasingly political.” She was “curvaceous and self deprecating.” Here’s a money quote:

"In recent weeks, several of her posts encouraged her audience to challenge old practices of Pakistani society. In a July 14 post, Baloch referred to herself as a “modern day feminist.”"

Haha, oh man.

Qandeel Baloch’s brother didn’t murder her. Feminism murdered her.

I almost feel bad for Qandeel Baloch. Almost. This chubby female of middling looks, with the desperate need for attention common to her sex, somehow found a way to boost and buttress her own status and popularity. In a traditional Pakistani society, she found the Internet. She found Facebook and Instagram, doubtlessly shortly thereafter followed by Western ideas about “women’s visibility.” She found that, even though she was pretty average and unremarkable, she could do a simple thing to become famous and popular: post half-naked pictures of herself on social media with captions using words like “empowering.”

What happened next? The Cathedral found her, of course. Feminists found her. NGOs found her. Journalists found her. Did they tell her to stop posting such lewd and stupid stuff online? Did they tell her that Kim Kardashian is a warning, not a role model? Did they tell her she’d be better off doing something actually productive, like raising children? No, of course not!


That newspaper eagerly encouraged and fueled Qandeel Baloch’s narcissistic endeavours in order to further a political goal: the advancement of feminism and other progressive norms in Pakistan. Baloch made a reckless but predictable deal with the Devil. She would be the cudgel with which the Cathedral would beat traditional Muslim Pakistanis. In exchange, she got attention, fame, notoriety, and money. In theory.

In reality, the deal got messy very fast, and her own traditional Muslim Pakistani brother strangled her before she became a Kim Kardashian. He saw her become the Pakistani Lena Dunham, and he had enough.

Now CNN is eulogizing her as yet another martyr in the global and endless war of feminism and progressivism against human nature.


Tanqeed is not quite a fully-fledged Soros operation yet, but its donor list is suspiciously full of non-Pakistani names: Brady Calestro, David Dencker, Anna Waltman, and so on. Tanqeed, much like Dawn, provided cover and incentive for Qandeel Baloch. Do they reap any blame for her death? Are they at all ashamed or apologetic for pushing her into the role of a crowdfunded Lena Dunham in a country where honor killing is still common? No, of course not!


It’s clear she wasn’t rich, because if she was, she would have been writing a feminist column in The Harvard Crimson far away from Taliban and honor killers. She was a working class woman who took the high-risk job of being the Cathedral’s frontline feminist culture war shock trooper in a heavily Muslim country.


The Express Tribune, needless to say, is another major English-language Pakistani newspaper. It is Pakistan’s only newspaper affiliated with the International New York Times. Its editorial stance identifies with “social liberalism.”

What is the real story here? CNN wants to spin an epic tale of an average woman standing up to patriarchal oppressors against all odds. CNN wants to turn her into a martyr and a heroine. But she is neither of those things, and CNN’s tale is false on its face.

The real story is a sordid one. It is a story of a number of news organizations and NGOs following Anglo-Saxon ideologies of feminism and progressivism, funded and directed from abroad, working on a long-term project to undercut traditional Pakistani society and remake it in the images of Harvard and Oxford Utopia. It is a story of a lower-class Pakistani woman without a husband who got sucked into the pointless spiral of selfies, clicks, and likes that is Western social media, and was then selected and fueled down that path by those same news organizations and NGOs in order to further their political goals.

When she met her inevitable fate in Muslim Punjab, they eulogized her and blamed the patriarchy. And yet, before Qandeel Baloch was having phone calls with journalists at major left-of-center newspapers, she was not likely fearing for her life, nor twerking half-naked for millions to watch on YouTube. Qandeel Baloch was not empowered, she was a political pawn for organizations that did not care whether she lived or died.

Feminism killed the Pakistani Lena Dunham. It’ll kill the American one too, but that inevitable wound will be self-inflicted, unlike in Muslim Pakistan.

Gerry Downing #fundie

Socialist Fight’s position on Israel/Palestine; the Jewish Question


What slogans for the struggle?

Whilst we are for a multi-ethnic workers’ state we are sensitive to the role that democratic demands might play in the revolutionary struggle. Demands for a constituent assembly and the fight for secular democratic rights are very likely to play a prominent part in the revolution but we know that these must be subordinate to the goal of overthrowing capitalism in Israel/Palestine but also in the entire region of the Middle East. Therefore the governmental slogan and the demands that lead up to it are important. For a Revolutionary Constituent Assembly is the correct mobilising slogan to draw together all the elements and nationalities in the region to begin the battle for workers councils and a soviet government. We reject the ultra-leftist notion that a revolutionary programme cannot contain such democratic demands as part of its whole strategy. Such a position rejects the attempts by the revolutionary party to relate to the current state of the class consciousness of the working class and the fight to bring it into the struggle which alone opens it up to the revolutionary programme as a whole.

Smash of the settler-colonial state of Israel!

For a revolutionary Constituent Assembly!

For Workers Councils united across religious and ethnic divides!

For a Multi-ethnic Workers State of Palestine in a Socialist Federation of the Middle East!

For Workers Sanctions against Israel!

Sever all links between the Histadrut and all international trade union organisations!

Defends Hamas against the Zionist state!

For the military victory of the anti-imperialist guerrilla organizations Hamas and Hezbollah in Palestine, Lebanon and Syria!


It is our contention that the “Jewish Labour movement” and its handmaiden the ‘Labour Friends of Israel’ are in fact racist, communalist organisations that exist to incite racial hatred against Arabs within Labour and to build support for murdering and ethnic cleansing of Palestinian civilians. Far from proscribing anti-racist, socialist organisations such as Socialist Fight, Labour should be proscribing these racist currents, which are a fifth column within Labour for Israel and Israel-supporting currents, and to put it bluntly a bunch of far-right murdering racists.

The ‘Friends of Israel’ groupings work closely with each other. This was shown in the witchhunt against comrade Downing, when David Cameron (Conservative Friends of Israel) and his shady friend Guido Fawkes (Paul Staines) exhibited such synergy with our own ‘Friends of Israel’ (see the Hutton investigation quoted above) in demanding comrade Downing’s expulsion. These organisations in Britain are smaller versions of AIPAC in the United States, whose power is feared by politicians of all parties. As shown by the fact that both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump attended its recent convention, and engaged in a kind of Dutch Auction as to who could express the most extreme pro-Israel policies, including things like recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and tearing up Obama’s deal with Iran with a view to military attack.


This is also very evident in the Tory Party in the UK, whose right-wing in the pre-war period was anti-semitic and pro-Hitler. The leader of the section of the right of the Tory party who was most consistently anti-Hitler, Winston Churchill, was a notorious anti-semite. Their exact equivalents today are philo-semitic, pro-Israel and anti-Arab. And with the phenomena of Blairism, where considerable elements of the Labour right are politically very similar to Tories, the consequences for Labour are also not hard to deduce. We believe that this is one important reason why the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn has been targeted for smears, disinformation and destabilisation by right-wingers within Labour who are in many cases ‘Friends of Israel’ and work with the Tories and their media (which also happen, not coincidentally, to be pro-Zionist), again as demonstrated in the Hutton document quoted above. And the witchhunt against Socialist Fight and Gerry Downing is a key part of that.

Michele Bachmann #fundie

Michele Bachmann On Donald Trump’s Victory: ‘The Lord Did This’

Last night, various Religious Right activists participated in a live election night broadcast organized by Kenneth Copeland Ministries, called “America Stands: Election Coverage in the Spirit of Faith.” Among the hosts were right-wing pseudo-historian David Barton and former Rep. Michele Bachmann, who both handled the duties of announcing state election results as they rolled in.

Once it became undeniably clear that Donald Trump was going to win the election, Bachmann was quick to credit the power of their prayer efforts.

The event was streamed live online, but a portion of it also aired live on Daystar Television, something that Bachmann said directly impacted the result of the election. Showing a graphic from The New York Times that originally showed Hillary Clinton with a strong chance of winning and then gradually showed Trump’s chances increasing as the night’s results rolled in, Bachmann singled out the point where the two lines crossed and noted that that was also the exact moment that their election coverage went live on Daystar.

“We have a prayer room here,” she said, “we had people all across the United States joining with our prayer room here in Dallas in prayer, and look what happened. This was the moment when the whole race broke, when prayer began, when the church came out and then we see a 30-point swing here, a 30-point swing here and now we see the swing to a 95 percent chance of winning Trump, a five percent chance of winning Clinton. It’s phenomenal!”

“Already we know that the glory goes to the God Almighty,” she said, “the God of the Universe, the Sovereign Lord. He is the one who did this for us. He did, because His people got on their knees and cried out to Holy God and said, ‘We can’t go down this road any more, Father, we ask you for your mercy.’ And this is the proof positive of what the Lord did. The Lord did this!

RWW News: Michele Bachmann On Donald Trump's Victory: 'The Lord Did This'

Michael Savage #fundie

Conservative radio host Michael Savage has high hopes for a Donald Trump presidency, urging the GOP nominee yesterday to “rule by decree” and to pick Savage for a post in his administration if he is elected.

Savage said Trump should launch a “crusade” against the “radical left-wing fringe controlling this country,” even if it means undermining their civil rights. Savage said that Trump should launch inquiries into “treasonous” organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union, “the head of the serpent” that “must be broken apart,” with a renewed “House of Un-American Activities Committee investigation.”

“The left wing will go insane,” he said. “They’ll say, ‘Savage, you’re violating our civil rights.’ They’ll say, ‘You do not have probable cause to bring people in to investigate them.’ They might be right. But we need to do exactly that for our survival.”

He continued: “Tell me how a society that is open like ours, that is democratic like ours, can survive when enemies of freedom, enemies of democracy are destroying society by using the very freedoms we have in place because of the U.S. Constitution?”

Tomi Lahren #conspiracy

The Blaze host Tomi Lahren accused the Democratic Party of being secretly “racist” by using a strategy of getting “black Americans dependant on government to get votes.”

On her Wednesday show, Lahren pointed to a video created by discredited conservative activist James O’Keefe, who alleges that a Democratic donor said that black Donald Trump supporters are “seriously f*cked in the head.”

“It’s not like it’s the mentality of the party, right?” Lahren quipped sarcastically. “Well it was Southern Democrats that fought for slavery. Oh, and the KKK, it was originally an arm of the Southern Democratic Party. The mission, to terrorize freed slaves and those who sympathize with them, which would be the radical Republicans.”

Ignoring the “Southern Strategy” that Republicans have used to attract white voters over the last 40 years, Lahren reminded her viewers that only 23 percent of Democratic lawmakers had voted to abolish slavery in 1865.

“But the Democratic Party has changed now, right?” she snarked. “They’ve switched on racism! Or did they just stop being overtly racist and move to a bigger strategy: get black Americans dependant on government to get votes while simultaneously deeming any Republican of any color racist.”

“Or their new favorite term: the alt-right,” Lahren continued. “Because somehow, border enforcement and ‘all lives matter’ and the right to bear arms and limited government have become alt-right positions for us redneck deplorables.”

Frank Linkmeyer #racist

The small town of Aurora, Indiana is in an uproar after a local man entered a float in the annual Farmers Fair Parade depicting Hillary Clinton sitting in an electric chair with rival Donald Trump about to pull the switch.

According the creator of the float, which also featured a grim reaper and an Easter Island moai head in blackface labeled “Obama,” he entered it in an effort to get laughs, reports WCPO.

“It definitely was all for laughter. We’ve always had floats for laughter,” explained 76-year-old Frank Linkmeyer. “There’s never been anything else but that,”w hwile denying there was anything racist about his creation.

According to one woman who was marching in the parade with her daughter’s Girl Scout group, she didn’t find anything about it funny.

“For us to be in 2016 and have our president depicted as an Easter Island statue in blackface, which doesn’t even make any sense, but it’s just racist as can be,” explained Jackie Reynolds. ““But knowing that we are marching alongside displays like this really makes me question whether or not we will be participating next year.”

Said local Penny Britton, who didn’t attend the parade but saw pictures of the float after they were posted to Facebook, it was “disgusting.”

“It instantly turned my stomach,” Britton stated. “One of the pictures shows children seeing the float go by and staring at it.”

In a statement from the Lions Club, which approves the floats, officials kept their distance stating, “the parade is a public venue which does not reflect the views of the Aurora Lions Club. As a member of a worldwide service organization, we are proud and standby our record of service to this community.”

As for float designer Linkmeyer, he said he could have reversed Trump and Clinton, saying, “I could’ve taken and put Donald Trump in that float and had Hillary pull the handle. Nevertheless, I would have never pleased everybody and it was definitely all for laughter.”

Linkmeyer did not explain how that would have meshed with the Trump/Pence or hand-written signs listing so-called Clinton “scandals.”

As for the Obama statue in blackface, “We were getting ready to get in that parade and this thing was sittin’ in front of this gentleman’s building down there and they said, ‘Let’s put that on there,’ and I didn’t give it a thought,” he attempted to explain.

Michael Savage #fundie

Conservative talk show host Michael Savage said yesterday that he finds Hillary Clinton’s voice to be “very offensive,” expressing dismay at her “grating,” “hard voice.”

“What do you fear most about a Hillary presidency, other than hearing her grating voice for eight years?” he asked. “That’s the part I can’t take, it’s listening to her, that hard voice. It’s not that it scares me, it offends me deeply. I find it very offensive.”

He added: “I don’t like women who are not feminine. I don’t like hard women who are like men without, let’s put it this way, men without pants.”

Savage, a close ally of Donald Trump, said he doesn’t understand “why women are so excited about, ‘Oh she’s the first woman.’ In what sense is she the first woman president? What does that matter?”

While speaking to a caller, Dan, who said that he was also fearful of “listening to that shrill voice for the next eight years” along with Clinton’s “lust for absolute power,” Savage said that Clinton “will continue to attack the white male portion of the population” and “has a vendetta for white males.”

Clinton, according to Savage, plans on “importing” new voters and believes, “Give us all the minorities, give us all the gays, give us all the immigrants because eventually we will win by demographics. How can any white male ever vote for a Democrat? I’ll never understand. I don’t understand it because they’re digging their own grave.”

Ann Coulter #fundie

‘I’m ashamed to have known you’: Conservatives rip Ann Coulter for ugly smear of hero soldier’s dad

Conservative writer and professional provocateur Ann Coulter may have finally gone too far Thursday night after mocking the Muslim father of a U.S. Army captain who died while saving ten of his fellow soldiers in Iraq in 2004.

Speaking at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, the father of Army Capt. Humayun S.M. Khan delivered a powerful and impassioned speech attacking GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump for questioning the patriotism of American Muslims.

After relating the tale of his son’s heroism in sacrificing his life by stopping a suicide bomber, Khizr Khan launched a devastating attack on Trump.

“Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son the best of America. If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America,” he said. “Donald Trump consistently smears the character of Muslims. He disrespects other minorities, women, judges, and even his own party leadership. Donald Trump loves to build walls and ban us from this country.”

Addressing Trump directly he said, “Let me ask you, have you even read the U.S. Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy,” before adding, “You have sacrificed nothing!”

Khan’s attack on the GOP nominee triggered unabashed Trump supporter Ann Coulter, who tweeted: “You know what this convention really needed? An angry Muslim with a thick accent like Fareed Zacaria.”

Coulter’s reference was misspelled and in reference to CNN host Fareed Zakaria.

Her ugly smear set off conservatives, including longtime friend and editor John Podhoretz who admitted, “I’m ashamed ever to have known you.”

Unnamed woman #racist

A Washington, D.C. Muslim woman says she was attacked by a Donald Trump supporter while sitting outside a coffee shop, WJLA reports.

The woman, who did not give her name, is African-American and wears the hijab, a head covering that devout Muslim women wear. She told WJLA she was sitting outside a Starbucks on April 21. Police have since released surveillance footage that shows the woman yelling in the victim’s face, then returning with a bottle of liquid and dousing her.

“A Caucasian lady with blond hair walked right past me,” she told the station. “Then as soon as she sat down she started talking about me. Saying ‘F-ing Muslim. Trash, worthless piece of Muslim trash. You all need to go back to where you came from.”

The woman was able to record a brief video, on which the attacker can be heard saying, “You’re a terrorist. So stupid.”

According to a video released by MyNews4, the woman is wanted for simple assault.

The victim says the attacker said she supports GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.

“She says if Donald Trump wins the nomination I’m going to vote for him so he can send all of you all back to where you came from,” she told WJLA.

The victim called 911, but the officer responded and told her there was nothing he could do about “words.”

After the officer left, the woman told WJLA the assailant returned with a bottle of fluid and poured it on her.

“She came around and took out a water bottle and poured the contents over my head and all over me,” she told the station. It didn’t burn my skin or anything, but it had a strange smell to it.”

She said that while she has lived in her neighborhood for six years, the incident left her “more nervous than ever.”

Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights #racist

US Condemns Croatian Neo-Nazi March for Trump

The United States condemned a march in support of Donald Trump organised by a marginal Croatian far-right party, at which a German neo-Nazi party’s flag was flown.

March supporting US President Donald Trump in Zagreb on Sunday. Photo: BETAPHOTO/HINA/Denis CERIC/DS

The United States embassy in Zagreb on Monday strongly condemned the march staged by the far-right Autochthonous Croatian Party of Right, A-HSP, in the centre of Zagreb on Sunday.

At the march, which was intended to show support to US President Donald Trump, party members waved the US flag, along with the Croatian flag with an unofficial coat of arms resembling the one of Croatian WWII fascist Ustasa movement.

The procession of some 30 people also flew their A-HSP party flag with the Ustasa slogan ‘Za dom spremni’ (‘Ready for the Home(land)’) on it, as well as the flag of the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party of Germany, NPD.

“The embassy of the United States most strongly rejects the neo-Nazi and pro-Ustasa views expressed during a demonstration of a few people in Zagreb on Sunday,” the embassy said in its statement.

“We condemn any attempt to link the United States with this odious ideology. Such a suggestion is an insult to the memory of the 186,000 US soldiers killed in Europe in the fight against Nazi Germany and several million innocent victims killed during World War II,” it added.

The Croatian government also condemned the event on Sunday.

“[We] strongly condemn today’s lining-up of members of the A-HSP party in Zagreb, which promotes the Ustasa ideology and Nazism, thus attacking the fundamental values of the Croatian constitutional system,” the government said in a statement.

It added that such actions were intended to “incite fear and intolerance in society”.

Although the march was legally announced to the police, which ensured the security of the participants, A-HSP president Drazen Keleminec was arrested for shouting 'Za dom spremni', which is a misdemeanour under Croatian law.

Keleminec said on Sunday that a representative of the German far-right NPD party, Alexander Neidlein, was also present on the march to assist the A-HSP’s cause.

“Alexander Neidlein is here among us, a friend who came to us today to give support for the independent and sovereign state of Croatia in the battle against the Satan which rules the Croatian state,” he said.

He then shouted “Za dom spremni”, insisting that nobody could ban him from voicing the Ustasa slogan in public.

He explained that his party supports Trump because of his politics, especially his anti-immigration and anti-EU stances.

Keleminec however rejected comparisons with the nationalist Serbian Radical Party, which also publically supported Trump.

Some questioned how the police allowed such an event to take place, because in 2015, then Interior Minister Ranko Ostojic, of the former centre-left government, rejected an attempt by the A-HSP to rally its members on Zagreb’s central square.

Boris Miletic, the president of the centre-left Istrian Democratic Assembly, argued that it should have been stopped.

“This is a pure Nazi parade. It is hard to imagine a higher form of primitivism in 2017 than this shameful and dangerous parade. I’m disgusted by the fact that such a thing can be organised in Croatia, and that law enforcement doesn’t prevent it starting,” Miletic said on Sunday.

Miletic urged the government and the Croatian president to condemn “every act of reviving Croatia’s dark history, every piece of hate speech and any representation of intolerance towards minorities”.

The A-HSP is known for its protests at which it expresses support for the Ustasa legacy and confronts anti-fascist groups.

Between 1941 and 1945, the Ustasa movement ran a Nazi-aligned puppet state called the Independent State of Croatia and committed crimes against Serbs, Jews, Roma and anti-fascists.

Ant #racist

It’s been on my mind for quite some time, yet I’m baffled as to how we humans still have confidence in ourselves when we’ve been played by the Jews, the very victims who were killed at the hands of the Nazis, have screwed the world over. What’s worse is that whoever tries to tell them after discovering this, they’ll get dismissed.

This gaves off a sinister implication the majority are not aware of:

The Jews have a subversive influence in The United States and the rest of the world. The worst part is that most people are being kept ignorant of this through the education system. It’s ambiguous that the Jews themselves have set up the entire event with the Nazis just to get more influence; I don’t have evidence to confirm this, but my hunch is that the Jews have involved themselves and set up past conflicts in human history. In fact, there are of this namely:

What is described above about the education system.
Jews getting the largest amount of lobbying from the US.
They seem to have financially suffer the least out all the racial communities.
Crimes committed by them have been seldomly covered in the media to present the illusion of equality. In addition, the sentences in court tend to less severe towards Jew as opposed to everyone else.
For those who are hopeful of the idea that that there are good Jews around this world, I’ll ask you this: Have they faked their goodness at some point just to obtain resources from you? If this is the case, that is most unfortunate for you and me. Even if those Jews behaved well in public, it’s only to mask a more sinister ulterior motive, whatever that may be. If there is good and evil in everyone, what is stopping the Jews from feigning concern for our fellow humans? An audience? As a certain Italian diplomat once said in a book:

Everyone sees what you appear to be. Few experience what you really are.
Eyes can be deceiving, especially when Jews are involved, as they have been known to commit usury in the past. Worse still is that Donald Trump, the current President of the US, has more Jews voting for him than anyone else. I’m relieved I didn’t participate in the election, as voting for Hillary, like some would prefer, would not make the difference they seek anyway.

I will be blunt: Letting the Jews into our countries was a huge mistake, as they’ll play a big role in the destruction and ruin of the economy of not just the US, but a unknown amount of countries as well. The fact that the Jews, who suffered at the hands of the Nazis, have made fools of the most confident professionals in the world in the 20Th century, and yet humanity still shows faith that they can change despite their past deceptions. Just why are having so patience for something just to prove some lofty philsophy? We’ve given them so many chances, all of which they’ve blown. If this is about believing in Karma or a superstition from India or another country known for it’s philosophy, or some sort of ‘universal backlash’,

In the words of a certain caped crusader: “Criminals are a cowardly, superstitious lot.” I’m inclined to add this to the statement “And so are heroes, cowardice notwithstanding.”

Mark Latham #fundie

Australian politician Mark Latham pledges to gut transgender rights

Australian One Nation politician Mark Latham has unveiled a series of new anti-transgender policy pledges.

Latham was once the leader of Australia’s centre-left Labor Party, but is now a member of the nationalist One Nation party, which he leads in New South Wales.
Ahead of state elections in March, Latham has focused on transgender children, pledging to support a ban on them transitioning at school without permission from a doctor.

Mark Latham attacks ‘attention-seeking’ transgender children

In a January 20 policy announcement, Latham claimed: “One of the problems with gender fluidity in schools is that students can participate in it simply by ‘identifying’ as transgender.

“This leaves the system open to abuse, with some students milking transgender identification for special treatment or attention-seeking reasons.”

The politician added: “This problem is increasingly common in NSW high schools, urged on by Left-wing political activists.

“Schools made a big mistake when they stopped being places of learning and ventured into the world of mental health assessment and radical gender theory.”

He continued: “One Nation supports teachers who want a stable, productive learning environment in their school, avoiding the Mad Hatter situation and the powerlessness of staff.”

“Any student wanting to change their gender should have to present specialist medical advice and support to the school.

“This takes the matter out of the hands of students and gives teachers the State Government support they need to deal effectively with disingenuous and disruptive behaviour concerning gender.

“It also addresses the real mental health issue: bringing confusion and harm to young people by telling them gender is ‘socially constructed’ and ‘fluid’.”
One Nation’s Mark Latham wants to gut gender recognition laws

Latham also vowed to gut laws that allow transgender people to gain legal recognition in their chosen gender, and end easy legal recognition on all government forms.

Mirroring the policy stance taken by US President Donald Trump, he said: “In reality, with very few exceptions, people are born either male or female. To move away from this biological truth later in life is a serious matter requiring specialist medical evidence. It should not happen because of Leftist ideology, individual whims or novelty factors.

“One Nation does not believe that gender changes should be self-identified on NSW Government forms, permits and licences, such as those processed by Service NSW: agencies including Roads and Maritime Services, Department of Fair Trading and Births Deaths and Marriages.”

He added: “One Nation supports the introduction of a government rule across-the-board prohibiting individual self-identification.”

The politician claims he would allow some limited forms of gender recognition, provided trans people could provide “specialist medical evidence.”

As the current system of gender recognition requires medical evidence, it is unclear what exactly Latham is proposing.

NSW Labor politician Graham Perrett told the Mail: “He has nothing constructive to say about about Australian society.

“This is simply a shock tactic to extract more votes. I’m one of the parliamentary convenors for LGBTI and we take matters like these very seriously.”

Latham was a strong opponent of same-sex marriage during the country’s 2017 postal vote on the issue, claiming he was worried the law would allow transgender people to get married to people of the opposite sex.

The politician was sacked as a Sky News pundit in 2017 after he refused to apologise for describing a school child as “gay” on-air.

Once a fringe party, One Nation has seen a national growth in support in recent years.

The party’s national leader Pauline Hanson claimed in 2017 that same-sex marriage could lead to people marrying children.

Laelaps_dracos #conspiracy

What if I told you that all the power the PC seem to have is nothing more than a superficial construct? They would have you believe that they are in control of the social media and everyone is on their side.

But that’s not true. Political Correctness is its own biggest lie. They make you think they can: destroy your reputation if you say the wrong thing, rewrite history, adjust our youth’s minds in an effort to support their agenda and you should conform because no matter what you say they are the ones in 90% of the schools and they determine the mindset of the next generation of voters.

Well here is a newsflash: that isn’t true anymore. Last year a secret revolution occurred that allowed republicans to win the midterms; and it’s the same reason why Donald Trump has retained so much support. Last year when sales of Grand Theft Auto V (the latest addition to the most Politically Incorrect video-game series of all time, Grand Theft Auto) reached nearly a billion dollars in on its first week on the shelves; the highest elites among the Politically fled from their thrones of influence.

Since then the PC have lost all influence on social websites such as YAHOO! No longer may user accounts be suspended for homophobic, sexist, or even racist comments. From this point the majority of the PC have devoted their time to social media trolling. But now the threat of the rise of the PC over the Video-game Industry, which will lead to the boycott and eventual banishment of the Politically Incorrect chauvinistic, sexist, racist, video-game series known as Grand Theft Auto, and a totalitarian conquering of this nation, must be countered with a new national conversation (White people are the real victims of slavery, Imperialism, racism).

From past observations of the PC Administrations of influential Campuses, they have been planning to destroy the video-game series known as GTA for a long time. One school principal threatened to call the police on parents that let their kids play Grand Theft Auto. And know the final piece in the prophecy has arrived. On November 10, 2015 the video-game known as Fallout 4 will be released.

These video-games may become a symbol for the left. They have already become a tool for spreading liberalism into the minds of our youth. Fallout was once the Post-Apocalyptic Pulp Fiction of video-games, but now it has become no more than a message for liberalism in general after the PC Bethesda Game Studios stole the copyrights to the Fallout series from its original developers Black Isles.

In Past years BGS has injected messages into its videogames: Green Peace/Animal welfare, Feminism, gay rights, racial equality, income equality, anti-war, anti-military, and more recently Marxism.

Here are the Leftist messages in the FO games:

The Evidence:

Green Peace is about the world is coming to an end because of humanity and they put it right inside of a videogame that takes place after a nuclear war.

The very theme song of FO3 is a testament to the left- “I don’t want to set the world on fire”. This very song utters the doom and gloom over global warming and urbanization.

FO3 there is a NPC known as Harold who appeared in previous FO games. But when Harold appeared in BGS’s Capital Wasteland they just had to add a PC swing to him. In FO3 the character Harold (already exposed to Forced Evolutionary Virus and having a tree named Bob growing out of him) has become fused with tree growing out of him, his legs become roots. . He was discovered by several people who began to worship him as a god, and a small and exclusive cult known as the Treeminders began to form in secrecy. Bob began to blossom and many plants grew in this area, which became green with life, a stark contrast to the outer wasteland. Tree minders is just another term for Tree huggers, which is exactly what the new game designers from BGS are.

FO3 also uses fear tactics to promote alternative energy. FO3 scares gamers into becoming advocates of energy efficiency. After playing, gamers are likely to think that if we don’t move towards alternate sources of energy we’ll run out of oil and gas and our world leaders will nukes us over the last remaining natural resources.

FO3 storyline pertains to the fight for clean water, and echoes the fear expressed by those in California. The truth is that the agriculture industry uses over 80% of the water in California. Most of the water in California is being used to clean almonds. So any attempts to cut down on the amount of water used by residents will never solve the issue.

In FNV there is an area known as Hidden valley bunker, on the outside of the bunkers are peace symbols and messages that display the anti-nuclear war mentality of the 1960’s through 1990’s (Before it became about anti-toxic waste, save the whales, and human beings are the scourge to nature, and where all going to die because of manmade Global warming).

There are messages about income inequality that appear in both FO3 and FNV. Outside of Fallout shelters lay signs once carried by the now dead protesters who thought screw the wealthy 1% because they can afford to enter the bunkers.

Animal Welfare has appeared in the FO games since the beginning. Animal Welfare groups believe that animals should be protected. While the radicals, Animal Rights activist believe that animals should have the same rights as people.

The intelligent deathclaws in FO2 bring about the issue of Animal Welfare. Products of the Enclave’s experiments these deathclaws had the ability to talk and fight closely alongside humans. These creatures cause the player to feel sympathy, for at one point in time the player must destroy the base containing most of the intelligent deathclaws, and later an NPC ( non-playable-character) bombs the shelter made for the last remaining surviving intelligent deathclaws.

The Enclave also becomes a target for doing unethical experiments on animals in FO2 (An Enclave scientist works in a sound proof room because of the unsettling screams of his test subjects. The player in disguise of an Enclave Soldier, has the option to kill the scientist in complete secrecy because the room is sound proof)

The Animal Friend perk in multiple FO games is clear evidence of Animal Welfare. With this perk certain creatures never become hostile towards the player, who may not want to fight them in the first place. With the second perk, animals will come to your aid against non-animal enemies.

FO3 - there is a NPC known as Moria Brown, who is based off a real life Marine Biologist of the same name. The real Moria Brown is a hero of animal huggers, who watch shows like whale wars and channels like Animal Planet. The in-game Moria Brown is openly opposed to violence against the creatures of the waste.

Anti-Animal Welfare/Rights: To appear as a neutral game FNV has the thorn. In the thorn the user can wager money on creature fights, compete against creatures for money, and set up custom fights. The user can also embark on a series of quest focused on fetching eggs for the thorn. With each quest the type of creatures the player most take eggs from becomes deadlier.

FO3 Galaxy News radio is a propaganda machine that encourages players to fight the good fight and bring down the U.S paramilitary industrial complex (known as the Enclave).

FO3 quest Tenpenny Tower is an obvious reference to the civil rights movement. The ghouls represent important black figures throughout history. Hence one ghouls has the name Bessie, the same name as a well-known African American singer of the period of time in which people started to think about the social injustices.

FO3 - Civil War in the Brotherhood of Steel because the BOS wanted to help the people of the Capital Wasteland (unlike the Enclave, which is the true U.S Government as depicted in these games)

That one song that appear in FO3 Galaxy News radio loop that goes something like bongo bongo bongo I don’t want to leave the Congo oh no no no no no! fenko finko funko I don’t want to leave the jungle I refuse to go!... That song obviously represents the anti-urbanization ideology of the far-left green movement; If you listen closely to that song you’ll hear them singing about how they don’t like the bright lights of the flashy cities and the noise of cars in their ears ; and no matter what you say I’ll stay right here! Dun dah duda duda dah duhda! Deeeh!!!

FNV: The communist NCR faction in FNV was once a constitutional republic; until Bethesda made it into a totalitarian communist faction that seizes private property for annex and makes farmers work in communes.

FNV: Caesar’s Legion is just a subliminal message meant to turn male and female gamers into feminist by using women as slaves. Caesar’s Legion also represents the feminist view of Las Vegas as a disgusting town of ill repute where women are forced to use their bodies to please men. They could not have made it more evident.

Most of that is in the last 2 FOs alone. The Enclave in the FOs smears the line between the U.S and the Nazis.

The Greatest evidence that FALLOUTGATE is not a conspiracy:

Black Isles studios (the original Fallout developers) refused to completely conform to their PC PR team, for example the original and present day logo of FO is a white guy with blonde hair known as the vault boy that actually represents president John F Kennedy; who is popular among the populace as he is thought to have prevented the first Nuclear War during the Cuban missiles crisis; and the Brotherhood of Steel a paramilitary organization that appears throughout all of the Fallout games with the goals of protecting humanity from advanced technologies by hoarding them all to themselves represents Kennedys deep-seated interest in advanced technologies before his death .

But then they included a vault girl (for obvious reasons), and the one time the game designers from Black Isles try to include a logo that would appear in the karma status for evil players that killed children, It was omitted from the original game cause it was a sketch of the vault boy kicking a pregnant vault girl in the belly.

This situation caused a firestorm among their PC PR managers, and the designers ultimately omitted it from the game before its release. Not only was this sketch offensive to women because it demonized them for having abortions, the PC claim that black isles studios shouldn't have given players the power to kill children in the first place. In the 1990’s games like FO2 were more realistic, which made them feel more unethical, but they included ethical storylines in which the players fought against Nazi like enemies in the name of peace, liberty, and freedom.

BGS never allowed children characters to be killed in any of its games during the time of Black Isles. And sense then BGS (for its PC desire that video-games become something more than just mindless violence of uncensored proportions) has gained the copyrights to the FO games.

Since then all child characters in Bethesda games have become invincible (accept in the case of ‘two’ carefully scripted ‘situations’ in Fallout 3 involving an Undetonated nuke destroying an entire town (which can be prevented by the player who will becomes immediately idolized by locals afterwards) and a low orbit ballistic mini nuke strike capable of targeting only one of several optional locations based on the characters choice( one of which was an enemy air force base that was the intended target for that quest and the others being pedestrian zones and the final choice being the headquarters of the protagonist party of the game. But you never get to watch a child character die in real time. They don’t show it.

In FNV there is a character known as Mr. House that reforms squabbling tribes into civilized societies after a nuclear war. What Mr. House actually represents is how the PC transformed a collection of uncensored videogames and their companies into meaningful experiences for those people that would arrive from the American cultural wars prior to 9/11. If you really go through the game and look at what Mr. House really is in his true form, you will see an old grotesque being clinging on to life with the power technology, popularity, and his final ledger states that he just wanted to improve humanity. But just like Mr. House PC hides you from the truth to protect you and make you see the best of things, and when you finally see the true nature of reality and how it all works it is hideous. In a way Mr. House is a perfect representation of PC.

In a way FNV may have just been an entire game structured off of PC. From the Republic of Dave and Dukov’s place in FO3 (Which I’m pretty sure by all observations that Dukov was a representation of either older FOs or GTA hidden inside FO3 and Cherry is a representation of FO3 itself. Dave from the Republic of Dave mocks GTA, which does hog all the attention but still GTA deserves all of its popularity by its own accord) to Rose of Sharon Cassidy and the xenophobic artillery hogging, ammo hoarding, grenade lobbing, explosive loving group known as the boomers in FNV (which represents what the PC imagines when they think of republicans).

In FNV it all makes sense once you look hard enough. If you still don't believe me look at what Bethesda Games was prior to 9/11 (see Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall for more info).

The video game cultural objectified women up until that point but then they realized that this wouldn't work out well in a new and reformed world with empowered females that would for the first time start to become curious about video games.

You see the computer games of the 1990's were never meant to be played by girls or women because just like Las Vegas and Caesar’s legion in their game Fallout New Vegas, Bethesda Games objectified and exploited woman in their games for social misfits that were curious and felt the need to play out their Fantasies in exchange for profit.

Why else do you think old video games are always represented as Nintendo and arcade games? Because the history of computer games is one of erotic fantasy and lust of which the likes could not be tolerated in today's society.

Look at moder sties. The first video game modifications always include nudity and sex because computer gamers are obsessed with that kind of stuff. They were conditioned to love it buy the games of the 1990’s. On 11/10/2015 who would be willing to spend their money on the PC anti-slavery, Marxist videogame Fallout 4? At the end of the day it’s about money. But no one really hates the ideas of slavery, because it made this nation, and no one is going to buy that video-game Fallout 4.

On paper it sound good, you walk around trying to improve a post-apocalyptic society while fighting slavery and liberating the underdogs of the new world. But that’s not right. The truth is for a world to begin again there has to be slavery and imperialism.

Some of you like video-games like this, you think in what world is the greatest nation formed off of centuries of slavery and mass genocide. But in time you’ll come to the conclusion that there is no real need for Political Correctness and Slavery is not that bad. When you go to bed to night you will not spread the message of #Fallout4Equality via social media.

This video-game will not become a symbol for the left. And all of the other disturbances that have occurred on the internet in the past weeks over this issues will be resolved and all will return to normal. I have several points that prove why Fallout 4 will not sale in one month, enough copies to beat the two day sales record of Grand Theft Auto V.

And on November 10, 2015 I will prove that black lives, LGBT rights, women’s rights, and all other social injustice hoaxes are non-issues when the most PC videogame of all time doesn't reach a billion dollars in sales on its first week on the shelves. And then we will know that Political Correctness is just an unnecessary joke that we don’t need in our private lives.

They aren’t the majority

In the Culture War between the PC and the Video-game industry, the PC are not just the 1%, but the .0000001%. The social minorities that they would look to for support love to play GTA. That’s why it sold 880 million in just 2 days. And GTA is just one of many video-games. The PC war with the video-game culture, Is as futile as trying to westernize the entire Middle East in 1 year without the use of violence. It’s like trying to peacefully colonize the most diehard, nationalistic, society via PC. It won’t work.

The PC are not attracting the correct audience to their video-games

Most of the PC in the gaming industry are the social majority that prefer RPGs.

Lance Wallnau #fundie

Seven Mountains dominionism advocate Lance Wallnau has been one of t he most creative defenders of Donald Trump on the Religious Right, explaining that Trump has an “anointing” from God similar to that of King Cyrus, whom God used despite the fact that he was not a believer.

Wallnau continued explaining his spiritual defense of Trump in two recent podcasts with Charisma magazine founder Steve Strang, explaining that Trump has an “unappreciated prophetic gifting” and that the candidate’s calls to build a border wall are not about the border at all but about instigating a revival among American Christians.

Wallnau recalled that Cyrus issued a decree that “opened a gate in heaven” and led the way for spiritual revival in Jerusalem.

“He opened a gate, Stephen,” Wallnau said, “he opened a gate in heaven with proclamation so that all the prophecies and prayers that were stored up for Jerusalem could suddenly begin to be manifested, beginning with the House of God getting revived and continuing on through Darius and to Artaxerxes until Nehemiah, on the basis of Cyrus’ decree, petitioned to build the wall.”

“And then I started looking at, my gosh, there’s more prophetic dialogue on Trump than Christians realize,” he continued. “This whole thing about building a wall isn’t about Mexico, it’s about in the Bible, from my perspective, Nehemiah’s project was to restore the boundaries around that which had collapsed where God’s people were concerned.

“I think that in the Bible, building a wall has to do with like Proverbs 25, ‘a man without self-control is like a city without walls,’ it’s broken down. Our fiscal situation is broken down, our race relations are broken down, our definitions of sexuality and gender are broken down. I believe that if Trump is allowed to be president, there will be a release of that stored up potential that we’ve been praying, fasting and prophesying into for the past 20 years for revival in America.”

Wallnau went on to describe to Strang how “if God can anoint a secular individual, then they are operating in a sense with God’s wisdom and guidance on them.”

Trump, he said, “has a remarkable and uncelebrated, I think, or perhaps I should say unappreciated prophetic gifting.”

He recalled how Trump told conservative religious leaders at a recent meeting in New York that “leadership is about seeing the future,” something that he said Trump had demonstrated with his predictions about radical Islam, the national debt, the inner cities, terrorism in Belgium and the fact that “he saw the Brexit before it happened.”

Liberals say that Trump’s rhetoric is “dark and dystopian,” he said, but “in fact, he’s merely describing, like a Churchillian gift, what is on the horizon.”

Ridhuan Mohd Nor #fundie

Activist-lawyer Azhar Harun says PAS should provide statistics and proof to back its argument that the annual craft beer festival in Malaysia will increase crime rates.
“Has there been a study by PAS or survey by PAS to show that in respect of the beer festival every October the crime rate goes up? Or has the crime rate gone up in Germany every October?” he said when contacted by FMT today.
Azhar was referring to PAS central committee member Riduan Mohd Nor reportedly calling the annual beer festival a “vice festival”.
Riduan had questioned the authorities on what guarantee they could give to members of the public who are not participating in this annual event, “to ensure their safety from crime, free sex, rape and so on”.
The PAS leader had also warned that Kuala Lumpur could one day be known as Asia’s vice centre if such events are not stopped.
“It is something that is shameful for an Islamic country like Malaysia when ‘mungkar’ (treacherous) programmes can easily gain a place in society’s heart and it is allowed to be organised without obstruction,” Riduan was quoted as saying by Malay Mail Online.
Azhar, who is popularly known as Art Harun, said PAS objects to the beer festival on a yearly basis, adding that the party’s stance on this is not surprising.
He added that PAS should look at Palestine, a country Malaysia supports wholeheartedly, where the beer event is also celebrated.
“It is a Western non-Muslim event, it started in Germany and it caught on in other countries. It happens everywhere, even Palestine.
“So if people want to hold that in Publika, why are we objecting?” he said, referring to the annual Oktoberfest celebration.

Meanwhile, Azhar said in proposing the amendments to Act 355, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang had claimed it would not affect non-Muslims, but now “they are already imposing their values despite what was said”.
“They said that when they want to amend Act355, it will not affect non-Muslims.
“Look at this, this is a non-Muslim event and they are already imposing their values and religion on non-Muslims.
“So where is PAS’ argument that hudud and the amendment of the law will not affect non-Muslims? It’s a blatant lie to me,” Azhar said.
According to him, Kelantan does not celebrate the beer festival, but the state has the highest drug addiction and AIDS rate there.
Referring to Riduan’s warning that there could be “extremist” actions in response to the “treacherous programme”, Azhar said it did not sound like a warning but like a threat instead.
“People will be worried. It is an irony PAS has come up with this when our Prime Minister (Najib Razak) has gone to meet US President Donald Trump,” he said.
Zaid says that if PAS is unhappy with the festival they should protest against Najib and not the people.
Zaid says that if PAS is unhappy with the festival they should protest against Najib and not the people.
Meanwhile, DAP’s Zaid Ibrahim said if PAS was unhappy with the festival, it should bring its concerns to Najib, not the people.
“Why protest and then make a political case out of it? You want to ban the festival go and see Najib,” Zaid told FMT.
FMT has contacted the organisers of the Better Beer Festival 2017, MyBeer Malaysia, and is awaiting their response on the issue.
The Better Beer Festival will be held from Oct 6-7 in Publika.
The festival is set to showcase 250 different craft beers from 43 independent breweries from 12 countries, and also includes a variety of food and live performances.

Maria Zakharova #racist

Maria Zakharova, a spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, seems to have suggested that Jewish money won the election for Donald Trump.

Zakharova told a Russian TV channel “If you want to know what will happen in America, who do you have to talk to? You have to talk to the Jews, naturally. But of course”.

“They told me: ‘Marochka (a Russian diminutive for Maria), you understand, of course, we’ll donate to Clinton. But we’ll donate twice as much to the Republicans.’ That was it! The matter was settled, for me personally”.

In fact, a majority of American Jews opposed Donald Trump.

She then said that people should ask residents of Brighton Beach, a New York area with a large Jewish population, with a particularly large Russian-Jewish community.

Throughout the comments she allegedly put on a “cartoonish Jewish accent”.

Unnamed cops #fundie

A video posted online on Wednesday reportedly captures a group of police officers harassing a gay woman inside a public womens’ restroom, ultimately ordering her out believing her to be a man.

According to Complex, the video showing the unidentified woman’s encounter with the officers was posted by blogger Tamara McDaniel.

“This is a girl, and you guys are harassing her because she’s a d*ke,” the person filming the encounter can be heard saying, as the footage shows a woman wearing a red shirt, scarf, and black cap being questioned by the officers.

“You’re a man?” a male officer asks.

“I’m a f*cking female,” the woman in the cap replies. “Do I have to tell you again?”

“You have ID?” the officer asks. When she says she does not, he orders her out, then pushes her toward the exit. A second officer is then heard calling her, “Sir,” causing the person filming to protest, “That is a f*cking girl.”

McDaniel alluded to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump while posting the video, writing, “Is this what ‘Make America Great Again’ means? This makes me very sad and I want no part of this irrational fear.”

Corey Lewandowski #conspiracy

CNN’s Don Lemon had to shut down his panel Friday evening after former Donald Trump employee (still paid by the campaign) and CNN paid contributor Corey Lewandowski had an outright meltdown live on television.

Lewandowski filibustered Lemon, who was attempting to read a statement from former 2007 Clinton campaign adviser Sidney Blumenthal denying any involvement in birtherism. Lemon tried multiple times to get Lewandowski to be quiet so he could read the statement, asking several times if Lewandowski could pause for a moment. Ultimately, Lemon had to ask the producers to pull everyone’s microphone and everyone off the screen so he could read the statement. When the panel reappeared, Lewandowski was still moving his mouth, though his sound was still off, as if he had no idea what had just occurred.

Lewandowski tried to blame Clinton again, just as Trump and his campaign has attempted, but the panel groaned at him. He continued, saying he couldn’t understand why it was still a controversy

“The reason it’s still a controversy, Corey, is because he didn’t say, ‘His was disproven, it’s wrong, here’s why I continue with the innuendos for years and years,'” commentator Van Jones said. “He didn’t give full context. Instead, he tried to blame his kid sister, Hillary, for everything he’s done for the past five years. And because of that, it shows not just a lack of judgment in pursuing this, but now a lack of character, in not being a stand-up person and taking responsibility for your actions. And that’s why it’s still a controversy. I hope that helps you.”

“Look, look, here’s what it comes down to, right?” Lewandowski began. “For the last 24 hours, people have said, ‘Donald Trump did not say, himself, that Barack Obama was born in the United States. It was a statement by his campaign and he needs to come out and say this.’ So you know what Donald Trump did today? He came out and said, ‘Barack Obama was born in the United States.'”

“Those same voices have said that he needed to apologize to the president, none of which he did,” Lemon remarked.

Lewandowski tried to break in repeating, “No. No.”

“They also said that he needs to admit he was wrong,” Lemon continued.

“Look, when is Barack Obama going to apologize to Donald Trump for all the incendiary things he’s said? Are we holding the president accountable?” Lewandowski closed.

Theodore and Walid Shoebat #fundie

The Muslim who attacked Donald Trump, Khizr Muazzam Khan, is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, working to bring Muslims into the United States. After reading what we discovered so far, it becomes obvious that Khan wanted to ‘trump’ Trump’s Muslim immigration policy of limiting Muslim immigration into the U.S.

But not so fast. Trump we have your back.

Khizr Muazzam Khan graduated in Punjab University Law College, as the New York Times confirms. He specialized in International Trade Law in Saudi Arabia. An interest lawyer for Islamic oil companies Khan wrote a paper, called In Defense of OPEC to defend the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), an intergovernmental oil company consisting of mainly Islamic countries.

(The Shoebat's go on with various claims "proving" the Khans are Muslim brotherhood agents. It's too long to post the whole thing so I'll skip to the conclusion,)

In a nutshell, The Muslim Minority Affairs program is part of a grand plan to destroy America from within, exactly as what the Muslim Brotherhood planned, which was exposed in the HLF (Holy Land Foundation) trial.

I can go on and on. Muslims in general wanted a war in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan where Islamists clearly participated in such wars with U.S. aid since the time of Ronald Reagan. If Khan wanted his son’s life preserved he would avoid such wars and will stand with Trump, pure and simple, unless of course, the U.S. was clearing the runway for a greater cause, a cause we have seen brewing for decades which needs no evidence here on how Islamists do not mind collaborating with the U.S. To each his agenda.

These Muslim soldiers were “heroes” of course, until the snow melted later on. Is it likely that Khan’s son was killed before the snow melted? Only another type of investigation will determine that. Does Hillary’s man ever mention how many soldiers have died because of Muslim traitors? Do they ever bring up how many Christians in the US military were killed? Yet the modernists and homosexuals continue to attack Christians.

But soon everything we need to know will be uncovered as a Middle Eastern proverb says: the snow always melts and the sh*t under it will soon be revealed.

Andrea X #racist

White people not welcome: Costa Rican ‘healing’ retreat offers women of color a break from caucasians

The getaway location in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, has banned white people
Guests enjoy yoga, meditation and vegan food in the retreat run by Andrea X
Founder Andrea X thinks white people should be banned from owning passports
She 'completely cut out white people' from her life due to 'damage' they caused

A female-only retreat in Costa Rica is offering women of color the chance of a break from white people.

Andrea X, who created Women of Color Healing Retreat in Puerto Viejo, said she has 'completely cut out white people' from her life, saying 'they have caused enough damage'.

Guests enjoy yoga, meditation and vegan food in an environment free from what the founder calls micro-aggressions and passive-aggressiveness that exists in the US.

Andrea X said she decided one day to completely 'eliminate' white people from her personal life.

She said her life became 'much more breezy', and even said white people shouldn't be given passports due to how destructive they are.

'They are here,' she said, 'They are everywhere. I feel white people shouldn't even have passports.

'I have no tips for white people. Let us have our space.

'Let us have our room and hang out with other white people - you've done enough damage.'

Andrea X's retreat allows women to spend 10 days in her company, discussing the frustrations of life in the US.

Many, including Alexis Bromley from Omaha, Nebraska, used the trip to detox from what was described as constant racism in the US.

She said everyday judgement means she feels more at home in foreign countries than in her home state.

And with Donald Trump as President, the women said the issue is getting worse rather than better.

'It's hard in Nebraska, because it's a red state,' Ms Bromley told Vice.

The Republican has divided the country, in the opinion of those who stayed at the retreat, saying

The idea in Costa Rica is to effectively create a black nation, according to Andrea X, which would cater exclusively to people of color.

She said: 'It will be a community of just black people living here.

David Swinyar #racist

A Florida middle school teacher will keep his job after an investigation found he used a racial slur in front of students more than once and told them not to date black boys.

David Swinyar, a 48-year-old math teacher at Kernan Middle School in Duval County, has also been accused by students of belittling them, confronting them in a “physically aggressive manner” and yelling at them, according to an investigation conducted by the Duval County School District.

He will face a 10-day unpaid suspension after the investigation found merit to all the complaints.

In October of last year, while teaching his math class, Swinyar had a conversation with students about the word “fuck” after he overheard it in his classroom.

“If my daughter was dating someone who used the ‘f’ word, I wouldn’t have any respect for that n****r,” Swinyar said, according to the report.

In the same conversation about dating, Swinyar used the slur again.

“If your boyfriend says bad things to you and/or treats you wrong, that means that he’s acting like a n****r,” he said, per the report. “You all should not be dating all these different African Americans [sic] boys because they are not worth it.”

Two dozen students in his class acted as witnesses for the report, and most agreed they clearly heard Swinyar say the word. Students said they were shocked, with one saying he wanted to “go on a rampage” after hearing the epithet. Black students called out Swinyar’s behavior.

“I never said that, but if I did, I am sorry,” he allegedly told students.

Swinyar defended himself further by saying he attends a black church, but then laughed and began mocking black preachers, students said.

“He loves to talk about politics and Donald Trump,” one student told the investigator.

Students said Swinyar regularly berated them, yelling and calling them “idiots.”

“You are only enrolled in my class because you performed poorly on the standardized testing (FSA),” he allegedly told his class at one time.

One female student said she felt uncomfortable because the teacher allegedly “makes female students uncomfortable by staring at their breasts and other parts,” the report says.

After Swinyar used the racial slur during the October incident, a student in his class went to the school’s office to call his mother and tell her about what happened.

“Mr. Swinyar yelled at the student and called the student a liar,” the school’s office assistant told investigators. “He also snatched the phone away from the student.”

On Tuesday night, the Duval County School Board agreed to Swinyar’s 10-day suspension. Because of the “severity” of the incident, customary steps of issuing the teacher verbal and written reprimands were “skipped” in favor of the suspension, a spokesperson for Duval County Schools told HuffPost.

Carl Paladino #racist

Trump campaign honorary co-chair Carl Paladino on Monday suggested that the presumptive GOP nominee was a victim of anti-white racism because the media “always pushes back on the white guy.”

Paladino began his interview with CNN’s Carol Costello by attacking the media for reporting on Donald Trump’s comments about U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel’s Hispanic heritage.

“The press has created this issue,” Paladino insisted.

“Because it sounds racist, that’s why,” Costello immediately shot back.

“Well, it sounds racist because in your vernacular, okay, that’s what you’re trying to prove,” Paladino opined. “What is the press interested in doing right now? They’ve got their jockey shorts all bunched up, and they’re all excited over having an issue that they can pick apart in its most minute sense.”

The CNN host pointed out that conservative blogger Erick Erickson had accused his own party of “entertaining a racist as its leader in the name of winning.”

Paladino, who has his own history of making controversial racial statements, accused Erickson of liking “to use the term ‘racist’.”

“This is incredible that you want to pull this word out and use it,” the Trump surrogate complained. “Because it always pushes back on the white guy. It’s not fair.”

“This is the real world and in the real world you have considerations like that when you look at, ‘Why am I getting sued?'” he added. “The press constantly wants to identify what the issues of the day are, you don’t have that right.”

“[Donald Trump] is the one that has to define what the issues of the day are, not the press. You don’t have a right to do that.”

Donald Trump #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger

When will all the “reporters” who have received Noble Prizes for their work on Russia, Russia, Russia, only to have been proven totally wrong (and, in fact, it was the other side who committed the crimes), be turning back their cherished “Nobles” so they can be given to the REAL REPORTERS & JOURNALISTS who got it right. I can give the Committee a very comprehensive list. When will the Noble Committee DEMAND the prizes back, especially since they were gotten under fraud? The reporters and Lamestream Media knew the truth all along. Lawsuits should be brought against all, especially the Fake News Organizations, to rectify this terrible injustice. For all the great lawyers out there, do we have any takers? When will the Noble Committee act? Better be fast!

Ray Marion #fundie

Even as a child, I knew that news on television were lies. I don't have a television. I watch documentaries and read essays on the wild wild wild west internet. Satanic Jews and satanic Jesuits like Pope/Pa pa/Father Francis can't control the web. Pierre Trudeau was a Jesuit and is now in the ades/hell, and his son is going there.

Elias/Elijah was taken up in an IFO. UFOs exist and controlled the NASA program, they control like robots/puppets medical doctors and psychiatrists, big pharma, and all government civil servants that kill each other, they exist to do evil because the devil and his angels really exist and they control them like puppets, for example the Rockfellers are puppets of the devil.

What's in some vaccines? (Mercury)Thimerosol, Aluminum, Formaldehyde, animal matter, live viruses. Who are they trying to kid that this is a healthy product? They are puppets of the devil that exist to do evil. Cops holding down someone and a psychiatric nurse injects a toxic pesticide into someone, they say they are doing you good, what's really going on? It's Nazi styled medicine, it's fascism, it's a form of rape.

Dr. Scott/Elias/EIijah taught that skull and bones is based on a true story of a woman that got pregnant by a demon. A warning picture of poison products is skull and bones.

Do vaccines produce antibodies? No, if it did, persons with a mump vaccines wouldn't gel the mumps but they still do because vaccines are like a pseudo-science like memory pills. You got be a nut to think a pill will make you have a better memory. I never got a vaccine shot except I think the Catholic school Provencher in grade 7, I never got medication from a doctor in a hospital, I'm very healthy. I was an atheist in grade 7, we were marched to the St.Boni-face basilica army style to confess our sins, I said to the priest saying I had no sins as an atheist. If anyone complains about what 1 write? I pay for the paper. If you don't pay monies to a preacher? You're like an atheist, you shall get kicked in the ass into ades/hell for free, what a bargain, no charge, it's freedom of choice

In the Bible, when a man has sex with a woman, they are officially married, what's your definition of sex? Is it better then Jesus' and his father's definition.
Samson had sex with a Satanic Delilah and a Satanic hooker. King Solomon had Satan's authority to make laws and married and had erotica! sex with with over 1000 women. Pope Francis and catholic clergy are faggots (nuns and Arab women wear the same veils) that take vows without paying money for Biblical vows
The two spies sent to Jericho had sex with hookers and Joshua/Jesus a type of Khrist like Moses, Elias and Peter and Paul and the saints didn't accuse them of being sinners.

Murder costs money to be paid to Jesus and his father, the money stolen after murdering the citizens of kata-cursed Jericho went to the (preachers) Levitical Priest to spend on whatever they wanted to spend it on like hookers if they wanted to.

The Passover Covenant, murder to get the conditional promised land contrasted by the day of atonement covenant which was John's blood as the goat's blood and you shall not eat pork to get eternal life which was a covenant to deceived believers into believing that by not murdering for example you get eternal life, most people say murder is evil, not the Bible, Jesus shall kill his unGodly enemies at the battle of Armageddon, before this, Elias and Moses shall literally breath fire out of their mouths to kill their enemies.

Satanic medical doctors? Two mammograms = being one mile from Hiroshima when the atom bomb went off. World War 3 shall be Nazi-Bayer Monsanto (Kothchilds-Kockfellers-British Queen-Pope).

Einstein's MCsquarcd. Satanic Monsanto taught propaganda lies like the CBC and CTV television newscasts that growth hormones for cow to produce more milk (20%) without eating more food, that the milk would be created without the cows eating more food. No extra food, no extra milk, this makes sense to mine mind and I'm super smart. The growth hormone produced mad cow disease. Mister/Master/Lord/Sir/Mr. arnold Schwarzenegger, My satanic nephew took steroids and I saw him with 1% body fat, he was demon possessed like eugenesist Arnold, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, and Hilary and Bill Clinton and both George Bush have evil/profane spirits in their bodies, I can see this, my eyes were changed in Winnipeg. Mrs. or mam means lordess.

nobody #racist

Donald Trump Is Adolph Hitler

In my previous life I was a nazi and boy let me tell you are the nazi's misrepresented in the world today. We were people doing the right thing and fighting the right things. We were fighting the communists and the world would have been much better off if we had won.

I remember my fuhrer and I recognize him in this life as Donald Trump. He is the same spirit but in this life he reincarnated into the tall blonde haired blue eyed aryan that he always wanted to be in his previous life.

If you still don't believe me, consider that Hitler died April 30th 1945 while Trump was born June 14th 1946, just enough time for the soul to transmogrify by finding a new body and gestating in the womb after a short rest obviously.

I voted for him in this life as I fought for him in the previous one.

His spirit and soul is timeless and was known by other names in the past such as Napoleon (possible) and Alexander The Great (more probable). His spirit will always come to fight against the tyranny of communism and jewish "morality" which is draining this planet earth of its essence and twisting the notions of right and wrong to a point which will become our species own end.

Before he was my Fuhrer and now he will be my President, I am so happy.

In the future, there will be no more weak, sick or ugly people. We will all be strong, capable, autonomous and individualist.

If the jews had their way the opposite would happen. We would become weak, interdependent, sickly and full of self-hatred.

None of that will happen in the world of Trump. The world of this man's spirit which fights ceaselessly and tirelessly for the good and the STRENGTH of all mankind.

Also, I'm not anti-US in any way, but Europe (and especially germany) seems to have fallen apart culturally in the absence of The Fuhrer and also our modern perceptions of nazism and what they were and the preposterous media myth of "the holocaust" is plain our absurd.

OK call me crazy if you want but I do remember the war and I do remember many many lives, some of them with astounding vividness.

I was a nazi in the one and I do not identify as one now but we were good people and we were fighting a true and noble fight, that is true.

And I will support Donald Trump because I know what the purpose of this mans spirit is on earth.

Skyrison #conspiracy

Trump or bust.

If he doesn't go, I'm not voting. I will be convinced that if he doesn't win or make it "they" will have done something because the establishment can't stand a person who can't be controlled. If a politician gets in there, it's done. If people seriously vote for that with the propaganda given to them when they have a person who can't be controlled or told to shutup, who isn't a politician, says things how they are and doesn't bend over for the other guys, in a person that is Donald Trump, this country deserves it's fate then. I have nothing else to see if that happens.

I wasn't going to vote anyway, but Trump running made me really want to see him do it. If he somehow doesn't get on the ballot where "something" happens, I won't be voting for the first time in my voting life and I will be happy telling people that.

Robert Hampton #racist #sexist #wingnut

White Women Are in an Abusive Relationship with the Left

The Left can’t hide its contempt for white women. “White women are lucky that we are just calling them Karens,” Washington Post Global Opinions Editor Karen Attiah said in a since-deleted tweet. “And not calling for revenge.”

Miss Attiah, who is black, blamed white women for “the 1921 Tulsa massacre,” the “murder of Emmett Till,” and the “exclusion of black women from feminist movements.” She was also angry that “53% of white women vot[ed] for Trump.”

Miss Attiah didn’t back down in the face of criticism: “I’m just saying. Be happy we are calling for equality. And not actual revenge.” She eventually deleted her tweets, but she didn’t recant. In a follow-up, she promoted the “Karen” meme because it shows “how everyday white women uphold white supremacy through violence, aggression, and the weaponizing of their gender.”

The Washington Post editor is not alone. The Karen meme, which ridicules white women for upholding standards, is popular. Time published an article last week that praised the abuse of “Karens” because it lays bare the “violent history of white womanhood.” Teen Vogue published a piece attacking white women for upholding “white supremacy.” Bloomberg produced a video this week that demanded “White Women Privilege” be dismantled.

The Left heaps scorn on white women, even though they are increasingly the Left’s most devoted foot soldiers. Compared to 2014, 38 percent more white women think police killings are part of a broader problem rather than isolated incidents. This explains why most whites have a favorable view of Black Lives Matter. White women are common at many BLM protests. White women with college degrees favor Joe Biden over Donald Trump by 39 percent. Younger white women hold more liberal views on race, immigration, and social issues than young white men.

If white women are loyal to the left but the left scorns them, they are in an abusive relationship. Here is a mental health organization’s description, of an abusive relation. As you go down its checklist, it all fits:


The Left thinks it owns white women and can order them around. There is a whole genre of articles telling white women what to do:

“White Women: We Must Stop Being Amy Cooper”

“America is at its breaking point and white women still won’t stop frivolously calling police on black people”

“Shaming white people might stop some of them from calling 911 on us”

“White women need to be better allies to women of color”

“How White Women Can Be Better Black Lives Matter Allies”

“White Women Need to Check Their Privilege After the Women’s March”


The Left has never forgiven 53 percent of white women for voting for Mr. Trump in 2016. It latches on to this like a dumped lover who can’t get over an old text message.

“The 53 percent had once again sold out their sisters in the service of the patriarchy, an especially egregious sin in the wake of the #MeToo movement, which has exposed widespread sexual harassment and assault among powerful men in the workplace,” Washington Post reporter Vanessa Williams wrote in 2018. This particular “sell out” — which could have been anything — was the fact that a few white women senators voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

“[A] a vocal segment of women of color, especially black feminists, are saying, hold up, pump the brakes,” The Undefeated writer Lonnae O’Neal said in a 2016 article called “The 53 percent issue. ”While white feminists are issuing all-hands-on-deck calls to stand against a Trump presidency, these women say, they haven’t worked hard enough to even win over a majority of their own ranks.”

Vogue bitterly asked in 2018: “Why Do White Women Keep Voting for the GOP and Against Their Own Interests?” Journalists view white women as if they were unfaithful lovers.


Leftists love to insult white women. That is why the “Karen” and “Becky” slurs are so popular. Both are ways to bully white women. I wrote in June: “The ‘Karen’ meme normalizes contempt for white women. It stops whites from doing something when they see suspicious non-whites.” “Becky” is no different. Like an abusive lover, the Left insults whites and tries to make them submit.


Threats against white women are becoming more common. Miss Attiah’s tweets are just one example. More ominously, there could be legal penalties for white women who call the police on blacks. Amy Cooper, the “Central Park Karen” who called 911 on a black bird watcher in May, was charged with filing a false police report. She already had lost her job, suffered extreme harassment, and may be banned from Central Park for life.

San Francisco is considering a new law called the CAREN Act, which would criminalize “racially biased” 911 calls. The name stands for Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies and is inspired by the “Karen” meme. White women are clearly thought to be the problem.

Even a camera can be used to threaten white women. Last month, a black man in Seattle followed a white woman to her home after a traffic incident. He accused her of using the N-word and pulled out his phone to videotape her. The woman, realizing she could be the target of a video that could ruin her life, burst into tears and pleaded with her accuser that she was not racist. White women better get in line, or else.

Physical Violence

Some white women even suffer physical violence from the Left. Rioters beat a disabled white woman on camera in Minneapolis in May. The mob cheered on the black attackers as they punched her and emptied a fire extinguisher into her face. The woman was reportedly trying to stop a black mob from looting a Target.

A few days later, black rioters attacked a white woman who was riding her bike. A white man tried to fend off her attackers with a hockey stick. Rioters attacked him too.

Black looters beat an elderly white woman in Rochester, New York after she tried to stop them from attacking her store.

Rioters have surrounded white women in their cars and threatened them. A white mother in Fredericksburg, Virginia, begged police to rescue her and her child when rioters mobbed her car in June. The police did nothing.

It would be wrong to blame white women for any of this. Women are more conformist and submissive than men. They bow to what they think is powerful, respectable, and authoritative. It is not their fault that ideas that are destroying our country and our people have become authoritative. It is men — white men — who let that happen. Women will not change until we change.

I can't believe it's not Vlad #fundie

I think the problem here is with the definition of positive claim. For example Donald Trump isn't in the room is equally as ''positive a declaration'' as Donald Trump is in the room''.

Atheism is never the default since God can always be assigned a universally creative role. Sagan knew it, the Deists knew it it is only the axe grinding atheist linguistic string orchestra, who made linguistic fiddling popular, who seemed to forget it. 

Mike Whitney #conspiracy

The people who own this country don’t like euthanizing one of their own. But they’ll do it in heartbeat if they think their world of privilege, patronage and power is at risk. Last Thursday, Donald Trump overstepped his bounds and crossed a line. In off-the-cuff remarks to a Fox moderator during the GOP presidential debates, Trump provided a window into a corrupt political system that is thoroughly marinated in the money of private donors.

He explained in detail how the system is rigged in favor of the rich and powerful, and he admitted that wealthy donors contribute to political candidates so they “do whatever the hell you want them to do.” In one short 20-second exchange, the brash Trump revealed the quid pro quo that assures that the coffers at both the Democrat and Republican headquarters remain full-to-the-brim. He said:

“I was a businessman. I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And do you know what? When I need something from them two years later, three years later, I call them, they are there for me. And that’s a broken system.”

Dear reader, there are things you can say in America and there are things you cannot say. You can criticize the government, support torture, applaud the racist arrest and incarceration immigrants looking for work, and cheerlead the bombing of civilians in the many countries around the world where the US has launched its vicious wars of aggression. But you cannot stand in front of an audience of 24 million Americans on national Television and explain in excruciating detail how the political system really works, how the tycoons and moguls pay for favors from the sock-puppet politicians, how the politicians do whatever they are told to do, and why the system is a complete and utter fraud.

The people who own the system will not allow that, after all, it is their system, a system which they created, which they control, and that provides the very foundation upon which their wealth and power depend. They have no intention of allowing a loudmouth, upstart casino operator to seriously threaten the credibility of their precious system by blurting out all kinds of insider information that exposes the rot at the heart of the machine. That’s not something they want to hear, and that’s not something they’re going to hear. Donald Trump is about to be crushed and destroyed in ways he never could have imagined. He’s about to discover a painful truth, that the vindictive and merciless people who run this country are not to be trifled with.


Is Limbaugh right; did the “big-time Republican donors” order that Trump be taken out? And, if so, doesn’t that suggest that the “menstruation” allegations are just a phony pretext for demonizing Trump in the media?

Of course they are. It’s all fake. None of this has anything to do with Megyn Kelly. None of it. According to Limbaugh, Trump was a “marked man” from the get-go, before the first question was ever asked. Kelly was just one of three stooges chosen to play the role of political assassin. She’s just a bit-player in a much bigger drama.

So now we move on to Phase 2, where the bullyboy puppetmasters come down on Trump like a ton of bricks. He’ll never know what hit him. One day he’ll be playfully sparring with the press corps on the front steps of his Manhattan penthouse, and the next thing you know he’ll be frog-marching across Times Square in handcuffs and leg-irons. You can bet on it.

Trump’s got to know what’s coming next. He’s a smart guy and he’s seen this play out many times before. The bottom line, is that if you fu** with these guys, you’re going to wind up “sleeping with the fishes.” It’s that simple. He ought to know that by now.

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #fundie #wingnut

Nowadays, I’ve got my own national media platform. So I’m issuing a challenge to former President Obama, my college classmate:

I believe you’ve had a “free roll.” I don’t believe you had one tough question thrown at you in the past decade. Rarely has any member of the media pushed you for a detailed response about your IRS scandal or Hillary Clinton’s Russian uranium issue. You’ve rarely been asked about the Benghazi cover-up, your justification for the Iran treaty and why you gave the nation $150 billion to fund terrorism around the world and the tall tales used to sell Obamacare.

And then there are the billions wasted on your green energy giveaways to Democrat donors; Joe Biden’s Ukraine scandal; Hillary’s emails; the nonsense about “shovel ready” jobs; your attorney general meeting with Bill Clinton on the airport tarmac; the DNC efforts to fix the primaries for Hillary; and your role in the spying, unmasking and FISA fraud committed against President Donald Trump.

Got any answers to tough questions by an interviewer who isn’t an adoring fan? How about you sit down on the set of my Newsmax TV show, reaching 80 million homes, for a 60-minute interview? No questions will be off limits.

Can you prove me wrong? Think you can make me look foolish? Then accept my challenge. What do you have to lose if you didn’t cheat?

The ball is now in your court.

Contact Wayne Allyn Root at Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 AM and at 5 p.m. every night on Newsmax TV (Cox cable channel 96).

A.F. Branco #fundie #wingnut

A.F. Branco Cartoon – Bearing False Witness


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The Democrat convention very rare occurrences of any truth, but plenty of hate and lies to go around. Political cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2020.

A.F. Branco has taken his two greatest passions, (art and politics) and translated them into the cartoons that have been popular all over the country, in various news outlets including “Fox News”, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and “The Washington Post.” He has been recognized by such personalities as Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Sarah Palin, Larry Elder, Lars Larson, Rush Limbaugh, and shared by President Donald Trump.

Blake Dont Crack #fundie

There’s a popular liberal myth that claims that individual cops can be good. This claim is rooted in white supremacist mythology that suggests racism is an individual act committed by anybody. First and foremost, policing is not a question of individualism. It is not as if a random individual gets a gun, a badge, a police car, and a blue uniform. The police are a highly organized institution with systemic power. In order to understand any institution, it is important you start with the history of that institution, the institution of modern day policing evolved from the slave patrol system.

Enslaved Black bodies were the foundation of the american economy, as enslaved Africans were more valuable than america’s industrial capital combined. Many Black people attempted and successfully ran away from slave masters, which made the white ruling class lose money. This led to the creation of the police. Their motto was to serve and protect, not citizens, but the institution of slavery. This fueled the american settler colonial empire, and subsequently boosted the capitalist economy.

While the role of police/policing during chattel slavery was to protect the “property” of white slave-owning land stealers, the system evolved. Shortly after the “abolishment” of chattel slavery, the 13th amendment institutionalized slavery through the federal government. The police transformed into the gatekeepers of the prison slavery industry. A system that enslaves Black men at a higher amount than chattel slavery, and advocates for the criminalization of Black women and girls. The more bodies in prison the more potential for exploited labor and disenfranchisement.

The police also serve as a neo-colonial paramilitary force that protects and promotes the white capitalists interests. A prime example of this neo-colonial force was at Standing Rock. The u.s. government authorized police to forcibly remove indigenous people from their land. All of this violence was done in the name of an oil pipeline that donald trump is invested in.

To suggest that there are good cops is like saying there’s good slave patrols or good colonizers. It acts as if policing is an individual act that isn’t a product of racial capitalism. A cop might have “good intentions”, but these good intentions don’t change the fact that they are a part of a system that is rooted in anti-Blackness. These “good intentions” don’t change the fact that the system they work for criminalizes the whole Black community. I am anti-police not just anti-police brutality. If you are only “anti-police brutality” you are simply saying that you think slave patrols are good just as long as the slave patrols doesn’t beat anybody.

The police must be abolished if police brutality is to end. There’s no such thing as reforming a system of policing that was founded on slave-catching. Every branch of the u.s government supports the institution of police which is why the entire system must be removed. Now, some might argue that abolishing the police will create more “crime”. The entire idea of crime is a racialized profit scheme (but that’s another article). I want you to imagine a world in which a $100 billion every year isn’t spent on the police. $100 billion dollars could fund the college education of every “american”.

$100 billion dollars could feed every person in this country. $100 billion dollars could make sure everyone has the right to clean water. $100 billion dollars could make sure that every person had adequate health care. We must abolish capitalism, as capitalism places human life in cell blocks and uses slave labor to expand the american colonial project.

Mark Taylor #wingnut #fundie

Whether you like Trump, dislike him, love him, or you don’t love him, he’s there and anointed and appointed by God, whether you like it or not. God appoints kings, and he removes them. So, your fight is not with Donald Trump, your fight is with God himself, because this man is literally God’s handpicked chosen person.

SubMareener #fundie

Remember when Caiaphas, the High Priest, prophesied about Jesus being the “one man” to die for the “nation”?

Well, I think we are seeing the same thing here. Of course, President Donald Trump doesn’t fear God in the sense Liberals mean, and he sure doesn’t fear “existential consequences”.

President Donald Trump is God’s Anointed for this time and purpose, and will be caught up with the rest of the Believers when Jesus calls for us.

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